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Systems Engineering Guide for

Systems of Systems

Version 1.0
August 2008

Director, Systems and Software Engineering

Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and Technology)
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
(Acquisition, Technology and Logistics)
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Published August 2008

This publication is intended for use by program managers and systems engineers.

This document is in the public domain and may be copied.

Citation of this guide should appear as follows:

Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology,
Systems and Software Engineering. Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems,
Version 1.0. Washington, DC: ODUSD(A&T)SSE, 2008.

To submit questions or corrections, contact the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of
Defense for Acquisition and Technology, Systems and Software Engineering,
3020 Defense Pentagon, Room 3B938, Washington, DC 20301-3020; [email protected],
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems


The Department of Defense (DoD) continually seeks to acquire, sustain, and manage
material and non-material solutions to address capability needs of the war fighter in
military operations and to provide efficient support and readiness in peacetime. A
growing number of military capabilities are achieved through a system of systems (SoS)
approach. As defined in the DoD Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG) [2008], an SoS
is “a set or arrangement of systems that results when independent and useful systems
are integrated into a larger system that delivers unique capabilities.”

Systems engineering (SE) is recognized as a key contributor to successful systems

acquisition and is equally important for SoS. This guide examines the SoS environment
as it exists in the DoD today and the challenges it poses for systems engineering. It
identifies seven core SoS SE elements needed to evolve and sustain SoS capabilities
and it provides insights on the 16 DoD Technical Management Processes and Technical
Processes presented in the DAG [2004] chapter 4 “Systems Engineering” as they
support SE in the context of SoS. The Department recognizes that this guide only
begins to address one component of the broad set of challenges facing SE today. As the
DoD moves towards more capabilities-based approaches in the context of net-centric
enterprises, more work is needed to expand our view of the role of systems

This guide assumes an understanding of SE and is intended as a reference only and not
as a comprehensive SE manual. The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) will
update the guide periodically to expand the scope of SoS SE topics addressed, to reflect
advances in SoS SE application, and to capture additional best practices and lessons

In keeping with its purpose to aid those working in SoS SE within the DoD, this guide
provides both high-level and detailed discussion of the SoS environment and associated
SE considerations. The table below provides a roadmap to this guide.

Table. Roadmap to SE Guide for SoS

If you are interested in: See:

A description of types of SoS and common SoS and SoS SE terms and concepts Section 1

A comparison of systems and systems of systems from a management, operational, implementation, or Section 2
engineering/design considerations

A high level overview of SoS SE core elements as currently being performed on the pilot SoS programs Section 3

A detailed description of SoS SE core elements and how they relate to the DAG SE processes Section 4.1

A detailed description of how each DAG SE process supports SoS SE core elements Section 4.2

A high level summary of this version of the guide and plans for additional topics to be included in future Section 5
releases of this guide

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

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Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems


FIGURES ...............................................................................................................vii
TABLES................................................................................................................ viii
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ...........................................................................ix
1. Introduction..................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Purpose....................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Background ................................................................................................. 1
1.3. Approach to Development of this Version of Guide.......................................... 2
1.4. Definition of Terms....................................................................................... 3
1.5. Types of SoS ............................................................................................... 4
1.6. Scope.......................................................................................................... 6
1.7. Related Areas .............................................................................................. 7
1.7.1 SoS Management ................................................................................ 7
1.7.2 Net-Centricity ..................................................................................... 8
1.7.3 Emergence ......................................................................................... 9
1.7.4 Modeling and Simulation.................................................................... 10
2. Comparison of Systems and Systems of Systems .............................................. 11
2.1. Management and Oversight ........................................................................ 11
2.2. Operational Environment ............................................................................ 13
2.3. Implementation of SoS ............................................................................... 13
2.4. Engineering and Design Considerations........................................................ 14
3. SoS and SoS SE In the DoD Today .................................................................. 16
3.1. DoD SoS Environment ................................................................................ 16
3.2. Core Elements of SoS SE ............................................................................ 17
3.3. Emerging Principles for SoS SE .................................................................... 21
3.4. Relationship of Current SE Technical and Technical Management Processes
to SoS SE Core Elements ............................................................................ 23
4. SE Processes Applied in SoS Environments ....................................................... 27
4.1. Core Elements of SoS SE ............................................................................ 29
4.1.1 Translating Capability Objectives ........................................................ 33
4.1.2 Understanding Systems and Relationships........................................... 36
4.1.3 Assessing Performance to Capability Objectives ................................... 43
4.1.4 Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture ...................................... 47
4.1.5 Monitoring and Assessing Changes ..................................................... 54
4.1.6 Addressing Requirements and Solution Options ................................... 59
4.1.7 Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS........................................................... 66
4.2. SE Process Support for System of Systems Engineering................................. 72
4.2.1 Requirements Development ............................................................... 73
4.2.2 Logical Analysis................................................................................. 75
4.2.3 Design Solution................................................................................. 75
4.2.4 Implementation ................................................................................ 77
4.2.5 Integration ....................................................................................... 78

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

4.2.6 Verification ....................................................................................... 79

4.2.7 Validation ......................................................................................... 79
4.2.8 Transition ......................................................................................... 80
4.2.9 Decision Analysis............................................................................... 81
4.2.10 Technical Planning ............................................................................ 82
4.2.11 Technical Assessment........................................................................ 83
4.2.12 Requirements Management ............................................................... 85
4.2.13 Risk Management.............................................................................. 86
4.2.14 Configuration Management ................................................................ 88
4.2.15 Data Management............................................................................. 89
4.2.16 Interface Management ...................................................................... 90
5. Summary and Conclusions .............................................................................. 92
REFERENCES........................................................................................................ 95
ANNEX A Support of SE Processes (Technical Management and Technical)
To System of Systems SE ....................................................................... 99
ANNEX B Summaries of the Practitioner Pilot Activities...........................................115
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems


Figure 2-1. Political and Management Considerations Affect SoS SE ......................... 12

Figure 3-1. MILSATCOM Systems and Owners [Robbins, 2006]................................ 17
Figure 3-2. Responsibility Partitioning in FCS.......................................................... 22
Figure 4-1. Core SoS SE Elements and Their Relationships ...................................... 30
Figure 4-2. SoS SE with a Focus on SoS Upgrade ................................................... 31
Figure 4-3. Relationship between Translating Capability Objectives and
Other SoS SE Core Elements........................................................................ 35
Figure 4-4. Example of an Organizational View of an SoS: AOC WS 10.1 – Systems
and Their Sources [Source: AC Modernization Team] .................................... 38
Figure 4-5. Example of an Operational View of an SoS: Naval Integrated Fire
Control - Counter Air [Source: Navy Chief Engineer’s Office]........................... 39
Figure 4-6. Marine Corps Common Aviation Command and Control System
Depiction of Datalinks [Source: PM Support CAC2s] ....................................... 39
Figure 4-7. Example of a stakeholder view: DoD Intelligence Information System
(DoDIIS) [Source: DoDIIS] .......................................................................... 40
Figure 4-8. Relationship between Understanding Systems and Relationships
and Other SoS SE Elements ......................................................................... 41
Figure 4-9. Relationship between Assessing Performance to Capability Objectives
and Other SoS SE Core Elements ................................................................. 45
Figure 4-10. Evolution of the Distributed Common Ground Station—Air Force (DCGS-
AF) Information Management Architecture [Source: DCGS AF Program Office] 49
Figure 4-11. Air Operations Center (AOC) Top-Level System Architecture
[Source: AOC Modernization Team].............................................................. 50
Figure 4-12. Army Battlefield Command System (ABCS) Approach to Integration
[Source: Army SFAE-C3T]............................................................................ 50
Figure 4-13. Relationship between Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture
and Other SoS SE Core Elements ................................................................. 51
Figure 4-14. MILSATCOM Change Board Process
[Source: MILSATCOM Systems Wing] ........................................................... 56
Figure 4-15. Relationship of Monitoring and Assessing Changes to Other
SoS SE Core Elements ................................................................................. 57
Figure 4-16. The Multi-Level SoS/Systems Implementation Process.......................... 60
Figure 4-17. Relationship between Addressing Requirements and Solution
Options and Other SoS SE Core Elements ..................................................... 60
Figure 4-18. Relationship between Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS and Other
SoS SE Core Elements ................................................................................. 67
Figure 4-19. Theater Joint Tactical Network’s (TJTN) Process [Source: TJTN Action
Office] ....................................................................................................... 72

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems


Table. Roadmap to SE Guide for SoS.......................................................................iii

Table 1-1. Examples of Systems of Systems Activity in the DoD................................. 2
Table 2-1. Comparing Systems and Acknowledged Systems of Systems ................... 11
Table 3-2. Technical & Technical Management Processes as They Apply to the Core
Elements of SoS SE..................................................................................... 25
Table 4-1. SE Processes That Support Translating Capability Objectives ................... 35
Table 4-2. SE Processes That Support Understanding Systems and Relationships ...... 42
Table 4-3. SE Processes That Support Assessing Performance to
Capability Objectives ................................................................................... 46
Table 4-4. SE Processes That Support Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture . 52
Table 4-5. SE Processes That Support Monitoring and Assessing Changes ................ 58
Table 4-6. SE Processes That Support Addressing Requirements and
Solution Options ......................................................................................... 65
Table 4-7. SE Processes That Support Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS...................... 69
Table 4-8. SE Processes as They Apply to Core SoS SE Elements ............................. 73
Table A-1. Requirements Development Support to SoS SE .....................................100
Table A-2. Logical Analysis Support to SoS SE .......................................................101
Table A-3. Design Solution Support to SoS SE .......................................................102
Table A-4. Implementation Support to SoS SE.......................................................102
Table A-5. Integration Support to SoS SE .............................................................103
Table A-6. Verification Support to SoS SE .............................................................103
Table A-7. Validation Support to SoS SE ...............................................................104
Table A-8. Transition Support to SoS SE ...............................................................104
Table A-9. Decision Analysis Support to SoS SE .....................................................105
Table A-10. Technical Planning Support to SoS SE.................................................106
Table A-11. Technical Assessment Support to SoS SE ............................................106
Table A-12. Requirements Management Support to SoS SE ....................................107
Table A-13. Risk Management Support to SoS SE ..................................................108
Table A-14. Configuration Management Support to SoS SE.....................................110
Table A-15. Data Management Support to SoS SE .................................................111
Table A-16. Interface Management Support to SoS SE ...........................................113
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems


ABCS Army Battlefield Command System

ACAT Acquisition Category
ACTD Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrations
AOC Air Operations Center
BMDS Ballistic Missile Defense System
CAC2S Common Aviation Command and Control System
C2 Command and Control
C2ISR Command Control Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance
CIO Chief Information Officer
CJCS Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
CM Configuration Managements
COTS Commercial-off-the–Shelf
CPM Capability Portfolio Manager
DAG Defense Acquisition Guidebook
DCGS-AF Distributed Common Ground Station – Air Force
DM Data Management
DoD Department of Defense
DoDIIS DoD Intelligence Information System
FCS Future Combat System
GCS Ground Combat System
ICD Interface control documents
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IMS Integrated Master Schedule
INCOSE International Council on Systems Engineering
IPT Integrated Product Team
IT Information Technology
JCIDS Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System
MILSATCOM Military Satellite Communications
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
NCES Net-Centric Enterprise Services
NCO Net-Centric Operations
NDIA National Defense Industrial Association
NIFC-CA Naval Integrated Fire Control Counter Air
NSA National Security Agency
NSWC Naval Surface Warfare Center
ORD Operational Requirements Document
OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense
OUSD (AT&L) Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology
and Logistics
PEO Program Executive Officer
PM Program Manager

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

SE Systems Engineering
SEP Systems Engineering Plan
SIAP Single Integrated Air Picture
SIL System/Simulation/Software integration Laboratory
SMC Space and Missile Systems Center
SoS System of Systems or Systems of Systems
SR IPO Space Radar Integrated Program Office
T&E Test and Evaluation
TJTN Theater Joint Tactical Networks
TMIP-J Theater Medical Information Program - Joint
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose
The purpose of this guide is to address systems engineering (SE) considerations for
integrating independently useful systems into a larger system that delivers unique
capabilities—a system of systems (SoS)—within the Department of Defense (DoD).
Drawing from the lessons of current SoS SE practitioners, the guide is intended to
provide a resource for systems engineers who are supporting SoS work, particularly as
part of an SE team for an SoS. This initial version of the guide begins the process of
understanding and guiding SE for SoS. In some cases, given the limited understanding
in this area, the guide raises issues for awareness which may need to be addressed by
systems engineers doing SoS work, but it does not provide practical advice on the
issues. As experience with SoS grows, subsequent versions of the guide will expand in
scope and detail. This guide assumes an understanding of SE, including chapter 4,
“Systems Engineering” of the Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG) [DoD, 2004]. 1 This
guide is intended as a reference only and not as a comprehensive SE manual.

1.2. Background
Changes to both the requirements development [CJCS, 2007(1)] and acquisition
processes [DoD, 2003] have resulted in increased emphasis on addressing broad “user
capability needs” as a context for developing new systems. Requirements identification
and prioritization processes have been updated in response to the force development
community’s realization that decisions in these areas need to be made in a broader
capability or portfolio context [CJCS, 2007(2)]. Capabilities-based analyses have
become the basis for defining user needs. Acquisition roadmaps and, more recently,
capability portfolios are being explored as mechanisms for investment decisions [DoD,
2003]. With the adoption of a net-centric approach to information management,
developers recognize that systems operate in a broader context today than in the past
[DoD CIO, 2003]. Most importantly, changing threat situations increase the need for
flexibility and adaptability in the way the war fighters configure and apply suites of
systems to respond to changing situations [OUSD(AT&L), 2004(1)]. The notion of
“systems of systems” is becoming a critical perspective in thinking about systems.

The SE community, including members of industry, academia, government, and

commercial organizations, is paying increasing attention to issues of SoS, complex
systems, and enterprise systems [ISO/IEC, 2002; DoD CIO, 2003; OUSD AT&L,
2004(1)]. Community members have divergent perspectives on the nature of these
types of systems and their implications for SE, and there is considerable research under
way in this area. Consequently, the time is right to begin the process of capturing SoS
SE experiences to shape guidance for the DoD SE community.

Hereinafter referred to as “DAG chapter 4.”

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

1.3. Approach to Development of this Version of Guide

Using an initial draft of the SoS SE Guide (V.9) [OSD, 2006] as the starting point, a pilot
phase was conducted. The objective of the pilot phase was to develop a base of
experience to support the guide by working directly with active SoS SE practitioners. A
set of organizations involved with SoS SE activities was identified through the lead
engineers of the DoD Components. These included SE teams directly supporting SoS as
well as other organizations involved with SoS SE activities. A structured review process
was implemented to solicit input from these SoS SE practitioners, asking them for
feedback on the initial draft guide based on their SoS SE experiences. During the pilot
review, additional information was solicited on the approaches employed by the pilot
SoS SE teams to conduct SE in their SoS environments. Data from these reviews, along
with information from case studies conducted as part of the initial draft of the guide,
provide the basis for this document. Table 1-1 lists the organizations that participated
in the initial draft and the pilot phase. One-page descriptions are included in Annex B
to provide more information about current SoS SE-related efforts that have provided the
basis for the contents of this version of the guide.

Table 1-1. Examples of Systems of Systems Activity in the DoD

Name Acronym Owner Approach Responsibility

Army Battle Command ABCS Army Acquisition A digital battlefield that will be interoperable with theater,
System Program joint, and combined command and control systems

Air Operations Center AOC Air Acquisition Development of effective AOC weapons system as the
Force Program primary tool for commanding air and space power

Ballistic Missile Defense BMDS Joint Acquisition Integrated, global ballistic missile defense enterprise of
System Program interconnected sensors, battle managers, C2 systems and

USCG Command & Control C2 Coast Strategy Support transition plan to facilitate C2 and common
Convergence Convergence Guard operational picture (COP) systems convergence

Common Aviation Command & CAC2S Marine Acquisition Integrated modular, scalable and mobile C2 systems with
Control System Corps Program reduced footprint

Distributed Common Ground DCGS-AF Air Program Office Provides integrated intelligence information to the war
Station Force fighter

DoD Intelligence Information DoDIIS Intel DIA CIO Provide global enterprise access to intelligence data and
System Initiative services

Future Combat Systems FCS Army Program Office Army's modernization program consisting of a family of
systems, connected by a common network

Ground Combat Systems GCS Army Program Capability baseline to identify and assess differences
Executive Office between current force and future force requirements

Military Satellite MILSATCOM Joint AF Wing Planning, acquisition, and sustainment of space-enabled
Communications global communications capabilities to support National

Naval Integrated Fire Control – NIFC-CA Navy SE Integrator in Provides Naval integrated air defense capability, utilizing
Counter Air PEO the full kinematic range of active missiles

National Security Agency NSA Intel Agency Developing and employing a net-centric enterprise system
with a focus is on adaptability and agility, modularity
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Name Acronym Owner Approach Responsibility

Naval Surface Warfare Center NSWCDD Navy Warfare Center Engineering, development, and integration of Navy Surface
Dahlgren Division SoS

Single Integrated Air Picture SIAP Joint Acquisition Improve the quality of the integrated air picture

Space and Missile Systems SMC Air SE Authority Technical authority for Center engineering, technical,
Center Force test/evaluation, architecting, and mission assurance

Space Radar SR Joint Acquisition Horizontally integrated SoS to provide high-volume space-
Program based intelligence products

Theater Joint Tactical TJTN Joint PEO Oversee, coordinate, and synchronize networked-
Networks communications systems

Theater Medical Information TMIP Joint Acquisition Provides integrated in-theater medical information
Systems – Joint Program capability

In addition, a set of research teams active in areas related to SoS SE provided input to
this version of the guide. These include researchers from the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, the MITRE Corporation, the Purdue University School of Engineering, the
Software Engineering Institute, the Stevens Institute of Technology, the University of
Southern California, and the University of California at San Diego as well as a research
and policy team from Australia. These teams provided feedback on the draft guide and
input based on the results of their research as it applies to the guide’s contents. In
addition, several panels were held with the International Council on SE (INCOSE), and a
workshop was held with industry representatives under the auspices of the National
Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) SE division. Other industry representatives,
including Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), participated in the guide review

The results and experiences of SE practitioners were emphasized in this version of the
guide since they most closely represent the perspective, circumstances, and concerns of
the guide’s primary target audience. The views of the research community and industry
have been critically important in understanding the limits of this version with respect to
the broader areas of SoS SE and in assessing the alignment of views between SoS SE
practitioners and researchers.

1.4. Definition of Terms

This guide defines system as:
A functionally, physically, and/or behaviorally related group of regularly interacting or
interdependent elements; that group of elements forming a unified whole [JP 1-02 & JP

A capability is the ability to achieve a desired effect under specified standards and
conditions through combinations of ways and means to perform a set of tasks [CJCS,

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

An SoS is defined as a set or arrangement of systems that results when independent

and useful systems are integrated into a larger system that delivers unique capabilities
[DoD, 2004(1)]. Both individual systems and SoS conform to the accepted definition of
a system in that each consists of parts, relationships, and a whole that is greater than
the sum of the parts; however, although an SoS is a system, not all systems are SoS.

A family of systems (FoS) is defined as a set of systems that provide similar

capabilities through different approaches to achieve similar or complementary effects
[CJCS, 2007(1)]. For instance, the war fighter may need the capability to track moving
targets. The FoS that provides this capability could include unmanned or manned aerial
vehicles with appropriate sensors, a space-based sensor platform, or a special
operations capability. Each can provide the ability to track moving targets but with
differing characteristics of persistence, accuracy, timeliness, etc.”

This definition is included for completeness. FoS are fundamentally different from SoS
because, as CJCSI goes on to say, a family of systems lacks the synergy of a system of
systems. The family of systems does not acquire qualitatively new properties as a
result of the grouping. In fact, the member systems may not be connected into a
whole. This guide specifically addresses SoS, but some of its contents may apply to

SoS systems engineering deals with planning, analyzing, organizing, and integrating
the capabilities of a mix of existing and new systems into an SoS capability greater than
the sum of the capabilities of the constituent parts [DoD, 2004(1)]. Consistent with the
DoD transformation vision and enabling net-centric operations (NCO), SoS may deliver
capabilities by combining multiple collaborative and autonomous-yet-interacting
systems. The mix of systems may include existing, partially developed, and yet-to-be-
designed independent systems.

1.5. Types of SoS

Most military systems today are part of an SoS even if they are not explicitly recognized
as such. Operationally, the DoD acts as an SoS as military commanders bring together
forces and systems (e.g., weapons, sensors, platforms) to achieve a military objective.
However, DoD development and acquisition have focused on independent systems.
Most systems are initially created and further developed without concern for explicit SoS

In DoD and elsewhere, SoS can take different forms. Based on a recognized taxonomy
of SoS, there are four types of SoS which are found in the DoD today [Maier,1998;
Dahmann, 2008]. These are:

• Virtual. Virtual SoS lack a central management authority and a centrally agreed
upon purpose for the system-of-systems. Large-scale behavior emerges—and
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

may be desirable—but this type of SoS must rely upon relatively invisible
mechanisms to maintain it.
• Collaborative. In collaborative SoS the component systems interact more or less
voluntarily to fulfill agreed upon central purposes. The Internet is a collaborative
system. The Internet Engineering Task Force works out standards but has no
power to enforce them. The central players collectively decide how to provide or
deny service, thereby providing some means of enforcing and maintaining
• Acknowledged. Acknowledged SoS have recognized objectives, a designated
manager, and resources for the SoS; however, the constituent systems retain
their independent ownership, objectives, funding, and development and
sustainment approaches. Changes in the systems are based on collaboration
between the SoS and the system.
• Directed. Directed SoS are those in which the integrated system-of-systems is
built and managed to fulfill specific purposes. It is centrally managed during
long-term operation to continue to fulfill those purposes as well as any new ones
the system owners might wish to address. The component systems maintain an
ability to operate independently, but their normal operational mode is
subordinated to the central managed purpose.

This characterization offers a framework for understanding SoS in the DoD today. With
the advent of networks and increased efforts to link systems for information sharing
across the battle space, most systems are part of virtual SoS. DoD net-centric policies
and strategies [DoD, 2003; DoD CIO, 2003; DoD CIO, 2005] have attempted to provide
crosscutting approaches to fostering information sharing in the absence of explicit
shared objectives or management. (See section 1.5.2)

As users and systems owners understand their interdependencies, there are increasing
examples of collaborative SoS where representatives of systems choose to work
together for their mutual benefit. Communities of interest (COI), where volunteers
come together to develop ways for shared interests to be addressed collaboratively by
participants working under their current structures, are a good example.

In a few cases, most notably Future Combat Systems, a common objective has driven
the development of the constituent systems from the outset. Systems in this category
therefore constitute a directed SoS.

In the DoD today we see a growing number of acknowledged SoS. Like directed SoS,
acknowledged SoS have recognized authorities and resources at the SoS level.
However, because an acknowledged SoS comprises systems that maintain independent
objectives, management, and resources, along with independent development
processes, these SoS are largely collaborative in practice. For systems in these SoS, in
particular, their normal operational mode is not subordinated to the central managed
purpose—a distinct feature of a directed SoS. Because defense acquisition and funding

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

are still largely platform focused, many SoS do not have authority over the systems,
and they typically try to address SoS objectives by leveraging the developments of the
systems, which are normally more long-standing and better supported than the SoS.
Consequently, acknowledged SoS, like directed SoS, have objectives, management, and
funding without authority over the constituent systems. Like collaborative SoS, changes
in systems to meet SoS needs are based on agreement and collaboration, not top-down
authority from the SoS manager.

As the DoD increases focus on capabilities without changing its system-oriented

organization, the number of acknowledged SoS is increasing. User capabilities call for
sets of systems working together toward the capability objectives. In many cases, the
DoD is choosing to leverage existing systems to support these capabilities. The current
needs for these systems persist, however, leading to instances of acknowledged SoS
where there are legitimate objectives, management, and funding at both the capability
and system levels.

In this context, new efforts are under way to create structures or standing
organizations to address the higher-level capability needs and investments. DoD-wide
Capability Portfolio Managers (CPMs) have been created to address investments and
synchronization of capabilities across the DoD [DSD 2006]. The Army, in particular, is
exploring governance approaches to address SoS throughout its organization. The
Navy has recommended that the engineering needs be viewed as a hierarchy and that
the engineering needs at each level be recognized, defined, and addressed in the ways
that best suit the needs at each level. Finally, as more systems are integrated into
DoD’s net centric environment, information technology systems are evolving from sets
of individual systems to sets of services that work in different combinations to meet
different user needs. Work is needed to specifically address the issues of systems
engineering in net-centric enterprise systems.

1.6. Scope
This version of the guide focuses on acknowledged SoS that have SoS objectives,
management, and funding as well as constituent systems that have their own
independent objectives, management, and funding. The majority of the SoS identified
during the pilot phase fit this category, and as the DoD continues to address more
capability needs by leveraging existing investments under the current organizational
structures, it is likely that there will continue to be more SoS of this type. As
organizations recognize the need to provide standing organizational structures to align
objectives and authorities, the DoD may expect to see more directed SoS, and this
guide will be updated to address this.

The guide describes the core elements of SE as applied in today’s environment and
describes how the 16 Technical and Technical Management processes outlined in DAG
chapter 4 are employed in this SoS context (see section 4.1 and 4.2). The DAG
describes these 16 processes as the basic SE processes in the context of acquisition
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

programs. The characteristics of today’s SoS environment have an impact on how

these basic processes are applied by the systems engineer of the SoS. That is the focus
of this version of the guide. As the environment evolves and our understanding grows,
this guide will be revised.

Since this guide addresses considerations for applying the 16 SE processes to core
elements of SoS SE, it should be used in conjunction with the DAG and not as a stand-
alone document. See the references for titles of DoD directives and instructions related
to SoS.

1.7. Related Areas

While this version of the guide is intended to aid systems engineers as they implement
SE for acknowledged SoS, this section addresses several related areas that are included
to provide context.

1.7.1 SoS Management

It is widely recognized that having independent, concurrent management and funding
authority at both the system and SoS levels is a dominant feature of acknowledged SoS.
Typically, attention is focused on the management issues that result from the
overlapping authority over decisions rather than the technical implications for SE. As
noted above, stakeholders have been discussing ways to establish more effective
governance processes to address the management issues that characterize SoS,
particularly acknowledged SoS today.

Management issues for SoS are sizable. Successful SoS management requires reaching
across organizational boundaries to establish an end-in-mind set of objectives and the
resourced plan. Experienced managers are needed in an SoS environment, which
requires considerable flexibility to negotiate among the competing interests in an SoS

SoS increases the complexity, scope, and cost of both the planning process and
systems engineering, and introduces the need to coordinate inter-program activities and
manage agreements among multiple program managers (PMs) as stakeholders who
may not have a vested interest in the SoS. The problems that need to be addressed
are large and complex and are not amenable to solution by better systems engineering
alone. Without a solid governance and management approach for an SoS, independent
authorities who oversee the multiple governance processes of DOD are unlikely to
accept guidance from a systems engineer they do not control, placing the systems
engineer in an untenable position in attempting to support an SoS. An
administrative/governance structure that addresses these realities will enable SoS SE to
be more effective in all phases of the processes as outlined in this document. This
document acknowledges these issues but does not make any recommendations for
changes to existing management and control structures to resolve inter-system issues,

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

since these are beyond the scope of SE. However, attention is needed to improve SoS
administration and management.

These management issues have an impact on SE. At times, particularly in the DoD, the
discussion focuses on the need to clarify management relationships in these situations
as the best way to address the issues. Unfortunately, the fact that many systems play
a role in multiple SoS means that this is not easily accomplished. In the DoD, multi-
mission systems are especially valuable contributors to multiple different user
capabilities and can be important participants in multiple SoS. This is not likely to
change in the near future. In other applications beyond defense, systems or services
may be designed to be broadly useful and have as their business objective to support
numerous user applications. They naturally retain authority over decisions regarding
their development and are not likely to agree to limit themselves to one specific
customer. Consequently, the management issues posed by acknowledged SoS are likely
to persist, making it important to recognize the impact of these management
considerations on systems engineering and to address these technical issues.

Acknowledged SoS by definition have managers and resources which coexist with
managers of the systems, and SoS systems engineers provide technical support to the
SoS managers. This guide is focused on the role and activities of these SoS SE teams.

1.7.2 Net-Centricity
Net-Centricity is defined as the ability to provide a framework for full human and
technical interoperability that (1) allows all DoD users and mission partners to share the
information they need, when they need it, in a form they can understand and act on
with confidence, and (2) protects information from those who should not have it. The
Net-Centric vision is to harness the power of information and network connectivity for
all DoD users [DoD, 2008].

The Net-Centric Data Strategy [DoD CIO, 2003] establishes the use of communities of
interest to solve high-priority data, information, and services issues facing the
Department. At the same time, systems engineering is trending away from engineering
point-to-point interfaces and towards exposing data to the enterprise in a common
vocabulary, built around key principles. Through the principle of visibility, unanticipated
users can discover the information sources on the network; through the principle of
accessibility, users pull that data if they meet the access control policies; through the
principle of reliability the data is supplied by a single trusted source and through the
principle of understandability, users pull the metadata that describes how to bind to the

Furthermore, the Net-Centric Services Strategy establishes the goal of accomplishing

this information exchange by exposing services to the enterprise. A fundamental tenet
of the services approach is to expose information through a well-defined interface that
is independent of the implementation of the service. This tenet results in much looser
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

coupling of the systems in an SoS and enables relatively autonomous evolution of the
constituent systems.

The DoD approach to net centricity is relevant to DoD SoS of all types. The process of
networking multiple systems to support the user capability is a common element of
almost all SoS [DoD CIO, 2003]. How this is accomplished is not discussed in any detail
in this guide because it is discussed in DoD policy and regulations directly addressing
this area [DoD, 2003; DoD CIO, 2003; DoD CIO, 2005]. Additionally, there are
standards that have been identified for use in DoD systems; these are provided in
Defense Information Technology Standards Registry (DISR). The assumption is made
that net-centric policies and practices will be applied as appropriate throughout the SE
process for SoS considering the available networking infrastructure (capacity, etc).
Future versions of the guide may address specific issues in this area if it appears that
there are gaps not otherwise addressed by this community.

1.7.3 Emergence
The terms emergence and emergent behavior are increasingly being used in SoS
contexts. While the concept of emergence and its derivative terms has a long history in
science and technology, to this day there is no single, universal definition of emergence.

The concept is often illustrated, however, by examples such as the following:

• The behavior of a human brain cannot be known or predicted from a detailed

knowledge of the neurons that comprise it.
• The social behavior of a bee population is not predictable from knowledge
about individual bees.
• The way in which any given human culture puts together words and rules of
grammar is not predictable from knowledge about the alphabet it uses.

In SoS contexts, the recent interest in emergence has been fueled, in part, by the
movement to apply systems science and complexity theory to problems of large-scale,
heterogeneous information technology based systems. In this context, a working
definition of emergent behavior of a system is behavior which is unexpected or cannot
be predicted by knowledge of the system’s constituent parts.

For the purposes of an SoS, “unexpected” means unintentional, not purposely or

consciously designed-in, not known in advance, or surprising to the developers and
users of the SoS. In an SoS context, “not predictable by knowledge of its constituent
parts” means the impossibility or impracticability (in time and resources) of subjecting
all possible logical threads across the myriad functions, capabilities, and data of the
systems to a comprehensive SE process.

The emergent behavior of an SoS can result from either the internal relationships
among the parts of the SoS or as a response to its external environment. Consequences

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

of the emergent behavior may be viewed as negative/harmful, positive/beneficial, or

neutral/unimportant by stakeholders of the SoS.

1.7.4 Modeling and Simulation

Modeling and simulation (M&S) provides a technical toolset which is regularly used to
support systems acquisition and engineering [NDIA, 2004]. M&S is applied throughout
the system development life cycle supporting early concept analysis, through design,
developmental test and evaluation (T&E), integration, and operational T&E.

Because of the characteristics of SoS, M&S can be a particularly valuable tool to the SoS
SE team. M&S is used to support SoS SE in a number of areas. Models, when
implemented in an integrated analytical framework, can be an effective means of
understanding the complex and emergent behavior of systems that interact with each
other. They can provide an environment to help the SoS SE team to create a new
capability from existing systems and consider integration issues that can have a direct
effect on the operational user. M&S can support analysis of architecture approaches
and alternatives, and it can also support analysis of requirements and solution options.

Because it can be difficult or infeasible to completely test and evaluate capabilities of

the SoS, M&S can be very effectively applied to support test and evaluation at different
stages throughout the SoS SE process. In particular the SoS SE team should consider
M&S of the SoS to understand the end-to-end performance of the overall SoS prior to
implementation. In some cases it is advisable for the SoS SE team to adopt a model-
based process.

M&S in this type of environment can be challenging, however, particularly in ensuring

M&S validity. But if early models of the systems forming the SoS can be constructed
and validated, better identification of potential problems can be understood at early
stages of the life cycle. Consequently, it is important to include planning for M&S early
in the SE planning, including the resources needed to identify, develop, or evolve and
validate M&S to support SE and T&E.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

2. Comparison of Systems and Systems of Systems

Understanding the environment in which a system or SoS will be developed and
employed is central to understanding how best to apply SE principles within that
environment. Common observations regarding differences between individual or
constituent systems and SoS are listed in table 2-1. The remainder of this chapter
addresses the major environmental differences.

Table 2-1. Comparing Systems and Acknowledged Systems of Systems

Aspect of System Acknowledged System of Systems


Management & Oversight

Stakeholder Clearer set of stakeholders Stakeholders at both system level and SoS levels (including the system
Involvement owners), with competing interests and priorities; in some cases, the system
stakeholder has no vested interest in the SoS; all stakeholders may not be

Governance Aligned PM and funding Added levels of complexity due to management and funding for both the
SoS and individual systems; SoS does not have authority over all the

Operational Environment

Operational Focus Designed and developed to Called upon to meet a set of operational objectives using systems whose
meet operational objectives objectives may or may not align with the SoS objectives


Acquisition Aligned to ACAT Added complexity due to multiple system lifecycles across acquisition
Milestones, documented programs, involving legacy systems, systems under development, new
requirements, SE with a developments, and technology insertion; Typically have stated capability
Systems Engineering Plan objectives upfront which may need to be translated into formal
(SEP) requirements

Test & Evaluation Test and evaluation of the Testing is more challenging due to the difficulty of synchronizing across
system is generally multiple systems’ life cycles; given the complexity of all the moving parts
possible and potential for unintended consequences

Engineering & Design Considerations

Boundaries and Focuses on boundaries and Focus on identifying the systems that contribute to the SoS objectives and
Interfaces interfaces for the single enabling the flow of data, control and functionality across the SoS while
system balancing needs of the systems

Performance & Performance of the system Performance across the SoS that satisfies SoS user capability needs while
Behavior to meet specified balancing needs of the systems

2.1. Management and Oversight

One aspect of the environment that affects the SE process is the community in which a
system or SoS is developed and deployed. Generally, for a single system, stakeholders
are committed to that system and play specific roles in the SE of that system. For a
single system, governance of the SE process is usually hierarchical, with a lead systems
engineer (or chief engineer) supporting a PM.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

On the other hand, for SoS, there are stakeholders for both the SoS and for the
constituent systems themselves. These stakeholder groups each have their own
objectives and organizational contexts which form their expectations with respect to the
SoS. The stakeholders of the SoS may have limited knowledge of the constraints and
development plans for the individual systems. In some cases, every SoS stakeholder
may not be recognized. Stakeholders of individual systems may have little interest in
the SoS, may give SoS needs low priority, or may resist SoS demands on their system.
These competing stakeholder interests establish the complex stakeholder environment
for SoS SE.

SoS governance is complex. It includes the set of institutions, structures of authority,

and the collaboration needed to allocate resources and coordinate or control activity.
Effective SoS governance is critical to the integration of efforts across multiple
independent programs and systems in an SoS. While the SoS will have a manager and
resources devoted to the SoS objectives, the systems in the SoS typically also have
their own PMs, sponsors, funding, systems engineers, and independent development
programs. Some systems may be legacy systems with no active development
underway. In addition, some systems will participate in multiple SoS. Consequently, the
governance of the SoS SE process will necessarily take on a collaborative nature.
Figure 1-1 illustrates the political and management environment that impacts the SoS
systems engineer.

System of Systems –
The Management Challenge

$ $
$ $

SoS: Joint SoS:

Within Interdependencies
Single Across
Organization Multiple
Political and Cost Considerations impact on
Technical Issues

Figure 2-1. Political and Management Considerations Affect SoS SE

SoS systems engineers must be able to function in an environment where the

SoS manager does not control all of the systems that impact the SoS
capabilities and stakeholders have interests beyond the SoS objectives.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

2.2. Operational Environment

For a single system within an operational environment, the mission objectives are
established based on a structured requirements or capability development process
along with defined concepts of operation and priorities for development [CJCS,
2007(2)]. There is a strong emphasis on maintaining a specific, well-defined
operational focus and deferring changes until completion of an increment of delivery.
SE inherits these qualities in an individual system development.

On the other hand, SoS SE is conducted to create operational capability beyond that
which the systems can provide independently. This may make new demands on the
systems for functionality or information sharing which had not been considered in their
individual designs. In some cases these new demands may not be commensurate with
the original objectives of the individual systems.

In creating a new capability from existing systems, the systems engineer will need to
consider issues that can have a direct effect on the operational user. Differences in
nomenclature, symbology, interaction conventions, or any of a host of other human
interface variations among the individual systems can create challenges in the usability
of the SoS as well as in the training pipeline needed to instill the required skill sets.
Similarly, there may be implications in the personnel requirements for an SoS that must
be considered. On the positive side, the combined effect of multiple systems may
present opportunities to the war fighter by producing or enabling a capability that was
not originally planned.

SoS SE must balance SoS needs with individual system needs.

2.3. Implementation of SoS

The acquisition environment for the engineering of a single system typically focuses on
the system life cycle aligned to Acquisition Category (ACAT) milestones and specified
requirements. Engineering is usually managed through a single DoD PM and a Systems
Engineering Plan (SEP) to meet the requirements [OUSD AT&L, 2004(3)]. Generally it is
possible to subject the entire system to test and evaluation, or at least the subsystems
related to the defined mission and specified requirements.

Typically, SoS involve multiple systems that may be at different stages of development,
including sustainment. SoS may comprise legacy systems, developmental systems in
acquisition programs, technology insertion, life extension programs, and systems
related to other initiatives. The SoS manager and systems engineer need to accept the
challenge to expand or redefine existing SE processes to accommodate the unique
considerations of individual systems to address the overall SoS needs. It is the role of
the SoS systems engineer to instill technical discipline in this process. The development
or evolution of SoS capability generally will not be driven solely by a single organization
but will most likely involve multiple DoD Program Executive Offices (PEOs), Program
Managers (PMs), and operational and support communities. This complicates the task of

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

the SoS systems engineer who must navigate the evolving plans and development
priorities of the SoS constituent systems, along with their asynchronous development
schedules, to plan and orchestrate evolution of the SoS toward SoS objectives. Beyond
these development challenges, depending on the complexity and distribution of the
constituent systems, it may be infeasible or very difficult to completely test and
evaluate SoS capabilities.

SoS SE planning and implementation must consider and leverage the

development plans of the individual systems.

2.4. Engineering and Design Considerations

From an engineering point of view, important aspects to consider when engineering an
individual system are boundaries, interfaces, and performance and behavior. The
definition of boundaries for the engineering of a single system is generally a static
problem of determining what is inside the system boundary (this becomes the
“system”) and what is outside the system boundary (this is what is excluded from being
a developmental item for the “system”). A clearly defined boundary allows for a
straightforward identification of requirements for “boundary points” through which the
system must interface with elements that are not part of the system. Identification of
boundary points tends to minimize system dependencies on external capabilities, and
these dependencies are well defined through the interface requirements. The
performance and behavior of a single system defined in this way tend to be
autonomous (i.e., determined primarily by the attributes of the system itself). However,
there are usually some external dependencies, e.g., communications or command and
control dependencies. Furthermore, today even relatively well-defined systems need to
consider their larger operational environment and may need to anticipate design
changes to support changing user needs.

In contrast, the performance of an SoS is dependent not only on the performance of

the individual constituent systems, but on their combined end-to-end behavior. For the
SoS to function, its constituent systems must work together to achieve necessary end-
to-end performance. The boundary of any SoS can be relatively ambiguous. It is
important to first identify capabilities that the SoS is expected to provide and to then
use those capability requirements to select and focus on the systems expected to
contribute to the SoS capabilities. In a sense this is analogous to establishing
boundaries for the SoS, but since other systems may also affect the SoS outcomes, SoS
boundaries can be ambiguous. Consequently, in an SoS, it is important to identify the
critical set of systems that affect the SoS capability objectives and understand their
interrelationships. This is particularly important because the constituent systems of the
SoS typically will have different owners and supporting organizational structures beyond
the SoS management.

Further, an SoS can place demands on constituent systems that are not supported by
those systems’ designs. Combinations of systems operating together within the SoS
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

contribute to the overall capabilities. Combining systems may lead to emergent

behaviors more than is usually seen in single systems. As with emergent behaviors of
single systems, these behaviors may either improve performance or degrade it.

In addition, beyond the ability of the systems to support the functionality and
performance called for by the SoS, there can be differences among the systems in
characteristics that contribute to SoS “suitability” such as reliability, supportability,
maintainability, assurance, and safety. These characteristics cut across the 16 SE
processes in the DAG chapter 4. The challenge of design in an SoS is to leverage the
functional and performance capabilities of the constituent systems to achieve the
desired SoS capability as well as the crosscutting characteristics of the SoS to ensure
the meets the broader user needs.

SoS SE must address the end-to-end behavior of the ensemble of systems,

addressing the key issues which affect that behavior.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

3. SoS and SoS SE In the DoD Today

3.1. DoD SoS Environment

Most military systems today are part of an SoS even if they are not explicitly recognized
as such. Operationally, the DoD acts as an SoS as the battle space commander brings
together a mix of systems in an operation to meet mission objectives. From the
standpoint of development and acquisition, however, the DoD has focused on
independent systems. Most military systems today were created and then evolved
without explicit SE at the SoS level. Capabilities-based perspectives are more likely to
identify needed relationships among what were previously considered independent
systems. Therefore, there is more emphasis on SoS as the DoD adopts a capabilities-
based approach.

When we look at SoS in the DoD today, we see that a SoS generally is recognized as a
formal entity when something important enough brings into play management and
governance processes that cut across established individual system boundaries.
Reasons can vary. In some cases the criticality of an SoS capability becomes a concern,
as when the Air Force recognized that the suite of systems supporting the Air
Operations Center (AOC) was coming together without benefit of coordinated pre-
planning and integration, jeopardizing a critical military operational asset. Alternatively,
an SoS may be created to address operational problems in which new needs cannot be
supported without cooperative efforts of multiple systems (e.g., Single Integrated Air
Picture (SIAP)).

Once the need for a formal SoS is recognized, typically an organization is identified as
responsible for the SoS area along with the broad definition of the objective of the SoS.
In most cases, however, this does not include changes in ownership of the constituent
systems in the SoS or reduction of those systems’ existing objectives. For example,
figure 3-1 shows the mix of systems and owners in the MILSATCOM SoS. In addition,
the SoS objective is often framed in terms of improved capabilities and not as a well-
specified technical performance objective.

SoS are not typically new acquisitions; rather, they tend to overlay an ensemble of
existing, evolving, and new systems with the objective of improving the way the
systems work together to meet a new user need. Under these circumstances, SoS
managers, when designated, typically do not control all the requirements or funding for
all the individual systems in the SoS and consequently find that they can only
influence—rather than direct—system managers to meet SoS needs. The SE approach
for the SoS therefore must recognize that SoS needs may not be accommodated in the
individual systems’ development.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Challenge of SoSE

Figure 3-1. MILSATCOM Systems and Owners [Robbins, 2006]

SoS SE typically focuses on the evolution of capability over time, with initial efforts
working to enhance the way current systems work together, anticipating change in
internal or external effects on the SoS and eventually adding new functionality through
new systems or changes to existing systems. In some cases the aim may be to
eliminate or re-engineer systems to provide better or more efficient capability.
However, providing more efficient capability may be problematic because features that
are redundant across systems may be needed when the systems operate apart from the

3.2. Core Elements of SoS SE

Seven core elements of SoS SE provide the context for the application of systems
engineering processes. Understanding the tasks facing the SoS systems engineer leads
to better appreciation of how basic SE processes are applied in an SoS environment and
suggests some emerging principles for SoS SE. The core elements and emerging
principles of SoS are intended to augment current DoD systems engineering practice to
account for the SoS challenges. The seven core elements that characterize SoS are:

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

1. Translating SoS Capability Objectives into High-Level SoS Requirements

over Time (hereinafter referred to as Translating Capability Objectives)
When a formal SoS is first identified, the systems engineering team is called upon to
understand and articulate the technical-level expectations for the SoS. SoS
objectives are typically couched in terms of needed capabilities, and the systems
engineer is responsible for working with the SoS manager and users to translate
these into high-level requirements that can provide the foundation for the technical
planning to evolve the capability over time. To accomplish this, the SoS SE team
needs to understand the nature and the dynamics of the SoS both to appreciate the
context for SoS expectations and to anticipate areas of the SoS that are most likely
to vary in implementation and change over time. The SoS systems engineer has a
continuous active role in this ongoing process of translating capability needs into
technical requirements and identifying new needs as the situation changes and the
SoS evolves.

2. Understanding the Constituent Systems and Their Relationships over Time

(hereinafter referred to as Understanding Systems and Relationships)
One of the most important aspects of the SoS SE role is the development of an
understanding of the systems involved in providing the needed SoS capabilities and
their relationships and interdependencies as part of the SoS. In an individual system
acquisition, the systems engineer is typically able to clearly establish boundaries and
interfaces for a new system. In an SoS, systems engineers must gain an
understanding of the ensemble of systems that affect the SoS capability and the
way they interact and contribute to the capability objectives. Key systems can be
outside of the direct control of the SoS management but have large impacts on the
SoS objectives. It may not be possible to identify all the systems that affect SoS
objectives. What is most important here is understanding the players, their
relationships, and their drivers so that options for addressing SoS objectives can be
identified and evaluated, and impacts of changes over time can be anticipated and
addressed. Understanding the functionality of each system is the basis for
understanding (1) how the systems support the SoS objectives, (2) technical details
of the systems pertinent to the SoS (e.g., approaches to sharing or exchanging
mission information), and (3) the current system development plans including timing
and synchronization considerations. Finally, the SoS systems engineer needs to
identify the stakeholders and users of SoS and systems, and understand their
organizational context as a foundation for their role in the SoS over time.

3. Assessing Extent to Which SoS Performance Meets Capability Objectives

over Time (hereinafter referred to as Assessing Performance to Capability
In an SoS environment there may be a variety of approaches to addressing
objectives. This means that the SoS systems engineer needs to establish metrics
and methods for assessing performance of the SoS capabilities which are
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

independent of alternative implementation approaches. A part of effective mission

capability assessment is to identify the most important mission threads and focus
the assessment effort on end-to-end performance. Since SoS often comprise fielded
suites of systems, feedback on SoS performance may be based on operational
experience and issues arising from operational settings. By monitoring performance
in the field or in exercise settings, systems engineers can proactively identify and
assess areas needing attention, emergent behavior in the SoS, and impacts on the
SoS of changes in constituent systems.

4. Developing, Evolving and Maintaining an Architecture for the SoS 2

(hereinafter referred to as Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture)
Once an SoS systems engineer has clarified the high-level technical objectives of the
SoS, identified the systems that are key to SoS objectives, and defined the current
performance of the SoS, an architecture overlay for the SoS is developed, beginning
with the existing or de facto architecture of the SoS. The architecture of an SoS
addresses the concept of operations for the SoS and encompasses the functions,
relationships, and dependencies of constituent systems, both internal and external.
This includes end-to-end functionality and data flow as well as communications.
The architecture of the SoS provides the technical framework for assessing changes
needed in systems or other options for addressing requirements. In the case of a
new system development, the systems engineer can begin with a fresh,
unencumbered approach to architecture. However, in an SoS, the systems
contributing to the SoS objectives are typically in place when the SoS is established,
and the SoS systems engineer needs to consider the current state and plans of the
individual systems as important factors in developing an architecture for the SoS. In
developing the architecture, the systems engineer identifies options and trades and
provides feedback when there are barriers to achieving balance between the SoS
and system’s needs and constraints.

5. Monitoring and Assessing Potential Impacts of Changes on SoS

Performance (hereinafter referred to as Monitoring and Assessing Changes)
A big part of SoS SE is anticipating change outside of the SoS span of control which
will impact SoS functionality or performance. This includes internal changes in the
constituent systems as well as external demands on the SoS. Because an SoS
comprises multiple independent systems, the systems engineer must be aware that
these systems are evolving independently of the SoS, possibly in ways that could
affect the SoS. By understanding the impact of proposed or potential changes, the
SoS systems engineer can either intervene to preclude problems or develop
strategies to mitigate the impact on the SoS.

An architecture is the structure of components, their relationships, and the principles and guidelines
governing their design evolution over time [IEEE Std 610.12 and DoDAF]. The architecture of an
SoS is a persistent technical framework for governing the evolution of an SoS over time.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

6. Addressing SoS Requirements and Solution Options (hereinafter referred to

as Addressing Requirements and Solution Options)
An SoS has requirements both at the level of the entity formed by the interoperating
constituent systems and at the level of the individual constituent systems
themselves. Depending on the circumstances, the SoS systems engineer may have
a role at one or both levels. At the SoS level, as with systems, a process is needed
to collect, assess, and prioritize user needs, and then to evaluate options for
addressing these needs. It is key for the systems engineer to understand the
individual systems and their technical and organizational context and constraints
when identifying options to address SoS needs and to consider the impact of these
options at the systems level. It is the SoS systems engineer's role to work with
requirements managers for the individual systems to identify the specific
requirements to be addressed by each of the systems (that is to collaboratively
derive, decompose, and allocate requirements to specific systems). This activity is
compounded at an SoS level due to the multiple acquisition stakeholders that are
engaged in an SoS. The objective is to identify options which balance needs of the
systems and the SoS, since in many cases there may be no clear decision authority
across the SoS. Designs for implementing changes to the systems are done by the
systems engineers of the systems. 3 The architecture of an SoS, if done well, will
provide the persistent framework for identifying and assessing design alternatives,
and will provide stability as different requirements emerge. A well-engineered
architecture will also moderate the impact of changes in one area on other parts of
the SoS.

7. Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS (hereinafter referred to as Orchestrating

Upgrades to SoS)
Once an option for addressing a need has been selected, it is the SoS systems
engineer's role to work with the SoS sponsor, the SoS manager, the constituent
systems’ sponsors, managers, systems engineers, and contractors to fund, plan,
contractually enable, facilitate, integrate, and test upgrades to the SoS. The actual
changes are made by the constituent systems’ owners, but the SoS systems
engineer orchestrates the process, taking a lead role in the coordination, integration,
and test across the SoS and providing oversight to ensure that the changes agreed
to by the systems are implemented in a way that supports the SoS.

These core elements provide the context for the application of SE processes. The core
SE processes developed and used in the acquisition of new systems continue to support
SoS, and the SoS environment affects the way these processes are applied. These core

A design defines the characteristics of an entity (system, component, SoS, etc.) in sufficient detail to
enable the entity’s implementation. Typical characteristics include components, control logic, data
structures, input/output formats, interface descriptions, and algorithms (IEEE Std 610.12). The design
of an SoS consists of the architecture of the SoS together with changes to the designs of the
constituent systems that enable them to work together according to the architecture.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

elements of SoS SE will be discussed in a later section in more detail in terms of the SE
processes that support them.

3.3. Emerging Principles for SoS SE

Looking across the core elements and processes, it is possible to identify a small
number of crosscutting principles that seem to be well suited to SE in the SoS
environment. While the core SoS SE elements identify SE actions in an SoS, these
emerging principles identify ways the elements may be implemented for success. These
emerging principles are based on reviews that were conducted with a set of pilot
programs, which the military Services nominated as examples of SoS (described in
Section 1.4). Based on these reviews, the following principles appear to be generally
useful to the systems engineers in executing their SE role in the SoS environment.

• Addressing organizational as well as technical issues in making SE trades

and decisions

When assessing how to support SoS functions, it is important to develop a solid

technical understanding of the functionalities, interrelationships, and dependencies
of the constituent systems. But in an SoS it is equally important to understand the
objectives, motivations, and plans of those constituent systems, since these factors
play a large role in SoS SE trades. In many cases, decisions about where to
implement a needed function are based on practicalities of development schedules
or funding as much as on optimized technical allocations. When a needed function is
aligned with the longer-term goals of a particular system’s owner, it may be
advantageous to select that system to host the function even if there are more
technically favorable alternatives. Funding is more likely to be available for
development and maintenance, and the program sponsor may be more motivated to
adjust schedules and make alterations if the function benefits the owning
organization in the long term.

• Acknowledging the different roles of systems engineers at the system

versus the SoS level and the relationship between the SE done at the two

Systems engineers of SoS find that they need to focus on those areas that are
critical to the SoS success and leave system-level issues to their systems engineers.
The systems engineers at the system level have the knowledge and responsibility
and are in the best position to address implementation details. For example, figure
3-2 shows the partitioning of responsibilities between the SoS and the systems in
the Army’s Future Combat System (FCS). The biggest challenges are determining
the areas that need to be addressed at the SoS level to enable SoS systems
engineers to focus on them. SoS systems engineers typically concentrate on risk,
configuration management, and data as they apply across the SoS. For SoS, a key
area of concern is the synchronization across development cycles of the systems.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

The SoS Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) focuses on key intersection points and
dependencies across the SoS rather than concentrating on individual systems’
schedule details.

Figure 3-2. Responsibility Partitioning in FCS

[Source: FCS Program]

• Conducting balanced technical management of the SoS

Technical management of the SoS can be a challenge, particularly in securing the

level of participation required of the constituent systems. Principally during the
early, formative stage of an SoS, the tendency can be to ask the systems engineers
of the constituent systems to participate in all aspects of the SoS SE process. Given
the system-level workload of these systems engineers, this amount of support is not
sustainable in the long run. A successful SoS technical management approach
reflects the need for transparency and trust coupled with focused active
participation with experienced engineers. Once a level of understanding and trust
has been developed, then a sustainable pattern of participation can be created and
maintained. This calls for experienced leadership as well as SE and program
management domain expertise to confront the challenges of managing an SoS
effort. While this guide focuses on systems engineering, it is important to be clear
that the systems engineer in an SoS provides technical input to the SoS manager.
As is discussed in section 1.5, acknowledged SoS in DoD today pose enormous
management challenges, and success depends on the ability of SoS managers to
work across systems and balance technical and nontechnical issues. This requires
experienced, capable SoS managers and SE teams.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

• Using an architecture based on open systems and loose coupling

Given the tension between the needs of systems themselves and the demands of
the SoS, there is a real advantage to an SoS architecture based on open systems
and loose coupling which impinges on the systems as little as possible. This type of
architectural approach provides systems maximum flexibility to address changing
needs of original users, and permits engineers to apply technology best suited to
those needs without an impact on the SoS. Hence, SoS architecture trades may
place a greater emphasis on approaches which are extensible, flexible, and
persistent over time and which allow the addition or deletion of systems and
changes in systems without affecting other systems or the SoS as a whole. While it
is unlikely that the systems supporting an SoS objective will comply with such an
architecture at the outset, the development of an open architecture and migration of
systems over time is a typical and desirable approach for an SoS. Service Oriented
Architectures (SOA) is an example of this type of architecture approach.

• Focusing on the design strategy and trades both when the formal SoS is
first established and throughout the SoS evolution

A traditional systems acquisition program benefits by focusing analysis upfront in

the design process. SoS, on the other hand, are typically evolutionary and deliver
increments of capability over time. They benefit by conducting this type of analysis
both up front and on an ongoing basis, since the SoS systems engineer’s success
depends on a robust understanding of sources of change outside of the span of
control of the SoS. Having understood the sources of change, the systems engineer
is then better able to anticipate changes and their effects on the SoS.

3.4. Relationship of Current SE Technical and Technical Management

Processes to SoS SE Core Elements
For the most part, SoS systems engineers view their world and frame their activities
through the seven core SoS SE elements discussed in section 3.2. The DoD has
identified 16 technical and technical management processes for DoD SE (see table 3-1).
These processes are drawn from international standards for SE [ISO/IEC, 2008]. Given
the state of SoS in the DoD and the seven core elements of SoS SE, the standard SE
processes offer available tools for tackling SoS SE which can be tailored to address the
challenges of SoS.

The 16 technical and technical management processes themselves are fundamental,

and at the level of detail of their descriptions in the DAG chapter 4 they clearly apply to
SE for SoS. What is different for SoS is the context or environment (ref. section 3.1) in
which these processes are conducted or applied. The SoS SE team implements the SoS
SE core elements largely by drawing from the 16 technical and technical management
processes and tailoring them to the particulars of the SoS context and environment. In

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

essence, the 16 processes are a set of tools used to implement the core elements. In
an SoS, the SoS systems engineer employs SE processes in ways that address the
specific constraints and opportunities of the SoS environment.

Table 3-1. Technical and Technical Management Processes as Described

in the DAG Chapter 4

Technical Processes
Requirements Development takes all inputs from relevant stakeholders and
translates the inputs into technical requirements.
Logical Analysis is the process of obtaining sets of logical solutions to improve
understanding of the defined requirements and the relationships among the
requirements (e.g., functional, behavioral, temporal).
Design Solution translates the outputs of the Requirements Development and
Logical Analysis processes into alternative design solutions and selects a final design
Implementation is the process that actually yields the lowest-level system elements
in the system hierarchy. The system element is made, bought, or reused.
Integration is the process of incorporating the lower-level system elements into a
higher-level system element in the physical architecture.
Verification confirms that the system element meets the design-to or build-to
specifications. It answers the question "Did you build it right?”.
Validation answers the question of "Did you build the right thing".
Transition is the process applied to move … the end-item system to the user.

Technical Management Processes

Decision Analysis provides the basis for evaluating and selecting alternatives when
decisions need to be made.
Technical Planning ensures that the systems engineering processes are applied
properly throughout a system's life cycle.
Technical Assessment measures technical progress and the effectiveness of plans
and requirements.
Requirements Management provides traceability back to user-defined capabilities.
Risk Management … helps ensure program cost, schedule, and performance
objectives are achieved at every stage in the life cycle and to communicate to all
stakeholders the process for uncovering, determining the scope of, and managing
program uncertainties.
Configuration Management is the application of sound business practices to
establish and maintain consistency of a product's attributes with its requirements and
product configuration information.
Data Management addresses the handling of information necessary for or
associated with product development and sustainment.
Interface Management ensures interface definition and compliance among the
elements that compose the system, as well as with other systems with which the
system or system elements must interoperate.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

The relationships between the core elements and the SE processes are depicted in table
3-2. In general, the technical management processes are more heavily represented in
the SoS SE core elements, reflecting the SoS SE role of coordination and orchestration
across systems, with detailed engineering implementation taking place primarily at the
system level. This is consistent with the emerging principles for SoS SE discussed in
section 3.3, especially acknowledging roles and relationships and using an architecture
based on open systems and loose coupling.

The mappings are based on a close reading of the process definitions in the DAG
chapter 4 as they apply to SoS SE. In some cases, such as configuration management
(CM), only elements where the SoS is actually controlling baselines or other
configuration managed information are tagged with CM. In some core elements, such
as Understanding Systems and Relationships, the SoS systems engineering team is
assessing information that is under configuration management but not by the SoS;
hence, in these elements, CM is not noted. Instead, the SoS-specific data collected and
addressed in these elements is handled under data management (DM). It can be
argued that the 16 processes affect all the elements either directly or indirectly. The
purpose of this mapping and the discussions in this version of the guide is to highlight
the key processes directly addressing the SoS SE elements.

Table 3-2. Technical & Technical Management Processes as They Apply to the Core Elements
of SoS SE
Technical Processes Technical Management Processes
Tech Planning

Config Mgmt
Tech Assess

Data Mgmt

Rqts Mgmt

Risk Mgmt
Rqts Devl






Translating Capability

Understanding Systems and


Assessing Performance to
Capability Objectives

Developing and Evolving an

SoS Architecture

Monitoring and Assessing


Addressing Requirements and

Solution Options

Orchestrating Upgrades to

In section 4, the application of SE processes to SoS SE is discussed from both the

perspective of the 7 SoS SE core elements and that of the 16 SE technical and technical
management processes. These sections discuss the processes as applied to each SoS
SE core element and how the SoS context affects the way the processes are applied.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

For example, decision analysis is a basic process in SE. In an SoS context, decisions for
the SoS need to be considered in light of the impact on the systems themselves.
Likewise, configuration management and data management at the SoS level deal with
aspects of the SoS not addressed in SE of the individual systems.

SoS SE focuses primarily on the end-to-end behavior of the SoS and

addresses the constituent systems only from that perspective.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

4. SE Processes Applied in SoS Environments

This section addresses the application of SE processes to SoS from the perspectives of
the SoS SE core elements (section 4.1) and SE processes as defined in the DAG chapter
4 (section 4.2). The guide provides a full view of the SE processes and SoS SE core
elements from these two different perspectives. This means that much of the
information is presented twice, but from different vantage points. While this results in a
certain amount of redundancy in the guide, it was done to enable readers to more
readily access information from their particular perspective.

Before moving to the details, this section begins with a discussion of SE focus areas
that are used across applications of SE including in SoS. These have been the focus of
DoD SE policy and they are important in SoS. These focus areas will be discussed
throughout this section as they apply to specific core elements and processes, but they
warrant separate discussion as they apply across SE for SoS.

The DoD requires SE or technical plans for all acquisition programs. These plans
provide a vehicle for a foundational description of the SE organization and approaches
that are used across SE of the system. In the sections that follow, technical planning is
described for key SoS development activities, but it is as important that the SoS SE
team creates a broad-based SoS SE Plan (SEP) to guide the SE of the SoS. While some
SoS are not acquisition programs and consequently their structure may differ, the five
focus areas [REF, SEP Prep Guide, p.1] for SEPs apply in SoS:

• Program Requirements: The SEP should define how the program will manage all
requirements (statutory, regulatory, derived, certification).
• Technical Staffing and Organization Planning: The SEP should show how the
program will structure and organize the program team to satisfy requirements.
• Technical Baseline Management: The SEP should establish a technical baseline
• Technical Review Planning: The SEP should show how the program will manage
the technical effort, including the technical baselines, through event-based
technical reviews.
• Integration with Overall Management of the Program: The SEP should link SE to
other management efforts, including the Acquisition Strategy, test planning,
sustainment planning, configuration management, risk management, and life-
cycle management.

In addressing these areas, the SoS SE team addresses the core elements of SoS SE
described in this guide and how they apply the SE processes to these elements. In
each area, the SoS SE has issues to address that are specific to SoS.

Program Requirements: SoS requirements are often cast in terms of broader

capability objectives, requiring the SoS SE team to engage with the SoS manager,

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

stakeholders, and users, to derive the SoS requirements from the capability objectives
and then address them using the functionality of current systems, augmented with
enhancements or new developments. The SoS SE team has the added challenge of
working with the constituent systems as they address their system requirements, which
may not align with the SoS requirements.

Technical Staffing and Organization Planning: In an SoS, this area includes both
how the SoS SE team will be composed and structured and how the SoS systems
engineers will interact with the SE teams of the constituent systems. What type of
crosscutting structures will be created? How will the SoS and system SE teams
interact? Each SoS has particular circumstances that will drive these decisions. Most
have created some type of cross-SoS SE council, but in many cases direct relationships
between the SoS SE team and the SE teams of key systems with MOAs/MOUs provide
the foundation for working relationships. The SoS SE team may have representatives
on integrated product teams (IPTs) or on the configuration boards of the key systems.
These arrangements often evolve as the SoS matures, but they need to be considered
early and reviewed periodically in terms of their effectiveness.

Technical Baseline Management: This area is as important for an SoS as for

individual systems. Given the nature of acknowledged SoS, there are technical
baselines at both the SoS and the constituent system level. The SoS baselines look
across the SoS and identify the needed functionality. Using the functional composition
of the systems as the starting point, SoS systems engineers allocate the functionality to
the constituent systems through the development and implementation of the SoS
architecture. New allocated baselines are created and managed for each increment of
SoS capability development as requirements are addressed. The products of the
upgrades to constituent systems as they support both the SoS objectives and their own
objectives constitute the evolving product baseline. These are reflected at greater
levels of detail in the technical baselines of the SoS. Configuration management of SoS
baselines is focused on managing those crosscutting SoS functions and products. In a
number of SoS activities, the SoS SE team works with functionality and systems
characteristics that are important to the SoS but are under CM of the constituent

Technical Review Planning: As with systems, the SoS SE team needs to develop an
approach to manage the technical work of the SoS, including identifying critical decision
points and planning for technical reviews. Because SoS technical implementation is
through systems that have extant capability and their own objectives, users, sponsors,
funding, and development plans, this is an area of major change for the SoS systems
engineers in an acknowledged SoS. It is critical that the SoS systems engineers have a
good understanding of the constituent systems’ processes, organization structures, and
plans as the basis for planning the SoS technical approach. Because the systems will
undoubtedly be on different schedules, the SoS will need to develop a ‘battle rhythm’ as
a method for pacing the activities of the SoS. Planning for increments of SoS
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

development will need to accommodate asynchronous system processes. To the

degree that systems in the SoS are each operating under event-driven development
paths, in many cases the SoS will need to adopt some type of wave or “bus stop”
approach to coordinate across the varied event-driven system processes. Multiple
system developments within time windows are then coordinated to address SoS
requirements in increments. The pace of the battle rhythm of an SoS will depend on
characteristics of the SoS and the variability in the development schedules of the
systems, and this can change over time.

Integration with Overall Management of the Program: As with systems, the role
of the systems engineer is to support management decisions and the SE plans need to
be aligned to the SoS management process. With the management issues faced by
SoS, it is particularly important that systems engineer provide the discipline and
objective assessment of gaps and options to support SoS technical planning and

These crosscutting focus areas will be addressed in more detail in subsequent sections
as the elements of the SoS SE are discussed and the basic SE processes are described
in terms of how they support the elements.

4.1. Core Elements of SoS SE

As discussed in section 3.1, SE in DoD SoS environments can be described in terms of a
set of seven core elements. These seven SOS SE core elements are:

• Translating capability objectives

• Understanding systems and relationships
• Assessing performance to capability objectives
• Developing and evolving an SoS architecture
• Monitoring and assessing changes
• Addressing requirements and solution options
• Orchestrating upgrades to SoS

Figure 4-1 displays these core elements and their interrelationships. The elements are
conducted on an ongoing basis. Whereas a systems engineer of a single system
implements the 16 SE processes using a waterfall, incremental, or iterative approach,
there is less structure in timing or sequencing these SoS SE core elements. They may
be conducted by members of single or multiple SoS SE teams depending on the size or
scope of the SoS.

As the figure shows, three of the core elements reflect areas critical to SoS SE:
translating capability objectives, understanding systems and relationships, and
monitoring and assessing changes. These elements may also play a part in SE of
systems but, because external influences play such a heavy part in the SoS
environment, they are emphasized for SoS.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Translating Assessing New
capability Assessing
capability (actual)
(actual) SoS SE
capability performance role
objectives performance
objectives totocapability
Orchestrating objectives
upgrades objectives
SoS Persistent
to SoS SoS overlay
Developing, framework
systems&& evolving and
evolving and
relationships & evolving
systems &
plans) design/arch
relationships SoS design/arch
Addressing new
new architecture SoS
requirements upgrade
& solution
options process

assessing influences

External Environment

Figure 4-1. Core SoS SE Elements and Their Relationships

In most cases the technical requirements for a system or a system increment have
been defined and are provided to the systems engineer as a starting point. In SoS,
because requirements may be at a higher level or cast in terms of capabilities rather
than requirements, the systems engineer plays an important role—working with
stakeholders and the SoS manager to articulate the high-level technical SoS
requirements that will provide a basis for the SE for the SoS. Similarly, identifying the
systems affecting SoS objectives and understanding their technical and organizational
relationships goes beyond what is typically done by the systems engineer to address
the interfaces for a new system.

Finally and most important, the SoS systems engineer pays considerable attention and
invests substantial time understanding changes that are outside his span of control but
could potentially impact the SoS. The SoS SE team monitors these influences and
assesses feedback on the SoS from the field as well as the results of other core
elements. The SoS systems engineer focuses on understanding and, in fact,
anticipating change as a core element of the SE for SoS.

A central role of SoS systems engineering is establishing and maintaining a persistent

technical framework to guide SoS evolution through the development of an evolving
SoS architecture. The SoS architecture provides an integrated view of the ensemble of
systems within the SoS. The development of the architecture of an SoS is an important
core element for SoS SE because it frames and supports design changes to the SoS
over time.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

As in SE of new systems, the systems engineer in an SoS addresses requirements and

implementation approaches and monitors development, integration, and test, and
assesses the impact of the changes to the end user’s capability needs. To illustrate the
relationship of the SoS SE elements to models of SE for systems, Figures 4-2 and 4-3
show two additional views, which focus on the SoS upgrade process.

Systems & Developing
Relationships & Evolving
Translating Monitoring & SoS
Capability Assessing Architecture
Objectives Changes


Addressing upgrades
requirements to SoS
& solution SoS


Multiple, possibly concurrent increments

Figure 4-2. SoS SE with a Focus on SoS Upgrade

As these figures show, upgrades of the SoS follow a two-level process shown in terms
of the SE “V”. The SoS SE looks across the SoS to recommend requirements to be
addressed in an increment, working with the SE teams of the systems to identify
opportunities and approaches for addressing the requirements and developing a plan
for the increment through analysis and trades. The SE teams for constituent systems
examine options for implementing new functionality in their own systems using the
same processes they would apply for any type of a requirement. Once a plan is
developed, the systems implement the plan while the SoS systems engineer provides
oversight and takes responsibility for integration and test across the systems for the
SoS objectives.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

to capability
Recommend Assess SoS
rqts for this capabilities
increment Addressing & limitations
requirements Orchestrating
systems to & solution upgrades Validate sets
of systems
functions options to SoS
Assess options
Verify sets
of systems SoS
with systems Integrate sets
Develop plan of systems

Coordinate, monitor and facilitate systems’

development, test and evaluation


Figure 4-3. SoS SE with a Focus on SoS Upgrade for a Single Increment

The SoS SE core elements are not necessarily executed in a predetermined order. As
the SoS capability is developed, certain elements need to be addressed at the time an
SoS is acknowledged. These include translating capability objectives, understanding
systems and relationships, and assessing performance to capability objectives. The
results of these elements provide the basis for the others. However, these elements
are revisited as the SoS evolves and may be implemented concurrently.

The SoS SE core elements are implemented under the auspices of the SoS systems
engineer in partnership with the systems engineers of the constituent systems as
appropriate for the elements and the characteristics of the SoS. Different SoS efforts
create SE councils or other organizational entities as the vehicle for this type of
cooperative activity. Throughout this guide we alternatively use the terms systems
engineers or SE teams without further specifying an organization or group, since at this
stage of SoS SE there has not yet been enough experience to provide definitive
crosscutting recommendations in this area. Similarly, different SoS efforts have
employed a variety of work breakdown structures to organize their efforts. As the
community gains more experience in this area, this topic will be considered in future
guide versions.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

4.1.1 Translating Capability Objectives

At the outset of an SoS effort, one of the first tasks facing the SoS manager and
systems engineer is to develop a basic understanding of the expectations for the SoS
and the core requirements for meeting these expectations. In an SoS, objectives are
often stated in terms of broad capabilities. The SoS systems engineer and manager
review objectives and expectations on a regular basis as the SoS evolves and changes
occur in user needs, the technical and threat environments, and other areas. The SoS
SE team also provides feedback to the manager and stakeholders on the viability of
meeting SoS objectives, particularly given the results of other SoS SE core elements.

This SoS SE core element involves codifying the SoS capability objective, which may be
stated at a high level, leaving the task of clarifying and operationalizing the objectives
and expectations to the SoS manager, systems engineer, and stakeholders. The
following examples illustrate the type of capability objectives an SoS might have:

• Provide satellite communications (MILSATCOM)

• Provide global missile defense (BMD)
• Provide a single view of the battle space for all customers (SIAP)

Once the SoS establishes the capability objective (often based upon desired operational
tasks and missions), the SoS SE team defines the functions required to provide the
capability and the variability in the user environment which will impact the different
ways these functions will be executed. The articulation of objectives may be somewhat
general at the outset, but as the SoS and SE processes mature, the objectives become
more focused and they may change. ‘Reference missions’ or ‘use cases’ can be
developed to evaluate the operational utility of the SoS and derive requirements that
directly address usability of the SoS in the operational environment. Working with the
SoS manager, users, and stakeholders, the systems engineer plays an important role in
articulating capability objectives. This activity provides the systems engineer with a
broader understanding of priorities and relationships, and that understanding will be
useful in the further development and management of requirements. The product of
this element is a set of requirements ready for incorporation to a future functional
baseline for the SoS.

Within this core element the systems engineer develops a broad understanding of the
context and drivers for the SoS. Beyond the specific functionality needs, it is very
important for the systems engineer to have a good understanding of the motivation for
the SoS, particularly the need to be more responsive to the increasing change tempo of
the battle space, be it cyberspace, non-nation state terrorism, or health care
management for veterans. Because SoS tend to evolve over time, the systems
engineer needs to understand and continue to track the dynamics of change as they
influence the SoS objectives and expectations. This provides the drivers for the SoS SE
element ‘monitoring and assessing change’; in effect, it provides the context to help the

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

systems engineer anticipate the type of changes and variability the SoS will need to
address over time.

In this element, there is no explicit consideration of the systems involved—neither their

interface details nor performance requirements—since these reflect ways to address
capability needs, not objectives and expectations. Separating objectives from systems
can be difficult in an SoS because there is typically some instantiation of the SoS in
place at the time the SoS is recognized, with the implicit understanding of which
systems belong to the SoS. However, it is important in this context to clarify the
capability needs and expectations independent of the systems, so that over time the
systems engineer can consider a range of options to meet capability needs independent
of the specifics at the point the SoS is acknowledged. This may include ways of
meeting the needs with a single system. Once the SoS systems engineer begins to
review how these objectives can be addressed by available systems, these objectives
may need to be adjusted to realistically reflect feasible implementation options.

Figure 4-3 shows the relationship between this element and the other SoS SE core
elements. Translating Capability Objectives receives inputs from a number of sources,
including the following:

• External sources that affect the SoS objectives, including the stakeholder needs,
the assessment of the threat, etc.
• Feedback on feasibility in terms of systems and their functionality, architecture
limitations, and field experiences

Translating Capability Objectives provides the other SoS SE elements with information
on the first-order goals and expectations for the SoS, which serve to ground the work of
the SoS systems engineer across the board.

In Translating Capability Objectives the systems engineer draws on the following five
technical and technical management processes as described in table 4-1:

• Requirements Development
• Requirements Management
• Risk Management
• Configuration Management
• Data management
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Input: User needs based Assessing
Stakeholder needs on operational
Threat conditions feedback performance
National priorities Output: to capability
Translating First order SoS objectives
capability objectives and

External Influences
Design feasibility
First order SoS
objectives and
Output: Developing
First order SoS Input: & evolving
objectives and Status of SoS architecture
expectations systems,
and functionality
First order SoS
objectives and
Monitoring expectations
& assessing systems &
changes relationships

Figure 4-3. Relationship between Translating Capability Objectives and Other SoS SE Core

Table 4-1. SE Processes That Support Translating Capability Objectives

Technical or Technical Relationship to SoS SE Core Element

Management Process
The Requirements Translating Capability Objectives is the foundational step in requirements development for
Development process takes all an SoS. Top-level capability objectives ground the requirements for the SoS. However in
inputs from relevant many SoS, requirements development is an ongoing process. As the SoS evolves over time,
stakeholders and translates needs may change. The overall mission may remain stable, but the threat environment may
the inputs into technical become very different. In addition, capability objectives may be more broadly conceived in
requirements. an SoS than in a traditional system development, making requirements development more
of a process of deriving requirements based on the selected approach to addressing
capability needs. In some cases, the SoS may be ‘capabilities driven’, in that the manager
and systems engineer are given a broad set of capability goals, and they are responsible for
working with stakeholders to assess (and balance) what is needed to provide the capabilities
technically, practically, and affordably and to create an approach to incrementally improve
support for the user SoS needs while considering the requirements of the SoS constituent
Requirements Management The requirements management process begins in Translating Capability Objectives once the
provides traceability back to SoS capability objectives have been translated into high-level requirements in the SoS SE
user-defined capabilities. process. The work in this element provides the grounding for the work done over time in
defining, assessing, and prioritizing user needs for SoS capabilities and identifies the
requirements for incorporation to future SoS baselines. Typically, individual systems’
requirements are managed by the respective system manager and systems engineer, but in
some cases the SoS requirements management process addresses the system requirements
as well as the SoS requirements.
Risk Management … help Risk management is a core function of SE at all levels; consequently, it
ensure program cost, appears in all SoS SE elements. In Translating Capability Objectives, the
schedule, and performance systems engineer evaluates the specified capabilities and assesses the
objectives are achieved at viability (and associated risk) of meeting SoS objectives, given the results
every stage in the life cycle of other SoS SE core elements.
and to communicate to all
stakeholders the process for

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Technical or Technical Relationship to SoS SE Core Element

Management Process
uncovering, determining the
scope of, and managing
program uncertainties.
Configuration Management is Configuration management of SoS objectives and requirements begins with Translating
the application of sound Capability Objectives. As objectives are captured and high-level requirements for the SoS
business practices to establish are defined and evolved, it is important that these be captured and managed since they
and maintain consistency of a may eventually be incorporated into future SoS baselines.
product's attributes with its
requirements and product
configuration information.
Data management addresses Translating Capability Objectives is the starting point for building a knowledge base to
the handling of information support the SoS development and evolution. In this element, as part of data management
necessary for or associated the systems engineer develops and retains data on the capability needs and high-level
with product development and requirements for the SoS to use throughout the SoS elements.

4.1.2 Understanding Systems and Relationships

Developing an understanding of the systems involved in the SoS and their relationships
and interdependencies is one of the most important aspects of the SoS SE role. In an
individual system acquisition, the systems engineer is typically able to clearly establish
boundaries and interfaces for the new system. Boundaries and interfaces are less
subject to change during an increment of system development, and these are typically
defined and documented in a relationship document (e.g., ICD, ICS, standard, etc).
The importance of interfaces in an SoS is that they enable access to SoS behavior. In
an SoS, this involves understanding the ensemble of systems that affect the SoS
capability and the way they interact and contribute to the capability objectives. It is the
combined interactions, including processes and data flow, within and across systems
that create the behavior and performance of the SoS; they are therefore critical to
successful SoS systems engineering. The boundaries and interfaces may be dynamic;
the systems may interact with one or more of the other systems at different times to
achieve the SoS capability, in some cases providing services to other systems. Some of
the key systems in the SoS may not be under direct management of the SoS but may
have a high impact on achieving SoS objectives. For example, the Aegis weapon system
is a key part of the BMDS, but the Navy controls most of its functionality (i.e., non-
BMDS development). What is most important here is understanding the players, their
relationships, and their motivations so that options for addressing SoS objectives can be
identified and evaluated, and impacts of external changes can be anticipated and

Understanding Systems and Relationships involves addressing a number of different

dimensions. Typically in this area, we first think about defining the functionality of the
systems and how they share data during operations. (See figure 4-5 for NIFC-CA
operational view. See figure 4-6 for the data links supporting Marine Corps Common
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Aviation Command and Control System (CAC2S)). These are certainly major areas of
concern for the SoS systems engineer. However, because of the characteristics of an
SoS, there are other relationships that are also important. Examples of ways to depict
these dimensions are shown in figures 4-4, 4-5, 4-6 and 4-7. In each case they
selectively illustrate the perspective of some dimensions of the relationships among the
systems from specific SoS. These views include:

• Organizational relationships among the systems (who is responsible for

management and oversight of the systems?) as is shown in figure 4-4 for the Air
Operations Center
• Stakeholders, including users of SoS and constituent systems, including their
organizational context as a foundation for their role as the SoS systems engineer;
figure 4-7 displays stakeholders for DoDIIS
• Resourcing relationships (who is responsible for funding which aspects of the
systems and how are they related to the SoS funding authorities)
• Requirements (what is the relationship between the requirements of the
constituent systems and SoS SE?)
• Relationship among the development processes and plans of the constituent
systems and the SoS (waterfall, incremental, agile development approaches,
timing and scheduled events)

These examples of ways to depict relationships (figures 4-4 - 4-7) selectively illustrate
the perspective of some dimensions of the relationships among the systems for specific
SoS. Several of these views are based on the DoD Architecture Framework, which
provides a resource for the SoS SE team both in terms of available data on systems and
in terms of a format for presenting some SoS views.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems


Col Szanto BG Connor Lt Gen Johnson
C2CC * (OC2SG) Info Warfare Planning Global Cmd & Control Combat Survivor/Evader Jt Deployable Intel Sppt
Capability (ISRSG) System (GIGSG) Locator (SMC/CZJ) System (NMIC)

RAINDROP (COTS) Predator Video (ISRSG) Portable Flight Planning GPS Interference & Auto Deep Ops Coord
System (MPSG) Navigation Tool System (Army JPSDO)

Theater Battle Mgmt Multimedia Message Global Broadcast System Weapons System Video Global Cmd & Control
Core System (OC2SG) Manager (ISRSG) (GIGSG) (AF/ILC) System - I3 (DISA)

InfoWorkSpace (COTS) C2 Network Access Air Defense System PCI3 (ACC/IN) Joint Weather Impacts
(ISRSG) Integrtr (GIGSG) System (BMSW)
ACEP (OC2SG) Deployable Transit-case Cross Domain Solutions * C2 Info Processing C2 Personal Computer
System (ISRSG) (CPSG) System (AMC) (USMC)
Boundary Security Space Battle Mgmt Core Defense Message System Interim Targeting Collection Mgmt Mission
System (OC2SG) System (CC2SG) (OSSG) Solution (AFRL) Applic’n (Navy)
C2 Wpn System Part Process’g & Display Air Operations Net Generic Area Limit’n
Task Trainer (OC2SG) Subsys Migrat’n (CC2SG) (Theater A6) Envrnmt Lite (NRO)
Infrastructure Core * Purple Net (Theater A6) Imagery Product Library
Geospatial Product Personnel Recovery Mssn
Library (AF/XOI) Software (JPRA)
•• 45
45 Systems,
Systems, 20+
20+ vendors
vendors Global Decision Sppt Global Transportation
System (AMC) Network (TRANSCOM)
•• AOC
AOC isis not
not the
the only
only user
user of
of many
many of
Precision Lghtwght GPS INTELINK and INTELINK-
these systems
these systems Rcvr (WR/ALC) S (DISA)
•• Some
Some provide
provide operational
operational capability,
capability, AF Tactical Receive Suite Requirements Mgmt
(AFC2ISRC/SC) System (DIA)
others infrastructure
* “Bin” of systems

Acronym Meaning Acronym Meaning

ACC Air Combat Command COTS Commercial off the shelf
ACC/IN Air Combat Command Intelligence Office CPSG Cryptologic Systems Group
Air Force Commmand, Control, Intelligence,
AFC2ISRC Surveillance Reconnaissance Center DISA Defense Information Systems Agency
Air Force Director of Intelligence,
AF/XOI Surveillance & Reconnaissance DIA Defense Intelligence Agency
A-6 Directorate GIGSG Global Information Grid Systems Group
Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaisance
AF/ILC Air Force Integrated Learning Center ISRSG Systems Group
AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory JPRA Joint Personnel Recovery Agency
AMC Air Mobility Command JPDSO Joint Precision Strike Demonstration Office
AOC Air Operations Center MPSG Mission Planning Systems Group
ACEP AOC Communications Enhancement Package NMIC National Military Intelligence Center
BMSW Battle Management Systems Wing NRO National Reconnaissance
Operational Command and Control Systems
CISW C2ISR Systems Wing OC2SG Group
C2SG Combatant Commanders System Group OSSG Operations and Sustainment Group
C2CC Command and Control Common Client SMC Space and Missile Systems Center
Command, Control, Intelleigence,
C2ISR Surveillance and Reconnaissance USMC United States Marine Corps
CC Commander TRANSCOM United States Transportation Command
COTS Commercial off the shelf WR/ALC Warner-Robbins/Air Logistics Command

Figure 4-4. Example of an Organizational View of an SoS: AOC WS 10.1 – Systems and Their
Sources [Source: AC Modernization Team]
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Three Kill Chains

From-The-Sea (FTS) – FY14
From-The-Air (FTA) – FY11
From-The-Land (FTL) – FY11




Figure 4-5. Example of an Operational View of an SoS: Naval Integrated Fire Control -
Counter Air [Source: Navy Chief Engineer’s Office]

Local 3D JFACC
Air Surv Radar Joint Forces Air
Long Range Component
(AN/TPS - 59) Commander

Remote 3D 7020681 - 001 TADIL - J

Air Surv Radar (CEC IRS) C2PC C2PC TADIL - A
Text Text (Combat Air
Long Range XML ENTR Text Messages
Messages Messages Patrol)
(AN/TPS - 59)
191100 - 615J TADIL - J
Remote 3D
Air Surv Radar PPDL AEW
Medium Range (Airborne EW)
7020681 - TBD TADIL - A
Local/Remote 2D
Air Surv Radar
Medium Range 191100 - 615J
(AN/TPS - 63)
Common Aviation
Command and Control
Local/Remote 2D System
ATC Radar
Short Range CD -2 System Level JREAP
(AN/TPS - 73) (P/P. Routers, GBDL
Sensors Launcher
Sensors WS 23302B Agencies
AN/TNQ - 44A
Logistics LEGEND
Sensors System Meteorological EAOC Functionality
Mobile Facility
EACC Functionality

ATC Functionality

Figure 4-6. Marine Corps Common Aviation Command and Control System Depiction of
Datalinks [Source: PM Support CAC2s]

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Defense COCOM

Multi- Operations
National Centers
Services, DoD
& Non-
Centers Compo

Figure 4-7. Example of a stakeholder view: DoD Intelligence Information System (DoDIIS)
[Source: DoDIIS]

As the SoS matures, this element also maintains an understanding of the plans for the
systems and SoS, including the SoS architecture and the strategy of migration to that
architecture over time.

Another reason Understanding Systems and Relationships is important to the SoS effort
is because it provides integrated knowledge of and data on the SoS environment
including linkages to data maintained by the systems relevant to the SoS. It considers
both those systems under direct responsibility of the SoS manager and those that are
outside the manager’s immediate span of control and thus will have to be influenced
through collaboration and establishing common goals.

Importantly, Understanding Systems and Relationships provides the basis for identifying
where formal and informal working agreements are required. They are the basis for
understanding primary areas of focus, i.e., instances where SoS functionality and
performance are affected by changes in systems. Because SoS in the DoD today are not
typically supported by standard, basic organizational structures and processes, the SoS
manager and systems engineer must assess when specific working agreements need to
be established for the SoS. Some SoS have created types of memorandums of
agreement (MOAs) or understanding (MOUs) which formalize the relationships between
the SoS and the systems. The MOA or MOU specify the responsibilities of SoS and
system management and SE and other aspects of their SoS related working
relationships. Moreover, as SoS adopt a Services-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
approach, they will adopt Service-Level Agreements (SLAs) to specify agreed upon
support to the SoS.

Figure 4-8 shows the relationship between this element and the other SoS SE elements.
Understanding Systems and Relationships receives inputs from a number of sources:
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

• First-order SoS objectives and expectations

• Updates to architecture information
• Changes that affect systems and relationships, including SoS upgrades
• Upgrades that affect systems and relationships

First order SoS
objectives and Translating
expectations capability
Output: objectives
Status of systems,
relationships, and
Understanding Updated architecture
systems & information
relationships Output: Developing
Status of systems, & evolving
relationships, and SoS architecture

Changes which impact Input:
systems and relationships Upgrades which
Output: impact systems and
Status of systems, Output: relationships
relationships, and Status of systems, Orchestrating
functionality relationships, and
functionality upgrades
to SoS

Monitoring requirements
& assessing & options

Figure 4-8. Relationship between Understanding Systems and Relationships and Other SoS SE

Understanding Systems and Relationships feeds information to other elements as well.

This information concerns relationships, functionality, and systems. This information
supports the development of the SoS architecture, informs the identification of
requirements and selection of solution options, and triggers an assessment of changes.
It also serves as feedback to the translation of capability objectives into requirements.

In Understanding Systems and Relationships, the systems engineer draws on the

following five technical and technical management processes as described in table 4-2:

• Logical Analysis
• Risk Management
• Configuration Management
• Data Management
• Interface Management

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Table 4-2. SE Processes That Support Understanding Systems and Relationships

Technical or Technical Relationship to SoS SE Core Element

Management Process
Logical Analysis is the process Logical Analysis is a key part of Understanding Systems and Relationships. Basic to
of obtaining sets of logical engineering an SoS is understanding how systems support SoS functionality. In developing a
solutions to improve new system, the systems engineer allocates functionality to system components based on a
understanding of the defined set of technical considerations. In an SoS, the systems engineer develops an understanding
requirements and the of the functionality extant in the systems and how that functionality supports SoS
relationships among the objectives, as a starting point for SoS architecture and evolution. Given that some of the
requirements (e.g., functional, systems are likely to be in development themselves, this analysis should consider the
behavioral, temporal). development direction of the systems (e.g., If we do nothing, how will the SoS ‘look’ in a
year or more?). The logical analysis also identifies functionality and attributes which may
need to be common across the SoS and assesses the current state of the SoS with respect
to these crosscutting considerations.
Risk Management … helps Risk management is a core function of SE at all levels. In Understanding Systems and
ensure program cost, Relationships, the systems engineer assesses the current distribution of functionality across
schedule, and performance the systems and identifies risks associated with either retaining the status quo or identifying
objectives are achieved at areas where changes may need to be considered. The systems engineer also considers
every stage in the life cycle approaches to monitor, mitigate, or address risks. Such risks might include:
and to communicate to all - Unanticipated effects of different implementations of functionality needed in a core
stakeholders the process for thread for the SoS
uncovering, determining the
- Changes in functionality in core systems due to new and conflicting needs of the
scope of, and managing
system users
program uncertainties.
- Limited capacity in systems in view of unknown SoS demand.
- Technical constraints within systems which impact their ability to adapt to changes
needed by SoS
- Systems owners’ resistance to implementing the changes needed by SoS, because of
competing priorities for funds, development time, or technical staff
Configuration Management is Understanding Systems and Relationships is where the CM process for the “as is” SoS
the application of sound resides and is maintained as the SoS product baseline. In a system the CM process
business practices to establish addresses all of the ‘product’s’ features where the system itself is the product. In an SoS,
and maintain consistency of a the ensemble of systems and their functionality is the product; the SoS CM depends on the
product's attributes with its CM of the systems to maintain much of the product information, since the system owner,
requirements and product PM, and system systems engineer normally retain responsibility for their systems. The SoS
configuration information. CM focuses on the linkage to the system CM and crosscutting attributes which pertain to the
SoS not addressed by the CM of the systems.
In some cases, a new version of a product created for use in the SoS may, in effect, become
a ‘new’ product (often the case with software but not exclusively). If this new product is the
responsibility of the SoS, then the SoS systems engineer assumes CM of the product. If it
stays with the owner of the original product (e.g., as part of a ‘product line’), then the CM
stays with that manager for CM, and the identifiers which link to the new product are
retained at the SoS level. In this context, ‘linked’ means a logical, not necessarily an
‘automated’, connection. When working with a mix of legacy and new systems, cost and
practicality typically make the use of common or electronically linked systems infeasible. The
important point is the SoS maintains CM over the aspects of the SoS critical to the SoS and
has access to the information on the systems which are under CM by the systems engineer
for the system and system manager.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Technical or Technical Relationship to SoS SE Core Element

Management Process
Data management … As noted above, for each SoS SE element, selected data will need to be identified and
addresses the handling of retained for SoS use in this and other elements. For Understanding Systems and
information necessary for or Relationships, data needs to be collected and retained about:
associated with product - Functionality in systems
development and
- Relationships among systems, including interfaces for real-time data exchange,
organizational relationships, development plans, etc.
- Extent to which common or cross cutting attributes are present across systems
Interface Management In Understanding Systems and Relationships, a focus for the SoS systems engineer is to
ensures interface definition understand how the systems work together operationally as well as interdependencies
and compliance among the within the SoS (e.g., engagement sequence groups for the Ballistic Missile Defense Systems
elements that compose the (BMDS); kill chain for Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD)). In this SoS SE element,
system, as well as with other the systems engineer needs to capture nuances on how the various systems are using
systems with which the standards, message/data formats, coordinate systems, data precision, etc., so that the SoS
system or system elements can be further analyzed and evolved as necessary to meet SoS objectives. In an SoS,
must interoperate. interface management focuses on understanding the relationship among the systems
primarily in terms of the data exchanges among systems. The SoS systems engineer
addresses SoS needs from a functional perspective and resolves such issues as how do the
current systems support information exchanges relevant to the SoS objectives, and what
are the issues with the current implementations?

4.1.3 Assessing Performance to Capability Objectives

In an SoS, test and evaluation is conducted at two levels: Developmental Test and
Evaluation (DT&E) and Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E). Assessing
Performance to Capability Objectives supports OT&E and focuses on developing metrics
and collecting data from a variety of settings over time to monitor the performance of
the SoS with respect to the user objectives. The assessments can take a variety of
forms, including analysis, demonstration, and inspection. From an SE perspective, the
results inform different elements of the SoS SE on changes in performance and in other
areas which may impact the SoS.

(For DT&E activities, see Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS, section 4.1.7.)

In this core element, Assessing Performance to Capability Objectives, the systems

engineer works with the test and evaluation community to establish technical
performance measures and methods for assessing overall performance of the SoS. At
this level, performance is measured in terms of the capability objectives with a focus on
utility of the SoS capability to the user; hence, these metrics should measure the
intended integrated behavior and performance of the SoS in actual operations (versus
SoS development program progress). Furthermore, these ‘external’ user-oriented
measures of SoS (‘Is it meeting the capability objectives?’) should be applicable across
implementation or operational environments. Because the SoS is typically operating in
the field or in exercise environments, these offer opportunities to collect and analyze
data on SoS performance to support SoS-level SE as well as other management
decisions. These metrics are akin to the user-oriented Key Performance Parameters
(KPPs) for an acquisition program as applied at the SoS level. Often when an SoS is first

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

acknowledged, one of the first things done by the systems engineering is to collect
performance information as the starting point for identifying areas of the SoS which
need attention.

Because acknowledged SoS typically comprise existing (often fielded) systems (e.g.,
AOC, SIAP, MILSATCOM), data from operations is an important source of understanding
the state of the SoS. Because the SoS will likely evolve based on incremental changes
in individual systems, it is important to have a set of user-oriented metrics which can be
applied in different settings over time. The SoS systems engineer uses data from these
settings to analyze SoS performance and behavior; hence, the metrics should include
measures which use data from operations.

These SoS metrics should also be traceable to the capability objectives established for
the SoS, and there may even be a need to rank the metrics by importance. These
metrics should not change as the capability of the SoS matures unless the capability
objectives themselves change. They must remain applicable as the SoS matures to
assess whether the changes made are actually translating into better user support.

When captured in an operational environment, metrics allow an independent view to

assess SoS performance from the user’s perspectives, and allow assessment of the
impacts of external factors on capability objectives. These operational user-based
performance assessments do not substitute for the technical reviews and assessments
performed during the process of upgrading the systems in the SoS. These activities are
discussed in section 4.1.7, Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS.

Data from these operational venues also can be used to identify unanticipated external
changes that affect SoS performance and therefore need to be factored into the SoS
SE. Because of the complexity of many SoS, when changes made to support SoS
objectives are introduced into an operational environment, unexpected interactions are
not uncommon. Therefore, SoS test and evaluation needs to identify and assess the
additional capability provided by these unexpected interactions. This includes the need
to consider potential harmful interactions between systems, and how those interactions
can be identified and managed. Just as important, test and evaluation needs to address
new and unexpected capabilities that result from SoS. Users often find new ways to
employ new functionality; by watching those creative adaptations, systems engineers
can often discover new categories of functionality that will further aid users. In short,
systems and their users evolve synchronously, and it is important to be aware and
adapt the SoS SE to leverage these changes.

Figure 4-9 shows the relationship between Assessing Performance to Capability

Objectives and the other SoS SE core elements. This core element receives inputs on
first-order goals and objectives, which serve as the basis for the metrics and
assessment approach, and on SoS changes that are expected to affect the SoS
performance and, consequently, highlight areas to be considered in the assessment.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Inputs also come from the external environment on factors that may impact the
performance of the SoS.

Input: Input:
External factors First order SoS
which may Assessing objectives and
impact SoS
performance performance Output:
to capability User needs based Translating
on operational capability
External Influences
objectives feedback objectives
Feedback on factors
impacting capability
and on user
behavior (including
Output: new or unexpected
Feedback on ways of using SoS
implementation components Monitoring
variability Input: & assessing
Changes to SoS changes
with objective of
improved user

Developing upgrades
& evolving to SoS
SoS architecture

Figure 4-9. Relationship between Assessing Performance to Capability Objectives and Other
SoS SE Core Elements

The output of the assessments provides feedback to the systems engineer on the
accomplishment and feasibility of the capability objectives. It also provides input to the
systems engineer’s assessment of changes potentially impacting the SoS by supplying
information on relevant behaviors—both expected and unexpected—that have been
observed. This also includes unanticipated changes in the way that users employ the
SoS which may need to be considered in planning for SoS evolution.

In Assessing Performance to Capability Objectives, the systems engineer draws on 5

technical and technical management processes as described in table 4-3:

• Validation
• Decision Analysis
• Technical Assessment
• Risk management
• Data management

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Table 4-3. SE Processes That Support Assessing Performance to Capability Objectives

Technical or Technical Relationship with SoS SE Core Element

Management Process

The Validation Process Validation is at the heart of Assessing Performance to Capability Objectives. This core
answers the question of "Did element is directed at validating the evolution of the SoS over time by monitoring the
you build the right thing". objectives of the SoS through use of established metrics that provide feedback to the
systems engineer on the state of SoS capabilities. As new iterations of SoS capability are
fielded, this feedback will tell the systems engineer the degree to which the changes are
improving the SoS capability to meet user needs, and will help identify new areas to be

Decision Analysis activities Decision analysis in Assessing Performance to Capability Objectives addresses the
provide the basis for questions, Are the right metrics/indicators being collected? In the right venues? At the
evaluating and selecting right points? And in SoS SE, decision analysis goes further. The SoS metrics are collected
alternatives when decisions and analyzed as part of analyses to assess whether the SoS is making progress towards
need to be made. objectives. Analysis of the results supports decisions on required SoS SE actions. Examples
of analysis techniques include root cause analyses, assessments of alternative approaches,
and investigations of potential secondary effects of using multiple implementations of
common functions.

Technical Assessment The SoS systems engineer is responsible for monitoring the progress of implementing
activities measure technical changes in the systems directed at improving SoS performance. This is the technical
progress and the effectiveness assessment process. The SoS SE core element Assessing Performance to Capability
of plans and requirements. Objectives, provides the SoS systems engineer an opportunity to assess the degree to
which these changes are having the desired effects, and if not, an opportunity to
understand what other factors are affecting the SoS performance.
Risk Management … helps Risk Management applied to Assessing Performance to Capability Objectives identifies
ensure program cost, and monitors those risks related to the ability to achieve performance and capability
schedule, and performance objectives. Risk management is applied in several ways. First, in this SoS SE core element,
objectives are achieved at the SoS systems engineer has the opportunity to assess if risks identified as part of the SE
every stage in the life cycle process have been adequately mitigated or removed. New risks are identified and plans are
and to communicate to all made to manage them.
stakeholders the process for In addition, there are risks inherent in the assessment process itself. Particularly in
uncovering, determining the exercises or operational environments, there is not the level of control available in
scope of, and managing laboratory-based technical investigations of single systems. In these less controlled venues,
program uncertainties. it is important to identify and assess risks when the observed results are due to something
other than the SoS. There are two types of risks to the validity of the results. First, there
are risks based on internal threats to validity of the results. What else was going on within
the venue which might account for the results? For example, use of a training exercise as a
venue might mean that effects of new SoS features may not be apparent because the
training audience acting as users in the exercise are not yet proficient in use of these
features. Second, there are risks due to external threats to validity of the results. Did
characteristics of the test venue itself influence the results? For example, did the
operational scenario stress the SoS in areas where upgrades had been made? If not, a lack
of performance improvement may be due to this rather than ineffectiveness of the changes.
Because the feedback on SoS progress is important input across SoS SE core elements, it is
important to ensure that these risks are addressed and the results are appropriately
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Technical or Technical Relationship with SoS SE Core Element

Management Process

Data management … The types of data collected in this core element, Assessing Performance to Capability
addresses the handling of Objectives, include the characteristics of the assessment venue (the players, the scenarios,
information necessary for or the state of the systems and SoS at the time of the event), the measurement data collected,
associated with product and the analysis approach and results. By collecting and accumulating data across venues
development and and using common measures, the systems engineer can develop a body of knowledge about
sustainment. the SoS. This body of knowledge represents different perspectives that can provide a
valuable resource to the systems engineer as the SoS evolves. It also provides a data
resource for identifying unintended effects over time or for assessing issues later without
repeated assessments.

4.1.4 Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture

A key part of the SoS SE task is to establish a persistent technical framework for
addressing the evolution of the SoS to meet user needs, including possible changes in
systems functionality, performance or interfaces. This framework is essentially an
overlay to the SoS, often referred to as the “architecture” 4 for the SoS. This
architecture does not address the details of the individual systems; rather, it defines the
way the systems work together to meet user needs and addresses the implementation
of individual systems only when the functionality is key to crosscutting issues of the

An architecture 5 for an SoS includes:

• Concept of operations, how the systems will be employed by the users in an

operational setting
• Systems, functions, and relationships and dependencies, both internal and
• End-to-end functionality and data flow as well as communications

Selecting an architecture requires analysis and assessments of trades among different

options. Architecture analysis may be supported by different assessment approaches.

An architecture is the structure of components, their relationships, and the principles and guidelines
governing their design evolution over time (IEEE Std 610.12 and DoDAF). The architecture of an SoS
is a persistent technical framework for governing the evolution of an SoS over time.
The DOD Architecture Framework (DoDAF), V1.5, describes itself as “a three-volume set that inclusively
covers the concept of the architecture framework, development of architecture descriptions, and
management of architecture data. The current version, DoDAF v1.5, is a transitional version that
responds to the DoD’s migration towards NCW. It applies essential net-centric concepts in transforming
the DoDAF and acknowledges that the advances in enabling technologies—such as services within a
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)—are fundamental to realizing the Department’s Net-Centric Vision.
Version 1.5 addresses the immediate net-centric architecture development needs of the Department
while maintaining backward compatibility with DoDAF v1.0.” The DoD has invested in the DoDAF and
required that it be used in a variety of ways—for instance, as a mechanism to document relationships
and design decisions—by DoD systems of record. As such, DoDAF is a resource for SoS engineers.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

For long-term viability, architecture developments are served well by up-front analyses
to explore sensitivities through modeling, simulation, analysis, and/or lab
experimentation to identify scalability issues or knees in the curve (e.g., concerning
requirements or usage assumptions, assumed network bandwidth, or others) beyond
which performance starts to break down. This type of analysis provides a basis for the
architecture decisions. Similarly, development of metrics for assessment of SoS
performance and maturity provides a basis for both selecting an architecture and
assessing it over time.

Focused investigations of functionality and relationships may be conducted to address

core issues. For example, it may be important to assess the effect of multiple systems
working together under controlled conditions to understand underlying processes that
will affect the SoS behavior. This was done, for example, with a series of data
registration offset ‘experiments’ with SIAP to assess the role of data registration error in
air picture misalignment. M&S is often employed in these analyses.

The architecture of an SoS is somewhat constrained by the structure and content of the
individual systems, particularly the extent to which changes in those systems are
affordable and feasible, since systems will typically need to continue to function in other
settings in parallel with participation in the SoS. The functionality that the individual
systems contribute to the SoS can be described in a functional architecture that puts
the key functions in order, thereby sequencing the SoS tasks. An example is the ballistic
missile defense end-to-end process through boost, mid-course, and terminal phases of
ballistic missile threats which would serve as the framework for this functional process
in the case of one SoS. The functional architecture provides a functional 'picture' of the
system. It details the complete set of functions to be performed within the SoS as well
as the relationships among the functions. The output of the design process is the
design of the SoS, or the physical architecture that defines the physical components
(constituent systems) of which the SoS will be composed. The variability in the
execution of these functions in the field also needs to be understood and factored into
the SoS architecture [Boxer, 2008].

Ideally the architecture of an SoS will persist over multiple increments of SoS
development, allowing for change in some areas while providing stability in others. This
ability to persist and provide a useful framework in light of changes is a core
characteristic of a good architecture. Over time, the SoS will face changes from a
number of sources (e.g., capability objectives, actual user experience, changing
CONOPS and technology, and unanticipated changes in systems) which may all affect
the viability of the architecture and may call for changes. Consequently the SoS
systems engineer needs to regularly assess the architecture to ensure that it supports
the SoS evolution.

In most cases, because of the nature of SoS as an overlay on multiple existing systems,
the migration to an architecture of an SoS will be incremental. For example, figure 4-10
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

shows the technical evolution of the Air Force’s Distributed Common Ground System’s
information management architecture. In some situations, the first step in an SoS
evolution is to improve the way the SoS functions without making any explicit
architecture changes. Only then, based on this experience, will the SoS systems
engineer develop an architecture that can be implemented over time.

Early DCGS Integration Backbone

Product Based Standards Based

Point-to-Point, Single Net Contol element, GIG connectivity, Redundant Net Control,
Server-based access Portal Access

Figure 4-10. Evolution of the Distributed Common Ground Station—Air Force (DCGS-AF)
Information Management Architecture [Source: DCGS AF Program Office]

The Air Operations Center approach began by improving current systems and then
integrating them in a follow-up increment, as shown in figure 4-11. The architecture of
an SoS will evolve and mature over time through the result of technical reviews at the
SoS level and the linkage to specific systems, as the architecture is employed to
increase the capability of the SoS.

The development and implementation of an SoS architecture may be significantly

constrained by a reluctance to invest in the constituent systems, which in many cases
are very mature (e.g., in sustainment), to support the SoS. In this case, approaches
such as gateways and ‘wrapping’ may be used to incorporate these systems into the
SoS without making significant changes in these systems.

Because systems are likely to continue to face new functional requirements and the
need for technology upgrades independent of the SoS, there is an advantage to an SoS
architecture which is ‘loosely coupled’—that is, it has limited impact on the individual
systems, allowing for changes in functionality and technology in some systems without
impact on others or on the SoS objectives. For example, figure 4-12 shows the Army
Battle Command System’s approach to integrating the set of Army battle systems.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Top-Level System Architecture

Co-Evolution: Moving from 10.1 to 10.2
AOC WS 10.2 Dynamic
AOCWS 10.2

10.2 Architecture Objectives

Mission Applications
Planning X
Execution A B
ic tion(s) NECC NECC App

Mission Capabilities
Dyn App

Mission Applications
Planning X
Execution A B
Dyna milication(s) NECC NECC App
App App

Planning& CM CM C X

• Provide an integration platform for the Dynamic NECC NECC App App Execution

Net-Centric AOCWSInfrastructure I/F

Planning & CM CM C X
Net-Centric AOCWSInfrastructure I/F


Net-Centric AOC WSInfrastructure I/F

• Facilitate 3rd Party application Execution A B

• Reduce application-specific & GIG
redundant infrastructures
• Interface w/ legacy applications

• Align with NECC/NCES approach
• Integrate within the AOC and across Net-Centric AOC WS Infrastructure I/F
the NC Enterprise
• Leverage SOA, Orchestration

AOC WS 10.1
Mission Capabilities

TBMCS App App App App


Legacy Systems
• Mainly stovepiped with

dedicated infrastructure and

data bases
• Integration mainly through
messaging and core
infrastructure functions

Figure 4-11. Air Operations Center (AOC) Top-Level System Architecture

[Source: AOC Modernization Team]

Figure 4-12. Army Battlefield Command System (ABCS) Approach to Integration

[Source: Army SFAE-C3T]
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Figure 4-13 shows the relationship between this core element and the other SoS SE
core elements. Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture receives inputs on:

• Capability objectives for the SoS

• Current systems functionality and technical interfaces, including updates as these
• Feedback from the implementation on aspects of the architecture that may need
to be adjusted
• Performance measures/goals related to the SoS architecture

As outputs, this core element provides the persistent framework for assessing options
for meeting SoS requirements and for feedback to the SoS objectives from the
perspective of feasibility and limits.

objectives Input: Capability objectives for the SoS, including changes
Output: Feedback on the design feasibility of the desired objectives

Understanding Input: Current systems

systems & functionality and their
technical interfaces
Developing &
relationships evolving SoS
Output: Feedback on implementation
Assessing variability
to capability
Input: Feedback from the implementation on
issues with the architecture which may
need to be adjusted
Addressing Output: Provide the framework for the development
of implementation options to meet
requirements requirements
& options

Figure 4-13. Relationship between Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture and Other
SoS SE Core Elements

In Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture, SoS SE draws on the following 10

technical and technical management processes as described in table 4-4:

• Requirements Development
• Logical Analysis
• Design Solution
• Decision Analysis
• Technical Planning
• Requirements Management
• Risk Management
• Configuration Management
• Data Management
• Interface Management

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Table 4-4. SE Processes That Support Developing and Evolving an

SoS Architecture

Technical or Technical Relationship with SoS SE Core Element

Management Process
The Requirements Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture initially derives requirements for the SoS
Development process takes all architecture based on systems within the SoS, their interfaces, and the data/information to
inputs from relevant be shared between the systems to meet SoS capabilities. As a result, the overall
stakeholders and translates requirements for the SoS are key inputs for the development of the architecture. An SoS
the inputs into technical architecture is itself a generator of requirements. When the SoS systems engineers develop
requirements. an architecture for the SoS, they overlay onto the current constituent systems a structured
way for the systems to work together and, in most cases, define how they will share
information. In many cases, the overlaid structure will differ from the constituent systems’
current design, and changes to the systems may be needed to support the architecture.
Hence, the architecture may add requirements that may not specifically address immediate
SoS user functionality needs but which provide the structure that enables changes to extend
functionality in the future.
Logical Analysis is the process Logical Analysis is the first major step in Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture. An
of obtaining sets of logical important starting point is the CONOPS for the SoS. How will the SoS be employed in an
solutions to improve operational setting? What are trigger conditions? What is the range of scenarios? Who
understanding of the defined are the key participants and what are the constraints on their actions? In developing the
requirements and the architecture for the SoS, the SoS systems engineer develops a structured overlay atop the
relationships among the set of constituent systems supporting SoS objectives, addressing key questions about the
requirements (e.g., functional, SoS, including:
behavioral, temporal). • Which systems provide what functionality to the SoS?
• What are the end-to-end threads for the SoS?
• What behavior is expected of the systems?
• What data need to be exchanged to implement the threads?
The Design Solution process In an SoS, the architecture process goes beyond the logical analysis to provide the
translates the outputs of the architecture overlay for how these systems will work together. This is done by defining the
Requirements Development parts, their functions, and interrelationships as well principles governing their behavior.
and Logical Analysis processes There is substantial interaction between logical and design solutions at the SoS design level.
into alternative design The SoS systems engineer needs to select an architecture for the SoS that will be useful
solutions and selects a final over time and will persist in the face of change; therefore, it is highly important that the SoS
design solution. systems engineer consider the future direction of the SoS in developing the architecture.
This means that a good architecture is one which continues to provide a useful framework
across iterations of SoS evolution. In light of this, a critical SoS architecture consideration
involves understanding where change is needed and likely, and approaching the architecture
with this in mind. The SoS systems engineer can assess the architecture based on how well
it stands up to changes in priority requirements and to external changes that may impact
the architecture of the SoS. In an SoS, the architecture is a persistent framework to support
the examination of different ways to accommodate solutions to meet user requirements. In
an SoS, design is done at two levels (by different organizations). The SoS systems engineer
is responsible for the SoS architecture, which acts as the design framework. It focuses on
how the parts of the SoS (constituent systems) work together to meet the SoS objectives.
The individual systems engineers are responsible for the design of the SoS constituent
systems. The architecture of the SoS provides a core set of rules or constraints on how
successive sets of SoS requirements will be addressed. The systems’ designs address how
the systems will implement the functionality which they host to meet both the system
requirements and the SoS requirements. Ideally the systems will be able to retain their
designs for providing functionality to support both the SoS and the system, with differences
handled at the interfaces as necessary.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Technical or Technical Relationship with SoS SE Core Element

Management Process
Decision Analysis activities Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture should be based on the evaluation of a set of
provide the basis for options against a set of criteria with analysis to support the architecture selection decision.
evaluating and selecting The criteria for an SoS architecture need to be carefully considered to balance:
alternatives when decisions • Functionality and performance objectives for the SoS
need to be made.
• Extensibility and flexibility of the design to accommodate change
• The time frame and funding available to the SoS to support changes in systems
• Adaptability to system and SoS changes
The ability of the systems to adapt to the demands that the SoS architecture makes on their
implementation is a particular issue when systems are in sustainment. System constraints
on the SoS architecture come into play when constituent systems reach sustainment phase
or support multiple SoS with different architecture drivers.
Technical Planning activities Part of Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture should include a strategy to migrate
ensure that the systems the SoS to its ultimate design along with the requisite technical planning. Ideally the
engineering processes are architecture will be in place to guide the development of improvements to meet SoS
applied properly throughout a objectives. In practice, however, it may be necessary or desirable to implement some
system's life cycle. improvements to the SoS while the architecture is being developed. Hence, technical
planning is very important to support the SoS architecture implementation and must be
carefully coordinated with constituent system technical plans.
Requirements Management As is noted in the discussion of requirements development and decision analysis for
provides traceability back to Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture, the architecture of the SoS needs to respond
user-defined capabilities. to a set of criteria which are traced back to the SoS requirements. The architecture of the
SoS also generates requirements for the systems. Both of these sets of requirements need
to be captured and managed as part of the requirements management for the SoS (e.g.,
architecture of the SoS). In developing the architecture, the SoS SE team essentially
‘allocates’ functions to systems as they identify the systems that support SoS requirements
and then document this in the functional baseline.
Risk Management … helps Risk management is an important part of Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture
ensure program cost, where the systems engineer will analyze the technical framework for risks to achieving the
schedule, and performance capability objectives, consider crosscutting issues of the architecture for the SoS, use,
objectives are achieved at functions, implementation, and dependencies. The architecture for the SoS can be key to
every stage in the life cycle successfully evolving an SoS since if done well it can help to ensure that changes made to
and to communicate to all meet one requirement will not be overtaken when new requirements are addressed.
stakeholders the process for However, every architecture has risks, and it is important to recognize these up front as part
uncovering, determining the of the architecture trade analysis and then to manage them. Following are typical risk
scope of, and managing considerations in this core element:
program uncertainties. • Architecture precludes addressing key functionality or performance requirements
• It may be difficult to harmonize the data across the SoS
• Architecture is too inflexible and needs to be changed with new SoS or System
• Systems are unable to adapt to the architecture (due to technical concerns, workload,
funding, or unwillingness to change/take on risk)

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Technical or Technical Relationship with SoS SE Core Element

Management Process
Configuration Management is As the SoS architecture requirements are derived and scheduled for implementation, they
the application of sound become part of the SoS functional baseline. And when the SoS architecture requirements
business practices to establish are allocated to the constituent systems, they become part of the SoS allocated baseline.
and maintain consistency of a Maintenance and evolution of these baselines are accomplished through CM. The
product's attributes with its architecture of the SoS defines the SoS top-level technical characteristics and is a key
requirements and product component of the SoS baselines that are managed by CM. The architecture provides the
configuration information. overlay to the description of systems and relationships. Given its importance for the SoS, the
architecture itself needs to be under configuration control because the architecture should
apply across iterations of SoS changes (which may be asynchronous and concurrent). Thus,
the systems engineer will rely on CM to access and capture the impact of design changes at
any time. Ideally the architecture is ‘persistent’, but as a practical matter it too will evolve,
incorporating changes that need to be managed by the SoS systems engineer and accessible
to the systems engineers of the constituent systems.
Data Management … Given its importance for the SoS, data about the architecture and design needs to be
addresses the handling of collected as part of Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture. Because the architecture
information necessary for or is intended to apply across iterations of SoS changes (which may be asynchronous and
associated with product concurrent) and may be needed by the systems engineers of the individual systems,
development and ensuring that data for understanding them is continuously accessible is an important SoS SE
sustainment. function. The data generated for this core element include:
• The architecture drivers and tradeoffs
• Architecture description including CONOPS (could be multiple)
• Systems, including functionality and relationships
• SoS threads
• End-to-end behavior of SoS to meet objectives, including flow of control and
• Principles for behavior
• Risks
• Technical plans for migration/implementation
The Interface Management An important part of the architecture of the SoS is the specification of how the systems work
process ensures interface together. For SoS dependent on information exchange, interface management focuses on
definition and compliance how the systems share information. For these systems, there is a need to define shared
among the elements that communication mechanisms. Equally important is the definition of the common or shared
compose the system, as well data syntax and semantics. These interfaces include expected coordination of system
as with other systems with behaviors as well as the actions (information exchange and trigger events) that serve to
which the system or system moderate the collective behavior of the systems in the SoS. Typically, the SoS architecture
elements must interoperate. will provide a structured approach to how the systems relate to one another and will allow
for evolution of the SoS by adding/replacing systems or functions. Implementing the
architecture of the SoS is often a migration from a set of ad hoc or point-to-point interfaces
to common interfaces used across the SoS or the larger enterprise as part of the
implementation process.

4.1.5 Monitoring and Assessing Changes

A core activity of SoS SE is to anticipate changes outside the control of the SoS that
could affect the functionality or performance of an SoS capability. This includes
changes to the technologies used to support the SoS or changes to the missions of the
individual systems as well as external demands on the SoS. To be successful, the SoS
systems engineer requires a broad awareness and understanding of trends in enabling
technologies, technology insertion, and mission evolution. Further, the SoS systems
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

engineering team needs to be aware of development and modernization activities and

schedules both for the SoS and for its constituent systems.

An acknowledged SoS comprises multiple interdependent systems, which evolve

independent of the SoS and of each other in ways that could affect the SoS. In turn,
the systems could be affected by changes in the SoS. Unless the development activities
of the systems are monitored and assessed, the performance of the SoS may actually
decline as a result of new systems’ configurations on the SoS operations. For systems
that are particularly critical to an SoS, the SoS systems engineer may want to
participate in the configuration control board of the system in order to register concerns
regarding the impact of systems changes on the SoS and to encourage the system
manager and SE team to accommodate SoS considerations in the system development.

Hence, it is critical that the SoS systems engineer engage with the systems engineers of
the constituent systems to understand the nature of their changes and to assess the
potential impacts on the SoS. The SoS systems engineer may identify alternatives for
implementing the changes that would not affect the SoS and work to influence the
systems to adopt alternatives. A major challenge is to sensitize the constituent systems’
SE teams to the types of changes in their systems that are relevant to the SoS, and to
create an environment of trust, where systems engineers are willing to share their plans
early without fear that the SoS response may hamper their ability to support their own
system user needs. To address this, some SoS have established early configuration
boards where systems engineers of constituent systems are asked to share all
anticipated changes with the SoS systems engineer early in the planning processes. For
instance, figure 4-14 shows how MILSATCOM has established a review process in which
systems engineers for constituent systems can share their potential changes early in the
process so that the effects of prospective changes on the SoS or other systems in the
SoS can be evaluated and addressed when they appear to be problematic. The process
is tailored to make it easy to share plans early, and only when the plans affect the SoS
are technical details needed. The concept is that if issues are identified at the earliest
stages, actions can be taken to minimize the disruption to SoS SE plans. Another
approach is to have members of the SoS SE teams selectively participate in the
configuration and technical reviews of key systems. In any case, the SoS systems
engineer needs to be mindful that the time of systems engineers for the constituent
systems is already fully committed even without the SoS.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

MILSATCOM Change Board

Changes that affect other segments or programs
BCB reviewed at respective ICWGs for technical Joint
CCS-C coordination PM Council

- Authority to - CCB Approval
disclosure proceed with RFP


Figure 4-14. MILSATCOM Change Board Process

[Source: MILSATCOM Systems Wing]

As a result, in an SoS environment, the SoS systems engineer needs to:

• Continually monitor proposed or potential changes and assess their impacts on

the SoS
• Identify opportunities for enhanced functionality and performance
• Preclude or mitigate problems for the SoS and individual systems
• Negotiate with systems engineers for constituent systems regarding how system
changes are made, in order to preclude undesirable effects on the SoS and vice
• Update the SoS product baseline as individual system updates/changes are

Figure 4-15 shows the relationship between this core element, Monitoring and
Assessing Changes, and the other SoS SE core elements. As the figure indicates, inputs
internal to the SoS include:

• Expectations of the SoS and associated high level requirements

• Understanding the constituent systems, their relationships, & plans for known
• Current performance versus desired performance

and external to the SoS include:

• Changes (in mission, technology, functionality, performance, modernization

efforts) to the individual systems, systems external to the SoS with which the SoS
may interact, & associated schedules.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

• Changes in demands on the SoS (new CONOPS, unplanned use of or demand for
SoS capabilities)
• Changes in demands on the individual systems (new CONOPS, unplanned use of
or demand for constituent system capabilities)
• Technology changes

Input: Input:
External factors SoS objectives
which could impact and expectations
SoS (e.g. Input:
technology, threat, Status of systems,
budget, etc. relationships, and
Monitoring functionality Understanding
Output: systems &
& assessing
External Influences

Changes which
changes impact systems and

Output: Feedback on factors
Changes to requirements impacting capability
and changes which impact and on user
requirements and options behavior (including Assessing
new or unexpected performance
ways of using SoS to capability
components objectives
& options

Figure 4-15. Relationship of Monitoring and Assessing Changes to Other SoS SE Core

The output of this core element is an understanding of how changes affect the SoS. As
a result the SoS systems engineer may review and update:

• SoS objectives
• Technical requirements
• Planned individual system changes to support SoS objectives

Changes to the understanding of constituent systems, their relationships, and known

plans feed the maintenance and evolution of the SoS architecture.

In this element, the SoS SE team monitors and assesses changes that are outside the
control of the SoS to identify implications for the SoS. At the same time, the team is
able to capture changes to the SoS product baseline.

In Monitoring and Assessing Changes, SoS SE draws on the following five technical and
technical management processes as described in table 4-5:

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

• Decision Analysis
• Risk Management
• Configuration Management
• Data Management
• Interface Management

Table 4-5. SE Processes That Support Monitoring and Assessing Changes

Technical or Technical Relationship with SoS SE Core Element

Management Process
Decision Analysis activities In Monitoring and Assessing Changes, the focus of decision analysis is to identify and
provide the basis for evaluate the impact of changes that might affect the SoS. This includes changes in enabling
evaluating and selecting technologies, technology insertion, and mission evolution. It also includes consideration of
alternatives when decisions potential changes in demands on the SoS (e.g., new CONOPS, unplanned use of or demand
need to be made. for SoS capabilities). Changes may offer new opportunities for the SoS or may raise issues
with SoS plans. Once changes are identified, analysis is conducted, often through modeling
and simulation or focused experimentation, to assess the impact on the SoS. Analysis
criteria must accommodate and balance individual system and SoS perspectives. Changes
to a system may be critical despite the impact on the SoS, so the analysis may need to
address ways that the SoS could accommodate the changes. Because changes in one
system could have impacts on other systems, analysis of the intended behavior of an SoS
capability must be rooted in knowledge of the combined interactions of processes across the
individual systems. Such analyses must be done by the SoS systems engineer with the
participation of the systems engineers for the constituent systems.
Risk Management … helps The focus of risk management for Monitoring and Assessing Changes is the determination of
ensure program cost, the risks introduced by identified changes. Following are some possible areas of concern:
schedule, and performance • Technology maturity, especially version stability (this is a critical factor in SoS program
objectives are achieved at success)
every stage in the life cycle
• Inclusion of legacy systems – while this may appear to lessen SoS risk, it may in fact
and to communicate to all
complicate the SoS with a number of unknowns and hence increase risk
stakeholders the process for
uncovering, determining the • Preplanned system substitutions as risk mitigation approach – sometimes viable, other
scope of, and managing times not.
program uncertainties. As noted earlier, changes in one aspect of an SoS may directly and indirectly affect the
entire SoS or one or more of its constituent systems. It is important that the SoS systems
engineer gain insight into the combined interactions of the SoS, to include processes within
and across systems that create the functionality, performance, and behavior of the SoS.
Further, it is critical for the SoS systems engineer to maintain awareness of development
and modernization activities and schedules of individual systems to identify possible
problematic changes as early as possible.
Configuration Management is One of the responsibilities of the Monitoring and Assessing Changes core element is to
the application of sound capture the “as is” configuration of the SoS as the constituent systems implement and
business practices to establish deploy their own new releases. The new releases typically contain new functions needed to
and maintain consistency of a support SoS capabilities as well as new functions needed by the constituent system users
product's attributes with its and stakeholders. Under this core element, the SoS SE team may also (but not always)
requirements and product establish a formal Configuration Control Board to review and assess how planned changes to
configuration information. constituent systems may affect the SoS.
Data Management … The focus of data management for Monitoring and Assessing Changes is on data concerning
addresses the handling of changes which have been identified and evaluated, the results of the evaluation, and any
information necessary for or action taken to mitigate adverse effects of problematic changes. To the degree that an SoS
associated with product systems engineer can develop a history of changes, impacts, and actions, a knowledge base
development and can be accumulated to help address similar issues in the future.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Technical or Technical Relationship with SoS SE Core Element

Management Process
The Interface Management Through Monitoring and Assessing Changes, the SoS SE team keeps track of individual
process ensures interface system interface changes and monitors progress in migrating the individual systems to the
definition and compliance desired SoS architecture.
among the elements that
compose the system, as well
as with other systems with
which the system or system
elements must interoperate.

4.1.6 Addressing Requirements and Solution Options

In an SoS, the systems engineer works with the SoS manager and stakeholders to
review, prioritize, and recommend which SoS requirements to implement in each
iteration. The selected requirements for each iteration are moved into the SoS
functional baseline and become the new functional baseline for the iteration. This
analysis includes controlling top-level SoS requirements changes to maintain stability
and coherence. The SoS SE team, again working with systems, is then responsible for
leading the development and evaluation of technical approaches to address
requirements as well as the selection of approaches to meet the requirements. The
product of these activities is a technical plan for evolving the SoS, typically through
incremental changes on the part of the systems and sometimes with added components
specifically for the SoS.

In this core element, the SoS systems engineer can be viewed as working through the
key activities of an extended version of the SE “V” with respect to one pass at changes
in the SoS to address selected capability needs, as shown in figure 4-16. As the SoS
Team addresses this core element, along with the last element, Orchestrating SoS
Updates, they are essentially implementing a two-level version of the process used with
the SE of an individual system. At the top level, the SoS SE team recommends
requirements to be addressed and works with the constituent systems to identify and
assess alternative approaches. In parallel, the SE teams of the constituent systems are
working at the system level, assessing options for changes in their systems to address
the needs. The result is the selection on an approach and a plan for implementing that

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

to capability
Recommend Assess SoS
rqts for this capabilities
increment Addressing & limitations
requirements Orchestrating
systems to & solution upgrades Validate sets
of systems
functions options to SoS
Assess options
Verify sets
of systems SoS
with systems Integrate sets
Develop plan of systems

Coordinate, monitor and facilitate systems’

development, test and evaluation


Figure 4-16. The Multi-Level SoS/Systems Implementation Process

Figure 4-17 shows the

relationship between this core element, Addressing
Requirements and Solution Options, and the other SoS SE core elements.

Input: Monitoring
Changes in SoS,
including planned & assessing
system changes, SoS changes
objectives, and
Addressing organizational changes
requirements Input:
& options Windows of opportunity
for changes and
associated options Understanding
systems &
Input: Input: relationships
Problems/issues associated Current SoS architecture
with implementation of SoS information and associated
upgrades constraints
Output: Output:
Technical plans for SoS Status of systems, relationships,
upgrades and functionality Developing
& evolving
SoS architecture
to SoS

Figure 4-17. Relationship between Addressing Requirements and Solution Options and
Other SoS SE Core Elements
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Inputs to Addressing Requirements and Solution Options include:

• Windows of opportunity for changes and associated options

• Current SoS architecture and associated constraints
• Expected impacts of changes on SoS, including planned individual system
changes, SoS objectives, organizational changes
• Problems/issues associated with implementation of previous planned SoS updates

Outputs of this core element to other SoS SE core elements are identification of
capabilities/requirements to be incorporated into the next increment along with an
approach for implementing those capabilities/requirements. The outputs also include
any issues related to the SoS architecture that need to be addressed.

Options for addressing new capabilities/requirements may include:

• Adding new systems

• Adding existing (but new to SoS) systems
• Updating or extending functionality of existing systems
• Convincing owners of constituent systems to defer their changes in support of the

These actions are outside the control of the SoS manager and systems engineers and
will need to be negotiated with the constituent systems’ owners.

In a single system development, in the best case the systems engineer has a set of
prioritized requirements documented as a formal user capability need and validated in
Joint Capabilities Integration Development Systems (JCIDS) or the Services or agency
equivalent process. In an SoS, on the other hand, requirements evolution is often
driven by a variety of sources:

• SoS environment changes

• Emergent behaviors
• Constituent system changes
• SoS upgrade problems
• User insights and needs
• Technology opportunities

This means that the SoS systems engineer needs to look more broadly at the set of
longer-term needs and opportunistically address requirements in ways that practically
leverage ongoing system activities and remain flexible to adapt to changes in user
needs and priorities.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

These analyses for the SoS are based on trades considering cost and risk, much as
when other development decisions are made for the systems. While the changes are
being made to support SoS needs, after implementation they become part of the
system product baselines that the system owners are responsible for maintaining over
their life cycle. Consequently life-cycle costs of changes are a decision factor. Across
the SoS, different sets of solution options are considered. It may be necessary to
identify a wider range of options in an SoS because of the larger numbers of constraints
presented by the SoS environment.

Decisions about where in the SoS to address SoS requirements (allocated baseline) are
based on analysis done by both the SoS SE team and the SE teams of the constituent
systems. Working with the managers and SE teams of the constituent systems, SoS
systems engineers identify and assess approaches for updating systems to meet SoS
needs much as they do when systems changes are examined to meet a system’s user
needs. The full range of issues—to include life-cycle cost, technical and integration risk,
etc.—is assessed by systems engineers for the constituent systems and the SoS.
Upgrades to the systems consider science and technology opportunities, lessons learned
from technology explorations (e.g., Joint Capability Technology Demonstrations),
commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions, and opportunities to leverage earlier
solutions. Other resources in the area of net-centricity are the DoD Metadata Registry
(DMR) and the DoD Net-Centric Enterprise Services (NCES) Service Registry, which
allow the SE teams to leverage the developing net-centric methodologies. Approaches
to particular SoS data requirements can be found in the DMR with a registered DoD
service. These are factored into decisions about which systems changes should be
made in an increment of SoS development. The SoS SE should understand the trade
space and performance budgets allocated to individual systems to allow ongoing
measurement and evaluation of an individual system's performance on SoS objectives.

In making recommendations about changes, the SoS systems engineer needs to

balance needs between the SoS and the constituent systems, leveraging the capabilities
and plans of the systems which benefit the SoS. In the worst case, where the needs of
the systems users conflict with the objectives of the SoS, the SoS systems engineer
needs to identify these conflicts and assess ways to mitigate the risks inherent in them.
The development plans of the systems are also an important input to the SoS technical
planning process because, in most cases, the SoS will add changes to the system
development plans. The result is likely to be an asynchronous development and
delivery of parts of ‘SoS’ iterations, and in a large SoS, multiple iterations may be under
way concurrently. This means the SoS systems engineer should reflect the technical
plans in the SoS IMS and identify critical review events, risk assessment plans, and
synchronization points. For a large SoS this is not trivial. This highlights the need for
continuous coordination of SoS fielding, which requires frequent planning, integration,
and capturing of capabilities and limitations as the SoS evolves.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

The result of Addressing Requirements and Solution Options is typically a technical plan
that triggers orchestration of new SoS upgrades. The results may also trigger updates
to the SoS architecture when the results of the core element indicate that there is no
feasible way to address the requirements within the current SoS architecture.

At the SoS-level, typically only the SoS requirements are managed and considered by
the SoS systems engineer. Constituent system requirements are typically the
responsibility of the systems. In most cases, the upgrades planned for the individual
system will not address the needs of the SoS. In Ground Combat System, for example,
plans for future integrated ground combat introduce new requirements above and
beyond the requirements posed for the individual combat systems. The SoS SE team
needs to be aware of the requirements of the systems as well as plans for funding and
scheduling changes so they may anticipate impacts of system changes on the SoS. In
addition, knowledge about system requirements and technical plans is critical for the
SoS systems engineer because this knowledge helps the systems engineer identify
options for addressing SoS requirements that may include leveraging efforts of the
individual systems. The experience of SoS shows that the needs of the SoS can differ
considerably from the aggregate needs of the systems.

Consequently it is the job of the SoS systems engineers to identify situations where
meeting needs at the SoS level may lead to potential sub-optimization of individual
systems. The subsequent resolution is often done through negotiation between the SoS
and system managers with support of the systems engineers. The tradeoffs can be
addressed through a value driven design process to weigh the alternatives in terms of
their comparative values to various users. Systems which are disadvantaged by these
decisions may be resistant to support future SoS development so it is important for the
SoS manager and systems engineers to ensure systems understand the drivers and
rationale for SoS decisions. The SoS systems engineer sometimes needs to consider
non-optimal requirements allocation options to meet cost and schedule targets. For
example, an optimal individual system may not be able to incorporate needed functions
in the current increment, but other (non-optimal) systems might be able to achieve this
goal. In an SoS it may be difficult to manage redundant capabilities in individual
systems if the systems need the redundant capability to meet their own needs when
operating separately or the needs of other SoS in which they participate.

Depending on the specific SoS, an SoS organization typically does not have the
authority to execute these activities, so arranging to implement solutions is based on
collaboration between managers of the SoS organization and the systems. New
systems/components may be developed by one of the owners of the existing systems
or by the SoS office itself. The SoS office developing a component of the SoS should be
viewed as a dual hat or additional role separate from the role of the SoS systems

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Finally, this core element perhaps more than others may involve a great deal of
negotiation on the part of the SoS systems engineer. Even when there is analysis that a
change to one system will enable the SoS to meet a requirement and funding is
available to implement it, this does not guarantee the system’s PM, sponsor, and
systems engineer will be willing to implement the added functionality. There may be
particular issues when a system is part of multiple SoS especially if they have
competing demands for system support. Changes that satisfy the one SoS may not be
acceptable to the second SoS.

Often, the SoS systems engineer and manager must convince the systems engineer for
a constituent system that it is in the constituent system’s interest to change its
implementation to meet the SoS needs. To the degree that the SoS SE can identify
ways that the changes needed for the SoS can be done without affecting a constituent
system’s development schedule or that the changes support a system’s longer-term
development objectives, a constituent system will be more receptive to taking on added
functionality to support the SoS objectives.

As noted above, the product of this element is a technical plan for implementing the
changes for the next iteration of the SoS. In developing this plan, the SoS SE team
follows the principles for technical planning for systems, paying attention both to
defining critical event-driven reviews and to risks throughout the process. Particular
attention is paid to area of importance in an SoS including the development of an IMS,
which focuses on key integration points and links to the detailed development schedules
maintained by the systems. The plan also addresses roles and responsibilities
supported by memorandums of agreement (MOAs), which detail specific commitments
of the participant in the increment development.

In Addressing Requirements and Solution Options, the SoS systems engineer draws on
the following nine technical and technical management processes as described in table

• Requirements Development
• Design Solution
• Decision Analysis
• Technical Planning
• Requirements Management
• Risk Management
• Configuration Management
• Data Management
• Interface Management
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Table 4-6. SE Processes That Support Addressing Requirements and Solution Options

Technical or Technical Relationship with SoS SE Core Element

Management Process
The Requirements Requirements Development is a primary focus for Addressing Requirements and Solution
Development process takes all Options. In SoS, the task requires SoS requirements to be translated into requirements for
inputs from relevant the constituent systems. In an SoS, this is option-driven and focuses on requirements from
stakeholders and translates different sources. Requirements development for the SoS is in a much broader space due to
the inputs into technical the various alternatives available across the constituent systems, current opportunities
requirements. within the SoS space, and constraints within the SoS space. The focus often is on those
constituent systems that have both a window of opportunity within the desired timeframe
and the resources (personnel, funding) to implement the needed functions. Because of this,
in SoS, there is considerable iteration between requirements development and design
The Design Solution process Design solution is also a primary focus for Addressing Requirements and Solution Options.
translates the outputs of the In an SoS, the SoS systems engineer, working within the framework of the SoS architecture,
Requirements Development identifies viable options for implementing SoS requirements and defines an approach for the
and Logical Analysis processes selected option(s). However, given the number of constraints in many SoS situations, the
into alternative design SoS SE team may need to identify a larger set of alternatives.
solutions and selects a final
design solution.

Decision Analysis activities The Decision Analysis focus for Addressing Requirements and Solution Options is to address
provide the basis for two questions:
evaluating and selecting • Which of the requirements can be reasonably implemented in the next iteration?
alternatives when decisions
• What are the options for implementing them?
need to be made.
Analysis to support these decisions addresses a much broader trade space with considerably
more uncertainty and dynamics than in the typical systems engineering environment. In
this SoS SE core element, decision analysis also needs to pay attention to windows of
opportunity, identify multiple options employing different individual systems, and work
within those system constraints.
Technical Planning activities During technical planning for Addressing Requirements and Solution Options, the SoS
ensure that the systems systems engineer considers options for meeting SoS needs with respect to constituent
engineering processes are systems’ available resources, schedule, lifecycle milestones, and cost and then develops a
applied properly throughout a technical plan for the preferred option. The product of this core element is a technical plan
system's life cycle. for the iteration of SoS evolution. In an SoS, this technical plan reflects negotiations with the
systems engineers for constituent systems, since in most cases the SoS systems engineer
has no control over the plans for the constituent systems.
Requirements Management In Addressing Requirements and Solution Options the SoS systems engineer, along with the
provides traceability back to SoS manager and the systems engineers for the constituent systems, identifies the
user-defined capabilities. requirements to be addressed in the next set of iterations. It is important that the SoS
systems engineer is clear about how these requirements address the SoS objectives and
their relationship to the objectives and requirements of the constituent systems. In some
cases, the SoS may be managing/tracking lower-level system requirements, but more often
this is the responsibility of the constituent systems. In these cases, the SoS needs to link to
the constituent system processes.
Risk Management … helps To be effective, the SoS needs to consider risk as an integral part of the process of
ensure program cost, Addressing Requirements and Solution Options. In particular, given the available options
schedule, and performance the SoS systems engineer must answer these questions:
objectives are achieved at • What are the risks associated with each implementation option?
every stage in the life cycle
• What are the risks associated with the selected option?
and to communicate to all
stakeholders the process for • What are the risks of not addressing potential impacts of changing individual systems?
uncovering, determining the • What are the resources necessary to mitigate root causes of identified risks for each
scope of, and managing

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Technical or Technical Relationship with SoS SE Core Element

Management Process
program uncertainties. option?
SoS risks related to this SoS SE core element are often associated with windows of
opportunity, option constraints, cost, and schedule. Potential unknowns at the system level
could affect the technical feasibility of the selected approach or impede implementation in
ways that might not surface until the plans are executed.
Configuration Management is As part of Addressing Requirements and Solution Options activities, the SoS SE team
the application of sound identifies the functional and allocated baselines for the next SoS iteration and places them
business practices to establish under CM.
and maintain consistency of a
product's attributes with its
requirements and product
configuration information.
Data Management … Data management for Addressing Requirements and Options focuses on data concerning
addresses the handling of requirements assessment results, options considered, and approaches selected. The SoS
information necessary for or systems engineer can, to the extent possible, record the assessments done and their results
associated with product to provide a technical history that can be shared with SoS stakeholders to explain what was
development and considered, what was decided, and why. The record can also serve as a starting point for
sustainment. assessing additional requirements over time.
The Interface Management In an SoS, existing systems come with legacy interfaces, including communications and data
process ensures interface specifications to meet current needs. Specifications apply to both operational data and data
definition and compliance semantics. The SoS design/architecture will typically specify standard interfaces for use
among the elements that across the SoS and, in many cases, for use in broader DoD applications. One design
compose the system, as well tradeoff for the SoS systems engineer is typically how to support migration to these
as with other systems with common interfaces. In SoS, efforts to Addressing Requirements and Options, the SoS SE
which the system or system team will identify how it can employ standard interfaces to meet specific SoS needs, and
elements must interoperate. how future SoS changes will support migration to standard interfaces.

4.1.7 Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS

As shown earlier, in figure 4-16, the Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS core element
complements Addressing Requirements and Solution Options in implementing the
second half of a two-level version of the SE “V” process. During Orchestrating
Upgrades to SoS, the SoS systems engineer facilitates, monitors, and coordinates the
changes being implemented in the systems to effect SoS performance improvements
and added capability. When executing the SoS plans, the SoS systems engineer applies
SE processes, but at a higher level, in an effort to coordinate actions of organizations
which may be quite independent. At both the SoS and constituent system levels, the
systems engineers will need to work with the program managers to determine the best
phasing of some of the iterations in order to coordinate to meet scheduled upgrade
rhythms. Tools like critical path and critical chain (resource alignment to critical path)
analyses can be a tool for supporting SoS implementation planning. In a large SoS,
multiple iterations may be under way concurrently.

Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS is triggered when the various organizations involved in

implementation accept a technical plan for addressing SoS requirements. Most
importantly, the plan includes the managers and systems engineers of the constituent
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

systems, who will be implementing the changes that they agreed to during the plan
development. This plan is then executed under this element.

External factors may affect the execution of this technical plan and may interrupt the
ability to implement the changes. External factors may be technical issues— such as
characteristics of the host system—that systems engineers might not have fully
understood during the planning process. These technical issues might drive up the cost
of the SoS solution, take more time to implement, or even be technically infeasible.
There might also be programmatic issues, budget cuts, or new higher-priority
development needs directed by the user of the system. In any case, these external
factors may require the systems engineer to revisit the technical plans or adjust

As they execute the plan and complete the SoS upgrades, the SoS SE team assesses
the performance of the modified SoS. Changes made in constituent systems to support
the SoS are tested and evaluated, as are the sets of systems with changes that
contribute to SoS performance improvements. The T&E results provide feedback to the
developers during implementation and later inform the users and sponsors about
deployment decisions. As a result, the SoS systems engineer gets feedback on
problems/issues with new SoS solutions and on changes to the constituent systems and
their functional relationships resulting from the SoS upgrade as shown in figure 4-18.

& options
External Influences

systems &
Input: relationships
Technical plan
Problems/issues Output:
encountered with Updates to
implementation systems and

Orchestrating performance
Upgrades to capability
To SoS Output: objectives
Input: Trigger to
Factors assess
which performance
impact the of modified
ability SoS
to execute

Figure 4-18. Relationship between Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS

and Other SoS SE Core Elements

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

In Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS, negotiating and pacing the upgrades are key aspects
of the systems engineer’s role. SoS orchestration can include both deliberate, plan-
based increments and capability-driven builds. In either case, the evolving SoS needs to
accommodate the asynchronous system-development processes for multiple constituent
systems. In most cases, it is nearly impossible to align the development cycles of all
constituent systems. Consequently:

• Who does what and when will be driven by practicalities as much as technical
• Systems engineers need to develop an incremental approach that leverages the
activities already under way in the constituent systems.
• Design must be flexible with respect to building and fielding parts of a solution,
since SoS design releases are often driven by system schedules.
• Systems engineers and the T&E community need to be creative about test and
evaluation, leveraging a variety of data and test results and venues.

Effective SoS SE assumes that the systems engineers for the constituent systems are
implementing SE for the individual systems and that the SoS systems engineer can
therefore focus on the areas that are critical across the SoS. Needed changes are
implemented in the constituent systems under their own SE process; the SoS systems
engineer coordinates across these processes, which may or may not be compatible.
Coordinating across these processes involves substantial negotiation and may result in a
reassessment of options and approaches if the logistics or technical feasibility breaks

Throughout orchestration, the systems are implementing changes according to the

negotiated plans, and they are following their own SE and T&E processes. The SoS
systems engineer works with the SE teams for the constituent systems to enable SoS
insight into progress of the system developments as laid out in the SoS plan. The SoS
SE team members are responsible for integration and for verification and validation of
the changes across the suite of system updates under an SoS increment, including T&E
tailored to the specific needs of the increments. Their efforts may result in both
performance assessments and a statement of capabilities and limitations of the
increment of SoS capability from the perspectives of SoS users and users of the
individual systems. These assessments may be done in a variety of venues, including
distributed simulation environments, system integration laboratories, and field
environments. The assessments can take a variety of forms, including analysis,
demonstration, and inspection. Often SoS systems engineers leverage activities that
are under way to support one of the systems in the SoS in order to address SoS issues.

SoS SE approaches based on multiple small increments offer a more effective way to
structure SoS evolution. Big-bang implementations typically will not work in this
environment; it is not feasible with asynchronous independent programs. Specifically, a
number of SoS initiatives have adopted what could be termed a “bus stop,” spin, or
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

block-with-wave type of development approach. In this type of approach, there are

regular time-based SoS “delivery” points, and systems target their changes for these
points. Integration, test, and evaluation are done for each drop. If systems miss a
delivery point because of technical or programmatic issues, they know that they have
another opportunity at the next point (there will be another bus coming to pick up
passengers in 3 months, for instance). The impact of missing the scheduled bus can be
evaluated and addressed. By providing this type of SoS battle rhythm, discipline can be
inserted into the inherently asynchronous SoS environment. In a complex SoS
environment, multiple iterations of incremental development may be under way
concurrently (e.g., MDA concurrent blocks in the development of the BMDS; NSA

Approaches such as this may have a negative impact on certification testing, especially
if the item is software related to interoperability and/or safety issues (such as Air
Worthiness Release). When synchronization is critical, considerations such as this may
require large sections of the SoS, or the entire SoS, to be tested together before any of
the pieces are fielded.

In Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS, SoS SE draws on the following 11 technical and

technical management processes as described in table 4-7:

• Implementation
• Integration
• Verification
• Validation
• Transition
• Decision Analysis
• Technical Assessment
• Requirements Management
• Risk Management
• Data management
• Interface Management

Table 4-7. SE Processes That Support Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS

Technical or Technical Relationship with SoS SE Core Element

Management Process
Implementation is the process In an SoS, implementation is typically performed by the constituent system “owners” and
that actually yields the lowest their systems engineers with guidance from the SoS systems engineer on the changes made
level system elements in the for the SoS. Considerable negotiation regarding constituent systems is often required to
system hierarchy. The system make changes needed for the SoS capability. The implementation approach in an SoS is
element is made, bought, or typically incremental. A “big-bang” approach is often inapplicable or ineffectual. Multiple
reused. changes may be implemented asynchronously by different systems using different
schedules. Systems engineers for constituent systems may have the responsibility to
conduct trade studies and determine the best way to implement the SoS requirement within
their system. Depending on the situation, the SoS systems engineer may need to address
backward compatibility to accommodate asynchronous upgrades.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Technical or Technical Relationship with SoS SE Core Element

Management Process

Integration is the process of Integration across the SoS is a core role of the SoS systems engineer. While the systems
incorporating the lower-level engineers of the constituent systems are responsible for implementation and integration of
system elements into a changes within their systems, the integration focus of the SoS systems engineer is the end-
higher-level system element to-end functionality and performance across the SoS. In an SoS, asynchronous system
in the physical architecture. developments may necessitate asynchronous integration. A formal integration prior to
deployment often requires an extensive System Integration Lab (SIL). For example, the
Theater Joint Tactical Network program provides an environment where developers can
bring their communications systems to assess how well they perform in an operationally
realistic environment, as shown in figure 4-19. Some SoS initiatives have created this type
of standing integration facility (e.g., TMIP, Marine Corps). In other cases, the SoS attempts
to leverage individual system integration facility resources to conduct limited integration and
testing prior to deployment of the SoS upgrades. In a number of cases, simulations are
employed, particularly to provide a ‘stand-in’ for systems unavailable for integration or not
yet developed. For SoS integration and testing, the constituent systems are often treated as
a “black box” unless the SoS behavior is particularly sensitive to the behavior of a specific
system. A key focus of the integration activities is regression testing to ensure that
constituent systems are not adversely affected by SoS changes and the SoS is not adversely
affected by individual system changes not related to the SoS. Regression testing may
piggyback on system tests of individual systems. When systems cannot be synchronized in
the development and deployment, systems may be delivered and deployed in sequence, and
later systems may need to accommodate limitations/missed opportunities of “early” systems
in the build sequence. For example, some systems may not interpret shared data
specifications as intended. If these systems are the ones that deliver and deploy early, it
may fall to the later systems to adjust their implementation to compensate for shortfalls in
the early systems.
The Verification Process SoS verification efforts build upon the individual systems’ efforts, with the SoS systems
confirms that the system engineer and/or T&E team often depending on the constituent systems to ensure that the
element meets the design-to systems have implemented changes according to plans. It is typically impossible to test the
or build-to specifications. It whole SoS; hence, the SoS systems engineer or testing team needs to identify key risks to
answers the question "Did you the SoS and concentrate on those areas. The focus is on continuous test and evaluation
build it right?”. during development, followed by operational testing. Criteria from DoD or the appropriate
Service may largely determine which courses of action are available, and depending on the
stage of testing, this activity may be conducted by a test agency rather than the systems
The Validation Process As with verification, the validation process builds upon individual system testing. Often,
answers the question of "Did because of the expense, only limited end-to-end testing is conducted at the SoS level. Here
you build the right thing". too, criteria from DoD or the appropriate Service may largely determine which courses of
action are available. In some cases, modeling and simulation is used to support this process
on the premise that testing is used to validate simulations of part of the SoS, and then the
validated simulations can support testing of other SoS constituents. In other cases, testing
focuses on the areas with the greatest risk. In mission-critical applications, some SoS view
end-to-end validation testing as critical to success and allocate their resources to make this
Transition is the process The primary transition focus for Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS is on transition activities for
applied to move … the end- the SoS, activities that are often conducted and managed at the constituent system level.
item system, to the user. These activities focus primarily on supportability and sustainment activities and are
performed in a variety of ways by the Service that sponsors the constituent systems.
Decision Analysis activities Decision analysis for Orchestrating SoS Upgrades to the SoS involves consideration of both
provide the basis for the SoS infrastructure and the constituent systems. The decisions here are those that must
evaluating and selecting be made to ensure the successful implementation of the Technical Plan for the SoS iteration.
alternatives when decisions Decision Analysis at this point often requires balancing the needs of the SoS and each of the
need to be made. constituent systems, availability of windows of opportunity, constituent system schedules,
and cost. Often the most critical decisions relate to what can be done when upgrades do
not go as planned. When a system cannot implement changes as planned, what should be
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Technical or Technical Relationship with SoS SE Core Element

Management Process
done to ensure that the SoS benefits from the other changes? What adjustments can be
made to compensate for any impacts on the SOS? In this area, the analysis that supported
the SoS assessment of approaches and the understanding of the systems and their relations
provide the foundation for adapting to changes encountered during implementation.
Because of inter-system interdependencies, SoS implementation issues can be quite
common. This is one reason why an SoS architecture that minimizes interdependencies is
preferred because it can buffer the SoS and constituent systems from the impacts of
problems encountered in implementation.

Technical Assessment In Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS, the SoS systems engineer is responsible for monitoring
activities measure technical progress of the constituent systems as they implement changes. Systems engineering
progress and the effectiveness technical reviews for SoS should follow the recommended process for technical reviews
of plans and requirements. [DAG] and should address entry/exit criteria as they apply to the SoS technical plan. The
SoS systems engineer can conduct technical reviews for areas that are critical to the SoS, or
the systems engineers for the constituent systems can report the results of their reviews.
The SoS systems engineer will be responsible for assessing technical risks through these
reviews and must be prepared to address changes when progress is not made as anticipated
in the plans.
Requirements Management In Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS, requirements management comes into play when the
provides traceability back to solutions identified as part of the technical planning are problematic to implement. When
user-defined capabilities. changes are needed to adapt to implementation realities, the SoS systems engineer must
assess the changes and ensure that they address the requirements. This also involves
updating requirements traceability information as systems engineers for constituent systems
decide how to implement SoS requirements allocated to their system.

Risk Management … helps In Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS, the SoS SE team identifies and manages risks that relate
ensure program cost, to the SoS itself and its mission and objectives. In addition, the SoS SE team monitors risks
schedule, and performance associated with the individual systems to the extent that these risks affect the overall SoS
objectives are achieved at and its success or the constituent systems. Sometimes it is difficult to get individual systems
every stage in the life cycle to participate in an SoS-level risk board because it is not their primary focus. Risks from a
and to communicate to all constituent system can affect the entire SoS, but in many cases the risks of the constituent
stakeholders the process for systems only affect their own schedule and delivery timelines. However, when system-level
uncovering, determining the risk affects the SoS schedule, it is of concern to the SoS SE team.
scope of, and managing
program uncertainties.
Data Management … Data management for Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS focuses on capturing data about the
addresses the handling of changes to constituent systems made as part of the upgrade process, because SoS systems
information necessary for or engineers must ensure the compatibility of configurations of systems across the SoS. In
associated with product addition, as implementation problems arise and plans need to be adapted, data about these
development and changes needs to be collected to support SoS decision analysis and to feed back to design
sustainment. processes.
The Interface Management Interface management in Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS is a continuation of the Interface
process ensures interface Management focus done in the planning for changes to be made to systems to support SoS
definition and compliance evolution. During execution of the plans, the key is tracking the implementation of the
among the elements that agreed upon interfaces across the SoS. Interface Management is also needed to resolve
compose the system, as well conflicts/problems identified during implementation of required SoS functionality related to
as with other systems with interfaces by the constituent systems.
which the system or system
elements must interoperate.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Joint On-Demand Interoperability Network (JOIN)

Growth of Systems & Connectivity



Total Connectivity

T1: 14
14 IDirect:
IDirect: 22
8 OC-3:
OC-3: 66 LinkWays:
LinkWays: 22

Teleport/JSEC Promina:
Promina: 88 Micro
Micro LOS:
LOS: 11

2000 Fort Monmouth WiMax:
WiMax: 22 COMTECH:
GSM: 11

JITC X, C, Ku, Ka
Crypto PEO
Satellite CERDEC
AF Navy
General Dynamics
Taunton, MA
Battle SEC
JNMS Legacy
Legacy Switches
Switches JNN
Future Combat
FCS Systems

Figure 4-19. Theater Joint Tactical Network’s (TJTN) Process

[Source: TJTN Action Office]

4.2. SE Process Support for System of Systems Engineering

The preceding section reviewed the 7 core elements of SoS and the SE processes that
support these core SoS SE elements. This section discusses each of the 16 technical
and technical management processes defined in the DAG chapter 4 as they relate to the
7 core elements of SoS SE. As discussed in section 4.1, the SoS systems engineer
applies some of the SE technical and technical management processes to the SoS SE
core elements. Table 4.8 displays the matrix of SE Processes as they relate to the SoS
SE core elements and suggests places where the SE team needs to plan for SE support
to the SoS.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Table 4-8. SE Processes as They Apply to Core SoS SE Elements

Technical Processes Technical Management Processes

Tech Planning

Config Mgmt
Tech Assess

Data Mgmt

Rqts Mgmt

Risk Mgmt
Rqts Devl






Translating Capability

Understanding Systems &


Assessing Performance to
Capability Objectives

Developing and Evolving an

SoS Architecture

Monitoring and Assessing


Addressing Requirements and

Solution Options

Orchestrating Upgrades X X X X X X X X X X X

4.2.1 Requirements Development

According to the DAG chapter 4, “the Requirements Development process takes all
inputs from relevant stakeholders and translates the inputs into technical

In an acknowledged SoS, requirements are developed at two levels. The SoS SE team
addresses requirements across the SoS, and the systems engineers for each system
address the system requirements from their users. The SoS SE team is primarily
concerned with the translation of SoS capabilities/needs into SoS requirements that
provide the basis for SoS design solutions that also encompass the constituent systems.

Requirements development is applied in three core elements of SoS SE:

• Translating Capability Objectives

• Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture
• Addressing Requirements and Solution Options

Annex A, table A-1, summarizes how this process supports these core elements of SoS

In the development of a single system, requirements are typically developed by a

formal process with a fixed set of stakeholders. In an SoS, the situation is often more
complex. The capability objectives of the SoS are often stated in broad terms, and the
SoS systems engineer participates with the manager and stakeholders to develop an

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

understanding of the requirements to meet those objectives. In an SoS environment,

requirements development requires an understanding of constituent system capabilities,
high-level SoS requirements, and the interactions between the two. Because these
requirements will be met by an existing system if at all possible, the requirements
should be described in terms of needed functionality and not implementation details, so
that alternative ways to meet those requirements can be evaluated. The requirements
should evolve so that early experimentation and military utility assessments can be
used to enhance the operational community’s understanding of the integrated SoS
capability to be developed.

Because an SoS typically evolves over time, requirements may change based on both
internal and external factors. As a result, requirements development may be an
ongoing SoS activity, and the SoS requirements will evolve as well. Requirements
development in an SoS often continues through SoS architecture and design
development and implementation, since the architecture in particular will generate
requirements for systems in the SoS.

During each iteration of SoS development, the SoS systems engineer reviews
requirements and seeks to address them with available solutions, factoring in the
requirements and development plans of the systems in the SoS. As solutions are
implemented, detailed designs are developed for each system that is making changes.
The development approach, timing of increments, and the tempo for revisiting the
requirements are determined by the SoS manager and SE team based on the
characteristics of the SoS.

For new acquisitions, requirements are developed and validated through a formal
requirements process (JCIDS or a comparable process in the Service Components). In
some cases, this process applies to SoS, and the SoS is handled under the auspices of
an acquisition program. In other cases, SoS capabilities are identified based on
feedback from operations, strategic direction, or other drivers with the focus on
leveraging existing or developing systems and not new acquisitions. In these cases,
individual acquisitions programs may contribute components to the SoS, but the SoS
itself is not handled as an acquisition.

The major challenge for SoS requirements development is in the complexity of

developing requirements for a broad capability within the context of systems that have
their own requirements and stakeholders. The stakeholders for an SoS include users
and proponents for the SoS, as well as the stakeholders for the constituent systems
who may not share the perspective of the SoS. Building a common understanding of
SoS needs and approaches with the SoS and constituent system stakeholders is key to
SoS success, but building a stakeholder community takes time. In many cases the SoS
systems engineer is responsible only for the SoS-level requirements. But constituent
system requirements may continue to evolve or change, and these may have an impact
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

on the SoS. At a minimum the SoS systems engineer needs to remain cognizant of the
changing requirements of the constituent systems.

4.2.2 Logical Analysis

According to the DAG chapter 4, “Logical Analysis is the process of obtaining sets of
logical solutions to improve understanding of the defined requirements and the
relationships among the requirements (e.g., functional, behavioral, temporal).”

Logical Analysis is applied in two core elements of SoS SE:

• Understanding Systems and Relationships

• Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture

Annex A, table A-2, summarizes how this process supports these core elements of SoS

In an SoS environment, logical analysis changes from a one-time, up-front process to a

more-or-less continuous process. Sources of change, both internal and external to the
SoS, are more pronounced and persistent. The result is that the emphasis of logical
analysis in an SoS SE environment is to accommodate unforeseen change.

For a completely new system, the systems engineer can begin logical analysis with a
clean sheet to allocate functionality, whereas for an acknowledged SoS, the logical
analysis must take into account the functional allocation reflected in the constituent
systems of the SoS. SoS logical analysis focuses on composition of existing
functionality to meet SoS needs. In the SoS, the systems engineer focuses the logical
analysis on identifying which systems can support the capabilities that are needed, not
on iterating the synthesis and analysis of results until a desirable solution is achieved.

To do this the SoS systems engineer must understand and assess available systems
together with their future development plans (bottom-up analysis). In addition, the SoS
systems engineer must understand the needed SoS functionality and how that
functionality might be partitioned across legacy constituent systems, systems under
development, and systems still in planning (top-down analysis). The SoS systems
engineer needs to factor in the degree of difficulty in integrating constituent systems
through structured assessments and reviews with users, focusing particularly on legacy
systems openness. Less flexible legacy systems may constrain the SoS design and final
SoS capability.

4.2.3 Design Solution

According to the DAG chapter 4, “The Design Solution process translates the outputs of
the Requirements Development and Logical Analysis processes into alternative design
solutions and selects a final design solution.”

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Design Solution is applied in two core elements of SoS SE:

• Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture

• Addressing Requirements and Solution Options

Annex A, table A-3, summarizes how Design Solution supports these core elements of

The design solution process in an SoS environment is more complex than in a single
system environment because of the challenges of multiple stakeholders, integrations,
and test timelines, and the degree of interface developments. The SoS design solution
process occurs at two levels: the SoS framework-level and the constituent-system
level. The SoS systems engineer develops an architecture for the SoS and overlays it
on the constituent systems to provide a persistent framework for evolution of the SoS.
The design solution in an SoS incorporates approaches to meet specific requirements
that typically encompass changes in the constituent systems to enable the SoS-level
capabilities. This design process is normally the responsibility of the systems engineers
of the affected systems. The results of these processes are reflected at the top level in
the allocated baseline for the SoS and in updates to the technical baselines for the
affected systems.

An important step in engineering the SoS is to sort out how to allocate the SoS-driven
requirements to individual systems. In an SoS, functional allocation is typically based on
identifying where needed functions are supported by systems and assessing how to
leverage this functionality for the SoS. Functional “mapping” might be a better way to
describe this process which involves considerations beyond the technical (including
operational, fiscal, schedule, and other programmatic considerations) and will require
coordination with component programs, and probably multiple process iterations.

SoS implementation may require the implementation of SoS-specific components

needed to meet the SoS objectives. These components frequently take the form of
"middleware" or "glue-ware" needed to mediate between legacy systems that were not
originally designed to work together. The options for meeting these SoS objectives are
the same as those available to meet other requirements: using COTS solutions,
leveraging a capability in one of the individual systems, or developing a new
component. If a new component is to be developed, it may be managed either directly
by the SoS or by another organization (e.g., individual system program management).
In either case, this new development is treated like another constituent system of the
SoS by the SoS SE process.

When the SoS design solution is selected, the SoS design specifications are placed
under configuration control as the SoS allocated baseline. The baseline captures the
design information as well as the traceability to the constituent systems. The individual
systems are responsible for incorporating the allocated SoS design requirements and
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

maintaining their own allocated baseline at the system level. While it is important for
the SoS SE team to have insight into the constituent system baselines and the
associated plans for implementing those baselines, the constituent system baselines
remain under the control of the individual systems.

During the SoS design solution process, the SoS systems engineer works with the SE
teams for the systems to conduct trade studies at the SoS level to assess potential
changes in current and planned systems to address SoS requirements. Iterations of the
Requirements Development and Logical Analysis processes may also be required to
achieve a feasible design solution. The best overall SoS design solution may result in
constituent systems changes that require adjudication and additional iterations of the
SoS design.

Just as in individual systems, Design Solution, Logical Analysis, and Requirements

Development are highly interdependent activities for an SoS—even more so given the
larger number of stakeholders, a (frequently) distributed management structure, an
evolving concept of operations, and systems at different levels of maturity. Trade
studies, possibly supported by experimentation and simulation, are performed to
explore alternative solutions; the studies must consider performance, schedule, and
total lifecycle cost.

The discussion here and in the preceding section focuses on the development of the
allocated baseline (architecture of the SoS and design changes to systems) to support
the SoS objectives as reflected in the functional baseline for the SoS. For evolutionary
SoS development, the architecture is a key element crossing the SoS increments. If
well designed, the architecture, particularly the key convergence points, is persistent
across multiple increments, and user functionality can be enhanced by adding or
upgrading constituent systems without disrupting the changes made in previous
increments. The architecture may need to be reviewed and evolved as needs and
technology change. These changes will be reflected in the SoS technical baselines.
Architecture management over time and across increments is likely to become an
important part of the broader SoS SE process as our understanding of SoS grows.

4.2.4 Implementation
According to the DAG chapter 4, “Implementation is the process that actually yields the
lowest level system elements in the system hierarchy. The system element is made,
bought, or reused.”

Implementation is applied in one core element of SoS SE—Orchestrating Upgrades to


Annex A, table A-4, summarizes how this process supports this core element of SoS SE.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Implementation in an SoS typically takes the form of constituent system changes, which
together create new or enhanced SoS capability. The systems engineers and
developers of the constituent systems take the lead in the implementation process, and
the SoS systems engineer acts as facilitator, negotiator, technical reviewer, and,
ultimately, integrator—as discussed in the next section.

In a constituent system, implementation is done directly under the auspices of the

program manager and systems engineer of the system. The SoS implementation activity
is planned by the SoS systems engineer in coordination with the manager of the SoS
and the managers and systems engineers of the constituent systems. The constituent
systems carry out SoS implementation in concert with their own development, and to
the degree possible their system-level processes and supporting activities are
leveraged. Because the systems each have their own processes and development
schedules and it is typically impossible to synchronize across multiple programs with
different contexts, creating a workable approach across systems is a major SoS
challenge. SoS implementations typically involve some type of incremental approach
that allows systems to deliver improvements in stages, with the SoS-level improvement
contingent on delivery of all the enhancements by the different systems. One way to
do this is a development method characterized as a “bus stop approach,” where
incremental changes are delivered at specified intervals (e.g., every 3-months). If a
problem arises and a system misses a delivery, the system developer defers the
delivery to the next delivery point (i.e., the next time the bus stops). In this way, the
SoS enforces a regular rhythm for the development process which accommodates the
asynchronous nature of the system processes. The asynchronous nature of the
constituent system processes poses challenges for integration and T&E as well as the
design since pieces of the overall solution may be delivered and even deployed without
the full end-to-end capability being in place.

4.2.5 Integration
According to the DAG chapter 4, “Integration is the process of incorporating the lower-
level system elements into a higher-level system element in the physical architecture.”

Integration is applied in one core element of SoS SE—Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS.

Annex A, table A-5, summarizes how Integration supports this core element of SoS SE.

Integration across the SoS is a core role for the SoS systems engineer. While the
systems engineers of the constituent systems are responsible for implementation and
integration of changes within their systems, the SoS systems engineer is responsible for
integration of the end-to-end functionality and performance across the SoS. Because
implementation in an SoS may be asynchronous, integration may be asynchronous as
well. A primary use of modeling and simulation in SoS is the creation of “stand-in”
emulations of SoS components to support integration and test. Integration facilities are
a common tool for SoS integration and test, and networked facilities are becoming more
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

common. These facilities provide a venue both for integration testing as the
development of different parts of an SoS are delivered and for system-level regression
testing after SoS capabilities have been added, to ensure they continue to support their
system-level applications.

4.2.6 Verification
According to the DAG chapter 4, “The Verification Process confirms that the system
element meets the design-to or build-to specifications. It answers the question, "Did
you build it right?”.

Verification is applied in one core element of SoS SE—Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS.

Annex A, table A-6, summarizes how Verification supports this core element of SoS SE.

As is discussed in the implementation section above, changes to the SoS are typically
implemented by the constituent systems. Changes to the systems are documented at
the top level in the SoS allocated baseline and reflected in detail in the technical
baselines for the systems. Verification is done against these baselines. Verification
involves demonstrating that the design meets the design specification. The SoS systems
engineer should be cognizant of detailed test plans developed and implemented by the
systems and should oversee the results of the testing as it applies to the SoS.

Verification activities might include demonstration, inspection, similarity considerations,

and test at the system level. The SoS systems engineer, responsible for SoS verification,
oversees the verification process to ensure that the changes meet the needs of the SoS
capability and to assess risks to the SoS associated with the constituent system
development. The objective is to leverage the constituent system SE processes as much
as possible; accordingly, the system-level engineers typically verify that changes made
in their systems reflect the changes requested. This is normally done as part of the
system-level development and as part of SE at the system level.

4.2.7 Validation
According to the DAG chapter 4, “The Validation Process answers the question, ‘Did you
build the right thing?’ "

Validation is applied in two core elements of SoS SE:

• Assessing Performance to Capability Objectives

• Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS

Annex A, table A-7, summarizes how Validation supports these core elements of SoS

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Validation of SoS capabilities assesses whether the changes made in the SoS have the
desired end-to-end effects. This involves demonstrating that the design meets the
capability objectives (derived requirements) of the user. The SoS SE should ensure that
changes key to the SoS are included in constituent systems’ test and evaluation plans
and should leverage the results of the T&E. To the degree possible this T&E is done as
part of the SoS development process in an environment in which the SoS is tested end
to end. The goal is to ensure that the changes in constituent systems have the desired
effect on the SoS results. This may be done in an integration and test laboratory
environment or as part of an exercise or a live test. The challenge for the SoS is that
the number of systems can sometimes be large, and full live testing can be prohibitively
expensive or impossible to schedule in a reasonable time. To the degree possible, it is
advantageous to conduct end-to-end testing in conjunction with testing of the
constituent systems, leveraging their investments in time and resources. In some cases
all the constituent systems may not be available; consequently, the SoS systems
engineers may need to use simulations or emulations of unavailable ones. These
simulations/emulations can be development efforts in their own right. Such an approach
would need to be planned well before it is needed. SoS systems engineers assess risks
to determine how best to conduct validation so that live testing is focused on those
areas with the highest risk.

In addition to T&E of changes in constituent systems, there is often an effort to collect

SoS performance data from the operational environment. These data can be used to
validate the expected performance resulting from changes in the SoS, and they also can
identify factors that more or less affect SoS performance. These factors are important.
They add a degree of fidelity to the broader use-case environment for the SoS which
may affect, suggest, or illuminate options for future investments.

4.2.8 Transition
According to the DAG chapter 4, “Transition is the process applied to move … the end-
item system, to the user.”

Transition is applied in one core element of SoS SE—Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS.

Annex A table A-8 summarizes how Transition supports this core element of SoS SE.

SoS upgrades are transitioned to the field by the system owners based on their own
processes. Because SoS upgrades are implemented in the constituent systems, it is the
owners of those systems who have the responsibility to field and maintain the system
with the upgrades introduced to support the SoS. Planning for the life cycle support of
the enhanced systems needs to be considered at the time that solutions are being
evaluated with the total cost of options including lifecycle support, and hence need to
be addressed as part of a decision analysis (discussed in section 4.2.9, below).
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

In some cases, supporting transition can go beyond considerations of the piece-parts of

the individual systems and may include requirements, like adding overall bandwidth,
that are the result of the SoS capability as a whole and need to be considered by the
SoS systems engineer. Requirements like these must be identified early, considered in
the selection of options, and coordinated by the SoS systems engineer with the relevant
organizations. Again, these are important factors to be considered as part of an
associated decision analysis.

4.2.9 Decision Analysis

According to the DAG chapter 4, “Decision Analysis activities provide the basis for
evaluating and selecting alternatives when decisions need to be made. Decision Analysis
involves selecting the criteria for the decision and the methods to be used in conducting
the analysis. For example, during system design, analysis must be conducted to help
choose amongst alternatives to achieve a balanced, supportable, robust, and cost
effective system design.”

Once a high level set of requirements is established, decision analysis is applied across
the SOS SE core elements including:

• Assessing Performance to Capability Objectives

• Developing and an SoS Architecture
• Monitoring and Assessing Changes
• Addressing Requirements and Solution Options
• Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS

Annex A table A-9 summarizes how Decision Analysis supports these core elements of

In an SoS environment, the SoS systems engineer addresses issues concerning

alternative ways to meet SoS capability needs through available systems and/ or new
systems. Throughout SoS evolution, the SoS systems engineer decides how to adapt,
extend, and augment the current ensemble of systems to meet user capability needs.
Factored into these decisions are the approaches and costs for transition and
sustainment. In this context, the systems engineer supports decision making with
quantitative and qualitative data analytic methods.

In larger SoS involving multiple legacy systems, it is important to understand how

coupling multiple systems affects the behavior of the systems and the SoS, particularly
unanticipated emergent behavior and indirect effects. Feasibility evidence derived from
modeling and simulation, collaborative efforts of subject matter experts, and focused
experiments can be used to address these and other SoS issues.

Because SoS decisions may have implications for constituent systems, SoS decision
analysis needs to explicitly consider the perspective of affected systems, stakeholders,

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

etc. However, time and resources are often at a premium for systems engineers of the
constituent system. This may limit the level of involvement by the constituent system
SE teams. Consequently, the SoS systems engineer may need to anticipate the issues
that will affect the constituent systems and include an assessment of them as part of
the SoS decision analysis.

Finally, the SoS systems engineer is challenged to develop approaches to evolve the
ensemble of systems to meet new needs while accommodating the independently
owned and funded constituent systems, which themselves are often evolving to meet
their own system users’ needs. To attain this delicate balance and support decisions
that are typically outside of the SE purview, the SoS systems engineer must understand
systems and their relationships from multiple perspectives, including technical and
organizational relationships. These decisions include analysis of options and trades for
SoS design/architecture given current characteristics and development plans of
systems; assessments to determine which requirements can be addressed in what time
frame given system objectives, funding, and development schedules; and analysis of
how internal and external changes will affect the SoS. Several activities, including the
Software Engineering Institute’s SoS Navigator initiative, are examining these needs
and approaches [Brownsword, Fisher, Morris, Smith & Kirwan, 2006].

4.2.10 Technical Planning

According to the DAG chapter 4, “Technical Planning activities ensure that the systems
engineering processes are applied properly throughout a system's life cycle. Technical
planning, as opposed to program planning, addresses the scope of the technical effort
required to develop the system. A mandated tool for this activity is the Systems
Engineering Plan. Each of the technical processes requires technical planning. Technical
planning for Implementation, Integration, Verification, Validation, and Transition
processes and their accompanying systems can reveal constraints and interfaces that
will result in derived technical requirements.”

The criticality of technical planning for the success of systems is well recognized and for
the same reasons, technical planning is critical to the success of SoS. While regulations
do not explicitly discuss SoS, program managers should apply the key tenets of the
Department’s 2004 Systems Engineering policy: develop a Systems Engineering Plan
(SEP), assign a lead systems engineer, and conduct event-driven technical reviews that
involve independent subject matter experts [OUSD, 2004(1)]. A SEP preparation guide
provides a resource for technical planning [OUSD AT&L, 2008].

Technical planning is a critical activity in the context of synthesizing, integrating, and

deploying an effective SoS. Like other SE processes, technical planning touches all of
the SoS SE core elements, but the focus of technical planning is on the planning for
upgrades to the SoS. As such technical planning is directly applied to two SoS SE core
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

• Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture

• Addressing Requirements and Solution Options

Annex A, table A-10, summarizes how Technical Planning supports these core elements
of SoS SE.

In some ways technical planning is more difficult for SoS than for single systems
because the SoS SE team is required to plan the evolution of the SoS in the context of
the independent technical plans for the constituent systems. The highly asynchronous,
parallel nature of system-level engineering activities makes good planning and
coordination, and management of SE processes and products more critical at the SoS
level. Systems engineers from constituent systems are already performing technical
planning for their own systems, and SoS technical planning will need to consider and
possibly augment the plans of those constituent systems. SoS technical planning must
be adequately resourced because of the inherent competition with the individual
programs for systems engineers’ attention. To appropriately mitigate risk to the SoS
effort, SoS SE must actively engage system-level systems engineers in SoS technical
planning. In most SoS programs some form of SE council or body is formed to address
crosscutting SoS planning.

4.2.11 Technical Assessment

According to the DAG chapter 4, “Technical Assessment activities measure technical
progress and the effectiveness of plans and requirements. Activities within Technical
Assessment include the activities associated with Technical Performance Measurement
and the conduct of technical reviews. A structured review process should demonstrate
and confirm completion of required accomplishments and exit criteria as defined in
program and system planning.”

In SoS, technical assessment addresses both technical progress at the SoS and system
level. Technical assessment is applied in two SoS SE core elements:

• Assessing Performance to Capability Objectives

• Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS

Annex A, table A-11, summarizes how Technical Assessment supports these core
elements of SoS SE.

In SoS, technical assessment of progress addresses two areas. The first is progress
toward meeting SoS capabilities. The second is progress towards implementing
changes/upgrades to the SoS, including changes in systems and inserting new systems
into the SoS.

In the first area, because the SoS SE team typically addresses user capability needs by
adapting multiple systems and technology insertion over time, it is important to develop

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

user-oriented metrics that can be applied across venues to assess progress toward
meeting these objectives and collect data to assess this progress. While in most cases
at least some of the systems in the SoS already exist at the time the SoS is recognized,
the metrics should be independent of the specific systems. This is because specific
constituent systems may change over time. This topic is discussed in more detail under
the SoS SE core element Assessing Performance to Capability Objectives.

In the second area, as plans for SoS upgrades are developed and implemented, the SoS
systems engineer needs to assess progress in defining, planning, implementing,
integrating and testing the changes made to affect the upgrade. The SoS systems
engineer conducts the assessment as part of Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS. This
assessment includes technical assessment of the changes in the individual systems that
will be planned and implemented under the auspices of the program management and
systems engineers of the constituent systems. In defining upgrades, the maturity of
technologies to be incorporated is particularly critical in an SoS environment. Indicators
of maturity include metrics such as version stability. The SoS systems engineer needs
insight into the system-level work, but ideally system-level work is planned,
implemented, and assessed as part of the constituent system’s SE process. Whether a
member of the SoS SE team participates in the system reviews or the systems engineer
for the constituent systems provides updates to the SoS systems engineer, technical
assessment is based on the resources available and the criticality of the changes to the
SoS. Good SE practice requires the SoS systems engineer to follow a disciplined
technical review process for the SoS as defined in its SEP. The SoS systems engineer is
specifically interested in system implementation progress that affects the SoS
functionality, performance, or schedule (this is akin to the importance of critical IMS
synchronization points to SoS SE) because these issues could be a source of risks for
the SoS. Assessment encompasses functionality in the systems and the interfaces
between each system and the other systems in the SoS to implement the SoS thread,
including data communications and data utilization.

The SoS technical assessment includes assessing technical progress of integrating,

testing and evaluating the composite SoS. The SoS technical plans will identify key
decision points where technical reviews will be conducted, including the criteria for
those reviews. Technical reviews should address plans for integration and T&E,
including when and where they will occur and the risks associated with them. The SoS
systems engineer is responsible for technical reviews with active participation of the
systems engineers of the systems. To the degree that these can leverage integration
and T&E events planned and implemented by the systems, there is less redundancy for
the systems and lower cost for the SoS. In general, incorporating SoS assessment into
system level events is a preferred approach for SoS efforts.

The challenge in this area is planning and implementing in the context of the
asynchronous development schedules of the systems. This means that if systems a, b,
and c all make changes for an SoS improvement, changes in these three systems will
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

be implemented and deployed under the development schedules of the systems.

Problems arise when system a develops and fields before b and c are ready for
integration and T&E. An approach is needed to assess changes in system a without
availability of changes in b and c, and to manage the risks in this asynchronous
approach. This may affect SoS design, which needs to be tolerant of new functionality
without full implementation of the functional thread. This may also increase the burden
of accommodating risk mitigations in the later systems. Modeling and simulation may
be useful in addressing situations such as this, where a simulated version of changes in
b and c, could serve as a surrogate for system a integration.

4.2.12 Requirements Management

According to DAG chapter 4, “Requirements Management provides traceability back to
user-defined capabilities as documented through the Joint Capabilities Integration and
Development System. In evolutionary acquisition, the management of requirements
definition and changes to requirements takes on an added dimension of complexity.”

Requirements management is applied in four core elements of SoS SE:

• Translating Capability Objectives

• Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture
• Addressing Requirements and Solution Options
• Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS

Annex A, table A-12, summarizes how Requirements Management supports these core
elements of SoS SE.

As discussed in section 4.2.1, Requirements Development, the SoS systems engineer is

an active participant in the development of requirements based on SoS capability
objectives and must consider not only requirements at the SoS level but also
requirements of users of the constituent systems. Requirements Management begins
with the developed SoS requirements and traces the SoS requirements throughout the
process and over time. Requirements for the constituent systems will typically be
managed separately for each system by its systems engineer using their own processes.
At a minimum, the SoS systems engineer needs to be informed about these processes.
Additionally there needs to be a way to ensure that new requirements on systems to
meet the SoS needs are reflected in the systems’ requirements management processes
in a way that is linked to SoS requirements management.

The SoS systems engineer needs to recognize when there are redundant requirements
across constituent systems. In an SoS context, redundancy across individual systems
may be perfectly acceptable, desirable and even necessary when considering the roles
that individual systems play apart from the SoS. In some cases, duplicative
requirements or functionality across the constituent systems may cause SoS conflicts.
For example, when multiple systems in an SoS each have different methods of

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

computing track correlation, the combined results provide poor estimates of enemy
targets. It may be important to manage and resolve any conflicts, but it may be too
costly or disruptive to attempt to back out contentious, redundant requirements or

Requirements management in the classical sense is just as critical to the success of the
SoS; SoS requirements need to be defined in terms of measures of outcome and
mission measures of effectiveness to derive SoS measures of performance that can
then be allocated to individual systems as part of the SoS process across the relevant
SoS SE elements. However, there are some unique challenges for requirements
management in an SoS. In an environment of evolving threats and an evolving concept
of operations, a critical aspect of the requirements management activity is the
identification and management of new requirements over time, and the correlation and
traceability between the desired capabilities and the configuration of the deployed SoS.
The requirements management function must support this in a flexible and agile
manner. Furthermore, although requirements management may focus on specific
functional requirements of the SoS and individual systems, it is also very important to
address and manage the communications and data exchange requirements in the
context of the SoS.

4.2.13 Risk Management

According to the DAG chapter 4, “[t]he purpose of risk management is to help ensure
program cost, schedule, and performance objectives are achieved at every stage in the
life cycle and to communicate to all stakeholders the process for uncovering,
determining the scope of, and managing program uncertainties.” The DoD Risk
Management Guide is an available resource to program managers [(OUSD AT&L, 2007].

Risk management is applied in all seven core elements of SoS SE:

• Translating Capability Objectives

• Understanding Systems and Relationships
• Assessing Performance to Capability Objectives
• Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture
• Monitoring and Assessing Changes
• Addressing Requirements and Solution Options
• Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS

Annex A, table A-13, summarizes how Risk Management supports these core elements
of SoS SE.

Risks identified and managed by the SoS SE team are those related to the SoS itself
and its mission and objectives. SoS risks are often tied to the strength of feasibility
evidence developed during the decision analysis and design solution activities. These
risks might be related to SoS scalability, quality of service, technology maturity,
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

coordination of SoS risk management activities across the individual systems, ability of
constituent systems to provide needed SoS functions on time, and other individual
system risks that might affect the overall SoS success or other individual systems.

Risk management for an SoS begins with the identification of SoS objectives and the
identification of the risks that threaten the achievement of those objectives. While it is
true that minor individual program risks could be major risks to the SoS, it is also true
that significant system risks may have little or no impact on the SoS functionality.
Furthermore there may be risk to a set of SoS objectives which are not risks to the
constituent systems (e.g., unwanted emergent behavior, infrastructure, integration
risks, cost risk).

Major risks associated with SoS may relate to the limited influence the SoS systems
engineer may have on the development of critical individual systems in addition to
technical risks associated with those individual systems and platforms. Independent
evolution of the individual systems can lead to unforeseen deviations from SoS program
objectives (lifecycle cost, performance, schedule). Each of the core SE management
processes can identify and support risk assessment. To address risks, as addressed in
section 4.1., Technical Assessment, the SoS manager and systems engineers must
understand each individual system’s planned evolution. In some cases, mitigation
strategies for SoS can include preplanned substitutions of individual systems, especially
if some of the systems are reaching their service life and may be retired, undergoing
Service Life Extension Programs (SLEP), remanufacture, and so on. However, in many
cases, it may not be an option to replace high-risk or problematic individual systems,
and risks associated with these systems need to be addressed in other ways.

Risk analysis includes addressing technical risks associated with each of the individual
systems throughout their life cycle as well as programmatic aspects, which include cost
and schedule. Although it may be more difficult to quantify the uncertainties for an
SoS, it may be easier to quantify risks of the legacy systems involved in the SoS.
Special care should be taken, however, in evaluating the incorporation of legacy
systems in an SoS, particularly those with incomplete technical documentation.
Although subsystem risks may not have a significant impact on the parent individual
system, they could constitute a major impact on the SoS and may require different
approaches to calculate or buy down risks accumulated across multiple systems. It is
important to not only use risk criteria already employed at the system level, but instead
to develop the impact criteria and ratings at the SoS level. These criteria should be
updated over time to reflect risk tolerance at the SoS level.

Among other measures, an integrated Risk Management Board should be established

with members from individual systems encouraged to participate. However, it may be
difficult to get individual systems to participate in SoS-level risk board since it is not
their primary focus. The board can look across the SoS and its objectives as the basis

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

for identifying and assessing risk to the SoS. A senior person from the SoS organization
should lead the effort to ensure necessary rank and leadership.

Since the initial articulation of SoS objectives may not support detailed requirements
development, early experimentation focused on military utility and worth can be an
important risk-reduction activity.

4.2.14 Configuration Management

According to the DAG chapter 4, “Configuration Management is the application of sound
business practices to establish and maintain consistency of a product's attributes with
its requirements and product configuration information.”

Configuration management is applied in five core elements of SoS SE:

• Translating Capability Objectives

• Understanding Systems and Relationships
• Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture
• Monitoring and Assessing Changes
• Addressing Requirements and Solution Options

Annex A, table A-14, summarizes how Configuration Management supports these core
elements of SoS SE.

CM influences all the SoS SE elements, but it is in these five that the SoS SE actively
manages key aspects of the SoS configuration. That is why these five are called out
explicitly in this Guide. In other SoS SE core elements, the managed configuration is
used as a point of reference and the areas under consideration are under CM by the
systems and not the SoS. In Assessing SoS Performance, the SoS systems engineer
examines performance of the SoS in a variety of venues, but does not control any
aspect of the SoS baselines. In Orchestrating SoS Upgrades, the SoS SE team is
overseeing the implementation of the Technical Plan associated with an SoS upgrade,
then integrating, testing, and evaluating the constituent systems in the SoS
environment. The team is not, however, controlling the individual baselines of the
constituent systems.

Beyond this, in acknowledged SoS, there is management authority at both the SoS and
the system levels. For SoS, CM should be applied to the establishment and
management of the SoS technical baselines (functional, allocated, and product). It is
important to manage these baselines at the SoS level so that systems engineering can
help structure and control the SoS evolution over time. These baselines can also be
used by the constituent systems as they consider changes to their own configurations.

In an SoS, the functional baseline is developed and managed under several elements.
In Translating Capability Objectives, high level requirements are developed and updated
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

and are then ready for further analysis and assignment to a functional baseline in
Addressing Requirements and Solution Options. In Developing and Evolving an SoS
Architecture, added requirements are identified for the SoS and specified at a level
where they can be further analyzed and assigned to a functional baseline by Addressing
Requirements and Solution Options. The allocated baseline is also established under
Addressing Requirements and Solution Options, as solutions are developed and
requirements mapped to individual systems for implementation. Additional changes to
systems may also be identified and incorporated into the baseline to improve the
performance of the SoS. Finally, the product baseline is identified and monitored under
Understanding Systems and Relationships as systems changes are implemented and

SoS CM requires an understanding of the systems that support the SoS objectives and
their relationships. For the SoS to be successful, the SoS systems engineer needs to
have a good understanding of the constituent systems, their characteristics that are
salient to the SoS, and the way they currently work together to address the end-to-end
SoS needs. While systems engineers of the constituent systems are responsible for the
detailed CM of those systems, those characteristics that affect the SoS are mirrored in
the SoS CM and there should be the ability to track requirements between SoS CM and
the salient elements of the CM of constituent systems.

4.2.15 Data Management

According to DAG chapter 4, “Data management … addresses the handling of
information necessary for or associated with product development and sustainment.”

Data management is applied across all the core elements of SoS SE:

• Translating Capability Objectives

• Understanding Systems and Relationships
• Assessing Performance to Capability Objectives
• Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture
• Monitoring and Assessing Changes
• Addressing Requirements and Solution Options
• Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS

Annex A, table A-15, summarizes how Data Management supports these core elements
of SoS SE.

The SoS data include information on the development plans of the systems and their
management and funding profiles as well as other information relevant to SoS progress.
A key challenge for data management in an SoS context is gaining access to data from
constituent systems in a form that facilitates analysis of crosscutting issues. This
process can be complicated because different systems create and retain different data
and common data may not be readily available across systems. Systems may be

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

reluctant to share data outside of the system context, and some needed data, may be
considered proprietary and held by developers, classified at multiple levels, or
compartmented. These challenges pose issues for crosscutting SoS decision analysis.
An MOA may be one solution to the SoS data problem. In the MOA, systems engineers
might define an approach for SoS data management that includes data access, data use
and sharing, and creation of an SoS shared repository for common data, all managed in
a way that reassures stakeholders that access to their data will be controlled.

Throughout the SoS SE process, critical data needs to be captured and understood in
the context of SoS activities. As a particular source of data critical to the SoS may
evolve or become unavailable, an understanding of critical data needs may allow the
discovery of another data source for the SoS activities. This is particularly important for
an SoS because there are more diverse participants in an SoS evolution and available
data on SoS activities will be a key to ensuring transparency in SoS processes across
participants at both the systems and SoS levels.

Data supports all of the core elements of SoS SE. The data collection process includes
information about the implementation of each core element and the results of the core
element as they inform other core elements of SoS SE. The core elements of SoS SE
are described in more detail in section 4.1.

4.2.16 Interface Management

According to the DAG chapter4, “[t]he Interface Management process ensures interface
definition and compliance among the elements that compose the system, as well as
with other systems with which the system or system elements must interoperate.”

Interface management is applied in five core elements of SoS SE:

• Understanding Systems and Relationships

• Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture
• Monitoring and Assessing Changes
• Addressing Requirements and Solution Options
• Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS

Annex A, table A-16, summarizes how Interface Management supports these core
elements of SoS SE.

In most cases, the SoS provides an end-to-end capability consisting of actions

coordinated through the sharing of information across the systems. Hence, interface
management is a key activity of an SoS. Information sharing and, hence, interface
management is one component of the end-to-end operation of an SoS. Further, as the
DoD moves toward net centricity, the classical interface control discipline is increasingly
being replaced by network and web standards. Standards that have been identified for
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

use in DoD systems are provided in the Defense Information Technology Standards
Registry (DISR).

Data and metadata harmonization are becoming the central interface issues, with the
result that the focus of interface management will be on data exposure and semantics.
In many cases the SoS SE must pay more attention to data, data interoperability, and
semantics than to interface issues. In most cases, the SoS does not “control” individual
system interfaces; rather, the interfaces are “managed” through agreements and
negotiation. It is important to consider that a given individual system may be part of
more than one SoS, and consequently interfaces and interface changes may impact
more than one SoS. Resources in this area include the DoD Metadata Registry (DMR)
and the DoD Net-Centric Enterprise Services (NCES) Service Registry. Approaches to
particular SoS data requirements can be found in the DMR with a registered DoD

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

5. Summary and Conclusions

This guide has characterized the core elements of SE in the context of SoS and
provided information on the ways that the current DoD SE processes can be applied to
implement SE for SoS. The 16 technical and technical management processes
described in the DAG chapter 4 provide tools that support SE in an SoS. Systems
engineers face challenges as they work to apply disciplined technical plans and SE
support in a management context. In an SoS environment, this management context
lacks the bounded control which characterizes the development of single platforms and
systems. Despite these challenges, SE is an important enabler of successful
development and evolution of SoS.

There is increasing emphasis on SoS in the DoD today as the Department moves from a
platform focus to an emphasis on capabilities. Increasingly SoS are being recognized
and are the subject of management and engineering attention. DoD SoS typically are
not new-start acquisitions per se, they are modifications to ensembles of existing and
new systems which together address capability needs. An SoS is an overlay on existing
and new systems, where the systems retain their identity, and management and
engineering continue in the systems concurrently with the SoS. Rather than having full
control over the systems, SoS managers and systems engineers work collaboratively
with the managers and systems engineers of the constituent systems to leverage and
influence the development of those systems to address SoS needs.

There are seven core elements that characterize SE for systems of systems. In SoS SE,
systems engineers are key players in (1) translating SoS capability objectives into SoS
requirements and (2) assessing the extent to which these capability objectives are
being addressed, as well as (3) monitoring and assessing the impact of external
changes on the SoS. Central to SoS SE is (4) understanding the systems that
contribute to the SoS and their relationships and (5) developing an architecture for the
SoS that acts as a persistent framework for (6) evaluating SoS requirements and
solution options. Finally the SoS systems engineer (7) orchestrates enhancements to
the SoS, monitoring and integrating changes made in the systems to improve the
performance of the SoS. These core elements provide the context for the application of
SE processes. The core SE processes developed and used in the acquisition of new
systems continue to support SoS and the SoS environment affects the way that these
processes are applied.

Finally, as experience is gained in conducting SoS SE, a number of crosscutting

approaches appear to be well suited to SE in this environment. (1) It is important for
SoS SE to address organizational as well as technical issues in making SE trades and
decisions. (2) SoS systems engineers need to acknowledge the role and relationship
between the systems engineering done at the systems versus the SoS level. Systems
engineers of SoS find it is important for them to focus on those areas that are critical to
the SoS success and to leave issues related to the constituent systems to the systems
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

engineers of those systems. (3) Technical management of the SoS needs to balance
the level of participation required on the part of the systems, attending to transparency
and trust coupled with focused active participation in areas specifically related to the
systems and the SoS. There is a real advantage to (4) an SoS design based on open
systems and loose coupling which impinges on the systems as little as possible,
providing systems maximum flexibility to address changing needs and technology
opportunities for their users. Finally (5) SoS design strategy and trade studies need to
begin early and continue throughout the SoS evolution, which is an ongoing process.

This version of the SoS SE Guide is an initial step toward addressing the area of SE
applied to SoS, and it begins the process of understanding SE in the broader area of
SoS. In many cases the guide identifies issues facing systems engineers in an SoS but
does not provide detailed guidance on how to address the issues. As experience with
SoS grows, more guidance will be developed and provided in updated versions of the
guide. In addition, this first step leaves a number of important issues still to be
addressed. These will form the basis for further work in this area of increasing
importance of the DoD.

First, in future versions, the guide will expand to offer additional guidance to address
the challenges raised in this version. For example, future versions may answer some of
the following questions:

• What are some options for SoS management which would facilitate SE and ensure
more predictable progress?
• What are some effective ways to accomplish SoS evolution in light of the
asynchronous development of individual systems?
• What are the strategies for developing an architecture for an SoS and its
configuration management? What are their pros and cons?
• What are the various strategies to effectively integrate constituent systems into a
viable, evolving and, in some cases, ad hoc SoS?
• What are the methods to assess composite and technical maturity across SoS
constituent systems?
• How does the DoD implement SoS with coalition partners?

Second, in parallel, more work is needed to better understand the role of SE in SoS in
areas not addressed in this guide. This understanding will enable one to better address
SE issues that go beyond the initial class of SoS addressed here. These areas include:

• Challenges and options for SoS test and evaluation

• Role of SoS SE in the front-end capabilities analyses currently conducted under
the JCIDS process
• Role of SoS in early SE, during concept definition and refinement
• Systems assurance issues posed by SoS

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

• Impact of growth in SoS SE on the SE of individual systems (e.g., How best to

engineer individual systems to enhance their ability for integration into SoS)
• Impact on systems when they have to adapt to multiple SoS
• Special characteristics of SoS SE for C2ISR networked systems (e.g., How the SE
processes, including requirements management, deployment, and integration and
test of service-oriented architectures differ from traditional SoS)
• Options and impacts of varying SoS organizational strategies, including
management, engineering, T&E, funding and governance and their impact on SE
• Role of SE to support ad hoc reconfiguration of SoS under changing operational
situations including interoperability implications.

Finally, as the DoD moves away from development of individual systems and begins to
explore development of net-centric enterprises, there are new challenges for SE which
need to be addressed, particularly the key characteristics of net-centric enterprise
systems and their impact on SE.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems


Boxer, P., Morris, E., Anderson, W., & Cohen, B. (2008), “Systems-of-Systems
Engineering and the Pragmatics of Demand,” Montreal, Canada: IEEE Systems
Conference, 7-10 April.

Brownsword, L., Fisher, D., Morris, E., Smith, J. & Kirwan, P. (2006), “System of
Systems Navigator: An Approach for Managing System of Systems Interoperability,”
Integration of Software-Intensive Systems Initiative, Software Engineering Institute,

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS), 2007(1), CJCS Instruction 3170.01F “Joint
Capabilities Integration and Development System,” Washington, DC: Pentagon, May 1.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS), 2007(2), CJCS Manual 3170.01C
“Operation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System,”
Washington, DC: Pentagon, May 1.

Dahmann, Judith and Kristen Baldwin, (2008), “Understanding the Current State of US
Defense Systems of Systems and the Implications for Systems Engineering”, Montreal,
Canada: IEEE Systems Conference, 7-10 April.

Department of Defense (DoD), 2003, DoD Instruction 5000.2 “Operation of the Defense
Acquisition System, Ch. 3.5 Concept Refinement," Washington, DC: Pentagon, May 12.

Department of Defense (DoD), 2004(1), Defense Acquisition Guidebook Ch. 4 “System

of Systems Engineering," Washington, DC: Pentagon, October 14.

Department of Defense (DoD), 2004(2), DoD Directive 8320.2 “Data Sharing in a Net-
Centric Department of Defense," Washington, DC: Pentagon, December 2.

Department of Defense (DoD), 2005, Quadrennial Defense Review, Washington, DC:


Department of Defense (DoD), 2007, Guidance for Development of the Force (DRAFT),
Washington, DC: Pentagon.

Department of Defense Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO) / Assistant Secretary of

Defense for Networks and Information Integration, 2003, DoD Net-Centric Data
Strategy, Washington, DC: Pentagon, May 9.

Department of Defense Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO) / Assistant Secretary of

Defense for Networks and Information Integration, 2005, Net-Centric Operations and
Warfare Reference Model (NCOW RM) V1.1, Washington, DC: Pentagon, November 17.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Deputy Secretary of Defense, 2006, “Capability Portfolio Management Test Case

Guidance,” Washington, DC: Pentagon, September 14.

International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), 2004, Systems Engineering


International Council on Systems Engineering 2603 (INCOSE), 2006, 16th International

Symposium, July 9-13, Orlando, FL.

International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical

Commission (ISO/IEC), 2008, ISO/IEC 15288 “Systems
Engineering – System Life Cycle Processes,”

Joint Publication 1-02 (JP 1-02), Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and
Associated Terms, 12 April 2001.

Joint Publication 3-0 (JP 3-0), Joint Operations, 17 September 2006.

Maier, M. (1998); "Architecting Principles for Systems-of-Systems"; Systems

Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 4 (pp 267-284).

National Defense Industry Association Modeling and Simulation Committee of the

Systems Engineering Division, (NDIA), 2004, Study Task Report: M&S Support to the
New DoD Acquisition Process, February.

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
(OUSD AT&L), 2004(1), Memorandum on Policy for Systems Engineering in DoD,
Washington, DC: Pentagon, February 20.

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
(OUSD AT&L), 2004(2), Memorandum on Policy Addendum for Systems Engineering,
Washington, DC: Pentagon, October 22.

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
(OUSD AT&L), 2004(3), Implementing System Engineering Plans in DoD –Interim
Guidance, Washington, DC: Pentagon, March 30.

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
(OUSD AT&L), 2007, Risk Management Guide for Acquisition Sixth Edition (Version 1.0),
Washington, DC: Pentagon, August.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
(OUSD AT&L), 2007, System of Systems System Engineering Guide: Considerations for
Systems Engineering in a System of Systems Environment V0.9, Washington, DC:
Pentagon, December 22.

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
(OUSD AT&L), 2008, Systems Engineering Plan Preparation Guide, Washington, DC:
Pentagon, April.

Robbins, Donald W. (2006), “MILSATCOM Systems of Systems Engineering, Architecture

and Integration” presented 2nd Annual System of Systems Engineering Center of
Excellence (SoSECE) Conference, Fort Belvoir, VA: July, 25.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems


Support of SE Processes
(Technical Management and Technical)
To System of Systems SE

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Table A-1. Requirements Development Support to SoS SE

SoS SE Core Application of the Requirements Development Process
Translating Capability Translating Capability Objectives is the foundational step in requirements
Objectives development for an SoS. Top-level capability objectives ground the requirements for
the SoS. However in many SoS, requirements development is an ongoing process.
As the SoS evolves over time, needs may change. The overall mission may remain
stable, but the threat environment may become very different. In addition, capability
objectives may be more broadly conceived in an SoS than in a traditional system
development, making requirements development more of a process of deriving
requirements based on the selected approach to addressing capability needs. In
some cases, the SoS may be ‘capabilities driven’, in that the manager and systems
engineer are given a broad set of capability goals, and they are responsible for
working with stakeholders to assess (and balance) what is needed to provide the
capabilities technically, practically, and affordably and to create an approach to
incrementally improve support for the user SoS needs while considering the
requirements of the SoS constituent systems.
Developing and Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture initially derives requirements for the
Evolving an SoS SoS architecture based on systems within the SoS, their interfaces, and the
Architecture data/information to be shared between the systems to meet SoS capabilities. As a
result, the overall requirements for the SoS are key inputs for the development of the
architecture. An SoS architecture is itself a generator of requirements. When the SoS
systems engineers develop an architecture for the SoS, they overlay onto the current
constituent systems a structured way for the systems to work together and, in most
cases, define how they will share information. In many cases, the overlaid structure
will differ from the constituent systems’ current design, and changes to the systems
may be needed to support the architecture. Hence, the architecture may add
requirements that may not specifically address immediate SoS user functionality
needs but which provide the structure that enables changes to extend functionality in
the future.
Addressing Requirements Development is a primary focus for Addressing Requirements and
Requirements and Solution Options. In SoS, the task requires SoS requirements to be translated into
Solution Options requirements for the constituent systems. In an SoS, this is option-driven and
focuses on requirements from different sources. Requirements development for the
SoS is in a much broader space due to the various alternatives available across the
constituent systems, current opportunities within the SoS space, and constraints
within the SoS space. The focus often is on those constituent systems that have
both a window of opportunity within the desired timeframe and the resources
(personnel, funding) to implement the needed functions. Because of this, in SoS,
there is considerable iteration between requirements development and design
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Table A-2. Logical Analysis Support to SoS SE

SoS SE Core Application of the Logical Analysis Process
Understanding Logical Analysis is a key part of Understanding Systems and Relationships. Basic to
Systems and engineering an SoS is understanding how systems support SoS functionality. In
Relationships developing a new system, the systems engineer allocates functionality to system
components based on a set of technical considerations. In an SoS, the systems
engineer develops an understanding of the functionality extant in the systems and
how that functionality supports SoS objectives, as a starting point for SoS
architecture and evolution. Given that some of the systems are likely to be in
development themselves, this analysis should consider the development direction of
the systems (e.g., If we do nothing, how will the SoS ‘look’ in a year or more?). The
logical analysis also identifies functionality and attributes which may need to be
common across the SoS and assesses the current state of the SoS with respect to
these crosscutting considerations.
Developing and Logical Analysis is the first major step in Developing and Evolving an SoS
Evolving SoS Architecture. An important starting point is the CONOPS for the SoS. How will the
Architecture SoS be employed in an operational setting? What are trigger conditions? What is
the range of scenarios? Who are the key participants and what are the constraints
on their actions? In developing the architecture for the SoS, the SoS systems
engineer develops a structured overlay atop the set of constituent systems
supporting SoS objectives, addressing key questions about the SoS, including:
• Which systems provide what functionality to the SoS?
• What are the end-to-end threads for the SoS?
• What behavior is expected of the systems?
What data need to be exchanged to implement the threads?

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Table A-3. Design Solution Support to SoS SE

SoS SE Core Application of the Design Solution Process
Developing and In an SoS, the architecture process goes beyond the logical analysis to provide the
Evolving an SoS architecture overlay for how these systems will work together. This is done by
Architecture defining the parts, their functions, and interrelationships as well principles governing
their behavior. There is substantial interaction between logical and design solutions
at the SoS design level. The SoS systems engineer needs to select an architecture for
the SoS that will be useful over time and will persist in the face of change; therefore,
it is highly important that the SoS systems engineer consider the future direction of
the SoS in developing the architecture. This means that a good architecture is one
which continues to provide a useful framework across iterations of SoS evolution. In
light of this, a critical SoS architecture consideration involves understanding where
change is needed and likely, and approaching the architecture with this in mind. The
SoS systems engineer can assess the architecture based on how well it stands up to
changes in priority requirements and to external changes that may impact the
architecture of the SoS. In an SoS, the architecture is a persistent framework to
support the examination of different ways to accommodate solutions to meet user
requirements. In an SoS, design is done at two levels (by different organizations).
The SoS systems engineer is responsible for the SoS architecture, which acts as the
design framework. It focuses on how the parts of the SoS (constituent systems) work
together to meet the SoS objectives. The individual systems engineers are
responsible for the design of the SoS constituent systems. The architecture of the
SoS provides a core set of rules or constraints on how successive sets of SoS
requirements will be addressed. The systems’ designs address how the systems will
implement the functionality which they host to meet both the system requirements
and the SoS requirements. Ideally the systems will be able to retain their designs for
providing functionality to support both the SoS and the system, with differences
handled at the interfaces as necessary.
Addressing New Design solution is also a primary focus for Addressing Requirements and Solution
Requirements and Options. In an SoS, the SoS systems engineer, working within the framework of the
Solution Options SoS architecture, identifies viable options for implementing SoS requirements and
defines an approach for the selected option(s). However, given the number of
constraints in many SoS situations, the SoS SE team may need to identify a larger set
of alternatives.

Table A-4. Implementation Support to SoS SE

SoS SE Core Application of the Implementation Process
Orchestrating In an SoS, implementation is typically performed by the constituent system “owners”
Upgrades to SoS and their systems engineers with guidance from the SoS systems engineer on the
changes made for the SoS. Considerable negotiation regarding constituent systems
is often required to make changes needed for the SoS capability. The
implementation approach in an SoS is typically incremental. A “big-bang” approach is
often inapplicable or ineffectual. Multiple changes may be implemented
asynchronously by different systems using different schedules. Systems engineers
for constituent systems may have the responsibility to conduct trade studies and
determine the best way to implement the SoS requirement within their system.
Depending on the situation, the SoS systems engineer may need to address
backward compatibility to accommodate asynchronous upgrades.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Table A-5. Integration Support to SoS SE

SoS SE Core Application of the Integration Process
Orchestrating Integration across the SoS is a core role of the SoS systems engineer. While the
Upgrades to SoS systems engineers of the constituent systems are responsible for implementation and
integration of changes within their systems, the integration focus of the SoS systems
engineer is the end-to-end functionality and performance across the SoS. In an SoS,
asynchronous system developments may necessitate asynchronous integration. A
formal integration prior to deployment often requires an extensive System
Integration Lab (SIL). For example, the Theater Joint Tactical Network program
provides an environment where developers can bring their communications systems
to assess how well they perform in an operationally realistic environment, as shown
in figure 4-19. Some SoS initiatives have created this type of standing integration
facility (e.g., TMIP, Marine Corps). In other cases, the SoS attempts to leverage
individual system integration facility resources to conduct limited integration and
testing prior to deployment of the SoS upgrades. In a number of cases, simulations
are employed, particularly to provide a ‘stand-in’ for systems unavailable for
integration or not yet developed. For SoS integration and testing, the constituent
systems are often treated as a “black box” unless the SoS behavior is particularly
sensitive to the behavior of a specific system. A key focus of the integration activities
is regression testing to ensure that constituent systems are not adversely affected by
SoS changes and the SoS is not adversely affected by individual system changes not
related to the SoS. Regression testing may piggyback on system tests of individual
systems. When systems cannot be synchronized in the development and
deployment, systems may be delivered and deployed in sequence, and later systems
may need to accommodate limitations/missed opportunities of “early” systems in the
build sequence. For example, some systems may not interpret shared data
specifications as intended. If these systems are the ones that deliver and deploy
early, it may fall to the later systems to adjust their implementation to compensate
for shortfalls in the early systems.

Table A-6. Verification Support to SoS SE

SoS SE Core Application of the Verification Process
Orchestrating SoS verification efforts build upon the individual systems’ efforts, with the SoS
Upgrades to SoS systems engineer and/or T&E team often depending on the constituent systems to
ensure that the systems have implemented changes according to plans. It is typically
impossible to test the whole SoS; hence, the SoS systems engineer or testing team
needs to identify key risks to the SoS and concentrate on those areas. The focus is
on continuous test and evaluation during development, followed by operational
testing. Criteria from DoD or the appropriate Service may largely determine which
courses of action are available, and depending on the stage of testing, this activity
may be conducted by a test agency rather than the systems engineers.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Table A-7. Validation Support to SoS SE

SoS SE Core Application of the Validation Process
Assessing Performance Validation is at the heart of Assessing Performance to Capability Objectives. This
to Capability Objectives core element is directed at validating the evolution of the SoS over time by
monitoring the objectives of the SoS through use of established metrics that provide
feedback to the systems engineer on the state of SoS capabilities. As new iterations
of SoS capability are fielded, this feedback will tell the systems engineer the degree
to which the changes are improving the SoS capability to meet user needs, and will
help identify new areas to be addressed.
Orchestrating As with verification, the validation process builds upon individual system testing.
Upgrades to SoS Often, because of the expense, only limited end-to-end testing is conducted at the
SoS level. Here too, criteria from DoD or the appropriate Service may largely
determine which courses of action are available. In some cases, modeling and
simulation is used to support this process on the premise that testing is used to
validate simulations of part of the SoS, and then the validated simulations can
support testing of other SoS constituents. In other cases, testing focuses on the
areas with the greatest risk. In mission-critical applications, some SoS view end-to-
end validation testing as critical to success and allocate their resources to make this

Table A-8. Transition Support to SoS SE

SoS SE Core Application of the Transition Process
Orchestrating The primary transition focus for Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS is on transition
Upgrades to SoS activities for the SoS, activities that are often conducted and managed at the
constituent system level. These activities focus primarily on supportability and
sustainment activities and are performed in a variety of ways by the Service that
sponsors the constituent systems.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Table A-9. Decision Analysis Support to SoS SE

SoS SE Core Application of the Decision Analysis Process
Assessing Performance Decision analysis in Assessing Performance to Capability Objectives addresses the
to Capability Objectives questions, Are the right metrics/indicators being collected? In the right venues? At
the right points? And in SoS SE, decision analysis goes further. The SoS metrics are
collected and analyzed as part of analyses to assess whether the SoS is making
progress towards objectives. Analysis of the results supports decisions on required
SoS SE actions. Examples of analysis techniques include root cause analyses,
assessments of alternative approaches, and investigations of potential secondary
effects of using multiple implementations of common functions.
Developing and Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture should be based on the evaluation of a
Evolving an SoS set of options against a set of criteria with analysis to support the architecture
Architecture selection decision. The criteria for an SoS architecture need to be carefully
considered to balance:
• Functionality and performance objectives for the SoS
• Extensibility and flexibility of the design to accommodate change
• The time frame and funding available to the SoS to support changes in systems
• Adaptability to system and SoS changes
The ability of the systems to adapt to the demands that the SoS architecture makes
on their implementation is a particular issue when systems are in sustainment.
System constraints on the SoS architecture come into play when constituent systems
reach sustainment phase or support multiple SoS with different architecture drivers.
Monitoring and In Monitoring and Assessing Changes, the focus of decision analysis is to identify and
Assessing Changes evaluate the impact of changes that might affect the SoS. This includes changes in
enabling technologies, technology insertion, and mission evolution. It also includes
consideration of potential changes in demands on the SoS (e.g., new CONOPS,
unplanned use of or demand for SoS capabilities). Changes may offer new
opportunities for the SoS or may raise issues with SoS plans. Once changes are
identified, analysis is conducted, often through modeling and simulation or focused
experimentation, to assess the impact on the SoS. Analysis criteria must
accommodate and balance individual system and SoS perspectives. Changes to a
system may be critical despite the impact on the SoS, so the analysis may need to
address ways that the SoS could accommodate the changes. Because changes in
one system could have impacts on other systems, analysis of the intended behavior
of an SoS capability must be rooted in knowledge of the combined interactions of
processes across the individual systems. Such analyses must be done by the SoS
systems engineer with the participation of the systems engineers for the constituent
Addressing The Decision Analysis focus for Addressing Requirements and Solution Options is to
Requirements and address two questions:
Solution Options • Which of the requirements can be reasonably implemented in the next iteration?
• What are the options for implementing them?
Analysis to support these decisions addresses a much broader trade space with
considerably more uncertainty and dynamics than in the typical systems engineering
environment. In this SoS SE core element, decision analysis also needs to pay
attention to windows of opportunity, identify multiple options employing different
individual systems, and work within those system constraints.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

SoS SE Core Application of the Decision Analysis Process

Orchestrating Decision analysis for Orchestrating SoS Upgrades to the SoS involves consideration of
Upgrades to SoS both the SoS infrastructure and the constituent systems. The decisions here are
those that must be made to ensure the successful implementation of the Technical
Plan for the SoS iteration. Decision Analysis at this point often requires balancing the
needs of the SoS and each of the constituent systems, availability of windows of
opportunity, constituent system schedules, and cost. Often the most critical
decisions relate to what can be done when upgrades do not go as planned. When a
system cannot implement changes as planned, what should be done to ensure that
the SoS benefits from the other changes? What adjustments can be made to
compensate for any impacts on the SOS? In this area, the analysis that supported
the SoS assessment of approaches and the understanding of the systems and their
relations provide the foundation for adapting to changes encountered during
implementation. Because of inter-system interdependencies, SoS implementation
issues can be quite common. This is one reason why an SoS architecture that
minimizes interdependencies is preferred because it can buffer the SoS and
constituent systems from the impacts of problems encountered in implementation.

Table A-10. Technical Planning Support to SoS SE

SoS SE Core Element Application of the Technical Planning Process
Developing and Part of Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture should include a strategy to
Evolving an SoS migrate the SoS to its ultimate design along with the requisite technical planning.
Architecture Ideally the architecture will be in place to guide the development of improvements
to meet SoS objectives. In practice, however, it may be necessary or desirable to
implement some improvements to the SoS while the architecture is being
developed. Hence, technical planning is very important to support the SoS
architecture implementation and must be carefully coordinated with constituent
system technical plans.
Addressing During technical planning for Addressing Requirements and Solution Options, the
Requirements and SoS systems engineer considers options for meeting SoS needs with respect to
Solution Options constituent systems’ available resources, schedule, lifecycle milestones, and cost
and then develops a technical plan for the preferred option. The product of this
core element is a technical plan for the iteration of SoS evolution. In an SoS, this
technical plan reflects negotiations with the systems engineers for constituent
systems, since in most cases the SoS systems engineer has no control over the
plans for the constituent systems.

Table A-11. Technical Assessment Support to SoS SE

SoS SE Core Element Application of the Technical Assessment Process
Assessing The SoS systems engineer is responsible for monitoring the progress of
Performance to implementing changes in the systems directed at improving SoS performance.
Capability Objectives This is the technical assessment process. The SoS SE core element Assessing
Performance to Capability Objectives, provides the SoS systems engineer an
opportunity to assess the degree to which these changes are having the desired
effects, and if not, an opportunity to understand what other factors are affecting
the SoS performance.
Orchestrating In Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS, the SoS systems engineer is responsible for
Upgrades to SoS monitoring progress of the constituent systems as they implement changes.
Systems engineering technical reviews for SoS should follow the recommended
process for technical reviews [DAG] and should address entry/exit criteria as they
apply to the SoS technical plan. The SoS systems engineer can conduct technical
reviews for areas that are critical to the SoS, or the systems engineers for the
constituent systems can report the results of their reviews. The SoS systems
engineer will be responsible for assessing technical risks through these reviews
and must be prepared to address changes when progress is not made as
anticipated in the plans.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Table A-12. Requirements Management Support to SoS SE

SoS SE Core Application of the Requirements Management Process
Translating The requirements management process begins in Translating Capability Objectives
Capability Objectives once the SoS capability objectives have been translated into high-level requirements
in the SoS SE process. The work in this element provides the grounding for the work
done over time in defining, assessing, and prioritizing user needs for SoS capabilities
and identifies the requirements for incorporation to future SoS baselines. Typically,
individual systems’ requirements are managed by the respective system manager and
systems engineer, but in some cases the SoS requirements management process
addresses the system requirements as well as the SoS requirements.
Developing and As is noted in the discussion of requirements development and decision analysis for
Evolving an SoS Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture, the architecture of the SoS needs to
Architecture respond to a set of criteria which are traced back to the SoS requirements. The
architecture of the SoS also generates requirements for the systems. Both of these
sets of requirements need to be captured and managed as part of the requirements
management for the SoS (e.g., architecture of the SoS). In developing the
architecture, the SoS SE team essentially ‘allocates’ functions to systems as they
identify the systems that support SoS requirements and then document this in the
functional baseline.
Addressing In Addressing Requirements and Solution Options the SoS systems engineer, along
Requirements and with the SoS manager and the systems engineers for the constituent systems,
Solution Options identifies the requirements to be addressed in the next set of iterations. It is
important that the SoS systems engineer is clear about how these requirements
address the SoS objectives and their relationship to the objectives and requirements
of the constituent systems. In some cases, the SoS may be managing/tracking
lower-level system requirements, but more often this is the responsibility of the
constituent systems. In these cases, the SoS needs to link to the constituent system
Orchestrating In Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS, requirements management comes into play when
Upgrades to SoS the solutions identified as part of the technical planning are problematic to
implement. When changes are needed to adapt to implementation realities, the SoS
systems engineer must assess the changes and ensure that they address the
requirements. This also involves updating requirements traceability information as
systems engineers for constituent systems decide how to implement SoS
requirements allocated to their system.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Table A-13. Risk Management Support to SoS SE

SoS SE Core Application of the Risk Management Process
Translating Risk management is a core function of SE at all levels; consequently, it
Capability Objectives appears in all SoS SE elements. In Translating Capability Objectives, the
systems engineer evaluates the specified capabilities and assesses the
viability (and associated risk) of meeting SoS objectives, given the results
of other SoS SE core elements.

Understanding Risk management is a core function of SE at all levels. In Understanding Systems and
Systems and Relationships, the systems engineer assesses the current distribution of functionality
Relationships across the systems and identifies risks associated with either retaining the status quo
or identifying areas where changes may need to be considered. The systems
engineer also considers approaches to monitor, mitigate, or address risks. Such risks
might include:
- Unanticipated effects of different implementations of functionality needed in a
core thread for the SoS
- Changes in functionality in core systems due to new and conflicting needs of the
system users
- Limited capacity in systems in view of unknown SoS demand.
- Technical constraints within systems which impact their ability to adapt to
changes needed by SoS
Systems owners’ resistance to implementing the changes needed by SoS, because of
competing priorities for funds, development time, or technical staff
Assessing Risk Management applied to Assessing Performance to Capability Objectives identifies
Performance to and monitors those risks related to the ability to achieve performance and capability
Capability Objectives objectives. Risk management is applied in several ways. First, in this SoS SE core
element, the SoS systems engineer has the opportunity to assess if risks identified as
part of the SE process have been adequately mitigated or removed. New risks are
identified and plans are made to manage them.
In addition, there are risks inherent in the assessment process itself. Particularly in
exercises or operational environments, there is not the level of control available in
laboratory-based technical investigations of single systems. In these less controlled
venues, it is important to identify and assess risks when the observed results are due
to something other than the SoS. There are two types of risks to the validity of the
results. First, there are risks based on internal threats to validity of the results. What
else was going on within the venue which might account for the results? For
example, use of a training exercise as a venue might mean that effects of new SoS
features may not be apparent because the training audience acting as users in the
exercise are not yet proficient in use of these features. Second, there are risks due
to external threats to validity of the results. Did characteristics of the test venue
itself influence the results? For example, did the operational scenario stress the SoS
in areas where upgrades had been made? If not, a lack of performance
improvement may be due to this rather than ineffectiveness of the changes. Because
the feedback on SoS progress is important input across SoS SE core elements, it is
important to ensure that these risks are addressed and the results are appropriately
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

SoS SE Core Application of the Risk Management Process

Developing and Risk management is an important part of Developing and Evolving an SoS
Evolving an SoS Architecture where the systems engineer will analyze the technical framework for
Architecture risks to achieving the capability objectives, consider crosscutting issues of the
architecture for the SoS, use, functions, implementation, and dependencies. The
architecture for the SoS can be key to successfully evolving an SoS since if done well
it can help to ensure that changes made to meet one requirement will not be
overtaken when new requirements are addressed. However, every architecture has
risks, and it is important to recognize these up front as part of the architecture trade
analysis and then to manage them. Following are typical risk considerations in this
core element:
• Architecture precludes addressing key functionality or performance requirements
• It may be difficult to harmonize the data across the SoS
• Architecture is too inflexible and needs to be changed with new SoS or System
Systems are unable to adapt to the architecture (due to technical concerns,
workload, funding, or unwillingness to change/take on risk)
Monitoring and The focus of risk management for Monitoring and Assessing Changes is the
Assessing Changes determination of the risks introduced by identified changes. Following are some
possible areas of concern:
• Technology maturity, especially version stability (this is a critical factor in SoS
program success)
• Inclusion of legacy systems – while this may appear to lessen SoS risk, it may in
fact complicate the SoS with a number of unknowns and hence increase risk
• Preplanned system substitutions as risk mitigation approach – sometimes viable,
other times not.
As noted earlier, changes in one aspect of an SoS may directly and indirectly affect
the entire SoS or one or more of its constituent systems. It is important that the SoS
systems engineer gain insight into the combined interactions of the SoS, to include
processes within and across systems that create the functionality, performance, and
behavior of the SoS. Further, it is critical for the SoS systems engineer to maintain
awareness of development and modernization activities and schedules of individual
systems to identify possible problematic changes as early as possible.
Addressing To be effective, the SoS needs to consider risk as an integral part of the process of
Requirements and Addressing Requirements and Solution Options. In particular, given the available
Solution Options options the SoS systems engineer must answer these questions:
• What are the risks associated with each implementation option?
• What are the risks associated with the selected option?
• What are the risks of not addressing potential impacts of changing individual
• What are the resources necessary to mitigate root causes of identified risks for
each option?
SoS risks related to this SoS SE core element are often associated with windows of
opportunity, option constraints, cost, and schedule. Potential unknowns at the
system level could affect the technical feasibility of the selected approach or impede
implementation in ways that might not surface until the plans are executed.
Orchestrating In Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS, the SoS SE team identifies and manages risks that
Upgrades to SoS relate to the SoS itself and its mission and objectives. In addition, the SoS SE team
monitors risks associated with the individual systems to the extent that these risks
affect the overall SoS and its success or the constituent systems. Sometimes it is
difficult to get individual systems to participate in an SoS-level risk board because it is
not their primary focus. Risks from a constituent system can affect the entire SoS,
but in many cases the risks of the constituent systems only affect their own schedule
and delivery timelines. However, when system-level risk affects the SoS schedule, it
is of concern to the SoS SE team.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Table A-14. Configuration Management Support to SoS SE

SoS SE Core Application of the Configuration Management Process
Translating Configuration management of SoS objectives and requirements begins with
Capability Objectives Translating Capability Objectives. As objectives are captured and high-level
requirements for the SoS are defined and evolved, it is important that these be
captured and managed since they may eventually be incorporated into future SoS

Understanding Understanding Systems and Relationships is where the CM process for the “as is” SoS
Systems and resides and is maintained as the SoS product baseline. In a system the CM process
Relationships addresses all of the ‘product’s’ features where the system itself is the product. In an
SoS, the ensemble of systems and their functionality is the product; the SoS CM
depends on the CM of the systems to maintain much of the product information,
since the system owner, PM, and system systems engineer normally retain
responsibility for their systems. The SoS CM focuses on the linkage to the system CM
and crosscutting attributes which pertain to the SoS not addressed by the CM of the
In some cases, a new version of a product created for use in the SoS may, in effect,
become a ‘new’ product (often the case with software but not exclusively). If this
new product is the responsibility of the SoS, then the SoS systems engineer assumes
CM of the product. If it stays with the owner of the original product (e.g., as part of
a ‘product line’), then the CM stays with that manager for CM, and the identifiers
which link to the new product are retained at the SoS level. In this context, ‘linked’
means a logical, not necessarily an ‘automated’, connection. When working with a
mix of legacy and new systems, cost and practicality typically make the use of
common or electronically linked systems infeasible. The important point is the SoS
maintains CM over the aspects of the SoS critical to the SoS and has access to the
information on the systems which are under CM by the systems engineer for the
system and system manager.
Developing and As the SoS architecture requirements are derived and scheduled for implementation,
Evolving an SoS they become part of the SoS functional baseline. And when the SoS architecture
Architecture requirements are allocated to the constituent systems, they become part of the SoS
allocated baseline. Maintenance and evolution of these baselines are accomplished
through CM. The architecture of the SoS defines the SoS top-level technical
characteristics and is a key component of the SoS baselines that are managed by CM.
The architecture provides the overlay to the description of systems and relationships.
Given its importance for the SoS, the architecture itself needs to be under
configuration control because the architecture should apply across iterations of SoS
changes (which may be asynchronous and concurrent). Thus, the systems engineer
will rely on CM to access and capture the impact of design changes at any time.
Ideally the architecture is ‘persistent’, but as a practical matter it too will evolve,
incorporating changes that need to be managed by the SoS systems engineer and
accessible to the systems engineers of the constituent systems.
Monitoring and One of the responsibilities of the Monitoring and Assessing Changes core element is
Assessing Changes to capture the “as is” configuration of the SoS as the constituent systems implement
and deploy their own new releases. The new releases typically contain new functions
needed to support SoS capabilities as well as new functions needed by the
constituent system users and stakeholders. Under this core element, the SoS SE
team may also (but not always) establish a formal Configuration Control Board to
review and assess how planned changes to constituent systems may affect the SoS.
Addressing As part of Addressing Requirements and Solution Options activities, the SoS SE team
Requirements and identifies the functional and allocated baselines for the next SoS iteration and places
Solution Options them under CM.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Table A-15. Data Management Support to SoS SE

SoS SE Core Application of the Data Management Process
Translating Translating Capability Objectives is the starting point for building a knowledge base
Capability Objectives to support the SoS development and evolution. In this element, as part of data
management the systems engineer develops and retains data on the capability needs
and high-level requirements for the SoS to use throughout the SoS elements.

Understanding As noted above, for each SoS SE element, selected data will need to be identified and
Systems and retained for SoS use in this and other elements. For Understanding Systems and
Relationships Relationships, data needs to be collected and retained about:
- Functionality in systems
- Relationships among systems, including interfaces for real-time data exchange,
organizational relationships, development plans, etc.
- Extent to which common or cross cutting attributes are present across systems
Assessing The types of data collected in this core element, Assessing Performance to Capability
Performance to Objectives, include the characteristics of the assessment venue (the players, the
Capability Objectives scenarios, the state of the systems and SoS at the time of the event), the
measurement data collected, and the analysis approach and results. By collecting
and accumulating data across venues and using common measures, the systems
engineer can develop a body of knowledge about the SoS. This body of knowledge
represents different perspectives that can provide a valuable resource to the systems
engineer as the SoS evolves. It also provides a data resource for identifying
unintended effects over time or for assessing issues later without repeated
Developing and Given its importance for the SoS, data about the architecture and design needs to be
Evolving an SoS collected as part of Developing and Evolving an SoS Architecture. Because the
Architecture architecture is intended to apply across iterations of SoS changes (which may be
asynchronous and concurrent) and may be needed by the systems engineers of the
individual systems, ensuring that data for understanding them is continuously
accessible is an important SoS SE function. The data generated for this core element
• The architecture drivers and tradeoffs
• Architecture description including CONOPS (could be multiple)
• Systems, including functionality and relationships
• SoS threads
• End-to-end behavior of SoS to meet objectives, including flow of control and
• Principles for behavior
• Risks
Technical plans for migration/implementation
Monitoring and The focus of risk management for Monitoring and Assessing Changes is the
Assessing Changes determination of the risks introduced by identified changes. Following are some
possible areas of concern:
• Technology maturity, especially version stability (this is a critical factor in SoS
program success)
• Inclusion of legacy systems – while this may appear to lessen SoS risk, it may in
fact complicate the SoS with a number of unknowns and hence increase risk
• Preplanned system substitutions as risk mitigation approach – sometimes viable,
other times not.
As noted earlier, changes in one aspect of an SoS may directly and indirectly affect
the entire SoS or one or more of its constituent systems. It is important that the SoS
systems engineer gain insight into the combined interactions of the SoS, to include
processes within and across systems that create the functionality, performance, and
behavior of the SoS. Further, it is critical for the SoS systems engineer to maintain
awareness of development and modernization activities and schedules of individual
systems to identify possible problematic changes as early as possible.

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

SoS SE Core Application of the Data Management Process

Addressing Data management for Addressing Requirements and Options focuses on data
Requirements and concerning requirements assessment results, options considered, and approaches
Solution Options selected. The SoS systems engineer can, to the extent possible, record the
assessments done and their results to provide a technical history that can be shared
with SoS stakeholders to explain what was considered, what was decided, and why.
The record can also serve as a starting point for assessing additional requirements
over time.
Orchestrating Data management for Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS focuses on capturing data
Upgrades to SoS about the changes to constituent systems made as part of the upgrade process,
because SoS systems engineers must ensure the compatibility of configurations of
systems across the SoS. In addition, as implementation problems arise and plans
need to be adapted, data about these changes needs to be collected to support SoS
decision analysis and to feed back to design processes.
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Table A-16. Interface Management Support to SoS SE

SoS SE Core Application of the Interface Management Process
Understanding In Understanding Systems and Relationships, a focus for the SoS systems engineer is
Systems and to understand how the systems work together operationally as well as
Relationships interdependencies within the SoS (e.g., engagement sequence groups for the Ballistic
Missile Defense Systems (BMDS); kill chain for Integrated Air and Missile Defense
(IAMD)). In this SoS SE element, the systems engineer needs to capture nuances on
how the various systems are using standards, message/data formats, coordinate
systems, data precision, etc., so that the SoS can be further analyzed and evolved as
necessary to meet SoS objectives. In an SoS, interface management focuses on
understanding the relationship among the systems primarily in terms of the data
exchanges among systems. The SoS systems engineer addresses SoS needs from a
functional perspective and resolves such issues as how do the current systems
support information exchanges relevant to the SoS objectives, and what are the
issues with the current implementations?
Developing and An important part of the architecture of the SoS is the specification of how the
Evolving an SoS systems work together. For SoS dependent on information exchange, interface
Architecture management focuses on how the systems share information. For these systems,
there is a need to define shared communication mechanisms. Equally important is
the definition of the common or shared data syntax and semantics. These interfaces
include expected coordination of system behaviors as well as the actions (information
exchange and trigger events) that serve to moderate the collective behavior of the
systems in the SoS. Typically, the SoS architecture will provide a structured approach
to how the systems relate to one another and will allow for evolution of the SoS by
adding/replacing systems or functions. Implementing the architecture of the SoS is
often a migration from a set of ad hoc or point-to-point interfaces to common
interfaces used across the SoS or the larger enterprise as part of the implementation
Monitoring and Through Monitoring and Assessing Changes, the SoS SE team keeps track of
Assessing Changes individual system interface changes and monitors progress in migrating the individual
systems to the desired SoS architecture.
Addressing In an SoS, existing systems come with legacy interfaces, including communications
Requirements and and data specifications to meet current needs. Specifications apply to both
Solution Options operational data and data semantics. The SoS design/architecture will typically
specify standard interfaces for use across the SoS and, in many cases, for use in
broader DoD applications. One design tradeoff for the SoS systems engineer is
typically how to support migration to these common interfaces. In SoS, efforts to
Addressing Requirements and Options, the SoS SE team will identify how it can
employ standard interfaces to meet specific SoS needs, and how future SoS changes
will support migration to standard interfaces.
Orchestrating Interface management in Orchestrating Upgrades to SoS is a continuation of the
Upgrades to SoS Interface Management focus done in the planning for changes to be made to systems
to support SoS evolution. During execution of the plans, the key is tracking the
implementation of the agreed upon interfaces across the SoS. Interface Management
is also needed to resolve conflicts/problems identified during implementation of
required SoS functionality related to interfaces by the constituent systems.

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Summaries of the Practitioner Pilot Activities

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Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

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Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

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Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems
Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems

Systems Engineering Guide
for Systems of Systems
Version 1.0
August 2008

Department of Defense
Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
for Acquisition and Technology

Systems and Software Engineering

3020 Defense Pentagon, Room 3B938
Washington, DC 20301-3020

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