Exam Speech Arts

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College of Arts and Languages

One San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
First Semester, AY 2015-2016



NAME: _________________________________________ SCORE: _____________

COURSE: _____________ DATE: ______________

I. Multiple Choice. Shade the box that corresponds to your answer.

1. For items number 1-16 identify the level of communication

involve in the communication situation.
Representatives of different countries which are members of the A B C D
United Nations drafting their Millennium Development Plan for
a. Interpersonal Communication
b. Intrapersonal Communication
c. Mass Communication
d. Organizational Communication

2. Communication inside Pinoy Big Brother house. A B C D

a. Communication Technology
b. Development Communication
c. Interpersonal Communication
d. Mass Communication

3. Elsa is watching TV Patrol using her cellphone. A B C D

a. Intrapersonal Communication
b. Mass Communication
c. Organizational Communication
d. Public Communication

4. Elsa and Ana are talking about the upcoming movie. A B C D

a. Communication Technology
b. Development Communication
c. Interpersonal Communication
d. Organizational Communication

5. Classroom lecture of your Speech Communication instructor. A B C D

a. Intrapersonal Communication
b. Mass Communication
c. Organizational Communication
d. Public Communication

6. PTA members are discussing about their annual calendar of A B C D

a. Communication Technology
b. Intercultural Communication
c. Intrapersonal Communication
d. Organizational Communication

7. Answering the given equation in your Algebra class. A B C D

a. Development Communication
b. Intrapersonal Communication
c. Interpersonal Communication
d. Mass Communication

8. Prof. Delfin posted his lecture on the yahoo group. A B C D

a. Communication Technology
b. Development Communication
c. Intrapersonal Communication
d. Public Communication

9. Coach Leah, Sarah and Bamboo are discussing who will be the A B C D
finalists for The Voice Kids.
a. Intrapersonal Communication
b. Interpersonal Communication
c. Mass Communication
d. Public Communication

10. The Public Relations team of Congressman Aliping is planning on A B C D

sugarcoating the issue about cutting of trees.
a. Communication Technology
b. Development Communication
c. Mass Communication
d. Organizational Communication

11. A person posting a blog about her experiences during her A B C D

Boracay trip.
a. Development Communication
b. Interpersonal Communication
c. Mass Communication
d. Public Communication

12. Regular meeting of Deans and Department Heads of UCU. A B C D

a. Communication Technology
b. Intrapersonal Communication
c. Mass Communication
d. Organizational Communication

13. Self talk. A B C D

a. Intercultural Communication
b. Interpersonal Communication
c. Intrapersonal Communication
d. Public Communication

14. Seminar about gender equality. A B C D

a. Intrapersonal Communication
b. Mass Communication
c. Organizational Communication
d. Public Communication

15. Meeting of the university academic council about the revision of A B C D

the student handbook.
a. Intercultural Communication
b. Intrapersonal Communication
c. Organizational Communication
d. Public Communication

16. Ambassadors of the United Nations from different countries A B C D

visited Uganda for observation and feeding program.
a. Communication Technology
b. Intercultural Communication
c. Intrapersonal Communication
d. Mass Communication

17. What level of communication is involved when there are different A B C D

cultures involve in the scenario?
a. Intrapersonal Communication
b. Intercultural Communication
c. Mass Communication
d. Public Communication

18. _______ is defined as the communication of the members of a A B C D

specific group which has its own vision and mission.
a. Intercultural Communication
b. Mass Communication
c. Organizational Communication
d. Public Communication

19. Two of the major elements of public communication are ________. A B C D

a. Audio and visual presentations
b. Lights and sounds
c. Speaker and audience
d. Stage and props

20. ______is defined as the communication within yourself. A B C D

a. Interpersonal Communication
b. Intrapersonal Communication
c. Mass Communication
d. Public Communication

21. What is the other term for interpersonal communication? A B C D

a. Dyadic Communication
b. Picture talk
c. Self talk
d. Both A and C

22. What communication level uses mass media to reach a bigger A B C D

volume of audience?
a. Intercultural Communication
b. Mass Communication
c. Public Communication
d. Organizational Communication

23. Which of the following is true about communication? A B C D

a. All communication symbols are universal.
b. Communication always involves two or more people.
c. We cannot not communicate.
d. All of the above

24. The term communication was derived from the term _____. A B C D
a. Common
b. Communicare
c. Communar
d. Communis

25. These are photos and objects to other structured form of A B C D

communication. e.g. traffic and public toilet signs.
a. Picture Symbols
b. Symbol Systems
c. Tactile Symbols
d. Unity Symbols

26. These are systems of communication for most visually impaired A B C D

children with multiple disabilities such as actual photographs of
items or activities.
a. Picture Symbols
b. Symbol Systems
c. Tactile Symbols
d. Unity Symbols

27. These symbols are most often developed specifically for an A B C D

individual child to an actual object to represent something.
a. Picture Symbols
a. Symbol Systems
b. Tactile Symbols
c. Unity Symbols

28. A fan is a symbol of communication, what type of symbols system A B C D

is fan?
a. Picture Symbols
b. Symbol Systems
c. Tactile Symbols
d. Unity Symbols

29. A specific place to show where the departure and arrival gates A B C D
from other country are seen.
a. Airport
b. Canteen
c. Garden
d. School

30. A place where two pictures of genders are seen in front of it that A B C D
can be used to urinate, waste, and bathe.
a. Comfort Room
b. Dining Room
c. Kitchen
d. Living Room

31. This is a symbol system that represents: A B C D

a. It is time to wake up.
b. It is time for meal.
c. It is used for drinking water.
d. It is time to take a bath.

32. This is a chair. This represents: A B C D

a. It is time to eat.
b. It is used to sit and relax.
c. It is time to cook.
d. It is time to go to the mall.

33. It is an emoticon. He used his hand to give symbol of A B C D

communication. In USA it represents:
a. money
b. very good
c. love
d. happiness
34. It is an emoticon. He used his hand to give symbol of A B C D
communication. In Philippines it represents:
a. Money
b. Okay
c. Deal
d. Joke

35. These are emoticons. What kind of symbol systems in A B C D

a. Picture Symbols
b. Symbol Systems
c. Tactile Symbols
d. Unity Symbols

36. Which of the following clearly and correctly summarizes the A B C D

nature of listening?
a. Listening is a passive process, it pays less attention to
details and aims to satisfy one’s needs.
b. Listening is a dynamic, transactional process; it gives
people chances of airing their opinions.
c. Listening is a simple process
d. Listening takes into consideration culture and background.

37. Anna attentively listened to her instructor in order to get specific A B C D

facts that she needs for the project she is about to submit. What
type of listening was used?
a. Appreciative Listening
b. Emphatic Listening
c. Comprehensive Listening
d. Passive Listening

38. Billy listened carefully to the sentiments of Abbi after her father’s A B C D
death. What type of listening was used by him?
a. Appreciative Listening
b. Emphatic Listening
c. Comprehensive Listening
d. Passive Listening

39. Critiquing is a part of a teacher’s job. She listens carefully to the A B C D

answer of her student and further evaluates the idea presented.
What listening type does this fall to?
a. Appreciative Listening
b. Emphatic Listening
c. Comprehensive Listening
d. Emphatic Listening

40. Every morning, Bert would always turn the radio on to listen to A B C D
his favorite radio program. He says the humor of the disk jock
amuses him. What type of listening is this?
a. Appreciative Listening
b. Emphatic Listening
c. Comprehensive Listening
d. Emphatic Listening

41. It is a natural process of receiving aural and visual stimuli. A B C D

a. Masking
b. Remembering
c. Hearing
d. Listening

42. It is a sub-process of communication that involves not just A B C D

hearing but understanding and remembering.
a. Listening
b. Recalling
c. Hearing
d. Masking

43. For numbers 43 – 50, listen carefully to the selection and answer A B C D
the questions below.
43. When is St. Patrick’s Day?
a. March 16
b. March 17
c. March 18
d. March 19

44. What Holiday does the violet represent? A B C D

a. St. Patrick’s Day
b. Easter
c. Summer
d. Halloween

45. On Easter Sunday, people decorate baskets with ______________. A B C D

a. purple eggs
b. purple paints
c. purple ribbons
d. purple bags

46. Aside from the Halloween, what other holidays does orange A B C D
a. St. Patrick’s Day
b. Easter
c. Thanksgiving Day
d. Halloween

47. What color do people wear on St. Patrick’s Day? A B C D

a. Violet c. Green
b. Red d. Blue

48. What celebration does red represent? A B C D

a. St. Patrick’s Day c. Heart’s Day
b. Easter d. Halloween

49. What is the holiday celebrated on March 17? A B C D

a. St. Patrick’s Day c. Heart’s Day
b. Easter d. Halloween

50. What is the main idea of the selection? A B C D

a. People want holidays to be colourful.
b. People are addicted to holidays that they have to use colors
as symbols.
c. People use different kinds of colors to represent a
d. People love colors more than the celebration.

II. Define the following terms briefly. (2 pts. each)

1. Communication –

2. Listening –

3. Sender –

4. Receiver –

5. Message –
III. Essay. Discuss substantially.
1. Choose two principles or characteristics of communication and discuss each
briefly. (15 pts.)

2. Illustrate 2 of the models of communication and explain. (25 pts.)

Prepared by:





Dean, Arts and Languages



Vice President for Academic Affairs

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