Southlands PACDec 6 2011n

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Southlands Elementary School PAC Meeting Agenda December 6, 2011 7:00 pm Location: Southlands Elementary School Library Attendees:

Kim Nemeth (principal), Michelle Kokan (Vice-chair), Heidi MacLean (Fundraising), Averill Groeneveld-Meijer (Recorder), Pedro Vincente, Eunbong Park, Alice Zeng, Liping Wu, Jennifer Thornley, Steve Tuckwood 1. Welcome (Michelle Kokan) Note: there will be no PAC meeting in January. The next PAC meeting will be February 2nd at 7pm in the school library. 2. Principals report (Kim Nemeth) a) School Safety Procedures Practices Continue: As previously mentioned, our first lock down drill on Wednesday, October 19th was very successful. Students and staff practiced the procedure for this safety procedure. As well, on Thursday, October 27th we had our first earthquake drill for the year. This was an opportunity for us to review our processes and also have everyone in the building practice these important drills. All these safety procedures will continue to be reviewed and practiced throughout the school year, including regular fire drills.
b) Volleyball Teams: Thanks to Mr. Jung, Ms. Appleton, and Ms.

Paone Southlands has two volleyball teams. Both teams are practicing hard to develop their skills. Our boys team has games each Wednesday and the girls team has games each Thursday. All games are being held at Kerrisdale School. Many thanks to the parents for driving students to and from these games.
c) Traffic Safety around our school: I am sure that all of you agree,

we want our children safe! For that reason I would like to once again remind and encourage parents to practice safe driving habits at all times around our school. Roads around our school are busy at start
Copies of the finalized Southlands PAC Meeting Minutes are posted on the Southlands PAC blog.

and dismissal times. Student safety is compromised when we have vehicles backing up, u-turning, or parking illegally. Please take the time to park and walk your child to school. We all gain when everyone practices safe driving habits! Thanks for thinking about this and cooperating!
d) UBC Student Teachers: As previously announced in our newsletter,

we have three UBC student teachers at our school. They are working with Ms. Beck, Mrs. Rose, and Ms. Pender. They are a welcome addition to Southlands each Tuesday
e) Registration for 2012-2013: November 1, 2011 was the first day for

school registration for Kindergarten. If you know of families who plan to attend Southlands for the upcoming school year, please encourage them to register soon. Parents should bring a copy of the childs birth certificate, immunization record and proof of residency. Registration forms and information are also available on the Vancouver Board of Educations website. Southlands has been designated a District School and should it become oversubscribed spaces will be allocated by lottery.
f) WiFi Access in Vancouver Schools: The school district is

continuing to move forward to provide a secure wireless infrastructure in all Vancouver schools. The end goal is to provide an accessible, secure, and reliable information technology environment for staff and students to use for teaching, learning and administration. Currently there is a request for proposals issued developing and testing a wireless environment for John Oliver and King George secondary schools. This will be followed by a negotiation process with the successful bidder. It is estimated that by the end of the 2011-12 school year the installation of wireless access in secondary schools and alternative education centres will be completed. During the 20122013 school year elementary schools will be provided with a wireless access.
g) Food Bank Collection: Beginning on December 1st our annual food

bank collection officially began. This year our goal was to fill 2 boxes per division in the school. This goal has already been met!
Copies of the finalized Southlands PAC Meeting Minutes are posted on the Southlands PAC blog.

Thanks to all the parents who have already sent donations and made this so successful.
h) Sing-Along: Thursday, December 15th at 2:15 the annual school sing-

along will be held in the gym.

i) Composting has begun: Thanks to Div. 3 students and Ms. Paone

Southlands has started composting. Small containers have been placed in each classroom and the staffroom for this purpose. A larger composting bin has been located outside the school. Special thanks to the PAC for helping to fund this project by purchasing the composting bins for us!

Sock Collection: Div. 2 students and Ms. Seto are collecting funds to purchase new socks for men. These socks will be donated to a shelter later this month. Thanks to the students for working so hard to give back to our city and community!

k) IB PYP: During the Nov 25 pro-d staff finalized some school IB

policies. The application was submitted on December 2nd. Many thanks for Joanna Wood for hours of work.
l) Winter Vacation: The last day for students to attend will be on

Friday, December 16th. Students will return to school on Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012.
m) Happy Holidays: On behalf of the Southlands staff we would like to

wish all of our families and community members a wonderful holiday season, and a prosperous New Year! May your days be filled with the warmth of family and friends as you enjoy this special time of year! n) School Events: a. December 7th- Band Concert for Parents 7:00- 7:30 pm b. December 14th- PAC Winter Social 7:00- 8:30 pm c. December 19th-January 2nd- Winter Vacation.

Copies of the finalized Southlands PAC Meeting Minutes are posted on the Southlands PAC blog.

o) Winter Social: Michelle mentioned that it would be good idea for next year to have a PAC member email the band teacher in early November so that the band concert could be held during the Winter Social. 3. IB Report (Michelle Kokan) The IB PYP evaluation procedures will take place in the spring. The school will be notified by the IB office as to exact timing. The evaluation takes about one week. The PAC Chair is currently forming a community advisory committee to streamline communications among stakeholders. 4. Fundraising (Heidi MacLean) Purdys chocolates are have arrived and been distributed. We had fewer individuals placing orders but significantly larger orders and as a result this years profit was $910, up from last year. Christmas giftcards: again, the number of orders are down, but size of orders are up. The Southlands cookbook is a great success. The childrens pictures look grea Hotdog/Pizza days go right through to winter break. Dec 13 is the last Subway Day of the year. Novembers Subway day resulted in $273 profit. Winter Social: Everyone is welcome, grandparents, siblings etc! 6-8:30pm on December 14th. There will be a bake sale in the library. The gym will have: crafts table, games, 50/50 draw, small live auction, grade 7s basket raffle for grad, refreshments for sale, some food, Santa (with grade 7 helpers) BRING CAMERAS. This is a great social evening. Please help out, sigh-up sheets on downstairs parent board for: arts/craft table, bake sale, refreshment sale, 50/50 draw. We hope to have help Tuesday morning and evening wrapping of baked goods and on Wednesday morning decorating the gym. There is no fundraising in January (except hot lunches).

Copies of the finalized Southlands PAC Meeting Minutes are posted on the Southlands PAC blog.

February: The Southlands dinner dance, a very fun evening for parents, will be held on the last Saturday of February (25th), 6pm til late at La Notte, featuring dinner, DJ, and many prizes!! Grocery certificates continue and T&T has been added for the new year. Parents can join this program at any time. A new order form will be sent out in January. 5. Traffic The PAC and Principal are very concerned about traffic and pedestrian safety around the school. Ms. Nemeth has been in touch with Mary Mah, our contact at traffic department. Hopefully she will send out a patrol in the near future. Ms Nemeth will include safety information in the upcoming newsletter.

Copies of the finalized Southlands PAC Meeting Minutes are posted on the Southlands PAC blog.

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