Human Reproduction

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Human Reproduction
(iii) Isthmus has a narrow lumen and it joins
Male Reproductive System the uterus.
Uterus (womb)
Testes are situated in a sac like structure The wall of the uterus has 3 layers -
outside the abdominal cavity called scrotum. 1. External Perimetrium (thin membrane)
Temperature inside scrotum is 2-2.50 C less 2. Middle Myometrium (thick layer of
than body temperature. This temperature is smooth muscle-exhibits strong contraction
essential for spermatogenesis . during delivery of the baby).
3. Inner Endometrium (glandular layer-
 Seminiferous tubule is lined by two types of
undergoes cyclical changes during
cells -
a) Male germ cells (Spermatogonia) undergo menstrual cycle, zone of implantaion).
meiotic divisions to produce sperm. Hymen: A membrane which partially cover
b) Sertoli cells provide nutrition to the germ the vaginal opening. It may also be broken by
a sudden fall, active participation in some
The regions outside the seminiferous tubules sports items etc. In some women, hymen
persists after coitus. So the hymen is not a
contain interstitial cells (Leydig cells). They
reliable indicator of virginity or sexual
secrete androgens.
Male accessory ducts Gametogenesis
- Include rete testis, vasa efferentia, It is the process of production of gametes
- It is 2 types: Spermatogenesis and
epididymis & vas deferens. They
conduct sperms from testis as follows:
- Seminiferous tubules → rete testis → Spermatogenesis
vasa efferentia → epididymis → vas It is the formation of sperms in seminiferous
deferens → ejaculatory duct → urethra tubules of testis.
Female Reproductive System
It consists a pair of Ovaries, Accessory
ducts (constitute oviducts, uterus &
vagina) and the external genitalia
Oviducts (Fallopian tube)
It has 3parts:-
(i) Infundibulum- Funnel-shaped opening
possessing finger-like structures called
fimbriae, which help in collection of the
ovum after ovulation.
(ii) Ampulla- a wider part.
Oogenesis Role of Hormones in
It is the process of formation and maturation Spermatogenesis
of ovum. - Hypothalamus releases Gonadotropin
- It takes place in Ovarian follicles. releasing hormone (GnRH).
- GnRH stimulates the anterior pituitary
gland to secrete 2 gonadotropins such as
Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle
stimulating hormone (FSH).
- LH acts on the Leydig cells and stimulates
secretion of androgens.
- FSH acts on the Sertoli cells and stimulates
secretion of some factors for the

Comparison between spermatogenesis and

Spermatogenesis Oogenesis Structure of Sperm
i. It occurs in i. In Ovary - A plasma membrane envelops the whole
the testis ii.Ovum body of sperm.
ii. Gamete is iii.
Discontinuous - A sperm has 3 regions:
called sperm iv.Each 10 oocyte gives a. Head: Oval shaped, cosist of nucleus and
iii. Continuous only 1 ovum and 3 acrosome. It contains enzymes which helps
process polar bodies in fertilisation. Behind the head is a neck.
iv. Each 10 v. It begins at b. Middle piece: Composed of large number
spermatocyte embryonic stage and of mitochondria. Mitochondria produce
gives 4 sperms suspended at the time energy for the sperm motility.
v. It begins at of birth. The c. Tail: Helps in movement of tail.
puberty and remaining part takes
extends up to place only after Hormones involved in Menstrual Cycle
senility puberty. Gonadotropins (LH & FSH) from pituitary
gland stimulate development of 10 follicles
into Graafian follicles. It secretes estrogens.
Estrogens stimulates regeneration of
ruptured uterine endometrium.
14th day
Level of Pituitary hormones during menstrual cycle
- In blastocyst, blastomeres are
Rapid secretion of LH (LH surge) induces arranged into trophoblast (outer layer) and
rupture of Graafian follicle and thereby an inner cell mass attached to trophoblast.
ovulation (releasing of ovum). - The trophoblast layer helps to attach to
endometrium (uterus). Inner cell mass
develops into organs/embryo.
- After attachment, uterine cells divide
rapidly and cover the blastocyst. Thus, the
14th day
Level of Ovarian hormones during menstrual cycle blastocyst becomes embedded in the
endometrium. This is called implantation.
After ovulation, a yellow glandular mass
called Corpus luteum is formed from Placenta:- It is the blood vascular
remains of ruptured graffian follicle. connection b/w embryo (foetus) and maternal
Corpus luteum secretes large amount of body.
progesterone which is essential for Functions of placenta
maintenance of the endometrium. • Supply O2, nutrients etc. from mother to
Fertilization and implantation foetus.
During copulation (coitus), semen is released • Remove CO2 and excretory wastes from
by the penis into the vagina (insemination). foetus.
Fertilisation (sperm + ovum → zygote) can • Acts as an endocrine tissue by secreting
only occur if the ovum and sperms are hormones like Human chorionic
transported simultaneously to the gonadotropin (hCG), human placental
ampullary-isthmic junction. lactogen (hPL), oestrogens and
- Zygote undergoes mitotic division In the later phase of pregnancy, a hormone
(cleavage) as it moves through the isthmus called relaxin is also secreted by the ovary.
towards the uterus and forms 2, 4, 8, 16
daughter cells called blastomeres. Colostrum:- It is the milk produced during
the initial few days of lactation.
- The embryo with 8-16 blastomeres is called Importance of colostrum : It contains
a morula. Morula continues to divide and several antibodies which are essential to
transforms into blastocyst (blastula). develop resistance for the new-born babies.

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