10 Steps To Scoring

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I want to thank the AFCA for allowing me

this opportunity to speak about

Georgetown College Football. Several
how we at Georgetown College have been
approaching things the past three seasons.
We have been called the most prolific
It’s More Fun to Score

weeks ago, I was one of the fortunate offense in NAIA history. Now, I am not sure
coaches to be preparing for a playoff game what that means. It is one of those fancy
when a member of the AFCA staff called terms my sports information director uses,
and asked me to speak. I had to pinch who by the way does a great job, but I do
myself to see if I was dreaming. For so many know that we averaged 583 yards per
years I sat in the front row at this convention, game, which is over 8,100 yards for the
as well as every clinic I could go to, taking season. That is the highest single-season
notes and thinking someday and then I total in NAIA history. We scored 710 points
would wake up to reality. This is a great this season, the second time in our
honor and goes to show you that dreaming school’s history to score over 700 points in
and visualizing can be worthwhile. a season, the only school to ever achieve
As an assistant for 14 years, I was influ- that. The stat that I like the most is 97
enced by some great people, three of touchdowns by 15 different players. Now, I
whom I thoroughly enjoyed coaching with. am not a statistics person and pay very lit-
Kevin Donley, my mentor, the man who tle attention to them however, those are not
began this scoring tradition at Georgetown bad numbers. When we score 30 points,
College, was a great inspiration to me everyone is asking, What’s wrong? We
because of his persistence to make have spoiled our fans and that’s a good
Georgetown College a national power. problem to have!
Ernie Horning, our defensive coordinator at I'd like to begin by pointing out some of
the time, was a master motivator and a the things we try to emphasize at
great teacher of life long lessons. Stewart Georgetown to help us develop an attitude
“Red” Faught, a legend of small college about scoring. Just four seasons ago, the
football and the guru of the run-and-shoot Tigers went through four years of averag-
offense, set a new trend for Georgetown ing just 20 points per game. The last three
College football. It is these experiences seasons we have averaged 40 points, and Bill Cronin
that have enabled me to return to this past season 50 points, all because of
Georgetown as the head coach and contin- attitude! Head Coach
ue the Tiger tradition.
What a tremendous experience we Ten Steps to Score Georgetown College
were part of this past season. Ranked No. 1. Must have coaches who believe in
1 in the country for 13 straight weeks, your system. Georgetown, Ky.
undefeated up to the final week when we Everyone must be committed and offen-
met our match, a fine football team from sive coaches and defensive coaches must
Northwestern Oklahoma State University, believe without a doubt that it will work. I
who we played for the national champi- am fortunate to have a great staff, three of
onship. Prior to that, we flew for the first whom are with me today: Craig Mullins, my
time in school history to California to take offensive coordinator, Dave Campbell, my
on the defending national champions and defensive coordinator, and Bruce Owens,
were successful. It was a great year! my recruiting coordinator, who obviously
Before I go any further, let me say this. does a great job because he supplies us
In 1991, I was a part of the NAIA champi- with all the very talented athletes who
onship game between Georgetown and make us all look good.
Pacific Lutheran, and it was a very memo- These guys believe in what we do!
rable experience for everyone involved. 2. Brainwash our players with our
However, the strides that have been made philosophy.
by the NAIA, with the help of Team Hardin I remember the first spring practice and
County, is unbelievable. I really commend sitting with the offense in a room talking
everyone involved with the championship about the success of this offense. How it
series. It is totally a first class operation will score 40 points per game! They all
and one that our coaches and players are looked at me like I was crazy until I showed
excited about participating in again. them how it had worked before in college,
I feel very humbled in speaking today in high school, and in 1991 when we won
because I know many of you are much the national championship. We convinced
more qualified than I. The more I prepared, these players that it will happen, not that it
the more I realized all I can do is tell you can happen!

• Proceedings • 77th AFCA Convention • 2000 •

Our philosophy is very simple but catchy plays; it is easy to call plays on first and ing we are going to run it a certain percent-
and sincere. It was taken from the finest second down, but not every play will gain age, it just depends on the tools we need.
offensive football coach I have ever been you 10 or 12 yards. You can select the Diagram 2: Goal Line
around, Red Faught. I am sure most of you proper tools to score or advance the ball,
know him; he coached 36 years at Franklin but if you don’t execute your proper tools
College in Indiana. The philosophy is this — have done you no good.
Stay loose, go reckless, and score! And we 7. Have a plan and practice all situa-
truly believe that. Let the defensive guys tear tions possible.
down the lockers and we stay loose. We always want our players to feel that
3. Practice scoring. we have a plan, no matter what the situation
Every drill we do we emphasize scoring, might demand. I believe this puts them at
demand that they get into the end zone at ease. For example; two-point conversion
full speed! In team drills, we want the line- plays, two-minute offense, backed up to Diagram 2 is our goal line formation.
men to get excited, run to the end zone and your goal line, the last four minutes of the Even though we call it the goal line doesn’t
give high-fives. Practice it. Get used to it. It game, the last three plays of the game, spe- mean we won’t use it elsewhere on the
allows you to have fun in practice. cials, touchdown now, overtime, safety. The field. We like this formation a lot because it
4. Must play good, sound defense. bottom line is: Practice and have a purpose! is so different from the run-and-shoot for-
Your players must realize how important 8. Recognize players weekly. mation. In the goal line formation, we like to
the defense is to the offenses scoring. This However you do it, you must do it. use a deep motion and a long motion. We
is something our coordinators did a great job Players love to be recognized in front of will sweep quite often to the quick side and
of, they complimented each other. It is their peers and we all do and we try to do it run power, hard-nosed-type plays to the
amazing how much easier it is to score as often as we can. The thing we try to strong side; it depends on how you want to
when you start on the 40-50 yard line focus on is extra effort performances, not defend us. That dictates what tools we use.
because your defense put you there. It is every catch or touchdown, but big hits, div- Diagram 3: Scoring Pass
also a lot easier to gamble and take chances ing catches, breaking tackles. The enthusi -
when you know your defense is going to asm and the effort as a result becomes
make it tough for your opponent to score. I contagious.
hate to punt and I hate to kick field goals, but 9. Expect everyone to coach and
my staff and players know it and are not sur- coach up!
prised when we go for seven points instead We believe we have the largest coach-
of being happy with three. Because of our ing staff anywhere. Expect your players to
defense, we went for it on fourth down 42 coach when they are not actually involved
times this season. Our opponents went for it in the play. What this does is forces players
18 times. That is a big difference. to get mental reps. A person can only get In Diagram 3 you will see the scoring
5. We use a tool box approach. so many physical reps, but mental reps are pass, the first of the three S’s. The quarter-
Don’t bring a hammer when you need a unlimited. When the players really get back will fake to the right half, look at the
screwdriver. We feel like we have a specif- involved with this, your young player devel- right half and then hit the left halfback or
ic tool for whatever you do to us on ops faster and contributes sooner. tight end. This is a great play on the goal
defense. Then it is all about picking the 10. Utilize the three S’s (Scoring line or inside the 10 yard line.
right tool and executing. pass, Sideline pass, and Shovel pass) Diagram 4: Sideline Pass
During the game, my offensive coordi- What I would like to do is share part of
nator is in the press box watching the far our system with you, a part that we really
side, I am watching the near side and my have had a great deal of success with. The
offensive line coach watches the box. Each players love it because they know we don’t
of them will give me a call, and I will decide go into a game without our three S’s.
what we run. My other offensive coaches
Diagram 1: Run-and-Shoot Formation
are watching personnel, and when they see
a weakness, they communicate that to me.
I never want to know what the defense is
doing, but tell me what we should run. This In Diagram 4, we have the sideline
enables us to pick the proper tool. pass. Now we have no motion and the
6. Execution is the key! Know your quarterback will five-step drop and read the
conversion downs letter perfect! cornerback coverage. The left half will arc
You have to practice it 1,000 times release on the cornerback. If he closes on
because 999 is not enough. This is proba- him, then go deep. If he can’t close then he
bly what we do best and practice. I believe First let’s look at our basic formations: will run and out cut. This is a great play if
we have a very organized way of practicing Diagram 1. This is our run and shoot for- you are playing against a weak defensive
what is important every day. mation that we probably use 70-75 percent back and you want to take advantage of
We spend a lot of time on third down of the time. We never go into a game think- him.

• Proceedings • 77th AFCA Convention • 2000 •

Diagram 5: Shovel Pass

Diagram 5 is our shovel pass, and the

third of our scoring plays. We like to use
this as a screen type play when the defen-
sive line is coming up-field hard. The quar-
terback will take a five-step drop behind the
right guard. He will hit the left half after
looking at the fullback flare. The left half will
fake block and on a two count release
catch the ball behind the center’s position;
now score!
The three S’s are three great plays for us Georgetown College averaged 583 yards per game in offense to total more than
and our system. You may have your own 8,100 total yards this season and set a new NAIA record for season yardage in
three S’s, I am sure you do. The point is to 1999.
have something you call your scoring plays.
Let your players know that is what they are for and then practice it. And have fun scoring Georgetown can help you in your program.
and practice them. Practice scoring from all more points than you ever thought possible. Feel free to call my staff if you need anything
areas of the field, not just from the red zone Once again, this has been a great honor. I further from us. Good luck in the new year
area. Talk about it, brainwash your players hope that some of these ideas that we use at and we look forward to next season.

E v e r y b o d y ’s NOT
Doing It
Finger pointing and dismissing unethical acts with an “everyone’s doing it” attitude in
the public arena does nothing to help the game or the image of the football profes-
sion — your profession.

Everybody’s NOT doing it, but those who do flaunt the rules and the AFCA Code of
Ethics are only encouraged if those honest coaches in the profession treat such acts

Stand up for your profession by acting responsibly. Lead by example and insist that
your fellow coaches adhere to strict professional standards that are outlined in the
Code of Ethics.

• Proceedings • 77th AFCA Convention • 2000 •

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