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Should You Offer IPTV or Internet TV?

Whats the Difference?

OPASTCO Technical & Marketing Symposium
October 22 2008 22,

Larry Thompson, PE
Chief Executive Officer 2211 N. Minnesota Mitchell, SD 57301

(605) 995-1777 FAX: (605) 995-1778 [email protected]

Agenda g
Video Basics The Internet & IP IPTV Internet TV Whats next?

Page 2

Information Transmission
Information Must Converted to be Converted to b C t be Compatible with th M di tibl ith the Medium
Voice -> PCM -> TDM Video -> QAM -> Coax > >

Various Methods of Conversion

Improve Efficiency Allow Processing Provide for Error Correction

Page 3

Information to Transmit
Communications Networks Transmit Many Forms of Information F fI f ti
Voice Video Web Pages Documents Telemetry Signals Music Text Messaging

Page 4

The Internet
Widespread Use of the Internet has Made the Internet Protocol (IP) the Transmission of I t tP t l th T i i f Choice
Global Access Inexpensive Transport Adapted to use with time-sensitive traffic time sensitive

Page 5

IP Some of the Basics

Page 6

History of the Internet y

Created by US Department of Defense in 1969 Wanted a communication system that could not be destroyed by a catastrophic event

Page 7

Internet History y
1957 ARPAnet

The Th geography of the growing h f th i ARPANET in June 1975. The network has 57 nodes.

Page 8

OSI Model
No Network Discussion is Complete without Mentioning the M ti i th OSI Model M d l OSI = Open System Interconnection
D fi Defines a networking f ki framework f i l k for implementing i protocols Uses seven layers

Page 9

OSI Model
Translating and Coding

Policing o c g Data broken down into manageable chunks

Adds addressing information

Data is packaged into frames

Page 10

What is IP?
Internet Protocol (IP)
Method (or protocol) by which data is sent from one device to another

Each computer on a network (such as the Internet)

At least one IP address Unique ID(s)

Information (email, Web page, video, etc.) is divided into little chunks called packets.

Page 11

IP Addressing (Cont)

10110101 . 00111100 . 00001010 . 10001100 First Bits Used to Define the Network Like the Zip Code or City Last Bits Used to Define Client On Network Like the Name

Note: Larger cities need more bits to uniquely id tif th i citizens. i l identify their iti
Page 12

Options p
Deliver the Packet Dont Care about Errors
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

If the Packet has Errors, Request Another Until is Correct U til it i C t

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

Page 13

UDP Communications
UDP User Datagram Protocol
No guarantee of delivery When is this useful?

Page 14

TCP Communications
TCP Connection oriented
Guaranteed delivery When is this useful?
Hey you! I am gonna send you data `

Hold on a second. I am busy OK Okay, go ahead and send Here ya go! DATA DATA DATA Hey, I missed part of that last data No problem. I will re-transmit it Okay, now I received it all PC 2

PC 1

Page 15

Video Basics

Page 16

MPEG-2 Video Frames

C d d using i f Coded i information present only i th f ti t l in the frame it lf itself

Coded with respect to the nearest p p previous I or P Frames

Use both future and past frames as a reference

Page 17

The Future of MPEG2 & MPEG4

The Future of MPEG2 & MPEG4 12 MPEG2 SD MPEG4 SD H.264 MPEG4 HD H 264 H.264


8 Mbps 6

0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Year 2005 2006 2007 2008

Understanding IPTV g

Page 19

In Comparisonwhat is IP Video (Video over IP) Vid (Vid

It should have been called VoIPbut that was already t k b some other t h l l d taken by th technology Myths:
IP video i available f anyone with an I id is il bl for ih Internet connection. IP video and Internet video are the same thing thing. IP video is easily hacked and pirated.

Were running out of acronyms.

Page 20

Video over IP
IP is just the transport mechanism ( p j p (or protocol) )

Provided by a local service provider

Similar to a CATV system

Page 21

IPTV Architecture

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Page 23

Whats the Difference?

IPTV or Internet TV? If you recallInternet Protocol (IP) is the method (or protocol) by which data is sent from one computer to another on the Internet. f t t th th I t t In this case, video (data) is requested by the computer (STB) and sent via IP which is a transport method not a transport pipe.

Page 24

The difference is the source source

Page 25

IPTV vs. Internet TV Characteristics

IPTV Video content aggregated by local provider High quality maintained throughout the network Subscription service Best for live events Internet TV Video content aggregated by national Internet companies Quality of video driven by speed of internet connection Typically free or charged per video Best for on demand content

Page 26

Understanding Internet TV g

Page 27

Internet Video
Applications or video specifically developed for Internet deployment I t td l t YouTube
Founded F b F d d February 2005 4th most popular English language website >400 Terabytes/day ($1M/day in bandwidth costs) >100M videos viewed each day Google paid $1.65B

Page 28

You Tube

Page 29

Yahoo Video

Page 30

Blended Offerings g
Content developed primarily for broadcast television or theater viewing but also available on the Internet.
Joost J t Fancast ABC CBS Nickelodeon Many, many more

Streaming Video from the Public Internet to your PC?

Streaming Video to your PC

Internet-Based Movie Options O ti

Backed by Several Studios D Download M i t a PC l d Movies to

3000+ Movies 3000 M i

Page 36

The Future

Will we be able to tell the difference between a PC and a TV?

Page 37

Dont Want to Watch TV on Your PC?

User Interface Advancements

More TV Interface Devices Feel Lik F l Like PC I t f Interfaces

Page 40

Apple TV pp

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Sony Bravia Internet Link

Page 43

HP MediaSmart TV

Page 44

Verismo Networks POD

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Page 46

Whats Coming g
Users will want their content to be accessible anywhere, anytime h ti Mobile/On-Demand viewing will continue to grow
16% of American households used the Internet to watch TV shows online, double from a year ago.
October, 2007 survey by The Conference Board

BUT th i primary viewing medium will BUTtheir i i i di ill continue to be the TV

Whats the Answer?

Offer local content Invest in STBs and Middleware with the capability to access video from multiple sources Provide services that are easily implemented in your network but difficult for others
Caller ID pop up Voicemail on TV Maximize Interactivity Web Integration g

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