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Principles of Communications Problem Set Noise 1.

If an amplifier has a bandwidth B = 20 kHz and a total noise power N = 2 x 10-17 W, determine the total noise power if the bandwidth: (a) increases to 40 kHz (b) decreases to 10 kHz. 2. For an amplifier operating at a temperature of 27 deg. Celcius with a bandwidth of 20 kHz, determine a. The total noise power in watts and dBm. b. The rms voltage (VN) for a 50-ohm internal resistance and a 50-ohm load resistor. 3. Determine the noise figure for an equivalent noise temperature of 1000 K (use 290 K for the reference temperature). 4. Determine the equivalent noise temperature for a noise figure of 10 dB. 5. Determine the noise figure for an amplifier with an input signal-to-noise ratio of 100 and an output signalto-noise ratio of 50. 6. Determine the noise figure for an amplifier with an input signal-to-noise ratio of 30 dB and an output signalto-noise ratio of 24 dB. 7. The signal-to-noise ratio is 30 dB at the inpt to an amplifier and 27.3 dB at the output. What is the noise temperature of the amplifier? 8. A three-stage amplifier has the following power gains and noise figures for each stage: Stage 1 , power gain = 10, noise figure = 3; Stage 2, power gain = 20, noise figure = 4; Stage 3, power gain = 30, noise figure = 5. Calculate the total noise figure. 9. An amplifier operating over a 4-MHz bandwidth has a 100-ohm input resistance. It is operating at 27 deg Celcius, has a voltage gain of 200 and has input signal of 5 microV rms. Determine the rms ouput noise signal. 10. Determine the noise current for a diode with a forward bias of 1 mA over a 100 kHz bandwidth. 11. A transistor amplifier has a measured S/N power of 10 at its input and 5 at its output. Calculate the transistors NF. 12. Two resistors, 5 kilo-ohms and 20 kilo-ohms are at 27 deg Celcius. Calculate the thermal noise voltage for a 10 kHz bandwidth if they are in (a) series (b) parallel. 13. What is the noise level in a voice channel if the S/N is 71.25 dB? Express noise level in pWpO. (picowatt psophometric) 14. If the occupied baseband of white noise test signal is 60 4028 kHz, determine the bandwidth ratio. 15. When measuring a voice channel at a 4 dB test point level, the meter reads 76 dBm. Calculate the reading in dBrnCO. 16. A diode generator is required to produce 12 microvolts of noise in a receiver with an input impedance of 75 ohms and a noise power bandwidth of 200 kHz. Determine the current through the diode in milliamperes. Amplitude Modulation 1. Determine the power saving in percent when the carrier is suppressed in an AM signal modulated at 80%. 2. Find the percent of modulation of an AM signal if 8 V signal carrier is modulated by three different frequencies with amplitudes 1 V, 2 V, and 3 V. 3. An SSB transmitter radiates 100 W in a 75 ohms load. The carrier signal is modulated by two tones, with frequencies 2 kHz and 3 kHz with equal magnitude and only the lower sideband is transmitted with a suppressed carrier. What is the peak voltage across the load? 4. An AM transmitter delivers 100 W carrier power, when the supply delivers 10 A from a 15 V. What load impedance is required by this amplifier in order for it to deliver the rated power? 5. In AM, what is the sideband power percentage assuming 100% modulation and with carrier and total power of 100 W and 150 W respectively? 6. An AM receiver uses a double tuned IF transformer with coupling constant of 1.5 kC. The quality factor of the primary and secondary winding is 60 and 30 respectively. What is the bandwidth of the transformer if the IF is 455 MHz? 7. The dc supply of an SSB transmitter is 24 V. What is the average power of the transmitter if on voice peaks the current achieves a maximum of 9.3 A? 8. A standard AM receiver is tuned to a station of 650 kHz. If the intermediate frequency of the receiver is 455 kHz, what is the image frequency (high-side injection)? 9. An AM signal has a carrier frequency of 400 MHz and amplitude of 5 Vp. It is modulated by a sinusoidal wave with frequency of 2 kHz and peak amplitude of 2 Vp. What are the lower and upper sideband frequencies? 10. A DSB-SC system must suppress the carrier by 50 dB for its original value of 10 W. To what value must the carrier be reduced? 11. An AM broadcast transmitter output power is 15 kW if the carrier is simultaneously modulated with another sinewave at 50% modulation. What is the modulation index of the other sinewave if the carrier power is 12 kW? 12. Three audio waves with 100, 200, and 300 volts amplitude respectively, simultaneously modulate a 450 volts carrier. What is the total percent of modulation of the AM wave? 13. A filter-type SSB generator uses an ideal bandpass filter with a center frequency of 5.0 MHz and a bandwidth of 2.7 kHz. What frequency should be used for the carrier oscillator if the generator is to produce a USB signal with a baseband frequency response having a lower limit of 280 Hz? 14. An AM transmitter (DSBFC) transmits 40 kW with no modulation. How much power will it transmit if modulation index increases by 80%?

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