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Vector LR



Operating instructions for model 970
Advan ced PROTECTION Syst em
w ith Shadow Technology

i nt r oduc t ion
Thank you for purchasing a vec t or l r Radar/Laser/Safet y
detector wit h t he Advanced Protect ion System

and Shadow

II. vec t or l r is a new dimension in detect ion

technology. Designed for t he professional dr iver vec t or l on g
r a n ge emphasizes ult imate per for mance in a detector wit h
Cer t ified Per for mance Specs and is selected for premium
per for mance and reliabilit y.
Remember, owning a Radar detector does not give you a license to
speed. Alerts from a Radar detector serve as an effective reminder to
check your speed. Laws vary throughout North America governing the
use of a Radar detector. It is your responsibilit y to follow these laws.
sof t wa r e upgr a de an indust ry f ir st
vec t or l r contains technology which provides the highest
capabilit y to be reprogrammed as the threat of new Police traffic
Radar monitor ing technologies emerge. Please ensure that you
promptly mail the enclosed Consumer Infor mat ion card. This will
ensure you are not ified about new, approved traffic monitor ing
technologies and will be provided the details of ser vice cost and
where to send your unit for software upgrade.
sh a d ow t ech nol ogy

i i
vec t or l r contains Shadow Technology

, making it undetectable
to the Interceptor vg-2 or any other Radar Detector Detector (r dd).
Only Shadow Technology

II has been consistently proven

undetectable to the vg-2.
sel ec t a bl e f eat ur es
These features may be selected depending upon your dr iving
environment. (See page 9 for the operating of Selectable
I Cit y X or Cit y All
I X/K/Ka Band o n or o f f
I Auto-Mute o n or o f f
I Safet y War ning System

o n or o f f
I Audio/Visual Scroll Rate (f a s t or s l o w)
t abl e of cont ent s
Profile of Features l page 4
Des cription of Features l page 5
Power-Up Test Sequence/Star t-up Mode l page 5
Tutor ial Mode l page 6
Set and Forget Memor y l page 7
Reset to Factor y Sett ings l page 7
dr k (Br ight/Dim/Dark) Button l page 7
aud (Auto-Mute/Volume Control) Button l page 8
ct y (Cit y/Highway) Button l page 8
Selectable Features l page 9
Enter ing Selectable Features Mode l page 11
Installation l page 11
General Guidelines l page 11
Understanding Radar, Las er and s ws

l page 14
Interpretation of Alerts l page 15
Radar Aler ts l page 15
Instant-On/Pulsed Radar Aler t l page 18
Typical False Aler t (Radar) l page 18
Laser Aler ts l page 18
Safet y War ning System


) Aler ts l page 19
Performance Verification l page
Condit ions That Affect Radar Aler ts l page
Condit ions That Affect Laser Aler ts l page 20
Troublesho oting l page 21
Consumer Warranty l page 21
Service l page 22
War rant y Ser vice l page 22
Post-War rant y Ser vice l page 23
Access ories l page 23

pr of i l e of f eat ur es
1. pwr ( Power/ Start-Up Mo de) Button: pressing and holding
pwr will tur n the unit on. Releasing and pressing the pwr
button again will scroll through the five Star t-Up mode
opt ions: NORMAL, MODS (Modificat ions), Q-START (Quick
2 Text Mes s age Display: communicates all mode select ions
(i.e. DIM, DARK, CITY and HIGHWAY) and confir ms Radar
band and signal strength, presence of Laser and sws

messages received.
3. dr k ( Bright/ Dim/ Dark) Button: provides br ight, dark and
fully adjustable dim sett ings of the Text Display for discreet
night travel. Audio aler ts are not affected.
4. aud ( Audio Mute/ Volume Control) Button: provides manual
mut ing of all Radar and sws

aler ts. Pressing and holding the

aud button will change the audio level.
5. c t y ( City/ Highway) Button: choose between Highway mode
or for urban/suburban travel, Cit y X or Cit y All modes.
6. Antenna Opening: Radar and s ws

signals are received by

a patented diecast antenna with integrated transition to
microstrip mixer.
Advanced Pr ot ect ion Syst em
wit h Shadow Technology II
7. Las er Optical Sens ors : collect Laser signals from in front and
8. Audio Alert Speaker: all audible aler ts are emitted from this
locat ion.
9. Power Jack: using the straight or coiled cord, vect or l r
operates in any vehicle with a 13.8 volt d c negat ive ground
system (10.5 volt to 16 volt range).
descr ipt ion of f eat ur es
Power-Up Test Sequence/ Start-up Mo de
Each time your detector is turned o n, vect or l r will perform
a power-up test sequence based upon the Start-Up mode
selected. There are five Start-Up modes of operation plus a
Tutorial mode. Release the pwr button at your chosen selection.
Note Pressing pwr at any t ime during Start-Up will bypass
the sequence.
NORMAL ( Factory pre-set Mode)
Presents Audio and Text Messages for Laser, Ka, K, X and Safety
Warning System (sws

). After this sequence, the status of

Selectable Features is displayed:
CTY X or CTYALL; X/K/KA BAND o n /o f f ;
Au t o m u t e o n /o f f ; SWS o n , SWS o f f ;
SCROLf a s t , SCROLs l o w . Unit is now ready for
operat ion.
MODS ( Modificat ions Mode)
Presents Audio and Text Messages for Laser, Ka, K, X,and
Safet y War ning System followed by the presentat ion of
Selectable Features as chosen by the user.
Q-START ( Quick-Start Mode)
Unit will bypass any for m of a power-up test sequence and
will display CITY or HIGHWAY depending upon the mode
previously selected. Unit is ready for operat ion.
Presents Audio, Text Messages and frequency readout for
Laser, Ka, K, X, and Safet y War ning System. After this test
sequence, the status of Selectable Features is displayed. Tech
Mode gives you the benefit of ident ifying Radar bands and
Laser coupled with the actual frequency received. See sample
messages below:
LASER 900NM; KA 33.4; K 21.150; X 10.525
Presents a cont inuous, digital readout of your vehicles batter y
voltage (10.5 to 16 volt range).Voltage Meter Mode lets you
know if power to your unit falls below 10.5 volts and
consequently, impedes perfor mance to your unit. While
operat ing in Voltage Meter Mode, your unit will display the
C or H confir ming Cit y or Highway mode, and will
provide full aler ts to Radar, Laser and SWS
encountered, while cont inuously monitor ing your batter y
voltage. If voltage r ises above 16.0, the display will flash
HI VOLT unt il condit ion is rect ified. If voltage falls below
10.5 volts, display will flash LOW VOLT unt il condit ion is
rect ified.
The tutor ial mode allows you to become more familiar with
all audible and visual aler ts. The message TUTORIAL
appears in the display followed by the audio and
cor responding Text Message for LASER, Ka AUDIO,
K AUDIO, X AUDIO, sample Radar aler t (K band signal
ramping from weak to strong) and SAFETY WARNING
SYSTEM SAMPLE ALERTS. Three sample sws

messages are
then presented in the display along with the corresponding
Audio Aler t:
While sample messages are playing you can access the
complete list of sws

messages by pressing the ct y button to

move for ward in the list.MSG 1 will appear in the display
confir ming your select ion (to move backward in the list, press
the dr k button). Pressing the aud button allows you to view
the sws

message in the display. Press the ct y button again to

step to the next message; press the aud button to review, and
so on. This allows you to review all 60 messages.
To exit Tutor ial Mode, press the pwr button and your unit
will be o n and ready to receive signals.
Set and Forget Memory
Any time vect or l r is turned o f f or unplugged from the
cigarette lighter socket, all feature settings you have selected are
retained in the units memor y. Set and Forget Memor y
eliminates the need to reset your prefer red feature sett ings
each t ime your unit is tur ned o f f and then back on.
Res et to Factory Settings
You can reset your unit to factor y settings for Start-Up Mode,
volume, dr k, aud, ct y and Selectable Features. To reset, press
and hold the ct y button until the display shows RESET.
Two beepswill sound and your unit will cycle through the
NORMAL Start-Up mode and be on and ready for operation.
dr k ( Bright/ Dim/ Dark) Button
The dr k button allows select ion of a br ight, fully adjustable
dim mode or dark mode. The unit is factor y preset to full
br ight display. To engage dim mode, press and hold the dr k
button. The display will cycle through var ious levels of dim
illuminat ion. Release the button at your chosen level. To
engage dark mode, press the dr k button a second t ime. A
single beep coupled with the br ief illuminat ion of DARK
on the display confir ms your select ion. Youll not ice an H
(Highway mode) or C (Cit y mode) remains dim to confir m
your unit is receiving power. To retur n to a full br ight sett ing,
press the dr k button a third time; two beeps confirm this
selection. Use of the dr k button does not affect audio aler ts.
Important if you press the the dr k button and do not receive
audible confirmat ion, the audio level has been set too low.
aud ( Auto-Mute/ Volume Control) Button
Manual Mut ing of Audio Alerts ( Radar and sws

Whether Auto-Mute is selected o n or o f f in Selectable
Features, the audio aler ts can be completely muted by
pressing the aud button dur ing an aler t. The display will
br iefly show Qu i e t . . No audible aler t will be heard for
approximately 12 seconds. If the signal is st ill present after 12
seconds,the unit will remain in manual mute mode.
Note because Laser alerts are not lengthy or sustained, muting
is not required ( see page )
Volume Cont rol
Press and hold the aud button to engage the volume control.
The Audio level has 9 sett ings. Release the aud button when
you have reached your desired audio sett ing.
c t y ( City/ Highway) Button
The ct y mode has been designed to effect ively reduce
unwanted audio aler ts caused by intr usion alar ms, door
openers, and other devices which share X band with police
Radarwithout reducing sensitivit y. Signals from non-police
Radar sources are frequently encountered in urban and sub-
urban areas, making use of this mode ideal in these areas.
Pressing the ct y button once engages the ct y mode which is
confirmed by CITY in the display coupled with a single audio
beep. Pressing the ct y button a second t ime retur ns you to
highway mode; HIGHWAY will appear in the display coupled
with twobeeps. Once engaged, weak X band signals
encountered will produce no audible aler t unt il the signal
strength reaches a preset level. However, visual aler ts are
processed the instant an X band signal is detected, keeping
you quietly infor med. Since most false X band signals are
weak, the use of the ct y mode allows you to dr ive out of their
range before they reach the preset level and tr igger a full
audio aler t. In contrast, signals from X band traffic Radar are
generally stronger and will exceed the preset level, causing a
full X band audio aler t. Act ivat ing the ct y mode will not
change Super Wideband Ka, K or instant-on X band Radar
aler t patter ns.
Note the ct y mode does not change the presentat ion of alerts
for Laser or sws

Cit y All
Cit y All mode is a Selectable Feature of the vec t or l r
(see Selectable Features page 9). This feature provides an
alter nate approach for improving selectivit y on X, K and
Super Wideband Ka and is ideal for use in areas with a high
level of microwave transmissions which can cause falsing on
all Radar bands.
While in Cit y All mode, vect or l r will provide an init ial
shor t X, K, or Ka audio aler t coupled with visual confirmation
of the band detected and signal strength in the display. No
further audible alert is provided unt il the signal strength
reaches a preset level. When no audio aler t is provided, the
visual aler t keeps you quietly infor med.
Note Once CTY X or CTY ALL is chosen in Selectable
Features the ct y button must to be pressed to engage your
select ion.
sel ec t a bl e f eat ur es
The following features may be selected depending upon your
driving environment and preference.
I Cit y X or Cit y All
I X/K/Ka Band o n or o f f
I Auto-Mute o n or o f f
I Safet y War ning Systemo n or o f f
I Audio/Visual Scroll Rate (f a s t or s l o w)
Cit y X or Cit y All
When CTY X is selected, your unit provides standard X
Band select ivit y which is suitable for most urban areas.
Cit y All provides an increased level of selectivit y on all Bands
and is designed for use in high densit y microwave areas.
Factor y sett ing is CTY X .
Note once CTY X or CTY ALL is chosen in
Selectable Features, the ct y button must be pressed to engage
your select ion.
X/K/Ka Band On or Off
Select X o n /X o f f , K o n /K o f f or Ka o n /Ka o f f
depending upon your dr iving environment and select ivit y
requirements. This mode is especially useful where falsing
may occur and disabling the offending band may be required.
Factor y sett ing is o n for all three Bands.
Auto-Mute On/Off
With Am u t e o n , unit will provide several X, K, Super
Wideband Ka audio aler ts. After the audio aler ts, a clicking
tone keeps you quietly informed for as long as the signal is
present. This clicking becomes more rapid as the strength of
the Radar signal increases. Am u t e o n enables you to
conveniently monitor extended encounters without having to
manually mute or adjust the volume sett ing.
With Am u t e o f f , unit will provide a cont inuous ser ies of
X, K, Super Wideband Ka and Laser audio aler ts. This
standard setting is often preferred when background noise in a
vehicle is loud. Factor y setting is Am u t e o f f .
Note: because of their urgency, Laser alerts are not affected.
Safet y Warning System


When o n, unit will provide a Message when signals from sws

transmitters are detected. Factor y sett ing is o n.

Audio/Visual Scroll Rate
When SCRLs l o w is selected, unit will provide a slow cycling
of audio/visual messages. When SCRLf a s t is selected, unit
will provide a fast cycling of audio/visual messages. Factor y
sett ing is SCRLs l o w .
Instaclear is a registered trademark of the Ford Motor Company.
Electr iClear is a registered Trademark of Libbey, Owens, Ford, and Delco-Remy.
Entering Selectable Features Mo de
1. With the unit o f f , press and hold the ct y button, then press
the pwr button. The word FEATURES will appear in the
display and a shor t audible beep will sound indicat ing you
are now in the Selectable Features Mode.
2. Immediately after the beep, the display will show the status
of the first Selectable Feature (Cit y X or Cit y All).
3. Press the aud button to make your select ion. Press the ct y
button to move to the next Selectable Feature. Repeat the
process until you have made your selection for each
Selectable Feature.
4. Press the pwr button to exit Selectable Features mode. Two
beeps confir m that you have exited this mode and either
HI GHWAY or CITY will be presented in the display, based
on your previous select ion. Your unit is ready for operat ion.
i nst a l l at ion
General Guidelines
Do not mount your unit directly behind windshield wipers or
mir rored sunscreens which block Radar and Laser signals
and substantially reduce warning range. Unlike after market
mir rored sun-screens, regular t inted glass does not affect
Radar reception. Radar signals are also reflected by the heated
windshields known as Instaclear

and Electr iClear

as an opt ion on some vehicles. This t ype of windshield makes
any dash, visor or windshield mounted detector ineffect ive.
(If in doubt, check with an appropr iate dealership to see if
this applies to your vehicle.) To achieve optimum performance,
regardless of which mount ing posit ion you choose, follow the
basic steps on the following page:
1. Consider occupant safet y when selecting a mounting location.
Choose a locat ion where the unit will not be hazardous in
case of an accident.
2. For opt imum detect ion, posit ion your unit with a clear,
unobstr ucted view of the road from the front and rear.
3. Do not allow the unit to make contact with the windshield.
This will eliminate unnecessar y vibrat ion.
4. Avoid placing your unit in direct sunlight. During the summer,
inter ior temperatures of an enclosed vehicle can somet imes
reach temperatures that will cause premature aging of the unit.
5. Your detector is not water proof; exposure to water may cause
damage and your war rant will be void.
Dash Mounting
You can mount your unit to a level area of your vehicles dash
using the hook and loop fastener or the four, non-skid dash
mount ing pads provided.
Windshield Bracket Ass embly
The visor clip is fully
assembled. To assemble the
windshield bracket, follow this
Windshield Mounting
1. Remove the mounting bracket
cover on top of the unit by
pressing on the raised dots
and pushing outward. Store
the cover in a safe place.
2. Clean the selected windshield area, posit ion the suct ion-cup
mount on the windshield, and press fir mly on each suct ion
cup to secure it in place.
3. Use a screwdr iver or a small coin to adjust the angle of the
suct ion-cup mount unt il the base plate is level.
Windshield Bracket Ass embly
4. Slide detector onto base plate unt il it snaps into place.
Note some vehicles have a plastic coating on the inside of the
windshield designed to protect occupants in case of an accident.
Use of the windshield bracket on this t ype of windshield can
permanently mark the surface. Check with your dealer if you
are unsure whether your vehicle is equipped with this t ype of
Vis or Mounting
1. Remove t he mount ing br acket cover by pressing on t he
r aised dot s an d pushing out ward. St ore t he cover in a
safe place.
2. Slide the visor clip onto the top of the detector unt il it snaps
into place. Clip the detector to the edge of the sun visor nearest
the windshield.
Fus e Replacement
1. If the fuse has blown, remove the t ip from the lighter plug
followed by the old fuse. Replace the fuse with a 1-amp, 3AG
fuse. Defeat ing the fuse protect ion can damage your unit or
your vehicles electr ical system and will void your war rant y.
Note the t ip is in two pieces; be careful not to lose either piece
or the spring inside the holder. ( See diagram below).
under st a nding r a da r , l a ser a nd sws

Three Radar Frequencies

Three microwave frequencies have been allocated by the f cc
(Federal Communicat ions Commission) and are used for
traffic Radar. They are:
X band: 10.525 gh z
K band: 24.150 gh z
Super Wideband Ka: 33.4 gh z to 36.0 gh z
Both X and K bands are well known to motor ists who have
traveled with Radar detectors. Introduced first was X band
Radar which became common dur ing the 1960s. In the mid
1970s the lower powered, more difficult to detect K band Radar
was introduced. In 1987, f cc approval was given for Radar
equipment using a third frequency, Ka. In response to this,
bel t r onics introduced the first Radar detectors capable of
detect ing X, K and Ka band signals. In late 1990, f cc approval
was given to Wideband Ka: 34.2 gh z to 35.2 gh z. Once again,
bel responded with Wideband Ka detect ion. Today,
vect or l r detects the complete Super Wideband Ka frequency
allotted for police monitoring33.4 gh z to 36.0 gh z.
Total Tracking Las er

(t t l

Unlike Radar signals, which are highly reflective, Laser signals
have ver y poor reflect ive character ist ics. Many of todays
Laser detectors do not have the high sensit ivit y necessar y to
detect Laser within a large field of view. vect or l r
incor porates bel s number one rated Laser detect ion. Twin
Laser por ts detect energy far outside the main Laser beam
including off-axis signalsproviding the largest achievable
360 field of view. The aler ts provided by your unit are the
same whether signals are received from the front or rear.
Safety Warning System

(s ws

) What is it?
The Radio Associat ion Defending Air wave Rights, Inc.
(r .a .d.a .r .) conceived and developed the Safet y War ning

. The concept behind this system is to war n motor ists

of potential road hazards by employing Safety Warning System

transmitters in areas such as constr uction zones, accident

sites and detours. These sws

t r ansmit ters oper ate wit hin

the 24 gh z por t ion of the K band frequency, and broadcast
uniquely coded signals that are detected by your unit.
i nt er pr et at ion of a l er t s
Radar Alerts
The aler ts provided by your unit are affected both by the t ype
of transmission (cont inuous wave or instant-on), and the
position of the Radar source. Generally, when you drive closer
to a Radar source, the intensit y of the received signal increases,
result ing in the increase of the number of bar graph segments
as well as numer ical digit [19] and a cor responding increase
in the audio aler t rate. Descr ibed below are five common
t ypes of Radar encounters and the aler ts you will t ypically
1. Stat ionary or moving Radar, st raight ahead aimed in your
direct ion.
Since Radar signals travel in a straight line, this Radar
encounter potent ially offers maximum war ning range. Once
the signal is received, the init ial war ning consists of an X, K or
Super Wideband Ka audio aler t coupled with simultaneous
ident ificat ion of the Radar band (X, K or Ka) and signal
strength in the Text Display. The number of bar graph segments
displayed depends upon the strength of the signal received. As
the strength of the Radar signal increases, the audio aler t
becomes more rapid and the bar graph will display the
maximum number of five segments and the digit 9 will also
appear indicat ing maximum signal strength. Assuming the
Radar signal remains uninter r upted, the audible and visual
aler ts will clearly indicate a weak signal becoming stronger
as you dr ive closer to the Radar source. Remember, when the
police Radar source is moving toward you, the Radar signal
strength will increase much more rapidly than if you are
approaching a stat ionar y source.
2. Stat ionary Radar aimed around a corner
Under this circumstance, react ion t ime is considerably
reduced. Since the Radar signals are transmitted across your
line of travel, there is generally no signal available to receive
unt il you are relat ively close to the source. Once an aler t is
received, expect the strength of the signal to increase ver y
quickly. Advanced war ning in this situat ion may be reduced.
3. Stat ionary Radar concealed by the crest of a hill aimed in your
direct ion.
Radar signals travel in a straight line and do not pass through
ear th. Consequently, police Radar aimed at the crest of a steep
hill cannot be received unt il you are at or near the top.
War ning t ime may be minimal (as in situat ion #2) since a
strong signal is not present unt il you are near the crest of the
hill. At this point, you may be nearly in the police officers line
of sight. When crest ing a hill, a weak init ial aler t followed ver y
quickly by a full aler t is t ypical. This aler t pattern requires
prompt attention.
4. Moving Radar behind you, t raveling in the same direct ion.
Police Radar signals transmitted from behind your vehicle
can be received when reflected by objects in front of you
such as large signs, bridges and trucks. As you drive, the size
and configuration of these objects are constantly changing
causing the strength of any reflected Radar signal received to
var y. A strong, uninter r upted aler t indicates the patrol car is
close behind.
Instant-On/ Puls ed Radar
This t ype of signal appears suddenly when a Radar unit is
tr iggered. The instant-on aler t consists of an intense, three
second audio burst, coupled with the t ype of band detected
and flashing of the signal strength bar graph in the display.
Instant-on/pulsed alert to Ka band
Ka 9 I I I I I
Typical Fals e Alert ( Radar)
Ideally, a Radar detector should only aler t in the presence of
police Radar. However, because other devices share X band
with police Radar, false aler ts somet imes occur. Generally, a
false signal produces only a shor t audio and visual aler t. Since
they are most often weak, it is possible to dr ive out of the
signals range ver y quickly and receive only a br ief aler t.
Although many t imes the probable source of the false signal
can be ident ified (super market, bank, commercial building,
etc.), caut ion is advised unt il the source can be confir med.
The X band aler t patter n caused by a non-police source can
look like the init ial aler t produced by actual police Radar.
For this reason appropr iate act ion is required any t ime an
aler t is received.
Las er Alerts
When Laser is detected, the display will flash LASER
coupled with a distinct Laser audio aler t. If a vehicle is a long
distance from the source of Laser pulses, fewer pulses will
generally be received. The closer the vehicle is to the source of
Laser pulses, the greater the likelihood of receiving a steady
stream of Laser pulses. The reason for this is the aiming
stabilit y of the Laser gun and the fact that it is difficult to hold
the gun absolutely st ill. Any movement of the gun results in
motion of the beam at the target. The fur ther the target, the
greater the displacement of the beam and the shor ter the dwell
t ime of the beam at the target point. Therefore, there is the
possibility of receiving only a few Laser pulses. Due to these
character ist ics, all Laser aler ts should be taken ser iously.
Safety Warning System

(s ws

) Alerts
With the Safet y War ning System

feature o n and an sws

transmitter in use, your detector will provide a unique, 2 second


tone coupled with a Safet y War ning System

categor y
word (i.e. Ha z d Zo n e indicat ing Highway Hazard Zone
Advis ory) to quickly or ient you to the t ype of situat ion
ahead. This introductor y message is followed by a specific Text
Message (i.e. SHARP CURVE AHEAD) The display will
cont inue to present the message and provide the clicking
tone for as long as an sws

signal is detected. If two separate


messages are received, each message is presented twice

before the beeps resume.
You can replay the last sws

message received by pressing

the dr k button within 30 seconds of receiving an sws

aler t.
Note the end of a multiple word sws

message is indicated by
an asterisk.
Abbreviated s ws

Category Words
Hw y Wo r k
confirms Highway Const ruct ion/Maint enance
( messages 111)
Ha z d Zo n e
confirms Highway Haz ard Zone Adv isory
( messages 1331)
We a t h e r
confirms Weat her Relat ed Haz ard s
( messages 3341)
Tr a v I n f o
confirms Travel Informat ion/Convenience
( messages 4359)
Mo v i n g
confirms Emergency/Slow Mov ing Vehicles in t ransit
( messages 6164)
Me s s a g e Un k n o w n
confirms incomplet e or unknown messages
Note for a complete listing of the five Safet y Warning System

categories and corresponding messages, please refer to the Safet y

Warning Syst em

Alert Card enclosed with your manual.

per f or ma nce ver i f icat ion
Conditions that Affect Radar Alerts
If you feel your unit is not aler ting properly, keep in mind that
there are many condit ions that influence the intensit y or
durat ion of an aler t:
1. The police are using instant-on/pulsed Radar, in which case
no signal is transmitted unt il visual contact has been made
with your vehicle. For detect ion of this signal, you must rely
on reflected signals from Radar directed at traffic traveling
ahead of you.
2. The police Radar unit is posit ioned per pendicular to the road,
around a cur ve, or just over the crest of a hill thus significantly
reducing the recept ion range.
3. The highway traffic between your vehicle and the police Radar
source is heavy. This blocks/reflects transmitted signals. The
presence of several large tr ucks between you and the police
Radar unit could also significantly reduce recept ion.
4. Rain or humid weather condit ions can absorb transmitted
signals before they reach your vehicle, again reducing detection
5. The police Radar unit is not properly tuned and is transmitting
outside the f cc allocated X, K or Super Wideband Ka frequency
Conditions that Affect Las er Alerts
If you feel your unit is not properly aler t ing to the presence of
Laser signals, keep in mind that rain, fog, high humidit y and
traffic condit ions can affect the range that the Laser beam can
be detected.
t r oubl esh oot i ng
Solutions for Common Problems
If your unit is not operat ing properly, please refer to the
outline below.
Problem Possible Caus e Corrective Pro cedure
Unit not Plug not properly inser ted Reinser t plug and rotate
receiving power
Fuse in power cord is Replace with 1 amp
defect ive 250 Volt 3a g fuse (see page 13)
Lighter socket not clean Consult your dealer or a
and negat ively grounded professional mechanic
Fuse or electr ical wir ing Consult your dealer or a
for lighter socket defect ive professional mechanic
Poor detect ion Antenna/lens opening Reposit ion unit with
range par t ially blocked unobstr ucted view of
road ahead and behind.
Radar signals unable to Deter mine whether
pass through windshield your vehicle has a
heated windshield
known as Instaclear

or Electr iClear

, or
is covered with a
metallic sun screen.
Er rat ic or frequent High concentrat ion of Use ct y mode
aler ts non-police X band sources
Review sect ion in this
manual on Performance
Verificat ion
Par t ial or no display Dim or dark mode engaged Disengage dim or
dark mode
If you exper ience a problem with your unit that is not covered
in this outline please call, Monday to Fr iday, 9 a m5 pm est ,
for assistance:
1-800-341-2288 usa
1-800-268-3994 ca na da
c onsumer wa r r a nt y
3-year Warranty
1. This warranty covers all defects in materials and workmanship.
This war rant y does not apply if the unit has been subject to
physical abuse, improper installat ion, modificat ion, or if the
housing or ser ial number of the unit has been removed.
2. The enforceabilit y of this war rant y is limited to the or iginal
consumer purchaser and is not transferable to, or enforceable
by, any subsequent owner.
3. In the event of a defect, malfunction or other failure to conform
to this war rant y, BELTRONICS will, at its sole discret ion, repair
or replace the unit at no charge. You are responsible for all
shipping costs in connection with warrant y ser vice pursuant
to this war rant y.
4. This war rant y commences on the date of retail purchase and
shall be effect ive for a per iod of three years.
5. There are no express war rant ies cover ing the unit other than
those set for th in this war rant y. All implied war rant ies are
limited to the per iod of this war rant y and no war rant ies,
expressed or implied, extend beyond this per iod. Some states
do not allow limitat ion on how long an implied war rant y
lasts, so the above limitat ion may not apply to you.
6. BELTRONICS will in no event be liable for any consequent ial,
incidental, indirect or special damages (including, but not
limited to, lost profits) ar ising out of or in connect ion with
the use, misuse, or funct ion of the unit. Some states do not
allow the exclusion of limitat ion of incidental or consequen-
t ial damages, so the above limitat ion or exclusion may not
apply to you.
7. This war rant y gives you specific legal r ights, and you may
also have other r ights which var y from state to state.
8. You must provide a copy of a dated sales receipt for your unit
in order to receive ser vice under warrant y.
ser vice
Warranty Service
If you feel your detector is not funct ioning properly please
review this manual, par t icularly the sect ion on Performance
Verificat ion. If you st ill feel ser vice is required, please follow
these instr uct ions.
1. To obtain ser vice dur ing the war rant y per iod, please call the
appropr iate number below to obtain an RA number and
shipping instr uct ions. Remember to retur n your detector
postage paid, insured and in suitable packaging.
1-800-341-2288 usa
1-800-268-3994 ca n
2. For your own protect ion, obtain a proof of deliver y receipt.
Shipping costs are your responsibilit y.
3. Enclose with your unit the following infor mat ion:
(a) Your name, complete retur n address and wr itten
descr ipt ion of the problem. (No p. o. box please.)
(b) A telephone number where you can be reached dur ing
regular business hours.
(c) A copy of your dated sales receipt.
Post-Warranty Service
The following ar rangements apply if the war rant y per iod has
expired or you are not able to provide a copy of your dated
sales receipt indicat ing purchase within the last thir t y-six
1. Retur n your unit to the appropr iate address under Warrant y
Service and follow steps 1through 3(b) outlined in that section.
2. Enclose with your unit $85 us or $115 Canadian to cover
inspect ion and postage retur n. Pr ices subject to change
without not ice.
a c cessor i es
If you require any addit ional accessor ies, replacement
accessor ies or any accessor y which is not included with your
unit, call to order or for more information, Monday to Friday,
._o :x._o ix is+.
1-800-341-2288 usa 1-800-268-3994 ca na da
l i st of a c cessor i es
mo de l c o s t c o s t
de s c r i pt i o n numbe r us a c a na da
Suct ion Cup Kit (2) da -6 $ 3.95 $ 4.95
Straight Power Cord (4') da -16 $ 9.95 $ 11.95
Coiled Power Cord (6') da -17 $ 11.95 $ 16.95
Power Cord Fuses (2) da -19 $ 3.95 $ 5.95
Hook & Loop Fastener da -20 $ 2.95 $ 3.95
Visor Bracket da -48 $ 9.95 $ 11.95
Windshield Bracket da -702 $ 11.95 $ 16.95
4 Non-Skid Dash
Mounting Pads da -1000 $ 2.95 $ 3.95
Protect ive Travel Case da -62 $ 13.95 $ 19.95
Owners Manual vect or l r n/c n/c
Head Office
2422 Dunwin Drive
Mississauga, Ontario
Canada L5L 1J9
Tel: (905) 828-1002 Fax: (905) 828-2951
This product is subject to one or more of the following patents:
u.s.p. #4,571,593 #4,939,521 #5,402,087 #5,600,132
#4,625,210 #4,952,936 #5,446,923
#4,630,054 #4,961,074 #5,587,916
c.p. #1,187,586 #1,295,714
#1,187,602 #1,295,715 Other Patents Pending
Safety Warning System l .c.Patents Pending
, Fundamental Mixer Technology, f mt and Shadow Technology are registered
trademarks of BELTRONICS. Vect or LR, Total Tracking Laser and t t l are trademarks
of BELTRONICS. Safety Warning Systemis a registered trademark of Safety Warning
System l .c. SWS is a trademark of Safety Warning Systeml .c.
Printed in Canada 273003-76
Pr ices subject to change without not ice.

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