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TO prevent contracting HIV Healthcare professionals advise precautions related to

1. CONDOM LESS SEX;having sex without a condom can put a person at risk of contracting HIV and
other sexually transmitted infectious(STL).HIV can be transmitted by having sex without a
condom (vaginal.oral and sex).it can also be transmitted by having sex toys with someone
infected with HIV. condom should be used with every sexual act

2. DRUG INJECTION AND NEEDLE SHARING; intravenous drug use is important factor in HIV
transmission in developed countries.sharing needle can expos users to HIV and other viruses,
such as hepatitis C.strtegies such as needle-exchange programs are used to reduce the infection
caused by drug abuse. If someone needs to use a needle, it must be a clean,unused,unshared

3. BODY FLUID =Exposure to HIV can be controlled by employing precautions to reduce the risk of
exposure to contanmintied blood. Healthcare workers should use barriers(*gloves ,masks,
protective eyewear, shields and gowns)in the appropriate circumstances.frquent and thorough
washing of the skin immediately after cowing into contact with blood or other bodily fluids can
reduce the chance of infection

4. PREGNANCY; some HRV can harm the unborn child.butb an effective treatment plan can prevent
HIV transmission from mother to babby.precaution have to be taken to protect the baby’s
health. Delivery through cesarean section ((CS) may be necessary

5. HIV =infected mother can pass the virus through their breast milk.however,if the mother is
taking the correct medications, the risk of transmitting the virus is greatly reduced.itis important
for a new mother to discuss the options with a healthcare provider

6. EDUCATION=teaching people about known risk factors of vital

1. Adherence; HIV treatment is effective if medication is taken as prescribed. Missing even a few
doses may jeopardize the treatment. A daily ,methodical routine should be programmed to yield
the treatment plan and the individuals lifestyle and schedule treatment plan for one person
may not be the same treatment plan for another, Adherence is sometimes known as

2. GENERAL HEALTH; it is crucial to take medication correctly and take steps to avoid illness.
People living with HIV should seek to improve their general health by regularly exercising, eating
healthfully and not smoking
3. ADDICTION PRECAUTION; people living with AIDS should be extra cautious to prevent exposure
to infection. They should be careful around animals and avoid coursing into contact with cat
litter, animal faces and birds, too meticulous and regular washing of hands is recommended.
These precaution are not as necessary while taking therapy

4. LONG-TERM CONDICTION: HIV is a lasting condition, soit is important to be in regular contact

with the healthcare team. The treatment plan will be regularly reviews.

5. PSYCHOLOGICAL: common misconceptions about AIDS and HIV are diminishing .however the
stigma of the world. People who are living with HIV may feel excluded,rejected,discrimination
and isolated



HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the immune system ,the body’s natural
defense system, without a strong immune system .the body has trouble fighting off diseases. Both the
virus and the infection it causes are called HIV

White blood cells are an important parts of the immune system .HIV infects and destroys certain white
blood cells called CD4+ cells. If too many CD4+ cells are destroyed the body can no longer defend itself
against infection. The last stage of HIV infection is AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) people
with AIDS have a low number of CD4+ cells and get infections or cancers that rarely occur in healthy

These can be deadly but having HIV doesn’t mean you have AIDS

. Even without treatment it takes a long time for HIV to progress to AIDS usually 10 to 12 years.

DEFINITION: HIV is a virus that attacks immune cells called CD-4 cells which are subet of T cells.

AIDS is the syndrome, which may or may not appear in the advanced stage of HIV infection i.e. HIV while
AIDS is a syndrome (medical condition)


HIV can be passes from one person to another through blood-to-blood and sexual contact.HIV is a
retrovirus that infects the vital organ and cells of the human immune system.

The virus progresses in the absence of antiretroviral therapy (ART) a drug therapy that slows or prevents
the virus from developing.

The rate virus progression varies widely between individual and depends on many factors, these factors
include the age of the individual, the body’s ability to defend against HIV, access to healthcare, the
presence of other infection, the individual genetic inheritance, resistance to certain strain of HIV and

1. SEXUAL TRANSMISSION: it can happen when there is contact with infected sexual fluids(rectal,
genital, or oral mucous membranes)
This can happen while having sex without a condom, including vaginal, oral and anal sex, or
sharing sex toys with someone who is HIV positive.
2. PRENATAL TRANSMISSION: another can transmit HIV to her child during child birth, pregnancy,

and also through breast feeding.

3. BLOOD TRANSMISSION: the risk of transmitting HIV through blood transfusion is extremely low

in develops countries, hanks to meticulous screening and precautious, however. Among people

who inject drugs, haring and rinsing syringes contaminated with HIV-infected blood extremely


Now, more than two decades into the epidemic there is still no vaccine and no cure. There is; however
considerable more information available on how the virus is spread, as well as an increased
understanding about prevention strategies and what constitutes effective treatment and care. The social
and economic conditions that facilitate the spread of HIV are also well understood. Despite this risk
behavior and risk environment persist and HIV continues to spread among individual and across
international and regional border.

Health knowledge, awareness and lifestyle medication, the need of the day. the first and foremost
n in health managements is consciousness about HIV/AIDS epidemic, which becomes very vital in the
present the most serious public health problem in Nigeria as well the whole world itself and the field is
not exceptional this. the prevalence of infection in all parts of the country highlights the spread from
urban to rural areas and from risk groups to general population and vis-à-vis

Sex worker are among the key population most affected by HIV AN STI, since the beginning of the
epidemic. Effective interventions targeting sex workers are important components of comprehensive
HIV/STI prevention strategies, however guidance on what constitutes effective HIV programming in the
context of sex work remains scarce.

THESE guidelines constitutes the first evidence based recommendations for designing implementing
and monitoring effective HIV and STI prevention and treatment interventions among female male and
transgender sex workers .they will form the back bone of practical implementation guides, which may
differ for different setting

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