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NUMBER 2012-02 JANUARY 24, 2012


and so much more.....

Dear friends, Our ministry depends on the contributions of its members and friends. Without these contributions, Bixby Knolls Christian Church would not exist. Therefore, one of the essential tasks of our churchs leaders is inviting people to give. Most often, it is our worship leaders who extend this invitation during the Stewardship Moment, which is part of every worship service. For some of our worship leaders, I suspect that this is the most difficult part of leading worship. Few of us like to talk about or ask for money. For me, the task is made easier when I remember how much I believe in the ministry of our congregation. I think of the smiles and hugs of children who, when they arrive, know that this is a place where they are loved and affirmed. I think of the families who have experienced difficulties and challenges of health, employment, dying, and grief, and who have found the strength and hope they need through our ministry. I think of those who grew up here, and are now living their lives with a greater sense of gratitude to God, and a commitment to following the call to seek justice, love kindness, and walk humbly. I think of how our community is a better place because of our various outreach ministries, from providing food to the homeless to picking up litter in our neighborhood. I think of how the world is a better place, because we have participated in ministries like Week of Compassion and Disciples Mission Fund. Yes, I believe in our ministry! And because I

A prayer for Bixby Knolls Christian Church

Use me to bring wholeness to my neighbor. Use my church to bring wholeness to our community. Show us how your kingdom of shalom can be made real on earth through us.

believe in it, I want to do what I can to support it, to make it thrive. I want to care for it, and take advantage of every opportunity to make our ministry the best it can be. Being a part of something I believe in, and supporting it in every way I can, brings meaning to my life. And I want to give everyone that same opportunity. Blessings,

Pastor Danny
Coupons for Military Families
We have received thank you notes from Yokosuka, Japan and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia . Your coupons are much appreciated.

Families are definitely feeling the impact of the economic downturn. They are able to increase their buying power through the use of coupons. Please rest assured that the time you so generously dedicate to the coupons program is very much appreciated by the families that benefit from your contributions.
Pat Cohen, Community Action

Bixby Knolls Christian Church, (a Disciples of Christ Church) (562) 426-0428

Upcoming Special Events

Ash Wednesday February 22 Our BKCC choir will prepare a pancake dinner, which will be followed by a brief Ash Wednesday worship service in our fellowship hall. 6:00pm. Founders Day at Chapman University March 23-24 Yes, its still called Founders Day, even though it has expanded into a two-day event. On Friday, hear lectures by Amy Jill-Devine. On Saturday, enjoy a luncheon, hear the Chapman Choir perform, and attend a very special worship. You may register for one day or both. Details will be in the next Fellowship News, but you can get all the info now at the following website: Miracle on 43rd St. June 26-July 1 For one week, Disciples from all across the Pacific Southwest Region (and beyond) will gather to do some major renovation at United Christian Church, one of our covenant congregations urban Los Angeles. There will even be special service opportunities and programs for high school youth. Vacation Bible School July 16-20 This years theme: Sky Rock the Loch 2012 September 22 Last fall, several hundred people gathered at Loch Leven for an all-day music festival. This fall Rock the Loch returns, bigger and better!

Monthly 30-min. Neighborhood Clean-Up

February 11

11:00 a.m.

Youth & adults of all ages are welcome to join us. Those who want can go out to lunch afterward. We are collecting used clothing and shoes for the needy. your donations will be taken to Christian Outreach in Action. Please place your donations in the narthex. The last day to bring donations is Sunday, January 29. Pat Cohen, Community Action
health of LaWahna Eldred Ester Troxel Sumbar Sardar as she continues her education Delores White Marie Archer Doug Hocanson (Cathy Smiths husband) Greg Williamson (Betty Jos son) as he recovers from a fall Laurel Henrickson as she recovers from a fall health of Earlene Thomas Anita & Eddie Ramirez Paul and Linda May-Garcia for son Sean (Kobel request)

Due to your generosity BKCC Scholarships are presently providing for four of our young adults to attend local community colleges and one to attend Cal-State Long Beach. Thank you. Our fund is now less than $2000 and this years scholarships will need to be decreased. As you are aware, tuitions have gone up at all colleges not to mention the cost of books. The BKCC Scholarship fund began in 1971 and has a wonderful history providing that extra help to our students. It would be a great loss if our Scholarship Fund disappeared. Please keep the BKCC Scholarship Fund in mind when you are deciding on special donations or gifts in memory of a loved one.

Tristan Bradfield, T.J. Hillig, Kai Lee, and C.J. Pettis joined over 100 other campers & counselors at Loch Leven January 13-16 for Jr. High JANboree. Gracie Smith passed away on January 10. An informal reception celebrating Gracies life will take place at BKCC on Sunday, January 29, following worship.
To have your news, joys, or concerns included in next months newsletter, send a note to Pastor Danny at [email protected], or call the church office.

Youth News
Our next meeting is Sunday, January 29, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Whatever your past has been, you have a spotless future.

Summer Camp
Registration forms will be available soon, but you can mark these dates on your calendar now: Mini Camp is for those kids who will be in grades 2 & 3 in the fall of 2012. (July 1-4) Junior Camp is for those who will be in grades 4-6 in the fall of 2012. (July 8-14) Chi-Rho Camp is for those who will be in grades 7-8 in the fall of 2012. (July 15-21) CYF 1 Camp is for those who will be in grades 9-10 in the fall of 2012. (July 22-28) CYF 2 Camp is for those who will be in grades 11-12 in the fall of 2012, as well as those graduating in the class of 2012. (July 29-August 4) All Ages Camp is for kids in grades 4-12. (August 5-11) Young Adult Camp is for those who are at least one year out of high school. (August 17-19)

Wednesday Night Dinner

Join us January 25 for our next Wednesday Night Dinner, and help us celebrate National Soup Month. In February, our normal Wednesday Night Dinners will be on hiatus, as we partner once again with Roxannes Lounge (1115 E. Wardlow). Every Wednesday in February, Roxannes will donate 10% of all lunch and dinner proceeds to BKCCs Week of Compassion offering. Our normal Wednesday Night Dinners will then resume again in March.

Habitat for Humanity On Saturday, February 4 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles will conduct a free Homeowner Resource Fair at California State University, Dominguez Hills. The Fair will offer workshops on how to qualify for a Habitat home, mortgage assistance, home repairs; use of energy efficient program; how to start saving for a home purchase; how to fix your credit and increase your FICO score; how to start a neighborhood watch program ; a special workshop for Veterans; and more. To register, go to or visit See the flyer posted in fellowship hall for details.

The VA Long Beach Health Care System, on behalf of the hospitalized veterans and staff, would like to extend its appreciation to the members of Bixby Knolls Christian Church for remembering our Veterans with greeting cards. The cards were distributed to our patients throughout our medical center. Your cards have helped to boost the spirits of hospitalized Veterans who were touched by your thoughtfulness. Once again, our sincere thanks for your support, interest and concern in the welfare of our hospitalized Veterans. Your generous contribution is greatly appreciated. Please accept our gratitude for your commitment in supporting activities and programs that benefit our nations Veterans. From Eastmont to the BKCC family -

The Long Beach Police Department offers a program called Safe Reunion/Long Beach, which provides bracelets equipped with an emergency tracking device that can be activated when a family member goes missing. The bracelet is free to Long Beach residents who suffer from a cognitive disorder. For more information about the Safe Reunion program, call 562-570-1436.

January & February

Carole Gissel, Jan. 22 Danny Bradfield, Jan. 26 Sandy Jeglum, Jan. 29 Lillie Bray on Feb 7 Janine Swanson Feb. 8

On behalf of the Eastmont Community Center and community, I wish to thank you for your donation of toys and clothing and a check for $600 for our toy-give-away event held on December 16, 2011. You were truly our guardian angels in our time of need! With your donation we were able to provide toys to over 900 children ranging in age from infancy to 14 years of age. Our event was very successful because of generous and involved individuals like you. We hope we can count on you for our next event on December 2012. Once again thank you very much and may 2012 be a prosperous and successful year for you and all of your members.

February Anniversary blessings

Chuck & Linda Fowler, 42 years on Feb. 7 Tom & Betsy Hillig, 42 years on Feb. 14

A humble prayer Lets all bow our heads and pray as follows: Lord, help me to admit when I am wrong, and make me easier to live with when I am right.
-E.C. McKenzie, Macs Church Publication Quotebook

Preparing for Week of Compassion

By Amy Gopp, director, Week of Compassion Have you ever stopped to contemplate that literally all that we are and all that we have is of God? What an awesome concept! Our response to that Creator God is to give back. There is no greater joy than being in a position to share our gifts and resources with those in need. If we have enough, but others are lacking, we remind ourselves that God already created a world of plenty, and that it is up to us to distribute and share what we have with those who dont have enough. I vividly recall this remote village in northern India and the looks in the eyes of the children and the woman, pictured above, when they received a goat from Week of Compassion. This goat would change their lives! One goat! How wonderful it felt in that moment to know that what Disciples had given was now improving the lives of an entire community. What joy! In February, we take up our Week of Compassion special offering. In a time of uncertainty, fear, and continuing economic hardship in our country and in our world, I can think of no better offering to give back to God than our profound joy in knowing that we do, indeed, have all we needand more. For the point is this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:6-7) The early Christians are encouraged here to share the joy in giving by letting others witness their generosity so that all may see how God is being glorified and how others lives change as a result of our generosity. For more than six decades, Disciples of Christ in the United States and Canada have shared material resources with a hurting world through Week of Compassion, bringing glory to God as well as joy to others. Gods people giving of their resources-prayer, money, time, talent-remains the propellant behind Week of Compassion. The act of giving back to God is simply a matter of faith. It is the natural reaction to our saying yes! to following Christ. Sharing with others invites God more fully into our lives. As we reach out in love, we open the way for God to reach more deeply into us. Sharing will joyfully transform you as you help transform the world. This year, as you share your gifts with Week of Compassion, remember all the ways your gifts bring joy to others. Sow bountifully and share abundantly, knowing that you are not only helping change the statistics, you are also helping change lives. May we all give cheerfully and multiply the joy! Week of Compassion: sharing resources, changing lives, spreading joy

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Behold I will do a new thing.... Isaiah 43:19

Worship Fellowship and Fun Information Tea Time (light lunch)

Bring women from your church and party with women of the Region:

A Morning of Joy & Growth

Downey Memorial Christian Church 8441 East Florence Avenue Downey, CA 90240 Saturday, February 25, 8:30 a.m. registration 12:00 noon Tea and closing prayer Registration $7.00 at the door R.S.V.P. to Co-Facilitator Pat Messenger by February 4, 2012 (949) 653-2027 or [email protected]


(Disciples of Christ)
SUNDAY SCHEDULE: 9:00 a.m. Sunday School for Adults 10:15 a.m. Morning Worship and Childrens Church OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Friday closed

CHURCH STAFF: Pastor Daniel Bradfield -Minister Monica Lanz -Church Secretary Barbara Neal-Peebles -Music Director/Organist Christine Perkinson - Church Child Care Suzie Romero - Custodian

BOARD OFFICERS: David Rugh -Board President -Vice President Pat Cohen -Secretary Angela Hillig - Treasurer Chrysan Naw - Financial Secretary Phil OLaughlin -Church Clerk

The Fellowship News A publication of Bixby Knolls Christian Church of Long Beach (a Disciples of Christ Church) 1240 E. Carson Street Long Beach, CA 90807 Editor: Monica Lanz 562-426-0428 [email protected] fax 562-426-0429 Pastor: Daniel Bradfield The Fellowship News is published twice monthly.

Newsletter Article Deadline Sunday, February 5, 2012 5:00 p.m.

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