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General Psychology _______________________________

CLASS SYLLABUS I. COURSE OVERVIEW Course Code: GEPSYCH Course Title: General Psychology Pre-requisite: None Pre-requisite to: None Type of Course: General Faculty: NORA ALMIRA I. AGPASA, M.A. Section: FMA9 & FT1

overview and approach in the study of personality and the factors influencing its development. IV. COURSE CONTENTS A. The Science of Psychology 1. Historical Background 2. Goals of Psychology 3. Fields of Specialization 4. Viewpoints in Psychology 4.1. Schools of Thought 4.2. Contemporary Approaches B. Growth Development 1. Principles of heredity and development 2. Significant characteristics and patterns behavior according to: 2.1. Freuds Psychosexual Development 2.2. Eriksons Psychosocial Development 2.3. Piagets Cognitive Development 2.4. Kolbergs Moral Development C. Physiological Basis of Behavior/ SENSATION 1. The Nervous System 2. Left Brain- Right Brain Dominance 3. Intelligence and its assessment D. Perception & ASC GROUP 1 & 2 1. Nature of Perception 2. Factors that influence Perception 3. Organizational patterns 3.1. Principles of organization 3.2. Optical Illusions 4. 5 Examples of ASC Sleep, dreams, meditation, hypnosis and psychoactive drugs E. LEARNING & CONDITIONING / MEMORY & FORGETTING / GROUP 3 & 4 1. Definition & Nature 2. Theories of Learning & Conditioning A. Classical B. Operant C. Behaviorism, shaping D. Cognitive & Social Learning 3. Types of Memory A. Sensory memory B. Short term Memory C. Long term Memory 4. Forgetting


Term (S.Y.): 2ND TERM SY 2011-2012 Room: MAIN AND SDA II. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides an introduction in the understanding of human behavior. This course espouses the constructivists view that knowledge is constructed. The highlight of this course is the problem-based learning activities given every 2 chapters. This problem based learning activities are supplemented with the online learning environment and other technology-based instructional materials to further motivate students in exploring and applying the basic psychological principles in understanding self, relationships with others and interactions with social groups. III. COURSE OBJECTIVES At the end of the term, the students are expected to: Identify the different factors that affects the behavior of a human person; 2. Come up with his/her own understanding of why human beings behave as they do; 3. Create an action plan on how one can modify or improve ones behavior as an individual who goes through life; 4. Demonstrate the following skills: 4.1. Trace briefly the historical development of psychology. 4.2. Enumerate the goals of psychology in general. 4.3. Compare and contrast the different schools of thought in psychology. 4.4. Explain the different life stages and issues of human development. 4.5. Recommended activities that can lead an adolescent to identify achievement. 4.6. Assess behaviors that indicates identity achievement. 4.7. Create a personal mission statement in light of different theories of developmental stages. 4.8. Come up with a criteria in having a mature outlook on human sexuality. 4.9. Come up with a comprehensive 1.

F. MOTIVATION & EMOTION GROUP 5 & 6 E.1 . Motivation 1. Cycle of motivation 2. Classification of motives 3. Principles of motivation 4. Maslows hierarchy of needs E.2 Emotion 1. Nature of emotions 2. Classification of Motives 3. Managing emotions of harnessing Emotions productively 4. Empathy: reading emotions

5. Handling relationships G. Personality & Disorders GROUP 7 1. Nature of Personality 2. Factors influencing personality development 2.1. Nature 2.2. Nurture 3. Approaches in viewing personality 3.1. Psychodynamic Model 3.2. Behavioristic Model 3.3. Humanistic Model 3.4. Existential Model 3.5. Transactional Analysis Model H.. Mental Health and Adjustment Groups 8 1. Stress 1.1. Nature 1.2. Sources 2. Adjustment and Frustration 3. Conflicts 3.1. Nature 3.2. Types 4. Coping Mechanisms 5. Defense Reaction to Frustration

All students enrolled in this subject are required to take both the midterms and final exams. F. Computation of Final Grade Midterm Grade + Prefinal Grade 2 VI. GENERAL REFERENCES Coon. D. Introduction to Psychology: Exploration Application. California, 1995 and

Lahey, B.B. Psychology, An Introduction. Wisconsin: Brown and Benchmark Publication, 1995 Lefton, L. Psychology (5th edition). Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1999 Simons, J. Psychology Test Bank for Lefton. Boston: Allyn and Bacon 1999 Plotnik, R. Introduction to Psychology. California:Brooks Cole Wadsworth, 1999 The, L. and Macapagal, Ma. E (ed.). Readings in General Psychology. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 1999 Websites

BONUS TOPICS: H.1 Social Influence 1. The presence of others 2. compliance and obedience 3. Group interaction H.2 Social Cognition 1. Impression Formation 2. Attitudes 3. Interpersonal attraction 4. modes of Social Cognition I a site about adolescent concerns and problems and Eriksons explanation of psychological changes that transpires in life transitions. a website with discussion about the different theories of human development. shtml - a site discussion the issues in each psychosocial stages of development with descriptions, as well as positive / negative outcomes. Please Understand Me. An explanation of some aspects of the Myers - Briggs Temperament Scale Inventory. MBTI explanations of choosing partner, mating and temperament. - a site about the different theories of personality. - This is a vast collection of psychology resources from Research, Developmental and Abnormal Psychology. NOTE: OTHER REQUIREMENTS IS/ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS PER AGREED IN THE CLASS. Consultation Time: Email add: [email protected]/ and SMS Department/Main Consultation hours: CLASS HOURS OR BY APPOINTMENT

V. COURSE REQUIREMENT AND GRADING SYSTEM A. Regular Attendance (10%) All students of this subject are required to attend all the sessions scheduled for the term. STUDENTS WHO WENT BEYOND THE ALLOWABLE NUMBER OF ABSENCES WILL AUTOMATICALLY FAIL THE COURSE (REGARDLESS OF HIS/ HER STANDING IN OTHER COURSE REQUIREMENTS). B. ORAL REPORT (15%) C. Individual Quizzes (20%) All students are required to take a total of 10 quizzes (or 5 for each half term) for the whole duration of the term. D. Group Project (20%) Students are required to pass two group-based projects for the whole duration of the course. E. Major Exams (30%)

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