M S 07 Synchronizing Wallclock Time

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Modeling & Simulation

Synchronizing Wallclock Time

Clock Synchronization Problem Wallclock Time: Definitions Synchronization algorithms Correcting clock errors

Problems With Unsynchronized Clocks

Each processor has a local oscillator providing wallclock time values At any instant clocks in distinct processors will differ Clocks in different processors drift relative to each other
Wallclock time (processor 1) 3.025 3.035 3.045 3.055 3.065 3.075 3.085 3.095 Position update generated @ 3.035

Received @ 3.030 Message received before it was sent ! Dead reckoning? Wallclock time (processor 2) 3.010 3.020 3.030 3.040 3.050 3.060 3.070 3.080

A mechanism to synchronize hardware clocks is needed.

Time Definitions
Historically, time definitions based on periodic astronomical events
Solar day: time duration that elapses between event where the sun is at the highest point in the sky 24 hours per solar day, 3600 seconds per hour Greenwich mean time: solar time at the Greenwich meridian (observatory near London)

Today, atomic clocks define standard time sources

Time duration based on transitions of cesium atom

Time Definitions (cont.)

Earths rotation slowing down slightly Duration of a day is increasing Slowing down effect not accounted for by atomic clocks Solution: leap seconds are periodically added to time produced by cesium clock
Resulting time called Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) Time standard accepted world wide Disseminated by standards organizations
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in U.S. Available via satellites, radio broadcasts, phones

Clock Synchronization Problems

Ensuring different processors maintain clocks that are synchronized with each other
= maximum offset allowed between two clocks

Ensuring that clocks are synchronized with UTC

Only an issue if interacting with UTC-based devices

Synchronized Wallclock Time

Ci = hardware clock in processor i T = UTC Max clock drift : 1- dCi/dT 1+ Clocks in two processor may drift 2 per unit UTC

Processors must periodically resynchronize their clocks How often?

= maximum offset allowed between two clocks Clocks can drift time units in /2 time Resynchronization must be done at least every /2 time units

Clock Synchronization Algorithms

Centralized, pull algorithms
Each processor periodically requests current time from a central time server Server reads local clock and returns current time value

Centralized, push algorithms

Central time server periodically sends current time to other processors

Distributed algorithms
No central time server Processors use distributed algorithm to synchronize their local clock

Basic problem: communication latency time is unpredictable

Centralized, Pull Algorithm

Time Requestor

Time Server

Wallclock time TS = local time in requestor when request sent I = interrupt service time T = time value provided by server TR = local time in requestor when response received TR = T + L where L is communication latency Estimate L = (TR - TS - I) / 2 Collect several estimates of L, discard outliers, average Latency often symmetric in LANs, typically not in WANs

Push and Distributed Algorithms

Push algorithms
Server periodically broadcasts time values Requires assumption of message latency

Distributed algorithms
Avoids single point of failure, bottleneck for large systems A push algorithm
Each processor periodically sends time values to a subset of the other processors Incoming time values: discard outliers, average received values

Network Time Protocol

Distributed clock service implemented on Internet Hierarchical subnetwork of clock servers
Clock information flows down hierarchy Servers at level i synchronize with servers at level i+1

Primary servers
Level 1 of tree Synchronized with national time servers

Secondary servers
Level 2, 3,

NTP Latency and Offset Estimation

Four time stamps stored in message: T1, T2, T3, T4 = offset between clocks (unknown) L, L = message latency (send and reply)
T1 Level i Server T3- T4=T3-+L

Level i+1 Server T1+



Wallclock time

A = T2T1 = +L; A is an upper bound on B = T3T4 = L; B is a lower bound on Estimate offset as (A+B)/2 Round trip delay = L+L = A B

NTP: Other Aspects

Collect clock estimates from several servers Clock selection algorithm: reduce to set of trusted clocks
Interval selection sub-algorithm eliminates outliers Clustering algorithm selects best K estimates among the ones that remain

Clock combining algorithm

Weighted average of clock estimates used to adjust local oscillator

Correcting (Resynchronizing) Clocks

Reset clock to new time value
Could cause clock to go backwards in time Abrupt changes forward also undesirable

Phase in clock change

Suppose clock is 10 milliseconds ahead Interrupt generated every 30 milliseconds Each interrupt increment clock by 29 milliseconds rather than 30 Perform above operation 10 times

Clock synchronization needed for features like latency compensation in dead reckoning algorithms Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) standard reference Synchronization: Unknown message latency source of problems Several styles of clock synchronization available
Centralized vs. distributed Push vs. pull

Clock corrections must be phased in

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