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"7'. /'/. 9" ~ ~

RocruitM in Au~ust an~ Soptombor,lB62,
an~ msc~ar~Bd July 2Ot~, 1B65,
The 143cl Regiment New York Infantry Volunteers was
recruited in the counties of Sullivan an. Tompkins, Com-
panies A. B. C. E. F. G. H. & K. were recruited in Sullivan, D.
& 1. were first recruited in Tompkinsbut not being full' were
filled after coming to the 14:3d~. Y.
The first authority to recruit in Sullivan county, in 1862
was given by Col. Ellis, in July, he was then raising the 124th.
which was to be raised in the counties of Orange and Sullivan;
August 12th, 1862, authority was obtained to recruit a regi-
ment in Sullivan and the companies forming for . the 124th
were turned over to the county organization. The regiment
not filling up as fast as' desired arrangements were made with
two companies then raising in Tompkins county. Capts.
Higgins and Marvin brought what men they had, .and some
companies in Sullivan county, not filled, were consolidated
with these two companies and some other of the companies
not filled and the regiment was brought' up' to maximum
The regiment went into camp at Camp Holley, near'
Monticello, N. Y, early in September, and companies D. and
I. joined the regiment the last of September. The regiment
was mustered in by Lieut Crowley, for 3 years, Oct. Sth, 1862,
2 Hisim'y of the 143d Regiment.

and the regimental colors were presented by the citizens of Sul-

livan county', October 9th. Hon. O. B. Wheeler made the pre-
sentation speech. The regiInent started for the front, Octo-
her 10th, 1862, marched to Middletown, N. Y., from there
by rail; they lay some two days in New York city, in bar-
racks then standing where the present Postoffice Building is sit-
uated. When they 'reached Washington they we,I'e assigned to
the.defences of that. city, and put on picket and fatigue duty,
in Virginia, and. were camped at Upton's Hill, Va., first, then
later at near Cloud's Mills, Va., and in April, 1863, they were
sent, with other troops, to the relief of Sulfolk, Va. After the
siege of Sulfolk, was raised, with other troops, under Gen.
Keys, went to WestlPoint, Va., and after Chancellorsville
was fought they went to Yorktown, Va., June 1st, and then
up to White House, Va., reaching there June 27th and start-
ing back for Yorktown July 8th, reaching there 10th inst.
and so on to the transports, and sent to . V\T ashington, and
from there, by rail, to Freder-ick City, Md., which place was
reached July 12, and then was vsent out to reinforce Meade's
army, then lying near Hunkstown, Md. A few days . later
Gen. Meade's aI:my followed Lee's army into Virginia and the
regiment crossed the Potomac, near Berlin, Va., and marched
to near Warrington .Junction, Va.,. where they werit : into
camp. They lay until rin September, ] 863, when, after
the battle of Chickamauga, Ga., was fought by Gen. Rose-
crans, Gen. Joseph Hooker was sent west to the relief of
Gen. Rosecrans at Chattanooga, 'I'enn, with the 11th and
12th Army Corps. 'I'hey went by rail to Bridgeport, .Ala.,
and there these two corps began a campaign that after fight-
ing the battle of Wauhatchie,Tenn, Oct. 29th, 1863, resulting in
History of the 143(l Regiment.
opening the cracker road to Chattanooga, the regiment with
the 11th and 12th corps was in Lookout Valley, 'I'enn , until
the battle of Missionary Ridge, and the day before that battle
began, the division, in which the regiment belonged, was put
just night into the company streets of the 14th coPps and the
first day was among the troops that moved against the en-.
emy's center at Orchard Knob. 'I'he 2nd day's fighting they·
were among the troops sent by Gen. Grant to the left to
Gen. Sherman and were at the last of the battle on left of '
the ~l.rmy and as soon as Braggs army was routed the regi-
ment, with other troops, under Gens. Sherman and Howard,
were sent to the relief of Gen. Burnsides force, at Knoxville,
Tenn. The whole command were in light marching order-, hav-
ing left knapsacks, etc, in camp, and were stripped for battle
before going into Missionary Ridge. It was cold weather,
rained and snowed part 'of the time and froze hard, and' the
troops suffered sever-ley from the cold and insufficient protec-.
tion from the storms. The only way they could keep from per-
ishing, at night, was by burning lttrge fires, (sometimes in
parallel lines and lying between the fir-es, feet towards the
fire and heads in the center) and sleeping beside them. At
Louden, 'reIHL, Dec. 4th and 5th, 1863, the regiment was
detailed to bridge the Little 'I'ennessee river, a wide swift riv-
er some BOO yards wide, which they bridged between 7, p,
m. and 5 a' m., making most of the bridge of wagons with
two planks from bolster and from wagon to wagon. 'I'he last
of benches, where the water was deepest, and many of the
men were, of necessity, in the water, and it was so cold a man
coming out of the water he could not get to the top of the riv-
er bank before his clothes were frozen stiff. After relieving
Gen. Burnside the troops marched and went into camp at
Histoty of Ow 143d Regiment .

.Lookout Valley, for a short time, and in January 1864, moved

to Bridgeport, Ala., and went into winter quarters, where they
lay until the Atlanta campaign opened. The l l th and 12th
'corps were consolidated and formed the 20th corps and Gen.
Hooker in command. 'I'he Atlanta campaign opened in May,
1864, the battle of Rockey Faced Gap, Ga. opened the cam-
paign but the battle of Resaca, Ga., May 13th, 14th and 15th,
1864, was the first pitched battle of the campaign. After Resaca
and Johnston fell back the 143rd bridged one of the branches
of the Etowah River in a short time so the infantry crossed on
From May 25th 1864, when the battle of Pumpkinvine
Creek, Ga., opened,to July 3rd, 1864, it was about one con-
tinuous fighting and skirmishing and during which the en-
emy's positions of Altoona and Kenesaw Mountains were
completely turned and fell into our army's hands. After mane-
uvering our. army succeeded in getting on the south side of
the Ohattahoucha river and July 20 the battle of Peach Tree
Creek, Ga. was fought. The investment of the city of Atlan-
ta, by works, began July 22d, building heavy works, and
from the last date to latter part of August the regiment
was in exposed position in the line of investment, and al-
most constantly some portion,if not all of it, was under fire.
The 20th corps occupied the city of Atlanta, Sep. 2nd,
1864, and during the Atlanta campaign from' May 7" 1864, to
latter part of August, 1864, some portion of the regi-
ment were almost daily under fire anel men of the regiment,
wounded early in that campaign, rejoined their command be-'
fore it was over. They lay at Atlanta,Ga., until Nov.15, 1864,
:'when Gen.Sherman moved out and began his campaign against
Savannah, Ga., passing through Milledgeville, Ga., and several

, . ,
History of the 143d Beoimant. 5

smaller towns. . Gen. Sherman's army invested the city of

Savannah,Dec. 10th,1864, and the 143d was represented on the
skirmish and picket line that day. The city surrendered, Dec.
22nd, 1864, and on or about January 15th or 16th, 1865,
Sherman began his campaign through· the Carolinas.
Near Robertsville, S. C., the first brush with the enemy was
had 143d. 'N. Y. skirmishing. They fell back and Sherman's
troops occupied the town. This campaign opened with swol-
. len streams and' mud and they had to march often from knee
. to waist deep in water, and were at Fayetteville, N. C., early
in March, where the army rested a day or two. 'I'he day after
it moved on, the battle of Averysboro, N. C., was fought,
(March 16th, 1865,) and three days later, March 19th, the
battle of :Qentonvil1e, N. C., began. The brigade to which the
regiment belonged, occupied the ground Carlins Division of
the 14th corps were forced to fall back from. The 143<1 was on
the extreme left, with no connections on their left flank, but '
held their ground for several hours and until night set in.
The commander of the division, after that fight, said the 143d,
N. Y., was made of staying qualities.
Shermans army occupied Goldsboro, N. C., March 25th,
1865. His troops lay there until after Lee's surrender when
he marched to intercept General Johnston's army, and af-
. tel' some fighting resulted in the surrender of Johnston's army,
then the 'whole of Gen. Sherman's army marched to Wash-
ington' D. C., were reviewed May 24th, 1865, and was dis-
banded, and the regiment was put into a temporary brigade
and lay near Washington until July 20th, 1865, when it was
mustered out of service and sent to NewYork city to be
paid off' and disbanded.
6 Historu of the 143d Regiment.

'I'he regiment was reviewed at New York City by Gene~>­

al Joseph Hooker and city officials, and General Hooker
in front of the Astor House said a few words to the boys. He
told them he was not given to speech making, but that he
could not let the regiment disband without saying a word to
them. After thanking them for the many times they had stood to
their places he said "it could he said of them what could not
be said of many regiments, he did not know as of any other-8-
the Johnnys had never seen their backs: that if they had at
Peach Tree Creek, God only knows what the result "would
have been."
The 143cl New York were in the 4d Brigade Abercrom-
bie's Division from October 16, 1862, in the 22d Corps from
Febrauary 1863; in 3d Hughston's Brigade, Gurney's Divis-
ion Department, Virginia, at Sulfolk, Virginia, from April
1863; in 1st Brigade Gordon's of 7th Corps, from May, 1863;
in the 4th Corps from June, 1863; in 1st Brigade, 3c~ Division,
11 Corps, from July 14, 1863; in 3d Brigade, 1st Division,
20th Corps, from April, 1864; in 2d Brigade, Bartlett's Divis-
ion, :~2cl Corps from June 30, 1865.
'1'he 143d New York took part in:
The siege of Suffolk, Virginia, April and May, 1863;
Battle of Nansemond, Virginia, May "3(1, 1863;
Under General Keys on Peninsula, Virginia, May, June
and July, 1863;
Battle ofWauthatcke, Tennessee, October 28 and 29, 1863 j "
Battle of Missionary Ridge and vicinity, November> 23,
24 and~5, 186.3; ~
: The relief of Knoxville, Tennessee, Novembel' and De-
cember, 1863;
Hist01'Y oj the 143cl Regiment. 7

The Atlanta Campaign, May 2d to September 2c1, 1864;

Battle of Resaca, Georgia, :May 13, 14 and 15, 1864;
Battle of Oassville, Georgia, May 19th to 22d, 1864;
Battle of Pumpkinvine Creek, Georgia, NIay 25, 1864;
Battles around Ackworth, Kenesaw Mountain, Lost Moun-
tain, Big Shanty, Marietta, Golgotha, Nose Creek and Culps,
Farm, .Iune 4 to July 2, .1864;
Battle of Peach 'I'ree Oreek, July 20, 1864;
Siege of Atlanta, July 22 to August 26, 1864;
Atlanta to Savannah, "March to the Sea," November 15
to December 22, 1864;
Battle of Montieth Swamp, Georgia, December 9, 1804;
Campaign ot the Carolinas, January 17 to April 26, 1865;
Battle of Robertsville, S. 0., January 29, 1865;
Battle of Lawtonville, S. 0., Feb. 2, 1865;
Battle of Averysboro, N. 0., M:arch 16, 1865;
Battle of Bentonville, N. 0., March 19,1865;
Battle near Goldsboro, N. C., March 27, 1865;
Battle near Akin Creek, N. 0., April 10, 1865;
Battle near Bennett House, N. o,
April 26, 1865.

- General Horace Boughton,
appointed to the Oolonelcy of the 143d Regiment after the
resignation of Oolonel Dewitt, was horn at Rust, New York,-
March 23d, 1833, and Was educated at the Genesee Wesleyan
Seminary and Genesee Oollege. He studied law at Rochester,
where in April 1861 he enlisted and was made First Lieuten-
- ant in the Thirteenth New York Volunteer Infantry. Later
he was made Captain of his company. In the fall of 1862 he
was commissioned Lieutenant Oolonel of the 143d Regiment,
and in 1865 he was made .Brigadier General of Volunteers
for "faithful and meritorious services." From 1866 to 1870
he was United States Revenue Collector fO-F' the 4th District of
'I'exas. For nearly twenty years General Boughton was an
invalid, having sustained partial paralysis, the' result of ex-
posure w bile in active service. He died at Washington. No-
vember Sth, 1891.


General David Porter newiu,

the first Colonel of the 143d Regiment, was born in Hoboken,
N. J., July 10th, ]817, and in June, 1832, entered the ""Vest
Point Military A.cademy froI~lwhich he graduated in June
1836. On his graduation he was commissioned as Second
Lieutenant in the United States Second Artillery. He resign-
ed his commission in the army to accept a position as engineer·
in the survey and location of the Erie Railroad which was then
being built. He continued in the employ of the Erie company
nntil1857, when he went to Canada and located the Ontario,.
Simcoe and Huron Railroad. In 1859 he entered the service-
of the United States Express Company; in 1861, on the break-
10 General De Witt.

ing out of the war, he was commissioned Major of the Mary-

land Volunteers. In :March 1862 he was commissioned Col-
onelof the 3d Maryland Regiment, and served in Virgin-
ia under General Banks and General Pope; participating
in the battles of Cedar Mountain and Beverly Ford. Active
service reduced the 3d Mar-yland to 250 men, and he resigned
its command and was commissioned Colonel of the 143d Regi-
ment. In July 1863, on account of disease contracted in the
. .
he resigned from the 1 t13cl, and was made :Major
, in
the 10th Veteran Reserve Corps; of which he was made C510nel
in August 1863. In 1865 he was made Brigadier General for
"faithful and meritorious services." Death closed his distin-
guished and useful career at Middletown, Orange County, N.
Y., on Tuesday, February 26th, 1889.
Field and Staff 143d Regiment New York
Infantry Volunteers.

Horace Boughton Col. and Bre Died November 1891, Washin2'ton. D. C.

vet Gen. U.
S. A.
Hezekiah Watkins Lieut.. Col. Died Feb. 12. L8S4.
and Brevet
ooi.. U. S. A.
Rensaelaer Hamrne nd Adjutant. Lansing, Kan,
David Matthews Surgeon. Died at N. Y. Oity,
July 10.1891.
Wm. H. Stuart Asst. Burg. Norwich. N. Y.
Edward O. Howard Qual" - Dead.
David P. De,Witt Uolonel. Discharged Apdl
29. tsoa.dted at Mid
dletown, N. Y.
John Higgins Major. Discharged May 1G.
18615. for wounds &
died at Ithaca N.Y.
January 15.1888.
Wallace W. Wheeler Qual'. Dlsenarrred, dishon
orablv.March ze. '64.
Henry M. Edsall Surgeon. Discharged Feb. 28.
1863. dted at Wurts-
boro. N. Y.
Orrin A. Carroll Surgeon. Discharged Oct, sth
1863. died at Port
Jervis. N. Y.
Herman Oraft Asst Buran. Disch'd Apri111. '54. Stone Ridge. N. Y.
Jeremiah Searle Ohaplain, Discharged Mch. 2.'63.
Isaac Gilbert Chaplain do Aug. 2~. '63
;Edgar R. Apgar Adjutant. Feb.r, '63. discharged.
died at Albany. N. Y.
Joseph B. Tttft Lt.Oolonel. Killed in action l\Ils-
slonarv Ridge. Geor-
gia. Nov. 25. 1863.
we.. B. RatClliff Adjutant. Killed in action at
Peach Tree Oreek.Ga
July 20. 18G4.
Jas. A. Eickenbergh Sergt Major. Warrea. Pa,
:Seneca W. Perry Qual'. Sergt. Dead,
.Jon O.Hardenburgh Hospital Stewt PhillIpsport. N. Y.
.August Rambour Principal musician. Monticello,... N. Y.
Ohas, J. McPherson do do New York uity ..
George Sturdevant Oommtesars Sergt Bethel. N. Y.
DeWitt Ap~ar Sergt. Major. Dec. 31. 186S. for premotion.
charW.J.Hardenburgh" Sept. 6. 'M. for nromettan ,
Died from wound battle of
Averysboro. N. O. .
William T. Morgan Sergt. Major. AIlri125. 1865. for promotion
Died at Middletown.
Abram Lara.way QUitI'. Seritt. Reduced to ranks .lan. 16 '64,
tramped to 00. A. Dead.
John A. Foster do Reduced to ranks Nov. 22 '64:
tramped to 00. K. Dead.
Co. "Au 143d N. Y. V. Infl.


William T. George On ptain Kirkville, Mo.
Joseph Pierce hit Lieut.
Dltvir1 A. Wasim zd .. Died at Liberty, N. Y.
Samuel Lord ist SeJ'g't. Parksville, N. Y.

Thomas H. Litts Sergeant Monticello, N, Y.
George R. Wright
William II. Myers Gilman's Depot, N. Y.
William D. Myers " Died July 21, 1891.
Wilson Laraway Corporal LIvingston Manor, N. Y.
Herman 1\:1. Krum "•• Liberty, N. Y.
George H. Akins, Livingston Manor, N. Y.
Moses Young
William H. Ashton ." Brooklyn, N. Y.
Fremont, N. Y.
'I' Bates " Brooklyn, N. Y.
Martimus Laraway Wagoner Gilboa, N. Y.
Allen, Archibald O. Private
,. Monticello. N. Y.

Baily, Oharles A.
Brown, James L.
Baker, David B.
Brown, Albert
Oammer, Joseph
Oantrell, John ." Rockland, N. Y.
Toledo, Ohiq.
Cantrell, Thomas ""
Oasterllne, Edward
Oonor, T'homasA, ••
Oorzal, Thomas I.

Cox. Abraham
Oorby, Orrin B. .." Fremont Centre, N. Y.
White 'Lake. N. Y.
Eldridge, George D. ". Mongaup Valley. N. Y.
Gregory. Btephen J .
Hollis, Charles S. .. Stevensville,N. Y.
Carbondale, Pa.
Housten, Edmund
Hunt, John
.. Wiqchester, Va.
Haight, Walter T.
Joselyn, John W. ".. I:'hin Oreek, N. Y,
Keeler, Baily S. Middletown, N. Y.
Keeler. David H.
Laraway, Henry ...•• Dead
Middl( town, N. Y.
Laraway, Abrm Dead \
Lord, James ",.
Mill~r Samuel J. Died at Bethel, N. Y.
. Morris, George J. II
Liberty, N. Y.
Myers,·Moses D., Jr., 0'
Newman, Thomas
List of Members of 143d Beqt. 13

Osborn, Peter V.
Purvis, George W. ...
" Harvestraw, N. Y.
Binghamton, N. Y.
Richard, Louis P.
Robertson, Levi .... Ashgrove, Neb.
Smith, Arthur W.
Stratton, George W. .... Adlson, N. Y.
Taggett, Henry F. Haworth, N. J.
Thompson, John
Wales John .. Died at Liberty, N. Y.
York Herman ..
Quackenbush, Franklin ..
Beebe, Roswell T. Corporal. Minneapolis, Mlnn,
Allen, Seymour R.
Black, John ...

Coleman, Henry R. Murfreysboro, Tenn.
Darrlag, David
Decker, William N.

Fisher, William J.
Fisher. Peter A. Scranton, Pa,
Foot, Ed ward F. Wurtsboro, N. Y.
Keen, Gilbert
Kanise, Louis ... Died at Rockland, N. Y•
North Branch, N. Y.
McMillen, William
Smith. George ., In Kansas.
New York Olty.
Tetry, Seth A. •• Washington, D. C.
'I'ravis, George W, II

Wright, Charles
Wood, Hezekiah

Hezekiah Watkins
an. 1. 1864. promoted
to Major. Died atMid
dletown, N. Y.
Jan. 1,1864, promoted
George Young 2d Lieut. 1
to 1st Lieutenant and
wounded July 20,1864,
discharged October
Ellenville. N. Y.
26, 1864.
Dewitt Apgar 2d Lieut. Promoted 1st Lieut. New York City.
George O. Penney 2d Lieut. Promoted 1st Lieut. Damascus. Pa,
Wallace Hill 1st l::iergt. Promoted 1st Lieut. Bcranton, Pa,
OharlesA. Smith tst Bergt. Promoted 1st Lieut, Monticello, N. Y.
Philo Buckley 1st Bergt.
Allen, .John M. Private. Dover, Tenn.
Allen, William O.
Burns, Frederick W.
.... Monticello, N. Y.
Oakland Valley, N. Y.

Oantrell, Edward R .. For Disability.
Drennon, Robert
Dice, Hen~
Everard, i leas or
Gregory. Stephen P. ... March 4, 1863.
Scranton, Pa.
Hoxie, William W.· .
Hadden, James H. .... June 19, 1865.
General Order 77.

Hodge, James H. Telegram Order.
. Lohman, Adam June 11,1865,
Lent, Nath'l V. Telegram Order•
McOord, Andrew J.
Middau1h, Denis S. ..., Jan. 13, 1864.
April 17, 1864. Dead',
Myers. delbert
Mason, Ja.mes B. .. General Order 77,
General Order 77,

Sheely, David J. II
General Order 77. PIne Bueh, N, Y.
Sheeley\vTobias General.Order 77•
Smith, llliam General Order 77. Died
14 List of ]rlembers of 143d Regt.
., Monticello, N. Y.
Wagoner, Frank " Dec. HJ,1863, Dead.
Whiston, David W. " May 29, 1865.
Bennett. William Private. 'I'o Vet. Has. Corps. Livingston Manor, N.Y.
Hoyt, Lewis N. .. To Vet. Res, Corps. Nineva, N. Y.
Hunt. Abrm. O. .. ,." Stevensvtlle, N. Y.
Oudet, C. G. A. " .. " Dead.
Rambour, August .. To Com's Stail, Monticello, N. Y.
Sturdevant, George .1 ,1.1 Bethel, N. Y.
Smith, Orrin B. " '£0 Vet. Res. Corps, Staff, Monticello, N. Y.
McPl1erson, Charles J. .. Non. Ooms. Staff, New Yorir Uity.
Alberly, Thomas Private. Jan. 13, 1863. Uptons Hill, Va.
Beebe, Joseph L. .. Oct . 5, 1864, Chattooga
{ Tenn. from wounds
Carpenter, John W. .. Peach Tree Creek, Ga.
July 17,1863, Portsmouth, Va.
Dobbs, Michael " July 19,1863, Ohespeak Hospital.
Dodge, Oyrus
Everdon, Edwin J.
" ..Feb, 2, 1864, Murtresboro, 'I'enn.'
Killed July 20, 1864, Peach
Tree Creek. .
Lord. Joseph H.
Lounsbury. John M. ..Nov. 7.1864, near Alexander, Va.
Nov. 12,1894, of wound ..July
1\'Iapledoram. James C. Dec.
20. at Peach Tree Creek, Ga.
30,1863, Lookout Valley,
{ Tennessee. .
McWilliams, John July 21, 1864, Peach Tree Creek, Ga.
Mead, William H. Dee. 11. 1863, Athens. Ga.
Price. James Dec, 24, 1864. Savannah, Ga.
Tillotson. Robert L. Jan. 15, 1864, Yorktown. Va,
VanOrden, Peter { JTree
u ly 22,1864, wounded at Peach
Ridge , Ga.
YanSiclen. Theodore C. Kill ed ,July 20, 1864, Peach Tree
{ Creek. Ga.
Young-. Gilbert I. Aug . 5,1864, wounded at Peach
{ Tree Creek, Kingston. Ga.
Amos P. Akins Sergeant Kill ed. July 20. 1864, Peach Tree
{ Creek. Ga.
John E. Purvis Corporal Jan. 18, 1863, Yorktown. Ya.

Co. "8" 143d N. Y. V. Inft.




Isaac J elliff ist Lieut. Woodbourne. N. Y.

William Smith 1st Serg-eant Bethel. N. Y.
Renwick Brown 8e~fi'eant. Cheboygan. Mich.
Robert Cantrell
Lewis S. Wheeler . Monticello, N. Y.
Liberty Falls. N. Y.
Philip S, Robison
Summer H Dunn ..
Trout Brook. N. Y.
Uriah 1\1. Brodhead Fremont Centre, N. Yo.
Ohrtstopher Bolhman Blnghamton , N. Y.
Lorenzo Secor
Benjamin F. Allyn Musician. Monticello. N. Y.
Black. John
Oonklin, Eug-ene ..
Private. Centreville. N. Y.
List of Members 143d Beat. 15

Cromwell. Alexander ..
Decker. Chas. H. D. .. Oakland Valley. N. Y.
Earnest. Adam
Foot. Shubal Dead.
Kent, Jacob ., 8tevensviile. N. Y•
Kent. Rurr S
Loring. Jonathan C,
Morrls. James D. .. Monticello. N. Y.
Rumsey. Cyrue
Rumsey . John J. .. Thomvsonville. N. Y.
Fostara, Ohio.
Ralston. George
Smith. James Rolfe. Pa.
Waddell. Niel H.
Wright. Joseph
Watts. John C.
. White Lake N. Y..
Watts,Geo. B.
Yeomans. William B, •• Hartwood. N. Y•
Mcfntvre, John L. Robinsonville. N. Y.
Joyner. Joseph
Benjamin Bates Sergeant. Sparrowbush. N. Y.
Isaac C. France Oorporal. Fairfax. Va.
Crosby, Scioio L.
Ferguson. James
.. Cochecton Centre. N. Y.
Geary. Dan.
Kent. George A.
Lvbolt, Henrv 0: Monticello. N. Y.
Palmer. Asha B. Dead.
Slater. Albert H.
Stanton. Charles C.
Weber. Sohn
.... Eureka. N. Y,
• Bethel, N. Y.

Dis m is sed the service by Gon
Alfred J. Baldwin. Oantain, { eral Order l.\la.l': 6. 186i. died
at Montieello, N. Y.
Lyman. S. Linson Sergeant. { Died at Stevensville N. Y.. May
4. 18M. promoted.
David A. Waslm ist Bergt, June 19. 1865. promoted. Dead
April 17 • 1863. }ilromoted Ber-
Richard J.Hardenbnrgh Sergt, geant Mr~or. Killed in ae-
Dan. sr, Freeman
r tion. .
Corporal. Jan. 28. 1863.
John H. Jacobs .. June 16. 1065.
Will. D. Sisson June 29. 186~.
Bowman Melchoir Private. Aug. 31: 1863. Monticello, N. Y.
Cantlne. Nicholas S. .. See order. Middletown. N. Y.
Clark. Garrett T. II l\Iay 28, 1865, P, Rolfe, Pa,
Durland, James June 30, 1866. Dead.
Jackson. Dan. ,. Nov. U. 1863. Dead.
Lo rgan, James D. Dec. 12. 1863.
Perry. Seneca W.
Rose. Austin J. .. Nov. 22.1864. Dead.
Dec. 24. 1863. Thomoaop,ville, N. Y•
Tucker. William lIIarch 23, 186i.
Haines. George N. By General Order.
.... .
Palmer. Rufus .6 ..

Travis. Orrin , .,
Vantran, John Woodbourne. N. Y,
Edward O. Howard 1st Lieut. {Promoted to Quartermaat-
,. er, Dead.
Leander T. Brown Serlloaut." Aug. 1, 1863. Sigual Oor ps New York Oity.
Patterson. John Ooruoral. July tst, 1863. Monticello, N. Y.
Avery, William L. Private. May 1,1864. Dead.
Putler, Patrick .. Nov. 15, 1863. Dead.
Oumfort. Bleve " Avrll 30. 1864. Montgomery, N. Y,
Fisher. Ira. July 1. 1863. Dead.
Stanton John 8. .. Nov. 15.1863.
Warrinll. Hiram n . " July, 1, 1863.
16 List ofMem,be~'s of 143d Regt,

Edward Oarrington. ad Lieut. IUlled in action.
Abrm. S, Fredmore Sergeant, Jan, 29. 1863, convelescent
John O. Pentlar Jan. 29. Nashville. Tenn.
Gustavus. Rose
John H. Jackson ..
Oorporal. Aug. 1. 186,1, Lookout !\It.. Tenn.
March 28, 1863. Alexander. Va.
l\II.l,l'ch 20, Alexander. Va,
Bloemlngburch , Wm. J. Priyltte,
Brown, Marcus L, July 16,1863. Fort Monroe, Va.
Bollman,\ Ohrfstopher S.
Brown. Orvll A. ... Sept. 30, 1863, Indianapolis, Ind.
April 2, 1864. Murfresboro. Tenn.
March 3D, 1863, Alexandria, Va,
Carpenter. Will, L.
CGgsWell•. Richard .. Jan. 80, 18M. Indianapolis, Tnd,
March T, 1864. Louisville. Ky •
Demerest. Jonathan O. l\Iarch 20, 1863. Alexandria, Va.
Durland, Stephen D. Oct. 31,1864, near Dallis, Ga.
Frasier. Will. J. NoY. 21.1863. Nashville. Tenn.
Fitzgerald, James Dec. 12,1863. Athens, Tenn.
Hoguncamp , John l\i. " March 20, 1863, Alexandria. Va.
Hendrickson. John 1\1.
Hosa. John
Krum. Luther S. KIlled R. R. Alexandria, Va ..
March 1863.
KInne. Dan. 1. Killed atBentonvllle, N. C.
Lyon. George .
Lawson. Benjamin
Oneil. Terrace
Pentlar , Will.
Ray, Edward
Sutter. Henry
Warring. John W.
Whitley, George W.
White. Joe
Watson. Martin
Yorks, Nicholas
. Died at Untons Hill. Va.
Yeomans I Beni, !\I.
David H, Wagner Oorporal. Dec. 16, 1862, Washington.

Co. "0" 143d H. Y. V. Inft.



WillIam R. Bennett Oaptain. Hutchinson. Kan.
Henry H. HemIngway
Bruce Elmore
tst LIeut. . Dead.
Petersburgh • Va.
George V. Manett New Taooma, W. T.
Henry Eberlin
McKendru N. Dodge
John W. Darbee ... Roscoe, N. Y•.
Rockland. N. Y.
Rockland N, Y.
James 0, DeKay Rutland. Vermont.
Abner J. Coddington DivIne's Oorners, N. Y.
Oharles Wicks
WillIam H. Newman
James W.J.8tewart Hurleyville. If. Y,
Willard Jllimore South FaUsburgh. N. Y.
James Low . Musioian.
List of Members of 143d Regt, . 17

Bowers, Alfred Private. I{lngsley, Mich.

Brown, Wllliam B. do Meredith Hollow, N. Y.
Bl'iggs. William A. do OIaryville, N. Y.
Brown, Albert N. do Hasbrouck, N. Y.
Oe ddlngton, Monroe do Hurleyville, N. Y.
Cauthers. Henry A. do CentervUle Station, N, Y.
Oonkltn : Beniamtn do Dead j 1888.
Oross v Oorneltue eo
Denmston, John G do Fallsburgh, N. Y..
Doloway, Stephen t. do Boyd's Mills, Pa-
Furch, George do
Plnele. William
Gorton, John T.
Gorton, James D.
Neversink. I,.
East Port, M. D.
Grahamsville, N. Y
-Gardner. Austin do South .I!'allsburgh, Y.
Hornbeck, John do
Lawrence, Peter E. do Divine's Ooruers, N. Y.
Leslie, James E· do Brooklyn. N. Y.
Lewis, Reuben A. do
Lewis. William B, do Debruee, N. Y.
~forgan,Isaac do St. Louis. Mich.
MarICle. William P. do Dead.
Palmer. John J. do Dead,
Shultis, Wm. H. do Dead.
Tripp. Peter O. do Kane, Pa,
Upham. George W. do Hasbrouck. N. Y.
Vredenburgh. Jacob O. do Dead.
VanWn,gner. George W. do Livi ngston Manor , N. Y.
Samuel A. Row Oorporal. .
Bnrnhnrt. Wm. Private. Montgomery. N. Y.
OL'OSS. Geo rg« W. .. He was seriously wounded
at Pumpkin Vine Oreek.Ga
1\'Ia¥ 25. 1865. and sent to Gen
Hosp. and Lieut Pal on com
manding that day believes
ne died at hosnital,
Everett. George H. Private. Neversink. N. Y.
Hltt, Franklin do Port Jervis, N. Y.
Whittaker, Henry do South Fallsburg'h, N. Y.
James O. French Oaptaln. March 6. 1863. resigned.
.Nathaniel 0, Olark 1st Lieut. Feb. 8. 186<1, special order.
JohnR. Groo do Jan. 10. '64,. special order. New York city.
Dwight Divine sd Lieut. For promotion. April 1,'6<1
Peter E. Palen rst Lieut. For promotion May 1. 18M.
James B. Wilson Sergeant. Oct. 11,186<1. disabilit.y • Sacramento. Cal.
AdnaL. Knox Corporal. Feb. 17.186<1. Port Jervis. N. Y.
George Atwell do June 2<1.1865. general or-
der. Dead. '
William Hill do Feb. 27.1865. disability.
Bowers, Palmer Private, Dec. 18,1862.
Cox, Joseph E. do Dec. 26, 1863, disability.
Oonkltn, Theodore do April 14,,1863. Debruce, N. Y.
Dennis, William do Feb.23,186~.
Finch. Isaac N. do Feb. 9, 1863, Stone Ridge, N. Y.
Hendrixson, Wm. do Feb.1lJ, 186<1, died at Wood-
bourne. N. Y.
Lockwood, Daniel O. do April 27 •1863.
Low. Jonathan W. do May 3. 1865. Dead.
Meddeuch, Abrm do Never mustered in act of
injury received.
Meddler, Wm. O. flo April 23. 1863. Peakville. N. Y.
Perhamous, Emery do Jan. 19,1863. Walker Valley. N, Y,
Patmore, David A. do May 16. 1865. Rid~eway. Pat
Reynolds.)1elson T. do March 20. ).863, Hurleyville.:.N. Y.
Sprague. ve Witt O. do June 17I 1865. Parksville. ~. Y.
S~arr. Sanford M. do March 5. 1863. Monticello. N. Y.
Tyrell. William do June 9. 1fl65. Mount Hope. N. Y.
18 List of Member« of 143d Eeqt,
Taylor, William J. do Dec. 10. 1862, Dead.
Vredenburg-h, Henry J. do June ist, 1863. Dead.
Vredenburgh. Henry H do Aug. 18.1863. Living-stem lVlp11or. N. Y.
WilBon, Andrew 8. do April 13, 1863, Oentreville,N. Y.
Bennett, Asa A. do General erder, Rosco , N. Y.
Bennett. Millar P do do Rosco, N. Y.
Chapma,n. Jones ,do do Rockland. N. Y.
Darbee, Cleveland do do Rosco, N. Y.
Darbee, John A. do do Liberty. N. Y.
Demunn, Francis 1\1. do do Gage Gates OO'4.N. Y,
Hood. George W. do do Tug River. W. va,
Matthews, Lorenao do do Livingston Manor. N. Y.
Martin, Gideon W. do do
Powell, Russell
Rowe. Orrin D.
... Law Beach, N. Y.
Swarthout, Alex. E. do do Hurleyville. N. Y.
Stratton. Cyrus J. do do TlHllUpsonville. N. Y.
Terwilliger. Beni, do By Telegram. Divine's Corners. N. Y.
Tobias C. Sheeley Sergeant. Dec. 1. 1863. Newbul·f{h. N.Y.
Ferdon. Anthony 0 Private. To Oornnanv F. Rosco.~. Y. "
Jones. Beni, do July 1. 1863. Fallsburgh.N.Y.
l\filler David do July 1. 1863. Oenterville Station , N. Y.
Newman. Austin D. do l\Iay 15, 1864. Fallsburah, N. Y.
Schoonmaker. lVloses do May Hi, 1863. Thompsonville. N. Y.
Wamsley, John do ::leptember 30, 18G3. Shin Oreek, N. Y.
James M, Hitt Serg-eant. Apriln. 18G1:I.
-Ionathan J'onee do Dec. 5. 1863.
Barnhart', Herman Private. October 29, 1863.
Barkley. Anthony do October 7,1863.
Black. James A. do November 5, 18Ga.
Donaldson. John B. do "February 5. 1864,
Hendrtckson. Blake do J'une 30, 1863.
Hill. Matthew do Dec. 2, 1864. •
Lawrence. Gilbert do July 26. 1864. of wounds received
1\lackne~,;. Samuel do June I, 1864. accidental drowntne.
Malt1:Jy. marcus do 1\'lay 20. 1863.
Perkey, Elijah P. do April 15. 1864.
Boose John.E. do October 8. 1S63.
Boosa , Francis 1\1. do October 21. 18(H.
Simpson. Ohas. H. do November 26, 1863.
Behoonmaker.Mosea H do July 26. 1863.
Terwillig-er. Bevrvn M do November.6,1863.
Taylor, James M. do Jnnuarv 31. 1864.
White, Abrm do Jnly 20, 1803.
Bowers. Herman Private, April 30. 1863.
Dewitt. John do July 14. 1863.
Gorton. Nelson do July 14, 1863: Pardoned and dis-
charged May 30. 1865.
Leroy. Peter H. Private. Avril 30. 1863.
List of Mem!Jers of 143d Beot. 19

Co. "D" 143d Nil Y. V. Inft.



Albert B.' Gordon tst Lieut. Middletown. N. Y.
William A. Bennett Sergeant. Ithaca, N. Y. .
Philip A. Wever do
Samuel Mearns do Monticello. N. Y.
Geo. B. VanOrman Ooruoral.
George VanOrder do
Nelson S. White do
John Houghtaling do
Albert Bemant do
Oornellus B.Presonins do
Oharies Randolph do
Aaron Poyer do Newfield. N. Y.
Breitenbneher.Adam Private. Rondout, N. Y.
Oonklin ....: frank do
Oronce. william do
Ourtls, Edward do
Oollins. John do
Davis. James W. do
Doad, Reuben W. do
Frohlich. Clark do
-Prohltch, Edwin do
Houghtaling...Sands R do Died.
Holly. John u. do
Havens. Ansel B. do
Horace. Russell do
Longcov, Harrison do Brooklyn. N. Y..
Matthews.aamee H. do
Mallon. Barney do
McWilliams. Wesley do
Morgan.Ohester fl. 1'10
Myers. George _ do
Norton. James do
Robbinson. David do
Stewart. James H. do Ithaca. N. Y.
Stephens, Lewis do Ithaca, N. Y•.
Schryver. Ohas, H. do
Slocum. Truxton do
Truce. George do
Troomev. TimothY do Ithaca, N. Y.
VanValkenburgh.Oaa do
VanOrden. Moses do
Wood. Samuel do
Lewis N. Stanton Oantaln, Died July 2. 1886.
Denslow Hallady Sergeant.
Theodore Deschner do
Oornelius Horace Private.
Ooe, Henry do
Ooe. ~ elson do
Griddle William H. do
"20 lAst oj ]fembets of 143d Beot.
Dickinson. John W. do
Depew. Elias G. du
JohnRon. Norman C do
Mitchpll. Joseph do
Shaw. Henry do
John Hll!gins. Oaptaln. Promoted to Major. Dead.
C. Howell North. 1bt Meut.
Dewitt ApA'ar. do 45 William-st., N. Y. atty.
John n, Groo 2r1 Lieut. 158 W. 120th St .. N. Y. City.
Jared Anderson ist Rergt.
James D. Egbert Sergeant.
Linns 8. Mackey do
Blekel , Adam Private. Dec. 22. 1862.
HUlton. Charles do Jan. 2-1. 1864.
Bishop. Jeremiah do Feb. Hi. 1863.
Francis. John do Dec. 27, 18601,
Harrtnatou.Btenhen do Nov. 26.1863.
Jacob Albert L, do July 1. 1865.
Layton, Ohus, B, do July 16. 1865.
MAricle,VanGosbeck do AprJl 16. 1863.
Piper. Jacob H. do Dec. 9, 18112.
:Pringle. John do Feb. 27. 1863.
Price. Solomon do Feb. 16, 1863.
Robbins. David B. do April a, 1863. Perrvville, N. Y.
Snow I Will. G. do Feb. 16, 1fl63..
Sturdevant.LeGrand do Sept. 12,1863. Dead.
DeWitt Apgar ist Sergt. Promoted to Sergeant Major.
Asa A. Corldns Corporal, Jan. 16, 1861, V, R. C
Dick1inson, Willett Private. To V. R. C.
Dun avy, Deun is do do do
Halliday. Ajelbert do do cia
Hitchcock. William do do do
:l\Iasten, Abrm. do do do
Mead, Jacob do do do
Norton. Will. H. do do do
Patterson. John do do do
Roberts, Francis W. do do do
Luther G. Bunnell do July 26. 1861,Qf wounds.
John B. Gardner do Jan. 25. 1863, typhoid fever.
Charles W. Gust do Jan. 3D, 1863. do
William Holmes do :ruly 16. 185~. remittant fever.
Carr, Jehial do Heart disease.
Horgtn, Jefferson do July 27,1863, remittant fever.
Loomis. Amon do Sept. 3 , 1864.. wounds,
Morrison. Edward do Nov. I, 1863. chronic diarrhoea.
Murphy. Edward do Railroad accident.
Mix. Henry do July 14. 1861.
Peck. John P. do Nov. 20.1863.
Quick. DeWitt do Nov. 28. 186i1,. diarrhoea.
I.eynolds. Sam'l M. do Oct. 201. 186!.1863. fever.
Allen, David L. Private. Oct. 14,1862. New York City.
Berry, William do July 6, 1R65. Elmira. N. Y.
Champion. Wm. do Oct. 14, 1862. New York Otty.
Hflndersh0t.Chas. W do July 8, 186:!.
Hibbard, George do SepJ.1.1862.never mustered in-
to United States service.
Logan. Charles do Sept. 1,1862. never mustered in
to United States service.
Lindsay, Ohaa, W. do July 19, 1863.
Osborne,Robert do
Roberts, John W. do

Floran D. Ormsby Corporal, Supposed to.have been Oantur-

ed Octo bel' 27. 1863. i.
List of Members of 143d Regt. 21

Co. hE" 143d N. Y V. Inn. II




DeWitt. Apgar Captain. New York Cily.

Chas, A. Smith 1st Lieut. lHol'(ticello. N. v:
Foster l~. Bennett ist Bergt, Meadville. Fa.
Zachariah Medler Bergeant, Amsterdam.N Y
IIIorttmer Race Oo rpo ral, Equauock, Pa,
Hezekiah J Reynolds do Hurleyville, N. Y.
Elijah Schoonmaker do Port J'ervis , N. Y.
Hiram Adams do Glen Wild. N. Y.
William Dunlap do
Lewis Skinner do
Robert Pollock Wagoner. Wurtsboro. N. Y.
Barber. Theodore Private. Montieeilo, N. Y.
Bowers, Edwin L. do Dead.
Breen, Onartes L. do Barryville. N. Y.
Olark , Elijah do Westbrookville. N. Y.
Clark, l\Iiles do do do
Davis. William do
Graham. Samuel S. do Phillipsport. N. Y.
Knapp. JohnL. do New York city.
Masten . David W. do Newburgh, N. Y.
Muir. David do Glen Wild, N. Y.
lHcLaughlin. Henrv C do
l\1cGovern, Patrick Private. Westbrookville. N. Y.
Reed. Samuel do do do
Skinner, Theodore do do do
Scott. George W. do
Shaw. Levi do
Shaw. Samuel C. do
Terwilliger. Aaron do Amsterdam. N. Y.
'I'Ice. Horton do Ellenville. N. Y.
VanLuven, John do
Wade. Jacob S. do
Austin A. Race Sergeant. Bridgevi1le,~. Y.
Jacob H Sinsabaugh Corp.
Bennett. Jacob Private.
DeGroot. Charles do Westbrookville, N. Y.
Galloway. l\'IarcusB. do
Gordon .Jamoo H. do WestbroQkvilll3. N. Y.
Tarket. Levi W. do
Ira Dorrance Oaptain. March 1863. Middletown, N. Y.
John F. Anderson do Feb. 1, 1865. Oallicoon Depot. N. Y.
William R. Bennett, 1st Lieut. For promotion Nov. 20 \ '63.
Alexander H. Brown 1st Sergt. do do 11,64,
Philip D. Oole Sergeant. Sept. 10, 1863. Westbrookville. N. Y.
James B. Daved . do Dec; 14.1863. Phillipsport, N. Y.
John Dunlao Corporal. June 80, 1865.
Moses B. Oole Musician. Sept. 20,1863. Dead.
22 List of Members of 143d Regt.

Benedict, WITI. 1)'. Private. June 15, 1864. Westbrookville, N. Y.

Clemence, Ben]. '1'. do llay 20. 1864. Patterson, N. Y.
Orawtord, Charles N. do Aug. 17, 1863.
Ouddlusrton, James do June 28, 1865, Rock Hill, N. Y.
Decker, Peter do JUHl~ 28,1865. Rock Hill, N. Y.
Hoyt, Jonathan 1.\'1. do lhlb. 27, 1864. Nineva, Broom Oo., N. Y.
Hawley, David l::l. do April 8, 1863.
Hardenburgh,Alexander do Marcil 15, 1864.
Price. Henry R. do January 5, 1864.
Pierce,JohnW, do J une 7.1865. Westbrookville, N. Y.
l::lkinner. Surnuel L. do Feb, 25, 1868.
8pencer. Elijah do May 24, 1863.
Smith, Onurtes A. do June 7.1865.
Sarine. Iru do Anri! 28, 1865. Summitville. N. Y.
Tarltet, V., Witt O. (10 Jail uar y 12, 1863.
Tompkl11..,. Daniel D. do March 14, 1863. Hock Hill, N. Y.
Tillson, J t'sse do October 30, 181i3.
James A. Eiekenburg 1st Serg t. Promoted to Bergb.Malor Warren, Pa.
Frantz, George O. Private. ToV.R. O. .
Hardenburgh, John O. do '1'0 Hoanital Stewart. Pnllllpsporb, ~. y.
Simpson, Andrew J. do '1'oV.R. O.
Sklnner. Samuel W. (10 do do
tlweet, John D. do do do
Peter-L, Waterbury 1st Lieut. Of wounds received July
20, '64, P<:.ach 'free Creek.
Selar B. Decker Oorporal. May 15, '64:. killed in ac-
tion at Resaca, Ga.
Adams, William Private. March 25, 1865.
Bennett, rsaao J. do March 19. 1865, killed at
Bentonville, N. O.
Howard, George do November 19., 1863.
Kniffen, James H. do September 7, 1864.
Leonard, Levi do February 11, 1864.
Nation. Joseph W. do January 1863;
Pratt, John M. do June 22, 1862.
Richard, John do Juntl16,1868. Dead.
St. John, Wm. J. do January 21, 1861.
Skinniw, Ben], A. do October 27, 1863.
~hrin"· .Tacob do Of wounds in action.
Shaw Thomas J. do Feb. 3, 1864.
'I'ra.visse, William do May 25, 1863. Killed in action.
~1'h''':lpson, Jas. H. do July 11, 1863. Dead.
V'lflLnven Joachin H. do January 14, 1864.
'WlJitmore, Andrew J. do January 1, 1864.
Y ounz. Matthew do March 18, 1863, committed suicide.
nishop, Ohas, Private. November 18,1862.
BodlB, William do October 9, 1862.
Boovr-r, John do September 28,1868.
Tompkins, Jebial O. do July 13, 1863. Walden, Orange 00. N. Y.
List oj Members of 143cl Beat. 23

Co. "f" 143d N. Y. V. Inft.




Edward Hi Pinney Captain. .Jeffersonville. N. Y.

Dwight Divine 1st Lieut. Ellenville, N. Y.
George Anderson 1st :::)ergt. Fremont Centre, N. Y.
David Fraser Sergeant.
•James S. Beattie do Rockland, N. Y.
George Miller do Roscoe, N. Y.
Henry Miller Corporal. do do
George Alber do ~usquehanna, Pa..
James M. Benedict do Scranton, Pa,
George M. Swarthout do Owego, N. Y.
Alehibald H Blackman do Fremont Centre, N. Y.
Geo. W. Parker do Eldred, N. Y.
Francis H. Bif'far do
Wm. H. Mitchell do, Dead.
Jeremiah Bucksbee Wagoner. New Yor}, City.
Briner. John Private. Callicoon, N. Y.
Burt, Frederiek .do Dead.
Brady, Andrew do
Long Eddy, N. Y.
Brown, William
Baird. Otis
Oook, Enoch B.
Lanesboro, Po..
Davis, Joseph D. do Walton. N. Y.
Ferdon, Anthony H do Rockland, N. Y.
Ferdon. John D. do
Gilbert, John do Callicoon. N. Y.
Hill. Granger do Oscoda, Mich.
Hardie, Charles do
Hanser, Edward A. do Austen, Pa.
Hofer. John do New Haven, Conn.
Huff, LeWiS do J efferson ville, N. Y.
Jacoby, Hobert E. do
Sanab, Alfred do Binghamton, N. Y.
Leib, Theodore do Scranton, Pa,
Mills Georgo fl. do Liberty Falls, N. Y.
Miller, John do Roscoe. N. Y.
Priestly, John do Ralston. Pa,
'Quick. Cyrus J. do North Branch. N. Y.
Rose, James Jr. do Long Eddy, N. Y.
Rose, William M. do North Branch. N. Y.
Hiebecker. Lewis do Scranton, Pa.
VonArr, Herman do English Centre, Pa. .
Will1!1IDs, Henry H. do Great Bend. Pa.
·Yowlcee, Henry do Dead.
Long, John Private. Dead.
Pendell, Sidney T. do Greenbush. N. Y.
Rose. Caleb G. do Callicoon Depot.:... N. Y.
·Xremper. John do Portland Mills, J:'a.
24 List of Memher« of H3d Regt.
John F. Anderson 1st Lieut. Nov. 1. 1863. for promotion. •
Franldin Buckley 2d Lieut. March 26, 1863. special ordor Middletown, .N. Y.
George H. Smith Private. oce.s, 1862, dead.
Alexander Jackson do Dec, 17, 1862. Living-ston Manor, N. Y.
Chauncy Whitmursh do Dec. 22,1862. Harrison. Mo.
William C. Smith do Jan. 2,1863. dead.
Rudolph VonArx do Sept. 5, 1863. Jeffersonvllle, N. Y.
William S. Furdon do August 29, 1863.
Herman Kimball do Hept. 22, 1863. Peak ville, N. Y.
Willis, Norton do Dec. 14, 1863, dead.
Edward P. Smith 18t Serg t, Jan. 12, 1864, dead.
Asa Oole Private. Feb. 18, 1864:.
Joseph Winslow do March 11. 1864.
George C. Pinney, 1st l:5ergt. For promotion. Damascus, Pa,
Henry Coons Private. Brldgevllle, N. Y.
Chas. H. Hanford do
John Norton do Fremont Centre, N. Y.
George Murry Sergeant.
Alfr~d Wormouth Private. Butternut Grove, No Y.
John Wing-art do
Chas.Jackson do Rockland, N. Y.
Albert Gluckauf do
Ulrich Huber do
Orlando B. Fuller do Dead.
Ira F. Hitt do
Lewis Hrtt do
Andrew J. Thompson do
Nicholas Huber do
Philip VanTassall do
James A. Oonklin do
~tephen Wormouth do Fosterdale. N. Y.
Marcus Maltby Pri vate, Dead.
Abrm Palmanteor do Dead.
Seth B. Mills do White Sulphur Sprlng a.N . ~
L. B. Du inberry Ser~eant: Dead.
James Walker Private.. South Fallsburg-h. N. Y.
Edward J. Norton Corporal. Trout Brook, N. Y.
Beni, Hartman Private. Dead.
Lorenzo Albee Corporal. Rockland, No Y.
Wm.!!'. Morgans 1st Sergt. Promotion, died after dis-
Lewis H. Short Private. New Haven, Conn
Marcus Fraser 2d LIeut. November 20, 1862.
Edward A. LewIs Private. June 21,1863,
Isaac Wormouth do Jul:\-' 9, 1863.
George Rumsey do October 18, 1863.
George R. MIsner Corporal. July 25, 1863.
Mark L. Williams rio November 20, 1863.
Albert H",·-, I' Prl vutc, 33. 1863.
Eugene Edehne do January 6.1804.
John W. Reynolds do December 13. 1863.
Ovren IlS 1\1. Fuller do January 6, 1864.
:l!'ilinlOl'e Hlll do January 17, 1864.
Williain Murry do May 26. 1864. of wounds,
Olark .J Robertson do July 15, 1864.
Andrew Hu-cheu do July 20, 1864, killed in aetlo
Aaron Hoazlen 1st Sergt.. Juiy n. 1864. of wounds
George Miller Private. August 28, 1864.
Michael Ryan Private. october 13. 1862,
John Lynson do July 17, 1863.
List of Members of 143ct Reqt. . 25

Co. "on 143d N. Y. V. Inft.


--- ,\1 LAbT P. 0 ADDRESS


Jeriah Young Cantaln. Dead.

William T. l\!organs tst Bei gt,
Died at Middletown.
Thomas 11eLancy Sergeant. Walton, N. Y.
Levi Stewart do Parksville. N. Y,
Paul P. Tice do Deceased.
Timothy Doolittle Corporal. do
Andrew P, Budd do
Nathan l\I. Thomas do
Franklin l:iturdevent do Knnsas City. Mo.
Leonard TOmpkins rio Montgomery. , . Y.
Alvah 1\1. Chandler do Long Eddy. N. Y.
Jeremiah Hazen do It,ethel.N. Y.
Chas. S. l\IcWilliams Musician. New York City,
Allen Simpson Private.
Billings. Philo do
Carpenter. Charles do
Cremar. Jeremiah do
Clark, Joseph W. do Susquehanna. Pa.
Cook. Mathtas do Blc omtn aburah. N. Y.
Davts, Joseph do Waltun. N. Y.
Gould, Richard do
Gorton. Dubois do Hhoaiehl. Pa,
Hull, Aaron B. Private.
Busle. John P. do i .1,-
Kyr k, Ephraim E. do
Knapp. WilHam do
Laning. Stephen do Warwlrk, N. Y,
Kerr. Samuel do Long ErldY. N. Y.
Odell, Jesse H do Blooratng burgh , N. Y.
Ousterhour. Geo. W. do
Robinson, William do Lew Beach. N. Y.
Verwtmu, John Deceased.
Peter I~ellam ist, Sel'{;t. Equ iuunek, Pa,
:Marvin Chandler Sergeant. Fishes Eddy.
George 8. Cain Corporal. Deceased.
Boyle. ThomaS E. Private. SerlJt. 18 Bat. U. S. Engineer New York City.
Babcock. James H. d) Middletown. N. Y.
Bruster. Joel N. do '
Baker, Ohas, H. do Burl lngham, N. Y.
Heud rtckso n. Richard C do Swamp Mills. N. Y.
Miller. Verdine H. do Middletown. N. Y.
Warmsler. Warner do Deeeaeed-
Beni, Reynolds Captain. March 7,1865. Parksville. N. Y.
T. !S. Lucklev 1st Lieut. Deceased.
Rens Hammond do Aug. 29. 18640.
A.C.Kellam 2d Lieut. March 17 .1863. E:l.uinunk, Po.
26 L'i:st of Members of 143d Regt.

James H. Seaman Sergeant. Deceased.

Drown. James Private. do Bopt, 2. 1864.
Dickinson. Mercells do
Davis. Prosper P. do Deceased.
Krum. Peter L. do October 1863. Ellenville, N. Y.
Moyers.•Tohn Jr. do June 14. 186!.
Uockafellow, Ohes. B. do June 2.1865. Wurtsboro.
Seelev. Sanford L. do July 2.1863. decased.
Seeley. James L. do January 7. 18G5 .deceased.
Tyler. Wiilliam do June 6, 1855.
'I'urner , Henry do l\iay 17, 1865 Busquehaun ah. Pat
Watts. '.rho mas do March 26.1864. deceased.
Shields, Ohas. J. do June. 1865. Ellenville. N. Y.
Reynolds, Wm , H. do Julv I, 1865. Parksville. N, Y.
Gorton, Josenh do June. 18M.
Lambert, Adam. do do Neversink, N, Y.
Babcock. George H. Oorpo rul, To V. R. 0 .. deceased.
Warner, Hughes do do do Rock Valley. N. Y.
Aehart, William H Private. do do Deceased.
Bruster. do do do do do
Warling. Stephen Wagoner, do do do
Conklin. George H. Private. do do do
Hawk. Ohrlstlun do do do
Kellem • Sandswirtte D. do Equi nunck, Pat
Rose, George W, do
Todd. John do
R. 1\1, J. Hardenburxh ist Lieut. March 16. 1865, of wounds.
Dennis Johnson Rergel.1nt. do do killed in action,
Henry F. Fisher Oornoral, Dec, 8. 1863.
Brazer. Levi Private. March 4.1863.
Kearney. Benjamin W. do Jan. 27. 1864.
Debens, James P. do Jan. I, 1864.
Knapp. Nelson till Dec. 18 , 1863.
Kimball, James do At Bridgeport, Ala .. date unknown
Milligan. William G. do Jan.5.1864.
• Rose. William E. do Jan.12,1864.
Ryder. Jacob T. do Jan. 30.1803.
Bevnolds, Hiram T. do At Jeffersonville, date unknown.
Scott, Adam do Nov. 10.1863.
Turner. Nathaniel do Dec. 20,1863.
Teller. Horace. D. do Oct. 30.1862, of wounds at Look
Out Valley. Tenn.
Walker. John Jacob do October 7.1864.
William V. Luckey Sergeant. August 26. 18040. Middl atown, N. Y,
Louesi Marianna Private. March 12. 1863.
Watts. Thomas do July 11. 1863. deceased.
Hutcnins, Ohester D. do July 16. 186~. do
Billings. PhilO O.• .do July, 18G~.
Dist of Memher« of 143cl Reqt, 27




George H. Decker Captain. Died Itt Llbertv. N. Y,

George C. Pinney rst Lieut. Damascus. Par
Wllliam Stoddard Sergeant.
Harry Ward UO Circleville, Orange Co.
William Cole. Jr. Corooral, Ridgeville. Par
Matthew Decker do Willowemoc;:~ N. Y.
William D. Aunts do Parksville. 1'l. Y.
Andrew l\'lurry do Sheffield, Pa.
Johu H. Grant do Liberty. N. 'i.
John Caulkins do do do
Brace. Isaac Private, Greenfield.
Barnhart, Stephen C. do Dead.
Bradley, Walter do Brooklyn. N. Y.
Burton. George W. do Petrea Corners.Lewis Co
Barker. Edward do Livingston Manor- N. Y.
Oaulktns...George H. do Monticello. N. Y.
Conklin . Levi do Mongaup Valley. N. Y,
Campbell. Beni- F. do Jitidgewl\Y, Pat
Conklin, Manninrrs do Lew Beach, N. Y.
Clark. George do Knoxville, Tenn.
Cochran. Archibald do Livingston Manor. N. Y.
Dawson. David L. Private.
Decker. Gideon W. do Willowemoc
Dudley. Aaron do do
Doran. James do
Ellis. George M. do Galeton. Par
Gillett, Luther W. do
Grant. Lewis do Parksville. N. Y.
Havens. Samuel H. do
Kniffen. Benjamin do
Layman, Alston do
Lewis. J eseph P. do Parksville.
Lewis. ~amuel A. do Glen Wild, N. Y.
Marvin I,.John B. do
Morsc,<lohn W. do Maplewood. N. Y.
Maffitt , Ferris do
McKellip. Enos C. do Rolfe. Pa,
Porter. Orson do Union, N. J.
Rose. Gustavus do
Roosa. William M. do Liberty. N. Y.
Rose. Garrett do Livlneston Manor, N.Y.
Rose. Hiram E. do Churchill. Mich.
SllaflJr. Jacob E. do
Sorague, Lafayette do Livingston Manor. N. Y.
Winner. Solomon do Emmonsville, N. Y.
Whi ~lple, Ohas, C. dO Emmonsville. N. Y.
Ward. Joseph do Livingston Manor, N. 1,
28 List of Member« oj 143dRegt.


Rnf'us W. Porter tst Sergt, Main. Brown 00., N, Y_
Ohauneev 8. Fisk sercf~ant Plainview. Minn.
Jerrv Crary Sheffield. Pa.
Jonathan French Corporal Mongaup Valley, N. Y.
Eber C, Young do
Borden, Hiram Private Ohurchlll, Mich.
C1ftI'IL WllllAIll H, H. dJ
Campbell. William II. do
ColJlns. Thomas D. do Livingston :lianor, N. Y.
Conklin, David A. do
Irons. George H. do Hurleyville, N. Y,
lIIcPhlllenw, Hobert do
Parlt man, Wrll! am H. do
Travis. Ohas. W. do Sheldrake. N. Y.
Warring. Graham do Sheffield, Pa.
Woodward, Archibald.
Jirah J. Young 1st Lieut. ,Tnne 19,1865. promotion. Dead.
Rensslaer Hammond zd Lieut. Hay I, l86!. Lansing. Kan ,
Alexander H. Drown do ~IIa.y 15. 1865.
Erastus D. Beach S)rgenl,t. 'vI arch 9, 1863.
Will i a III .J. Gerow do March 7. 1864. Liberty. N. Y.
Andrew J. Stickles Oorporu '. May 27, 1865. Coudersport, Pa.
Armstrong. Stenhen Private. By General Order. DeBruce, N..Y.
Henson. (1 arrett W. do do do Grahamsville, N. Y.
Kenton, James H. do do do
Barnhart. George de do do
Beach. Hiram do Febru» I'y 17. 1864.
Currv, Hir-ha rd O. do Ry Gr-uurn.l Order.
Carrier. Ado) hert A do May J ~;. 1865.
Donaldson, Cornelius do By General Grder.
Drennon. Hobert do March 13, 1863. Liberly, N. Y,
Eckert, Aug usrus O. do By General Order. Ii rahnmsvil le , N. Y.
French. William H. do May 19,1863. Harvard, Del. Co" N. Y.
Farce. William do By Grnenral Order.
Gorton, William do do do Grahamsville. N. Y
Howard, John IH. Wagoner. August 8.1863. Btone Btdae, N. Y.
Hill. George Private. •Julv 30,1864, dead.
Lair, James D. do By General Order
Hec or, Hiram do June 17. 1865.
Huntington. Edward H. do June 6. lR65.
Lewis , Ohas. W. do July 1. 1865. Liberty, N. Y.
l\Iul'l'Y, Adolphus E. do Nov. 21. 1863. Burnwood, W6St. Co.
Porter, Hen ry W. do September 29, 1864.
Rose. Seth B. do By General Orde:'. Ohurehill. Mieh.,
Sheeley. Cal vin do (iO do Ellenville. N. Y.
Sli tel'. Stephen do do do Grahamsville.
Sherwood. Ros well F do August 17,1863. Dead.
Smith, Wllliam J. do JulY7.1865.
Wager, Enos do September 12, 1663.
Gray, Reni, do do 13.1863. Cook Falls.
Ham elton. William Prlvae, 1863 General Order. Denlng', N. Y.
Decker , John D. W. do do do Livingston Manor. NY
Gfldersleve, John A, do do do Liberty Falls, N Y
l\Iorgan. Patrick do Vet.. Res, 1864, Liberty, NY
Young. Hobert do do do
Beasmer, DeWitt C Private. Nov. 2.1863, Nashville, Tenn.
Atwell. Selah do July 22. 1864, wounded in action.,
Chapman. Amos III. do July 27. 1864, do do
Decker. William do Dec 13, 1863. Lookout Valley, Tenn.
Ellis, Sirel do nee 21, 1863, do do
Edwards. James H. do Dec 20. 1863, Liberty, N. Y.
Faster, Moses H. do Nov 10 1863, Stevenson, Ala.
Falkersou, Sevmour J. do July 21 1864. wounded in action,
Osterhout. Gideon do Nov 2,1863, Nashville, Tenn.
Ohas G l1eeso Oorporal. Feb 19, 191865.
List of Mernbe1'S 143d Begt, 29
:Raker. Anthon Private. Oct. U. 1862.
Cll,mpbeil. Wm. H. do Sept. 2.1862. released by special order.
Hodge. Leander A. do Apr1l2, 1863.
I{ile.lieol'ge W. do
M<lLyun. James do Never reported to company.
-O'Brtan. John do do' dO
Wltitmarsh, Sanford do Oct. 14, 1862.

00. "I" 143d N. Y V. Inft. I




HardBon.1Harvln Captain. Albany, N. Y.

\VILliace Hill ist Lieut. SCI anton. Pa,
Elihu Hilderbrant tst Bergt, Buffalo. N. Y•
. William ])'lcBoe Bergeant, Erna, N. Y.
Otis A. Bates do McLean, N. Y.
La.ngton HobillJ3on do Dled at Drvden, N. Y.
Bielby P. Starr Corporal. Unknown.
Daniel D. Davenport do Died at Orange. N. Y.
Arnold Chlddiah Private. Rathbonevllle, N. N.
Baldwin. William 00 Elmira. N. N.
Ballard. Gabriel R. de Bcehester, N. Y.
Dodge. Levi do
Donahoe. Patrick do.
Edflall. William do Dryden. N. Y.
.l!'ahunking. John F; do
Nash. David do Hartford. N. Y.
Peas. Almond de Cortland do
Rizir. Jacob do
Rrder. Wllliam do Syracuse, N. Y.
Smith.1.'homas do
Sutton. John S. do
Shave, John W. do Freeville. N. Y.
Tanner. Garrett do
Wait. Henry B. do Etna. N. Y.
Wickham. George do Dryden. N Y.
Frank. Jugger Corporal. Dead.
'Georg ~ Woodmancy do do
Cllambers. Amos do Died at Slaterville. N. Y.
l!'ogerty. John do Dead.
William'r George tat Lieut. Promoted to Captain. Company A,
do S Moffat 2d do do ~ 1st Lieut Q6 D.
Henry H.' Hemingway 1st Bergt, do ti; do de O.
John T McWhorter Bergeanr, July 11.1884.
PAter Seaman do May 16.1865. White Church, N. Y.
-Gilbert Devanny do Dec 24. 1864. Dead•
.Daniel Hollinshead Oorporal, January 28.18113. Oatterauaua, N. Y.
Brigham, Newton Private. Dec. 211, 1862.
Brawn. Aesou 0 do Au~ 27, 1864, Ithaca, NY.
Billington. George do April 11, 1863. West Dryden, N. Y.
Cole. Robert do April 1, 1861,.
Ferris. John J do Jan '18,'1863.
30 L'ist of ][embC1'S of H3d Begt.
Fox. Merritt B do Aug 26. 1863. Dead.
Fisher, Willet do June 23, 1865.
Hulslander. William do Dec.3l.1862.
Harviland. Albert do April 17, 18G3.
How. James T do Sovt 1, 1863. Dead.
Hemmlngwav.Oha.uncz do June 19, 1865 do
Hathaway. Wm H do JUly3.1861.
Hayes. Michael do July 3.18G5.
Knickerbocker. Clay E do Dec 22. 1862. OWdgO, N Y.
Lambesson, Wm do April 2, 1663. Dead.
do James E do Aug 26. 1863. New Mexico.
Perrigo. Ohas IIi do Sept 171863. Aubuan, N Y.
Payne, John do July 20, 1863.
Punderbnugh, Theodore do July 3. 1865. Dead.
Skillmore, James III do Ap: 11 30,18G3.
Sherwood, John do do do Dead.
Snyder. Henry J do April 1. 1864.
Shaw, Henry . do June. 1865.
'I'erwtlltxer, Ohas 0 do June 7. 1865. Dead.
Wait. Andrew do Dec 12. 1862. Etna, N Y.
Ward,Ai· do January 28. '63.
John W Copley tst Bergt, Vet. Res. Sept 1, 1863.
Elisha Hurley Oor uo ral. do March 15. 1854, Dead.
Hurd. John Private. do Sept 1, 1863. Broo klvu, NY.
Watson, John C do do 1863. Dead.
Maxwell. Edward do do July 1. 1863. DrydEn, N Y.
Wilson, Edward B do do Aug 10,1864. Eldred. N Y.
DlED •
. Bloomfield. Edward Private. Fob 14,.1864. Murfreesboro, Tenn.
Besser. Peter do Feb 27, llJ64. Louisville. Ky. .
Conklin, Harrison ,:0 May 19. 1865. wounds resiea.
Cook, Enis do Dec 18.1863. Lookout Valley, Tenn.
Duel, James 1\1 do March 25.1863. AlexH,ndria. Va.
Decker, Rufus do Aug 14. 181\4. Nashville. Tenn.
Fitts. Henry W. do Jan 11. 1864. Lookout Valley, Tenn.
Hartsough, Thomas Ooruo ral Dec 6. 1853. do do
Harned •. George Private. Seot 28.1863, Fort Monroe, Va.
Hemmingway.Orland<il Sergt, Oct 15. 18G3. Alexandria. Va.
Kizer. Albert Private. Setlt 1. 1864. wonnded in action.
Mosher , Philip do Jan 11. 1863. Alexandria. Va.
Morey. William A do June 25, 1864. OhattanooKa. Tenn.
Overacker. Isaac do April 4. 1864. Dryden. N Y.
Patteratll, Florel Corporal. Dec 5,1862. Washington. DC.
Seutt, Socrates Private. April 6. 1863. do
Sherwood. Wm P do Nov 4. 18G3. Bridg-eport. Ala.
. do Morgan do Nov 15. 1863, Nnshville, Tonn. .
Smith. Lawrence do July 30,'64. killed in action Atlanta. Ga,
Armstrong, Thomas Private. June 22, 1865.
Coykendall. Harrison do do
Campbell. John do June 9, 1865.
Ferris. David do Oct 14. 1862.
Farrell, Andrew do do
McDermott. James Corporal. Sept29,1862.
Nugent. John Private. do . Dryden. N Y.
Pratt. Samuel do April 29.1863.
Shaw, William do Oct 11. 1862,
Swain. do H do June 25. 1865.
Tomlinson. Robt do September 29. 1862.
Tompkins. Nicholas do AIlril15.1863.-tead•
Welt3h. James do Sellt 211. 1862. Dryden' N .r.
Wait. do.. do oet o 11852. Coonrod. NY •..
Wright. George W tdo do Canada.
Willcox. Lyman do Oct 14. 1802.
Freeman. Ohas D Private. l\Ijssing stnce Nov 28, 1863. SU (J.
posed to be dead.

List of Me'rnber8 of H3d Regt. 81

Co. "K" 143d N. t. V. Inft.

Peter E Palen ist Lteut, Monticello. NY.
Daniel A. Bedford. tst dergt Narrowaburgh N Y
Paul Marc ld Sergeant, . Damascus Pa,
Wesley J Woodruff do Newark N J.
Wallace Keesler Corporal Damascus Pa,
Ohl1s B Layton . do Callicoon Depot N Y.
James R Calkins do do do
George W Davennort do Barryville N Y
Wm H Hill Musician Rowlands Pa
Arch Eaberhart Private
Brining. James do Binghamton N Y
Bamner, GarrettL do
Baird. Andrew J do Dead
Connell. Patrick do do
Conner Patrick J do Oallicoon Denot NY
Conklin Wm do Dead
Detrick JOhl1 1\1 do Port Jervis
Dexter, Benj D do Narrowsburgh N Y.
Fagan. John do Scranton Pa,
Hill. James do
Keesler. Solomon do Oochecton Oeatr e N Y.
Lent. Thomas 0 do Warren Oountv Pa.
Lent. Charles do Hankins.
Ltllle. Harrison do Bethel N Y.
Marold, Robert do Narrowsburgh NY.
1\Illler. Lewis H do
l\IcGn8y.l\'1atthew do Coudersport Pa,
1\1orris John do
Osterhout. Cornelius de
Perry. George do
Pendergrass,John do Monttcello NY.
Sutton. Adolphus do
Swalm. Lewis do 1,2 Union S'il,uare N Y Oly
Tyler. William do' 00checton Oentre,
VanWagnon.Herman do
Willett T Embler 2d Lieut. Discharge given at Harts Ialand "
. N Y July 25, 1892' . New York Oity, .
John Akins Oorporal, • Call1coon D8Dot NY.
Michael Beesmer do
Dodge. Ovrenus Private.
Ellery. John do Dead.
Foster. John A do do
Ghff'. Nathan do MOngauD Valley N Y,
Hill, Elias B do
Hendrickson.Jon. H do Bcranton Pat
Lent. Joseph A do ECluinock Pa.
Powell. Joseph do New York City •.
Skinner. WeRton D do' Milwaukee Pa ,
Stahl. John elO\
Wallestlne. Lewis do


32 List of llfernbers of 143d Begt.
Anthony, H Bush Oantaln , March 311863 order of Court m artlal,
o Howell North do July 15, 1864.
Lewis N Stanton ist Lieut April 30 1864 promoted to Oantatn
Oorupanv D died June 21886 at Nar
ro wsbu rgh N Y.
John B Saunders Pr ivats . Jan4 1863 . Carlisle Pa,
Lawrance Detrick do April 218611,
JC'hn H Wheeler do August 26 186!
James Sackett do Sopt 8 IRes Grahamsville N Y
HAury Urben do March 16 1863
r~hvt0n Oornlsh do Dec 291862
Onr is Bauernfiend do February 1186:.1 Dead
Isaac Jelllff tst Ser~t Anrfl an 18S4 promoted to 00 B
Albert B Gorden do April 251865 do do D
Augustus H Keesler Private May 261865
William 0 Laden do lIIay 26. 18G5
Joshua H Quick' do May:1 1865
John H Barrett Private Vet Res ::lept 1 1863
J'ames Vantrum do do April 10. 1864 Wocdboume NY
John H Mason do do MI1l'ch31 1864
Ohas Guinnipp do do Jan 10 186!
Ed ward 0 Green Sergeant. do ADril118G5 Nnrrowsbursh NY,
Albert W Ohlttenden Sergt lIfay 11863Ohesepeak Hosul ta l
Wllllam C Bentley Private June 181863 Yorktown Va
Henry J.Lent Corporal 10 do do
C-eorge Tracy do November 2! 1863 Nashville Tenn'
John L Knapp do Dec 251868 Lookout Valley 'I'enri
George L Decker Private Kov281863 New Albany Ind
Elias Hendrickson do Nov 121863 Nashville Tenn
Peter Etlry do Dec 20 1863 Ohattanooza Tenn
John U Ross do Nov 3 1863 Stevenson Ala
J'erorne Wood do Nov 131863 Nashville 'Penn
Gilbert Apply do Jan 2 136! Lookout Valley Tenn
A aron Hoffman do do Murtrevsboro do
Walter Ingric do Jan 3 186! Lookout Vnlley Tenn
Wlrltam H :5mlth do Aprll 51864 Murfrevsboro do
Daniel IJ Dibble do Killed in action July 20 186!
Oonrad Keesler do Oct S 18640 Ohattanoega Tenn
Olinton A Baird Sergeant ADI'll 1i 1865 of wounds
Augustus Harre Private August 1818640 Andersonvllle Ga
Benjamin Boultz Wagoner May 22 1862 Hospital
Richard Angel Private October 14 1811,!
Stephen Funda do October 8 1862
John Hickey do Feb 281863
Lamando Tyler do Jan do
John J~UICk . do Sept 24 1863
Geo W anWert dO • Dropped as a deserter April 9 1865
not heard from Feb 30 IBM
Amos Lee do Dec 211863 while on duty
Nicholas Elbert do Left sick J'uly 141863 never heard
from after
Wm H Osterhout do Dropped April211866 as a deserter
Thoma:3 Murry do June 21865
Isaac F Tuttle Private November 29 1868
Philip Mock do do 1918640

(Compiled and published Oct. 1st, 1892.)

1st-The association shall be known as the survivors of the 113t1 Rpgt. N. Y. Inft
2d-A Jl honorably discharged offlcers and soldiers are elighle 1,0 mern bershln and
to hold office therein.
3rl-Th(j oblect is to conttnuo 'hat; snirtt of loyalty and fidelity to country that
brought us to {f'ther; to perpptuate Its prlneinles ; to collect facts and make a record
or the same. and to establish and a complete roster of the regtment,
4th-Political and other discussions foreign to the object of the assoclation pro-
5th -Meets annuallv Oct. 10th. unless that dav comes on Saturdav, Sundav or
Monda.v. when it will meet on the 'I'uesday following. 'I'he place of meeting fixed by
vote of assoclatlon ILt business meeting.
6th-Offlcf\l'G: A and 2d Vlce-Prealdents, Secretary, and Treasurer
p}petf'd annually. .
7th-'I'hA Presldent shall prpslde at all rneetlngs, and .sha11 glvp at least two
wpeks notice of e.1I meetings In the ouuers.and eecure reduced rates to meetings when
111'\ can.
8th-The Vice-Presldents nossess powers of President in his absence.
9th-Thp HAcretary shall !rPPIl minutes of all meetlug s, and Shall be the Corres-
pond ing Seoretarv of the Associa.tlun. .
10t.h-The Treasu rer shall giVA It bond-c-tha amount to be fixed by the association;
rccp!ve ann Day all moneys, ami report at each [LI1IlIlal maatlng ,
11th-Members elected by 2-3 vote at annual meetings.
, ,
12th--Any member "!lay he pxpplll-\c1 by 2-3 vot« of any Annual meeting 1'01' con-
rluutunb-com Ing a snlrller and R g",n tlernan , of which the n.ssocla.nlon shall be the
j nrlg'R: the [wenSerl,to have notice and onpurt.unlty to defend himself.
13th-Cnshlng's Manuel shall govern a.ll meetings.
14t.h-The annual dUPR. flxed at twentv-Il ve cents, subject to change bv 2-3 vote :
members in arrears not pnti~tpd tu vote.
15th-A.11l.'!tanding resoluttons considered By-Laws and to. be recorded between
theOllnstitution and rnlnutes. . .
16tl1-Tho Onnstltnt.ion. and Bv-Laws all1~nr}(\d hv majorlt.v vote, It notice of the
amendment Ilfwing been given at the pl'eredlng' annuul meeting.

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