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Name: Benjamin Gabriel Gilbuena

Section: BSN-3B Group 2

College of Nursing

1. This is a period between contraception and birth of the baby during which the fetus grows and develops
inside the mothers womb.
2. It is measured from contraception to the current date and it is measured by weeks.
3. This is the number of pregnancies including the present.
4. This refers to the past pregnancies (not the number of babies) that reach viability (20 weeks) whether or
not born alive.
Compute EDC
5. LMP- August 2, 2005
--MAY 9, 2006
6. LMP-September 30, 2005
--JULY 7, 2006
7. LMP-February 27, 2006
--DEC. 3, 2006
Compute AOG
8. LMP-November 22, 2005; Date of check up 042806
--Start: Nov. 22, 2005 End: April 28, 2006 AOG: 22 weeks & 3 days

9. LMP-February 14,2006; Date of check up 042806
--Start: Feb. 14, 2006 End: April. 28, 2006 AOG: 10 weeks & 3 days

10. LMP-September 21, 2005; Date of check up 042806
-- Start: Sep. 21, 2005 End: April 28, 2006 AOG: 31 weeks & 2 days
OB Score: GP and GTPALM
11. A pregnant client is making her first ante partum visit. She has a two year old son born at 40 weeks, a
five year old daughter at 38 weeks and 7 year old twin daughters born at 35 weeks, she had a spontaneous
abortion 3 years ago at 10 weeks. Using the GP and GTPALM, the nurse should identify that the client is:

G 4 G 4
P 3 T 2
P 1
A 1
L 4
M 1
Subject: 2nd and 3rd evaluation exam
From: Romeo Villanueva ([email protected])
To: [email protected];
Cc: [email protected];
Date: Monday, January 16, 2012 9:33 PM

12. A woman gave birth to a baby girl for the first time to a 38 weeks living neonate.

G -1 G 1
P -1 T 1
P 0
A 0
L 1
M - 0

13. If a womans second pregnancy ends in abortion and she has a living child from previous pregnancy
born at 39 weeks gestation, what would be the OB Score in term of GP and GTPALM system?

G 2 G -2
P 1 T 1
P 0
A 1
L 1
M - 0

14. Mrs. Arroyo is now pregnant and whose previous pregnancy yielded: 3 girls born at 40 weeks
gestations, an identical twins born at 26 weeks gestations, 1 spontaneous abortion, and 1 still born
delivered at 38 weeks gestation. What would be the OB score in terms of GP and GTPALM system?

G 6 G 6
P 5 T 4
P 1
A 1
L 5
M 1

15. Mrs. Marilyn Aguilar is attending the LAMAZE method classes. She revealed the following OB history to
the nurse; two females, Melissa and Mariel, delivered at 36 weeks gestations, 3 males, Johan, Paul Jake
and Jayson, born at 38 weeks gestation, 1 still born delivered at 39 weeks, one spontaneous abortion,
unfortunately after 12 months Johan died of bronchopneumonia. What would be the OB score of Mrs.
Aguilar when using the GP and GTPALM system?

G 7 G 7
P 6 T 3
P 2
A 2
L 4
M 0

If you fail to prepare then you prepare to fail

Compute EDC:




Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr TOTAL
8 31 31 28 31 28 157

157 7 = 22 weeks & 3 days

AOG: 22 weeks, 3 days
February 27, 2006 2 27 2006

2 27 2006
- 3 + 7
(-1)=11 34 2006

11 34 2006
+ 1 - 31
12 3 2006

Answer: December 3, 2006
September 30, 2005 9 30 2005

9 30 2005
- 3 + 7 + 1
6 37 2006

6 37 2006
+ 1 - 30
7 7 2006

Answer: July 7, 2006
August 2, 2005 8 2 2005

8 2 2005
- 3 + 7 + 1
5 9 2006

Answer: May 9, 2006


Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr TOTAL
9 31 30 31 31 28 31 28 219

219 7 = 31 weeks & 2 days

AOG: 22 weeks, 3 days

Feb Mar Apr TOTAL
14 31 28 73

73 7 = 10 weeks & 3 days

AOG: 22 weeks, 3 days

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