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Program: M.

Com Batch-6

Assignment # 2

Submitted to:

Yasir Javed Sheikh

Submitted by: Adnan Sajid

ID #




TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................3 1.2 PURPOSE ...........................................................................................................5 1.3 SCOPE ................................................................................................................6 1.4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................................................6 2.1 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES NBP........................................................................8 2.2 BOARD OF DIRECTORS....................................................................................8 ..................................................................................................................................11 2.4 NET WORK OF BRANCHES:............................................................................11 2.5 FUNCTIONS OF NBP .......................................................................................12 2.6 UNMATCHED BANKING FACILITIES...............................................................13 2.7 NBP AT THE FOREFRONT OF PAK-AFGHAN TRADE...................................14 A) DEPARTMENTATION.........................................................................................14 B) DEPARTMENTATION OF MANANWALA BRANCH NBP.................................25 3.1 CASH DEPARTMENT OF MANANWALA BRANCH:........................................25 3.2 GENERAL BANKING OF MANANWALA BRANCH:.........................................25 3.3 REMITTANCES DEPARTMENT OF MANANWALA BRANCH:........................26 3.4 ADVANCES DEPARTMENT OF MANANWALA BRANCH:..............................26 3.5 CLEARING DEPARTMENT OF MANANWALA BRANCH:...............................27 4.7 ESTABLISHMENT DEPARTMENT OF MANANWALA BRANCH:....................27 chapter #4.......................................................................................................................28 4.1 STRENGTHS:....................................................................................................29 4.2 WEAKNESSES..................................................................................................30 4.3 OPPORTUNITIES .............................................................................................32 4.4 THREATS...........................................................................................................32 5.1 TEN YEARS PERFORMANCE AT GLANCE....................................................33 5.2 COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES OF NBP:............................................................34 5.3 MARKETING......................................................................................................34 5.4 PROMOTION STRATEGIES OF NBP :.............................................................35 3|Page

6.2 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS..................................................................................36 6.3 ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYSIS..........................................................................37 6.4 PERSONAL MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS..........................................................39 7.1 DUTIES..............................................................................................................42 7.2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ......................................................................................42 7.3 NEW KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED......................................................................43 7.4 CAREER MATRIX..............................................................................................43 REFERENCE.............................................................................................................44


1.1 BACKGROUND As part of the academic requirement for completing MBA, students are required to undergo six weeks of internship with an organization. The internship is to serve the purpose of acquainting the students with the practice of knowledge of the discipline. This report is about National Bank Pakistan. NBP was established in 1949 and since then, it has expended its network, becoming the largest commercial Bank of the country. It provides different services to all kind of customers. 1.2 PURPOSE The main purpose of the study was to collect relevant information about functions and procedures of different departments of National Bank of Pakistan and to observe, analyze and interpret the relevant data competently and in a useful manner. To work practically in National Bank of Pakistan. To develop interpersonal communications. To analyze different functions of the departments. To analyze efficiencies and deficiencies of the departments.


1.3 SCOPE As an internee in National Bank of Pakistan, the main focus of my internship was to learn the procedures involved in general banking at one of the branches of NBP. These operations include remittances, deposits, advances and foreign exchange. Similarly different aspects of overall of NBP are also covered in this report. 1.4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The report is based on my 8 weeks internship program in National Bank of Pakistan. The methodology for collection of data was primary as well as secondary data. The major source of data collection was through personal observations while working and having discussions with staff. Formally arranged interviews and discussions were also helpful in this regards.

Primary data:

A data observed and collected directly from firsthand experience. Following are the method of primary data collection

Personal Interviews Personal interviewing is the most efficient method. The interviewer can ask more questions and record additional observation about the respondent, such as dress and body language. Telephone Interviews Telephone interviewing is best method for gathering information quickly, the interviewer is also able to clarify questions if respondents can not understand them. The response rate is typically higher than in the case of mailed questionnaires.

Secondary data:

Published data and the data collected in the past or other parties are called secondary data. 6|Page

Following are the method of Secondary data collection:

Manuals Journals Magazine Annual reports Internet

The NBP was established vide NBP Ordinance No. XIX of November 9. 1949. British Govt. devalued its currency in September 1949, India devalued its rupees but Pakistan did not. It led to a crisis in trading between the two countries and India refused to lift the Pakistan Jute. To solve this problem i.e. to export jute NBP was established through an Ordinance of GOP. National Bank of Pakistan maintains its position as Pakistan's premier bank determined to set higher standards of achievements. It is the major business partner for the Government of Pakistan with special emphasis on 7|Page

fostering Pakistan's economic growth through aggressive and balanced lending policies, technologically oriented products and services offered through its large network of branches locally, internationally and representative offices. Now in 2010, NBP has a profit of Rs. 24,415,119 deposit of Rs. 832,151,888 and advances reached to Rs. 477,506,564. Growth in deposits is accompanied by increasing in bank portfolio in advances. NBP lending to textile, yarn, iron and steel sectors played a pioneer role in support of agriculture and commerce.


To be the pre-eminent financial institution in Pakistan and achieve market recognition both in the quality and delivery of service as well as the range of product offerings.


Table 1 NAME Ali Raza Mr.Tariq Kirmani Mrs. Haniya Shahid Naseem Ms. Nazrat Bashir i Mr. Ekhlaq Ahmed Sikandar Hayat Jamali M. Khalid Malik S.M. Rafique DISIGNATION Chairman & President Director Director Director Director Director Director SEVP & Sectorary to BD

2.3 MANAGEMENT. The management has two types. 1 Centralized. 8|Page

Centralized Management tends to concentrate decision making at the top of the Organization. 2 Decentralized. Decentralized disperses decision making and authority throughout and further down the organizational hierarchy.NBP have a centralized type of management because all the decisions are taken by the top management. . 2.3.1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT OF NBP. Table 2 Mr. Shahid Anwar Khan S. M. Rafique Dr. Asif A. Brohi Imam Bakhsh Baloch Mr. Ziaullah Khan SEVP/Group Chief Management Group SEVP & Directors Secretary Credit Board of

SEVP/Group Chief Commercial & Retail Banking SEVP & Group Chief, Compliance Group SEVP/Group Chief Recovery Group Assets

Dr. Mirza Abrar Baig

SEVP/Group Chief Human Resources Management and Administration Group SEVP/Group Group Chief Operations

Mr. Nausherwan Adil

Mr. Nadeem Anwar Ilyas

SEVP/Group Chief Corporate & Investment Banking Group/PSO to the President SEVP,Group Chief Management Group Treasury

Mr. Muhammad Nusrat Vohra


Mr. Syed Iqbal Ashraf Mr. Khalid Bin Shaheen

SEVP/Group Chief, Banking Group


SEVP/Group Chief, Global Home Remittance Management Group SEVP/Group Chief, Small Medium Assets Recovery Group SEVP/Group Chief, Compliance &

Mr. Asif Hasan Mr. Tariq Jamali


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2.4 NET WORK OF BRANCHES: NBP have wide range of branches inside and outside of the country. In Pakistan it has 29 regional offices, 1250Branches and 4 Subsidiaries. In overseas it has 16 overseas branches, 6 other branches.

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2.5 FUNCTIONS OF NBP NBP is a commercial bank, it performs a variety of functions. Like other commercial banks, NBP is engaged in financing international trade. Its other major functions include receiving deposits, advancing loans and discounting of exchange. The functions performed by NBP are:

2.5.1 ACCEPTING DEPOSITS This function is important because banks largely depend on the funds deposited with them by its customers. Deposits are of many types: i. CURRENT DEPOSITS Current deposits are also called demand liability on current deposits. NBP pays practically no interest on current deposits. Businessmen usually open current accounts. In NBP current account can be opened with a minimum amount of Rs.500/-. ii. PLS SAVING DEPOSIT Profit and loss sharing deposits (PLS) are also called checking accounts. One can deposit and draw money easily. Profit on PLS is calculated every month but paid after six months. PLS account can be opened with a minimum amount of Rs.500/iii PLS TERM DEPOSITS Fixed term deposits are deposits with the bank for certain fixed period before the expiry of which they cannot be withdrawn unless giving due notice. In this case the rates of profit will be different depending upon the time period.

2.5.2 AGENCY SERVICE NBP also provides best and unique service to its valued customers. NBP provide the following agency services to the customers: i. COLLECTION OF DIVIDENDS

As NBP deals with the purchase and sale of various types of securities, therefore NBP also provide dividend or interest earned on share or bonds or invested money. ii. COLLECTION OF CHEQUES

In the collection and payment of Cheques, bills and promissory notes etc on behalf of its customers. 12 | P a g e

iii. ACTING AS AN AGENT NBP also acts as an agent correspondent or representative for its customer at home or abroad. iv. GENERAL UTILITY SERVICES: Utilities provided by NBP are as follows: a. CLEARANCE OF UTILITY BILLS NBP provides the service of clearing the utility bills i.e. electricity, gas and telephone bills of its customers. For this purpose it also provides evening banking services. b. LOCKERS FACILITY National bank of Pakistan also provides locker facilities to its customers to keep their valuable assets in it. The charges of different size of lockers are different.

c. SUPPLY OF INFORMATION NBP provides operational and advisory service for foreign exchange accounts/activities.


Deposit security, Guaranteed by Government of Pakistan. Highest rates of return to attract the savings. Lowest rates on exports and other borrowings. Largest contribution requirements. towards Government and Semi-Government

Agents of the STATE BANK PAKISTAN handling Treasury Functions, receipts of Taxes & other Revenues. Handling of salaries & pensions of federal/provincial/defense personnel. Utility Bills collections. Hajj arrangements. Sale and encashment of prize Bonds. Sale and encashment of Defense Savings and Special Savings Certificates. Safe Deposit Lockers for customers. 13 | P a g e

Rational Human Resource Management.


i. Booth at dry port Peshawar ii. Booth at Pak Afghan border (Torkham) NWFP iii. Booth at Pak Afghan border (Chamman).Baluchistan. iv. Establishing branch at Kabul in near Future.

Dividing an organization into different parts according to the functions is called departmentalization.

3.1 CASH DEPARTMENT Cash department performs the following functions 3.1.1) RECEIPT The money, which either comes in or goes out of the bank is recorded by the cashier. The deposits of all customers of the bank are controlled by means of ledger accounts. Every customer has its own ledger account and has separate ledger cards. 3.1.2) PAYMENTS It is a bankers primary contract to repay money received for the customers account usually by honoring his cheques. 3.1.3) CHEQUES AND THEIR PAYMENT The Negotiable Instruments. Act, 1881, 14 | P a g e

Cheque is a bill of exchange drawn on a specified banker and not expressed to be payable otherwise than on demand. Since a Cheque has been declared to be a bill of exchange, it must have all its characteristics as mentioned in Section 5 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881. Therefore, one can say that a Cheque can be defined as an: An unconditional order in writing drawn on a specified banker, signed by the drawer, requiring the banker to pay on demand a sum certain in money to, or to the order of, a specified person or to the bearer, and which does not order any act to be done in addition to the payment of money. (Law of Banking by Dr. Hart, p.327). 3.1.4 THE REQUISITES OF CHEQUE There is no prescribed form of words or design of a Cheque, but in order to fulfill the requirements mentioned in Section 6 above the Cheque must have the following. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) It should be in writing The unconditional order Drawn on specific banker only Payment on Demand Sum Certain in money Payable to a specific person Signed by the drawer 3.1.5 PARTIES TO CHEQUE The normal Cheque is one in which there is a drawer, a banker as a drawee and a payee, or no payee but bearer. 3.1.6 TYPES OF CHEQUES Bankers in Pakistan deal with three types of cheques. a) BEARER CHEQUES Bearer cheques are cashable at the counter of the bank. These can also be collected through clearing. b) ORDER CHEQUE These types of cheques are also cashable on the counter but its holder must satisfy the banker that he is the proper man to collect the payment of the cheque and he has to show his identification. It can also be collected through clearing. 15 | P a g e

c) CROSSED CHEQUE These cheques are not payable in cash at the counters of a banker. It can only be credited to the payees account. If there are two persons having accounts at the same bank, one of the account holder issues a cross-cheque in favor of the other account holder. Then the cheque will be credited to the account of the person to whom the cheque was issued and debited from the account of the person who has actually issued the cheque. 3.1.7 PAYMENT OF CHEQUES It is a bankers primary contract to repay money received for his customers account usually by honoring his cheques. Payment of money deposited by the customer is one of the root functions of banking. The paying function is one, which is the distinguishing mark of a banker and differentiates him from other institutions, which receive money from the public. However the bankers legal protection is only when payment is in Due Course. The payment in due course means payment in accordance with the apparent tenor of the instrument, in good faith and without negligence to any person in possession thereof under circumstances, which do not afford a reasonable ground of believing that he is not entitled to receive payment of the amount therein mentioned. It is a contractual obligation of a banker to honor his customers cheques if the following essentials are fulfilled. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Cheques should be in a proper form: Cheque should not be crossed: Cheque should be drawn on the particular bank: Cheque should not mutilated: Funds must be sufficient and available: The Cheque should not be post dated or stale: Cheque should be presented during banking hours: 3.2 CLEARANCE DEPARTMENT A clearinghouse is an association of commercial banks set up by SBP for the purpose of interchange and settlement of credit claims. The function of clearinghouse is performed by the central bank of a country by tradition or by law. In Pakistan, the clearing system is operated by the State Bank Pakistan. If SBP has no office at a place, then NBP, as a representative of SBP act as a clearinghouse..

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The meeting is held in the office of the bank that officially performs the duties of clearinghouse. The representatives of the commercial banks deliver the cheques payable at other local banks and receive the cheques drawn on their bank. The cheques are then sorted according to the bank on which they are drawn. A summary sheet is prepared which shows the names of the banks, the total number of cheques delivered and received by them. Totals are also made of all the cheques presented by or to each bank. The difference between the total represents the amount to be paid by a particular bank and the amount to be received by it. Each bank then receives the net amount due to it or pays the net amount owed by it. 3.3 ADVANCES DEPARTMENT Advances department is one of the most sensitive and important departments of the bank. The major portion of the profit is earned through this department. The job of this department is to make proposals about the loans. The Credit Management Division of Head Office directly controls all the advances. As we known bank is a profit seeking institution. It attracts surplus balances from the customers at low rate of interest and makes advances at a higher rate of interest to the individuals and business firms. Credit extensions are the most important activity of all financial institutions, because it is the main source of earning. However, at the same time, it is a very risky task and the risk cannot be completely eliminated but could be minimized largely with certain techniques. Any individual or company, who wants loan from NBP, first of all has to undergo the filling of a prescribed form, which provides the following information to the banker.

3.3.1 NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE BORROWER. a) b) c) d) e) Existing financial position of a borrower at a particular branch. Accounts details of other banks (if any). Security against loan. Exiting financial position of the company. (Balance Sheet & Income Statement). Signing a promissory note is also a requirement of lending, through this note borrower promise that he will be responsible to pay the certain amount of money with interest.

3.3.2 PRINCIPLES OF ADVANCES There are five principles, which must be duly observed while advancing money to the borrowers. 17 | P a g e

Safety Liquidity Dispersal Remuneration a. SAFETY Bankers funds comprise mainly of money borrowed from numerous customers on various accounts such as Current Account, Savings Bank Account, Call Deposit Account, Special Notice Account and Fixed Deposit Account. It indicates that whatever money the banker holds is that of his customers who have entrusted the banker with it only because they have full confidence in the expert handling of money by their banker. Therefore, the banker must be very careful and ensure that his depositors money is advanced to safe hands where the risk of loss does not exist. The elements of character, capacity and capital can help a banker in arriving at a conclusion regarding the safety of advances allowed by him.



Liquidity means the possibilities of recovering the advances in emergency, because all the money borrowed by the customer is repayable in lump sum on demand. Generally the borrowers repay their loans steadily, and the funds thus released can be used to allow fresh loans to other borrowers. Nevertheless, the banker must ensure that the money he is lending is not blocked for an undue long time, and that the borrowers are in such a financial position as to pay back the entire amount outstanding against them on a short notice. In such a situation, it is very important for a banker to study his borrowers assets to liquidity, because he would prefer to lend only for a short period in order to meet the shortfalls in the wording capital. If the borrower asks for an advance for the purchase of fixed assets the banker should refuse because it shall not be possible for him to repay when the banker wants his customer to repay the amount. Hence, the baker must adhere to the consideration of the principles of liquidity very careful. c. DISPERSAL

The dispersal of the amount of advance should be broadly based so that large number of borrowing customer may benefit from the bankers funds. The banker must ensure that his funds are not invested in specific sectors like textile industry, heavy engineering or agriculture. He must see that from his available funds he advances them to a wide 18 | P a g e

range of sector like commerce, industry, farming, agriculture, small business, housing projects and various other financial concerns in order of priorities. Dispersal of advances is very necessary from the point of security as well, because it reduces the risk of recovery when something goes wrong in one particular sector or in one field. d. REMUNERATION

A major portion of the bankers earnings comes form the interest charged on the money borrowed by the customers. The banker needs sufficient earnings to meet the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) Interest payable to the money deposited with him. Salaries and fringe benefits payable to the staff members. Overhead expense and depreciation and maintenance of the fixed assets of the bank. An adequate sum to meet possible losses. Provisions for a reserve fund to meet unforeseen contingencies. Payment of dividends to the shareholders. 3.3.3 FORMS OF LOANS In addition to purchase and discounting of bills, bankers in Pakistan generally lend in the form of cash finance, overdrafts and loans. NBP provides advances to different people in different ways as the case demand.

a) CASH FINANCE This is a very common form of borrowing by commercial and industrial concerns and is made available either against pledge or hypothecation of goods, produce or merchandise. In cash finance a borrower is allowed to borrow money from the banker up to a certain limit, either at once or as and when required. The borrower prefers this form of lending due to the facility of paying markup/services charges only on the amount he actually utilizes. If the borrower does not utilize the full limit, the banker has to lose return on the unutilized amount. In order to offset this loss, the banker may provide for a suitable clause in the cash finance agreement, according to which the borrower has to pay markup/service charges on at least on self or one quarter of the amount of cash finance limit allowed to him even when he does not utilize that amount. 19 | P a g e

b) OVERDRAFT/RUNNING FINANCE This is the most common form of bank lending. When a borrower requires temporary accommodation his banker allows withdrawals on his account in excess of the balance which the borrowing customer has in credit, and an overdraft thus occurs. This accommodation is generally allowed against collateral securities. When it is against collateral securities it is called Secured Overdraft and when the borrowing customer cannot offer any collateral security except his personal security, the accommodation is called a Clean Overdraft. The borrowing customer is in an advantageous position in an overdraft, because he has to pay service charges only on the balance outstanding against him. The main difference between a cash finance and overdraft lies in the fact that cash finance is a bank finance used for long term by commercial and industrial concern on regular basis, while an overdraft is a temporary accommodation occasionally resorted to. c) DEMAND FINANCING/LOANS When a customer borrows from a banker a fixed amount repayable either in periodic installments or in lump sum at a fixed future time, it is called a loan. When bankers allow loans to their customers against collateral securities they are called secured loans and when no collateral security is taken they are called clean loans. The amount of loan is placed at the borrowers disposal in lump sum for the period agreed upon, and the borrowing customer has to pay interest on the entire amount. Thus the borrower gets a fixed amount of money for his use, while the banker feels satisfied in lending money in fixed amounts for definite short periods against a satisfactory security 3.4 REMITTANCE DEPARTMENT Remittance means a sum of money sent in payment for something. This department deals with either the transfer of money from one bank to other bank or from one branch to another branch for their customers. NBP offers the following forms of remittances. a) b) c) d) Demand Draft Telegraphic Transfer Pay Order Mail Transfer 3.4.1 DEMAND DRAFT

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Demand draft is a popular mode of transfer. The customer fills the application form. Application form includes the beneficiary name, account number and a senders name. The customer deposits the amount of DD in the branch. After the payment the DD is prepared and given to the customer. NBP officials note the transaction in issuance register on the page of that branch of NBP on which DD is drawn and will prepare the advice to send to that branch. The account of the customer is credited when the DD advice from originating branch comes to the responding branch and the account is debited when DD comes for clearance. DD are of two types. a) b) Open DD: Cross DD: Where direct payment is made. Where payment is made though account.

NBP CHARGES FOR DD I. II. Up to Rs. 50,000/- is Rs 50/- only Over Rs. 50,000/- is 0.1% 3.4.2 PAY ORDER Pay order is made for local transfer of money. Pay order is the most convenient, simple and secure way of transfer of money. NBP takes fixed commission of Rs. 25 per pay order from the account holder and Rs. 100 from a non-account holder. 3.4.3 TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFER Telegraphic transfer or cable transfer is the quickest method of making remittances. Telegraphic transfer is an order by telegram to a bank to pay a specified sum of money to the specified person. The customer for requesting TT fills an application form. Vouchers are prepared and sent by ordinary mail to keep the record. TT charges are taken from the customer. No excise duty is charged on TT. The TT charges are: Telegram/ Fax Charges on TT = Actual-minimum Rs.125. Cable telegram transfer costs more as compared to other title of money. In cable transfer the bank uses a secret system of private code, which is known to the person concerned with this department and branch manager. 3.5 DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT: It controls the following activities: a) b) c) Account opening. Issuance of cheque book. Current account

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d) e) f)

Saving account Cheque cancellation Cash

3.5.1 ACCOUNT OPENING The opening of an account is the establishment of banker customer relationship. Before a banker opens a new account, the banker should determine the prospective customers integrity, respectability, occupation and the nature of business by the introductory references given at the time of account opening. Preliminary investigation is necessary because of the following reasons. i. ii. iii. iv. Avoiding frauds Safe guard against unintended over draft. Negligence. Inquiries about clients.

There are certain formalities, which are to be observed for opening an account with a bank. 1. 2. 3. Formal Application Introduction Specimen Signature Minimum Initial Deposit Operating the Account Pay-In-Slip Book Pass Book Issuing Cheque Book

a QUALIFICATION OF CUSTOMER The relation of the banker and the customer is purely a contractual one, however, he must have the following basic qualifications. He must be of the age of majority. He must be of sound mind. Law must not disqualify him.

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The agreement should be made for lawful object, which create legal relationship Not expressly declared void.

b TYPES OF ACCOUNTS Following are the main types of accounts 1) 2) 3) Individual Account Joint Account Accounts of Special Types Partnership account Joint stock company account Accounts of clubs, societies and associations Agents account Trust account Executors and administrators accounts Pak rupee non-resident accounts Foreign currency accounts 3.5.2 ISSUING OF CHEQUE BOOK: This department issue cheque books to account holders. Following are the requirements that must be fulfilled for issuance of cheque books a) The account holder must sign the requisition slip b) Entry should be made in the cheque book issuing book c) five rupees per cheque should be recovered from a/c holder if not then debit his/her account.

3.5.3 CURRENT ACCOUNT Current account open mostly for businessman. This account is opened on the base of no profit no loss. Until a few decades back, the proportion of Current Deposits in relation to Fixed Deposits was very small. In recent years, however, the position has changed 23 | P a g e

remarkably. Now, the Current Deposits have become more important; but still the proportion of Current Deposits and Fixed Deposits varies from bank to bank, branch to branch, and from time to time.

3.5.4 SAVING ACCOUNT Savings Deposits account can be opened with very small amount of money, and the depositor is issued a cheque book for withdrawals. Profit is paid at a flexible rate calculated on six-month basis under the Interest-Free Banking System. There is no restriction on the withdrawals from the deposit accounts but the amount of money withdrawn is deleted from the amount to be taken for calculation of products for assessment of profit to be paid to the account holder. It discourages unnecessary withdrawals from the deposits. In order to popularize this scheme the State Bank of Pakistan has allowed the Savings Scheme for school and college students and industrial labor also. The purpose of these accounts is to inculcate the habit of savings in the constituents. As such, the initial deposit required for opening these accounts is very nominal. 3.5.5 CHEQUE CANCELLATION: This department can cancel a cheque on the basis of a) Post dated cheque b) Stale cheque c) Warn out cheque d) Wrong sign etc 3.5.6 CASH This department also deals with cash i.e. Payment of cheques, deposits of cheques etc. 3.6 FOREIGN EXCHANGE/DEPARTMENT: This department mainly deals with the foreign business. The main functions of this deptt are: a) Letter of Credit dealing. b) Foreign currency accounts dealing. c) Foreign Remittance dealing. 24 | P a g e

3.6.1 LETTER OF CREDIT DEALING NBP is committed to offering its business customers the widest range of options in the area of money transfer. Commercial Entities use letter of credit (L/C) for Import/Export purposes. An importer opens a L/C with a bank on behalf of which the bank pays the exporter. With competitive rates, security, and ease of transaction, NBP Letters of Credit are the best way to do your business transactions. 3.6.2 FOREIGN CURRENCY ACCOUNT DEALING: This department deals with the foreign currency accounts which mainly include dollar account, euro account etc.


Dividing an organization into different parts according to the functions is called departmentation. NBP MANANWALA branch is divided into different departments. 3.1 CASH DEPARTMENT OF MANANWALA BRANCH: Cash department mainly deals in cash. The Head of department is Mr. Sajjid Aziz and cashier Mohammad Shahbaz. The objective of cash department is To facilitate people in the payments of their bills and taxes and repayments of cash There are two main functions of cash department. i. i. ii. Payment ii. Receipts

Payments are the function that they pay their cheques and pay cash. Receipts mean collection of utilities bills, taxes etc.

3.2 GENERAL BANKING OF MANANWALA BRANCH: In this section of the bank the general banking function is performed. It is divided into five departments. i. ii. iii. iv. 25 | P a g e Remittances Department. Computer Department. Advances Department. Clearing Department.


Establishment Department.


The head of department is Mohammad Ashraf, a very competent person. The objective of this department is:To transfer the money of people from one place to another place in safe and comparable way The main functions of this department are: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Issuing of demand draft. Issuing of Mail transfer. Issuing of Telegraphic transfer. Issuing of payment order. Issuing of call deposit. Pension payments etc. Closing and scrolling of government collections.


Every bank has a department that advances money to borrowers. In NBP Mananwala branch the advances department is head by the Business Manager and Operation Manager Allah tawakal are very competent person in this regard. The objective of Advances Department is To facilitate people by giving short term and long term loans on easy terms and conditions. The main function of this Department is to take surplus money from the people at low rates and lend this money to borrowers at high rates to earn profit.

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A clearing house is an association of commercial banks set in State Bank of Pakistan for the purpose of interchange and settlement of credit claims. In NBP Mananwala Branch, this department is headed by Allah Tawakal who has an experience of about ten years. The objective of this department is to To facilitate customers for payment their Cheques of other banks. 3.6 COMPUTER DEPARTMENT OF MANANWALA BRANCH: This department headed by Mohammad Ashraf. The objective of this Department is to facilitate customers in payment of their cheques. The main functions performed by this department are: a) b) c) d) Checking balance. Deduction from balance on clearing cheques. Issuing bank statements. Dealing Western Union.


NBP Mananwala Branch has an Establishment Department. This Department consists of only one person Mohammad Ashraf who is very competent and experienced person. This department mainly deals with the branch employees. The main objective of this department is to To regulate bank business. Main functions of this department are: a) b) c) Keeps the record of attendance of employees. Employees salaries distribution. Employees bonuses etc.

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SWOT analysis is an acronym that stands for strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats SWOT analysis is careful evaluation of an organizations internal strengths and weakness as well as its environment opportunities and threats. In SWOT analysis the best strategies accomplish an organizations mission by: 1. Exploiting an organizations opportunities and strength. 2. Neutralizing it threats. 3. Avoiding mistakes or correcting its weakness.

4.1.1 OLDEST INSTITUTION: NBP in one of the oldest bank of Pakistan and first nationalized bank. Hence, its customer base is its strength from this plus point as customers have more confidence in the bank. The additional value services as the privilege for the bank. 4.1.2 ALTERNATE DUTIES IN SBP ABSENCE The NBP performs additional services for its customers as well as the other bank customer on behalf of SBP.


NBP has the relative competence in having more deposits than the other bank. This is because of the confidence the customer have in the bank. The bank being the privileged and oldest bank in banking sector of Pakistan enjoys this edge over all others. 4.1.4 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS The employers at NBP are offered reasonable monetary benefit. Normally two bonuses are given Eid-Ul-Fitar & Eid-Ul-Azha. This serves as an additional benefit and competency for the bank and a source of motivation for the employees. 4.1.5 BROAD NETWORK The bank has another competency i.e. it has broad-basses network of branches throughout the country also more than one branch in high productive cities. The customers are provided services at their nearest possible place to confirm customer satisfied. 4.1.6 STRICTLY FOLLOWED RULES &REGULATION: The employees at NBP are strict followers of rule & regulation imposed by bank. The disciplined environment at NBP bolsters its image and also enhances the over all out put of the organization.

4.2.1 CUSTOMER DISSATISFACTION: In my 45 days of experience in Manawala branch, it was not had to conclude that the customers were not dealt with proper care and respect that they deserved. And there is no science in concluding that this way NBP will lose customers, as in the current very competitive market of banking, customer service benchmarks has risen, due to the arrival of foreign banks. NBP should not forget that banking is a SERVICE INDUSTRY and what will it be if it doesnt provide proper service. 4.2.2 LACK OF MARKETING EFFORT: The bank does not promote its corporate image, services, etc on a competitive way. Hence lacks far behind in marketing effort. A need for aggressive marketing in there in the era marketing in now becoming a part of every organization.

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4.2.3 NBP UNDER POLITICAL PRESSURE The strong political hold of some parties and government and their dominance is affecting the bank in a negative way. They sometime have to provide loan under the pressure, which leads to uneven and adjusted feeling in the bank employees. 4.2.4 FAVORITISM AND NEPOTISM The promotions and bonuses etc in the bank are often powered by seniors favoritism or depends upon their wills and decision. This adds to the negative factors, which denominate the employees thus resulting in affecting their performance negatively. 4.2.5 LACK OF FINACIAL PRODUCT The bank falls far behind when the innovative and new schemes are considered. It has not been involved in the tug of war between the competitors to the accounts and strengthens the existing customer base. This stands out to be the major incompetence and weakness of the banks. 4.2.6 INEFFICIENT COUNTER SERVICES IN THE RUSH HOURS During the rush hours, the bank is founded out to be a total flop to handle the mob of people peaking from windows and doors. The bank has deficiency to operate in the stages of rush hours where the people find them services entangled in a situation of nowhere because they are not well served. 4.2.7 LACK OF EFFICIENT COMPUTERIZED NETWORK The bank lack the strength of being powered by a reasonable network of computers, which have saved time, energy and would have lessened the mental stress, the employees have currently. The network currently in place is very slow. This would add to the strength if it were powered by network of advanced computers. 4.2.8 LACK OF MODERN EQUIPMENT The bank lacks the modern Equipment that is note counting machine computers. Even if there is any equipment they lack to fall in the criteria of being rearmed as update and upgraded 4.2.9 UNEVEN WORK DISTIBUTION. The workload in NBP is not evenly distributed and the workload tends to be more on some employees while others abscond away from their responsibilities, which server as a demonization factor for employees performing above average work.

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4.3.1 EFFECIENT ELECTRONIC BANKING The world today has become a global village because of advancement in the technologies, especially in communication sector. More emphasis is now given to avail the modern technologies to better the performances. NBP can utilize the electronic banking opportunity to ensure on line banking 24 hours a day. This would give a competitive edge over others. 4.3.2 MICRO FINANCING Because of the need for micro financing in the market, there are lot of opportunities in this regard. Other banks have already initiated, now the time has arrived when the NBP must realize it and take on step to cater an ongoing demand. 4.3.3 ATM SERVICE IN MANAWALA: ATM service is not provided in the area of MANAWALA, and overcoming this can be a very attractive package for the customers of MANAWALA, as no other bank provides this service in MANAWALA. 4.3.4 AGRICULTURE BANKING: Having the most branches in the far most depths of Punjab, NBP should take advantage of the upcoming Agricultural business, which is the 70% of the Punjabs business.

4.4.1 EMERGENCE OF NEW COMPETITORS The bank is facing threats with the emergence of new competitors especially in terms of foreign banks. These foreign banks are equipped with heavy financial power with excellent and innovative ways of promoting and performing their services. The bank has to take initiative in this regard or will find itself far back in competition. 4.4.2 POLITICAL PRESSURE BY ELECTED GOVERNMENT The ongoing shift in power in political arena in the country effects the performance of the bank has to forward loans to politically powerful persons which create a sense of insecurity and demoralization in the customer as well as employees. 4.4.3 CUSTOMERS COMPLAINT SYSTEM There exists no regular and specific system of the removal of customer complaints. Now a day a need for total customer satisfaction is emerging and in their demanding consequences customer's complaints are ignored 32 | P a g e

Financial analysis, though varying according to the particular interests of the analyst, always involves the use of various financial statement primarily the balance sheet and income statement. The balance sheet summarizes the assets, liabilities, and owners equity of a business at a point in time, and thee income statement summarizes revenues and expenses of the over a particular period f time. A conceptual framework for financial analysis provides the analyst with an interlocking means for structuring the financing.


Years Total assets Deposits Advances Investment S,s holder equity pre tax profit After tax profit Earning per share Return on assets No of Branches Employes 2009 944233 726465 475243 217639 94792 22300 18212 16.92 -13.72% 1287 16248 2008 817758 624939 412979 170822 81367 23001 15459 14.36 -28.17% 1276 15441 2007 762194 591907 340319 211146 69271 28061 19034 17.68 -10.44% 1261 14079 2006 635133 501872 316110 139947 53045 26311 17022 15.81 -2.95% 1250 14019 2005 577719 463427 268839 156985 37636 19056 12709 11.81 18.39% 1242 13824 2004 553231 465572 220794 149350 24900 11978 6195 5.76 24.89% 1226 13745 2003 468972 395492 161266 166196 18134 9009 4198 3.98 35.72% 1199 13272 2002 432803 362866 140547 143525 14279 6045 2253 2.09 85.42% 1204 12195 2001 415089 349617 170319 71759 11959 3016 1149 1.07 20.93% 1245 15163 2000 371635 316493 140318 72609 11377 1032 461 0.43 30.11% 1428 15351

From the above table it is very much clear that the NBP performance is going higher and higher total assets are at the crest in 2009. If we draw a graph this will shows that 33 | P a g e

the graph is upward trend. Profit is increasing from year to year. NBP increase the number of its branches and employees because of automation and large networks of other banks. But this bank can compete and now NBP is the best bank of year.


5.2.1 STRICT CHAIN OF COMMAND: In NBP there is strict chain of command. The orders come from the Karachi head office and are executed by the managers of every branch. Being an financial institution the standard operational procedures are followed very strictly. 5.2.2 FREQUENT JOB ROTATION: Frequent job rotation is very important thats why NBP exercise it between the employees. The main benefit of job rotation is that every employee specializes in every department of the bank and if one employee is on leave so working of his department is not disturbed and another employees work as substitute. 5.2.4 CUSTOMER ORIENTATION: NBP is a customer oriented bank and all its employees give a more respect to the customers and solve all types of problems, with full attention and devotion, under the limits of NBP. The environment is customer friendly.

5.3.1 MARKETING ENVIRONMENT: Marketing environment regarding competition is very tough because in Pakistan market approximately 46 banks doing his business and foreign banks also exist .Day by day advance technology introduce and for surviving its a necessary to adopt this technology and introduce new facilities for customer so that customer does not switch to another bank.

5.3.2 TARGET MARKET: 34 | P a g e

The target market of NBP is a businessmen and also ordinary people but its major market is the Government of Pakistan .NBP focus on business customers because in this sector have a chance of big profits.NBP also give a loan to ordinary customers.


5.4.1 ADVERTISEMENT THROUGH BILLBOARDS: NBP does its advertising through billboards erected near a roads, cities, and rural areas etc . NBP eye-catching green wheel type monogram attract lot of customers as they come to NBP just for visitor to see how its work and eventually they become customers of NBP. 5.4.2 ADVERTISEMENT THROUGH MEDIA: NBP mainly rely on print media instead of electronic media on assumption that print media have long lasting impact in the minds of people.NBP also advertise through electronic media but less than print media. 5.4.3 PERSONALIZE SERVICES & EFFECTIVE HR: NBP rely on personal services and human resource that can cause long lasting relationships. NBP hire not only effective but also efficient work force with beliefs, values, attitude, and behavior that best matches with NBP standards.

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I have divided general observation in four parts. Which are as under. This analysis is mainly based on my general observation. Problems at the branch. Function analysis. Administrative analysis. Personal managements analysis.


6.1.1 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION In NBP MANAWALA branch customer dealing is good, but during rush hour the customer has to wait for a long time for their turn. Its quite hard for a new customer or potential customer to get the required information. 6.1.2 POOR RECORD MANAGEMENT AND FILING SYSTEM During my internship I observed that filing system of branch is old. When certain record is needed the staff has to struggle to find it out and a lot of time is wasted. 6.1.3 UNEQUAL DISTRIBUTION OF WORK Work is not equally distributed. On one hand some employee have to work all day without relaxing while some others have nothing to do at all. This not only creates confusion among employees but also hurting and disturbing for overall setup of the bank. And above all it results in dissatisfaction among customers as well.


6.2.1 FORMAL ORGANIZATION In NBP, we find a formal organization. The formal organization comes into being when people are able to communicate with one another or willing to act and share a purpose. In this formal organization of NBP the activities are carried out in a more formal way. In theoretical terms it provides basis for communication with one another but in practice it is not exercised because an employee at high level cannot get straight away to 36 | P a g e

manager or SVP and ask him about of his problem faced by him, because first he has to talk to his immediate superior and follow a proper channel of communication. 6.2.2 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEORY AND PRACTICE A vast difference exists between theory and practice and NBP has written procedure but practical work done by employees is a bit different from written procedures. 6.2.3 BANK DUTY TO MAINTAIN SECRECY. They dont care about maintaining secrecy, especially during the rush hours. They speak loudly about the account position and while getting clearance of cheque the person can easily get the whole information from the ledge. The deposit clerk must be careful while passing any cheque. In this regard another shortfall is in giving the information about the balance on telephone. 6.2.4 EXCESSIVE PAPER WORK It is notified that due to the lengthy procedure of paper work the bank employee are over burdened. They are unable to give proper attention to the clients and face difficulties in getting their job done. One reason for lengthy procedure and excessive paper work in the bank is the lack of computerized technology. 6.2.5 MORE ACCOUNTS FEWER DEPOSITS. Efficient banking is one which does not emphasize on number of accounts but on greater amount of deposits. NBP is more interested in increasing its number of account irrespective to its deposit. The main reason behind it is that bank does not provide personalize service to all the account holders and does not improve its quality and services 6.2.6 LACK OF POWER Manager has very limited authority; he has to take the approval from his management authority i-e. In case of advance he has to take the approval of general and regional manager. The other problem is created, when the manager is not present in his office, the customer have to wait for hours. This discourages both customer and officers because they have to suffer a lot



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Only on the basis of job analysis it can be decided how a right person can be trained, compensated or promoted. It is very important for an organization that nature of the job is described and job specifications are mentioned. Most of the employees are simple graduate and do not have proper background about their job. This creates problems both for organization and for the employees. In NBP salaries are given according to the seniority and grades. People with simple or complex responsibility are getting the same salary and facilities. This creates dissatisfaction among employees. 6.3.2 CARELESSNESS IN OPENING OF ACCOUNT When customer comes to open an account, the staff does not bother to check his/her place phone number and permanent address. It is important because in case of overdraft by mistake or anything which places his account in debit it will be difficult to trace him. On the other hand he may be involved in any fraudulent activities against the bank. In this case the bank will be in awkward position. 6.3.3 LACK OF SPECIALIZED TRAINING NBP does not provide adequate facility of specialized training to their staff. Training is generalized rather than specialized. As the worker finishes his training, he is inducted into a specific field without having great deal of knowledge about the field. In the Mananwala branch the newly recruited employee training was not imparted, they all learned things on the job. 6.3.4 LOW PROFIT RATES Most of the customers shifted their account to the National Saving Center because of the low rates of saving deposit discourages the customers. Bank should increase their profit rates to attract customers. 6.3.5 POOR JOB ROTATION. There is absence of job rotation in NBP Mananwala branch. A person placed in one department remains their forever. It reduces career opportunities as well boredom and in the end results in career platueing. Job rotation is very important for employee especially for those who are newly recruited. The newly recruit should be rated in all department of the banking in order to get familiar with working of different departments so that when they get a responsible position they have know how of the whole system.


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It has been observed that there are delays in sanctioning of cases form the head office, which results in customer dissatisfaction.

6.3.7 LACK OF APPRECIATION Another very important thing which is ignored in the bank is appreciation if the employee on their good performance. If hard work and performance of employees is not recognized and appreciated they become dishearten which results in decline in performance.


6.4.1 NEED FOR BETTER TRAINING PROGRAM Need of training is greatly emphasized all around the world. Training of the personnel is part of human resource management. It has been noticed that the training program of NBP is not adequate. Once the candidate is selected and placed on the respective job. It becomes essential to train him adequately for the task. They should learn new methods for motivating customers. The training programmed of the bank should include scientific techniques to improve the decision making and interpersonal as will individual needs of the employee both specialized to fresh as well as on job to maintain the high standards of service. 6.4.2 DEVELOPING MANAGERIAL LEADERSHIP Leadership is a practical term of visible, clear on objective and communicating better control on financial and administrative matters. Manager is not only responsible for their own units in business, but also in people terms i.e. training, recruiting, grievance handling and taking immediate initiative in crisis situation to take major decision affection the future of the bank and banking community. 6.4.3 RECRUITMENT POLICY Human resources are the lifeblood of the organization. If the personnel are recruited carefully they can become asset to the organization in the case of carelessness a liability on the organization. Bank is not following its recruitment policy properly due to favoritism, nepotism and political pressure. Both the top authority and staff union tries their best recruit their favorites, indulgence of political pressure add salt to the wounds. 39 | P a g e

The persons selected through these channels are infantile and do not work for the betterment for the bank.

6.4.4 PROMOTIONS Promotion in NBP is purely on the basis of seniority, so the new young person having high qualification remains behind for quite a lot of time. Top management and staff union put pressure for the promotion of their favorites, which gives a sense of deprivation to the deserving employee and their efficiency is affected. As the concept of promotion is attached with better in terms of greater responsibility, more prestige, greater skills and increased rate of salary. Thus a better and impartial policy of promotion needs to be followed. 6.4.5 TRANSFER Transfer means when a person is shifted from one place to another place. It is done either that person is needed more on the other branch or for improving his skill variety. It is the policy of the Bank to transfer each employee 3 to 4 years. 6.4.6 MARKETING AT DESK Bank employee come in daily contact with many people who happen to deal with the casual remittance, travelers cheques, safe custody, pensioners, depositing license fee and variety of other functions and variety of other people with whom the Bank has no account or regular business relationship. The Bank employees are doing very little on their own to explore the possibilities of selling banking services to them as a marketing contributor. The entire Bank community should make a conscious effort in addition to their normal work to explore the possibilities of selling banking services to them. The market opportunities are hidden in every dealing a banker handles; the question is that if he has the art and urge to seize such opportunities. 6.4.7 LACK OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION There is no proper way to give information to their customer. To avoid this minor dissatisfaction and tension in the mind of customer, and deficiency of the service, it is recommended that the bank should provide brochures etc containing information in details. Some general information should be placed in information notice board on the entrance where customer can see it easily or it should be self-attractive.

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7.1.1 MY ACTIVITIES IN ACCOUNT OPENING DEPARTMENT During my internship in this department, I was assigned different duties such as to guide and help the customers to open accounts, to tell them about different types of accounts with their benefits also about the procedure and documentation required. I filled the vouchers, application farms, requisitions for new Cheque books and affixed the stamps on vouchers there.

7.1.2 MY ACTIVITIES IN REMITTANCE DEPARTMENT I was given the tasks such as to guide the customer about the procedure, to fill the vouchers for the amount and charges, guide customers for necessary documents such as identity card and after payment of these vouchers by customer make the specific instrument of demand draft, mail transfer, payment order, telegram transfer record it in their respective ledgers.

7.1.3 MY ACTIVITIES IN GOVT. DEPARTMENT In Govt. section, I was concerned to make scrolls of pension distribution, traffic challans, and utility bills and at the end of the day, I have to reconcile my cash counter ledger. After that, I have to prepare debit and credit voucher for government's payment (pension) and revenue collection. These vouchers were sent to the IT section of the bank where the corresponding accounts were updated by the amounts of the vouchers. Duties to make entries in the pension ledgers and in the book of the pensioners were also assigned to me.

7.2.1 IMPLEMENTATION OF CLASS ROOM LEARNING The first thing which I noticed was that ground realities are different as compared to with the theories or some factors which increase this difference like management practices, economic conditions, political scenario and other external factors. But still we cant deny the importance of class room theories because they help us in great way in 42 | P a g e

understanding the operations of the bank. The courses of Management and HRM enable me that how bank should be reactive toward changes like economic, cultural, and technological and deals with the issues relating staff. I saw the practical implementation of Marketing Management being followed in retail banking e.g. in new product development and communicating its features to target audience. The subjects of International finance and Analysis of financial statements helped me lot while I was working in the foreign exchange department and while preparing this report. Also the subject of Accounting and Financial management helps me while I was working in credit department. The financing process of all international trade which modern banking made less complicated and more secure have increased with the global-village concept in the world. For banks it is an opportunity to grasp the maximum share as possible through being more efficient to reach the customer.


In the organization, my knowledge was very much enhanced. I learnt a lot, few of which are as: I got the practical experience about how to work in a professional environment; it gives me the opportunity to shape my behavior, attitude and my thoughts. I learnt the professional attitude of the people. I also observed that one must have to be dedicated towards his/her job. I saw, how much it is necessary to do the job in a friendly environment. What are the working relationships and responsibilities of supervisors and their subordinates I observed that how to deal with the customers, what are their needs and what do they expect from the service provider. It also helped me to understand the importance of working in different types of environment and conditions. Overall, I can say that it was my very good experience of doing my internship in NBP MANANWALA Branch.


I learnt a lot, few of which are as: I got the practical experience about how to work in a professional environment. I can say that it was my best experience of doing my internship in NBP MANAWALA Branch. This experience is also added in my CV and this would be much helpful in my interviews for searching jobs and would also impact in my practical life to be a professional.

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MUHAMMAD ASHRAF (AGRICULTURE FINANCE OFFICER) ALLAH TAWAKAL(MANAGER). MUHAMMAD ASHRAF(REMMITENE INCHARGE) Annual report 2009. Terry and Franklin Principles of Management. Block, Stanley B and Hirt Geoffrey A (1994). Foundations Of Financial Management 7th edition USA: Michael W Junior, p121-148 Van Horne James C and JR Wachowicz M. Jhon Financial management 11 editions Meigs Financial Accounting 11th edition. R.B Hisrich and Peter P Michael Entrepreneurship 5th edition. Simons Harry and Smith J.M Intermediate Accounting 5th edition. Watson James Fundamentals of Accounting 7th edition. 8. Sober P Parey Advance accounting 2nd edition Tarry Franklin Principles of Management 8th edition Vause Bob The Economist Guide to analyzing companies. 3rd edition. Html .

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