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Messages of Love and Inspiration from the Future

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We Asked Our Readers: If You Were Living 100 Years in the Future in the Year 2109, and You Could Send a Message to People Living in the Year 2009 What Would You Say?
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Please click here to watch A Message from The Future video with captions.

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The Message
"You must wake up and take back responsibility for yourselves." "If you could step outside your perceptions for a moment you could see... ...that the vastness of the Universe is teeming with possibilities... ...and even the future that I come from can be changed now." "You must look into yourselves. You need to slow down, so you can learn quicker! Meditate, pray to your higher being and follow your intuition. If you begin to do these things NOW you will find a new future opening up for you ...a great future."

"Take heart because when the times get hard we tend to go back to our roots in ourselves... ...We start to find what really is important in our lives and it is not just stuff." "Loving, healing, sharing, communicating, caring, simply being and so much more, are all only possible in the 'living now'... ...It is our real connection to everything" "Think and dream big. Every person changes the world in some way. Make your contribution a big one" "Your mind is a very powerful and sophisticated vehicle. Learn to use the rest of that untapped 90% that limits you from true freedom" "Pay attention to dreams and children, there is wisdom to be learned if you choose to see." "Continue to take care of your own DNA and that of your children... eliminating toxins, relieving stress, and eating natural foods." "You have the choice of how you live this experience. Choose wisely and Be accordingly." "Avoid regret rather strive for progress. Above all, treat everyone; young or old, rich or poor, black or white with courtesy, love and respect" "You are a being with infinite amounts of potential. Once you accept this truth, the world outside of you will just be a reflection of who you really are inside. Choose not to accept the human limitations and disempowering conditionings of your time. Choose to acknowledge what is... ...allow yourself to experience the moment, and appreciate every aspect of life that you create. Remember to Re-member yourself." "Believe in yourself. Believe in your innate power. Know that every time you believe and really feel it, creation alters herself by bending to your will. Keep up the belief and soon the trees will bow in your presence. Ending war is possible if enough people truly believe it has already ended and hold onto this vision. A single person in every city and town of the world holding the same vision puts it into warp speed. Believe and reinvent the fine art of pretending as if its real." "Believe that we are all connected. Across continents, across time, we are connected by the simple fact that we exist... ...whether in struggle or harmony on Earth. Believe that love is the ultimate good. Love creates and nurtures. Give and receive love and work towards a better future." "Live in joy. Love unconditionally. The Ripple effect is amazing!" "Decide now to become one with universal consciousness in all human endeavors. Aspire to higher spirituality, greater awareness & peaceful serenity. Stop quibbling and bickering over triviality. You cannot imagine the glory, beauty, and soulful freedom that await you." "Fear not. The best is yet to come."

"You tended to that which supported your life force, fed it with truth and when you learned how to do this... taught your children from the cradle, and they in turn taught theirs, thank you, we are here because you did this." "My era is grand and beautiful. The world is peaceful and safe ...You are part of the quest that gave rise to it. This journey will be long and sometimes trying; even now it isnt yet over. Dont lose hope. Dont fear. Tomorrow is coming. You will create it." "Those of the Light do not be discouraged your heart filled diligence to spread the Great Love... ...and awaken humanity to a passionate and joyful way of being, transformed the world in ways you did imagine. The energies of Oneness, Peace, Love and Gratitude abound in a world where every Being is having a glorious grand adventure. We love you. "We have no borders or boundaries, no bombs or guns. We all live together as one. You must understand that we are all but one. "Be Renegades for truth, justice and humanity" "If we all work together as one with unconditional love for humanity we can accomplish anything" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Where is the message from? From You... We asked our Evolution Ezine readers "If you were living 100 years in the future and could send back a message to humanity today, what would it be?" You answered and we put 23 of your messages together to create 1 united message. Individually, you are amazing. Together, we are truly powerful...

Messages From The Future

Reader Contribution:
Hello 2009. I know you have had a rough year. But take heart because when the times get hard we tend to go back to our roots in ourselves. We start to find what really is important in our lives and it is not just stuff. So if you have read this and times are hard please just stay with in yourself and be happy that better things are to come I hope this message helps you to see what is really important bye from 2109 and thanks for finding your way so I could have the life that I have had. Contributed by Charles

Challenges Give Birth to Great Opportunity

When were in the midst of challenges it can be hard to remember that they are temporary. We get stuck in feelings of fear and powerlessness and struggle and we forget that our reaction to these hardships can either make them better or worse. If we react with anger, resistance, denial or anxiety, we are sure to keep the problems going, or even make them worse by taking hasty actions born from fear. If we instead see problems as an opportunity to reflect and reconnect with our inner selves, the problems turn into gateways for building something even better. When challenges come knocking on our door, a wise first move is to recognize it for what it is: a situation that can play out in many different ways. Rather than assuming that the universe is punishing us for something weve done wrong; rather than assuming that disaster is just around the corner; rather than assuming that all is lost, we can simply look that challenge right in the face and say, You have no power over me. A wise second move is to look within ourselves and acknowledge any role that we played in the creation of the circumstances that birthed the challenge. Have we been ignoring our intuitive insights? Have we been trying to force outer conditions to adhere to our wishes? Have we been unclear about what we want? Through a period of inner reflection and surrender to the universe, we often open ourselves to the perfect solutions to make the challenges fade away or at least find ways to accept and deal with them effectively. Before long, we realize that our willingness to face our challenges and trust the universe has opened the door to a new period of clarity, meaning and growth in all areas of our lives.

Change is Constant . . . Within and Without

Reader Contribution:
Change is the only constant, therefore change your mindset (attitude and actions) and you change your future (expectations and outcome). You cannot change the past, you can only alter the present so that your then wont be a repeat of your now. Therefore live like this is your last day on earth, avoid regret rather strive for progress, above all treat everyone; young or old, rich or poor, black or white with courtesy, love and respect in this lifes greatest lessons are learned and its greatest riches unfold- Contributed by dshawn101

Its easy to forget that we cannot stop change from happening all around us. Many of us resist that truth because we feel more comfortable with people, places and things that are familiar to us. Unfortunately, our fear of change is usually responsible for many of our negative emotions each day, like feelings of helplessness, anger and frustration. Trying to stop things in our outer lives from changing is like trying to stop the oceans tide from coming in. We are fighting against forces far bigger and stronger than we are. That may sound defeatist, but we are not powerless in the face of change far from it! The secret lies in knowing how to change ourselves rather than trying to control everyone and everything around us. If we can learn how to adapt from within whenever we are faced with a situation that makes us feel uncomfortable, we will become masters at handling change gracefully, joyously and eagerly. But how? The first step is to acknowledge that trying to control outer circumstances is an exercise in futility. That may sound easy but youd be surprised how much resistance many of us have to that truth. The second step is to accept that things are the way they are in our lives, and remember that they do not always have to be this way. While it may not be possible to avoid changes that seem negative at first glance, we do have the power to call forth many more wonderful changes to balance the negatives out. The third and final step is to remember that everything you think, say, believe and do right now in each moment is actually paving the path to your future. There is great power in working each day to get your thoughts into a positive place, letting go of regrets, changing limiting or self-defeating beliefs, and forgiving those who have wronged you so you can let go of the pain and move forward feeling whole and happy. This process of inner transformation is not a one-time event; it will continue as you grow and learn for the rest of your life. But with each passing day your thoughts will become clearer, your inner strength even stronger, and your enthusiasm for the next amazing phase on your journey will grow bigger than you ever thought possible.

Acting From Love and Letting Go

Reader Contribution:
My era is grand and beautiful. The world is peaceful and safe. Poverty is virtually eradicated. Middle Eastern issues were solved with the cultural explosion now called the Muslim renaissance. Amazing scientific and technological discoveries have been made. Humans live sustainably, harmoniously with nature. Love and joy are abundant. This is not only my world. You have a claim to it. You are part of the quest that gave rise to it. This journey will be long and sometimes trying; even now it isnt yet over. Dont lose hope. Dont fear. Tomorrow is coming. You will create it. Contributed by Elithian

Can you imagine how motivating it would be to receive confirmation from the future that our present efforts have helped change the world for the better? Often, people who are working for the greater good end up feeling disillusioned and defeated because they cannot see immediate results from their efforts. They may start out feeling inspired and eager to help make a difference, but when nothing outwardly seems to be changing, they may think that they arent making a difference after all and give up. When it comes to large goals that take many years to complete, we cant allow an apparent lack of results stop us. There is simply too much at stake and the consequences are too vast. There is a way to overcome feelings of disillusionment however, and that is by acting from a sense of love and a desire to make a difference, and then letting go. Letting go means trusting that our positive thoughts and actions have made a difference, even if we cant see that yet. Even if the changes wont be obvious for another one hundred or two hundred years, we have to trust that they will become obvious at some point and simply stay focused on taking the actions that feel right to us now. Rather than expecting immediate miracles, we can hold an inner expectation that everything we do is making a difference. We can see our actions as laying an important foundation upon which growth and progress can happen later. We can see our actions as a labor of love that makes us feel good that were doing what we can. Keeping a detached attitude like this is the surest way to a successful outcome, no matter how long it takes to become obvious.

NOW is All We Have

Reader Contribution:
Truth is, We have all been to the future as we have all been to the past, I can say unequivocally that now is the time ever. Loving, healing, sharing, communicating, caring, simply being and so much more, are all only possible in the living now it is our real connection to everything. without a doubt the time machine is a marvel of the ages, a work of genius in applied quantum mechanics, physics, electrical engineering and who knows what! It is interesting though, is it not, that anyone who has taken the so called ride of the ages is so much more appreciative of the now than those without the experience. Many a participant has stepped out of the machine looking both wide eyed and full of wonder like children . This being Christmas Eve allow me to share with you this present through which all change comes. Such is our manifest destiny. Contributed by Eduard

Many of us have a habit of expending our energy in two directions: past and future. We focus on the past with regret, anger or resentment; and we look toward the future with hope, determination and excitement. But we often forget to focus on now; this moment. Recent scientific theories tell us that there is no past or future there is only now. All possible realities and experiences are actually happening simultaneously, just in alternate dimensions. If you were to accept this as the truth, how might it affect the way you live your life today? Would you stop worrying about things that happened in the past? Would you stop trying to control the future? Would you let go of old hurts and grudges and fears and instead just focus on enjoying this present moment? One of the reasons people often resist living in the present moment is that they believe they must control the future by taking specific actions today. This perception comes from our linear view of the universe seeing the past, present and future as consecutive events. What we often fail to realize is that by making THIS moment the best it can be, we automatically lend that energy to creating a better future. The happier we are, the more love we share, the more kindness and compassion we can express to others, the more we focus on the blessings we have right NOW we carry that positive energy into every moment in our future too. We dont have to purposely try to control the future because our thoughts, actions and attitudes right now will keep echoing and replicating into every aspect of our future lives.

Slowing Down and Listening

Reader Contribution:
Hello folks! This is Shell from the year 2109! Ill bet your really surprised to hear from me today. Im sending this message so you know the world has hope, that there is a future. There are a lot of you feeling desperate right now. Some of you are afraid the world is ending; others are afraid there job will soon end; yet others are just plain scared. This message is to tell you there is hope! BUT, you must look into yourselves. You need to slow down, so you can learn quicker! Meditate, pray to your higher being (god for me), and follow your intuition. If you begin to do these things NOW you will find a new future opening up for youa great future2109 is beautiful. We have clean air, no worries, a great economy and abundant JOY. And all we did to get here was to: Relax, take your time, meditate and listen to your inner self. Learn to trust yourself and you will be better able to trust others in turn. Contributed by Marshell Russell

Imagine if you had a wise and loving advisor that could tell you how to create your best possible life. What if this advisor always had the perfect answer to every question, even before you could ask it? What if this advisor didnt charge you a cent for his or her wisdom and guidance? Would you seek the insight of this advisor frequently? Most of us would! Believe it or not, you DO have the ability to consult this advisor any time you like. He or she is always with you it is your intuition! Intuition can be a confusing concept for some people because they havent had a lot of practice using it. Theyre not sure how to tell if theyre really getting an intuitive insight, or if they are imagining things. Theyre afraid to trust their intuition because they might be misinterpreting the signals. Has this been your experience too? Learning to work with your intuition isnt hard but like anything else, regular practice is required. The more you consistently tune in and use your intuition, the more easily you will be able to discern between random thoughts and true intuitive insights. The best way to get started is by sitting quietly each morning and having a meeting with your intuition. Spend a few minutes getting very relaxed, breathing deeply, and then turn your attention inward. Ask questions regarding issues you would like to receive insight on, such as: Is accepting this new job the best move for me right now? What can I do to heal my relationship with my spouse? How can I increase my income and provide more security for my family? After asking each question, sit quietly and wait for an answer. The answer may come through a mental image, a spark of an idea, a feeling in your gut, or even a sense of immediately knowing the right course of action. If no answers come right away, do your best to surrender the situation and they will likely show up at a later time. Learning how to use and strengthen your intuition is one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself and doing so will benefit future generations too, because your intuition can easily guide you to the solutions to every issue, problem and challenge that relates to the world and humanity as a whole.

Connecting With Your Inner Self

Reader Contributions:
The message I would send back is to have more people help others to realize that they indead do have a higher self(spirit if you like)and that if we all work together as one with unconditional love for humanity we can accomplish anything. Contributed by Ralph Endeavour to discover God (SELF), within, without and all around you! Contributed by Alpha Omega

Some might say that the state of our world today is a result of people becoming disconnected from their inner selves. We have a lot of distractions in our modern-day society cell phones, heavy traffic and long commutes, hectic work schedules, busy social schedules, family obligations, community obligations, volunteer work and more. In such a fast-paced routine its easy to feel as if we have no time for spiritual pursuits like meditation or reflection. But its when life is at its busiest that we really NEED that time to reconnect to our source. You may call your source God, spirit, universal energy, or even love, but the concept is the same; it is the part of you that transcends the physical. Its the part of you that is always connected to a higher source of spiritual energy. When you become disconnected from this part of yourself, it shows clearly in both internal and external ways. Inwardly you may notice an increasing sense of emptiness or loneliness, feelings of anger or victimization, and a yearning for something deeper that you cant explain. Outwardly, you may notice that your relationships seem distant or dissatisfactory; you may feel disinterested in your work, tired of the daily grind, and experience physical symptoms like random aches, pains, and fatigue. All of these symptoms can be signs that you are not allowing the energy of your spirit to be fully present. The good news is that it doesnt take much effort to remedy that. Simply sitting quietly in meditation or spiritual reflection for a few minutes each day can go a long way in reconnecting with your spiritual center. Once you strengthen that inner connection, everything else seems to mend more easily too. Rather than depleted, you feel joyful. Rather than angry, you feel peaceful. Rather than stressed, you feel empowered. What kind of future can be created by joyful, peaceful, empowered people? Were betting on a breathtaking one!

The Power of the Ripple Effect

Reader Contribution:
LIVE in JOY, LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY NOW!! The Ripple effect is amazing!! Contributed by Anna Banguilan

Have you ever considered how your day-to-day attitude and actions affect the world in a broader sense? Most of us have the perception that we are islands unto ourselves, but the truth is that we are interconnected with everyone and everything on the planet. People, animals, plants, rocks, insects, water everything animate and inanimate has a life force. The life force in every one of these things reaches out and mingles with the life force of everything else, communicating and sharing energy back and forth. That means that everything you say and do even everything you think has an effect on the people, animals and objects around you. Keeping this in mind, you can see how a negative attitude or fearful thoughts might create a ripple effect that carries waves of negativity to everyone and everything that you encounter while in that state of mind. For example, have you ever noticed that you tend to attract people and experiences that mirror how you are feeling at the time? When you feel irritated, you attract more irritating people and events. When you feel happy, you attract people and events that amplify your happiness. You could call this mysterious magnetism the law of attraction, or you could simply see it as a ripple effect what goes around, comes around. Just like tossing a pebble into a still body of water, you can see tiny waves rippling out from the center of impact. The question to ask yourself is, what kind of pebbles am I tossing into my life? If most of your pebbles are negative in tone, the ripples that go out from you will be negative too, and negativity must come back. But you can just as easily choose to color your pebbles with joy, love and kindness and joy, love and kindness must come rippling back to you in endless wonderful ways. Creating a conscious habit of spreading joy, love, kindness, encouragement and peace everywhere you go can have a powerful effect on the world in general, simply because your life force energy will ripple out to influence others. They, in turn, will spread that positive energy to still more people, and those people will spread it to still more people and those ripples will make their way around the entire globe! The result: massive positive change, all because you cared enough to improve the quality of your thoughts, words and actions.

Living With Passion

Reader Contribution:
Do it, be it, live it, LOVE it!!! Contributed by Josh Holmes

Have you ever noticed that many people tend to get stuck in focusing on the problems of the world? They obsess about the excessive use of resources; they wallow in feelings of sadness and helplessness for those who are suffering; and they allow outer expressions of misery and hardship to paralyze them which does nothing but make them feel even more powerless. Its understandable why people form these habits of negative focus; they believe that the solution must be there somewhere if they can just focus hard enough to see it. But they forget that the solution never exists in the same place as the problem. To find the solutions, we must turn our attention away from the problems. That doesnt mean ignoring problems and doing nothing about them. It means rising above the thinking that created the problems in the first place and connecting with our inner passion to create something better. When you are passionate about something, you flow tremendous amounts of energy toward it have you ever noticed that? For example, you may be passionate about a creative activity like painting, photography, or gardening. While you are immersed in this activity you lose all track of time and you feel invigorated and energetic. As a result, the physical actions you take seem to flow easily. It doesnt feel like work; it feels like fun. This same concept can be applied to the resolution of any and all problems just stop focusing on the problem and start feeling passionate about finding and applying the solution! Rather than feeling helpless about world hunger, what if you were passionate about finding ways to feed the hungry? Rather than feeling frightened about violence and terrorism, what if you were passionate about spreading a message of peace and harmony? What if, by flowing your own powerful, passionate energy toward the solutions, you inspired others around the world to do the same? Can you imagine the power of such a movement over the span of 100 years? Do it, be it, live it, love it a perfect example of the kind of passion can move mountains!

Loving Yourself, Changing the World

Reader Contribution:
If you have high self esteem, you can accomplish anything. There are many books and other products, such as subliminal CDs that can help you accomplish this. Think and dream big, because with high self esteem, you can do it! Every person changes the world in some way. Make your contribution a big one that is highly satisfactory to you. Contributed by Helon Clay

You may have heard it said that you cant love others until you truly love yourself first. The problem is that many of us are taught that loving ourselves means being vain or conceited, so we learn to downplay our brilliance. Not only do we downplay it, we eventually stop recognizing it altogether. At its core, low self-esteem simply means not liking yourself very much and obviously, not liking yourself definitely means you dont love yourself. You may think that this would only affect you, but it actually has a powerful impact on everyone you touch. Everything you say and do stems from the perception you hold of yourself. If you dont like yourself or love yourself, you probably cant recognize your own talents and abilities. And if you dont recognize those talents and abilities, you will hold back using them to their fullest possible extent, which means you will give less to the world than you could. Sadly, all of the people you could have touched in your lifetime will not receive the gift of love, insight, encouragement, compassion or guidance that would have helped them not only improve their own lives but would have helped them reach out to help others too. Building your self-esteem is a powerful way to increase the impact you have on the world around you. When you feel good about yourself, you are more confident. You are more loving toward others. You feel inspired and eager to make a difference, and you dont hesitate to take action to make a difference. When you truly love yourself, you will find that people, resources and opportunities are magnetically drawn to you from every possible direction and you become much more empowered to live a life that contributes immensely to the world in endless ways. Learning to love yourself isnt as hard as it may seem simply start by liking yourself. Make a list of your positive qualities. Think about the good things you have accomplished in the past. Say to yourself regularly, Im a good person. I have a lot to offer the world. People like me, and I like myself. Over time, liking yourself will gently and naturally turn into genuine, healthy self-love.

Caring for Yourself and Future Generations

Reader Contributions:
Thank you for making it possible for us to be here! Continue to take care of your own DNA and that of your children, by eliminating toxins, relieving stress, and eating natural foods. Carry on the importance of love so that your great grandchildren will not destroy themselves, but instead prosper and become blessings to everyone else. Contributed by Stacy You understood that you are responsible for your own life force, and when you understood that as truth you cleaned up the mess that not being aware of this responsibility created. You tended to that which supported your life force, fed it with truth and when you learned how to do this, you taught your children from the cradle, and they in turn taught theirs, thank you, we are here because you did this. Contributed by Kerry

Self-care is something that many of us fail to devote a proper amount of attention to yet it is one major thing that can help us lead happier, healthier, more productive lives. Our lack of attention to self-care is often the result of skewed priorities. We allow our work, family obligations and chores to take priority over our own well-being. The problem with doing this is that over time we end up depleting ourselves far beyond our reserves of strength and vitality so we are consistently running on empty. To compensate, we rely on stimulants and chemicals to provide energy, but over time their effectiveness declines so we need to take more and more of them. Eventually, continuing down this road will result in illness or other expressions of physical and mental imbalance. If this describes your life, the solution is clear: start caring for yourself as one of your top priorities. You may feel some resistance to this idea if you have a demanding job or family responsibilities and dont feel as if you can spare time for yourself. But look at this situation from a different angle: What if, by putting yourself at the top of your priority list, you could more easily handle these life challenges? What if, by taking the time to properly care for yourself, you ended up being more organized, efficient and energetic so you were able to meet your daily obligations with ease? Even better, what if you began to feel increasingly more happy, light and peaceful so that your interactions with others became more harmonious too? When you make time for yourself each day, everything else in your life will seem to flow smoothly and easily and ironically it will seem as if you have MORE time available to devote to others, not less. If you feel intimidated about taking time for yourself, start small. Try allotting five or ten minutes for yourself once or twice a day. During this time you can meditate, read, soak in a bath, or just enjoy a few minutes of silence. Not only will you feel better, you will be teaching future generations by example that selfcare is good for you and its a requirement for a truly healthy, happy world.

Healing the World, One Small Step at a Time

Reader Contribution:
Please save water for us. Contributed by Madhav

Looking at the changes that are still needed to heal and balance our planets eco-system, its easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the goal. However, when we remember that any large goal can be broken down into numerous smaller goals, suddenly the end result seems much more achievable. Just like improving the health and well-being of our own bodies, moderate daily changes in lifestyle habits can yield powerful results over time. As the old saying goes, a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. And if you take hundreds or thousands of single steps, you can cover quite a distance! One of the main contributors to feeling overwhelmed with such a big job is confusion about where to start. How do we take that first step when there seem to be endless directions in which we should be focusing? Education can go a long way in reducing confusion and provide a clear map of the initial steps to take. Learn as much as you can about the benefits of reducing water and energy consumption, recycling, and doing your part to keep the environment clean. Share your knowledge with your children, family members and friends so they can also start doing their part. Join forces with other people in your community that are working toward a healthier planet. Support causes that are important to you, like the preservation of rainforests or endangered animals. There are thousands of great organizations working toward various causes that will have a positive impact on the environment. Getting involved is one sure way to shake off those feelings of confusion, helplessness and fear. Focus on what you CAN do rather than feeling overwhelmed by what you cant. Imagine the impact that even modest conservation efforts could have in a 100 year time period. If each of us did our part and made enough small changes each day during the next 100 years, we could extend the life and vitality of our planet by thousands of years. Do you think the people in 2109 and beyond would thank us for that?

Living in Love
Reader Contributions:
One thing and all things, Every moment lived, Correct decisions a must, Truth in each second, As Best We Can Try Harder, Be at Peace Harmonize, Live in Love Amen Contributed by Roberta Devine My message would be: to all those who read this I have lived and seen many things in the hundred years I have lived. I was born from love and during the hundred years I learned what this love was, how to search for it, ask for it and be it. To do the same as I have done is wisdom and time then comes the keeper of love. Contributed by Debbie

Have you ever considered how your life might change if you began to live every moment from a deep sense of love? Most people fluctuate back and forth between actions stemming from a sense of fear or a sense of love. Fear inspires actions that are petty, jealous, aggressive, violent, unkind, or excessively meek. A fearful mind-set creates the perception that the world is out to get you, that others are trying to manipulate you, and that you cant trust anyone. A fearful mind-set can stimulate aggression, making you believe that you need to gain the upper hand over others before they gain the upper hand over you or fear can make you feel powerless so that others do gain the upper hand over you. Love inspires actions that are compassionate, gentle yet firm when necessary, and respectful. A loving mind-set creates the perception that the world is a wonderful place, that most people are generally good, and that you are invulnerable. A loving mind-set fosters the perception of peace, harmony and plenty for all. There is no need to compete or fight with others because we are all one. Living in love does not mean turning into a person who cant express anger or frustration; or a person who is annoyingly positive all the time. Nor does it mean turning yourself into a doormat for people to walk all over. It means treating others as you would like to be treated; examining your motivation before saying or doing something that might be hurtful to others or to yourself. It can even mean standing up for what you believe in, fiercely and powerfully. The funny thing about these two opposing mind-sets is that everything in your world will seem to mirror back how you feel. Live in fear, see more examples of fear around you. Live in love, see more expressions of love around you. You get to choose.

Remembering Who You Are

Reader Contribution:
Remember. Re-member yourselves to who you really are. You are being with infinite amounts of potential. Once you accept this truth, the world outside of you will just be a reflection of who you really are inside. Perceive and feel your own thoughts as your beloved, and I promise you things will only get better. Choose not to accept the human limitations and disempowering conditionings of your time. Choose to acknowledge what is, allow yourself to experience the moment, and appreciate every aspect of life that you create. This is what I call love. Remember to Re-member yourselves. Contributed by Yahya

Have you ever looked back across the years of your life and regretted not tapping your true potential? Can you remember being young and energetic, filled with dreams for a wonderful future, feeling eager to get started living your own life and calling your own shots? What happened to that vibrant, empowered person? Over the years you may have done what many of us do; begun living your life on autopilot. You finished your education, got a job, maybe even got married and had children. And somewhere along the way you lost that inner spark and your hopes and dreams were banished to the realm of Fantasies-That-Arent-Very-Practical. However, what if you knew that it wasnt too late? What if you could still breathe that inner spark back to life and go on to create a truly fulfilling and satisfying life? What if your hopes and dreams were not born accidentally but were given to you because only you have the power to make them come true? What if, by writing that novel you could inspire the next generation to create harmony between nations? What if, by inventing your neat gadget you could provide a technological foundation for even bigger inventions that would impact our world for generations to come? What if, by making your individual contributions to humanity, you created a ripple effect of spiritual growth and evolution that would change the world in untold beneficial ways? Remember that you have not lost your potential. It is still there within you, waiting to be realized. It does not matter how old you are now. It does not matter what you have accomplished thus far, or whether you have accomplished nothing at all. Allow the inner essence of Who You Are to rise to the surface and begin creating the life of your dreams. Remember that you deserve it, and so does the world.

Expanding Your Vision of What Is Possible

Reader Contributions:
Each moment is full of unlimited possibilities. That which you believe is true of the world is but a perceptual illusion. That I am here is proof that the negativity spreaders were wrong. We, humanity, found a way through the crisis they portrayed us to have created. If you could step outside your perceptions for a moment you could see that the vastness of the Universe is teeming with possibilities and even the future that I come from can be changed now. Contributed by lerlsway Everything is possible. Anything you can conceive of is possible. From a new pair of shoes to being a best selling author is achievable. Believe in yourself. Believe in your innate power. Know that every time you believe and really feel it, creation alters herself by bending to your will. Keep up the belief and soon the trees will bow in your presence. Ending war is possible if enough people truly believe it has already ended and hold onto this vision. A single person in every city and town of the world holding the same vision puts it into warp speed. Believe and reinvent the fine art of pretending as if its real. Children are masters at creation through their unbending belief that pretending long enough makes it so. Contributed by Debra

Its easy to forget sometimes that we have the power to make our world into virtually anything we desire. It often seems like so much is out of our control, especially worldly events like war, recession, famine, and violence. Even our own life circumstances can seem intimidating and uncooperative if we cant pay the bills and keep our lives in order, how are we supposed to create a better world for future generations? It all starts with the power of belief. Just as your personal world is a reflection of your dominant beliefs, the world in general is a reflection of our collective beliefs as a people. If enough of us believe in peace, harmony and plenty for all, we can create it. The best part of this process is that not everyone on the planet has to go along with our wishes. We dont have to force other people to adopt our ideals or embrace our beliefs. We dont even have to communicate our goals to others at all. We simply have to stay focused on our vision for the world and our creative energy will join the creative energy of millions of other people who are focused on the same goal. Our combined creative energy is strong enough to move mountains and affect massive, positive, global change. It may not happen overnight, but each of us can contribute by doing three things: 1) First, working to create peace, harmony and plenty in our own lives. 2) Second, holding an unwavering vision of a peaceful, harmonious, plentiful world. 3) Third, taking action wherever and whenever we can to make the vision a reality. Thousands millions of little steps like these can change the world.

Enjoying the Journey

Reader Contribution:
Hang on kiddies this ride youre on now is just preparing you for a much bigger ride. The present scary as it may seem will compare only as a kiddie ride after weve experienced the bigger ride we are sure to discover in our future. Contributed by Kathie

When your time comes to leave this earth, what do you think you will remember most? Will you remember the failed goals, the squabbles with family members, the weekly business grind? Or will you remember the joy, the celebrations, the love you shared with others, and the fun you had along the way? Perspective can be a funny thing. Some of the things that seem so big and important to you now will not matter a single bit 20 or 30 years from now. A good example to demonstrate this point: think back to when you were a child; do you remember when another child grabbed your favorite toy away? Most certainly it happened at one time (maybe more than once), and at the time it was likely a very big deal to you, but now you probably cant remember it clearly or at all. Believe it or not, many of the issues that bother you so much in your present day will completely fade from your memory by the time you are 80, 90, or 100 years old. You simply wont care enough about them to remember them. This insight can be a powerful way to avoid getting stuck unnecessarily in your daily life. When you start to feel frustrated or annoyed about something, or when someone does or says something that hurts your feelings pause and ask yourself, How important is this, really? Will I care about this ten, twenty or fifty years from now? Most often the answer will be no. Diminish the importance of petty annoyances in your own mind and you will have an easy time letting go of them. Then you will be free to focus on the things that really matter, like squeezing out every drop of joy, love, happiness, passion and fun that life has to offer. See every moment of your life journey as a thrilling ride that just gets better and better the longer you live. Share your love of life with younger generations so they will do the same, and with each generation the ride will simply keep getting better, more exciting, more fun and more meaningful to those who take it.

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