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Appendix A: Capstone Project

Project Description
Five doctors decide to form a partnership and to consolidate their businesses to leverage their investments and provide better service to their patients. Each of the existing five offices will remain intact. There is one located in the center of the city, one in the north, another in the south, and the remaining two on the east and west sides. Each of the lead doctors would like to be able to see their patients at any of the sites, and access any of their patients information from any of the sites. The doctors offices can be open 6 to 14 hours per day (7 a.m.-9 p.m.), depending on when the doctors are in. Currently, all of the offices use dated personal computers that are not capable of accommodating certain modern medical insurance and information applications, nor can they support the processing demand of specific digital images of medical graphics. Dot matrix printers with proprietary software that date back to 1986 are still used to manage the patients information. These computer systems (hardware as well as software) will need to be upgraded and the existing data will need to be transferred into the new computer system. The office in the center of the city has a local area network (LAN) in the building; however, it will require upgrades in software and hardware because all the equipment, including the server and personal workstations as well as network devices for the LAN, are all very dated. The upgrades will ensure the system capability and capacity that can provide a centralized solution to the data storage and management for the new partnership among all the five offices as well as meeting the additional information and communications needs for the distributed nature of the new partnership. Therefore, this office will be the official central office that handles all the data communications for the entire business. Patient information and major services such as billing and insurance will be hosted in this location for access by all sites. Currently a Novell 4.5 server provides the network services (mainly for files, printing, and backup functions) between the server and all the existing workstations running Windows 98. Currently the entire building has two PCs in the front, one in the nurses office and one in the supervisors office, which is shared by the office supervisor and the billing manager. Currently, both the East and West offices also have an identical LAN that interconnects the PCs in a peer-to-peer mode on each site. Because those two doctors used to be in some kind of partnership, they have been using a shared billing and insurance management software application installed on a low-end SCO Unix machine located in Appendix A: Capstone Project
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the West office with directly attached terminals on its site and a remote terminal in the East office connected through a legacy point-to-point dedicated circuit. These machines are outdated and need to be replaced. Recently some work has been done to fix the network connectivity problems between the two offices in preparation for replacement of the SCO machine and terminals. It is believed that this fix would allow the network connection between the two sites to be capable of the Internet services. Both the North and South offices are equipped with standalone personal computers of different ages. No networking capability exists within and between the sites. Each site has a dedicated computer that handles the billing and insurance using a 56Kbps modem.

Each office keeps patient information and other related data on several personal computers scattered in the offices, and all patients records are manually filed with the hardcopy printouts the in the old fashion. Each computer in both offices has a locally attached low-end printer.

Growth Expectations
The doctors expect their business to grow. By the end of the project, they expect to have added four more doctors and a proportional number of nurses to the staff (for the entire partnership), as well as an office manager overseeing all the administrative operations of all offices. They are also planning to sponsor internships for new doctors and nurses. They are not sure about the number of interns per year, but current thoughts are to limit it to one of each per quarter. The doctors have concerns and need guidance regarding technology, maintenance, upgrades, and warranties. Some thoughts for the future are the use of wireless laptops and PDAs for use of viewing records during a patient visit, Voice-over-IP phones among offices and possibly to the external to reduce cost in their telephony, and dictation devices so the patient visits are transcribed. They are also not sure when to upgrade or what hardware/software warranties they need. They are expecting the winning technology consulting firm will provide a solution that can address their needs in such a way that the merger of the five offices can take place without slowing down the current service at any location.

Security, Disaster Recovery, Risk Analysis

The doctors are not sure about security requirements. However, they know they must provide physical security in addition to complying with the current HIPAA laws. Currently, the only machine backed up is the Novell server in the central office. A backup to tape is performed once a week. After the backup is completed, the administrative assistant takes the tape home with the thought of returning it if it is required. To date, they have had a few instances when certain data needed to be restored, which caused the office at least half a day to get the lost data back. With the new partnership, all doctors realize this aspect will have to be more effective and efficient. Additionally, as the management of patient information is going to be centralized, each site needs to be able to see patients even if the main network connectivity between the Appendix A: Capstone Project
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offices is temporarily lost. That means the doctors would like some redundant connectivity available. They would like to see a solution that will allow access to a replicated copy of the patient information hosted in a hot standby server located outside of the central office on the central site, in case of any disaster.

Network Infrastructure Scope

The scope is to design an infrastructure that connects each remote office to the central office that will meet all stated requirements for the integrity, storage, and movement of related data and the applications that process such data, and the networking and communications infrastructure that supports such applications covering all desired functions in security, redundancy, and operability, etc. The office computers, servers, and all network-related equipment need to be upgraded to meet the requirements as well. Workstations from all sites will need to be connected to the Internet all the time for

research and Web-based applications. The new partnership is also seeking professional guidance and procedures on whether it makes sense to hire a full-time staff to manage the networking/telecommunications infrastructure and related services, or if leaving such services to an external consulting firm will be more effective and efficient. Each office will have its own local area network (LAN) with an operating speed that will permit data transfer at high speeds with minimum chance of bottlenecks. The doctors need to know if it would be best to have the data accessed by all offices be on its own LAN. As of today, data sharing among workstations is minimal. Dedicated high-speed Internet access is not available at any site.

Office and Building Dimensions

The main part of the new partnership is to upgrade their office building with the same type of structure and functions. Each office building is 92' wide x 66' deep. The height from floor to false ceiling is 10'. The height from the false ceiling to the roof is another 4'. The passageways are four feet wide. The rooms are equal in width. The length of the rooms is the same in most cases. In the central office, the print room is six feet in length, storage is 20 feet in length, and the IT/telecom room is 16 feet in length. A diagram of the office layout follows.

Remote Office Requirements

One file/print server Two high-speed network printers/copiers/scanners One fax machine Voice messaging with beeping services Ten workstations at each location, with one at the front desk for the receptionist, one dedicated to the billing person, one dedicated to the insurance claims staff, one station for the patient records staff, one station for the doctor, and the rest for nurses, interns, and potential growth. Connections for laptops used by the billing manager and the office manager when visiting the remote offices. Appendix A: Capstone Project
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Network devices that support the LAN and WAN connectionrouter, firewall, switch At any time, at least one doctor and one nurse must be at each location for at least six hours (but could be as long as 14 hours). Phone calls into the office to a specific doctor will be routed to doctors in other offices when the specific office is not open. Each doctor and nurse will have a separate workstation.

Main Office Requirements

The same list as each remote office An application server hosting the Medical Manager Software installed to track all their patients, demographics, insurance, and bills A separate server that hosts business management applications such as accounting, HR, and other assets management tools A separate server that provides necessary network services such as Active Directory, DNS, and DHCP A Web server for the business Network connectionrouter, firewall, switch

One file/print server Three network printers/copiers/scanners A separate station for each nurse, which is to grow to three A separate station for each doctor, which is to grow to three One station for the office manager Email service is to be provided by an external provider and is accessible via email client software and/or Web access.

Software per Workstation

Microsoft Office 2007 Email client software Web browser Network connectivity to centralized patient information, billing and insurance claim applications, and the Internet

Your task is to identify the equipment required at each office and the LAN and WAN design that will provide information and communications services for the new partnership with all necessary security and disaster planning to meet HIPAA requirements at a reasonable cost.

Document briefly summarizing the problems and proposed solutions for each of the problem; each solution must be backed up with sound justification o Diagrams for all the LAN and WAN solutions o Document detailing all proposed equipment with cost o Document detailing configurations of each equipment Appendix A: Capstone Project

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Document detailing all proposed software with cost Document detailing all require services (from external provider) with cost o Document detailing the planning, implementation and maintenance of the project (project management) o Document detailing user training information o Document detailing the technical solution to the client
o o

o o

Timeline 1: Project response Timeline 2: Installation, implementation, testing, and training

Timeline 1
In the timelines, the milestones may differ from the deliverables. The first timeline is to show the tasks, resources, milestones, and time required for the development of the project. Items to be included are the requirements analysis, network diagram, equipment selection, cost analysis, disaster recovery, and the second timeline creation. This will need to be presented and explained to the doctors, office manager, and billing manager prior to the implementation of the second timeline.

Timeline 2
The second timeline is to represent the tasks, resources, milestones for the installation, configuration, implementation, testing, and training in the use of the

equipment and software.

Network Diagrams: Existing and Proposed

The network diagram will depict the network and components of each office as well as the connectivity between and within the offices. Label the components, include their IP addresses, and identify their uses. Basic floor plans have been provided showing the rooms, sizes, and the locations.

Equipment Selection and Cost Analysis

Research equipment to obtain prices and specifications. Include connectivity capabilities and the redundancy capabilities. Software suggested for use is MS Excel. The preparer can list each piece of equipment, quantity, and value. There are columns for each item. As a suggestion, the equipment can be grouped via office or equipment type.

Security, Disaster Recovery, and Risk Analysis

This area will be used to discuss redundancy, disaster recovery, backups, and how security will exist and be maintained. In addition, discuss risk analysis in this area. Disaster recovery means that if something breaks, a plan exists outlining how to repair it. For risk analysis, a determination will need to be made outlining what requires attention first and in what priority if multiple items are broken. Determine Appendix A: Capstone Project
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which failure would cause the most expense or damage to the business. Another item to review is the time required to repair. For security, identify how the data and resources housing the data will be protected from unauthorized entry.

Presentation to Doctors
Use Microsoft PowerPoint to discuss the various deliverables and highlights of the project. Use the previous deliverables during the presentation if detailed questions occur and require references. Appendix A: Capstone Project
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Reception area Chart Room Conference / Break Room Restroom Restroom Manager Financial Manager Billing / Collection Laundry Restroom Nurses Supervisor Storage IT/Telcom Doctor 3 Doctor 2 Doctor 1 Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5 Room 6 Room 7 Room 8 Copier network printer Copier Network Printer Fax Server Server Rack Central Office

Office Floor Plan

Appendix A: Capstone Project

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PROPOSAL EVALUATION Evaluation Procedures The class instructor and an evaluation team comprising the schools advisory board members will evaluate each proposal, serving as the client representing the doctors group described in the Capstone Project The evaluators will consider how well each project teams proposed solution meets the needs of the client. Proposed solutions should be clear and complete to enable the evaluators to understand all aspects of each proposal. The evaluation process is not designed to simply award the contract to the lowest-cost vendor. The aim is to help the client select a project team that provides the best combination of attributes, technical expertise, and pricing, based on the defined evaluation factors. The evaluation criteria for the capstone project proposal are: Team Project Category Grading Weight Documentation 20% Teamwork 10% Presentation 10% Network Solution 45% Teams will receive a score of zero to 100 for each evaluation criterion. Criteria weights correspond to points. Refer to the student syllabus for categories and assigned percentages. For a specific evaluation criterion, the proposal with the highest raw score receives the maximum points; other scores receive a fraction of the points based on the ratio of their scores to the highest raw score. Each teams total score is the sum of the weighted scores. The final decision of the panel will be based on the scoring process. Other factors that influence the final decision are customer references, financial stability, and the willingness of the apparently successful vendor to agree to the clients contractual requirements.

List of Deliverables:
The deliverables for this course consist of: 1. Project Documentation 2. Network Solution 3. Class Walkthrough and Presentation Details on each deliverable follow. 1. Project Documentation Use the information and knowledge gained about flowcharting, Gantt charting, and project planning to prepare, submit, and present the proposed solution for the client. Using the project management approach to project planning, prepare a detailed Appendix A: Capstone Project
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project, simulating all of the information and tools you learned throughout the program. This project is to be prepared and printed using, but not limited to, Microsoft Office Project and Microsoft Word. Parts include the following: Scope Document and Project Charter The definition of the problem or need The definition of the projects goals and objectivesaligning the IT strategy

to the business value The project plan The definition of the resources needed to complete the project A cost analysis matrix that indicates how much the project will cost A payment plan that explains how the client will pay for the services Prototype of the system designsolution Create a requirements document to address the connectivity design recommendations for the proposed LAN/WAN system. Detailed network drawings using a network diagramming tool such as Microsoft Visio: Physical: List all network devices and endpoints Logical: IP network diagramdata flowper location (LANs) Additional drawings to include: Cable run table Office floor plans Equipment power requirements Wiring Security/maintenance planthe top priorities must include: Intruder deterrence Theft prevention Disaster prevention Internal security and confidentiality Test and Quality Assurance (QA) Plans Provide an outline of the QA/Quality Control (QC) activities that will be implemented during the installation of the proposed systems. Change Management Plan Ensure that the plan addresses ways to reduce the risk of project failure by describing how to lessen the impact when there is a change in technology: Redeployment of systemssoftware and hardware Retraining of the organizations personneldisplaced after the internal transfer process Communication strategyhow changes will be communicated to the organizations workforce Appendix A: Capstone Project
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Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the team Training Plan This plan can include: Introduction Training approach Schedule Evaluation Tracking and reporting Outcome measurement Assumptions Risks Implementation Plan

Post-implementation Plan Disaster recovery Plan Preferred Documentation Style Your entire documentation should be printed on 8.5-x-11-inch, or letter-size, paper with margins of one inch on all sides. The text should be single-spaced. Use 12-point Arial Narrow font. All references must follow the American Psychological Association (APA) style. Special note: When editors or teachers ask you to write in the APA style, they do not mean the writing style. They refer to the editorial style that many social and behavioral sciences have adopted to present written material. 2. Network Solution From a hands-on perspective and an application approach, incorporate the available LAN/WAN equipment in the network diagram that must be created using network diagramming tool Microsoft Visio. You may retrieve a copy of the software from your instructor. In addition to the Physical Simulated Network diagrams along with a minimum of five hard disk drives from each team, every team must successfully complete and present the following: o A site LAN logical topology with an IP addressing scheme o Site WAN and LAN diagrams depicting the conceptual, logical, and physical views of the proposed systems for each location specified within the RFP o A systems requirements document detailing the connectivity strategy for LAN and WAN: Protocols Hardware Software Implementation and post-implementation procedures WAN diagrams Appendix A: Capstone Project
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o Physical topology o Logical diagram with an IP addressing scheme o A prototype environment of the following equipment: An installed and configured Windows 2003 server with running Active Directory An installed and configured Web and FTP server (IIS) function An installed and configured Red Hat Linux server A minimum of two installed and configured Windows XP workstations An intranet home page, posted on the Web server, that reflects the clients products and services. A database using Microsoft Access or SQL Every team will use the preconfigured templates to document all network services, such as routers, switches, servers, and computers. Each team is responsible for creating its own class of IP addresses along with the appropriate number of subnets. You need to also create a diagram to complete the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) and simulate the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) and Frame Relay

implementation. Based on this physical simulated network diagramnot the teams theoretical designs from the RFPthe following WAN/LAN specifications must be successfully completed and are subject to the instructors verification: o Connectivity to and from any node in the LANs and the WAN, including all servers o No TELNET allowed from any nodes in all LANs to the core routers o No TELNET allowed from any nodes on the networks to any routers o The ability to transfer a text or document file from any node on the network to the FTP server o The ability to download, from any node on the network, a driver file from the FTP and Web servers 3. Class Walkthrough and Presentation A walkthrough is a semiformal presentation/evaluation of a product at its appropriate development stage for the purpose of finding errors in the product. Each team will present their final project in Unit 11. All the team members must participate in the final presentation. The members should be able to discuss their solutions with the instructor and the rest of the class before submitting the final project.

Suggested Templates
The following section contains sample templates that you may use or modify according to your project requirements. Appendix A: Capstone Project
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Cover Page (Required) for the Completed Project Documents


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Team Meeting Agenda/Meeting Minutes

Team Meeting Date: Time: Location: Meeting called Facilitator: Facilitator: Timekeeper: Attendees: Please read: Please bring: Minutes Agenda item: Presenter: Discussion: Conclusions: Action items Person responsible Deadline

Agenda item: Presenter: Discussion: Conclusions: Action items Person responsible Deadline

Appendix A: Capstone Project

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Agenda item: Presenter: Discussion: Conclusions: Action items Person responsible Deadline

Agenda item: Presenter: Discussion: Conclusions: Action items Person Deadline

Other Information Observers: Resources: Special notes: Appendix A: Capstone Project

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Scope Document and Project Charter 1. Purpose

Address the how, when, where, and why questions that clarify or support a project. This section summarizes the rationale for the solution. Provide a description of the situation that leads to the recognition that this solution should be built.

2. Goals and Objectives

Specify clear, reachable steps of action. The objectives must answer the how, when, where, and why questions. Describe the important business objectives of the solution in a way that is quantitative and measurable.

3. Success Criteria
Specify the desired performance related to a project and the desired outcome. Determine how success will be defined and measured on this project, and describe the factors that are likely to have the greatest impact on achieving that success. Include external factors and factors within the direct control of the organization.

4. Project Context
Describe the projects alignment with the company goals and mission.

5. Project Deliverables
Explain how dependencies will influence the project.

6. Scope Specifications
Provide a high-level breakdown of the goals and objectives of the project. The project scope defines the concept and range of the proposed solution.

7. Out-of-Scope Specifications
Mention the tasks or issues not related to the project. It is important to define what will not be included in the product. Stakeholders establish realistic expectations based on the scope and limitations.

8. Assumptions
Record any assumptions you make when starting the project and writing the vision and scope document. Note any major dependenciessuch as technologies, Appendix A: Capstone Project
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development partners, or other business relationshipsthat will influence the projects success.

9. Constraints
Identify any resourceshuman and nonhumanthat will prevent the project from completion.

10. Risks
Summarize any unforeseen events that might derail the project. List the major business risks associated with developing this product, such as marketplace competition, user acceptance, or implementation issues. It would be a good idea to estimate the severity of the risks and identify risk mitigation actions that can be taken.

11. Stakeholders
Mention the organization departments involved in the project process. These departments are either affected by the outcome of the project or can influence the outcome.

12. Recommended Project Approach

Describe the strategies, methodologies, and technologies to be used to complete the project.

13. Cost Matrix

It is imperative to incorporate the principle of cost management when implementing a project. In this section, each team member will create a cost matrix and submit it to the project manager for approval and inclusion in the budget of the project. The following table can be used to create the cost matrix for individual items required. Item Description Function in Project Item Location Quantity Price Appendix A: Capstone Project
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Security/Maintenance Plan 1. Introduction and Background

Provide a high-level description of the product or services to be maintained and secured in the scope of maintenance and security operations activities.

2. Budget
Identify the budget associated with the security and maintenance of operations activities.

3. Roles and Responsibilities

Identify the roles and responsibilities associated with maintenance and security operations and the skill set needed to perform these roles. The key roles to be identified include the primary business contact, maintenance and security operations team leads, key technical staff, customer or help desk support, documentation, training, and other support staff.

4. Performance Measures and Reporting

Identify the key performance measures for maintenance activities and security operations for product or service performance. Include information on: o How measures will be captured and reported o How security will be monitored and reported

5. Governance and Management/Security Approach

Identify new methodologies or reference the existing ones to establish maintenance and security priorities and other change management strategies.

6. Customer/Business Owner Management and Security

Describe how the stakeholders and customers will be involved in or informed about maintenance and security operations activities. Describe the key stakeholders and methods of communication, where known.

7. Standard Operation and Business Practices

Identify or reference the methodologies, processes, strategies, and tools used for change control and configuration management, problem report management, customer support, lifecycle testing, risk identification and mitigation, data sharing, storage, disaster recovery, and security. Appendix A: Capstone Project
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8. Documentation Strategies
Describe new documentation standards and expectations or reference the existing

ones. Include descriptions of documentation that will be routinely produced, such as product/service documentation; reports; and user, usage, problem, and change information. Include details on where documentation is stored and how to access it.

9. Training
Describe the ongoing training activities.

10. Security
Describe the ongoing security activities.

11. Acceptance
Define the point at which the project and maintenance staff agrees that implementation and transition activities are complete and maintenance activities may begin. Appendix A: Capstone Project
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Quality Assurance Plan

This section contains a checklist to conduct the evaluation process for the Quality Assurance Plan. The checklist assists designated reviewers on the project team in determining whether the project specifications meet the criteria established in the Project Plan. The objective of the evaluation is to determine whether the document complies with the clients RFP requirements. To be Completed by Team To be Completed by Reviewer Requirement Performed by Comments Comply? Y N Reviewer Comments SCHEDULE OF TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Based on the tasks described in your Project Plan, provide a schedule of the QA activities for the duration of the project. The tasks may include: Identifying standards and guidelines Evaluating: o Software tools o Facilities o The software products review process o Project planning, tracking, and oversight processes o The requirements analysis process o The design process o Evaluating the code and unit testing process o The integration testing process o The acceptance testing process o The release process

o The corrective action process o The media certification process Appendix A: Capstone Project
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To be Completed by Team To be Completed by Reviewer Requirement Performed by Comments Comply? Y N Reviewer Comments o The storage and handling process o Software development o The configuration management process o The risk management process Certifying non-deliverable software Performing configuration audits SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION Documents by Phase: List and briefly describe the documentation expected to be produced during this project. Depending on the size of your project, the list may include, but is not limited to, the documents in the following subsections: Initiate Phase: Needs statement Project plan, including WBS Configuration management plan Quality assurance plan Feasibility study Cost/benefit analysis Risk analysis Appendix A: Capstone Project
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To be Completed by Team To be Completed by Reviewer Requirement Performed by Comments Comply? Y N Reviewer Comments Define Phase: System support and acquisition plan initial Functional requirements document Data requirements document System security and privacy plan Internal audit plan Project planupdated Design Phase: System/subsystem specifications

Database specifications Program specifications System support and acquisition plan final Validation, verification, and testing planinitial Training planinitial Project planupdated Build Phase: Installation and conversion plan initial Test plan Users manual Operations manual Maintenance manual Validation, verification, and testing planfinal Training planfinal Appendix A: Capstone Project
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To be Completed by Team To be Completed by Reviewer Requirement Performed by Comments Comply? Y N Reviewer Comments Project planupdated Evaluate Phase: Test results and evaluation reports Installation and conversion planfinal Project planupdated Operate Phase: Pilot test results Training material Project planupdated Discipline for Documentation Standard Practices: Describe the criteria that will be applied to review and evaluate all lifecycle documents. Appendix A: Capstone Project
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Test Plan <Project Name> <Month, Year> A. Introduction

A.1. Purpose Describe the purpose of the Test Plan. A.2. System Overview

Provide a brief system overview description as a point of reference for the remainder of the document.

B. Test Analysis
Identify the tests being conducted and describe each test in brief. B.1. Security Considerations Describe the security requirements built into the system and verified during system acceptance testing. Identify and describe the security issues or weaknesses discovered during the testing. B.2. Test # Test <name> Provide a test name and identifier (#) for reference in the remainder of the section. Identify the functions that are testedlater, reports on these tests are prepared. Include the following information when recording the results of a test: o Name and version number of the application or document tested o Input data used in the test o Hardware and operating systems on which the test was run o Time, date, and location of the test o Names of the team members involved in the test o Output data, with detailed descriptions of any deviations from the expected results B.3. Test # Requirements to be Tested Describe the system and program requirements that will be tested using this particular test. B.4. Test # Expected Outcome Describe or depict the expected result of each test. B.5. Test # Functional Capability Describe the functional capability the way it has been demonstrated. Assess the manner in which the test environment may be different from the operational environment and the effect of this difference on the capability. Appendix A: Capstone Project
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B.6. Test # Performance Quantitatively compare the performance characteristics of the system with the requirements stated in the scope document. B.7. Test # Data Handling Describe how you will identify, maintain, and control versions of the test data. B.8. Test # Constraints Describe any anticipated limitations imposed on the test because of system or test conditions such as timing, interfaces, equipment, and personnel.

C. Summary

C.1. Demonstrated Capability Provide a statement on the capability of the system as demonstrated by the test, compared with the requirements and security considerations. C.2. System Deficiencies Provide an individual statement for each deficiency discovered during the testing. C.3. Recommended Improvements Explain any recommendationfollowing the testingto improve the system, its

performance, or related procedures. Include any additional functionality seen as a potential improvement for the user even if the functionality is not specified in the requirements document. C.4. System Acceptance State whether the testing has shown that the system is ready for release testing and subsequent production operation. Appendix A: Capstone Project
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Training Plan <Project Name> <Month, Year> 1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose Describe the purpose of the Training Plan. 1.2. Scope Describe the scope of the Training Plan as it relates to the project. 1.3. System Overview Provide a brief system overview description as a point of reference for the remainder of the document. 1.4. General Training Prerequisites Summarize the general training prerequisites for each type of training mentioned in this plan.

2. Training Approach

2.1. Training Requirements Describe or list the skills required to support the project lifecycle activities. Match the requirements to the existing team skill sets to determine the training needed for the project. 2.2. Roles and Responsibilities Identify the team members and their responsibilities in developing the training materials. Identify who will conduct the training. 2.3. Techniques and Tools Describe the training techniques to be used. These techniques may include computer-based instructions, self-paced written manuals, peer training, hands-on practical sessions, classroom lectures, or any combination of these techniques. Identify the tools needed for the training, such as online terminals or PC workstations, training manuals, classroom facilities, and any computer center resources. 2.4. Training Prerequisites Identify any prerequisites for individuals to receive training. Develop a strategy regarding prerequisite training. Appendix A: Capstone Project
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2.5. Schedule Prepare a training schedule to include information such as identification and development of course content and materials, training dates, and post-training reporting.

3. Curriculum
Briefly describe the curriculum for each proposed training class or attach the course description from the vendor. You can use a table similar to this: Course Title/Offering Audience Message Method When/How Often Responsible Name the product or service. Identify the organizations staff. Identify the job roles that require training. Identify the type of training, such as hands-on workshops and seminars. Identify the date of training and the number of times the training will take place. Identify the person responsible for conducting the training sessions external consultants or in-house technical training staff.

4. Evaluation
What method of evaluation is being used to determine the success of the overall plan? How often will the evaluation occur? Calculate the Return On Investment to determine whether the client is receiving his or her money for implanting this process within the


5. Tracking and Reporting

How will the education, training, drills, and exercises included in the plan be tracked and reported?

6. Outcome Measurement
What is the expected overall outcome of the plan? How will you judge its success? Appendix A: Capstone Project
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7. Sustainability
Describe how the training plan will be sustained. How often will assessments be done and the plan reviewed and evaluated?

8. Assumptions
What assumptions have you made in the development of the training plan?

9. Risks
What risks or barriers exist to the implementation, execution, and sustainability of the training plan? Appendix A: Capstone Project
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Implementation Plan A. Introduction

A.1. Purpose Describe the purpose of the Implementation Plan. A.2. System Overview Provide a brief system overview description as a point of reference for the remainder of the document.

B. Implementation Plan

B.1. Implementation activities Describe the actions, or outcomes, of the implementation and how these actions will achieve the objectives. B.2. Implementation Timetable The project will commence on [dd/mm/yyyy]. Its duration will be [insert duration]. Technological System Implementation Plan Recommended Actions Specific Action Lead Support Key Outputs Milestones Actions Achieved by Identify the task to be completed

server installation or server patch. Describe how the action will be performed. Identify the person or persons on the project team responsible for leading this task. Identify who will continue to support the process. Provide the details of the outcomes of the task to be completed and the results if the task was successfully completed. Identify whether the task is a milestone to a specific phase of the project.

Identify the person on the project team responsible for carrying out the task. Appendix A: Capstone Project
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B.3. Standards Implementation Consider all the protocols and Industry Standard committees and practices. Explain how they are implemented; for example, explain how the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) group and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) org Electronic Industries Alliance - Telecommunication Industry Association (EIA-TIA) wiring standards was implemented. In addition, discuss the impact of nonconformance with industry standards and protocols.

C. Technological Infrastructure
Identify and describe the technology infrastructure and changes that are expected as a result of the project. What infrastructure is required? How will it be implemented? What architecture is being used? What is the time schedule for implementation? Who will it affect? Include the physical and logical drawings of the LAN and WAN. Appendix A: Capstone Project
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Post-Implementation Plan A. Executive Summary

Briefly summarize the project.

B. Results

B.1. Schedule Projected Note the anticipated start and end dates of the project, as proposed in the project charter. Actual Note the actual start and end dates of the project. Reasons for Variance If there is a variance between the projected and actual schedules, describe the key reasons for the variance. B.2. Costs Projected Note the anticipated project costs, as per the project charter.

Actual Note the actual project costs. Reasons for Variance If there is a variance between the projected costs and the actual costs, describe the key reasons for the variance. B.3. Goals and Objectives Projected Note the project goals and objectives outlined in the project charter. Actual Describe the objectives achieved from the project and progress toward the goals. Reasons for Variance If there is a variance between the projected goals and objectives and the actual results, describe the key reasons for the variance. Discuss the impact of delayed measurement or evaluation, mentioned earlier. Appendix A: Capstone Project
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B.4. Requirements and Functionality Projected Note the functionality proposed in the project planning materials and key requirements documentation. Actual Note how the functionality delivered meets the requirements. Reasons for Variance If there is a variance between the projected and actual functionality, describe the key reasons for the variance. If there is a variance between the documented requirements and the delivered functionality, describe the key reasons for the variance. B.5. Benefits Projected Note the benefits anticipated at the beginning of the project. Actual Note the benefits realized or projected as a result of the project. Reasons for Variance If there is a variance between the anticipated and actual benefits, describe the key reasons for the variance.

C. Lessons Learned
Provide the information obtained from the Lessons Learned exercise. The following are the commonly cited lesson categories. You can modify the following list based on the lessons learned information reported for your project. o Vendor Solicitation and Selection o Contract Negotiation and Management o Technology o Project Management o Communications Plan o Technical Design Specifications o Data Conversion o Testing

o Training o Implementation o Production and Operations

D. Recommendations
Based on the lessons learned from the project, describe the recommendations that the project team has for future or similar projects. Appendix A: Capstone Project
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Disaster Recovery Plan Purpose

This document describes how to plan for, record, and recover from a disaster. This plan will assist you in gathering specific information relevant in the different stages of a disaster. The plan also outlines the measures that organizations should take to prepare for a disaster of any magnitude.

1. Operations
Use the following charts and guidelines to identify the technology and personnel required to keep your operations going in the aftermath of a disaster. Technology Priorities Assessment Use the following chart to identify the key applications required to keep your organization running over the next 24 hours, the next three days, and the next week. Technology Refresh: Key Recovery Staff Assuming all the staff is available, the following table helps you to identify the key personnel required to recover your systems and the location from where these systems will be recovered. Service Type Assigned Personnel Location System Profile For each system configured, you must complete a comprehensive analysis to determine how critical the system is to the organization. Location Division Workstation/ Server ID Critical: Yes/No Fixed Asset: Y/N Manufacturer Needed Within 24 hrs. 1-3 days 1 week Office Division (such as Development, Finance) Application Workstation/ Server ID San Jose Clinic Finance PeaceTree Spica Appendix A: Capstone Project
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2. Communications

Use the following forms to keep track of the contacts you will need during recovery. Technology Recovery Contacts Name Role
(network, database, systems, etc.)

Location Type of Vendor (consultant, firm) Contact Info

(Phone, email, etc.)

Internal Escalation Contact List Name Role in Recovery Location Job Scope Phone Number

3. Business Impact Assessment

Business Process What are the business processes performed by each of your departments? Name and briefly describe each business process. Business Unit Information This chart can be used to record the functions of each business unit in your organization. You can keep it in a known repository at the recovery site for reference. OVERVIEW OF THE BUSINESS UNIT Location: Organizational Focus: Main Constituency (if internal, state Internal): Departmental Function: Recovery Objectives: Number of Employees: Appendix A: Capstone Project
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Consequences of Not Performing a Function Under the following headings, indicate your assessment of the business impact of not performing a function following a major incident or disaster. Estimate the potential impact if a function is not performed following a disaster. Operation Immediacy (such as in the next three days or next week) Potential Impact Assumptions & Justification Appendix B: Instructors Technical Requirements Point-Scoring Rubrics
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Appendix B: Instructors Technical Requirements Point-Scoring Rubrics

Use this rubric to grade student final project presentations. Proposer refers to the student. The raw point scale used during the evaluation process is from zero (0) to four (4). On this scale: 0: Signifies no value. The proposer ignores or does not meet the project requirement. 1: Indicates a poor response. The proposer responds with only a yes or no when

greater detail is required; the response is somewhat detailed, but significant information is missing or most of the details provided are irrelevant to the RFP statement. If the statement is meant to obtain specific information, such as the age of a company, the overall impression of the response is altogether unfavorable. 2: Signifies a marginal response. The proposer provides a reasonably good response to the statement, but the response misses some significant information or the response is detailed but not entirely relevant to the RFP statement in question. If the statement is meant to obtain specific information, such as the age of a company, the overall impression of the response is somewhat unfavorable. 3: Indicates that the response is acceptable. The response is complete and addresses all the significant information; it is detailed and relevant to the RFP statement. If the statement is meant to obtain specific information, such as the age of a company, the overall impression of the response is acceptable. 4: Implies that the response is superior. The proposers response goes well beyond the expectations of the RFP statement. The additional information provided is detailed, creative, and relevant to the statement and reflects a high level of the proposers skill and commitment. If the statement is meant to obtain specific information, such as the age of a company, the overall impression of the response is favorable. Appendix B: Instructors Technical Requirements Point-Scoring Rubrics
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Criteria Description Score Maximum Introduction Did the project manager open the presentation with a brief introduction and an overview of the project? Did the project manager introduce the team members and their roles within the scope of project? Did the project manager communicate clearly? Present Proposed Design Approach for the Project TECHNICAL INFRASTRUCTURE NARRATIVE The narrative should include the following information in the specified order: (1) Describe the proposed design philosophy. (2) Describe the problems that are anticipated and the proposals for solving them. (3) Describe the innovative approaches in production and design. Did the proposed solution address all the technical aspects of the project identified in the RFP? o The solution meets the infrastructure specifications required by the client. o The solution meets and exceeds customer expectations of a system that is flexible and

Final Presentation Evaluation Sheet (RFP Response)

scalable for future growth. o The solution is cost-effective to maintain after installation. Team Composition and Experience The project is technically sound and demonstrates the students knowledge of the subject matter. o Did student accurately describe and demonstrate his or her role in the project? o Did the student accurately answer questions and discuss the project with the instructor and guests during presentation? o Did the team exhibit a balance among the project management, technical, and graphical aspects? Project Management Methodology REQUESTS FOR PROPOSAL SCHEDULING Management Structure within the Team o Did the project manager walk the instructor and guests through the four phases of the project management life cycle? Appendix B: Instructors Technical Requirements Point-Scoring Rubrics
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Criteria Description Score Maximum o Did the project team satisfy the documentation requirements? Scope WBS Project Plan Cost Analysis Maintenance Plan o Did the project team incorporate quality accreditation standards and/or practices especially testing and debugging? Schedule Control o What techniques are planned to ensure that the schedule is met? o Who will be responsible for ensuring that the schedule is met? Understanding of the Needs Did the project team propose value-added propositions and recommendations to include new

technology for future expansion? Did the proposed solution articulate relevant problems or issues that the client has not considered? Quality/ Maintenance and Warranty Project execution and implementation o Did the project team demonstrate the solution using actual hardware and software? o Did the project team display and review the steps the client can execute to test and maintain the network environment after implementation? o Did the students incorporate a training plan for the client? Disaster Recovery A Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) should address three main technical areas: 1. Hardware issues o Probability of failure o Impact of the failure o Estimated incidents of failure per year o Annualized loss expectancy o Cost of mitigation 2. Networking issues o Probability of failure o Impact of the failure o Estimated incidents of failure per year o Annualized loss expectancy Appendix B: Instructors Technical Requirements Point-Scoring Rubrics
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Criteria Description Score Maximum o Cost of mitigation 3. Software issues o Probability of failure o Impact of the failure o Estimated incidents of failure per year o Annualized loss expectancy o Cost of mitigation Cost Control and Estimating Effectiveness What control techniques are planned? Who is responsible for control? Did the project manager break down the cost of all the materials and labor for the project? Did the project team use cost-effective methods to

produce a high-quality technology plan? What was the average hourly rate proposed Did the customer receive value for money? Communication Skills Displays clarity and readability of the written proposal Conveys a collaborative ethosfor example, the ability to listen and answer questions clearly and professionally Portrays enthusiasm for the project and demonstrates a professional approach Final Presentation Did the presentation connect with the audience? Did the presentation exceed the allotted time? Did the project team provide complete responses to all sections of the RFP? Total Comments: _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ Appendix B: Instructors Technical Requirements Point-Scoring Rubrics
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______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _

______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ Evaluated by: ____________________________________ Print name: ______________________________________ Date:___________________________________________ Appendix C: Student Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire
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Appendix C: Student Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire

Individual Assessment Skills Questionnaire Topic 1: Hardware
Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. You are building a LAN in a company that develops insurance management software. What hardware requirements should be taken into consideration? (TB143, IT1220) Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. Describe how the memory manager divides up and allocates memory. (TB143, IT103) Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. Identify all of the different types of input ports commonly available on a modern computer. (TB143)

Topic 2: Programming

Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. Explain the difference between passing a piece of data by value and passing a piece of data by reference. (IT104) Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. Explain the scope of a data statement. 2. What are the implications of misidentifying a local and a global variable? (IT104) Appendix C: Student Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire
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Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. What are the three key control structures in programming and what are they used for? (IT104)

Topic 3: Databases
Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. You are building a database to track a family tree. How would you structure your database? (IT203) Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. Explain the differences among a select query, an insert query, and an update query. (IT203) Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. What are the basic components of a database? (IT203)

Topic 4: Linux
Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. A small lab of Linux machines contains two servers. The administrator wishes to permit user settings and project files to be available when users log in on any machine. Name and describe the server processes needed on the servers. (IT302) Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. What techniques can be used to install new software on Fedora? (IT250) 2. When would you use each? Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. What file system is used on a Linux system? Appendix C: Student Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire
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Topic 5: OSI Model

Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. You are asked to set up a peer-to-peer Windows XP LAN using four computers with a LinkSys home Internet router with five built-in Ethernet switch ports. The LinkSys

router serves as the DHCP server for the entire network. Identify what logical configurations you need in order to establish and test the connectivity. 2. You have confirmed all the four computers are talking to each other, so you decide to put two of the machines on a separate subnet while still retaining communication between the two subnets. When you implement the new subnet on the two machines, only the machines on the original subnet are talking to each other. What might have gone wrong and how would you fix it? Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. Using the OSI model as a reference, describe how you would troubleshoot a connectivity problem. (IT220, IT320, IT321) Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. Explain the purpose and components of the OSI model. (IT220, IT320, IT321)

Topic 6: TCP/IP
Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. Given the IP address with a subnet mask of, identify the network address, host address, number of hosts, and the broadcast address for the network. What must be done for users on this network to communicate with the rest of the world through the Internet? (IT220, IT320, IT320) Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. You have a subnet of /25. Your network address is Identify the subnets, the first host, the last host, and the broadcast address. Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. Identify the address classes in IPv4. (IT220, IT320, IT321) Appendix C: Student Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire
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2. List the address range of the first octet, the subnet mask, and any special designations for each.

Topic 7: LANs/WANs
Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. Compare and contrast the major pieces of networking equipment used to construct an Ethernet network. (IT220) Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. What does an Access Control List (ACL) block and why do you need to place it as close to the source as possible? (IT320, IT321) Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. Describe the major types of cabling used in networks and what they are used for. (IT113)

Topic 8: Windows

Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. What are the primary tasks of a system administrator? (IT220, IT221, IT222, IT260, IT320, IT321) 2. What does each task accomplish? Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. Describe the services performed on a domain controller that would not be performed on a workgroup. (IT221, IT222, IT260) Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. Describe the difference between workgroups and domains in the context of information security. (IT109, IT221, IT222, IT260) Appendix C: Student Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire
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Topic 9: Windows (Operating Systems)

Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. How do you configure an operating system to interface with a network? (TB143IT103, IT109, IT221, IT222, IT260, IT250, IT302) Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. What considerations should you take into account when preparing to install an operating system? (IT103, IT109, IT221, IT222, IT260, IT250, IT302) Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. What is an operating system? (IT103, IT109, IT221, IT222, IT260) 2. Provide some examples of operating systems.

Topic 10: Windows/MMC

Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. With regards to the MMC, what is the difference between author mode and user mode? (IT221, IT222, IT260) 2. When would you choose each? Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. What is an MMC with reference to Microsoft Windows operating systems? Describe several snap-ins related to the MMC. (IT103, IT109, IT221, IT222, IT260) Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. What are the two ways you can create or edit a Group Policy Object (GPO)? Appendix C: Student Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire
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Topic 11: DNS

Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question:

1. What are some of the ways you would troubleshoot a DNS problem? (IT221, IT222, IT260) Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. What are the three components of a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)? (IT221, IT222, IT260) 2. What is the significance of each component? Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. What are the components of DNS? (IT221, IT222, IT260)

Topic 12: Linux, Advanced Topics

Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. A Fedora server is storing security logs that contain a vast array of data. Design a tool chain that would contact an administrator via email in specific risk scenarios, and would otherwise provide daily updates. Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. The Apache Web server on Fedora is not returning data to the outside world. What could you do to check what might be wrong? Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. Which directories are most important on Linux and what do they contain? Appendix C: Student Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire
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Topic 13: Windows XP

Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. How would you design and implement a backup and restore plan? Justify your choices. Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. Compare and contrast a workgroup with a domain. When would you use each of them? Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. What is the difference between a System Access Control List (SACL) and a Discretionary Access Control List (DACL)?

Topic 14: Setup and Installation

Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. What is an information security policy? 2. What best practices should be considered when designing and implementing a security policy? Explain. Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question:

1. Explain the difference between connecting to a network using a Domain Server and one using Workgroups. Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. What is required for an unattended installation or a remote installation of WinXP beyond what is required for an attended installation? Appendix C: Student Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire
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Topic 15: Network Application Services

Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. How does a virtual private network (VPN) work and when you would want to put one into effect? Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. What components should you install when setting up an Exchange Server? Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. What is the purpose and function of IIS? Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor
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Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor

Directions: The following questionnaire contains the Individual Skills Assessment that must be administered to each student individually as a panel interview. Print enough copies of the ISA Questionnaire so that each interviewer has one copy per student before the panel interview begins. Please see the Instructor Guide section of this courseware for complete instructions on how to conduct the interviews. For each topic, start with Learning Level 3. Circle each of the response criteria that the student successfully includes in his or her response. You may use the scoring table at the end of the questionnaire to tally the students score. Note: Each topic includes questions at three levels: o Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation (Most-challenging questions) o Level 2: Application/Analysis (Medium-level questions) o Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension (Least-difficult questions) Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor
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Individual Assessment Skills Questions with Correct Response Criteria Topic 1: Hardware
Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. You are building a LAN in a company that develops insurance management software. What hardware requirements should be taken into consideration? (TB143, IT1220) Correct Response Criteria:

The student addresses why each is important: PC resources needed: Memory, disk drive size, processor size Networking resources: Category 5e cable, hub, switch, bridge, router Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. Describe how the memory manager divides up and allocates memory. (TB143, IT103) Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following memory concepts and describes how each works: Virtual memory Shared memory Paged memory Contiguous memory Non-contiguous memory Multi-programming Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. Identify all of the different types of input ports is available on a modern computer? (TB143) Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following ports: USB Serial Parallel Video /audio RJ45 FireWire Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor
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Topic 2: Programming
Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. Explain the difference between passing a piece of data by value and passing a piece of data by reference. (IT104) Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following data types and describes how each piece of data is passed: Parameter Argument Parameter list Data type Compatibility Reference address Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis

Question: 1. Explain the scope of a data statement. 2. What are the implications of misidentifying a local and a global variable? (IT104) Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following concepts and explains how misusing a global and a local variable affects the output of a program: Knowledge of a local variable and how it is used Knowledge of a global variable and how it is used Module/subroutine/function Unique name/duplicate name/fully qualified name Data hiding Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. What are the three key control structures in programming and what are they used for? (IT104) Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following concepts and describes how they are used: Sequence Unconditional/conditional statements Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor
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Decision/branching Repetition/looping/iteration

Topic 3: Databases
Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. You are building a database to track a family tree. How would you structure your database? (IT203) Correct Response Criteria: The student explains how to do each of the following: Identify the entities in the database Select the unique identifier/primary key Identify appropriate attributes Select the appropriate data types Create a recursive relationship Identify the cardinality of a relationship Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. Explain the differences among a select query, an insert query, and an update query. (IT203) Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: Select query: Selects data from a table based on the arguments in the query Insert query: Inserts a single record or multiple record into a table Update query: Updates records in a table

Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. What are the basic components of a database? (IT203) Correct Response Criteria: The student addresses the following concepts: Tables/entities Rows/instances/tuples Columns/attributes Primary key Relationships Foreign key Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor
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Topic 4: Linux
Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. A small lab of Linux machines contains two servers. The administrator wishes to permit user settings and project files to be available when users log in on any machine. Name and describe the server processes needed on the servers. (IT302) Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: Required: NIS or LDAP Required: NFS (to permit exporting user home directories) Extra: Firewall concerns. NIS is insecure (so use NIS+ or LDAP) Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. What techniques can be used to install new software on Fedora? (IT250) 2. When would you use each? Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: YumYellowdog Update Modified: Automated software installation used when you have groups of computers to install and do not want to have to manually update each individually. RPMRed Hat Package Management system: Command line-driven installation package that allows installation, un-installation, upgrading, querying, and verifying. This is best suited for advanced users. Tar/gzBuilding software from source code. Tar originally derived from tape archive, the archives are commonly referred to as tarballs. Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. What file system is used on a Linux system? Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following file systems: Ext2 Ext3

Ext4 Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor

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Topic 5: OSI Model

Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. You are asked to set up a peer-to-peer Windows XP LAN using four computers with a LinkSys home Internet router with five built-in Ethernet switch ports. The LinkSys router serves as the DHCP server for the entire network. Identify what logical configurations you need in order to establish and test the connectivity. 2. You have confirmed all the four computers are talking to each other, so you decide to put two of the machines on a separate subnet while still retaining communication between the two subnets. When you implement the new subnet on the two machines, only the machines on the original subnet are talking to each other. What might have gone wrong and how would you fix it? Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: Logical configurations: DHCP on the computers, DHCP configuration on the LinkSys router (range, mask, gateway, etc.), subnetting, static IP configuration for the separate subnet, etc. Physical connectivity: Cable, NIC, switch ports, power for all devices Troubleshooting: Routing between the two subnets on the router Troubleshooting: Testing commands such as ping, tracert, etc. Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. Using the OSI model as a reference, describe how you would troubleshoot a connectivity problem. (IT220, IT320, IT321) Correct Response Criteria: The student describes the troubleshooting that takes place on each of the following layers of the OSI model: Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link Physical Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor
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Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. Explain the purpose and components of the OSI model. (IT220, IT320, IT321) Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: Purpose: Standardization in designing, developing, manufacturing,

implementing, troubleshooting, etc., for computerized communication systems Components: Physical, Logical Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application

Topic 6: TCP/IP
Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. Given the IP address with a subnet mask of, identify the network address, host address, number of hosts, and the broadcast address for the network. What must be done for users on this network to communicate with the rest of the world through the Internet? (IT220, IT320, IT320) Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies each of the following: IPv4, classes, subnet Private vs. public addresses Network address: Host address: Number of hosts: 254 Broadcast address for the subnet: Routing Network Address Translation (NAT) Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. You have a subnet of /25. Your network address is Identify the subnets, the first host, the last host, and the broadcast address. Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: Subnet: and First host: and Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor
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Last host: and Broadcast address: and Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. Identify the address classes in IPv4. (IT220, IT320, IT321) 2. List the address range of the first octet, the subnet mask, and any special designations for each. Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the characteristics of each of the following: Class A First octet: 1-126 Subnet mask: Begins with binary number: 0000

Class B First octet: 128-191 Subnet mask: Begins with binary number: 1000 Class C First octet: 192-223 Subnet mask: Begins with binary number: 1100 Class D First octet: 224-239 Multi-cast Begins with binary number: 1110 Class E First octet 240-255 Government/Experimental Begins with binary number 1111

Topic 7: LANs/WANs
Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. Compare and contrast the major pieces of networking equipment used to construct an Ethernet network. (IT220) Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following pieces of network gear and describes their purpose: HubPeep-to-peer networking. One big collision domain. Do not use this. SwitchLAN device. Each port is a collision domain. Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor
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BridgeBridges two networks. Different types pass different levels of traffic. RouterNetwork gateway device. Defines each subnet. Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. What does an Access Control List (ACL) block and why do you need to place it as close to the source as possible? (IT320, IT321) Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: ACL blocks the source address. ACL is placed close to the source to conserve bandwidth. Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. Describe the major types of cabling used in networks and what they are used for. (IT113) Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following cable types and describes what each is used for: 10/100BaseTtwisted pair

10Base2thinnet 10Base5thicknet 100BaseFx UTP / STP Category 5e

Topic 8: Windows
Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. What are the primary tasks of a system administrator? (IT220, IT221, IT222, IT260, IT320, IT321) 2. What does each task accomplish? Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: Backupsallow recovery from lost data or system crashes Upgrades (software/hardware) keep network current and more secure System monitoringcontributes to network continuity and security Documentationcommunication tool essential for continuity Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor
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Adding and maintaining Active Directory/user accountssecurity Archivingfacilitates system recovery and record keeping Designing system and proceduresupdates system and procedures Replying to user requestskeeps the users happy Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. Describe the services performed on a domain controller that would not be performed on a workgroup. (IT221, IT222, IT260) Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: Management services: Services built into Windows to allow the system administrator to manage network resources Directory services: Server component that organizes and stores file systems DNS services: Domain Name Service, a hierarchical naming convention IIS/Web services: Internet Information Services, allows the system administrator to administer and maintain a Web presence Active Directory: Identifies, stores, and manages access to all network components Mail: Component responsible for mail WINS: Window Internet Name Service Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. Describe the difference between workgroups and domains in the context of information security. (IT109, IT221, IT222, IT260) Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: Workgroups (peer-to-peer networks)Local user accounts have their own

profile. If you can physically access the computer, you can own it. Client/serverLocal and user account access possible. Network profiles allow limited access to resources. Active Directory controls access to network resources. Files can be stored on network resources, allowing data to be properly secured.

Topic 9: Windows (Operating Systems)

Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. How do you configure an operating system to interface with a network? (TB143IT103, IT109, IT221, IT222, IT260, IT250, IT302) Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor
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Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: Network interface card (NIC ) driver installation Protocol installationoften done automatically using TCP/IP NIC- Local area connectionTypes of NICs Wired Wireless USB Serial connectionalthough not used due to speed limitations, many systems still offer this type connection Parallelalso not used in recent history due to speed limitations and distance Dial-up modem LAN connection via Internet Carrier and cable modems or DSL DHCP or static Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. What considerations should you take into account when preparing to install an operating system? (IT103, IT109, IT221, IT222, IT260, IT250, IT302) Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: Installation can be accomplished a number of different ways, to include disk media, flash, from an FTP site or HTTP, from another hard disk. Installation includes installing on a blank computer, dual installation or more, upgrading to a newer OS from an existing one, or replacing an OS with a completely different one. Installation concerns include minimum hardware requirements and backward compatibility to older applications, in the case of upgrade. Also you must consider interoperability with other computers via some sort of interface or network. Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. What is an operating system? (IT103, IT109, IT221, IT222, IT260) 2. Provide some examples of operating systems.

Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: Interface between hardware and user Responsible for management and coordination of activities and sharing resources for the applications on the computer Responsible for sharing of resources Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor
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Manages hardware to alleviate the need for applications doing this, for example, DirectX Examples: Windows, Linux, DOS, DNOS, DX10 BSD, Sun, Mac OS, imbedded OSs in phone, cars, etc.

Topic 10: Windows/MMC

Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. With regards to the MMC, what is the difference between author mode and user mode? (IT221, IT222, IT260) 2. When would you choose each? Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: Author Modeability to change the MMC to adapt to a particular task. This is normally used by a system administrator when creating or changing MMC tasks. User Modeability to execute a task setup by some administrator. Often used for end users or department managers for tasks like changing domain passwords for subordinates Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. What is an MMC with reference to Microsoft Windows operating systems? Describe several snap-ins related to the MMC. (IT103, IT109, IT221, IT222, IT260) Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: Microsoft Management Console Snap-ins are the different applets that allow you to administer all aspects of a Windows computer, monitor. Examples of snap-ins: Computer Management Event Viewer Local Users and Groups Services Shared Folders Active Directory types of MMCs Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor
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Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question:

1. What are the two ways you can create or edit a Group Policy Object (GPO)? Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: First method: Open the MMC and browse Active Directory, then choose the GPO you wish to edit. Second method: In Active Directory Users and Computers, find the OU you want to create/edit, right-click, select Properties, then go to the Group Policy tab. (70-294 - Ch 7)

Topic 11: DNS

Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. What are some of the ways you would troubleshoot a DNS problem? (IT221, IT222, IT260) Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: ping ipconfig /all nslookup from the command line to verify DNS entries are correct dcdiag /v to diagnose errors Check the event viewer for errors or warnings. Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. What are the three components of a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)? (IT221, IT222, IT260) 2. What is the significance of each component? Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: Example: Computer1 = Host: This is the individual computer or server being accessed. = Domain: This is the owner of the domain. This example represents a company: Microsoft, located in a city: Redmond. Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor
ITT Educational Services, Inc. 116 Date: 01/12/2010 The period following com signifies root. Anything to the right of

root signifies files or documents within a directory structure on the host computer. Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. What are the components of DNS? (IT221, IT222, IT260) Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: Domain Namespace

DNS Zones Types of DNS name servers DNS resource records

Topic 12: Linux, Advanced Topics

Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. A Fedora server is storing security logs that contain a vast array of data. Design a tool chain that would contact an administrator via email in specific risk scenarios, and would otherwise provide daily updates. Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: grep: parses the logs for lines containing certain data sed: can be used to format those lines into a more meaningful format Regular Expressions: used to match and create pattern replacement rules for the above two commands bash/perl: container scripting languages that permit automation of the above tasks, including the mail command to construct the email cron: scheduling service that permits interval-based of more static logs Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. The Apache Web server on Fedora is not returning data to the outside world. What could you do to check what might be wrong? Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: ifconfiga to check that the network card is up and has an address. A basic ping would help, too. service httpd status to verify the Web server thinks its running Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor
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iptableslist to verify that http connections are permitted

/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: This file contains individual directory permissions based on IP. Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. Which directories are most important on Linux and what do they contain? Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: /etc: System configuration information /usr: Large executables (office suites, browsers) /bin, /sbin: System-wide basic commands (ping, mount, cp, mv, ls) /boot: Kernel and bootloader config /home: User home directories /var: Logs, among other things

Topic 13: Windows XP

Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation

Question: 1. How would you design and implement a backup and restore plan? Justify your choices. Correct Response Criteria: The students answer includes: Differential backup, incremental backup, full backup Daily, weekly, and monthly backup Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. Compare and contrast a workgroup with a domain. When would you use each of them? Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following characteristics: Workgroup: Peer-to-peer No centralized management No centralized security Basic share permissions only Adequate for home use Domain: Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor
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Client/server Active Directory controls access to network services, resources, and

management Domain is the gatekeeper for logins and permissions Essential for corporate networks Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. What is the difference between a System Access Control List (SACL) and a Discretionary Access Control List (DACL)? Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: SACL: Defined by the OS, controlled administratively by policies or administrators DACL: Lists of users or groups that have been granted access to an object at the discretion of the owner

Topic 14: Setup and Installation

Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. What is an information security policy? 2. What best practices should be considered when designing and implementing a security policy? Explain. Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: InfoSec Policy is a document that outlines how your network will be

secured and protected from intruders, malicious acts, and users. Best practices: Perform a risk assessment to determine what is: Low riskwould not disrupt business or cause legal issues Medium riskmoderate disruption of service High riskextreme disruption of service or causing legal/financial difficulties Determine the types of users and what types of access they would require Administrative access Privileged access User access Guest access Groups Network management procedures

Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor

Software and hardware installation procedures and techniques How software updates are implemented:

Pushed or pulled Tested prior to implementation User account management Password policy Network access controls Protection from viruses, malicious code, and users Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. Explain the difference between connecting to a network using a Domain Server and one using Workgroups. Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: Workgroup: When connecting to a workgroup, you just have to log on to one computer in the workgroup. There is no centralized management, so if you have access to one computer, you can normally access any computer in the workgroup. Domain Server: All access to a domain is controlled on the domain controller. All access to network resources is controlled using Active Directory. User account permissions are set up in Active Directory and control every aspect of the users ability to traverse the network. Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. What is required for an unattended installation or a remote installation of WinXP beyond what is required for an attended installation? Correct Response Criteria:

The student identifies the following: Activation, answer file, .sif Setupmgr.exe, sysprep Remote installation service (RIS), DHCP (remote install), domain server (remote install), Risetup.exe

Topic 15: Network Application Services

Learning Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation Question: 1. How does a virtual private network (VPN) work and when you would want to put one into effect? Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor
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Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: A VPN is a secure corporate wide area network (WAN) that uses public network infrastructure, such as the Internet, to provide connectivity between remote sites geographically separated. It used private key encryption, public key encryption, and tunneling protocols to provide a secure environment. The VPN sits on top of the public network the Internet uses but does not necessarily have access to the Internet. Communication takes place on the Data Link Layer and the Network Layer of the OSI model. A VPN would be used to connect remote offices of a corporate network that are geographically separated. It is also used for employees who telecommute. Learning Level 2: Application/Analysis Question: 1. What components should you install when setting up an Exchange Server? Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: Active Directory, domain controller, DNS server, mailbox store, public folder store, MAPI client, connection object, LDAP, virtual machines, virtual PC, prescriptive checklist, forestprep, domainprep, Exchange System Manager console, mailbox enabling Learning Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Question: 1. What is the purpose and function of IIS? Correct Response Criteria: The student identifies the following: IIS is Microsofts Internet Information Service and was designed to allow the ability to host Web sites and Web-based applications programs. IIS allows you to have a Web site front end and a database backend. It can be used for a corporate intranet or to host a Web site on the Internet. Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor
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Point Scoring Table Student Name: _________________________________

Levels of Knowledge Topic number(s) of highest level achieved Number of topics listed in Col. 2 Point value for that level Points earned (Col. 2 x Col. 3) Synthesis/Evaluation 1 Application/Analysis 0.8 x 1.0 = ____ x 0.8 = ____ x 0.6 = ____

Knowledge/Comprehension 0.6 No or incorrect responses

for all three levels 0 x 0.0 = ____ Total points earned Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor
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Appendix E: Teamwork Evaluation Form

To maximize the teamwork experience, each team member is required to complete this Teamwork Evaluation Form. Fill in this form after your final Project Presentation and submit it to your instructor along with the teams Project Documentation. Information on this sheet will be used as part of the criteria to award the 15% of the total grade for each studentincluding youwho has participated in the project. Areas for evaluation will be: Each of your teammates participation in this project Each of your teammates organizational contributions Each of your teammates interpersonal communication performance Each of your teammates subject-area expertise contributions Self-evaluation in the above four areas 1. On a scale of 1-5, where 1 means poor and 5 means excellent, how do you view your colleagues and your own participation in this project? Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name)

Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Myself ________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor
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2. On a scale of 1-5, where 1 means poor and 5 means excellent, how do you view your colleagues and yours own organizational contributions to this project? Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Myself ________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) 3. On a scale of 1-5, where 1 means poor and 5 means excellent, how do you view your colleagues and your own interpersonal communications in this project? Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Myself_________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Appendix D: Individual Skills Assessment Questionnaire for the Instructor
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4. On a scale of 1-5, where 1 means poor and 5 means excellent, how do you view your colleagues and your own technological understanding of and contributions to this project?

Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Name _________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) Myself_________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 (Print Name) (Please use additional paper to include more team members. Please use the same scale for evaluation.) 5. Please write down any comments you have about this project (on team performance, learning experience, etc.). Use additional paper if necessary.
Network Development Capstone Project ITT Educational Services, Inc. 125 Date: 01/12/2010

Appendix Z: Course Design Tool

Course Objectives and Enabling Objectives 1. Apply important concepts of project management to the actual capstone project proposed for this course. 1.1. Determine what constitutes project management and what does not. 1.2. Define a project and the concept of project success. 1.3. Define goals of project management practice and industry standards. 1.4. Identify the key principles that lead to better project team performance. 1.5. Describe the phases of a project life cycle. 1.6. Examine and identify existing processes. 1.7. Identify and describe new system boundaries and processes. 1.8. Define the tasks and subtasks undertaken in the planning phase. 1.9. Identify key principles for controlling project risks. 1.10. Explain the essential steps and tools for effective risk management. 1.11. Identify essential components for successfully managing stakeholders expectations. 1.12. Determine the performance parameters that best specify each of the organizations design goals for the network infrastructure. 2. Use Microsoft Office Project to help plan and manage the actual capstone project. 2.1. Describe features of Microsoft Office Project 2003. 2.2. Demonstrate how to enter tasks and their duration in Microsoft Office Project. 2.3. Explain milestones and recurring tasks and how they are used in a project plan. 2.4. Determine team members, a company name, and a company logo for a project. 2.5. Construct responsibilities to team members using Microsoft Office Project. 2.6. Explain the use of Gantt charts to view a project schedule. 2.7. Determine the progress of a project by comparing the project timeline to

resource assignment. 3. Analyze the requirements for the capstone project. 3.1. Compare and contrast a Request for Proposal (RFP) and a case study. 3.2. Determine key elements for successfully initiating a project. 3.2.1. Determine the core business problem. 3.2.2. Describe the business process. 3.2.3. Construct internal and external analyses. 3.3. Explain why completing a project on time, within the budget, and within the scope does not guarantee success. 3.4. Use project planning techniques to avoid commonly made mistakes. 3.5. Create the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to detail the steps of a project. 3.6. Identify user needs and manage project deliverables. 3.7. Design a project schedule to manage the progress of a project. 3.8. Determine the progress of a project by comparing the project timeline to resource assignment.
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4. Integrate and apply the knowledge acquired in the program to provide effective technological solutions for given problems. 4.1. Describe the technologies used in the previous quarters. 4.2. Match the skill set with the technological deliverables of the project. 4.3. Summarize information required to implement defined protocols within a network environment. 4.4. Create test scripts to ensure the functionality of systems. 4.5. Design a network with all hardware, software, technology, services, implementation, and management details using the case study approach. 4.6. Conduct a quality assurance check. 5. Work in teams to construct a large-scope project. 5.1. Identify the best techniques for communication plans, meetings, and status reporting. 5.2. Use testing scripts and team members to resolve outstanding issues. 5.3. Demonstrate the best practices of project communication. 5.4. Identify any design constraints: 5.4.1. Identify the implementation timescale. 5.4.2. Identify the support of legacy equipment. 5.4.3. Incorporate a unique network specification and policy. 5.4.4. Set targets for the relevant network performance parameters. 6. Document solutions to a problem in detail by applying critical thinking and problemsolving skills. 6.1. Record planned activities, executed activities, problems encountered, and solutions in a weekly journal. 7. Present and defend a proposal in spoken, written, and panel formats in a professional manner. 7.1. Design presentation material and present solutions to demonstrate knowledge of subject matter. 7.2. Demonstrate business and professional presentation skills. 7.3. Submit detailed documentation to support a teams design vision and final

proposed solution. 8. Complete a comprehensive skills assessment for the program of study.

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