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GENERAL PRINCIPLES Q: What is a Public Corporation? A: It is one created by the state either by general or special act for purposes of administration of local government or rendering service in the public interest. (Rodriguez, p. 2, LGC 5th Ed.) Q: Distinguish public corporation from private corporation. A:
Purpose Who creates How created PUBLIC CORPORATION Administration of local government By the state either by general or special act By legislation PRIVATE CORPORATION Private purpose By incorporators with recognizance of the state By agreement of members



Quasi-public corporations public corporations created as agencies of state for narrow and limited purposes without the powers and liabilities of self-governing corporations. Municipal corporations body politic and corporate constituted by the incorporation of inhabitants for purposes of local government. It is established by law partly as an agency of the state to assist in the civil government of the country, but chiefly to regulate and administer the local or internal affairs of the city, town or district which is incorporated. (Dillon, Municipal Corporations, Vol.2, pp. 5859.)

Q: What are the essential elements of a municipal corporation? A: 1. 2. Legal creation Corporate name

Q: What is the criterion to determine whether a corporation is a public corporation? A: By the relationship of the corporation to the state; if created by the state as its own agency to help the state in carrying out its governmental functions, it is public, otherwise, it is private. Q: What are the dual characteristics of public corporations? A:

Note: The sangguniang panlalawigan may, in consultation with the Philippine Historical Commission change the name of component cities and municipalities, upon the recommendation of the sangguniang concerned provided that the same shall be effective only upon ratification in a plebiscite conducted for the purpose in the political unit directly affected. (R.A. 7160, sec. 13)

3. 4.

1. 2.

Public or governmental acts as an agent of the state for the government of the territory and its inhabitants. Private or proprietary acts as an agent of the community in the administration of local affairs. As such, it acts as separate entity for its own purposes, and not a subdivision of the state. (Bara Lidasan v. COMELEC, G.R. No. L28089, October 2 5, 1967 citing McQuillin, Municipal Corpor ations, 3d ed., pp. 456464)

Inhabitants constituting the population who are invested with political and corporate powers Territory

Q: What are the different types of municipal corporations? A: 1. 2. De jure Municipal Corporations created or recognized by operation of law. Municipal Corporation by Prescription exercised their powers from time immemorial with a charter, which is presumed to have been lost or destroyed. De facto Municipal Corporations where the people have organized themselves, under color of law, into ordinary municipal bodies, and have gone on, year after year, raising taxes, making improvements, and exercising their usual franchises, with their rights dependent quite as much on

Note: Every LGU created or recognized under this code is a body politic and corporate endowed with powers to be exercised by it in conformity with law. As such, it shall exercise powers as a political subdivision of the national government and has a corporate entity representing the inhabitants of its territory Sec.15, LGC,199


Q: What are the classes of corporation? A:



acquiescence as on the regularity of their origin.
Note: An inquiry into the legal existence of a de facto corporation is reserved to the State in a proceeding for quo warranto or other direct proceeding.

Consists merely in the delegation of administrative powers to broaden the base of governmental power.

Involves abdication by the national government of political power in favor of LGUs declared autonomous.

Q: What are the essential requisites of a de facto corporation? A: VACA a. Valid law authorizing incorporation b. Attempt in good faith to organize under it c. Colorable compliance with law d. Assumption of corporate powers Q: MADAKO is a municipality composed of 80 barangays, 30 west of Madako River and 50 east thereof. The 30 western barangays, feeling left out of economic initiatives, wish to constitute themselves into a new and separate town to be called Masigla. A law is passed creating Masigla and a plebiscite is made in favor of the law.Suppose that one year after Masigla was constituted as a municipality, the law creating it is voided because of defects. Would that invalidate the acts of the municipality and/or its municipal officers? Explain briefly. A: Although the municipality cannot be considered as a de facto corporation, because there is no valid law under which it was created, the acts of the municipality and of its officers will not be invalidated, because the existence of the law creating it is an operative fact before it was declared unconstitutional. Hence, the previous acts of the municipality and its officers should be given effect as a matter of fairness and justice. (2004 Bar Question) Q: What is the concept of principle of local autonomy? A: Under the 1987 Constitution, it simply means decentralization; it does not make the local governments sovereign within the state or an imperium in imperio. (Basco v. PAGCOR, GR 91649 May 14, 1991) Q: Distinguish Decentralization of Administration from Decentralization of Power. A:

Q: Define devolution with respect to local government units. A: The act by which the national government confers power and authority upon the various local government units to perform specific functions and responsibilities.



Q: Who has the authority to create municipal corporations? How is a public corporation created? A: An LGU may be created, divided, merged, abolished or its boundaries substantially altered either by: 1. Law enacted by congress in case of province, city, municipality or any other political subdivision;


By an ordinance passed by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan or Sangguniang Panlungsod concerned in the case of a barangay located within its territorial jurisdiction, subject to such limitations and requirements prescribed in the LGC. (Sec. 6, R.A. 7160)

Q: What are the requisites or limitations imposed on the creation or conversion of municipal corporations? A: 1. Plebiscite requirement approved by majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite called for such purpose in the political unit or units directly affected.

Note: Plebiscite should include the participation of the residents of the mother province in order to conform to the constitutional requirement.


Income requirement must be sufficient on acceptable standards to provide for all essential government facilities and services and special functions commensurate with the size of its population as expected of the local government unit concerned. Average


annual income for the last consecutive year which should be at least: a. Province P20,000,000.00 b. Highly Urbanized CityP50,000,000.00 c. City P20,000,000.00 (100M RA 9009 amending sec. 450 LGC) d. Municipality P2,500,000.00 Q: Are the Internal Revenue Allotments (IRAs) considered income and, therefore, to be included in the computation of the average annual income of a municipality for purposes of its conversion into an independent component city? A: Yes. The IRAs are items of income because they form part of the gross accretion of the funds of the local government unit. The IRAs regularly and automatically accrue to the local treasury without need of any further action on the part of the local government unit. They thus constitute income which the local government can invariably rely upon as the source of much needed funds. (Alvarez v. Guingona, GR 118303 Jan. 31, 1996) 3. Population requirement- to be determined as the total number of inhabitants within the territorial jurisdiction of the local government unit concerned. The required minimum population are: a. Barangay 2,000 but in Metro Manila and Highly urbanized city 5,000 b. Municipality 25,000 c. City 150,000 d. Province 250,000 4. Land requirement must be contiguous, unless it comprises two or more islands or is separated by a local government unit; properly identified by metes and bounds; and sufficient to provide for such basic services and facilities. Area requirements are: A: Upon the election and qualification of its chief executive and a majority of the members of its sanggunian, unless some other time is fixed therefore by law or ordinance creating it. Q: What is the rule relative to the merger and division of local government units? A: 1. Such division or merger shall not reduce the income, population or land area of the local government concerned less than the minimum requirement That the income classification of the original LGU/s shall not fall below its current income classification prior to the division Plebiscite be held in LGUs affected Assets and liabilities of creation shall be equitably distributed between the LGUs affected and new LGU.


3. 4.

Note: When a municipal district of other territorial divisions is converted or fused into a municipality all property rights vested in original territorial organization shall become vested in the government of the municipality.

B. DIVISION, MERGER, ABOLITION Q: What are the requirements for division and merger of local government units? A: Same requirements as creation of LGU provided: 1. It shall not reduce the income, population or land area of the LGU/S concerned to less than minimum requirements prescribed;


Income classification of the original LGU/S shall not fall below its current income classification prior to division. Plebiscite be held in LGUs affected Assets and liabilities of creation shall be equitably distributed between the LGUs affected and new LGU.

3. 4.


Municipality: 50 sq. km. (Sec. 442) b. City: 100 sq. km. (Sec. 450) c. Province: 2,000 (Sec. 461) Q: When does corporate existence begin?

Q: When may an LGU be abolished? A: When its income, population or land area has been irreversibly reduced to less than the minimum standards prescribed for its creation, as certified by the national agencies mentioned.





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LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE 1. Express, Implied, Inherent 2. Government or public, Corporate or private 3. Intramural, extramural 4. mandatory, directory; ministerial, discretionary Q: How are powers to be executed? A: a. where statute prescribes the manner of exercise, procedure must be followed. b. where the law is silent, LGU have the discretion to select reasonable means and methods to exercise A. GOVERNMENTAL POWERS Q: What are the different governmental powers of the LGU? A: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Police power Basic services and facilities Power to generate and apply resources Power of Eminent Domain Reclassification of Land Closure and Opening of Roads Local Legislative Power Authority over Police Units I. POLICE POWER Q: What is the nature of the police power of the LGU? A: The police power of the LGU is not inherent. LGUs exercise the police power under the general welfare clause. (Sec 16, RA 7160) Q: What are the requisites/limitations for the exercise of the police power for it to be considered as properly exercised? A:

Q: How should the LGC be interpreted? A: GR: That any doubt or question on a power of local government shall be resolved in favor of devolution of powers and in favor of the LGU. XPN: In case of tax measures enacted by local government, any doubts shall be strictly against the local government and liberally in favor of the taxpayer. Q: What are the different rules in interpreting the Local Government Code? A: 1. In case of doubt in favor of any provision on a power of a local government unit: In favor of devolution of powers and favor of the LGU In case of doubt in favor of tax measures: Strictly against the LGU and liberally in favor of the tax payer; Tax exemption, incentive or relief is construed strictly against the person claiming it General Welfare provisions: liberally interpreted to give more powers to the local government units in accelerating economic development and upgrading the quality of life for the people in the community Rights and obligations existing on effectivity of this Code and arising out of contracts: governed by the original terms and conditions of said contracts or the law in force at the time such rights were vested Resolution of controversies where no legal provision or jurisprudence applies: Resort to the customs and traditions of the place where the controversies take place.





GENERAL POWERS AND ATTRIBUTES OF A LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT Q: What are the sources of powers of a municipal corporation? A: Constitution, Statutes (e.g. LGC), Charter, Doctrine of Right to self-government but only to those where it can be applied. Q: What are the classifications of municipal powers? A:

The interests of the public generally, as distinguished from those of a particular class, require the interference of the state. (equal protection clause)


The means employed are reasonably necessary for the attainment of the object sought to be accomplished and not duly oppressive. (due process clause)


Exercisable only within the territorial limits of the LGU, except for protection of water supply. (Sec 16)


4. Must not be contrary Constitution and the laws. to the Q: May a nuisance be abated without a judicial proceeding? A: Yes. The abatement of nuisances without judicial proceedings applies to nuisance per se or those which affect the immediate safety of persons and property and may be summarily abated under the undefined law of necessity. (Tayaban v. People GR 150194 Mar.6, 2007)
Note: The local sanggunian does not have the power to find, as a fact, that a particular thing is a nuisance per se, a thing which must be determined and resolved in the ordinary courts of law (AC Enterprise, Inc. v. Frabelle Properties Corporation, 506 SCRA 629)

Q: The Municipality of Binangonan, Rizal, passed a resolution authorizing the operation of an open garbage dumpsite in a 9- hectare landing the Reyes Estate within the Municipalitys territorial limits. The LLDA issued to the Binangonan municipal government a cease and desist order to stop the operation of the dumpsite because of its proven harmful effects to the health of residents and environment. The Municipality of Binangonan filed a case to annul the order issued by the LLDA.


Can the Municipality of Binangonan invoke police power to prevent its residents and the LLDA from interfering with the operation of the dumpsite by the Municipality? Explain. Can the LLDA justify its order by asserting that the health of the residents will be adversely affected? Explain.

Q: What does the power to issue licenses and permits include? A: The power to issue licenses and permit necessarily includes the power to revoke, withdraw or restrict through the imposition of certain conditions. However, the conditions must be reasonable and cannot amount to an arbitrary interference with the business. (Acebedo Optical v. CA, G.R. No. 100152, Mar. 31 , 2000)
Note: Only the Sanggunian, not the mayor of the city, has the power to allow cockpits, stadiums, etc. Without an ordinance, he cannot compel mayor to issue him a business license (Canet v. Decena GR 155344 Jan.20, 2004)




No, the Municipality of Binangonan cannot invoke its police power. According to Laguna Lake Development Authority v. Court of Appeals, 231 SCRA 292, under Republic Act No, 4850, the Laguna Lake Development Authority is mandated to promote the development of the Laguna Lake area, including the surrounding Province of Rizal, with due regard to the prevention of pollution. The Laguna Lake Development Authority is mandated to pass upon and approve or disapprove all projects proposed by local government offices within the region. Yes, the Laguna Lake Development Authority can justify its order. Since it has been authorized by Executive Order No. 927 to make orders requiring the discontinuance of pollution, its power to issue the order can be inferred from this. Otherwise, it will be a toothless agency. Moreover, the Laguna Lake Development Authority is specifically authorized under its Charter to issue cease and desist orders. (1995 Bar Question)

Q: Distinction between the grant of a license or permit to do business and the issuance of a license to engage in the practice of a particular profession. A:
License/permit to do business Granted by the local authorities Authorizes the person to engage in the business or some form of commercial activity License to engage in a profession Board or Commission tasked to regulate the particular profession Authorizes a natural person to engage in the practice or exercise of his or her profession


Note: A business permit cannot, by the imposition of condition, be used to regulate the practice of a profession. [Acebedo Optical v. CA (2000)]

II. EMINENT DOMAIN Q: What are the requisites for a valid exercise of power of eminent domain by LGU?





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OPOC An Ordinance is enacted by the local legislative council authorizing the local chief executive, in behalf of the local government unit, to exercise the power of eminent domain or pursue expropriation proceeding over a particular property.


The determination by the court of the just compensation for the property sought to be taken. (Brgy. Son Roque, Talisay, Cebu v. Heirs of Francisco Pastor, GR 138896 June 20, 2000)

Note: A resolution will not suffice for a LGU to be able to expropriate private property; a municipal ordinance is different from a resolution in that an ordinance is a law while a resolution is merely a declaration of the sentiment or opinion of a lawmaking authority on a specific matter.

2. 3. 4.

For Public use, purpose or welfare of for the benefit of the poor or landless Payment of just Compensation A valid and definite Offer has been previously made to the owner of the property sought to be expropriated, but said offer was not accepted.

Q: XYZ, a corporation organized under the laws of Hongkong, with 100% foreign equity, obtained from the Securities and Exchange Commission a license to operate a prawn hatchery project on a piece of land leased from the City of Dagupan. The land was formerly a park and plaza belonging to the City and was converted by the City to derive much needed funds. 1. May the City of Dagupan lawfully convert the park to prawn ponds and lease the same? Explain your answer. 2. May the City of Dagupan and XYZ corporation validly enter into the lease contract for the prawn ponds? Answer with reasons. A:

Note: Offer must be in writing specifying the property sought to be acquired, the reason for acquisition and the price offered. If owner accepts offer: a contract of sale will be executed If owner accepts but at a higher price: Local chief executive shall call for a conference for the purpose of reaching an agreement on the selling price; If agreed, contract of sale will be drawn. (Art. 35 LGC IRR)


Q: What are the requisites for an authorized immediate entry? A: 1. The filling of a complaint for expropriation sufficient in form and substance 2. The deposit of the amount equivalent to fifteen percent (15%) of the fair market value of the property to be expropriated based on its current tax declaration. (City of Iloilo v. Legaspi. GR No. 154614, Nov;;ember 25, 2005; Sec. 19 LGC)
Note: Upon compliance, the issuance of writ of possession becomes ministerial.

Q: What are the two phases of expropriation proceedings? A: 1. The determination of the authority to exercise the power of eminent domain and the propriety of its exercise in the context of the facts involved in the suit.

Yes, the City of Dagupan may lawfully convert the park into prawn ponds and lease them. A city may close a park and plaza and once the property has been withdrawn from public use, it falls within the commerce of man and may be leased. Section 10 of the Local Government Code provides: "A local government unit may likewise, through its head acting pursuant to a resolution of its sanggunian and in accordance with existing law and the provisions of this Code, close any barangay, municipal, city or provincial road, street, alley park or square. No such way or place or any part thereof shall be closed without indemnifying any person prejudiced thereby. A property thus withdrawn from public use may be used or conveyed for any purpose for which other real property belonging to the local unit concerned might be lawfully used or conveyed." In Favis v. City of Baguio, GR L-29910 April 25, 1969 it was held that the City of Baguio could close a street and lease it since it had become patrimonial property. Likewise, in Cebu Oxygen and Acetylene Company, Inc. v. Bercilles, GR L-40474 Aug.29, 1975 it was held that the City of Cebu could close a street and sell it thereafter. Since the City of Dagupan has the power to convert the park into prawn ponds it can also lease it to XYZ even though XYZ is a



100%- foreign corporation. The operation of a prawn hatchery does not involve exploitation of natural resources within the meaning of Sections 2 and 3, Article XII of the 1987 Constitution. (Secretary of Justice, Op. No. 3, s. 1988) Since the portion of the park had been withdrawn from public use, it could be disposed for any lawful purpose including leasing it to a foreign corporation. (1990 Bar Question) Q: May the Sangguniang Panlalawigan validly disapprove a resolution or ordinance of a municipality calling for the expropriation of private property to be made site of a Farmers Center and Other Government Sports Facilities on the ground that said expropriation is unnecessary considering that there are still available lots of the municipality for the establishment of a government center? A: Under the LGC, the Sangguniang Panlalawigan is granted the power to declare a municipal resolution invalid on the sole ground that it is beyond the power of the Sangguniang Bayan or Mayor to issue. As held in Velazco v. Blas GR L30456 July 30, 1982 The only ground upon which a provincial board may declare any municipal resolution, ordinance or order invalid is when such resolution, ordinance, or order is beyond the powers conferred upon the council or president making the same. A strictly legal question is before the provincial board in its consideration of a municipal resolution, ordinance, or order. The provincial boards disapproval of any resolution, ordinance, or order must be premised specifically upon the fact that such resolution, ordinance, or order is outside the scope of the legal powers conferred by law. If a provincial board passes these limits, it usurps the legislative functions of the municipal council or president. Such has been the consistent course of executive authority. (Moday v. CA, G.R. No. 107916, February 20, 1997) III. TAXATION Q: What is the nature of the power of taxation in LGUs? A: The power to tax LGUs is now pursuant to direct authority conferred by the 1987 Constitution. Since LGUs have no inherent power to tax, their power must yield to a legislative act. Q: What are the fundamental principles that shall govern the exercise of the taxing and 6. revenue-raising powers of local government units? A: 1. Taxation shall be uniform in each local government unit 2. Taxes, fees, charges and other impositions shall be equitable and based as far as practicable on the taxpayers ability to pay; be levied and collected only for public purpose; not be unjust, excessive, oppressive, or confiscatory; not be contrary to law, public policy, national economic policy, or restraint of trade; 3. The collection of local taxes, fees, charges and other impositions shall in no case be left to any private person 4. The revenue collected shall inure solely to the benefit of and be subject to disposition by, the local government unit, unless specifically provided therein; 5. Each local government, as far as practicable, evolves a progressive system of taxation. (Sec. 130, RA 7160) Q: What are the fundamental principles governing financial affairs, transactions and operations of local government units?

A: 1. 2. 3. No money shall be paid out of the local treasury except in pursuance of an appropriation ordinance or law; Local government funds and monies shall be spent solely for public purposes; Local revenue is generated only from sources expressly authorized by law or ordinance, and collection thereof shall at all times be acknowledged property All monies officially received by a local government officer in any capacity or on any occasion shall be accounted for as local funds, unless otherwise provided Trust funds in the local treasury shall not be paid out except in the fulfillment of the purpose for which the trust was created or the funds received Every officer of the local government unit whose duties permit or require the possession or custody of local funds shall be properly bonded, and such officer shall be accountable and responsible for said funds and for the safekeeping thereof in conformity with the provisions of law;







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7. Local governments shall formulate a sound financial plans and local budgets shall be based on functions, activities and projects, in terms of expected results Local budget plans and goals shall, so far as practicable, be harmonized with national development plans, goals and strategies in order to optimize the utilization of resources and to avoid duplication in the use of fiscal and physical resources Local budgets shall operationalize approved local development plans Local government units shall ensure that their respective budgets incorporate the requirements of their component units and provide for equitable allocation of resources among these component units National planning shall be based on local planning to ensure that the needs and aspirations of the people as articulated by the local government units in their respective local development places, are considered in the formulation of budgets of national line agencies or offices Fiscal responsibility shall be shared by all those exercising authority over the financial affairs, transactions and operations of the local government units; and The local government unit shall endeavor to have a balanced budget in each fiscal year of operation(Sec. 305, RA 7160) e. f. g. Professional tax: not exceeding P300.00 Amusement tax: not more than 30% of the gross receipts Annual fixed tax for every delivery truck or van of manufacturers or producers, wholesalers of, dealers, or retailers in certain products: not exceeding P500.00


2. For municipalities a. b. c. d. Tax on business Fees and charges on business and occupation except those reserved for the province Fees for sealing and licensing of weights and measures Fishery rentals, fees and charges

9. 10.


3. For cities a. May levy taxes, fees and charges which the province and municipality may impose provided:



Q: What are the taxes that may be imposed by the LGUs? A: 1. For provinces Tax on transfer of real property ownership (sale, donation, barter, or any other mode of transferring ownership): not more than 50% of 1% of the total consideration involved in the acquisition of the property Tax on business of printing and publication: not exceeding 50% of 1% of the gross annual receipt Franchise tax: not exceeding 50% of 1% of the gross annual receipt Tax on sand, gravel and other quarry resources: not more than 10% of the fair market value per cubic meter. Proceeds will be distributed as follows: i. ii. Province 30% Component city or municipality where it was extracted 30% iii. Barangay where it was extracted 40%

i. That the taxes, fees and charges levied and collected of highly urbanized and independent component cities shall accrue to them, and ii.That the rate that the city may levy may exceed the maximum rates allowed for the province or municipality by not more than 50% except the rates of professional and amusement taxes Q: What are the taxes, fees and charges that may be imposed by the barangay? A: 1. City barangays may tax stores and retails whose gross sales do not exceed P 50,000 per annum. Municipal barangays may tax those whose sales do not exceed P 30,000 per annum. 2. Barangays may also impose fees for: a) services rendered; b) barangay clearances; c) commercial breeding of fighting cocks; d) cockfights; e) cockpits; f) places of recreation which charge admission fees; f) billboards; and g) neon signs.
Note: Where the Secretary of Justice reviews, pursuant to law, a tax measure enacted by a local government unit to determine if the officials performed their functions in accordance with law, i.e, with the prescribed procedure for the enactment of tax ordinances and the grant of powers under the Local Government Code, the same is an act of mere supervision and not control (Drilon v Lim, GR 112497 Aug.4, 1994).


b. c. d.


Q: The Province of Palawan passes an ordinance requiring all owners/operators of fishing vessels that fish in waters surrounding the province to invest ten percent (10%) of their net profits from operations therein in any enterprise located in Palawan. NARCO Fishing Corp., a Filipino corporation with head office in Navotas, Metro Manila, challenges the ordinance as unconstitutional. Decide the case. A: The ordinance is invalid. The ordinance was apparently enacted pursuant to Article X, Sec. 7of the Constitution, which entitles local governments to an equitable share in the proceeds of the utilization and development of the national wealth within their respective areas. However, this should be made pursuant to law. A law is needed to implement this provision and a local government cannot constitute itself unto a law. In the absence of a law the ordinance in question is invalid. Q: What is the nature of a community tax? A: Community tax is a poll or capitation tax which is imposed upon person who resides within a specified territory. Q: Who are exempted from the payment of the community tax? A: Diplomatic and consular representatives; b. Transient visitors when their stay in the Philippines does not exceed 3 months. Q: What are the remedies available to the local government units to enforce the payment of taxes? A: 1. 2. 3. 4. Imposing penalties (surcharges and penalty interest) in case of delinquency; Availing local governments liens; Administrative action through distraint of goods, chattels, and other personal property; By judicial action a. 2. The proceeds of government owned or controlled corporations engaged in the utilization and development of the national wealth up to 1% of the gross sales or 40% of the gross collections made by the national government there from, whichever is higher.

Q: State the disposition of the proceeds of the natural resources. A: The distribution of shares of the local government derived from the development and use of natural resources located in a province are as follows: 1. 20% to the province; 2. 45% to the component city or municipality where located, and 3. 35% to the barangay where located. If the natural resources are located in highly urbanized city, the distributions of shares are as follows: 1. 65% to the city; and 2. 35% to the barangay. Q: What are real property taxes? A: These are direct imposed on privilege to use real property such as land, building, machinery, and other improvements, unless specifically exempted.
Note: Real property taxes are local taxes and not national taxes.

Q: How much real property tax can be imposed by the local government units? A: A real estate levy may be imposed by the province or city as follows: 1. By the province, not exceeding 1% of the assessed value of the property; and 2. By the city, not exceeding 2% of the assessed value of the property. Q: The Province of X required the National Development Company to pay real estate taxes on the land being occupied by NDC and the latter argued that since it is a governmentowned corporation, its properties are exempt from real estate taxes. If you were the Judge, how would you decide the case? Reason out. A: In National Development Company v. Cebu City GR 51593 Nov. 5, 1992 the Supreme Court held that the National Development Company was not liable for real estate tax on the property belonging to the government which it occupy. However, Section 234 of the Local Government Code

Q: What are the other sources of revenue? A: The local government units are entitled to definite shares in: 1. The proceeds from development and utilization of mines, forests, and marine resources up to 40% of the gross collections there from by the national government;





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subsequently withdrew the exemption from real property taxes of government-owned or controlled corporations. If I were the Judge, I would hold the National Development Company liable for real estate taxes. (1999 Bar Question) Q: Bayantel was granted by Congress after the effectivity of the Local Government Code (LGC), a legislative franchise with tax exemption privileges which partly reads the grantee, its successors or assigns shall be liable to pay the same taxes on their real estate, buildings and personal property, exclusive of this franchise, as other persons or corporations are now or hereafter may be required by law to pay. This provision existed in the companys franchise prior to the effectivity of the LGC. Quezon City then enacted an ordinance imposing a really property on all real properties located within the city limits and withdrawing all exemptions previously granted. Among properties covered are those owned by the company. Bayantel is imposing that its properties are exempt from tax under its franchise. Is the Bayantel correct? A: The properties are exempt from taxation. The grant of taxing powers to local governments under the Constitution and the LGC does not affect the power of Congress to grant tax exemptions. The term "exclusive of the franchise" is interpreted to mean properties actually, directly and exclusively used in the radio and telecommunications business. The subsequent piece of legislation which reiterated the phrase exclusive of this franchise found in the previous tax exemption grant to the company is an express and real intention on the part of the Congress to once against remove from the LGCs delegated taxing power, all of the companys properties that are actually, directly and exclusively used in the pursuit of its franchise. (The City Government of Quezon City, et al., v. Bayan Telecommnications, Inc., GR No. 162015, March 6, 2006) Q: Under the Constitution, what are the three main sources of revenues of local government units? A: within their areas. (Section 7, Article X, 1987 Constitution)
Note: An ordinance levying taxes, fees or charges shall not be enacted without any prior public hearing conducted for the purpose. (Figuerres v. CA, GR 119172 Mar.25, 1999)

Q: What are the special levies on real property? A: 1. A special education fund may also be assessed in provinces, cities, or Metropolitan Manila municipalities up to a maximum of 1% of the assessed value of a real property. Idle lands in provinces, cities or municipalities in Metro Manila may be additionally taxed at not exceeding 5% of their assessed value. Lands benefited by public works projects or improvements in provinces, cities and municipalities may be levied a special tax of not exceeding 60% of the actual cost of the project.



Q: What are the requisites so that the President may interfere in local fiscal matters? A: An unmanaged public sector deficit of the national government; 2. Consultations with the presiding officers of the Senate and the House of Representatives and the presidents of the various local leagues; 3. And the corresponding recommendation of the secretaries of the Department of Finance, Interior and Local Government, and Budget and Management. Q: May a local government unit (LGU) regulate the subscriber rates charged by CATV operators within its territorial jurisdiction? A: Under E.O. No. 205, the National Telecommunications Commission has exclusive jurisdiction over matters affecting CATV operation, including specifically the fixing of subscriber rates. CATV system is not a mere local concern. The complexities that characterize this new technology demand that it be regulated by a specialized agency. This is particularly true in the area of ratefixing. However, there is nothing under E.O. 205 precludes LGUs from exercising its general power, under R.A. No. 7160, to prescribe regulations to promote health, morals, peace, education, good order or safety and general welfare of their constituents. (Batangas CATV, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, GR 138810 Sept.29, 2004) 1.

1. 2. 3.

Taxes, fees, and charges. (Section 5, Article X, 1987 Constitution) Share in the national taxes. (Section 6,Article X, 1987 Constitution) Share in the proceeds of the utilizations and development of the national wealth


Q: In the absence of the regular presiding officer, who presides in the sangguniang concerned? A: The members present and constituting a quorum shall elect from among themselves a temporary presiding officer.
Note: He shall certify within 10 days from the passage of ordinances enacted and resolutions adopted by the sangguniang in the session over which he temporarily presided.

IV. RECLASSIFICATION OF LANDS Q: When may an LGU be authorized to reclassify lands? A: Through an ordinance passed after conducting public hearings for the purpose. Q: What are the grounds for reclassification of lands? A: 1. When the land ceases to be economically feasible and sound for agricultural purposes as determined by DAR.

Q: May an Incumbent Vice-Governor, while concurrently the Acting Governor, continue to preside over the sessions of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan? If no, who may preside in the meantime? A: A vice-governor who is concurrently an acting governor is actually a quasi-governor. For purposes of exercising his legislative prerogatives and powers, he is deemed a non member of the SP for the time being. In the event of inability of the regular presiding officer to preside at the sanggunian session, the members present and constituting a quorum shall elect from among themselves a temporary presiding officer.(Gamboa v. Aguirre, GR 134213 July 20, 1999) Q: What is a quorum in the sanggunian? A: A majority of all the members of the sanggunian who have been elected and qualified. Q: What are the procedural steps or actions to be taken by the Presiding officer if there is a question of forum and if there is not forum? A: Should there be a question of forum raised during a session, the PO shall immediately proceed to call the roll of the members and thereafter announce the results. If there is no quorum: 1. Declare a recess until such time that quorum is constituted 2. Compel attendance of the member absent without justifiable cause 3. Declare the session adjourned for lack of quorum and no business shall be transacted Q: How are sessions fixed? A: If regular sessions by resolution on the 1st day of the session If special sessions when public interests so demand may be called

Note: In Fortich v. Corona GR 131457 April 24, 1998 , LGU need not obtain approval of DAR to convert or reclassify land from agricultural to non-agricultural and Roxas v. CA: DAR is mandated to approve or disapprove applications for conversion.


Where the land shall have substantially greater economic value for residential, commercial or industrial purposes as determined by the sanggunian, limited to the following percentage of agricultural land area: a. For HUC and independent component cities: 15% b. For component cities and 1st to 3rd class municipalities: 10% c. For 4th to 6th class municipalities: 5%

Note: The President may, when public interest so requires and upon recommendation of the NEDA, authorize a city or municipality to reclassify lands in excess of the limits set.

V. LOCAL LEGISLATIVE POWER Q: Who exercises local legislative power and their presiding officer? A:
Province City Municipality Barangay Sangguniang panlalawigan Sangguniang panlungsod Sangguniang bayan Sangguniang barangay Vice-governor City vicemayor Municipality vice-mayor Punong barangay

Note: The presiding officer shall vote only to break a tie.




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immediately following the election the elections of its members by the Local chief executive or by a majority of the members of the sanggunian The requisites for validity are: 1. Must not contravene the constitution and any statute 2. Must not be unfair or oppressive 3. Must not be partial or discriminatory 4. Must not prohibit, but may regulate trade 5. Must not be unreasonable 6. Must be general in application and consistent with public policy Q: How is a review of the ordinances or resolutions done? A:
Review of Component Review of Barangay city and municipal Ordinances ordinances or resolutions Who reviews Sanggunian Panlalawigan Sangguniang Panglungsod or Sangguniang Bayan When copies of ordinance or resolutions be forwarded Within 3 days after Within 10 days after approval its enactment Period to examine Within 30 days after the Within 30 days after receipt; may examine or the receipt may transmit to the provincial attorney or provincial prosecutor. If the latter, must submit his comments or recommendations within 10 days from receipt of the document When declared valid If no action has been Same taken within 30 days after submission When invalid (grounds) If beyond the power If inconsistent with the conferred on the law or city or sangguniang panlungsod municipal ordinance Effect: Brgy ordinance is suspended until such time as the revision called is effected (Sec. 56 and 58, RA 7160)

Q: What are the requirements of a sangguniang session? A: 1. Shall be open to public unless it is closed-door session 2. No two sessions, regular or special, may be held in a single day 3. Minutes of the session be recorded and each sanggunian shall keep a journal and record of its proceedings which may be published upon resolution of the sanggunian concerned. 4. In case of special sessions a. Written notice to the members must be served personally at least 24 hours before b. Unless otherwise concurred in by 2/3 votes of the sanggunian members present, there being no quorum, no other matters may be considered at a special session except those stated in the notice. Q: On its first regular session, may the Sanggunian transact business other than the matter of adopting or updating its existing rules or procedure? A: There is nothing in the language of the LGC that restricts the matters to be taken up during the first regular session merely to the adoption or updating of the house rules. (Malonzo v. Zamora, GR 137718 July 27, 1999). Q: What are the products of legislative action and their requisites for validity? A: 1. Ordinance 2. Resolution
Ordinance Law Resolution Merely a declaration of the sentiment or opinion of a lawmaking body on a specific matter Temporary in nature Not necessary in resolution (EXP: unless decided otherwise by a majority of all the sangguniang members

General and permanent character Third reading is necessary for an ordinance

Q: What is the effect of the enforcement of a disapproved ordinance or resolution?


A: It shall be sufficient ground for the suspension or dismissal of the official or employee (Sec. 58, RA 7160) Q: When is the effectivity of ordinances or resolutions? A: GR: Within 10 days from the date a copy is posted in a bulletin board and in at least 2 conspicuous spaces. XPN: Unless otherwise stated in the ordinance or resolution. Q: What ordinances require publication for its effectivity? A: 1. 2. Ordinances that carry with them penal sanctions Ordinances and resolutions passed by highly urbanized and independent component cities
Note: The local legislative assembly can override the veto of the local chief executive by two-thirds vote of all its members.

Q: Due to over-crowding in the public market in Paco, Manila, the City Council passed an ordinance allowing the lease to vendors of parts of the streets where the public market is located, provided that the lessees pay to the city government a fee of P50 per square meter of the area occupied by the lessees. The residents in the area complained to the Mayor that the lease of the public streets would cause serious traffic problems to them. The Mayor cancelled the lease and ordered the removal of the stalls constructed on the streets. Was the act of the Mayor legal? A: The cancellation of the lease and the removal of the stalls are valid. As held in Macasiano v. Diokno, GR 97764 Aug. 10, 1992 the lease of public streets is void, since they are reserved for public use and are outside the commerce of man. (1997 Bar Question) Q: An aggrieved resident of the City of Manila filed mandamus proceedings against the city mayor and the city engineer to compel these officials to remove the market stalls from certain city streets which they had designated as flea markets. Portions of the said city streets were leased or licensed by the respondent officials to market stallholders by virtue of a city ordinance. Decide the dispute. A: The petition should be granted. In accordance with Macasiano v. Diokno GR 97764 Aug. 10, 1992 since public streets are properties for public use and are outside the commerce of man, the City Mayor and the City Engineer cannot lease or license portions of the city streets to market stallholders. Q:Johnny was employed as a driver by the Municipality of Calumpit, Bulacan. While driving recklessly a municipal dump truck with its load of sand for the repair of municipal streets, Johnny hit a jeepney. Two passengers of the jeepney were killed. The Sangguniang Bayan passed an ordinance appropriating P300,000 as compensation for the heirs of the victims. Is the municipal ordinance valid? A: The ordinance appropriating P300,000.00 for the heirs of the victims of Johnny is void. This

Q: What are the instances of approval of ordinances? A: a. b. If the chief executive approves the same, affixing his signature on each and every page thereof If the local chief executive vetoes the same, and the veto is overridden by 2/3 vote of all members of the sanggunian.

Note: Local Chief Executive may veto the ordinance only once on the ground that the ordinance is ultra vires and prejudicial to public welfare. The veto must be communicated to the sanggunian within a. 15 days = province b. 10 days = city or municipality

Q: What are the items that the local chief executive Items he may veto: A: a. b. c. Item/s of an appropriation ordinance. Ordinance/resolution adopting local development plan and public investment program Ordinance directing the payment of money or creating liability

Note: Ordinances enacted by the sangguniang barangay shall, upon approval by a majority of all its members be signed by the punong barangay. The latter has no veto power.





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amounts to appropriating public funds for a private purpose. Under Section 335 of the Local Government Code, no public money shall be appropriated for private purposes. Q: State whether or not the following city ordinances are valid and give reasons in support of your answers: 1. An ordinance on business establishments to raise funds for the construction and maintenance of roads in private subdivisions, which roads are open for use by segments of the public who may have business inside the subdivision. 2. An ordinance prohibiting barbershop operators from rendering massage service to their customers in a separate room. A: property. Before he was able to submit the subdivision plan to the Bureau of Lands and/or Land Registration Commission for verification and/or approval, he was informed that he must first present the plan to the City Engineer who would determine whether the zoning ordinance of the Cabanatuan City had been observed. He was surprised when he was asked to pay the city government a service fee of P0.30 per square meter of land, covered by his subdivision plan. He was even more surprised when informed that a fine of P200.00 and/or imprisonment for not exceeding six months or both, have been fixed in the ordinance as penalty for violation thereof. Believing that the city ordinance is illegal, he filed suit to nullify the same. Decide the case with reasons. A: The ordinance is null and void. In Villacorta v. Bernardo, GR L-31249 Aug.19, 1986 the Supreme Court held that a municipal ordinance cannot amend a national law in the guise of implementing it. In this case, the requirement actually conflicts with sec. 44 of Act No. 496 because the latter does not require subdivision plans to be submitted to the City Engineer before they can be submitted for approval to, and verification by, the Land Registration Commission and/or the Bureau of Lands. (1988 Bar Question) Q: PAGCOR decided to operate a casino in Tacloban City under authority of P.D. No. 1869. It leased a portion of a building belonging to Ellen McGuire renovated and equipped it in preparation for its inauguration. The Sangguniang Panlungsod of Tacloban City enacted an ordinance prohibiting the operation of casinos in the City and providing penalty for its violation. Ellen McGuire and PAGCOR assailed the validity of the ordinance in court. How would you resolve the issue? Discuss fully. A: The ordinance should be declared invalid. As held in Magtajas v. Pryce Properties Corporation. Inc., GR 111079 July 20, 1994. such an ordinance contravenes Presidential Decree No. 1869, which authorizes the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation to operate casinos within the territorial Jurisdiction of the Philippines, because it prevents the said corporation from exercising the power conferred on it to operate a casino in Tacloban City. The power of Tacloban City to suppress gambling and prohibited games of chance excludes of chance permitted by law. Implied repeals are not favored. (Basco v. PAGCOR GR 91649 May 14, 1991)(1995 Bar Question)


The ordinance is valid. The charge on the business establishments is not a tax but a special assessment. Hence, the holding in Pascual v. Secretary of Public Works, GR L-10405 Dec.29, 1960 that public funds cannot be appropriated for the construction of roads in a private subdivision, does not apply. As held in Apostolic Prefect v. City Treasurer of Baguio, GR L-47252 April 18, 1941, special assessments may be charged to property owners benefited by public works, because the essential difference between a tax and such assessment is precisely that the latter is based wholly on benefits received. However, if the ordinance levies a tax on all business establishments located outside the private subdivision, then it is objectionable on the ground that it appropriate private funds for a public purpose. The ordinance is valid. In Velasco v, Villegas GR L-24153 Feb.14, 1983 such ordinance was upheld on the ground that it is a means of enabling the City of Manila to collect a fee for operating massage clinics and of preventing immorality which might be committed by allowing the construction of separate rooms in barber shops.(1987 Bar Question)


Q: Jose Y. Sabater is a real estate developer. He acquires raw lands and converts them into subdivisions. After acquiring a lot of around 15 hectares in Cabanatuan City, he caused the preparation of a subdivision plan for the


Q: The Municipality of Alcoy, Cebu, passed Ordinance No. 10, series of 1991, requiring owners, administrators, or tenants of buildings and premises to keep and maintain them in sanitary condition, and should they fail to do so, cause them to be cleared and kept in sanitary condition and the cost thereof to be assessed against the owner, administrator or tenant, as the case may be, which cost shall constitute a lien against the property. It further penalizes violation thereof with a fine not exceeding One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) or imprisonment for one (1) year at the discretion of the court. Is the ordinance valid? A: The ordinance is valid insofar as it requires owners, administrators, or tenants of buildings and premises to keep and maintain them in sanitary condition and provides that should they fail to do so, the municipality shall cause them to be cleaned and the cost shall be assessed against the owner, administrator, or tenant and shall be a lien against the property. This is expressly authorized by Sec. 149(kk) of the Local Government Code. However, the penalty for the violation of the ordinance is invalid, because it is excessive. The penalty in this case is a fine not exceeding P1,000 or imprisonment for one year, in the discretion of the court. Under Sec. 149 (c) of the Local Government Code, however, the penalty for the violation of a municipal ordinance cannot exceed a fine of P1,000.00 or Imprisonment for six months, or both at the discretion of the court.(1991 Bar Question) VI. BASIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES Q: What are the instances of the basic services and facilities that the LGU must provide? A: 1. For barangay a. Agricultural support services b. Health services (barangay health center and day-care center) c. Social welfare services d. General hygiene and sanitation e. Solid waste collection f. Maintenance of katarungang pambarangay g. Maintenance of barangay roads and bridges and water supply systems h. Infrastructure facilities i. Information and reading center j. Satellite or public market 4. 2. For municipality a. Extension and on-site research services related to agriculture and fishery activities b. Health services (secondary and tertiary health services) c. Solid waste disposal system or environment management system d. Municipal buildings, cultural centers, public parks and sports facilities, etc.; e. Infrastructure facilities funded by the municipal funds f. Information services; maintenance of a public library g. Public markets, slaughterhouses and other municipal enterprise h. Implementation of community based forestry programs i. Public cemetery j. Tourism facilities and other tourist attractions k. Sites for police station, fire station and jail For province a. Agricultural extension and on-site research services and facilities b. Industrial research and development facilities as well as the transfer of appropriate technology c. Enforcement of forestry laws d. Health services (hospitals and other tertiary health services) e. Social welfare services (rebel returnees and evacuees; relief operations and population development services f. Provincial bldg., provincial jails, public assembly areas, etc. g. Infrastructure facilities funded out of provincial funds h. Programs and projects for lowcost housing and other mass dwellings (EXP: SSS, GSIS and HDMF) i. Investment support services j. Upgrading and modernization of tax information and collection services k. Inter-municipal telecommunications services l. Tourism development and promotion programs For a City






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a. b. c. All the services and facilities of the municipality and province Adequate communication and transportation facilities Support for education, police and fire services and facilities (Sec. 17, RA 7160) A: 1. To have continuous succession in its corporate name 2. To sue and be sued
Note: Only the Provincial Fiscal or the Municipal Attorney can represent a province or municipality in lawsuits. This is mandatory. Hence, a private attorney cannot represent a province or municipality.

VII. CLOSURE OF ROADS Q: What are subjects to the power of an LGU to open or close a road? A: Any local road, alley, park, or square falling within its jurisdiction, either permanently or temporary. Q: What are the limitations in case of permanent closure? In case of temporary closure? A: In case of permanent closure: 1. Must be approved by at least 2/3 of all the members of the sanggunian and when necessary provide for an adequate substitute for the public facility 2. 3. Adequate provision for the public safety must be made The property may be used or conveyed for any purpose for which other real property may be lawfully used or conveyed, but no freedom park shall be closed permanently without provision for its transfer or relocation to a new site

Q: Who has the authority to commence suits? A: GR: suit is commenced by the local executive, upon authority of the sanggunian. XPN: the city councilors, by themselves and as representatives of or on behalf of the City, bring the action to prevent unlawful disbursement of city funds (City Council of Cebu v. Cuizon, 47 SCRA 325) 3. To have and use a corporate seal

Note: Any new corporate seals or changes on such shall be registered with DILG.

4. 5.


To acquire and convey real or personal property To enter into contracts; and To exercise such other powers as granted to corporations (Sec. 21, RA 7160)

Q: What are the requisites of a valid municipal contract? A: 1. The local government unit has the express, implied or inherent power to enter into the particular contract The contract is entered into by the proper department board, committee, officer or agent.

In case of temporary closure: 1. For actual emergency, fiesta celebration, public rallies, agricultural or industrial works and highway telecommunications and water work projects 2. Duration of which shall be specified 3. Except for those activities not officially sponsored or approved by the LGU concerned
Note: Any city, municipality or barangay may, by ordinance, temporarily close and regulate the use of a local street, road, thoroughfare or any other public place where shopping, Sunday, flea or night markets may be established and where articles of commerce may be sold or dispensed with to the general public


Note: No contract may be entered into by the local chief executive on behalf of the local government without prior authorization by the sanggunian concerned, unless otherwise provided.


The contract must comply with certain substantive requirements (Actual appropriation and certificate of availability of funds).

B. CORPORATE POWERS Q: What are the corporate powers of an LGU?


The contract must comply with the formal requirements of written contracts


Note: This includes the power to acquire and convey properties by the LGUs through written contracts.

their control or supervision. (Art.2189, NCC)

Note: LGU is liable even if the road does not belong to it as long as it exercises control or supervision over said roads.

Q: What are ultra vires contracts? A: These are contracts entered into without the first and third requisites. Such is null and void and cannot be ratified or validated. Q: Is there an instance when it can be ratified? A: Yes. Ratification is possible when there is noncompliance with the second and fourth requisite. It may be express or implied ratification. Q: Who has the authority to negotiate and secure grants? A: The local chief executive may, upon authority of the sanggunian, negotiate and secure financial grants or donations in kind, in support of the basic services and facilities enumerated under sec. 17, RA 7160 from local and foreign assistance agencies without necessity of securing clearance or approval of any department, agency, or office of the national government or from any higher local government unit; Provided that projects financed by such grants or assistance with national security implications shall be approved by the national agency concerned. MUNICIPAL LIABILITY Q: What is the scope of municipal liability? A: Municipal liabilities arise from various sources in the conduct of municipal affairs, both governmental and proprietary. Q: What is the rule with respect to the liabilities of local government units and their officials? A: LGUs and their officials are not exempt from liability for death or injury to persons or damage to property (Sec. 24, R.A. 7160). Q: What are the specific provisions making LGUs liable? A:

b. c.

The State is responsible when it acts through a special agent. (Art. 2180, NCC) When a member of a city or municipal police force refuses or fails to render aid or protection to any person in case of danger to life or property, such peace officer shall be primarily liable for damages and the city or municipality shall be subsidiarily responsible therefor.(Art. 34, NCC)

Q: What are the bases for municipal liabilities? A:


Liability arising from violation of law such as closing municipal street without indemnifying persons prejudiced thereby, non-payment of wages to its employees or its refusal to abide a temporary restraining order may result in contempt charge and fine. Liability on contracts


Note: LGU is liable on a contract it enters into provided that the contract is intra vires. If ultra vires they are not liable.

Q: What are the conditions under which a local executive may enter into a contract in behalf of his government unit? What are the legal requisites therefore? A: WAFAC a. The contract must be Within the power of the municipality; b. The contract must be entered by Authorized officer (i.e. mayor with proper resolution by the Sangguniang Bayan, Sec. 142 LGC); c. There must be appropriation and Certificate to availability of funds; d. The contract must conform with the Formal requisites of a written contract as prescribed by law; and e. In some cases the contract must be Approved by the President and/or


LGU shall be liable for damages for the death of, or injuries suffered by, any person by reason of the defective condition of roads, streets, bridges, public buildings, and other public works under





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provincial governor (Sec. 2068 and Sec. 2196, Revised Adm. Code) Q: What is the doctrine of implied municipal liability? A: A municipality may become obligated upon an implied contract to pay the reasonable value of the benefits accepted or appropriated by it as to which it has the general power to contract. (Province of Cebu v. IAC, G.R. No. L-72841, January 29, 1987)
Note:Estoppel cannot be applied against a municipal corporation in order to validate a contract which the municipal corporation has no power to make or which it is authorized to make only under prescribed limitations or in a prescribed mode or manner even if the municipal corporations has accepted benefits thereunder. 2000 ruling in Valles has been superseded by the enactment of R.A. No. 9225 in 2003. R.A. No. 9225 Sec. 5 expressly provides for the conditions before those who re-acquired Filipino citizenship may run for a public office in the Philippines Note: Upon repatriation, a former natural-born Filipino is deemed to have recovered his original status as a natural-born citizen (Bengzon III v. HRET, GR 142840 May 7, 2001)



Liability for tort- may be held for torts arising from the performance of its private and proprietary functions under the principle of respondeat superior. They are also liable for back salaries for employees illegally dismissed/separated or for its refusal to reinstate employees.

Must be a registered voter in: i. The barangay, municipality, city or province where he intends to be elected ii. The district where he intends to be elected in case of a member if the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, Sangguniang Panlungsod, or Sangguniang Bayan Resident therein for at least 1 year immediately preceding the day of the election;


Q: State the rules on municipal liability for tort. A: 1. LGU engaged governmental function not liable 2. LGU - engaged proprietary function liable LOCAL OFFICIALS A. ELECTIVE OFFICIALS Q: What are the qualifications of elective government official? A: a. Must be a Filipino citizen
Note: The citizenship requirement in the LGC is to be possessed by the elective official, at the latest, as of the time he is proclaimed and at the start of the term of office to which he has been elected. The LGC does not specify any particular date or time when the candidate must possess citizenship, unlike the requirements for residence and age. Repatriation under PD 825 is valid and effective and retroacts to the date of the application (Frivaldo v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 120295, June 28,1996). Note: Filing of certificate of candidacy is sufficient to renounce foreign citizenship (Valles v.COMELEC, 2000). However in the case of Lopez v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 182701, June 23, 2008, the SC held that the Courts

Note: The term residence under Section 39(a) of the LGC of 1991 is to be understood not in its common acceptation as referring to dwelling or habitation, but rather to domicile or legal residence that is, the place where a party actually or constructively has his permanent home, where he, no matter where he may be found at any given time, eventually intends to return and remain ( animus manendi)( Coquilla v. COMELEC, G.R. 151914, July 31, 2002).

Q: X was a natural-born Filipino who went to the USA to work and subsequently became a naturalized American citizen. However, prior to filing his Certificate of Candidacy for the Office of Mayor of the Municipality of General Macarthur, Eastern Samar, on 28 March 2007, he applied for reacquisition of his Philippine Citizenship. Such application was subsequently granted. Y filed a petition to disqualify X on the ground of failure to comply with the 1-year residency requirement. Y argues that reacquisition of Philippine citizenship, by itself, does not automatically result in making X a resident of the locality. Is Y correct? A: Yes. Xs reacquisition of his Philippine citizenship under Republic Act No. 9225 had no automatic impact or effect on his residence/domicile. He could still retain his domicile in the USA, and he did not necessarily regain his domicile in the Municipality of General Macarthur, Eastern Samar, Philippines. X merely had the option to again establish his domicile in the Municipality of General Macarthur, Eastern Samar,


Philippines, said place becoming his new domicile of choice. The length of his residence therein shall be determined from the time he made it his domicile of choice, and it shall not retroact to the time of his birth. It is the fact of residence that is the decisive factor in determining whether or not an individual has satisfied the residency qualification requirement. However, even if Ys argument is correct, this does not mean that X should be automatically disqualified as well, since there is proof that aside from reacquisition of his Philippine Citizenship, there are other subsequent acts executed by X which show his intent to make General Arthur, Eastern Samar his domicile, thus making him qualified to run for Mayor. (Japzon v. COMELEC GR 180088 Jan.19, 2009) d. e. Able to read and write Filipino/ any other local language or dialect Age requirement:
POSITION Governor, Vice Governor, Mayor, Vice Mayor, member of Sangguniang Panlungsod in highly urbanized cities Mayor, Vice Mayor of Independent component cities or municipalities Member of Sangguniang Panglungsod, member of Sangguniang Bayan, Punong Barangay, Member of Sangguniang Barangay Candidates for Sangguniang Kabataan the AGE REQUIREMENT At least 23 years old on election day At least 21 years old At least 18 years old

3. 4.

Convicted by final judgment for violating the oath of allegiance of the Republic With dual citizenship

Note: The phrase dual citizenship as a disqualification in R.A. No. 7160, 40(d) and in R.A. No. 7854, 20 must be understood as referring to dual allegiance. (Mercado v. Manzano, G.R. No. 135083, May 26,1999)


Fugitives from justice in criminal or nonpolitical cases here or abroad

Note: Fugitives from justice in criminal and non- criminal cases here and abroad include not only those who flee after conviction to avoid punishment, but likewise those who after being charged, flee to avoid prosecution (Marquez v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 112889, April 18,1995; Rodriguez v. COMELEC, GR 120099 July 24, 1996)


Permanent residents in a foreign country or those who have acquired the right to reside abroad and continue to avail of the same right after the effectively of this LGC; Insane or feeble-minded


Other grounds for disqualification: a. Vote buying (upon determination in a summary administrative proceeding) (Nolasco v COMELEC, GR Nos. 122250 & 122258 July 21, 1997) b. Removal by administrative proceedings (perpetual disqualification) (Lingating v COMELEC GR 153475 Nov. 13, 2002) Q: May an official removed from office as a result of an administrative case, before the effectivity of the LGC be disqualified under Section 40 of said law? A: No. Section 40 (b) of the LGC has no retroactive effect and therefore, disqualifies only those administratively removed from office after January 1,1992 when LGC took effect (Greco v. COMELEC, GR 125955 June 19, 1997). It should be a final determination (Lingating v COMELEC GR 153475 Nov. 13, 2002). Q: What is the significance of possession of a green card by a candidate for an elective position? A: Possession of a green card is an ample evidence to show that the person is an immigrant to or a permanent resident of the U.S. Hence, immigration to the US by virtue of a Green card which entitles one to reside permanently in that

At least 15 years of age but not more than 18 years of age on election day (as amended under RA 9164)

Q: Who are persons disqualified from running for any elective local position? A: 1. Sentenced by final judgment for an offense involving moral turpitude or for an offense punishable by 1 year or more of imprisonment, within 2 years after serving sentence; Removed from office as a result of an administrative case;






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country, constitutes abandonment of domicile in the Philippines. Q: Can a candidate receiving the next highest vote be declared the winner after the candidate receiving the majority of votes is declared ineligible? A: No. The ineligibility of a candidate receiving the majority of votes does not entitle the eligible candidate receiving the next highest number of votes to be declared winner. The rule would be different if the electorate, fully aware of a candidates disqualification so as to bring such awareness within the realm of notoriety, would nonetheless cast the votes in favor of the ineligible candidate. In such case, the electorate may be said to have waived the validity and efficacy of their votes by notoriously applying their franchises or throwing away their votes in which case, the eligible candidate obtaining the next highest number of votes may be deemed elected (Labo v. COMELEC, GR 105111 July 3, 1992). VACANCIES AND SUCCESSION Q: What are the two classes of vacancies in the elective post? A:
Permanent Vacancy (Sec 44) Arises when: a. elective local official fills a higher vacant office b. refuses to assume office c. fails to qualify d. dies e. removed from office f. voluntarily resigns g. permanently incapacitated to discharge the functions of his office Temporary Vacancy (Sec 46) Arises when an elected official is temporary incapacitated to perform their duties due to legal or physical reasons such as physical sickness, leave of absence, travel abroad or suspension from office

A: In case of permanent vacancy: a. Office of the governor: vice- governor b. Office of the mayor: vice-mayor c. Office of the governor, vice governor, mayor or vice-mayor: highest ranking Sanggunian member or in case of his permanent inability, the second highest ranking Sanggunian member d. Office of the punong barangay: the highest ranking sangguniang barangay member
Note: In case of tie between and among the highest ranking Sangguniang members, resolved by drawing lots (Section 44, LGC). Note: For purposes of succession, ranking in the Sanggunian shall be determined on the basis of the proportion of the votes obtained by each winning candidate to the total number of registered voters in each district in the preceding election. Note: The general rule is that the successor (by appointment) should come from the same political party as the Sangunian member whose position has become vacant. The exception would be in the case of vacancy in the Sangguniang barangay.

In case automatic succession is not applicable and there is vacancy in the membership of the sanggunian the rules being as follows: a. The President thru the Executive Secretary shall appoint the political nominee of the local executive for the sangguniang panlalawigan/panlungsod of highly urbanized cities/independent component cities; b. The Governor, shall appoint the political nominees for the sanggunian panlungsod of component cities/bayan; c. The city/municipal mayor shall appoint the recommendee of the sangguniang barangay concerned.
Note: The last vacancy in the Sanggunian refers to that created by the elevation of the member formerly occupying the next higher in rank which in turn also had become vacant by any of the causes already enumerated. The term last vacancy is thus used in Section 45(b) to differentiate it from the other vacancy previously created. The term by no means refers to the vacancy in the No.8 position which occurred with the elevation of 8th placer to the seventh position in the Sanggunian. Such construction will result in absurdity (Navarro v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 141307, March 28,2001). Note: In case of vacancy in the representation of the youth and the barangay in the Sanggunian, vacancies shall be filled automatically with the official next in rank of the organization concerned.

Q: What are the two ways of filling the vacancy? A: 1. Succession 2. Automatic By appointment

Q: State the rules of succession in case of permanent vacancies.


Q: State the rules in case of temporary vacancies in local positions. A: XPN: If travelling within the country, outside his jurisdiction.
Note: In Gamboa v. Aguirre, G.R. No. 134213, July 20,1999, a vice-governor who is concurrently an acting governor is actually a quasi-governor . For the purpose of exercising his legislative prerogatives and powers, he is deemed a non-member of the sangguninang panlalawigan for the time being.


In case of temporary vacancy of the post of the local executive (leave of absence, travel abroad, suspension): vicegovernor, vice mayor, highest ranking sangguniang barangay shall automatically exercise the powers and perform the functions of the local Chief Executive concerned. GR: he cannot exercise the power to appoint, suspend or dismiss employees XPN: if the period of temporary incapacity exceeds 30 working days. If travelling within the country, outside his jurisdiction, for a period not exceeding 3 days: he may designate in writing the officer-in-charge. The OIC cannot exercise the power to appoint, suspend or dismiss employee. If without said authorization, the vicegovernor, vice-mayor or the highest ranking sangguniang barangay member shall assume the powers on the 4th day of absence. (Sec 46)

DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS Q: What are the grounds for disciplinary actions? A: An elective local official may be disciplined, suspended or removed from office on any of the following grounds: 1. Disloyalty to Philippines; the Republic of the


Note: An administrative, not criminal, case for disloyalty to the Republic only requires substantial evidence (Aguinaldo v. Santos, G.R. No. 94115, August 21,1992).


2. 3.

5. 6.

Q: How is temporary incapacity terminated? A: If the temporary incapacity was due to leave of absence, travel abroad, suspension, it shall terminate upon submission to the appropriate sanggunian of a written declaration by the local chief executive concerned that he has reported back to office. If the temporary incapacity was due to legal reasons, the local chief executive should also submit necessary documents showing that the legal cause no longer exist. Q: May the local chief executive authorized any local official to assume the powers, duties and functions of the office other than the vicegovernor, city or municipal vice-mayor, or highest ranking sangguniang barangay member as the case maybe? A: GR: No.

7. 8.

Culpable violation of the Constitution; Dishonesty, oppression, misconduct in office, gross negligence, dereliction of duty; Commission of nay offense involving moral turpitude or an offense punishable by at least prision mayor; Abuse of authority; Unauthorized absence for 15 consecutive working days, except in the case of members of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, Sangguniang Panglunsod, Sangguniang Bayan, Sangguninang Barangay; Application for or acquisition of foreign citizenship or residence or the status of an immigrant of another country; Such other grounds as may be provided by the Code/other laws.

Note: An elective local official may be removed from office on the ground enumerated above by order of the proper court only. The Office of the President is without any power to remove elected officials, since such power is exclusively vested in the proper courts as expressly provided for in the last paragraph of Section 60, LGC. (Salalima v. Guingona, G.R. No. 117589, May 22,1996).

Q: Who may file an administrative action? A:





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1. any private individual or any government officer or employee by filling a sworn written complaint (verified); Office of the President or any government agency duly authorized by law to ensure that LGUs act within their prescribed powers and functions. safety and integrity of the records and other evidence. (Section 63, LGC) Q: Who can impose preventive suspension? A:
President Governor Mayor Respondent Local Official Elective official of a province, highly urbanized or independent component city Elective official of a component city of municipality Elective official of a barangay


Q: Where should administrative complaint be filed? A: A verified complaint shall be filed with the following: a. Office of the President- against elective official of provinces, HUC, ICC, component cities. b. Sangguniang Panlalawigan- elective officials of municipalities; and c. Sangguniang Panglunsod or Bayanelective barangay officials
Note: A re-elected local official may not be held administratively accountable for misconduct committed during his prior term of office. There is no distinction as to the precise timing or period when the misconduct was committed, reckoned from the date of the officials reelection, except that it must be prior to said date (Garcia v. Mojica, G.R.139043, September 10 ,1999).

Q: State the rule on preventive suspension. A:

1. 2.

A single preventive suspension shall not extend beyond 60 days; In the event that there are several administrative cases filed, the elective official cannot be preventively suspended for more than 90 days within a single year on the same ground or grounds existing and known at the time of his first suspension.

Q: State the rules on administrative appeals. A: Decisions in administrative cases may, within 30 days from receipt thereof, be appealed to the following: 1. The Sangguniang panlalawigan, in case of decisions of the sangguniang panlungsod of component cities and the sangguniang bayan; and 2. The Office of the President, in the case of decisions of the sangguniang panlalawigan and the sangguniang panlungsod of highly urbanized cities and independent component cities.
Note: Decisions of the President shall be final and executory.

Q: When is subsequent re-election considered a condonation? A: When proceeding is abated due to elections and there is no final determination of misconduct yet (Malinao v Reyes, GR 117618 Mar.29, 1996)
Note: Subsequent re-election cannot be deemed a condonation if there was already a final determination of his guilt before the re-election (Reyes v COMELEC, 1996). Note: The rule that public official cannot be removed for administrative misconduct committed during a prior term, since his re-election to office operates as a condonation of the officers previous misconduct to the extent of cutting off the right to remove him therefore, has no application to pending criminal cases against petitioner for the acts he may have committed during a failed coup (Aguinaldo v. Santos, G.R. No. 94115, August 21,1992).

Q: When is resignation of a public official effective? A: Resignation of elective officials shall be deemed effective only upon acceptance by the following authorities: 1. The President, in case of governors, vicegovernors, and mayors and vice-mayors of highly urbanized cities and independent and component cities; 2. The Governor, in the case of municipal mayors and vice-mayors, city mayors and vice-mayors of component cities;

Q: When should preventive suspension be imposed? A: a. b. After the issues are joined; When the evidence of guilt is strong; Given the gravity of the offense, there is great probability that the continuance in office of the respondent could influence the witnesses or pose a threat to the



3. 4.
The Sanggunian concerned, in case of sangguninan members; The City or Municipal Mayor, in case of barangay officials. prove that the official may influence possible witnesses or may tamper with the public records. It is sufficient that there exists such a possibility (Castilo-Co v. Barbers,GR 129952 June 16, 1998). RECALL Q: What is recall? A: Recall is a mode of removal of a public officer by the people before the end of his term. The peoples prerogative to remove a public officer is an incident of their sovereign power and in the absence of constitutional restraint; the power is implied in all governmental operations.
Note: Expenses for the conduct of recall elections: Annual General Appropriations Act has a contingency fund at the disposal of the COMELEC (Sec. 75, LGC).

Q: Does the LGC withdraw the power of the Ombudsman under RA 6770 to conduct administrative investigation? A: No. Hence, the Ombudsman and the Office of the President have concurrent jurisdiction to conduct administrative investigations over elective officials. (Hagad v. Gozo-Dadole, GR 108072 Dec.12, 1995)). Q: What is the difference between the preventive suspension provided under RA 6770 and under LGC? A:
Preventive Suspension under RA 6770 Requirements: 1.The evidence of guilt is strong; and 2. That any of the following circumstances are present: a. The charge against the officer of employee should involve dishonesty, oppression or grave misconduct or neglect in the performance of duty; b. the charges should warrant removal from office; or c. The respondents continued stay in office would prejudice the case filed against him. Maximum period: 6 months Preventive Suspension under LGC Requirements: 1. there is reasonable ground to believe that the respondent has committed the act or acts complained of; 2. the evidence of culpability is strong; 3. the gravity of the offense so warrants; 4. the continuance in office of the respondent could influence the witnesses or pose a threat to the safety and integrity of the records and other evidence.

Q: What is the ground for recall? subject to judicial inquiry?

Is this

A: There is only one ground for recall of local government officials: loss of confidence. In the case of Evardone v. Commission on Elections, et al., GR 94010 Dec.2, 1991 the Court ruled that loss of confidence as a ground for recall is a political question. Q: How may a recall be initiated? A: The recall of any elective provincial, city, municipal or barangay official can only be commenced by a petition of a registered voter in the LGU concerned and supported by the registered voters in the LGU concerned during the election in which the local official sought to be recalled was elected subject to the percentage requirements provided by the law (Section 70 of RA 7160, as amended by RA 9244).
Note: By virtue of RA 9244, Sections 70 and 71 of the Local Government Code were amended, and the Preparatory Recall Assembly has been eliminated as a mode of instituting recall of elective local government officials. All pending petitions for recall initiated through the Preparatory Recall Assembly shall be considered dismissed upon the effectivity of RA 9244 (Approved February 19,2004).

Maximum days



Q: Who may sign an order preventively suspending officials? A: It is not only the Ombudsman, but also his Deputy, who may sign an order preventively suspending officials. Also, the length of the period of suspension within the limits provided by law and the evaluation of the strength of the evidence both lie in the discretion of the Ombudsman. It is immaterial that no evidence has been adduced to

Q: What are the limitations on recall? A:

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a. Any elective local official may be subject of a recall election only once during his term of office for loss of confidence; and b. No recall shall take place within one year from the date of the officials assumption to office or one year immediately preceding a regular election. Q: Section 74 of the Local Government Code provides that no recall shall take place within one year immediately preceding a regular local election. What does the term regular local election, as used in this section, mean? A: It refers to one where the position of the official sought to be recalled is to be actually contested and filled by the electorate (Paras v. Comelec, G.R. No. 123169, Nov. 4, 1996). The one-year time bar will not apply where the local official sought to be recalled is a Mayor and the approaching election is a barangay election. (Angobung v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 126576, March 5, 1997) Q. State the initiation of the recall process. A:

d. COMELEC verifies and authenticates the signature

e. COMELEC announces candidates.



Note: COMELEC sets election within 30 days upon completion of previous section in barangay/city/municipality proceedings and 45 days in the case of provincial officials. Officials sought to be recalled are automatically candidates.

Q: State the prohibition from resignation. A: The elective local official sought to be recalled shall not be allowed to resign while the recall process is in progress. Q. When does recall take effect? A: Only upon the election and proclamation of a successor in the person of the candidate receiving the highest number of votes cast during the election on recall. Should the official sought to be recalled receive the highest number of votes, confidence in him is thereby affirmed, and he shall continue in office. Q. Will it be proper for the Comelec to act on a petition for recall signed by just one person? A: A petition for recall signed by just one person is in violation of the statutory 25% minimum requirement as to the number of signatures supporting any petition for recall. (Angobung v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 126576, March 5, 1997) B. APPOINTIVE OFFICIALS


Petition of a registered voter in the LGU concerned, supported by percentage of registered voters during the election in which the local official sought to be recalled was elected.(% decreases as population of people in area increases. Also, the supporting voters must all sign the petition).

b. Within 15 days after filing, COMELEC must certify the sufficiency of the required number of signatures. Failure to obtain required number automatically nullifies petition.


Within 3 days of certification of sufficiency, COMELEC provides official with copy of petition and causes its publication for three weeks (once a week) in a national newspaper and a local newspaper of general circulation. Petition must also be posted for 10 to 20 days at conspicuous places. Protest should be filed at this point and ruled with finality 15 days after filing.

Q: May a governor assistant treasurer?




A: No. Under the LGC and RAC, provincial governor is not authorized to appoint or even designate a person in cases of temporary absence or disability. Power resides in the President or Secretary of Finance. (Dimaandal v. COA GR 122197June 26, 1998) Q: May the mayor of Olongapo be appointed as SBMA chairman for the first year of operation?


A: No. This violates constitutional prohibition against appointment or designation of elective officials to other government posts. Appointive officials may be allowed by law or primary functions of his position to hold multiple offices. Elective officials are not allowed, except as otherwise recognized in the Constitution. The provision also encroaches on executive power to appoint. (Flores v. Drilon GR 104732 June 22, 1993) Q: What is the role of CSC in appointing officials? A: CSC cannot appoint but can determine qualification.
Note: In disapproving or approving appointments, CSC only examines: 1. The conformity of the appointment with applicable provisions of law; 2. WON appointee possesses the minimum qualifications and none of the disqualifications

specifically for the said local legislative body (Atienza v. Villarosa GR 161081, May 10, 2005). Q: Does the constitutional prohibition on midnight appointments apply to LGUs? A: No. Constitutional prohibition on midnight appointments applies only to presidential appointments. They do not apply to LGUs, as long as the appointments met all the requisites of a valid appointment. Once an appointment has been made and accepted, the appointing authority cannot unilaterally revoke it. But the CSC may do so if it decides that the requirements were not met. (De Rama v. CA GR 131136 Feb.28, 2001) Q: May a mayor appoint his wife as head of Office of General Services? A: No. Mayor is not allowed even if the wife is qualified because of prohibition against nepotic appointments. This is based on Sec. 59, Book 5 of RAC. Note that this prohibition covers all appointments, original and personnel actions (promotion, transfer, reinstatement, reemployment). (Debulgado v. CSC GR 111471 Sept.26, 1994)
Note: In the case of CSC v. Tinaya GR 154898 Feb.16, 2005 the boyfriend of the daughter of the mayor was appointed to a post. When his appointment was temporary, he became the son-in-law. Mayor then recommended that his appointment become permanent. This was considered nepotism and was disallowed.

Q: What are appointment? A:







Non-compliance with procedure or criteria provided in the agencys merit promotion plan; Failure to pass through agencys selection/promotion board; Violation of existing collective agreement between management and employees relative to promotion; Violation of other existing civil service law rules and regulations

2. 3.



Q: Does the local chief executive have the authority to terminate or cancel appointments of casual/ job order employees of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan Members and Office of the Vice-Governor? A: While the Governor has the authority to appoint officials and employees whose salaries are paid out of the provincial funds, this does not extend to the officials and employees of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan because such authority is lodged with the Vice-Governor. In the same manner, the authority to appoint casual and job order employees of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan belongs to the Vice-Governor. This authority is anchored on the fact that the salaries of these employees are derived from the appropriation

Q: What are the prohibited business and pecuniary interest? A: 1. Engage in any business transaction with the local government unit in which he is an official or employee or over which he has the power of supervision, or with any of its unauthorized boards, officials, agents, or attorneys, whereby money is to be paid, or property or any other thing of value is to be transferred directly or indirectly, out of the resources of the local government unit to such person or firm. 2. Hold such interests in any cockpit or other games licensed by a local government unit;

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Purchase any real estate or other property forfeited in favor of such local government unit for unpaid taxes or assessment, or by virtue of a legal process at the instance of the said local government unit. 4. Be a surety for any person contacting or doing business with the local government unit for which a surety is required; and 5. Possess or use any public property of the local government unit for private purposes. Q: What are the elements of unlawful intervention and prohibited interests? A:
Elements of unlawful intervention Accused is a public officer Accused has direct or indirect financial or pecuniary interest in any business, contract, or transaction, WON prohibited by law He intervenes or takes part in his official capacity in connection with such interest Elements of Prohibited Interest Public officer He has direct or indirect financial or pecuniary interest in any business, contract, transaction He is prohibited from having such interest by the Constitution or law


Cannot use property and personnel of the government except when the sanggunian member concerned is defending the interest of the government. (Section 90(b), LGC)

Note: Doctors of medicine may practice their profession even during official hours of work only on occasions of emergency: Provided, that the officials concerned do not derive monetary compensation therefrom. (Section 90 (c) of LGC)

Q: May a municipality adopt the work already performed in good faith by a private lawyer, which work proved beneficial to it? A: Although a municipality may not hire a private lawyer to represent it in litigations, in the interest of substantial justice, however, it was held, that a municipality may adopt the work already performed in good faith by such private lawyer, which work is beneficial to it, provided that no injustice is thereby headed on the adverse party and provided further that no compensation in any guise is paid therefore by said municipality to the private lawyer. Unless so expressly adopted, the private lawyers work cannot bind the municipality (Ramos v. CA GR 99425 Mar.3, 1997) Q: May a municipality be represented by a private law firm which had volunteered its services gratis, in collaboration with the municipal attorney and the fiscal? A: Such representation will be violative of Section 1983 of the old Administrative Code. Private lawyers may not represent municipalities on their own. Neither may they do so even in collaboration with authorized government lawyers. This is anchored on the principle that only accountable public officers may act for and in behalf of public entities and that public funds should not be expended to hire private lawyers. (Ramos v. CA GR 99425 Mar.3, 1997)
Note: The municipalitys authority to employ a private lawyer is expressly limited only to situations where the provincial fiscal is disqualified to represent it. For the exception to apply, the fact that the provincial fiscal was disqualified to handle the municipalitys case must appear on record. The refusal of the provincial fiscal to represent the municipality is not a legal justification for employing the services of private counsel. Instead of engaging the services of special attorney, the municipal council should request the Secretary of Justice to appoint an acting provincial fiscal in place of the provincial fiscal who has declined to handle and prosecute its case in court. (Pililla v. CA GR 105909 June 28, 1994)


Practice of Profession (Sec. 90) executives practice their

Q: Can local profession?

A: No. All governors, city and municipal mayors are prohibited from practicing their profession or engaging in any occupation other than the exercise of their functions as local chief executives. (Section 90(a), RA No. 7160) Q: Can Sanggunian members practice their profession? A: Yes. Subject to certain limitations: 1. Cannot appear in civil case where the local government unit, officer or agency or instrumentality is the adverse party; 2. Cannot appear in criminal case wherein an officer or employee is accused of an offense committed in relation to his office; 3. Cannot collect fees for their appearance in administrative proceedings involving local government unit of which he is an official;

Q: What are the instances when a private lawyer can represent an LGU?


A: a. When the municipality is an adverse party in a case involving the provincial government or another municipality or city within the province; Where original jurisdiction is vested with the SC. his three nominees and Kalayon was not one of them. The DBM countered that none of the governor's nominees have the necessary qualifications for the position. Specifically, Mahonhon lacked the five-year experience in budgeting. Hence, the DBM was left with no alternative but to name one who possesses all the requisite qualifications in the person of Kalayon. It cited Section 6.0 of the DBM Local Budget Circular No. 31 which states, "The DBM reserves the right to fill up any existing vacancy where none of the nominees of the local chief executive meet the prescribed requirements."


Q: What is the test in determining whether a local government official can secure the services of private counsel? A: In resolving whether a local government official may secure the services of private counsel in an action filed against him in his official capacity, the nature of the action and the relief sought are to be considered ( Mancenido v. CA GR 118605 April 12, 2000)


Was the DBM's appointment valid? What can you say regarding the abovequoted Section 6.0 of DBM's Local Budget Circular No. 31? Explain your answers.


Prohibition appointment (Sec. 94)

against A:

Q: State the rule on prohibition against appointment of elective officials to another office. A:



No elective official shall be eligible for appointment or designation in any capacity to any public office or position during his tenure (Flores v. Drilon GR 104732 June 22, 1993) Except for losing candidates in barangay elections, no candidate who lost in any election shall, within one year after such election, be appointed to any office in the government or any GOCC or their subsidiaries.

Under Section 1 of Executive Order No.112, the Provincial Budget Officer must be recommended by the Governor. Since Josefa Kalayon was not recommended by the Governor, her appointment is not valid. As held in San Juan v. Civil Service Commission, GR 92299 April 19, 1991 if the person recommended by the Governor is not qualified, what the Secretary of Budget and Management should do is to ask him to recommend someone who is eligible. DBM Local Budget Circular No. 31 is not valid, since it is inconsistent with ExecutiveOrder No. 112, which requires that the appointee for Provincial Budget Officer be recommended by the Governor. (Under the Local Government Code, it is now the local chief executive who is empowered to appoint the budget officer). (1999 Bar Question)



Q: On May 17, 1988, the position of Provincial Budget Officer of Province X became vacant. Pedro Castahon, governor of the province, pursuant to Sec. 1 of E.O. No. 112, submitted the names of three nominees for the aforesaid position to the Department of Budget Management (DBM), one of whom was that of Marta Mahonhon. A month later, Castahon informed the DBM that Mahonhon had assumed the office of PBO and requested that she be extended the appropriate appointment. The DBM Secretary appointed Josefa Kalayon instead. Castahon protested the appointment of Kalayon insisting that it is he who had the right to choose the PBO by submitting the names of

Q: Who between the Governor and the ViceGovernor is authorized to approve purchase orders issued in connection with the procurement of supplies, materials, equipment, including fuel, repairs, and maintenance of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan? A: Vice-Governor. Under R.A. 7160, local legislative power for the province is exercised by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan and the Vice-

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Governor is its presiding officer. Being vested with legislative powers, the Sangguniang Panlalawigan enacts ordinances, resolutions and appropriates funds for the general welfare of the province in accordance with the provisions of R.A. 7160. The same statue vests upon the Vice-Governor the power to be the presiding officer of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan and sign all warrants drawn on the provincial treasury for all expenditures appropriated for the operation of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan (Atienza v. Villarosa GR 161081, May 10, 2005). Q: May the punong-barangay validly appoint or remove the barangay treasurer, the barangay secretary, and other appointive barangay officials without the concurrence of the majority of all the members of the Sangguniang Barangay? A: The LGC explicitly vests on the punong barangay, upon approval by a majority of all the members of the Sangguniang Barangay, the power to appoint or replace the barangay treasurer, the barangay secretary, and other appointive barangay officials. Verily, the power of appointment is to be exercised conjointly by the punong barangay and a majority of all the members of the sangguniang barangay. Without such conjoint action, neither appointment nor replacement can be effectual (Ramon Alquizoia, Sr. V. Gallardo Ocol, GR 132413 Aug.27, 1999) 4. Partisan political activity (Sec. 93) Q: Discuss relations. the inter-local government

A: The governor shall review all executive orders promulgated by the component city or municipal mayor within his jurisdiction within 3 days from their issuance. So do with the city or municipal mayor over the executive orders promulgated by the punong barangay. If the executive orders concerned are not acted upon by the referred local executives, it shall be deemed consistent with law and therefore valid. C. MANDATED LOCAL AGENCIES Q: Enumerate the mandated local agencies in the concerned local government units. A: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Local School Board The Local Health Board The Local Development Council The Local Peace an Order Council

D. SETTLEMENT OF BOUNDARY DISPUTES Q: There was a boundary dispute between Duenas, a municipality, and Passi, an independent component city, both of the same province. State how the two local government units should settle their boundary dispute. A: Boundary disputes between local government units should, as much as possible, be settled amicably. After efforts at settlement fail, then the dispute may be brought to the appropriate Regional Trial Court in the said province. Since the Local Government Code is silent as to what body has exclusive jurisdiction over the settlement of boundary disputes between a municipality and an independent component city of the same province, the Regional Trial Courts have general jurisdiction to adjudicate the said controversy. (2005 Bar Question) Q: What body or bodies are vested by law with the authority to settle disputes involving: 1. two or more owns within the same province 2. two or more highly urbanized cities. A:


Double or compensation (Sec. 95)


INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS A. NATIONAL GOVERNMENT Q: What power does the president has in the supervision over LGUs? A: The President shall exercise general supervision over LGUs to insure that their acts are within the scope of their powers and functions. The President shall exercise supervisory authority; a. Directly- provinces, HUC, independent component cities; b. Through provinces-component cities and municipalities; c. Through city and municipalitiesbarangays B. INTER-LOCAL GOVERNMENT RELATIONS


Under Section 118(b) of the Local Government Code, boundary disputes involving two or more municipalities within the same province shall be settled by the sangguniang panlalawigan concerned.


Under Section 118(d) of the Local Government Code, boundary disputes involving two or more highly urbanized cities shall be settled by the sangguniang panlungsod of the parties.(1999 Bar Question)
date of approval thereof, and may be amended, modified or repealed within 3 years thereafter by a vote of of all its members. In case of barangays, the period shall be 18 months after the approval thereof.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS A. Q: State assembly. the Barangay composition of barangay

Q: State the importance of drawing with precise strokes the territorial boundaries of a local government unit. A: The importance of drawing with precise strokes the territorial boundaries of a local unit of government cannot be overemphasized. The boundaries must be clear for they define the limits of the territorial jurisdiction of a local government unit. It can legitimately exercise powers of government only within the limits of its territorial jurisdiction. Beyond these limits, its acts are ultra vires. Needless to state, any uncertainty in the boundaries of local government units will sow costly conflicts in the exercise of governmental powers which ultimately will prejudice the peoples welfare. This is the evil sought to be avoided by the Local Government Code in requiring that the land area of a local government unit must be spelled out in metes and bounds, with technical descriptions.(Mariano, Jr. v. COMELEC, GR 118577 Mar. 7, 1995) LOCAL INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM Q: Distinguish local initiative from referendum. A: Initiative The legal process whereby the registered voters of a LGU may directly propose, enact or amend any ordinance. Referendum The legal process whereby the registered voters of the LGU may approve, amend or reject any ordinance enacted by the sanggunian.

A: It shall be composed of all persons who are actual residents of the barangay for at least 6 months, 115 years of age or over, citizens of the Philippines, and duly registered in the list of barangay assembly members.
Note: It shall meet at least twice a year to hear and discuss the semestral report of the sangguniang barangay concerning its activities and finances, as well as problems affecting the barangay.

Q: Can a Barangay Assembly exercise any police power? A: No, the Barangay Assembly cannot exercise any police power. Under Section 398 of the Local Government Code, it can only recommend to the Sangguniang Barangay the adoption of measures for the welfare of the barangay and decide on the adoption of an initiative. (2003 Bar Question) Q: State the composition of the Katarungang Pambarangay. A:


Lupong Tagapamayapa - composed of the punong barangay as chairman and 10 to 20 members. The Lupon shall be constituted every 3 years. Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo There shall be constituted for each dispute brought before the Lupon a conciliation panel to be known as the pangkat na tagapagkasundo, consisting of three members who shall be chosen by the parties to the dispute from the list of members of the Lupon. Should the parties fail to agree on the pangkat membership, the same shall be determined by lots drawn by the Lupon Chairman.


Q: What are the limitations on local initiative? A: 1. 2. It shall not be exercised for more than once a year. It shall extend only to subjects or matters which are within the legal powers of the sanggunian to enact.

Note: Any proposition or ordinance approved through an initiative and referendum shall not be repealed, modified or amended by the sanggunian within 6 months from the

Q. What are the powers of the Lupon? A:





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1. 2. Exercise administrative supervision over the conciliation panels; Meet regularly once a month to provide a forum for exchange of ideas among its members and the public matters relevant to the amicable settlement of disputes, and to enable various conciliation panel members to share with one another their observations and experiences in affecting speedy resolution of disputes, and Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law or ordinance. A: Shall be composed of all citizens of the Philippines actually residing in the barangay for at least 6 months, who are 15 but more than 21 years of age, who are duly registered in the list of the sangguniang kabataan or in the official barangay list in the custody of the barangay secretary. It shall meet once every 3 months or at the call of the sanggunian kabataan chairman, or upon written petition of at least 1/20 of its members.
Note: R.A. 9164 (2002) amended Section 424 and 428 of the LGC by lowering the maximum age of the members of the Katipunan ng Kabataan and elective officials of the Sangguniang Kabataan from 21 to 18 years of age.


Q: What is a Liga ng mga Barangay? A: It is an organization of all barangays for the the primary purpose of determining the representation of the Liga in the sanggunians, and for ventilating, articulating, crystallizing issues affecting barangay government administration and securing, through proper and legal means, solutions thereto. Q: Can the Liga ng mga Barangay exercise legislative powers? A: No. As stated in Bito-Onon v. Fernandez GR 139813 Jan.31, 2001 it is not a local government unit and its primary purpose is to determine representation of the liga in the sanggunians; to ventilate, articulate, and crystallize issues affecting barangay government administration; and to secure solutions for them through proper and legal means. (2003 Bar Question) Q: Does the Presidents power of general supervision extend to the liga ng mga barangay, which is not a local government unit? A: Yes. Sangguniang Kabataan Q: State the composition of the Sangguniang Kabataan. A: a chairman, 7 members, a secretary and a treasurer.
Note: An official who, during his term of office, shall have passed the age of 21 shall be allowed to serve the remaining position of the term for which he was elected.

Q: May the COMELEC delegate the control and supervision of SK elections to the DILG? A: Yes. There is no abdication of the functions of the COMELEC because the DILG supervision was to be exercised within the framework of detailed and comprehensive rules embodied in the resolution issued by the COMELEC. B. Municipality (Secs. 440-447, R.A. 7160) C. City (Secs. 448-4458, R.A. 7160) Q. Classify cities in the Philippines. A: 1. Component cities Highly urbanized cities Independent component cities Are those component cities whose charters prohibit their voters from voting for provincial officials. Independent component cities shall be independent of the province. The president has the authority to declare a city highly urbanized.

3. 4. 5. 6.

D. Province (Secs. 459-468, R.A. 7160) ADMINISTRATIVE REGIONS Q: What are administrative regions? Are they considered territorial and political subdivisions of the State? Who has the power to create administrative regions? A: Administrative regions are mere groupings of contiguous provinces for administrative purposes. They are not territorial and political subdivisions

Q. State the composition of the Katipunan ng Kabataan.


like provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays. While the power to merge administrative regions is not expressly provided for in the Constitution, it is a power which has traditionally been lodged with the President to facilitate the exercise of the power of general supervision over local governments. (Abbas v. COMELEC, GR 89651 Nov. 10, 1989) Q: What is the nature of metropolitan political subdivision like Metropolitan Manila Area? A: Strictly, metropolitan political subdivision is not a local government unit but merely and administrative agency to coordinate the basic services of adjoining cities and municipalities in highly urbanized areas. Q. Is there a conflict between the power of the President to merge administrative regions with the constitutional provision requiring a plebiscite in the merger of local government units? A: No, because the requirement of a plebiscite in a merger expressly applies only to provinces, cities, municipalities or barangays, not to administrative regions. (Abbas v. COMELEC, GR 89651 Nov. 10, 1989) AUTONOMOUS REGION IN MUSLIM MINDANDAO (ARMM) Q: What is an autonomous region? A.: An autonomous region consists of provinces, cities, municipalities, and geographical areas sharing common and distinctive historical and cultural heritage, economic and social structures, and other relevant characteristics within the framework of the Constitution and the national sovereignty as well as the territorial integrity of the Republic of the Philippines. (Sec. 15, Art. X, 1987 Constitution) Q: Did the passage of the 1991 amend the ARMM Organic Act of 1989? A: No, since the former is a general law and cannot prevail over a special law like the latter. Thus, the devolved powers and functions under the 1991 LGC could not have applied to the ARMM. This is bolstered by Section 526 of LGC, which limits the application of LGC to autonomous regions created after its effectivity.
Note: However, through the passage of the Organic Act of 2001(RA 9054), the devolved powers and functions under the LGC could now be applied to the ARMM. This means that the powers and functions of a provincial Governor under the LGC are now enjoyed, as a minimum, by a Provincial Governor in the ARMM.

Q: Maguindanao forms part of ARMM, created under its Organic Act which was later on amended by RA 9054. Maguindanao is apportioned into two legislative districts. The first consists of Cotabato City. Although it forms part of Maguindanaos first legislative district, it is not part of the ARMM but of Region XII since it voted against its inclusion in the ARMM in the plebiscite held in 1989. Pursuant to its power to create provinces, ARMM Regional Assembly enacted MMA Act 201 creating the Province of Shariff Kabunsuan in the first district of Maguindanao. In preparation for the May 2007 elections, COMELEC enacted Resolution No. 7845 establishing that Maguindanos first legislative district is composed only of Cotabato City pursuant to MMA Act 201 but later issued Resolution No. 7902 renaming the first legislative district as Shariff Kabunsuan Province with Cotabato City. Sema, a candidate as representative of Shariff Kabunsuan Province with Cotabato City prayed for the nullification of COMELEC Resolution No. 7902 and the exclusion from canvassing of the votes cast in Cotabato City. Sema contended that Shariff Kabunsuan is entitled to one representative in Congress. Thus, Sema claimed that the COMELEC acted ultra vires in issuing Resolution No. 7902 which maintained the status quo in Maguindanaos first legislative district despite the COMELECs earlier directive in Resolution No. 7845 designating Cotabato City as the lone component of Maguindanaos reapportioned first legislative district. Sema further asserted that COMELEC usurped Congress power to create or reapportion legislative districts. Is the delegation of the power to create provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays to the ARMM Regional Assembly constitutional? A: No. Section 19, Article VI of RA 9054 is unconstitutional insofar as it grants to the Regional Assembly of the ARMM the power to create provinces and cities. Thus, MMA No. 201 creating the Province of Shariff Kabunsuan is void.





acultad de Derecho Civil


ARMM Regional Assembly has no power to create the Province of Shariff Kabunsuan. Only Congress can create provinces and cities because the creation of provinces and cities necessarily includes the creation of legislative districts, a power only Congress can exercise under Section 5, Article VI of the Constitution and Section 3 of the Ordinance appended to the Constitution. The ARMM Regional Assembly cannot create a province without a legislative district because the Constitution mandates that every province shall have a legislative district. Moreover, the ARMM Regional Assembly cannot enact a law creating a national office like the office of a district representative of Congress because the legislative powers of the ARMM Regional Assembly operate only within its territorial jurisdiction as provided in Section 20, Article X of the Constitution (Bai Sandra S.A. Sema v. Commission on Elections et al. G.R. No. 178628, 16 July 2008). Q: A peace negotiation document (MOA) between the Republic of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) was consolidated, regarding the aspirations of the MILF to have a Bangsamoro homeland. However, the Executive Department manifested that it would no longer sign the questioned peace negotiation document. Nonetheless, several parties still question the constitutionality of the MOA. Does the issue already render moot? A: In light of the pronouncement of the Executive Department to already abandon the MOA, the issue of its constitutionality has obviously become moot. A case becomes moot and academic when its purpose has become stale. An action is considered "moot" when it no longer presents a justiciable controversy because the issues involved have become academic or dead or when the matter in dispute has already been resolved and hence, one is not entitled to judicial intervention unless the issue is likely to be raised again between the parties. Simply stated, there is nothing for the court to resolve as the determination thereof has been overtaken by subsequent events. The MOA has not even been signed, and will never be. Its provisions will not at all come into effect. The MOA will forever remain a draft that has never been finalized. It is now nothing more than a piece of paper, with no legal force or binding effect. It cannot be the source of, nor be capable of violating, any right. The petitions, therefore, and all other oppositions to the MOA, have no more leg to stand on. They no longer present an actual case or a justiciable controversy for resolution. The Executive Department has already manifested to this Court, through the Solicitor General, that it will not sign the MOA in its present form or in any other form. It has declared the same intent to the public. For this Court to insist that the issues raised in the instant Petitions cannot be moot for they are still capable of repetition is to totally ignore the assurance given by the Executive Department that it will not enter into any other form of the MOA in the future. The Court cannot doubt the sincerity of the Executive Department on this matter. The Court must accord a co-equal branch of the government nothing less than trust and the presumption of good faith. (The Province of North Cotabato , et al. v. The Government of the Republic of the Philippines Peace Panel on Ancestral Domain (Grp), et al., GR. No. 183591) METROPOLITAN MANILA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (MMDA) Q: What is the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA)? Is it a local government unit or public corporation endowed with legislative power? May it validly exercise police power? A: It is a development authority tasked with the administration of metrowide basic services affecting the region. MMDA is not a political unit of government because there is no grant of authority to enact ordinances and regulations for the general welfare of the inhabitants of the metropolis. Hence, it cannot exercise police power. (MMDA v. Bel-Air Village Association, Inc. GR 135962 March 27, 2000


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