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Guard the Good News

9:30 A.M.
* denotes standing


Mental Health & The Christian

5:30 P.M.
* denotes standing

Welcome & Announcements........................................Pastor Steve Igo Congregational Greeting ................................ The Passing of the Peace

Gathering Songs ...................................................... Elder Ted Himebook

The Living God Calls Us to Worship .................. Call to Worship We Enter Into Gods Presence
In Song* ................... My Faith Has Found a Resting Place, Hymn 468 In Prayer* .............................................................. Prayer of Approach

The Living God Summons Us .............................. Call to Worship We Enter Into Gods Presence
In Song* ........................................... Like a River Glorious, Hymn 699 In Prayer* .............................................................. Prayer of Approach In Song ......... Come, Let Us Join with One Accord, Hymn 393 (vv. 1-2)

God Speaks to Us
In Scripture ...........................................................................Psalm 139

God Welcomes Us
In Scripture ................................................................ Matthew 6:25-34

We Respond in Consecration
In Prayer ......................... Prayer to Confess Sin & Assurance of Pardon In Song* ......................Christ, of All My Hopes the Ground, Hymn 518 In Prayer ............................................................ Congregational Prayer In Song* .................................................................. As the Deer, Insert

We Respond in Consecration
In Prayer ......................... Prayer of Confession & Assurance of Pardon In Song* .............................. A Shelter in the Time of Storm, Hymn 619

God Feeds Us
In Scripture .............................................................. 2 Timothy 4:16-22 In Sermon ........ GUARD THE GOOD NEWS WITH COMPLETE CONFIDENCE

God Feeds Us
In Scripture ............................................................................ Psalm 42 In Sermon ......................................... EXAMINING OUR EMOTIONS Pastor Ken Smith, Biblical Counseling Center, Jenison

We Respond in Commitment ...................... Prayer of Application

In Song* ................................................... We Rest on Thee, Hymn 449 In Giving ................................................................ Tithes & Offerings

We Respond in Commitment ...................... Prayer of Application

In Song* ..............................Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus, Hymn 679 In Giving ................................................................ Tithes & Offerings In Prayer ............................................................ Congregational Prayer In Song* ............................... I Want Jesus to Walk with Me, Hymn 611

God Blesses Us ........................................................... Benediction

Be Still, Insert Be still, be still; know that I am God.
Text & Tune: Darrell A. Harris & Eric Wyse, 2004; based on Psalm 46:10a. Copyright 2006 by Petaluma Music: ASCAP/Vine Ridge Music BMI. CCLI License #2775887

God Blesses Us ............................................................Benediction

Christ We Do All Adore Thee, Hymn 737 Christ, we do all adore thee, and we do praise thee forever (2x). For on the holy cross hast thou the world from sin redeemed. Christ, we do all adore thee, and we do praise thee forever (Musical Interlude) Christ we do all adore thee.
Text: Tr. by Theodore Baker, 1899. Tune: Seven Last Words of Christ by Theordore Dubois, 1867. Public Domain

The Lords Day February 5, 2012

The Lords Day February 5, 2012

TODAY Welcome to Cedar! This morning, Pastor Steve concludes his series Guard the Good News. In the evening, we welcome Pastor Ken Smith (Biblical Counseling Center) for our Dark Nights in February sermon series as he preaches on Mental Health & The Christian. 11:00 AM Sunday School & Small Groups 4:00 PM Choir Practice 5:30 PM Evening Service 7:00 PM Youth Group Meeting THIS WEEK Wednesday Midweek Ministries @ 7 PM Friday Young Adult Ski Retreat @ 7 PM Rockford Springs OPC Saturday Valentines Dinner @ 5 PM Cedar OPC ANNOUNCEMENTS Ordination Sunday & Fellowship Meal Next Sunday, February 12th, Cedar Church will ordain and install new church officers in the morning worship service Craig Baker & Ted Himebook (elders), Tom Dykema, Jim Knott, & Duane Saxton (deacons). Please welcome these brothers to a new term of service at Cedar Church. Soli Deo Gloria! Our fellowship meal that day will be a Soup & Salad Luncheon at 12 noon. Please make sure to sign up in the foyer. Lords Supper Due to our ordination Sunday, we will celebrate the Lords Supper on Sunday morning, February 19th. Our benevolent offering will be for the ministry of the Biblical Counseling Center. Valentines Dinner for Adults Come support our youth groups summer mission trip by attending a special Valentines Dinner on Saturday, February 11, at 5 PM at Hudsonville Christian School. Enjoy a lovely dinner served by Cedar youth, dinner music by our talented young musicians, and ballroom dancing with Ken & Peggy Smith. The cost is $20/single & $40/couple & $80 to sponsor a table for 4. Sign up in the foyer or by connection card!

ANNOUNCEMENTS Mental Health & The Christian - The dark nights of February are upon us; our snow birds have sought the light and warmth of the south; the festivities of the holiday are past; and the long journey to springtime is before us. The elders of Cedar Church have wondered, "What can we do?" Solution - join Pastor Ken Smith for our "Dark Nights in February" sermon series about what the Bible teaches on seasonal or chronic depression. For 3 Sunday nights in February, Ken Smith - director of the Biblical Counseling Center - will preach timely sermons about mental health & the Christian. Please plan to join us at 5:30 PM beginning February 5th, and make sure you invite a friend! You will both be glad that you came! Young Adult Winter Ski Retreat - On February 10th 12th, we will host our annual Winter Ski Retreat for young adults (college age and above) at Rockford Springs Community Church (OPC) in Rockford, MI. There will be lots of good food, fellowship and winter snow sports @ Caberfae. Our speaker is Rev. David Vander Meer who will speak on "What is Biblical Worship?" The cost is incredibly affordable$20 for the entire weekend!! Our snow sports cost additional, but we well priced skiing or snowboarding is only $25 more, and equipment rental is only $20 more. Brochures are in the foyer. Church Talent Show - Sing a song, recite a poem, juggle jello, act in a skit, act like Chris Post.... What talent do you have that others at church would enjoy? Plan now to participate by signing up and auditioning (review your idea) to entertain the Cedar Church family. Contact persons: Craig Baker or Jennifer Coleman. Date: March 16, 7-9pm. Chris Kleyn is a shut-in, but has started a business selling religious books online. IF you are thinning out your library of devotionals or religious-oriented books, consider donating them to the Kleyns. They live in Jamestown, but you may give books to Deacon Duane Saxton who can deliver them.

The Lords Day February 5, 2012

The Lords Day February 5, 2012

ANNOUNCEMENTS Habitat For Humanity & Love INC will be building a house for a Hudsonville family, the Malfroids. Should any Cedar parishioners wish to volunteer, please see Mick Knierim for details. Gettys in Concert - The song writer and original singer for "In Christ Alone", "The Power of the Cross", and "Speak Oh Lord" is coming to Grand Rapids. Keith and Kristyn Getty are modern hymn writers with an Irish flare and will perform live in concert at 7:00 PM on Thursday, February 9, 2012 at Sunshine Community Church. This event is sponsored by Ada Christian School Education Foundation. Purchase tickets at or call 800-965-9324. The Art of Marriage Conference is taking place at Hillcrest CRC on February 17 and 18-- Friday 7:00 pm-9:30 pm and Saturday 9:00 am-4:00pm. The Art of Marriage video conference brings together some of the most respected and influential pastors and experts on marriage and family to share with you and your spouse. Cost for the event is $50 which covers the cost of 2 workbooks, refreshments Friday night and refreshments and lunch on Saturday. Registration deadline is February 5. Email at [email protected] to request a PDF registration form. If you have questions call Hillcrest CRC office at 669-6556. OPC Thank Offering Report - It is with great joy and praise to the triune GodFather, Son, and Spirit that I am pleased to announce that $841,983 has been received from reporting congregations for the Thank Offering. The combination of a wonderful Thank Offering along with the generous support of churches throughout the year to Worldwide Outreach has resulted in each program committee receiving over 100% of its requested budget for 2011. Thank you so much not only for your gifts in support of the work of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, but also for your prayers on our behalf and your joint service to the Lord and his church. Truly how good and how pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity! Danny Olinger

ANNOUNCEMENTS The Lakeshore Pregnancy Center is offering a training session for anyone interested in becoming a volunteer peer counselor. This is a tremendous volunteer opportunity, one which daily impacts the lives of women in our communities. We have centers in Allegan, Allendale, Grand Haven & Holland. The classes will be held at our Holland center February 27, 29, and March 2, 5, 7, & 9 FROM 9:30 AM-2:30 PM This is a 30 hour training and all classes are required. If interested please call Sherry at 616-396-5840 ext. 25. Our hours are Monday 9am-7pm, Tuesday-Thursday 9am-5pm. You can also visit our website at under Get Involved there are many different way to volunteer to be a part of this ministry. If these dates dont work well, please consider volunteering as a receptionist until our next training in the Summer. SAVE THE DATE! The Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology will be holding its annual conference in Grand Rapids on March 23-25, 2012 at First Byron Center CRC. This year's topic is "The Gospel: Who, What, Where, When?" The speaker's are Ligon Duncan, Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, and Harry Reeder. More information to come. Questions? Email [email protected] Zion Christian School is seeking a licensed bus driver for a daily route. Applicants should contact Sarah Bierling at (616) 878-9472 or [email protected]. The Zion cookbooks have arrived! The cookbook contains over 600 recipes collected from Zion families and friends. If you have a voucher, you may turn it in to the office for your copy of the cookbook. Otherwise, Zion cookbooks are available for sale in the office for $18 each. Zion Dodgeball Tournament - Zion's 2nd Annual Dodgeball Tournament will take place on Saturday, February 18, at 1:00pm. You are invited to submit a team or come as a spectator. Registration forms are available by calling our school office at 8789472 or at The deadline is February 10. The tournament will benefit Zion's Youth in Government program.
The Lords Day February 5, 2012

The Lords Day February 5, 2012

Cedar Church Welcomes You!


TODAY Abreu/Bekkering Candace Bekkering Rachel Himebook Carla Baker Lydia Igo Cassidy Baker Cathy Postmus Nursery P.M. Caryn Baker Nursery Sun. Sch. Deb Grysen Elizabeth Knott Fellowship Snack Cathy Postmus Jennifer Coleman Childrens Snack Abreu/Bekkering Church Set-Up Youth Group Meal Himebook Greeters Accompanist A.M. Accompanist P.M. Nursery A.M.

NEXT WEEK Hartwell/Porterfield Candace Bekkering Rebekah Glupker Dawn DeWent Heidi Kooienga Sylvie Haywood Rebecca Van Dyke Cayte Baker Joan Broene Joan Broene Stephanie Haywood Hartwell/Porterfield

Were glad youre here. As a church family, we are delighted you have joined us for worship today. Below you will find some information to help you during our Sunday services. If you need any assistance, please ask one of our greeters for help. SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE Cedar Church strives to enjoy God through Spirit-empowered and Christ-centered worship. The Bible is sincerely loved, and we hope that you will find it opened up to you in a fresh and faithful manner each Sunday. A NURSERY is available near the entrance of the gymnasium, but children are always welcome in the worship service. COFFEE BREAK After the morning worship, please join us in the foyer for coffee and refreshments. KIDS BREAK After morning worship, all kids (pre-school thru 6th grade) are invited to remain in the gymnasium for snacks and fun songs with Mr. & Mrs. Himebook. SUNDAY SCHOOL - From 11 AM-12 PM, Cedar Church offers classes for all ages. Visitors are especially welcome to join us! WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING CLASSES: Nursery Meets in room 12 with various leaders Toddler (2s & 3s) Meets in the library hallway with Stephanie Haywood Preschool (4s & K students) Meets in the west classroom with Katelyn Hartwell Early Elementary (1st 2nd grade) Meets in the resource room with Hope Mason & Cathy Postmus Middle Elementary (3rd 4th grade) Meets in the library hallway with Diana Sprik Older Elementary (5th-6th grade) Meets in the southwest teachers lounge room 2 with Reese Haywood Jr. High Meets in the southwest teachers lounge room 1 with Bill Grysen Sr. High Meets in the teachers lounge with Pastor Steve & Lynn Igo Womens Group Meets in the art room with Rebecca Van Dyke Theology Class Meets in the gym with David Van Dyke & Craig Baker Adult Bible Study Meets in the north hallway alcove with Sam Mason EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE Please join us again for worship this evening at 5:30 P.M.
The Lords Day February 5, 2012

*Lost your bulletin? See archived bulletins @ *

Weekly Budget $3,175.00 YTD Budget $ 15,875.00

Last Weeks Offerings $2,488.65 YTD Offerings $ 13,321.34

Please send all announcements by Wednesday @ 5 P.M. to: [email protected]

The Lords Day February 5, 2012

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