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Swarm 4-4 Cornerback Play

Alignment 1. Corners on widest WR 7-12 yds deep depending on speed of WR a. Where on WR depends how wide he is i. If closer to sideline then formation, line up a bit inside ii. If closer to formation then sideline, line up a bit outside iii. Always remember he has 1/3 of field (17yds) to cover plus the seams so it is actually 20 (what they consider the zone) iv. Never line up within 7 yds of Sideline v. Never be in that 7 yd tube in sideline (we can cover that once ball is in air) vi. Maintain 7 yd cushion until WR hits 12 yd (break LB coverage depth) vii. At 12 yd Cushion becomes 4 yd viii. Only Route he can break on is 15yd deep (assuming we dont want big plays, +15yd) 2. Safety- In the middles (splitting the widest receivers) 10-12, depending on necessity to stop the run a. Cheat to field or strength b. When guarding Spread be more aware of deep threat c. Safety must be savvy and know his weaknesses 3. Stance a. Outside foot up, looking inside b. Looking at open lineman (lineman not covered by defense) 4. First Steps- always 2 read steps back to check peripherals (all backs) a. Not back peddling (controlled movement to make reads) b. A shuffle that enables you to change direction quickly c. These steps are Controlled and Patient (thats why we are 8-12yds off) Defending 4 Vertical 1. Shuffle Step, Shuffle Step 2. See them going 3. Dont break on a route other than 90 Degree angle 4. Cheat inside (that receiver is closest to QB) 5. After they see 4 vertical angle run with back towards sideline (assuming closest receiver to QB is inside of you) 6. Split receivers and determine who is more dangerous (Corners, Safety) 7. When QB leans back we now hes going deep, break on ball when ball is at ear 8. Linebackers need to jam inside releases Defending the Run 1. Safety Read Run on 1st Two Steps 2. As soon as Safety sees an aggressive lineman play he is a 3rd Linebacker and comes up right behind Linebacker creates triangle of attack 2 backers and 1 safety 3. Corner Read open lineman on 1st 2 steps (usually a guard) look for a lineman coming down field, then they can read run, but until then they play pass

4. Corners are outside in contain (45 degrees from outside LB) LB are inside out BOUNCE AND ATTACK 5. Further outside BC gets deeper he gets to make angle for tackle to inside armpit of BC Defending Route Combos 1. Quads (spread) a. Post(wide WR)/Wheel(inside WR) i. Corners can squeeze # 1 (widest WR) as long as he is still # 1 ii. In Post/Wheel #1 changessqueeze # 1 until you have to take the new # 1 iii. Dont freeze on Pump Fakes (react on Ball Leaving QB hands) b. Curl/Go & Out/Up i. We dont stutter on any break underneath ii. Keep relationship of 7 yd until 12 yd deep China Concept (on field communication to let LB know there is a WR on a short route 1. When a WR breaks a route before 12 yd (not going vertical) 2. Corner, when widest WR breaks in short zone he melts (not giving up the sideline to the short completion) to inside vertical route 3. LB has got to get to passing lane for short route Smash (trying to High/Low Corner) 1. Wide WR (#1) on Curl Route, inside WR (#2) on corner 2. Corner yells China (tells LB to get short route passing lane) 3. Drops back to defend Corner (man him up) Defending Spread Sets 1. Safety Splits widest WR (#1s) and cheats to field/strength 2. Corners keep normal rules, may want to cheat inside 3. THINK CHINA (double China is a possibility) but remember the deep threat first 4. Backside of Twins/Tripsnever get 3 yds Roll to Cover 2 (Bandit) 1. Teach at JV level 2. Corner becomes a squatting defender 3. Weak Side Corner and Safety Roll to cover 2 (Cover 3 rules still maintain on Weak Side) 4. Wolf Backer can drop back to keep it Cover 3 (safety comes to side 1/3) Robber Coverage (Middle/Seam) 1. Allows Free safety to become more of a backer 2. Backers are dropping to pass coverage 3. Passer tries to exploit unguarded Middle zone 4. Safety is able to make big hits 5. Robber not the best play call against 4 vertical or multiple routes to cover 6. Robber Seam

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