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Case 2:11-cv-00050-PMP -RJJ Document 68-1

Filed 12/19/11 Page 1 of 3

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Randazza Legal Group 7001 W Charleston Blvd #1043 Las Vegas, NV 89117 (888) 667-1113

Marc J. Randazza (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) J. Malcolm DeVoy IV (Nevada Bar No. 11950) RANDAZZA LEGAL GROUP [email protected] [email protected] 6525 W. Warm Springs Road, Suite 100 Las Vegas, NV 89118 Telephone: 888-667-1113 Facsimile: 305-437-7662 Attorneys for Defendant, Wayne Hoehn UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA RIGHTHAVEN, LLC, a Nevada limited liability company, Plaintiff, vs. WAYNE HOEHN, an individual, Defendant. DECLARATION OF J. MALCOLM DEVOY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR WRIT OF BODY ATTACHMENT I, J. MALCOLM DEVOY, having personal knowledge of the matters set forth herein, declare as follows: 1. I am a duly licensed attorney in Nevada and a member of the Nevada bar in good Case No. 2:11-cv-00050 DECLARATION OF J. MALCOLM DEVOY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR WRIT OF BODY ATTACHMENT

standing, attorney for the Randazza Legal Group law firm (alternatively, the Firm), and served as counsel of record with Marc J. Randazza for Wayne Hoehn (Hoehn) in this matter. 2. On December 12, this Court granted Hoehns motion for the appointment of a

receiver and compelled transfer of Righthavens intellectual property (Doc. # 66). 3. Per the terms of that underlying Motion, Righthaven was to complete the

assignments and notice the Court of them within 7 days of an order granting the motion (Doc. # 62 at 9). -1-


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Randazza Legal Group 7001 W Charleston Blvd #1043 Las Vegas, NV 89117 (888) 667-1113

4. 5.

Since December 12, I have received no communication from opposing counsel. On December 16, 2011, The Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals had scheduled a

mediation conference call in Righthaven v. Wolf, Case No. 11-1469, a case in which Randazza Legal Group is also counsel of record for the defendant, and Attorney Mangano is counsel of record for Righthaven. Attorney Mangano did not attend that conference call. 6. Attorney Mangano has not replied to any of my faxed correspondence a manner of

communication he had previously requested that I use in lieu of e-mail and telephonic communication since this Courts December 12 Order granting the receivership motion (Doc. 66). 7. Even if my communications were returned, it is strongly unlikely that they would

have yielded fruitful negotiations. As described in Document 60-1, from paragraphs 19-22, I attempted to contact Righthavens counsel regarding the scheduling of a debtors exam on Hoehns behalf. 8. Shortly after the motion seeking a debtors exam was filed on November 6, 2011

(Doc. # 60), Righthavens counsel e-mailed me to provide notification that his client did not consent to an examination. 9. As of the time of the instant motions filing, I have not received any notice of appeal,

notice of a motion seeking a stay or extension, notice of a motion before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, notice of a bankruptcy petition, or other correspondence from either Righthaven or the Court regarding its failure to comply with the December 12 order. 10. I have furthermore waited until after the traditional close of business in this district

(5:00 p.m. Pacific Time) before bringing this Motion so as to ensure Righthaven had a reasonable time to file a notice with this Court that it has effected the assignment of its intellectual property as required by the December 12 Order (Doc. # 66). 11. 12. Finally, Righthaven did not oppose the underlying motion (Doc. # 62). I believe that Righthavens current failure to file a notice with this Court that it has

complied with the Courts order and probable failure to assign its intellectual property to the -2-


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Randazza Legal Group 7001 W Charleston Blvd #1043 Las Vegas, NV 89117 (888) 667-1113

receiver is intentional. 13. Given the nature of the relief sought by this motion, Hoehn, through counsel,

stipulates to withdraw the instant motion and not seek additional sanctions relating to this failing if Righthaven assigns its intellectual property to the receiver using the forms supplied with its Motion (Doc. 62-5, 62-6, 62-7, 62-8) and provides notice to the Court that these assignments have been completed pursuant to the December 12 Order (Doc. # 66) before responding to this motion for a writ of body attachment.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Dated: December 19, 2011 in Las Vegas, Nevada


/s/ J. Malcolm DeVoy IV J. Malcolm DeVoy IV



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