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12.086 / 12.586 Modeling Environmental Complexity

Fall 2008

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Lecture notes for 12.086/12.586, Modeling Environmental Complexity

D. H. Rothman, MIT
September 16, 2008


What is environmental complexity?

The basic laws of physics are simple. Newtons second law, F = ma, tells us how apples fall, tennis balls bounce, and molecules collide. Maxwells equations describe interactions between electric currents and magnetic elds. There are modications at high velocities (relativity) and small sizes (quantum mechanics). These laws are simply described by dierential equations and have tremen dous predictive power. Now look out the window. You see People, grass, trees. Rocks, birds, squirrels, clouds, the river. Further out: oceans and sh; mountains and glaciers. Further in: vast microbial communities (up to a billion/cc) Why are they there? How did they get there? Why do they look like they do?

These things are all obvious to the eye, and such a familiar part of our everyday experience that they are virtually unnoticed. Yet answering these questions using the laws of physics can appear impossible. Why? These phenomena all exhibit structure with variability. If the structure were perfectly ordered, like a crystal, we could understand it. Conversely, if the structure were perfectly disordered, like an ideal gas, we could also understand it. The structure of the natural world, on the other hand, usually lies somewhere in between. We refer to this type of intermediate variability as complexity.


Why study complexity?

Complex systems often exhibit variability over a wide range of scales. Con sider again the Earth, from large to small scales: Continents and oceans. Mountains, rivers. Lakes, glaciers. Rocks and soils. Studies of complexity seek the origin of such variability. In some cases, we are able to specify a set of qualitative criteriauniversality classesthat allow for quantitative predictions of emergent behavior in a wide variety of systems. This general goal has however been achieved only in relatively narrow cases (e.g., the transition to chaos) or with respect to well-dened models (e.g., self-organized criticality).

Rather than seeking general laws applicable all complex systems, we in stead assume that all complex systems are dierent. Earthquakes are neither avalanches nor stock market crashes; river networks are neither evolutionary trees nor leaf venation patterns. We nevertheless suggest that studies of individual, exemplary, complex sys tems, can oer insight applicable to other complex systems.


Complexity can emerge from simple interactions

Heres one such insight: Nature can produce complex structures from simple interactions. We illustrate this idea with a model of a uid. We like uids because much of the complexity of our natural environment derives from uid motions: the weather, the climate, rivers, oceans. At some scales the ow can ap pear chaotic (e.g., turbulent bursts of wind), while at others it can appear organized (e.g., the jet stream, hurricanes, tornadoes). To model a uid, we must describe how the ow at a particular point in space aects the ow at other points. We build a model from three ideas: Locality. Fluid particles inuence only their immediate neighbors. Conservation. Particles, and their momentum, are conserved. Symmetry. There is no preferred direction for ow (isotropy). Rather than assuming a continuum and deriving partial dierential equations, we instead seek the simplest possible model from which uid motions emerge. We include only the following ingredients: Identical particles hop at unit speed from site to site on a regular lattice. Collisions conserve particle number and momentum.


Heres one time step in the models evolution. (a) initial condition; (b) hop; (c) collide.



Now increase the size of the system, letting many particles evolve over many time steps. Then average the particle motions in space and time, to obtain a smooth picture of the ow. Remarkably, these coarse-grained ows are virtually identical to the motion of real uids, including all the beautiful structure of turbulent motions. What have we learned? Simple caricatures of the real world can produce beautifully complex behav ior. Why does it work? Formally: because our three requirements of uid motion are fullled. Informally: because many particles interact over long times. (Thus one could say we obtain quality from quantity [1].) More subtly: because there is a separation of length and time scales between the microscopic motion of particles and the macroscopic motion of uids.



The objective of this course is to teach lessons such as those which we just learned with our discrete uid. To do so, we will consider a mix of fundamental models (like the discrete uid) along with studies of specic systems that occur in our natural environment. The natural systems are chosen because a) they provide a context in which to learn interesting lessons; and b) they are interesting in their own right. Such systems include Landscapes: river networks, drainage basins, the shape of topography. Transport through disordered (porous) media. Ecology: community structure, food webs, diversity, stability. Biogeochemical cycles: origin, rates, and structure
Evolution and the fossil record.
In other words, we emphasize what you see out the window: why the natural (physical and biological) environment looks like it does, how it is maintained, and (to a lesser extent) how it got there. In these studies we will encounter several fundamental models and concepts. These include Random walks and non-Gaussian uctuations. Percolation theory: critical phenomena, scaling, universality, fractals, renormalization. Models of growing surfaces, networks, and aggregates. Self-organized criticality.

Lessons to be learned include How complexity can derive from simplicty. How to derive (macroscopic) statistical descriptions of systems from their (microscopic) dynamics. Why fractals and scale-invariance are ubiquitous. How to use computer simulations to reveal fundamental phenomena. How to construct a minimal model of a complex system that matches the right level of description to the phenomena of interest; and answers a question worth asking.



Class participation. Project-oriented problem sets. Final project, to be submitted on paper and in an oral presentation. No exams.

[1] Bak, P. How Nature Works: the Science of Self-Organized Criticality (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1997). [2] Goldenfeld, N. & Kadano, L. P. Simple lessons from complexity. Science 284, 8789 (1999). [3] Rothman, D. H. & Zaleski, S. Lattice-gas Cellular Automata: Simple Mod els of Complex Hydrodynamics (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997).

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