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spAccede---to give consent, approval, or adherence; agree; assent; toaccede to a request; to accede to the terms of a contract. Syn.

accept, acquiesce, admit, allow, assent, Ant. condemn, demur, denounce, denounce, deny,protest, refuse Brandish---to shake or wave, as a weapon; flourish: Brandishing hissword, he rode into battle. Syn. come on strong, display, disport, exhibit, expose Ant. Not show Comprise--- to include or contain: The Soviet Union comprised severalsocialist republics. Syn hold, include, incorporate, involve, span, Ant except, exclude, fail, fall short, lack, need, want Deft--- dexterous; nimble; skillful; clever: deft hands; a deft mechanic. Syn prompt, quick, ready, skilled, skillful Ant awkward, clumsy, inept, unhandy, unskillful Destitute---without means of subsistence; lacking food, clothing, andshelter. Syn bankrupt, beggared, bereft, busted, dead broke,deficient, depleted, Ant lucky, prosperous, rich, secure, wealthy Explicit---fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated; leavingnothing merely implied; unequivocal: explicit instru ctions; anexplicit act of violence; explicit language. Syn absolute, accurate, categorical, certain, clean-cut, clear, Ant ambiguous, confused, equivocal, implicit, Extirpate--- to remove or destroy totally; do away with; exterminate. Syn abate, abolish, annihilate, blot out, cut out,demolish, deracinate, efface, eliminate, Ant help, leave alone Inopportune---not opportune; inappropriate; inconvenient; untimely orunseasonable: an inopportune visit. Syn contrary, disadvantageous, disturbing, ill-chosen,ill-timed, inappropriate, inauspicious, Ant appropriate, auspicious, ok, opportune, suitable,timely Ironiccontaining or exemplifying irony: an ironic novel; an ironicremark. Syn acrid, alert, arrogant, backbiting, biting, bitter,burlesque, caustic, chaffing, clever, Ant considerate, deferential

Musty---having an odor or flavor suggestive of mold, as old buildings,long-closed rooms, or stale food. Syn airless, ancient, antediluvian, antique, crumbling,dank, decayed, decrepit, dirty, driedout, dry,fetid, filthy, frowzy, malodorous, mildewed, Ant clean, clear, new, sweet-smelling Officious--- self-important, dictatorial Syn busy, forward, impertinent, inquisitive,interfering, intrusive, meddlesome, meddling, Ant modest, shy timid Ominous--- menacing, foreboding

Syn apocalyptic, augural, baleful, baneful, clouded,dangerous, dark, dire, direful, dismal, doomed,doomful, fateful, fear ful, forbidding, gloomy, grim, Ant auspicious, happy, lucky, promising, propitious Pinnacle--- top, crest Syn acme, apex, apogee, climax, cone, crown,culmination, greatest, height, max, most*, Ant base, bottom, nadir premeditated--- planned, intended Syn advised, aforethought, calculated, conscious,considered, contrived, deliberate, designed, Ant accidental, casual, spontaneous Rampant---uncontrolled, out of hand Syn aggressive, blustering, boisterous, clamorous,dominant, epidemic, exceeding bounds, ant checked, controlled, limited, restrained solace--- comfort, peace Syn alleviation, assuagement, condolement,condolence, consolation, pity, relief Ant discord, disharmony Stately--- dignified, impressive syn august, ceremonial, ceremonious, conventional,courtly, deliberate, elegant, elevated, formal, Ant common, ignoble, informal, undignified,unimpressive, unstately Supple--- bendable syn adaptable, agile, bending, ductile, elastic,flexible, graceful, limber, lissome, lithe, lithesome, ant hard, rigid, stiff, unflexible suppress--- restrain, hold in check syn abolish, annihilate, beat down, bottle, bring tonaught, burke, censor, check, clamp, conceal, ant encourage, let go, release venal--- bribable, corruptible syn amoral, bent*, buyable, conscienceless, corrupt,crooked, dishonest, double-dealing, immoral, ant

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