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Nomenclature and Definitions


Knowledge of vapor pressure is extremely important when selecting pumps and their mechanical seals. Vapor pressure is the pressure absolute at which a liquid, at a given temperature, starts to boil or flash to a gas. Absolute pressure (psia) equals the gauge pressure (psig) plus atmospheric pressure. Lets compare boiling water at sea level in Rhode Island to boiling water at an elevation of 14,110 feet on top of Pikes Peak in Colorado. Water boils at a lower temperature at altitude because the atmospheric pressure is lower. Water and water containing dissolved air will boil at different temperatures. This is because one is a liquid and the other is a solution. A solution is a liquid with dissolved air or other gases. Solutions have a higher vapor pressure than


apor pressure, cavitation, and NPSH are subjects widely discussed by engineers, pumps users, and pumping equipment suppliers, but understood by too few. To grasp these subjects, a basic explanation is required.

their parent liquid and boil at a lower temperature. While vapor pressure curves are readily available for liquids, they are not for solutions. Obtaining the correct vapor pressure for a solution often requires actual laboratory testing. Cavitation can create havoc with pumps and pumping systems in the form of vibration and noise. Bearing failure, shaft breakage, pitting on the impeller, and mechanical seal leakage are some of the problems caused by cavitation. When a liquid boils in the suction line or suction nozzle of a pump, it is said to be flashing or cavitating (forming cavities of gas in the liquid). This occurs when the pressure acting on the liquid is below the vapor pressure of the liquid. The damage occurs when these cavities or bubbles pass to a higher pressure region of the pump, usually just past the vane tips at the impeller eye, and then collapse or implode.


43 psi

Static head using various liquids.

Water Sp. Gr. = 1.0

Gasoline Sp. Gr. = .75

Net Positive Suction Head is the difference between suction pressure and vapor pressure. In pump design and application jargon, NPSHA is the net positive suction head available to the pump, and NPSHR is the net positive suction head required by the pump. The NPSH A must be equal to or greater than the 100 100 FEET FEET NPSHR for a pump STATIC STATIC to run properly. One HEAD HEAD way to determine the NPSH A is to measure the suction pressure at the suction 52 psi 32.5 psi nozzle, then apply the following formula: SaltWater
Sp. Gr. = 1.2

where PB = barometric pressure in feet absolute, VP = vapor pressure of the liquid at maximum pumping temperature in feet absolute, Gr = gauge reading at the pump suction, in feet absolute (plus if the reading is above barometric pressure, minus if the reading is below the barometric pressure), and hv = velocity head in the suction pipe in feet absolute. NPSHR can only be determined during pump testing. To determine it, the test engineer must reduce the NPSHA to the pump at a given capacity until the pump cavitates. At this point the vibration levels on the pump and system rise, and it sounds like gravel is being pumped. More than one engineer has run for the emergency shut-down switch the first time he heard cavitation on the test floor. Its during these tests that one gains a real appreciation for the damage that will occur if a pump is allowed to cavitate for a prolonged period. Centrifugal pumping terminology can be confusing. The following section addresses these terms and how they are used: Head is a term used to express pressure in both pump design and system design when analyzing static or dynamic conditions. This relationship is expressed as:
head in feet =


NPSHA = PB VP Gr + hv
The Pump Handbook Series

Pressure in static systems is referred to as static head and in a dynamic system as dynamic head. To explain static head, lets consider three columns of any diameter, one filled with water, one with gasoline, and one with salt water (Figure 1). If the columns are 100 ft tall and you

(pressure in psi x 2.31) specific gravity

measure the pressure at the bottom of each column, the pressures would be 43, 32.5, and 52 psi, respectively. This is because of the different specific gravities, or weights, of the three liquids. Remember, we are measuring pounds per square inch at the bottom of the column, not the total weight of the liquid in the column. The following four terms are used in defining pumping systems and are illustrated in Figure 2. Total static head is the vertical distance between the surface of the suction source liquid and the surface level of the discharge liquid. Static discharge head is the vertical distance from the centerline of the suction nozzle up to the surface level of the discharge liquid. Static suction head applies when the supply is above the pump. It is the vertical distance from the centerline of the suction nozzle up to the liquid surface of the suction supply. Static suction lift applies when the supply is located below the pump. It is the vertical distance from the centerline of the suction nozzle down to the surface of the suction supply liquid. Velocity, friction, and pressure head are used in conjunction with static heads to define dynamic heads. Velocity head is the energy in a liquid as a result of it traveling at some velocity V. It can be thought of as the vertical distance a liquid would need to fall to gain the same velocity as a liquid traveling in a pipe. This relationship is expressed as: where V = velocity of the liquid in feet per second and g = 32.2 ft/sec2. Friction head is the head needed to overcome resistance to liquid flowing in a system. This


Total Static Head

Static Discharge Head Static Discharge Head

Static Suction Head

Total Static Head

Static Suction Lift

Total static head, static discharge head, static suction head, and static suction lift.
resistance can come from pipe friction, valves, and fittings. Values in feet of liquid can be found in the Hydraulic Institute Pipe Friction Manual. Pressure head is the pressure in feet of liquid in a tank or vessel on the suction or discharge side of a pump. It is important to convert this pressure into feet of liquid when analyzing systems so that all units are the same. If a vacuum exists and the value is known in inches of mercury, the equivalent feet of liquid can be calculated using the following formula:
vacuum in feet = in. of Hg x 1.13 specific gravity

at a pump suction flange, converting it to head and correcting to the pump centerline, then adding the velocity head at the point of the gauge.

Total dynamic discharge head is the static discharge head

hv = V2/2g

When discussing how a pump performs in service, we use terms describing dynamic head. In other words, when a pump is running it is dynamic. Pumping systems are also dynamic when liquid is flowing through them, and they must be analyzed as such. To do this, the following four dynamic terms are used. Total dynamic suction head is the static suction head plus the velocity head at the suction flange minus the total friction head in the suction line. Total dynamic suction head is calculated by taking suction pressure
The Pump Handbook Series

plus the velocity head at the pump discharge flange plus the total friction head in the discharge system. This can be determined in the field by taking the discharge pressure reading, converting it to head, and correcting it to the pump centerline, then adding the velocity head. Total dynamic suction lift is the static suction lift minus the velocity head at the suction flange plus the total friction head in the suction line. To calculate total dynamic suction lift, take suction pressure at the pump suction flange, convert it to head and correct it to the pump centerline, then subtract the velocity head at the point of the gauge. Total dynamic head in a system is the total dynamic discharge head minus the total dynamic suction head when the suction supply is above the pump. When the suction supply is below the pump, the total dynamic head

is the total dynamic discharge head plus the total dynamic suction lift. Centrifugal pumps are dynamic machines that impart energy to liquids. This energy is imparted by changing the velocity of the liquid as it passes through the impeller. Most of this velocity energy is then converted into pressure energy (total dynamic head) as the liquid passes through the casing or diffuser. To predict the approximate total dynamic head of any centrifugal pump, we must go through two steps. First, the velocity at the outside diameter (o.d.) of the impeller is calculated using the following formula:
v = (rpm x D)/229

Pumping Terms
Have you had a momentary (or continuing) problem with converting gallons per minute to cubic meters per second or liters per second? Join the crowd. Though the metric or SI system is probably used as the accepted system, more than English units, it still presents a problem to a lot of engineers. Authors are encouraged to use the English system. Following is a list of the common conversions from English to metric units. This is far from a complete list. It has been limited to conversions frequently found in solving hydraulic engineering problems as they relate to pumping systems.
PUMPING UNITS FLOW RATE (U.S.) gallons/min (gpm) x 3.785 = liters/min (L/min) (U.S.) gpm x 0.003785 = cubic meters/min (m3/min) cubic feet/sec (cfs) x 0.028 = cubic meters/sec (m3/s) HEAD feet (ft) x 0.3048 = meters (m) pounds/square inch (psi) x 6,895 = Pascals (Pa) POWER horsepower (Hp) x 0.746 = kilowatts (kW) GRAVITATIONAL CONSTANT (g) 32.2 ft./s2 x 0.3048 = 9.81 meters/second2 (m/s2) SPECIFIC WEIGHT lb/ft3 x 16.02 = kilogram/cubic meter (kg/m3) VELOCITY (V) ft/s x 0.3048 = meters/second (m/s) VELOCITY HEAD V2/2g (ft) x 0.3048 = meters (m) SPECIFIC SPEED (Ns) (gpmft) x 0.15 = Ns(m3/minm) Ns = N(rpm)[(gpm)0.5/(ft)0.75]

where v = velocity at the periphery of the impeller in ft per second, D = o.d. of the impeller in inches, rpm = revolutions per minute of the impeller, and 229 = a constant. Second, because the velocity energy at the o.d. or periphery of the impeller is approximately equal to the total dynamic head developed by the pump, we continue by substituting v from above into the following equation: where H = total dynamic head developed in ft, v = velocity at the o.d. of the impeller in ft/sec, and g = 32.2 ft/sec2. A centrifugal pump operating at a given speed and impeller diameter will raise liquid of any specific gravity or weight to a given height. Therefore, we always think in terms of feet of liquid rather than pressure when analyzing centrifugal pumps and their systems. I
Patrick M. Flach is the western hemisphere Technical Services Manager for the Industrial Division of EG&G Sealol.
H = v2/2g

J. Robert Krebs is President of Krebs Consulting Service. He serves on the Pumps and Systems Editorial Advisory Board.


Basic Units Length Mass Force Pressure Time Gallon (US) Gallon (US) Multiply English Feet Pound Pound Pound/Square In. (psi) Seconds Gallon Gallon x Factor x 0.3048 x 0.454 x 4.448 x 6,895 x1 x 0.003785 x 3.785 = Metric = Meter (m) = Kilogram (Kg) = Newton (N) = Pascal (Pa) = Seconds (s) = Meter Cubed (m3) = Liter (L)

The Pump Handbook Series


Centrifugal and Positive Displacement Pumps in the Operating System


n the many differences that exist between centrifugal and positive displacement pumps, one which has caused some confusion is the manner in which they each operate within the system. Positive displacement pumps have a series of working cycles, each of which encloses a certain volume of fluid and moves it mechanically through the pump into the system, regardless of the back pressure on the pump. While the maximum pressure developed is limited only by the mechanical strength of the pump and system and by the driving power available, the effect of that pressure can be controlled by a pressure relief or safety valve. A major advantage of the positive displacement pump is that it can deliver consistent capacities because the output is solely dependent on the basic design of the pump and the speed of its driving mechanism. This means that, if the required flow rate is not moving through the system, the situation can always be corrected by changing one or both of these factors. This is not the case with the centrifugal pump, which can only react to the pressure demand of the system. If the back pressure on a centrifugal pump changes, so will its capacity. This can be disruptive for any process dependent on a specific flow rate, and it can diminish the operational stability, hydraulic efficiency and mechanical reliability of the pump.

The interdependency of the system and the centrifugal pump can be easily explained with the use of the pump performance curve and the system curve. A centrifugal pump performance curve is a well known shape which shows that the pressure the pump

Pumping conditions change ONLY through an alteration in either the pump curve or the sysSYSTEM CURVE tem curve. When considering possible The system curve represents the pressures needed at different flow rates movements in these curves, it to move the product through the sys- should be noted that there are only tem. To simplify a comparison with a few conditions which will cause the centrifugal pump curve, we again the pump curve to change its posiuse the head measurement. The sys- tion and shape: wear of the impeller tem head consists of three factors: change in rotational speed static head, or the vertical eleva change in impeller diameter tion through which the liquid change in liquid viscosity must be lifted Since these conditions dont nor friction head, or the head required mally develop quickly, any sudden to overcome the friction losses in change in pumping conditions is the pipe, the valves and all the fitlikely to be a result of a movement tings and equipment in the system curve, which means velocity head, which is the head something in the system has required to accelerate the flow of changed. liquid through the pump (Velocity Since there are only three ingrehead is generally quite small and dients in a system curve, one of often ignored.) is follows that As the static head does not vary whichthe minimal, itor the friction static head simply because of a change in flow either must have changed for any rate, the graph would show a straight head line. However, both the friction movement to take place in the system curve. head and the A change in the static velocity head head is normally a result of will always a change in tank level. If vary direct- Head the pump is emptying a System ly with the Friction & Curve tank and discharging at a capacity. The Velocity Head fixed elevation, the static combination head against which the of all three Static Head pump must operate will be creates the Capacity gradually increasing as the system curve.
[Head (in feet)=Pressure (in p.s.i.) x 2.31+ Specific Gravity of the liquid]

can develop is reduced as the capacity increases. Conversely, as the capacity drops, the pressure it can achieve is gradually increased until it reaches a maximum where no liquid can pass through the pump. Since this is usually a relatively low pressure, it is rarely necessary to install a pressure relief or safety valve. When discussing the pressures developed by a centrifugal pump, we use the equivalent linear measurement referred to as head, which allows the pump curve to apply equally to liquids of different densities.

When the pump curve is superimposed on the system curve, the point of intersection represents the conditions (H,Q) at which the pump will operate.
Pump Curve H System Curve

The Pump Handbook Series

suction tank empties. This will cause the system curve to move upwards as shown.

When the operating conditions of a system fitted with a centrifugal pump change, it is helpful to consider these curves, focus on how the system is controlling the operation of the pump, and then control the system in the appropriate way. I
Ross C. Mackay is an independent consultant located in Tottenham, Ontario, Canada. He is the author of several papers on the practical aspects of pump maintenance, and a specialist in helping companies reduce their pump maintenance costs.

An increase in friction head can be caused by a wide variety of conditions such as the change in a valve setting or build-up of solids in a strainer. This will give the system curve a new slope.

Both sets of events produce the same result: a reduction of flow through the system. If the flow is redirected to a different location (such as in a tank farm), it means that the pump is now operating on an entirely new system which will have a completely different curve.

Thus, it is clear that regardless of the rated capacity of the centrifugal pump, it will only provide what the system requires. It is important to understand the conditions under which system changes occur, the acceptability of the new operating point on the pump curve, and the manner in which it can be moved.

The Pump Handbook Series


Cavitation and NPSH in Centrifugal Pumps


800 600 500 400 300 200


800 600 500 400





Flow is reduced as the liquid is displaced by vapor, and mechanical imbalance occurs as the impeller passages are partially filled with lighter vapors. This results in vibration and shaft deflection, eventually resulting in bearing failures, packing or seal leakage, and shaft breakage. In multi-stage pumps this can cause loss of thrust balance and thrust bearing failures.


100 80 60 50 40 30 20

10 8 6 5 4 3 2


1.0 .80 .60 .50 .40 .30 .20

28" 28.5"

29" 29.1" 29.2" 29.3" 29.4" 29.5" 29.6"

When designing a pumping 60 30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 system and selecting a pump, one TEMPERATUREF must thoroughly evaluate net positive suction head (NPSH) to pre- Vapor pressures of various liquids related to temperature. vent cavitation. A proper analysis


29.7" 29.72"



The Pump Handbook Series


1. Mechanical damage occurs as the imploding bubbles remove segments of impeller material. 2. Noise and vibration result from the implosion. Noise that sounds like gravel being pumped is often the users first warning of cavitation.






200 140 100 80 60 50 40 30 20 14 10 5 2 0 5 10" 15" 20" 22.5" 25" 26" 27"





avitation is the formation and collapse of vapor bubbles in a liquid. Bubble formation occurs at a point where the pressure is less than the vapor pressure, and bubble collapse or implosion occurs at a point where the pressure is increased to the vapor pressure. Figure 1 shows vapor pressure temperature characteristics. This phenomenon can also occur with ship propellers and in other hydraulic systems such as bypass orifices and throttle valvessituations where an increase in velocity with resulting decrease in pressure can reduce pressure below the liquid vapor pressure.

involves both the net positive suction heads available in the system (NPSHA) and the net positive suction head required by the pump (NPSHR). NPSHA is the measurement or calculation of the absolute pressure above the vapor pressure at the pump suction flange. Figure 2 illustrates methods of calculating NPSHA for various suction systems. Since

friction in the suction pipe is a common negative component of NPSHA, the value of NPSHA will always decrease with flow. NPSHA must be calculated to a stated reference elevation, such as the foundation on which the pump is to be mounted. NPSHR is always referenced to the pump impeller center line.

-60 to 240F

It is a measure of the pressure drop as the liquid travels from the pump suction flange along the inlet to the pump impeller. This loss is due primarily to friction and turbulence. Turbulence loss is extremely high at low flow and then decreases with flow to the best efficiency point. Friction loss increases with increased flow. As a result, the internal pump losses will be high at low flow, dropping at generally 2030% of the best efficiency flow, then increasing with flow. The complex subject of turbulence and NPSHR at low flow is best left to another discussion. Figure 3 shows the pressure profile across a typical pump at a fixed flow condition. The pressure decrease from point B to point D is the NPSHR for the pump at the stated flow. The pump manufacturer determines the actual NPSHR for each pump over its complete operating range by a series of tests. The detailed test procedure is described in the Hydraulic Institute Test Standard 1988 Centrifugal Pumps 1.6. Industry has agreed on a 3% head reduction at constant flow as the standard value to establish NPSHR. Figure 4 shows typical results of a series of NPSHR tests. The pump system designer must understand that the published NPSHR data established above are based on a 3% head reduction. Under these conditions the pump is cavitating. At the normal operating point the NPSHA must exceed the NPSHR by a sufficient margin to eliminate the 3% head drop and the resulting cavitation. The NPSHA margin required will vary with pump design and other factors, and the exact margin cannot be precisely predicted. For most applications the NPSHA will exceed the NPSHR by a significant amount, and the NPSH margin is not a consideration. For those applications where the NPSHA is close to the NPSHR




NPSHA=PB + LH (VP + ht)


NPSHA=PB (VP + Ls + ht)


4c CLOSED SUCTION SUPPLY -with Suction Lift

4d CLOSED SUCTION SUPPLY -with Suction Lift


NPSHA=p + LH (VP + ht) NPSHA=p (Ls + VP + ht)


Calculation of system net positive suction head available (NPSHA) for typical suction conditions. PB = barometric pressure in feet absolute, VP = vapor pressure of the liquid at maximum pumping temperature in feet absolute, p = pressure on surface of liquid in closed suction tank in feet absolute, Ls = maximum suction lift in feet, LH = minimum static suction head in feet, hf = friction loss in feet in suction pipe at required capacity.





The pressure profile across a typical pump at a fixed flow condition.

The Pump Handbook Series



The concept of suction specific speed (Ss) must be considered by the pump designer, pump application engineer, and the system designer to ensure a cavitation-free pump with high reliability and the ability to operate over a wide flow range.
N x Q0.5 Ss = (NPSHR)0.75 where N = pump rpm Q = flow rate in gpm at the best efficiency point NPSHR = NPSHR at Q with the maximum impeller diameter


(23 feet), users should consult the pump manufacturer and the two should agree on a suitable NPSH margin. In these deliberations, factors such as liquid characteristic, minimum and normal NPSHA, and normal operating flow must be considered.

The system designer should also calculate the system suction


specific speed by substituting design flow rate and the system designers NPSHA. The pump speed N is generally determined Q1 by the head or pressure Q2 required in the system. For a low-maintenance 100% CAP Q3 pump system, designers and most user specificaQ4 3% tions require, or prefer, Ss values below 10,000 to 12,000. However, as indicated above, the pump Ss is dictated to a great extent by the system conNPSH ditions, design flow, head, and the NPSHA. a four-point net Figures 5 and 6 are Typical results of required (NPSH positive suction head R) test plots of Ss versus flow in gpm for various NPSHA based on a 3% head drop. or NPSHR at 3,500 and 1,750 rpm. Similar plots gpm if the maximum Ss is to be can be made for other common maintained at 12,000. Various pump speeds. options are available, such as Using curves from Figure 5 and reducing the head to allow 1,750 Figure 6 allows the system designer rpm (Figure 7). This would allow to design the system Ss, i.e., for a sysflows to 4,000 gpm with 20 feet of tem requiring a 3,500 rpm pump NPSHA. with 20 feet of NPSHA, the maximum flow must be limited to 1,000

3 2

S, Suction specific speed

1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

=2 HSV 3 4 5 6

9 0 1 =12 HSV 4 1

=24 HSV 16 18 20

28 32 36 0 4 = HSV 45 50 55 60 65

Solution for S=N

Q Hsv0.75 for N=3,500 rpm

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 2

Q, Capacity, gpm

7 8 91


7 8 91

A plot of suction specific speed (Ss) versus flow in gallons per minute (gpm) for various NPSHA or NPSHR at 3,500 rpm. (Single suction pumps. For double suction use 1/2 capacity). Hsv=NPSHR at BEP with maximum impeller diameter.

The Pump Handbook Series


3 2

S, Suction specific speed

1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3


=1 2 3 4 5 7 HSV 14 10 =12 16 18 20 HSV =24 28 32 36 40 =45 HSV 50

6 8 9

Solution for S=N

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 2

Q Hsv0.75 for N=1,750 rpm

Q, Capacity, gpm

7 8 91

7 8 91

A plot of suction specific speed (Ss) versus flow in gallons per minute (gpm) for various NPSHA or NPSHR at 1,750 rpm. (Single suction pumps. For double suction use 1/2 capacity.) HSV=NPSHR at BEP with the maximum impeller diameter.
It is important for the pump user to understand how critical the system design requirements are to the selection of a reliable, trouble-free pump. Matching the system and pump characteristics is a must. Frequently, more attention is paid to the discharge side. Yet it is well known that most pump performance problems are caused by problems on the suction side. Figure 7 is a typical plot of the suction and discharge systems. It is important that points A, B, and C be well GPM established and undernormal A typical plot of the suction and discharge stood. A is the B is the operating point. systems. Curve 1 = pump head capacity flow for performance, curve 2 = total system curve, maximum operation.cavitation-free C is curve 3 = suction system curve NPSHA, the minimum stable flow, and curve 4 = pump NPSHR. which is dictated by the suction specific speed.

As a general rule, the higher the suction specific speed, the higher the minimum stable flow capacity will be. If a pump is always operated at its best efficiency point, a high value of Ss will not create problems. However, if the pump is to be operated at reduced flow, then the Ss value must be given careful consideration. I


2 3


1. Goulds Pump Manual. 2. Durco Pump Engineering Manual. 3. Hydraulic Institute Test Standards1988 Centrifugal Pumps 1.6.
Pump Technology, a consulting firm. He serves on the Pumps and Systems Editorial Advisory Board.
Paul T. Lahr is the owner of


The Pump Handbook Series


Pump Suction Conditions


f a wide receiver has the right a function of the system design on speed and good hands, all thats the suction side of the pump. needed from the quarterback is Consequently, it is in the control of to throw the ball accurately, the system designer. and the team will probably gain To avoid cavitation, the NPSH good yardage, maybe even a available from the system must be touchdown. greater than the NPSH required by Believe it or not, much the the pump, and the biggest mistake same is true of a pump and its suc- that can be made by a system designtion conditions. If it has the right er is to succumb to the temptation to speed and is the right size, all provide only the minimum required thats required from the quarter- at the rated design point. This leaves back is to deliver the liquid at the no margin for error on the part of the right pressure and with an even designer, or the pump, or the system. laminar flow into the eye of the Giving in to this temptation has impeller. proved to be a costly mistake on If the quarterbacks pass is off many occasions. target, badly timed, or the balls In the simple system as shown turning end over end in the air, in Figure 1, the NPSH Available can the receiver may not be able to be calculated as follows: hang on to it, and theres no gain on the play. When that happens, the quarterback FIGURE 1 knows he didnt throw it Ha properly and doesnt blame the receiver. Unfortunately, thats where the comparison ends. The engineering Hvp quarterbacks tend to Hs blame the pump even when its their delivery thats bad! Hf Just as there are techniques a quarterback must learn in order to throw accurately, there are rules which ensure that a liquid arrives at the impeller eye with NPSHA = Ha + Hs - Hvp - Hf the pressure and flow characteristics needed for reliable operation. where RULE #1. Ha= the head on the surface of the PROVIDE SUFFICIENT NPSH liquid in the tank. In an open Without getting too complicatsystem like this, it will be ed on a subject about which comatmospheric pressure. plete books have been written, Hs= the vertical distance of the lets just accept the premise that free surface of the liquid every impeller requires a miniabove the center line of the mum amount of pressure energy pump impeller. If the liquid is in the liquid being supplied in below the pump, this order to perform without cavitabecomes a negative value. tion difficulties. This pressure Hvp= the vapor pressure of the liqenergy is referred to as Net uid at the pumping temperaPositive Suction Head Required. ture, expressed in feet of The NPSH Available is suphead. plied from the system. It is solely
The Pump Handbook Series

Hf= the friction losses in the suction piping. The NPSH Available may also be determined with this equation:
NPSHA= Ha + Hg + V2/2g - Hvp

where Ha= atmospheric pressure in feet of head. Hg= the gauge pressure at the suction flange in feet of head. V2= The velocity head at the 2g point of measurement of Hg. (Gauge readings do not include velocity head.) When a pump is taking its suction from a tank, it should be located as close to the tank as possible in order to reduce the effect of friction losses on the NPSH Available. Yet the pump must be far enough away from the tank to ensure that correct piping practice can be followed. Pipe friction can usually be reduced by using a larger diameter line to limit the linear velocity to a level appropriate to the particular liquid being pumped. Many industries work with a maximum velocity of about 5ft./sec., but this is not always acceptable.

Much discussion has taken place over the acceptable configuration of an elbow on the suction flange of a pump. Lets simplify it. There isnt one! There is always an uneven flow in an elbow, and when one is installed on the suction of any pump, it introduces that uneven flow into the eye of the impeller. This can create turbulence and air


entrainment, which may result in impeller damage and vibration. When the elbow is installed in a horizontal plane on the inlet of a double suction pump, uneven flows are introduced into the opposing eyes of the impeller, upsetting the hydraulic balance of the rotating element. Under these conditions the overloaded bearing will fail prematurely and regularly if the pump is packed. If the pump is fitted with mechanical seals, the seal will usually fail instead of the bearing-but just as regularly and often more frequently. The only thing worse than one elbow on the suction of a pump is two elbows on the suction of a pump particularly if they are positioned in planes at right angles to each other. This creates a spinning effect in the liquid which is carried into the impeller and causes turbulence, inefficiency and vibration. A well established and effective method of ensuring a laminar flow to the eye of the impeller is to provide the suction of the pump with a straight run

of pipe in a length equivalent to 5-10 times the diameter of that pipe. The smaller multiplier would be used on the larger pipe diameters and vice versa.

Air Pocket

Any high spot in the suction line can become filled tices are more difficult to trouwith air or vapor which, if transbleshoot in a closed tank simply ported into the impeller, will create because they cant be seen as an effect similar to cavitation and easily. with the same results. Services Great care should be taken which are particularly susceptible in designing a sump to ensure to this situation are those where the that any liquid emptying into it pumpage contains a significant does so in such a way that air amount of entrained air or vapor, entrained in the inflow does not as well as those operating on a sucpass into the suction opening. tion lift, where it can also cause the Any problem of this nature may pump to lose its prime. (Figure 3) A similar effect can be caused by a concentric FIGURE 4 reducer. The suction of a pump should be fitted with an eccentric reducer positioned with the flat side uppermost. (Figure 4). If a pump is taking its suction from a sump or tank, the forrequire a change in the relative mation of vortices can positions of the inflow and outlet draw air into the sucif the sump is large enough, or tion line. This can usuthe use of baffles. (Figure 5) ally be prevented by providing sufficient RULE #5. submergence of liquid CORRECT PIPING ALIGNMENT over the suction openPiping flanges must be accuing. A bell-mouth design rately aligned before the bolts on the opening will are tightened and all piping, reduce the amount of valves and associated fittings submergence required. Suction should be independently supThis submergence is ported, so as to place no strain completely independent on the pump. Stress imposed on of the NPSH required by the pump casing by the piping the pump. reduces the probability of satisIt is worthwhile factory performance. noting that these vorThe Pump Handbook Series


Inflow Inflow

To Pump Suction

To Pump Suction


Under certain conditions the pump manufacturer may identify some maximum levels of forces and moments which may be acceptable on the pump flanges. In high temperature applications, some piping misalignment is inevitable owing to thermal growth during the operating cycle. Under these conditions, thermal expansion joints are often introduced to avoid transmitting piping strains to the pump. However, if the end of the expansion joint closest to the pump is not anchored securely, the object of the exercise is defeated as the piping strains are simply passed through to the pump.

Piping design is one area where the basic principles in-volved are regularly ignored, resulting in hydraulic instabilities in the impeller which translate into additional shaft loading, higher vibration levels and premature failure of the seal or bearings. Because there are many other reasons why pumps could vibrate, and why seals and bearings fail, the trouble is rarely traced to incorrect piping. It has been argued that because many pumps are piped incorrectly and most of them are operating quite satisfactorily, piping procedure is not important. Unfortunately, satisfactory operation is a relative term, and what may be acceptable in one plant may be inappropriate in another. Even when satisfactory pump operation is obtained, that


doesnt automatically make a questionable piping practice correct. It merely makes it lucky. The suction side of a pump is much more important than the piping on the discharge. If any mistakes are made on the discharge side, they can usually be compensated for by increasing the performance capability from the pump. Problems on the suction side, however, can be the source of ongoing and expensive difficulties which may never be traced back to that area. In other words, if your receivers arent performing well, is it their fault? Or does the quarterback need more training? I
Ross C. Mackay is an independent consultant who specializes in advanced technology training for pump maintenance cost reduction. He also serves on the editorial advisory board for Pumps and Systems.


The Pump Handbook Series


Elements of Minimum Flow


Temperature rise comes from energy imparted to the liquid through hydraulic and mechanical losses within the pump. These losses are converted to heat, which can be assumed to be entirely absorbed by the liquid pumped. Based on this assumption, temperature rise T in F is expressed as:
T = x


inimum flow can be determined by examining each of the factors that affect it. There are five elements that can be quantified and evaluated: 1. Temperature rise (minimum thermal flow) 2. Minimum stable flow 3. Thrust capacity 4. NPSH requirements 5. Recirculation The highest flow calculated using these parameters is considered the minimum flow.

mechanical handbooks. What is the maximum allowable temperature rise? Pump manufacturers usually limit it to 15F. However, this can be disastrous in certain situations. A comparison of the vapor pressure to the lowest expected suction pressure plus NPSH required (NPSHR) by the pump must be made. The temperature where the vapor pressure equals the suction pressure plus the NPSHR is the maximum allowable

temperature. The difference between the allowable temperature and the temperature at the pump inlet is the maximum allowable temperature rise. Knowing T and Cp, the minimum flow can be determined by finding the corresponding head and efficiency. When calculating the maximum allowable temperature rise, look at the pump geometry. For instance, examine the vertical can

Low Pressure Lower Temperature

High Pressure Higher Temperature

778 x Cp

To calculate this, the specific heat and allowable temperature rise must be known. The specific heat for water is 1.0, and other specific heats can be as low as 0.5. The specific heats for a number of liquids can be found in many chemical and

where H = total head in feet Cp = specific heat of the liquid, Btu/lb x F = pump efficiency in decimal form 778 ftlbs = energy to raise the temperature of one pound of water 1F

A high-pressure vertical pump. Asterisks (*) denote where lowtemperature fluid is exposed to higher temperatures. Flashing and vaporization can occur here. Temperature increases as fluid travels from A towards B.
The Pump Handbook Series


pump in Figure 1. Although pressure increases as the fluid is pumped upward through the stages, consider the pump inlet. The fluid at the inlet (low pressure, low temperature) is exposed to the temperature of the fluid in the discharge riser in the head (higher pressure, higher temperature). This means that the vapor pressure of the fluid at the pump inlet must be high enough to accommodate the total temperature rise through all the stages. If this condition is discovered during the pump design phase, a thermal barrier can be designed to reduce the temperature that the inlet fluid is exposed to. Some books, such as the Pump Handbook (Ref. 5), contain a typical chart based on water (Cp = 1.0) that can be used with the manufacturers performance curve to determine temperature rise. If the maximum allowable temperature rise exceeds the previously determined allowable temperature rise, a heat shield can be designed and fitted to the pump during the design stage. This requirement must be recognized during the design stage, because once the pump is built, options for retrofitting the pump with a heat shield are greatly reduced. Minimum stable flow can be defined as the flow corresponding to the head that equals shutoff head. In other words, outside the droop in the head capacity curve. In general, pumps with a specific speed less than 1,000 that are designed for optimum efficiency have a drooping curve. Getting rid of this hump requires an impeller redesign; however, note that there will be a loss of efficiency and an increase in NPSHR. Whats wrong with a drooping head/capacity curve? A drooping curve has corresponding heads for two different flows. The pump reacts to the system requirements, and there are two flows where the pump can meet the system requirements. As a result, it hunts or shuttles between these two flows. This can damage the pump and other equipment, but it will happen only under certain circumstances:

1. The liquid pumped FIGURE 2 must be uninhibited at both the suction and discharge vessels. 2. One element in the system must be able to store and return energy, i.e., a water column or trapped gas. 3. Something must upset the system to make it start hunting, i.e., starting another pump in parallel or throttling a valve. Note: All of these must be present at the same time to cause the pump to hunt. Minimum flow based on the shape of the performance curve is not so much a function of the pump as it is a function of the system where the pump is placed. A pump in a system where the above Recirculation zones are always on the prescriteria are present sure side of the vane. A shows discharge should not have a droop- recirculation (the front shroud has been left ing curve in the zone of out for clarity). B shows inlet recirculation. operation. Because pumps with a drooping head/capacity curve have higher effitistage) with integral bearings. These ciency and a lower operating cost, it bearings can be sized to handle the would seem prudent to investigate the thrust. Thrust can be balanced by the installation of a minimum flow bypass. use of balanced and unbalanced stages or adding a balance drum, if THRUST LOADING necessary. These techniques for Axial thrust in a vertical turbine thrust balancing are used when high pump increases rapidly as flows are thrust motors are not available. It is reduced and head increased. Based on worth noting that balanced stages the limitations of the driver bearings, incorporate wear rings and balance flow must be maintained at a value holes to achieve lower thrust; therewhere thrust developed by the pump fore, a slight reduction in pump effidoes not impair bearing life. Find out ciency can be expected, and energy what your bearing life is and ask the costs become a factor. pump manufacturer to give specific thrust values based on actual tests. NPSH REQUIREMENTS If a problem exists that cannot be How many pumps have been handled by the driver bearings, conoversized because of NPSH available tact the pump manufacturer. There (NPSH )? It seems the easiest soluare many designs available today for tion to A NPSH problem is to go to an vertical pumps (both single and multhe next size pump with a larger sucThe Pump Handbook Series

B2 R2 D2 h1 R1



Cm2 U2 .08
.06 .04 .02 10 15 20 25 30

.14 .12 .10

.32 .30 .28 .26 Ve .24 U1 .22 .20 .18 .16 .14 .12 .10 .08

impeller design. The problem is the result of a mismatched case and impeller, too little vane overlap in the impeller design, or trimming the impeller below the minimum diameter for which it was designed. Recirculation is one of the most difficult problems to understand and document. Many studies on the topic have been done over the years. Mr. Frasers paper (Ref. 1) is one of the most useful tools for determining where recirculation begins. In it he describes how to calculate the inception of recirculation based on specific design characteristics of the impeller and he includes charts that can be used with a minimum amount of information. An example of Fraser calculations, which show the requirements to calculate the inception of suction and discharge recirculation, is shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 indicates the userdefined variables and charts required to make the Fraser calculations for minimum flow. Information to do the detailed calculations include: Q = capacity at the best efficiency point H = head at the best efficiency point NPSHR = net positive suction head required at the pump suction N = pump speed NS = pump specific speed NSS = suction specific speed Z = number of impeller vanes h1 = hub diameter (h1 = 0 for single suction pumps) D1 = impeller eye diameter D2 = impeller outside diameter B1 = impeller inlet width B2 = impeller outlet width R1 = impeller inlet radius R2 = impeller outlet radius F1 = impeller inlet area F2 = impeller outlet area 1 = impeller inlet angle 2 = impeller outlet angle The above information is obtained from the pump manufacturer curves or impeller design files. The impeller design values are usually considered proprietary information. KVe and KCm2 can be determined from the charts in Figure 3.

Discharge Angle 2

10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Inlet Angle 1

Incipient recirculation. Minimum flow is approximately 50% of incipient flow, while minimum intermittent flow is approximately 25% of incipient flow. See text under Recirculation Calculations for details
tion, thereby reducing the inlet losses. A couple of factors become entangled when this is done. A larger pump means operating back on the pump curve. Minimum flow must be considered. Is the curve stable? What about temperature rise? If there is already an NPSH problem, an extra few degrees of temperature rise will not help the situation. The thrust and eye diameter will increase, possibly causing damaging recirculation. When trying to solve an NPSH problem, dont take the easiest way out. Look at other options that may solve a long-term problem and reduce operating costs. Every pump has a point where recirculation begins. But if this is the case, why dont more pumps have problems?

Recirculation is caused by oversized flow channels that allow liquid to turn around or reverse flow while pumping is going on (Figure 2 shows recirculation zones). This reversal causes a vortex that attaches itself to the pressure side of the vane. If there is enough energy available and the velocities are high enough, damage will occur. Suction recirculation is reduced by lowering the peripheral velocity, which in turn increases NPSH. To avoid this it is better to recognize the problem in the design stage and opt for a lower-speed pump, two smaller pumps, or an increase in NPSHA. Discharge recirculation is caused by flow reversal and high velocities producing damaging vortices on the pressure side of the vane at the outlet (Figure 2). The solution to this problem lies in the
The Pump Handbook Series

With all of the above information at hand, suction recirculation and the two modes of discharge recirculation can be determined. As previously mentioned, Fraser has some empirical charts at the end of his paper that can be used to estimate the minimum flow for recirculation. A few of the design factors of the impeller are still required. It is best to discuss recirculation with your pump manufacturer before purchasing a pump, in order to reduce the possibility of problems with your pump and system after installation and start-up.

is economical, efficient, and insures a trouble-free pump life. It takes a coordinated effort by the user and the manufacturer to come up with an optimum system for pump selection, design, and installation.

Minimum flow can be accurately determined if the elements described above are reviewed by the user and the manufacturer. Neither has all the information to determine a minimum flow that

1. F.H. Fraser. Recirculation in centrifugal pumps. Presented at the ASME Winter Annual Meeting (1981). 2. A.R. Budris. Sorting out flow recirculation problems. Machine Design (1989). 3. J.J. Paugh. Head-vs-capacity characteristics of centrifugal pumps. Chemical Engineering (1984). 4. I. Taylor. NPSH still pump application problem. The Oil and Gas Journal (1978).

Terry Wold has been the engineering manager for Afton Pumps for the last four years. He has been involved in pump design for 25 years. Mr. Wold graduated from Lamar Tech in 1968 with a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering and is currently a registered engineer in the State of Texas. Thanks to P.J. Patel for his comments and assistance in preparing the graphics.

5. I.J. Karassik. Pump Handbook. McGraw-Hill (1986). I


The Pump Handbook Series


Effects of Oversizing

ne of the greatest sources of power waste is the practice of oversizing a pump by selecting design conditions with excessive margins in both capacity and total head. It is strange on occasion to encounter a great deal of attention being paid to a one-point difference in efficiency between two pumps while at the same time potential power savings are ignored through an overly conservative attitude in selecting the required conditions of service.

After all, we are not primarily interested in efficiency; we are more interested in power consumption. Pumps are designed to convert mechanical energy from a driver into energy within a liquid. This energy within the liquid is needed to overcome friction losses, static pressure differences and elevation differences at the desired flow rate. Efficiency is nothing but the ratio between the hydraulic energy utilized by the process and the energy input to the pump driver. And without changing the ratio itself, if we find that we are assigning more energy to the process than is really necessary, we can reduce this to correspond to the true requirement and therefore reduce the power consumption of the pump. It is true that some capacity margin should always be included, mainly to reduce the wear of internal clearances which will, with time, reduce the effective pump capacity. How much margin to provide is a fairly complex question because the wear that will take place varies with the type of pump in question, the liquid handled, the severity of the service and a number of other variables. A centrifugal pump operating in a given system will deliver a capacity corresponding to the

intersection of its head-capacity curve with the systemhead curve, as long as the available NPSH is equal to or exceeds the required NPSH (Figure 1). To change this operating point in an existing installation requires changing either the headcapacity curve or the system-head curve, or both. The first can be accomplished by varying the speed of the pump (Figure 2), or its impeller diameter while the second requires altering the friction losses by throttling a valve in the pump discharge (Figure 3). In the majority of pump installations, the driver is a constant speed motor, and changing the system-head curve is used to change the pump capacity. Thus, if we have provided too much excess margin in the selection of the pump head-capacity curve, the pump will have to operate with considerable throttling to limit its delivery to the desired value. If, on the other hand, we permit the pump to operate unthrottled, which is more likely, the flow into the system will increase until that capacity is reached where

H Q Curve
SystemHead Curve


Pump H-Q curve superimposed on system-head curve

Head-Capacity at Full Speed (N1)


SystemHead Curve H1 H2


Head-Capacity at Full Speed (N2) Head-Capac ity at Full Sp eed (N ) 3 H 3

} Friction Losses
Static Pressur e or Head

Varying pump capacity by varying speed

Head-Capacity at Constant Sp eed






SystemHead Curve by Throttling Valve

H2 H1

SystemHead Curve


} Friction Losses
Static Pressur e or Head

Varying pump capacity by throttling





The Pump Handbook Series


240 220 Feet Total Head 200 180 160 140
H-Q 1800 R.P.M. 14 /4"Impeller H-Q 1800 R.P.M. 14"Impeller

% Efficiency

Static Head

200 180
er ell

80 70
lle r




160 140 120 100 80 60




Im 3 / 4" 14

ll pe



p "Im 14 Q


50 40 30 20 10


2000 Capacity in G.P.M.



Effect of oversizing a pump

the system-head and head-capacity curves intersect. Lets use a concrete example, for which the maximum required capacity is 2700 gpm, the static head is 115 ft and the total friction losses, assuming 15-year old pipe, are 60 ft. The total head required at 2700 gpm is therefore 175 ft. We can now construct a systemhead curve, which is shown on curve A, Figure 4. If we add a margin of about 10% to the required capacity and then, as is frequently done, we add some

margin to the total head above the system-head curve at this rated flow, we end up by selecting a pump for 3000 gpm and 200 ft. total head. The performance of such a pump, with a 14-3/4 in. impeller, is superimposed on the system-head curve A in Figure 4. The pump develops excess head at the maximum required capacity of 2700 gpm, and if we wish to operate at that capacity, this excess head will have to be throttled. Curve B is the system-head curve that will have to be created by throttling. If we operate at 3000 gpm, the pump will take 175 bhp, and we will have to drive it with a 200 hp motor.
The Pump Handbook Series

If we operate it throttled at the required capacity of 2700 gpm, operating at the intersection of its head-capacity curve and curve B, the pump will require 165 bhp. The pump has been selected with too much margin. We can safely select a pump with a smaller impeller diameter, say 14 in., with a head-capacity curve as shown on Figure 4. It will intersect curve A at 2820 gpm, giving us about 4% margin in capacity, which is sufficient. To limit the flow to 2700 gpm, we will still have to throttle the pump slightly and our system head curve will become curve C. The power consumption at 2700 gpm will now be only 145 bhp instead of the 165 bhp required with our first overly conservative selection. This is a very respectable 12% saving in power consumption. Furthermore, we no longer need a 200 hp motor. A 150 hp motor will do quite well. The saving in capital expenditure is another bonus resulting from correct sizing. Our savings may actually be even greater. In many cases, the pump may be operated unthrottled, the capacity being permitted to run out to the intersection of the head-capacity curve and curve A. If this were the case, a pump with a 14-3/4 in. impeller would operate at approximately 3150 gpm and take 177 bhp. If a 14 in. impeller were to be used, the pump would operate at 2820 gpm and take 148 bhp. We could be saving more than 15% in power consumption. Tables 1 and 2 tabulate these savings. And our real margin of safety is actually even greater than I have indicated. Remember that the friction losses we used to construct the system-head curve A were based on losses through 15-year old piping. The losses through new piping are only 0.613 times the losses we have assumed. The system-head curve for new piping is that indicated as curve D in Figure 4. If the pump we had originally selected (with a 14-3/4 in. impeller) were to operate unthrottled, it would run at 3600 gpm and take

43 /


Impeller Curve BHP Savings

Throttled to 2700 GPM 143/4" B 165

14" C 145 20 hp or 12.1%


Impeller GPM BHP Savings

Unthrottled, on Curve A 143/4" 3150 177

14" 2820 148 29 hp or 16.4%

Clearly, important energy savings can be achieved if, at the time of the selection of the conditions of service, reasonable restraints are exercised to avoid incorporating excessive safety margins into the rated conditions of service.


Impeller GPM BHP Savings

143/4" 3600 187.5

14" 3230 156.5 31 hp 16.5%

187.5 bhp. A pump with only a 14 in. impeller would intersect the system-head curve D at 3230 gpm and take 156.6 bhp, with a saving of 16.5%. As a matter of fact, we could even use a 13-3/4 in. impeller. The head-capacity curve would intersect curve D at 3100 gpm, and the pump would take 147 bhp. Now, the savings over using a 14-3/4 in. impeller becomes 21.6% (See Table 3).

But what of existing installations in which the pump or pumps have excessive margins? Is it too late to 133/4" achieve these savings? Far from it! As 3100 a matter of fact, it is 147 possible to establish 40.5 hp more accurately the 21.6% true system-head curve by running a performance test once the pump has been installed and operated. A reasonable margin can then be selected and several choices become available to the user: 1. The existing impeller can be cut down to meet the more realistic conditions of service. 2. A replacement impeller with the necessary reduced diameter can be ordered from the pump man-

ufacturer. The original impeller is then stored for future use if friction losses are ultimately increased with time or if greater capacities are ever required. 3. In certain cases, there may be two separate impeller designs available for the same pump, one of which is of narrower width than the one originally furnished. A replacement narrow impeller can then be ordered from the manufacturer. Such a narrower impeller will have its best efficiency at a lower capacity than the normal width impeller. It may or may not need to be of a smaller diameter than the original impeller, depending on the degree to which excessive margin had originally been provided. Again, the original impeller is put away for possible future use. I
Igor J. Karassik is Senior Consulting Engineer for IngersollDresser Pump Company. He has been involved with the pump industry for more than 60 years. Mr. Karassik is Contributing Editor Centrifugal Pumps for Pumps and

Systems Magazine.

The Pump Handbook Series



Fluid Viscosity Effects on Centrifugal Pumps


hen sizing a pump for a new application or evaluating the performance of an existing pump, it is often necessary to account for the effect of the pumped fluids viscosity. We are all aware that the head-capacity curves presented in pump vendor catalogs are prepared using water as the pumped fluid. These curves are adequate for use when the actual fluid that we are interested in pumping has a viscosity that is less than or equal to that of water. However, in some casescertain crude oils, for examplethis is not the case. Heavy crude oils can have viscosities high enough to increase the friction drag on a pumps impellers significantly. The additional horsepower required to overcome this drag reduces the pumps efficiency. There are several analytical and empirical approaches available to estimate the magnitude of this effect. Some of these are discussed below. Before beginning the discussion, however, it is vital to emphasize the importance of having an accurate viscosity number on which to base our estimates. The viscosity of most liquids is strongly influenced by temperature. This relationship is most often shown by plotting two points on a semilogarithmic grid and connecting them with a straight line. The relationship is of the form:
where = the absolute viscosity of the fluid A and B = constants T = the absolute temperature of the fluid
= AeB/T

Reproduced from the Hydraulic Institute Standards (Figure 71)

the normal operating temperature as well as the minimum temperature that might be expected during other off-design conditions such as start-up.
The Pump Handbook Series

Plotting this relationship requires knowledge of two data points, and using them effectively requires some judgement as to

The effect of pressure on the viscosity of most fluids is small. For mineral oils, for example, an increase of pressure of 33 bars (480 psi ) is equivalent to a tem-


These are fluids where the shear rate-shear stress relationship is nonlinear. They can be divided into four categories: Bingham-plastic fluids are those in which there is no flow until a threshold shear stress is reached. Beyond this point, viscosity decreases with increasing shear rate. Most slurries have this property, as does Americas favorite vegetable, catsup. Dilatant fluids are those of which viscosity increases with increasing shear rate. Examples are candy mixtures, clay slurries, and quicksand. Pseudo-plastic fluids are similar to Bingham-plastic fluids, except there is no definite yield stress. Many emulsions fall into this category. Thixotropic fluids are those of which viscosity decreases to a minimum level as their shear rate increases. Their viscosity at any particular shear rate may vary, depending on the previous condition of the fluid. Examples are asphalt, paint, molasses, and drilling mud. There are two other terms with which you should be familiar: Dynamic or absolute viscosity is usually measured in terms of centipoise and has the units of force time/length2. Kinematic viscosity is usually measured in terms of centistokes or ssu (Saybolt Seconds Universal). It is related to absolute viscosity as follows: The normal practice is for this term to have the units of length2/ time. Note:
1 cSt = cP x sp gr 1 cSt = 0.22 x ssu (180/ssu) 1 cP = 1.45E-7 lbf s/in2 1 Reyn = 1 lbf s/in2 kinematic viscosity = absolute viscosity/mass density


Reproduced from the Hydraulic Institute Standards (Figure 72 )

perature drop of 1C. The following definitions are used when discussing fluids and viscosity. There are five basic types of liquid that can be differentiated on the basis of their viscous behavior; they are: These are fluids where viscosity is constant and independent of shear rate, and where the shear rate is linearly proportional to the shear stress. Examples are water and oil.
The Pump Handbook Series



TABLE 1. WATER-BASED AND VISCOUS PERFORMANCE Water Curve-Based Performance % of BEP Capacity 60% 80% 100% 120% Capacity, gpm 450 600 750 900 Differential Head, ft. 120 115 100 100 Efficiency 0.70 0.75 0.81 0.75 Horsepower 18 21 21 27 Viscous (1,000 ssu) Performance Capacity, gpm 423 564 705 846 Differential Head, ft. 115 108 92 89 Efficiency 0.45 0.48 0.52 0.48 Horsepower 25 29 28 36 Note: Pumped fluid specific gravity = 0.9

The process of determining the effect of a fluids viscosity on an operating pump has been studied for a number of years. In the book Centrifugal and Axial Flow Pumps, A.J. Stepanoff lists the losses that affect the performance of pumps as being of the following types: mechanical losses impeller losses leakage losses disk friction losses Of all external mechanical losses, disk friction is by far the most important, according to Stepanoff. This is particularly true for pumps designed with low specific speeds. Stepanoff gives a brief discussion of the physics of a rotating impeller and emerges with a simple equation that summarizes the drag force acting upon it:
(hp)d = Kn3D5 where K = a real constant n = the pump operating speed D = the impeller diameter

The explanation further describes the motion of fluid in the immediate neighborhood of the spinning impeller. There Stepanoff mentions the experimental results of others demonstrating that, by reducing the clearance between the stationary casing and the impeller, the required power can be reduced. He also writes about the details of some investigations that demonstrate the beneficial effect of good surface finishes on both the stationary and rotating surfaces. Included is a chart prepared by Pfleiderer, based on work by Zumbusch and Schultz-Grunow, that gives friction coefficients for calculating disk friction losses. The chart is used in conjunction with the following equation:
(hp)d = KD2 u3 where K = a constant based on the Reynolds number D = impeller diameter = fluid density u = impeller tip speed

who need a quick answer to a particular problem may need to look elsewhere for help. In the book, Centrifugal Pumps, V. Lobanoff and R. Ross discuss the effect of viscous fluids on the performance of centrifugal pumps. They make the point that because the internal flow passages in small pumps are proportionally larger than those in larger pumps, the smaller pumps will always be more sensitive to the effects of viscous fluids. They also introduce a diagram from the paper Engineering and System Design Considerations for Pump Systems and Viscous Service, by C.E. Petersen, presented at Pacific Energy Association, October 15, 1982. In this diagram, it is recommended that the maximum fluid viscosity a pump should be allowed to handle be limited by the pumps discharge nozzle size. The relationship is approximately:
viscositymax = 300(Doutlet nozzle 1) where viscosity is given in terms of ssu D is measured in inches

Like most of Stepanoffs writing, this presentation contains great depth with considerable rigor. It makes interesting reading if you are willing to put forth the time. Those of us

With respect to the prediction of the effects of viscous liquids on the performance of centrifugal pumps, Lobanoff and Ross direct the reader to the clearly defined methodology of the Hydraulic Institute Standards. This technique is based on the use of two nomograms on pages 112 and 113 of the 14th edition (Figures 71 and 72). They are reproduced here as Figures 1 and 2. They are intended

TABLE 2. POLYNOMIAL COEFFICIENTS Correction Factor Dx1 Dx2 C 1.0522 -3.5120E-02 CQ 0.9873 9.0190E-03 CH0.6 1.0103 -4.6061E-03 CH0.8 1.0167 -8.3641E-03 CH1.0 1.0045 -2.6640E-03 CH1.2 1.0175 -7.8654E-03

Dx3 -9.0394E-04 -1.6233E-03 2.4091E-04 5.1288E-04 -6.8292E-04 -5.6018E-04

Dx4 2.2218E-04 7.7233E-05 -1.6912E-05 -2.9941E-05 4.9706E-05 5.4967E-05

Dx5 -1.1986E-05 -2.0528E-06 3.2459E-07 6.1644E-07 -1.6522E-06 -1.9035E-06

Dx6 1.9895E-07 2.1009E-08 -1.6611E-09 -4.0487E-09 1.9172E-08 2.1615E-08


The Pump Handbook Series

for use on pumps with BEPs below and above 100 gpm, respectively, which permits the user to estimate the reduction of head, capacity, and efficiency that a viscous fluid will produce on a pump curve originally generated with water. A variation on this technique is described below. The following example is taken from pages 114-116 of the Hydraulic Institute Standards section on centrifugal pump applications. There, the use of Figure 72, Performance Correction Chart For Viscous Liquids, is discussed. Table 1 was calculated using polynomial equations developed to replace the nomogram presented in Figure 72. The results of the calculation are within rounding error of those presented in the standard. And the approach has the additional benefit of being more convenient to use, once it has been set up as a spreadsheet. In the course of curve-fitting Figure 72, it was convenient to define a term known as pseudocapacity:
pseudocapacity = 1.95(V)0.5[0.04739(H)0.25746(Q)0.5]-0.5 where V = fluid viscosity in centistokes H = head rise per stage at BEP, measured in feet Q = capacity at BEP in gpm

TABLE 3. CORRECTION FACTOR COMPARISON C CQ CH0.6 Per Table 7 of HI Standards 0.635 0.95 0.96 Per Polynomial Expressions 0.639 0.939 0.958

CH0.8 0.94 0.939

CH1.0 0.92 0.916

CH1.2 0.89 0.887

Pseudocapacity is used with the following polynomial coefficients to determine viscosity correction terms that are very close to those given by Figure 72 in the Hydraulic Institute Standards. These polynomials have been checked throughout the entire range of Figure 72, and appear to give answers within 1.0% of those found using the figure. The polynomial used is of the form:
Cx = Dx1 + Dx2P + Dx3P2 + Dx4P3 + Dx5P4 + Dx6P5 where Cx is the correction factor that must be applied to the term in question Dxn are the polynomial coefficients listed in Table 2 P is the pseudocapacity term defined above

head at a capacity of 750 gpm, we would proceed as follows: The next step would be to find a pump having the required performance on water. After determining the efficiency of the pump on water, we would correct it for the viscous case as shown above: The horsepower required by the pump at this point would be calculated as follows:
hpviscous service = (Qviscous service x Hviscous service x sp gr) (3,960 x viscous service)
viscous service = water x C

Hwater = Hviscous service/CH1.0 Qwater = Qviscous service/CQ

For comparison, the correction factors for the example above (tabulated in Table 7 of the Hydraulic Institute Standards) and those calculated using the polynomial expressions above are listed in Table 3. The problem of selecting a pump for use in a viscous service is relatively simple once the correction coefficients have been calculated. If, for example, we had been looking for a pump that could deliver 100 feet of

As with water service, the horsepower requirements at offdesign conditions should always be checked. I
Gunnar Hole is a principal in Trident Engineering, Inc. in Houston, TX. He has been involved in the selection, installation, and troubleshooting of rotating equipment for the past 15 years. Mr. Hole is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin at Madison and is a Registered Professional Engineer in Texas.

The Pump Handbook Series



Pump Balancing Criteria

Presented below is a description of the problem, definitions of some of the more important terms used, and references that can be consulted for a more thorough review. A table also compares three of the most common balancing criteria used in the pump industry. Perhaps the least controversial comment that can be made to an experienced equipment specialist is that accurate rotor balancing is critical to reliable operation. I could add some spice to the conversation by giving my opinion on how good is good enough, but I would rather address the standards used in the pump industry and show how they take TABLE 1. BALANCING CRITERIA different approaches to resolve the Unbalanced Specified Specified problem of balancing rotors. Force Eccentricity Circular I use the term rotor repeatedMethod Method Velocity ly in this discussion. For the purAs per API 610 As per Method 6th Edition AGMA 510.02 As per API 610 pose of this article, I include partially and fully assembled 7th Edition pump shaft/sleeve/impeller asResidual Unbalance semblies as well as individual (RUB), in.oz 56347 Wj 16 Wj 4 Wj pump components installed on 2 where: N N balancing machine arbors in this Wj = rotor weight per definition. balance plane, Ibf The three major criteria used N = rpm will be referred to as the = eccentricity, in. Unbalanced Force Method (UFM), Eccentricity () or the Specified Eccentricity Method Specific Unbalance (SEM), and the Specified Circular in.oz/lbm 56347 16 4 Velocity Method (SCVM). N2 N In the UFM the allowable unbalance permitted in a rotor is in.lbm/lbm 3522 0.25 the amount that will result in a dynamic force on the rotor system N2 N equal to some percentage of the where RUB = Wj see Table 2 rotors static weight. This allowUnbalance Force (UBF), able unbalance is therefore related lbf where: to the operating speed of the rotor. UBF = M2 0.10 Wj WjN2 WjN An example of this method can be 2/in. and M = Wj/386 lbfs 35200 140800 found in API Standard 610 6th = 2 N/60 rad/s Edition, where the unbalance Circular Velocity (CV), force contributed to a rotor system N 0.26 in./s 368 by a rotating unbalance is limited N 9.54 to 10% of the rotors static weight. The SEM attempts to specify mm/s 9347 2.66 N 0.665 balance quality by limiting the N distance by which the center of where CV = mass of the rotor can be offset ISO Standard 1940 G 9347 G 2.66 N G 0.665 from the center of rotation of the Balance Grade N rotor. This method is used in AGMA Standard 515.02, which is
The Pump Handbook Series


he subject of balancing rotors is one of the fundamentals of rotating equipment engineering. A number of balancing standards have been developed over the years to meet the requirements of pump manufacturers and users, and the idea of balancing is simple. Unfortunately, the definitions and mathematics used in describing balancing problems can be confusing. This article compares these criteria so the end user can use consistent reasoning when making balancing decisions.


commonly referenced by flexible coupling vendors. It has the advantage of being conceptually simple. For the gear manufacturers who developed this standard, it allowed the use of manufacturing process tolerances as balancing tolerances. In Paragraph 3.2.7, API 610 7th Edition suggests that couplings meeting AGMA 515.02 Class 8 should be used unless otherwise specified. The SCVM is based on considerations of mechanical similarity. For geometrically similar rigid rotors running at equal peripheral speeds, the stresses in the rotor and bearings are the same. This method is described in ISO Standard 1940Balance Quality of Rigid Rotors. It also forms the basis of API Standard 610 7th Editions very stringent 4W/N balancing requirement. Standards based on this methodology are becoming more common. In Table 1 the three balancing criteria discussed above are compared with respect to their effect on the various parameters involved in balancing. The terms used in the table are defined as follows: This is the amount of unbalance present or allowed in the rotor. It has the units of mass and length. It is computed by taking the product of the rotor mass (per balance plane) times the distance from the rotors center of mass to its center of rotation. Note that 1 in.oz is equivalent to 72.1 cmg.

This is the distance that the center of mass of the rotor is displaced from the rotors center of rotation. It has the unit of length. It can also be considered as a measure of specific residual unbalance, having the units of lengthmass/mass. This term is the basic criterion of SEM balancing rules (see Table 2). Note that 1 in. is equivalent to 25.4 mm.


TABLE 2. BALANCE QUALITY CLASSES FLEXIBLE ROTOR The elastic deflection of flexible Note: AGMA 515.02 refers to several Balance rotors sets up additional centrifugal Quality Classes. They are summarized as follows: forces that add to the original unbal-

AGMA Class , -in. 8 4,000 9 2,000 10 1,000 11 500 12 250

Equivalent ISO Balance Quality Grade 1,800 rpm 3,600 rpm 19.2 38.3 9.6 19.2 4.8 9.6 2.4 4.8 1.2 2.4


This is the force that is exerted on a rotor system as a result of the non-symmetrical distribution of mass about the rotors center of rotation. The units of this term are force. This term is the basic criterion of UFM balancing rules. Note that 1 lbf is equivalent to 4.45 Newton.

This is the velocity at which the center of mass of the rotor rotates around the center of rotation. You can think of it as a tangential velocity term. It has the units of length per unit time. It forms the basis for balancing rules based on the ISO Standard 1940 series. In fact, the Balancing Grades outlined in ISO 1940 are referenced by their allowable circular velocity in millimeters per second. The balance quality called for in API 610 7th Edition is better than the quality that ISO 1940 recommends for tape recorder drives and grinding machines. ISO 1940 recommends G6.3 and G2.5 for most pump components, where API 610 calls for the equivalent of G0.67. Note that 1 in./s is equivalent to 25.4 mm/s. A rotor is considered rigid when it can be balanced by making mass corrections in any two arbitrarily selected balancing planes. After these corrections are made, the balance will not significantly change at any speed up to the maximum operating speed. With the possible exception of home ceiling fans, I believe that two-plane balancing is the minimum required for rotating equipment components.


ance forces. Such rotors can be balanced in two planes for a single speed only. At any other speed they will become unbalanced. Balancing the rotor to allow it to run over a range of speeds involves corrections in three or more planes. This process is called multi-plane balancing. One important point is that the pump/coupling/driver system must be considered as a whole when evaluating balance quality. A simple pump rotor can be balanced to meet API 610 7th Editions 4W/N criteria in a modern balancing machine without too much trouble. An electric motor rotor may be even easier to balance due to its simple construction. But the coupling connecting them can be a completely different matter. The coupling will likely have more residual unbalance than either the pump or the motor. And every time you take the coupling apart and put it back together you take the chance of changing its balance condition. As written, API 610 7th Edition allows a coupling to have a specific residual unbalance nearly 60 times higher than for a 3,600 rpm pump. This can be a significant problem if you use a relatively heavy coupling. These balancing methods are primarily intended for use on rigid rotorsthose operating at speeds under their first critical speed. Flexible rotors, which operate above their first critical speed, are considerably more complicated to balance. The process of balancing flexible rotors is discussed in ISO Standard 5406The Mechanical Balancing of Flexible Rotors and ISO Standard 5343Criteria for Evaluating Flexible Rotor Unbalance. The basic concepts of rigid and flexible rotor balancing are the same. The main difference is that with rigid rotor balancing we are only concerned with the rigid body modes of vibration. With a flexible rotor, we have to consider some of the higher modes of vibration as well. In these cases the deflection of the rotor affects the mass distribution along its length. In general, each of the modes has to be balanced independently.
The Pump Handbook Series

Appendix I of API 610 7th Edition briefly discusses some of the implications of operating a rotor near a critical speed. The guidelines given there recommend separation margins that specify how far away from a critical speed you can operate a rotor. These margins depend on the system amplification factors (also known as magnification factors), which are directly related to the damping available for the mode or resonance in question. The net result of these recommendations is to limit the maximum operating amplification factor to a maximum of about 3.75. The amplification factor can be thought of as a multiplier applied to the mass eccentricity, , to account for the effect of system dynamics. Algebraically, the physics of the situation can be represented as follows: x = X sin (t )
(/n)2 X = ([1 (/n)2]2 + (2/n)2)0.5 2/n = tan1 1 (/n)2

A more detailed discussion on the topic of damped unbalance response (or whirling of shafts) can be found in any introductory vibration textbook. I
Gunnar Hole is a principal in Trident Engineering, Inc. in Houston, TX.

where x is the displacement of a point on the rotor X is the magnitude of the vibration at that point is the mass eccentricity is the operating speed or frequency of the rotor is the phase angle by which the response lags the force is the damping factor for the mode of vibration under consideration X/ is the amplification factor /n is the ratio of operating speed to the critical speed under consideration



Bearing Basics


ntifriction bearings, which can utilize either balls or rollers, are used to transfer radial and axial loads between the rotating and stationary pump and motor assemblies during operation. Even under the best of installation, maintenance, and operating conditions, bearing failures can and will occur. The purpose of this article is to provide a working-level discussion of bearings, the types of failures, and how bearings should be installed and maintained for optimum life expectancy. Due to space limitations, we cannot address all the different sizes and types of bearings available, or all the constraints currently utilized in design. However, because electric motors are used more often to drive centrifugal pumps, our discussion will be based on bearings typically used in quality motors. These bearings usually include a single radial bearing and a matched set of duplex angular contact bearings (DACBs). Together, these bearings must: allow the unit to operate satisfactorily over long periods of time with minimum friction and maintenance maintain critical tolerances between rotating and stationary assemblies to prevent contact and wear transmit all variable radial and axial loads in all operating conditions, which include reverse rotation, startup, shutdown, maximum flow, and maximum discharge pressure Each bearing has a specific purpose. The radial bearing, which is located at one end of the motor, only transfers radial loads such as minor unbalanced rotor loadsand the weight of the rotor itself in the case of horizontally oriented components. The DACBs

Photo 1. Typical radial bearings

must transfer radial loads at the other end of the motor, and they must transfer all axial loads. Photo 1 shows several typical radial bearings, and Photo 2 shows DACBs. Radial bearings may be provided with either 0, 1, or 2 seals or shields that are effectively used to prevent entry of foreign material into the bearings. If the bearing is equipped with one seal or shield, the installer should determine which end of the motor the seal or shield should face. Failure to install radial bearings properly in the correct orientation may result in the blockage of grease or lubricant to the bearings during routine maintenance. The orientation of DACBs is more complex, DACBs must be installed in one of four configurations, as determined by design: 1. face-to-face 2. back-to-back 3. tandem: faces toward the pump 4. tandem: faces away from the pump The face of the DACB is that side that has the narrow lip on the
The Pump Handbook Series


outer race. The back of the bearing has the wider lip on the outer race and usually has various symbols and designators on it. Photo 2 shows two pairs of DACBs. The pair on the left is positioned faceto-face while the pair on the right is back-to-back. Note that the lip on the outer races of the first pair is narrower than on the second pair. This distinguishing characteristic provides an easy identification of which side is the face or back. In tandem, the narrow lip of one bearing is placed next to the wide lip on the other. In other words, all bearing faces point either toward the pump or away from it. To facilitate the installation of DACBs, the bearing faces should be marked with a black indelible marker showing where the burnished alignment marks (BAMs) are on the back. This is because the four BAMs, two on each bearing, must be aligned with their counterparts, and not all BAMs are visible during installation. For example, when the first bearing is installed in a face-to-face configuration, the BAMs are on the back


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