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Chapter 3: Jurisdiction, Grounds, Defenses & Related Matters

3.1 The Marriage Relationship


In order for there to be a Valid Marriage certain criteria MUST be met; Absent these Criteria , No Marriage exists. No one under age 14 can contract marriage. Marriage of such person is NOT Void, but Voidable at election of person Under age 18 the Consent of a Parent or guardian is required. Failure to obtain Consent is NOT grounds for Annulment Must wait 60 days to remarry after divorce. 60 day limitation does not apply to a remarriage by parties to each other. Common Law Marriage Requirements (Intention is the Key; Cohabitation is Important) (1) Capacity (2) Present Agreement / Consent twix H and W (3) Consummation

3.2 Annulment (Almost never see an Annulment)

Marriage that Lacks one of the elements of a Valid Marriage is subject to Annulment Following are Insufficient grounds to claim Annulment (1) Falsely claiming Pregnancy (2) Barrenness (3) Lack of Parental Permission (4) Marriage for Solely Financial Purposes (5) Misrepresentation of Age

3.3 Jurisdiction
In order for an Alabama Ct to have Jurisdiction over the Person and over the Subject matter at least one of the Parties MUST BE Domiciled in Alabama. Alabama CANT have Jurisdiction where there is a Valid Prior Divorce entered by another State. Subject Matter Jurisdiction is present IF the Marital Status of the Parties is before the Court, A Statutory Ground for Divorce is pled AND Residency requirement is met. When D is a Nonresident, Other Party must have been Resident for 6 months before filing Complaint. This fact MUST be alleged in the Complaint and proved. The 6 month requirement attaches ONLY when the D is a Nonresident. In Divorce Proceeding when Circuit Court exercises Jurisdiction over a Child in a Custody Proceeding, the Court continues with that Jurisdiction for later jurisdiction.


3.4 NonResident D Personal Jurisdiction

D must have Sufficient Minimum Contact w/ Forum State Per Kulko v Superior Ct 426 US 84 (1978) SC held that Mere Fact of Marriage in State is NOT sufficient to convey Personal Jurisdiction, nor is fact that kids are living with Resident spouse. Need Sufficient Minimum Contacts per ARCP 4.2(H) Living in Marital Relationship in State notwithstanding subsequent Departure and (I) Otherwise having some Minimum Contacts within this State and it would be Fair and Reasonable to require the person to come to the State Traditional Notions of Fair Play and Substantial Justice See also Brislawn 4443 So 2d 32 (1983) where H & W married in Ga, came to Ala to stay w/ parents immediately thereafter for 10 days then moved to Germany where they separated. Child of H & W was born in Ala. Ct held Jurisdiction over H even tho still in Germany. BUT: Limit whereby some act by which D Intentionally availed himself of the Privilege of Conducting Activities in the Forum State

3.5 Service of Process - ARCP 4 (c)

Due Process requires that a D be served with Notice and Opportunity to be served. (1) Personal Service by Sheriff or Other Designated Person; OR (2) Certified Mailing Where Ds Residence is unknown or where D has avoided Service, service by Publication is Permitted if the following requirements are met: (1) Notice in newspaper of general circulation in county where Complaint filed (2) Published once a week for four successive weeks. (3) Service deemed Complete at date of last publication (4) Proof of Service made by filing Affidavit from Publisher + copy of Notice of publication Per ARCP 4.3(d)(3), In Divorce Proceedings, the content of the Notice by Publication is provided.

3.6 Post-Divorce Service of Process 3.7 Venue NOTE: Issue of Proper Venue must be raised immediately or it is Waived
For Divorce Proceedings - Divorce Complaints must be filed (1) In the County in which D Resides; OR (2) The County where the Parties Resided at the Time of the Separation Where the D is a NonResident, the County where the P Resides has Exclusive Jurisdiction Venue in certain Post-Divorce Proceedings are controlled by Code Ala sec 30-3-5 Applies to Modification of Custody, Visitation of Child Support Venue lies in BOTH the Ct which w/h entertained the Original action AND Ct which both the current Custodial Parent and minor kids have resided for at least 3 years


3.8 Grounds for Granting Divorce Alabama recognizes 12 grounds for Divorce, per Sec 30-2-1
3.8 A Incapacity where H or W was during Marriage physically & incurably incapacitated to have sex 3.8 B Adultery requires proof of at least 1 act of illicit sex with agreement, either Expressed or
Implied to Continue the relationship as desire or opportunity offer. Must Prove with Specificity; Adultery is crime of Intent w/ 1 year S of L NOTE: Adultery can Impact the Distribution of Property/Assets of the Marriage.

3.8 C Abandonmentfrom bed and board for 1 yr proceeding the filing of the Complaint.
There can be NO Abandonment while H & W occupy the same dwelling BUT : Where one spouse Intentionally engages in such Misconduct so as to render cohabitation so unbearable that the other spouse leaves home, it is the Miscreant who is the Deserter.

3.8 D Imprisonment for 2 years, the sentence being for 7 years or longer 3.8 E Crimes against Nature 3.8 F Habitual Drunk, Drug Addict habit of drunkenness MUST HAVE BEEN acquired after
marriage and continued until or near the time of the filing of the Complaint NOTE: If one overcomes the habit for reasonable period before filing of Compliant, prior existence of habit is Insufficient to trigger this subdivision.

3.8 G Incompatibility of Temperament/Irreconcilable Differences

Must detail the facts that make up the Irreconcilable Differences with specificity i.e. she refuses to bathe regularly; she watches TV all of the time, etc

3.8 H Mental Incapacity 3.8 I Irretrievable Breakdownand any further attempts at reconciliation are impractical or futile 3.8 J Pregnancy at Time of Marriage without knowledge of Husband 3.8 K Violence/Cruelty when the other party has committed actual violence on his or her person,
attended with danger to life or health OR from his or her conduct there is reasonable apprehension of such violence.

3.8 L Non-Support and Separation in favor of Wife when wife has lived, or shall have lived
separate and apart from H for 2 years and w/out support from him for 2 yrs prior to filing of Compliant


3.9 Defenses
3.9A Collusion (30-2-3) - where Adultery was committed w/ Other Partys Consent for purposes of
obtaining Divorce

3.9 B Condonation (30-2-3) where Adultery has been Condoned by Other Party.
Defined as admission of the offending party to conjugal embraces after knowledge of commission of the Adultery. (i.e. where H forgives W for having an affair and they resume their marriage for the next 10 years) Post Filing Adultery (i.e. where H & W separate and H is living in apt and messing around) typically in N/A to the Divorce Proceeding. BUT Post Filing Conduct, which can be Linked with Pre Filing Conduct can be used against the Party who committed the Act.

3.9 C Recrimination - where both Parties have committed Adultery

Case law has extended application to virtually any area of Mutual Misconduct - even if Conduct not the same type focus is on whether both Parties are guilty of an act

3.9 D Connivance cant Connive to agree to a Divorce

Even where both Parties want Divorce, D must deny the allegations and in a Counterclaim allege the exact same counts, which P will deny

3.9 E Reconciliation between the Parties defined as the Voluntary Resumption of Marital
cohabitation in the fullest sense of living together

3.9 F Insanity 3.9 G Pre-Existing Marriage (not recognized by statute) 3.9 H Soldiers & Sailors Civil Relief Act

3.10 Parties
Any Spouse may bring an action for Divorce in his or her own name A Spouse who is a D must have Guardian to defend if he or she is less than 18 years old.

3.11 Pleading 3.12 Default

The P may file for a Default judgment 30 days after proper Service of Process on a non-responsive D MISCELLANEOUS PRACTICE NOTES: (1) Each and Every Complaint for a Divorce must be accompanied by a Vital Statistics Form (sent to Montgomery) listing Name, Age, Birthplace, SSN, Phone #, Marriage information, etc. (2) Make the Complaint a Verified Complaint: this is where the P signs and swears to the Complaint attesting to the truth of the Complaint. This protects the lawyer from potential sanctions under ARCP Rule 11 for Frivolous Lawsuit (3) If a Client lies about a material fact and the judge catches the client, the Judge can claim fraud and disregard ALL of that clients testimony (even the truthful testimony)



CHAPTER 6 Temporary Relief

6.1 General


Temporary Relief - Pendente Lite (during the Pending Litigation) One Party can file Motion to Freeze Assets Motion stays until either Final Order or Motion to Dissolve Order is issued. ARCP 53 allows for appointment of a Standing Master who, in Jefferson County, typically hears Pendente Lite proceedings and makes a recommendation to the Circuit Ct Judge. Appeal to Ct of Civil Appeals is via an Interlocutory Appeal by Writ of Mandamus (emergency hearing), which stays the specific Order until the Writ is decided. BUT be aware of the Ore Tenus Rule, which presumes that the Trial Judge entered a correct Order. Other topics which may arise as the subject of a Pre-Trial Motion for Relief w/b a Mental or Physical exam under ARCP 35. Per Sylus, one parent who is in Custody of the child MAY tape record telephone conversation twix child and Other Parent, where Other Parent is telling kid to do terrible thins to the Custodial Parent and his other family...altho taping would normally be illegal without consent of the Party, Ct deemed that the Custodial gave the Consent on behalf of the child to record the conversation. NOTE: Lawyer cant take possession of Evidence illegally obtained from client (i.e. where W taped conversations of H and his lover without permission). If Lawyer takes possession he is guilty of having illegal evidence.

6.2 TRO / Injunctions ARCP Rule 65

Preliminary Injunction CAN be issued without Notice to Adverse Party (Ex Parte Order) ONLY if: (1) From Specific Facts shown by Affidavit or by Verified Complaint (signed and sworn to by the Client), that Immediate and Irreparable Injury, Loss or Damage will result before the Adverse Party can be heard in opposition AND (2) Applicants attorney must Certify to Ct the efforts, if any, that have been made to provide Notice and reasons that Notice s/n/b required (Attorney must meet ARCP 11 requirements w/r/t due diligence). TRO must be filed in the clerks office and entered of record and expires as the Ct fixes, not to exceed 10 days after its issuance; NOTE: 10-day expiration of (TRO) does NOT apply to Domestic Relations cases. TRO must be Specific in Terms and describe in Reasonable Detail the Acts Sought to be Restrained and is Binding only upon the Parties and their Reps and Agents. An Order so entered is in effect until one Party petitions the Ct to Modify the Order (or until the proceedings are ended and Final Order is issued). Injunction generally requires the posting of a bond by applicant in favor of adverse Party No Security Deposit is required in Domestic Relations cases


6.3 Children are very often the subject of Pendente Lite Motions
6.3 (A) Custody and Visitation
There are Drawbacks in filing a Motion for Temporary Custody where a Hearing is required, the Parties will be forced to try their cases and divulge E for a matter that is temporary in nature. This allows the Other Party to see the case and prepare for it for the real trial There is no legal advantage to a Party obtaining Temporary Custody in a Domestic case, since the Permanent Custody issue is decided Separately. In situations where a Party is attempting to Modify an already existing Custody Order and a Motion for Temporary Relief is filed, the same Burden of Proof applies that is applicable at the Final Hearing. McLendon 445 So 2d 863 (1984), substantially changed the Burden of Proof when filing a Petition to Modify an existing Custody Order. Parents rights CANNOT be Terminated or Changed w/out Notice and Hearing (i.e. Due Process) The immediate Welfare of the child overshadows all else.

6.3 (B) Support

6.4 Spouse
6.4 (A) Violence
Violence is an example of when a Spouse would use the Ex Parte provisions of ARCP Rule 65 in a Divorce Proceeding Where Divorce is not applicable, the Protection From Abuse Act of 1981 (PFA), Alabama Code sections 30-5-1 thru 10 would apply (as amended in 1995). PFA applies to virtually any act that could be imagined twix two individuals. Virtually any Family Relationship is included as a potential Party. A Hearing must be held within 14 days of filing of the Petition. Violation is a Class A Misdemeanor fine not to exceed $2K and/or up to 1 yr in prison; also punishable by Civil Contempt

6.4 (B) Support per Ala Code 30-2-50

Court may provide for the support of either Spouse out of the estate of the Other Spouse suitable to the Spouses estate and condition in life of the Parties for a period of time not longer than necessary for the prosecution of the Complaint for Divorce. NOTE: This amount is Discretionary and left up to the Court.


6.5 Assets Possession / Disposition

Usually deals with one of two issues: (1) Maintaining status quo and not dispose of or secrete any asset (2) Use of an asset pending final disposition (i.e. exclusive possession and use of marital residence)

6.6 Enforcement / Appeal

In Enforcing a Temporary Order, proper procedure is to file a Contempt Citation with the Court. Violation of Temporary Order must be raised prior to the Final Decree being entered, since Final Order puts an end to any Pendente Lite obligations An action for Divorce, Alimony, Attorneys Fees and an Equitable Division of Marital Property in which there has been no Final Judgment does not survive the death of a Party. Temporary Order can be Appealed through a Petition for A Writ of Mandamus For the Mandamus to issue, the requesting Party must demonstrate distinct error, a clear legal right to the Relief requested and No Other Adequate Remedy.


CHAPTER 7 Alimony
7.1 General


In Alabama Alimony is in 2 categories: (1) That Paid for Sustenance and Support Periodic Alimony (2) That Paid to Terminate Property Interests Alimony in Gross Can be Lump Sum or a Series of Payments or combo of both Mortgage Payment can be designated to be either Alimony in Gross or Periodic Alimony Main Factor to consider in either drafting or Interpreting a Decree is whether there is some Contingency which terminates the obligation of the Payor

7.2 Periodic Alimony General Ala Code 30-2-51

For an Award to be Considered Periodic Alimony, as opposed to a Property Settlement, the payment must have some Uncertainty in Either Amount or Time.

7.2 (A) Elements to Consider by Ct in Awarding Periodic Alimony:

(1) Parties Standard of Living during marriage; (2) Parties future prospects; (3) Parties potential for maintaining standard of living; (4) Parties Ages, Sex , Health,; (5) Length of Parties Marriage - Typically Cts want a Minimum of 10 yrs of Marriage before Awarding any Alimony; (6) Sources of Income and of their Common property; (7) Conduct of Parties with reference to Cause of Divorce. Periodic Alimony is at the Discretion of the Judge. The Trial Ct will NOT reversed on appeal UNLESS there is an Abuse of the Discretion afforded it in the Decision. The Authority of Cts to award Periodic Alimony is Statutory. Per Ala Code 30-2-51: (a) If either Spouse has no Separate Estate or if it be Insufficient for the Maintenance of such Spouse, the Judge, upon granting a Divorce, at his Discretion, may order to such Spouse an Allowance out of the Estate of the other Spouse, taking into consideration the value thereof and the condition of the Spouses family; provided however that the judge may not take into consideration any property acquired prior to the Marriage of the Parties OR by Inheritance OR Gift UNLESS the trial judge finds from the Evidence that such Property, OR Income produced by such Property, has been used Regularly for the Common Benefit of the Parties during the Marriage. The separate estate of the Spouse being asked to pay Alimony may be taken into consideration in Determining whether the Spouse should receive an Award of Alimony. Per Lewis 416 So. 2d 755, the estate of the Party requesting Alimony MUST be considered to determine if that estate is Insufficient for his or her Maintenance. The separate estate of the Spouse being asked to pay Alimony may NOT be considered UNLESS the Ct finds that such property or the income from such property has been used for the Common Benefit of the Parties during Marriage. This used for the Common Benefit area is highly litigated.


7.2 (B) Termination of Periodic Alimony Periodic Alimony CAN be Terminated:

(1) Per Ala Code 30-2-55: Spouse Remarried OR Living Openly or Cohabitating with a Member of the Opposite Sex [NOTE: does not mention Homosexual relationships not yet litigated] provided that No payments of Alimony already received shall be Reimbursed Issue as to when Date of termination occurs. Issue as to Cohabitation requirementsfactual determination. (2) Death of Either Party (3) If the Recipient of Periodic Alimony becomes Self-Supporting Proof of Self-Supporting Authorizes Termination but does NOT mandate it

Periodic Alimony is NOT Dischargable in Bankruptcy 7.2 (C) Modification

Upon the happening of a Material Change a Final Judgment may be Modified. The Burden of Proof is on the Petitioner. Factors the Court considers include: (1) Remarriage of Paying Spouse (2) Receiving Spouses employment since Divorce (3) Financial Status and Needs of Receiving Spouse (4) Whether Receiving Spouse is presently capable of self-employment (5) Ability of Paying Spouse to respond to the former Ss financial needs (6) Whether there are Dependent Kids (7) Whether Alimony was originally agreed upon (8) Whether there has been a Material change in the financial situation of either Party Fact that Ex-H voluntarily quits his job, starts a new business thereby reducing income or voluntarily retires does NOT by itself create a reduction, since it Alimony is based on Ability to earn NOT on actual earnings. Increase in Payors income by itself is NOT sufficient to justify an Increase in Alimony (9) Health, Age, and Education of Parties, Earning Abilities and Probable Future Prospects, Duration of Marriage, Conduct of Parties w/ particular reference to the Cause of Divorce (10) Time twix Initial Alimony award and Modification Hearing (11) Any other Material and Relevant Circumstances as disclosed by Evidence

7.3 Rehabilitative Component of Periodic Alimony

Rehabilitative Alimony provides support for a Specific Period of Time Alabama does NOT have a specific statute for Rehabilitative Alimony

7.4 Alimony In Gross General

Means by which Property Interests can be Terminated thru a Monetary Payment. Payment may be Lump Sum or a Series of Payments or combo of both. Alimony in Gross IS Dischargable in Bankruptcy so therefore be aware of Series of Payments If taking Alimony in Gross as a Series of Payments, Party should require a Lien on Unencumbered property as collateral for the payments to protect herself against Brupcy of the Payor Spouse.

Two Requirements of Alimony in Gross:

(1) The Time of Payment AND the amount MUST BE Certain; AND, (2) The Right to Alimony MUST BE Vested

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7.4 (A) Elements to Consider and Method of Payment

Factors to Consider in awarding Alimony includes: (1) Earning Ability of the Parties (2) Their Probable Future Prospects (3) Source of the Marital Property (4) Contribution of each to its Attainment (5) Duration of the Marriage Courts typically look for minimum of 10 years of Marriage (6) Extent of the Fault of the Offending Party AND (7) Compensation to the Recipient for the Loss of Future Support & Statutory Inchoate Proprty Rights

7.4 (B) Termination and Protection

Alimony in Gross is NOT Modifiable in a Post-Judgment proceeding due to a change in circumstances of one or both Parties. Alimony in Gross IS Dischargeable in Bankruptcy.

Periodic Alimony payments are Deductible to Payor; Included in Income of Payee

7.5 Tax Considerations - General

Pymnts Qualify for Periodic Alimony (Includable in Recipients Income; Deductible to Payor) for Income Tax purposes ONLY if: (1) made in Cash (checks, money orders) (2) under Written Divorce or Separation Order (3) payments made on behalf on Payee Spouse (4) Payor and Payee are NOT members of the same household (5) Payments Terminate at Death

7.5 (A) Special Considerations Excess Early Pymnts and Recapture 7.5 (B) Relationship with Child Support
MISC NOTE: Any Judgment is Final after 30 days of being Issued by the Ct that has standing to hear the action, UNLESS it is properly appealed. Any Judgment that is not timely paid is subject to a 12% Post-Judgment interest charge. An Appealing Party MUST post a Supersedus (Performance) Bond to suspend payment of the Judgment during the appeals process [but does NOT forestall the 12% interest].

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CHAPTER 8: Marital Assets and Liabilities

8.1 General
Alabama is an Equitable Distribution State Per Ala Code 30-2-51, Allowance upon Grant of Divorce; Certain Property NOT Considered: Retirement Benefits (a) If either Spouse has no Separate Estate or if it is Insufficient for the Maintenance of such Spouse, the Judge, upon granting a Divorce, at his Discretion, may order to such Spouse an Allowance out of the Estate of the other Spouse, taking into consideration the value thereof and the condition of the Spouses family; provided however that the judge may not take into consideration any property acquired prior to the Marriage of the parties OR by Inheritance OR Gift UNLESS the trial judge finds from the Evidence that such property, OR Income produced by such property, has been used Regularly for the Common Benefit of the Parties during the Marriage. NOTE: Per Court of Civil Appeals, Trial Judge has wide Discretion as to awards. (b) The judge may [take] into consideration any future or current retirement benefits, provided (1) Parties married for 10 years during which the Retirement was being accumulated. (2) Shall not includeany retirement benefits acquired before marriage including interest and appreciation thereon. (3) Total amount of Retirement Benefits payable to non-covered Spouse shall NOT exceed 50% of Retirement Benefits that may be considered by the Ct. See 8.4, below for full discussion as to Retirement Benefits. (c) Shall not receive until spouse starts to receive retirement benefits or they reach age 65, or there is a lump sum settlement. Per Ala Code 30-2-52: If the Divorce is in favor of either Spouse for Misconduct of Other Spouse, the judge shall have the right to make (i.e. Judge is not required, but MAY) an Allowance to either Spouse out of the estate of either Spouse, or not make an Allowance as the circumstances of the case may justify, and if an Allowance is made, the Misconduct of either Spouse MAY be considered in determining the amount; provided however that any property acquired Prior to the Marriage of the parties OR by Inheritance OR Gift may NOT be considered in determining the amount. REMEMBER: To Qualify as a Property Settlement, the Award must meet 2 Criteria: (1) Amount and Time of Payment must be Certain; AND, (2) Right to it must be Vested and NOT Modifiable. There are NO Fixed Standards or Formula for determining Alimony or dividing Property.

KEY: There is No Reqmnt that Division be Equal, ONLY that a Division be Equitable.
Equitable is determined by the facts presented and interpreted by the trial Judge.

REMEMBER: A Decree dividing or distributing assets which is silent as to certain assets jointly held is Non-Modifiable by the court after 30 days.
The shorter the Marriage, the less complex the Property settlement In attempting to find out the assets of the Parties, may need to send Non-Party subpoenas to Bank or Brokers in order to get account numbers to determine the balance.

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8.2 Division of Assets and Award of Property

Ct has Wide Range of Discretion when dividing an Estate. If Parties stipulate to some aspect of the Property Settlement they are BOUND to that Stipulation when it is made part of the Final Order EVEN THO the Ct may not have had the authority to order what was done w/out the Stipulation.

8.2 (A) Real Estate

How the Real Property was acquired is often the most important factor to consider when attempting to analyze a distribution (i.e prior to Marriage; by Inheritance or Gift). Just because one Party supplies all of the purchase money for real property acquired during the Marriage is neither sole nor the most salutory method of determining the proper division of such property. Title matters only that it creates a Rebuttable Presumption that the property is owned by the title holder. To claim a partial ownership, the Non-Titled party needs to prove that they have an interest via expending their own funds/sweat equity on the property. If Parties intend to Destroy JTWRS OR specifically Retain JTWRS in a deed on the Real Estate asset of the Marriage, the Final Order needs to recite this. Where Decree is Silent, determination will need to eventually be made by Court. Conveyance of Real Property from H to W is considered a gift.

8.2 (B) Personal Property

PRACTICE NOTE: Best approach for dividing up is to give all items to one Party with the Exception of a Specific list of items awarded to the other Party.

8.2 (C) Alimony in Gross see 7.4(A), above 8.2 (D) Other Assets Life Insurance Policies
Where client is named as a Beneficiary of a life insurance policy of Ex-Spouse, lawyer needs to send Ins Co letter and put them on Notice as to divorce Decree to inform the client if Ex-Spouse attempts to change the Beneficiary or fails to pay the policy.

8.3 Business Interests and Corporate Assets

Although the Court may so Order, it is Hard to keep both Ex-Spouses involved together in a joint business after a Divorce.

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8.4 Retirement and Pension Plans considered Marital Assets

Since 1993, per Ex Parte Vaughn 634 So 2d 533 spouse can share in the Retirement Benefits of the other Spouse earned during the Marriage. codified in: Ala Code 30-2-51, Allowance upon Grant of Divorce; Certain Property NOT Considered: Retirement Benefits (b) The judge may [take] into consideration any future or current retirement benefits, provided (1) Parties married for 10 years during which the Retirement was being accumulated. (2) Shall not includeany retirement benefits acquired before marriage including interest and appreciation thereon. (3) Total amount of Retirement Benefits payable to non-covered Spouse shall NOT exceed 50% of Retirement Benefits that may be considered by the Ct. (c) Shall not receive until spouse starts to receive retirement benefits or they reach age 65, or there is a lump sum settlement. Since 1983, Uniform Services Former Spouses Protection Act (USFSPA) has protected ExSpouses right in former Spouses Military Benefits. The Act: (a) Permits (NOT Requires) State Courts to divide Military Retired pay as property twix parties in a Divorce; (b) Allows Dept of Defense to issue 2 checks, one to retired and one to ExSpouse; (c) Requires that the Soldier and Sailors Civil Relief Act be complied with; (d) Provides for the Garnishment of these Funds; (e) Extends Health Benefits (medical and dental) to an Ex-Spouse who was married for at least 20 years to a member who was credited with at least 20 years service over that period. For a Pension or Retirement Plan subject to ERISA, the Retirement Equity Act of 1984 permitted Plans to honor Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDRO). Participants account will essentially be split into 2 separate accounts by Plan Administrator, one part for Participant, the other for Ex-Spouse of Participant. To be qualified, the QDRO generally must specify: (1) The Name and last known of the Participant and of Each Alternate Payee to which the Order Relates; (2) Amount of the Percentage of the Participants Benefits to be paid to an alternate Payee or the manner in which the amount is to be determined; (3) Number of Payments or Period for which Payments are required; and (4) Each Plan to which the Order Applies. The Order is NOT Qualified if it: (1) Requires a Plan to provide a type of form of Benefit that is not otherwise available under the Plan; (2) Requires the Plan to provide increased Benefits; (3) Requires Payment of Benefits to an alternate Payee under a prior QDRO (i.e former Spouse). A QDRO Payment made to Ex-Spouse can only be made on or after the date on which the Participant/Ex-Spouse attains (or would have attained) the Earliest Retirement Age. i.e Alternative Payee can actually draw benefits before the Ex-Spouse, if the Ex-Spouse continues to work after the earliest date that the Covered individual COULD HAVE begun taking benefits.

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8.5 Professional Licenses and Degrees

A college degree in Alabama is NOT Marital property per Jones v Jones 454 So 2d 1006

8.6 Separate Estate/Inheritance/Gifts/Property Owned Prior to Marriage

Per Ala Code 30-2-51(a) [see 8.1 above for full text] [in an award to one spouse to another]judge may NOT take into consideration any property Acquired Prior to Marriage (Separate Property), or by Inheritance or Gift, UNLESS such property or income produced from such property has been used Regularly for the Common Benefit of the Parties during the Marriage.but subject to Equitable Distribution as determined by the Court. NOTE: Per Drummond, 785 So 2d 358, just because Separate Property or Gift or Inheritance Property meets the Regularly used for Common Benefit of the Parties during the Marriage does NOT automatically Require that the Property be divided; the property is Available for division and MAY be considered although it does not have to be divided. Distinction is drawn twix an Occasional Use of the asset or income produced therefrom and Regular Use of the asset or income produced therefrom. Separate Property rule may not apply to separate real estate owned prior to Marriage which was used as home for kids born during Marriage

8.7 Liabilities
If certain debts are not mentioned in the Decree the Party that is liable for that debt is in the same position after the Divorce as they were before the Divorce. NOTE: Parties CANT override a secured debt (Mortgage, etc.) by having one Spouse Indemnify the Other Spouse as part of a quit-claim deed. If a Party is signed in on a Secured Agreement they CANT be released until the holder of the Secured interest releases. Generally, a Husband is NOT liable for Post-Divorce debts incurred by his Ex-Spouse. One exception is for Mortgage or Car note which the Husband will continue to pay which were included in a Periodic Alimony. Settlement

8.8 Tax Considerations in Property Settlements

Remember: There is No Income Tax implications for Alimony in Gross settlements; it is NOT Deductible to the Payor nor includable in the Payees income for income tax purposes. Remember that Periodic Alimony is Deductible to the Payor and Includible in the Payees income Per IRC 1041, No G or L is recognized w/r/t a transfer of property to a Spouse (or former Spouse) as long as the transfer is Incident to a Divorce. The Tree receives Trors basis at the time of transfer.

8.9 Modifications of Property Settlements See Chapter 11, below.

There are very few occasions which allow the Ct to Modify a Property Settlement Except to correct Clerical issues or where Order requires some Clarification or where correction is for the Best Interests of the Child. NOTE: Where specific property is NOT mentioned in the Decree, the general rule is that title remains the same way after the Decree as it was held prior to the Decree.

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CHAPTER 9: Child Custody, Visitation and Support

9.1 General Custody Observations
Per Ala Code 30-3-1 Determination of Custody Courts are directed in Divorce proceedings to give custody and education of the kids to either M or F having regard to the moral character and prudence of the parents and the age and sex of the kids, and pending the action may make such Orders in respect to the custody of the children as their safety and well-being may require. Child born to married woman is Presumed to be the Legitimate offspring of the Hmay be rebutted only by clear and convincing evidence. Ala Code sections 30-30-130 to 136 addresses Domestic Violence and Custody of the children. There is a Rebuttable Presumption that when there has been Domestic or Family violence that it is detrimental to the Child to be placed in the Sole Custody, Joint Legal Custody or Joint Physical Custody with the perpetrator of the violence. The Ct shall consider the following: (1) Safety and Well-being of the Child and the parent who is the victim; (2) Perpetrators history of causing Physical harm, Bodily Injury, Assault OR Causing Reasonable Fear of Physical Harm, Bodily Injury, or Assault to another person.

9.2 Absence of Custodial Provision in Original Decree

A Subsequent action brought to Determine Custody is merely a Supplemental Petition to the Original Decree (and therefore does NOT have to prove changed circumstances). The Court retains control of the issue EVEN IF the Original Decree failed to reserve the Right.

9.3 Standard for Awarding Custody

Tender Years Presumption (kids under 7 years old s/b in mothers care) was abolished in the case Ex Parte Devine 398 So 686 (1981) Court now looks to following 12 factors in awarding Custody: (1) Sex and Age of kids (2) Characteristics and Needs of kids incl Emotional, Social, Moral Material and Educational needs (3) Respective Home environments offered by each party (4) Characteristics of those seeking Custody, incl Age, Character, Stability Mental and Physical health (5) Capacity and Interest of each parent to provide for the Needs of the kids (6) Interpersonal Relationship twix each kid and each Parent (7) Interpersonal Relationship twix the kids (8) Effect on the kid of Disrupting or Continuing an Existing Custodial status (9) Preference of the kid, if of sufficient Age and Maturity (10) Report and Recommendation of any Expert W or other Independent Investigator (11) Available Alternatives (12) Any Other Relevant Matter

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9.4 Application of Factors Past Performance is important in determining the future capabilities
the KEY is the Best Interests of the Child Guiding Principles for Application (1) Affectional Circumstances relationship twix kid and Parent (2) Wishes of Child although not controlling (3) Fault in General which Party was at Fault in the Termination of the Marriage (4) Adultery - Adultery by the Parent is not an absolute bar to achieving custody. To affect Custody, the immoral acts must have a Detrimental effect on the child. (5) Other Misconduct (6) Psychiatric Consideration (7) Financial Considerations (8) Removal of Child (9) Religious and Racial (10) Conduct by 3rd Party

9.5 Natural Parent vs. 3rd Party

Common Law concept that the primary Parental Right of Custody is in the Best Interests and Welfare of the Child as a matter of Law. Note that this Right is NOT Absolute

9.6 Preliminary Orders

Pendente Lite Custody does NOT act to shift the Burden of Proof at the Hearing on a Final Determination. The applicable Burden of Proof at the Final Hearing remains what is in the Best Interests and Welfare of the Child.

9.7 Joint or Shared Custody

Ala Code sections 30-3-150 to 157 contain a Joint Custody Statute. It notes that Joint Custody does NOT necessarily mean Equal Physical Custody. Joint Legal Custody concerns the decision making process for the child. Joint Physical Custody each Partys schedule with the child. Per 30-3-152(a): Court SHALL in every case consider Joint Custody but may award any form of Custody which is determined to be in the Best Interests of the Child. Per 30-3-152(c): If both Parties request Joint Custody, the presumption is that Joint Custody is in the Best Interests of the Child.. A finding of fact is Required where Both Parties request Joint Custody and it is not granted by the Court in the Final Order. The Court shall consider the following factors (1) Agreement or lack thereof of the Parents on Joint Custody; (2) The Past and Present Ability of the Parents to Cooperate and make decisions jointly; (3) Ability of Parents to encourage the sharing of live, affection and contact twix the Child and the Other Parent; (4) Any history of or Potential for Child Abuse, Spousal Abuse or Kidnapping; and, (5) Geographic Proximity of the Parents to each other as this relates to the practical considerations of Joint Physical Custody.

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9.8 Interstate Considerations

Before Alabama may adjudicate Personal Rights arising out of the Marriage, it MUST be able to exercise in personum jurisdiction over the Parties. Any Custody Order entered without the Court having Personal Jurisdiction over the parties is Invalid and is NOT entitled to Full Faith and Credit.

9.9 Visitation Court has Broad Discretion in setting of Visitation Rights.

Even though there is no connection twix payment of Child Support and Right to Visit with ones child, the Court, per Johnson 158 So 528 (1935), conditioned the Hs Right to visit on his being current on Support payments. Other Common law limitations which the Appellate Ct has reviewed include: (1) Requiring Father to pay the transportation costs of visits; (2) Prohibiting removal from the State; (3) Forfeiting Visitation if not taken at prescribed time; (4) Requiring Father to Notify mother of intended Visit; (5) Limiting Visitation to Reasonable Times and Places commensurate with a Childs Health, Education and Welfare; (6) Restricting Visitation to the home of a 3rd Party or Otherwise requiring Supervision; (7) Directing the Mother to get a separate telephone line for Child for talks with Father at prescribed time.

9.10 Child Support Nature and Extent of Obligation

The Right of children to receive Child Support is so basic that the Obligation by Parents to provide Support CANNOT be removed by Agreement, Release or Judgment. Only by a Termination of Parental Rights, whether by adoption or otherwise, may a Support Obligation be eradicated. Marriage of the kid terminates the Support Obligation, as does Emancipation (exceptions exist).

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9.11 Child Support General Principles Under the Guidelines

Ala Rules of Judicial Admin (ARJA) Rule 32 is the Child Support calculation Guidelines, which is supposed to permit the Childs needs to be met in accord with the previously enjoyed std of living. The amount derived per the formula is Presumed to be correct. Alabama is referred to as a Income Share Model and parents should continue to share the financial obligations of the child despite the dissolution of the marriage. Basic Guidelines include: (A) They apply to both Original and Modification proceedings (B) They apply to both Temporary and Permanent awards of Child Support (C) Calculations from the charts and forms are deemed to establish the correct amt to be paid UNLESS rebutted (D) Rebuttal may be shown by a fair written agreement of the Parties establishing a different amount and the reasons therefore OR from a findings of fact, based upon evidence before the Ct that the application of the Guidelines is manifestly unjust or inequitable (E) Rebuttal must be reflected in a written finding on the record that the application of the Guidelines would be unjust or inappropriate (F) Ct must review the Parties stipulations in light of the Guidelinesor the Parties may file a Notice of Compliance which either verifies compliance with or shows the reasons for deviating from the Guidelines (G) Rule 32(a)(1)(a)-(e) for Nonexclusive list of reasons for Deviating from Guidelines as follows: (1) Shared Physical Custody or visitation Rights providing for periods of physical care by one Parent Substantially in Excess of those customarily approved or Ordered by the Court; (2) Extraordinary costs of Transportation borne by one parent for Visitation (3) Expenses of College education incurred prior to Child reaching the age of Majority (4) Assets of, Unearned Income earned of the Child (5) Other Facts and Circumstances.

9.12 Child Support Definitions Under the Guidelines

Per ARJA 32(B)(1) Income means either the Actual Gross Income or the Actual Gross Income the unemployed or underemployed has the ability to earn. Section (B)(4) recognizes that Emees often receive Non-Cash Benefits as part of their compensation. Ct may impute income to a parent who it finds is Voluntarily Unemployed or Underemployed

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9.13 Deviation from the Child Support Guidelines

Guidelines have a Rebuttable Presumption that the amount of support calculated by application of the Guidelines is the correct amount of child support to be awarded Five Specific Reasons for Deviating (as mentioned in 9.11, per ARJA 32 (G), above): (1) Shared Physical Custody; (2) Visitation Rights in Excess of those Customarily Decreed; (3) Extraordinary Transportation Costs; (4) College Education expenses for a Minor Child; and (5) The Financial Resources of the Child. In addition, following Findings of Fact have been held Sufficient by Ct to Deviate from Guidelines: (1) Obligors Difficult Financial circumstances and other family Support obligations; (2) Actual needs of the Child exceed the Guideline Support Level; and (3) Total inability to support self and pay Guideline amount. Following Findings of Fact have been held NOT Sufficient by Ct to Deviate from Guidelines: (1) Mere possibility of Future employment (2) Expenditures for new family to Detriment of existing support obligations; and (3) Mothers failure to pay child support while father had custody as reason to decrease support father would pay on Change of Custody

9.14 Child Support Forms Under the Guidelines

Three forms for use under the guidelines (1) Income Statement/Affidavit (2) Child Support Guideline Form (3) Notice of Compliance

9.15 Child Support Health and Education under the Guidelines

Per ARJA 32(A)(4) All orders Establishing or Modifying child support shall at a minimum provide for the childrens health care needs Post-Minority support for College education is required to be made before the child reaches the age of majority. The Court has no discretion over allowable day care. It must be included.

9.16 Child Support Other Considerations

Split Custody is explicitly addressed in ARJA Rule 32(B)(9) as follows: (1) Compute the support the father would owe to the mother for the kids in her custody as if they were the only kids of the 2 Parties; (2) Compute the support the mother would owe to the father for the children in his custody as if they were the only kids of the 2 Parties; then (3) Subtract the lesser support obligation from the greater; the parent who owes the greater amount s/b ordered to pay this difference UNLESS Ct determines otherwise. Capacity to earn is a consideration for setting support.

9.17 Child Support Tax Considerations 9.18 Child Support Joint Shared and Split Custody under the Guidelines 9.19 Child Support Working the Guidelines
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CHAPTER 10: Modification of Custody, Visitation and Support

10.1 Custody Modification General Rule
Ex Parte McLendon (455 So 2d 863) is the touchstone in post-divorce proceedings seeking to
Modify Custody. Held: The positive good brought about by the modification must more that offset the inherently disruptive effect caused by uprooting the child. The parent seeking the custody change must show not only that she is fit, but also that the change of custody Materially Promotes the Childs Best Interest and Welfare. Under McLendon, the Moving Party bears the Affirmative Burden of showing that the proposed change Materially promotes the childs Welfare since it more than offsets the disruption of uprooting the child from his present environment. Remember for a Custody Modification, the actions of the parent must be proven to be detrimental to the childs welfare. McLendon is a Rule of Repose which condemns frequent disruptions in the lives of children whose Welfare is paramount.

10.2 Application to Joint Custody

Seminal case in this area is Couch 521 So 2d 987 where Court held that Father did NOT Waive his Legal Right to Shared (Joint) Physical Custody where he allowed former W to have primary care of the kids. This was held to be an informal agreement twix Parents but NOT a Judicial change. Two different Standards for Reviewing Joint Custody Arrangements: (1) When the parents Share Joint and Legal Physical Custody, the appropriate standard is the Best Interest of the children McLendon rule is Inapplicable and the appropriate Burden of Proof is whether a Change in Circumstances has occurred such that it is in the Childs Best Interest that the Decree be Modifiedand whether the Party seeking Modification has Alleged and Proved conditions sufficient to warrant Modification. (2) Where there has been a previous Judicial Determination placing Primary Physical Custody with one parent, the Party Moving to Modify must meet the McLendon rule. i.e. Materially Promotes the Childs Best Interests and Welfare

10.3 Application to Pendente Lite, Temporary and Ex Parte Orders

The McLendon rule is triggered when a Custodial parent seeks to regain Custody lost under a Temporary Order, since Temporary Orders are generally intended to last until one of the parties petitions the Court to Modify that Order. However, the McLendon rule does NOT apply to Pendente Lite Orders, since these Orders are replaced by a Final Order or Decree at the end of the litigation. With respect to Ex Parte Orders, a Parent having Custody of a minor child CANNOT be deprived of such Custody EVEN Temporarily without being afforded adequate Notice and Opportunity to be heard (i.e. Due Process), except in narrow circumstances.

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10.4 Application to Informal or Voluntary Custodial Arrangements

If one parent Voluntarily surrenders Legal Custody to the other (or a Grandparent), a later request to have Custody returned must meet the "Materially Promote" standard of McLendon. This is different than a Custodial Parent merely permitting a child to reside with the other Parent. Under such Informal Living Arrangement, the Burden of Proof is NOT shifted and should the Parent with whom the child now informally resides seek Custody, the McLendon standard MUST BE met by that Parent.

10.5 Rights of Natural Parent

Where Decree awards Custody to one Parent, without a finding that the Non-Custodial parent is unfit, then the Non-Custodial Natural Parent enjoys prima facia Right to Custody against everyone except the Custodial Parent. Baring any Unfitness of the Parent, a Natural Parent enjoys such prima facie Right to Custody against any Non-Parent. However, where such Natural Parent has been found Unfit, the Non-Custodial Parent must meet the McLendon standard, showing that an award would Materially Promote the Best Interest and Welfare of the child.

10.6 Evidence Concerning Custodial Parent is Parent putting his own needs above the needs
of the child. In an attempt by one Parent to use the following against the other Parent, Extrinsic Evidence is the keyNeed to showing that the alleged act had a Detrimental Impact on the child. (1) Sexual Misconduct Immoral Sex behavior by itself is Insufficient to support a Change of Custody. There is no requirement that sexual activity occurs in the presence of the child for it to be material for consideration on the issue of child welfare. (2) Violence Physical Abuse of the Custodial parent by another is a proper factor for Custody Consideration. (3) Residential and School Stability stability for the child is important. (4) Move out of State by Custodial Parent by itself does not justify a Change in Custody. (5) Adverse Changes in Custodial Parents Situation needs to affect the childs welfare to justify changing. (6) Alcohol and Drug Use mere use is Insufficient to Change Custody UNLESS drug use in presence of child. (7) Visitation Problems mere Interference is Insufficient to Change Custody (8) Pre-Decree Conduct (that were undisclosed to Ct when fixing Final Order) are Admissible and may be considered in subsequent Custody Determinations

10.7 Evidence Concerning Non-Custodial Parent

Where the evidence shows no more than the Non-Custodial parents life style has improved, the McLendon standard has NOT been met.

10.8 Evidence Concerning Child

The desire or wish of a child to live with one parent as opposed to the other is NOT controlling in Custody Modification cases

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10.9 Interstate Custody Proceedings

Where the Custodial Parent and Child reside in a different state than the Non-Custodial Parent, the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act (PKPA) and the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act (UCCJA) apply. In event of conflict in language twix the two Acts, PKPA takes precedent and is controlling. Home State is defined the same in both Acts the State in which the child lived with his Parents, a Parent or one Acting as a Parent for at least 6 consecutive months immediately proceeding the time involved. The Acts set to avoid Jurisdictional Conflicts and lay out various criteria to determine which State has Jurisdiction; Neither Act contain a long-arm provision. If Jurisdiction exists in Alabama, the PKPA establishes 5 other Criteria, one of which must be present: (1) Alabama is the home State of the child or was the childs Home State within 6 months of the date of the proceeding AND the child is absent because of removal by a Contestant; at Least one Contestant MUST remain in the State; (2) No other State has Home State status and it is in the childs best interest for Ala to assume Jurisdiction because the Child and at least one Contestant have significant connection with Ala other than Mere Physical Presence and there is available in Ala substantial evidence of the childs situation; (3) The child is Physically present in Ala and has either been Abandoned or it is necessary in an Emergency to protect the child from Actual or Threatened Mistreatment or Dependency; (4) No other State has Jurisdiction or another State has declined to exercise Jurisdiction, deferring to Ala as the more appropriate forum and it is in the Childs Best Interest that Ala exercise Jurisdiction. (5) Ala has continuing Jurisdiction having previously made a Child Custody Determination consistent with the PKPA provisions. It must still have Jurisdiction under its own laws, and the child or any contestant must still be a Resident Application of PKPA and UCCJA in Ala has produced the following approaches: (1) If Ala entered the Original Custody Order and one parent has remained, Alas Juris continues; (2) If Ala entered the Original Custody Order, one parent remains and Ala had not declined to exercise Juris, a subsequent Custody Order by another State is NOT entitled to Full Faith and Credit; (3) Even if Ala has Juris over a Custody matter, it may Decline to exercise its Juris should it appears that another State is the more appropriate forum due to Evidence concerning the childs welfare being more available therein; (4) Altho Ala entered the Original Decree, Juris passes to another State when neither the child nor any contestants remain in Ala; (5) Altho Ala entered the Original Decree, and one contestant remains here, AL may decline to exercise Juris when the child and the other contestant have left Ala and resided elsewhere for more than the 6 mths required to establish a new home state; (6) Ala must give Full Faith and Credit to another States Custody Order if that State had Juris under its own laws and acted in accordance with PKPA; (7) Ala cannot exercise Juris, absent an emergency situation, if another State properly entered the Original Custody Order, a party or the child remains in that other state, and said State has not declined to exercise Juris; (8) Ala may exercise Juris where emergency circumstances exist which threaten the childs welfare, even if another State has continuing Juris. Such claim of Necessity for emergency Relief will be closely scrutinized; (9) If an Ala Ct properly has Juris to Modify another States Custody Order, the Ala Ct must request a certified copy of all transcripts, Ct recordings and Pleadings from the sister state, giving consideration to such Evidence; (10) Altho the statutes apply equally to Custody and Visitation disputes, they have No Application to Child Support issues.

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Ala Act 99-438 repealed the UCJA and is known as the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) Ala Code Sec 30-3-20 to 44 Article 1 of the UCCJEA Act Sec 30-3B-102 contains 16 new definitions, one of which is Person Acting as Parent a person other than a parent who has Physical Custody of the child OR has had Physical Custody for a period of 6 consecutive months, within 1 year immediately before the commencement of a child Custody proceeding AND has been awarded Legal Custody by s Ct under the laws of Alabama. Sec 30-3B-107 gives a priority on the Courts calendar to Custody cases raising Jurisdiction Sec 30-3B-112 requires the Court to preserve all Pleadings, Orders Records of hearings, etc w/r/t the child until the child attains the age of 19 years old. Article 2 of the UCCJEA Act (Jurisdictional Defns and procedures) Sec 30-3B-204 Temporary Emergency Jurisdiction Act extends Jurisdiction where it is necessary to protect the child because the child or a sibling is subjected to or threatened with Mistreatment or Abuse. Sec 30-3B-206 and 207 discuss the concept of Simultaneous and Inconvenient Forum Sec 30-3B-208 - Jurisdiction can be declined by reason of a Partys conduct. Sec 30-3B-209 requires that each party in a child Custody Proceeding give certain information in its first Pleading. Article 3 of the UCCJEA Act contains Enforcement procedures Sec 30-3B-305 - provides a procedure to register in Alabama a Court Order from another State with or without a simultaneous request for enforcement. Sec 30-3B-308 a child Custody enforcement proceeding must be expedited on the Courts calendar.

10.10 Visitation
Court has Wide Discretion in ruling on petition to Modify Visitation Rights. Primary Consideration is the Best Interests and Welfare of the child. Typically see this in a situation where child was a baby at divorce and now is older. Increased distance due to Post-Divorce Relocation of a parent IS a sufficient Change of Circumstances to rewrite the other Parents visitation Rights. Where one Parent has moved out of state it is appropriate for the Court to address the manner by which the child will be transported and who will pay such transportation costs. Evidence of Adverse Conduct Detrimental to the child may warrant Ex parte suspension of Visitation. Visitation is normally required regardless of a childs fear or wishes.

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10.11 Grandparents Visitation

The Court has the Discretion to grant Grandparents Visitation Rights. There is No Common Law Right for Grandparent visitation. Therefore, Grandparents claim must arise per Ala Code 30-3-4 OLD Sec 30-3-40 (a), stated that Grandparent may request visitation when: a. the parent related by blood to the Grandparents is deceased and the surviving parent denies Reasonable Visitation privileges to the Grandparents; b. the Surviving parent relinquished Custody; or c. the Rights of the Surviving Parent are terminated voluntarily or by Ct Order. NEW Sec 30-3-40 allows Grandparents the Right to file an original action for visitation if it is in the Best Interests of the minor child AND one of the following conditions exist: when a Parent of a child has Abandoned the minor; when the child was born out of wedlock; OR when the child is living with both biological parents who are still married to each other AND parental authority has been used to prohibit a relationship twix the child and grandparent. In determining whether visitation is in the minors Best Interest the statute provides several factors to consider: the Willingness of the Grandparents to encourage a close relationship twix the child and parents; Preference of the Child if child is determined to be of sufficient maturity to express preference; The Mental and Physical health of child and Grandparent; Evidence of Domestic Violence; AND Any other Relevant factor Statute specifically creates a Rebuttable Presumption in favor of Visitation by any Grandparent. In addition, an original action requesting visitation rights may not be filed by any Grandparent more than once during any 2-year period and SHALL NOT be filed in any year in which another Custody action has been filed concerning the child. Grandparents MAY intervene for Visitation Rights: in any action when a Court in Ala has before it any question concerning Custody of a minor child; in a Divorce proceeding of the Parents or a Parent of the minor child; OR in any action seeking Termination of Parental rights of either Parent, provided the Termination is for the purpose of adoption.

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10.12 Child Support

Child Support Guidelines contains the following w/r/t Modification: (3) Modifications: The Child Support Guidelines shall be used by the Parties as the basis for periodic updates of Child Support Obligations. (a) The provisions of any Judgment shall be Modified only as to installments accruing after the filing of the petition for Modification. (b) There shall be a Rebuttable Presumption that Child Support s/b Modified when the difference twix the existing child support and the amount calculated under these Guidelines varies by more than 10%, UNLESS variation is due to the fact that the existing child Support resulted from a Rebuttal of the Guidelines and there has been no change in the circumstances that resulted in the rebuttal of the Guideline.

Child support Modification is based on at least a 10% changed circumstance. Extra

awards for medical, dental and educational. NOTE: Even if the fathers income has increased, the request to increase Child Support may still be defeated if there is a lack of Evidence to suggest any increase in the needs of the child. Practice Note: Where one Parent is to reimburse the other for bills related to the child, need to put a submittal date requirement (no later than 30 days after charge has been incurred) and reimbursement date (within 15 days after submittal).

10.13 Special Support Circumstances

A Parent may be required to support a Mentally or Physically Disabled child who is unable to care for themselves beyond the age of majority, per Ex Parte Cohen 763 So 2d 253. Post Minority Education of a child addressed in Ex Parte Bayliss 550 So 2d 986 Considerations: (1) Financial Resources of Parents and the Child (2) Childs Commitment to, and Aptitude for the Requested Education (3) Standard of Living the child would have enjoyed without the Divorce (4) Childs Relationship with Parents (5) Childs Responsiveness to Parental Advice and Guidance; AND (6) All other Relevant Factors which appear Reasonable and Necessary.

10.13 (A) Financial Considerations

Per Thrasher, 574 So 2d 839 (1990), if the other requirements are met, a Parent has a legal duty to contribute to a childs college education expenses if the Parent has sufficient estate, earning capacity or income to provide financial assistance without Undue Hardship to himself. Undue Hardship determined on a case-by-case basis.

10.13 (B) The Childs Commitment and Aptitude

Child must have an ability to comprehend the course subject matter in such a way as to make at least average grades upon examination.

10.13 (C) Projected Standard of Living

Actually an inquiry to whether the Parents would have paid for college had the family remained intact.

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10.13 (D) Relationships, Guidance and Advice

Two rules stand out: (1) If the Parent-Child relationship is strained (or never existed) due to Parents fault, the childs opportunity to attend college should not Suffer; AND (2) If a Parent will be asked to contribute financially, that Parent should not be left out of the Decision Making Process.

10.13 (E) Limitations on Obligations

Request for Post-Minority college assistance fails if the child is already 19. Can also fail if the child is too young (before child has reached or nearly reached graduation from high school) and before all of the Relevant issues have been presented and considered. Care must be given in defining the Nature and Extend of the Obligations simply directing a Parent to pay college expenses is error. The Obligation may be appropriate limited by Specifying payments to a state-supported college, or limiting to a set amount for tuition, fees, room and board, and books. Court cannot order a child to attend a specific school. The Obligation to assists in obtaining a college education extends to children born out-of-wedlock. Obligation is for tuition, fees, room and board, and books does NOT extend to Child Support. Medical expenses or paying for Post-Minority high school education.

10.14 Terminating Events

Obligation to pay Child Support extends throughout the Minority of the Child. It is neither terminated nor diminished simply because a 3rd person has contributed to or assumed the support of the child. However, if the child is adopted by another, the Obligation ceases.

10.15 Paternity Issues in Post-Divorce Proceedings

Decrees establishing Paternity are Immune from subsequent attacks, since the law does not favor bastardization of issue. Child born to a married woman is presumed to be the Legitimate Offspring of her Husband. Once there has been a Judicial Determination of Paternity, the Parties to such action are Precluded from disputing the Paternity in Subsequent Proceedings. The following phrases in a Judgment have been held to constitute a finding that a man is the father of the child and thus conclusive of Paternity: (1) The Parties Unborn Child (2) The Minor Children of the Parties (3) The Parties Minor Child (4) The Minor Child of the Marriage (5) The Child Born to the Marriage.

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CHAPTER 11: Enforcement

11.1 Alimony and Child Support General
Past due installments for Support create a Final Monied Judgment as of the date they are Due. If, however 10 years have elapsed since entry of Judgment without issue of an execution, it is Presumed Satisfied; also true if 10 years have elapsed since the date the last execution issued.

11.1 (A) Contempt

Rule NISI (show cause) Contempt of Court, not to Punish the offender but to coerce him to pay the Support Decreed by the Court. Contempt is divided into Four classes: (1) Civil (failing to do something ordered to be done for benefit of the opposing party)(2) Criminal (to impose punishment for disobedience to the Orders of the Court-Can Imprison for 5 days for EACH Criminal Contempt action) (3) Direct (committed in front of the Court) or (4) Constructive (committed out of the Courts presence). In an action filed Post-Judgment for the collection of Support, the contemptuous conduct could be Civil (to enforce payment of Alimony in Gross and Periodic Alimony) or Criminal (the fact that the payments were not made as per the Court Order) or both. Example: Order provides for H to pay $200 per month Alimony to W; H fails to pay W for 3 months, owing $600 [Civil Contempt]. H has no reason for not paying, other than spite [Criminal Contempt]he told the judge this in Court after W filed for Post-Judgment petition to enforce the Order [this would be Indirect Contempt since the missed payments occurred outside of the Courts presence]. ARCP 70 sometimes is used to obtain a Judgment for a specific act not being completed in a prior Order. If the disobedient party did not comply, the Court could Order a 3rd party to act in the place of the disobedient party. ARCP 70A allows the Court to summarily find in Contempt any person who commits a Direct Contempt, immediately notifying the person of its finding.

11.1 (B) Garnishment

Per Ala Code 6-6-370 to 484 - Garnishment allowed for Collection of Child Support, but NOT allowed for Periodic Alimony Fedl Guidelines restrict amounts that can be Garnished. Garnishment for unpaid past amounts due may not exceed 25% of Disposable Earnings for any work week or the amount that Disposable Earnings exceeds 30 times the Federal min hourly rate. When Garnishing for the Support of any Person, Garnishment may not exceed 60% of Disposable Income for any work week if D has no current spouse or dependent (50% if current spouse or dependent). Amounts are increased to 65% and 55%, respectively, if the amounts accrued more than 12 weeks ago. However, per Crockett v Dobbs, 545 So. 2d 811, since State law protects a greater amount of Debtors earnings, the State percentage of 25% is followed. D has 30 days from receipt of Notice of Garnishment in which to answer.

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11.1 (C) Foreign Judgments

The Alabama rule is that a Divorce Decree rendered by another State will be given Full Faith and Credit ONLY if the Decree is a Final Judgment (no longer modifiable) under the laws of the rendering State.

11.1 (D) Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act (URESA)-Ala Code 30-4-80 to 98
Designed to improve and extend the Enforcement of Duties of Support and to make uniform the Support laws of adopting Statesway to compel those who have a duty to support to fulfill their obligation without having to be extradited to another State.

11.1 (E) Income Withholding Orders (IWO) for Support (Inter- and Intra- State)
Child Support Enforcement Amendments of 1984 (to Title IV-D of the Social Security Act) Which requires States to adopt the following procedures: (1) Mandatory Income Withholding Order Ala Code 30-3-60 to 71 for Intrastate withholding Original Garnishment Statutes 6-6-370 to 484 available for collecting Child Support (2) State Income Tax refund offset (3) Liens to Enforce Support Orders (4) Bonds, Securities or Other Guarantees to Enforce Support (5) Expedited Procedures to Establish and enforce Child Support (6) No Limitations on Paternity Actions until at least the childs 18th b-day; AND (7) Fedl income tax offset in some Non-AFDC cases. The Order issued is Continuing in Nature and Remains in Effect until further Order of the Ct. Income Withholding Order has priority over other writs of Garnishment and may exceed the statutory amount prescribed in the Garnishment proceedings in Ala. Amounts may NOT exceed the Fedl guidelines for Garnishment.

11.1 (F) Addtl Remedies Under the Child Support Enforcement Amendments of 1984
The Parent Locator Service is an additional tool that the Act provides. Offset of Fedl and State income Tax Refunds is another tool provided.

11.1 (G) Life Ins/Medical Ins/College Provisions

Medical Ins premiums and Medical Costs for kids Parent can be required to maintain these items pursuant to the doctrines that require Necessaries to be provided for Minor kids. It is important to word the Decree to reflect the exact intent of the Parties. i.e. Custodial Parent takes care of the first $250 of medical expenses; the Decree should detail the exact sharing of the Non-Covered portion of medical bills thereafter i.e. Does College expenses include Tuition, Room, Board, Books, transportation, etc.

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11.1 (H) Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act of 1998 established Felony violations for the failure to
pay legal Child Support Obligations. Offense is defined as a situation where person: Willfully fails to pay Child Support Obligation w/r/t a child who resides in another State if Obligation has remained unpaid > 1 yr OR > $5,000; OR Travels in Interstate or Foreign commerce with Intent to evade Support Obligations IF Obligation has remained unpaid > 1 yr OR > $5,000; OR Willfully fails to pay a Support Obligation w/r/t w/r/t a child who resides in another State if Obligation has remained unpaid > 2 yrs OR > $10,000. Rebuttable Presumption that Obligor has the ability to pay the Support Obligation for the time period charged in the indictment.

11.1 (I) Alabama Uniform Interstate Support Act Ala Code Sec 30-3A-101 to 906
First section provides the basis for Jurisdiction over Non-Residents and allows 8 separate circumstances upon which Jurisdiction can be extended over a non-Resident. Sec 30-3A-204 provides guidance to the Court in a situation where there are simultaneous proceedings in another Stateestablishes a Priority for the Court in the Childs home State. Once the State exercises Jurisdiction it continues with Exclusive Jurisdiction for as long as two circumstances continue to exist: (1) For as long as Ala remains the Residence of the Obligor, the Obligee OR the Child for whose benefit the Support Order was issued, Jurisdiction remains in Ala (2) Jurisdiction can be removed if all of the Parties file a written Consent with the Ala Court to allow another Court to Modify Alas Support Order Also requires that Courts recognize the continuing Exclusive Jurisdiction of the Court from another State. Sec 30-3A-206 provides method of Enforcement and Modification of a Support Order by Court having continued Jurisdiction. Sec 30-3A-207 provides the basis and procedure for the recognition of a Controlling Child Support Order from another State. Article Five of the Act deals with Enforcement of the Support Order of another State and provides a new procedure whereby an Income Withholding Order may be sent directly to an employer in a second State without the necessity of utilizing a Court in that State. Article Six of the Act deals with Enforcement

11.1 (J) Alabama Child Support Reform Act of 1997 Ala Code Sec 30-3-90 to 200
The Act created a new form to be filed with the Court, Form CS-47, Child Support Information Sheet.

11.1 (K) License Suspension and Revocation for Failure to pay Support Payments per Ala Code
sections 30-3-170 to 179

11.2 Property General - Enforcement of a Decree dealing with Property is through petition for
Rule Nisi.

11.2 (A) Personal Property way to avoid any issues is to be specific in detailing in Decree. 11.2 (B) Real Property failure to comply with a Real estate conveyance or conveying an interest in
violation of a Decree is subject to Contempt.

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11.2 (C) Debts

If one Party agrees to pay a joint debt and subsequently fails to pay it, the creditor can pursue collection of the debt against any individual whose name appears on the underlying debt.

11.3 Child Custody and Visitation General

An Individual that fails to Comply with a Ct Order to deliver a child for visitation can be held in Contempt of Ct.

11.3 (A) Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act & Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act of 1980
The UCCJA was adopted by Alabama in 1980 per Ala Code 30-3-20 to 44. When Attempting to enforce a sister States decree dealing with Custody or Visitation, BOTH the UCCJA and PKPA should be utilized. Per Ala Code 30-3-33: The Cts of this State shall Recognize and Enforce an initial or Modification Decree of a Ct of another State which had assumed Jurisdiction under statutory provisions substantially in accordance with this article or which was made under factual circumstances meeting the Jurisdictional stds of this article, so long as this Decree has NOT been Modified in accordance with Jurisdictional stds substantially similar to those of this article.

11.3 (B) Criminal Warrants per Ala Code 13A-65-45

Person commits this crime if he Knowingly takes or Entices any Child under the age of 18 from the Lawful Custody of its Parent, Guardian or other Lawful Custodian.

11.3 (C) Bond Requiring Compliance per Ala Code section 30-3-6(b) 11.3 (D) Habeas Corpus (produce the body) used to achieve the return of a child in a Custody
Dispute and is applicable in BOTH Inter and Intra State situations. Reason to file: Writ of Habeas Corpus gets priority in the Court in being heard.

11.4 Defenses and Responses General

Defense commonly raised is that the Decree is Ambiguous or Not Enforceable. Be careful when serving a D that is under 18 years old they are legally an infant and can only be served as such (Notice must also go to parents) Death of one of the Parties; Remarriage of parties to each other (common law or ceremonial marriage).

11.4 (A) Credits Court has Wide discretion in determining.

When Divorce Decree requires the H to make Periodic Payments for the support of children and he has supported then while they lived at home or away, the W cannot recover payments for support during that period, nor during the periods 3rd persons were supporting the children. The H is given Credit for those periods in which he supports the child or the child is self-supporting. In order to get Credit for amounts paid, Must show Evidence of Payment (i.e. dont pay in cash write check) and KEEP RECEIPTS.

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11.4 (B) Bankruptcy Automatic Stay is issued by the Court

Periodic Alimony is NOT Dischargable in Bankruptcy. Several Basic Legal Principles apply: Exceptions to Discharge should be narrowly Construed AGAINST the Creditor and in favor of the Bankrupt. The Burden of Proof lies with the Creditor to demonstrate that the particular Debt falls within one of the Statutory Exceptions. Whether a Particular Debt is a Support Obligation or a Part of a Property Settlement for Dischargeability purposes is a question of Fedl Bruptcy law NOT State Law. Bankruptcy Discharge is an Affirmative Defense which is waived if NOT timely pleaded. Property Settlements are also effected by Brupcy. Debts that are not for Alimony. Maintenance or Support but arise from Divorce, Separation (Property Settlement Debts) are generally NonDischargeable, with 3 Exceptions : (1) If Debtor does not have the ability to pay (2) If Discharging such Debt would result in a Benefit to the Debtor that outweighs the Detrimental Consequences to a spouse or to child of the Debtor. (3) If the Spouse or Child fails to file a Complaint (within the 60 day period described by Brupcy rule 4007) requesting that the Debt be determined to be Non-dischargeable

11.4 (C) Inability to Comply

When the accused puts forth Evidence of his Inability to pay, the Burden of Proof is on the Complaintant to prove Beyond a Reasonable doubt the Obligor can pay. Lawyer should require Witness to appear via a Subpoena Deuces Tecum (so that witness brings proof of his inability to pay).

11.4 (D) Decree is Silent

Before a person can be held in Contempt in a Domestic Relations situation they must be ordered by the Court to actually perform. Problems arise when a Final Order is entered and the Parties later agree to do something different sometimes seen in Post-Divorce situation where one Party Waives the receipt of Support (This is a Legal impossibility in Alabama).

11.4 (E) Res Judicata or Estoppel

For a Prior Ruling to Bar a Subsequent course of action, (1) Prior Judgment must have been rendered by a Ct of Competent Jurisdiction; (2) There must have been a Final Judgment on the Merits; (3) The Parties must be Identical in both actions; AND (4) The Same Cause of Action must be involved in both lawsuits. Doctrine of Estoppel if the same cause of action is involved, the doctrine of estoppel may operate as a bar as to every matter raised and litigated in the same suit.

11.4 (F) Equity Doctrines Clean Hands and Laches

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12.1 In General
Per Ala Code 30-2-54: In All actions for Divorce or for the recovery of Alimony, Maintenance or Support in which a Judgment of Divorce has been Issued or is pending AND a Contempt of Ct Citation has been made by the Ct against either Party, the Ct MAY, of its discretion, upon application therefor, Award a Reasonable Sum as fees or compensation of the attorney, or attorneys representing both Parties. NOTE: If Parties Reconcile the court cannot award attorneys fees.

12.2 Pleading and Proof

ARCP 15(b) provides for raising Issues by the pleadings for Ct consideration. Awarding attorneys fees without a pleaded request for such fees is NOT in error where there is Evidence of financial need on the part of the wife and performance of service by her attorney. However, if the Party failed to request such an award and there was Neither Express nor Implied Consent to the issue being tried, then an attorneys fee may NOT be awarded. KEY... is the Cts discretionary power in awarding fees.

12.3 The Decision to Award

In Rosser 355 So. 2d 717, the Court enumerated the factors in determining whether to award a fee: (1) Ws Misconduct, if any; (2) Hs Income and Financial ability to pay counsel fees; (3) Ws ability to pay her own fees; (4) Whether Issues such as Dispute over Custody were intertwined with the Divorce suit; (5) Ws Good Faith in asserting her cause or presenting her defense; (6) Conduct of the H; (7) Length of the Trial; (8) Time required to prepare the case; AND (9) Services rendered by the Attorney. KEY... is the Cts discretionary power In Situations where there is No Serious Misconduct by either Party and relative earnings are similar, the Ct may properly be required to have each Party bear the cost of their own attorney. Where W is guilty of Serious Misconduct during the Marriage, her request for attorneys fees is properly Denied; however, such Misconduct is not an absolute bar.

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12.4 Setting the Amount

Per Rosser, Ct should consider: (1) Nature and Value of the subject matter of the employment; (2) Learning, Skill and Labor necessary to the proper discharge of the employment; (3) Time Consumed; (4) Professional Ability, Experience and Reputation of the attorney performing the service; (5) Weight of his Responsibility; (6) Measure of Success achieved; (7) Any Reasonable Expenses incurred; (8) Fee Customarily charged in the locality for similar legal services; (9) Opinion Evidence of experts on the subject of fees; (10) Cts own Knowledge and experience as to the value of the services performed; AND (11) Earning Capacity of the Parties. Ct may, as part of the fee, include certain expenses and costs necessary to the litigation, as long as they were Reasonably Necessary and Reasonable in amount.

12.5 Modification Proceedings

Ct has no obvious Distinctions twix Original proceedings and Modification actions.

12.6 Contempt Proceedings - per Ala Code 30-2-54

In Enforcement hearings there must actually be a finding of Contempt in order for fees to be awarded. An obligation to pay a debt is not enforceable in a Contempt Citation.

12.7 Other Costs

An award of fees belongs to the client not the attorney affording the representation.

12.8 Collection
When an attorney has withdrawn from a case the trial court cannot require the client to pay attorney their fee.

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13.1 In Camera proceedings MUST have consent of Both Parties
In Camera in Judges chambers or when all spectators have been removed from the Courtroom. Typically for the testimony of child. Three ways a child can be called as a witness in Domestic Relations cases: 1) Take the witness stand and be sworn in like any other witness 2) In camera with the judge but no one else present 3) In camera with judge and attorneys present but without presence of the parties If the party to the action does NOT Consent to the In Camera examination AND neither the Party or his lawyer is given the opportunity to participate In Camera, this constitutes Reversible Error. If neither Party requests that a transcript be made of the In Camera interview, the record o appeal of the case is incomplete and therefore an affirmance of the Trial Judges decision is mandated and CANNOT be disturbed. Per Ex Parte Wilson 450 So 2d 104, If the Party requests that the Court Reporter be present so that the examination can be part of the record, failure to allow this constitutes Reversible error.

13.2 Wiretap / Electronic Surveillance

Fedl Law generally does NOT allow Wiretapping Exceptions to wiretap statute 1) Wiretapper is a Party to the Communication or 2) Wiretapper has Prior Consent of a Party to the Communication Alabama prohibitions contained in Code of Alabama 13A-11-30 through 37 Alabama does NOT allow Interspousal Wiretappings Ala Ct Civ Appeals has expanded some of the prior case law decisions Per Silas, 680 So 2d 368, where a father taped conversations between child and mother which he deemed detrimental; based upon these tapes, the Ct Awarded custody to father. HELD: In limited cases the Parent may give Vicarious Consent on behalf of a minor child to the taping of a telephone conversation where the parent has a Good Faith Basis that is Objectively Reasonable for believing that the minor child is being abused, threatened or intimidated by the other parent. 13.3

5th Amendment Considerations

The privilege against self-incrimination is personal to the Witness and CANNOT be claimed for him by a party to the suit. KEY - It can ONLY be invoked when the Witness is being questioned about Criminal Matters, and does NOT apply to Civil Contempt proceedings such as a Child Support arrearage. NOTE- Adultery has a 1 year S of L (for the Criminal element) therefore, if beyond 1 year, it is NOT a Criminal Matter anymore, and therefore person CANNOT invoke the 5th Amendment against self incrimination in refusing to testify.

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13.4 Privileged Communication No Privilege exists UNLESS created by Statute.

Privilege exists for person who has sought Psych treatment or Marriage Counseling. Also for certain communications twix Psychologists or Licenses Psych and patient. Also for communications with Clergyman as long as confession is a penetant one

KEY Per Matter of Von Goyt 461 So 2d 821, Disclosure of the otherwise Privileged
Communication may be required if Custody is an issue.

ALSO- Where the issue of the Mental state of a Party to a Custody Suit is clearly in
issue, and a proper determination of that issue depends upon a disclosure of Privileged Communications or records, the Privilege yields to the Best Interests of the Child.

13.5 Use of Experts + Judge determines who is determined to be an Expert

Per Ex Parte McAllister 541 So 2d 1104, Ala Sup Ct held the expert testimony was properly Excluded. Ala Sup Ct noted that Expert Witnesses may base their opinion ONLY upon either the: (1) Facts of which they have First Hand Knowledge, or (2) Facts that are assumed in a Properly Presented Hypothetical question.

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Use of Demonstrative Evidence Includes Exhibits such as financial statements, tax returns
and deeds; enlargements of certain documents.

13.7 Adoption
Adoption is Purely Statutorial if statutes are not followed, the Adoption cannot be allowed. Subject to a few exceptions, no Adoption of a minor child is permitted without the consent of the parents. In cases where the child is illegitimate or the fathers parental rights have been terminated, consent of the mother alone shall suffice. If the child is > 14 years old, his own consent must be obtained.

13.8 Child Protection Act

Upon presentation of Clear and Convincing Evidence, Termination of Parental Rights is Permissible where: (1) Parents are Unable or Unwilling to Discharge their Responsibilities (2) Conduct or Condition of the Parents is such as to render them Unable to Properly Care for the child and such Conduct or Condition will probably continue; or (3) There is Voluntary Relinquishment of Parental Rights. Certain criteria are established by Statute to determine the appropriateness of Termination of Parental Rights. They are: (1) Abandonment of the Child by the Parents (2) Emotional or Mental Illness or Deficiency of the Parents (3) Excessive use of alcohol or controlled substance by the Parents (4) Torture, Abuse or other cruel Treatment of the child or a sibling by the Parents (5) Conviction and imprisonment of the parents for a Felony (6) Unexplained Serious Physical Injury to the child in circumstances which indicate that the injury resulted from the Intentional conduct of or Willful Neglect by the Parents (7) Reasonable Efforts to rehabilitate the Parents are unsuccessful; AND (8) Where the child in the custody of one other than a parent, the failure of the parent to support, visit or communicate with the child or work to adjust circumstances to meet the childs needs. Abandonment of a child that continues for 6 months constitutes Rebuttable Presumption that the parents are unable or unwilling to act as Parents.

13.9 Name Use and Change

May be accomplished via Divorce Decree or by filing a petition to change name in Probate Court. Per Ala Code 30-2-11, A former W may be Enjoined from the use of the given name or initials of the former H.


Death of an Ex-Spouse
Where a party to a Divorce dies AFTER Final Judgment and after the time for Post-trial Motions, provisions allowing Periodic Alimony Terminate. And, if the surviving Party has not reduced to Judgment existing claims for past-due Alimony and Child Support, the death of the obligor spouse terminates such claims.


Marital Tort

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CHAPTER 4: Settlements & Agreements

4.1 Laying the Groundwork
4.1(A) Prenuptial (Antenuptial)
Per Barnhill 386 So 2d 749 and Coggins 601 So 2d 109, Prenuptial IS Valid in Alabama IF: (1) Consideration was Adequate AND Entire Transaction was Fair, Just and Equitable (Reasonable); OR (2) Agreement was Freely and Voluntarily entered into with Complete Independent Advice and with Full Knowledge Can be Oral if there is no dispute that the Agreement exists.

4.1 (B) Postnuptial Agreement entered into AFTER Marriage

Typically an Agreement dividing Assets entered into prior to Divorce that is ultimately incorporated into the Decree of Divorce, Annulment or Separate Maintenance An Agreement in Contemplating of a Divorce is not binding upon the court in entering its judgment between the parties.

4.2 Drafting an Agreement

4.2 (A) Prenuptial will be Valid if Properly Prepared.
Preamble is the Most important aspect of the Actual Agreement. In addition, the Actual Disclosure of Assets and Signatures by Parties and their Attorneys are required and necessary parts. Preamble should contain the Basic Agreement reflecting the General Intent of the parties. Case law shows that there MUST be a full disclosure of all assets involved. Therefore a Personal Financial Statement for each Party should be attached to the Agreement as Exhibits to meet the Free, Fair Open Disclosure requirements.

4.2 (B) Postnuptial. 4.2 (B)(1) Preamble 4.2 (B)(2) Children 4.2 (B)(3) Alimony 4.2 (B)(4) Real Estate Provisions 4.2 (B)(5) Personal Property/Vehicles 4.2 (B)(6) Debts 4.2 (B)(7) Tax 4.2 (B)(8) Miscellaneous

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4.3 Enforcement of the Document

4.3 (A) Prenuptial Agreement should be Valid if either the following conditions are met
1. Consideration MUST be adequate and the entire transaction must be Fair, Just and Equitable; 2. The Agreement was Freely and Voluntarily entered into with Competent Independent advice , Full Knowledge of interest in estate and approximate value.

4.3 (B) Postnuptial Agreement to change a provision in a Court Order, must be approved by the court. 4.3 (B)(1) Prior to Decree being Entered 4.3 (B)(2) After Decree is Entered Agreement should be presented to Court for incorporation into
the Order it then loses its contractual nature and becomes part of the Courts Order.

4.4 Interpretation of Decree 4.5 Setting Aside an Agreement General remember that an Order or Decree entered by the
Court is FINAL in all respects after the expiration of 30 days (unless appealed). Even once Final, an order is Modifiable in the future upon a change in circumstances that warrants Modification. Relief may be requested where a Modification is not justified. Relief from an Order usually involve a Motion under ARCP Rule 59 or 60. NOTE: Under Rule 59, if it is filed within the 30-day period, the 42-day time for appealing is Tolled; Under Rule 60, this is NOT the case the 42-day period to Appeal still runs. A Motion filed pursuant to ARCP Rule 59, prevents a Decree from becoming Final.

4.5 (A) ARCP Rule 59

Rule 59 Motion is utilized when requesting a new trial in an attempt to Entirely or Partially Set Aside an Order or Decree. Per 59(b) the Motion Must be filed within 30 days of entering the Judgment. No Post judgment shall remain open for more than 90 days (can be extended w/ mutual consent). Therefore, if the Motion is not ruled upon within 90 days, the Motion is automatically denied after 90 days. The 42 day time period for Appealing begins to run.

4.5 (B) ARCP Rule 60

Rule 60(a) to vacate or Amend a judgment due to Clerical Mistake due to Oversight or Omission. Rule 60(b) to vacate or amend due to (1) Mistakes, (2) Newly Discovered E (3) Fraud, Misrepresentation or other conduct of an adverse party (4) Judgment is Void or has been satisfied, released or discharged; (5) Inadvertence and excusable neglect; (6) any other reason justifying relief (such as ineffective counsel or lack of mental capacity)

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CHAPTER 5 Decrees for Separation & Maintenance

Separation and Maintenance Legal Separation where Divorce is not feasible or practical. Rarely seen in Alabama, because there can be no Court Ordered Final division of Marital Assets. Typically used where on spouse carries medical insurance on the family (through his employer), and the other former spouse would be uninsurable. Absolute Final Divorce Uniculo Matrininii Legal Separation Divorce from Bed and Breakfast a Mensa et thoro.

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