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Analysis team: perform Business analysis. Deliverable: Draft Business Requirements Document Idea becomes a project

Project Management Life Cycle

Initiation Stage: Initiation Project Manager: Prepare Project Kickoff Agenda & conduct Meeting Project Manager: Project Planning and Scheduling Project Manager: Complete Communication Plan Project Manager: Document Team Roles and Responsibilities Project Manager: Document and Publish Project Team Organization Initiation Phase

Project Oversight
Project Approval/ Funding Verified OPM/PM Initial Meeting/Intro Project Information Document

Entity/Agency: A problem or need exists that requires solution

Entity/agency: propose a solution.

Analysis team: perform Technical Analysis: Deliverable:Draft Technical Requirements Document

Entity/Agency: create core project team to do detailed analysis. Est. expenditure for concept analysis is 10% of funded amount

Project Team: Prepare Project Glossary (as needed) No

Project Team: Define and Document Level of Effort

OPM with PM assistance: Project Creation in Innotas

Document Repository Setup

Verify Documentation

Planning Stage: Planning Analysis team: perform feasibility analysis Seek alternate solution Core Team: Gather Business Requirements Core Team: Initiate Statement of Work

Is this a Software Implementation?


Is this a COTS Product?


Infrastructure Impacted?


Infrastructure Sub-Process

Project Team: Complete Business (Functional) Requirements Document

Planning Phase

Oversight Plan Development

Oversight Strategy Document

Oversight Plan Document

Is the solution aligned with department and state strategic goals?


No COTS implementation tasks may be assumed by the Vendor during a COTS implementation

No Build Oversight Model

Yes No
Does the proposed solution meet or exceed the needs?

Analysis team: size project

Project Team: Develop high level Training Plan if needed

Project Team: Model the System Development Life Cycle if req.

Project Team: Develop Exit Criteria by phase

Project Team: Define milestones

Project Team: Complete NonFunctional Requirements

Document Oversight Communicatio n Plan

WBS: All projects including oversight by project Legend: OPM Oversight Project Manager PM Program Project Manager



Is the solution feasible?

No Yes

Entity/Agency: create Project Selection Team (PST) to govern initial process

Analysis team: validate requirement definition with PMO

Core Team: Create Technical Requirements Document

Project Team: Develop high level UAT Plan

Project Team: Incorporate System Specs from the RFP into Project Requirements matrix

Peer Review SubProcess Peer Review Sub-Process Monthly: Oversight Summary Report (internal)

Analysis team: create ITPR and NPP if needed

Core Team: Create RFP/CEP

Core Team: Initiate Procurement sub process.

Execution Procurement: Procurement Sub-process

Ongoing Project Oversight

PM to OPM; Oversight Status Report

Do benefits outweigh the cost?

Execution Stage: Analysis Yes Analysis team: forward relevant documents to Procurement and PMO for input/ suggestions Core Team: Complete concept documentation Project Team: Analyze Business Reporting Requirements If needed Core Team: Justify ROI

Project Team: Business Process identification. As Is/To Be

Project Team: Test Case Development

Project Team: Document Gap Analysis

Monthly: Project Improvement Plan (internal)

Monthly: Oversight Issues Report (internal)

Monthly: Oversight Rollup Report (internal)

Is PMO assistance desired in performing analysis

Project Team: Analyze Interfaces if needed

Project Team: Analyze Data Sources if necessary

Project Team: Re-define Project Scope based on Analysis

Monthly: Present/ escalated Issues

Weekly: Issues/Actions Monitoring

Weekly: Delivery Quality Monitoring


Analysis team: present findings to the Project Selection Team No

Entity/Agency Elicit PMO involvement

Core Team: Evaluate solution against Enterprise Architecture standards No PST: Go? Core Team: Present findings and recommendations to sponsor

Execution Stage: Design

Project Team: Create Functional design

Project Team: Create Technical Design

Project Team: Create Prototype Plan

Project Team: Design Architecture

Project Team: Identify Data Sources if applicable

Peer Review SubProcess

Weekly: Delivery Dependency Monitoring

Project Selection Team: assign resources to do a more in-depth analysis:

Project Team: Identify Customization

Project Team: Identify Batch processing

Project Team: Identify Interfaces if needed

Project Team: Design Security


Project Team: Create Data Conversion Plan if needed


OPM w/PM: Project Completion Report

OPM w/PM: Process Improvement Report

PM Survey & OPM Survey

PST: Present Project to CIO


Does the project need to be included in the Executive Project Plan? PST: Go?

Project Team: Design Unit Test

Project Team: Design System Test


Peer Review SubProcess

OPM: Project Artifact Archival

Execution Stage: Development See Legislative sub-process Yes No No Entity/Agency: Select Project Team. Concept Is Project Funded? Yes Involve PMO based on established criteria? Proceed to Concept Oversight Does project meet policy criteria to require PMO oversight? No Appeal? No Yes Does project meet policy criteria to require PMO management? PST: Complete Project Manager Selection Worksheet PST/PMO: Select Project Manager Execution Stage: Training and Deployment No Project Mgmt Yes PST: Complete Project Manager Selection Worksheet PMO: Select Project Manager Execution Stage: Testing

Enterprise IT: Build Architecture/ Environments

Project Team: Develop Data Conversion

Project Team: Implement Security

Project Team: Develop interfaces

Project Team: Create Batch Jobs

Ongoing Oversight

Oversight Improvement Meetings

Change Control Oversight

Change Improvement/ Request

Project Team: Develop Reports

Project Team: Create Training Manual

Project Team: Develop Defect Management Plan

Project Team: Create UAT data

Project Team: Begin System Testing



Project Team: Conduct Security Test

Project Team: Conduct System Test

Project Team: Validate Data Conversion Process

Project Team: Validate Data

Project Team: Perform UAT

Project Team: Test Reports

Product Team: Test Interfaces

See Appeal subprocess

Project Team: Train the trainers

Project Team: Implement Production Support structure

Project Team: Initiate Batch Processes

Project Team: Final Data Conversion

Project Team: Data Conversion Validation

Entity/Agency: Create new concept

Peer Review Sub-Process

Project Team: Go Live

Project Team: Distribute Reports

Close Stage: Close

Project Team: Project Closeout Checklist

Project Team: Conduct Lessons Learned

Project Team: Validate Exit Criteria

Project Team: Conduct Exit Sessions with Stakeholders

Project Team: Design Optimization plan

Project Team: End of Project Celebration


Document Title:

Project Management Office: Methodology Overview

Date Created: 01/13/2009 Revision Date: 01/13/2009 Author: State PMO Revision Level: 1.0

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