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InstructIon Manual
2 Enterprise Drive, Suite 407 Shelton, CT 06484 866-627-2287
2009 Mattingly Hitting Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Actual components may differ slightly from the pictures shown in this manual.

IMportant safety notes

The Mattingly Hit Man Pitching Machine is designed for use by adults and like all machinery, should only be used as intended and in accordance with manufacturers instructions. Due to the nature of pitching a ball, a pitching machine can be inherently dangerous if not used with extreme care. Read and follow these safety notes and use proper care when operating the unit.
p Use ONLY Mattingly Hit Man TechFoam balls (included with machine and also sold separately as Item #: HTBL). p Use of real baseballs or other balls with the Mattingly Hit Man Pitching Machine may damage the unit and will void the warranty. p DO NOT USE if any parts are worn, damaged, or missing. Failure to do so can result in serious injury or death. p NEVER reach into the machine while it is connected to a power source. Doing so could result in serious injury or death. p Use a grounded 110-V outlet when operating from A/C current. If necessary, a 16 gauge or heavier extension cord is recommended. p When operating from optional D/C current, use 12-V battery (not included) and connect as shown in Operating Instructions. p NEVER operate the machine in wet or exceedingly moist conditions. Moisture in and on the unit can cause the machine to malfunction and voids any warranty. Use of wet or damp balls with the unit can also cause damage or malfunction and voids the warranty. p NEVER place any part of the body on or near any part of the pitching wheel or in front of the machine while it is in operation or connected to a power source. p USE CAUTION to insure that clothing, hair and other objects do not get caught in mechanism during use. p DO NOT wear loose clothing while operating or cleaning the pitching machine. p WARNING: Pitching wheels may continue to spin for several seconds after a pitch or unplugging of the machine. Allow all motion to completely cease before servicing or moving the unit. DO NOT attempt to stop the spinning of the wheels by hand or with any object. p Prior to connecting the machine to any power source, be sure both speed control dials are set to the 0 position and, if applicable, the power switch for the automatic feeder is in the OFF position. (Button should be pressed down towards the Ball Feeder Power Switch indicator) p Prior to use, insure that the unit is firmly situated and does not wobble, tilt or move from side to side. p Disconnect the power source when the Mattingly Hit Man Pitching Machine is not in use or when servicing the unit. p Batter should stand at least 45 feet from the unit (The 45 foot distance is based on youth pitch settings. Higher speed pitches require further distances for safety. See chart on page 5.) and always wear protective head gear. (Recommend batters helmet and face mask.) Always use the Mattingly Hit Man Pitching Machine under adult supervision and require the batter to set position and signal readiness for a pitch before commencing. (Note: The optional automatic ball feeder will pitch a ball approximately every 8 seconds.) p Insure that batting, pitching and fielding zones are safe and clear of animals, people and objects that are not actively involved in practice. p Pitch operator should be protected at all times from batted balls by a safety screen. p Before the batter steps into the batters box or any individuals are positioned in front of the unit, always throw a few test pitches to determine safe zone and desired pitch trajectory and speed. p Always store the Mattingly Hit Man Pitching Machine in a dry location when not in use. NEVER store outside. Storing the unit outside will void the warranty. p The Mattingly Hit Man Pitching Machine is designed for use in dry conditions and not below a temperature of 60F. p Manufacturer or seller of the Mattingly Hit Man Pitching Machine assumes no liability for personal injury or property damage caused directly or indirectly by use of this machine, regardless of reason, whether the machine failed mechanically or whether damage or injury was caused during normal operation of the machine. p Thoroughly inspect and clean the unit (using a soft dry cloth) before and after every use.

parts lIst

A. Pitching Head Assembly (1) B. Gooseneck Tube (1) C. Legs (3) D. Center Coupling Section (1) E. Ball Feeder (1) F. TechFoam Balls (12) G. A/C Power Adapter (1) H. D/C Power Cord (1) I. Center adjustment knob (1)
If any of the parts listed above are damaged or missing, please contact Mattingly Sports at 866-627-2287 x115


asseMBly InstructIons
StEp 1:

Insert 1 leg into each of the 3 lower sleeves of the center coupling section. Insure that the tube lock button snaps into place with an audible click for each leg.

StEp 2:

Remove pitching head assembly from carton. Lay the pitching head control-side down on grass or a soft padded surface. Avoid placing pitching head assembly on dirt to minimize risk of debris entering the unit.

StEp 3: Attach the gooseneck tube to the pitching head. A. Remove Bolt A and Carriage Bolt B shown in Fig. 1. B. Set aside from Step A, Bolt A, (2) washers and (1) nut and Carriage Bolt B, (1) washer and (1) threaded adjustment lever (Fig. 2). C. Position gooseneck tube with plastic spacer facing towards bracket as shown in Fig. 3. D. Insert Bolt A through center hole in the end of the gooseneck tube and the bracket as shown in Fig. 4. E. Assemble washer and nut to Bolt A. A Tighten only until snug. Fig. 5. F. Insert Carriage Bolt B through square B hole in the end gooseneck tube and slot in bracket as shown in Fig. 6. G. Assemble washer and threaded adjustment lever to Carriage Bolt B as shown in Fig. 7. FIG. 1

FIG. 2

FIG. 3


FIG. 5

FIG. 4

FIG. 5

FIG. 6

StEp 4:

Carefully lift the pitching machine head and gooseneck tube assembly. Insert the straight end of the gooseneck tube into the top of the center coupling section as shown.

asseMBly InstructIons


StEp 5:

Ball Intput Ball output

Ball Output & Single Leg facing same direction Ball Input & 2 Other legs positioned at rear of machine

Rotate the gooseneck tube and pitching head assembly in the center coupling section so that the OUTPUT pitching direction is oriented toward a single leg, with the 2 remaining legs toward the INPUT ball feed direction as shown. (Also see pictures on top of Page 6)

(2) remaining legs

single leg

StEp 6:

Firmly tighten the knob to lock the gooseneck tube into the center coupling section. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN.

StEp 7:

The Mattingly Hit Man Pitching Machine can be used with or without the included 24-ball automatic feeder. If you are using the machine without the feeder (using a partner to manually feed the balls) then skip ahead to the next section Operating Instructions. A: Carefully lift the ball feeder assembly. B: Line up the mounting flange of the Feed Tube Flange ball feeder with the feed tube flange on the pitching head assembly. Slide the ball feeder down the feed tube flange until fully seated. The locating slot on the ball feeder must be fully engaged on the feed tube flange. C: Plug the ball feeder power plug into the Ball Feeder Power Out outlet on the pitching head assembly control panel. ALWAYS INSPECT THE UNIT FOR PROPER ASSEMBLY AND NO OBSTRUCTIONS BEFORE EACH USE.

Ball Feeder Mounting Flange

operatIng InstructIons
StEp 1:

Set the Pitch Type: The pitching head assembly can be rotated for different pitch types.




NOtE: The vertical position is also used for defensive drills (fly balls and grounders) To set the Pitch Type: A: We recommend removing ball feeder to make Pitch Type adjustments. B: Loosen the pitch-type adjustment lever. C: Rotate the pitching head to the appropriate angle to set pitch type as shown above. D: Firmly tighten the pitch-type adjustment lever. Be sure the lever is tight to avoid shifting during operation. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN E: Replace the ball feeder

rotate pitching Head to the appropriate position

loosen pitch-type adjustment lever

tighten pitch-type adjustment lever

pitch type adjustment lever

operatIng InstructIons
StEp 2:


Set the Pitch Angle

To set the pitch angle: A: Loosen the pitch angle adjustment lever. B: Rotate the pitching head to the appropriate angle to set pitch angle. C: Firmly tighten the pitch-type adjustment lever. Be sure the lever is tight to avoid shifting during operation. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN
loosen pitch angle adjustment lever

rotate the pitching head to the appropriate angle

tighten pitch angle adjustment lever

StEp 3:

pitch angle adjustment lever

Connect power source: The Mattingly Hit Man Pitching Machine operates on either 110V A/C or 12V D/C power.

A/C Power Option If using 110V A/C current, use the included A/C adapter. Insert the round adapter end of the A/C power source into the Power In connection on the control panel. Plug the A/C Power adapter into a standard grounded outlet. If necessary a 16 gauge or heavier extension cord is recommended.

operatIng InstructIons


D/C Power Option The 12V D/C power option allows you to use the Mattingly Hit Man Pitching Machine with a standard 12V battery [not included] for added portability and convenience. Typical 12V batteries are those used for automobiles and boats. A: Plug the included 12V cord into the Power In outlet on the machine.

B: Connect the red clip onto the positive (+) terminal of the battery. C: Connect the black clip onto the negative (-) terminal of the battery.

StEp 4:

Adjust the speed control dials to set the speed and break of the pitch:

operatIng InstructIons


Adjust the speed control dials according to the chart below.



DIAL A 5 4 3 5 4 3 5 4 3

DIAL B 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1

80 60 40


80 60 40


80 60 40

*Curve ball: Settings will cause pitch to break away from a right handed batter. To reverse the direction of curve, reverse the two speed dial settings. **Slider: Tilt the pitching head to the right at a 45 angle to cause pitch to break away from a right-handed batter. Tilt the pitching head 45 to the left to cause the pitch to break into a right-handed batter. the settings above are recommendations. Fine tuning may be required. the stated speeds are based on a distance of 60 feet. To simulate typical youth baseball pitching, the 40 mph settings and a distance of 45 feet is recommended. For defensive drills, follow the recommended settings for fastballs, and adjust the pitch angle according to Step 2 above. DO NOt AttEMpt tO ADJUSt tHE pItCHING HEAD ASSEMBLY DURING A pItCH OR WHILE CONNECtED tO A pOWER SOURCE. ALWAYS DISCONNECt FROM pOWER SOURCE AND ALLOW WHEELS IN pItCHING HEAD ASSEMBLY tO StOp ALL MOVEMENt BEFORE ADJUStING UNIt.

operatIng InstructIons
StEp 5:


Test machine setup with test pitches. CAUtION: DO NOt HAVE ANYONE IN tHE DIRECtION OF tHE pItCHED BALL WHENEVER tEStING MACHINE FOR BALL FLIGHt. A: Pitch one ball and check the ball flight. (You can initiate a pitch by either switching on the ball feeder, or by dropping a TechFoam ball into the feeder tube.) B: If changes are desired: Turn both speed dials to the 0 position, turn the ball feeder off & disconnect from power source. C: Fine tune the pitch height by loosening the pitch angle adjustment lever slightly, rotating the pitching head, the re-tighten securely. D: Fine tune the right/left flight of the ball by rotating the entire unit slightly. E: Reconnect to the power source and re-set the speed control dials to the desired setting. F: Test machine setup by pitching another ball and checking the ball flight. Repeat these sequences until the desired ball flight is achieved. Note: Never make adjustments or move the machine while the wheels are turning or connected to a power source.
up to 4 each

StEp 6:

Loading the Optional Ball Feeder. A. Be sure the Ball Feeder Power Switch on the pitching machine control panel is in the Off position. B: Load up to 4 TechFoam balls into each of the 6 feed tubes. Depending on the position of the tubes, one tube may only hold 3 balls. C. Turn the pitching machine speed control dials to the desired setting. D. Allow time for the wheels to reach the desired speed (about10 seconds). E. Confirm the batter is ready. F. Turn the Ball Feeder Power Switch to the On position. (Button should be pressed towards the To Stop Machine Turn Both Knobs to 0 indicator) G. Balls can be reloaded into the feeder during operation. Only load tubes A, B, C & D to avoid jamming and damaging the motor. If a jam does occur, immediately unplug/disconnect the feeder and machine and clear the jam.
Do not reloaD posItIons e anD f DurIng operatIon

Machine Housing




the machine does not run.
Be sure the machine is properly connected to a power source. If using A/C power: Be sure the A/C power adapter is plugged into a working outlet. If using D/C battery power: Be sure the red (+) and black (-) clips are securely attached to the designated battery terminals. Be sure the battery is adequately charged. To check, switch to A/C power. If the machine operates with A/C power, the problem is with the battery.

Be sure you are only using Mattingly Hit Man TechFoam balls. The machine is designed to work exclusively with these balls. Confirm the machine settings against the recommended settings in the Operating Instructions. Incorrect settings (ex: both wheels set to same speed) can cause erratic ball flight. With both speed control dials set to 0, and the power source disconnected, look into the ball feed chute at the pitching wheels. Turn the wheels by hand and check if any surface material is missing or loose. Also check for any excessive wobble or play in the wheels. If you find any of these problems, please call Mattingly Sports at 866-627-2287 x 115.

Balls do not pitch correctly

Warranty & servIce

p The Mattingly Hit Man Pitching Machine is covered by a one year limited warranty to the original owner in the United States from the date of purchase. The warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship. During the first 12 months from the date of purchase, if a defect is deemed by Mattingly Hitting Products, Inc. (Mattingly Baseball) to be the fault of manufacturing, Mattingly Baseball will repair or replace any defective part or unit with new or refurbished components, at no charge and at its discretion. p To return the Mattingly Hit Man Pitching Machine, the original product must have been purchased within one year from an authorized dealer, and must be accompanied by a valid proof of purchase. NOtE: You must save your original dated receipt from your authorized Mattingly Baseball dealer as proof of purchase. It is required to return the product. Third party receipts, such as PayPal, Paypoint, etc. will not be accepted. Products returned without a valid proof of purchase may not be warranted. p Returns and repairs are subject to issuance by Mattingly Baseball, at its discretion, of a Return Authorization Number (RA) (obtained by calling 1-866-627-2287 x115 or emailing [email protected]) which must accompany any return. Postage and all shipping (and insurance costs, if desired) shall paid by the customer. Shipping instructions will be on the Return Authorization Form. p This warranty does not cover damage due to accident, abuse, misuse or alteration or the use of any ball other than the Mattingly Hit Man TechFoam ball. p The Mattingly Hit Man Pitching Machine is intended for consumer use only. Institutional and commercial use will void any warranty. Warranty Limitation and Exclusion. It is hereby agreed that the liability of Mattingly Baseball shall be limited to the repair or replacement of the nonconforming product as provided above. Uses of pitching machines are inherently dangerous and Mattingly Baseball and its employees, officers, directors and suppliers shall not be liable for any other damages, direct, indirect or consequential. Mattingly Baseball will have no liability whatsoever if the product has been subjected to any abuse, misuse, alteration, negligence or accident on the part of Purchaser or any user. Disclaimer of Unstated Warranties. THE WARRANTY PRINTED ABOVE IS THE ONLY WARRANTY APPLICABLE TO THE PRODUCT AND EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROVIDED ABOVE, ALL PRODUCTS ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITH ALL FAULTS. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. Limitation of Liability. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT MATTINGLY BASEBALLS LIABILITY WHETHER IN CONTRACT, IN TORT, UNDER ANY WARRANTY, IN NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE RETURN OF THE AMOUNT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID BY PURCHASER AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL MATTINGLY BASEBALL BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. THE PRICE STATED FOR THIS PRODUCT IS A CONSIDERATION IN LIMITING MATTINGLY BASEBALLS LIABILITY. Mattingly Baseball reserves the right to refuse warranty service to any person who our Warranty Department deems as abusing our products or warranty policy. 11

HIt Man accessorIes anD otHer MattIngly sports proDucts

Mattingly Hit Man techFoam balls

Leader Bat Bag

V-Grip Beast Bat

V-Grip Ripped Bat

V-Grip V-Force Bat

Round Handle Saber Bat

V-Grip Maple Bat

Youth Fielding Gloves

training Base Cover

Don Mattinglys Hitting Is Simple Hit Man Batting Gloves

2 Enterprise Drive, Suite 407 Shelton, CT 06484 866-627-2287

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