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Muslim-American Terrorism in the Decade Since 9/11


Muslim-American Terrorism Down in 2011 Twenty Muslim-Americans were indicted for violent terrorist plots in 2011, down from 26 the year before, bringing the total since 9/11 to 193, or just under 20 per year (see Figure 1). This number is not negligible -- small numbers of Muslim-Americans continue to radicalize each year and plot violence. However, the rate of radicalization is far less than many feared in the aftermath of 9/11. In early 2003, for example, Robert Mueller, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, told Congress that FBI investigations have revealed militant Islamics [sic] in the US. We strongly suspect that several hundred of these extremists are linked to al-Qaeda.1 Fortunately, we have not seen violence on this scale. The scale of homegrown Muslim-American terrorism in 2011 does not appear to have corroborated the warnings issued by

ThisisthethirdannualreportonMuslimAmerican terrorismsuspectsandperpetratorspublishedbythe TriangleCenteronTerrorismandHomelandSecurity. Thefirstreport,coauthoredbyDavidSchanzer, CharlesKurzman,andEbrahimMoosainearly2010, alsoexaminedeffortsbyMuslimAmericanstoprevent radicalization.Thesecondreport,authoredbyCharles Kurzmanandissuedinearly2011,alsoexaminedthe sourceoftheinitialtipsthatbroughtthesecasestothe attentionoflawenforcementauthorities.Thisthird report,authoredbyCharlesKurzmanandissuedin early2012,focusesoncasesofsupportforterrorism, inadditiontoviolentplots.Thesereports,andthedata onwhichtheyarebased,areavailableat
government officials early in the year. In March 2011, Mueller testified to Congress that this threat had become even more complex and difficult to combat, as we are seeing an

Figure 2. Muslim-American Terrorism Suspects and Perpetrators, Violent Plots, 2011 Name Location Plot or alleged plot Disrupted Status of case Mayport, PA Arrested for biting 2 FBI agents Early Trial pending Emerson Begolly San Diego, CA Plot to attack Shia mosque in Michigan Late Trial pending Roger Stockham Phoenix, AZ Selling weapons to Taliban in Romania Early Trial pending Alwar Pouryan Lubbock, TX Buying chemicals for weapon Early Trial pending Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari New York, NY Ahmed Ferhani Plot to bomb synagogues, churches, and Empire Early Trial pending New York, NY Mohamed Mamdouh State Building Clarkston, WA Testing explosives Late Trial pending Joseph Jeffrey Brice New York, NY Threatening "South Park" creators Early Trial pending Jesse Curtis Morton Bowling Green, Plot to send weapons and money to Iraqi Waad Ramadan Alwan Early Trial pending Bowling Green, insurgents Shareef Hammadi No Trial pending Yonathan Melaku Washington, DC Shooting at military buildings in Virginia Seattle, WA Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif Early Trial pending Plot to attack military office in Seattle Walli Mujahidh Los Angeles, CA Jihad Jane plot on Swedish cartoonist Early Trial pending Mohammad Hassan Khalid Baltimore, MD Killeen, TX Buying gunpowder for attack on Fort Hood Late Trial pending Nasser Jason Abdo New York, NY Travel to Pakistan to join terrorist group Early Trial pending Agron Hasbajrami Ashland, MA Plot to attack D.C. with remote-control aircraft Early Trial pending Rezwan Ferdaus Austin, TX Plot to assassinate Saudi ambassador in D.C. Early Trial pending Mansour Arbabsiar New York, NY Building pipe bomb to attack mailboxes, banks, Early Trial pending Jose Pimentel Travel to Kenya to join al-Shabaab in Somalia Early Trial pending Craig Baxam Laurel, MD increase in the sources of terrorism, a wider array of terrorist targets, and an evolution in terrorist tactics and means of communication.2 Janet Napolitano, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, echoed Muellers concern in her 2011 State of Americas Homeland Security Address: the terrorist threat facing our country has evolved significantly in the last ten years and continues to evolve so that, in some ways, the threat facing us is at its most heightened state since those attacks.3 Congressman Peter King, chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security in the U.S. House of Representatives, held four hearings in 2011 to alert Americans to the the extent of Muslim-American radicalization by al-Qaeda in their communities today and how terrible it is, the impact it has on families, how extensive it is, and also that the main victims of this are Muslim-Americans themselves.4 These and similar warnings have braced Americans for a possible upsurge in MuslimAmerican terrorism, which has not occurred. Instead, terrorist plots have decreased in each of the past two years, since the spike of cases in 2009. Threats remain: violent plots have not dwindled to zero, and revolutionary Islamist organizations overseas continue to call for Muslim-Americans to engage in violence. However, the number of Muslim-Americans who have responded to these calls continues to be tiny, when compared with the population of more than 2 million Muslims in the United States5 and when compared with the total level of violence in the United States, which was on track to register 14,000 murders in 2011.6 Of the 20 Muslim-Americans accused of violent terrorist plots in 2011 (Figure 2), only one, Yonathan Melaku, was charged with carrying out an attack, firing shots at military buildings in northern Virginia (Figure 3).

In terms of the potential for casualties, the bulk of the suspects in 2011 appeared to have been limited in competence. The first terrorism-related arrest of a Muslim-American in 2011, for example, involved Emerson Begolly, a 21-year-old former white supremacist who converted to Islam and posted violent-sounding material on the Internet. When his mother tricked him into meeting with FBI agents outside a fast-food restaurant, he got into a tussle and bit them. The second case of the year involved Roger Another three individuals were arrested in Stockham, who stopped at a bar on the way to 2011 after gathering explosives: Roger his attack and bragged to the bartender about Stockham, who was arrested with fireworks in his hostility toward Shia Muslims and his plan his car trunk after bragging to a bartender that to attack a local Shia mosque. The bartender, he intended to blow up a Shia Muslim mosque an Arab-American, called the police. The third in Michigan; Joseph Jeffrey Brice, who injured case involved Alwar Pouryan, an Iranianhimself testing explosives near a highway in American who allegedly conspired with a eastern Washington; and Naser Jason Abdo, Jewish Israeli-American, Oded Orbach, to sell who bought explosives for an alleged plot to weapons in Romania to an agent of the attack Fort Hood in Texas. The other 16 Taliban, who was actually an undercover suspects -- none have been convicted yet -agent of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency. were arrested at an early stage in their plots. The fourth case involved a Saudi student in Texas, Khalid Aldawsari, who tried to buy a Two suspects in 2011 received terrorist large amount of chemicals over the Internet training abroad, down from eight in 2010 and from a company in North Carolina. The 28 in 2009: Waad Ramadan Alwan and company called the FBI. These and other Shareef Hammadi, who were arrested in cases do not appear to be the actions of Kentucky for plotting to send weapons and sophisticated, well-trained Islamist money to Iraqi insurgents they allegedly revolutionaries. served with before coming to the U.S. in 2009. Figure 3. Muslim-American Domestic Terrorist Attacks Since 9/11 Name Year Plot Fatalities Hesham Hadayet 2002 Shot Israeli airline personnel, Los Angeles, California 2 (plus himself) Charles Bishop 2002 Flew plane into office tower, Tampa, Florida 0 (plus himself) John Allen Muhammad 2002 Beltway Snipers, metropolitan Washington, D.C. area 11 Lee Boyd Malvo 2002 Mohammed Taheri-Azar 2006 Ran over students with rented SUV, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 0 Naveed Haq 2006 Shot workers at Jewish center, Seattle, Washington 1 Sulejmen Talovic 2007 Shot people at shopping center, Salt Lake City, Utah 5 (plus himself) Tahmeed Ahmad 2007 Attacked military police at Homestead Air Reserve Base, Florida 0 Abdulhakim Muhammad 2009 Shooting at military recruitment center, Little Rock, Arkansas 1 Nidal Hasan 2009 Fort Hood shooting, Texas 13 Faisal Shahzad 2010 Times Square car-bomb, New York City 0 Yonathan Melaku 2011 Allegedly shot at military buildings in northern Virginia 0 Nobody was injured. This figure represents a significant decrease from 2010, when six Muslim-Americans carried out terrorist attacks, five of them joining militants in Somalia and Yemen and one carrying out a domestic attack: Faizal Shahzads attempted car-bomb near Times Square in New York City, which would have killed hundreds of people, perhaps more than a thousand, if the bomb had been constructed properly.7

As in previous years, 2011s Muslim-American terrorism suspects did not fit any particular demographic profile (Figure 4). 30 percent were age 30 and older, as compared with 35 percent of all cases since 9/11. 70 percent were U.S. citizens, as compared with 68 percent of all cases since 9/11. The suspects came from a variety of ethnic backgrounds 30 percent Arab, 25 percent white, and 15 percent African-American. 40 percent were converts, as compared with 35 percent of all cases since 9/11. One demographic difference in 2011s cases was the absence of Somali-Americans, as compared with three in 2010, 18 in 2009, and three in the years 2003-2008. Public concern over Somali-American radicalization continued to echo throughout the year, including a Congressional hearing on the subject,8 but there were no new cases of Somali-American terrorism in 2011. Muslim-Americans continued to be a source of initial tips alerting law-enforcement authorities to violent terrorist plots. Muslim-Americans turned in 2 of 14 individuals in 2011 whose initial tip could be identified, bringing the total to 52 of 140 since 9/11. One of 2011s 20 suspects had prison experience: Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif, who was arrested for plotting to attack a military induction center. Abdul-Latif was incarcerated in 2002-2004 for robbery and assault. Since 9/11, fewer than one tenth of suspects and perpetrators (17 of 193) had been incarcerated, 14 in American prisons and three overseas. Prison does not seem to be a major source of Islamic radicalization.9 An unusually large ratio of suspects in 2011 (4 of 20) had military experience. Since 9/11, fewer than one tenth of suspects and perpetrators (15 of 193) had served in the United States military.

Support for Terrorism In addition to the decline in violent plots, the number of Muslim-Americans indicted for support of terrorism -- financing, false statements, and other connections with terrorist plots and organizations, aside from violent plots -- fell from 27 individuals in 2010 to 8 in 2011, bringing the total to 462 since 9/11 (Figure 5). These statistics, analyzed here for the first time, include 256 Muslim-Americans whose cases were classified as terrorism-related in a 2010 report by the U.S. Department of Justice, but who were not charged with terrorism-related offenses, and whose connection to terrorism was not made public.10 Some of these cases seem somewhat removed from actual terrorist threats for example, Zameer Nooralla Mohamed, who was convicted for making a hoax call to the FBI claiming that four acquaintances, including an ex-girlfriend and a colleague who owed him money, were planning an attack. In other cases, the government may have chosen to prosecute a lesser crime rather than make terrorismrelated intelligence public. In cases where the connection to terrorism is publicly known, 151 individuals were prosecuted for financing terrorist plots or organizations; 12 individuals were accused of making false statements during terrorism investigations; and 43 individuals had other connections with terrorism, such as producing a video for a foreign terrorist organization, sending cassette tapes or raincoats to members of a terrorist organization, or personal associations with members of terrorist organizations.

These statistics were supplemented with information from the Terrorist Trial Report Card produced by New York University School of Laws Center on Law and Security, which generously made its dataset available for this project;11 the Investigative Project on Terrorism, which lists terrorism-related court cases;12 and Mother Jones magazines online dataset of terrorism investigations.13 The decline in prosecutions of MuslimAmericans for support of terrorism over the past decade is particularly notable in view of the heightened scrutiny that terrorism financing now receives from law enforcement agencies, which have established an increasingly difficult environment within which terrorist financiers can operate undetected, and have made the concealment and transfer of terrorism related funds more difficult, according to Congressional testimony by the acting assistant director of the FBIs Counterterrorism Division.14

In recent years, terrorist financing cases have involved smaller amounts of money (Figure 6). Of the 16 cases involving more than a million dollars, only five occurred in the last four years, and none in 2011. By contrast, most cases in the past four years -- 13 of 23 cases in which the estimated value of the financing was made public, and all four cases in 2011 -involved less than $100,000. The scale of the financing is not known for six cases. (Note that Figure 6 counts cases, while previous charts counted individuals.) The number of Muslim-Americans indicted for support for terrorism is more than double the number indicted for violent plots perhaps not surprising, since it would appear to be far less of a commitment to engage in financing than to engage in violence. Nonetheless, this finding underscores the relatively low level of radicalization among Muslim-Americans.15

Conclusion Almost 200 Muslim-Americans have been involved in violent plots of terrorism over this decade, and more than 400 MuslimAmericans have been indicted or convicted for supporting terrorism. In 2011, the numbers dropped in both categories, and the severity of the cases also appeared to lessen: MuslimAmerican terrorist plots led to no fatalities in the United States, and the years four indictments for terrorist financing indictments involved relatively small amounts of money. As in previous years, non-Muslims were also involved in domestic terrorism, proving once again that Muslims do not have a monopoly on violence. This study has not attempted to analyze those cases. The limited scale of Muslim-American terrorism in 2011 runs counter to the fears that many Americans shared in the days and months after 9/11, that domestic MuslimAmerican terrorism would escalate. The spike in terrorism cases in 2009 renewed these concerns, as have repeated warnings from U.S. government officials about a possible surge in homegrown Islamic terrorism. The predicted surge has not materialized. Repeated alerts by government officials may be issued as a precaution, even when the underlying threat is uncertain. Officials may be concerned about how they would look if an attack did take place and subsequent investigations showed that officials had failed to warn the public. But a byproduct of these alerts is a sense of heightened tension that is out of proportion to the actual number of terrorist attacks in the United States since 9/11. This studys findings challenge Americans to be vigilant against the threat of homegrown terrorism while maintaining a responsible sense of proportion.

About the author: Charles Kurzman is a professor of sociology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and a specialist on Islamic movements. His latest book, The Missing Martyrs: Why There Are So Few Muslim Terrorists, was published by Oxford University Press in 2011. Jacob Filip assisted with the research for this report.


CharlesKurzman,TheMissingMartyrs(NewYork:OxfordUniversityPress,2011),p.13. RobertMueller,testimonyBeforetheJudiciaryCommittee,U.S.HouseofRepresentatives,March16,2011.

JanetNapolitano,UnderstandingtheHomelandThreatLandscapeConsiderationsforthe112thCongress, testimonybeforetheCommitteeonHomelandSecurity,U.S.HouseofRepresentatives,February9,2011.Two weeksearlier,bycontrast,Napolitanocommentedthatourhomelandismoresecurethatitwastenyearsago, and,indeed,moresecurethanitwastwoyearsago.StateofAmericasHomelandSecurityAddress,George WashingtonUniversity,January27,2011.Foradiscussionofthesedivergingassessments,seeCharlesKurzman, DavidSchanzer,andEbrahimMoosa,MuslimAmericanTerrorismSince9/11:WhySoRare?TheMuslimWorld, July2011,pages464483.


CNN,March10,2011. PewForumonReligionandPublicLife,MappingtheGlobalMuslimPopulation,October2009. FederalBureauofInvestigation,PreliminarySemiannualUniformCrimeReport,JanuaryJune,2011.

CharlesKurzman,MuslimAmericanTerrorismSince9/11:AnAccounting,TriangleCenteronTerrorismand HomelandSecurity,February2,2011. CommitteeonHomelandSecurity,U.S.HouseofRepresentatives,HearingonAlShabaab:Recruitmentand RadicalizationwithintheMuslimAmericanCommunityandtheThreattotheHomeland,July27,2011. BertUseem,testimonybeforetheCommitteeonHomelandSecurity,U.S.HouseofRepresentatives,Hearingon theThreatofMuslimAmericanRadicalizationinU.S.Prisons,June15,2011. DepartmentofJustice,IntroductiontoNationalSecurityDivisionStatisticsonUnsealedInternationalTerrorism andTerrorismRelatedConvictions(2010).Thislistisbasedonconvictions,ratherthanindictments,andtheremay bemorecases,especiallyinrecentyears,thathavenotyetbeenresolved. CenteronLawandSecurity,NewYorkUniversitySchoolofLaw,TerroristTrialReportCard:September11,2001 September11,2011,
12 11 10 9 8


TrevorAaronson,TheInformants,MotherJones,August/September2011;datasetavailableat RalphS.Boelter,ActingAssistantDirector,CounterterrorismDivision,FederalBureauofInvestigation,testimony beforetheSubcommitteeonCrimeandTerrorism,JudiciaryCommittee,U.S.Senate,September21,2011. ThesefindingscontradicttheconclusionofarecentstudyofMuslimAmericanterrorismbytheNewAmerica FoundationandSyracuseUniversitysMaxwellSchoolofPublicPolicy,Post9/11JihadistTerrorismCasesInvolving U.S.CitizensandResidents,2011.Thatstudyincluded11casesofterrorismfinancingin2010,inadditiontoviolent plots,butcountedonlyviolentplotsinpreviousyears,skewingthetrenddataandgivingthefalseimpressionthat terrorismwasontherise.

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