Applebee Handbook Draft January 2011

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Central Texas ANGB Restaurant Funding, LLC doing business as Applebees Neighborhood Grill and Bar

Associate and Employee Handbook

Central Texas ANGB Restaurant Funding LLC Associate Handbook Revised For January 2011

Applebees Welcomes You To The Neighborhood!

The growth and progress of Central Texas ANGB Restaurant Funding, LLC (CTRF) as your employer depends on the success of each individual Associate. Because of this, CTRF has developed this handbook to provide every Associate with the information necessary to work in the company. This handbook will also provide employees with a general understanding of our business philosophy and company policies. Employees are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the contents of this handbook, for it will answer many common questions concerning employment with CTRF. However, this handbook cannot anticipate every situation or answer every question regarding employment. It is not an employment contract and is not intended to create contractual obligations of any kind. Please consult management on matters of specific policy issues. At Applebees, our mission is to nourish, enrich and celebrate our Associates, our communities. Now its your mission, too. When you join the Applebees team, youre saying I dont settle for second best. We know that you strive to be the best at what you do and we fully expect that out of our Associates. We only hire the brightest and smartest Associates to join our team. As such, we are confident that nothing is beyond your grasp and that you will further our vision of becoming the worlds favorite neighborhood restaurant. Welcome to CTRF and Applebees! Youre going to love it here. Catherine Yu Vice President **All Managers, Area Directors, and Director of Operations must know the policy and abide by the policies herein. Each of you is charged with ensuring that our Associates and employees understand and strictly follow the policies herein. Each of you must also follow the policies. As leadership of our team at CTRF and Applebees, you are an example to our Associates. We expect you to set the highest of standards.**

Central Texas ANGB Restaurant Funding LLC Associate Handbook Revised For January 2011

The Disclaimer:
You probably think just reading this Handbook and going through your training period is enough to make you a good Applebees Associate. Nope. We also have to tell you what were NOT saying here. We think the people in the Applebees neighborhood your new neighborhood are a little bit higher up on the food chain than most. But unfortunately our very competent and highly-paid lawyers say thats not good enough. We still have to disclaim some stuff to you. Working at Applebees is a lot more exciting than this. We promise. Now heres the disclaimer. In order to retain necessary flexibility in the administration of policies and procedures, CTRF and Applebees reserves the right to change the policies set forth in this handbook at any time, for any reason, with or without notice to Associates. Nothing in this handbook is intended to constitute an employment contract, and all Associates are employed at the will of Applebees. Nothing in this handbook intended to create an employment relationship of any definite duration, nor shall anything in this handbook be interpreted as a waiver by Applebees or its subsidiaries of their rights to terminate any Associate at any time, with or without cause or notice. No person, other than the Vice President of Applebees, has the authority to make representations to the contrary.

Central Texas ANGB Restaurant Funding LLC Associate Handbook Revised For January 2011

CTRF Hiring and Performance Evaluations

CTRF checks any employment references of all applicants. We conduct professional background checks for potential employees at the discretion of CTRF. Employees must accurately provide all personal information at the request of CTRF. If any personal information has changed, it is the employees obligation to provide any changes. If any material personal data was misrepresented (such as Social Security Number), this will be grounds for termination and constitutes a material misrepresentation. Managers, Associates and employees are strongly encouraged to discuss job performance and goals on an informal, day to day basis. Performance evaluations are conducted to provide both managers and Associates the opportunity to discuss job tasks, identify and correct weaknesses, encourage and recognize strengths and discuss positive approaches for meeting goals. Performance evaluations are scheduled approximately every six (6) months, coinciding with the anniversary of the employees original date of hire. It doesnt necessarily mean that a salary increase will be given after the evaluation. The decision to award an increase is dependent upon numerous factors. Performance evaluations are not mandatory but are at the discretion of the Area Directors and managers only. CTRF and Applebees institute a Progressive Discipline policy. Please refer to the Progressive Discipline booklet for full details.

Lookin Good In the Neighborhood

Looking Good Applebees appreciates individuality and we encourage you to express yours before and after work, but not during it. As a representative of Applebees and the point of contact with our guests, we expect our Associates to present themselves in a pleasant, professional, clean and appropriate way. Specifically, please avoid wearing torn clothing, outrageous and inappropriate clothing like clothing with slander, slang, etc. Please remember that you are a representative of CTRF and Applebees and we want the guest to have a positive experience at Applebees. Applebees has to give prior approval before any promotional T-shirt can be worn. Neighborhood Experts may wear the approved Neighborhood Expert polo shirts. Please no torn shirts. The Managers and leadership reserve the right to disapprove any shirts or clothing. Whats Your Name? Name Tag We provide you with a name tag (using clear tape with black typed lettering). Wear it while on duty always. Lose it and you have to buy another one. You can also wear up to three Applebees promotional buttons or stickers (and that includes your name tag). Guests will want to know your name when you wow them with your service so make sure its on the right side of your chest area above your elbow. Who Wears the Pants (or Shorts) Around Here? Pants or Shorts Servers should wear professional denim. No corduroy, patterns, cargo, baggies, pedal pushers/ capris, tight-fitting stretch fabrics or stitched pockets. Professional shorts are permitted but not preferred. Only bartenders are permitted to wear black shorts. And we do insist that all of our Associates keep their shirts and the rest of their work clothes, clean, neat and pressed. In order words,

Central Texas ANGB Restaurant Funding LLC Associate Handbook Revised For January 2011

come to work looking like the ambassador of Applebees that you are, not like you slept on a park bench. If you have any questions about the attire, please speak to your Area Director supervisor. Got Belt Loops? Belt Now youre dressed and almost ready for work. Uh-oh. Where your belt? Got belt loops, you wear a black belt. No belt loops, you dont have to. Applebees Style Apron if youre a server, well add an apron to your working wardrobe so you dont have to worry about what to wear to work. And neither do we. If you lose it, you will need to purchase another one on your own. If the Shoes (and Socks) Fit Shoes and Socks Associates should wear clean, polished, closed-toe, slip-resistant, plain, dark leather shoes with matching socks. Absolutely no boots, high heels, sandals, clogs or slingbacks allowed. This is for your own safety. Please make sure you have the appropriate shoes and socks. Rings on Your FingersBut Not Through Your Nose Jewelry Applebees doesnt want you coming to work with studs and rings from head to toe. We have nothing against jewelry- in fact, you can wear one ring on each hand (but were generous a wedding set counts as one). One necklace, a matched pair of pierced earrings that dont extend more than a half inch below your ear lobes. Rings or jewelry in the nose, eyebrow, tongue or other visible skin surfaces must be removed during any shift at the restaurant. Like socks on your head, if you dont see anything saying you can, then you cant. Its that simple. Rapunzel Doesnt Work Here Hair Hair should be neat, washed and groomed. If longer than collar length, you must tie it back for health reason. No loose strands are allowed to hang around the face or neck. Unnatural hair colors and extreme styles will not be permitted. All facial hair (beards, mustaches and sideburns) must be neat and trimmed. If you want lime green hair, be advised: We are not amused. It is strictly not allowed. Dont Come to Work Smelling like the Gym Grooming While we like for our Associates to be physically fit, dont come to work smelling like a locker room right after a basketball game. Applebees expects its Associates to maintain a professional image, including good and pleasant personal hygiene, clean nails, appropriate make-up and groomed hair. Visible tattoos must be covered during any shift at the restaurant. Meanwhile, Back in the Kitchen Kitchen Dress Code What about the kitchen Associates? We dont like for anyone to feel left out. The same rules apply to kitchen Associates. Dark leather shoes or leather tennis shoes with non-slip soles are required. We dont want you propelled across a wet floor like a human hockey puck. Just like the folks up front, we expect you to bathe regularly, keep your nails trimmed and clean, your hair neatly groomed and up under that hat which youve got to wear all the time. You can wear a pair of small earrings, but leave off the rest of the jewelry. Its for your own safety. Overall, all Associates should be smart and professional about wardrobe choices. Know that it is a reflection of CTRF and Applebees. If you do have any questions regarding specific clothing items or fashion choices, please speak to your manager or Area Director supervisor regarding any concerns prior to wearing it to work or changing your hair color etc. Dont show up to work with electric pink eyebrows

Central Texas ANGB Restaurant Funding LLC Associate Handbook Revised For January 2011

and ask your manager then. You will be asked to go home and not be paid for it. So please ask before doing if youre at all unsure.

Money Talk.
Paychecks Pay day is every other Friday. So there are 26 pay days during the year. In an effort to save more trees, weve moved to an entirely paperless system. We dont issue paper checks anymore. You may choose to receive your pay on a paycard distributed by Paymastr which essentially is like having a debit card except that you dont open a bank account anywhere. If you have a bank account, then you may fill out the Direct Deposit Authorization Form and opt for your pay to be directly deposited into your bank account. Please make sure to tell your manager how you want to receive pay, otherwise, we have no way to pay you! Tips You have to report themall of them. You are obligated my law to do so. Both directly (receive tips from guests) and indirectly (receive tips from other Associates) tipped Associates must report all tips. At the end of every shift, directly tipped Associates must verify charge card tips and enter into the POS system the amount of total tips received, minus any tip-outs to indirectly tipped Associates, i.e., server assistant, bartender or host/hostess. Likewise, indirectly tipped Associates must report the amount of tip-outs received. Your declared tips will be compiled onto your paycheck stub. Endorsement of your paycheck indicates your acknowledgment that the tip information outlined on your paycheck is accurate. Accurate tip reporting has benefits for you as well. The most important benefit is reducing your probability of being audited by the IRS. In addition, you qualify for greater social security, unemployment and workers compensation benefits. Accurate tip reporting also provides a larger verifiable income source when you apply for credit for credit cards, car loans and home mortgages. Insurance Applebees offers health insurance to all active Associates. Please refer to your Benefits book for details. Eatin Good in the Neighborhood Ask your manager and shell tell you the rules about eating Applebees food while working with us. Everybody else gets half off regular price menu items. There is a catch though: You cant buy alcohol and you cant buy food and take it somewhere else to eat. Ohand you cant take the leftover home and give them to your best bud because you dont get doggie bags, either. You meals must be paid for and rung up, just like anyone elses. In simple terms the policy is below: All Associates (excluding Kitchen Associates) 50% off the meal Kitchen Associations Free Meal (maximum value of $8.00 including sales tax) Recognition Programs You Did Awesome Some lucky Associate at each restaurant each month (and who is paid on an hourly basis) will be named an AppleSTAR. So what, you say? It means you have been selected as one of Applebees best and brightest and we want everyone to know it. In recognition of your excellence, you receive an AppleSTAR

Central Texas ANGB Restaurant Funding LLC Associate Handbook Revised For January 2011

pin. You also get your nameplate on a plaque that your fans and admirers can see. Bet thatll make you feel like royalty. The monthly winners are eligible for the AppleSTAR of the Year Award. We pick one from each restaurant. Youve Stuck Around the Neighborhood For those of you who know a good thing when you find it, we have some pins. No, not the kind you write with. Thats p-e-n-s. Were talking p-i-n-s. The kind famous military heroes wear. Only smaller and cuter. You get one at 1, 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20 years of working in the neighborhood. If you want to know more about them, ask your Manager. Meetings in Your Neighborhood Surprise! You get paid for attending restaurant meetings. You Dont Work in a Vacuum Your Manager will go over your job performance with you twice a year: April-May and OctoberNovember. Youll have your first review during the period that follows your initial employment. Rule of thumb is you need to work at least 60 days a performance review. Want it spelled out? If you start in February, youll be review in the April-May period. After that, you will receive a review every six months. Moving? Need a transfer? Ask. No guarantees, but well do our best.

Doing the Right Thing Codes of Conduct

Let these three rules be your guide to any confusing situations. If youre facing a problem and you are not sure what to do, follow these three rules: 1. Do what the guest wants you to do. Unless following the guests wishes would endanger someones life or property; the guests requirements are our guiding principle. 2. Do what you feel is in the guests best interest. If you do not know what the guest wants you to do and cannot ask, use your sound judgment. You are the Restaurant representative because of your expertise and abilities. We believe that you will make wise choices. 3. Do what you feel is in the best interest of the Restaurant. If the question before you is an internal one and does not concern the guest, consider the Restaurants needs and act from there. As long as our decisions and actions are driven by a fundamental belief that we want to serve our guest with honor and integrity, we will be correct in all situations. This Code of Conduct sets the standards of ethical conduct for Applebees and applies to all Associates, as well as the board of directors. Lets go through a few specific examples. Business Gifts and Payments A beer vendor offers you professional sports tickets worth more than $25. Can you keep them? (Answer: In this case, no.) The Associates and employees of CTRF shall not under any circumstances make, receive, provide or offer any substantial gifts (above $20 in value), extravagant entertainment, payments, loans of any kind, or other considerations to guests of CTRF and Applebees. Check with your Area Director supervisor on a case-by-case basis.

Central Texas ANGB Restaurant Funding LLC Associate Handbook Revised For January 2011

Applebees Property, Equipment, and Services All employees and Associates of CTRF and/or Applebees shall not direct, utilize, borrower, grant, give, or otherwise transfer in any way property, cash, food, services, equipment or any assets that belong to Applebees that would create an appearance of or, in actuality be, a conflict of interest without the permission of Catherine Yu or Wellington D. Yu. All deposits, statements, expense reports, and requests for reimbursements of any kind shall accurately reflect all the facts about all the activities and transactions handled. In other words, just be honest. Charities and Donations Applebees applauds our Associates for being civic-minded, involved in charities, and contributing to the local community. However, these activities should not be brought to work. In other words, dont bring Snickers to Applebees to sell for homeless Pomeranians. Its not permitted. The only business we want to see conducted on our premises is Applebees business, including authorized charity or fundraising events like approved Pancake Fundraisers. Associate Relationships It is entirely prohibited for an Associate to have a relationship with another employee of CTRF if one individual in the relationship has any kind of supervisory duties whatsoever over any other employee of CTRF. Lets keep the mushy stuff out of the workplace. Its inappropriate and will not be tolerated. The employment of relatives in the same area of an organization may cause serious conflicts and problems with favoritism and employee morale. In addition to claims of partiality in treatment at work, personal conflicts from outside the work environment can be carried into day-to-day working relationships. Although CTRF has no prohibition against the hiring of relatives of existing Associates or employees, it is committed to monitoring situations in which relatives work in the same area. Therefore prior approval from Catherine Yu must be obtained before an offer of employment is made to applicants who are relatives of existing employees. This policy is not intended to discriminate against such applicants but to insure that situations do not arise that create a conflict of interest in the company. (For the purpose of this policy, a relative of an employee is any person who is related by blood or marriage, or whose relationship with the employee is similar to that of persons who are related by blood or marriage.) It is the intent of the Restaurant to abide by all federal and state mandated employment statutes and regulations Company Trade Secrets/Confidential Information Using Private Company Information (Insider Trading) Applebees strictly prohibits using confidential information when buying or selling Applebees stock. So if you feel like telling your friend Stockbroker to buy Applebees stock because of the new initiative thats not yet been publicly released, you could be prosecuted for insider trading. Associates and employees shall not divulge private information to anyone unless it has been publicly released. Some examples of confidential information includes, but is not limited to, the following examples: Compensation data Vendor performance Labor relations New materials research Financial Information Marketing strategies Pending projects or proposals Technology

Central Texas ANGB Restaurant Funding LLC Associate Handbook Revised For January 2011

IT files Software

All Associates must return the IT Management Policy signed to their Manager or Area Director supervisor immediately upon hire. Illegal and Unethical Behavior Do not exhibit behavior which might poorly reflect on Applebees or CTRF by doing something illegal, unethical, or morally reprehensible. Sure, everyones standards may differ, but if the incident negatively impacts Applebees business or the brand then you can be terminated for it. For example, you are having a party at your house and invite underage friends over for alcohol. You can get fired for that. You get a DUI or DWI while going to a club Friday night. You can get fired for that. We hire the best and expect model behavior. Remember that Applebees is a neighborhood restaurant. International Relations Our Code of Conduct also covers things like how to be an international good neighbor. For Associates serving on Apple Elite, this is particularly applicable. Remember were guests in another country and respect that countrys traditions and laws. Inappropriate Materials Policy CTRF and Applebees strive to provide a workplace and jobsite free of hazards and distractions that might impair the quality of service that we provide our guests. This is why the presence of inappropriate materials and equipment at work can distract from our productivity and our goal of 100% guest satisfaction. In addition to our Alcohol and Substance Abuse Policy, we feel it is necessary to remind employees and supervisors of our policy regarding certain materials. The items below are never permitted at work: Inappropriate magazines or reading materials Other potentially offensive or sexually explicit materials Internet access to potentially offensive and/or sexually explicit materials and/or the presence of such on computer hard drives, disks or other electronic devices such as IPods or IPhones.

Certain items require Manager approval. The items are listed below: Newspapers Playing cards, games, electronic games TVs Radios or other music delivering devices Internet usage

Reporting Behavior We also expect honesty from our Associates. This seems obvious. If you think you might have violated the Code of Conduct or know someone else who has, you must report it. You may speak with your supervisor or Area Director or call the Resolve It! Hotline at 1-888-451-2773. You dont even have to give your name. You may also voice your concerns without fear of retaliation. Its that simple.

Central Texas ANGB Restaurant Funding LLC Associate Handbook Revised For January 2011

Expense Reporting
All expense reports must be approved by the employees supervisor prior to submission to the accounts payable for reimbursement. Expenses for entertainment, including entertainment-related meals, will be reimbursed only when the following are substantiated: 1. The amount of each separate entertainment expense with a third party receipt. Approximate or estimated amounts or amounts considered lavish or extravagant may be disallowed by the Internal Revenue Service. The Restaurant requires a receipt for all items contained on expense reports. 2. The date the entertainment took place. 3. Name, address or location, and type of entertainment if not apparent from name of establishment on receipt. 4. Reason for entertainment, or business benefit gained or expected to be gained, and nature of any business discussion or activity that took place. According to the Internal Revenue Service guidelines, general goodwill or entertainment is not an acceptable business purpose. Better language in those situations would be updating vendor on the Restaurants capabilities, gathering information on vendors upcoming job possibilities, discussing needs for improved _______on the job, etc. 5. Occupation or other information about the person/persons for whom entertainment expense is being claimed. Include the following: name, title, or other designation sufficient to establish the business relationship to the company. The presence of the Restaurant employee at a business meal or entertainment given is required. Travel advances are obtained from the accounts payable. Receipts occurring from travel must equal to the amount of the travel advance. In cases where the amount of the travel advance exceeds the amount of the receipts submitted, the difference in the advance will be subtracted from the employees paycheck. The total amount of the travel advance will be subtracted from the employees paycheck if receipts are not submitted within 60 days of the advance providing evidence of use of the funds and / or three (3) days after job completion. It is the responsibility of the employee requesting reimbursement to obtain proper receipts and keep proper documentation of expenses. The Restaurant reserves the right to refuse reimbursement for any items listed on expense reports for which proper documentation is not submitted with the required expense report form.

Keeping on the Right Track

Having Visitors at Work Not allowed. Simple. Parking, Eating, Drinking and Smoking Only park your car where the Manager says you canand eat, drink and smoke only in places your Manager designates. If you dont know, ask your Manager. The Press Dont discuss Applebees business with other people. And dont speak to the press as an Applebees representative. We have people who are actually paid to do that and it hurts their feelings

Central Texas ANGB Restaurant Funding LLC Associate Handbook Revised For January 2011


when someone else does it for them. Let them do their own jobs. Besides, the camera always adds 10 pounds and who needs that? Privacy We will respect your privacy and share personal information about you only with those who have a need or right to know; but we expect you to do the same for you fellow Associates, including last names, phone numbers or even their favorite color. Its about protecting your Associates and respecting their privacy. Progressive Discipline This means that if you violate any work standards or policies, including but not limited to the ones in this CTRF Associate Handbook, the following process normally applies: 1. Coaching and Counseling 2. Oral warning/Written Warning 3. Suspension pending separation The consequence you get depends on what youve done to deserve it. Based on the seriousness of the violation, or other factors, action up to and including termination may apply regardless of this process. We think its pretty fair and easy to understand. Certainly, read the Progressive Discipline policies for further detail. Remember the process above is the normal process. Certainly, if the action or violation is extremely severe, then immediate separation or termination might apply. There are certain things that an Associate might do which could result in immediate termination. These are very egregious. They are listed below: Theft from company, guest, or other employee or Associate Intentional manipulation of funds or inventory Falsification of information with the intention to deceive Gross abuse of guest, Associate, other employee, vendor (physical or verbal) this includes things like yelling, physical threats, verbal threats, physical action. Of course this is not a complete list but you get the point. Violation of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Policy stated herein. No matter how small the violation. This is a zero tolerance policy. Gross misconduct of any kind. Violation of local, state, or federal law. Violation of Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Policy. This is also zero tolerance. Possession of weapons of any kind on CTRF property or while on CTRF business. Any action or act that results in injury, death, or involves a significant risk to an Associate, employee, guest, or vendor. No call no show for 2 shifts. Violation of cash handling. Allowing a guest to walk out on a check without paying when that check is above $50.

These seem obvious but they need to be stated as sometimes they do happen. This list is not all-inclusive as there are always other issues that arise but you get the gist of what were saying here.

Falling Off Track

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Here are some things that will cause you to be suspended (and most likely terminated) on the spot. Not only are they against our policy, but theyre also against the law and, when it comes to anything listed here, our sense of humor dries up. We have a strict zero tolerance for such behavior. Heres the list and rememberdont go there. Possessing, using, distributing, or selling illegal drugs in the restaurant (including the parking lot) Violence or the threat of violence of any sort (Throwing a cup is considered violence just like hitting someone in the face is considered violence.) Stealing (Stealing includes anything. Stealing ketchup is just as bad as stealing cash). Making sexually explicit remarks/gestures/actions or soliciting sex in any way, shape or form. Violating the sexual harassment or discrimination policy in any way, shape or form Making racially explicit remarks/gestures Credit Card Fraud (Technically, this is Stealing too) (adding additional tip money or changing a Guest signature is a felony) Falsifying documents (that means forging or lying on them) Harassment Serving alcohol to a minor We take violation of the law very seriously and prosecute all cases of theft and fraud. If you know of someone who is violating the law in any way, you may speak with your Manager, Area Director or call Resolve It! Hotline at (877) 792-6315. You can remain anonymous or give us your name. Whatever makes you comfortable.

Working With Your Schedule

Being the intelligent, compassionate and thoroughly cool people we are, we understand that sometimes things happen that may impact your work day. In other words, you might on occasion have a reason to be late, or be sick or need to rearrange your work schedule. Here are some guidelines: Excuses, Excuses Dont be late to work. But if its unavoidable (say a meteor hits your car), then call the Manager prior to the scheduled shift with the reason and the approximate arrival time. And please dont make it a habit. Excessive tardiness will result in Progressive Discipline actions. Illness

Central Texas ANGB Restaurant Funding LLC Associate Handbook Revised For January 2011


If youre sick, stay home. But play fair. Find someone to work for you. Then call the Manager and let her know youre sick and tell her whos working in your place. And make sure the person whos working for you calls her, too. Try to contact her as far in advance as you can and give her an idea of when youll be back. Applebees wants to ensure that Associates notify the Manager on duty when they experience any of the conditions listed below so that the Manager can take appropriate steps to prevent the transmission of a potential food borne illness.
Salmonella (sal me nella) Diarrhea Fever Abdominal cramps Vomiting Abdominal cramps Fever Diarrhea Stools may contain blood and mucus 1. Good hygiene and hand washing especially after restroom use

2. Don't prepare food when sick

Shigella (Sh gella)

3. Avoid cross contamination of raw meats from ready to eat foods by sparating, sanitizing and hand washing


Vomiting (Most common) Nausea Cramping Diarrhea Severe diarrhea (bloody) Abdominal pain vomiting Little or no fever Common in children <4 yrs old Diarrhea Dark urine Jaundice (Yellowing of skin/eyes) Flu-like symptoms

4. Cool all products to their recommended internal temperatures

Escherichia coli (E. coli)

5. Store cold food cold at 41F or below and hot foods hot at 140F or above

Hepatitis A (Hep a ty tis)

Work Schedule Schedules are posted weekly and arent carved in stone. The Manager can make changes when she sees the need. And you can ask for a change if you find someone to work for you and get the Mangers written permission. Dont put in overtime without permission and try to keep changes to a minimum. Please make appointments with your Applebees schedule in mind. If you need to time off, check with the Manager. Request for the time off a month in advance. However, please be courteous to other Associates and employees as well. Not all requests will be granted due to scheduling. This is on a first come, first serve basis. The sooner you request, the more likely you will get the time off you requested.

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Be sure to clock in on the time clock. Remember, NEVER clock in or out for another Associate. No exceptions. No excuses. As much as we appreciate your commitment and loyalty, its against the law for you to work without getting paid. So, never work off the clock never, ever. We take our obligation to pay you for your hard work so seriously that if you do work off the clock, you can be disciplined for it, up to and including termination.

Lets Resolve It!

Works and Plays Well With Others If an Associate ever has a concern regarding activities of another Associate then the Associate should follow these steps: 1. Speak with your immediate supervisor. Present your issue, the details and your desired resolution. If you dont feel comfortable speaking with your supervisor, contact the Area Director. Your issue will be investigated and responded to by a member of management within three business days. 2. If you are not satisfied or dont feel comfortable speaking with management, contact the Associate Hotline at 1-888-451-2773 (you have the option to remain anonymous.) Your information will be taken by phone and followed up by an Applebees Human Resources Representative. You will receive a response within two weeks of your discussion with an HR Representative. The Management of Applebees has an Open Door policy and is sincerely interested and committed to the best possible resolution of any Associates work-related problem. No problem is too small or unimportant and will be given the utmost consideration. It is against company policy to retaliate against any Associate, including management, for voicing issues through this process. Retaliation can result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge. Complaint Process Any Associate who feels that he/she is being discriminated against or harassed by a Manager, supervisor, co-worker, vendor, guest, or supplier of Applebees should promptly report the facts of the incident(s) and name(s) of the individual(s) involved to his/her supervisor, the Area Director or the Applebees Associate Hotline (1-888-451-2773). Confidentiality Applebees will protect the confidentiality of the Associates complaint to the extent reasonably possible and practicable for an effective investigation and resolution. An Associate should also feel free to report such incident(s) anonymously by calling Applebees Associate Hotline (1-888-451-2773). No Retaliation Applebees prohibits retaliation against anyone for reporting discrimination or harassment, assisting in making a discrimination or harassment complaint, or cooperating in a discrimination or harassment investigation. Any Associate who believes he/she has experienced or witnessed retaliation should immediately notify his/her supervisor, the Area Director or the Applebees Associate Hotline (1888-451-2773). Associates, including management, who retaliate against an Associate, will be subject to the full range of corrective action, up to and including termination. Investigation & Corrective Action All reports of inappropriate conduct, including retaliation, will be promptly and thoroughly investigated. To ensure that the investigation will be impartial, Applebees will use a Manger, an Area Director, a Human Resources Department representative, a legal representative, or a combination of such persons to conduct the investigation. Applebees will act to ensure that any improper conduct ceases

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immediately and that appropriate corrective action is taken to prevent the improper conduct from happening again. Any Associate, whether supervisory, non-supervisory or a member of management, who violates this policy will be subject to the full range of corrective action, up to and including termination of employment. Applebees will inform the complaining Associate of the resolution of the complaint as appropriate. If the investigation results in a finding that the complaining Associate falsely accused another of discrimination or harassment either knowingly or in a malicious manner, the complaining Associate will be subject to the full range of corrective action, up to and including termination. Questions regarding this policy should be directed to your General Manager, Area Director, the Applebees corporative office at 713-621-0061 or the Applebees Associate Hotline (1-888-451-2773).

Guests Will Be Guests

Here are a few quickie rules for dealing with Guests. Remember, even if you dont think the Guest it always right, you must always treat them as Guests. We expect our Associates to perform 3 important assignments when serving alcohol: Checking for proper Identification Monitoring Guest consumption & behavior Notification to a Manager when appropriate Dont sell alcohol to anyone who looks younger than 30 without seeing his ID. If an underage person tries to purchase alcohol, tell the Manager. If a Guest leaves an item at the table, taken them to the Manager and the Manager will lock them up for safekeeping. Do not open or keep any of these items. If a Guest comes in without clothes/shoes, then just say Im sorry, sir/maam, but we cannot accommodate a Guest without clothes/shoes. Say so politely but firmly. If a Guest calls and has a question, make it your mission to answer the telephone on no more than two rings. This should not be attempted if you are serving someone his dinner. But if you walk past a ringing phone and you are not otherwise occupied, then answer it. Be polite. Answer the Guests questions if you can. If Mr. Guest only speaks a foreign language and you dont, then see if someone else can help him. The rule of thumb is anytime you have a serious problem with a Guest or a question you cant answer, find the guy or gal in charge and tell him or her. Not only have we spent a lot of money training your Manager to do a good job, but you owe it to your Manager to make him or her feel appreciated.

Serious Matters
Weapons No employee (including Managers and Associates) may have a weapon on Applebees property or while doing work for Applebees offsite. No knives, no guns, no explosives, no weapons of any kind! This prohibition includes parking lots. If you see or suspect that a co-worker has a weapon, TELL THE MANAGER IMMEDIATELY, and let the manager handle it. CTRF prohibits the use or possession of weapons or firearms of any kind whether they are locked in the car trunk or in a glove compartment.

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Robberies Dead heroes make lousy Associates. People who commit robberies can be nervous and unpredictable. If you resist during a robbery, you could end up on the wrong end of a gun. No matter what you may think, you are not bulletproof. Cooperate completely, give the robbers whatever they want, dont resist and dont put yourself or our Guests at risk. Fires Each Applebees is equipped with fire extinguishers and a policy on handling fires. Pay attention when your trainer covers this topic. It could save a life. Safety in General Report all accidents no matter how small to your Manager. If a Guest chokes, call a Manager without delay. Hes the one responsible for administering first aid. If you ever have a question about safety, ask the Manager. Applebees is committed to maintain a safe environment for its Guests and Associates. The time to prevent an accident is before it happens. Safety is everyones job and is a regular part of your restaurants operation. We must achieve a mind-set of good housekeeping at all times. Please follow these simple safety rules: Clean as You Go wipe up spills immediately. Wear Slip-Resistant Shoes. Keep Slip Zones clean and dry. Report all accidents and injuries to the Manager on Duty at the time of occurrence. Use proper lifting techniques at all times and ask for assistance when the object is too heavy for one person. Remember to lift with you back straight, use your legs not your back. Wear Kevlar gloves when prepping product. Use tongs or save-a-days when cutting product on the line. Horseplay, throwing things, running in the walkways or kitchen, distracting Associates at work or unnecessary shouting is prohibited. Do not operate machines or equipment until you have received proper training on their operation. Report any defective tool or equipment to Manager on Duty immediately We want to provide a work environment that is productive and safe. The health and safety of our Associates is one of our primary concerns. A leading cause of Associate injury is the combination of slips and falls. In addition to the proper cleaning of our floors, wearing a slip-resistant shoe has been shown to effectively reduce slip and falls. In order to insure the continued safety of our Associates, all Applebees Associates, while on-site and on the clock, will war footwear that is certified and labeled to be slipresistant on water, grease and other floor contaminants commonly found in the restaurant industry. Slipresistant shoes will be subject to the dress code policy as specified in your Associate Handbook. Slip-resistant shoes are the best insurance against slip and fall injuries. Associates will not be allowed to work their assigned shift without the proper footwear. Shoes must meet the following criteria: Indicate on the shoe box or tag that the soles of the shoe are slip-resistant. Meet the color and style criteria for your restaurant. Maintained in good condition with adequate tread on the sole.

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Preferred brand of slip-resistant footwear: Shoes for Crews is the industry leader in slip-resistant footwear, and therefore recommended by Applebees. Shoes for Crews offers 47 different styles and are easily purchased online. Bartending You cant tend bar unless youre 21 years old without the express written approval of the Area Director. That means exactly what it says. Anyone under the age of 21 must have written approval of the Area Director. There are other jobs in the restaurant that may also have age restrictions (they may vary from state to state). Ask your Manager before attempting to do something you have not been authorized to do. Service of Alcohol This section called Service of Alcohol of the Handbook is a zero tolerance policy for all employees of CTRF. You must verify the age of every Guest served alcohol and they must comply with state and federal law and be over the age of 21. Only current state issued pictured ID, military ID and passport (with a secondary form of picture ID) will be accepted. All Guests that order alcoholic beverages that look under the age of 60 will be required to provide ID and you will be required to ask for it. Age verification machines will be used 100% of the time at the restaurant. Two current functioning state ID guides will be kept on hand at all times (one behind the bar and one behind the service station). All employees including managers need to be TABC certified to serve alcohol. During special event nights or other busy occasions, an employee will be required to check IDs at the door and use a hand stamp or wristband method to identify guests that are eligible to purchase alcoholic beverages. When a guest presents a credit card to open a tab, their ID must be verified. If a guest moves from the bar to the dining room the server must verify age by checking the guests ID even if they were already served an alcoholic beverage in the bar. This section applies to all guests that consume alcoholic beverages in our restaurants. Any Manager or employee is in Violation of this policy if his/her actions deviate in any form or manner from the above stated Policy. First violation will lead to suspension of employment up to termination. No Strip Search Allowed A man calls a restaurant pretending to be a cop and talks a Manager and an Associate into participating in a strip search. Sounds like the premise for a joke, but its not. Its a scam. At Applebees we expect our Managers and Associates to use good old-fashioned common sense. But, in case you need it spelled out for you, we will make our policy crystal clear: no strip search is allowed for any reason. That means you do not participate in or conduct one, nor do you allow one to be conducted upon you. No joking. No exceptions. No kidding. Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment We are against discrimination and harassment (which includes sexual harassment). Period. They are not tolerated in any form at Applebees in other words, these are subjects we take very seriously. Our policy forbids discrimination and harassment and specifically defines these terms. Violation of this policy will result in immediate termination as this is a zero tolerance policy. Its everyones job to keep the restaurant G-rated. And yes, that does include the music you play and the language you use on Applebees premises. It is Applebees policy not to discriminate in any term or condition of employment on the basis of race, color, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender, disability, handicap,

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pregnancy, veteran status or other military status, or any other status protected by law. As part of its policy not to discriminate, Applebees prohibits any unwelcome harassment which would be any verbal or physical conduct by a Manager, supervisor, co-worker, guest, vendor, or supplier that disparages, threatens, intimidates, coerces, or shows hostility or dislike toward an Associate because of his or her race, color, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender, disability, handicap, pregnancy, veteran status or other military status, or any other status protected by law, and that has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, abusive or offensive working environment or of unreasonably interfering with an individuals work performance; or otherwise adversely affects an individuals work performance. No Manager, supervisor, co-worker, guest, vendor, or supplier may harass any other individual on Applebees property, or in connection with performing services for Applebees. Example of Harassment This includes racial and ethnic slurs, and acts that are intended to be jokes or pranks but that are hostile or demeaning with regard to race, color, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender, disability, handicap, pregnancy, veteran status or other military status, or other status protected by law. Example of Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, sexual jokes or comments, requests for sexual favors or other unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, when submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a condition of employment; or submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for employment-related decisions such as promotion, discharge, performance evaluation, pay adjustment, discipline, work assignment or any other condition of employment or career development; or such conduct otherwise unreasonably interferes with work performance or creates an intimidating, abusive, hostile or offensive working environment, even if it leads to no adverse job consequences. Other examples of behavior or language that will be considered sexual harassment when connected with one of the three subparagraphs above are sexual innuendoes, sexually suggestive comments, sexual propositions, threats of a sexual nature, sexually suggestive objects or pictures, graphic commentaries or cartoons, suggestive or insulting sounds, leering, whistling, obscene gestures, unwelcome physical contact (including touching, pinching, rubbing), coerced sexual intercourse, and sexual assault. Please refer to the Anti-Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Policy. Read it thoroughly and make sure to return a signed copy to your Manager to show that you fully understand it and agree to be bound by it. Cash Management While few Associates will ever be depositing restaurant monies into the local bank, managers, key hourlies and management will and must know and understand that CTRF takes cash management very seriously. We are a small business and must account for every penny in a methodical and systematic manner. Bank deposits must be made on a daily basis. Weekend deposits must be dropped in the night depository in bank authorized secure plastic deposit bags. Absolutely do not take deposits to the bank after dark or you feel it is unsafe. Please use your reasonable and sound judgment for your own safety as CTRF would never want to compromise the safety of our people in any way. Do not approach the night drop if you see other people around. Again, using your reasonable and sound judgment for safety concerns. Always conceal the bank deposit bags and change orders by using a gym bag, large bag, large purse or

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other bag. Never walk to the bank. That is obviously unsafe and should never happen. Only two deposits should be in the locked safe at the restaurant at any time at any day. Area Directors should randomly check the restaurant to ensure that the team is adhering to these policies as it is for our own safety, the safety of the Guests, and the safety of those around us that we set these policies in place. Make the deposits at different times during the day. Do not stick to a pattern or time as this will alert people to when we make deposits. Petty cash should be counted and verified three times daily by the manager on duty. Personal loans are absolutely forbidden. Personal expenses of any kind are absolutely forbidden. Petty cash should only be used for expenses approved by CTRF for the ordinary business conducted by the restaurant that requires petty cash. Petty cash must be kept at par all the time. All purchases must accompany an actual receipt from the vendor or seller. The petty cash recap must be sent in with the Weekly Packets. The petty cash recap must be filled out and approved by your Area Director. Area Directors approval email must be printed and attached to the petty cash recap and sent in with the Weekly Packet. Any petty cash recap will not be processed until the accounting clerk has contacted the Area Director for approval. Petty cash should be reconciled on Sunday night only (1x a week). Restaurants cannot carry receipts into the following week without Area Director approval. The invoice number on the petty cash recap form is the current date. Failure to adhere to the Cash Management section of this Handbook in any form or manner will result in the following to the manager or key hourly in violation of this policies: 1) First violation written warning 2) Second violation bonus deduction or suspension 3) Termination. However, certain violations will result in escalation to second violation consequences and/or immediate termination. Those are (this list is inclusive but not entirely exhaustive as people are very creative) utilizing petty cash for uses other than the ordinary business purpose of the restaurant (personal loans, personal expenses, loans to Associates, etc), any form of theft, failure to make a bank deposit without notifying the Area Director, and deviating from the bank deposit policies in any way.

Good Stuff to Know

Below is a brief overview of more good stuff you ought to know. Please check the appendix in the back of the book, where you will find these topics explored in detail. Family and Medical Leave Act Purpose To provide employees with an unpaid leave of absence for one or more of the following reasons: 1) birth of a child; 2) placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care; 3) caring for a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition; or 4) the serious health condition of the employee that makes the employee unable to perform the functions of the job. This policy is intended to adhere to the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (the "Act"). In the event of any discrepancy between any provisions of this policy and the Act, the Act shall govern. Additional information regarding this policy, or the definitions of terms used in this policy, may be obtained from notices posted on the bulletin boards, and from the Act, which is available in the Human Resources office. Eligibility All employees who have worked for the company for at least twelve (12) months, and have worked at least 1250 hours in the twelve (12) months preceding the commencement of leave. Duration

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The maximum duration for an unpaid family and medical leave of absence is twelve (12) weeks within a year. The term "year" for this purpose is not the calendar or fiscal year, but rather the twelve month period preceding the date the leave would begin. The following guidelines shall determine how that leave may be taken: 1. Birth of a child - this leave must be taken within one year of the birth, and the Company can request it be taken all at one time. 2. Placement of a child for adoption or foster care - this leave must be taken within one year of the placement, and the Company can request it be taken all at one time. 3. The serious health condition of the employee - this leave may be taken all at one time, intermittently (i.e., in separate blocks of time), or a reduced hours basis (i.e., a schedule that reduces the employee's working time per day or week), if necessary for medical reasons. 4. The care of a spouse, son, daughter, or parent of the employee with a serious health condition-this leave may be taken all at one time, intermittently (i.e., in separate blocks of time), or on a reduced hours basis (i.e., a schedule that reduces the employee's working time per day or week), if necessary for medical reasons. The federal regulations provide that the son or daughter must be under 18 years of age, or 18 years of age or older incapable of self-care because of mental or physical disability. Applebees and CTRF Requirements (Company Requirements) 1. The company will require the employee to take all of any unused paid leave, whichever may be appropriate (e.g., sick leave), for all or part of the twelve (12) week period. 2. Time off from work for an FMLA-qualifying event will be designated as FMLA absence. All injuries covered by workers' compensation which also constitute "serious health conditions" will be designated as FMLA leave. FMLA leave in these instances will run concurrently with worker's compensation leave. Whether the employee is receiving sick pay, workers' compensation, or the leave is unpaid, once the designation is made by the company that leave qualifies for FMLA leave. All time taken under FMLA guidelines will count toward the twelve week period. Employees receiving workers' compensation during an FMLA leave will not be permitted to supplement the workers' compensation benefits with paid leave benefits, such as sick pay. However, if the FMLA leave period extends beyond the period of time that the employee is receiving workers' compensation benefits, the substitution provision of this policy will apply as soon as the workers' compensation benefits cease. 3. The company will require certification from a health care provider of the employee or family member regarding the serious health condition, setting forth the date on which the condition commenced, its probable duration, the appropriate medical facts, and a statement that the employee (i) is needed to care for the affected family member, or (ii) is unable to perform the functions of his or her position, if the employee is the person incurring the serious health condition (see Certification of Physician or Practitioner Form). Employees should return the Certification Form no more that twenty (20) days from the date the form was sent or provided to the employee by the company. 4. Upon request for an intermittent or reduced hours leave due to a serious health condition, the company may temporarily transfer the employee to an alternative position for which the employee is qualified having equivalent pay and benefits that better accommodates the company's needs. 5. The company will require the employee to provide at least thirty (30) days notice before a "foreseeable" leave is scheduled to begin. If this is not possible, employees are requested to give notice as soon as practicable. If a leave is planned for medical treatment, the company may request the employee make a reasonable effort to schedule the treatment to minimize disruption of normal business operations.

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Benefits Status Associates and employees on an approved leave will be entitled to continue their health benefits under the same terms and conditions that applied before the leave started. To continue health insurance coverage, the Associate and/or employee must continue to make any contributions that he or she made to the plan before taking leave. Failure of the employee to pay his or her share of the health insurance premiums may result in loss of coverage. Such benefits will not accrue during the course of any unpaid leave under this policy. Seniority will not accrue during the length of the leave. If the Associate or employee fails to return to work after the expiration of the leave, the Associate or employee will be required to reimburse the company for payment of health insurance premiums during the family and medical leave, unless the employee fails to return due to a serious health condition which prevents the employee from performing his or her job, or due to other circumstances beyond the employee's control. The taking of a leave, as defined by the FMLA, will not result in the loss of accrued benefits. Associates or employees not returning to work at the end of the leave period will be offered continued health coverage through COBRA. Return to Work Employees returning from an approved leave will be reinstated to their former position or to a position with salary, benefits and other employment conditions equivalent to those of the former position. Returning employees will not lose any benefits or seniority accrued prior to the approved leave. Before being permitted to return to work from a leave for the employee's own serious health condition, the employee will be required to provide certification from his or her health care provider that the employee is able to return to work and perform all functions of the job pending a release from our company doctor. While on leave, employees will be required to contact the Manager and Area Director weekly to report their status and intentions to return to work. Employees are required to work at the expiration of the approved leave, unless the leave is extended with prior approval. Prior approval must be obtained through the same procedures as was the final approval of the original leave. Failure to Return to Work Failure to return to work at the end of an approved leave may result in automatic termination of employment. All benefits will terminate on the date notification is received that the employee will not return, or the approved leave period ends, whichever is earlier. Key Employees The company may deny job restoration to a key employee on an approved leave in order to prevent substantial and grievous economic injury to the operations of the company. Employees who formally request a leave of absence under this policy will be notified, as soon as practicable after receipt of the request, if they qualify as a key employee.

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Other Provisions When both spouses work for the company, they will be entitled to a combined twelve (12) weeks leave for the birth of a child, placement for adoption or foster care of a child, and for care of a sick parent. The full twelve (12) weeks of leave will be available to each employee for his or her own serious health condition, or that of a child or the other spouse. Leave Requests Requests for clarification and interpretation to the policy should be submitted to the Manager and Area Director of the company. Formal requests must be accompanied by the Certification of Physician or Practitioner Form, if appropriate. Each request will then be reviewed and approved by Human Resources. Definitions
Serious Health Condition - means an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves one of the following: Hospital Care: Inpatient care (i.e., and overnight stay) in a hospital, hospice or residential medical care facility, including any period of incapacity or subsequent treatment in connection with or consequent to such inpatient care. Absence Plus Treatment: A period of incapacity of more than three consecutive calendar days (including any subsequent treatment or period of incapacity relating to the same condition), that also involves: 1. 2. Treatment two or more times by a health care provider, by a nurse or physician's assistant under direct supervision of a health care provider, or by a provider of health care services (e.g., physical therapist) under orders of, or on referral by, a health care provider; or Treatment by a health care provider on at least one occasion which results in a regimen of continuing treatment under the supervision of the health care provider.

Pregnancy Any period of incapacity due to pregnancy or for prenatal care. Chronic Conditions Requiring Treatments A chronic condition which: 1. 2. 3. Requires periodic visits for treatment by a health care provider, or by a nurse or physician's assistant under direct supervision of a health care provider; Continues over an extended period of time (including recurring episodes of a single underlying condition); and May cause episodic rather than a continuing period of incapacity (e.g., asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.).

Permanent Long Term Condition A period of incapacity which is permanent or long-term due to a condition for which treatment may not be effective. The employee or family member must be under the continuing supervision of, but need not be receiving active treatment by, a health care provider. Examples include Alzheimer's, a severe stroke, or the terminal stages of a disease. Multiple Treatments (Non-Chronic Conditions) Any period of absence to receive multiple treatments (including any period of recovery there from) by a health care provider or by a provider of health care services under orders of, or on referral by, a health care provider, either for restorative surgery after an accident or other injury, or for a condition that would likely result in a period of incapacity of more than three consecutive days in the absence of medical intervention or treatment, such as cancer (chemotherapy, radiation, etc.), severe arthritis (physical therapy), kidney disease (dialysis). Health Care Provider means: 1. A doctor of medicine or osteopathy who is authorized to practice medicine or surgery (as appropriate) by the State in which the doctor practices; or 2. Any other person determined by the Secretary of Labor to be capable of providing health care services. Parent means:

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The biological parent of an employee or an individual who stands or stood in loco parentis to an employee when the employee was a child. The term does not include parents "in-law". Son or Daughter means: A biological, adopted, or foster child, a stepchild, a legal ward, or a child of a person standing in loco parentis, who is either under age 18, or age 18 or older and incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability. Key Employees means: A salaried FMLA-eligible employee who is among the highest paid 10 percent of all the employees by the company. Incapacity means: Inability to work, attend school or perform other regular daily activities due to the serious health condition, treatment therefore, or recovery there from. Treatment includes examinations to determine if a serious health condition exists and evaluations of the condition. Treatment does not include routine physical examinations, eye examinations, or dental examinations. A regimen of continuing treatment includes, for example, a course of prescription medication (e.g.,and antibiotic) or therapy requiring special equipment to resolve or alleviate the health condition. A regimen of treatment does not include the taking of over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, antihistamines, or salves; or bed-rest, drinking fluids, exercise, and other similar activities that can be initiated without a visit to a health care provider.

If you need further information please contact the corporate office at 713-621-0061 and request to speak with Catherine Yu or contact the nearest office of the Wage and Hour Division, listed in most telephone directories under U.S. Government, Department of Labor. Workers Compensation If you suffer a job-related illness or injury, you may be eligible for benefits under Workers Compensation. A First Report of Injury form must be completed for all job related injuries for which an employee is given medical attention. A copy will be retained in the case file. The insurance agent will receive a copy in order to forward it to the Workers Compensation Committee of the state in which the injury took place. The highest ranking supervisor or Manager at the restaurant is responsible for the proper completion of this report. The First Report of Injury should be completed the moment the injury occurs. It should then be sent to the corporate office via fax. Upon notification of an occupational injury or illness will assist managerial or supervisory personnel in the completion of the Employers First Report of Injury or Illness. If the injury results in lost workday(s), the Employers First Report of Injury must be submitted to the Workers Compensation Commission, Underwriter, and employee no later than eight days after the first lost workday. Before seeking medical treatment, check with your Manager to see if a specific Occupational Medical Clinic has been assigned.

Personnel Policies
Jury Duty, Military Duty, Voting, and Death in Your Family Applebees understands there are some things beyond your control and we cooperate fully with the law where it pertains to matters such as these. Applebees encourages employees to appear in court for witness or jury duty when subpoenaed to do so. Employees will be granted unpaid time off to appear in court to serve on jury duty as well as be a witness when requested by a party other than CTRF. The jury

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summons or subpoena should be shown to the Manager immediately after it is received so that operation requirements can be adjusted, where necessary, to accommodate the Associates or employees absence. An Associate is expected to report for work whenever the court schedule permits. Applebees encourages employees to fulfill their civic responsibilities by participating in elections. Generally, Associates are able to find time to vote either before or after their regular work schedule. If employees are unable to vote in an election during their non-working hours, Applebees will grant up to two hours of unpaid time off to vote. Employees should request time off to vote from their supervisor at least two working days prior to the Election Day. Advance notice is required so that the necessary time off can be scheduled at the beginning or the end of the work day, whichever provides the least disruption to the normal work schedule. The Company will grant unpaid leaves of absence to Reservists and National Guard members provided leave is requested in advance. Eligible Associates who serve in the uniformed services of the United States will be granted a military leave of absence for a period of up to five years, pursuant to the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) of 1994. Veterans will not be discriminated against because of absence due to military service. Associates in good standing, who leave their jobs for the purpose of entering military service, are eligible for re-employment. We recognize a death in the immediate family as a time when absence from work is necessary. Please let a Manager know if this situation occurs and he/she will help you make arrangement to cover your schedule. You will not be paid for the time off but you may take a reasonable amount of time to come back to work. Immediate family in this paragraph means an Associates husband, wife, spouse, child, mother, father, brother, sister or in-law equivalent. Employees must provide 7 day prior written notice to the Manager to receive this benefit. Holidays Applebees is closed for business to observe the following holidays: Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day We are open for business on all other holiday. Sick Leave All sick days are unpaid.

Alcohol and Substance Abuse Policy

Applebees is committed to providing a safe work environment and fostering the well-being and health of its Associates. That commitment is jeopardized when any Applebees Associate illegally uses drugs, comes to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs, possesses, distributes or sells drugs in the workplace, or abuses alcohol on the job. On-Duty On-duty Applebees Associates are not permitted to consume alcoholic beverages or be under influence of alcohol or any illegal substance while on Applebees property (including the parking lot) as well as ager the close of public business on Applebees property. Applebees Managers and certain designated Applebees Associates of legal drinking age may consume limited samplings of alcohol as assigned in training as well as to taste test in the event of a Guest complaint or situation of questionable product quality in accordance with the applicable liquor laws. There may be special designated events that

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are approved by the Director of Operations, where Associates who are of legal drinking age are allowed to drink responsibly during working hours (e.g. GM conference, company sponsored picnic or event). Applebees Associates may NOT use, possess, sell, buy, trade, offer for sale or offer to buy illegal drugs or otherwise engage in illegal use of drugs, including prescription drugs that have been illegally obtained, while on duty. Applebees does not permit providing alcohol of any type in trade for favors, work completed, or as compensation/reward of any type. All Applebees Associates must strictly adhere to and enforce the applicable liquor laws, including laws regarding the prohibition of service of alcohol to minors and legal closing times, as well as adhering to all requirements outlined in this policy. All Applebees Associates must comply with any training actually received under the Applebees Responsible Service of Alcohol program and the applicable liquor certification requirements. Off-Duty Off-duty Applebees Associates may drink responsibly in an Applebees establishment with a maximum of four alcoholic beverages if the following requirements are met: Must be at least 21 years of age; Must pay full price for the alcoholic beverages; Must refrain from any behavior/language that is less than professional or not in the best interest of guests, co-workers or the employer; May not remove alcohol from the restaurant It is prohibited for any Associate to consume any alcoholic beverages within (4) four hours prior to the start of their shift or prior to visiting another Applebees restaurant to work in any capacity. Off-duty restaurant based Associates may consume alcohol provided the requirements above are met, but in addition: May NOT enter the Back of the House (BOH) or the immediate bar area (excluding high-top tables) while consuming alcohol. Consequences All Applebees Associates (salaried, hourly, full-time, part-time) must comply with this policy. All Managers and supervisors have the responsibility to enforce this policy and to report any violation or potential violation to their immediate supervisor and/or the Human Resources Representative or the Resolve It! Associate Hotline at 1-888-451-2773 immediately. Failure either to enforce or adhere to this policy may result in immediate disciplinary action up to and including termination. For More Information For more information on this policy, contact your General Manager, Area Director, Supervisor or Human Resources Representative. How long do I have to be off-duty in order to have a drink at Applebees with my family? You must be off-duty, out of the restaurant and not in your uniform for at minimum two hours prior to consuming alcohol in your home restaurant. You may consume alcohol at another Applebees restaurant after our shift ends as long as you are out of uniform. What does on-duty mean? On-duty is anytime you are working at an Applebees restaurant or are attending an Applebees sponsored function (e.g. training, off-site meetings). What does off-duty mean? You are consider off-duty anytime you are clocked out (including lunch and dinner breaks), out of uniform and not performing any work duties for Applebees including training and off-site meeting.

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Am I allowed to drink during a Holiday Party or other company sponsored events (football and baseball games, vendor outings)? You are allowed to drink responsibly as long as your Director of Operations (or higher level) has approved the event and you are of legal drinking age and adhere to all of the state and local liquor regulations. Am I allowed to sit in the bar area and have a maximum of four drinks? You are not allowed to sit at the bar. Who is responsible for monitoring the four drink maximum? Whoever serves you is responsible for adhering to the policy as well as yourself. The management team in the restaurant is ultimately responsible for monitoring this policy. What are the consequences if the policy is not followed? You will receive progressive discipline up to and including termination.

Associate Reporting Requirements

Alcohol Being under the influence of alcohol by any employee while performing company business or while in the Restaurant is prohibited to the extent that such use or influence may affect the safety of coworkers or members of the public, the employees job performance, or the safe or efficient operation of the Restaurant and/or the Restaurant. Illegal Drugs The use, sale, purchase, transfer or possession of an illegal drug or drug paraphernalia by any employee while in the Restaurant or while performing company business is prohibited. The presence of any detectable amount of any illegal drug in an employee while performing the Restaurant business or while in the Restaurant is prohibited. Legal Drugs Employees who feel or have been informed that the use of a legal drug may present a safety risk are to report such drug use to their supervisor. Being under the influence of any legally obtained drug by any employee while performing the Restaurant business or while in the Restaurant is prohibited to the extent that such use or influence may affect the safety of coworkers or members of the public, the employees job performance, or the safe or efficient operation of the Restaurant and/or the Restaurant. Under the influence means, for the purposes of this policy, that the employee is affected by a drug or alcohol or the combination of a drug and alcohol in any detectable amount. The symptoms of influence are not confined to those consistent with misbehavior, or to obvious impairment of physical or mental ability, such as slurred speech or difficulty in maintaining balance. A determination of influence can be established by a professional opinion, a scientifically valid test. In the case of alcohol, a determination of influence can be established by a laypersons opinion. Illegal Drug means any drug (a) which is not legally obtainable, or (b) which is legally obtainable but has not been legally obtained. The term includes prescribed drugs not legally obtained and prescribed drugs not being used for prescribed purposes. An example would be marijuana.

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Legal Drug includes prescribed drugs and over-the-counter drugs which have been legally obtained and are being used for the purpose for which they were prescribed or manufactured. Violation of the above policy OR refusal to submit to a search will be cause for disciplinary action up to and including immediate discharge.

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I have read, understood, and agree to fully comply with the requirements stated in Central Texas ANGB Restaurant Funding, LLCs Associate Handbook. I have had the time and been allowed to ask questions about any part of this Associate Handbook that I dont understand. I fully understand and agree that any violation of this policy no matter how small the violation will lead to Progressive Discipline as it is explained to me by the Managers and may lead to termination of my employment.

___________________________________ Name ___________________________________ Date

Central Texas ANGB Restaurant Funding LLC Associate Handbook Revised For January 2011


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