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Hidden Figures

Intercultural Film Analysis Assignment

Margot Lee Shetterly's Hidden Figures film recounts the experiences of three women

working in the aviation industry during the early stages of the aerospace race in the mid-1900s.

These women walked into the profession with diverse backgrounds and areas of specialization,

ultimately exerting a profound influence on the nation. Through implementing a pragmatic

approach towards coping with the daily challenges stemming from their racial identity, women

can effectively communicate across cultural boundaries with great impact. Through

predominantly nonverbal interpersonal interaction, the women provided individuals otherwise

entrenched in their beliefs with a fresh perspective on their preconceived ideas. Women not only

played a crucial role in advancing space flight technology but also served as a source of

inspiration for a nation struggling with discrimination based on race and gender.

While watching the film Hidden Figures, the first aspect I see is motivation. The women

are inspired by their race and gender identity and the desire to contribute to the field of

aeronautics. Katherine, Mary, and Dorothy possess scientific expertise and are keenly interested

in contributing to NASA's space exploration endeavors (Miles, 2017). Thus, the motivations of

these three women are akin to those of their counterparts at NASA, who are engaged in

scientific, engineering, and mathematical pursuits. Nevertheless, being African American

women, Katherine, Mary, and Dorothy are additionally motivated by their racial and gender

identities. The primary theme conveyed by this cinematic work is the importance of persevering

toward one's aspirations despite encountering discouragement from others (Bowman, 2019). The

three women transcend their sexual orientation and racial identities. An instance of this can be

observed when Katherine converses with Jim Johnson. Jim expresses astonishment regarding the

involvement of a female individual in crucial tasks at NASA. Katherine responds with a

Hidden Figures

motivational statement: "Yes, they let women do some things at NASA, Mister Johnson. And it's

not because we wear skirts. It's because we wear glasses (Miles, 2017)!" From this statement, we

can see how motivated they are by their talents.

Numerous nonverbal and verbal strategies are employed to strengthen identity in the film.

Given the historical context of the 1960s, it is evident that individuals of color, particularly

African Americans, were perceived to be subordinate to their white counterparts. This is

reflected in the discriminatory treatment experienced by mathematicians such as Katherine, who

are met with disdainful glances and belittling remarks (Miles, 2017). Katherine is deemed

intellectually inadequate and unworthy of her departmental position despite providing correct

answers. Furthermore, the protagonist, Paul, exhibits discomfort with Katherine's presence and

actively seeks to make Katherine feel uneasy through verbal harassment. Paul accuses Katherine

of espionage at some point, though this allegation is quickly disproven. Dorothy, the protagonist

in the story, expresses a desire for equitable compensation with a white manager (Melfi &

Shetterly, 2016). However, she is currently receiving remuneration below that level and is

subjected to a sense of obligation for even having a position. Her manager responds with a

disapproving facial expression, which exemplifies a form of nonverbal expression (Bowman,

2019). Mary is subject to comparable conditions regarding the possibility of career progression.

The leaders exhibit a passive demeanor and manifest passive-aggressive behavior when faced

with subordinates. The perception of the glass ceiling is undoubtedly a prevailing attitude that

influences the film's environment.

The group employs a strategy of nonverbal communication and avoidance in managing

conflict, characterized by a tendency towards silence and a preference for maintaining a low

profile. They are reluctant to disrupt the status quo, as doing so could potentially jeopardize their
Hidden Figures

employment. Under the given circumstances, individuals strive to exhibit composure and

rationality to their abilities (Bowman, 2019). The environment predominantly comprises coerced

nonverbal communication due to temporal and spatial constraints. Individuals communicate their

complaints to one another in non-work settings, such as among their acquaintances and loved

ones, as these are the only secure environments where they can do so.

Furthermore, the Aspect of listening is seen when the three women communicate and

care about one another's point of view. The three women engaged in several conversations

regarding the personal trajectories of their respective lives. Each individual is confronted with a

predicament and endeavors to provide mutual support and motivation to one another (Melfi &

Shetterly, 2016). The individuals exhibit a mutual concern for one another's personal and

professional aspirations and strive toward each other's triumph. Thus, we can say that the women

exhibited and maintained a positive relationship (Bowman, 2019). These dialogues positively

impact individuals as they contribute to their personal growth and well-being. Despite facing

societal limitations due to their African American identities, the three women strongly desire

mutual success and prosperity. They steadfastly believe in their ability to achieve their goals

through determination and perseverance (Bowman, 2019). The utilization of positive

reinforcement has been explored as a potential approach to addressing depression. This is what

the women did for one another. They motivated one another to surpass their capacities. The work

that these three women conducted resulted in enduring impacts on NASA.

Conclusively, in most cases, a protagonist triumphs over their opponent through the

display of fortitude, power, and bravery. Each individual demonstrated persistence and refused to

surrender. The individuals maintained cohesion as a collective entity. Despite possessing an

abundance of these characteristics, the triumphs of these three women were not predicated on
Hidden Figures

any singular, momentous event or manifestation. Success was attained through the sincere and

routine efforts of daily labor. The pragmatic approach adopted by the women enabled them to

effectively address confrontations, thereby creating opportunities that may not have been

possible through mere speeches.

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