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Powerful and simple to use analysis

MultiLab software with video and audio features

MultiLogPRO, Nova5000
and USB Link Data Loggers

User Guide for PC

MultiLab User Guide
For MultiLogPRO,
Nova5000 and USB Link
Data Loggers

Fourier Systems
Twelfth Edition
First Print
March 2009

© 2009 Fourier Systems Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this document in any
manner without the prior written consent of Fourier Systems Ltd. is strictly forbidden.
Introduction .............................................................................................................................1
MultiLogPRO Overview ..........................................................................................................1
Nova5000 Overview ...............................................................................................................2
TriLink Overview .....................................................................................................................2
USB Link Overview.................................................................................................................3
User Guide Overview .............................................................................................................3
Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO .......................................................................................................4
1.1. General........................................................................................................................4
1.1.1. MultiLogPRO System Contents..........................................................................4
1.1.2. External Connections..........................................................................................5
1.1.3. Battery.................................................................................................................6
1.1.4. AC/DC Adaptor ...................................................................................................6
1.1.5. Automatic Shut-off ..............................................................................................7
1.2. Standalone Operation .................................................................................................7
1.2.1. Front Panel Layout .............................................................................................7
1.2.2. Input Modes ........................................................................................................8
1. Auto ID .....................................................................................................8
2. 8 Inputs ....................................................................................................8
1.2.3. Quick-Start..........................................................................................................8
1.2.4. Working with the MultiLogPRO Menus.............................................................11
1. Turning MultiLogPRO On and Off .........................................................11
2. Main Menu Display ................................................................................11
3. Menu Buttons.........................................................................................11
4. Menu Icons and Commands..................................................................12
1.2.5. Graphic Display ................................................................................................14
1. The Cursor .............................................................................................14
2. Zooming .................................................................................................14
1.2.6. Measuring Timing Events .................................................................................14
1. Stopwatch ..............................................................................................15
2. Time and Speed ....................................................................................16
3. Time, Speed and Acceleration ..............................................................17
1.2.7. Select Sensors Manually ..................................................................................18
1.2.8. Load the Last Setup..........................................................................................19
1.2.9. Configure Your MultiLogPRO ...........................................................................19
1. Input Mode .............................................................................................19
2. Clear Memory ........................................................................................20
3. DO2 Sensor Calibration .........................................................................20
4. Screen Contrast.....................................................................................20
5. Connect to a Computer or to a TI Calculator.........................................20
1.2.10. Internal Clock and Calendar .............................................................................20
1.2.11. Clear the Memory .............................................................................................21
1.2.12. Choose the Right Setup ...................................................................................21
1.2.13. Programming Rules and Limitations.................................................................22
1. Sampling Points .....................................................................................22
2. Sampling Rate .......................................................................................23
3. Continuous Sampling.............................................................................23
1.3. Sensor Calibration.....................................................................................................24
1.3.1. Hardware Offset Calibration .............................................................................24
1.3.2. MultiLogPRO Automatic Zero Calibration ........................................................24
1.3.3. pH Temperature Compensation .......................................................................25
1.3.4. DO2 Calibration .................................................................................................25
1.3.5. MultiLab Sensor Calibration .............................................................................25
1.3.6. Factory Calibration (No Calibration Required) .................................................25
Chapter 2 USB Link............................................................................................................26
2.1. General......................................................................................................................26
2.1.1. USB Link System Contents ..............................................................................26
2.1.2. External Connections........................................................................................26
2.1.3. Powering the USB Link.....................................................................................27
2.1.4. USB Link Memory.............................................................................................27
2.1.5. Input Modes ......................................................................................................28
1. Auto ID ...................................................................................................28
2. 8 Inputs ..................................................................................................28
2.1.6. Quick-Start........................................................................................................28
2.1.7. Updating USB Link Firmware ...........................................................................29
2.1.8. Choose the Right Setup ...................................................................................29
1. Sampling Rate .......................................................................................29
2. Sampling Points .....................................................................................30
2.1.9. Programming Rules and Limitations.................................................................31
1. Sampling Points .....................................................................................31
2. Maximum Sampling Rate.......................................................................31
3. Continuous Sampling.............................................................................31
2.2. Sensor Calibration.....................................................................................................32
2.2.1. Hardware Offset Calibration .............................................................................32
2.2.2. USB Link Automatic Zero Calibration ...............................................................32
2.2.3. pH Temperature Compensation .......................................................................33
2.2.4. DO2 Calibration .................................................................................................33
2.2.5. MultiLab Sensor Calibration .............................................................................33
2.2.6. Factory Calibration (No Calibration Required) .................................................33
Chapter 3 MultiLab Software..............................................................................................34
3.1. Installing the Software...............................................................................................34
3.1.1. System Requirements ......................................................................................34
1. Windows ................................................................................................34
2. Mac OS ..................................................................................................34
3.1.2. MultiLab Installation on Windows OS ...............................................................35
1. Installing MultiLab on Windows XP .......................................................35
2. Installing MultiLab on Vista Business ....................................................36
3.1.3. MultiLab Installation on Mac OS.......................................................................37
3.1.4. Installing USB Driver for MultiLogPRO and TriLink..........................................37
3.1.5. Installing USB Driver for USB Link ...................................................................38
3.1.6. Uninstalling MultiLab.........................................................................................39
3.1.7. Installing the USB Driver for Nova5000............................................................39
3.2. Overview ...................................................................................................................40
3.2.1. MultiLab On-screen Layout ..............................................................................40
3.2.2. MultiLab Window Layout ..................................................................................40
3.2.3. Working with Projects .......................................................................................41
3.3. Getting Started ..........................................................................................................41
3.3.1. Set up a Recording Session .............................................................................41
1. Prepare the MultiLogPRO......................................................................41
2. Prepare the USB Link ............................................................................41
3. Enable Video Recording ........................................................................41
4. Setup the MultiLogPRO/USB Link.........................................................42
5. Start Recording......................................................................................42
3.3.2. Data Recording Options ...................................................................................42
1. Single Measurement..............................................................................42
2. Replace..................................................................................................42
3. Add.........................................................................................................43
3.3.3. Manual Sampling ..............................................................................................43
3.3.4. Online Video .....................................................................................................43
1. Online Video ..........................................................................................43
2. Recording...............................................................................................43
3. Replaying an Experiment.......................................................................44
4. Video and Audio Properties ...................................................................44
3.3.5. Download Data from the MultiLogPRO ............................................................44
3.3.6. The Timer Module.............................................................................................45
1. Working with the Timer Module Wizard.................................................45
2. Measuring Methods ...............................................................................46
3. Time Schemes and Calculations ...........................................................48
3.3.7. Save Data .........................................................................................................50
3.3.8. Open a File .......................................................................................................50
3.3.9. Create a New Project........................................................................................50
3.3.10. Import Data .......................................................................................................50
3.3.11. Print...................................................................................................................51
1. Print a Graph..........................................................................................51
2. Print a Table...........................................................................................52
3.4. Viewing the Data .......................................................................................................53
3.4.1. Display Options.................................................................................................53
3.4.2. Graph Display ...................................................................................................53
1. Split Graph View ....................................................................................54
2. The Cursor .............................................................................................54
3. Zooming .................................................................................................55
4. Manual scaling.......................................................................................55
5. The Stretch/Compress Axis tool ............................................................56
6. Panning..................................................................................................56
7. Edit the Graph........................................................................................56
8. Format the Graph ..................................................................................57
9. Change the Graph’s Units and its Number Format ...............................57
10. Add Annotations to the Graph .............................................................58
11. Add a Graph to the Project ..................................................................59
3.4.3. The Table Display.............................................................................................59
1. Editing Data Values ...............................................................................59
2. Editing the Table ....................................................................................59
3. Formatting the Table..............................................................................60
4. Add a Table to the Project .....................................................................60
3.4.4. Meters ...............................................................................................................61
3.4.5. Data Map ..........................................................................................................61
1. Control the Display with the Data Map ..................................................61
2. Understanding Data Map Icons .............................................................62
3.4.6. Export Data to Excel .........................................................................................63
1. Export File Settings................................................................................63
3.4.7. Copy the Graph as a Picture ............................................................................63
3.5. Programming the Data Logger..................................................................................64
3.5.1. Setup.................................................................................................................64
1. Quick Setup ...........................................................................................64
2. Defining Sensor Properties....................................................................65
3. Setting the Zero Point of a Sensor ........................................................66
4. Presetting the Display............................................................................67
5. Presetting the Graph’s X-axis ................................................................67
6. Triggering...............................................................................................68
3.5.2. Start Recording.................................................................................................70
3.5.3. Stop Recording .................................................................................................70
3.5.4. Clear MultiLogPRO’s Memory ..........................................................................70
3.5.5. Edit MultiLogPRO’s Experiment Notes.............................................................70
3.5.6. Calibrating the Sensors ....................................................................................71
3.5.7. Define a Custom Sensor ..................................................................................71
3.5.8. Communication Setup ......................................................................................72
3.6. Analyzing the Data ....................................................................................................74
3.6.1. Reading Data Point Coordinates ......................................................................74
3.6.2. Reading the Difference between two Coordinate Values.................................74
3.6.3. Working with the Analysis Tools.......................................................................74
3.6.4. Smoothing.........................................................................................................74
3.6.5. Statistics............................................................................................................75
3.6.6. Most Common Analysis Functions ...................................................................75
1. Linear Fit ................................................................................................75
2. Derivative ...............................................................................................75
3. Integral ...................................................................................................76
3.6.7. The Analysis Wizard .........................................................................................76
1. Using the Analysis Wizard .....................................................................76
2. Curve Fit ................................................................................................76
3. Averaging...............................................................................................77
4. Functions ...............................................................................................78
5. Editing a Function ..................................................................................79
3.6.8. Available Analysis Tools ...................................................................................79
1. Curve Fit ................................................................................................79
2. Averaging...............................................................................................80
3. Functions ...............................................................................................80
3.6.9. Online Analysis .................................................................................................83
3.6.10. Manual Curve Fitting.........................................................................................85
3.7. Video Motion Analyzer ..............................................................................................86
3.7.1. Overview ...........................................................................................................86
3.7.2. Getting Started..................................................................................................86
1. Video Motion Analyzer Basics ...............................................................86
2. Saving a New Movie ..............................................................................87
3. Opening a Stored Movie ........................................................................87
4. Saving a Video Motion Analyzer Project ...............................................87
5. Opening a Video Motion Analyzer Project.............................................87
3.7.3. Capturing a New Movie ....................................................................................87
1. From a Device Attached to your Computer ...........................................87
2. From an External Source through a Video Board .................................88
3.7.4. Capturing Position and Time ............................................................................89
1. Scaling ...................................................................................................89
2. Set Coordinate System..........................................................................89
3. Set Step .................................................................................................91
4. Mark the Video.......................................................................................91
5. Changing the Colors of the Marker and the Axes .................................94
3.7.5. Analyzing the Data............................................................................................94
3.8. Workbook ..................................................................................................................95
3.8.1. Working with Workbook....................................................................................95
3.8.2. Opening a Worksheet.......................................................................................95
3.8.3. Create Your Own Worksheet............................................................................96
1. Create an HTML Document with Word..................................................96
2. Create a Configuration File....................................................................96
3.9. Special Tools.............................................................................................................98
3.9.1. Predicting ..........................................................................................................98
3.9.2. The Timing Wizard............................................................................................98
1. Overview ................................................................................................98
2. Working with the Timing Wizard ............................................................99
3. Measuring Methods .............................................................................100
4. Time Schemes and Calculations .........................................................102
5. Tips on using the Timing Wizard .........................................................105
3.9.3. Crop Tool ........................................................................................................106
1. To Trim all Data up to a Point ..............................................................106
2. To Trim all Data Outside a Selected Range ........................................106
3.9.4. Capture Tool ...................................................................................................106
1. Preparing the Capture Table ...............................................................107
2. Capturing Data.....................................................................................108
3. Displaying the Captured Data on the Graph .......................................108
3.10. Communicating with the Nova5000 ........................................................................109
3.11. Toolbar Buttons .......................................................................................................110
3.11.1. Main (Upper) Toolbar .....................................................................................110
3.11.2. Graph Toolbar.................................................................................................111
3.11.3. Table Toolbar..................................................................................................112
3.11.4. Video Motion Analyzer Toolbar ......................................................................112
3.11.5. Capture New Movie Toolbar...........................................................................113
Chapter 4 Working with a TI Calculator ...........................................................................114
4.1. Overview .................................................................................................................114
4.2. Installing the Software.............................................................................................114
4.3. Getting Started ........................................................................................................114
1. Prepare MultiLogPRO..........................................................................114
2. Run MultiLab on a TI Calculator ..........................................................115
3. Setup MultiLogPRO .............................................................................115
4. Start Recording....................................................................................116
5. View the Data.......................................................................................117
6. Downloading Data ...............................................................................117
4.4. The Graph Display ..................................................................................................117
1. The Cursor ...........................................................................................117
2. Zooming ...............................................................................................117
3. Rescaling .............................................................................................118
4. Auto Scaling.........................................................................................118
5. X – Axis Scaling ...................................................................................119
6. Y – Axis Scaling ...................................................................................119
7. Choosing the X–axis............................................................................120
4.5. Analyzing the Data ..................................................................................................120
1. Applying an Analysis Tool....................................................................120
2. Curve Fit ..............................................................................................121
3. User Curve Fit......................................................................................122
4. Statistics...............................................................................................122
5. Integral .................................................................................................123
4.6. Data Collection Modes ............................................................................................124
1. Log Data ..............................................................................................124
2. Time Graph ..........................................................................................125
3. Events with Entry .................................................................................125
4. Single Point..........................................................................................125
5. Selected Event.....................................................................................126
4.7. Conditioned Data Collection....................................................................................126
1. To Enable Triggering ...........................................................................126
2. To Disable the Triggering Condition ....................................................127
4.8. Calibrating the Sensors...........................................................................................127
1. To Calibrate a Sensor..........................................................................127
2. To Restore the Default Calibration Values ..........................................128
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Guide ....................................................................................129

Chapter 6 Specifications ..................................................................................................132

6.1. The MultiLogPRO Data Logger...............................................................................132
6.2. The USB Link Data Logger .....................................................................................134
6.3. Supported Sensors .................................................................................................135
6.3.1. Supported Fourier Systems Sensors .............................................................135
6.3.2. Supported Vernier Sensors ............................................................................136
6.3.3. Supported Data Harvest Sensors...................................................................138
6.4. Accessories .............................................................................................................139
6.5. MultiLab Software (Windows and Mac OS) ............................................................140
6.6. MultiLab Software (TI-83 PLUS Calculator)............................................................141
Appendix A: Figures ...............................................................................................................142

Appendix B: Adding a Code Resistor to a Custom Sensor ....................................................143

Index .........................................................................................................................144
MultiLab is a comprehensive PC software program that supports the full range of
Fourier Systems data loggers. It provides everything you need in order to collect
data, display the data in graphs, meters and tables, analyze the data with
sophisticated analysis tools and even view online or recorded video movies of the
actual experiment.
MultiLab supports the following products:
• MultiLogPRO
• Nova5000
• TriLink
• USB Link
Note: If using MultiLab with TriLink, see the separate TriLink user guide available on
the Fourier Systems Download Center.
MultiLab includes four displays: Graph, Table, Video, and a navigation display called
the Data Map. You can view all four displays simultaneously or view any combination
of the four.
Unique video and audio features allow students to view online or recorded movies.
Using a Web cam, students can film their experiment process, while the experiment
data is displayed in graph, or meter format. Students can participate in e-learning
projects, since MultiLab allows them to produce complete multimedia lab reports with
real-time, synchronized annotated graphs and video.
Another useful feature is the Workbook tool. This gives students a step-by-step
preview of the Lab activity to be conducted, and then automatically configures the
MultiLab program and sets up the data logger so that the student can begin collecting
the data. You can open an existing Workbook or create a new one.
MultiLab also includes a Video Motion Analyzer module that enables you to capture
position and time from video movies and analyze the data with MultiLab’s analysis

MultiLogPRO Overview
The MultiLogPRO is a powerful standalone 12-bit data
logger with a clear LCD graphic display and a 128K internal
memory. Recorded data is displayed in the form of graphs,
tables, meters or digital displays, and can be analyzed with a
number of pre-programmed analysis functions.
The MultiLogPRO’s internal memory stores experiment
notes and instructions for carrying out the experiment, which
can be edited or expanded at any time. These features
enable MultiLogPRO to function independently from a
computer - a perfect solution for when there is a shortage of
computers in the laboratory.

Introduction 1
MultiLogPRO can record data from up to 8 sensors simultaneously; it is capable of
recording at rates of up to 21,000 samples per second, and of collecting up to
100,000 samples in its internal memory.
MultiLogPRO is very easy to use because all its functions are broken down into 8
icon menus, and its four buttons can browse every menu and execute any of the
commands. In addition, when a sensor is plugged in, the MultiLogPRO automatically
recognizes the type of sensor, and will record the data with the appropriate units.
A rechargeable battery powers the data logger, which shuts off automatically after 15
minutes have passed since the time of the last data recording, since the time the last
button was pressed, or since the time the last communication with the PC.
MultiLogPRO includes a built-in, easy to use, accurate Timer module that enables
the measuring of several types of timing events.
Together with the TI–83 Plus calculator, MultiLogPRO becomes a complete portable,
handheld data collection and analysis system.
The large variety of sensors with which MultiLogPRO is compatible makes the unit a
true digital Lab, which can measure scientific phenomena from the fields of Physics,
Chemistry, Biology and the environmental sciences.

Nova5000 Overview
The Nova5000 is a rugged, low cost student learning mobile
computer with a 7 inch touch screen and supported by the
Windows CE 5.0 platform. It also has the MultiLogPRO data
logger built in to the system, supporting the full range of
Fourier sensors. A special version of MultiLab for Windows
CE runs on the Nova5000. However, using the MultiLab for
PC software, you may communicate your Nova5000 to the PC
and extend the scaled-down MultiLab CE features to the full featured MultiLab for PC
For more information on the Nova5000 consult and download
the Nova5000 user guide.

TriLink Overview
TriLink is a wireless data logger based on the MultiLogPRO
design, but integrating Bluetooth wireless technology.
TriLink is now able to communicate with all types of current
and future PALM, PC, Pocket PC and MAC models.
The TriLink carries all the same benefits of the
MultiLogPRO features wireless communication, 12-bit
resolution and 256K sample memory. The TriLink also
works with nearly all of the Fourier sensors.
TriLink can record data from up to 8 sensors simultaneously; it is capable of
recording at rates of up to 21,000 samples per second, and of collecting up to
100,000 samples in its internal memory.
For more information on the TriLink visit and download the
TriLink user guide.

2 Introduction
USB Link Overview
To enhance your student computing solutions, Fourier incorporates our science and
math legacy into our latest offering - the USB Link. We are presenting this together
with our broad curriculum, probeware and analysis software as a distinct science
solution. USB Link is a powerful, yet simple probe interface providing the key for a
science hands-on solution to accompany every student computer.
This simple plug-n-play unit is highly-functional with 4-input interface, connecting via
USB to the computer, in addition to automatic sensor recognition, fast sampling rate
and sample streaming of up to 10,000 samples per second. Users can connect to a
large selection of probeware available from Fourier. Firmware update via the
software is also possible.
Students using any Web camera, together with the USBLink and Fourier probes can
create multimedia science projects combining video, sound, text and samples of any
experiment activity. Complemented by the Fourier vast curriculum library, K-12
teachers and students can experiment in all subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
Environmental Sciences and Math.

User Guide Overview

This manual is divided into seven chapters:
• The Introduction provides an overview of the MultiLab supported
• Chapters 1 and 2 are dedicated to the MultiLogPRO and USB Link data
loggers respectively. These chapters explain how the data loggers
themselves operate, and describe how to connect sensors, configure the
loggers, and for the MultiLogPRO, operate the LCD graphic display to
take measurements when working offline.
• Chapter 3 gives a comprehensive overview of the MultiLab for Windows
and Mac OS software. Topics include: How to download data from the
data logger to a PC, analyzing the data both graphically and
mathematically, using the MultiLab software to program the data logger
when working online, and working with the video tool and communicating
with the Nova5000.
• Chapter 4 guides you in operating the MultiLogPRO and TI–83 Plus
system, how to setup MultiLogPRO via the TI calculator, how to download
the data and how to analyze this data.
• Chapter 5 contains a troubleshooting guide that gives answers to
common questions.
• Chapter 6 includes the specifications of the data logger systems.

Introduction 3
Chapter 1
This chapter will focus on the MultiLogPRO data collection device and includes
sections on:
• How to operate the MultiLogPRO keypad
• How to set up MultiLogPRO
• How to connect MultiLogPRO to your PC

1.1. General

1.1.1. MultiLogPRO System Contents

The following picture indicates the items included in the basic MultiLogPRO kit you
have ordered, together with the carrying case.


Figure 1: Contents of the MultiLogPRO system

1. The MultiLogPRO data logger

2. Sensors (see your package list)
3. Four sensor mini-din cables
4. Communication cables (see your package list)
5. Web camera (optional)
6. MultiLab software installation CD
7. An AC-DC adaptor

4 Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO
1.1.2. External Connections

1. Sensor
4 3 2
input 1
input input input



3. PC serial ?

4. Power input
(DC 9–12V)

Figure 2: MultiLogPRO external connections

1. Sensor Inputs
Sensor input/output (I/O) sockets are marked on the MultiLogPRO casing as I/O-1,
I/O-2, I/O-3 and I/O-4. These sockets are used to connect the sensors. Normally, all
four sockets can be used simultaneously.
To connect a sensor to the MultiLogPRO use one of the mini-din cables. Plug one
end of the cable into the data logger - arrow facing up, and the other end into the
sensor - arrow facing down.
If you are using one sensor only connect it to input 1. If you are using two sensors
connect them to inputs 1 and 2, and so on.
In order to connect more than 4 sensors at a time, use Fourier splitter cables (Part
Number DT011), which will enable the connection of up to 8 sensors simultaneously.
When a splitter cable is connected, it must be connected to the socket in the correct
numerical order (e.g. for 5 sensors, connect the splitter cable to I/O-1). One of the
two splitter cables is marked with arrows - that is the main input (the lower I/O
number), the second line is marked with the letter S (split) - indicating that it is the

Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO 5
secondary input (the higher I/O number). Connect up to four input splitters to split the
MultiLogPRO’s inputs starting with I/O-4 (the splitters must be connected in order):
• I/O-4 splits into I/O-4 and I/O-8
• I/O-3 splits into I/O-3 and I/O-7
• I/O-2 splits into I/O-2 and I/O-6
• I/O-1 splits into I/O-1 and I/O-5

Note: Before connecting the mini-din cable to the data logger or the sensor
sockets, make sure that the mini-din plug is correctly positioned in front of the
socket. Connecting the cable in an awkward position might cause damage to the
cable pins.

2. PC USB communication socket

For USB communication between logger and PC, connect the USB Type B plug to
the MultiLogPRO and the USB Type A plug to the PC (see page 35 for USB driver

3. PC serial communication socket

For Serial communication between logger and PC, connect the 9-pin Type D cable
between this port and one of the computer’s PC COM ports. At the back of the
computer you will find a 9-pin Type D male socket. If your computer is using this port
for the mouse, look for a 25-pin D shell male socket near the mouse. Use the RS-232
9 to 25-pin adaptor to connect the MultiLogPRO serial cable to the 25-pin port (the
adaptor is included with the MultiLogPRO).

4. External DC power supply socket

Plug in an AC/DC 9-12V adaptor whenever you want to save battery power, or to
charge the battery when necessary. Connecting external power to the MultiLogPRO
automatically charges the internal battery. The adaptor should meet the required
specifications (see section 1.1.4).

1.1.3. Battery
MultiLogPRO is equipped with a 7.2V NiCad rechargeable battery. Before you first
start working with MultiLogPRO, charge the unit for 10 to 12 hours while it is turned
off. Battery life is approximately 24 hours between charges.
If the data logger’s main battery runs out, the internal 3V Lithium battery backs up
the memory, so no data will be lost.
Note: Before storing the data logger make sure you have unplugged all the sensors
and pressed the OFF key.

1.1.4. AC/DC Adaptor

• Output: Capacitor filtered 9 to 12 VDC, 400 mA
• Female plug, center Negative

6 Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO
1.1.5. Automatic Shut-off
MultiLogPRO shuts off automatically after 15 minutes have passed since the time of
the last data recording, the time the last button was pressed, or the time the last
communication was made with the PC.

1.2. Standalone Operation

One way to program the MultiLogPRO is to use its keypad and screen (the other way
is to use the MultiLab software - see Chapter 2). The keypad allows us to set all the
parameters for data collection, while the LCD screen displays the setting values.

1.2.1. Front Panel Layout

LCD Display


On/Off Forward
Buttons Button


Figure 3: MultiLogPRO front panel

Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO 7
1.2.2. Input Modes
MultiLogPRO has two Input Modes. The default mode is Auto ID and the
MultiLogPRO is in this mode when turned on for the first time. When using more than
4 sensors, when using VERNIER sensors, or if you’ve defined your own sensor,
switch to the 8 inputs mode. Select the system configuration menu in the MAIN
MENU and choose the mode you want (see page 19).
MultiLogPRO saves the current mode selection and will open in that mode the next
time you turn it on.

1. Auto ID

Automatic sensor identification – just plug in the sensors and the MultiLogPRO
prepares itself to collect data from these sensors.
While in this mode you can work with up to 4 sensors simultaneously.

2. 8 Inputs

This mode enables data logging from up to 8 sensors simultaneously. Connect up to

four input splitters (DT011) to multiply the MultiLogPRO’s inputs starting with I/O-4
(the splitters must be connected in order):
• I/O-4 splits into I/O-4 and I/O-8
• I/O-3 splits into I/O-3 and I/O-7
• I/O-2 splits into I/O-2 and I/O-6
• I/O-1 splits into I/O-1 and I/O-5
In the splitter cable, one of the two wires is marked with arrows - that is the main
input (the lower I/O number). The second wire is marked with the letter S (split) -
indicating that it is the secondary input (the higher I/O number).
To learn how to switch to 8 inputs mode please refer to section 1.2.9 on page 19.
In this mode there is no automatic sensor identification. Select the sensors manually
either from the MultiLogPRO setup menu (see section 1.2.6 on page 14) or using the
MultiLab software (see section 3.5.1 on page 64).
Use this mode if you want to work with more than 4 sensors or if you are using
VERNIER sensors.

1.2.3. Quick-Start
Before you first use MultiLogPRO, charge the unit for 10 to 12 hours while it is turned

1. Turn on MultiLogPRO

Press the on button . You will see the initialization screen. MultiLogPRO
performs a brief self-check and displays its status including battery level. At this point
you can load the last setup you used (see page 19). If you need a new setup wait
until you see the Main Menu screen:

8 Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO
2. Plug in the Sensors

Start with the first input on the right. If MultiLogPRO is in Auto ID mode (the default
mode) it will display the setup menu and will identify the sensors you’ve plugged in.

In–1: Microphone
In–2: Light

→ RATE = 10/s
DISPLAY = numeric

Note: Sensors must be added successively, starting with input-1. If a single sensor is
used it must be connected to I/O-1. If two sensors are used in an experiment, they
must be connected to I/O-1 and I/O-2.
The arrow indicates that MultiLogPRO is ready to accept a new sampling rate.
If the MultiLogPRO is in 8 input mode, you have to select the sensors manually (see
page 14).

3. Select Rate

Use the Forward and Backward arrow buttons to select the desired

rate, and then press the Enter button .

In–1: Microphone
In–2: Light

RATE = Every sec

→ SAMPLES = 500
DISPLAY = numeric
MultiLogPRO automatically switches to the next step in the setup process and the
arrow moves to the samples row.

Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO 9
4. Select Total Number of Samples

Use the Forward and Backward arrow buttons to select the number

of samples, and then press the Enter button .

In–1: Microphone
In–2: Light

RATE = Every sec

→ DISPLAY = numeric

5. Choose Display

Use the Forward and Backward arrow buttons to select the type of

display, and then press the Enter button .

In–1: Microphone
In–2: Light

DISPLAY = graphic
→ START = ( > ).

6. Start Recording

Press the Forward arrow button to start recording.

Or press the Enter button if you want to go back to the first item (Rate).

You can stop recording any time by pressing the Escape button .

10 Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO
1.2.4. Working with the MultiLogPRO Menus

1. Turning MultiLogPRO On and Off

On Turn MultiLogPRO on

Off Turn MultiLogPRO off

Note: Pressing OFF will not erase the sample memory. The data stored in the
memory will be kept for up to 10 years.

2. Main Menu Display

When turned on, MultiLogPRO opens with a system information window and then
displays the main menu:

MultiLogPRO has 9 menus. Use the Forward or Backward Arrow buttons to highlight
a menu and press the Enter button to select it. Then use the Arrow buttons to scan
the options. Press the Enter button to select an option. The MultiLogPRO
automatically executes the command.

3. Menu Buttons

Forward Move to the next menu or to the next menu options

Backward Move to the previous menu or menu options

Enter the selected menu or select the current menu

Enter (Start) option and move to the next menu command or start

Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO 11
Return to the main menu or stop recording

4. Menu Icons and Commands

Start Start recording

Press the Enter button to start recording

Setup Setup MultiLogPRO in 4 steps:

Rate – Select recording rate

Samples – Select the total number of recording points

Display – Select the way MultiLogPRO will display the data (at a
rate of up to 10 samples per second):
• Numeric - Displays the sensor values and the sample number
• Meter - Displays all active sensors in a bar meter display
along with their values
• Table - Displays the last 6 values of all the active sensors in a
• Graphic - Displays a graphic representation of the sampled
At rates higher then 10/s the MultiLogPRO will display the data in
a graph at the end of the logging period.
Start – Press the Forward arrow to start recording

Function Display statistics of the current data

• Minimum – The minimum graph value

• Maximum – The maximum graph value
• Average – The graph average

Open Open a stored data in graphic display

Use the Forward and Backward Arrow buttons to browse the

stored files,
press the Enter button to open a file

12 Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO
Notes Display experiment notes and instructions

Use the Arrow buttons to browse the notes.

You can use the MultiLab software to edit the notes or to write
new notes

Info Display system information:

• Number of experiments stored in MultiLogPRO’s internal

• Memory usage
• MultiLogPRO version
• Battery level (unplug any sensor and external power supply)
• Current date and time
Note: When turning off the MultiLogPRO, the date and time is
reset. You restore the current date and time whenever the logger
communicates with MultiLab.

Timing Enter to the timing module

You can select between the following timing events:

• Stopwatch
• Time and speed in one photogate
• Time and speed between two photogates
• Time, speed and acceleration between two photogates

Help On-line help and specifications

Configuration Configure the MultiLogPRO:

Input Mode – Select Input Mode: Auto ID or 8 inputs

Clear memory – Delete the stored data files

DO2 – Press the Forward arrow button to enter the DO2 menu

Contrast – Use the arrow buttons to tune the screen contrast

Comm. – Press the Forward arrow button to connect to a

computer or the Backward arrow button to connect to TI

Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO 13
1.2.5. Graphic Display
MultiLogPRO will automatically use a graphic display in three cases:
• If the recording rate is 10/s or less and you selected Graphic Display in the setup
• Once logging has ended for an experiment with a data recording rate of over 10/s
• When opening a stored recording
The graphic display is available for recordings with up to 4 sensors simultaneously.

1. The Cursor

Use the Cursor in Graphic Display mode to read data values or to zoom in to the
area around a selected point. The cursor is displayed automatically after logging has
ended, or when opening a stored recording.

1. Use the Forward and Backward arrow buttons to

move the cursor.
2. MultiLogPRO displays the point coordinates at the bottom of the

3. If there is more then one sensor, press the Enter button to

move the cursor to another plot on the graph.

2. Zooming

1. Position the cursor in the area you want to zoom into.

2. Press the two arrow buttons, and , simultaneously.

You will zoom in around the cursor in a 2:1 ratio.

3. Press the Escape button to zoom out.

1.2.6. Measuring Timing Events

MultiLogPRO incorporates an accurate Timer module with resolution of 0.1ms. The
timer can measure several types of events triggered by Fourier Systems' photogates:
• Time and speed with one photogate
• Time and speed between two gates
• Time, speed and acceleration between two gates
• Stopwatch
To learn more about the different measurement types see page 46 and page 48.
While in Timer mode MultiLogPRO does not store data. To save timing data in the
computer operate the Timer module via MultiLab.
To learn how to use the timer with MultiLab software please see page 45.

14 Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO
To use the photogates together with other sensors operate MultiLogPRO as a data
logger and then analyze the photogates data with the aid of MultiLab's Timing Wizard
(see page 98).

To perform a timing measurement:

1. Connect one or two photogates to MultiLogPRO
Note: MultiLogPRO must be in PC communication mode (see page 19)

2. Use the Forward and Backward arrow buttons to navigate

to the Timing menu

3. Press Enter to display the timing menu:

_ _ _ _ _TIMING _ _ _ _ _

→ Mode: Time Speed

Measure: In1
Card width: 30mm
Gates distance: 20cm
Start ( > )

The arrow indicates that MultiLogPRO is ready to accept the timing

4. Use the arrow buttons to select the desired timing mode:
Stopwatch, Time Speed or Time Speed Acc

1. Stopwatch

_ _ _ _ _TIMING _ _ _ _ _

→ Mode: Stopwatch
Measure: _ _ _
Card width: _ _ _
Gates distance: _ _ _
Start ( > )

In this mode MultiLogPRO operates as a standard stopwatch with resolution of 0.01s.

1. Press Enter four times, then press the Forward arrow to

enter the stopwatch mode

2. Press the Forward arrow to start measuring time

3. Press the Forward arrow a second time to stop the watch

4. Press the Backward arrow to reset the watch

Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO 15
5. Press Escape to exit the stopwatch mode and return to the
timing menu

6. Press Escape a second time to return to the main menu

2. Time and Speed

In this mode MultiLogPRO measures time and speed either in one gate or between

_ _ _ _ _TIMING _ _ _ _ _

→ Mode: Time Speed

Measure: In1
Card width: 30mm
Gates distance: _ _ _
Start ( > )

Press Enter to select this mode. The arrow moves to the Measure row.

Use the Forward and Backward arrow buttons to select In1 if you want to
measure time and speed in one gate or In1 → In2 if you want to measure time and
speed between two gates.

Time and speed at one gate Time and speed between gates
MultiLogPRO measures the time MultiLogPRO measures the time
between blocking and unblocking the between blocking the photogate at input
photogate at input 1 1 and blocking the photogate at input 2

Time and speed at one gate Time and speed between gates

1. Press Enter , then use the arrow 1. Press Enter twice, then use the
buttons to select the card (the body
that blocks the gate) width in mm Forward arrow button to select
between 0 to 59mm the distance between the photogates
in cm between 0 to 99cm

2. Press Enter twice, then use the 2. Press Enter , then use the
Forward arrow button to enter to Forward arrow button to enter to
a timing standby mode a timing standby mode

16 Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO
3. Timing begins each time a body 3. Timing begins each time a body
blocks the photogate and ends when enters the first photogate (input 1)
unblocking the photogate. and ends when leaving the second
MultiLogPRO then displays the photogate (input 2). MultiLogPRO
elapsed time between entering and then displays the elapsed time
leaving the gate and the speed of the between entering the gates and the
body body's average velocity
4. Use the arrow buttons to scroll 4. Use the arrow buttons to scroll
between the time and speed results between the time and speed results

5. Press Escape to return to the 5. Press Escape to return to the

timing menu timing menu

6. Press Escape a second time to 6. Press Escape a second time to

return to the main menu return to the main menu

3. Time, Speed and Acceleration

In this mode MultiLogPRO measures the crossing time at the first gate, the time it
takes the body to move from one gate to the second gate and the crossing time at
the second gate and returns the time between gates, the average speed and the
average acceleration.

_ _ _ _ _TIMING _ _ _ _ _

→ Mode: Time Speed Acc

Measure: In1 –> In2
Card width: 30mm
Gates distance: 20cm
Start ( > )

1. Press Enter twice, then use the arrow buttons to select the card
(the body that blocks the gate) width in mm between 0 to 59mm

2. Press Enter , then use the Forward arrow button to select

the distance between the photogates in cm between 0 to 99cm

3. Press Enter , then use the Forward arrow button to enter to

a timing standby mode
Timing begins each time a body enters the first photogate (input 1) and
ends when leaving the second photogate (input 2). MultiLogPRO then
displays the elapsed time between entering the gates and the body's
average velocity and acceleration
4. Use the arrow buttons to scroll between the time, speed and
acceleration results

5. Press Escape to return to the timing menu

6. Press Escape a second time to return to the main menu

Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO 17
1.2.7. Select Sensors Manually
You must be in 8 input mode to be able to select the sensors manually (see page 8).
1. In the Main Menu screen, use the arrow buttons to select the setup

menu icon .

2. Press the Enter button to enter the setup menu:

→ In–1: Empty
In–2: Empty
In–3: Empty
In–4: Empty

RATE = 10/s
DISPLAY = numeric

3. Use the Forward and Backward arrows to select

the sensor in input 1 and then press the Enter button . The
arrow indicator will move to the second input.
4. Repeat this procedure with all the sensors you plugged in.
5. After the fourth sensor has been selected, the screen will list the
next 4 sensors:

→ In–5: Empty
In–6: Empty
In–7: Empty
In–8: Empty

RATE = 10/s
DISPLAY = numeric

You can press the Enter button in the last input if you want to go back to the first
6. When you’ve finished selecting the sensors press the Escape

button . The arrow indicator will point to the Rate command and
you must complete the setup, as detailed in section 1.2.3.
Note: When you turn the MultiLogPRO off it will save the setup for the next session.

18 Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO
1.2.8. Load the Last Setup
When you turn MultiLogPRO on, once the self testing has been completed, it will


Init. Display
Init. ADC
Init. RAM
Batt. 99%

ENTER – load setup

Press the Enter button to load the last setup.

1.2.9. Configure Your MultiLogPRO

Use the System configuration menu to select the Input Mode, to clear the
MultiLogPRO’s memory, to change the screen contrast, or to calibrate the DO2

In the MAIN MENU screen, select the System configuration icon to display the
configuration screen. The default configuration is:

→ Input Mode: Auto ID

Clear memory ( > )
DO2 calibration ( > )
Contrast ( < ) ( > )
Comm ( PC )

Use the Forward and Backward arrows to select the mode and

then press the Enter button to move to the next item. You can press the

Escape button to leave the configuration menu at any time, saving the new
changes you made. Press Enter button in the last item (Contrast) if you want to go
back to the first item (Input Mode).

1. Input Mode

Select between Auto ID – automatic sensor identification and 8 inputs – manual

sensor selection (See also page 8).
The new configuration will be the default mode until the next time you change it.

Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO 19
2. Clear Memory

Press the Forward arrow button if you want to delete all previous data files
from the MultiLogPRO.

3. DO2 Sensor Calibration

If you need to calibrate a DO2 sensor press the Forward arrow button to
enter the DO2 calibration screen:

_____ DO2 CAL _____

Use the following
menu to calibrate
the DO2 electrode.

Salinity: 0 ppt

Use the arrow buttons to select between 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 ppt and
press the Enter button to confirm and move to calibrate altitude.
Use the arrow buttons to select between 0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000 and
3500 ft and press the Enter button to confirm.
MultiLogPRO will display the calculated upper limit of the calibrated range and will
exit the DO2 calibration screen.
The new calibration parameters will be saved until the next time you change them.

4. Screen Contrast

Use the arrow buttons to adjust the LCD screen contrast.

Any contrast adjustment will be saved until the next time you change it.

5. Connect to a Computer or to a TI Calculator

Press the Forward arrow button to connect to a computer or the Backward

arrow button to connect to a TI calculator

1.2.10. Internal Clock and Calendar

The internal clock is set the first time you use the Setup command from the MultiLab
software to program the MultiLogPRO. The clock is automatically updated to the
PC’s time and date whenever you connect your MultiLogPRO to a PC and perform
Setup in MultiLab.

20 Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO
When you shut off the MultiLogPRO, the internal clock and calendar is not saved. To
restore the clock and calendar, you must reconnect the MultiLogPRO to the PC and
Setup the logger again.

1.2.11. Clear the Memory

If you want to start recording and the MultiLogPRO’s internal memory is full you will
see this message at the bottom of the display:

→ In–1: Microphone
In–2: Light
In–3: Empty
In–4: Empty

DISPLAY = graphic
Mem full, clear = ( > )

Press the Forward arrow button to clear the memory

In order to clear the MultiLogPRO’s memory when it is not full, use the Memory
clear command from the Configuration menu (see page 19), or clear the memory
from the Logger menu in the MultiLab software (see page 70).

1.2.12. Choose the Right Setup

1. Sampling rate - The sampling rate should be determined by the frequency of
the phenomenon being sampled. If the phenomenon is periodic, sample at a
rate of at least twice the expected frequency. For example, sound recordings
should be sampled at the highest sampling rate – 20,800/sec, but changes in
room temperature can be measured at slower rates such as once per second or
even slower, depending on the speed of the expected changes.
There is no such thing as over-sampling. For extremely smooth graphs, the
sampling rate should be about 20 times the expected frequency.
Note: Sampling at a rate slower than the expected rate can cause frequency
aliasing. In such a case, the graph will show a frequency much lower than
expected. In Figure 4 below, the higher frequency sine wave was sampled at
1/3 of its frequency. Connecting the sampled points yielded a graph with a
lower, incorrect frequency.

Figure 4: Frequency Aliasing

Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO 21
Manual sampling - use this mode for:
• Recordings or measurements that are not related to time.
• Situations in which you have to stop recording data after each sample
obtained, in order to change your location, or any other logging
parameter (Note: During the experiment no changes can be made to
the MultiLogPRO’s configuration).
To start an experiment using manual data logging, set the RATE to manual and

press the Enter button once to start the data recording, then press the
Enter button each time you want to collect a sample.
You can also perform manual logging via MultiLab (see page 43).

2. Sampling Points - After you have chosen the sampling rate, choosing the
number of points will determine the logging period: Samples / Rate = Logging
time. You can also choose the duration of an experiment first, and then
calculate the number of samples: Samples = Logging time × Rate.

In the Continuous mode, MultiLogPRO does not save data, and can continue logging
If MultiLogPRO is connected to the PC and the MultiLab software is running, the data
is automatically saved to the computer and displayed in a real-time graph.
To operate in Continuous mode select RATE equal to or less than 100/s and
SAMPLES = Continuous.
You can also select Continuous mode directly from the MultiLab software.
Note: MultiLogPRO must be set to a display mode other than graphic in order to
enable the Continuous mode.

1.2.13. Programming Rules and Limitations

The following are some rules and limitations you must take into account when
programming the MultiLogPRO, as MultiLogPRO integrates all programming
limitations automatically. MultiLogPRO will only allow the programming of settings
that comply with the rules below.

1. Sampling Points

• Increasing the number of active inputs limits the number of

sampling points one can choose. The following condition must
be always satisfied: Samples × Active Inputs < Memory.
MultiLogPRO’s memory is sufficient for 100,000 samples.
However, when sampling at rates faster than 100 samples per
second the memory can store only two experiments of 32,000
samples each.
• Selection of 100,000 sampling points will create 2 files of 50,000
points each in the data logger’s memory

22 Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO
2. Sampling Rate

The number of sensors in use limits the maximum sampling rate:

Number of Sensors Maximum Sampling Rate

1 20,800 samples per second
2 3,701 samples per second
3 2,631 samples per second
4 2,041 samples per second
5 1,667 samples per second
6 1,409 samples per second
7 1,220 samples per second
8 1,076 samples per second

3. Continuous Sampling

• Continuous sampling is possible up to a maximum sampling rate of

• The data must be presented in a display mode other than graphical.

Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO 23
1.3. Sensor Calibration
In this chapter you will learn how to increase the MultiLogPRO system accuracy
using calibration. Most of the sensors are linear, i.e. the output level of each sensor
changes according to the equation:
Y = aX + b
Y - Output of the sensor (voltage level changing from 0 to 5V)
X - Sensor input
a - Sensor gain
b - Sensor offset
The calibration process allows us to control the offset, and in some cases even the
gain, of a sensor. The MultiLogPRO system offers four types of calibration:
• Hardware offset calibration
• MultiLogPRO automatic zero calibration
• MultiLab Sensor calibration
• Factory calibration (no manual calibration required)

1.3.1. Hardware Offset Calibration

On some of the sensors there is a screw controlling the sensor offset. To calibrate
the sensor, rotate this screw until the sensor shows the correct measured value
(obtain the actual correct value from another source that is known to be accurate).

1.3.2. MultiLogPRO Automatic Zero Calibration

MultiLogPRO is able to automatically calibrate the sensor offset for all analog
sensors accurately, quickly, and for every new experiment conducted.
The calibration method is very simple. Whenever you plug in a sensor, the data
logger checks to see if the selected sensor measures a value within ±2% of its zero
value. If so, MultiLogPRO sets that value as zero.
To enable this feature, make sure that the sensors are at their zero values when you
plug them in. To ensure the most accurate zero value, follow these instructions for
the following sensors:
• Shorten the Voltage sensor plugs
• Leave the Current sensor plugs open
• Cover the Light, Photo Gate, and Microphone sensors
• Insert the pH sensor in a pH 7 solution
• Unload the Force Transducer
• Place the Accelerometer on a stationary surface
• Place the Temperature probes in ice water
• Place the Pressure sensor in a 1 ATM (1013 mb) chamber

24 Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO
1.3.3. pH Temperature Compensation
To compensate a pH sensor for temperature changes, plug the temperature sensor
into Input 1, and the pH sensor in Input 2. MultiLogPRO will then display the
compensated pH value.

1.3.4. DO2 Calibration

To calibrate your DO2 sensor with the right salinity and altitude parameters, use the
DO2 Calibration command from the Configuration menu (see page 20).

1.3.5. MultiLab Sensor Calibration

The sensors can also be calibrated using the Calibrate Sensors option in MultiLab’s
Logger menu. Please refer to section 3.5.6 for more information.

1.3.6. Factory Calibration (No Calibration Required)

All digital sensors that are essentially timers leave the factory fully calibrated, and do
not suffer from any accuracy degradation. An example of such a sensor is the Sonic
Ranger distance sensor, which measures the time passed from the transmission of a
sound pulse to its echo reception.

Chapter 1 MultiLogPRO 25
Chapter 2
USB Link

The USB Link is a 4-input sensor interface, able to accept the full range of Fourier
sensors as well as certain Vernier sensors. It connects to and is powered by the PC
via a mini USB cable and features data logging capabilities based on the
MultiLogPRO design. The USB Link doesn’t have a LCD screen and doesn’t require
external AC power source or batteries. It is a sensor interface only, so doesn’t
require onboard memory.

This chapter will focus on the USB Link data collection device and includes sections
• How to set up USB Link
• How to connect USB Link to your PC
• How to connect sensor to the USB Link
• How to upgrade USB Link firmware

2.1. General

2.1.1. USB Link System Contents

The following items are included in your USB Link order:
• USB Link data logger
• Mini USB communication cable
• MultiLab mini CD

2.1.2. External Connections

1. Sensor
Inputs 1. Sensor

2. Mini
USB port

Figure 5: USB Link external connections

26 Chapter 2 USB Link

1. Sensor Inputs
Sensor input/output (I/O) sockets are marked on the USB Link casing as I/O-1, I/O-2,
I/O-3 and I/O-4. These sockets are used to connect the sensors. Normally, all four
sockets can be used simultaneously.
To connect a sensor to the USB Link, use one of the mini-din cables. Plug one end of
the cable into the data logger - arrow facing up, and the other end into the sensor -
arrow facing down.
If you are using one sensor only connect it to input 1. If you are using two sensors
connect them to inputs 1 and 2, and so on.
In order to connect more than 4 sensors at a time, use Fourier splitter cables (Part
Number DT011), which will enable the connection of up to 8 sensors simultaneously.
When a splitter cable is connected, it must be connected to the socket in the correct
numerical order (e.g. for 5 sensors, connect the splitter cable to I/O-1). One of the
two splitter cables is marked with arrows - that is the main input (the lower I/O
number), the second line is marked with the letter S (split) - indicating that it is the
secondary input (the higher I/O number). Connect up to four input splitters to split the
USB Link’s inputs starting with I/O-4 (the splitters must be connected in order):
• I/O-4 splits into I/O-4 and I/O-8
• I/O-3 splits into I/O-3 and I/O-7
• I/O-2 splits into I/O-2 and I/O-6
• I/O-1 splits into I/O-1 and I/O-5

Note: Before connecting the mini-din cable to the data logger or the sensor
sockets, make sure that the mini-din plug is correctly positioned in front of the
socket. Connecting the cable in an awkward position might cause damage to the
cable pins.

2. PC Mini USB communication socket

For USB communication between logger and PC, connect the USB Type B plug to
the USB Link and the USB Type A plug to the PC (see page 38 for USB driver

2.1.3. Powering the USB Link

When connected to the PC via the mini USB cable, the USB Link draws power from
the PC, via the USB port itself. No external AC power source is required. When the
USB Link is connected to the USB port, the unit becomes operational and a green
LED lights up on the logger casing. Certain sensors generally require external power
supply when used with other loggers such as the MultiLogPRO. However, when
connected to the USB Link, the external power is taken from the USB port as well.
Note: When powering the USB Link from a laptop running on battery, the laptop
battery will drain at negligibly faster rate than normal.

2.1.4. USB Link Memory

The USB Link doesn’t have onboard memory. When logging data, this data is
displayed in the MultiLab software online, in real-time. The user must save this data
in the software as it cannot then be downloaded from the USB Link later.

Chapter 2 USB Link 27

2.1.5. Input Modes
USB Link has two Input Modes. The default mode is Auto ID and the USB Link is in
this mode when turned on for the first time.
When using more than four sensors, when using sensors from other vendors, or if
you’ve defined your own sensor, you must unselect the Auto ID mode in the MultiLab
In the MultiLab main menu, go to Logger > Auto ID and disable Auto ID. To return to
Auto ID mode, simply enable it again from the Logger menu.
USB Link saves the current mode selection and will open in that mode the next time
you connect it to MultiLab.
A further explanation of the two Input modes is below.

1. Auto ID

Automatic sensor identification – just plug in the sensors and the USB Link prepares
itself to collect data from these sensors.
While in this mode you can work with up to four sensors simultaneously.

2. 8 Inputs

When Auto ID is disabled, the USB Link is able to collect data from up to eight
sensors simultaneously. Connect up to four input splitters (Part Number DT011) to
multiply the USB Link’s inputs starting with I/O-4 (the splitters must be connected in
• I/O-4 splits into I/O-4 and I/O-8
• I/O-3 splits into I/O-3 and I/O-7
• I/O-2 splits into I/O-2 and I/O-6
• I/O-1 splits into I/O-1 and I/O-5
In the splitter cable, one of the two wires is marked with arrows - that is the main
input (the lower I/O number). The second wire is marked with the letter S (split) -
indicating that it is the secondary input (the higher I/O number).
In 8 Inputs mode there is no automatic sensor identification. Select the sensors
manually either from the Setup menu in the MultiLab software (see section 3.5.1 on
page 64).
Use this mode if you want to work with more than four sensors or if you are using
sensors from other vendors such as Vernier.

2.1.6. Quick-Start
To run the USB Link logger follow these simple steps once the MultiLab software and
USB Link USB driver have been installed.
1. Connect the mini USB cable to the USB Link USB port, and to the
PC USB port.
2. Connect sensors to USB Link sensor interface, starting with I/O-1.
3. Launch MultiLab software. USB Link will be automatically detected.
4. Default Input Mode is Auto ID so sensors should also be
automatically detected (unless you have connected sensors that
must be manually selected).

28 Chapter 2 USB Link

5. Click Run in the MultiLab upper toolbar. Logger will start
recording data and will display it in the MultiLab graph and table
views. The default sample rate of 10 samples per second will be

6. Click Stop to stop the logger from recording data.

2.1.7. Updating USB Link Firmware

Use the MultiLab software to update the USB Link firmware whenever an updated
version is made available.
Follow these steps to update the USB Link firmware:
1. Download the latest firmware version from the Fourier Systems
Download Center:

2. Save the firmware file to the MultiLab directory on your PC. The file
must reside here before you launch MultiLab otherwise an error
message will be displayed stating that the file wasn’t found.
3. Connect the USB Link to the PC and launch MultiLab.
4. In the MultiLab main menu, go to Logger > Firmware Update. Follow
the on-screen instructions to disconnect and connect the USB Link
USB cable in order to launch the firmware update process.

5. Once the update process is complete, follow the on-screen

instructions and disconnect and then connect the USB Link USB
cable again. The firmware update process will then be complete and
the firmware version will be displayed in the MultiLab status pane.
Note: If you disconnect the USB Link during the firmware update process, the
previous firmware is still intact on the logger memory. You may continue the
interrupted firmware updated by reconnecting the USB Link while MultiLab is

2.1.8. Choose the Right Setup

1. Sampling Rate

The sampling rate should be determined by the frequency of the phenomenon being
sampled. If the phenomenon is periodic, sample at a rate of at least twice the
expected frequency. For example, sound recordings should be sampled at the
highest sampling rate possible on the USB Link – 10,000/sec, but changes in room

Chapter 2 USB Link 29

temperature can be measured at slower rates such as once per second or even
slower, depending on the speed of the expected changes.
There is no such thing as over-sampling. For extremely smooth graphs, the
sampling rate should be about 20 times the expected frequency.
Note: Sampling at a rate slower than the expected rate can cause frequency
aliasing. In such a case, the graph will show a frequency much lower than
expected. In Figure 6 below, the higher frequency sine wave was sampled at
1/3 of its frequency. Connecting the sampled points yielded a graph with a
lower, incorrect frequency.

Figure 6: Frequency Aliasing

Manual sampling
Use this mode for:
• Recordings or measurements that are not related to time.
• Situations in which you have to stop recording data after each sample
obtained, in order to change your location, or any other logging
Note: During the experiment no changes can be made to the USB Link’s

2. Sampling Points

After you have chosen the sampling rate, choosing the number of points will
determine the logging period: Samples / Rate = Logging time.
You can also choose the duration of an experiment first, and then calculate the
number of samples: Samples = Logging time × Rate.

In Continuous mode, USB Link will continue to record data for an unlimited period of
time. The logger can continue logging indefinitely. Its only limitation is the size of the
PC memory where the data is stored.
The data is displayed in a real-time graph.
To operate in Continuous mode, when configuring USB Link in MultiLab, select
Recording Time = Continuous.

30 Chapter 2 USB Link

2.1.9. Programming Rules and Limitations
The following are some rules and limitations you must take into account when
programming the USB Link, as the logger integrates all programming limitations
automatically. USB Link will only allow the programming of settings that comply with
the rules below.

1. Sampling Points

Increasing the number of active inputs limits the number of sampling points one can

2. Maximum Sampling Rate

The maximum sampling rate depends on the number of sensors in use. See the
table below:

Number of Sensors Maximum Sampling Rate

1 10,000 samples per second
2 5,000 samples per second
3 3,333 samples per second
4 2,500 samples per second
5 2,000 samples per second
6 1.666 samples per second
7 1,428 samples per second
8 1,125 samples per second

3. Continuous Sampling

There is no limit to the sampling rate of the USB Link when running in Continuous
sampling mode.

Chapter 2 USB Link 31

2.2. Sensor Calibration
In this chapter you will learn how to increase the USB Link system accuracy using
calibration. Most of the sensors are linear, i.e. the output level of each sensor
changes according to the equation:
Y = aX + b
Y - Output of the sensor (voltage level changing from 0 to 5V)
X - Sensor input
a - Sensor gain
b - Sensor offset
The calibration process allows us to control the offset, and in some cases even the
gain, of a sensor. The USB Link system offers four types of calibration:
• Hardware offset calibration
• USB Link automatic zero calibration
• MultiLab Sensor calibration
• Factory calibration (no manual calibration required)

2.2.1. Hardware Offset Calibration

On some of the sensors there is a screw controlling the sensor offset. To calibrate
the sensor, rotate this screw until the sensor shows the correct measured value
(obtain the actual correct value from another source that is known to be accurate).

2.2.2. USB Link Automatic Zero Calibration

USB Link is able to automatically calibrate the sensor offset for all analog sensors
accurately, quickly, and for every new experiment conducted.
The calibration method is very simple. Whenever you plug in a sensor, the data
logger checks to see if the selected sensor measures a value within ± 2% of its zero
value. If so, USB Link sets that value as zero.
To enable this feature, make sure that the sensors are at their zero values when you
plug them in. To ensure the most accurate zero value, follow these instructions for
the following sensors:
• Shorten the Voltage sensor plugs
• Leave the Current sensor plugs open
• Cover the Light, Photo Gate, and Microphone sensors
• Insert the pH sensor in a pH 7 solution
• Unload the Force Transducer
• Place the Accelerometer on a stationary surface
• Place the Temperature probes in ice water
• Place the Pressure sensor in a 1 ATM (1013 mb) chamber

32 Chapter 2 USB Link

2.2.3. pH Temperature Compensation
To compensate a pH sensor for temperature changes, plug the Temperature sensor
into Input 1, and the pH sensor in Input 2. USB Link will then measure the
compensated pH value.

2.2.4. DO2 Calibration

When calibrating the DO2 sensor for use with the USB Link, you should use the table
below to obtain the relevant calibration value.
The default value is 8.26 mg/liter (zero altitude with no salinity).

Salinity (ppt)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
0 8.26 8.03 7.81 7.59 7.38 7.17 6.97 6.77

500 8.09 7.86 7.65 7.43 7.23 7.02 6.83 6.63

1000 7.92 7.7 7.49 7.28 7.08 6.88 6.69 6.49

Altitude (ft)

1500 7.76 7.54 7.34 7.13 6.93 6.73 6.55 6.36

2000 7.59 7.38 7.18 6.98 6.78 6.59 6.41 6.22

2500 7.59 7.38 7.18 6.98 6.78 6.59 6.41 6.22

3000 7.43 7.22 7.02 6.83 6.64 6.45 6.27 6.09

3500 7.26 7.06 6.87 6.67 6.49 6.3 6.13 5.93

2.2.5. MultiLab Sensor Calibration

The sensors can also be calibrated using the Calibrate Sensors option in MultiLab’s
Logger menu. Please refer to section 3.5.6 for more information.

2.2.6. Factory Calibration (No Calibration Required)

All digital sensors that are essentially timers leave the factory fully calibrated, and do
not suffer from any accuracy degradation. An example of such a sensor is the Sonic
Ranger distance sensor, which measures the time passed from the transmission of a
sound pulse to its echo reception.

Chapter 2 USB Link 33

Chapter 3
MultiLab Software

3.1. Installing the Software

3.1.1. System Requirements

To work with MultiLab, your system should be equipped with the following:

1. Windows
• Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP or Vista
Note: USB Link data logger is supported by MultiLab running on Windows XP and
Vista only
• Internet Explorer 5.0 or later
• Pentium II 600 MHz or higher (Pentium 4, 1.6 GHz or higher is needed for
video motion analysis recordings)
• 32 MB RAM (64 MB recommended)
• 10 MB available disk space for the MultiLab application (50 MB to install the
supporting applications)
• Free serial or USB port
• To work with the video window your system should be equipped with a video
camera, a free USB port and a compatible camera driver (installation includes
camera driver for the supplied Web camera)
• To be able to record and play voice comments your system should be
equipped with a sound card, a microphone and a speaker

2. Mac OS
• Mac OS 9 or Mac OS X
• Web browser
• PowerPC Macintosh G3 300 MHz or higher
• 64 MB RAM
• 15 MB available disk space
• USB port
• Recommended requirements for video recordings:
PowerPC G4 processor, 500 MHZ or higher, 256 MB RAM, 15 MB free disk
space, USB port, camera
• To be able to record and play voice comments your system should be equipped
with a microphone

34 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

3.1.2. MultiLab Installation on Windows OS

Warning: Do not connect the Fourier supplied Web camera to your PC

before you install the MultiLab software

Note to Windows users: MultiLab needs to modify its folder when

running. Ask your system administrator for permission to gain access to all
files in the MultiLab folder.
Instructions for installing and uninstalling MultiLab on your PC are provided below.
Once the software is installed, if you are running a Fourier data logger where USB
connection is required, you will need to install a USB driver so that the logger will be
detected by the PC. Refer to the relevant sections on installing the USB driver.

1. Installing MultiLab on Windows XP

1. Close all open programs.
2. Insert the CD labeled MultiLab into your PC's CD-ROM drive.
3. The MultiLab Installation application will launch.
4. From the main menu, and click Installing MultiLab Software.
5. You will now have two choices:
a. Perform a Full Software Installation – together with MultiLab, installs all
necessary drivers and software for running MultiLab.
b. Perform a MultiLab Only Installation – installs the MultiLab application
only, without installing all related drivers and software.

Performing Full Software Installation

1. Click Full Software Installation from the menu.
2. The Install Wizard will open. Click Next to continue the installation.
3. Select the option for agreeing to the terms of the MultiLab license agreement.
Click Next.
4. Enter user name and company name in the Customer Information window.
5. Select the option regarding for which user the application should be installed.
Click Next.
6. The default folder where MultiLab will be installed is C:\Program Files\Fourier
Systems\MultiLab\. Click Browse to change this folder location, or click Next.
7. The default folder where the MultiLab data files will be stored is C:\Program
Files\Fourier Systems\MultiLab\. Click Browse to change this folder location, or
click Next.
8. MultiLab installation will proceed, followed by installation of associated Web cam
drivers, Windows Encoders and Quicktime ®.
9. When installation is complete the Install Wizard prompts you to restart the
computer. It is recommended to restart the computer now.

Performing MultiLab Only Installation

1. Click MultiLab Only Installation from the menu.
2. The Install Wizard will open. Proceed with the installation as described above for
the Full Software Installation. However, only the MultiLab software will be
3. When installation is complete the Install Wizard prompts you to restart the
computer. It is recommended to restart the computer now.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 35

Note: If you are reinstalling MultiLab after removing an older version, the camera
driver is already installed on your system. In this case, the Install Wizard may prompt
you to confirm the removal of the driver. Click Cancel to keep the camera driver on
your system.
Note: When you plug in the supplied Web camera for the first time, Windows will
automatically detect the new device and open the Found New Hardware Wizard.
Follow the on-screen instructions. When prompted, select the Install software
automatically option (there is no need to insert the installation CD).
Windows will automatically detect and install the necessary software

2. Installing MultiLab on Vista Business

1. Close all open programs.
2. Insert the CD labeled MultiLab into your PC's CD-ROM drive.
3. The MultiLab Installation application will launch.
4. From the main menu, click Installing MultiLab Software.
5. You will now have two choices:
a. Perform a Full Software Installation – together with MultiLab, installs all
necessary drivers and software for running MultiLab.
b. Perform a MultiLab Only Installation – installs the MultiLab application
only, without installing all related drivers and software.

Performing Full Software Installation

1. Click Full Software Installation from the menu.
2. The Install Wizard will open. Click Next to continue the installation.
3. Select the option for agreeing to the terms of the MultiLab license agreement.
Click Next.
4. Enter user name and company name in the Customer Information window.
5. Select the option regarding for which user the application should be installed.
Click Next.
6. The default folder where MultiLab will be installed is C:\Program Files\Fourier
Systems\MultiLab\. Click Browse to change this folder location, or click Next.
7. The default folder where the MultiLab data files will be stored is C:\Program
Files\Fourier Systems\MultiLab\. Click Browse to change this folder location, or
click Next.
8. MultiLab installation will proceed, followed by installation of Windows Encoders
and Quicktime ®.
9. When installation is complete the Install Wizard prompts you to restart the
computer. It is recommended to restart the computer now.

Performing MultiLab Only Installation

1. Click MultiLab Only Installation from the menu.
2. The Install Wizard will open. Proceed with the installation as described above for
the Full Software Installation. However, only the MultiLab software will be
3. When installation is complete the Install Wizard prompts you to restart the
computer. It is recommended to restart the computer now.

Note: Web cams provided by Fourier Systems are not supported by Windows Vista.

36 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

3.1.3. MultiLab Installation on Mac OS
1. Insert the CD into your CD drive.
2. Open the CD drive folder and double-click the MultiLab Installer icon, then
follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.

3.1.4. Installing USB Driver for MultiLogPRO and TriLink

On pre-Windows XP systems
3. Insert the MultiLab installation CD into your CD drive.
4. Connect your data logger to a USB port on your PC and turn the data logger on.
Windows will automatically detect the new device and open the Found New
Hardware Wizard.
5. Select Specify the location of the driver, and then click Next.
6. Select Search for the best driver for your device, then check the Removable
Media checkbox, and then click Next. Windows will automatically detect and
copy the necessary files to your system.
7. Click Finish. Windows will open the Found New Hardware Wizard for the
second time.
8. Click Next to complete the installation. Windows will automatically install the
necessary components on your system.
9. Click Finish.
On Windows XP
1. Connect your data logger to a USB port on your PC and turn the data logger on.
Windows will automatically detect the new device and open the Found New
Hardware Wizard.
2. Select the No, not this time to prevent Windows from searching for software on
the Internet, then click Next.
3. Select the option Install from a list or specific location and click Next.
4. Select the option to search manually for the driver, and select the checkbox
Include this location in the search. Browse to the location of the USB driver,
either on your MultiLab CD or on your PC hard disk. The name of the driver folder
is: Logger USB Driver, and it resides in the Drivers folder in the MultiLab setup
5. Once you have located the driver folder, click Next. The driver will be installed on
the PC.
6. Click Finish. Windows will open the Found New Hardware Wizard for the
second time.
7. Click Next to complete the installation. Windows will automatically install the
necessary components on your system.
8. Click Finish. The logger is ready to use and will now be detected by the PC.
On Windows Vista Business
1. Connect your data logger to a USB port on your PC and turn the data logger on.
2. Windows will not automatically detect the new hardware. From the Start menu,
select Computer, and then click System Properties in the upper menu bar. In
the System window, select Device Manager from the Task list on the left of the
3. In the Device Manager, locate the Other devices tree and right click on the USB
Serial Port item. Select the Update Driver Software menu item.
4. Select the Browse my computer for driver software, and click Next.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 37

5. Browse to the location of the USB driver, either on your MultiLab CD or on your
PC hard disk. The name of the driver folder is: Logger USB Driver, and it resides
in the Drivers folder in the MultiLab setup directory.
6. Once you have located the driver folder, click Next. The driver will be installed on
the PC.
7. Click Close once the driver has been successfully installed. The logger is ready
to use and will now be detected by the PC.

3.1.5. Installing USB Driver for USB Link

Note: USB driver for USB Link is supported by Windows XP and Vista only
On Windows XP
1. Connect the mini USB cable to your USB Link and connect the cable to a USB
port on your PC. Windows will automatically detect the new device and open the
Found New Hardware Wizard.
2. Select the option No, not this time to prevent Windows from searching for
software on the Internet, then click Next.
3. Select the option Install from a list or specific location and click Next.
4. Select the option to search manually for the driver, and select the checkbox
Include this location in the search. Browse to the location of the USB Link USB
driver, either on your MultiLab CD or on your PC hard disk. The name of the
driver folder is: USBLink Driver, and it resides in the Drivers folder in the
MultiLab setup directory.
5. Once you have located the driver folder, click Next. The driver will be installed on
the PC. You may be asked to verify the author of the driver software. Choose the
option to authorize and install the driver.
6. Click Finish once the driver has been successfully installed. The USB Link is
now ready to use. When the device is detected by the PC the USB Link LED will
On Windows Vista Business
1. Connect the mini USB cable to your USB Link and connect the cable to a USB
port on your PC.
2. Windows will not automatically detect the new hardware. From the Start menu,
select Computer, and then click System Properties in the upper menu bar. In
the System window, select Device Manager from the Task list on the left of the
3. In the Device Manager, locate the Other devices tree and right click on the USB
Link item. Select the Update Driver Software menu item.
4. Select the Browse my computer for driver software, and click Next.
5. Browse to the location of the USB Link USB driver, either on your MultiLab CD or
on your PC hard disk. The name of the driver folder is: USBLink Driver, and it
resides in the Drivers folder in the MultiLab setup directory.
6. Once you have located the driver folder, click Next. The driver will be installed on
the PC. You may be asked to verify the author of the driver software. Choose the
option to authorize and install the driver.
7. Click Close once the driver has been successfully installed. The USB Link is now
ready to use. When the device is detected by the PC the USB Link LED will

38 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

3.1.6. Uninstalling MultiLab

Note: Uninstalling MultiLab removes program files only. Project files and worksheets
you created or modified in MultiLab will remain on your system and there is no need
to create backups.
To uninstall the software on Windows XP:
1. From the Start menu select Settings then click Control Panel.
2. Double click Add or Remove Programs.
3. Select MultiLab from the list of programs.
4. Click Remove.
5. In the following dialog box, click Yes to confirm that you want to remove MultiLab.
6. When uninstall is complete you will be prompted to restart the computer. Select
To uninstall the software on Windows Vista Business:
1. From the Start menu select Control Panel.
2. Select Programs > Uninstall a program.
3. Select MultiLab from the list of programs and click Uninstall from the top of the
4. In the following dialog box, click Yes to confirm that you want to remove MultiLab.

3.1.7. Installing the USB Driver for Nova5000

You will need to install the Nova5000 driver in order for MultiLab for PC to
communicate with the Nova5000 data logger via a USB port.

You will need to install the Nova5000 drivers from the Nova5000 software CD or from
the MultiLab Installation CD.

On Windows XP
1. Connect the Nova5000 to a USB port on your PC and turn the unit on. Windows
will automatically detect the new device and open the Found New Hardware
2. Select No, not this time to prevent Windows from searching for software on the
Internet, then click Next.
3. Select the Install from a list or specific location (Advanced) option. Click Next.
4. Select the Include this location in the search option and browse to the Nova
Drivers folder in the MultiLab software folder, either on your Nova5000 CD or
MultiLab installation CD. Windows will automatically detect and copy the
necessary files to your system. Click Finish.

Note: USB driver for the Nova5000 is not supported on Vista OS.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 39

3.2. Overview

3.2.1. MultiLab On-screen Layout

MultiLab is a comprehensive program that provides you with everything you need in
order to collect data from Fourier data loggers such as the MultiLogPRO, USB Link,
TriLink and Nova5000. You may display the data in graphs, meters and tables,
analyze it with sophisticated analysis tools and view online or recorded video movies
of the actual experiment.
The Video Motion Analyzer module enables you to capture position and time from
video movies and analyze the data with MultiLab’s analysis tools
The program includes four windows: A graph window, table window, video window
and a navigation window called the Data Map. You can display all four windows
simultaneously or any combination of the four.
The most commonly used tools and commands are displayed on three toolbars.
Tools that relate to all aspects of the program and tools that control the data logger
are located in the main (upper) toolbar. Tools specific to the graphs are located on
the graph toolbar and tools specific to the tables are located on the table toolbar.
Another useful feature is the Workbook. A workbook is a lab activity that gives the
student a step-by-step preview of the activity and then automatically configures the
MultiLab program and the sets up the data logger so that the student can begin
collecting the data. You can open an existing workbook or create a new one from the
Workbook menu.

3.2.2. MultiLab Window Layout

Main toolbar Video window

Data map

Graph window Table window

Information bar
Table toolbar

Graph toolbar
Figure 7: MultiLab window layout

40 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

3.2.3. Working with Projects
Every time you start a new experiment, MultiLab automatically creates a new project
file. All the information you collect and process for a given experiment is stored in a
single project file. Each of these files contain all the data sets you collect with the
data logger, the analysis functions you’ve processed, the video files you’ve recorded,
specific graphs and tables you’ve created, and the MultiLab settings for the
Note: All data sets in a single project must be with the same sampling rate.

3.3. Getting Started

This section outlines getting started with using the MultiLogPRO and USB Link data

3.3.1. Set up a Recording Session

1. Prepare the MultiLogPRO

1. Connect MultiLogPRO to the PC (see page 5).

2. Turn on MultiLogPRO.
Note: MultiLogPRO must be in PC communication mode (see page 19).
3. Plug in any external sensors.
4. Launch the MultiLab software.

2. Prepare the USB Link

1. Connect USB Link to the PC (see page 26).

2. Plug in any external sensors.
3. Launch the MultiLab software.

3. Enable Video Recording

Note: Do not plug in the PC camera before you have installed the camera driver (see
page 35 for installation instructions).

To display the video window and enable online video and video recording:
1. Connect the camera to the PC
Note: When you plug in the supplied Web camera for the first time Windows will
automatically detect the new device and open the Found New Hardware Wizard.
Follow the on-screen instructions. When asked, select the Install software
automatically option (there is no need to insert the installation CD).
Windows will automatically detect and install the necessary software

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 41

2. Click Video on the menu bar, then click Enable video
MultiLab will remember the video settings until the next time you change them.
Note: if more than one video source is connected to your computer MultiLab will use
the default source. To select another source click Video on the menu bar and click
Select video device, then select the desired source from the drop list that opens and
click OK.

3. Click Video on the main toolbar to display the video window.

4. Point the camera to the experiment setup.

4. Setup the MultiLogPRO/USB Link

1. Click the Setup Wizard button on the main toolbar. For

MultiLogPRO, , for USB Link, .

2. Follow the instructions in the Setup Wizard (see page 64).

5. Start Recording

Click Run on the toolbar to start recording.

• For the MultiLogPRO, if the recording rate is 100 measurements per

second or less, MultiLab automatically opens a graph window
displaying the data in real-time, plotting it on the graph as it is being
recorded. If the recording rate is higher than 100/s, the data will be
downloaded and displayed automatically once the data recording is
• For the USB Link, the data is continuously streamed online into the
MultiLab software, whatever the sampling rate. Therefore it is always
visible to the viewer during the actual measurement.

You can stop recording anytime by clicking Stop on the toolbar.

3.3.2. Data Recording Options

To set the behavior of the data display when you start a new recording session, click

on the down arrow next to the Run button , and select one of the following:

1. Single Measurement

MultiLab will open a new project file every time you start a new recording session.

2. Replace

MultiLab will display the new data set in place of the old one. The project’s old data
sets will still be available in the same project file. They will be listed in the Data Map
and you can add them to the display at any time.

42 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

3. Add

MultiLab will add the new data set to the graph in addition to the old ones.
Note: A maximum of eight data sets can be displayed on the graph at the same time.

3.3.3. Manual Sampling

Use this mode for:
• Recordings or measurements that are not related to time.
• Situations in which you have to stop recording data after each sample
obtained, in order to change your location, or any other logging
parameter (Note: During the experiment no changes can be made to
the MultiLogPRO’s configuration).

To start an experiment using manual data logging, set the rate to manual and click

Run once to start the data recording, and then press the Enter button each time
you want to collect a sample.
You can also perform manual logging via MultiLogPRO (see page 21).

3.3.4. Online Video

MultiLab enables you to view online video of your experiment along with the data
display, as well as to record video movies of the experiment and to replay them
simultaneously with the data graph. You can also add voice comments to the video
To work with the video window your system should be equipped with a video camera.
To be able to record and play voice comments your system should be equipped with
a sound card, a microphone and a speaker.

1. Online Video

The online video will start playing when you open the Video window. Click Video

on the main toolbar to display the video window and enable video (see page

2. Recording

1. From the Video menu select Enable video.

2. Click Record on the right-hand side of the toolbar to start

video recording.

3. Click Run to start data recording.

4. Once the data logging has finished, click Stop Video Recording

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 43

5. Click Replay to replay both the data graphing process the
video recording simultaneously.
Note: Saving the file will automatically save the video as well.

3. Replaying an Experiment

To simultaneously replay the video and the data graphing process of a saved file:
1. Open the file (see page 50).
2. Display the data on the graph (see page 61).

3. Click Replay .

4. Video and Audio Properties

To set the video properties click Video on the menu bar, then click Video properties
to open the video properties dialog box:

Figure 8: Video properties dialog box

Changing Video Quality

The video default quality is Normal; click another option to select either higher quality
(12 KBps) or lower quality (3 KBps). Changing the video quality not only affects the
image quality, but the recorded file space and the computer’s performance as well. A
higher video quality means more disk space is used, which can slow down the
computer’s performance.
Audio Visual Options
The default option is Audio_video. That means that both video and audio are
enabled and you can record voice comments along with the video. If you plan to
record video only, select the Video only option. If you plan to record voice comments
only select the Audio only option.

3.3.5. Download Data from the MultiLogPRO

Whenever data is received from the MultiLogPRO, it is accumulated and displayed
automatically by MultiLab. There are two modes of communication: Online and Post-

44 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

Online communication
When MultiLogPRO is connected to the PC and is programmed to run at sampling
rates of up to 100/s, MultiLogPRO transmits each data sample immediately, as it is
recorded, to the PC. The software thus displays the data in real-time in both the
graph window and the table window.
When MultiLogPRO is connected to the PC and programmed to run at a sampling
rate faster than 100/s, data is accumulated in MultiLogPRO‘s internal memory but is
not transmitted directly to the PC until the recording period has ended. Once the
recording has ended, the data is automatically downloaded to the PC and displayed.

Off-line data logging

To download data that was recorded offline, or while MultiLogPRO was not
connected to a PC, connect MultiLogPRO to the computer, run the MultiLab program

and click Download on the toolbar. This will initiate the Post-Experiment Data
Transfer communication mode. Once the transfer is complete, the data will be
displayed automatically in the graph window and in the table window. If there are
several experiments stored in the MultiLogPRO, the first download will bring up the
most recent experiment; the second download will bring up the earliest file, the third
download will bring up the second earliest file, and so on.
To download a particular experiment, choose Selective Download from the Logger
menu, then select the experiment’s number in the Download dialog box.
Click Cancel in the Download progress window at any time to stop downloading the
Note: There is no download function for the USB Link as it doesn’t have onboard
memory. All data is recorded directly into the MultiLab software.

3.3.6. The Timer Module

MultiLab enables you to measure timing events with the data logger’s Timer module
(see page 14).
To use the photogates together with other sensors operate the data logger and then
analyze the photogates data with the aid of MultiLab's Timing Wizard (see page 98).

1. Working with the Timer Module Wizard

1. Connect the data logger to the computer

2. Connect one photogate to input 1 of the data logger or two
photogates to inputs 1 and 2 (according to the event method)

3. Click Logger on the menu bar, and then click Timer Module
Wizard to open the Timer module wizard:

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 45

4. Click an option to select measurement: Time, Velocity or
5. Click Next to move to step 2 of the wizard:

6. Click an option to select the measuring method

7. If required enter the body’s width in mm (an integer between 0 to
59), or the distance between the gates in cm (an integer between 0
to 99) in the appropriate edit box (in velocity and acceleration
measurements only)
8. Click Start to enter to a timing standby mode
Timing begins each time a body blocks the photogate in input 1 and ends when
unblocking the photogate in input 1 or input 2 (according to the event method).
MultiLab displays the results in a bar graph and in the table.
You can repeat as many measurements as you want. After each event MultiLab adds
the results as a new bar in the graph and as a new raw in the table.

To exit the timing mode click Stop on the main toolbar.

2. Measuring Methods

The Timing Wizard offers you various methods of analyzing the different
measurements. In some measurements you will be asked to enter the dimension of
the moving body, or the distance between the two photogates to allow for the
calculation of velocity and acceleration.
The methods depend on the selected measurement:

46 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software


• At one gate
Measures the time it takes the
body to cross the photogate
(between blocking and
unblocking the infrared beam)

• Between gates
Measures the time it takes the
body to move from one
photogate to the second
photogate (between blocking
the first and blocking the
second infrared beams)


• At one gate
Measures the time it takes the
body to cross the photogate
(between blocking and
unblocking the infrared beam)
and returns the velocity.
You should enter the body’s
width in mm

• Between gates
Measures the time it takes the
body to move from one
photogate to the second
photogate (between blocking
the first and blocking the
second infrared beams) and
returns the average velocity.
You should enter the distance
between gates in cm.


• Between gates

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 47

Measures the crossing time at
the first gate, the time it takes
the body to move from one gate
to the second gate and the
crossing time at the second
gate and returns the average
You should enter the body’s
width in mm.

3. Time Schemes and Calculations

Time measurements

At one gate


Result: Δt = t 2 − t 1
Between gates

Input 1

Input 2

Result: Δt = t 3 − t1


At one gate
Required parameters: w – The body’s width

48 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software


Result: v= ; Δt = t 2 − t1

Between gates
Required parameters: L – The distance between gates

Input 1

Input 2

Result: v= ; Δt = t 3 − t1

Between gates
Required parameters: w – The body’s width


Input 1

Input 2

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 49

w w
v1 = ; v2 =
t 2 − t1 t 4 − t3
t 4 + t 3 − t 2 − t1
Result: Δt =
v −v
a= 2 1

3.3.7. Save Data

Click Save on the main toolbar to save your project. This will save all the data
sets, graphs, tables and video movies under one project file.
Saving the project will also save any special formatting and scaling you did.
If you made any changes to a previously saved project, click Save to update the
saved file or select Save as… from the file menu to save it under another name.

Note: To delete a specific data set, graph or table from the project, use the Data Map
(see page 61).
To remove unwanted data from a specific data set, apply the crop tool (see page 98).

3.3.8. Open a File

1. Click Open on the main toolbar.

2. Navigate to the folder in which the project is stored.
3. Double click the file name to open the project.
MultiLab opens the project and displays the first graph on the graph list. If the project
does not include saved graphs, the file opens with an empty graph window. Use the
Data Map (see page 61) to display the desired data set.

3.3.9. Create a New Project

There are three ways to create a new project:
1. Open the MultiLab program, which will open a new file each time.
2. When working in Single Measurement mode, a new project is
opened every time you click on the Run button to start a new

3. Any time you click New button on the toolbar.

3.3.10. Import Data

Any file that is in comma separated values text format (CSV) can be imported into
To import a CSV file:
1. Click File on the menu bar, then click Import CSV file.

50 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

2. In the dialog that opens, next to Look in, navigate to the drive and
folder that contains the CSV file.
3. Select the file.

4. Click Open.
To create a text file in a spreadsheet:
1. Open a new spreadsheet.
2. Enter your data according to the following rules:

a) The first row should contain headers. Each header includes

the name of the data set and units in brackets, e.g. Distance

b) The first column should be the time. The time interval between
successive rows must match the time intervals accepted by
MultiLab. You can export MultiLab files to Excel to learn about
these time formats.
See for example the table below:

3. On the File menu, click Save As.

4. In the File name box, type a name for the workbook.

5. In the Save as type list, click the CSV format.

6. Click Save.
To import files that were previously exported from MultiLab open MultiLab and import
the file as described above as they are already in CSV format.

3.3.11. Print

1. Print a Graph

1. Click Print on the main toolbar.

2. Select the Graph 1 option (when in split graph mode you can
choose between Graph 1 and Graph 2).

3. Click Print to open the print dialog box.

4. Click OK.
MultiLab will print exactly what you see in the graph display.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 51

2. Print a Table

1. Click Print on the main toolbar.

2. Select the Table option.

3. If you want to print only a specific range, uncheck the Print all data
check box and type the desired row numbers into the To and From
edit boxes

4. Click Print to open the print dialog box.

5. Click OK.

52 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

3.4. Viewing the Data

3.4.1. Display Options

The MultiLab program screen consists of four parts: Graph window, table window,
video window and Data Map window. You can display all four parts simultaneously
(the default view) or any combination of the four.
The graph window is the main window by default and is and displayed in the center
of the application window. To specify other window as the main window:
1. Click View on the menu bar, and then click View selection to open
the View selection dialog box:

Figure 9: View selection dialog box

2. Check the checkbox next to any window you’d like to include in the
3. Click the window display type you want.

4. Click OK.
In addition to these sections, you have the option to display an on-screen meter for
each of the sensors (see page 61).

3.4.2. Graph Display

Click Graph to display or hide the graph. The default graph display is the data
set or sets plotted vs. time, but you can change the X-axis to represent any of the
individual data sets (see page 56).
The graph usually displays all the data sets of a given recording, but you can use the
Data Map to remove one or more of the sets from the graph (see page 61).
In order to keep the graph clear and simple, only two Y-axes are shown on the graph
at once. If there are three curves in the graph, one of the Y-axes is hidden. To make
this axis visible, select the corresponding plot with the cursor (see section 2 below).
You can identify the Y-axis by its color, which matches the plot color.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 53

1. Split Graph View

MultiLab enables you to display your data in two separate graphs within the graph

1. Click Split graph on the graph toolbar to split the graph

window into two separate graphs.

2. Click Edit graph on the graph toolbar to open the Edit graph
dialog box.
3. Choose which data sets to display on each of the graphs (or use the
Data Map to do so – see page 61).

4. To return to the single graph display, click Split graph a

second time.

2. The Cursor

You can display up to two cursors on the graph simultaneously.

Use the first cursor to display individual data recording values, to select a curve or to
reveal the hidden Y-axis.
Use two cursors to display the difference between two coordinate values or to select
a range of data points.

To display the first cursor:

Double click on an individual data point or click 1st Cursor on the graph toolbar.
You can drag the cursor with the mouse onto any other point on the plot, or onto a
different plot. For finer cursor movements use the forward and backward keys on the
The coordinate values of the selected point will appear in the information bar at the
bottom of the graph window.

To display the second cursor:

Double click again anywhere on the graph area or click 2nd Cursor on the graph
The information bar will now display the difference between the two coordinate
values. If the x-axis is time 1/dt will also be displayed.

To remove the cursors:

Double click anywhere on the graph area, or click 1st Cursor a second time.

To remove the 2nd cursor:

Click 2nd Cursor a second time.

54 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

To display the cursors in split graph mode:
To display the cursors on the upper graph, use the same method as for single graph
To display the cursors on the lower graph, you must first remove them from the upper
graph and then double click anywhere on the lower graph to display the first cursor.
Double click a second time to display the second cursor, and double click a third time
to remove the cursors.

3. Zooming

To zoom in to the center of the graph

1. Click Zoom in on the graph toolbar.

2. To reverse the operation, click Zoom out on the graph toolbar.

To zoom in to a specific data point
1. Select the point with the cursor (see above).

2. Click Zoom in on the graph toolbar.

3. To reverse the operation click Zoom out on the graph toolbar.

To zoom in to a range
1. Select the range with both cursors.

2. Click Zoom in on the graph toolbar.

3. To reverse the operation click Zoom out on the graph toolbar.

To zoom in to a specific area

Click Zoom to selection on the graph toolbar and drag the cursor diagonally to
select the area you want to magnify. Release the mouse button to zoom in to the
selected area.
Click Zoom to selection a second time to disable the zoom tool.

Click Autoscale on the graph toolbar to view the full data display, or double click
on an axis to auto scale that axis alone.

4. Manual scaling

1. Click Graph properties on the graph toolbar to open the Graph

properties dialog box.

2. Select the Scale tab, and choose the axis you want to scale in the
Select axis drop down menu.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 55

3. Uncheck the Autoscale check box and enter the new values in the
edit box.
4. Click OK.
To manually scale a specific axis, right click on the axis to open its Properties dialog

To restore auto scaling click Autoscale .

5. The Stretch/Compress Axis tool

Move the cursor onto one of the graph axes. The cursor icon changes to the double
arrow symbol (↔), indicating that you can stretch or compress the axis scale. Drag
the cursor to the desired location. Repeat the procedure for the other axis if
Double click on the axis to restore auto scaling.

6. Panning

Use the pan tool after zooming in to see any part of the graph that is outside the
zoomed area.

To do this, click Pan on the graph toolbar, then click anywhere on the graph and
drag the mouse to view another area.
Click Pan a second time to disable the Pan tool.

7. Edit the Graph

Use the Edit graph dialog box to select which data sets to display on the graph’s
Y-axis and to change the X-axis from time, to one of the data sets.

1. Click Edit graph on the graph toolbar to open the Edit graph
dialog box:

Figure 10: Edit graph dialog box

56 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

2. To select a data set to display on the Y-axis, click on the data set’s
name in the Y-axis list. To display more than one curve, click on the
data sets you want.
3. A list entry that begins with an Experiment (Exp.) number denotes a
recorded data set. A list entry that begins with an input number
denotes the next recording and will be displayed on the graph the
next time you start a recording.
4. To deselect a data set click on the set a second time.
5. To select a data set for display on the X-axis, click on the data set’s
name in the X-axis list. You can only select one data set at a time for
the X-axis.

6. Type the title of the graph in the Graph title edit box (optional).
7. Click OK.

8. Format the Graph

You can change the data line’s color, style and width. You can also add markers that
represent the data points on the graph and format their style and color.
The color of the Y-axis matches the corresponding plot’s color and will automatically
change with any change made to the color of the corresponding plot.

1. Click Graph properties on the graph toolbar to open the Graph

properties dialog box.
2. Select the Lines tab, and then select the plot or axis you want to
format in the Select plot drop list.
3. From here you can format the line’s color, style and width, as well
as the markers’ color and style. To remove the line or the marker,
uncheck the corresponding Visible check box.

4. Click OK.
5. To restore the default formatting, click Restore default.

9. Change the Graph’s Units and its Number Format

1. Click Graph properties on the graph toolbar to open the graph

properties dialog box

2. Select the Units tab, and then select the plot or axis you want to
format in the select plot drop list.
3. Choose the prefix option you want.
4. Select the desired number of decimal places.
5. To display numbers in scientific format, check the Scientific check

6. Click OK.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 57

10. Add Annotations to the Graph

You can add annotations to the graph. An annotation is always connected to a

certain data point.
To view annotations:
Click Graph on the menu bar and then select Show annotation (this option is
usually selected by default).
To add an annotation:
1. Place a cursor on the desired point.

2. Click Add new annotation on the graph toolbar to display the

new annotation caption edit box.

3. Type in the text, and then click OK.

To move an annotation:

1. Click Move annotation on the graph toolbar.

2. Click on the annotation you want to move, then drag if to the new

3. Click Move annotation a second time to exit the move

annotation mode.

To edit an annotation:
1. Place a cursor on the point to which the annotation is connected.
2. Click Graph on the menu bar, and then click Edit annotation.

3. Edit your annotation, and then click OK.

To delete an annotation:
1. Place a cursor on the point to which the annotation is connected.

2. Click Graph on the menu bar, then click Delete annotation.

To hide all annotations:

Click Graph on the menu bar and then click Show annotation to uncheck it.

58 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

11. Add a Graph to the Project

MultiLab displays new data in the graph window every time you start a new
recording. You can always display previous data using the Edit graph dialog box or
by double-clicking on the data’s icon in the Data Map. If you want to save a graph
that you created to your project, or to update a saved graph with changes you made,
use the Add to project tool:

Click Add to project on the graph toolbar.

3.4.3. The Table Display

Click Table to display or to remove the table window.

When you start a new recording, MultiLab displays the new data on the table.
To add or remove columns from the table, use the Edit table tool (see below).

1. Editing Data Values

You can change the value of any data point. When any value is changed, MultiLab
automatically creates a copy of the data set and leaves the original data unchanged.
To do this:
1. Select a data cell by clicking on it.
2. Type in the new value.

3. Press Enter on the keyboard to accept (you can also press Tab or
the arrow keys to accept and move to the next cell).

2. Editing the Table

To add or remove data sets from the table:

Click Edit table on the table toolbar to open the Edit table dialog

Figure 11: Edit table dialog box

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 59

To add columns to the table:
1. Select one or more of the data sets from the Available Columns

2. Click Add.
To remove columns from the table:
1. Select one or more of the data sets from the Current Columns list.

2. Click Remove.

3. Click OK.

3. Formatting the Table

Changing column width

Drag the boundary on the right side of the column heading until the column is the
desired width.
Changing row height
Drag the boundary below the row heading until the row is the desired height.
Formatting the fonts

1. Click Table properties on the table toolbar.

2. Select the Font tab.
3. Format the font, as well as the font style and size.
4. Click OK.
Changing units and number format

1. Click Table properties on the table toolbar.

2. Select the Units tab, and then select the plot you want to format
from the select plot drop list.
3. Choose the prefix option you want.
4. Select the desired number of decimal places.

5. To display numbers in scientific format, check the Scientific check


6. Click OK.

4. Add a Table to the Project

MultiLab displays new data in the table window every time you start a new recording.
You can always display previously recorded data using the Edit table dialog. If you
want to save a table that you created to your project, or to update a saved table with
changes you made, use the Add to project tool:

Click Add to project on the table toolbar.

60 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

3.4.4. Meters
MultiLab enables you to view data in meters format on the screen (one meter for
each sensor), with up to four meters showing at once. The meters can display live
data while MultiLab is recording, or saved data when a saved file is replayed.
When a cursor is displayed, the meter shows the measured values that correspond
to the time of the point at which the cursor is positioned.
There are three meter types: analog, bar and digital. The meter’s scaling
automatically matches the graph’s scaling.
To set up the meters:

1. Click Meter Setup on the main toolbar:

2. Select the meter type, and the data set to be displayed.
3. A list entry that begins with a graph number denotes a displayed
data set. A list entry that begins with an input number denotes the
next recording, and will be displayed on the meter the next time you
start a recording.
4. Repeat this procedure for up to four meters.

5. To remove the meters click Meter Setup , and click Remove


3.4.5. Data Map

Click Data Map to display or remove the Data Map.

The data map is a separate window that displays the list of data sets that were
recorded or downloaded in the current session, as well as the lists of all the saved
graphs and tables. Use the Data Map to navigate through the available data sets and
to keep track of the data that is displayed in the graph window.

1. Control the Display with the Data Map

The items in the Data Map are sorted into three main categories:
• Data sets (including analysis functions)
• Saved graphs
• Saved tables
Double click on a category to bring up the full list. Double click a second time to
collapse the list. You can also use the plus (+) and minus (-) signs next to the icons
to expand or collapse the categories.
The Data sets list expands to sub-categories of experiments and functions. To
display the complete list of measurements, or the complete list of analysis functions
performed on the measurements for any individual experiment, double click the
experiment’s icon or click the plus sign (+) next to it.
To collapse a list under an individual experiment, double click the experiment’s icon
or click the minus sign (-) next to it.
To display a data set or a saved graph in the graph window, or to display a table in
the table window, double click its icon. Double click a second time to remove it.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 61

You can also use a shortcut menu to display or remove a data set from the graph.
Simply right-click an icon, then click display on graph #1 or display on graph #2.
To delete an individual item from the Data Map and from the project, right-click on its
icon and click Delete. To permanently delete the item, click Save on the main
To remove all data sets from the Data Map, right-click the Data sets icon and click
Clear All Data.

2. Understanding Data Map Icons

Data sets list

Functions – includes all the analysis functions of the project
Individual function – Currently not on display
Individual function – Currently displayed on graph 1
Individual function – Currently displayed on graph 2
Individual function – Currently displayed both on graphs 1 and 2
Experiment – Includes all recorded data of the experiment
Individual data set – Currently not on display
Individual data set – Currently displayed on graph 1
Individual data set – Currently displayed on graph 2
Individual data set – Currently displayed both on graphs 1 and 2
Data recorded without video
Data recorded with video
List of saved graphs
Saved graph – Data sets vs. time
Saved graph – Data sets vs. data set
Graph currently not on display
Graph currently displayed on graph 1
Graph currently displayed on graph 2
Graph currently displayed both on graphs 1 and 2
List of saved tables
Saved table
Table not currently displayed
Table currently displayed

62 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

3.4.6. Export Data to Excel

Click Export to Excel on the graph toolbar to export the displayed data to Excel.
You will be given the option of saving the data in a specific location, and then
MultiLab will open a new Excel workbook displaying the data.

1. Export File Settings

If MultiLab fails to export the data properly, try to change the export file settings:
1. Click File on the menu bar, and then click Export file settings.

2. Check the Ignore regional settings check box.

3. Click OK.

3.4.7. Copy the Graph as a Picture

You can copy the graph to the clipboard as a picture and then paste it to other
Windows programs such as Word or PowerPoint:
1. In the Graph menu, click Copy graph.
2. Open the destination file.
3. In the destination file, right click and select Paste.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 63

3.5. Programming the Data Logger

3.5.1. Setup

1. Quick Setup

Use the Setup wizard to guide you through the setup process.
1. Click the Setup wizard icon on the main toolbar to launch the setup

process for the data logger. The MultiLogPRO Setup icon is .

The USB Link Setup icon is :

Figure 12: Setup wizard step 1 of 3

The first step is to assign sensors to each input. If you are working
with the data logger in Auto ID mode, the sensors are selected
automatically as you plug them in to the data logger. Otherwise, you
can manually select the sensors you are using from the corresponding
input drop down menus.
2. Click Next to move to the second step:

Figure 13: Setup wizard step 2 of 3

64 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

3. Select the desired recording rate in the Select rate drop down
4. Select the Scroll option if you want the graph window to scroll as
the data recording progresses.

5. Select the desired data recording mode in the Select recording

mode drop down menu.

6. Click Next to move to the third step:

Figure 14: Setup wizard step 3 of 3

7. Select the desired length of the recording period in the Select

recording time drop down menu.
The recording period is displayed as a unit of time by default. To
display the recording period as the number of recording samples,
select the By samples option. The number of samples is calculated
with the following formula:
Total recording samples = Recording rate × Recording period
8. To start the data recording only when a specific time or
measurement condition has been met click Triggering to open the
triggering dialog box (see page 68).
9. Click Finish to complete the setup and to send the setup command
to the data logger.

2. Defining Sensor Properties

Some of the sensors can produce more than one measurement. For example, the
distance sensor measures distance, but MultiLab also calculates the velocity and
acceleration of the measured body in real-time. MultiLab automatically displays the
basic measurement of distance, but enables you to display any combination of
distance, velocity and acceleration. Other sensors may only give one measurement,
but can display the data in different units. For example, the acceleration sensor can
display the acceleration in multiples of the gravity acceleration, or in the standard unit
m .

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 65

The Distance and Force sensors properties include definition of the positive direction
and the distance sensor properties enable online averaging as this sensor is
comparatively noisy.
You can define the properties of each sensor individually in the first step of the Setup
wizard, or by selecting Calibrate sensors from the Logger menu.
1. Click Setup Wizard on the main toolbar to open the Setup wizard

2. Click Properties next to the input you want to set.

3. Click the check boxes next to the desired measurements.
4. To change more properties, click the corresponding tab at the top of
the dialog box.

5. Click OK.

3. Setting the Zero Point of a Sensor

MultiLab enables you to rescale some sensors and to set the current readings to zero
for subsequent loggings. This feature applies to the following sensors:

• Distance

• Force

• Magnetic field

• Light sensors

• Pressure sensors

To set the current readings of a sensor to zero:

1. Click Setup Wizard on the main toolbar to open the Setup Wizard.

2. Click Properties next to the input you want to set.

3. Click the Set Zero tab.

4. Check the Set the current reading to zero checkbox.

5. Click OK.
6. Click Finish
MultiLab takes a single measurement and set the reading to zero.
To change the zero point:
1. Click Setup Wizard on the main toolbar to open the Setup Wizard.

2. Click Properties next to the input you want to set.

3. Click the Set Zero tab.

4. Click Reset zero.

66 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

5. Click OK.

6. Click Finish.
To return to the default zero point:
1. Click Setup Wizard on the main toolbar to open the Setup Wizard.

2. Click Properties next to the input you want to set.

3. Click the Set Zero tab.

4. Uncheck the Set the current reading to zero checkbox.

5. Click OK.

6. Click Finish.

4. Presetting the Display

You may want to define the graph’s settings, such as formatting and scaling the
graph and selecting the axes, and to define the meters’ settings prior to beginning a
recording session. You can define the settings of each sensor input individually in the
first step of the Setup Wizard:
1. Click Setup Wizard on the main toolbar to open the Setup Wizard.

2. Click Properties next to the input you want to set.

3. Click the Display properties tab.

4. Select a measurement from the Select measurement drop down

5. Select the graph or graphs in which you would like to display the
data, from the Display on graph drop down menu.

6. Select a meter in the Meter type drop list if you want to display the
data in a meter as well as on the graph.

7. Format the line and markers in the Plot section.

8. If you want a specific scale, uncheck the Auto scale checkbox and
enter the desired minimum and maximum values of the axis.

9. Click OK.

5. Presetting the Graph’s X-axis

1. Click X-Axis display properties in the first step of the Setup Wizard
to open the dialog box:

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 67

Figure 15: X-axis properties dialog box

2. Select the graph you wish to modify.

3. Select the measurement you’d like to display on the X-axis.
4. If you want a specific scale, uncheck the Auto scale check box and
enter the minimum and maximum values of the axis.

5. Click OK.

6. Triggering

To start the data recording only when a specific time or measurement condition has
been met, click Triggering in step 3 of the Setup Wizard to open the triggering dialog

Figure 16: Triggering dialog box

1. Select the triggering sensor in the Based on sensor drop down


2. Choose one of the following from the Type options:

a) None - Trigger is disabled

68 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

b) Above level - Start logging only once the measured
value is higher than the trigger level.

c) Below level - Start logging only once the measured

value is lower than the trigger level.

d) Event Recording - This function enables you to

record the exact time and date at which a certain
phenomenon occurs: The trigger level set for this
option is actually a threshold setting. Each time the
threshold is crossed, the data logger will record the
exact time and date of the occurrence, and will
continue to do so until the desired number of samples
has been obtained.
Note: The trigger acts on analog measurements only (not on the Distance sensor).
The trigger condition must be fulfilled for at least 300 μS.

e) Control Level - The Control Level trigger allows you

to create an automatic sense & control system. This
means that you can connect a sensor measuring a
certain phenomenon (for example, temperature) and
connect a device that will start operating when the
recorded data from the sensor falls above or below a
certain level (for example, a fan that will start
operating when the temperature measured by the
sensor rises above 30 °C). This function requires the
use of a Splitter cable and a Control sensor. The
cable divides each input into a sensor cable and a
controller cable. After setting the control level and
starting the data logging process, the sensor will
sample and record the data as usual. However, when
the measurement from the sensor rises above the
predetermined threshold value, the controller cable
will send a pulse of 5 V to the Control sensor, and will
continue to do so until the sensor measures a value
below the threshold level. When receiving the 5 V
pulse, the Control sensor will close/open a relay
capable of switching 110/220 V to any load.

f) Time delay - This trigger type enables you to set a

timer that will start the logging after a predetermined
amount of time. After setting the trigger to Timer
Delay, click the down arrow on the Level combo-box,
and select from the 17 different time options. The
timer will start its countdown when you click RUN, and
the actual recording will start once the countdown has
3. Select the trigger level in the Level drop down menu.

4. Click OK.
Note: When you turn off the MultiLogPRO, it will save the setup for the next session.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 69

3.5.2. Start Recording

Click Run on the main toolbar. Click the down arrow to change the
recording mode.

3.5.3. Stop Recording

Click Stop on the main toolbar.

3.5.4. Clear MultiLogPRO’s Memory

To erase all experiment data currently stored in the MultiLogPRO, click Clear
memory in the Logger menu.
Note: This function is not relevant for the USB Link as it doesn’t have onboard

3.5.5. Edit MultiLogPRO’s Experiment Notes

1. Connect MultiLogPRO to the PC.

2. Select Edit notes from the Logger menu to open the Notes dialog
box with the MultiLogPRO’s current experiment’s notes downloaded
to the window.

Figure 17: Edit experiment notes dialog box

3. From this dialog box, you can edit, delete, or write new notes.
Note: An experiment note is limited to 140 characters and a maximum of 5 notes can
be stored in MultiLogPRO at any time.
4. Use the arrow buttons to move to the next note, or to the previous

5. Click OK to upload the edited notes to MultiLogPRO.

70 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

3.5.6. Calibrating the Sensors
MultiLab enables you to calibrate any of the sensors manually. This calibration is
much more accurate than the calibration performed by MultiLogPRO or USB Link.
With MultiLab, you can calibrate the sensor using two points instead of the one point
automatic offset calibration used by the data logger:
1. Connect the data logger to the PC.

2. Select the Calibrate sensors option from the Logger menu.

3. Choose a sensor from the Select sensor drop down menu and click

4. Click the Calibration tab.

5. Enter a distinct real value in each of the Real Value edit boxes and
the corresponding measured values in each of the Measured Value
edit boxes (The measured values are the values displayed by
MultiLab when measuring the two real values).

6. Click OK.
The calibrated sensor parameters will be saved, so there is no need to calibrate the
data logger every time you run the MultiLab program.
To reset to the default calibration for any sensor, select the sensor and click Restore

3.5.7. Define a Custom Sensor

Ordinarily, you will not need to use this option, but MultiLab enables the user to
define additional custom sensors. This is a useful tool for when the data logger is
communicating with many sensors from different vendors. See section 6.3 on page
135 for a list of supported sensors.
Any additional sensor that you would like to connect to MultiLogPRO or USB Link
must comply with the following restrictions:
• The sensor’s output must be greater than or equal to 0V and less than or
equal to 5V. Remember that all sensors transform actual data into electrical
data, so the electrical output should remain between 0 and 5 V.
• The sensor Transfer Function (sensor output voltage changes vs. the sampled
phenomenon changes) must be a linear Transfer Function.
• The sensor must have a code resistor in order to be automatically identified. If
the sensor does not have a code resistor, you will have to work in 8 inputs
mode and select the sensor manually.
To determine whether your sensor has a code resistor or not, simply plug it in to
the data logger (while in Auto ID mode) and see if MultiLogPRO displays the
setup menu and the sensor name.
Refer to the appendix to learn how to add a code resistor to your custom sensor.
To define a new sensor:
1. Connect the data logger to the PC.

2. Select Define new sensor from the Logger menu to open the
Define new sensor dialog box:

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 71

Figure 18: Define new sensor dialog box

3. Click Add New Sensor.

4. Type a sensor name and a sensor unit into the relevant fields.
5. Type in two calibration values (two real values and the
corresponding output voltages of the sensor).
6. Click OK.

3.5.8. Communication Setup

MultiLogPRO communicates with the MultiLab software via a serial or USB
communication port, and the USB Link communicates via the USB port only. Some
users may find it difficult to select the correct port, in which case MultiLab can
perform an automatic port selection, and can also report on the status of all available

Automatic COM Port recognition

The computer may have several communication ports. One of these ports is usually
available for external communication. It is not necessary to know which port is
available, since MultiLab will find it for you:
1. Connect the communication cable from the data logger to one of the
computer COM port connectors.
2. Turn on the data logger and launch the MultiLab software.
MultiLab automatically attempts to communicate with the data logger. Once
communication is established, MultiLab reports the connection in the status bar at the
bottom of the application window.
If communication fails:

Working in Windows OS
1. Select Comm Setup from the Logger menu. MultiLab will display a
dialog box reporting what COM ports are already in use, and which
port is recommended for use with the MultiLogPRO or USB Link:

72 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

Figure 19: Communication setup dialog box (Windows)

2. Click Try to connect and MultiLab will try to communicate with the
logger. If communication is achieved, MultiLab will designate the
selected port as the specific logger’s communication port.
You can override the MultiLab recommendation and choose the COM port yourself
by clicking the checkbox button to the left of the desired port, and clicking Try to
Note: In the event of any communication malfunction, please refer to 4.1:
Troubleshooting Guide.
3. You can click Work offline if you wish to work without the logger.
While working offline, you can still open saved files to view and
analyze them.
Working in Mac OS
1. Select Comm Setup from the Logger menu. MultiLab will display a
dialog box listing the available ports:

Figure 20: Communication setup dialog box (Mac OS)

2. Select a port from the drop down menu.

3. Click Try to connect and MultiLab will try to communicate with the
data logger. Once communication is established, MultiLab reports
the connection in the status bar at the bottom of the application

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 73

4. Click Cancel if you wish to work without the data logger. While
working offline, you can still open saved files to view and analyze
Note: MultiLab for MAC does not support the USB Link at this time.

3.6. Analyzing the Data

3.6.1. Reading Data Point Coordinates

Position the cursor (see page 54) on a point to display its coordinates on the
information bar at the bottom of the graph window.
If more than one curve is displayed, and you want to read the Y- coordinates of all of
the curves simultaneously, bring up digital meters (see page 61) for each of the
curves. When you position a cursor on one curve, the meters will show the
corresponding Y-coordinates for the other curves.

3.6.2. Reading the Difference between two Coordinate Values

Position one cursor on the first point and a second cursor on the second point to
display the difference between the two coordinate values on the information bar at
the bottom of the graph window.

3.6.3. Working with the Analysis Tools

The analysis tools can only be applied to data sets that are displayed in the graph
1. Use the cursors (see page 54) to select the graph and the data
range to which you want to apply the analysis.
2. Select the analysis function you wish to use.
The analysis function will be added onto the graph, with the exception of the
smoothing (averaging) function, which will replace the original data set.
To measure and analyze time events with photogates use the Timing Wizard (see
page 98).

3.6.4. Smoothing
The smoothing tool is very useful in reducing random noises, especially if you want to
apply any analysis functions to the data. The smoothing process replaces every data
point with the average of its neighboring points.
1. Use the cursor to select the graph that you want to smooth.

2. Click More smoothing on the graph toolbar.

3. You can repeat the procedure to further smooth the data.

4. Click Less smoothing to reduce the amount of smoothing.

74 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

3.6.5. Statistics
Use the statistics tool to display statistics of a selected data set or a range of data.
The statistics include:
Average The average of all the numbers in the range
Median The median is the number in the middle of a set of numbers; that is, half
the numbers have values that are greater than the median, and half
have values that are less. If there is an even number of numbers in the
set, then Median calculates the average of the two numbers in the
StDev. The standard deviation
Minimum The smallest value in the range
Maximum The largest value in the range
Sum Adds all the numbers in the range
Area The area between the graph and the x-axis in the range
Samples The number of data points in the range
Rate The recording rate

To display statistics:
1. Use the cursors to select the graph and the data range to which you
want to apply the statistics.
2. Click Analysis on the menu bar, and then click Statistics.
MultiLab will open a statistics window and will display the results in it.

3.6.6. Most Common Analysis Functions

1. Linear Fit

Click Linear Fit on the main toolbar to draw a line of linear least square fit
y = ax + b

and to display the line’s equation.

Note: If you want the automatic curve fit equation to start at t = 0 , apply the crop tool
before applying the linear fit (see page 98).

2. Derivative

Click Derivative on the main toolbar to construct a graph in which each point is
the slope of the three consecutive points on the source graph.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 75

3. Integral

Choose Integral from the Analysis menu to construct a graph in which each point is
the integral of all the preceding points on the source graph.

3.6.7. The Analysis Wizard

1. Using the Analysis Wizard

The analysis wizard will guide you through the various analysis functions available in
the MultiLab program. The analysis functions are grouped into three main categories:
curve fit (regression), averaging, and mathematical and trigonometric functions.
To apply an analysis function to a data set:
1. Use the cursors to select the graph or data range to which you
would like to apply the analysis (optional – you can select the
desired data set directly from the Analysis Wizard).

2. Click Analysis Wizard on the main toolbar.

3. Click a category tab:

a) Curve fit

b) Averaging

c) Functions

2. Curve Fit

Figure 21: Analysis wizard – curve fit

1. Select a fit type by clicking its icon (If you choose polynomial fit,
select the order you want).

76 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

2. If you use the cursor to select a data set, it will be highlighted in the
Based on data set list, but you have the option of selecting a
different data set.
3. Type a name in the Name box (optional - the default name includes
both the function and the data set names).

4. Click the Show equation on graph check box to display the line’s
equation on the information bar.
5. Click the Show R2 on graph check box to display the correlation
coefficient on the information bar.
6. Click OK.

Note: If you want the automatic curve fit equation to start at t = 0 , apply the crop tool
before any type of curve fitting (see page 98).

3. Averaging

Figure 22: Analysis wizard – averaging

1. If you use the cursor to select a data set, it will be highlighted in the
Based on data set list, but you have the option of selecting a
different data set.
2. Select an averaging option (if you choose custom averaging,
choose the number of averaging points in the Points box).
3. Enter a name in the Name box (optional - the default name include
both the function and the data set names).

4. Select an Open option.

5. Click OK.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 77

4. Functions

Figure 23: Analysis wizard – functions

1. Select a function from the Functions list. MultiLab displays the

function’s formula at the bottom of the dialog box.
2. If you use the cursor to select a data set, it will be highlighted in the
G1 drop down menu, but you have the option of selecting a different
data set.
Tip: To create a function whose independent variable is time (e.g. to fit a
mathematical function to a data series), select a time series from the G1 drop down
menu. If there are several plots on the graph the list includes a separate time series
for each plot as the number of data point may vary from plot to plot.
3. If the analysis function involves two data sets, select the second
data or time series set from the G2 drop down menu.
4. To synchronize the Y – Scale with one of the plots on the graph,
check the Synchronize scale with checkbox and select the
appropriate plot from the adjacent drop down menu.

5. Enter a constant in each of the A, B and C boxes (optional, the

default values are one for a coefficient and zero for a free term).

6. Enter a name in the Name box (optional – the default name includes
both the function’s formula and the data set name).
7. Enter a unit (optional).

8. Select an Open option.

9. Click OK.

78 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

5. Editing a Function

MultiLab enables you to edit the functions parameters as well as its name and units
after you have displayed it on the graph. The Edit function command is enabled for
all the analysis functions created in the current session and is disabled when you
open a stored file.
To edit the function:
1. Right click the function's icon in the Data Map to open a context

2. Click Edit function to open the Function dialog.

3. Enter the new parameters.

4. Click OK.

3.6.8. Available Analysis Tools

This section includes a brief description of each of MultiLab’s analysis functions.
For time, velocity and acceleration analysis see also the Timing Wizard on page 98.

1. Curve Fit

Linear y = ax + b

Draws a line of linear least square fit.

Polynomial y = a 0 x n + a1 x n −1 + L + a n
Draws a line of polynomial least square fit (you must select an order
between 1 and 6.)

Power y=
Draws a line of power least square fit.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 79

Exponential y = ae bx

Draws a line of exponential least square fit.

MultiLab displays the curve fit equation and the correlation coefficient (R2) on the
information bar below the graph.

2. Averaging

The average function replaces every point with the average of n neighboring points
from both sides of the point.
Low averaging: n = 5 , Medium averaging: n = 11 , High averaging: n = 41 .

3. Functions

In the formulas below, G1 and G2 represent selected data sets or time series, and A,
B and C are constants that you can enter.

Absolute y = A BG1

Draws a line of the absolute values of a data set.

Add y = AG1 + BG2

Draws a line of the addition of two data sets.

Arccosine y = A arccos( BG1 )

Draws a line of the arccosine values of a data set (in radians).
Arccosine is the angle whose cosine is BG1 . The argument BG1
must be between –1 and 1.

Arcsine y = A arcsin( BG1 )

Draws a line of the arcsine values of a data set in radians. Arcsine is
the angle whose sine is BG1 . The argument BG1 must be between –
1 and 1.

Cosine y = A cos( BG1 + C )

Draws a line of the cosine values of a data set. The argument
BG1 + C must be expressed in radians.

Delta Y y = G1 − G1 (t = 0)
Draws a line of the difference between the Y-coordinate of every
point and Y-coordinate of the first point. Use this function to move the
data set along the Y-axis so that the point will intersect the Y- axis at
the origin.

80 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

y n +1 − y n −1 1
Derivative yn = , Δt =
2Δt sampling rate
Draws a line of the slopes of every three consecutive points of a data
set. For high recording rates and small Δt, this line may be very noisy,
which is why smoothing the data set is recommended before applying
the derivative function.

Divide y=
Draws a line of the division of two data sets

(lower) Lower envelope of G1 with tolerance of A points

Draws a line that connects the minimum values of a data set. The
tolerance defines the minimum distance (in sampling points) between
two minima, so that the envelope function is able to ignore random

(upper) Upper envelope of G1 with tolerance of A points

Draws a line that connects the maximum values of a data set. The
tolerance defines the minimum distance (in sampling points) between
two maxima, so that the envelope function will be able to ignore
random noises.

Exp. y = Ae BG1 + C

Draws a line of e raised to the power of a data set.

transform Discrete Fourier transform of G1.

Draws a line of the amplitudes of the harmonics of Fourier transform

vs. frequency.

Frequency The frequency of G1 (minimum of A points in one cycle).

Draws a line of the frequency of a periodic data set vs. time. The
constant A defines the minimum data points in one cycle.

Integral y = A + B ∑ G1 Δt
Draws a line in which each point is the discrete integral of all the
preceding points in a data set.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 81

Kinetic 1
y= A(G1 ) 2
Draws a line of the kinetic energy of a data set. The argument G1
must be the velocity of the body, and the constant C1 must be the
mass of the body.

Linear y = AG1 + B
Draws a line of a linear displacement of a data set. This function is
useful when you want to change the point of origin of a data set.

Ln y = A ln( BG1 )
Draws a line of the natural logarithm of a data set. The argument
BG1 must be positive.

Log y = A log10 ( BG1 )

Draws a line of the logarithm of a data set to base 10. The argument
BG1 must be positive.

Multiply y = AG1 ⋅ BG2

Draws a line of the multiplication of two data sets

y = AG1 + BG1 + C

Draws a line of the quadratic form of a data set.

Reciprocal A
y= +C
(1/X) G1 + B
Draws a line of the reciprocal values of a data set.

Sine y = A sin( BG1 + C )

Draws a line of the sine values of a data set. The argument BG1 + C
must be expressed in radians.

Square (X2) y = A( BG1 ) 2

Draws a line of the squares of a data set.

82 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

Square root y = A BG1 + C
Draws a line of the square root values of a data set: The argument
C 2 G1 must be greater than or equal to zero.

Subtract y = AG1 − BG2

Draws a line the subtraction of two data sets.

Tan y = A tan( BG1 + C )

Draws a line of the tangent values of a data set. The argument
BG1 + C must be expressed in radians.

3.6.9. Online Analysis

MultiLab enables you to analyze data from a live experiment and to display the
analysis function in the graph window, as the data is being recorded and processed.
To execute online analysis, you will first have to use the Analysis Wizard to define
the function to be used, and then edit the graph in order to display the function (see
page 56).
For example, here is how to set up an online envelope (amplitude) function of data,
recorded with a Voltage sensor connected to Input 1:

1. Click Analysis Wizard on the main toolbar to open the

Analysis Wizard dialog box:

Figure 24: Analysis Wizard – online functions

2. Select Envelope (upper) from the Functions list.

3. Select Input 1: Voltage from the G1 drop down menu.

4. Click OK.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 83

5. Click Edit graph on the graph toolbar to open the Graph edit
dialog box:

Figure 25: Using graph edit dialog to display online functions

6. In the Y-Axis list click Input 1: Voltage to select it and then click
Online function: Envelope (upper) to select it.
7. If there are other highlighted data sets in the Y-Axis list, deselect
them by clicking on them.
8. Click OK.

9. Click Run on the main toolbar to start recording. MultiLab will

display the original data readings coming from Input 1, as well as the
data processed by the analysis function:

Figure 26: Online envelope function

84 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

The online analysis function will still be active in subsequent recordings.
To remove the online functions, click Analysis on the menu bar and then click Clear
online functions.

3.6.10. Manual Curve Fitting

The manual curve fit tool enables you to draw a mathematical curve, to change the
curve’s parameters until it fits into data set, and to display the resulting equation.
There are four types of mathematical curves you can draw:

Linear y = At + B

Draws a straight line.

Quadratic y = A(t − B) 2 + C
Draws a parabola.

Exponential y = Ae Bt + C

Draws an exponential line.

Power y = At B + C

Draws a line of the time raised to the power of a number from –5 to 5.

Note: If you want the curve fit equation to start at t = 0 , apply the crop tool before
any type of curve fitting (see page 98).

To apply manual curve fit:

1. Click on the Analysis menu, then click Manual curve fit to display
the Manual curve fit dialog box.
2. To select a data set for display on the X-axis, click on the data set’s
name in the X-axis list.
3. To select a data set to display on the Y-axis, click on the data set’s
name in the Y-axis list.

4. Click OK. MultiLab will display the Manual curve fit toolbox at the
bottom of the graph window:

Figure 27: Manual curve fit toolbox

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 85

5. Choose one of the four curves by clicking its icon in the toolbox.
6. Use the sliders to change the A, B and C parameters until the new
curve fits the sampled curve.
7. The lower and upper limits of each sliding bar are located on the
sliding bar’s left and right ends, respectively. You can change the
limit values by clicking a limit box, and typing in your new value.
MultiLab will display the resulting equation on the information bar at the bottom of the

8. Click Add to project in the toolbox to add the curve to the


9. To close the manual curve fit toolbox click Exit in the toolbox.

3.7. Video Motion Analyzer

3.7.1. Overview
MultiLab’s Video Motion Analyzer enables you to capture position and time from
video movies, convert this to data sets and analyze the data with all of MultiLab’s
analysis tools the same way you would analyze data from the data logger. You can
capture one-body motion or two-body motion. You can select the origin and rotate
the coordinate system.
With the Video Motion Analyzer you can also capture video movies either directly
from video camera connected to the computer or from an external video source such
as VCR.

3.7.2. Getting Started

1. Video Motion Analyzer Basics

Open the Video Motion Analyzer module

Click Video Analysis on the main toolbar

Open a movie from MultiLab’s movie library or capture a new movie

Capture position and time
• Scaling – Scale the video to the real world dimensions
• Coordinate system – Set origin and axes direction
• Step – Set the number of frames you will capture position and time
• Marking – Mark the position of the body on the frames. MultiLab will
automatically convert it to numerical data

86 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

Analyze the data
The captured data is automatically displayed in the graph and table windows.
Analyze it as you would normally with MultiLab’s projects.

2. Saving a New Movie

1. After you have finished capturing a new video movie click Analyze

movie to begin capturing position and time.

2. MultiLab prompts to save the movie.
3. Type a name in the File name box and click Save.

3. Opening a Stored Movie

1. Click Video Analysis on the main toolbar.

2. Click Open Movie on the Video Motion Analyzer toolbar (lower

3. Double click the movie you want to open.

4. Saving a Video Motion Analyzer Project

1. Click Save on the main toolbar.

2. Type a name in the File name box and click Save.

5. Opening a Video Motion Analyzer Project

1. Click Video Analysis on the main toolbar.

2. Click Open on the main toolbar.

3. Double click the Project you want to open.

3.7.3. Capturing a New Movie

There are two basic options for capturing video onto your computer from:
• A device attached to your computer

• An external source through a video capture board

1. From a Device Attached to your Computer

From a device attached to your computer (such as a Web cam), you can capture
video directly from the camera to your computer. Web cams are intended primarily to

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 87

feed video over some connection (the Internet, for example). They generally produce
lower video quality. With a Web cam, you can only record when the Web cam is
attached to the computer. If quality and versatility are not your main concern, this
may be the best solution for you.

To capture video from a Web cam:

1. Connect the Web cam to the computer.
2. Click Video on the menu bar, and then click Enable video.

3. Click Video Analysis on the main toolbar to open the Video

Motion Analyzer module.

4. Click Capture new movie on the Video Motion Analyzer


5. To begin recording click Record on the Capture new movie


6. To finish recording click Stop .

7. Click Analyze movie to begin capturing position and time.

8. MultiLab prompts to save the movie before processing it.

2. From an External Source through a Video Board

Many video capture boards offer video-in/video-out features. A video capture card
can be used with a wide variety of video sources and through a number of digital
connections. Video from a VCR or video camera can be captured through video-out

To capture video from a videotape through a VCR:

1. Insert the tape into the VCR. Go to the point you want to capture
and then stop the tape.

2. Find the video-out on the back of the VCR and connect one end of
the appropriate cable. Connect the other end of the cable to the
video-in on your video capture board.

3. Click Video on the menu bar, and then click Enable video.

4. Click Video Analysis on the main toolbar to open the Video

Motion Analyzer module.

5. Click Capture new movie on the Video Motion Analyzer


88 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

6. To begin capturing click Record on the Capture new movie
7. Play the video. Make sure that you start the video after you start the
capture to make sure nothing gets cut off from the beginning.

8. To finish capturing stop the VCR and click Stop .

9. Click Analyze movie to begin capturing position and time.

MultiLab prompts to save the movie before processing it.

3.7.4. Capturing Position and Time

1. Scaling

In order to scale your project you must tell MultiLab the real world dimensions. When
you film a new movie make sure to measure the dimension of a dominant object in
the frame. Try to find an object that's dimensions are in the magnitude of the whole
Scaling is done in two steps – you need to mark the object in the video frame and to
type in the real dimensions:

1. Click scale on the Video Motion Analyzer toolbar to open the

Scale dialog:

2. Click one end of the scaling object.

3. Click the body’s other end.
MultiLab will display two markers on the points you clicked.
4. You can drag the markers to change their position.

5. Type in the body’s actual dimension in the Actual dimension edit

box (in cm).

6. Click OK.

You can change the scaling anytime by clicking Scale and repeating the

2. Set Coordinate System

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 89

To set the coordinate system you must specify the origin position and the x axis
direction. You can do it either by a click of the mouse or by entering it manually to the
coordinate system dialog.
Unless you specify otherwise MultiLab will use its default: the origin is in the lower left
side of the frame and the axes are parallel to the window’s sides.

Set origin

1. Click Set origin on the Video Motion Analyzer toolbar to open

the Coordinate system dialog:

2. Click a point in the frame where you want the origin to be.
MultiLab automatically updates the X and Y origin coordinates edit
boxes and moves the axes on the frame to the new origin.
3. You can move the origin by clicking another point in the frame.
4. You can enter the origin coordinates manually by typing them in the
corresponding edit boxes (in pixels).

5. You can type in the x axis direction (in degrees) in the X axis
direction edit box.
6. Click OK.

Set X-axis direction

1. Click Rotate origin on the Video Motion Analyzer toolbar to

open the Coordinate system dialog:

2. Click a point in the frame where you want the x axis to be placed.

90 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

MultiLab automatically updates the X axis direction edit box and
rotates the axes on the frame to the new direction.
3. You can keep rotating the axes by clicking another point in the

4. You can type in the x axis direction (in degrees) in the X axis
direction edit box.
5. You can change the origin coordinates by typing them the X and Y
origin coordinates edit boxes (in pixels).

6. Click OK.
You can change the coordinate system origin and direction anytime by clicking Set

origin or Rotate origin and repeating the procedure.

3. Set Step

In the marking process, MultiLab automatically steps the video to the next frame
every time you click to add a marker.
To change the step to more then one frame at a time:
1. Click Video analysis on the menu bar and click Frame transition
to open the Frame transition dialog:

2. In the Step edit box, type in the number of frames you want
MultiLab to advance in one step.

3. Click OK.

4. Mark the Video

One-body motion

1. Click Play on the Video Motion Analyzer toolbar and observe

the motion.

2. Decide what will be the marking point – the exact point on the
moving object that you want to mark.
Tip: Try to choose a clear and sharp point that is visible throughout the entire movie

3. Click Go to first to roll the film back to the beginning.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 91

4. Click Next frame until you reach the frame with which you want
to start the capture.

5. Click the marking point on the moving object.

MultiLab automatically marks the point on the screen and creates two new data sets
(one for x coordinates and one for y coordinates). It then adds the point’s coordinates
and time to the corresponding data sets and updates both the graph and the table,
then automatically moves to the next frame.
Note: You don’t see the mark because the display had already moved to the next
6. Continue clicking the marking point on every frame until you
capture all the data you need or until the video doesn’t step
Observe that the graph and table are updated with each mouse click.
Note: In order for MultiLab to automatically move to the next step after one mouse
click, the Consecutive option in two-body motion must be selected (the default

Two-body motion
Use the left mouse button to mark the first body and the right mouse button to mark
the second body.
You can mark two-body motion in two ways: simultaneously or consecutively. In the
simultaneous method you mark the two bodies alternately on every step of the
marking process. In the consecutive method you finish marking the whole motion of
the first body and then repeat the process with the second body.
Simultaneous marking
1. Click Video Analysis on the menu bar, point to Two-body motion,
and then click Simultaneous.
2. Proceed as in one body motion except that in step 5 right click to
mark the first body and left click to mark the second body.
MultiLab waits for both right and left mouse clicks before moving to the
next frame.
3. Keep clicking alternately with the right and left mouse button at
every step.
Consecutive marking
1. Click Video Analysis on the menu bar, point to Two-body motion,
and then click Consecutive.
2. Proceed as in one body motion until you finish marking the first

3. Click Go to first to roll the film back to the beginning.

4. Click Next frame until you see a marker on the first body.
5. Right click the second body to mark it.
6. Keep right clicking on every step to mark the second body’s track.

92 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

Viewing markings
You can view the markings frame by frame. You can also view the markings on the
video in parallel with the graph’s cursor so that the marker and the cursor are
To view just the markings:

Use the Next frame and Previous frame buttons on the Video Motion
Analyzer toolbar to view the desired frame.

To view the markings in parallel with the cursor:

1. Display the cursor on the graph.
MultiLab automatically displays the corresponding frame with the

2. To scroll through the frames you can either use the Next frame

and Previous frame buttons on the Video Motion Analyzer

toolbar or drag the cursor on the graph or use the left and right arrow
keys on the keyboard.

Editing the data

You can change the position of the marker at a specific frame. MultiLab will
automatically update the corresponding point in the data set.
1. Display the frame you want to edit.
2. Click and drag the marker to the new position.

Erasing markings
You can erase a marker from a specific frame. MultiLab will automatically delete the
corresponding point in the data set.
1. Display the frame you want to edit.

2. Click Delete point on the Video Motion Analyzer toolbar.

3. Click the marker.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 93

5. Changing the Colors of the Marker and the Axes

1. Click Color settings on the Video Motion Analyzer toolbar to

open a dialog:

2. Select the desired colors.

3. Click OK.
To restore default colors click Restore defaults.

3.7.5. Analyzing the Data

Once you have finished capturing position and time you can apply MultiLab’s
analysis tools to the data. MultiLab converts the body’s track into two data sets X
position (x coordinates) and Y position. By default the two data sets are displayed in
the graph as a function of the time, but you can use the edit graph tool to display the
track (Y vs. X).
In Video Motion Analyzer mode the video is usually displayed in the main window. To
display the graph in the main window select View selection from the View menu.
Before applying analysis functions you may find it helpful to smooth the data with the
smoothing tool on the graph toolbar.
At anytime you can change the origin and direction of the coordinates system
You can also change the coordinates of individual points by relocating them on the
video frame.

94 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

3.8. Workbook

3.8.1. Working with Workbook

The Workbook is an online library of experiment manuals called worksheets that
appear in the format of a Web page. Each worksheet includes an experiment
template that automatically configures both MultiLab and the data logger at the push
of a button. To begin recording, all you need to do is click Run.
Every time you run an experiment from a worksheet, MultiLab opens a new project
file with the same predefined setup.

You can use Fourier-produced worksheets, or create your own. You can also modify
Fourier’s existing worksheets to meet your own specifications.

3.8.2. Opening a Worksheet

1. Click Workbook on the menu bar, and then click Open worksheet.
2. Navigate to the folder in which the worksheet is stored.
3. Double click the file name to open the worksheet.

Figure 28: Worksheet

4. Follow the on-screen instructions and use the scroll bar, hyperlinks
and the Back and Forward buttons to navigate throughout the

5. Click Launch to configure MultiLab and the data logger.

6. Click Close to return to MultiLab.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 95

7. Click Run on the main toolbar to begin recording.

3.8.3. Create Your Own Worksheet

Creating a worksheet consist of two steps. First, create an HTML document using
your HTML editor (For example, Word or Front Page). This file should include the
Lab manual and the experiment instructions (see below). The second step is to use
the MultiLab software to create a configuration file, which is a file that will store the
specific settings you wish to define for the experiment. These include the
MultiLogPRO or USB Link setup, MultiLab’s layout, the recording mode, the graph
format desired, special preset graph scaling, sensors measurement, etc.

1. Create an HTML Document with Word

Create a new Web page

1. Open Word.

2. In the File menu, click New.

3. Do one of the following:

• On the General tab, click Web Page to open a blank Web page.

• On the Web Pages tab, click the template that you would like to
base your Web page on.
4. Enter your texts and pictures.
5. Click Save on the toolbar.
6. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Fourier Systems\MultiLab\Workbook.
7. Click Save.

Create a Web page from an existing Word document

1. Open the existing file with Word.

2. In the File menu, click Save as Web Page.

3. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Fourier Systems\MultiLab\Workbook.
4. Click Save.

2. Create a Configuration File

1. Open the MultiLab program.

2. Click Workbook on the menu bar, and then click create new
3. Double click the file you want to configure to open it:

96 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

Figure 29: Creating a worksheet

4. Click Enter experiment settings to open the Setup wizard.

5. Use the Setup Wizard to preset MultiLab and data logger just as
with the normal setup process (see page 64).
6. When you’ve finished entering the settings, click Finish to update
the worksheet.
7. Click OK.

8. Click Close.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 97

3.9. Special Tools

3.9.1. Predicting
The Predict tool enables you to draw predictions directly on the graph, prior to
displaying the real data:

1. Click Run on the main toolbar to start recording.

2. Click Pause/Continue on the graph toolbar to freeze the

Data transmitted from the data logger while the graph is frozen, is
stored onto the PC but is not displayed.
3. Click on the end of the curve and move the mouse according to your
predictions. Click to draw a straight-line segment. Move the mouse
again and click where you want the second segment to end, and so

4. Click Add prediction on the graph toolbar to create another


5. Click Pause/Continue a second time to resume live data

display and to compare your predictions with the real data.

3.9.2. The Timing Wizard

1. Overview

The Timing Wizard enables you to easily measure and calculate many types of time
events, including velocity and acceleration with one or two photogates.
Connect one photogate to input 1 or connect two photogates to input 1 and input 2 of
the MultiLogPRO or USB Link and perform the experiment. The Timing Wizard will
then guide you through the analysis.
With the Timing Wizard you can measure sequences of time events at gate one
and/or at gate two, or time events between the two gates. MultiLab can then
calculate the velocity and acceleration. Special options make it easy to measure
velocities in collisions and the time period of a pendulum or any other oscillating
The Timing Wizard can handle multiple events. For example, when a body is
crossing a photogate several times, applying the Timing Wizard will result in a series
of measurements that match the number of crossings.
Note: If you wish to measure fast timing events with photogates only use
MultiLogPRO's accurate timer module (see page 45).

98 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

2. Working with the Timing Wizard

1. Display the data that you wish to analyze in the graph window.

2. Click Analysis on the menu bar, then click Timing Wizard to open
step 1 of the Timing Wizard dialog:

3. Click an option to select measurement: Time, Velocity or

4. Click Next to move to step 2:

5. Click an option to select the measuring method.

6. If required enter the body’s width, or the distance between the gates
in cm in the appropriate edit box (in velocity and acceleration
measurements only).

7. Click Finish to display the results.

8. If you want to change the method or measurement, click Back to
return to the Timing Wizard. To exit the Timing Wizard click OK.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 99

3. Measuring Methods

The Timing Wizard offers you various methods of analyzing the different
measurements. In some measurements you will be asked to enter the dimension of
the moving body, or the distance between the two photogates to allow for the
calculation of velocity and acceleration.
The methods depend on the selected measurement:


• At one gate
Measures the time it takes the
body to cross the photogate
(between blocking and
unblocking the infrared beam).

• Between gates
Measures the time it takes the
body to move from one
photogate to the second
photogate (between blocking
the first and blocking the
second infrared beams).

• Pendulum
Measures the time period of an
oscillating body (the time
interval between the first and
the third blockings of the


• At one gate
Measures the time it takes the
body to cross the photogate
(between blocking and
unblocking the infrared beam)
and returns the velocity.
You should enter the body’s

100 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

• Between gates
Measures the time it takes the
body to move from one
photogate to the second
photogate (between blocking
the first and blocking the
second infrared beams) and
returns the average velocity.
You should enter the distance
between gates.

• Collisions
Measures the crossing time
intervals at each gate and
returns the corresponding
You should enter the bodies’
width (the width of the two
bodies must be identical)


• At one gate
A card with two flags must be
attached to the moving body
(see figure to the left). The
Timing Wizard measures the
crossing time intervals of the
two flags and returns the
You should enter the flags

• Between gates
Measures the crossing time at
the first gate, the time it takes
the body to move from one gate
to the second gate and the
crossing time at the second
gate and returns the average
You should enter the body’s

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 101

4. Time Schemes and Calculations

Time measurements

At one gate


Result: Δt = t 2 − t1

Between gates

Input 1

Input 2

Result: Δt = t 3 − t1

Pendulum (one gate)




Result: Δt = t 5 − t1

102 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software


At one gate
Required parameters: w – The body’s width

Result: v= ; Δt = t 2 − t1

Between gates
Required parameters: L – The distance between gates

Input 1

Input 2

Result: v= ; Δt = t 3 − t1

Collision (two gates)

Required parameters: w – The bodies’ width (must be identical)


Input 1


Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 103


Input 2


w w
u1 = ; v1 =
t 2 − t1 t 4 − t3
w w
u2 = ; v2 =
t6 − t5 t8 − t 7


At one gate
Required parameters: w – The flags’ width




Input 1



w w
v1 = ; v2 =
t 2 − t1 t 4 − t3
t 4 + t 3 − t 2 − t1
Result: Δt =
v −v
a= 2 1

104 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

Between gates
Required parameters: w – The body’s width


Input 1

Input 2

w w
v1 = ; v2 =
t 2 − t1 t 4 − t3
t 4 + t 3 − t 2 − t1
Result: Δt =
v −v
a= 2 1

5. Tips on using the Timing Wizard

• Attach a flag to the moving body

When measuring the motion of a moving cart it is convenient to attach a vertical flag
to the cart (see picture below). You can mount a slotted wooden block on the cart
and insert the flag onto the slot, or use masking tape to attach the flag to one side of
the cart.

Use a double flag to measure acceleration at one gate. The width of the two flags
must be the same.

• Use the cursors

Use the cursors (see page 54) to select the graph and data range to which you want
to apply the Timing Wizard.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 105

• Time resolution
The time resolution depends on the sampling rate. Use the table below to select a
rate that meats your needs.

(samples per Resolution
10 0.1 s
25 0.04 s
50 0.02 s
100 0.01 s
500 2 ms
1000 1 ms
2000 0.5 ms
10000 0.1 ms
20800 0.05 ms

• Use the Trigger

For fast events and high sampling rates use the Trigger tool (see page 68) to initiate
the data logging.

3.9.3. Crop Tool

The Crop tool enables you to trim the edges of a data set. Use it to remove unwanted
data or to apply manual curve fitting to a desired range of data points.
The time scale of the trimmed data is shifted so that it will start at t = 0 .
If you want the automatic curve fit equation to start at t = 0 , apply the crop tool before
any type of curve fitting.
After applying the crop tool, the trimmed data set replaces the original set on the
graph display and a new icon is added to the Data Map under cropped data.

1. To Trim all Data up to a Point

1. Position a cursor (see page 54) on the data point.

2. Click on the Graph menu, and then click Crop.

2. To Trim all Data Outside a Selected Range

1. Use the cursors to select the range you want to keep.

2. Click on the Graph menu and then click Crop.

3.9.4. Capture Tool

The Capture tool enables you to capture and record specific data points from the
data logger’s stream of data, like taking snapshots of the dynamic process. For
example, you can design a light refraction experiment that will record the angle of the

106 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

refracted beam only when the light intensity is maximal, and then plot the angle of
refraction vs. the manually entered column of the angle of the incident beam.
In capture mode, when you start recording, the data in the graph window appears as
it normally does, but every time you click Capture, MultiLab enters the most recently
recorded value into a new entry in the capture table.
When you have finished capturing data, you can add manual columns to the table
and display the data in the graph window.

1. Preparing the Capture Table

1. Click Table on the menu toolbar, and then click Capture mode to
open the Capture dialog box:

Figure 30: Capture dialog box

2. In the Available Sensors list, select the sensors you want to

capture by clicking their name and then click Add.
3. If you want to insert a manual column into the table, click Insert
manual column to open the dialog box:

Figure 31: Manual Column dialog box

4. Enter the column’s name and unit, then click OK.

The new column is added to the Current Columns list.
Note: You can always add manual columns later by clicking Add manual column on
the Table menu.
5. Click OK.
MultiLab opens a new table with the columns you defined.
6. Enter values into the manual column by clicking a cell and typing the
number, then press Enter or the down arrow key to move to the next

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 107

Figure 32: Capture table

2. Capturing Data

1. Click Run on the main toolbar to start the data recording

2. Watch the online graph, and when the graph reaches a point you

wish to capture, click Capture on the table toolbar. MultiLab

enters the momentary data to the capture table sequentially.
3. If logging stops, simply click Run to continue the data recording and
4. After you’ve finished capturing the desired data, click Table on the
menu toolbar, and then click Capture mode to exit capture mode.

3. Displaying the Captured Data on the Graph

1. Click Edit graph on the graph toolbar to open the Graph edit
dialog box:

Figure 33: Using Graph edit dialog box to display captured data

108 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

2. Choose the data set that you wish to display on the X–axis from the
X–Axis list by clicking its name.
3. Choose the data set or sets you wish to display on the Y–axis from
the Y–Axis list by clicking its name (or names).

4. Click OK.

3.10. Communicating with the Nova5000

You can use MultiLab to communicate with Fourier’s Nova5000 computer and data
logger. The Nova5000 is connected directly to your PC and used as a standalone
data logger instead of the MultiLogPRO. Using the Nova5000 in this way lets you
benefit from the full range of MultiLab PC functionality, not all of which is available in
the lighter MultiLab CE version.

To run the Nova5000 from your PC:

1. Install MultiLab or higher on your PC. This version includes the
necessary software support and drivers to detect the Nova5000
when connected to the PC.
2. Install MultiLab from your Nova5000 software CD included with your
Nova5000 packaging.
3. On the Nova5000, open the Control Panel and open the Logger
Options icon .
4. The Logger Option dialog box will open. Tap (using the Nova5000
stylus) the Run logger from PC button and tap OK.
5. You will be prompted to reset the Nova5000 for the changes to take
affect. Tap OK. When the Nova5000 OS loads again it will be ready
to work with the MultiLab for PC software.
6. Using the Nova5000 USB sync cable, connect the Nova5000 to your
PC’s USB port.

7. Launch MultiLab from your PC. Go to Logger > Com Setup, select
the Nova communication option and click Try to connect.

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 109

8. MultiLab will then detect the Nova5000. The status pane in the lower
left of the MultiLab window will indicate Nova was detected.

9. The Download and Setup Wizard icons in the MultiLab main

toolbar will change to indicate that the PC is communicating with the

Nova5000, rather than with MultiLogPRO or USB Link: .

10. The Nova5000 is now ready for full control by the MultiLab for PC.
Enter the Setup Wizard to configure the sensor setup and then run
the Nova5000 to start recording data.

11. In the Setup Wizard, to setup the sensors manually you must go
to the Logger menu and unselect the Auto ID option. When Auto ID
is selected the sensors connected to the Nova5000 will be detected
automatically by the MultiLab PC software.
12. To return the Nova5000 to normal use of the MultiLab CE version,
open the Logger Options from the Control Panel and tap the Run
logger from Nova5000 button.

3.11. Toolbar Buttons

3.11.1. Main (Upper) Toolbar

New Start new project

Open Open saved project

Save Save project

Print Select print options

Start a data recording session. Click on the down arrow to

select recording mode

Stop Stop recording

Download the data from the most recent recording

session (for MultiLogPRO only)

Setup Open the Setup dialog box (for MultiLogPRO)

Setup Open the Setup dialog (for USB Link)

Meter setup Open the Meter setup dialog box

110 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

Data map Display the Data Map

Graph Display the graph window

Table Display the table window

Video Display and enable the video window

Open Video Motion Analyzer module

Analysis Open the Analysis wizard

Linear fit Draw a line of linear fit of the selected data set

Derivative Draw a line of the derivative of the selected curve

Stop Stop video recording or video replay

Play Replay video and/or data

Pause Pause replaying

Record Record video

3.11.2. Graph Toolbar

Add annotation Add new annotation to the graph

Move annotation Relocate the annotation on the graph

Zoom in Zoom in around a selected point or in to a selected


Zoom out Reverse the most recent zoom operation

Autoscale Display all the data

Zoom to selection Zoom in to a selected area

Pan Pan in all directions while in zoom mode

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 111

More smoothing Smooth (average) the selected curve

Less smoothing Reverse the most recent smoothing operation

1st Cursor Display or remove the first cursor

2nd Cursor Display or remove the second cursor

Split graph Switch to a split graph display

Edit graph Select the data to display on the axes

Graph properties Graph formatting, scaling and units selection

Add to project Add the displayed graph to the project

Export to Excel Export the displayed graph to Excel

Pause/Continue Pause/continue displaying online data on the graph

Add prediction Add a prediction onto the graph

Erase prediction Erase the selected prediction

3.11.3. Table Toolbar

Edit table Add/remove columns from the table

Table properties Format fonts and units

Add to project Add the current table to the project

Capture Capture the momentary data

3.11.4. Video Motion Analyzer Toolbar

Open Open movie

Capture Capture new movie

Set origin Set the origin of reference frame

Rotate axes Set direction of reference frame

112 Chapter 3 MultiLab Software

Scale Scale the data to real dimensions

Delete point Delete a point and point’s coordinates

Color settings Select colors of markers and axes

Go to start Go to first frame

Previous frame Move to previous frame

Play Play the movie

Next frame Move to next frame

Go to end Go to last frame

3.11.5. Capture New Movie Toolbar

Record Start video capture

Stop Stop video capture

Analyze movie Return to Video Motion Analyzer mode

Chapter 3 MultiLab Software 113

Chapter 4
Working with a TI Calculator

4.1. Overview
MultiLab for TI calculator is a data collection and analysis software that enables you
to operate Fourier Systems MultiLogPRO data logger via TI–83 Plus. Together they
constitute a portable, handheld, battery operated data collection system. The
collected data can be than viewed and analyzed by the TI calculator.

4.2. Installing the Software

To send the MultiLab application to your TI–83 Plus calculator:
1. Connect the TI calculator to a computer.
2. Insert the MultiLab CD into your PC’s CD-ROM drive. The MultiLab
Installation application will launch.
3. From the main menu, click Installing MultiLab Software, then
MultiLab for TI83+ Installation. In the next menu, click MultiLab
for TI83+ Installation and the application file folder will open.
4. Run the TI Connect program on your computer.

5. Follow Sending application to a TI–83 Plus instructions.

6. When asked to select the application you want to install, select the
multilab.8xk file located in the application folder launched from the
MultiLab CD Installation wizard.

4.3. Getting Started

1. Prepare MultiLogPRO

1. Connect the stereo plug of the serial communication cable to the

serial COM input on the bottom of the TI calculator.
2. Connect the 9 pins plug of the serial communication cable to the
serial comm. socket on the left side of MultiLogPRO.
3. Turn on MultiLogPRO.
4. Configure MultiLogPRO to work with a TI calculator (see page 19).
5. Plug in any external sensors.
Note: MultiLogPRO must be in Auto ID mode (see page 19)

114 Chapter 4 Working with a TI Calculator

2. Run MultiLab on a TI Calculator

1. Turn on TI calculator.

2. Press to see the complete list of applications that come with

your calculator.

3. Use the down arrow button to navigate to MultiLab and press

(or press MultiLab's number key).
After showing the opening screen for a few seconds, MultiLab displays
the main menu:

Figure 34: MultiLab for TI main menu

3. Setup MultiLogPRO

1. In the main menu screen press to open the setup screen:

MultiLab displays a list of the connected sensors and the current
sampling mode.
2. Press to return to the main menu or press to enter the
sampling mode menu:

The default mode is TIME GRAPH that is the normal logging mode.
3. Press to open the timing setup screen:

4. Press to accept the settings and return to the setup screen or

press to change the settings:

Chapter 4 Working with a TI Calculator 115

5. Use the numeric keypad in the TI calculator to enter sampling time
interval in seconds.

Tip: If you have entered a wrong value you can always press and enter a new

6. Press
Note: The allowed time intervals are: 0.04, 0.1, 1, 10, 60, 600, 1800 and 3600
seconds. If you will enter another number MultiLab will automatically round it to the
nearest allowed time interval.

7. Enter the total number of sampling point (maximum of 1000 samples

unless otherwise indicated on the screen).

8. Press to return to the setup screen.

9. Press to accept the setup and return to the main menu.

The system is now ready to begin data logging.

4. Start Recording

1. Press in the main menu to begin data logging.

For time intervals of 1 second or more, MultiLab displays the data
online. If the time interval is less than 1 second, data is retrieved by
MultiLab after logging ends.
MultiLab than displays the SELECT GRAPH screen:

2. You can stop logging anytime by pressing .

116 Chapter 4 Working with a TI Calculator

5. View the Data

1. On the SELECT GRAPH screen use the Up and Down

keys to select the graph you wish to display, then press .

2. To display another graph press , select a graph and press

a second time.

Note: You can view the graph by pressing from the main menu.

6. Downloading Data

To download data that is store in MultiLogPRO:

1. Press on the main menu.

2. Press on the Tools menu.

3. Enter the number of the experiment you wish to download.
4. MultiLab will retrieve the data and will display the SELECT GRAPH

5. Use the Up and Down keys to select the graph you wish
to display, then press .

4.4. The Graph Display

1. The Cursor

1. Use the cursor in the graph display to read data points values.

2. Press to display the cursor.

3. Press or to move the cursor through the graph points.

The point coordinates are displayed at the bottom of the screen.

2. Zooming

1. From the graph screen press to return to the SELECT GRAPH


2. Press to select the region into which you wish to zoom in.

Chapter 4 Working with a TI Calculator 117

3. Press to select the left bound, keep pressing to move the left
cursor to the desired point.

4. Press .

5. Press to select the right bound, keep pressing to move the left
cursor to the desired point.

6. Press .

7. Use the Up and Down keys to select the graph you wish
to display, then press .
Note: Data outside the zoom region will be trimmed and lost. To gain the data back
download it from MultiLogPRO.

3. Rescaling

1. From the graph screen press to return to the SELECT GRAPH


2. Use the Up and Down keys to select the graph you wish
to rescale.

3. Press to open the rescaling options menu.

4. Auto Scaling

1. Press

2. Use the Up and Down keys to select the graph you wish
to display, then press

118 Chapter 4 Working with a TI Calculator

5. X – Axis Scaling

1. Press

2. Enter the minimum value, then press

3. Enter the maximum value, then press

4. Enter the scale unit, then press

5. Use the Up and Down keys to select the graph you wish
to display, then press

6. Y – Axis Scaling

1. Press .

2. Enter the minimum value, and then press .

3. Enter the maximum value, and then press .

4. Enter the scale unit, and then press .

5. Use the Up and Down keys to select the graph you wish
to display, and then press .

Chapter 4 Working with a TI Calculator 119

7. Choosing the X–axis

Normally MultiLab displays the sensors data as a function of the time, but you can
choose to display a sensor's data on the x axis from the SELECT GRAPH screen.

1. One of the options in this menu is IO-2 VS. IO-1. If you select this
option MultiLab will display the data from input 2 vs. the data from
input 1.

2. For more options press .

3. Use the Up and Down keys to select the desired option.

4. Press .

4.5. Analyzing the Data

MultiLab offers you several types of analysis tools. You can apply built-in or user-
defined curve fit to your data, you can integrate a data set to find the area or you can
display a statistics screen.

1. Applying an Analysis Tool

1. Go the main menu.

120 Chapter 4 Working with a TI Calculator

2. Press to display the Select Analysis screen.

3. Use the Up and Down keys to select the desired option.

4. Press .

2. Curve Fit

1. Press from the Select Analysis screen.

2. Use the Up and Down keys to select the data for the X –
axis, then press .

3. Use the Up and Down keys to select the data for the Y –
axis, then press .

4. Use the Up and Down keys to select the fit type, then
press .

Chapter 4 Working with a TI Calculator 121

MultiLab displays the fit formula:

5. Press to display the curve fit on the graph screen.

3. User Curve Fit

This option allows you to create your own curve fit formula.
1. Enter your equation to the Y= editor of your TI calculator.
2. Run MultiLab and display the Select Analysis screen.

3. Press from the Select Analysis screen.

4. Use the Up and Down keys to select a sensor, and then

press .

5. Use the Up and Down keys to select a coefficient, and

then press .

6. Enter a new value for that coefficient, then press .

MultiLab calculates the new fit equation and displays it together with
the analyzed data.
You can repeat the process in order to change the coefficient value or
to edit another coefficient.

4. Statistics

You can select a region of a data set and display statistics of the data range:
MINIMUM – The smallest value in the range
MAXIMUM – The largest value in the range
MEAN – The average of all the numbers in the range
STD. DEVIATION – The standard deviation
n – The number of data points in the range

122 Chapter 4 Working with a TI Calculator

1. Press from the Select Analysis screen.

2. Use the Up and Down keys to select the sensor, and

then press .

3. Press to select the left bound, keep pressing to move the left
cursor to the desired point.

4. Press .

5. Press to select the right bound, keep pressing to move the left
cursor to the desired point.

6. Press .
MultiLab displays the statistics results screen:

7. Press to return to the main menu.

5. Integral

This option allows you to calculate the area of a selected range on the graph
1. Press from the Select Analysis screen.

2. Use the Up and Down keys to select the sensor, and

then press .

3. Press to select the left bound, keep pressing to move the left
cursor to the desired point.

4. Press .

5. Press to select the right bound, keep pressing to move the left
cursor to the desired point.

6. Press .

Chapter 4 Working with a TI Calculator 123

MultiLab displays the Integral results screen.

7. Press to return to the main menu.

4.6. Data Collection Modes

MultiLab offers you several types of data collection modes. The default mode is TIME
GRAPH where data is collected in a predefined rate and then displayed on a graph
as a function of the time.

The other data collection modes are:

LOG DATA – Downloading the last experiment from MultiLogPRO.
EVENTS WITH ENTRY – In this mode you can capture specific data points from
MultiLogPRO stream of data, like taking snapshots of the dynamic process. After
each capture MultiLab prompts you to enter a corresponding X value. When
capturing ends, MultiLab displays the data vs. the manually entered X values.
SINGLE POINT – The system collects 10 samples in 10 seconds and then displays
the average value.
SELECTED EVENT – Much like EVENTS WITH ENTRY except that the data is
displayed as a function of the time (no need to enter X values).

To select a certain data mode:

1. Press on the main menu to display the Setup menu then press
to enter the SELECT MODE menu:

2. Use the Up and Down keys to select the collection mode,

then press .
Working with the various collection modes:

1. Log Data

1. From the SELECT MODE menu select EVENTS WITH ENTRY, and
then press .

124 Chapter 4 Working with a TI Calculator

2. Press to return to the main menu.

3. Press to start.
MultiLab will retrieve the data from the last experiment store in

2. Time Graph

This is the default data collection mode. See Getting Started on page 114 for details.

3. Events with Entry

1. From the SELECT MODE menu select EVENTS WITH ENTRY, and
then press .

2. Press to return to the main menu.

3. Press to start recording.

MultiLab displays the sensors' values and the number of captured
samples up to now.
4. Press anytime you want to capture a sample.
MultiLab prompts you to enter a corresponding X value.
5. Enter the desired X value, and then press .

6. After you finish capturing the data press .

7. Use the Up and Down keys to select a sensor, then press

to display a graph.

4. Single Point

1. From the SELECT MODE menu select EVENTS WITH ENTRY, and
then press .

2. Press to return to the main menu.

3. Press to start recording.

The system will collect data for 10 seconds, and then will display the
averaged result:

Press any key to return to the main menu.

Chapter 4 Working with a TI Calculator 125

5. Selected Event

1. From the SELECT MODE menu select EVENTS WITH ENTRY, and
then press .

2. Press to return to the main menu.

3. Press to start recording.

MultiLab displays the sensors' values and the number of captured
samples up to now.
4. Press anytime you want to capture a sample.

5. After you finish capturing the data press .

6. Use the Up and Down keys to select a sensor, then press

to display a graph.

4.7. Conditioned Data Collection

MultiLogPRO enables you to start the data collection only when a specific
measurement condition has been met (triggering).

1. To Enable Triggering

1. Navigate to the timing setup screen (see Setup MultiLogPRO on

page 115).

2. Press .

3. Use the Up and Down keys to select a sensor, then press

to display the TRIGGER TYPE screen:

4. Select a trigger type:

a) INCREASING – Data collection begins once the measured

value is HIGHER than the threshold level.

126 Chapter 4 Working with a TI Calculator

b) DECREASING – Data collection begins once the measured
value is LOWER than the threshold level.

5. Press .

6. Enter the triggering threshold level, and then press .

7. Press to return to the main menu.

8. Press to start.
Data collection will begin once the triggering condition is has been met

2. To Disable the Triggering Condition

1. Navigate to the timing setup screen (see above)

2. Use the Up and Down keys to select none, then press


4.8. Calibrating the Sensors

Every sensor has a unique conversion function that converts the sensor's output to
the calibrated values. The two point calibration process sets the slope and offset
(intercept) of the conversion function.

1. To Calibrate a Sensor

1. Connect MultiLogPRO to the TI calculator.

2. Press from the main menu to display the setup screen.

3. Press , Use the Up and Down keys to select a sensor,

then press to display the CALIBRATION OPTIONS screen.

4. Press to begin calibrating.

MultiLab displays the current slope and offset. You should enter two
actual values and the corresponding read values (the read values are

Chapter 4 Working with a TI Calculator 127

the values displayed by MultiLab when measuring the two actual
values) .
5. Enter the 1st actual value, then press .

6. Enter the 1st read value, then press .

7. Repeat the last two steps for the other value.
MultiLab will calculate the new slope and offset and will return to the
setup screen.

2. To Restore the Default Calibration Values

1. Navigate to the CALIBRATION OPTIONS screen (see above).

2. Press .
MultiLab will restore the default slope and offset and will return to the
setup screen.

128 Chapter 4 Working with a TI Calculator

Chapter 5
Troubleshooting Guide
Symptom Cause of Problem
I pressed the ON key on • Try charging the battery, it may be
MultiLogPRO and it did not turn weak.
on. • You are using an unsuitable AC/DC
adaptor (see page 6).
• The internal 3V disk battery is

MultiLab was unable to connect • MultiLogPRO is turned off.

to MultiLogPRO. • The communication cable is not
connected properly.
• The communication cable is not
connected to the correct PC COM
• There is no available Serial COM
• The Logger USB driver was not

MultiLab was unable to connect • The USB communication cable is

to USB Link. not connected properly.
• The communication cable is not
connected to the correct PC COM
I downloaded unexpected data • There may be up to 100
from the MultiLogPRO. experiments stored in the
MultiLogPRO. Performing a
Download means loading one of
them in sequential order. You have
probably loaded an old experiment
accidentally. Try using Selective
download from MultiLab (see page

While running with an active • The trigger condition has not been
trigger, MultiLogPRO does not fulfilled.
complete the data logging. • The trigger condition was fulfilled,
but the time period was too short
(less than 300μS).

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Guide 129

I see voltage units when • The microphone is monitoring the
sampling using the microphone. sound wave shape, which is
displayed in voltage units. The
sound level, measured in decibel
values, is another mathematical
description of the sound amplitude.

I started a new logging session First check if the sampling rate was so fast
and the data logger stopped that the experiment began and ended in less
immediately afterwards. than a second. If this is not the reason,
recharge the 7.2 V battery of the MultiLogPRO
and try again. MultiLogPRO monitors the
battery power during the logging. If the battery
voltage is less then 5V, the logging is stopped

The recorded data is noisy • With voltage or current sensors,

use short connections between the
circuit being tested and the sensor.
In some cases it is advisable to
connect the (-) of the current
sensor to the ground terminal
• Avoid working near strong
electromagnetic fields. (e.g.
engines, fluorescent lights)

I turned the calibration screw but The calibration screw is of high-resolution type
did not obtain the accurate and has 15 turns. Try to continue turning the
calibration screw, or change the direction of rotation.

I can’t see a video of the • The video window is closed. Click

experiment Display video on the main toolbar
to open it.
• The video is disabled, select
Enable video from the Video
• The camera driver is not properly

I can’t record voice comments The microphone volume is muted. Open

Window’s volume control and uncheck the
Mute check box at the bottom of the Mic
volume column.

MultiLogPRO’s memory is empty The internal 3 V disk battery is dead.

– there are no stored files or Replace the battery.
experiment notes.

130 Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Guide

I opened MultiLab but the During MultiLab installation, the
application immediately closed component Windows Media Encoder
down. (WME) is installed. Without WME,
MultiLab cannot run.
1. In the Control Panel, open Add or
Remove Programs. Check if WME is
installed on your PC.
2. If WME is installed, check the WME
version number.
MultiLab v1.4.06 and higher supports
up to WME Series 9. If you are running
WME 9, make sure your MultiLab
version is compatible. If not, contact
your Fourier vendor for a MultiLab
3. If WME is not installed then:
a. Open Windows Explorer and
right-click Explore on your CD drive.
b. Locate the Windows Media
Encoder installer file in the MultiLab
folder and double click this file.
c. Follow the on-screen instructions
to install WME. You will now be able
to run MultiLab.

If you have WME 9 installed on a non-

compatible version of MultiLab, you
can always uninstall WME 9 and install
WME 7 located on the MultiLab CD.

I opened MultiLab. An error Quicktime is a required component for

message opened up stating that I MultiLab software to operate and is
needed Quicktime in order to run installed during initial MultiLab
the MultiLab software. installation.
If Quicktime has since been removed
from your system, you may install it
again from your MultiLab Installation
1. Place the CD in your PC’s CD drive
and click Cancel to stop automatic
MultiLab installation.
2. Open Windows Explorer and right-
click Explore on your CD drive.
3. Locate the Quicktime installer file in
the MultiLab folder and double click
this file.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to
install Quicktime. You will now be able
to run MultiLab.

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Guide 131

Chapter 6

6.1. The MultiLogPRO Data Logger

4 Mini-Din sensor port interface
Auto ID mode:
Any combination of digital and analog inputs, with maximum of 2 digital
inputs and 4 analog inputs
Automatic sensor identification across 4 inputs
8 inputs mode:
Any combination of digital and analog inputs, with maximum of 2 digital
inputs and 8 analog inputs
RS-232 PC Host Interface at 19,200 bps
USB 1.1 specification compliant
4 Digital Control Outputs
Capacity: Up to 100,000 Samples
Analog sampling rate: From one sample per hour to 20,800 samples per
Digital sampling rate: >200 kHz
12-bit (4096 Levels)
Timer Module
Time velocity and acceleration
Range: 0.0014 s to 6.5535 s
Resolution: 0.1 mS
Card width: 0 to 59 mm
Distance between gates: 0 to 99 cm
Range: 0 to 99.99 s
Resolution: 10 mS
Man-machine Interface
• Full keypad operation enabling manual programming of the MultiLogPRO
• Graphic LCD
• Display uses: displaying the logger setup, displaying experiment instructions and
notes and displaying the data measurements in graphs, meters, tables or digital

132 Chapter 6 Specifications

• Standalone operation - Working and sampling without connection to a PC.
• Automatic or manual sensor identification
• Saving and loading of last setup
• Automatic self-test that reports system status to the user including battery level in
percentage of power remaining.
• Trigger: programmable or manual
• Automatic calibration of offset sensors
• Backup memory battery: 3V replaceable Lithium battery saving samples data for
up to 10 years
• Automatic data recovery if there is a power failure
• Built in clock & calendar that keeps track of time and date for each data recording
• Built in battery charger for charging the 7.2V internal battery
• Automatic shut off after 15 minutes
• Screen contrast control
• Event recording
• 10 user defined sensors
• Online notes editing
• Post experiment graphical analysis
Power Supply
Internal rechargeable 7.2V NiCad battery or external 9V to 12V DC input
Battery life: 750 mAH, 24 hours between charges
Operating temperature range: 0 to 50 °C
Dimensions: 182 x 100 x 28 mm
Weight: 450 gr
Standards compliance: CE, FCC

Chapter 6 Specifications 133

6.2. The USB Link Data Logger
4 Mini-Din sensor port interface
Auto ID mode:
Any combination of digital and analog inputs, with maximum of 4 digital
inputs and 4 analog inputs
Automatic sensor identification across 4 inputs
8 inputs mode:
Any combination of digital and analog inputs, with maximum of 4 digital
inputs and 8 analog inputs
Mini USB (Type B) port, USB 1.1 (1.5 Mbit/s) specification compliant
4 Digital Control Outputs
Analog sampling rate: From one sample per hour to 10,000 samples per
Digital sampling rate: >200 kHz
12-bit (4096 Levels)
• Automatic or manual sensor identification
• LED indicators for power and logging status
• Saving and loading of last setup
• Trigger: programmable or manual
• Automatic calibration of offset sensors
• Screen contrast control
• Event recording
• Post experiment graphical analysis
Power Supply
Powered by PC USB port
Operating temperature range: 0 °C to 50 °C
Dimensions: 57 x 57 x 30 mm
Weight: 73 g

134 Chapter 6 Specifications

6.3. Supported Sensors
This section lists all sensors compatible with the MultiLogPRO and USB Link, as well
as the Nova5000.
Included below are sensors from Vernier and Data Harvest, in addition to Fourier’s
own sensors.

6.3.1. Supported Fourier Systems Sensors

P/N Type Range Physics Biology Chemistry
DT138 Acceleration ± 5g
AC020A Ammonium Electrode 0.1 to 18,000 ppm
Wind speed: 4 to 280

AC012A Anemometer Wind direction: 0 to 360

AC019A Calcium Electrode 0.02 to 40,000 ppm
DT040 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 350 to 5,000 ppm
DT261A Charge ± 0.25 uC to ± 0.025 uC
AC018A Chloride Electrode 1.8 to 35,500 ppm
Three colors; blue,
DT185A Colorimeter green, red
DT035A Conductivity 0 to 20 mS
DT110 Control Switch - Closed Normally closed
DT111 Control Switch - Open Normally open
DT005 Current 2.5 A ± 2.5 A
DT006 Current 250 mA ± 250 mA
DT020-1 Distance 0.2 to 10 m
DT293 Drop Counter 0 to 4096
DT189A EKG 0 to 5 V
DT272 Force ± 10 N; ± 50 N
DT116 Geiger Muller 0 to 4096 Bq
DT298A Heart Rate (Exercise) 0 to 200 bpm
DT155A Heart Rate (Pulse) 0 to 200 bpm
DT014 Humidity 0 - 100%, 5% accuracy
DT009-1 Light 0 to 300 lux
0-600, 0-6000, 0-150,000
DT009-4 Light Triple-range lux
DT156 Magnetic Field 0 to 10 mT, 0 to 0.2 mT
± 2.5 V
Frequency range:
DT008 Microphone 35 Hz to 10,000 Hz
AC017A Nitrate Electrode 0.1 to 14,000 ppm

Chapter 6 Specifications 135

P/N Type Range Physics Biology Chemistry
0 to 12.5 mg/L
DT222A Oxygen Adapter 0 to 25%
0 to 12.5 mg/L
DT118 Oxygen Electrode 0 to 25%
DT017 pH Adapter 0 to 14 pH
DT018 pH Electrode 0 to 14 pH
DT137 Photo Gate 0 to 5 V (Digital)
AC008A Potassium Electrode 90 to 39,000 ppm
DT015 Pressure 150 to 1150 mbar
DT015-1 Pressure 0 to 700 Kpa
DT015-2 Pressure 0 to 10 Kpa
AC013 Rain Collector 0 to 819 mm
DT148A Rotary Motion ± 128°
DT122A Smart Pulley 0 - 99 m/s
DT171 Soil Moisture 0 to 200 cbar
DT320 Sound Level 45 to 110 dB
± 315 L/min
DT037A Spirometer (Breathing) ± 5.25 L/sec
DT025 (Thermocouple) 0 to 1200 °C
DT027 Temperature (PT-100) -20 °C to 400 °C
DT029 Temperature -25 °C to 110 °C
DT095A Turbidity 0 to 200 NTU
DT001 Voltage 25V ± 25 V
DT002 Voltage 2.5 V ± 2.5 V
DT003 Voltage 5 V 0-5V
DT004A Voltage 50 mV ± 50 mV

6.3.2. Supported Vernier Sensors

Using an adapter available from Fourier Systems, the following Vernier sensors may
be connected to the Fourier sensor interface. To use these sensors they must first be
defined in MultiLab.
Note: Only Vernier Analog linear sensors are supported. Digital sensors are not
compatible with Fourier data loggers.

Minimum Maximum Maximum

Sensor Units Output Output
Real Value Real Value
Voltage Voltage
Accelerometer 5
3 axis m/s 0 -51.6 63.0
Accelerometer 0 5
Low g m/s -51.8 62.9

136 Chapter 6 Specifications

Minimum Maximum Maximum
Sensor Units Output Output
Real Value Real Value
Voltage Voltage
Barometer Hg Hg 0 24.2 5 35.7
Barometer atm atm 0 0.8 5 1.2
Barometer mm Hg mm Hg 0 614.8 5 907.4
Barometer mbar mbar 0 819.5 5 1209.5
CO2 ppm 0 0.0 5 10000.0
Colorimeter % 0 0.0 5 142.9
Current ± 0.6A A 0 0.625 5 -0.625
Differential Voltage V 0 6.3 5 -6.3
Dissolved Oxygen mg/L 0 -0.3 5 16.0
Dual Range Force 10N N 0 12.3 5 -12.3
Dual Range Force 50N N 0 61.3 5 -61.3
Flow Rate m/s 0 0.0 5 5.0
Force 10N N 0 12.25 5 -12.25
Force 50N N 0 61.25 5 -61.25
Gas Pressure kPa kPa 0 0.0 5 232.4
Gas Pressure atm atm 0 0.0 5 2.2935
Gas Pressure mm Hg mm Hg 0 0.0 5 1743.2
Light Sensor 0 5
0 - 600 Lux lx 0.0 770.0
Light Sensor 0 5
0 – 6000 Lux lx 0.0 8460.0
Light Sensor 0 5
0 – 150,000 Lux lx 0.0 192120.0
Magnetic Field 6.4 mT Low 0 5
in gauss gauss -80.6 80.6
Magnetic Field Hi 0 5
0.3 mT in gauss gauss -3.2 4.8
Low 0 5
Magnetic Field millitesl
0.3 mT in millitesla a -8.1 8.1
Hi 0 5
Magnetic Field millitesl
6.4 mT in millitesla a -0.3 0.5
Microphone V 0 0 5 5
ORP mV 0 -559.8 5 1774.6
Oxygen gas % 0 0 5 32.8125
pH pH 0.942 10.01 2.45 4.01
Relative Humidity % 0 -23.8 5 140.7
Salinity ppt 0 0.0 5 81.5
Thermocouple C 0 -188.9 5 1393.0
UVA mW 0 0.0 5 19700.0

Chapter 6 Specifications 137

Minimum Maximum Maximum
Sensor Units Output Output
Real Value Real Value
Voltage Voltage
UVB mW 0 0.0 5 19700.0
Voltage ± 6 V V 0 6.25 5 -6.25
X-Long Temp C 0 -53.1 5 238.6
X-Long Temp F 0 -63.5 5 461.5
Direct Connect C 0 -17.8 5 260.0

6.3.3. Supported Data Harvest Sensors

Data Harvest sensors are able to connect directly to the Fourier sensor interface,
without the need of any custom adapters.
To use the following Data Harvest sensors they must first be defined in MultiLab.
Note: Only Data Harvest Analog linear sensors are supported. Digital sensors are
not compatible with Fourier data loggers.

0 Volts 5 Volts
Intercep MultiLab
Sensor Slope Units (Min Output (Max Output
t Name
Voltage) Voltage)
Current ± 100 mA 55.807 -139 m/s2 -139 140.035 DH-100mA
Current ± 1 A 0.6233 -1.559 m/s2 -1.559 1.55755 DH-1A
Current ± 10 A 5.547 -13.73 Hg -13.73 14.005 DH-10A
Photogate 0-5 V 1 0 atm 0 5 DH-Photogate
pH 0-14 pH 4.3405 -3.982 mm Hg -3.982 17.7205 DH-pH
Relative Humidity
0-100 % -3.838 13.72 mbar 13.72 -5.47 DH-RH
Light 100 klux DH-Light-
0-100,000 lux 177.52 -87.515 ppm -87.515 800.06 100K
Sound level
40 to 110dBA 118.56 -276.66 % -276.66 316.14 DH-Sound

138 Chapter 6 Specifications

6.4. Accessories
Video camera DT258
For use with MultiLab

Input Splitter DT011

Splits one I/O into two inputs
Enables simultaneous use of 8 inputs (analog or digital)

Sensor Cable DT022

Connects data logger to the sensors

VERNIER Sensor Adaptor DT023

Enables the connection of all the VERNIER analog sensors (with DIN plugs) to
the data logger

Serial Communication Cable DT135

Connects MultiLogPRO to a serial port on the PC

USB Communication Cable DT180

Connects MultiLogPRO to a USB port on the PC

Mini USB Communication Cable 12655

Connects USB Link to a USB port on the PC

Weather Box DT177

Sealed box, meets IP-65 standards
Used to store the MultiLogPRO while operating in rain or in dusty conditions

Solar cell AC029 (2 units needed)

Connects to MultiLogPRO’s external DC input. Produces 12V @ 5W output
power. Used for when MultiLogPRO is required to work for a long period of time
in the field.

220V EUR AC/DC adapter DT245

Connects MultiLogPRO to European mains power

110V USA AC/DC adapter DT246

Connects MultiLogPRO to USA mains power

220V UK AC/DC adapter DT282

Connects MultiLogPRO to UK mains power

Chapter 6 Specifications 139

6.5. MultiLab Software (Windows and Mac OS)
• Windows support for MultiLogPRO, Nova5000, TriLink and USB Link data
• Mac support for MultiLogPRO and TriLink
• Graph, video, table and meter displays
• True multimedia reports of your experiment with data, video, audio and
text files
• Online or recorded video stream of the actual experiment
• Recording audio comments
• Automatic COM port recognition
• Online data transfer and display of data in real time
• Automatic and manual data download
• Stores data on disk files
• Quick export of samples data to EXCEL
• Import data from other applications
• Programs the data logger (instead of using the data logger keypad)
• Data Analysis:
o Automatic curve fitting including Linear, polynomial, power
and exponential
o Integral
o Derivative
o Statistics
o Smoothing (averaging)
o Manual curve fitting
o Mathematical and trigonometric functions
o Timing wizard for easy analysis of timing events including
velocity, acceleration, pendulum period and collisions
• Video Motion Analyzer
o Capturing video movies
o Capturing position and time
o Analyzing with MultiLab’s analysis tools
• Measurement readings facilitated by locating cursors on the graphic
• Advanced zooming and panning tools
• Predict tool – Enables you to graphically predict results
• Capture tool – Enables you to capture and record specific data points
from the stream of data downloaded from the data logger
• Crop tool – Enables you to trim the edges of a data set
• Workbook – Lab manuals with quick data logger setup programming
• Calibration of the data logger sensors
• Capability of interfacing with sensors from other vendors

140 Chapter 6 Specifications

6.6. MultiLab Software (TI-83 PLUS Calculator)
• Graphic display
• Online data transfer and display of data in real-time
• Automatic and manual data download
• Programs the data logger (instead of using the data logger keypad)
• Triggering
• Data Analysis:
o Automatic curve fitting: linear, quadratic, power and
o Integral
o statistics
o User curve fitting
• Measurement readings facilitated by locating cursors on the graphic
• Zoom tool
• Calibration of the data logger sensors

Chapter 6 Specifications 141

Appendix A: Figures

Figure 1: Contents of the MultiLogPRO system...........................................................4

Figure 2: MultiLogPRO external connections...............................................................5
Figure 3: MultiLogPRO front panel...............................................................................7
Figure 4: Frequency Aliasing .....................................................................................21
Figure 5: USB Link external connections ...................................................................26
Figure 6: Frequency Aliasing .....................................................................................30
Figure 7: MultiLab window layout...............................................................................40
Figure 8: Video properties dialog box ........................................................................44
Figure 9: View selection dialog box............................................................................53
Figure 10: Edit graph dialog box ................................................................................56
Figure 11: Edit table dialog box..................................................................................59
Figure 12: Setup wizard step 1 of 3 ...........................................................................64
Figure 13: Setup wizard step 2 of 3 ...........................................................................64
Figure 14: Setup wizard step 3 of 3 ...........................................................................65
Figure 15: X-axis properties dialog box......................................................................68
Figure 16: Triggering dialog box ................................................................................68
Figure 17: Edit experiment notes dialog box..............................................................70
Figure 18: Define new sensor dialog box...................................................................72
Figure 19: Communication setup dialog box (Windows)............................................73
Figure 20: Communication setup dialog box (Mac OS) .............................................73
Figure 21: Analysis wizard – curve fit.........................................................................76
Figure 22: Analysis wizard – averaging......................................................................77
Figure 23: Analysis wizard – functions .......................................................................78
Figure 24: Analysis Wizard – online functions............................................................83
Figure 25: Using graph edit dialog to display online functions ...................................84
Figure 26: Online envelope function ..........................................................................84
Figure 27: Manual curve fit toolbox ............................................................................85
Figure 28: Worksheet.................................................................................................95
Figure 29: Creating a worksheet ................................................................................97
Figure 30: Capture dialog box..................................................................................107
Figure 31: Manual Column dialog box .....................................................................107
Figure 32: Capture table ..........................................................................................108
Figure 33: Using Graph edit dialog box to display captured data ............................108
Figure 34: MultiLab for TI main menu ......................................................................115
Figure 35: I/O socket configuration. .........................................................................143

142 Appendix
Appendix B: Adding a Code Resistor
to a Custom Sensor
In order for the data logger to automatically identify a sensor, it must have a code
resistor. Figure 35 shows the input socket configuration for the MultiLogPRO,
Nova5000 and USB Link.
You must connect the resistor between the Auto recognition resistance input and the
GND input.

Figure 35: I/O socket configuration.

Mini DIN female. Data logger panel view.

When you define a custom sensor in the MultiLab program you must choose one
sensor from the list provided. Note its position in the list and look in Table 1 to find
the resistance.
Table 1: Auto recognition resistors

Position in Define Max Min

sensor dialog box Resistance Resistance
drop down menu (kΩ) (kΩ)
1 372 384.1 360.9
2 410 424.8 396.5
3 455 472.9 437.8
4 508 530.9 486.6
5 573 601.9 544.8
6 653 691.1 615.6
7 754 806.5 703.4
8 888 961.9 814.6
9 1071 1183.0 959.2
10 1337 1524.4 1151.2

Appendix 143


acceleration · 98 data map · 61 hardware calibration · 24,

adaptor · 6, 139 delayed start · See 32
analysis · 74, 120 triggering
averaging · 77 delete · 62
carve fit · 76, 121 derivative · 75 I
derivative · 75 display
function · 78 control the display · 61 icon · 12
integral · 76 data map · 61 import · 50
manual curve fit · 85 graph · 53 input · 5, 27
online · 83 meters · 61 input mode · 19
smoothing · 74 options · 53 integral · 76
time events · 98 properties · 67
wizard · 76 select · 10
area · 123 table · 59
automatic identification · video · 43
keypad · 7
8, 28 Do2 · 20
autoscale · 55 download · 44, 45, 117
averaging · 77 L
layout · 7
experiment notes · 70
battery · 6 data values · 59
last setup · 19
graph · 56
notes · 70
C table · 59 M
enter · 9, 11
cable · 4, 5, 8, 27, 28, escape · 12 manual
139 event recording · 69 curve fit · 85
calculator · 114 Excel · 63 sampling · 22, 30, 43
calibration · 20, 24, 25, experiment notes · 70 table column · 107
32, 33, 71, 127 export · 63 measurement · 65
capture · 106, 124 external DC power · 6 memory · 22
clear · 20, 70
data · 62
menu · 11
memory · 70 F
meter · 12, 61
online function · 85
code resistor · 71, 143 format
COM port · 72 graph · 57 N
communication setup · 72 table · 60
configuration · 19 functions · 78, 79 notes · See experiment
connect · 73 notes
continuous · 22, 23, 30, nova5000 · 2
31 G
communicating with
contrast · 20 Nova5000 · 109
control · 69 gain · 24, 32
USB driver for
coordinates · 14, 54 getting started · 41
Nova5000 · 39
copy · 63 graph · 14, 53
crop · 106, 117 graph · 57
cursor · 14, 54, 117 of samples · 10, 12, 65
curve fit · 75, 76 table · 60

144 Index
O S troubleshooting · 129

offset · 24, 32 sampling Points · 22, 30

online sampling rate · See rate,
analysis · 83 See rate
communication · 45 save · 50
graph · 57
video · 43 scale · 55
table · 60
open · 50 screen contrast · 20
USB Link · 3
scroll · 65
layout · 26
sense & control · 69
P sensor · 5, 9, 27
assign to input · 64 V
panel · 7 Auto ID · 8, 19, 28
panning · 56 calibration · 24, 32, 71 value · 14, 54
pH sensor · 25, 33 custom · 71 velocity · 98
port · 6 measurement · 65 Vernier · 8
predict · 98 plug in · 9 video · 43
preset · 67 properties · 65 view · 53
print · 51 setup · 9, 12, 18, 19, 21, voice comments · 43
programming 29, 64, 115
MultiLog Pro · 64 slope · See derivative
rules · 22, 31 smoothing · 74 W
USB Link · 64 snapshot · 106
project · 41, 50 socket configuration · 143 wizard
properties spreadsheet · 63 timing · 98
graph · 55, 57 stand alone · 7 workbook · 95
sensor · 65 start · 10, 12, 42 worksheet · 95
table · 60 statistics · 122 creating · 96
video · 44 stop · 10, 12, 42 opening · 95
system configuration · 19
rate · 9, 12, 21, 23, 29, X-axis · 57, 67
31, 45, 65, 130, 132, table · 12, 59
134 temperature
recording compensation · 25, 33 Y
data · 10, 42 TI · See calculator
options · 42 time events · 98 Y-axis · 53, 57
rate · See rate timer delay · 69
start · 70 timing · 98
stop · 70 Z
time · 10, 12, 65 graph · 111
video · 43 zoom · 14, 55
main · 110
regression · See curve fit table · 112
replay · 44 triggering · 68, 126
requirements · 34 TriLink · 2
run · 42, 43, 70 trim · See crop

Appendix 145

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