GNU PDF Library Hackers Guide: Updated For Version Trunk

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GNU PDF Library Hackers Guide

Updated for version trunk.

Free Software Foundation

This is the GNU PDF Library Hackers Guide, updated for libgnupdf version trunk. Copyright c 2008, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License.

Table of Contents
1 2 3 4 Information for Newcomers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 The build system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1 Third-party m4 macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Development procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Tasks management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 The tasks pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Task originators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Task types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Tasks workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 The flyspray task manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Coding Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 File Headers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inclusion of Header Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testing for Preprocessor Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spaces vs. Tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naming Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5.1 Public functions in a module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5.2 Private functions in a module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5.3 Platform specific functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6 Abstract Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6.1 Implementation Files For ADTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6.2 Data Structures For ADTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6.3 Access Functions For ADTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6.4 Opaque Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7 The layer header files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 17

6 7

Writing Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6.1 Generating pictures with ditaa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Sending Patches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
7.1 7.2 7.3 Documenting Your Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Generating a Bazaar Merge Directive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Syntax Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3.1 Skipping syntax tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Patch Safety Dispatcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 Sending your Patch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 19 19 20 20 21


Testing the library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

8.1 8.2 The test specification document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unit testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.1 Designing unit tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.2 Test files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.3 Test suite files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.4 The runtests program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.5 Running the unit tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.6 Using gdb to debug check tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3 Test Data Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.4 The tortutils Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 23 25 25 26 26 27 27 29 29

9 10

Cross-compiling libgnupdf for Windows under GNU/Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Updating the AUTHORS file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Chapter 1: Information for Newcomers

1 Information for Newcomers

First of all, many thanks for your interest in collaborate in the development! Here you will find some useful information to get started. Getting a copy of the sources The first step to perform is to get a local copy of the development sources. Just install a GNU Bazaar client and issue the following commands. To get the sources of the GNU PDF Library from the trunk: $ bzr branch bzr:// Getting familiar with GNU Bazaar We are using the GNU Bazaar1 version control system. Before to be able to contribute code to this project you should get familiar to the usage of Bazaar. The GNU Bazaar User Guide2 is very good. In the Bazaar site ( you will also find useful tips for people coming from other VCSs such as CVS or subversion. The Bzr For Emacs Devs page in the Emacs wiki provides detailed information on the workflow used in the Emacs project. Even if we dont follow that exact workflow, most of the guidelines there apply in the GNU PDF development. You can find the document at

Subscribing to the development mailing list GNU PDF developers communicate using the [email protected] mailing list. Most of the work in the development is discussed there, so you definitely want to subscribe to it if you are going to write some code. Goto the pdf-devel mailman web interface in and set up your subscription. Then, send a first email introducing yourself. There is another mailing list [email protected] that is used by the Flyspray installation to send change notifications of tasks. You can subscribe to this mailing list at Getting familiar with Savannah Savannah is the central point of development for GNU software. The GNU PDF project has a savannah project in Getting familiar with the library Take a look to the design of the library and the source code. The documents to look at are the GNU PDF Library Reference Guide (available in doc/gnupdf.texi) and the GNU PDF Library Architecture Manual (available in doc/gnupdf-arch.texi). There is useful information in the README-dev file located at the root of the source distribution. In particular the dependencies that you need to have installed in your system are detailed there.
1 2

Chapter 1: Information for Newcomers

If you have doubts about any aspect of the library or the implementation, just ask in pdf-devel. Getting familiar with the GNU standards The GNU PDF Library is a GNU package. That means we should follow the GNU Standards to ensure quality and compatibility with other parts of the GNU Operating System. You should be familiar with the GNU Coding Standards before to write code for the GNU PDF library. You can read it online in Getting familiar with our coding conventions Read our Hackers Guide (this very document) for several conventions we use when writing source code. Taking a task to work on Please read the documentation on tasks management in Chapter 4 [Tasks management], page 7. If you want to work in a NEXT task, please be sure to state your interest in the pdf-devel mailing list before. The developers in the pdf-devel mailing list can guide you towards the more convenient task for you to take and can give valuable advice about how to implement it. Signing papers The GNU PDF codebase is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation. This is a way to strength the GPL. That means that we need you to sign papers before to be able to integrate your code in the distribution. There are several ways to get this done. Please ask in pdf-devel for the details. Sending patches for inclusion If you have written a patch you want to be included in GNU PDF, please send it to the pdf-devel mailing list. Your patch will be then discussed and maybe accepted.

Chapter 2: The build system

2 The build system

The build system of the GNU PDF software uses the GNU build utilities (otherwise known as the GNU Autotools). This chapter contains some guidelines to apply when incorporating changes into the codebase.

2.1 Third-party m4 macros

Sometimes it is useful to use third-party m4 macros provided by some build dependency (such as libgcrypt that provides an AM_PATH_LIBGCRYPT macro). In that situation we are introducing a dependency in bootstrap time, and it is not desirable: the dependencies should be checked in configure time. Any third-party m4 file should be copied in libgnupdf/m4/ and put under version control. In that way we avoid the dependency in bootstrap time.

Chapter 3: Development procedures

3 Development procedures

The GNU PDF Library is composed by several layers. Each layer is in turn composed by several modules. The combination of the modules provide the functionality to layers. See undefined [Top], page undefined .

The development of the library involves the design of the overall architecture (determination of the layers that composes the library), the development of each layer and the design and implementation of system tests.

Figure 3.1: Library Development Procedure

The development of each library layer involves the design of the overall architecture of the layer (determination of the modules that composes the layer), the development of each module and the design and implementation of subsystem tests.

Chapter 3: Development procedures

Figure 3.2: Layer Development Procedure

The development of each module involves the design of the API offered by the module and the architectural details, the definition of development tasks needed to complete the implementation of the module and the design and implementation of unit tests.

Chapter 3: Development procedures

Figure 3.3: Module Development Procedure

Chapter 4: Tasks management

4 Tasks management

This chapter contains information about the tasks management we use in the development of the GNU PDF Library.

4.1 The tasks pool

The real tasks being worked out in the project are contained in what we call the tasks pool.

The tasks pool contain a set of tasks that should be performed out by some agent. The pool do not contain all the tasks for the project: there is an approximation in the project plan. Instead there is a constant flow of tasks being introduced in the pool by originators and being consumed out by the developers. That means that when a task is performed by a developer it is pulled out of the pool and archived.

An archived task can be reactivated and inserted again in the tasks pool.

Chapter 4: Tasks management

Figure 4.1: The tasks pool A task is attributed with a priority while it is into the tasks pool. The priority is a number between 1 (less priority) to 9 (higher priority). Some priority levels have names: 1 - Later 2 3 - Low 4 5 - Normal 6 7 - High 8 9 - Immediate

Chapter 4: Tasks management

Note: The maintainer may change the priority of a task to avoid it to starve.

Note: A reactivated task gets a new priority number when it is reinserted into the tasks pool.

4.2 Task originators

There are several possible originators of tasks:

The maintainer The maintainer is the responsible of maintaining the tasks pool, introducing new tasks when needed and setting the priorities. The source of the tasks is either the project plan, bug reports or reactivated tasks.

Cron jobs running in There are several cron jobs running in that perform checks on a nightly build of the sources and executes the unit tests. These jobs can automatically generate new tasks to fix some problem (a high cyclomatic complexity in a module or a fail in a test case).

4.3 Task types

We distinguish between some types of tasks. Each task type has an initial priority defined:

task type planned task sporadic task automatic task

originator maintainer maintainer

source project plan bug report test fail or bad software metric

initial priority 5 (Normal) 4 6

4.4 Tasks workflow

The following diagram depicts the possible states for a task and the allowed transitions between states:

Chapter 4: Tasks management


Figure 4.2: Tasks workflow TODO NEXT STARTED The task has been started by a developer but it is not finished. DONE The task is archived and succesfully performed. The task is into the tasks pool but it not ready to be performed. The task is into the tasks pool and it is ready to be performed by a developer.

DISCARDED The task is archived but it has been discarded.

Chapter 4: Tasks management


Note that a task may also be assigned to someone or unassigned: TODO and unassigned Dependency issues, no one in charge. TODO and assigned Dependency issues and someone showed interest. NEXT and unassigned Can be started, nobody interested. NEXT and assigned Someone is interested but cant work on it for personal issues. STARTED and assigned Someone is working on the task (no matter the time it takes)

4.5 The flyspray task manager

We use a flyspray task tracker installed in in order to implement the tasks pool. Each flyspray task has the following attributes: Type The type of the task: planned sporadic automatic he context of the task. It may be the name of a library layer (such as base layer), the name of a library module or a more general context (such as build system). The priority of the task. The status of the task: TODO NEXT STARTED DONE DISCARDED. A summary of the task.


Priority Status


Chapter 5: Coding Conventions


5 Coding Conventions
Like in any other GNU package, the code in the GNU PDF Library follows the coding conventions documented in the GNU Coding Standards. In this section we complement the guidelines of the GHM with some specific conventions that we follow in the development of the library. It is quite important to follow these guidelines to maintain a good level of coherence in the codebase.

5.1 File Headers

The standard file header to be used in any source file in the library is the following: /* -*- mode: C -** * File: FILE_NAME * Date: CREATION_TIME * * GNU PDF Project - SHORT_DESCRIPTION * */ The entries in the template are: FILE NAME The basename of the file. CREATION TIME A time stamp string in the format: Fri Feb 22 21:05:05 2008 Note that if you are writing your code using Emacs then you will get the appropriate creation date running the current-time-string elisp command. If you are using the gnupdf-c-file-header skeleton template then you will get the creation date in template-expansion time. SHORT DESCRIPTION A one-sentence brief description of the contents of the file. This description should not exceed one physical line of text.

5.2 Inclusion of Header Files

The order of the #include directives in any .c file shall be: /* * ... file header ... */ #include <config.h> #include <system-file-1.h> #include <system-file-2.h> ...

Chapter 5: Coding Conventions


#include <system-file-N.h> #include <lib-file-1.h> #include <lib-file-2.h> ... #include <lib-file-N.h> Note the empty lines separating the several blocks. In particular: Always include config.h, and do it in the first position. Never use the "foo.h" kind of inclusion. Use always <foo.h>. If some headers shall be included conditionally depending on the host platform, the macros PDF_HOST_* defined in config.h can be used. Those macros are set using autoheader.

5.3 Testing for Preprocessor Symbols

Please dont use parentheses like this while testing for pre-processor symbols: #if defined (FOO) && defined (BAR) || !defined (BAZ) do something #endif Instead, write something like: #if defined FOO && defined BAR || !defined BAZ do something #endif

5.4 Spaces vs. Tabs

It is preferable to use blank characters instead of tabs to indent the source code: the interpretation of the actual width of a tab is up to the viewer program. Please use blank characters when writing code to be included in GNU PDF software. If you use Emacs you can tell it to insert spaces instead of tabs including: (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) in your .emacs. If you use GNU indent to indent your sources you can use the --nut option: $ indent --nut [rest-of-parameters] [source-files]

5.5 Naming Functions

5.5.1 Public functions in a module
All the public functions inside a module should use the following name convention: pdf_MODULE-NAME_... where module-name is the canonical name of the module (e.g. alloc or text). Some modules are composed by more than one compilation unit. In that case the public functions should follow the following name convention:

Chapter 5: Coding Conventions


pdf_MODULE-NAME_PART-NAME_... where part-name is the canonical name of that part of the module implementation (e.g. pdf_stm_filter_... where filter is the part name.

5.5.2 Private functions in a module

The private (static) functions used in a module implementation should follow the same naming conventions as the public ones.

5.5.3 Platform specific functions

The names for functions (both public and private) intended to be used if compiling for a specific platform should use the following name convention: pdf_MODULE-NAME[_PART-NAME]_PLATFORM_... where platform is the canonical name for the target platform: gnu posix win32 macos For GNU systems. For POSIX systems. For Windows systems. For Macos X systems.

5.6 Abstract Data Types

The GNU PDF Library codebase is written using the C programming language. C does not support the notion of object as used in object-oriented programming. Instead of objects we are using a kind of data-control abstraction called abstract data types. This abstraction provides high encapsulation of the implementation details of the data types and thus allow the definition of opaque types. An ADT is composed by: A data structure containing the private data that characterizes each instance of the ADT. A set of access functions that implement actions on the ADT.

5.6.1 Implementation Files For ADTs

Each Abstract Data Type shall be implemented in source files following this naming convention: pdf-FOO-*.[ch] where FOO is the name of the ADT; for example, pdf-text-context.c. A general header file for the ADT should always be present and should be named after: pdf-FOO.h where FOO is again the name of the ADT; for example, pdf-text.h.

Chapter 5: Coding Conventions


5.6.2 Data Structures For ADTs

There are two different approaches that shall be used to define the data structures containing the private data for an ADT: A pointer to a structure In this case a C structure should be defined to hold the private data: /* Definition of the pdf_foo_t ADT */ struct pdf_foo_s { int data_a; int data_b; }; and then a typedef that defines pdf_foo_t as a pointer to that structure: typedef struct pdf_foo_s *pdf_foo_t; A structure In this case a C structure (not a pointer to it) is used to represent the ADT: typedef struct pdf_foo_s pdf_foo_t; This alternative is indicated in the case where the private data of the ADT is small, allowing the developer to allocate instances of the ADT in the stack and thus avoiding fragmentation of the heap. Note that both alternatives allow to copy a reference using the C assignation operator, like in: reference_to_adt_instance1 = adt_instance1;

5.6.3 Access Functions For ADTs

Every access function implemented by an ADT should have a prototype conformant to the following convention: RETURN_TYPE pdf_FOO_* (pdf_FOO_t adt, args...) where FOO is the name of the ADT. The following standard functions shall be defined: pdf_status_t pdf_FOO_new (args..., pdf_FOO_t *adt) This is the function used to create a new instance of the ADT. The last parameter of the function should be a pointer to a pdf_FOO_t value. The returned status value should indicate the state of the operation. pdf_FOO_destroy (pdf_FOO_t adt) This is the function used to destroy an instance of the ADT. The memory occupied by the ADT data structure is freed.

5.6.4 Opaque Pointers

One way to achieve high encapsulation for ADTs is to publish opaque pointers in the public header files. The usage of opaque pointers also improves binary compatibility.1 .

this technique is also known as the PIMPL idiom. See

Chapter 5: Coding Conventions


The mechanism is quite simple. Suppose that we want to publish an opaque ADT to the user: pdf_foo_t. A first approximation would be to mark the full definition of pdf_foo_t as public in the header file, like: /* -*- mode: C -** * File: pdf-foo.h ... */ ... /* BEGIN PUBLIC */ struct pdf_foo_s { int a; int b; }; typedef struct pdf_foo_s *pdf_foo_t; /* END PUBLIC */ ... Despite the user is not supposed to access the internal structure of pdf_foo_t, she can actually do it using the exported structure struct pdf_foo_s. An additional problem is that the user can allocate pdf_foo_s structs in the stack, and thus the binary compatibility would be break if the binary links with a more recent version of the library exporting more fields (like a third integer c). The solution to both problems is to export a opaque pointer: we simply do not export the details about the structure: /* -*- mode: C -** * File: pdf-foo.h ... */ ... /* BEGIN PUBLIC */ typedef struct pdf_foo_s *pdf_foo_t; /* END PUBLIC */ struct pdf_foo_s

Chapter 5: Coding Conventions


{ int a; int b; }; ...

5.7 The layer header files

Each layer in the library provides a header file that gathers the public headers of its modules. The header is named after the layer. pdf-LAYER.h would contain: #include <pdf-MODULE1.h> #include <pdf-MODULE2.h> ... pdf-MODULEn.h being the header files of the modules composing the layer having BEGIN_ PUBLIC, END_PUBLIC sections. The rules regarding those header files are: Never use pdf-LAYER.h in a module of the same layer. Always use pdf-LAYER.h in modules of another layer. The second rule avoids the propagation of problems when we make changes in the module structure of a given layer. As long as it is stated that the object layer provides pdf_obj_t, for example, it does not matter which specific module provides it. For example, if we wanted to use the tokeniser pdf_token_read_t in the object layer, we would include pdf-base.h instead of pdf-token-read.h.

Chapter 6: Writing Documentation


6 Writing Documentation
This chapter contains some useful information on writing documentation in the GNU PDF project.

6.1 Generating pictures with ditaa

When generating pictures with ditaa, please make sure to not use implicit shape separation (-E) nor shadows (-S). So, for example: $ ditaa -S -E [YOUR-OPTIONS] figure.txt Dont forget to regenerate both png and eps image files after an update to a picture.

Chapter 7: Sending Patches


7 Sending Patches
This chapter contains some useful information to send patches to be integrated in the trunk.

7.1 Documenting Your Changes

Everyone loves writing documentation! :D Please update the dates in the copyright notices in each of the files you have modified, if needed. Please update the file ChangeLog with a summary of which files have been changed, along with what the changes were for. If your change includes new files please update the in the directory containing the new files. If your change is not trivial please take a look to the appropriate architecture page in the wiki. Maybe it is needed to update the page with more information?

7.2 Generating a Bazaar Merge Directive

The Bazaar version control system supports the notion of merge directives. A merge directive is a kind of superpatch that contain an ascii-encoded binary block describing the patch (changes to file contents, addition of new files, etc) and a preview that is much like a regular diff. A merge directive can be merged into a given branch much like any other branch. To create a merge directive out of your bazaar branch just type the following command: $ bzr send -o my-patch Then send the file my-patch in an email to [email protected] in order to be reviewed by the development team. Note that you dont need to specify extra parameters to the bzr send command: it will use the appropriate format for the patch by default (unidiff).

7.3 Syntax Check

The maintainer-makefile gnulib module provides some more make targets, useful for the maintainership of the package. One of the targets is syntax-check. It performs a check of common pitfalls on the source code and GCS conformance. Please do a make syntax-check before to send a patch, or alternatively use the Patch Safety Dispatcher (see the next section). Additionally, if you created more tests under torture/, please make sure the new test headers are correct by running: $ perl ../build-aux/ | grep "BAD FORMAT" If the BAD FORMAT mark appears in the output it means that some of the headers were not properly processed by the script.

Chapter 7: Sending Patches


7.3.1 Skipping syntax tests

Sometimes it is not desirable to run an specific test in an specific source file. Some typical situations are: A false positive of the test. A positive on code that we are not maintaining (for example, any source file in the lib/ directory). In order to disable the execution of a syntax check in an specific file, the name of the source file should be added to the file .x-RULE, where RULE is the name of the syntax check. An example is the file .x-sc_avoid_if_before_free, that affects the syntax check implemented in build-aux/sc_avoid_if_before_free. Note that the .x-RULE files should not contain empty lines. In order to disable the execution of a syntax check for any file, just add the name of the syntax check to the local-checks-to-skip variable in

7.4 Patch Safety Dispatcher

Before sending a patch to the list to be included in the trunk you can run the patch safety dispatcher, which is a script that runs a few more scripts, like the syntax check mentioned in this chapter. In fact, the Patch Safety Dispatcher is a bzr plugin that is run before a commit is applied to your working copy. In order to execute it you need to tell bzr where the plugin is located. There are two ways to do it: 1. Copy the script located in prmgt/ at the projects root directory to your bazaar plugins directory ~/.bazaar/plugins. 2. Add the prmgt directory to the BZR PLUGIN PATH variable. For example, doing export BZR PLUGIN PATH=/your/path/to/libgnupdf/prmgt (alternatively you can add it to your ~/.bashrc). After telling bzr where your plugins are, you can test it doing: bzr hooks (from the projects root directory) . You should find it in the list as Patch safety scripts hook in the pre commit section. Thats all. Now when you do a bzr commit a small report will tell if your patch is correct in terms of the QA scripts we run daily. If it is the commit will be applied, otherwise it wont. Note that the current hook only works with Bazaar 1.5 or later. To make it work on the older bazaar, you just need to replace this line: branch.Branch.hooks.install_named_hook(pre_commit, pre_commit_hook, Patch safety scripts hook) with these lines: branch.Branch.hooks.install_hook(pre_commit, pre_commit_hook) branch.Branch.hooks.name_hook(pre_commit_hook, Patch safety scripts hook) NOTE: Make sure you run bzr commit from your working copy root directory. Bazaar will fail with some error or dont even run the script otherwise. Until now we have no solution for this problem.

Chapter 7: Sending Patches


7.5 Sending your Patch

Before to send the patch to be considered for merging, please use the following checkpoints list to make sure that everything is in place: Is the patch including a ChangeLog entry? Is the patch including an update to the AUTHORS file documenting any new modified/created file by you? What about the copyright headers? Did you copy the header from other file and therefore it is needed to change the copyright years? If everything is ok please send the patch to [email protected]. Note that it is preferable to include the merge directive in the message body than to send it as an attachment.

Chapter 8: Testing the library


8 Testing the library

We are following a bottom-up testing strategy. The verification of the library is performed in the following steps:

Figure 8.1: Test types 1. Unit testing is performed in order to verify the low-level modules of the library. 2. Subsystem testing is performed in order to verify the combination of several subsystems. i.e. to test each library layer. 3. System testing is performed in order to verify the whole system. i.e. the GNU PDF Library. We use check1 to implement our testing infrastructure. Please read the check manual in order to become familiar with its concepts such as test suite, test case, etc. At some point we wrote a simple replacement for libcheck in Windows systems: nocheck (torture/unit/nocheck). The usage of the replacement is now deprecated, since the latest version of libcheck should support windows.

A testing framework for C. See

Chapter 8: Testing the library


8.1 The test specification document

The tests for the GNU PDF Library are documented in a document called "Test Specification Document" or TSD. It is available as a texinfo file in the sources distribution in the doc/gnupdf-tsd.texi file. There is an online version of the TSD in It is automatically updated daily from the bazaar trunk.

8.2 Unit testing

We organize unit tests using the following structure:

Figure 8.2: Unit Testing Architecture Test suites are used to collect unit tests for a given module. In turn each test suite contain a collection of test cases. Each test case identifies a function implemented in the module. Several tests can then be defined to test the function capabilities.

Chapter 8: Testing the library


The unit tests are stored in the torture/unit/ directory.

Figure 8.3: Unit Testing Sources

Chapter 8: Testing the library


8.2.1 Designing unit tests

Please keep in mind the following considerations when designing unit tests for the functions of a library module: For any given function we would like to define positive, negative and stressing unit tests: Positive tests are used to test the function with valid input data. The return value (or any documented side effect) of the function should be checked with the expected effect. Negative tests are used to test the function with invalid input data. Stressing tests are used to test the function with strategic or "interesting" valid input data (such as MAXINT or MININT in a function accepting an integer value). Many functions are simple enough to only require a single positive test running the function (no parameters). It is important to have this unit test since the execution may fail even for such simple functions. While designing the unit tests you may find that the API contain errors or that it may be improved in any way. That is fine and it is quite welcomed. You can propose any change of the API in this list.

8.2.2 Test files

The test files contain collections of unit tests associated with a function. Each test file is named function-name.c, where function-name is the name of the function under testing with underscores replaced with dashes. For example, the source file containing unit tests for the pdf stm new function would be called stm-new.c. A minimal test file looks like this: /* * Include the check library. */ #include <check.h> /* * Test: FUNCTION_NAME_NNN * Description: * Description of the test. Can be of several lines long, * indenting the text like this. * Success conditions: * A list of success conditions. * Data files: * A list of data files used in this test. */ START_TEST(FUNCTION_NAME_NNN) { /* Check a condition. One of several types of check available in the check library. */ fail_if(0 == 1);

Chapter 8: Testing the library



/* * Provide this function to gather all the tests together. */ TCase* test_FUNCTION_NAME (void) { TCase* tc = tcase_create ("FUNCTION_NAME"); tcase_add_test(tc, FUNCTION_NAME_NNN); return tc; } Note the test_FUNCTION_NAME function. It is the function called by the test driver in order to perform all the tests implemented in the test file. Note also that the comments heading tests are written in a fixed format to allow the build-aux/ script to generate the bulk of the Test Specification Document from the comments.

8.2.3 Test suite files

Once you add a new test file, that defines a testcase for some module function, you need to integrate it into the test suite that defines the module itself. Each module directory (such as torture/unit/base/stm) has a test suite definition file such as tsuite-stm.c. The suite definition file defines a function called tsuite_MODULE-NAME that return a Suite * object. New test cases are added using the suite_add_tcase function: extern TCase *my_new_tcase (void); Suite * tsuite_mymodule () { Suite *s; ... suite_add_tcase (s, my_new_tcase ()); ... return s; }

8.2.4 The runtests program

The runtests program is the driver of the testing procedure. It is located in the torture/unit/ directory. In order to integrate new test files into the runtests program the source files of the test files should be added to the value of the TEST_FILES variable in torture/unit/

Chapter 8: Testing the library


For example: TEST_FILES = base/stm/pdf-create-file-stm.c \ base/OTHER-MODULE/OTHER-TEST-FILE.c

8.2.5 Running the unit tests

The runtests program will run all the defined unit tests of the library. It can be invoked (and it is the preferred way) by executing: $ make check It is possible to run the unit tests corresponding to a specific library module by using the MODULE variable: $ make check MODULE=fsys It is also possible to run the unit tests corresponding to a specific public function by using the FUNCTION variable: $ make check FUNCTION=fsys_close_file The test driver display several messages to the standard output and also dump a logfile named ut.log with details about the test execution. The runtests program will (by default) output a list of which test suites were run, then a summary line followed by a list of failing lists. You can get a full list of tests (passing and failing) by setting the CK_VERBOSITY environment variable to verbose. You can get just the summary line and failing lists by setting the CK_VERBOSITY environment variable to minimal, and you can produce no output by setting it to silent. Note that tests (in particular, the error reporting tests) may output additional information as part of their normal operation - that isnt really part of the check testing framework, and wont be affected by the CK_VERBOSITY environment variable. If the library was cross compiled in a GNU system using mingw32, make check will try to invoke wine to execute the runtests.exe binary. If the compilation was performed in a native windows environment then runtests.exe will be used directly.

8.2.6 Using gdb to debug check tests

The check testing framework uses fork calls in order to create the processes used to run the single tests. This makes possible to catch unexpected process terminations such as a segmentation fault or a division by zero. Sometimes we want to debug those failure conditions using gdb. Unfortunately the GNU debugger cannot catch the unexpected termination of the child processess. The check implementor foresaw this and provides a workaround: to define the CK_FORK environment variable to "no" and launch the debugger. The test driver torture/unit/runtests is a shell script generated by libtool. This means that it is not possible to run it invoking gdb from the command line, as in: $ gdb torture/unit/runtests A solution for this problem is to edit the torture/unit/runtests and hack it so it will call gdb instead of the program in .libs/. Just find the line containing something like:

Chapter 8: Testing the library


exec "$progdir/$program" ${1+"$@"} and change it to something like: exec gdb --return-child-result --quiet --args "$progdir/$program" ${1+"$@"} Note that you need to repeat this change every time torture/unit/runtests is rebuilt by make. The second alternative is to run gdb on the real binary using: When debugging failing tests you may find it useful to set breakpoint to _fail_unless function: $ ( export CK FORK=no; make check ) # you can use make check FUNCTION=... as well ... (gdb) break fail unless Breakpoint 1 at 0x804ac44 (gdb) run ... Breakpoint 1, _fail_unless (result=1, file=0x80b2f94 "base/alloc/pdf-alloc.c", line=47, expr=0x80aac30 "Failure data == NULL occured") at check.c:237 237 send_loc_info (file, line); ... (gdb) list 232 void _fail_unless (int result, const char *file, 233 int line, const char *expr, ...) 234 { 235 const char *msg; 236 237 send_loc_info (file, line); 238 if (!result) { 239 va_list ap; 240 char buf[BUFSIZ]; 241 (gdb) break check.c:238 if (!result) Breakpoint 2 at 0xb7ea4a7c: file check.c, line 238. (gdb) delete 1 (gdb) continue Continuing. ... Breakpoint 2, _fail_unless (result=0, file=0x80a7ef8 "base/text/pdf-text-new-destroy.c", line=44, expr=0x80a7f1c "Assertion pdf_text_new (&newtext) == PDF_EBADCONTEXT failed") at check.c:238 238 if (!result) { (gdb) finish Run till exit from #0 _fail_unless (result=0, file=0x80a7ef8 "base/text/pdf-text-new-destroy.c", line=44, expr=0x80a7f1c "Assertion pdf_text_new (&newtext) == PDF_EBADCONTEXT failed")

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/libgnupdf/src/.libs:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH gdb torture/unit/.libs/

Chapter 8: Testing the library


at check.c:238 pdf_text_new_destroy_001 (_i=0) at base/text/pdf-text-new-destroy.c:46 46 END_TEST (gdb) list 41 { 42 pdf_text_t newtext = NULL; 43 44 fail_unless(pdf_text_new (&newtext) == PDF_EBADCONTEXT); 45 } 46 END_TEST 47 48 /* 49 * Test: pdf_text_new_destroy_002 50 * Description: (gdb) ...

8.3 Test Data Files

Some tests require the use of data files: to hold input for the software under test to hold output to be compared with the output of the software under test The test data files are distributed in the torture/testdata directory along with the source code. The test data files are documented in the Test Data Files chapter in the Test Specification Document.

8.4 The tortutils Library

The torture utils library provides several utility functions that can be used while writing tests. See torture/tortutils/tortutils.h for documentation on the functions provided by the library.

Chapter 9: Cross-compiling libgnupdf for Windows under GNU/Linux


9 Cross-compiling libgnupdf for Windows under GNU/Linux

This chapter documents all the needed steps to setup a mingw build of the GNU PDF library. MinGW provides a complete programming tool set which is suitable for the development of native MS-Windows applications. Getting and installing MinGW If you are under debian, you can install mingw32 with the following command: $ apt-get install mingw32

If you are not on an usual disto, download mingw32 at MinGW Build Tool. You follow the README in order to install the package. You can go to for more details: ... $ sh i686-mingw32 ... The dependencies After having downloaded the sources of the GNU PDF Library, you need to install the required libraries. Below is a list of the required libraries: zlib libpthread libuuid libgpg-error libgcrypt libcheck libjbig2dec libjpeg You need to create some directories in order to stock the mingw32 dependencies. $ mkdir $HOME/w32root $ mkdir $HOME/w32root/lib $ mkdir $HOME/w32root/include zlib Download zlib either the source or the binaries. In order to compile the source you have to follow to read the page available at The binaries are available at $ unzip path/to/ $ mv include/* $HOME/w32root/include $ mv zlib1.dll $HOME/w32root/lib/libz.dll libpthreads There is a bug in mingw32-pthreads (Bug 599227). This bug affects the compilation of libcheck. You need to download the source of the fixed version. You have to log in the pthreads-win32 cvs. The password is anoncvs. Then, you download, compile and install.

Chapter 9: Cross-compiling libgnupdf for Windows under GNU/Linux


$ $ $ $ $ $ libuuid

cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/cvs/pthreads-win32 login # anoncvs cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/cvs/pthreads-win32 checkout -D 2011 cd pthreads-w32-20110511 make CROSS=i586-mingw32msvc- clean GC cp pthread.h sched.h semaphore.h $HOME/mingw32/include/ cp pthreadGC2.dll $HOME/mingw32/lib/libpthread.dll

You can use precompiled libuuid binaries available in the following URL: So, steps for libuuid are: $ tar -jxf libuuid-devel-2.17.2-1.tar.bz2 $ cp -r usr/include/uuid $HOME/w32root/include $ cp -r usr/lib/libuuid.dll.a $HOME/w32root/lib

libgpg-error and libgcrypt Go to You have to download: libgpg-error-1.10.tar.bz2 libgcrypt-1.4.6.tar.gz For libgpg-error-1.10 and libgcrypt-1.4.6, you have to note that the script recognizes build-w32 and set the prefix installation to $HOME/w32root. You cant modify this prefix. A typical compilation and installation would be: $ tar zxf path/to/libgpg-error-1.10.tar.gz $ cd libgpg-error-1.10 $ ./ --build-w32 $ make $ make install $ tar zxf path/to/libgcrypt-1.4.6.tar.gz $ cd libgcrypt-1.4.6 $ ./ --build-w32 $ make $ make install The libraries are installed in $HOME/w32root. libcheck You need the svn version of libcheck : $ svn co check In order to compile, you need to type: $ cd check $ autoreconf --install $ ./configure --host=i586-mingw32msvc --prefix=$HOME/w32root $ make $ make install Download Compile and install the library with the following commands. Note that due to, youll need to generate the DLL manually.


Chapter 9: Cross-compiling libgnupdf for Windows under GNU/Linux


$ ./configure --host=i586-mingw32msvc --prefix=$HOME/w32root $ make $ make install $ i586-mingw32msvc-gcc -shared -o .libs/libjbig2dec.dll jbig2.o jbig2_arith. jbig2_segment.o jbig2_page.o jbig2_symbol_dict.o jbig2_text.o jbig2_generic. jbig2_image.o jbig2_image_pbm.o jbig2_metadata.o $ cp .libs/libjbig2dec.dll $HOME/w32root/lib libjpeg Download libjpeg at Compile and install the library with the following commands. $ cd jpeg-8c $ ./configure --host=i586-mingw32msvc --prefix=$HOME/w32root $ make $ make install

Compiling Now you can run in the GNU PDF trunk: $ sh $ ./configure --host=i586-mingw32msvc --with-zlib=$HOME/w32root --with-libche --with-libjpeg-prefix=$HOME/w32root --with-libuuid-prefix=$HOME/w32root $ make $ make install At the time of writing this documentation, there are some errors during make.

Chapter 10: Updating the AUTHORS file


10 Updating the AUTHORS file

The AUTHORS file is automatically generated using Emacs. The prmgt/authors.el elisp file contains the implementation of the author function. In order to regenerate the file: 1. Launch Emacs 2. Load the prmgt/authors.el file. 3. Call M-xauthors and specify the libgnupdf source tree. 4. Update AUTHORS with the contents of the *Authors* buffer.

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