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Confined Space Quiz

1) A confined space means a space that: A) Is large enough that an employee can enter and perform work B) Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit C) Both A&B D) None of the above

Confined Space Quiz

2) Examples of confined spaces are: A) Storage tanks, pits, silos, and vats B) Tunnels, sewers, shafts, and exhaust ducts C) Offices, carpools, and shopping stores D) A&B

Confined Space Quiz

3) True or False: The employee must assess the workplace to determine if hazards are present that necessitate the use of PPE.

Confined Space Quiz

4) Which are examples of permit space hazards? A) Hazardous atmosphere, engulfment, electrocution, and heat stress B) Storage tanks, pits, silos, and vats C) Tunnels, sewers, shafts, and exhaust ducts D) None of the above

Confined Space Quiz

5) What are some ways of reducing risks of hazards? A) Post signs and use of barriers B) Develop and use a written program C) Conduct monitoring and ventilate, eliminate, or control the hazards of the confined space D) All of the Above

Confined Space Quiz

6) Which of the following are required on a confined space permit? A) Permit space, purpose, date, and authorized entrants B) Hazards of space, control methods, acceptable entry, and results of entry C) Rescue and emergency services, communication procedures, and equipment D) All of the above

Confined Space Quiz

7) True or False: In the preparation of a permit space, you must notify all affected departments, post signs and barriers to protect entrants, and empty the confined space of any hazardous materials.

Confined Space Quiz

8) In the preparation of permit space, you must: A) Blind or disconnect and cap all input lines B) Verify breathing safety by air testing and add emergency control telephone numbers C) All the above D) None of the above

Confined Space Quiz

9) True or False: During atmospheric testing, you must evaluate heat stress potential and control any hazards before entry but need not evacuate the space if the air becomes hazardous.

Confined Space Quiz

10) During atmospheric testing, you must: A) Continuously test and monitor air in all areas before entry B) Make sure that the oxygen content is between 19.5 and 25.5 percent C) List any toxic materials that could be present and their permissible exposures D) A&C

Confined Space Quiz

11) True or False: The PhD Plus simultaneously monitors up to four atmospheric hazards which are carbon monoxide, flammables, hydrogen sulfide, and variable oxygen levels.

Confined Space Quiz

12) Regarding safety procedures entering a confined space, which of the following applies: A) Authorized entrants can enter a permit space only after tested and found safe B) Each assigned entrant has to know what equipment to use and how to use it C) Do the task as quickly and efficiently as possible D) All the above

Confined Space Quiz

13) Duties of the entry supervisor include: A) Verification of the permit and checks the condition of the confined space B) Sees that unauthorized people are removed C) Cancels the permit when work is done D) All the above

Confined Space Quiz

14) Duties of the attendant include: A) Maintaining an accurate account of whos in the space, monitors activities of the space, and stays in touch with the entrants B) Keeps unauthorized persons away from an occupied permit space C) Orders the evacuation from the permit space and summoning rescue when needed D) All the above

Confined Space Quiz

15) Duties of the entrant include: A) Knowing the hazards of the space and signs of exposure B) Follows their personal protective equipment training and keeps in contact with the attendant C) All of the above D) None of the above

Confined Space Quiz

16) True or False: Only workers trained in rescue can enter the space for the purpose of rescue whether an attendant is present or not.

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