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DISSOLUTION & WINDING UP OF CO-OPERATIVES AND OTHER BODIES [email protected] STRUCTURE OF PRESENTATION Introduction Voluntary Winding up Grounds for winding up Appointment of Liquidator Powers of Liquidator Powers of Registrar to control liquidator Distribution of Assets Introduction The dissolution and winding up of Co-operatives is dealt with by the Co-operatives Societies Act, Cap 397. However, the Companies Act, Cap 387, relating to the winding up of a company (apart from certain specific sections) by implications will apply, mutatis mutandis and in so far as they can be applied, to the liquidation or winding up of the co-operatives unless the matter has been specifically provided for by the Co-operatives Societies Act. Introduction A co-operative society may be wound up voluntarily, by the Registrar or court. A voluntary winding-up may be either a members winding-up or creditors voluntary winding-up. Voluntary Winding up (s.146(2)) A co-operative society may be wound up voluntarily if members by special resolution at a meeting resolve or request for the cancellation of the society.

The Registrar upon receipt of an application from a society made in pursuance of a special resolution and requesting the cancellation of the registration of that society, he may, make an order for the cancellation of the registration of such society. Voluntary Winding up (s.146(3)(4)) However, any member of such a society may, within sixty days from the date of an order made by the Registrar appeal from such order to the Minister. Where no appeal is presented within sixty days from the making of an order cancelling the registration of a society by the Registrar, the order shall take effect upon the expiration of that period; but where an appeal is presented within sixty days, the order shall not take effect unless and until the appeal is disallowed by the Minister.

Voluntary Winding up (s.146(5)(6)) Where the Registrar makes an order for the cancellation of the registration of a society under this section, he may make such further order as he may think fit for the custody of the books and documents and the protection of the assets of the society until the order cancelling the registration takes effect. No society shall be wound up except by order of the Registrar. Voluntary Winding up (s.146(7)) When the registration of a society is cancelled by an order under this section, the society shall from the date on which the order takes effect cease to exist as a body corporate and shall cease to carry on any business, make any transactions or do any act affecting its property or its members or patrons. Voluntary Winding up (s.146(8)) Where the registration of a society is cancelled by an order under this section, a floating charge on the undertaking or property of such society which was created within twelve months prior to the date of dissolution of such society shall, unless it is proved that the society, immediately after the creation of the charge, was solvent, be invalid except to the amount of any cash paid to the society at the time of or subsequently to the creation of, and in consideration for, the charge, together with interest on that amount at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum. Grounds for Winding up (s.146(1)) Section 146 of Cap 397 empowers the Registrar of Co-operatives to dissolve, cancel or winding up a co-operatives

Thus, the Registrar may make an order in writing for the cancellation of the registration of a society if satisfied thatthe registration was obtained by fraud or mistake; or the society exists for an illegal purpose; or

 (a)  (b)

Grounds for Winding up

 (c) the society has wilfully, after notice by the Registrar, contravened any of the provisions of this Act, the rules or the by-laws; or  (d) or the society is no longer operating in accordance with co-operative principles;

 (e) the number of members of the society has fallen below the minimum required by this Act; or Grounds for Winding up the society is no longer in business or operation; or


 (g) the results of an investigation, made under section one hundred and forty show that the society is unable to continue in business. Appointment of Liquidator (s.147) Where the Registrar makes an order cancelling the registration of a society under the provisions of section one hundred and forty-six, he may, either before or after the said order takes effect, also make an order appointing one or more persons to be, subject to his direction and control, liquidator or liquidators of the society. Appointment of Liquidator (s.147) The assets of the registered society shall vest in the liquidator or liquidators appointed under this section with effect from the appointment. If, however, any appeal made to the Minister against cancellation of the co-operative is upheld and the order cancelling registration is set aside, then the appointment of any liquidator or liquidators shall cease forthwith and the assets of the society shall forthwith again vest in the society, but without prejudice to the validity of any acts lawfully performed by a liquidator in terms of this Act. Powers of Liquidators (s.148)

A liquidator appointed by the Registrar shall, subject to the guidance and control of the Registrar, and to any limitations imposed by the Registrar by an order have power to-

 (a) determine from time to time the contribution to be made by members and past members or by the estates or deceased members of the society to its assets;

Powers of Liquidators (s.148)

 (b) appoint, and give notice of, a day before which creditors, whose claims are not already recorded in the books of the society, shall state their claims or be excluded from any distribution;  (c) decide in accordance with the law relating to bankruptcy and subject to the provisions of section one hundred and fifty-three of this Act, any question of priority which arises between creditors;  (d) refer disputes to arbitration and institute and defend suits and other legal proceedings on behalf of the society; Powers of Liquidators (s.148)

 (e) decide by what persons and in what proportions the costs of liquidation are to be borne;  (f) give such directions in regard to the collection and distribution of assets as may be necessary in the course of winding up the society;  (g) compromise any claim by or against the society with the approval of the Registrar;  (h) call such general meetings of members as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the liquidation; Powers of Liquidators (s.148) take possession of the books, documents and assets of the society;


 (j) carry on the business of the society so far as may be necessary for winding it up beneficially, but not to issue any loans; and  (k) arrange for the distribution of the assets of the society in a convenient manner when a scheme of distribution has been approved by the Registrar. Powers of Liquidators (s.148)

Subject to such rules as may be made in this behalf, any liquidator appointed under this Act shall, in so far as such powers are necessary for carrying out the purpose of this section, have power to summon and enforce the attendance of parties and witnesses, and to compel the production of documents by the same means and (so far as may be) in the manner as is provided in the case of a civil court.

Power of Registrar to control liquidation (s.149) A liquidator shall exercise his powers subject to control and revision by the Registrar, who may-

 (a) rescind or vary any order made by a liquidator and make whatever new order is required;  (b)  (c) Power of Registrar to control liquidation  (d) by order in writing limit the powers of the liquidator under the provisions of the foregoing section;  (e) require accounts to be rendered to him by the liquidator; remove a liquidator from office; call for all books, documents and assets of the society;

 (f) procure the auditing of the liquidator's accounts and authorise the distribution of the assets of the society; Power of Registrar to control liquidation make an order for the remuneration of the liquidator;


 (h) refer any subject of dispute between a liquidator and any third party to arbitration if that party shall have consented in writing to be bound by the decision of the arbitrator. Appeal Against decision (s.150) An appeal to a subordinate court of the first class, having jurisdiction over the area in which the headquarters of the society are situated, from any act, decision or instruction, done or given by a liquidator under the provisions of section 148, or by the Registrar under the provisions of section 149 may, with the written consent of the AttorneyGeneral, be made in the manner prescribed in the rules.

Enforcement of decisions (s.151) Orders, decisions or instructions given under the provisions of sections 148 & 149 may be enforced as follows: (a) when given by a liquidator or the Registrar, by any court having jurisdiction, in the same manner as a decree of such court; (b) when given by a subordinate court of the first class on appeal, in the same manner as a decree of such court.

Limitation of the jurisdiction of the civil court (s.152) Save as is hereinbefore expressly provided, no civil court shall have any jurisdiction in respect of any matter concerned with the dissolution of a society under this Act. Distribution of Assets (S.153) In the liquidation of a society whose registration has been cancelled, the funds, including the reserve fund, shall be applied first to the costs of liquidation, then to the discharge of the liabilities of the society, then to the payment of the share capital and then, if the by-laws of the society so permit, to the payment of a dividend at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum for any period for which no disposal of the net surplus was made. Distribution of Assets When the liquidation of a society has been closed and any creditor of that society has not claimed or received what is due to him under the scheme of distribution, notice of the closing of the liquidation shall be published in the Gazette, and all claims against the funds of the society liquidated shall be cancelled when two years have elapsed from the date of the publication of the notice in the Gazette. Distribution of Assets Any surplus remaining after the application of the funds to the purposes specified in subsection (1), and to the payment of any claims not cancelled under subsection (2), shall-

 (a) be distributed amongst the members at the time of dissolution (or their legal personal representatives) in proportion to the value of the business of each such member with the society during the three years immediately preceding the date of dissolution or, if the society has not existed for such period, during the existence of

the society or, if the society has done no business during these three years, then in proportion to the share capital held by them at such date; Distribution of Assets

 (b) if it is impracticable to make a distribution in accordance with paragraph (a) whether through insufficiency of funds or otherwise, be paid, subject to the approval of the Registrar (either in whole or as to any residue of a partial distribution) to local organisations with objectives beneficial to the community.


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