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Literal meaning : The word Hadees is derived from the Arabic roots() which means;new Thing, information about some thing and incident. Technical meaning: Information about the sayings, deeds and silence (when some thing is happened in his presence)of the holy prophet(p.b.u.h.)

kinds of Hadees:
Hadees can be divided into three categories; they are Qauli, Faili and Taqreeri. *1-Hadees Qauli: () is the kind of Hadees in which the sayings of the prophet (p.b.u.h.) are mentioned. *2-Hadees faili:( ) is that kind of Hadees in which the deeds and lifestyle of the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) is mentioned. *3-Hadees taqreeri:( ) is the kind of Hadees in which the silence of the holy prophet(p.b.u.h.) is mentioned when his companion did some thing or said some thing in his presence.

Science of Hadees:
It is the science in which we get information about sanad and matan.

Sanad: ()
It is the series of the narrators which are mentioned in the beginning of Hadees to prove the authenticity of Hadees. E.g.

In this Hadees the underlined portion shows the sanad of Hadees

Matan ()
It is the text of Hadees which is mentioned after Sanad. E.g.

In this Hadees the underlined portion shows the matan of Hadees.

Kinds of science of Hadees:

There are two kinds of science of Hadees; they are Ilm-i-riwaiat-ulHadees and Ilm-i-diraiat-ul-Hadees.

Ilm-i-riwaiat-ul-Hadees. ()
It is the science of Hadees in which the knowledge about the text of Hadees is given.

It is the science of Hadees in which the knowledge about the text of Hadees is given. This science is also known as Fann-ul-rijal i.e. the science of narrators.

Difference between sunnah and Hadees-i-faili:

Sunnah is the lifestyle of the holy prophet(p.b.u.h.), while Hadees-ifaili is the channel through which we know about the lifestyle of the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.).

The authenticity of Hadees

There is consensus (ijma) among the Muslim ummah that Hdees is the second source of knowledge after the Quran. In the beginning of the 20th century a sect in the Muslims denied the authenticity of the Hadees. In the beginning they denied those Hadees which did not fulfill their condition. Their criterion was that if the Hadees is not in accordance with reason, it is not practicable. But later some other people completely denied the authenticity of Hadees. The people who denied the authenticity of Hadees are known as Munkireen-iHadees.


Three theories of munkireen-i-Hadees:

The 1st theory:
The first theory is that the duty of the prophet (p.b.u.h.) was confined to convey the message of Allah; he was not supposed to explain the verses of the holy Quran. Neither we nor his companions were bound to follow him. Moreover in order to understand the Quran, Hadees is not essential.

The arguments of munkireen for their 1st theory: 1st argument:

"" It is the verse of the holy Quran which means and we have made the Quran easy, is there any one who learns it? They say that the Quran is quite easy and it does not need any explanation.

The 2nd argument:

"" This verse means I am a man like you, I have revelation It is also the verse of the holy Quran in which Allah taala makes his prophet (p.b.u.h.) announce that he has no difference from the other human beings so his sayings are like the other human beings and they are not worthy to be followed by the people.

Denial of this theory:

First of all I would like to mention our arguments which necessitate the Ahadees of the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) then I would answer the two arguments of those who denied the authenticity of Hadees.

Our arguments: Argument#1

There are many injunctions or incidents which are not mentioned in the holy Quran but they are in Ahadees. In the Quran there are only allusions to them. For example the Quran says: "" This verse means and we did not made it (sending the angles in the battle of Badar) but for good news for you. The incident of the sending of angles in the battle of Badar is not mentioned in detail in the Quran this verse only alludes to it. It means that it is mentioned in Ahadees. Further the Quran says: "" This verse means and when God made a promise that you would have a command over one of the two groups.( either over the caravan of business which was going from Syria to Makkah under the leadership of Abu Sufian or the caravan which was going from Makkah Mukarrama to the battle of Badar under the leadership of Abu jihil). This promise is not found in the Quran; definitely it is

mentioned in Ahadees.

According to the holy Quran the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) was not only to give the message as it is, but he was supposed to explain it as will. The Quran says: "" This verse means and he will teach them the book (Quran) and Hikmat (wisdom). According to this verse it was obligatory upon the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) to explain whatever he conveys. No doubt that the explanation of the Quran is Ahadees of the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.)

Allah taala orders the believers to obey the orders of the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) along with the obeying the orders of Allah taala, Allah taala says: "" This verse means obey Allah and his Apostle this verse clearly tells that obedience to the orders of the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) is as necessary as the orders of Allah taala. And his orders are nothing but his Ahadees.

Injunctions of the holy Quran can not be implemented without the instructions given by the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) in the form of Ahadees because the injunctions are mentioned in the holy Quran in brief not in detail the details are found in the Ahadees. For example the Quran says: "" Which means: and establish prayers and give poor due. Now how to establish the prayers, it is not found in the Quran the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) practically performed the prayers and ordered his ummah: "" Which means offer the prayers as you saw me offering my prayers. Similarly the details of zakat, hajj and fasting are found in Hadees not in the Quran. all these things clearly show that the implementation of the orders of the holy Quran is not possible with out the explanation of Hadees. Therefore Ahadees are essential for Muslims. Now I come to answer the two arguments of those who denied the authenticity of Hadees:

Answer of the first argument:

The Quran has two types of subjects. The first type of subject consists of those which deal with the advises like that of the day of judgment and the fear of Allah e.t.c. and the second type consists of

-5those subjects which deal with injunctions. The above mentioned verse deals with the first type not with the second one.

Answer of the second argument:

This verse is the reply of non-believers who asked the prophet (p.b.u.h.) to show some miracle. The prophet (p.b.u.h.)was instructed by Allah to tell them that he could not do that with out the permission of Allah, as he is also a human like them.

The second theory of those who deny the authenticity of the Hadees:
The second theory is that only the companions of the prophet (p.b.u.h.) were bound to follow the Ahadees of the prophet (p.b.u.h.) we are not supposed to follow him. Perhaps they saw that it is necessary to see a person who is followed. They do not believe in the medium through which we get the Ahadees as it is clear from the 3rd theory which they presented.

Refutation of this theory:

This theory is so invalid that it does not need to be reputed because it means that the period of the prophet hood was limited to the time of his companions (R.A.). and this concept is totally wrong because the Quran indicated to the fact that the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) was a universal prophet. There is limit of time, nation or place. Allah taala says: "" Which means we have not sent but blessing for all the universe. Secondly if the companions of the prophet (p.b.u.h.) required the explanation of the Quran in spite of there deep knowledge of the Arabic language, why dont we need it?

The 3rd theory of those who denied the authenticity of Hadees:

According to this theory the Ahadees did not reach us through authentic medium therefore we are not sure either they are the original sayings of the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) or they are fabricated by some other people, therefore we are not supposed to follow a thing which is not authentic.

Refutation of this theory:

To refute this theory we have many arguments. Some of them are as follow:

The Quran reached us through the same medium through which the Hadees reached us. As Muslim one should not doubt in the authenticity of Hadees as he does not doubt in the authenticity of the Quran.

Otherwise it means that Allah made us bound to follow the Hadees but He did not safeguard it. In this situation the verse of the holy Quran which means: obey the apostle becomes meaningless, as there is no way to obey him with out his Ahadees.

The scholars of the science of Hadees spent all of their lives in knowing the science of narrators and they illustrated the all aspects of the narrators lives. So there is no possibility that some Ahadees are week and the scholars donot know about their weakness.

Compilation of Hadees:
Authentic sources for preservation of Hadees
Apart from printing of Ahadees there are many other sources for preservation of Ahadees which are authentic. Research show that during the period of the period of the prophet (p.b.u.h.)and his companions three methods for the preservation of Ahadees were adopted.

Method#1: hifz-i-riwaiat (learning by heart)

The 1st method of preservation of the Ahadees was to learn it by heart and this method was very authentic. during that period the Arabs had been endowed with extraordinary memory. They used to remember not only their pedigree but also the pedigree of their horses. They learnt by heart thousands of lines of the poems. Two incidents are described to prove it. Incident#1: Hazrat Jafar describes( in saheeh-i-Bukharithat) once he and Hazrat Ubaidullah went to meet Hazrat Wahshi. He (Ubaidullah)asked Hazrat Wahshi if he knew him(Ubaidullah)? He said that he does not know him but many years ago he went to meet Adi bin Alkhiar. In that day Adis wife gave birth to a child. The child was given to him(Wahshi) with the covered body to give him to the governess. The childs body was covered only the feet were seen to him. So his feet resemble the feet of that child. Incident#2 Hafiz bin Hajar writes in his book al-Isaba: once Abdul Malik bin Marwan tried to test the memory of Hazrat Abi Huraira and asked him to recite some Ahadees . Hazrat Abu Huraira recited many Ahadees and a writer wrote them. Abdul Malik sent for him next year and asked him to recite the same Ahadees Hazrat Abu Huraira started reciting the same Ahadees. The writer tallied the Ahadees with those which were written last year. They were surprised to find that every thing was the same, evem the arrangement was the same. So these two incidents and many more reveal that the Arabs were endowed with extraordinary memory. And it was an authentic source of preservation of Ahadees. And it can be relied upon.


2nd method was taamul which means practicing accordingly i.e. the companions implement what the prophet (p.b.u.h.)did or said then they learnt it by heart. Mant companions of the prophet (p.b.u.h.) used to say: I saw the prophet (p.b.u.h.)do like this this method is very authentic. Method#3:(writing) Hadees have also been preserved by writing. Historically writing of Ahadees can be divided into four stages: 1the 1st stage is writing the Ahadees miscellaneously. 2-the 2nd stage is preservation or collection of Ahadees in form of scriptures by individuals for their personal use. It differs from the 1st stage that it is in the form of scriptures while the 1st may be in the scattered form. 3-the 3rd stage is collection of Ahadees with out dividing them into chapters. 4-The 4th one is the collection of Ahadees by dividing them into chapters. During the life time of Hazrat Muhammad(p.b.u.h.) the first two types of collection of Ahadees had been prevalent.

Question: The munkireen-i-Hadees say that during the life time

of Hazrat Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) the writing of Ahadees was not prevalent, rather it was banned. They quote a Hadees compiled by imam Muslim (rahimahullah). Hazrat Abu saeed Khudre (raziallaho anho) narrates; Hazrat Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) said: "" This means: dont write of my words other than the holy Quran, and whoever wrote of my words other than the holy Quran he should delete it. They say that the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) restricted his companions to write only Quran not the Ahadees. If Ahadees had authenticity the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) would have not restricted his companions rather he would have appreciated them. It means that Ahadees are not essential even in the eyes of the person who provided Ahadees.

Answer: the fact is that this Hadees cannot be presented as

evidence because if it has been the case, Hazrat Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) Would have got it written with stress. The fact is that this restriction was only for the early period of Islam. After this period this restriction was removed.

Reasons for the restriction:

1st reason:
The Quran was not compiled in a proper form and it was with the companions in scattered form. So the preservation of the Quran was 1st priority therefore the companions were restricted to compile the Quran.

2nd reason:

The companions were not quite familiar with the style of the holy Quran so they could not distinguished the Quranic verses from non-Quranic material. In these circumstances there was possibility that non-Quranic material might be composed with the Quranic verses. But when the companions became familiar with the style of the Quran they were allowed to write Hadees.

We have arguments to prove that the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) allowed the companions to write Ahadees after they were restricted. These arguments are of two categories; the first category consists of the verbal sayings of the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.). The second category consists of the personal collections of the companions in the time of the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.). The availability of such collections reveals that the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) might have allowed them to write.

1st category of the arguments:

It consists of the sayings of the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) in which he allowed his companions to write ahadees. The first argument: "" This Hadees means: get help of your right hand. The holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) advised his companion to write. It clearly shows that it was allowed in the time of the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.). The second argument: "" This hadees means confine the knowledge,(the narrator said) I asked the prophet(p.b.u.h.), he said writing. This hadees clearly shows that the prophet (p.b.u.h.) appreciated the writing of hadees. The third argument: "" This hadees means write for Abu-Shah. He advised his companions to help their friend, named Abu-Shah. It is the clear appreciation and permission from the holy prophet (saws.) when they were familiar with the style of the Quran.

2nd category of the arguments:

it consists of the arguments which practically shows the permission of the prophet (s.a.w.s.) and they are the collections of the Hadees at that time. Collection#1 "" It was compiled by Hazrat Abdullah bin Amar bin al-aas. It was collection of more than 5300 Ahadees. Collection#2 "" This scripture was compiled by Hazrat Ali (r.a.). He kept it in the sheath of his sword. He did not show it to the people. The reason for hiding of this collection Was his fear the attribution of false and modified Ahadees to the holy

-9prophet (s.a.w.s.), and it is a great sin according the Hadees of the prophet (s.a.w.s.). "" This Hadees means: whoever attributed false things to me, he may build his place in the Fire (of Hell). This scripture contained the Ahadeed about blood money revenge the protected non-Muslims and poor due. Collection#3 "" This is the collection of those Ahadees, which were dictated by Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) Himself. It contained Ahadees abut zakat, ushar and sadaqat. He prepared this collection to send it to the governors of different provinces. But he died before he sends it. Collection#4 "" It was collection of Ahadees by AbuHuraira, which contained 5364 Ahadees. So all these personal scriptures of the companions clearly shows that the holy prophet (s.a.w.s.) allowed them to write Ahadees.

Services of Hazrat Ali (r.a.)

Hazrat Ali(r.a.) was also against quoting of many Ahadees in his early reign and he was unwilling to show his collection to others but when Abdullah bin saba worked against Islam with connivance of the Jews who mixed with the Muslims to harm Islam; to achieve their ends they connected false Ahadeed. Hazrat Ali decided to quote more Ahadees to tackle this problem. So he and his pupils served Islam and the science of Ahadees by quoting more and more Ahadees.

The period of Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz (rahimahullah)

Until the reign of Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz the writing of Hadees was in its limited stages (i.e. miscellanecely and personal scriptures) but the time was ripe for the compilation of Hadees. Because now there was no risk of its mixing with the Quran. So Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz sent letters to all justices of the provinces to compile the Hadees. So the following book of Hadees had been compiled by the end of the first century. (1 ( - kutub-e- Abi Bakar. Hazrat Abu Bakar (rahimahullah) compiled many books of Hadees but before he sent these books to Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz he died. ) 2 - kitab-ul-sunan li-makhool This book was compiled by Imam Makhool (rahimahullah) ) 3 - Abwab-ul-shabi ( It was compiled by Aamir bin Shurahbeel. (Rahimahullah) Second century of Hijra: This was the beginning of the book of Ahadees which were divided into chapters. In the second century of Hijra compilation of Hadees gained momentum. The books of Hadees which were written in this period are more than twenty in number. Famous among them are as follows: (1 (- kitabul- Aasar li-Abi-Haneefa. Imam Abu- Haneefa selected Ahadees from forty thousand Ahadees to compile this book.

) 2 - al-muatta liimam Malik.( In this book imam Malik selected authentic Ahadees.

Third century of Hijra:

During this century the compilation of hadees reached at zenith. During this period the science of narrators got a definite shape. Sihah-e-sitta were compiled. Besides sihah-i-sitta the books written are as follow: (1 (- musnad-e- abi dawood tayalisy. This book was compiled by Abu dawood tayalisy who was other than Abu dawood sajistany, the compiler of sunan (the book which is included in sihah-e-sitta). (2(- musnad-e- Ahmad. This book contains almost 40 thousand Ahadees which were selected from7.5 lac Ahadees. (3(- Musannaf ibn-e- Abiahaiba This book was compiled by AbuBakar bin Abi shaiba who was the teacher of imam Bukhari and imam Muslim.


Many books of Ahadees have been compiled in this period but these six books are considered as the source of knowledge in the science of Ahadees. Sihah ( ) is the plural of saheeh ( ) which means authentic and sitta ( ) which means six. This term means that if a person reads these books he gains a lit of authentic Ahadees which are enough to know religion. Apart from these authentic Ahadees there are the other kinds of Ahadees exist in these six books. And also it should be known that the authentic Ahadees are not confined to these books but they also exist in the other books of Ahadees.

THE SIX AUTHENTIC BOOKS OF AHADEES ( ) Saheeh-ul-Bukhari According to the consensus of ummah this book is next to the Qurn. all the Ahadees exist in this book are authentic. ( ) saheeh Muslim This book also contains only the authentic Ahadees but some Ahadees are stronger than saheeh-ul- Bukhari in sanad. () sunan-ul-nasai This book contains authentic as will as the other Ahadees. () sunan-e-Abi dawood This book was compiled by Abu Dawood sajistani and he is other than Abu Dawood tayalisi. ( ) jame tirmizi It also has authentic & other Ahadees. Commentary on Ahadees with the controversy among the scholars is also mentioned in this book. () sunan-i-ibni maja It also has authentic & other Ahadees THE END .

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