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Mighty Mites, Inc.

Youth Football Program Coachs Playbook 1st and 2nd Grade Level 3rd and 4th Grade level

T Formation vs 6-2 defense

Line-Center should get over ball first. Guards should extend their inside arm until it touches the center. Tackles should do the same to the guards to get their spacing. Ends should repeat the procedure and then take a half step to the outside. Backs-Quarterbacks should have their feet parallel to the line of scrimmage, knees slightly bent, back straight and looking straight ahead. How he receives the ball from the center with his hands depends upon the individual and the center. Halfbacks should be directly behind the inside leg of the tackle on their side. The distance they are from the line will be determined by their speed in getting into the hand off area. It will average 4 yards. Fullback should be directly behind the quarterback and should have his toes in line with the heels of the halfbacks. NOTE: Most of the problems you will have making your offense go will be in the spacing of the players. The backs must NOT be over 41/2 yards deep.

Line-Guards play heads up on guards, tackles on the inside shoulder of the ends, and ends positioned so they can see the halfback on their side of the offensive end's rear end. Linebackers-Linebackers should play on the nose of the offensive tackle and about 3 yards off the line of scrimmage. Halfback-Split the defensive tackle and ends. Their depth will depend upon the situation but should average about 5-8 yards. Safety-Head on with the center and about 2 yards deeper than halfbacks. Linebackers, Halfbacks & Safety will not be permitted to "Blitz" (charge into the line of the snap) until the quarterback moves


T Formation vs 6-2 defense Below illustrates typical numbering system to aid in play calling. Note that each hole is numbered; odd numbers on left of line, even numbers on right. Backs are also numbered.

0 7 5 3 1 2 4 6 8

2 4


T Formation vs 6-2 defense - Handoff HANDOFF Plays will be shown to the right. For assignments to the left, all plays are the same except that each player does what the opposite side did on a play to right. Work on the back field pattern so that every play starts off looking like any play to that side. COACHING SUGGESTIONS QB-Should take his first step so that he is going parallel to the line. Do not let him bring the ball back to the halfback. Carry out fake to the LHB and FB. RHB-MOVE FAST to the hand off position. Don't look to the QB but keep your eyes straight ahead so you can see how to cut. Keep your inside elbow up and form a pocket for the ball. LHB and FB - Carry out your fake past the defensive end. Utilizing the numbering system in play calling, this play would be 34 Dive. The #3 back runs through the #4 hole.


T Formation vs 6-2 defense - Sweep Run by QB, LHB, RHB or FB. The backs block the first man they come to! Example: LHB Sweep. Utilizing the numbering system, this play would be 28 Sweep. #2 back runs to #8 hole.


T Formation vs 6-2 defense - Option NOTE-Blocks are the same for LE, LT, LG, C, RG. RT takes LB inside. RE takes T inside. Backs run same pattern. COACHING SUGGESTION-QB should run parallel to line and watch defensive end. If end comes in, he should pitch out. If end stays wide, he should fake pitch out and cut up field. Utilizing the numbering system, this play would be 18 Option. The QB or #1 back, keeps or pitches through the #8 hole.


T Formation vs 6-2 defense Quarterback Sneak NOTE-Center blocks with guard away from fake. RG blocks guard to outside. RT goes inside LB for safety. LT blocks LB. For best results, QB makes one good step to fake handoff and then cut back behind center. He should stay low during this step. Utilizing the numbering system, this play would be 12 Sneak. #1 back through the #2 hole.


T Formation vs 6-2 defense Fullback Counter Full back and QB should make play look like right handoff or option by taking one step to right as shown. . Utilizing the numbering system, this play would be 42 Counter. #4 back through the #2 hole.


T Formation vs 6-2 defense Fullback Slant RT pulls and blocks end. RHB blocks line backer after fake. Utilizing the numbering system, this play would be 48 Slant. #4 backs runs to #8 hole.


T Formation vs 6-2 defense - Pass Any pass play can be used, provided that it develops from a basic play. Right pass means that RHB is in the pattern with LHB and FB blocking as shown. Ends may run any assigned pass routes. Eligible pass receivers are ends & backs. Only eligible pass receivers may catch the ball.


T Formation vs 6-2 defense QB Bootleg/Option Pass (5th & 6th grade only) Quarterback fakes handoff to halfback & bootlegs opposite direction. He can run the ball or hit the tight end with a pass. Coaching suggestion: Teach tight end to delay block two counts before release on pass. Utilizing the numbering system, this play would be 17 Bootleg. #1 back to #7 hole.

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