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GENERAL 1 Environmental Policy

Do not destroy any vegetation or disturb wildlife. Collect and return waste to camp each day. Prevent spills by using protection and following fuelling procedures. Clean up and report all spills immediately. Report any archaeological sites or remains found in the work sites. All drivers must be assessed and trained prior to driving any Silver Wave Energy (SWE) vehicle All occupants must wear seat belts. Report vehicle deficiencies to Mechanics Check fuel, fluid levels, tracks, tires, survival kits, first aid kits, fire extinguishers before departure every day. Location of fuel, fuelling procedure to be carried out by fuel person only. Journey Management requires all drivers to complete requirements before travel to and from work sites. If your vehicle does not return within 1 hour after Journey Management Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA), man lost called. Do not panic and stay with vehicle. Drug and alcohol are restricted and forbidden at all SWE premises and work sites. Smoking permitted only at designated area. All issued PPE gear must be worn where appropriate. Return any worn out or damaged gear for replacement. Job Description - discuss contents and ask new employee to sign it to document they understand their responsibilities. Near Miss/Unsafe Condition Report to Supervisor or HSE department. Incident Reporting - All incidents resulting in injury/damage must be reported immediately. Safety Meetings Attendance by all crew members allows for active participation to solve problems. Facilities - Mess, Showers, Toilets, Clinic, Fire Alarm and Meeting Point. As established by camp management First Action, Fire Extinguishers, Alarm, Meeting Point, Fire Team. Clinic for minor illness/injury, Medivac to hospital for major incidents, medical history. Shared facilities - infection, leave toilets clean, wash hands before meals, after toilet. Workshop, Generators, Kitchens. All offices/workshop trailers, sleeping facilities, mess hall & fuel areas. All vehicles. There are some dangerous substances (e.g. battery acid). Do not do any job without a prior permission. Protection from heat, wind & sun in summer.

Transportation Policy

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Drug & Alcohol Policy No Smoking Policy Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) HSE Responsibilities HSE Management System

CAMP SAFETY 8 Camp Tour 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Meal Times Fire Prevention Medical Facilities Health and hygiene Restricted Areas No Smoking Areas Hazardous Substances

FIELD SAFETY 16 General Precautions 17 18 Protection from Elements Heavy Equipment

Dont walk or drive near active equipment without approval from operator. * I confirm that during the induction session I have received instructions on the topics checked above Name: Signature: Date: Start/Finish time: Conducted by: Position:

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