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RFoG Solutions

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Roy M. Boylan Greater Chicago SCTE May 20, 2010

What Drop Cable Will Be On Your Truck in 2020 ?

1910 - 2010
One hundred years. What a difference a century makes!
3 Million Telephones No National Network
105 Million US Population

Marconi Wins Nobel Prize for Physics Radio Consisted of Wireless Telegraphy

April 1909 Charles Herrold Launched San Jose Calling later became KCBS
Georges Rignoux and Alain Fournier First Demonstrated the transmission of still silhouettes in Paris in 1909

It would not be until 1925 that a demonstration of live images would occur Henry Ford sells 10,000 cars

Page 3

100 Years of Progress All Digital Communication 2009 Marked the End of Analog Television HDTV Mobile TV Digital Telephone Fiber Optic Backbones Carry Virtually All Modern Communications Systems Yet The Last Mile is still Reminiscent of 1910.

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Fiber Market Drivers

Why Would Network Operators Want an Entirely Fiber to the Home network?
1- No Sweep & Balance Required No Frequency Response Errors 2- No Dials Meters or Knobs in the outside plant 3- No System Power Bills or outages due to utility failure 4- No CLI Flyovers or Ride Outs No Annual Proof of Performance

5- No Return Path ingress problems

6- Extended bandwidth capability 7- Immunity to lightning damage, corrosion, and electrolysis 8- Greater home and community value

Fiber Market Inhibitors

Why Wouldnt Operators Want an Entirely Fiber to the Home network?
1- Fear of Incompatibility with legacy network components
2- Would obviate back office billing, monitoring, work force management and provisioning systems 3- Require the replacement of head end / central office equipment. CMTS, set top control, VOIP interface to PSTN 4- May require the replacement of all customer premise equipment DOCSIS modems, set top boxes, telephone eMTAs

5- Service disruption to customers during change over from electrical to optical

6- Complex installs because drops cross streets and property lines

7- Inspire Shareholder fear over recapitalization of network

BrightPath Removes all the Inhibitors

No disruption or impact on adjacent plant

All Back Office Systems Remain in Place

Cable Modem CMTS, SetTop Controllers, eMTA command and management are unchanged No internal customer premise wiring changes for existing customers Drop lengths equivalent to coaxial HFC or long drops as desired Drop installation is virtually identical to Hybrid Fiber Coax Capex costs may actually be less than HFC Operational costs are significantly reduced, pleasing shareholders and credit suppliers

APON (ATM Passive Optical Network). First Passive optical network standard. It was used for business applications, and based on ATM.

BPON (Broadband PON) is commonly offered at 622 Mbps downstream and 155 Mbps upstream. Its ATM structure and bandwidth limits make it less than ideal for video. Development has stopped on BPON. BPON networks will over time be converted to EPON or GPON. There are approximately 2 million BPON users worldwide. GE-PON (for Gigabit Ethernet PON) has a higher installed volume than all other PON technologies combined. EPON is found widely in Asia. EPON offers a symmetrical 1.25 Gbps service suitable for data, voice and video. It is Ethernet based end to end.

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Current PON Architecture

GPON - operating at 2.5 Gbps downstream and 1.25 Gbps upstream, is the latest PON standard to emerge. It combines the lessons of service management from BPON with the inherent efficiency of Ethernet based transport. QoS is performed using standard Ethernet and IP methods.
An example is Verizons F IOS - Fiber Optic Service ( FIOS === Gaelic for Knowledge ) NEWEST 10 GEPONn - WDM-PON For CATV operators all PON solutions require new $$$$ CPE equipment.

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BrightPath allows drop lengths equivalent to copper. PON is the Child of a Non-Competitive World Its Economic Assumption is 100% Take Up

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RF Over Glass
Is Passive Is Entirely Optical Is a Network

So Why Isnt it called a PON ?

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RFOG Architecture Sans Taps

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Tapped RFOG Key Components

Installed at the customers premise Converts optical signal to RF Signal Manages 1550 nm downstream and 1310 nm upstream Upstream signal threshold feature squelches noise
Optical Tap

Network Interface Unit

Installed in the distribution network 2, 4 and 8 port versions Superior fiber management Connectorized Drop ports Branch Cable capability

Standards APON (ATM Passive Optical Network). This was the first Passive optical network standard. It was used primarily for business applications, and was based on ATM. BPON (Broadband PON) is a standard based on APON. It adds support for WDM, dynamic and higher upstream bandwidth allocation, and survivability. It also created a standard management interface, called OMCI, between the OLT and ONU/ONT, enabling mixed-vendor networks. GPON (Gigabit PON) is an evolution of the BPON standard. It supports higher rates, enhanced security, and choice of Layer 2 protocol (ATM, GEM, Ethernet). Verizon is in the process of implementing this. EPON or GEPON (Ethernet PON) is an IEEE/EFM standard for using Ethernet for packet data. N (10 Gigabit Ethernet PON) is an IEEE Task Force for 10Gbit/s backwards compatible with 802.3ah EPON. 10GigEPON will likely be based on Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM) technology.
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IPS 910 RFoG (RF over Glass)

SCTE Interface Practices Subcomittee standard in development for Point to Multipoint (P2MP) operations that has a proposed wavelength plan compatible with data PON solutions including EPON,GEPON and 10G-EPON. RFoG offers an FTTH PON like architecture for MSOs without having to select or deploy a PON technology.

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HFC Compatible
FTTH New Development
(Service Area 256 Homes)

Headend Ring

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Direct from Headend Architecture

Downstream Video and CMTS Feed 1550 nm
1550nm Laser Transmitter EDFA EDFA

25 dB Link Budget
Up to 32 Homes





1310 nm
Digital Return Digital Return Path Receiver Path Receiver

1310 nm Upstream

Upstream Feed 5 to 42 MHz Customer Premise

Utilizing a direct feed in the BP architecture allows:

25 dB link budget, consisting of fiber and tap loss (limited by NIU upstream transmitter output). Typically 32 ports per fiber.

Link budget to 25 dB.

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Optical Repeaters
Optional Field Node Allows (40+ km) reach
No Changes to CPE Equipment

18 dB Link Budget
1550 nm 2 Runs of 4-Strand Fiber Network Interface Unit Optical Tap (2, 4 or 8 Port)

1310 nm

Inside Plant Systems Provisioning Billing Unchanged

Single Fiber Drop No Sweep & Balance No System Power Bills No CLI Flyovers & Ride Outs Performs Flat to 1 GHz at side of home Cleans the 5 42 MHz Return Band Offers flexibility on Return Bandwidth Unlimited future bandwidth with fiber drop cables


PON Overlay
Direct Downstream Spectrum
(50 to 1000 MHz)

Up to 32 Homes
1550nm Xmod Transmitter EDFA 1:N

1550 nm


Tap Tap

Tap Tap

Tap Tap

1610 nm
Analog Return Receiver

1310/ 1490 nm

1310 nm Upstream


1610 nm Upstream

Upstream Spectrum (5 to 42 MHz)


Subscriber Location

Moving the NIU wavelength above 1550 nm enables the NIU to coexist with PON equipment on the BrightPath network A single platform simplifies support of business services and migration to a PON system

Optical Repeater
1550 nm

EDFA 8:1 Splitter

1550 nm

1310 nm

1550 nm 1310 nm

1310 nm

Power Supply

1550 nm 1310 nm

A/D Converter, 2.13 Gb/s Digital Return Laser

Status Monitor

1550 nm

1310 nm
1550 nm 1310 nm 1550 nm 1310 nm

Eight Analog Optical Receivers, 4:1 RF Combine

1550 nm 1310 nm

Fiber Node Block Diagram

1550 nm 1310 nm

Page 22

BrightPath Repeater
Based on the AuroraVirtual Hub
Installed at the same point as a standard node 256 home capacity
Each fiber services up to 32 homes

Includes the following added features:

EDFA Analog optical receivers receive optical inputs on upstream path Return signal digitized and transmitted to headend Multiplexer combines signals onto one fiber for connection between node and headend

Page 23

Laser & EDFA Outputs

BrightPath HE Direct Feed External Couplers 85/15 Node 1 85/15 DF 2 1550/1310 WDMs DF 1

Launch Laser EDFA Laser

Internal Splitters

Node 2
1310 Analog Receivers

1310 Digital Receivers

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Targeted Services

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Network Interface Unit (NIU)

Installed at the customers premise Converts optical signal to RF signal transmitted over coax Manages 2 wavelengths: 1550 nm downstream and 1310 nm upstream Analog return signal transmission to node Upstream signal threshold feature squelches noise Full transparency for headend equipment and CPE

NEW metal housing w/ 120 dB RFI

LED indicators for optical and DC power

Two coax outputs for powering directly or through power inserter

Page 26

NIU Functional Schematic

RF Amp

RF Diplex Filter


1550 nm1310 nm

Single Mode Fiber SC/APC Connector

RF Detector DC Power Supply


BrightPaths NIU Squelchs Return Path Noise

Unlike FIBER DEEP Fiber Deep is Death by a Thousand Paper Cuts

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Optical Tap

- Passive signal distribution - 2, 4 and 8 port versions with family of dB values - SC-APC connectors - Fits in 9.0 OD pedestal - Single fiber connection to NIU

New Features
- 8 port tap option - Accommodates wide variety of cable types - Pigtail splicing option - Branch cable option

Page 32

Tap Distribution Side

Distribution access separated from drop Fiber management for up to 24 fibers Tap module protected behind front plate Built-in splice sleeve holders Vertical or horizontal mounting hardware for aerial or underground installation Ground wire access and clamp

Environmentally sealed

Sealing grommets and grounding features accommodate a wide variety of fiber types, including loose tube and armored
From Node or Tap To Tap

Branch cable option for dedicated fiber links

Page 33

Tap Drop Side

No access of distribution side required by drop technician

Bulkhead adapters for connectorized pigtails

3 termination options: 1) Pre-terminated drops 2) Pigtail splicing 3) Direct fusion splicing

Fiber splice sleeve and management

Accommodates multiple cable types, including armored and flat drop Up to 8 drop cables

To Subscriber A

To Subscriber B

Page 34

Logical Optical Tap Layout

By-pass Fibers

Fiber 1 Fiber 2 Fiber 3 Fiber 4

Optical Coupler

Optical Splitter

14 - 2
(Tap Value in dB) (# Ports)

Sample Tap Design (4 Port)

17 dB 13 dBm Launch Power 17 dB 15 dB 13 dB 13 dB 10 dB

Optical Level At NIU







Minimum Design input to NIU: -5.0 dBm @ 1550 nm

Tap Values
2-Port 17 15 14 12 10 8 7 4-Port 17 15 13 11 10 9 7T 8-Port 17 15 14 12 10T


Page 37

Sample Designs 88 Homes per Mile


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HFC Splitters Vs. FTTH Loop Back

Standard HFC Splitter configuration Unused fiber can be used for a loop back segment to avoid using a Splitter/coupler

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NIU Installation

BrightPath Tap

BrightPath NIU

To Set Top

Power Supply

Fiber Drop
Ground Wire
Subscriber Coaxial Cable

Point of Entry

*Can also direct power NIU

Page 40

NIU Input

Margin over 10-9 Ber without Error Correction Optical LVL +3 dBM +0 dBM -3 dBM -6 dBM -10 dBM -12 dBM C/N* 48 42 36 30 22 18 QPSK 32 26 20 14 6 2 16 QAM 27 21 15 9 1 -3 32 QAM 24 18 12 6 -2 -6 64 QAM 21 15 9 3 -5 -9 256 QAM 15 9 3 -3 -11 -15


+3 In

+57 Out

RF Level 57 52 47 42 37

+3 In

+57 Out

32 *Extrapolated


+42 @ 30 MHz +15 @ 1000 MHz

+3 In +57 Out

+57 Out

Four Shared MDU Units

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Taps May Be Placed Off Campus

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Multiple NIUs

Coax to Living Unit

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NEW Battery Back-Up Unit

30W at 12 VDC
BrightPath NIU draws less than 2W

Over 20 hours of stand-by power

Reserves 40% of battery power for E911 availability

Operating temperature
w/o heater option: -4 to 127F w/ heater option: -22 to 127F

Coax interface

Page 51

Battery Backup Unit

Small form factor indoor battery backup unit. Works with NIU standard 12 Vdc power supply. F connector input/output. Utilizes standard disposable or rechargeable AA batteries.
Enables users to provide their own batteries.

Typically provides 8 hours of backup. LED status indicators:

Improperly installed batteries Battery life

Visual and Audible alarms when nearing end of battery life (audible alarm can be disabled by the subscriber).

Page 53

HFC vs. BrightPath

New Build Cost/Mile HIGH DENSITY
$50,000 $45,000 $40,000 $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000
Includes: HE Equipment Design Installation Cable & Hardware -3%

Assumptions: 75 Homes/Mile 60% Penetration

$45,106 $39,649 $36,071 $34,981

14% Premium

HFC BrightPath

$10,000 $5,000 $0

w/o Drop

w/ Drop & NIU

Page 55

HFC vs. BrightPath

New Build Cost/Mile MEDIUM DENSITY
$40,000 $34,940 $35,000 $30,000

Assumptions: 50 Homes/Mile 60% Penetration




2% Premium

$25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0

HFC BrightPath

Includes: HE Equipment Design Installation Cable & Hardware

w/o Drop

w/ Drop & NIU

Page 57

HFC vs. BrightPath

New Build Cost/Mile LOW DENSITY
Assumptions: 35 Homes/Mile 60% Penetration

$40,000 $34,261 $35,000 $29,118 $30,000


$35,931 $33,843

-6% Savings

$25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0

HFC BrightPath

Includes: HE Equipment Design Installation Cable & Hardware

w/o Drop

w/ Drop & NIU

Page 59

Problems Facing Cable Companies

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Competitive threat from Telcos, Satellite & Wireless Premium HD Expansion June 2009 Digital Transition & Analog carriage requirement Spectrum Pressure on HFC New business service demands Wall Street pressure on architecture changes Capex for new CPE equipment is in short supply HFC Return Band (5-42 MHz) Limits Service Growth


RFoG For Business

Page 64

Three Levels of Business

There is an underserved market of business subscribers who are located either within or on the periphery of residential zoned areas. Small office / home office customers are generally content with a Cable Modem based service.
Large Business Parks are served with direct fiber links. Intermediate size business would eagerly sign up for a high capacity (100 MB/s, 1 Gig, 10 Gig ), fully symmetrical data service, which could include a video offering as well.

Serving the Needs of Business

FAST E Gig E 10 Gig E - Symmetrical
A minimal cost adder to the BrightPath network makes this possible.

Addition of OADM
Optical Add / Drop Module


1550 Transmitter

1550/1310 Mux

4 x

Head End
1310 Return Receiver

4 x

4 x

10 CWDM Data Channels FAST E Gig E - 10 Gig E

4 x 4 x























4 x


4 x
3 Strand Fiber Drop

Supplies Video and Business Grade Data

BrightPath Business Data and Video



4 x


Page 68

BrightPath for Business

Addition of OADM
Optical Add / Drop Multiplexer

Summary of Advantages
Critical Differences Carrier Class Data Solution

GPON / GEPON Compatible

No Financial Impact on Legacy Network

BrightPath USDA / RUS Acceptance

In the Spring of 2009 CommScope received acceptance of the BrightPath product line by the Technical Standards Committee of the Rural Utilities Telecommunications Program.

RUS acceptance of the BrightPath product line is a major milestone in providing rural operators with an economical FTTH solution.

BrightPath Roadmap
1550/1610nm GPON Compatible
Can coexist with G/GEPON wavelengths but not 10 G/GEPON wavelengths.

1550/1610nm RFoG Compliant

Will meet requirements of RFoG standard when complete. Includes compatibility with G/GEPON and 10 G/GEPON wavelengths.

1550/1310nm w/ Addressability
Support on/off and selective filtering

1550/1310nm High Gain

Provide higher output for MDU applications

IPS Working Group 5 Activities (Interface Practices Subcommittee)

Preparing an RF over Glass (RFoG) architecture/system description document

(IPS 910)

Liaison with IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group

Page 73

WG 5 meets in conjunction with IPS four times a year plus teleconferences Membership in the SCTE Standards Program is required (and welcomed!) Certification?
SCTE does not provide certification services or recognize certifications SCTE does not prohibit claims of conformance

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BrightPath is NOT a PON

ITU-T G.983
APON (ATM Passive Optical Network). This was the first Passive optical network standard. It was used primarily for business applications, and was based on ATM. BPON (Broadband PON) is a standard based on APON. It adds support for WDM, dynamic and higher upstream bandwidth allocation, and survivability. It also created a standard management interface, called OMCI, between the OLT and ONU/ONT, enabling mixed-vendor networks.

ITU-T G.984
GPON (Gigabit PON) is an evolution of the BPON standard. It supports higher rates, enhanced security, and choice of Layer 2 protocol (ATM, GEM, Ethernet). Verizon is in the process of implementing this.

IEEE 802.3ah
EPON or GEPON (Ethernet PON) is an IEEE/EFM standard for using Ethernet for packet data.

IEEE 802.3av
10GEPON (10 Gigabit Ethernet PON) is an IEEE Task Force for 10Gbit/s backwards compatible with 802.3ah EPON. 10GigEPON will likely be based on Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM) technology.

New From CommScope in 2010

RFoG Products
OSP Products
Full Spectrum Splitters/Taps Ruggedized 1x32 Splitter

Above Grade Closure

Below Grade Closure

Head End Products

Low Noise RPR

Subscriber Products
Battery Backup Unit


High Power RFoG ONUs


High Power Output Unit for MDUs

CommScope is launching 6 new models of RFoG ONUs (R-ONU) within two product lines

Standard Power R-ONU

(+17 dBmV)

1310nm return No PON support 1610nm return PON friendly 1610nm return with integrated PON WDM

High Power R-ONU for MDU applications (+34 dBmV)

1310nm return No PON support 1610nm return PON friendly 1610nm return with integrated PON WDM

1610 nm Return Path

Meets the developing SCTE RFoG standard Delivers PON Compatible DOCSIS based services Works on the same ODN with any PON that uses ITU compliant wavelengths (10G EPON, EPON, GPON) 1 GHz RF spectrum provides extended RF capacity. Fast laser activation prevents degradation of upstream bursts. RF-based AGC to provide constant RF output over optical input range. High RF output with up-tilt reduces need for in-home amplifier. Transparent return path allows use of existing CPE (All Cable Modems & Set-top Boxes). Return transmission threshold suppresses noise from the subscribers residence (Full 5 42 MHz band is available). Dedicated F port for powering Die-cast aluminum housing protects electronics and provides excellent shielding. Temperature Hardened

1610 nm Return Path w/ PON Pass Through

Adds Support for PON ONTS s
Integrated WDM provides fiber connectivity with ONT WDM provides 1490/1310 nm PON wavelengths

Delivers PON and DOCSIS based services 1 GHz RF spectrum provides extended RF capacity. Fast laser activation prevents degradation of upstream bursts. RF-based AGC to provide constant RF output over optical input range. High RF output with up-tilt reduces need for in-home amplifier. Transparent return path allows use of existing CPE (All Cable Modems & Set-top Boxes). Return transmission threshold suppresses noise from the subscribers residence (Full 5 42 MHz band is available). Dedicated F port for powering Die-cast aluminum housing protects electronics and provides excellent shielding. Temperature Hardened

High Power 1610 nm Return Path

Extra high RF output with up-tilt to support MDU applications. Delivers PON Compatible DOCSIS based services Works on the same ODN with any PON that uses ITU compliant wavelengths (10G EPON, EPON, GPON) 1 GHz RF spectrum provides extended RF capacity. Fast laser activation prevents degradation of upstream bursts. RF-based AGC to provide constant RF output over optical input range. Transparent return path allows use of existing CPE (All Cable Modems & Set-top Boxes). Return transmission threshold suppresses noise from the subscribers residence (Full 5 42 MHz band is available).. Dedicated F port for powering Die-cast aluminum housing protects electronics and provides excellent shielding. Temperature Hardened

High Power 1610 nm w/ PON Pass Through

High RF output with up-tilt to support MDU applications. Adds Support for PON ONTS s
Integrated WDM provides fiber connectivity with ONT WDM provides 1490/1310 nm PON wavelengths

Delivers PON Compatible DOCSIS based services Works on the same ODN with any PON that uses ITU compliant wavelengths (10G EPON, EPON, GPON) 1 GHz RF spectrum provides extended RF capacity. Fast laser activation prevents degradation of upstream bursts. RF-based AGC to provide constant RF output over optical input range. Transparent return path allows use of existing CPE (All Cable Modems & Set-top Boxes). Return transmission threshold suppresses noise from the subscribers residence (Full 5 42 MHz band is available). Dedicated F port for powering Die-cast aluminum housing protects electronics and provides excellent shielding. Temperature Hardened

Ruggedized Splitters
Supports OSP environment -55 C to +85C Fiber ends protected in segmented storage Input leg designated by red colored boot Special ruggedized jacket material keeps cable flexible at low temperature. Individual legs 129.5 cm long reaches all ports Fiber separators prevent twisting Available with SC or LC connectors

Optical Splitter/Tap Enclosure

Optical Components
1260 to 1620 nm support Planar devices: 1x4, 1x8 splitters 4 and 8 port taps (2 port FBT) SC/APC & direct splice versions Optical modules stackable Pedestal or aerial mounting Separate distribution/drop access Fiber management and bend control Support multiple cable types/designs 8 fiber drop and 1 fiber extension ports Supports CWDM overlay.

Optical Modules



Optical Splitter/Tap Enclosure Below Grade

Below grade splice enclosure for optical splitters and taps:
Utilizes same optical modules as above ground closure

Supports fiber extension and up to 12 flat drop cables (8 drop armored). Supports multiple drop and distribution cable sizes and types (flat, messenger, armored, all dielectric, etc.) Available with up to 5 splice trays (24 splices per tray) Integral cable termination and grounding. Basket for storage and management of unused buffer tubes

Low Noise Return Path Receiver

Power Supply (Dual Wide Card)

Dual LNRX (Single Wide Card)

19, 3 RU chassis with integrated communications module, 20 single wide cards per shelf (MCX) Redundant chassis power supply Single wide, dual receiver card Fully SNMP manageable 0 to 50C operating temperature range

Low Noise Reverse Path Receiver

SC/APC Connectors Wavelength: 1260 - 1620nm Sensitivity: -13 to -28 dBm RF Bandwidth: 5 85 MHz Flatness: +/- 1.0 dB 30 dBmV minimum output Output Level Adjustment: 0 dB to 30 dB (1dB increments) RF Test Point: -20 +/- 0.5 dB from RF output power Return Loss (min): 16 dB EIN: <1.5 pA/Hz 30 dB NPR dynamic range @ -20dBm receive power: 15 dB



Managed RFoG ONUs Q4 2010

Goes beyond RF connectivity to add management and diagnostic capabilities to CommScope RFoG networks Managed parameters include:
Remote on/off control of services Optical power level detection and monitoring in forward & return paths Laser power and bias current RF input level high/low alarms Unit temperature reporting and alarms External alarm inputs (contact closure type) for environmental alarms, intrusion alarms, intelligent power source (e.g. UPS) alarms, etc

Slightly larger form factor from existing Brightpath


Adds test points for optical & RF power

Current functionality and performance maintained
SCTE standards-compliant

Forward Path Transmitter

RF Inputs

1 2




Instead of using multiple Xmod transmitters and externally WDM muxing them together, we believe there is a better low cost approach to narrowcasting

RF Inputs


SG1 SG2 BC SG3 SG4 Transmitter

A single 1GHz transmitter able to provide a broadcast and four narrowcast signals

4 Wavelengths To The Node

1 Node

Single Fiber 4 Wavelength 1550nm DWDM Transport 4 way Forward Node Segmentation

RF Inputs SG1 SG2


Segmentable Node
Rx1 D M U X

BC + SG1


Transmitter 4 TXs 1,2,3,4


Rx2 Rx3 Rx4

BC + SG2
BC + SG3

0 - 40 Km

BC + SG4
Return signals can be brought back on separate fibers or on the same fiber

Multi-wavelength Transmitter July 2010

Supports 4 Narrowcast and 1 Broadcast wavelength with one transmitter 1 RU width -48V DC and AC Power options +6 dBm output, ITU Grid 29, 27, 25, 23

EDFA July 2010

Supports the full 1540 to 1565 nm RFoG optical wavelength range 1 RU width 50 mW (17 dBm) output model: 1, 2, 4, or 8 ports 100 mW (20 dBm) output model: 1, 2, or 4 ports The noise figure is 3.7 dB typical with Pin = 6 dBm

MSO Deep Fiber

RFoG & PON One Fiber Infrastructure

RF Headend
Laser Tx EDFA

RF DOCSIS and GEPON Ethernet Share Same Fiber Infrastructure Delivers Services to Fit Subscriber Needs

Residential Development RFoG ONU

RPR Video Feeds CMTS

RFoG Residential Services


Core IP Network

WDM Combiner

Packet Cable & Data


TDM Network


IP Video


Video Services


Residential MDU

GEPON Headend
T1 or Ethernet T1 Router / Switch

Corporate Offices Business Parks Backhaul



PON Topology & Products (Q4 2010)


POTS Ethernet Video Residence


BOA-ON-4000 POTS DS1 Ethernet Video BOA-ON-1000 Optical Splitter 1 Small Business Ethernet Video

Packet Voice

Ethernet / IP Data




IP Video

1.25 Gbps symmetrical Voice, Data, Video 1490 nm downstream 1310 nm upstream 1550 nm RF Video, IP Video

High Density/Multi-Tenant POTS DS1 Ethernet Video

BOA-ON-9000 RF Video Corporate Offices/ Business Parks


Unmatched Density Up to 80 x 1G-EPON per shelf Up to 20 x 10G-EPON per shelf 32 or 64 split ratio per PON Scalable & Protected Investment 160 Gbps Bi-Directional Switching Capacity Bi-Directional 800 Gbps Backplane Per slot 10G-EPON and 1G-EPON support NIM, PIM, FAB card 1:1 redundancy and hot swappable Pluggable optics (SFP, XFP) Carrier Class Architecture Redundancy is optional for any active electronics Switch Controller, Power Supply, Fan, NIM, PIM, FAB NEBS 3 compliant MEF 9 & 14 Certified Link Aggregation protection for network interfaces

New, updated Brightpath Optical Solution (BOS)
Multiple versions of RFoG ONUs (1310nm, 1610nm, 1610nm w/ PON WDM) Complete Outside Plant Solution Splitters or Taps Enclosures, Power, NIDs Additional RFoG ONUs planned High Power MDU versions (August) Managed versions (Q4 2010) Headend solution Transmitter, EDFA, RPR (July) PON Solution (Q4 2010

DOCSIS Management EPON & 10G EPON

Product CI 1610 nm ONU 1610 nm w/PON WDM ONU 1310 nm NIU HP ONUs Ruggedized 1x32 Splitter Low Noise Reverse Path Receiver Full Spectrum Components Below Grade Enclosure June 2010 May 2010 June 2010 June 2010 June 2010 June 2010 Aug 2010 Now July 2010 June 2010 July 2010 Schedule GA July 2010 July 2010 July 2010 Sept 2010

Battery Backup Unit

August 2010

September 2010

Telecommunications infrastructure solutions provider

Thanks For Listening

Solutions today for the technology of tomorrow!
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