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Brampton Bulletin

B r a m p t o n P r i m a r y S c h o o l S t r i v i n g t o R e a c h t h e B e s t Week ending: 6.1.12 Spring Term: Issue 1

Inside this weeks issue: Staff training Forthcoming Dates Pupils Views Week 1 Menu Maths Challenge Governor/Building News Gold Book Entries Weekly Attendance And finally Ear-rings

We ended the term on a high with excellent Christmas performances from all of our infant classes; Miss Fishers Bowling treat and our candlelight carol service. Staff started the term on Tuesday with a training day on looking at the requirements to improve Teaching and Learning under the new Ofsted framework which comes into place this term. We explored the characteristics of high quality teaching, by reflecting on our own current practice. We considered how our teaching impacts on learning and achievement and how we can make this even better. We looked at ways that colleagues can work together to enhance their skills and help pupils progress. The training was for teachers and teaching assistants to help us to ensure consistency in approach from all staff. In order to achieve this staff are very keen to develop a peer mentoring approach. This involves helping each other in school to develop rather than teaching them through external courses. This often means both teachers will benefit from the programme. Teachers may work in year groups or across year groups and will be released to work together, observe each other to focus on an identified area to improve. Through this collaboration we can maximize and share the excellent teaching that is already taking place at Brampton. Although the Ofsted criteria is now even more demanding we, as a staff, are also striving to reach the best and our aim is to achieve an outstanding inspection whenever it comes.
Brampton Primary is a restorative school where the initial response to conflict is to find a solution where things are put right, the victims needs are met whilst also meeting the needs of the wrong doer and meet all the schools responsibilities.

Forthcoming Dates: Wednesday 11th January Yr1 to Museum of Childhood Monday 16th January Yr 4 Trip Science Museum Tuesday 17th January Olympic assembly Monday 13th February Half term week Tuesday 21st February Yr 3 Trip to Natural History Museum Tuesday 28th February Governors Meeting Wednesday 29th February Cross Country Thursday 8th March Y6 class to British Museum Friday 16th March Y6 class to British Museum

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Brampton Bulletin

Over the next few weeks we will be sharing with you the views of our pupils on Brampton Primary School. We will ask each class and pupils are chosen at random with different children involved each week. If parents have any question they would like us to ask our pupils please pass it to Miss Lambert via the school office. W H A T M A K E S B R A M P TO N TH E B E S T ? I like playing in the playground because there are new games on the playground. Libby and Oliver RB I like playing with the toys and I like doing PE. Elliot and Luna RJ
I like drawing because I can make up stuff and show my Mum how well Ive done. Aidan 1W

I like playing Lego and doing work like Literacy and writing a letter to my Mum. I done it all on my own. Tommy 1B Because when you are in reception you get to play a lot. It s great to play with my friends. Hope and Lewis 2B I like the teachers they are nice. I like to come to school for learning. Kody and Oliver 2PW Because we behave well and we have a nice school with nice teachers. Nadia 3W Because everyone respects others, teachers are nice and the head teacher is the best. Lucy 3WH You have lots of fun, friends and learning new things, learning about your behaviour and trying to be good all the time to have a better school and life. Akin and Leon 4H Because its a really good school, loads of good people and a good uniform. Good celebrations like drama day, dressing up and things for charity. Mollie and Miatta 4C People try hard at this school and try their best so they dont fail. Ning Sang 5C Behaviour is quite good and we have new buildings. We do exciting things, we do exciting lessons and learn about fun things and have exciting topics. We look after things and get to spend money on new things from raising money. Jack and Cain in 5B Probably the best teachers cos they are good at teaching you to learn and they are always there. Harry 6S Because lessons are fun, lots of sports to keep you fit. We learn a lot. We do different things each lesson. Ellie and Danielle 6S and 6M If you are a mum, dad, grandparent or a carer of a child aged 3-18 years then this is for YOU! PARENTING PROGRAMME The programme starts on Saturday 7th January and runs for 13 weeks The programme will help you: strengthen the relationship between you and your children; improve communication between you and your children; share your cultural and family values with your children; reflect on your style of parenting; teach positive discipline skills; manage and improve your childrens behaviour; manage anger; help you to connect to your communitys resources. 10.00am to 1.00pm pm at Welling Youth Centre, Lovel Avenue Welling, Kent, DA16 3JQ Free lunch provided For more information contact: Tricia Lynskey: 0203 045 3268/07890555375 ([email protected])

Issue 1

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SCHOOL M EALS W E E K B E G I N N I N G - 9 T H J A N UA RY 2 0 1 2
Monday Meat Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Chicken Tikka with Rice

Lamb Tagine with Soy and Ginger Rice Chicken with noodles. Jacket Potato with Salmon Noodles cheese beans or tuna crunch Potato & Vegetable Layer Plum Crunch cake Apple Crumble & with ice cream Custard

Roast Pork with Beef Stew & Homemade Apple Dumplings with Sauce & Roast Mash Potato Potatoes Cheese & Leek Pie Tomato & Basil with Roast PotaPasta toes Potato Farls with Baked Beans Jelly with Fruit Wedges Fruit Cookie & Yoghurt

Fish or alternative Vegetarian

Lemon & Herb Crusted Fish with Chipped Potatoes Vegetable Korma with Chipped Potatoes Carrot Cake


A choice of salads, seasonal vegetables, fresh bread, fresh fruit platter, fruit yoghurt, milk and drinking water are also available daily. Peanut Allergies Please can we remind everyone that we are a Peanut Free school in our cooked meals and we ask parents not to put any nuts or items containing nuts in their childs packed lunches. Thank you Maths Challenge Certificates were presented to a group of children who had participated in a Maths Challenge at Bexleyheath Academy last term. Jake Lieu and Max Berrow gained Bronze awards, Silver went to Mark Hawes and Holly Eagles and Sarah Martin gained a Gold certificate. Well done to all of them a credit to Brampton School. Governor News Mr Raggett, our Chair of governors started a sabbatical leave in January and will be back in March. In the meantime our vice chair, Mrs Riley will take over his duties. Building News During the holidays work continued for a week on the junior building. The class rooms are now looking like classrooms and work was carried out on the school drive to upgrade the ICT capability and the preparation work took place in the car park in preparation before the final surface is laid at the end of the project. The extension to the school office is well under way now.

BRAMPTON GOLD BOOK Striving to Reach the Best Every week we print the names of those children who have achieved in either their work, conduct or behaviour around school and have been entered in the Gold Book. They have been mentioned in Mondays celebratory assembly. After 3 mentions children receive a bronze certificate, 6 mentions for a silver, 9 mentions for a gold, 12 mentions for a Super Gold and 15 mentions for a Platinum certificate, 18 for Diamond, 21+ for a Head teachers Award and 24 for a Special Head teacher Award and Badge.
RB Oliver Taylor RB Libby Ellis RJBrodie Venables RJ Nina Zafeiroudis RJ Kallum Shokar RJ Aditya Patel RJ Aneya Dixon RYAmy Lee RJRachael Olokesusi 3WH James Brooks (Super Gold) 3WHSpencer Nicklin (Gold) 3WHAngel Chamberlain 3WH- Pavleen Balwa (Silver) 3WHHarry Payne 3WHCarl Jones 3WH Tejal Vadukul (Silver) 3WHKatie White 3WH Sonny Wade (Super Gold) 3WHRohan Shokar 3WH Joe Kavanagh 6S Hope Kyne 6S Toby Smith 6S Survin Appanah 6S Charlie Brooker Unfortunately there is not enough space to mention the childrens achievements here but if you are interested to see your childs mention please pop in and ask to see it.

Weekly Attendance

Weekending 17.12.11 RB: RJ: 1B: 1W: 2PW: 2B: 3W: 3WH: 4C: 4H: 5B: 5C: 6S: 6M: 90.7% 97.3% 98.7% 98.7% 96.7% 96.7% 97.3% 98.7% 95% 89% 93.7% 95.8% 94.3% 96.3%

HOUSE POINTS Week ending 16.12.11

1st Yellow = 94 2nd Red= 91 3rdGreen= 89 4thBlue = 85

Congratulations to Yellow House members!

And finally.......Ear-rings Please can we remind parents that as part of our Home School Agreement earrings must not be worn in school. If your childs ears have recently been pierced they need to be taped at all times and your child will be unable to partake in PE lessons. We politely request that piercing of ears takes place over the long summer break. Remember if you like what were doing tell us and others! If you dont, please help us improve! School Office; 020 8303 2873 Fax; 020 8298 0286 Email:[email protected]

Well done to 1B, 1W. 3WH & the other classes above
96.1% Our School Total was 95.6% Raffle Prize Winners The winners in this weeks draw for a treat with Miss Fisher were Daniel Balade in 1B and Jamie Scott in 5C. Well done to them for showing the appropriate behaviour.

Were on the web!

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