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A doll for her birthday

Easy reading

It is her birthday. She gets a doll for her birthday. The doll is in a box. She takes the pink ribbon off the box. She takes the white wrapper off the box. She takes the doll out of the box. The doll is pretty. It has white hair. It has a pink dress. It has red shoes.

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A long life

Nancy wants to live a long time. She wants to live for one hundred years. She is five years old now. She wants to live 95 more years. Then she will be 100. Her father is 30 years old. He wants to live a long time, too. He wants to live for one hundred years. He wants to live for 70 more years. Daddy, we will grow old together, okay? Nancy said to her father. Yes, honey, we will grow old together, he said to Nancy. Then Nancy smiled. She gave her daddy a big hug.

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Mary ate a blueberry. She loved blueberries. Then she ate a blackberry. She loved blackberries. Then she ate a strawberry. She loved strawberries. Mary was confused. A blueberry is blue, so you call it a blueberry. A blackberry is black, so you call it a blackberry. A strawberry is red. So, why don't you call it a redberry? Mary asked her mom. Her mom didn't know. She asked her dad. Her dad didn't know. She asked her little brother. "Because a red berry is a cherry!" her brother said.

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Plants Need Water

Super easy reading for beginners
He loved his plants. His plants were in pots. There were 10 pots in back of the house.There were eight pots in front of the house. There was a different plant in every pot. No plants were the same. They were all different. They were all beautiful. It was Friday. It was time to water the plants. He watered the plants once a week. He went outside. He grabbed the hose. It was green and long. It was about 40 feet long. He turned on the water. Water came out of the end of the hose. He watered each plant in back of the house. He watered each plant until the soil was dark and wet. He watered each plant until the soil was soft. Then he went out front. The hose out front was also green. It was 30 feet long. He watered all the plants out front. Puddles of water were around each pot. There were 8 puddles of water out front. Butterflies and bees visited the wet plants. He watched for a while. Then he went back inside. Next week he would water the plants again

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Hungry Birds
Super easy reading for beginners

The baby birds sat in the nest. There were two baby birds. They were in the nest. The nest was in the tree. The baby birds were waiting for mama bird. They were hungry. When would mama bird be back? Then they saw mama bird. She landed on the nest. She had two worms in her mouth. She gave one worm to each baby bird. The worms were delicious. The baby birds ate the worms very fast. Then they opened their mouths. They wanted another worm. Mama bird flew away. She went to get

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A loud party
Im calling the police, Barry said. Im glad youre calling the police, Ruth said. Barry and Ruth had a nice house. They had a nice, quiet house. They had nice neighbors. They had nice, quiet neighbors. But tonight, their neighbors were not quiet. They were having a pool party. Everyone was drinking. Everyone was talking loud. Everyone was jumping into the pool. Loud music was playing. Car horns were honking. Barry and Ruth closed all their windows. But they still heard the party. Barry called the police. The policeman said, Well be there in an hour or two. Barry asked, Why not sooner? The mayors having a big party, the policeman said. Most of our officers are protecting the mayor and his guests.

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ords lary w bu Voca ools dr ps poo es wav l craw ws gro

A growing baby
Easy reading for beginners

A baby has arms and legs. It has a mouth and eyes. It looks at everything. It eats everything. It smiles a lot. It cries a lot. It eats a lot. It drools a lot. It pees a lot. It poops a lot. It sleeps a lot. It tries to talk. It makes funny sounds. It says "Googoo?and "Gaga." It waves its arms and legs. It doesnt do much else. It doesnt sit up. It doesnt stand up. It doesnt talk. It lies on its back. It lies on its stomach. After a year, it will do many things. It will crawl. It will stand up. It will walk. It will talk. But in the beginning, it just grows. It grows bigger and bigger.

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Easy reading

A magician is cool. He makes things disappear. He makes them reappear. He changes things into other things. He changes a bunny into a scarf. He changes a scarf into a bird. He gives you a deck of cards. You secretly pick a card. He knows which card! He knows so many cool tricks.

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!ey call him f#r eyes

Easy reading

He wears glasses. Some kids at school call him Four Eyes. He feels bad. He takes his glasses off. But it is hard to read. He puts the glasses back on. Now he sees the words in his books. Now he sees the words on the blackboard. He keeps his glasses on. He ignores the two kids.

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The pizza is hot

Easy reading
The man delivers the pizza. Her dad pays the man. He gives the man a tip. The man leaves. Dad takes the pizza to the living room. He puts it on the coffee table. He opens the box. Everybody grabs a slice of pizza. Her dad bites into his pizza. He burns the roof of his mouth. Ouch!

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Easy reading

The alarm wakes him up

It is early morning. He is asleep. The alarm goes off. He hears the alarm. He wakes up. He turns off the alarm. He goes back to sleep. He sleeps for 15 minutes. Then he wakes up. He sits up. He stretches. He yawns. He gets out of bed. He walks to the bathroom.

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A popsicle house
He builds a house. He uses popsicle sticks. He uses glue. He glues one stick to another. He builds a kitchen. He builds a living room. He builds a bedroom. He builds a bathroom. He builds a garage. He adds a roof. He paints the house white. He shows the house to his dad.

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Piano Player
He played the piano. He played it very well. He started playing the piano when he was six years old. That was seven years ago. Now he was 13 years old. He was very good. He won one piano contest after another. A famous piano teacher heard him play the piano. The teacher said, I want to bring you to New York. I will teach you how to be even better. I will teach you how to be the best piano player in the whole world. He didnt like that idea. He wanted to stay at home. He wanted to stay with his parents and his friends. His parents wanted him to go. They said they would visit him in New York every weekend.

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Peel an orange
Easy reading

She grabs a sharp knife. She holds the orange. She cuts the skin of the orange. She cuts the skin in four equal sections. She peels the skin off the orange with her fingers. She throws the skin in the trash. She separates the orange into sections. She eats the sections one by one. They are sweet and juicy.

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My Dad
Easy reading
I love my dad. He was a good man. He taught me to work hard. He taught me to keep trying. He taught me to do things right or don't do them at all. He grew up on the streets of New York City. His parents didn't speak English. He had three brothers and one sister. His brothers ended up in jail. His sister died in a car crash. My dad married my mom when they were both 19. My dad joined the army. He jumped out of airplanes. Then he became a military policeman. He did this for 20 years. He liked his job. He was a hard worker. He went to college while he was in the army. He got two college degrees. One college degree is good. Two college degrees is very good. He retired from the army and became a teacher. He taught high school kids. He taught high school kids for 20 years. He had a lot of patience. Teachers need a lot of patience. Then my dad retired. He traveled around the world with my mom. They both died in a plane crash. That was bad. But they died together. That was good..
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Milk Chocolate
Easy reading for beginners

M Choc ilk olate Po Mug ur set spoon Stir

James took the milk out of the refrigerator. He put the carton of milk on the counter. He took the cap off the carton of milk. He opened the kitchen cabinet. He took a glass out of the cabinet. He put the glass on the counter next to the milk. He poured some milk into the glass. He put the cap back on the carton of milk. He put the milk back into the refrigerator. He took the chocolate syrup out of the refrigerator. He poured some chocolate syrup into the glass of milk. He stirred the milk with a spoon. He licked the spoon.

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Easy reading

L i t t L e
Margaret was a small girl. She was a little girl. All her friends were taller than her. She was shorter than all her friends. She wanted to be tall. Her mom told her not to worry. One day Margaret would be tall. One day she would be taller than her friends. One day all her friends would be shorter than her. She was happy to hear that. She only had one question for her mom. When would she be taller than her friends? Would it be next year? She hoped it would be next year. She was tired of being the shortest girl.


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ra fo ry g ng do Hu ot h
ng :) readi Easy

He opens the refrigerator. He looks inside the refrigerator. He is hungry. He wants something to eat. He sees a package. It is a package of hot dogs. Six hot dogs are in the package. He takes two hot dogs out of the package. He closes the refrigerator. He puts the hot dogs on a plate.

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EASY READING She has a baby brother. She loves him. She talks to him every day. She pushes him in the stroller. She changes his diapers. She feeds him his bottle. She burps him. She puts him in the highchair. She feeds him dinner. She wipes the food off his mouth. She is a good sister.
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He rides an old bicycle

Easy reading He looks at his bicycle. It is an old bike. It is three years old. The paint is scratched. The fenders are dented. The seat is torn. The chain is rusty. But it is a good bike. He has a good time on his bike. It is fun to ride. He rides it almost every day.

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He is a chocolate lover
Easy reading He loves chocolate. He loves milk chocolate. He loves dark chocolate. He eats chocolate candy bars. He eats chocolate fudge. He eats chocolate chip cookies. He eats chocolate cake. He eats chocolate cupcakes. He eats chocolate ice cream. He eats chocolate pudding. He drinks chocolate milk. He eats chocolate every day. Chocolate is the best!

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Cookies on the f loor

Easy reading
She takes a cookie out of the package. She drops the cookie. It falls on the floor. The cookie breaks. It breaks into four pieces. Four pieces are on the floor. She picks up the pieces. She takes them to the kitchen. She throws

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and Bear a Pig

Easy reading
The three bears left their cave. They lived in a beautiful cave. The cave was big. The cave was warm in winter. The cave was cool in summer. It was a quiet cave. It was a dark cave. They loved their cave. Today was Sunday. They liked to pick berries on Sunday. So they left their cave. They walked through the woods. They found a field of berries. Mama bear had a basket. They filled the basket with blackberries and blueberries. Then they walked back to their cave. When they got inside the cave, they heard a noise. "Who is that?" papa bear asked. "It's only me," said a pig. "What are you doing here?" asked papa bear. "I'm hiding from the farmer," said the pig. "I think he wants to eat me." Papa bear told the pig he could stay in the cave as long as he wanted. The bears shared their berries with the pig. Then the pig and baby bear took a nap together.

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A soft,wet frog
Frogs are outside his house. They are quiet in the daytime. They are noisy at night. It is nighttime. The frogs are singing. He grabs a flashlight. He goes outside. He shines the light on a frog. It hops. He picks it up. It is soft and wet. It kicks its legs. He puts it down.

Easy reading
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An orange and black butterfly

Easy reading

He sees a buttery. It is near a ower. It leaves the ower. It goes to another ower. He watches the buttery. It is pretty. It has orange and black wings. It has little white spots on the wings. Its wings are thin. He tries to grab the buttery. But it ies away.

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A Boat in the Tub

Easy reading
He fills the tub. He fills it with warm water. He gets in the tub. He plays with his rubber boat. The rubber boat floats on the water. He pushes the boat down. He pushes it to the bottom. He lets it go. It pops up to the top. It floats on top of the water.

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ords lary w bu Voca ools dr ps poo es wav l craw ws gro

A growing baby
Easy reading for beginners

A baby has arms and legs. It has a mouth and eyes. It looks at everything. It eats everything. It smiles a lot. It cries a lot. It eats a lot. It drools a lot. It pees a lot. It poops a lot. It sleeps a lot. It tries to talk. It makes funny sounds. It says "Googoo?and "Gaga." It waves its arms and legs. It doesnt do much else. It doesnt sit up. It doesnt stand up. It doesnt talk. It lies on its back. It lies on its stomach. After a year, it will do many things. It will crawl. It will stand up. It will walk. It will talk. But in the beginning, it just grows. It grows bigger and bigger.

A Boat in the Tub

Easy reading
He fills the tub. He fills it with warm water. He gets in the tub. He plays with his rubber boat. The rubber boat floats on the water. He pushes the boat down. He pushes it to the bottom. He lets it go. It pops up to the top. It floats on top of the water.

An orange and black butterfly

Easy reading

He sees a buttery. It is near a ower. It leaves the ower. It goes to another ower. He watches the buttery. It is pretty. It has orange and black wings. It has little white spots on the wings. Its wings are thin. He tries to grab the buttery. But it ies away.

A soft,wet frog
Frogs are outside his house. They are quiet in the daytime. They are noisy at night. It is nighttime. The frogs are singing. He grabs a flashlight. He goes outside. He shines the light on a frog. It hops. He picks it up. It is soft and wet. It kicks its legs. He puts it down.

Easy reading

and Bear a Pig

Easy reading
The three bears left their cave. They lived in a beautiful cave. The cave was big. The cave was warm in winter. The cave was cool in summer. It was a quiet cave. It was a dark cave. They loved their cave. Today was Sunday. They liked to pick berries on Sunday. So they left their cave. They walked through the woods. They found a field of berries. Mama bear had a basket. They filled the basket with blackberries and blueberries. Then they walked back to their cave. When they got inside the cave, they heard a noise. "Who is that?" papa bear asked. "It's only me," said a pig. "What are you doing here?" asked papa bear. "I'm hiding from the farmer," said the pig. "I think he wants to eat me." Papa bear told the pig he could stay in the cave as long as he wanted. The bears shared their berries with the pig. Then the pig and baby bear took a nap together.

Cookies on the f loor

Easy reading
She takes a cookie out of the package. She drops the cookie. It falls on the floor. The cookie breaks. It breaks into four pieces. Four pieces are on the floor. She picks up the pieces. She takes them to the kitchen. She throws




He is a chocolate lover
Easy reading He loves chocolate. He loves milk chocolate. He loves dark chocolate. He eats chocolate candy bars. He eats chocolate fudge. He eats chocolate chip cookies. He eats chocolate cake. He eats chocolate cupcakes. He eats chocolate ice cream. He eats chocolate pudding. He drinks chocolate milk. He eats chocolate every day. Chocolate is the best!

He rides an old bicycle

Easy reading He looks at his bicycle. It is an old bike. It is three years old. The paint is scratched. The fenders are dented. The seat is torn. The chain is rusty. But it is a good bike. He has a good time on his bike. It is fun to ride. He rides it almost every day.


EASY READING She has a baby brother. She loves him. She talks to him every day. She pushes him in the stroller. She changes his diapers. She feeds him his bottle. She burps him. She puts him in the highchair. She feeds him dinner. She wipes the food off his mouth. She is a good sister.

ra fo ry g ng do Hu ot h
ng :) readi Easy

He opens the refrigerator. He looks inside the refrigerator. He is hungry. He wants something to eat. He sees a package. It is a package of hot dogs. Six hot dogs are in the package. He takes two hot dogs out of the package. He closes the refrigerator. He puts the hot dogs on a plate.

Im moving to N.Y
Enough was enough. After four years of devoting herself to Ward, Leah had given up. "I'm moving to New York," she said. He couldn't believe it. He begged her to give him one more chance. She said she had already given him "one more chance" too many times. "I asked you to marry me, but you said you weren't ready to get married. You're 50 years oldwhen will you be ready!" I asked you to nd us an apartment, so that we could live together; you didn't. As a nervous realtor, I asked you to stay with me when I had to sit in open houses by myself on weekends. You didn't. I asked you to help my son nd a scholarship or grant so that he could attend a good college. You didn't. Shall I go on?" He said he got the picture. He apologized. "My priorities weren't right; now I realize that you are my only priority." She said his apology was too little, too late. She had already bought an airline ticket to New York City; her ight was Monday evening. His jaw dropped. "You're not serious! What are you going to do in New York?" he asked. "You don't know anyone there. You've never even been there. You can't just y into New York all alone and start wandering around. It's a dangerous place. And the places that aren't dangerous are expensive. You don't have any money!" She said she had enough money to stay in a hotel until she found an apartment and a job. She had always wanted to live in a big, exciting city like New York. "That's where I can start my own business," she said, "and maybe nd a man I can depend on!"

An Old Clock
It was an old clock, but it still told the correct time. The face had a faded picture of Andys parents taken when they were newlyweds. Aside from some photos, the clock was the only memento Andy had of his mom and dad. His father died of cancer in 1964. Then his mom moved to a private nursing home. She had many friends there. The nursing home, however, went bankrupt. They moved her into a state nursing home. She hated it there. She asked Andy to help her move into a private nursing home again. She had spent most of her husbands savings on living expenses at the first nursing home. Andy said he would try. But Andy had no savings. He was a sergeant in the Army, and all his money went to his wife and three kids. He called his older brother Frank, who was single and had a great job. Frank was an avid deep-sea fisherman and was interested in buying a large boat for weekend use.Frank, I dont have the money now, but you do, Andy pleaded. Just pay for Mom and Ill owe you for half of the nursing home costs. Youll owe me? You dont have two nickels to rub together, and probably never will. Ill get stuck for the whole bill. What about my boat? What boat? Never mind. Let me think about it, and I'll get back to you. Frank never did send his mom the money to move into a private nursing home. Alone and unhappy, she died in the state nursing home only a year later. Andy never forgave his brother. Many years went by. Franks health declined. He called up Andy one day. Andy, I feel really bad about not helping out Mom. I was too interested in getting that boat. The older Ive gotten, the more guilt I feel. My days are numbered, Andy. I was wondering if you would send me that clock, just for a little while. I want to beg Mom to forgive me. Andy was very reluctant to part with his clock, but he did feel a little sorry for Frank. everything else. You didnt really want that old thing, did you, Uncle Andy? Uncle Andy? Hello? Well, that was rude, she thought. Frank died ten months later. One of Franks nieces, Flo, was the executor of his estate. Flo had hired a lawyer to help her Uncle Frank rewrite his will in his dying days. Strangely enough, Flo got everything. She made sure Uncle Frank was buried a day after his death. No announcement was made about his funeral, which Flo kept privateat the 20-minute service, Flo was the only mourner. Flo sold Uncle Franks house, car, and boat within the week. Everything of lesser value went to a charity. His cash and stocks, of course, were already safely in her name. When Andy discovered that his brother had died, he called Flo to ask about his clock. Oh, she said, that went to charity witheverything else. You didnt really want that old thing, did you, Uncle Andy? Uncle Andy? Hello? Well, that was rude, she thought.

Easy reading

L i t t L e
Margaret was a small girl. She was a little girl. All her friends were taller than her. She was shorter than all her friends. She wanted to be tall. Her mom told her not to worry. One day Margaret would be tall. One day she would be taller than her friends. One day all her friends would be shorter than her. She was happy to hear that. She only had one question for her mom. When would she be taller than her friends? Would it be next year? She hoped it would be next year. She was tired of being the shortest girl.


Milk Chocolate
Easy reading for beginners

M Choc ilk olate Po Mug ur set spoon Stir

James took the milk out of the refrigerator. He put the carton of milk on the counter. He took the cap off the carton of milk. He opened the kitchen cabinet. He took a glass out of the cabinet. He put the glass on the counter next to the milk. He poured some milk into the glass. He put the cap back on the carton of milk. He put the milk back into the refrigerator. He took the chocolate syrup out of the refrigerator. He poured some chocolate syrup into the glass of milk. He stirred the milk with a spoon. He licked the spoon.

Milk Chocolate
Easy reading for beginners

M Choc ilk olate Po Mug ur set spoon Stir

James took the milk out of the refrigerator. He put the carton of milk on the counter. He took the cap off the carton of milk. He opened the kitchen cabinet. He took a glass out of the cabinet. He put the glass on the counter next to the milk. He poured some milk into the glass. He put the cap back on the carton of milk. He put the milk back into the refrigerator. He took the chocolate syrup out of the refrigerator. He poured some chocolate syrup into the glass of milk. He stirred the milk with a spoon. He licked the spoon.

My Dad
Easy reading
I love my dad. He was a good man. He taught me to work hard. He taught me to keep trying. He taught me to do things right or don't do them at all. He grew up on the streets of New York City. His parents didn't speak English. He had three brothers and one sister. His brothers ended up in jail. His sister died in a car crash. My dad married my mom when they were both 19. My dad joined the army. He jumped out of airplanes. Then he became a military policeman. He did this for 20 years. He liked his job. He was a hard worker. He went to college while he was in the army. He got two college degrees. One college degree is good. Two college degrees is very good. He retired from the army and became a teacher. He taught high school kids. He taught high school kids for 20 years. He had a lot of patience. Teachers need a lot of patience. Then my dad retired. He traveled around the world with my mom. They both died in a plane crash. That was bad. But they died together. That was good..


A long life

Nancy wants to live a long time. She wants to live for one hundred years. She is five years old now. She wants to live 95 more years. Then she will be 100. Her father is 30 years old. He wants to live a long time, too. He wants to live for one hundred years. He wants to live for 70 more years. Daddy, we will grow old together, okay? Nancy said to her father. Yes, honey, we will grow old together, he said to Nancy. Then Nancy smiled. She gave her daddy a big hug.

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Plants Need Water

Super easy reading for beginners
He loved his plants. His plants were in pots. There were 10 pots in back of the house.There were eight pots in front of the house. There was a different plant in every pot. No plants were the same. They were all different. They were all beautiful. It was Friday. It was time to water the plants. He watered the plants once a week. He went outside. He grabbed the hose. It was green and long. It was about 40 feet long. He turned on the water. Water came out of the end of the hose. He watered each plant in back of the house. He watered each plant until the soil was dark and wet. He watered each plant until the soil was soft. Then he went out front. The hose out front was also green. It was 30 feet long. He watered all the plants out front. Puddles of water were around each pot. There were 8 puddles of water out front. Butterflies and bees visited the wet plants. He watched for a while. Then he went back inside. Next week he would water the plants again

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Hungry Birds
Super easy reading for beginners

The baby birds sat in the nest. There were two baby birds. They were in the nest. The nest was in the tree. The baby birds were waiting for mama bird. They were hungry. When would mama bird be back? Then they saw mama bird. She landed on the nest. She had two worms in her mouth. She gave one worm to each baby bird. The worms were delicious. The baby birds ate the worms very fast. Then they opened their mouths. They wanted another worm. Mama bird flew away. She went to get

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A loud party
Im calling the police, Barry said. Im glad youre calling the police, Ruth said. Barry and Ruth had a nice house. They had a nice, quiet house. They had nice neighbors. They had nice, quiet neighbors. But tonight, their neighbors were not quiet. They were having a pool party. Everyone was drinking. Everyone was talking loud. Everyone was jumping into the pool. Loud music was playing. Car horns were honking. Barry and Ruth closed all their windows. But they still heard the party. Barry called the police. The policeman said, Well be there in an hour or two. Barry asked, Why not sooner? The mayors having a big party, the policeman said. Most of our officers are protecting the mayor and his guests.

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Peel an orange
Easy reading

She grabs a sharp knife. She holds the orange. She cuts the skin of the orange. She cuts the skin in four equal sections. She peels the skin off the orange with her fingers. She throws the skin in the trash. She separates the orange into sections. She eats the sections one by one. They are sweet and juicy.

Piano Player
He played the piano. He played it very well. He started playing the piano when he was six years old. That was seven years ago. Now he was 13 years old. He was very good. He won one piano contest after another. A famous piano teacher heard him play the piano. The teacher said, I want to bring you to New York. I will teach you how to be even better. I will teach you how to be the best piano player in the whole world. He didnt like that idea. He wanted to stay at home. He wanted to stay with his parents and his friends. His parents wanted him to go. They said they would visit him in New York every weekend.

A popsicle house
He builds a house. He uses popsicle sticks. He uses glue. He glues one stick to another. He builds a kitchen. He builds a living room. He builds a bedroom. He builds a bathroom. He builds a garage. He adds a roof. He paints the house white. He shows the house to his dad.

Jodie liked her apartment.She had a beautiful view to the south.A nearby tree was home to two squirrels.Shelikedtowatchthem.Sodidhercat.Mrs.Neelyownedthe apartmentbuilding.She was anoldladywhospokewithathickNorwegianaccent. JodieandMrs.Neelygotalongverywell.Mrs.NeelysaidthatJodieremindedherofherdaughter,who haddiedina car crashyearsago.Mrs.Neelywasawidow.Shekeptbusy by volunteeringatthe local libraryandseniorcenter.Anexcellentbaker,sheoftenbroughtbreadandpastriestoJodie. Youretryingtomakemefat,laughedJodieoneday.HowwillIeverndaboyfriend? I still cantbelieve thatPrinceCharminghasntfoundyou, saidMrs.Neely.Maybe youre justtoo prettyandtoosmartfortheyoungmenaroundhere. Jodie was goingtograduate school atnight.She hada day jobas a teachers assistantinthefourth grade.Shelovedteachingkids.Theprincipalhadalreadytoldherthatafulltimeteachingjobwashers aftershegothermaster'sdegree. Arentthereanyniceboysinyourgraduateclasses,Jodie?Mrs.Neelyasked. There aresome, saidJodie.Buttheyre either married,or havea girlfriend,or are toofocused on getting their degree.And dontforget, I have to concentrate ongraduating,soI really shouldntbe datinganyway. Well,thatsjusta shame,saidMrs.Neely.Youretooprettytobealone.Butdontworry.Youkeep doingyourhomework,andIllbeonthelookoutforyou.ShewinkedatJodie.Jodiesmiled.Sheloved Mrs.Neely. Mrs. Neely died not long after that conversation. She had a stroke while mixing some batter for cookies.Anambulancetookhertothehospital,whereshediedadaylater. HersonNedwas Mrs.Neelyssole heir.Nedhad beenmarriedanddivorcedthreetimes.None ofhis wiveshadanythingnicetosayabouthim.Neddidntcare.HewaslookingforWifeNumberFour. Ned introduced himself to Jodie right after Mrs. Neelys funeral onSaturday. He knew about Jodie becauseMrs.Neelyhadtoldhim abouther.Nedsaidhewas afraidthathemighthavetodouble her rent.Also,nopetswereallowedinthebuilding.Youllhavetotakeyourcattothepound,hesaid. Inthatcase,shesaid,Immovingout. Iwasjoking,ofcourse.Youreverypretty,saidNed. Thankyou,saidJodie. Come todinner withmeatChez Maisontonightand wecandiscuss your apartmentand your cat. NedhadanairofcondencethatJodiefoundmildlyattractive. Thatmightbenice,shefoundherselfsaying.Nedtoldher hewouldpick herupat8andleft.Jodie wondered if she was doing the rightthing.She didnt even know this guy.Oh well, she thought, it wouldbenicetoeatatafancyrestaurantforachange. Shepickedupsomecatfoodonherwayhome.

Easy reading

The alarm wakes him up

It is early morning. He is asleep. The alarm goes off. He hears the alarm. He wakes up. He turns off the alarm. He goes back to sleep. He sleeps for 15 minutes. Then he wakes up. He sits up. He stretches. He yawns. He gets out of bed. He walks to the bathroom.

The Way to a Mans Heart

Lina often asked Luke to dinner. Lina loved Luke, but Luke loved Linas cooking, not Lina herself. Lina accepted that for the time being. But she felt that, with enough meals and enough time, she would get her man. Luke rarely stayed more than ten minutes past the last bite of dessert. Lina would ask Luke if he wanted to watch TV, or play cards or chess, or take a walk around the neighborhood, but Luke always declined. He always said, Ive got to go. They both knew that Luke didnt have to go anywhere. All he ever did was go back to his apartment and read books or go online. Tonight was probably going to be more of the same. But Lina was a patient woman. She loved to cook, and she loved to watch people eat her cooking. Tonight she prepared shrimp, fresh green beans, mashed potatoes, and asparagus. Luke ate everything with gusto. Then she brought out her homemade cheesecake with vanilla ice cream for dessert. Luke asked, Are you trying to fatten me up for something? Every time I come over here, I have to eat celery and lettuce for a week to get back down to my normal weight. Oh, stop exaggerating, Lina replied. You enjoy every mouthful. Youre right. I apologize. I love your cooking, and if you didnt invite me over here, Id be hurt and hungry. Lina watched contentedly as Luke devoured the cheesecake and ice cream. Someday, she thought, I will be his dessert.

But I love you so much, she said. I think I must be crazy. I cant stop thinking about you. I want to be with you all the time. I want to marry you. Maybe you are a little crazy, he said. Although I think thats part of being in love. But you

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hardly know me. I like you, but Im not in love with you. I dont think I could ever be in love with you. Why not? I dont know, he lied. Youre not my type. Im not your type, she repeated. What is your type? A woman with no wrinkles and a perfect body? A woman who is beautiful even when she wakes up? A movie star? Is that your type? No, of course not, he lied again. I dont know. Im like everybody elseyoure either attracted to a certain person or youre not. So youre not attracted to me? Well, I didnt say that, he lied a third time. Im making a fool of myself. You might even be laughing at me. You dont love me. You just said that you never could love me. No, I said I could never be IN love with you, he said. Love, in love. What difference does it make any more? I apologize. It was nice of you to put up with me. Please forgive me for making a fool of myself and for bothering you. I will never call you again. I must try to forget you now. I am dropping out of school tomorrow; I cant go there without thinking of you. My heart is so sad. She hung up. Alan walked outside. What was he supposed to do? He liked her, but he certainly didnt love her. Lead her on with lies, or tell her the truth now? There was a beautiful full moon. But he felt sad. He knew that Natalie was probably crying right now. She must be so lonely.

The pizza is hot

Easy reading
The man delivers the pizza. Her dad pays the man. He gives the man a tip. The man leaves. Dad takes the pizza to the living room. He puts it on the coffee table. He opens the box. Everybody grabs a slice of pizza. Her dad bites into his pizza. He burns the roof of his mouth. Ouch!

!ey call him f#r eyes

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He wears glasses. Some kids at school call him Four Eyes. He feels bad. He takes his glasses off. But it is hard to read. He puts the glasses back on. Now he sees the words in his books. Now he sees the words on the blackboard. He keeps his glasses on. He ignores the two kids.

Easy reading

A magician is cool. He makes things disappear. He makes them reappear. He changes things into other things. He changes a bunny into a scarf. He changes a scarf into a bird. He gives you a deck of cards. You secretly pick a card. He knows which card! He knows so many cool tricks.

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