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The Cancer Report This movie is dedicated to Clara Corriher, who like untold millions placed blind faith in the cancer industry. Clara Corriher 1937 - 2010 After destroying her physically and mentally (ie. "chemo-brain"), Clara's oncologist sent her away to a hospice. Clara's oncologist, Nick, was unwilling to watch her die. So she was kicked out of the hospital, even though more than 50% of the beds were free. The hospice staff put her into a drug-induced coma, so that Clara would not burden them. They finished her off with complete starvation and dehydration. They re-drugged her whenever she awoke enough to ask for help. Family and friends were told to ignore her gasping and gurgling sounds. Such treatment is considered normal, even noble, by those involved. Starving someone to death passes for "humane treatment" in the United States, and it is always preferable to trying alternatives. "Those who know the least obey the best" -- George Garquhar

== Genesis of an epidemic == Cancer is a normal part of life. A healthy immune system eliminates cancer cells at roughly the same rate they are created. Tiny outbreaks of cancer have existed since ancient times. It was discovered in Roman and Egyptian remains having high lead levels. Before the 20th century, cancer was so uncommon it was a medical oddity. After the industrial revolution of the early 20th century, humans were exposed to thousands of new toxins, including petrochemicals, fluoride, chlorine and radiation. Plastics came later. The onslaught to our immune systems as compounded by a new generation of chemically engineered fertilizers that depleted our soils of vital nutrients. Many people of the industrialized world, especially Americans, do not realize that they are chronically malnourished. Obesity has exploded because people are in a state of semi-starvation regardless of how much they eat, which in-turn stimulates poor eating habits, which snowballs the nutritional problems further. "The alarming fact is that foods (fruits, vegetables and grains), now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain minerals, are starving us - no matter how much of them we eat." -- U.S. Senate Document No. 264 Radiation exposure, malnutrition, and toxicity combine to create a condition called 'acidosis', which is the silent stage 1 of cancer. More about this will come later. "Chlorine is the greatest crippler and killer of modern times. While it has prevented epidemics of one disease, it was creating another. Two decades ago, after the start of chlorinating our drinking water in 1904, the present epidemic of heart trouble, cancer and senility began." -- Dr. Joseph M. Price, M.D. "If [fluoride] gets into the river, it's a pollutant. If it gets into the lake, it's a pollutant, but if it goes right into your drinking water system, it's not a pollutant. That's amazing. -- Dr. J. William Hirzy, E.P.A.

"According to the handbook, 'Toxicology of Commercial Products', fluoride is more poisonous than lead, and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic. It is a cumulative poison that accumulates in bones over the years." -- Dr. Michael Schachter, M.D. "Epidemiology research in the mid 1970's by the late Dr. Dean Burk, head of the cytochemistry division of the National Cancer Institute, indicated that 10,000 or more fluoridation linked cancer deaths occur yearly in the United States. In 1989, the ability of fluoride to transform normal cells into cancer cells was confirmed by Argonne National Laboratories." -- Dr. Michael Schachter, M.D. The chemical companies are finding innovative ways to poison us every day. There are thousands of poisonous combinations in foods. Here are just a couple of the thousands of potential examples. You probably suspect that a steak such as this would increase your chance of getting cancer, because it is "red meat", after all. That belief is due to a chemical-industry con-job. The meat itself, in its natural form, is harmless. The cancers are actually caused by the sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate that are added to "red meats" by the food and chemical industries. This has been scientifically validated dozens of times, but don't expect to hear about it from your doctor. Organic foods are never used by the food industry or the chemical industry in relevant studies, because the results are always damning. Take for example, the case of eggs. Organic range-fed chickens produce eggs that do not adversely effect cholesterol. In the study that originally maligned eggs, powdered eggs were used from chickens that were factory-farmed. This is how they data-shopped to get the right "scientific" results that they had wanted from the beginning. They want us to believe that we are somehow being sickened by natural foods, which were never a problem during the previous 9,000 years, instead of realizing that it is their poisons sickening us. They have been succeeding. This chicken is plumper than any organic chicken that you will ever find, and for good reason. That is because it was fed arsenic from the time it was born, like most U.S. chickens. Poisoning the chickens causes them to become unnaturally obese, regardless of their eating habits, so that they will command a

higher selling price. This detestable process was FDA approved in 1944, and it's "normal". Are you getting your daily recommended dosage of arsenic? If any of this upsets your stomach, then there is always radioactive pepto. Bismuth is always radioactive. == The Carnage == When doctors went on strike in Israel in 1983, and again in 2000, the mortality rate fell by approximately 50%. In 1976, the number of deaths fell by 18% in Los Angeles, when L.A. doctors went on strike for merely a month. This pattern has been mirrored in the 5 other major doctor strikes around the world. The number of deaths from pharmaceutics and cancer treatments every year outnumber the deaths for all wars in U.S. history. According to the most recently released U.S. Census data (2005), cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in the United States, just slightly ahead of pharmaceutical reactions. Pre-Industrial and Modern Cancer Rates: 1 in 25 people died of cancer in the year 1900. Now, about 1 in 4 people die of cancer which, in most cases, are actually deaths by medicine. 41% of Americans will eventually be diagnosed with cancer. Virtually all Americans have the pre-cancerous condition of acidosis. Chemotherapy and radiation are purportedly the most scientific methods of cancer treatment. Yet, the numbers simply do not jibe. On average, chemotherapy and radiation are effective 4-5% of the time for long term recovery. They are poisonous 100% of the time. The phrase 'successful treatment' has been redefined by oncologists and the medical literature to mean having no tumors (without regard to cancers) for a mere 5 years, and they continue counting patients as 'survivors', even when they die in 6 years, in order to cook the numbers about their cure rates. This is one of the ways science is manipulated to render the right drug numbers. "My studies have proven conclusively that untreated cancer victims actually live up to four times longer than treated individuals. For a typical type of cancer, people who refused treatment lived for an average of 12-1/2 years. Those who accepted surgery or other kinds of treatment [chemotherapy, radiation, cobalt] lived an average of only three years." -- Dr. Hardin Jones, Physiology, University of California, Berkeley Children who are successfully treated for Hodgkin's disease are 18

times more likely to later develop secondary malignant tumors. The risks of leukemia increase markedly four years after the ending of successful treatments, and reached a plateau after 14 years, but the risk of developing solid tumors remained high and approached 30% at 30 years. -- New England Journal of Medicine These secondary cancers that are caused by the treatments are deadlier and much more horrific than the original cancers. All nuclear and chemotherapy treatments are known to cause and spread cancers. These are flippantly referred to as "known side effects". Cancer screenings do the same, by likewise exposing victims to radiation and various industrial poisons. This is why breast cancer rates explode with expansive mammography testing. Iatrogenic deaths (deaths caused by doctors) is the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States according to the medical establishment's own statistics. Death by doctor is so normal that they have actually coined a word for it: 'iatrogenic'. Girls who undergo chemotherapy and radiation treatments face a 35% chance of developing breast cancer by the time they are 40, which is 75 times greater than average. Mammogram radiation also produces cancers, especially in the breast area. "A study of over 10,000 patients shows clearly that chemo's supposedly strong track record with Hodgkin's Disease [lymphoma] is actually a lie. Patients who underwent chemo were 14 times more likely to develop leukemia and 6 times more likely to develop cancers of the bones, joints, and soft tissues than those patients who did not undergo chemotherapy." -- Dr. John Diamond, M.D. "Chemo-brain" - Using chemotherapy means becoming permanently mentally challenged. They conveniently have a multitude of drugs that you can purchase (for the rest of your life) to 'treat' and 'manage' your new mental handicaps. "If a patient with a tumor is receiving radiation or chemotherapy, the only question that is asked is, 'How is the tumor doing?' No one ever asks how the patient is doing. In my medical training, I remember well seeing patients who were getting radiation and/or chemotherapy. The tumor would get smaller and smaller, but the patient would get sicker and sicker. At autopsy we would hear, 'Isn't that marvelous! The tumor is gone!' Yes, it was, but so was the patient." -- Dr. Philip Binzel

Dr. Ewan Cameran, and two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling did studies in Scotland (which were later duplicated by studies in Canada and Japan) comparing vitamin C therapy versus chemotherapy. Guess which group of patients lived longer on average, and by how much. The vitamin C patients lived an average of 6 times longer than the patients did; and of course, they also had a substantially better quality of life too. The difference was due to the fact that vitamin C strengthens the immune system, instead of weakening it further. "As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good." -- Alan Nixon, Ph.D., Past President of The American Chemical Society. Chemo-skin (a.ka. "Radiation Recall") "Survivors [of lymphoma] experienced 11 times the number of deaths expected from the general population, and although this rate declined over the years, it was still three times higher than expected 45 years after their original diagnosis. -- Reuters News Service Whenever a cancer patient dies of sepsis, it is virtually always because chemotherapy destroyed the patient's immune system, and thereby allowed sepsis to easily kill the patient. These are usually counted as 'sepsis deaths', instead of cancer deaths. It is another way that the medical community manipulates the statistics about the safety and effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation. The same scientific chicanery is applied to fatal pneumonia's, heart failures, and diabetes cases that were actually caused by cancer drugs and radiation. The petrochemical industry, the medical community, and their regulatory partners in government have convinced us that sunlight is a carcinogen. Sunlight produces vitamin D in the skin from cholesterol, which removes excess cholesterol. More important is that vitamin D (from sunlight) reduces the risk of getting over 70% of cancers, including skin cancer. People with greater sun exposure have higher rates of skin cancer because they use the most sunscreen. Sunscreens sometimes contain photoreactive ingredients that become carcinogenic when exposed to light. Otherwise, they contain persistent carcinogens, such

as zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, and aluminum hydroxide. The chemical companies created the problem, so they could sell us their solution. The real solution is simply not to expose oneself to their poisons. Their propaganda in Big Media is so powerful that they now have us blaming our illnesses on the sun. Vitamin D deficiency is common, which proves that most of us do not get enough sun exposure. Skin cancer only became a major problem in the mid-twentieth century, after the advent of sunscreens, in much the same way that breast cancer became an epidemic only after the advent of mammography. Breast feeding, not mammograms, is the surest way to prevent breast cancers. In fact, breast cancer was once known as, "the nun's disease". It has been estimated that only 10 to 20 percent of all procedures currently used in medical practice have been shown to be efficacious by controlled trial." -- The Office of Technology Assessment Health Program, report to the U.S. Senate Committee, 1978. The permanent lifetime average cure rate (not the mere 5 years of rumor remission that they use to cook the numbers) is about 4%. Therefore, with poisonous 'conventional therapies', there is approximately a 96% chance that cancer will eventually kill you, or more likely, the treatments will. == The System == "You wouldn't believe how many FDA officials or relatives or acquaintances of FDA officials come to see me as patients in Hanover. You wouldn't believe this. Or directors of the AMA, or ACA, or the presidents of orthodox cancer institutes." -- Hans Nieper, M.D., alternative medicine practitioner "The bottom line is that the medical systems are controlled by financiers in order to serve financiers. Since you cannot serve people unless they get sick, the whole medical system is designed to make people sicker and sicker." -- Dr. Guylain Lanctor, M.D., Author of 'The Medical Mafia: How to Get Out of It Alive and Take Back Our Health & Wealth' The pharma brainwashing begins early. This advertisement recommends a use of Ritalin for "Tired Mother

Syndrome", before A.D.D. was discovered as a way to save lagging Ritalin sales. In past times, various children's cartoons depicted vegetables as a method to increase strength, and super powers. Special powers like strength were a means to defend oneself or others; not as a means unto itself. Cartoon and game characters avoided poisons, explosives, and radiation. These things were the weapons of the bad guys, and still are, by the way. In modern children's entertainment, chemicals and radiation provide superpowers. Morals pertaining to character and health are long gone. The more chemicals, especially radioactive chemicals, the better. Now the nuclear industry and the petrochemical industry are the source of amoral "powers", and genetic mutations are also considered to be a great thing, in order to promote bio-tech too. See the pattern? How about now? Now? And, of course, for when they get older... Understanding the corrupt system requires a study of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, its partners and its unsavory history, "He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past." -- George Orwell's "1984" The Food and Drug Administration began life as the Division of Chemistry, and was later known as the Bureau of Chemistry, long before changing its name to the F.D.A.. Its name was changed to conceal its chemical industry agenda. It has always provided a type of legal immunity for companies that put chemicals into foods, and to pharmaceutical companies via its "approvals"; which leave citizens without legal recourse against the chemical industry. The original chemicals from the Bureau of Chemistry, in 1909 -later to become the F.D.A.. Its true job was, and is, to "approve" and sanction products from the chemical industry, and thereby legally shield the chemical industry from us by declaring what is "safe". They routinely privately gather data to share with their chemical

industry partners to mitigate liability. For example, contamination information that they hide from the public. These are "P.R. Issues." Good luck winning a case in a U.S. court against a billion dollar chemical company whose products are "FDA approved", and given a G.R.A.S. (Generally Recognized As Safe) safe harbor status. These shield the chemical companies, and give them plausible deniability. The modern F.D.A. came into being in 1913 -- the same year that the Rockefeller Foundation was created. The F.D.A. works hand-in-hand with the Rockefeller Foundation and the American Medical Association. The Rockefeller Foundation was founded in 1913, with its main emphasis upon medicine and medical education. The initial Rockefeller medical school donations totaled over $550,000,000. In 1928 alone, the Rockefeller Foundation gave money to 18 medical schools across 14 countries. Its partners at the F.D.A. began an aggressive campaign of suppressing medicines that competed with the chemical industry. "I never have and never will approve a new drug to an individual, but only to a large pharmaceutical company with unlimited finances." -- Dr. Richard J. Crout, Director of the FDA's Bureau of Drugs (Spotlight, January 18, 1982) Suppressed were the natural medicines that their industry could not legally control and monopolize with "drug" (chemical) patents. Natural substances can never be patented. This is why every natural and non-toxic therapy is automatically called "quackery" by the F.D.A., the chemical industry, and the medical establishment. Only unnatural (ie.non-organic and toxic) chemicals may be patented, and thus, non-toxic medicines are a threat to the business of medicine. "The FDA protects the big drug companies, and is subsequently rewarded, and using the government's police powers, they attack those who threaten the big drug companies. People think that the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing, and what the public thinks it is doing are as different as night and day." -- Dr. Herbert Ley, Former Commissioner of the FDA "In 1919, a five million dollar Rockefeller Foundation gift to certain Canadian medical schools helped bring Canadian medical education to the 20th Century:

-- McGill University Press Medicine was not the lucrative market that it is today, so medical schools were begging for the Rockefeller grants that were being handed out to compliant schools. Compliance to the Rockefeller stipulations required abandoning traditional and natural medicine in lieu of a new generation of petrochemicals for drugs, and trashing entire libraries of past procedures. What happened was a preamble to book burnings elsewhere, and in some cases, the F.D.A. did indeed have book burnings. Those were dangerous times for traditional naturopathic (non-chemical industry) doctors. All dissenters who embraced the old time-tested holistic and naturopathic methodologies of healing would henceforth be demonized as "quacks" in formal medical training. That was despite some of those "quacks" having Nobel Prizes in medicine, and vastly superior results. It was a carrot and stick strategy. Compliant schools were given the carrot (Rockefeller money). Competing doctors got the stick (FDA police actions). Some doctors died in prison for having cured patients with "unapproved" medicine. It's still happening... at stores selling organic (non-chemical) foods... certain cancer-killing vitamins or even raw milk. It's not just doctors with cures anymore. Curing is illegal, by the way, since no cures are ever "approved". Cures mean freedom from chemical dependence: freedom from them. An unholy alliance formed between the American Medical Association, the F.D.A., and the Rockefeller Foundation. To ensure compliance from the medical schools, the Rockefeller Foundation frequently insisted that medical schools place Rockefeller employees on their board of directors. "The General Education Board of the Rockefeller Foundation, also approached in 1914, pledged $500,000 on the condition that the University raised $1.5 million by January 1, 1916 and paid clinical faculty [allopathic doctors only] on a full time basis. With the Brady money and the hope of GEB funding, the Yale Corporation and the Hospital signed the affiliation contract with the hospital before the deadline of July 1, 1914.

-- Yale University Medical School Web Site The new legally enforceable medical monopoly paralleled the past Rockefeller monopoly from the petrochemical industry of times past. Instead of owning all petroleum, the Rockefeller Empire now controlled virtually all medicine. He owned the lion's share of the chemical industry, which would later be called the "pharmaceutical" industry. Once again, it was check and mate against the American people. The ramifications would be felt world-wide. Throughout his life, John D. Rockefeller, Sr. refused to take his own medicine. He used traditional holistic medicines for his own health. Alongside many of his friends at the F.D.A. and the A.M.A.. After the hijack of the medical schools, the true carnage of polio, heart disease and cancer exploded. "I had a brain cancer specialist sit in my living room and tell me that he would never take radiation if he had a brain tumor. And I asked him, 'but, do you send people for radiation?' and he said, 'of course, I'd be drummed out of the hospital if I didn't.'" -- Dr. Ralph Moss, Ph.D 90% of oncologists would never take radiation for lung cancer. 84% would never take chemo-therapy for colon cancer. -- Harvard study published in the U.S. National Institutes of Health: 'Oncologists vary in their willingness to undertake anti-cancer therapies' The gifts from Big Pharma start in medical school, and only get bigger throughout the student's career. Doctors in other specialties simply write prescriptions, but oncologists [cancer doctors] make most of their income buy buying drugs wholesale, and then selling them to patients at exorbitant prices. They tell patients that they'll die without them. -- NBC Nightly News story, 'Cancer Docs Profit From Chemotherapy Drugs' "Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade. Yet

doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors. Women with breast cancer are likely to die faster with chemo than without it." -- Dr. Alan Levin, M.D. "The American Cancer Society tried to ruin my research foundation." -- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Ph.D., discoverer of vitamin C, winner of 1937 Nobel Prize for medicine. Guess when this organization was founded and by whom. It was founded by John D. Rockefeller Jr., in that magic year 1913, while "donating" at Harvard University. Do you believe that they will someday announce a cure, and cut themselves off from the truckloads of money? A better question would be why vitamin C was a threat to their mission. We are led to believe that the "miracles" of modern medicine are superior to traditional herbal medicines. What they don't mention is that between 50% and 75% of the chemotherapy drugs include ingredients from those "weeds". The included organic compounds are the reason why drugs are sometimes effective. According to the U.S. Census, cancer is the 2nd largest killer in the United States, but most of those people die from the treatments, not the cancers. Pharmaceutical drugs are the 4th largest killer. The U.S. has the most dangerous, and yet the most expensive medical system in the world. It causes 60% of all bankruptcies. "There is not one, but many cures for cancer available. But they are all being systematically suppressed by the ACS, the NCI and the major oncology centers. They have too much of an interest in the status quo." -- Dr. Robert Atkins, M.D., (Creator of "The Atkins Diet") === Curing Cancer === Despite the establishment. The cures cited in this movie provide no guarantees for any particular person or situation, but the odds of living a long healthy life with quality and dignity are greater with every one of these methods than with modern orthodox therapies. Orthodox allopathic medicine for cancer is most often a bankrupting death sentence. First and foremost, cancer is not an outbreak of tumors. We know that the establishment treats them as the same, but it would be

a waste of time and space to go there. Meet Dr. Otto Warburg, one of the most important unknown men who ever lived. Remember Dr. Otto Warburg In 1931, Dr. Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine. Since then, his discoveries have been suppressed by the medical establishment so successfully that only alternative medicine researchers ever learn of them, or of him. His Nobel Prize was awarded for finding the root cause and survival mechanisms of cancer cells. Then the media and medical journals censored his research. It is unlikely that Warburg's discoveries, which are among mankind's greatest accomplishments, are topics you were notified about. They are not even mentioned in the medical schools, except in a mocking and cursory fashion. Dr. Warburg discovered that cancer cells only thrive in the absence of oxygen, whereas normal cells require oxygen. He found that oxygen exposure actually has a poisoning effect upon cancer cells. He realized that mutated cancer cells do not derive their energy from respiration, but instead from a fermentation process that draws upon blood sugars. Warburg furthermore noticed that bodies with a low pH (acidic bodies) were more cancerous, because having a low pH meant having a high resistance to oxygen absorption. People having a high pH (greater than 7.4) never got cancers, and always had high oxygen levels in their blood. All cancers, in absolutely every category, rapidly die whenever body pH goes beyond 8.5. Most other pathogens die too. Cancer patients routinely have a pH between 4 and 5, and about 1/2 the oxygen in their blood. Cancer is not compatible with a healthy pH environment that is full of oxygen. Take for example that cancer of the heart is virtually non-existent, because blood flowing from the lungs into the heart are the highest pH and oxygen levels of the entire body. Healthy individuals have a blood oxygen level between 98 and 100, as measured by a pulse oximeter, but cancer patients routinely show around 60. Oxygen is replaced in a cancer patient's blood with wastes, such as carbon dioxide, compounding the toxicity and oxygen starvation, which in turn compounds the acidity in an avalanche effect. "In 1964, only 1 person in 214 contracted cancer. Today it is 1 in 3 females and 1 in 2 males. The determining factor between health

and disease is pH. It is not uncommon for the average American to test between 4 pH and 5 pH." -- Keiichi Morishita, author, 'The Hidden Truth of Cancer' Upon these findings, Dr. Warburg based his theory that cancers are actually a survival mechanism of the body. When oxygen levels drop too low (internal suffocation), the cells must mutate into cells that can survive from fermentation, to prevent entire regions of the body from dying. In other words, people would get sicker and die much sooner without cancer, which is merely a natural defense mechanism. It was also discovered, and repeatedly verified by multiple 3rd party studies that a person's overall pH is made more acidic (cancer causing) by poor diet, heavy metal toxicity, pharmaceuticals, emotional stress, dehydration, illness, low sea salt intake, mineral deficiencies, artificial oils, artificial fats, low fat diets, refined sugars and refined carbohydrates. These studies have proven, just as the cancer industry's own statistics do -- that chemotherapy perpetuates cancers, just as radiation does. Cutting into a tumor is the most dangerous therapy of all. Toxicity, radiation and acidosis are the unholy trinity of cancer. It has been proven since 1931. This is why "preventative" allopathic therapies, such as radioactive mammograms actually cause cancers. It is why the more "early detections", the more cancers that are "discovered". The cancer rates (and deaths) for women who completely forgo mammograms is substantially lower. Certain alternative therapies get 80% to 90% lifetime cure rates, using safe and inexpensive methods that work with the body, instead of against it. None of them require poisoning the patients, or making them radioactive. None of them can be patented, regulated, or monopolized by the chemical industry. All effective cancer cures are illegal for any doctor to prescribe in the United States. Selling products for the purpose of curing is likewise illegal; since no cures have ever been "approved". They never will be. Even quoting studies about them is illegal for product manufacturers, even when those studies are performed by the orthodox medical establishment itself. Thus, information about curing cancer is, for all practical purposes, forbidden knowledge. Most successful anti-cancer alternative therapies begin with diet

and nutritional therapy; because ultimately, we really are what we eat. From there, the various methodologies divulge, but a common foundation for them is that anyone who is ingesting garbage cannot possibly hope to recover from a health crisis. Diet is generally the single greatest determinate of body pH; and therefore, of oxygen starvation. Acidosis is further exaggerated by a lack of critical minerals. Most cancer cures (not treatments for tumor symptoms) somehow involve adjusting the body's pH into the ideal alkaline state. In an alkaline state, human blood is rich in oxygen. Blood saturated with oxygen is typically poisonous to mutates cancer (fermenting) cells. Oxygen is, of course, harmless to healthy cells that are properly nourished with anti-oxidants. This too points back to diet. -- Cancer Cure: Vitamin B17 (laetrile) -"After presenting a rather effective lecture on [vitamin B17 and] cancer, the windshield was shot out of my car on the road back to San Francisco. The next night the glass window in the tail gate was shot out (300 miles removed from the first shooting). The police said, 'Maybe someone is trying to tell you something'". -Ernst T. Krebs, B17 discoverer.

In 2007, bitter almonds (not regular almonds) were becoming popular with alternative medicine due to their vitamin B17 content. Health food stores stopped selling B17 in the form of apricot seeds in 2002, due to armed F.D.A. raids. The F.D.A. openly banned apricot seeds, and the vitamin B17 extract, because it was successfully curing cancers as an "unapproved drug". The British government soon followed suit, and did the very same thing during 2002. People in both countries were arrested and charged for merely selling organic apricot seeds, a carrier of B17 (laetrile). "... a negative report on laetrile [b17] released by the center last June omitted some experiments that indicates the drug might be effective in treating cancer..." "...There has been a cover-up." --New York Times, Nov. 24th 1977 Bitter almonds were later discovered as a higher source of this vitamin. Vitamin B17 [laetrile] is rare in modern nutritionally-deficient foods. Due to its effectiveness, regulators will not officially recognize vitamin B17 as a vitamin or nutrient.

The reason for the exploding popularity of vitamin B17, and thereby bitter almonds, was due to the fact that vitamin B17 has dramatic and miraculous cancer killing properties. While alternative medicine has had effective and non-toxic cancer cures since the 1930s, the new vitamin really looked like a magic bullet. There were reports everywhere of cancers being killed merely from patients eating heaping servings of bitter almonds daily. Soon there would be almond extract capsules, so that these same patients would need only to take one cheap non-toxic pill per day. It did not bode well for the pharmaceutical industry. Hundreds of billions of dollars were about to be lost. Bound tightly inside B17 is a tiny amount of cyanide that is kept neutralized by its other constituents. When B17 comes into contact with cancer cells, it drops its "payload" of cyanide: specifically targeting those cells. It is unknown exactly why this reaction takes place, or why only cancer cells get the deadly "payload". In September of 2007, during the heyday of B17 cures, the F.D.A. concocted that raw almonds had been linked to two salmonella outbreaks in five years, and that all types of almonds needed to be pasteurized, because almonds were suddenly a dire threat to the nation's health. The required pasteurization brings only one significant change to almonds. It neutralizes the vitamin B17 in bitter almonds, just as the F.D.A. had planned. The highest source of B17, the bitter almond tree, had already been banned from the United States in 1995. Doctors who prescribe laetrile are required to report themselves to the F.D.A. for "monitoring". These are contraband in the United States -- to protect U.S. citizens. If you see any almonds in the United States that are labeled as 'raw', then you can be fairly certain that the company producing them is lying, and is unethical. Due to F.D.A. intervention, most almonds in the U.S. are pasteurized with propylene oxide. Propylene oxide is a known carcinogen. It is on California's Proposition 65 list of chemicals known to cause both cancer and reproductive harm. Pictured: BASF propylene oxide plant. The majority of almonds sold in the U.S. are now not only nutritionally neutralized, but contain dangerous chemical carcinogenic toxins as well, due to the chemical pasteurization process. This includes most almonds that are being falsely marketed as "organic" and "raw". According to the F.D.A., bitter almonds are "poisonous", but

somehow they became dangerous only after it was discovered that they contain the cancer destroying vitamin B17. Bitter almonds had been eaten by humanity during the previous 9,000 years of history without any verifiable deaths, or any serious health problems. The F.D.A. widely publicized one case of death by bitter almonds, but upon investigation, it appears that the child had actually been killed by the hospital's chemotherapy. Both the autopsy report, and the press release, conveniently omitted the year of chemotherapy. Warning Notice. When using B17 (laetrile) or any other alternative therapy to save your child, it is prudent to be careful discussing such things with a regular doctor, because he may tell child protective services that you are "medically neglecting" your child. You have been warned. -- Cancer Cure: The Budwig Protocol -"I have the answer to cancer, but American doctors won't listen. They come here and observe my methods and are impressed. Then they want to make a special deal so they can take it home and make a lot of money. I won't do it, so I'm blackballed in every country." -- Dr Johanna Budwig, M.D. Meet Dr. Johanna Budwig, M.D. She left the world in 2003, at the ripe age of 95, but she looked like she was in her early '70s. She was nominated 7 times for the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Budwig cured cancer: not treated. but cured it in terminally ill patients; even patients which the establishment had surrendered to fate, claimed were "untreatable", and gave a death sentence to. These were not specific or rare types of cancer either. She cured whatever type of cancer was thrown at her, and she did it relatively quickly, cheaply, easily, and permanently using non-toxic ingredients, which were without any side-effects whatsoever. Her medicine actually made her patients stronger, and her cure rate was over 90%, including the worst "terminal" cases. Her patients experienced no side-effects. The most astonishing aspect is still being suppressed. Dr. Budwig's super weapons against cancer were common quark cheese and flax seed (omega-3) oil. This simple formulation combines with the Budwig Diet pulls oxygen deep into tissues, whilst simultaneously shielding a body from oxidation damage.

Any food that is high in essential sulfur proteins can be substituted for the quark cheese, such as organic (unsweetened) yogurt, or plain cottage cheese. Budwig's surprisingly simple omega-3 plus sulfur proteins oxygenating formula was used in conjunction with one of the easiest anti-cancer diets. Her diet protocol emphasized nourishing fats. Dr. Johanna Budwig realized, just as Dr. Otto Warburg had, that the secret to bearing cancer is that life-giving breath of God -- oxygen. Technically, it is not that simple, but it is almost that simple. The real trick is getting oxygen back into the deep tissues, and retraining cells to 'eat' it again. Dr. Budwig found a simple and clever way to oxygenate her patients better and faster than other methods. Dr. Budwig discovered that even the so-called healthy (fat-free) diets were a huge part of the cancer problem. Her regimen eliminates the damaging (usually doctor-recommended) artificial fats and foods from the diet that cause cellular oxygen starvation, and it replaces them with natural healing foods, and life-saving essential fatty acids. Along with diet, the Budwig Protocol emphasizes the benefits of sunlight, the natural source of the anti-cancer vitamin D3, stress reduction, and making peace with emotional issues. "Without these fatty acids, the respiratory enzymes cannot function and the person suffocates, even when he is given oxygen-rich air. A deficiency in these highly unsaturated fatty-acids impairs many vital functions. First of all, it decreases the person's supple of available oxygen. We cannot survive without air and food; not can we survive without these fatty acids. That has been proven long ago." -- Dr. Johanna Budwig ___________ The Budwig Protocol: Final Notes There are 2 stages of the Budwig Protocol. One of them is a natural medicine, which is a blend of something containing high amounts of sulfur proteins, and flax seed oil to provide omega-3. Fish oil (for omega-3) is avoided because of the risks of contamination, and because a body will synthesize exactly the correct amount of omega-3 from flax seed oil to give the right balance of omega-3 to omega-6. The other stage of the Budwig Protocol is the special diet emphasizing healthy foods and healthy fats. Dramatic results are usually seen within 90 days. Patients should continue the regimen for 6 months, regardless of a lack of symptoms.

The power of sunlight (vitamin D3) in fighting cancers cannot be overstated. _____________ -- Cancer Cure: The Hoxsey Regimen -Some things never change. Governmental cronies are like death and taxes. The Hoxsey anti-cancer regimen was created by naturopathic doctor Harry Hoxsey. It was given to patients regardless of their ability to pay, as were all of the alternatives. He was said to have been arrested more than any other doctor in history for "quackery". The juries from two separate trials acquitted him of medical fraud, on the basis of finding overwhelming evidence that his methods were both safe and highly effective cures for cancer. None of Hoxsey's 10,000+ patients were willing to testify against him. The District Attorney of Dallas County, who arrested Hoxsey over 100 times, eventually went to Hoxsey to get his own brother's cancer cured. The D.A. never bothered Hoxsey again. The A.M.A. refused to examine the Hoxsey cure, or evaluate it for either safety or efficacy, because they were afraid that it would "legitimize" Hoxsey's work. Real science does not fear investigation. The A.M.A. offered to buy the Hoxsey formula. Hoxsey gave the condition that no patient could ever be refused, regardless of an inability to pay. The A.M.A. refused those terms. Then the heavy attacks began with a media-based smearing campaign concerning Hoxsey's "quackery". There were even attempts to murder him by sniper. Eventually, the Hoxsey cure was banned in the U.S.. Hoxsey practitioners moved to Mexico in 1963 to escape U.S. interference. Hoards of Americans with "terminal" cancers make a pilgrimage across the border to Mexico daily to get health freedom, and Hoxsey therapy. The Hoxsey treatment averages an 80% cure rate, but of course, medical schools are afraid to touch it with official studies, due to it being banned by the F.D.A.. __________ The Hoxsey Regimen: Final Notes

The Hoxsey regimen works with detoxification, and it rebuilds the immune system like a powerful supplement. It is combined with a special diet. Ironically, the Hoxsey regimen failed to work on Hoxsey himself, so he eventually turned to orthodox medicine for his own cancer. He was dead within 7 years. He died of liver toxicity from the chemotherapy drugs, but in one last parting insult from the establishment, his death was diagnosed to have been from "cancer". Hoxsey Internal Formula: Potassium Iodide - 150g. Licorice, Alder, Buckthorn and Red Clover - 20mg. Roots of burdock, stillingia, berberis and poke - 10mg. Cascara and Prickly Ash - 5 mg. These foods are avoided: tomatoes, vinegar, pork, alcohol, table salt, sugar, and white flour. _________________________ -- Cancer Cure: Vitamin C -In the early days of chiropractic therapy, the American Medical Association led a vicious campaign against vitamin C. Chiropractors maintained that vitamin C boosted the immune system and led to far fewer illnesses. This was met by an A.M.A. smear campaign against chiropractic therapy and vitamins. By F.D.A. regulations, vitamin C is still "not approved" (forbidden) for cancer patients, since there are "safety concerns". Albert Szent-Gyorgyi discovered vitamin C, and won the Nobel Prize in 1937. He later reported that the American Medical Association had repeatedly attempted to shut down his research institute. Two-time Nobel Prize winner and biochemist, Linus Pauling, pioneered research concerning vitamin C's connection to cancers. Linus Pauling recommended that terminal cancer patients take 10 grams of vitamin C per day, which is 220 times the meager 'Recommended Daily Allowance' (RDA) by the F.D.A. Dr. Ewan Cameron (left) Mrs. Eva Helen Pauling (middle) Linus Pauling (right) Linus Pauling worked with Scottish physician, Dr. Ewan Cameron, who was willing to test his theories on the premise that if vitamin C did no good, then it would at least do no harm. From 1971 to 1979, Dr. Cameron treated 750 patients. Most of these patients had already been cast aside by mainstream medicine as "terminally ill".

They noticed that all of their patients lived much longer than anticipated, were relieved of pain, and some completely recovered with vitamin C therapy alone. Another study in a single hospital found that patients who were treated with ascorbic acid (vitamin C) lived an average of 4 times longer, whilst receiving exactly the same orthodox treatments. Medical journals immediately censored the research of Pauling and Cameron; so they authored the book, 'Cancer and Vitamin C'. The establishment, and its Big Media partners have done everything in their power to suppress discoveries about nutrition and supplementation. These discoveries threaten the sick-care and symptoms management industry. Take for example, the routine behavior of the Mayo Clinic... We all know how dangerous vitamin C is, after all. ____________________ Vitamin C Therapy: Final Notes Vitamin C pioneer, Linus Pauling, kept his own cancer in remission for 20 years with vitamin C alone. Ironically, he began using orthodox radiation in his early 90s. It killed him in 1994, at the age of 93. __________________ -- Cancer Cure: Essiac "Tea" -Rene Caisse was a Canadian nurse who discovered a herbal formula in 1922 that seemed to have dramatic anti-cancer properties. Her formula was an ancient remedy from the American Indians, which she gave to people completely free of charge. She named the formula Essiac (es-ee-ak), which is her name spelled backwards. Essiac herbal "tea" was made from Burdock Root, Sheep Sorrel, Slippery Elm and Turkey Rhubarb. The war with the medical establishment immediately began once Nurse Caisse opened a clinic. The Department of National Health and Welfare at Ottawa sent people to arrest her for practicing without a license, but the doctors involved in the case refused to cooperate. The prestigious doctors that she had been working with (including Dr. Charles Brusch M.D., of Cambridge, Mass.) likewise offered credence to her work. Those who were involved in the attempts to arrest Rene Caisse arranged for a study to test Essiac on mice, in order to publicly discredit her work.

The Essiac treated mice survived longer with Essiac therapy than they had with any other past cancer-study treatment. In 1938, Rene Caisse went before the Canadian Medical Legislature, with the intent of getting Essiac legalized (approved). She lost by three votes, after a large portion of the evidence that she submitted was arbitrarily rejected. The Canadian medical establishment claimed that all of her cured patients have first received false diagnoses, by some coincidence. After having a nervous breakdown, Caisse decided to grind her own herbs, and to help people from her own basement, with full risk of arrest. Meanwhile, Canadian patients sued the medical establishment, demanding their human right to the treatments of their choice. Nurse Caisse continued to provide free treatments in her basement until she died at age 90 in 1978. _______________________ Essiac "Tea": Final Notes Essiac "tea" is not actually a tea. It is a group of herbs that are dried, ground, and boiled in water. After boiling, the formula should be left alone for 12 hours minimum, without removing or straining any of the ingredients. Finally, the formula is strained, and warmed for internal consumption. Avoid using plastic and aluminum while preparing the formula and storing it. If a green mold appears, then discard. Sunlight exposure weakens its therapeutic value. Do not freeze it. There is no "official" diet with classic Essiac therapy, but the makers of this presentation strongly recommend following the Budwig Diet. The Budwig Diet was too lengthy to be included in this movie, but more information can be found at The Budwig Protocol and Essiac can be used safely together, and probably should be. _____________________ -- Cancer Cure: Gerson Therapy -Dr. Max Gerson, M.D., was born in Wongrowitz, Germany in 1881. He developed a diet that would prevent headaches. This diet unwittingly cured one of his patients of skin tuberculosis. He continued to study nutrition as a medical therapy, and he cured multiple people of skin tuberculosis using only food. In a controlled trial at Munich University Hospital, 446 out of 450 skin tuberculosis patients (99.1%) treated with the Gerson Diet recovered completely. He soon became friends with Nobel Prize winner Albert Schweitzer, M.D., by curing Albert's wife of lung tuberculosis. All mainstream treatments had failed. Dr. Gerson fled from Germany to America in 1936, when the NAZI party began arresting Jews.

In 1938, Gerson was licensed to practice medicine in New York City. He cured hundreds of patients of cancer. Most of those patients had already been discarded by mainstream medicine as hopeless (eg. "terminal cases"). In 1958, Gerson published 'A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases', which detailed his theories, treatments, and results. The Gerson treatment plan is less aggressive and more difficult than most successful anti-cancer therapies, because only nutritional therapy is used most of the time. It is difficult to find statistical information about its successes with average cancer patients, but terminal patients reportedly have over a 50% recovery rate. __________ Gerson Therapy: Final Notes The diet plan consists of organically-grown fruits and vegetables, fresh raw juice (8oz. glass every hour, 13 times per day), 3 vegetarian meals, a potassium compound, vitamin B-12, and vitamin C. The amount of potassium, B-12, and vitamin C that is used depends on the patient, type of cancer, and how advanced the cancer is. The ratios are explained in the book, 'Healing the Gerson Way', by Dr. Gerson's daughter, Charlotte Gerson. The Gerson Institute may also be contacted for more information ( For the very worst (terminal) cases, coffee and chamomile enemas are used, which apparently have a surprisingly rejuvenating effect upon cancer patients. ___________________ -- Cancer Cure: Oxygen/Ozone Therapy -Since the discoveries of Dr. Otto Warburg relating to the cause of cancer as a lack of oxygen in the cells, methods for increasing oxygenation have been studied extensively. Ozone therapy is now considered a mainstream medical treatment in Germany for a variety of conditions including cancer, stroke, eczema, gangrene and herpes. Yet, in the United States, Rockefeller's American Cancer Society maintains that ozone is untested, and therefore must not be used to help cancer patients. They adopted this official stance in 1993, and have not changed it, despite research that has demonstrated efficacy. ____________________ Oxygen/Ozone Therapy: Final Notes Cancer patients with terminal cases of cancer can get a hydrogen peroxide intravenous drip from an alternative or integrative medical practitioner.

Patients with less severe cases may consume small amounts of 3% food-grade hydrogen peroxide several times a day alongside other alternative treatment plans. Ozone generators can also help provide increased levels of oxygen to the lungs. _____________________ "The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth, and he that is wise will not abhor them." -- Ecclesiastes 38:4, The Bible "... and the fruit thereof shall be for food, and the leaf thereof for healing." -- Ezekiel 47:12, The Bible Produced and written by The Health Wyze Report @

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