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A Research Report on,


Submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirement for
the award of the degree of

Submitted by: Mariyam Idrisi Under the Guidance and Supervision of:
BBA (4th semester) Mr. Tauqeer Alam Ansari
Roll Number: 20220604937487 Faculty, Department of Management


Consumer satisfaction plays a pivotal role in the success and sustainability of any brand. In

today’s competitive market, understanding consumer preferences and perceptions is crucial for

crafting strategies that enhance customer experience and loyalty. This report delves into the

realm of consumer satisfaction with a specific focus on Lakme, one of the leading beauty and

cosmetic brands in India.

Lakme has established itself as a household name over the decades, renowned for its wide range

of beauty products that cater to the diverse needs of its consumers. This study aims to explore

various dimensions of consumer satisfaction related to Lakme’s products and services. By

analyzing factors such as product quality, pricing g, availability, brand image and customer

service, we seek to gain a comprehensive understanding of what drives consumer contentment

and areas wher the brand can improve.

The insights gathered from this research are intended to benefit stakeholders, including business

strategies, marketers, and product developers, enabling them to align their efforts with consumer

expectations. Ultimately, the goal is to contribute to enhancing the overall consumer experience

with Lakme, fostering greater loyalty, and ensuring the brand’s continued success in the

competitive beauty market.

I hope this report serves as a useful resource for furthering the understanding of consumer

satisfaction towards Lakme.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to all those who have contributed to
the successful completion of this research report on Consumer satisfaction towards Lakme. This
study aimed to assess the level of satisfaction among consumers of Lakme products and
understand the factors that influence their satisfaction levels.

First and foremost, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the participants who willingly
took part in this study and shared their valuable insights. Their contribution has been
instrumental in shaping the findings and conclusions of this research report. Without their
cooperation and willingness to provide feedback, this study would not have been possible.

I am deeply indebted to my supervisor, Assistant professor MR. TAUQEER ALAM

ANASARI, the faculty members of MSITM Degree College Affiliated to RML Avadh
University, for their guidance, support, and valuable input throughout the research process.
Their expertise and knowledge have greatly influenced the direction and quality of this report. I
am grateful for their patience, encouragement, and invaluable feedback, which helped me refine
my research design and interpretation of results.

Furthermore, I extend my appreciation to the staff of Lakme, who facilitated the data collection
process by granting access to relevant information and resources. Their cooperation and
willingness to provide assistance were essential in gathering accurate and reliable data for this
research study.

Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the contributions made by all the researchers, academicians,
and authors whose scholarly work and publications have served as a foundation for this research
study. Their dedication to advancing knowledge in the field of consumer satisfaction has been
invaluable in shaping the theoretical framework and conceptualization of this report.

Once again, I extend my deepest gratitude to all individuals who have played a part in the
completion of this research report. Your support, guidance, and encouragement have been
indispensable, and I am truly thankful for your contributions.


I, Mariyam Idrisi, hereby declare that the research report titled “Consumer satisfaction towards
Lakme” is an original and independent work conducted by me under the supervision and
guidance of Assistant professor Mr. Tauqeer Alam Ansari. The report has been prepared in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for BBA Degree at MSITM Degree College Affiliated to
RML University.

I affirm that this research study is based on my own efforts, insights, and analysis, and that any
external sources of information used in this report have been appropriately cited and referenced.
All references, including books, articles, websites, and other sources, have been duly
acknowledged within the text and listed in the reference section.

I confirm that the research methodologies employed in this study including data collection, data
analysis, and interpretation of results, adhere to ethical guidelines and principles. The
participants’ privacy and confidentiality have been respected throughout the research process,
and all necessary measures have been taken to ensure their anonymity.

I further declare that this research report has not been previously submitted for any other
academic qualification or degree. It represents my original work and does not contain any
plagiarized content or unauthorized use of intellectual property.

I understand that any violation of academic integrity, including plagiarism or misrepresentation

of data, may result in serious consequences, including the revocation of my academic
qualifications or disciplinary actions as per the policies of MSITM Degree College Affiliated to
RML University.

I take full responsibility for the content presented in this research report, including any errors,
omissions, or inaccuracies that may be found. I acknowledge that the findings and conclusions
presented are based on the data collected and analyzed during the research study, and they are
subject to the limitations inherent in the research design and methodology.

I express my sincere appreciation to all individuals who have supported and contributed to the
successful completion of this research study, including my supervisor, faculty members,
participants, and Lakme staff. Their assistance, guidance, and feedback have been invaluable in
shaping this research report.

Signed: Mariyam Idrisi

[Date: 01.06 .2024]


This is to certify that the research report entitled “Consumers Satisfaction towards Lakme”

submitted by Mariyam Idrisi, student of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) has

successfully completed the research work under the guidance and supervision of Mr. Tauqeer

Alam Ansari faculty of Meena Shah Institute of Technology and Management Affiliated to

Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University.

This is to certify that this report is an original project submitted as a part of the curriculum and

no unfair means like copying have been used for its completion. All references have been duly





DATE: 01.06.2024





































Lakme, a leading Indian cosmetics brand, has established a strong presence in the beauty and

personal care industry. Known for its wide range of products, including skincare, makeup, and

haircare, Lakme aims to cater to diverse consumer needs. This summary evaluates consumer

satisfaction with Lakme, based on various factors including product quality, variety, pricing,

availability, and customer service.

Product Quality:

Consumers generally perceive Lakme products to be of high quality. The brand is appreciated

for its consistent performance across different product lines. Makeup products, particularly

foundations, lipsticks, and eyeliners, receive high marks for their durability and finish. Skincare
products are noted for their effectiveness and pleasant formulations, contributing significantly to

consumer satisfaction.

Product Variety:

Lakme offers an extensive range of products that cater to different skin types, tones, and

preferences. This variety ensures that consumers find products suited to their specific needs. The

brand's commitment to innovation and staying updated with global beauty trends also positively

impacts consumer satisfaction.


Lakme products are competitively priced, making them accessible to a broad spectrum of

consumers. The brand strikes a balance between affordability and quality, which is a key factor

in consumer satisfaction. Frequent promotional offers and discounts further enhance the

perceived value.


Lakme products are widely available across various retail channels, including online platforms,

department stores, and dedicated brand outlets. This widespread availability ensures that

consumers can easily access and purchase their desired products, contributing to high satisfaction


Customer Service:

Customer service is another critical area where Lakme performs well. The brand provides

helpful and responsive customer support, whether through in-store assistance or online channels.

Positive consumer experiences with customer service reinforce loyalty and satisfaction.

Brand Reputation:

Lakme enjoys a strong brand reputation built over decades of consistent performance and

reliability. The brand’s association with glamour and fashion, particularly through its

sponsorship of fashion events, adds to its allure and consumer appeal.

Areas for Improvement:

Despite high overall satisfaction, some areas for improvement include:

 Enhanced focus on natural and organic product lines to cater to the growing demand for

clean beauty.

 Increased transparency regarding ingredients to build greater consumer trust.

 Expansion of shade ranges in complexion products to better serve diverse skin tones.


Lakme continues to enjoy high consumer satisfaction due to its commitment to quality, variety,

competitive pricing, and excellent customer service. By addressing emerging consumer

preferences and maintaining its innovative edge, Lakme is well-positioned to sustain and

enhance its market leadership in the beauty industry.


Consumers are the main masters of their money and they have an enormous influence on the

economic market change because they possess the ability to implement and coordinate their

choice spending or saving in the purchase decision. Consumers are influenced by their attitude

towards the product and therefore marketers need to implement their strategies and tactics

frequently in order to achieve more consumers. Satisfaction and accurate target in finding out

what customers are aware and their buying preferences and thereby offering products according

to their needs will help the industry stakeholders to enrich their customer experience and

accelerate growth of the market.

The process that turns market plans into marketing actions. To fulfill strategic marketing

objectives, it is called marketing plan but most of the marketers are still challenged by their

marketing. Hence this research aims to explore the Consumers Satisfaction towards Lakme.



Consumer satisfaction is a critical metric for any brand aiming to sustain and grow its market

presence. For Lakmé, one of India's leading cosmetics brands under the umbrella of Hindustan

Unilever Limited (HUL), understanding and enhancing consumer satisfaction is pivotal. Since its

inception, Lakmé has been synonymous with beauty and fashion, offering a wide array of

products that cater to diverse consumer needs. This research explores the factors contributing to

consumer satisfaction with Lakmé, examining how product quality, variety, marketing strategies,

and customer service influence consumer perceptions and loyalty.

The importance of this study lies in its potential to provide insights into consumer behavior,

preferences, and satisfaction levels, which can guide strategic decisions for Lakmé. By analyzing

consumer feedback and satisfaction, this research aims to identify strengths and areas for

improvement, helping Lakmé to better align its offerings with consumer expectations and

maintain its competitive edge in the dynamic beauty market.

Detailed Explanation

I. Product Quality: Product quality is a primary driver of consumer satisfaction. Lakmé’s

reputation for delivering high-quality cosmetics plays a significant role in attracting and

retaining customers. The brand's commitment to using premium ingredients and

innovative formulations ensures that consumers trust and rely on its products for their

beauty needs. The performance, safety, and reliability of Lakmé products contribute to a

positive user experience, fostering long-term loyalty.

II. Product Variety: Lakmé's extensive range of products caters to a broad spectrum of

consumer preferences, from skincare and makeup to haircare. This variety allows

consumers to find products that match their specific needs, whether they are looking for

everyday essentials or specialized treatments. The continuous introduction of new

products and the ability to stay current with beauty trends also keep consumers engaged

and satisfied.

III. Brand Reputation: As a well-established and trusted brand, Lakmé enjoys a strong

reputation in the Indian beauty market. This trust is built on decades of delivering high-

quality products and consistent performance. The brand’s heritage and legacy add to its

credibility, making consumers more inclined to choose Lakmé over competitors. A strong

brand reputation also means that consumers are more likely to feel satisfied and confident

in their purchases.

IV. Marketing and Advertising: Lakmé’s effective marketing strategies, including eye-

catching advertising campaigns and collaborations with celebrities and influencer’s, play

a crucial role in shaping consumer perceptions. These campaigns create a strong,

aspirational brand image that resonates with consumers. Effective marketing not only

attracts new customers but also reinforces the satisfaction and loyalty of existing ones.

V. Accessibility and Availability: The widespread availability of Lakmé products, both

through traditional retail channels and online platforms, ensures that consumers can

easily access the products they desire. This convenience significantly enhances consumer

satisfaction. Additionally, Lakmé’s pricing strategy, which includes products at various

price-points, makes the brand accessible to a diverse consumer base, further boosting


VI. Customer Experience: The overall customer experience, including interactions with

customer service and the shopping environment, is vital to consumer satisfaction.

Efficient and responsive customer service can resolve issues and enhance the consumer's

perception of the brand. Additionally, a positive retail experience, whether in physical

stores or online, contributes to overall satisfaction. User-friendly store layouts, helpful

staff, and seamless online shopping platforms make the purchasing process enjoyable and


VII. Consumer Feedback and Engagement: Actively seeking and incorporating consumer

feedback helps Lakmé stay attuned to consumer needs and preferences. Engaging with

consumers through social media and other platforms allows the brand to build a

community and foster loyalty. Positive reviews and high ratings from satisfied customers

further reinforce the brand’s credibility and attract new consumers.

Conclusion: Understanding consumer satisfaction is crucial for Lakmé as it navigates the

competitive landscape of the beauty industry. By examining key factors such as product quality,

variety, brand reputation, marketing strategies, accessibility, customer experience, and consumer

engagement, this research aims to provide comprehensive insights into consumer satisfaction.

These insights can inform strategic decisions and help Lakmé enhance its offerings, ensuring that

it continues to meet and exceed consumer expectations. This focus on consumer satisfaction will

enable Lakmé to sustain its market leadership and foster long term growth.



1. Improvement of Product Quality:-

 Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses- Understanding consumer satisfaction helps

Lakme identify which aspects of their products are well-received and which need


 Product Development- Feedback from consumers can guide Lakme in developing new

products or enhancing existing ones to better meet consumer needs.

2. Enhancing Customer Loyalty:-

 Building Trust-Satisfied customers are more likely to trust the brand, leading to repeat

purchases and long-term loyalty.

 Customer Retention- High satisfaction levels reduce the likelihood of customers

switching to competitor brands, ensuring a stable customer base.

3. Effective Marketing Strategies:-

 Targeted Marketing- Insights from consumer satisfaction studies enable Lakme to tailor

marketing campaigns to highlight the most appreciated product attributes.

 Brand Positioning: Understanding what satisfies consumers’ helps in positioning the

brand effectively in the market, enhancing its competitive edge.

4. Boosting Sales and Revenue:-

 Positive Word-of-Mouth- Satisfied customers are more likely to recommend Lakme

products to others, leading to increased sales.

 Market Expansion- By addressing consumer needs and preferences, Lakme can attract

new customers and expand its market share.

5. Competitive Advantage:-

 Differentiation-- High consumer satisfaction can set Lakme apart from competitors,

creating a unique selling proposition.

 Innovation- Continuous feedback fosters innovation, allowing Lakme to stay ahead of

industry trends and maintain a competitive edge.

6. Customer Insights:-

 Understanding Preferences- Detailed knowledge of consumer preferences helps Lakme

customize their offerings to align with market demand.

 Behavior Analysis- Analyzing satisfaction levels can reveal patterns in consumer

behavior, aiding in better market segmentation and targeting.

7. Operational Efficiency:-

 Resource Allocation- Insights from satisfaction studies help Lakme allocate resources

more effectively, focusing on areas that significantly impact consumer satisfaction.

 Quality Control- Continuous monitoring of satisfaction levels can lead to improvements

in quality control processes, ensuring consistent product quality.

8. Brand Reputation Management:-

 Positive Image- High satisfaction levels contribute to a positive brand image, which is

crucial for long-term success.

 Crisis Management- Understanding consumer grievances helps Lakme address issues

promptly, mitigating potential negative impacts on the brand’s reputation.

9. Strategic Decision-Making:-

 Informed Decisions- Data on consumer satisfaction provides valuable insights for

strategic planning and decision-making, helping Lakme navigate market challenges


 Future Growth- Satisfying consumer’s current needs lays a strong foundation for future

growth and expansion opportunities.

Studying consumer satisfaction towards Lakme is essential for maintaining and enhancing the

brand’s market position, fostering customer loyalty, driving sales, and ensuring overall business



Rationale for Choosing Consumer Satisfaction towards Lakmé for a Research Report:-

A. Industry Relevance and Brand Significance: Lakmé is a prominent and influential brand

in the Indian cosmetics industry. As a market leader, studying consumer satisfaction

towards Lakmé provides valuable insights into what drives success in the beauty sector.

This research can highlight best practices and strategies that contribute to the brand’s

market dominance, offering lessons that can be applied to other brands and industries.

B. Consumer Behavior Insights: Understanding consumer satisfaction is a key to

deciphering broader consumer behavior patterns. By focusing on Lakmé, researchers can

gain insights into the preferences, expectations, and decision-making processes of

consumers in the beauty market. These insights can help predict future trends and guide

strategic decisions in product development and marketing.

C. Evaluating Brand Performance: Consumer satisfaction is a critical indicator of a brand’s

performance. Researching this aspect allows for an evaluation of how well Lakmé meets

consumer needs and expectations. Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of Lakmé’s

offerings can provide a detailed understanding of the brand’s performance and areas for


D. Competitive Advantage: In a competitive market, consumer satisfaction can be a

significant differentiator. By studying consumer satisfaction towards Lakmé, the

research can identify factors that contribute to the brand’s competitive edge.

Understanding these factors can help Lakmé and other brands enhance their competitive

strategies and better meet consumer demands.

E. Product Development and Innovation: Consumer feedback is essential for guiding

product development and innovation. By analyzing consumer satisfaction, Lakmé can

gain insights into what consumers like or dislike about their products. This feedback can

inform the development of new products and the refinement of existing ones, ensuring

they align with consumer preferences and needs.

F. Marketing and Communication Effectiveness: Effective marketing and communication

are vital for building brand perception and consumer satisfaction. Researching consumer

satisfaction can reveal how well Lakmé’s marketing strategies resonate with consumers.

These findings can help refine marketing campaigns to better connect with the target

audience and enhance brand engagement.

G. Customer Retention and Loyalty: High levels of consumer satisfaction are closely linked

to customer retention and loyalty. By focusing on this area, Lakmé can develop

strategies to retain existing customers and foster long-term loyalty. Loyal customers are

more likely to make repeat purchases and recommend the brand to others, contributing to

sustained growth.

H. Adapting to Market Changes: The cosmetics industry is dynamic, with rapidly evolving

trends and consumer preferences. Continuous research into consumer satisfaction helps

Lakmé stay at tuned to these changes and adapt quickly. This agility is crucial for

maintaining relevance and competitiveness in the market.

I. Building Brand Reputation: A strong brand reputation is built on consistent consumer

satisfaction. Researching this aspect helps Lakmé understand the factors that contribute

to a positive brand image. This understanding can be leveraged to strengthen brand

reputation and consumer trust, which are vital for long-term success.

J. Strategic Planning: The insights gained from studying consumer satisfaction can inform

Lakmé’s strategic planning. Understanding consumer needs and preferences allows the

brand to make informed decisions about product lines, marketing strategies, and overall

business direction. This strategic alignment with consumer expectations can enhance

overall brand performance.

Conclusion: Choosing consumer satisfaction towards Lakmé as a research topic offers a

comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence consumer perceptions and behaviors

in the beauty industry. This research can provide valuable insights for strategic decision-making,

product development, marketing effectiveness, and competitive positioning. By focusing on

consumer satisfaction, Lakmé can ensure it continues to meet and exceed consumer expectations,

maintaining its leadership position in the cosmetics market and fostering long-term growth and



Lakmé, a leading Indian cosmetics brand, is part of Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL), one of

the largest fast-moving consumer goods companies in India. Here is a general overview of its

organizational structure:

1. Parent Company: -

 Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL): Lakmé is a subsidiary of HUL, which

provides overall strategic direction and corporate governance.

2. Executive Leadership: -

 Chief Executive Officer (CEO): The CEO of HUL oversees the overall

operations, including the performance of the Lakmé brand.

 Brand Director/General Manager: A senior executive dedicated to managing the

Lakmé brand within HUL, responsible for strategic decisions, brand

management, and marketing initiatives.

3. Functional Departments: -

 Marketing: Responsible for brand promotion, advertising campaigns, market

research, and customer engagement.

 Sales: Manages retail partnerships, distribution channels, and sales strategies to

ensure product availability across different markets.

 Product Development: Focuses on innovation, research and development of new

products, and improving existing product lines.

 Operations: Handles supply chain management, logistics, procurement, and

production to ensure efficient manufacturing and distribution.

 Finance: Manages budgeting, financial planning, accounting, and financial


 Human Resources: Handles recruitment, employee development, training, and

organizational culture.

4. Regional Divisions:-

 Domestic Market (India): Lakmé's primary market, with dedicated teams for

different regions within India to cater to local preferences and market dynamics.

 International Markets: Focus on expanding Lakmé's presence in international

markets, with teams handling exports, international marketing, and compliance

with global standards.

5. Customer Service:-

 Consumer Care: Addresses customer queries, feedback, and complaints to ensure

customer satisfaction and loyalty.

6. Digital and E-commerce:-

 E-commerce: Manages online sales channels, partnerships with e-commerce

platforms, and direct-to-consumer online strategies.

 Digital Marketing: Focuses on social media, online advertising, influencer

collaborations, and digital content creation.

This structure allows Lakmé to leverage HUL's extensive resources while maintaining a focused

approach to brand management and market-specific strategies.


Lakme is an iconic Indian beauty brand that has been rocking cosmetics scene since 1952 around

70 years. It was founded in 1952 and has since become one of the leading cosmetic companies in

India. The name “Lakme” is inspired by the French opera called “Lakmé”, which tells the story

of a beautiful princess.

Lakme offers a wide range of cosmetic and skincare products that cater to various needs and

preferences. They have 4 key areas of expertise- Hair care, Skin care, Make-up and Fragrances.

They have an extensive collection of makeup products, including foundations, lipsticks, eye
shadows, mascaras, and more. Their skincare line includes cleansers, moisturizers, serums, and

masks, designed to nourish and enhance the skin. Hair care products of Lakme include Hair

sprays and serums.

Lakme products are widely available in India through various retail outlets, as well as online

platforms. They have gained a loyal customer base over the years, thanks to their commitment to

quality and their understanding of the Indian beauty market.

The brand is known for its high-quality products and its focus on celebrating diversity and

empowering women. They aim to provide beauty solutions for all skin types and tones,

embracing the uniqueness of every individual. They believe that beauty comes in all shapes,

sizes, and shades and they’ve got products for everyone. So, whether you are fair, whitish, or

dusky, Lakme has got your back!

One of the notable aspects of Lakme is its commitment to innovation and staying on top of

beauty trends. They often collaborate with renowned fashion designers and makeup artists to

create unique and trendy collections. Lakme also hosts the Lakme Fashion Week, a prestigious

event that showcases the latest fashion and beauty trends in India.

Lakme works closely with these designers to create makeup looks that perfectly complement

their collections. It’s like a beautiful marriage of fashion and beauty! Lakme has also

collaborated with individuals designers to create limited edition makeup collections. These

collaborations often result in unique and fashion-forward products that reflect the designer’s

aesthetic. From bold and vibrant lipsticks to innovative eye shadow palettes, these collections are

a true celebration of creativity and style.

Some notable fashion designers who have collaborated with Lakme include Sabyasachi

Mukherjee, Manish Malhotra, Masaba Gupta, and many more. Each collaboration brings

something new and exciting to the table, showcasing the designer’s vision and Lakme’s expertise

in beauty. These collaborations not only create buzz in the fashion and beauty industry but also

give consumers the opportunity to experience the magic of high fashion in their everyday lives.

It’s like having a piece of runway glamour in your makeup bag!


In 1995, Lakmé Ltd (a Tata Group company) and HUL formed a 50:50 venture Lakmé Lever

that would market and distribute Lakme’s products. In 1998, Lakmé sold its brands to HUL.

Only the years between 1995 and 2000 saw HUL wrestling with several issues with a bearing on

Lakmé’s future. A brand that has over 5 decades talked of beauty is none other than Lakmé.

Launched in 1952, it offered a range of cosmetics with nail polishes & lipsticks from the early

80’s. Lakmé also understand the importance of maintaining and accentuating a women’s natural

beauty, for this it has introduced a range of skin care products from 1987. These ranges have

been constantly innovated to bring specialized beauty care and complete the range for the

definitive women.

Lakmé is the first home-grown successful cosmetics brand in India.

The classic Indian women is expressive, confident and redefines the definition and meaning of

beauty. She not only inspires but also aspires to achieve the best.

From being the contemporary Indian beauty expert to becoming the flag-bearer of the latest

makeup trends and styles that hit the runway, Lakmé as a brand continues to be innovative with

its approach towards the world of makeup and beauty.

Whether it is products that are synthesized to meet every Indian woman’s requirements, or the

world-class hair, beauty and skin care services offered at Lakmé Salons.

Now, Lakmé brand is actually a subsidiary of Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL). HUL, which

is a part of global Unilever Group, acquired Lakme in the year 1996. This partnership has

allowed Lakme to further expand its reach and continue to bring fabulous beauty products to all

of us. Lakmé is now under the umbrella of Hindustan Unilever Limited.


 Lakmé is the country’s first cosmetic brand to introduce makeup to Indian women and

takes pride in being the Indian beauty expert far over 65 years.

 It is a complete beauty brand spanning color cosmetics & skin care and extends to

beauty services through the network of Lakmé Salons.

 Its bond with beauty and fashion is manifested through the Lakmé Fashion Week, which

is now the largest fashion event of its kind in the country.


Half a century ago, as India took her step into freedom, Lakme, India’s first beauty brand was

born. At a time when the beauty industry in India was at a nascent stage, Lakme tapped into what

would grow to be amongst the leading, high consumer interest segments in the Indian Industry –

that of skincare and cosmetic products. Armed with a potent combination of foresight, research

and constant innovation, Lakme has grown to be the market leader in the cosmetics industry.

Lakme today has grown to have a wide variety of products for the lips, nails, eyes, face, hair and

skin, and services like the Lakme Beauty Salons.

In detail, Lakme is an Indian brand of cosmetics, owned by Unilever and run by CEO Anil

Chopra. Lakme started as a 100% subsidiary of Tata Oil Mills (Tomco), part of the Tata Group;

it was named after the French opera Lakme, which itself is the French form of Lakshmi, the

goddess of wealth, also renowned for her beauty. Indian cosmetic Lakme was started in 1952,

famously because the then Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, was concerned that Indian women

were spending precious foreign exchange on beauty products, and personally requested JRD Tata

to manufacture them in India. Simone Tata joined the company as director, and went on to

become its chairman. In 1996 Tata sold off their stakes in Lakme Lever to HLL, for Rs 200

Crore (45 million US$), and went on to create Trent and Westside. Even today, when most

multinational beauty products are available in India, Lakme still occupies a special place in the

hearts of Indian women. Lakme also started its new business in the beauty industry by setting up

Lakme Beauty Salons all over India. Now HUL (Hindustan Unilever Limited) has about 110

salons all over India providing beauty services. Lakme’ has been ranked as 47th most trusted

brand in India by The Brand 10 Trust Report The company is the title sponsor for Lakme

Fashion Week (LFW) a biannual fashion event which takes place in Mumbai. Makeup types

Cosmetics include skin-care creams, lotions, powder, perfumes, lipsticks, fingernail and toe nail

polish, eye and facial makeup , towelettes , permanent waves, colored contact lenses, hair colors,

hair sprays and gels, deodorants, hand sanitizer, baby products, bath oils, bubble baths, bath

salts, butters and many other types of products. A subset of cosmetics is called “make-up,” which
refers primarily to colored products intended to alter the user’s appearance. Many manufacturers

distinguish between decorative cosmetics and care cosmetics. Most cosmetics are distinguished

by the area of the body intended for application.


PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE TRENDS IN MAKEUP Cosmetics (colloquially known as

makeup or make-up) are care substances used to enhance the appearance or of the human body.

They are generally mixtures of chemical compounds, some being derived from natural sources,

many being synthetic.

In the U.S., the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which regulates cosmetics, defines

cosmetics as “intended to be applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting

attractiveness, or altering the appearance without affecting the body’s structure or functions.”

This broad definition includes, as well, any material intended for use as a component of a

cosmetic product. The FDA specifically excludes soap from this category.

The word cosmetics derives from the Greek κοσμητική τέχνη (kosmetikē tekhnē), meaning

“technique of dress and ornament”, from κοσμητικός (kosmētikos), [“skilled in ordering or

arranging”] and that from κόσμος (kosmos), meaning amongst others “order” and “ornament”.

Archeological evidence of cosmetics dates at least from ancient Egypt and Greece. According to

one source, early major developments include:

 Castor oil by ancient Egypt as a protective balm

 Skin creams made of beeswax, olive oil, and rosewater described by Romans

 Vaseline and lanolin in the nineteenth century

 Nivea Crème in 1911

The Ancient Greeks also used cosmetics. Cosmetics are mentioned in the Old Testament—2

Kings 9:30 where Jezebel painted her eyelids—approximately 840 BC—and the book of Esther

describes various beauty treatments as well.

Cosmetic use was frowned upon at many points in Western history. For example, in the 19th

century, Queen Victoria publicly declared makeup improper, vulgar, and acceptable only for use

by actors of the major cosmetics firms, the largest is LAKME, run by Unilever and own by CEO

Anil Chopra.

Beauty products are now widely available from dedicated internet-only retailers, who have more

recently been joined online by established outlets, including the major department stores and

traditional bricks and mortar beauty retailers.

Although modern make-up has been used mainly by women traditionally, gradually an

increasing number of males are using cosmetics usually associated to women to enhance or cover

their own facial features.

PRESENT & FUTURE TRENDS IN MAKEUP Values in clients’ personal lives have

changed and that leads to a change in how they consume. People are spending more time with

friends and family, and are focusing on what they consider to be the more important things in

life. Consuming for the sake of consumption is no longer a way of life. Cosmetic consumers are

demanding more quality products with multiple benefits, and what is inside the package will

soon become more important than the package itself. Although packaging and presentation will

always be very important, it will not be enough to hold a client, and it will not be the foundation

upon which to build a business.

To predict how and where mineral makeup will grow in the future, it is important to revisit its

history and evolution. Traditional makeup was initially used to add color accents to the face, and

after a while, it was used to cover up imperfections. Mineral makeup brought the evolution to not

only color and cover, but also to protect and enhance. Mineral makeup today is almost as much

about skin care benefits as it is about the color and coverage.

That is not to say that mineral makeup is intended to replace skin care; it is meant to enhance it.

The mineral makeup category must continue to offer innovative and exciting formulations in

order to lead the cosmetic industry. Currently, most mineral formulas are cosmetic-grade only,

but the future could bring drug formulas right into 6 color formulas. The beauty of this is that the

consumer is more likely to use color more consistently than skin care. The more a person uses

products with beneficial ingredients, the better the results will be.

Following are the coming trends for mineral makeup.

Face color formulations

Formulations for the face will do more than just correct uneven skin tone; they will address

texture issues, such as large pores, scars and pitted skin.

The coverage will camouflage without a heavy look or feel. Look for products that will address

issues such as discoloration; not just covering it, but also reversing its symptoms, whether red

(rosacea and acne), blue (dark circle and bruising), brown (hyper pigmentation) or white (hypo


Eye color formulations

Formulations for the eyes will still help make the eyes look larger and brighter, but will also

address issues such as wrinkles, dark circles, sagging, and thinning eyelashes and eyebrows.

Look for concealers and eye shadows that have powerful ingredients included directly in the

color formula.

New pharmaceutical skin care formulations are offering solutions for longer and darker

eyelashes. This will create resurgence in the sale of mascara and eye liner, as well as other eye

color products in general. In particular, the category of tubular mascara will skyrocket. Tubular

mascara formulas use a flexible copolymer instead of traditional oils and waxes and can literally

be built on top of the lashes to add even more length.

Tubular mascara offers a water-resistant formula without compromising the lashes; it is easily

removed with just warm water and pressure. Women pay approximately $120 per month for the

upkeep of longer, darker lashes, and they will demand a mascara formula that will not break

them down. One weakness of the tubular mascara is that it does not offer the thickening power

of traditional oil and wax formulas. Look for a product that does both in one application. So far,

most options require a two-step process to enjoy both of these benefits.

Lip color formulations

Formulations for the lips have already addressed long-wearing, plumping and moisturizing

issues. The one area that needs to be seriously examined is the long-term damage that high-shine

lip glosses are doing to the lips. Lip melanomas have increased dramatically during the past few

years, and wearing high-shine lip gloss is like wearing a magnifying glass over the lips. To

counteract this danger of sun damage, future formulas should include protective ingredients, such

as zinc and titanium dioxide. Chemical sunscreens on the lips will raise the heat factor on the lips

and exacerbate conditions, such as canker sores.

Sun care formulations

Formulations for sun care will continue to improve, and the category of powder sunscreen has

brought sun care formulas to a new level. The heat factor of chemical sunscreens is important

because heat can exacerbate skin conditions, especially acne and hyper pigmentation.

Clients are more ingredient-savvy than ever and are aware of which ingredients work. They

have raised their standards and now must have real results from their cosmetic products. They

expect a product to offer multiple benefits. The consumer is still spending money on cosmetic

products, but is looking for value; it is not so much about price as it is about value. If a product

delivers real results and can do double duty, it will be successful. That is why authentic mineral

makeup formulas will still lead the cosmetic industry as a major force.


Company type Private

Industry Personal care and Beauty Salon
Founded 1952; 72 years ago
Founders J.R.D Tata
Simone Tata
Headquarters India
Area served India, Nepal
Key people Vipul Chaturvedi, CEO
Products Cosmetics, Beauty products, Hair
products and Salon services.
Parent Tata Group (1952-1998)
Hindustan Unilever (1998-present)

Lakmé mainly sells colored cosmetic products such as lipsticks, eyeliners and skincare cream. In
December 2018, it launched its e-commerce platform. As of 2021, Lakmé also runs beauty
salons under Lakmé Lever. The company is the title sponsor for Lakmé Fashion Week (LFW), a
bi-annual fashion week which takes place in Mumbai.

Lakmé has Shraddha Kapoor, Kajol Devgn, Kareena Kapoor, and Ananya Pandey as brand
ambassadors. In the Brand Trust Report 2012, Lakmé was ranked 104th among India’s most
trusted brands, and the following year it was ranked 71 st on the list. In 2014, Lakmé was ranked
36th among India’s most trusted brands according to the Brand Trust Report 2014. In 2022, it has
been ranked as the 27th most trusted brands in India according to the Brand Trust Report 2022.


• Face Primer, Come in various formulas to suit individual skin concerns. Most are meant to

reduce the appearance of pore size, prolong the wear of makeup, and allow for a smoother

application of makeup applied before foundation.

• Eye Primer, Used to prolong the wear of eye shadows on the eye as well as intensify color

payoff from shadows.

• Lip gloss, is a sheer form of lipstick that is in a liquid form.

• Lipstick, lip gloss, lip liner, lip plumper, lip balm, lip conditioner, lip primer, and lip boosters.

Lip stains have a water or gel base and may contain alcohol to help the product stay on the lips.

The idea behind lip stains is to temporarily saturate the lips with a dye, rather than covering them

with a colored wax. Usually designed to be waterproof, the product may come with an applicator

brush or be applied with a finger.

• Concealer, makeup used to cover any imperfections of the skin. Concealer is often used for any

extra coverage needed to cover blemishes, or any other marks. Concealer is often thicker and

more solid than foundation, and provides longer lasting, and more detailed coverage. Some

formulations are meant only for the eye or only for the face.

• Foundation, used to smooth out the face and cover spots or uneven skin coloration. Usually a

liquid, cream or powder, as well as most recently, a light and fluffy mousse, which provides

excellent coverage as well. Foundation primer can be applied before or after to get a smoother

finish. Some primers come in powder or liquid form to be applied before foundation as a base,

while other primers come as a spray to be applied after you are finished to help make- up last


• Face powder, used to set the foundation, giving a matte finish, and also to conceal small flaws

or blemishes.

• Rouge, blush or blusher, cheek coloring used to bring out the color in the cheeks and make the

cheekbones appear more defined. This comes in powder, cream, and liquid forms.

• Contour powder/creams, used to define the face. It can be used to give the illusion of a

slimmer face or to even modify a person’s face shape as desired. Usually a few shades darker

than one’s own skin tone and matte in finish to create the illusion of depth. A darker toned

foundation/concealer can be used instead to contour to create a more natural look.

• Highlighter, used to draw attention to the high points of the face as well as to add glow to the

face. It comes in liquid, cream, and powder form. Often contains shimmer, but sometimes does

not. A lighter toned foundation/concealer can be used instead to highlight create a more natural


• Bronzer, used to give skin a bit of color by adding a golden or bronze glow. Can come in either

matte, semi matte/satin, or shimmer finishes. Mascara is used to darken, lengthen, and thicken

the eyelashes. It is available in natural colors such as brown and black, but also comes in bolder

colors such as blue, pink, or purple. There are many different formulas, including waterproof for

those prone to allergies or sudden tears. Often used after an eyelash curler and mascara primer.

There are now also many mascaras with certain components to help lashes to grow longer and

thicker. There are specific minerals and proteins that are combined with the mascara that can

benefit, as well as beautify.


1) Brand Overview:-

 Lakmé: An Indian cosmetics brand owned by Hindustan Unilever, established in

1952. Known for its wide range of products including skincare, makeup, and beauty


 Other Brands: Choose a few competitors for comparison, such as L'Oréal,

Maybelline, MAC Cosmetics, and Revlon.

2) Product Range:-

 Lakmé: Offers a broad spectrum of products including foundations, lipsticks, eye

makeup, skincare, and salon services.

 L'Oréal: Known for its extensive range of skincare, haircare, and makeup products.

Focuses on innovation and premium quality.

 Maybelline: A subsidiary of L'Oréal, known for its trendy and affordable makeup

products, especially popular among younger consumers.

 MAC Cosmetics: High-end brand with a strong focus on professional-grade makeup

products. Renowned for its extensive shade range and collaborations with celebrities.

 Revlon: Offers a variety of makeup and skincare products, often highlighting

affordability and accessibility.

3) Market Position and Target Audience:-

 Lakmé: Strong presence in India, targeting middle to upper-middle-class women.

Known for its blend of traditional and contemporary styles.

 L'Oréal: Global brand targeting a wide demographic from budget to high-end

consumers. Strong emphasis on research and innovation.

 Maybelline: Targets young, trend-conscious consumers with affordable prices and

vibrant product offerings.

 MAC Cosmetics: Targets professional makeup artists and beauty enthusiasts. Known

for high quality and extensive shade ranges.

 Revlon: Broad market appeal with a focus on providing quality products at affordable


4) Brand Perception and Marketing:-

 Lakmé: Strong Indian cultural roots, frequently collaborates with Bollywood

celebrities. Known for the Lakmé Fashion Week, a major fashion event in India.

 L'Oréal: Global advertising campaigns often featuring international celebrities and

models. Emphasis on luxury and innovation.

 Maybelline: "Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's Maybelline" slogan is well-known.

Marketing often features young, trendy, and diverse models.

 MAC Cosmetics: High visibility in fashion shows and collaborations with fashion

designers. Strong online and social media presence.

 Revlon: Known for its iconic campaigns featuring Hollywood celebrities. Emphasis

on timeless beauty and accessibility.

5) Price Range and Accessibility:-

 Lakmé: Generally affordable with some premium product lines. Widely available

across India in stores and online.

 L'Oréal: Ranges from affordable drugstore products to high-end items. Widely

available internationally.

 Maybelline: Affordable and widely accessible in drugstores and online.

 MAC Cosmetics: High-end pricing, available in dedicated stores, high-end

department stores, and online.

 Revlon: Affordable, widely available in drugstores, supermarkets, and online.

6) Quality and Innovation:-

 Lakmé: Known for quality and reliability, with ongoing innovations to meet

contemporary beauty needs.

 L'Oréal: Strong focus on research and development, often leading to innovative

beauty solutions.

 Maybelline: Frequently introduces trendy products that resonate with younger


 MAC Cosmetics: Renowned for high-quality, professional-grade products and

constant innovation.

 Revlon: Balances quality with affordability, known for classic products and periodic


7) Consumer Feedback and Reviews:-

 Lakmé: Generally positive reviews in India, praised for catering to Indian skin tones
and conditions.

 L'Oréal: Positive global reviews, often highlighted for effectiveness and luxury feel.
 Maybelline: Popular among young users, appreciated for trendy products and

 MAC Cosmetics: High ratings for quality and shade range, although premium pricing
can be a barrier.

 Revlon: Positive reviews for being dependable and affordable, though not always
viewed as innovative.

This comparison covers essential aspects such as product range, market positioning, brand

perception, price range, quality, and consumer feedback.


Customer satisfaction plays an important role within every business. Not only is it the leading

indicator .To measure customer loyalty, identify unhappy customers, reduce churn and increase

revenue, it is also a key .Point of differentiation that helps you to attract new customers in

competitive business environments.

 It’s a leading indicator of consumer repurchase intentions and loyalty.

 Nowadays, the Customers are very brand conscious.

 It reduces customer churn and increases customer lifetime value.

 Positive branding can be achieved by excellent customer service.

 Happy customers are returning customer.

Lakme Going Global ?

 If the company manages to scale up the brand and increase its consumption within India,

there are strong indications that Lakme could leverage Unilever’s global reach on the

back of the Anglo-Dutch major’s priorities on personal care and D&E (developing and

emerging markets).

 Given Lakme’s service sector lineage, the business model could benefit from what is

perceived to be Unilever’s proposed area of interest for the future - services.

Reviving Of Lakme’s Brand

 Lakme Lever had revived its youth-oriented brand, Elle 18. Having put the brand on

`maintenance' mode, this division of HLL was focusing on Lakme.

 Launched in 1998, Elle 18 targeted the first-time cosmetic user and currently sports two

product lines comprising lipsticks and nail enamel.

 "In the first three years, Elle 18 registered sharp growth rates and the purpose was to

create a new segment of consumers," said Mr. Chopra.

 At that point of time, Elle 18's main competitor in the youth-based cosmetics market was

Tips & Toes, a brand that is almost non-existent today.


 Increasing competition

 Low rating of lame Salons (not so good customer services)

 No new strategies to look for improvements.

 May lose its shine in a long run.


 Promotions beyond fashion week

 The brand should not lose its focus away from cosmetics.

 For vast reach unlikely, in the short-term. “Some sort of an alliance or co-branding with the

salons that already exist may, perhaps, have been a better strategy.

 The general perception is that company-owned salons are expensive. Though Lakme beauty

salons are reasonably priced, it has not been communicated well enough.


 This study uncovers the impact, utility and effectiveness & efficiency of marketing

strategies of Lakme on the success of cosmetic industry. A special emphasis is laid down

on Lakme cosmetics.

 The project begins with detailed information about marketing strategies and the impact of

measuring customer satisfaction in cosmetic industry. Further, it covers topics as data

collection tools and research methodology used for the project.

 Then it gives a complete analysis of the data collected and it is then used to reach to a

conclusion. The study took nearly 1 month to complete.

 The study is useful for the better understanding of marketing strategies towards the

Lakme cosmetic industry. For the purpose of this study, a questionnaire was designed

based on different parameters to judge and understand the consumer behavior and

satisfaction level towards Lakme cosmetics.

 Target group of the project was mainly Lakme customers. As this study is confined to

Lakme, it covers an analysis of consumer behavior, attitude, perceptions, marketing

strategies and satisfaction with respect to Lakme as a BRAND in cosmetic industry.

 The study takes into account the customers of Lakme in GONDA.


 To analyze consumer perceptions: Understanding what consumers think about Lakme

products in terms of quality, pricing, packaging and overall brand image.

 To identify factors influencing consumer satisfaction: Determining how factors such as

product quality, customer service, pricing and brand reputation impact consumer


 To assess consumer loyalty and repurchase intentions: Examining why satisfied

customers remain loyal to the Lakme brand and their intentions to repurchase products.

 To understand the impact of marketing strategies: Analyzing how Lakme’s marketing

strategies, such as advertisements, promotions and endorsements, influence customer


 To provide recommendations for improvement: Offering suggestions on how Lakme can

enhance consumer satisfaction by improving its products, services and marketing efforts.


Lakme is world renowned and great cosmetic company, a wonderful gift hamper for today’s


a. Lakme lipstick

b. Lakme eyeliner

c. Lakme kajal

d. Lakme strawberries face wash

e. Lakme radiant rose powder

f. Lakme nail enamel remover

g. Lakme shampoo

h. Lakme deep pore cleansing milk

i. Lakme foundation

j. Lakme mascara

k. Lakme compact powder

l. Lakme blush

m. Lakme eye shadow

n. Lakme makeup remover

o. Lakme sunscreen

p. Lakme nail polish



 From the spicy shades to the flattering look

 Lakme offers a range of products in the face

 Lips, eyes and nail segment for the beauty aficionados.


 Lakmé Daily Wear Soufflé

 Lakmé Perfecting liquid Foundation

 Lakmé Radiance Compact

 Lakmé flawless matte complexion compact


 Lakmé Enrich Lip color

 Perfecting Definition Lip Pencil

– Star shine Lip-gloss

– Glosses in lustrous shades available in 14 shades.


From dramatic to natural look- a wide range of products are on offer to create the perfect
eyes - :

1. Lakmé Kajal

2. Lakme Insta Eyeliner eyelids

3. Lakmé Shimmer Eye Cube


 True Wear Nail Enamel

 Nail Enamel with Lacquer-like finish

 Enamel Contains resins and silicone with color lock technology that gives brilliant
long lasting shine


 Lakmé is there to pamper your skin with specialized products for the diva in you.


 Strawberry Silk Splash Face Wash

 Lakmé Fundamental Deep Pore Cleansing Milk


 Lakmé Fundamental Peach Milk Moisturizer skin

 Lakmé Fundamental Winter Care Lotion

Sun Protection

The range comprises of lotions to keep your skin healthy and younger looking.



1. Strong Brand Image: Lakme has a well-established brand name in the beauty and cosmetics


2. Wide Product Range: They offer a diverse range of beauty products catering to different

customer needs.

3. Innovation: Lakme is known for its innovative products and keeping up with the latest

beauty trends.

4. Distribution Network: A company has a widespread distribution network, making its

products easily accessible.


1. Pricing: Some of Lakme's products might be perceived as expensive compared to


2. Limited Global Presence: Lakme's market presence is primarily focused on India, limiting its

global reach.

3. Dependence on Certain Products: If sales of specific products decline, it could impact overall



1. Expansion into New Markets: Lakme could explore opportunities to expand its presence in

international markets.

2. Digital Marketing: Leveraging digital platforms for marketing could help reach a wider


3. Diversification: Introducing new product lines or services could attract a broader customer



1. Competition: Intense competition from both established and emerging beauty brands poses a

threat to Lakme.

2. Changing Consumer Preferences: Shifts in consumer preferences towards natural or organic

products could impact sales.

3. Economic Factors: Economic downturns or fluctuations could affect consumer spending on

beauty products.



Consumer satisfaction is a critical aspect that influences the brand’s market performance and


Factors influencing Consumer Satisfaction -:

1. Product Quality

a) Perceived Quality: Studies indicate that perceived product quality is a major

determinant of consumer satisfaction. Lakme’s products are often perceived as

high-quality, which enhances consumer trust and loyalty.

b) Innovation: Lakme frequently introduces new products and updates its existing

lines, which keeps the brand relevant and appealing to consumers. Innovations

in formulations, packaging and marketing have a positive impact on

consumer satisfaction.

2. Brand Image and Trust

a) Brand Image: The brand’s association with beauty and elegance positively

influences consumer perceptions. Lakme’s extensive marketing campaigns, often

featuring celebrities, reinforce its image as a premium and aspirational brand.

b) Trust and Reliability: Consumers tend to be loyal to brands they trust. Lakme’s

long-standing presence in the market and consistent product performance

contribute to a high level of consumer trust.

3. Customer Service and Experience

a) Retail Experience: The quality of in-store and online shopping experiences

significantly affects consumer satisfaction. Lakme’s efforts to enhance customer

experience through well-trained beauty advisors and engaging retail

environments are appreciated by consumers.

b) After-sales Service: Effective handling of customer complaints and queries is

crucial for maintaining satisfaction. Lakme’s responsive customer service is often

highlighted as a positive aspect.

4. Pricing

a) Value for Money: While Lakme is positioned as a premium brand, its pricing

strategy is perceived as offering good value for money. Consumers appreciate

the balance between quality and cost, which is a key factor in satisfaction.

b) Promotions and Discounts: Regular promotions, discounts, and attractive

packaging during festive seasons boost consumer satisfaction by providing

perceived value and enhancing purchase experiences.

5. Consumers Expectations and Feedback

a) Meeting Expectations: Consumers have high expectations from established brands like

Lakme. Consistent delivery on these expectations in terms of products efficacy and safety

leads to higher satisfaction levels.

b) Incorporating Feedback: brands that actively incorporate consumer feedback into

product development and improvements tend to have higher satisfaction rates. Lakme’s

responsiveness to consumer feedback, as seen in products updates and new launches,

positively impacts consumer satisfaction.


Consumer satisfaction towards Lakme is driven by multiple factors including product quality,

brand image, customer service, pricing and responsiveness to consumer feedback. Lakme’s

ability to maintain high standards across these dimensions ensures its continued success and

loyalty among consumers. Ongoing innovation and adaptation to consumer needs will be crucial

far sustaining and enhancing satisfaction levels in the future.


In this Chapter, I have made an attempt to study and understand the complex concepts of

Customer satisfaction. This attempt includes, understanding the basic concepts of Consumer

satisfaction level, analyzing research studies made by earlier researchers in respect of Consumer

satisfaction towards Lakme. For this, the researcher has used various books, research journals

and websites.

Indirapriyadharshini (2016) : Has studied consumer satisfaction on personal care products Of

HUL. Now a day most business organizations are operating in a complex and competitive

environment where demands are constantly changing.

S. Bagiyalakshmi and S. Saranya (2017): In his study entitled, “a study on cosmetics usage of

girls”. The purpose of the study is to find cosmetic usage of girls and the most popular products

are colored cosmetics, of which nail polish, lipsticks and shine are the largest number of products

in the entire Indian cosmetics and toiletries market. Popular local brands in the region include

Lakme and Revlon. This study has made a serious attempt to study the behavior of teenage girls

in the use of cosmetics. A sample of 100 girls was examined and their data collected. The

samples for the study are selected systematically.

Syed Kazim and D. G. Kantharaj (2015): In their study entitled Impact of Advertisements

towards Customer Purchase decision: A Study with reference to Cosmetic Products in the last

two decades, advertising has increased dramatically change. Advertising has a major impact on

customers’ purchasing decisions for specific brands. It is generally accepted that advertising can

give a product or service special features that would otherwise be lacking. The study focuses on

identifying the impact of advertising on the behavior and attitudes of consumers, especially

cosmetics, among young people aged 15 to 24 years.

Kameswara (2015): Studied on consumer attitudes and perception on personal care Products

and cosmetics‖, generally it is not on easy task to process the factors influencing the Consumer to

accept certain personal care and cosmetics while assessing is multi-dimensional.

Nischay, K. Upamannyu, S. S Bhakar (2014): In their study Entitled Examine the impact of

customer satisfaction on branding and loyalty intent, directly and indirectly, based on a

hypothetical model (MP) in India, in the recent Fair for a Cosmetic Fair at Gwalior. The

measurements were standardized to make them suitable for the study. The number Of factors

was identified by the exploratory factor analysis for all variables. The current structural equation

modeling was used in this study on AMOS 16.

G. Syamala (2013): “Study of the products of Lakme company ltd. With reference to Pune city,

Lakme is an Indian Cosmetics brand from Unilever”. It began as a wholly owned subsidiary of

Tata Oil Mills (TOMCO), part of the Tata Group, Named after the French opera the goddess of

wealth. Lakme Indian Cosmetics was founded in 1952.Lakme still occupies a special Place in the

heart of Indian women. In this research report, Customer satisfaction with Lakme is highlighted.

In addition, an attempt is made to find out who the competitors are and which different Lakme

products are used by the customers.

AC Groot, JP Nater, R Lender (1987): Analyzed the reasons for use of cosmetics. For the

purpose of study .The 1609 respondents were interviewed to know the adverse effects. 12.2

percent reported that they face problem like irritation while using cosmetics.

Jane E Workman, Kim KP Johnson (1991): Investigated the effect of cosmetics in the

impression formulation. In the study 85 under graduate females were viewed with heavy

cosmetics, moderate cosmetic and no cosmetics and they were looked into their attractiveness,

personal temperament, personality and morality.

Malhothra (2003): Stated that the main reason for the boom in cosmetic industry is increasing

fashion and beauty consciousness coupled with rising income and the focus on health and fitness.

Michelle Guthrie, Hye-Shin Kim, Jaehee Jung (2008): Revealed the effect of facial image and

cosmetic usage in perception of brand personality. It was stated that the consumers‟ facial image

influenced the total Quantity of cosmetic used by the respondents and not the variation in

quantity in different situation, Also noted that there is a relationship between facial image and

brand perception.

Vanessa Apaolaza (2010): Stated that people who use cosmetics buy this product primarily for

emotional reason. The most important factor that influences their behavior was their desire to

look beautiful. The study shows that both the emotional and utility aspects of cosmetic brand had

a significant impact on consumer satisfaction but the emotional component.

Andrew Mc Dougall (2010): In his study stated that the main reason for the growth in cosmetic

sector is that the human being spent more for the cosmetics owing to the concern for beauty and

at the same resulted in the growth in cosmetic sector.

Fyi (2011): Attempted a study on the emotion behind women choosing certain cosmetic brands.

It was understood from the study that the women buy cosmetic mainly for emotional reasons.

The utility and emotional factor had greater impact on women’s preference on cosmetic brand.

Siddharth Shriram Shimp and K Sinha (2012): Evaluated the product variables which effect

the purchase decision. The different variables include the texture of the product, promised effect,

previous usage experience and the suitability of skin.

Shukla Monika (2013): Made an attempt to study the factors affecting impact of advertisement

of selected cosmetics items of consumer choice. The respondents opinion towards advertisement

of fairness cream, personal characteristics, demographic factors were taken into account and it

was found that consumers practice related to advertisement of fairness cream affected the impact

of advertisement of product on their choice .

Sangeeta Gupta, Simple Arora (2013): In their study on the factors influencing the

consumption pattern of Cosmetics by male, revealed that the media is playing vital role in

attitudinal change in the societal context.

Rajul Dutt (2013): In his paper “A Cross cultural comparative study of female consumer

behaviour with Regard to purchase of cosmetics in the United States and India”, tried to explain

how consumer behavior is influenced by the culture of the individuals in India.

Umesh Maiya and Mavy Miranda (2013): In their study on buyer behavior towards

cosmetics, found that modern women have a strong desire and urge for enhancing their beauty.

The twin factors which everybody focused on were the Quality and Price. It also stated that

consumers realize the value for the money they spend.

Ligo Koshy (2017): In a study on the factors influencing the buying behavior of face care

product among youth stated that improved technology, better education, advancement in science

and economic growth has provided people with increased purchasing power. The influence of

media had made people are more conscious towards beauty, hygiene and better life style.



I used research methodology because Research methodology is the specific procedures or

techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyze information about a topic. In a research

paper, the methodology section allows the reader to critically evaluate a study’s overall validity

and reliability.

1. Research Objective:-

 To understand and evaluate consumer satisfaction level towards Lakme products and


2. Research Design:-

 The study uses descriptive research design.

 Descriptive research design: It is used to describe characteristics of the population or

phenomenon being studied. We have used descriptive research design because to

know the satisfaction level of consumers regarding Lakme products.

3. Target population:-

 Consumers who use or have used Lakme products.

4. Sampling Technique:-

 Convenience Sampling- Samples are selected from the population only because they

are easily available.

 Sample Size- The sample size for the study is approximately 50 respondents. This

sample size allows for a significant amount of data collection to analyze consumer

opinions and satisfaction levels regarding Lakme products and services.

5. Period of Study:-

 The duration of study is from MAY 1, 2024 to MAY 31, 2024, which is a ONE

months of study.

6. Data Collection Methods:-

 Primary Data-

 Questionnaire-

Design- Structured questionnaire with close ended questions.

Distribution- Offline [In salons, college staffs, student]

Key Areas Covered- Product quality, variety, pricing, customer service,

brand loyalty, overall satisfaction.

 Focus Groups-

Participants- Girls/Women (Age: 18-28, 29-38, 39-48 and above)

 Secondary Data-

 Literature Review- Academic journals, industry reports, and previous

research studies on consumer satisfaction in the cosmetic industry.

7. Ethical considerations:-

 Informed Consent- Ensuring all participants is informed about the research purpose

and their rights.

 Confidentiality- Maintaining the anonymity and confidentiality of respondents’


 Voluntary Participation- Ensuring participation is voluntary and respondents can

withdraw at any time.

8. Limitations:-

 Geographical scope of the study was limited to a small area, which may not

represent the whole sector of India.

 Size of the sample is 50, which is, of course small in comparison to entire


 Ensuring the sample accurately represents the target population.


A hypothesis regarding consumer satisfaction towards Lakmé could be formulated as


Hypothesis: "Consumers who use Lakmé products exhibit high levels of satisfaction due
to the brand’s perceived quality, product variety, and effective marketing strategies."

To break this down into testable components, we can propose several sub-hypotheses:

1. Perceived Quality Hypothesis: "Consumers believe that Lakmé products are of

superior quality compared to competitors, leading to higher satisfaction levels."

2. Product Variety Hypothesis: "The extensive range of products offered by Lakmé

meets diverse consumer needs and preferences, resulting in high consumer satisfaction."

3. Marketing Strategies Hypothesis: "Lakmé’s effective marketing strategies, including

advertising, promotions, and influencer collaborations, positively influence consumer

4. Brand Loyalty Hypothesis: "Consumers who are loyal to the Lakmé brand report
higher satisfaction due to a strong emotional connection and trust in the brand."

5. Customer Service Hypothesis: "Efficient and responsive customer service provided by

Lakmé enhances consumer satisfaction."

These hypotheses can be tested through surveys, focus groups, and analysis of consumer
feedback to gather data on various aspects of consumer satisfaction related to Lakmé


Data Analysis and Interpretation
1) Age of respondents :-
a) 18-28

b) 29-38

c) 39-48

d) 48 above

Age of respondents Percentage

18-28 84%

29-38 10%

39-48 6%

48 above 0%

After the data analysis I reached the conclusion that around 84% respondents belongs from
[18-28] age group, 10% from [29-38] age group, and around 6% belongs from [39-48] age

Inference: Majority (84%) of respondent’s age are in between (18-28).

2) Have you ever heard of the Lakme brand?

a) Yes

b) No

Interpretation: Almost 100% of the respondents are familiar from Lakme brand.

3) Have you ever purchased a Lakme brand?

a) Yes

b) No

Interpretation: Almost 100% of the respondents have purchased Lakme products.

4) How often do you purchse Lakme products?

a) Daily

b) Weekly

c) Monthly

d) Occasionaly

e) Never

Daily 4%

Weekly 2%

Monthly 30%

Occasionally 64%

Never 0%

Interpretation: During analysis 4% respondents purchases Lakme products on daily basis, 2%

respondents buys Lakme products in a week, whereas 30% respondents buys Lakme products
monthly and around 64% respondents purchases Lakme products on occasion basis.

Inference: Most of the respondents (64%) purchases Lakme products occasionally.

5) On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the quality of Lakme products?

a) 1 Not satisfied at all

b) 2 Slightly satisfied

c) 3 Neutral

d) 4 Satisfied

e) 5 Very satisfied

1 Not satisfied at all 2%

2 Slightly satisfied 6%

3 Neutral 14%

4 Satisfied 50%

5 Very satisfied 28%

Interpretation: 50% respondents said that they are satisfied from the Lakme brand and its
products, 28% respondents are very satisfied from the Lakme brand and its products, 14% of the
respondents have a neutral satisfaction level it means that they do not have a strong opinion
either way, 6% of the respondents are slightly satisfied whereas 2% of the respondents are not

Inference: Majority of respondents (50%) are satisfied from Lakme brand.

6) How likely are you to purchase Lakme products again in the future?

a) Very likely

b) Somewhat likely

c) Neutral

d) Somewhat unlikely

e) Very unlikely

Very likely 42%

Somewhat likely 32%

Neutral 24%

Somewhat unlikely 0%

Very unlikely 2%

Interpretation: 42% of the respondents are very likely to purchase Lakme products again in the
future, 32% respondents are somewhat likely to purchase Lakme products again in the future,
24% respondents have a neutral behavior towards buying Lakme products in the future it means
that they do not have a strong inclination one way or the other and around 2% of the respondents
have a very unlikely decision.

Inference: 42% of the respondents are very likely to purchase Lakme products. (Majority)

7) Which of the following advertising channels have you seen Lakme products advertised
on? (Select all that apply)

a) TV commercials

b) Social media ads.

c) Print ads. (magazines, newspapers)

d) Online banners/Website ads. /Other

TV commercials 32%

Social media ads. 28%

Print ads. 30%

Online banners/ Website ads. 10%

Interpretation: Many respondents (32%) have seen Lakme advertisement on Television, 28%
of the respondents have seen on ads Social media ads, 10% respondents have seen on Online
banners/Website ads and 30% of the respondents have seen Lakme advertisement on all
platforms (Television, Social media, Print media and Online banners/Website).

Inference: Majority of respondents (32%) have seen Lakme advertisement on Television.

8) Which of the following Lakme product line are you familiar with? (Select all that apply)
a) Lakme absolute
b) Lakme 9 to 5
c) Lakme sun expert
d) Lakme peach mik
e) Other

Interpretation: Mostly all the respondents are familiar with Lakme products as they are the
user of it. Example - Lakme absolute, Lakme 9 to 5, Lakme sun expert, Lakme peach milk and

Inference: Majority of respondents are the user of Lakme 9 to 5.

9) Which Lakme product categories have you purchased in the past? (Select all that apply)
a) Makeup

b) Hair care

c) Skin care

d) Other

Interpretation: 40% of the respondents have purchased Lakme products for makeup, 22% of

the respondents have purchased Lakme products for skin care, 6% for hair care, 32% of the

respondents have purchased Lakme products for (Makeup + Skincare + Haircare).

10) In your opinion, which word best describes the Lakme brand?

a) Innovative

b) Reliable

c) Trendy

d) Affordable

e) Others

Innovative 12%

Reliable 38%

Trendy 30%

Affordable 20%

Others 0%

Interpretation: 38% of the respondents have said that Lakme brand is Reliable, 30%
respondents have said that Lakme brand is Trendy, 20% of the respondents have said that
products of Lakme is Affordable and 12% respondents said that it is Innovative

Infernce: Majority of respondents (38%) said that Lakme brand is reliable.

11) What factors influence your decision to purchase Lakme products? (Select all that apply)

a) Brand reputation
b) Product reviews
c) Price
d) Availability
e) Celebrity endorsements
f) Other

Interpretation: Most of the respondents (45%) said that they buy Lakme products because of
good Product reviews, 30% respondents said that they purchase because of good Brand
reputation, 10% respondents have said that Lakme products are easily available and 12%
respondents said that price level of Lakme product is optimum and 3% respondents said that
Celebrity endorsements attract them to buy Lakme products.

12) How would you rate Lakme products compared to similar products from other brands?

a) Much better

b) Slightly better

c) About the same

d) Slightly worse

e) Much worse

Much better 52%

Slightly better 42%

About the same 4%

Slightly worse 0%

Much worse 2%

Interpretation: While comparing Lakme products to similar products from other brands, 52%
of the respondents said that Lakme products are much better than other brand’s products, 42%
respondents said that it is slightly better and 4% respondents said that it is about the same and
2% said that it is much worse.

Inference: 52% respondents said that Lakme brand is much better than other brands.
13) Would you be interested in trying out new products from Lakme if they were

a) Yes

b) No

Interpretation: 96% of the respondents have said that they would be interested in trying out new

products from Lakme if they were introduced.

14) Based on your experience with Lakme products, would you recommend them to others?

a) Yes

b) No

Interpretation: Based on respondent’s experience, 96% of the respondents said that they would

recommend Lakme products to others.



First I would like to present my survey findings. The main findings of my survey are as follows:

 It is found in the survey that mostly users of Lakme belongs from (18-28) age.

 Mostly respondents purchase products of Lakme brand occasionally.

 Around 50% respondents are satisfied with the quality of Lakme products.

 Positive responses are found towards the buying behavior of Lakme products.

 Many respondents said advertisement of Lakme products attract them to buy products.

 Around 100% of the respondents are familiar with Lakme products.

 Respondents said that they purchased Lakme products for Makeup, Hair care, Skincare

purpose in the past.

 It is found that many respondents said that Lakme brand is reliable, trendy, innovative as

well as affordable.

 Some factors like brand reputation, products reviews, price, availability and price

influence respondents to purchase Lakme products.

 Majority of the respondents said that Lakme products compared to similar products from

other brands are much better.

 Around 96% of the respondents said that they would be interested in trying out new

products from Lakme if they were introduced and they will recommend them to others.


The supply must be properly fulfilled so the need of the customer satisfies.

o Target selling for the dealer / agent can increase the sales of company.

o The company must concern to the satisfaction of customer demand.

o The company and dealer should develop its marketing information system up to

date information of competitor’s policy, price and product, target market, so the

company can know its strengths and weaknesses.

o Brand preference studies reveal that comparatively there is more preference for

Lakme among consumers so in order to attract and maintain his consumers.

Advertising programs should be intensified.

o Perception of the consumer is changing rapidly. They seek new benefits and

values in their preferred brand. Moreover, consumer likes to have brand at low

rate. So Lakme should insert it so as to meet the changing preference of the


o Lakme is the market leader in make-up products. Most of the consumers are brand

loyal. They should be treated as intangible assets. Lakme should ever strive to

satisfy them.

o Fulfill the consumer needs.

Strategic Recommendations for Lakme

1) Digital Transformation:-

 Enhance Online Presence: Strengthen e-commerce capabilities through a user-friendly

website and mobile app, offering personalized recommendations, virtual try-on features,

and seamless checkout experiences.

 Leverage Social Media: Invest in influencer marketing, social media advertising, and

content creation to engage younger audiences and build brand loyalty.

2) Product Innovation: -

 Sustainable Products: Develop eco-friendly, cruelty-free, and sustainable beauty products

to meet the growing demand for environmentally conscious cosmetics.

 Inclusive Beauty: Expand shade ranges and formulations to cater to diverse skin tones

and types, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility.

3) Market Expansion: -

 Geographic Diversification: Penetrate untapped markets in emerging economies with

tailored marketing strategies and localized product offerings.

 Retail Partnerships: Collaborate with leading retail chains and beauty stores to increase

physical presence and reach a wider customer base.

4) Customer Experience: -
 Personalization: Use data analytics to offer personalized product recommendations,

loyalty programs, and targeted promotions.

 Customer Education: Provide beauty tutorials, skincare advice, and product usage tips

through various platforms to educate and engage customers.

5) Brand Positioning: -

 Luxury Segment: Introduce premium product lines with exclusive packaging and high-

quality formulations to appeal to luxury consumers.

 Youth-Centric Marketing: Focus on trendy, vibrant, and innovative products to attract

younger demographics and stay relevant.

Areas for Future Research

1) Consumer Behavior Analysis: -

 Emerging Trends: Study changing consumer preferences and trends in the beauty

industry, such as the shift towards clean beauty, to inform product development.

 Cultural Preferences: Research the beauty needs and preferences of consumers in

different regions to tailor products and marketing strategies accordingly.

2) Technological Advancements: -

 AI and AR: Explore the use of artificial intelligence and augmented reality in product

development, virtual try-ons, and personalized beauty solutions.

 Innovative Ingredients: Investigate new and innovative ingredients that can enhance

product efficacy and safety.

3) Sustainability Practices:-

 Environmental Impact: Conduct research on the environmental impact of current

practices and identify areas for improvement in packaging, sourcing, and production. –

 Sustainable Supply Chains: Explore ways to develop more sustainable supply chains,

including the use of renewable resources and reducing carbon footprint.

4) Health and Safety: -

 Product Safety: Invest in research on the long-term health effects of cosmetic ingredients

and ensure compliance with global safety standards.

 Allergen-Free Formulations: Develop products that are free from common allergens and

irritants to cater to sensitive skin types.

5) Competitive Landscape: -

 Market Analysis: Continuously monitor the competitive landscape to identify key

competitors, their strategies, and market positioning.

 Benchmarking: Perform benchmarking studies to compare Lakme's performance with

industry leaders and identify best practices for improvement.

>>>>By focusing on these strategic recommendations and research areas, Lakme can strengthen

its market position, foster innovation, and meet evolving consumer demands effectively.


Based on the feedback from respondents, it is evident that Lakme is perceived as reliable,

innovative, trendy, and affordable. This indicated that consumers trust Lakme’s products and

view the brand positively.

The feedback also suggests that the majority of consumers purchase Lakme products

occasionally, but they are interested in trying out new launches.

Lakme has been found to be the most preferred brand it meet the promise made to the customer.

Consumer relies on the Lakme products because it provides good quality, good results, good

services, etc. So that customer may prefer Lakme products.

Lakme brand is described as reliable because people trust its products and expect consistent

performance and quality from them.

This leads to the conclusion that Lakme should retain existing customers and attract new

customers and maintain consumer interest through new launches.

Overall, the feedback reflects a positive perception and satisfaction level of the brand by

consumers and highlights the importance of consistent innovation to maintain brand loyalty.


This Research Project is made from the help of various websites which are
mentioned below:-

1) Have you heard of the Lakme brand?
a) Yes
b) No

2) Have you ever purchased a Lakme brand?

a) Yes
b) No

3) How often do you purchase Lakme products?

a) Daily
b) Weekly
c) Monthly
d) Occasionally
e) Never

4) On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the quality of Lakme products?
a) 1 Not satisfied at all
b) 2 Slightly satisfied
c) 3 Neutral
d) 4 Satisfied
e) 5 Very satisfied

5) How likely are you to purchase Lakme products again in the future?
a) Very likely
b) Somewhat likely
c) Neutral
d) Somewhat unlikely
e) Very unlikely

6) Which of the following advertising channels have you seen Lakme products advertised on?
(Select all that apply)
a) TV commercials
b) Social media ads.
c) Print ads. (magazines, newspapers)
d) Online banners/Website ads./Other

7) Which of the following Lakme product line are you familiar with? (Select all that apply)
a) Lakme absolute
b) Lakme 9 to 5
c) Lakme sun expert
d) Lakme peach milk
e) Other

8) Which Lakme product categories have you purchased in the past? (Select all that apply)
a) Makeup
b) Haircare
c) Skincare
d) Other

9) In your opinion, which word best describes the Lakme brand?

a) Innovative
b) Reliable
c) Trendy
d) Affordable
e) Other

10) Have you ever recommend Lakme products to others?

a) Yes
b) No

11) What factors influence your decision to purchase Lakme products? (Select all that apply)
a) Brand reputation
b) Product reviews
c) Price
d) Availability
e) Celebrity endorsements
f) Other

12) How would you rate Lakme products compared to similar products from other brands?
a) Much better
b) Slightly better
c) About the same
d) Slightly worse
e) Much worse

13) Would you be interested in trying out new products from Lakme if they were introduced?
a) Yes
b) No

14) Based on your experience with Lakme products, would you recommend them to others?
a) Yes
b) No


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