RFCM - Compassion Paster - Dec 2010

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Managing Editor

Sr M Wilberta, BS
Chief Editor
Sr M Lillis, BS
Rev Fr Joseph Martis
Mr Ivan Saldanha
Sr Miriam, BS
Sr M Theresine, BS
Sr M Rose Margaret, BS
Sr M Jessy Rita, BS
Sr M Virginia, BS
1. Foreword - Sr M Wilberta, BS
2. Message - His Eminence Cardinal T P Toppo
3. Message - Most Rev Aloysius P D Souza
4. Message - Rev Fr Joseph Martis
5. Message - Rev Fr Cedric Prakash, SJ
6. Editorial - Sr M Lillis, BS
7. 50
Death Anniversary Celebration of the Servant of God
Raymond F C Mascarenhas at St Sebastians, Bendur
8. Homily of Most Rev Bernard Moras, Archbishop of Bangalore
9. Memorial Programme at St Sebastians, Bendur
10. Presidential Address
Most Rev Aloysius P D Souza, Bishop of Mangalore
11. Religious Fervour and Renewed Commitment
mark Celebration for SD Raymond Mascarenhas
- Fr Cedric Prakash, SJ
12. Memorial Symposium on the Servant of God
13. Relevance of Servant of God Raymond F C
Mascarenhas Charism in Todays Context
- Dr Sr Mariette, BS
14. Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas - A Good Shepherd
- Rev Fr Nelson Dalmeida
15. The Late Very Rev Msgr Raymond F C Mascarenhas
- Editor, Raknno Jan 4,1961
16. The Late Rt Rev Msgr R F C Mascarenhas
Mangalore January 1961
17. Impressions and Memories - Msgr Alexander F DSouza
18. Msgr R F C Mascarenhas as I Know Him
- Rev Fr Frank Mathias SJ
19. Msgr R F C Mascarenhas- A Preacher - Rev Fr Fred Monis
20 My Close Encounter - Joseph Albuquerque
21. Fifty Years Ago.... - G L D Souza & R D Souza
22. Favours Received
23. Eucharistic Celebration in Parishes
24. Homily at Milagres, Mangalore - by Rev Fr J B Saldanha
25. Memorial Programme at Milagres Jubilee Hall, Mangalore
26. 50
Death Anniversary Celebration in the Provinces
27. Inauguration of the 50
Death Anniversary
28. Cause of Beatification in Progress
Bethany Generalate
Kankanady Post
Mangalore - 575 002
8 December 2010
Sr M Wilberta, BS
Superior General
Let anyone say anything, human beings may have shortcomings, but
Monsignor Mascarenhas was a great priest, who toiled for the greater glory of
God through his achievements. May the Lord grant him eternal happiness.
These were the words of the late Most Rev Raymond D Mello, the then Bishop
of Mangalore as he received the news of the death of Monsignor Raymond FC
Mascarenhas. Fifty years have rolled by. Most of those who knew him at close
quarters are no more. But, over these 50 years, the fragrance of his holiness
which emanated from his passion for Christ and compassion for humanity has
crossed even across the seas.
In his faith vision, the Servant of God resembled the Patriarch Abraham.
When the Divine call urged him to start an indigenous Congregation, he waited
no longer. Sharing his idea with the late Bishop Perini he said, I speak as if in

The Lord gave him a longer life span to realize that his foolishness
was the wisdom of God. He saw the flowering of the little sapling Bethany that
he had planted in the year 1921. His love for Bethany was an expression of his
commitment to Holy Mother the Church to whom he lovingly offered the
Congregation that he had founded as a powerful apostolic arm.
The articles in various issues of The Compassionate Pastor explicitly testify
that people from different walks of life are inspired by this great man of God to
live an enhanced Gospel life with genuine love and compassion towards ones
I sincerely thank all the members of the Editorial Board for their labour of
love in finding interested people to write articles and also for spending time for
this noble cause. The Servant of God was an apostle of the Catholic Print Media
and wanted to share the ardour of sanctity flooding his all embracing heart
through the printed word.
May he pray for each of the readers so that the vision of this compassionate
pastor becomes our vision.
December 1, 2010
Ranchi, Jarkhand
Telesphore P. Cardinal Toppo
Archbishop of Ranchi
Archbishops House
P. Box 5, Dr. Camil Bulcke Path
Ranchi - 834 001
Jharkhand, India
Heart-warming accounts of sanctity of the Servant of God, Msgr Raymond
F C Mascarenhas, have been shared by some of his contemporaries and numerous
beneficiaries. Evidently, the significant fruits of the Charism bestowed upon Msgr
Mascarenhas, are being zealously treasured and shared by the Sisters of the
Little Flower of Bethany, whom the Servant of God was inspired to found. Well-
noted for his deep spirtiual integrity and preferential service of the poor, Msgr
Mascarenhas prophetically read the signs of his time. He courageously founded
a religious Congregation for women that would effectively waive the then
regulatory constraints of patrimony. He thus enabled numerous women of humble
economic background to lead a life of Evangelical Virtues and to generously
dedicate themselves to the service of the poor. His intiative was indeed timely,
for within a decade of his death the Bethany Institute increased threefold, reaching
across India and abroad.
Imparting Catholic values through education, particularly to girls, received
significant impetus through the initiative of Msgr Mascarenhas. It helped form
young women not only for responsible motherhood, but also provided them with
a viable option for dedicating themselves through religious life. Additionally,
education helped to cultivate efficient and dedicated teachers who would impart
Christian doctrine in schools and parishes in the remote rural areas. Similar tasks
are being carried forward by the Bethany Sisters, as they are popularly known,
to this day. So focused was Msgr Mascarenhas on the service of Faith and spread
of the Word that he translated the New Testament into local language. He
continued with translation of the Old Testament through his twilight years until
physical infirmity constrained him.
On the 50th Death Anniversary of Msgr Raymond F C Mascarenhas, I felicitate
the Bethany Sisters and pray that they may zealously carry forward the indomitable
zeal and fervour of their Founder. My personal regards to Rev Sr M Wilberta,
Superior General, and all the Sisters. Through the intercession of Our Lady,
whose ardent devotee and beloved beneficiary Msgr Mascarenhas had always
been, may the Lord hasten him to the dignity of the altar.
+ Telesphore P. Cardinal Toppo
Dear Rev Sister,
Celebrating 50th Death Anniversary of the Servant of God Msgr Raymond
F C Mascarenhas is an occasion to thank God for this great visionary and appreciate
the good he achieved as a compassionate pastor and Founder of the Congregation
of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany. Though five decades have gone by
since his death, the fond memory of his compassion, care and concern for all,
still lingers on especially in those who had closely associated with him. It is but
fitting that his Death Anniversary is celebrated to pray for him and to keep his
memory alive.
Msgr Raymond is remembered for what he was and what he accomplished
in life as a committed priest of this Diocese. As a pastor in Udayavar, Agrar and
Bendur he nurtured the faith of the people in the Eucharist and brought them to
Jesus, the Pastor Bonus. He cared for them in their physical as well as spiritual
needs. He went out of his way to alleviate the sufferings of poor people. While
doing so he drew inspiration and strength from Jesus, the Divine Master. He
encouraged vocations to priestly and religious life.
He desired that all children, especially girls from economically poor
background, be educated. It was a time when education could be afforded only
by the rich in society. He founded schools for this purpose and inspired committed
teachers for the job. He founded the Bethany Congregation and education became
one of its apostolates.
We look up to Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas with admiration and draw
inspiration from his life. May he rest in peace and if it is Gods will, may he be
raised to Sainthood!
MANGALORE - 575 003
21 November 2010
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Most Rev Aloysius Paul D Souza
Bishop of Mangalore
V. Rev Fr Joseph Martis
We are all at Christmas season. It is a season which speaks of giving and of
sharing. The highest form of giving is seen at the manger. Here we perceive
that God so loved the world that He gave his only Son. Gods superb gift to
the humanity is His only Son; the most precious wealth God possessed was His
Son and that He gives to humanity. This giving continues in the person of
Jesus. His whole life was giving, giving of everything, including his entire life.
Thus giving constitutes the very identity of a Christian and much more that of
a disciple.
Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas understood this message of the Gospel so
well that he interpreted his life as nothing but a life for others. He began to give
everything God had bestowed on him. He was a man with gifts and talents.
Right from the time of his Seminary training at St Josephs, he shared all that
he had. Selfishness was never found in his life dictionary. He trained himself in
such a way that the Seminary formation was a serious moment of configuration
unto the image of Christ. Everything in the Seminary formation: prayer, work,
games, studies, recreations, etc were moments to fathom the love of God and
to enrich oneself and fashion unto the image of Christ. Every activity in the
Seminary, even the simplest, was valued by him as precious.
As priest, Msgr Raymond was a figure of generosity and love. His priestly
ministry shows that he gave himself. Wherever there was something to be
done to the Lord, he never hesitated for a moment. He never sought anything
for himself. He never counted the cost.
His life was simple. He loved the ordinary folk. He was ready to serve the
common and simple people. When sent to the villages, he was the happiest
man; for there he found the blessed, the poor and the meek. It seems in Africa
someone had learned the beatitudes by heart. A missionary asked him how he
could do that. The answer was simple, he said: Father, I tried to live every
beatitude and thus made it my own. Msgr Raymonds life and ministry was a
radiance of the beatitudes. He lived them. He went about proclaiming them in
his words but much more in his deeds. Today we raise our hearts and minds to
God for the gift of this holy person to the Universal Church and to the Church
in Mangalore in particular. Our humble prayer today is that he may join the list
of the scores of saints who have borne witness to the beatitudes.
St Josephs Seminary
P.B. No. 503
Mangalore - 575 002, INDIA
Ph : 0824- 2437056, 2436489
It is with a sense of profound gratitude and intense spiritual renewal that
we celebrate the memory of the SERVANT OF GOD Msgr Raymond Francis
Camillus Mascarenhas, on his 50
death anniversary.
The legacy which he has left behind can never be measured in human
terms. It encompasses the totality of discipleship with its many dimensions. It
includes a spiritual rootedness, a vision which would necessitate change, a
challenge to run the race with courage and without counting the cost, and
above all a freedom to ensure that the Kingdom of God is established in the
here and now!
Being a true disciple of Jesus is fraught with risks and hardships. Msgr
Raymond took all this in his stride and he never lost sight of the fact that
primarily he had to be A COMPASSIONATE PASTOR listening and responding to
the cries of his people. Jesus, he was convinced, would not have done otherwise.
He never ever flinched from doing all he could to uphold truth and justice, in
the interest of the poor and marginalized.
He was truly a PROPHET-who could read, interpret and respond to the
signs of the times. He feared no one, because of his deep faith in God.
A fitting tribute to this great Disciple of Jesus will be to try to imbibe some
of the stellar qualities he possessed, to make them our own and to communicate
these, by word and deed, to others. Msgr Raymond is also definitely an icon to
be emulated by every priest today.
The Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany continues
his rich legacy in a variety of ways today...In this Jubilee Year there is the
added dimension to do much more. Congratulations to all and very especially
those involved in his CAUSE, for communicating his saintliness to all.
Our prayer is that the Compassionate Pastor be raised to the altars very
Fr Cedric Prakash sj
Fr Cedric Prakash SJ
PRASHANT (A Centre for Human Rights, Justice and Peace)
Hill Nagar, Near Kamdhenu Hall,
Drive-in Road, Ahmedabad - 380052,
Tel :079-27455913/Fax:079-27489018
Sr M Lillis BS
Expounding the theme of Incarnation Servant of God
Raymond Mascarenhas says, It is a pity that we, who are
the objects of that compassionate love, do not understand
its intensity or nature. The saints understood this and made
some return at least. Continuing with the same theme he
refers to St Mary Magdalene of Pazzi in whose heart Jesus
had imprinted the words, And the Word was made flesh.
The life and mission of the Servant of God explicate
that he too had a deeper understanding of the mystery of
the Incarnation. I have often heard from our novice mistress, Sr Esperie that
Msgr Raymond would burst into tears when he spoke of God becoming a human
His deeper understanding of the Incarnation urged him to involve in far-
sighted activities that brought about tremendous changes in the society and in
the life of the individuals. While I was visiting our communities in Dakshina Kannada
last month, I had an opportunity of conversing with various lay people and elderly
sisters who would narrate the social developments and spiritual growth that
have been brought about through the instrumentality of the Servant of God
especially through his educational and pastoral activities among the poor.
I marvel at his pastoral zeal that urged him to cover such difficult terrain
while he was a parish priest at Agrar. Contemplating to have more parish
churches in the neighbouring areas and thus to incarnate Jesus in the hearts of
people, he had acquired property in places, such as, Siddakatte, Nirkan and
Allipade, weathering all the financial problems that beset him.

He gathered all
the means and used all his talents and ingenuity so that the Word takes Flesh
in the hearts of the people. It was this vision that urged him to reach out to the
poor and the needy irrespective of their culture, religion, caste and creed. He
could not resist the power of the Word Incarnate who took flesh in his heart.
He had to be like his Master who emptied himself even unto death.
All the services of the Servant of God were born out of love. The articles in
the bulletin substantiate the same. On a priority basis we have included in this
special issue, the translated obituary that appeared in Raknno, the Konkani
weekly of the diocese of Mangalore, on the occasion of his passing away in
1960, and two of the condolence messages that Bethany received. In addition
to that, the memories of three priests and a lay person of the diocese who
knew him well demonstrate how they were inspired by the example and
the dedicated life of service of the Servant of God. They portray him as a Pastoral
priest Bona Pastor! The homilies, articles and photographs connected with
the 50th death anniversary celebration of the Servant of God unraval to the
readers the spiritual depth of this good shepherd.
Indeed, he was a compassionate pastor who incarnated love and taught
us the lesson of love. May the commemoration of the 50
Death Anniversary of
the Servant of God be a celebration of giving, a celebration of loving.
The Incarnation - A Lesson of Love The Incarnation - A Lesson of Love The Incarnation - A Lesson of Love The Incarnation - A Lesson of Love The Incarnation - A Lesson of Love
Homily of Most Rev Bernard Moras
Archbishop of Bangalore
on 16
December 2010
The focal point of the celebrations was the solemn concelebrated
Mass presided over by the Archbishop of Bangalore, Most Rev Bernard
Moras together with five Bishops and many priests. It highlighted the
50th death anniversary celebrated on 16
December 2010 (in anticipation
of 23 December 2010) at the St Sebastians Parish Church, Bendur,
Mangalore. The Bendur church is a hallowed site, where the service and
memory of the Servant of God, Msgr Raymond F C Mascarenhas, the first
one for Mangalore, are enshrined. The homily delivered by Archbishop
Moras which is reproduced below, will go down in the annals of the Cause
of Beatification of Msgr Raymond F C Mascarenhas which God willing is
His Grace Archbishop Bernard Moras of Bangalore is a part of the
rock that the clergy of Mangalore Diocese constitutes and of which Msgr
Raymond too is an integral part. He is a learned intellectual who as a
seminarian was familiar with Msgr Raymond at St Josephs Seminary.
Archbishop Moras is a son of the soil who has held several responsible
positions and left his indelible stamp wherever he has been. Prior to
becoming the Archbishop he was the Bishop of Belgaum.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We have gathered this evening in this church to thank God for the gift of
Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas, a priest of the diocese of Mangalore and Founder
of Bethany Congregation whose 50
death anniversary we are celebrating.
We thank God for all that he has been to the Church of Mangalore and to the
universal Church. We raise our hearts and minds to God in gratitude and thanks.
In the Bible, the mountain is frequently a privileged place for revelations
of or from God. The fact that Jesus first extensive block of teaching is set on a
mountainside gives it special importance.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew shows us, Jesus instructing his
disciples in the message which was his, and which they were to take to men. In
Luke the Sermon on the Mount follows immediately after what we might call
the official choosing of the Twelve.
For that reason one great scholar called the Sermon on the Mount The
Ordination Address to the Twelve. Just as a young minister has his task set out
before him, when he is called to his first charge, so the Twelve received from
Jesus their ordination address before they went out to their task. It is for that
reason that other scholars have given other titles to the Sermon on the Mount.
It has been called The Compendium of Christs Doctrine, The Magna Charta of
the Kingdom, The Manifesto of the King. All have agreed that in the Sermon
on the Mount, we have the essence of the teaching of Jesus, to the inner circle
of his chosen men.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, Blessed are those who mourn, Blessed are
the meek, Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, Blessed
are the merciful, Blessed are the pure in heart, Blessed are the peacemakers,
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, Blessed are you
when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you
falsely, on my account, yours is the kingdom of heaven.
The beatitudes are not pious hopes of what shall be; the blessedness
which belongs to the Christian is not a blessedness which is postponed to some
future world of glory; it is a blessedness which exists here and now. It is not
something into which the Christian will enter; it is something into which he has
already entered.
True, it will find its fullness and its consummation in the presence of God.
In the 2
reading, Paul takes the armour of the Roman soldier and translates
it into Christian terms :
Belt of truth
Breastplate of righteousness
Sandals, sign of one equipped and ready to move. The sign of the Christian,
eager to be on the way to share the gospel with others who have not heard it.
With Paul, faith is always complete trust in Christ. When we walk close
with Christ, we are safe.
Helmet, Salvation in Christ, gives us forgiveness.
The sword, the word of God, our weapon of defence against sin.
Finally, Paul comes to the greatest weapon of all - and that is prayer. It
must be constant. It must be intense. It must be unselfish. We do well, to
remember that every Christian leader and every Christian preacher needs his
people, to raise his hands in prayer.
All the beatitudes could be aptly applied to the life and works of Msgr
Raymond Mascarenhas. His heart went out for others. He spent himself for
others to establish Gods kingdom of peace and love, while He strengthened
himself with Gods protection as narrated by St Paul in the 2
The late Fr John G Pinto, my Parish Priest was a contemporary of the
Servant of God, Msgr Raymond. As a close confidant of the Servant of God, he
stood by him in various trials and difficulties in connection with his pastoral
works. He wrote his obituary in the seminary magazine UNITAS. He writes:
In the college and in the seminary Raymond was known for his brilliant
talents, and he preferred to carry out in himself the high ideals of the diocesan
clergy and chose the humble life of a secular priest. Even then the light could
not be hidden under a bushel and his brilliant talents brought him to the forefront
wherever he was, as an orator, dialectician and writer. He headed many a
commission, and negotiating mission and made his mark all over India and
there were few among the Catholic clergy and laity who did not know Msgr
Msgr Mascarenhas carried on all these works at great personal sacrifice
and relying on Providence.
He was made a Domestic Prelate in 1955. That honour must have come to
the grand old octogenarian as a relief and recognition for the strenuous work
done by him for God and for the Church. At last the cloud is lifted, said
Cardinal Newman when misunderstood by his own and maligned by those of
the Anglican Communion, Leo XIII gave him the Red Hat. So did the good
Monsignor feel about the rare honour done to him in similar circumstances.
Msgr Marian Castelino, my Director at St Anthonys knew Msgr Raymond
in close quarters.
He was in attendance at Msgrs deathbed and gave him the last holy
anointing. Due to the inspiration of Msgr Raymond, he joined the seminary. He
grew up as his dear child. He was very dear to him and he knew him intimately.
In every event of Msgr Raymonds life, Msgr Marian was inseparable.
In his speech at the birth centenary of Msgr Raymond, Msgr Castelino had
the following to say:
He was a studious and talented boy, and his teachers and classmates alike
admired his intellectual abilities.
He made up his mind to join the seminary for the Diocese of Mangalore.
In his aspiration to become a priest, St John Marie Vianney was his role model.
He chose a quotation from this Saint to be printed on the Souvenir of his
Ordination and the First Mass.
The Priesthood can only be understood in Heaven. If we could understand
it upon earth, we should die, not of fear, but of love.
The quote selected is indicative of his deep admiration for the priesthood
and the patron of priests, St John Marie Vianney, the Cure of Ars.
He could be likened to the Cure of Ars, walking through the streets, the
paddy fields, and the river banks, serving his parishioners. Having spent a lot of
time before the Blessed Sacrament, he had realized that Jesus was the only
strength and consolation to him. This early pastoral practice stood in good
stead, when he had to pass through the way of the cross in later days.
He was a true pastor to the flock. He became member of every family and
they loved him. Fr Raymond was the first one to reach out to them not only to
console but to give them the best spiritual help that was possible.
The concern of Msgr Raymond has personally been experienced by me
when I was Bishop of Belgaum. At a time when nobody cared for the poor
village people, Msgr Mascarenhas sent sisters to various villages in Belgaum to
look after the spiritual, medical and educational needs. Large number of people
were touched and brought to Jesus by the sisters, who brought hope in the
lives of poor people.
The Church has graciously recognized Msgr Raymond Francis Camillus
Mascarenhas as the Servant of God. It is but fitting and proper that we rejoice
on this occasion and thank the Lord for the gift of his person to the Church and
the society.
Born on 23 January 1875, at Shimoga, baptized on 27
, his parents Lazarus
and Joanna were known for their piety and fidelity to the Christian faith.
Raymond had his early education in Milagres Church School, Mangalore
and received his first communion in Milagres Church in 1885. He passed his
matriculation brilliantly with a first class from St Aloysius College, Mangalore.
Raymond entered St Josephs Seminary, Mangalore on 23 February 1891
at the age of 16.
As a seminarian, he was pious and faithful and diligent in the practice of
virtues and in the observance of the rules and regulations of the seminary life.
He was ordained a priest for the diocese of Mangalore on 4 March 1900.
Msgr Raymond was known to be a zealous and holy priest of God, deeply
rooted in faith, hope and charity. Prayer was the breath of his life. A life of
reflection, silence, simplicity, asceticism, and great zeal for souls were special
traits of his personality. He was a holy priest! A great priest who has done
great things for God.
The poor had a special place in his life and he gave generously to the poor,
sacrificing his own needs.
Msgr Raymonds personalized love for Lord Jesus was manifested in his
devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the fervour and zeal at the Eucharistic
celebration as well as devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and devotion to our
Blessed Mother Mary.
Msgr Mascarenhas was an exemplary pastor. People remember him being
punctual to his spiritual duties, especially the liturgy of hours, celebration of
the Eucharist and the praying of the Rosary. He was eloquent, gifted with sharp
mind and a dynamic preacher and was always available to people especially the
He devoted himself to visiting people, preaching, retreats and recollections
and strengthening the faith of believers and proclaiming the Good News to
Much before the Vatican II, the Konkani translation of the New Testament
done by him enabled local people to meaningfully participate in worship and
increased their desire to pray. That was an expression of his great zeal to make
Jesus known to the people. The Holy See lauded his great achievement of the
The Servant of God, Raymond Camillus Mascarenhas was an embodiment
of the compassionate love of Jesus. Propelled by compassion, he preached the
Good News by immersing himself in the lives of the suffering people and engaging
in creative ministries which brought them liberation from various oppressive
shackles especially illiteracy and poverty. The pastoral, educational, social and
medical ministries that the Servant of God initiated brought new life to the
Msgr Mascarenhas was an educationist of his time and visualized education
as the only means to give life and transform the ignorant, especially the poor
and the girls. Primarily for this he started the new Congregation of Bethany
Sisters on 16 July 1921, on the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, in order to
prepare a team of women who would prepare the ground for the transformation
of the society. He was ready to spend his life for the poor and the neglected, so
dear to the heart of our Lord.
His pastoral and humanitarian service has brought joy and comfort to
many. He laboured selflessly. He was a true shepherd to his flock.
Pope Pius XII presented a public token of his benevolence towards Msgr
Raymond in June 1955, for his outstanding service to the Church by conferring
on him the honour of Domestic Prelate.
Msgr Raymond left for His eternal home peacefully on 23 December 1960
and was buried before the high altar at St Sebastian Church, Bendur, Mangalore.
Last 50 years, love and devotion to late Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas has
increased, because of miracles worked and favoures received due to his
intercession. It was but fitting that the Church recognizes the life of this great
man and grants him the honours of the altar. Hence his Cause for beatification
and canonization was taken up and having obtained permission from Rome, he
was declared, Servant of God on 3
June 2008, the 1
stage in the process of
Msgr Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas, the first one to be a Servant
of God from among the priests of Mangalore diocese and from the soil of the
state of Karnataka. As we honour him on the occasion of his 50
anniversary, we pray that God grants him, the honours of the altar soon. Amen.
I wish and pray God to bless the Bethany Congregation and all the sisters
that they live by the spirit and charism of their Founder Msgr Raymond.
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Presidential Address
Most Rev Aloysius P D Souza Most Rev Aloysius P D Souza Most Rev Aloysius P D Souza Most Rev Aloysius P D Souza Most Rev Aloysius P D Souza
Bishop of Mangalore
Bishop Aloysius Paul D Souza was born on June 21, 1941 at Agrar,
Mangalore and ordained on December 3, 1966. He was appointed
Auxiliary Bishop of Mangalore Diocese on January 11, 1996 and later
Bishop of Mangalore. His Episcopal Ordination was on December 27,
1996. He was the first Rector of St Josephs Seminary, Jeppu, Mangalore
when it was handed over to the diocese by the Jesuits, after which he
was appointed the bishop. He brought out the first Konkani Bible, and
nurtured vocations through faith formation programmes in parishes. He
had done his doctoral thesis in Canon Law and had served as the Advocate
of Rota in Rome.
He has taken a great step in leading the Cause of Beatification of Servant
of God, Raymond Mascarenhas and has supported the efforts of the
Bethany Congregation and Mangalorean Catholics. In his speech at the
concluding function of the 50th Death Anniversary the best of the life of
Msgr Raymond and his band of indigenous sisters is brought to light in a
special manner by His Lordship.
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Religious Fervour and Renewed Commitment
mark Celebrations for Servant of
God Raymond Mascarenhas
From the pen of a well known Jesuit of the
Mangalorean community, lover of the nation and soceity,
comes a fitting thumbnail sketch of the 50th death
anniversary of Msgr Raymond on which the Catholic Press
world over based its report. The fact that Rev Fr Cedric
Prakash Lobo, is the son of Conrad Lobo and Cyntia nee
Pereira a grand niece of Msgr Raymond, laminates the
force behind the zeal of the writer in this Cause. He is a
respected speaker, writer and scholar.
Born in 1951, Fr Cedric Prakash, a human rights and peace activist, is
the founder director of PRASHANT, a Centre for Human Rights, Justice and
Peace in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. He is a champion in demanding the rights of
the poor, marginalized and minorities - the vulnarable sections of the society,
irrespective of caste or creed.
This valued Jesuit priest is a firm believer and practitioner of Ahimsa
(non-violence) and Satyagraha (the force of truth). He is a regular visiting
faculty of Colleges, Universities and Seminaries, internationally famous. With
several awards to his credit, a few of which are:
The Kabir Puraskar by the President of India 1995, The Rafi Ahmed
Kidvai Award by Indian Muslim Council USA, Chevalier de la Legion dHonneur
(Knight of the Legion of Honour) by the President of the French Republic in
July 2006, The Minority Rights Award from the National Minority Commission,
Government of India in December 2006, And TANEBAUM - The well known
US-based Centre for Inter-Religious Understanding, named him as one of the
Worlds TOP TEN Peacemakers in Action.
The Compasionate Pastor is previleged to include this valued report for
its readers.
Rev Fr Cedric
Prakash SJ
Hundreds of people from all walks of life honoured Mangalores first
SERVANT OF GOD, Rev Msgr Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas on the
occasion of his 50
Death Anniversary. The programmes were held at
St Sebastians Church Bendur-which was built by Msgr Mascarenhas himself.
The programme began with a Eucharistic Celebration, concelebrated by
several Bishops and priests, was officiated by Most Rev Dr Bernard
Moras, Archbishop of Bangalore. During his homily he highlighted the life of
Msgr Mascarenhas as an exemplary priest, a compassionate human with his
unconditional service to all
This was followed by a public programme at St Sebastian Church Jubilee
Memorial Hall, Presided over by Most Rev Dr Aloysius Paul DSouza Bishop of
Mangalore along with Most Rev Dr Bernard Moras, Archbishop of Bangalore as
the Chief Guest and Most Rev Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo- Bishop of Shimoga, Most
Rev Dr Robert Miranda - Bishop of Gulbarga, Most Rev Dr Varghese Chakkalakal
- Bishop of Kannur and Most Rev Dr Lawrence Mukkuzhy - Bishop of Belthangady,
as the guests of honour.
To make the 50th Death Anniversary celebration meaningful and
memorable, humanitarian projects were launched at this programme in six
Provinces of Bethany Congregation as follows:
Project of Western Province namely Dr Ohms Indo German hospital
extension with Lab, X-Ray and Pharmacy at Chittapur, in the Diocese
of Gulbarga
Project of North East Province namely, Human Resource Development
Centre for tribals at Umsning in Meghalaya
Project Project of Northern Province namely, A Home for the Destitute
Women in Karnal in the Diocese of Shimla-Chandigarh
Project of Southern Province namely, Home for the Destitutes at
Karakundu, in Kannur Diocese
Project of Bangalore Province namely, Karuna Matha Holistic Health
Cum Palliative Care Unit at Gadenahally in the Diocese of Chikmagalur
Project of Mangalore Province namely, Alternative Systems of Health
Care at Shubhada, in the Diocese of Mangalore
In totality these projects summed up the life and commitment of Msgr
Mascarenhas, which was highlighted during the programme
His principles in the uplift of the poor and neglected, without discrimination,
setting up schools, skill training institutes for women, civic facilities and liaising
with the then British Educational Department Madras, in the capacity of Municipal
Councillor, were some of his achievements which brought him deserved
recognition far and wide. The Bendur Church came to a recognizable form in
1931, after which he was appointed the Vicar General of the Diocese, with the
title Monsignor. He however, in the role of the Founder later returned to reside
at Bethany actively steering the task of tending the Bethany Order. In 1955
the Pope appointed him Domestic Prelate similar to that of Knighthood, as a
mark of honour. He resided near the Bethany Motherhouse till his death on
23rd December 1960.The cottage in which Msgr Mascarenhas lived and died is
named Founders Cottage in which are meticulously preserved his memorial
and many of his personal belongings, pictures and books.
The great heroic tasks singularly achieved by this sage of saintly insight, is
the proof of his spirituality. His foresight caused the education and a bright
future for the girl children of his times. As the Founder he was inspired to
organize the first Indigenous Order of Nuns at Bendur - The Congregation of
the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, ordinarily known as Bethany Sisters
(BS) on 16th July 1921.
The Motherhouse of this Congregation situated at Bendur, Mangalore since
its beginning, has risen to great heights. The Founders advocacy radiates Gods
power here; the vibrant leaders within its fold through the last nine decades
have borne fruit beyond all expectations. Today, led by Sr M Wilberta BS, the
Superior General, Bethany has grown and spread to many parts of India and also
abroad. The magnitude of growth since Msgr Raymonds death in 1960 is
phenomenal, with over 1300 nuns, 158 convents in India and 12 abroad serving
many institutions of education, health care centres and homes for the aged
and with much love, commitment and dedication.
During the programme two books TO YOU, MY DAUGHTERS, the letters
of Fr Mascarenhas over the years and KALPABALLI a ballet in Kannada on
the life of Fr Mascarenhas by Rama Venkata Nayak were also released
Sr Lillis, the Postulator for the Cause of the Beatification and Canonization
of Msgr Mascarenhas and Convenor of the Programme, welcomed the dignitaries
and the large gathering. Sr Wilberta, the Superior General highlighted the
significance of the Celebrations and Sr Rose Celine, General Councillor proposed
a vote of thanks!
We are the people of the new millennium. We entered the millennium
with high hopes and expectations. Our progress in the last ten years has been
incredible, especially in the field of education, science, space travel, economy,
information and communication technology etc. Surely, as Indians we are proud
of our achievements. At the same time, this is material progress which is only
one aspect of human progress. In human history, we are also known as a
community of seekers, seekers of God the Ultimate. In other words, we Indians
are a community of pilgrims; our pilgrimage towards the Ultimate has not
confined us to the code, creed and cult alone. As a pilgrim community we are
open to new experiences and new challenges. In fact, every epoch, every
millennium, every century and every moment has its challenges, and human
life consists only in facing them. We have examples of many men and women
who have faced these challenges of their times. Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas
Relevance of Servant of God Raymond F C
Mascarenhas Charism in Todays Context
A learned vision put into words by Dr (Sr)
Mari ette BS was the vortex of the memori al
symposium of Servant of God Msgr R F C Mascarenhas
at St Josephs Seminary, Mangalore on October 21,
2010, a part of the 50
death anniversary. The
contents of this presentation are very relevant for
the present times. The author illuminates on remedial
possibilities for the twenty-first century ills of the
modern world. It reveals that Msgr Raymonds concerns and corrections
were much before the times and his out of the box thinking was hard to
accept for the ordinary person. The refreshing and rejuvenating teachings
of Christ that Msgr Raymond prescribed are astonishing!
The author, Sr Mariette is a member of the Congregation of the Sisters
of the Little Flower of Bethany. She holds a Doctorate in Spirituality from
the Gregorian University Rome. Currently she is the Provincial Superior of
Mangalore Province. In addition to her mission of administration, she is
engaged in teaching at St Josephs Seminary, Mangalore and other institutions
as a guest professor. She renders exemplary service as a member of the
Historical Commission for the Cause of the Beatification of Servant of God
Msgr Raymond F C Mascarenhas.
Dr Sr Mariette BS
Servant of God is one such heroic sons of our Mother India. With single-minded
commitment he responded to the challenges of his times. How can he be a
model for our times? How can he be a model for us Christians today? To answer
these questions, we need to know the challenges that we face today; after
knowing the challenges, we need to allow them to interplay with Msgr Raymonds
charism. When the interplay takes place, I am sure it will create some sparks
within us that would enkindle our flames for a creative response.
We are confronted by many challenges today yet I would like to focus on
five that affect our life significantly.
I. Challenges we Face Today
1. Globalization: Globalization is a process that has been going on for
the past 5000 years, but got accelerated since the end of cold war, 1990.
Positively, globalization has brought the world to our door-step. It has increased
connectivity and net-working, exploded knowledge and information, facilitated
interaction and communication. Negatively, it has resulted in global
fragmentation, domination, deteriorization of moral and cultural values. The
negative impact is so strong that the poor are pushed to the periphery and the
marginalized are thrown out of the mainstream. They are no longer wanted,
much worse, displaced and discarded. Therefore, the worst affected victims of
globalization are the poor and the marginalized who are deprived of economic,
political, moral and social power.
2. Fundamentalism: Fundamentalism is an attitude, an attitude of
intolerance, incivility and narrowness. It is an attitude that says, We have the
truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and we are going to impose it
on you and control you. It is an attitude that hangs on to the fundamentals of
a religion or a world view and interprets them in a literal way. It sees
contemporary science and theology as a threat to its perpetuity. Though
fundamentalism has been in operation in various forms throughout human
history, in recent past, in India we are wounded by religious fundamentalism.
The worst is that it has aligned with power-politics and has given birth to
communalism. It has distorted the essence of religion and religious truths
consequently created fear, anxiety, suspicion and hatred.
3. Gender Inequality: Gender inequality begins from the womb. It refers
to the disparity between individuals, constructed socially and biologically, based
on gender. One of the main causes of gender inequality is cultural stereo-types.
Man is traditionally associated with the bread-winner and his work is valued in
terms of economy whereas woman is traditionally viewed as nurturing and
caring and her work goes unnoticed as it is not valued in terms of money.
Because her work is limited to the domestic world, even basic education is
denied to her. According to United Nations Report, there are currently 100
million children who never go to school and most of them are girls. Gender
inequality has led to various other types of discriminations and as a result,
sexual abuse and women trafficking is tolerated without any guilt. The notion
of inequality is so ingrained that women are relegated to inferior roles in the
4. Corruption: Corruption is a social, political and economic phenomenon.
It weakens democratic institutions, slows economic progress and contributes
to governmental instability. It threatens security and damages public confidence.
It is a manifestation of poor ethical standards. In a word, corruption is unethical,
immoral, and illegal. We are greatly caught up in this web. Name any sector
and we have it at all levels. The recent allegations of corruption and
mismanagement at the Commonwealth Games in Delhi and in Karnataka Politics
are fresh in us.
5. Ecological Crisis: We are at the 11
hour of our Planets existence;
water supply is in shortage; 80% of the forests are already destroyed; several
species of flora and fauna are getting extinct; soil is contaminated through
non-degradable plastic and pesticides, global temperature is rising high due to
the emission of green house gases causing climatic changes; natural calamities
are frequently seen in terms of floods, droughts, earthquakes, cyclones etc.
Yes, the ecological crisis hits all of us, but especially the poor in terms of their
security and survival. The cry of the earth is the cry of the poor.
The above-mentioned challenges of 21
century affect all of us directly or
indirectly. If it doesnt, we are out of place. The need of the hour is that we
confront these challenges both at personal and corporate levels. Facing the
challenges of the day is not easy and none of us want to face the crisis situation.
A century ago a priest of God - Msgr Raymond - has shown us the way. Alert as
he was to his context, nothing escaped his attention. He responded every
challenge that posed him. What was his context and what were the challenges
of his times?
II. Msgr Raymonds Context and its Challenges
The context in which Msgr Raymond lived, dialogued and interacted was
the diocese of Mangalore which was extensively spread in South Kanara district.
Politically, Mangalore then was under the British rule. South Kanara exhibited
different religions, languages, customs and traditions. Religious tolerance and
harmonious co-existence were its special features
The inhabitants of South
Cf. K Ramesh, A History of South Kanara, p. 231.
Kanara were classified into Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Jains. Each religious
group had its own problems and challenges in the socio-economic, political and
cultural domain. Among many challenges what affected Raymond the most
were the following:
1. Lack of educational facilities for the poor in general
2. Illiteracy of women in the rural set-up
3. Denial of entry to the illiterate and economically poor girls to religious
4. Insufficient Catholic teachers to teach Catechism in the parishes of the
In the late 19
and early 20
century, many private organizations and
Christian missionaries started educational institutions but unfortunately they
got confined to Mangalore city and urban areas. Only the elite class benefitted
from them; education was out of reach to the poor especially women.
1. Msgr Raymonds Attitude to the Context
Msgr Raymond dialogued with God about the contemporary challenges
that confronted him. He took to prayer the existential situation of his times and
looked at them through the eyes of Jesus. His faith in God led him to question
the way the society was functioning, sidelining the poor on one side and pushing
women - the one half of humanity - to the margins without paying attention to
their dreams and aspirations. He discussed with God about their plight and was
interiorly moved to communicate to this dejected group that God hears their
cry and has come to set the captives free (Lk 4: 18).
2. Msgr Raymonds Charism: Call of the Spirit
Charism is a broad reality. It cannot be limited to the ministries that a
person undertakes. Ministries are only the expressions of the charism and not
the charism itself. Charism is a gift of the Spirit given to an individual in and for
the Church in a particular context for a particular purpose. To understand the
charism of a particular person, we need to know his/her theological vision and
the corresponding spiritual experiences. Theological vision refers to the God-
concept i.e the dominant image of God which serves as an inspiration and the
particular aspect of the mystery of the life and mission of Jesus. What was the
theological vision of Msgr Raymond and what were his corresponding spiritual
experiences? Once we know this, his charism will be clear to us.
Msgr Raymond was captivated by the mystery of God with us, and God
for us. He was drawn more often to a God of compassionate love. The God he
encountered through Jesus Christ in the Gospels was primarily a God of
He continually sought to contemplate the face of a compassionate
God; consequently he became what he contemplated. His spiritual experiences
confirmed him more and more that Jesus not only dwelt among us but preferred
to be poor, preferred to live with the poor, the left out and the marginalised.
The more he contemplated on Gods compassionate love for the poor, the more
it became clear to him that his mission was to imitate Jesus, who was
compassionate to the poor, the dejected, especially women. He experienced a
call to be a Father of compassion to the abandoned. Compassion meant for
him to suffer in solidarity with the victims and positively to do something
constructive to empower them. From what is said so far, we may summarise
Msgr Raymonds charism thus: filled with Gods compassionate love bring Good
News to the poor, especially, women.
I would like to summarise the charism of Raymond in three capsules:
1. Contemplating the God of Compassionate Love
2. Becoming Embodiments of Gods Compassion
3. Moving from Compassionate Divinity to Wounded Humanity
III. The Sparks: Elements that shaped his Life, Vision and Mission
1. Man Open to God: Msgr Raymond was a man of God. Everyday he spent
long hours before the Blessed Sacrament and confided to the Lord everything
of his life and ministries. Noticing the Godly nature and spirit of prayer in Msgr
Raymond, late Mr V J P Saldanha commented, The very appearance of
Monsignor was God-inspiringHe was a man of prayer and a source of inspiration
to others.
Having read and heard of his Godliness, the late Mrs Louella Prabhu
wrote, Not one, but many admirers mention how often he was to be seen,
reading his breviary on a pile of stones, near the Church, or kneeling before the
Blessed Sacrament with both arms raised aloft in prayer.
2. Man who lived Poverty: His personal needs were bare minimum and so
were his belongings. There was hardly anything that was extra among his
personal assets. He spent all the money that he received either for the poor or
for various types of constructions in the parish for the welfare of his parishioners.
One of his letters gives glimpses of his personal poverty: Personally I am a
M Violette, Unless the Seed Die, p115.
V J P Saldanha, An Interview with Mr V J P Saldanha, on the occasion of the Platinum
Jubilee of Bethany in 1996. Mr. Saldanha was a literary stalwart; he had a distinguished
career as a writer, speaker, dramatist and poet. He was a parishioner of Bendur where Msgr
Raymond was the parish priest for long 17 years.
L Lobo, Footprints on the Sands of Time, p 4.
Cf M Verena (Sr), Interview, 16.06.2005.
poor man and whatever my earnings during the past 52 years of my priesthood
have been entirely devoted to furthering the works of God entrusted to my
3. A Compassionate Father to/of the Poor: Compassion is derived from
the Latin words cum patire, which together means to suffer with. Such was
Msgr Raymonds heart. Never did he rest until he sought an appropriate remedy
for those troubled by the anxieties of life. His compassionate heart was restless
until a troubled heart was comforted and wearied soul lifted up. While recalling
the compassionate heart of Msgr Raymond, a sister wrote: Once I met a girl
in our parlour who was found sad, disappointed and helpless. She told me that
she was denied the admission into one of the Congregations in Mangalore and
was told that only the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany accept the candidates
with minimum education. I took her to our Founder, who not only treated her
with kindness but also accorded a warm welcome to Bethany

4. A Committed Visionary: Visionaries are farsighted people. Far-

sightedness is looking beyond the present moment, in the direction towards
which God takes the lead. It is discovering Gods purpose in anticipation. Msgr
Raymond was a farsighted man with a long-range vision. Western missionaries
regularly came to India from the time of St Francis Xavier and undertook
pioneering missionary activities. He knew that as long as British ruled India
there would not be any difficulty to get missionaries from outside the country.
He intuitively perceived that India in future needs local missionaries and that is
how Bethany was born and so too the band of local missionaries in Mangalore.
Historically Msgr Raymond was living in the Pre Vatican times but his views
were beyond his history. Even before the II Vatican Council, he perceived the
need of the faithful to pray in their vernacular in a language familiar to them
rather than use Latin. With a view to promoting their active participation in
liturgical and para-liturgical celebrations, he translated a number of liturgical
and devotional books, hymns and prayers from Latin and English to Konkani,
the mother tongue of the local Catholics. After his retirement from active priestly
ministry at the age of 75, he translated the New Testament within a short
period of three years. He also undertook the translation of the Old Testament
but died without completing the task undertaken.
5. Man who made a Difference: The existing Congregations in Mangalore
then had a western touch. Their associations were mainly with the western
Letter, 27.10.1952.
M Paupera (Sr), Memories on Msgr Raymond, 28.06.2002.
world, be it in terms of the nationality of their founder, their founding members,
their manner of dress or their customs and traditions. But Bethany was totally
the creation of an Indian visionary. The founder was Indian and so too all its
founding members. Hence its customs and traditions were Indian without
exception. The model that was available to him with regard to religious dress
was the habit suitable for the cold climate of the western countries which was
worn by the religious in India. As against this, he insisted that all the wrappings
around the face and the neck be given up since the Congregation would be
working mainly in India, a tropical country. He insisted that the habit devised
for a colder climate should not be the norm for a tropical climate.
6. Man of Integrity: Msgr Raymond was a man of integrity. At all times he
abhorred compromises and stood for truth irrespective of consequences.
never tolerated cheat, fraud and dishonesty. He was certain that there would
be no slur found with regard to his character even if someone were to check his
personal files. While facing some misunderstanding, he wrote to his Bishop
my whole public Priestly life has been without a slur. All the official files may
be closely examined, and I am prepared to allow my private files to be seen
into, and there will not be found a line written derogatory of me anywhere
7. Man of Concrete Action: Msgr Raymond discerned in prayer that
education would be an effective tool to empower the marginalized. So he got
down to concrete action as early as 1916 by opening a school for the poor in
Bendur parish and thereafter many schools in interior villages. To teach in
catholic schools he needed a band of local missionaries. Following the divine
inspiration, he founded Bethany with the help of the first four local teachers.
Such initiative speaks of his positive outlook on women and his trust in their
abilities and leadership qualities. It also underlines the way he treated them as
equal partners in his project of promoting the reign of God.
8. Man of Flora and Fauna: In a rocky place at Rosa Mystica, Gurpur, he
started green revolution by planting saplings way back in 1930. The rocky
ground was gradually prepared for cultivation. The trees in that campus today
bear witness to his affinity with nature. The concept of garden was very dear to
him; he would refer to it frequently either in his conversation or during reflections.
Amidst other works, he delighted in playing with the soil and engaged even in
daily manual labour. His approach towards the earth was one of respect and
M Hyacinth (Sr), Interview, 02.03.2005; also cf. Panel Discussion, 26.06.2005.
Letter, 11.02.1941.
IV. Fire that kindles: Relevance of Msgr Raymonds Charism in Todays
From what is said so far, this is true of Msgr Raymond. 1. He was open to
the Spirit, he allowed himself to be led by the Spirit and he did whatever the
Spirit prompted him to do. 2. He was a man of discernment. Never did he do
anything without consulting God in prayer. He knew that any initiative that
springs from prayer is authentic and gives life in fullness. 3. He was a man of
the present. The past did not cripple him and the future did not frighten him;
he dared to take the untreaded path, to take risks, risks on behalf of the poor
and the marginalized. He was convinced that taking risks was part of being
We are confronted today by the challenges mentioned already:
globalization, fundamentalism, corruption, gender inequality and ecological crisis.
It is to this context that we have to make Msgr Raymonds charism relevant. A
question, can the charism of someone, given in the past, be relevant to the
present? Before we answer, let us remind ourselves once again the definition of
charism. Charism is a gift of the Spirit given to an individual in and for the
Church in a particular context and for a particular purpose. If it is given in a
particular context and for a particular purpose, can it be extended beyond time
and space? The answer is yes, because charism which is a divine gift contains
not only the present but also the future. In this sense, charism of Msgr Raymond
though given to him in the early 20
century is relevant to the 21
provided it is interpreted and re-interpreted rightly as per the signs of the
Making Msgr Raymonds charism relevant for our times means sharing in
his vision and in his mission. It is to do today what he would have done if he
were to be with us and to go where he would have gone. Doing what he would
do and going where he would go is possible only if we get into his heart, his
world-view and his God-experience.
If Msgr Raymond was to be born again in Mangalore today, how would he
respond to our concerns here? Would he be quiet and inactive when Christian
leaders are not found in the civil administrative offices? Would he watch helplessly
the plight of the migrated construction workers and their children on the road
side? Would he be silent when he sees the garbage dumping ground at
Vamanjoor ruining the health of hundreds? Would he be mute when SEZ
authorities encroach agricultural land and throw out Mr Gregory Patrao along
with his family from his ancestral home? Would he keep his pen inside when
atrocities against minorities take place?
After knowing the world-view that he had, the manner in which he lived,
the direction that he took, the way on which he walked, the emphasis that he
laid and the steps that he took, it is clear that his heart would move with
compassion while witnessing today hundreds of farmers committing suicide
due to ill-effects of globalization, while the poor end their lives due to their
inability to pay the debt on account of economic recession, while the body
organs of the poor are put on sale, while girls and women are trafficked on
flesh trade, while the tribals are displaced to inhuman conditions of living,
while the earth is drying and dying due to human greed. Reaching out to the
victims out of compassionate love is needed today more than ever in this
indifferent and insensitive world.
The God of compassion whom Raymond encountered in the Gospels as
well as in the miseries of people is in search of persons like Msgr Raymond to
get down to concrete action on behalf of the victims of our times; victims
include women, children, dalits, tribals, the unorganized labourers, bonded
labourers etc. As Disciples of Christ, can we rise up and say, Here I am Lord,
send me!
LETTER, Mgr. R.F.C. Mascarenhas to Bishop V.R. Fernandes dated 11.02.1941.
LETTER, Mgr. R.F.C. Mascarenhas to Benefactors for financial help dated
LOBO, L., Footprints on the Sands of Time - A Biography of Rev. Mgr. R.F.C.
Mascarenhas, in MANGALORE: Organ of the Catholic Association, Special
Centenary Souvenir issue dedicated to the memory of Rev. Mgr. R. F. C.
Mascarenhas (1975).
M. Hyacinth (Sr.), Interview, 02.03.2005; also cf. Panel Discussion, 26.06.2005.
M. Paupera (Sr.), Memories on Mgr. Raymond, 28.06.2002.
M. Verena (Sr.), Interview, 16.06.2005.
RAMESH, K. V., A History of South Kanara: From earliest times to the fall of
Vijayanagara, Research Publications Series - Karnataka University, Dharwar,
SALDANHA, V.J.P., An Interview with Mr. V.J.P. Saldanha, in Souvenir Sisters
of the Little Flower of Bethany 1921-1996.
VIOLETTE, M., Unless the Seed Die A brief sketch of the Life of Monsignor
R.F.C. Mascarenhas, the Founder of Bethany Sisters of the Little Flower,
Mangalore: Kodialbail Press, 1985.
It is easy to be a shepherd than to be a good shepherd. A shepherd is, an
appointed one, who works for his own welfare or at the most for the welfare of
his family. He has certain self-centred motives behind his profession. He sees
to all that goes in view of his personal satisfaction. Therefore he treats the
sheep accordingly. Whereas a good shepherd thinks, acts and lives differently.
Selflessness is vividly seen in his motives and attitudes. His primary goal is to
work for others rather than for himself. He thinks about the sheep more than
himself. His attitude towards the sheep is tender, loving and compassionate.
He has care and concern for the sheep. He will die rather than allow the sheep
to die for himself. All these qualities make a shepherd, a good shepherd. As I
would like to portray Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas as a good shepherd it is
proper to highlight the qualities of a good shepherd and consider how Msgr
Raymond walked in the footsteps of Jesus, the Good Shepherd which will help
the reader and others to follow his example and draw inspiration from his life.
1. A Good Shepherd is Genuine and Sincere
Anyone who does not enter the sheepfold by the gate but climbs in by
another way is a thief and a bandit. The one who enters by the gate is the
shepherd of the sheep (Jn 10:1-2). The one who leads cannot lead others in
darkness. He must lead others in light and to light. A shepherd who is governed
Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas
- A Good Shepherd
This article A Good Shepherd examines the works
and qualities of Msgr Raymond F C Mascarenhas, the
Servant of God. Rev Fr Nelson Dalmeida is deeply
associated with pastoral training as a Professor,
Moderator, and Dean of Philosophy at St Josephs
Seminary, Mangalore for over five years. A native of
Puttur, he has qualification from Jnanadeepa Vidyapeet,
Pune. He has perhaps pondered over the life of Msgr
Mascarenhas since he served as an assistant parish priest at St Sebastians
Parish Church, Bendur, Mangalore, established by Msgr Raymond.
Rev Fr Nelson
by his egocentric motives will dissuade the sheep. A shepherd who goes by
sincere and truthful ways will lead the sheep to the right path. Msgr Raymond
Mascarenhas, was a good shepherd to the flock. He remained true to such
qualities in his day-today interactions and in his dealings with others. His
accountability with regard to the affairs of the parish as a pastor and
Congregation as a Founder is commendable. He carried his responsibilities with
the qualities of impartiality and fair-play.
Sincerity was the principle that
governed his life and dealings with others.
2. A Good Shepherd is Compassionate and Affectionate
He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out (Jn 10:3). A good
shepherds heart goes out to his sheep with compassion. Calling by name signifies
that the shepherd knows the sheep well and he has concern for the sheep. His
approach towards the sheep is loving. His concern for the sheep is shown by
leading them to the safer path. Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas life was governed
by the virtues like loving, caring, understanding and especially compassion for
the poor and the needy. He became poor in order to identify himself with the
poor. His visits to the homes and help to the needy in the parishes where he
served brought great comfort and consolation. His passion for charity had no
limits. His heart went out to the distressed and restless. He even several times
urged his religious sisters to have a deep love for the poor and the
underprivileged. He urged them to treat everyone equally and he himself did
His concern for the poor was manifested in his zeal to educate the poor
children by building Educational Institutions and seeking the wellbeing of the
poor through Charitable Associations in the Parish.
His caring and loving attitude
is illustrated in the following sentence. The Founder was obsessed with one
idea: how to bring Education within the reach of the marginalized and the
3. A Good Shepherd is an Exemplar and Model
He goes ahead of them and the sheep follow him (Jn 10:4). A Good
Shepherd is very clear about the destiny. Therefore, he takes lead in leading
M. Violette, BS, Unless the Seed Die: A Brief Sketch of the Life of Monsignor
R F C Mascarenhas. U.S.A:St. Louis Missouri. 1982, 49
M Violette, BS, 62
M Violette, BS, 74-76
Geo Payyapilly & Mary Benedict, BS, Fullness of Life, Bendur: Bethany
Publications, 2003, 29-30
Payyapilly & Benedict, BS, 69
the sheep so that the sheep may reach the goal safely. Jesus as a Good Shepherd
spoke about his mission and also realized it according to the will of his Father.
Msgr Raymond as a Founder set definite goal and objective for the Congregation.
His steadfast faith, life of poverty, humility, dedication, commitment, spiritual
convictions, service and many other qualities became the guiding force to the
Congregation to follow him more closely. He had set definite mission to the
Congregation while naming the Institute as Bethany. He wanted that the
Congregation must involve in the ministry of healing, preaching, catechizing,
social action, caring of the elderly and differently able, the youth ministry and
pastoral apostolate.
In fact, the Founders example is very much practiced in
the Congregation as it is involved in the mission set by the Founder. His exemplary
life also inspired many to join the priesthood. Fr John Cornelio, who was inspired
by Fr Raymond, once expressed thus, The good example he set by his own
priestly life, the vigilant eye he kept on and the timely advice he gave to many
young men must have, no doubt, brought many vocations to the priesthood
among the men of the parish in which he was working.
4. A Good Shepherd is Selfless and Tireless
I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly (Jn 10:10). Jesus
as a Good Shepherd realized the message by giving himself totally for the
salvation of the world. This mission of our Lord speaks of his altruistic motive in
the transformation of the world. Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas selfless nature is
manifested in his life of poverty and love for the poor. His other centeredness is
described as follows: Father Mascarenhas was not born poor by Indian standards
but he made himself poor in order to identify with the people Jesus loved
He had the true spirit of detachment from material things and even if
he possessed anything that was only because of need.
Even to nurture himself
spiritually he practised self-discipline and mortification. This is the best way he
found to realize the will of God.
From the above accounts it is clear that
sacrifice and detachment were the two dominant virtues that governed the life
of Msgr Raymond. By these virtues he stripped off selfish desires leading to all
kinds of comforts and luxuries. This kind of detached life became a great
inspiration for the members of the Congregation to live their life according to
Payyapilly & Benedict, BS, 38
Payyapilly & Benedict, BS, 40
M Violette, BS, 22
M Violette, BS 74
M Violette, BS, 74
M Violette, BS, 76
the mind of the Founder. Certainly, Msgr Raymonds life of poverty and
detachment made visible in the Congregation by practising the life of poverty
and following his directives.
5. A Good Shepherd is Understanding and Loving
I know my sheep and my own know me... I lay down my life for the
sheep(Jn10:14-15). Jesus the Good Shepherd knew the miserable state of His
sheep and to save the sheep He offered Himself totally. His only wish was that
His sheep may have life eternal. Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas love for the poor
and the needy very much prompted him to establish a Congregation for women,
so that many poor and destitute may come to experience the love of God
through dedicated and kind service of the religious sisters of the Institute. His
love for the poor is clearly expressed in his own words. He said, Love all
equally. If one is allowed to have favourites, it ought to be the poor, who are
the least blessed by nature.
He too had great love for his sisters. When he
heard discouraging comments that he was wasting his life for the sisters, in
reply, he said, yes, yes, I think I would give up my life for them. They are the
crown of my labours!
These words clearly indicate that it was his love for the
sisters of his Congregation that kept him alive in spirit and enabled him to work
for them till his last breath.
All can be made or elected as leaders but only a few will become leaders.
This is found true in the life of Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas. He never tried to
pose himself as a good shepherd; rather he was recognised as a good shepherd.
If we examine all these points said above, we get a clear picture that he walked
in the footsteps of Jesus, the Good Shepherd and drew inspiration from Him.
He tried his level best to be like Him. His zeal for the mission constantly invites
Bethany Sisters to imitate him. Msgr Raymonds vision is kept alive by following
his spirituality and keeping his spirit of commitment in the Congregation. His
shepherding mission has reached all the corners of the world through the
religious sisters of the Congregation. Let this great mission be prosperous and
many people come to experience the love and concern of the founder through
the apostolate of Bethany Sisters.
M Violette, BS, 76
M Violette,, BS, 82
The Very Rev Msgr Raymond F C Mascarenhas, Domestic Prelate, Founder
of the Bethany Congregation breathed his last at his residence within the Bethany
grounds, Bendur in the early hours of December 23, 1960. Though he was
enfeebled by old age, he was in a state of consciousness up to five days before
his demise. The sad news of his death quickly spread all over the city of
Mangalore and it reached the entire diocese by midday. Priests, Bethany Sisters
and a large number of Catholics gathered to witness the interment of this well-
known priest, to offer their prayers and to pay homage.
When the Bishop of Mangalore diocese, Most Rev Raymond D Mello heard
the news, he exclaimed, Let anyone say anything, human beings have
shortcomings, but Monsignor Mascarenhas was a great priest, who toiled for
the greater glory of God through his achievements. May the Lord grant him
eternal happiness.
Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas was born on January 23, 1875. Having finished
his schooling at St Aloysius College, he joined St Josephs Seminary, Mangalore
for the training to the priesthood. Since his childhood he was a brilliant and
diligent learner, generous in heart and strong in physique. Quinque talenta
tradidisti milu You had given me five talents, he could say to God. At the end
of his journey here on earth, he could also say joyfully, Et alia quinquo
superlucratus sum and five more I have earned. He worked unceasingly in
At His Death, the Editor of The Raknno wrote
The Raknno Jan. 4, 1961 (English translation)
The Late Very Rev Msgr Raymond F C Mascarenhas
Translated by Gilbert Miranda from the Konkani Weekly, the RAKNNO
(Guardian), of January 4, 1961 following the death of Servant of God Msgr
Raymond, this article brings out in a comprehensive manner the holy and
heroic life he led as a priest of the Diocese.
The RAKNNO is the official weekly publication of the Diocese of
Mangalore established by Bishop V R Fernandes in 1939 soon after the famous
Eucharistic Congress of Mangalore in December 1938. At that very point in
time Msgr Raymond was the Vicar General of the Diocese and was closely
associated with it. The Raknno now has grown tremendously in content and
circulation and goes wherever Mangalorean Catholics can be found world
Gods garden exploiting ably his God-given talents of mind, heart and body,
and he died labouring for the Kingdom of God. God let him see the progress
made by his good deeds and their outcome; like the Patriarchs he witnessed
his spiritual progeny increasing and multiplying.
Magister in Israel
Every priest is an Israelite preceptor in his work, rights and status. But in
this divine calling some excel and sparkle, and the Monsignor was one among
these. In which branch of knowledge did he not excel! He was masterly in
Latin, fluent in English and an erudite lover of Konkani.
The young priest Raymond Mascarenhas worked as a coadjutor to the
parish priest at Milagres-Mangalore, and Milagres-Kallianpur. Even at that time,
he was noted to be a very good preacher and an able administrator. His
explanation of Christian doctrine, his love for the youth, his wide knowledge
and wisdom, his intelligence and perception endeared him to the people.
Pastor Animarum
Every parish priest may be called the pastor of souls. When we scrutinize
Fr Raymonds pastoral labour, we can say without any doubt that he qualifies to
be called the humane priest ready to give up his life for his flock. His first
posting as a parish priest was at Udyavar where he erected a beautiful church.
In spite of the paucity of funds at that time and the deep-rooted poverty of his
parishioners, he took up the construction work of the house of the Lord, and
completed it. He had to borrow money for the work, and took it upon himself to
repay the loans without passing the burden of repayment to the parish and he
surely paid off the debts. From Udyavar he was posted to Agrar (Fonegol), a
vast and difficult parish, as its parish priest. He laboured here ungrudgingly
and even today the parish presbytery testifies to his sagacity and ingenuity.
Mangalore City was waiting for him. A corner of the town at that time and
a barren hill, Bendur, was waiting for Fr Mascarenhas labour for its
transformation. Felicitating their pastor, the Bendur parishioners said, You have
given life to the dry bones. These very words were also found in the song sung
in his honour, and they will always remain a living truth. The arid hill, benda
ooru in local parlance was metamorphosed into a thriving garden of spiritual
and social life by Fr Mascarenhas. Living in an old dilapidated house by the
roadside, and building a shed for religious rites, Fr Mascarenhas began his
pastoral work at Bendur in 1914. Gradually he constructed the magnificent
church of St Sebastian. It is here that he had the opportunity to show his
talents publicly. He organized and developed the parish shrewdly, thus becoming
Adolescentium pater et magister the father and teacher of youngsters. He opened
three schools realizing the importance of Catholic education to the youngsters.
St Sebastians Higher Elementary School, St Margaret Mary Higher Elementary
School for girls, and St Josephs Elementary School for the young ones at
Kankanady. St Marthas Industrial School at Bethany is also the outcome of his
hard work.
Pater Pauperum (Father of the Needy)
He did not use his energies just for the well-being of his parish. He took
steps to give the poor children of the whole diocese a good basic elementary
education, industrial training and higher education. He also had in mind the
spiritual well-being of the adolescents. His hearts desire was to become the
father of the needy. He knew that there were a lot of vocations among the poor
but under-educated girls and these, instead of flowering and yielding fruit,
were just fading away. Most of the religious Congregations requested girls of
higher education, proficiency and ability to bring patrimony. This is according
to their rules and regulations, and one cannot blame them. But many times the
impecunious girls found it difficult to join such Congregations. The tender-
hearted Fr Mascarenhas wanted to give the necessary training to such poor
girls so that they could get the opportunity to join a religious Congregation. He
remembered Bethany in the life of Jesus who took the two indigent but chosen
souls into the love of His heart, leading them towards holiness. In the same
way this zealous priest of Jesus, founded his Bethany in 1921, in a hidden
corner of Bendur. It provided a haven for girls, mostly poor ones, desiring to
live a religious life and also gave them an opportunity for training as Catholic
religious teachers of primary schools. That small Bethany has grown big today.
The Marys and Marthas of this Bethany heighten the glory of God in various
parts of the Lords garden. They are involved in educational and other apostolic
and missionary activities, not only in the diocese of Mangalore but also in
Indias many other dioceses. God granted him the happiness of seeing the
growth of Bethany, its development and spread.
Vicar General of the Diocese
Bishop Victor Fernandes had seen the wisdom and ability of Fr Mascarenhas
when he was the assistant of Fr Mascarenhas. To help him in his difficult
administrative work, he appointed Fr Mascarenhas his Vicar General in 1931
and took him to the Bishops house at Kodialbail. When Fr Mascarenhas retired
from that position, he went back to Bethany.
In between his pastoral duties and work, Fr Mascarenhas was also involved
in other activities of responsibility. He was the President of the Mangalore
Provident Fund, a Municipal Councillor, the Officialis of the diocese and a member
of the Catholic Board of Education. He was also involved in many other social
activities, giving advice where necessary.
A Lover of Konkani and the Apostle of the Catholic Print Media
If we consider the various books written and published by the Monsignor
for the well being of souls, and not for name and glory, he can be called The
Apostle of the Catholic Print Media. He wanted others to share in the ardour of
sanctity flooding his all-embracing heart through the print media. Adoration of
the Blessed Sacrament and ardent devotion to Mother Mary were his two
passions. He has written many poems and hymns in Konkani in honour of the
Blessed Sacrament. In order to promote and advance the devotion to Mary, he
translated two Offices of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He published many tracts
including the devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturdays and The Imitation
of Mary in Konkani. Through the Konkani translation of the Masses for the
Dead and the Office, he had made the participation of people in the official
worship of the Church much more meaningful. His great written composition
was the translation of The New Testament into Konkani. The Konkani community
will be greatly indebted to the Monsignor for this patient labour of his.
Papal Honour
The Bishop of Mangalore, Most Rev Basil Peres, recognizing Msgr
Mascarenhas toilsome life, recommended and received for Msgr Mascarenhas
the honour, Domestic Prelate, granted by the Holy See. The Pope had appreciated
the selfless service of this great priest and granted him the membership of the
papal household.
Rt Rev Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas is no more, but his memory will remain
with us through his achievements. He deserves to be called lovingly and
respectfully, the great son of the Catholic Church of Mangalore and also of the
Konkani Community. May the merciful Lord who understands human weaknesses
grant His mercy to His kind hearted and zealous priest.
May the Lord grant him eternal rest. Amen.
On December 23 there passed away at the Bethany Convent, Bendore, at
the age of 85, the Rt Rev Msgr R F C Mascarenhas, the revered founder of the
Order of the Bethany Sisters, so well-known in the Diocese of Mangalore and
even outside.
Msgr Mascarenhas claim to remembrance rests not only on his founding
and nurturing a sisterhood, which has rendered such self-sacrificing service to
the cause of education, especially among the poorer sections of the community,
but also on his great qualities of head and heart. From his very boyhood and
early youth he displayed that bias for learning and eloquence and that facility
for clarity of thought and expression which he kept to the end of his days.
He was a great writer. He wrote several religious books in Konkani and
translated the New Testament also into Konkani. He was a great builder of
churches, as is borne out by the churches which he built at Udyavar and Bendore.
But he was also a great organizer, as is shown by his excellent organizations of
the Bendore Parish of which he was the parish priest from its very inception
The Late Rt Rev Mgsr R F C Mascarenhas
Mangalore January 1961
Reproduced from the January issue of Mangalore, the organ of CASK
((Catholic Association of South Kanara) soon after the demise of Msgr
Raymond Mascarenhas on 23 December1960, this obituary brings to the
surface the awe and affection of the people of Kanara towards the Servant
of God Msgr Raymond.
CASK was started in 1914 under the guidance of Bishop Paul Perini,
the Italian Jesuit prelate of Mangalore with the patronage of several local
Catholic stalwarts. Its monthly organ Mangalore commenced publication
in 1927. A great value and credibility is attached to it and it still has readers
the world over with a large circulation.
At the time this obituary was published its President would have
been Chev L C Pais, who had penned a tribute to Msgr Raymond on his
diamond Jubilee in 1950. It is of special note that Msgr Raymond
Mascarenhas himself was the President of CASK for ten years from 1931 to
1941, at a time when he was the Vicar General of Mangalore Diocese.
and where he continued as parish priest until his elevation as Vicar General of
the Diocese.
A man of tremendous energy, indomitable tenacity of purpose, of vast and
varied learning, and of matchless eloquence whether in English or in his own
mother-tongue, he has attained a reputation almost legendary. He may be said
to be the last of the old guard of veteran priests, who were responsible for
making the Mangalore Diocese fit to be governed by her own diocesan clergy.
Msgr Mascarenhas had no doubt his defects, as which of us have not? But
his defects were never those of a petty nature. He was not self-seeking or
money-grabbing or family favouring. He was literally consumed with zeal for
the house of the Lord, and that zeal sometimes carried him beyond the bounds
of prudence and moderation. But these faults are likely to be dwarfed with the
passage of time.
The magnum opus of Msgr Mascarenhas, as stated above, was the
foundation, the maintenance, and the development at great self-sacrifice of
that sisterhood known as the Bethany Sisters. He had to begin from the scratch.
He had to find human material to start this pioneering work. He had to find
finances to build the schools and orphanages of the newly formed sisterhood.
He had to meet opposition not only from the laity but even some of the clergy,
who looked with suspicion upon the formation of one more religious order for
women. But Msgr Mascarenhas had the satisfaction of seeing at the end of his
long life his work and worth recognised by one and all. May his soul rest in
During the day we should make
frequent acts of spiritual
communion so as to keep our
Lord constantly within us.
-Msgr R F C Mascarenhas
My Impressions and Memories Regarding
Msgr Raymond F C Mascarenhas
A revealing and inspired view of a multifaceted
popular pastor of Mangalore Diocese. This unique view
of this senior clergy member who is a contemporary
of Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas throws light on the
worth and calibre of the Servant of God. Msgr
Alexander D Souza was also a Msgr and Vicar
General (1972 to 87). Born in Puttur on May 29,1926,
and ordained on March 23,1952, he obtained a
Doctorate in Sacred Theology from Rome in 1958
which is among his many academic achievements. He held a long list of
important and sensitive positions in the Diocesan hierarchy including the
Director of Fr Mullers Hospital, Kankanady and President Konkani Sahitya
Academy and made a mark in the history of the Church. Msgr Alexander is
highly respected today and resides at the Senior Priests Home in the St
Anthonys campus at Jeppu, Mangalore due to his frail health.
R F C (for short) was personally known to me from 1952-1960. When I
was an Assistant Parish Priest at Bendur from 1952-55, he was putting up at
Bethany, Bendur, chaplains quarters. I was always happy to see him and talk to
him. He was a venerable figure and a man of solid faith and deep prayer. He
was in his eighties at that time, but his memory was sharp, and intellect quite
clear. A man widely read with a fund of knowledge on a variety of subjects. It
was a pleasure to listen to him.
He was not talking of his achievements and his merits. He was simple and
humble. I never heard him talk ill about anyone, although there were persons
who did not think kindly of him.
He was a renowned preacher in his younger days. I have heard persons
recounting his sermons. His knowledge of scripture was well appreciated. He
translated the New Testament into Konkani.
His zeal for God and His Kingdom was of high order. He spent himself
doing good in all the places he went to as a parish priest. It was this zeal that
-Rt Rev Msgr
F DSouza
prompted him to start the Bethany Congregation, whose motto also is to serve
the poor and needy especially by imparting education to them. He was
responsible to start several schools.
He was soft spoken, but every word of his was like a gem. He had clear
mind and also far-sighted thinking. He had strong opinions no doubt. Probably
due to that quality of his, he met with opposition and misunderstandings. It
cannot be construed as his defect, because all saints and illustrious personalities
held their opinions strongly, and succeeded well.
Like all saints, he was misunderstood and had to face criticism and
opposition from many. He bore everything bravely with full trust in the Lord.
However, he succeeded in his endeavours, and the Church appreciated his
work by making him a Monsignor, a title of dignity which he wore with humility
and yet so befittingly. All who knew him were happy to see him wearing the red
His talents were multifarious. He had expertise in raising buildings. Bendur
church is a real monument to his architectural talent. When I was serving at
Bendur, first as Assistant, and later as the Parish Priest, I found the church a
real inspiration to people who came into it to pray or for a service.
It is worthwhile to take up his Cause for canonization. He was really a
saintly man, a zealous pastor, a true missionary, a person who spent his whole
life doing good to others. His life inspires all as a great Diocesan Priest, a
Pastoral Priest.
This indeed is the work of God.
But as we have no resources, we
must have confidence.
-Msgr R F C Mascarenhas
Msgr R F C Mascarenhas as I Know Him
- Rev Fr Frank Mathias SJ
Fatima Retreat House, Mangalore.
As a teenager in the Parish of Bendur, Fr Frank retains a lucid impression
of Msgr Raymond which he conveys in this piece. Fr Mathias SJ was born on
November 5,1919 and had his schooling at St Aloysius the alma mater of
the Servant of God and other common ground has enabled an insight to Fr
Frank who is a highly qualified professor in many a Jesuit institution and is
very popular even today. After retirement in 1976 he gave his famous retreats
and he is a great reader and writer and he still leads a fruitful life at Fatima
Retreat House Jeppu, Mangalore.
When I was a high school student, he was my parish priest at Bendore.
A man of few words, respected by all. I remember him mostly in his black
cassock a man of prayer and simple life. His residence was a small cottage
just inside the right side gate as you face the church. We looked upon him as a
man of prayer and ideas.
The Motherhouse of the Bethany Congregation was just outside the Bendore
Church compound. As he was the Founder of the Bethany Congregation, after
his term as parish priest he took up residence in their compound just across the
road leading from the convent to the cemetery.
And now began a period of plenty of trials and oppositions from some of
the clergy and laity. It was his spirit of prayer that helped him tide over crisis
over crisis.
A big trial came when he was told that the Bethany Novitiate had to be
shifted away from its existing place. He accepted this hard decision as coming
from God. Providence came to his rescue. He started with a small plot at
Kaikamba, which, as far as my information goes, was given as dowry to one of
the Sisters.
With this vision and foresight and trust in Providence, he went on gradually
acquiring the adjacent plots. Till today the Bethany Congregation has one large
piece of land along the Mangalore-Karkal road, which accommodates the
Novitiate, a spacious convent, Rosa Mystical Chapel, a high school, a Teachers
Training School, an orphanage, hostel, chaplains quarters, a mango and coconut
Msgr Mascarenhas was not spared of trials.
I knew the Kaikamba property before the sisters occupied it. It was a
wilderness. Today it is a place of prayer, blooming with fruit, flowers and human
activity a testimony to one mans total trust in God.
As youngsters, we were inspired by his example and dedicated life of
service. His inspiration continues to work wonders in the Congregation and in
the lives of his devotees today.
To the best of my memory it was the year 1935. The month I cannot
recall. I was aged 12-13 reading in the II Form at Moodbidri. I knew that the
next year I would be admitted to St Aloysius English Medium School in Mangalore.
Hence, I availed myself of the last chance to attend the mission retreat in our
parish church at Alangar. The preacher was well known to me. In his sermon
on death he exhibited a human skull to the audience. It was indeed quite
impressive. In my early years, having met several priests who were visiting my
dad and mom, I was getting a vocation to the priesthood I was feeling like
becoming a retreat preacher
Next year I was in III Form at St Aloysius Middle School in Mangalore. On
a certain day I was on the Hampankatta Maidan (known as g e z)
participating in the Mangalore Diocesan Eucharistic Congress listening to an
exceptionally eloquent preacher. It deeply moved the listeners even young
teenagers like me! The giant form, flowing beard, piercing voice, imposing
personality, excellent language, splendid diction, heavenly composure and the
divinely inspired ideas! Well, such a great preacher indeed made a deeper and
An octogenarian priest of Mangalore Diocese
shares here his study and observations on Servant
of God Msgr Mascarenhas over a period of time. He
entered the St Josephs Seminary in 1941 just as
Msgr Raymonds office of Vicar General ended and
Msgr associated himself fully with his institutions.
He has a close view of the august personality that
was Msgr Raymond. He says that as a lad of 11 or
12, he had the opportunity to do Msgrs retreats which inspired his vocation
to the priesthood. Born in October 1923, he was the Vicar of the famous St
Lawrence Pilgrim Centre, Karkal, and in 1978 of Urwa. He has opened
many schools, and is well known as a conductor of Pilgrimages to the Holy
Land and so on, making him a widely travelled priest. Fr Fred retired from
active ministry in April 1999 and he resides happily being useful at St
Anthonys Home for senior priests at Jeppu, Mangalore.
Msgr R F C Mascarenhas A Preacher
- Rev Fr Fred Monis
lasting impression on me than the earlier retreat sermons I spoke of. This very
first sermon of his which I heard so much impressed me that it took hold of my
entire being. I quote it here below:
Tantum Ergo Sacramentum veneremur cernui - .: : :t: .c::t
= :. . .:c t c. .:=c .: : . -:c t : :- . t :
^ : : ., :-:., c:c, :/ :c t : ^ : : : .
.: :: . -:c : .: : . - c :c c :.: : . -:c =
:c, = :::c, = .t . .:c, =c. . / .:c c :=,
/:= : c:c: : c :c... = :. . .:c t c. .:=c . -:c
= : :. = =c : :. ::t: :c: :. t c. .:=c... =
: :. . -:c = . :: t .. . , = . :: -:: : - . .
^.:. . . ::, . . :.:, . . . t , .: t: / : ...
(Translation) Tantum Ergo Sacramentum veneremur cernui- Before this
Sacrament so great, let us bow in adoration. And how great? As great as God
Himself. And how great is God? He is all powerful, Almighty, All Perfect, Creator
of heaven and earth. So then, let us prostrate ourselves in adoration before
such a great Sacrament. In the first place, let our soul with all its powers,
intelligence, knowledge, and understanding lie prostrate before Him in humble
Could I say I fell in love with him? You would like to hear his name- Rt Rev
Msgr R F C Mascarenhas- sometime the Vicar General of the Diocese of
Then on, I saw him now and then, here and there, and later on even in
the St Josephs Seminary which I joined on June 30, 1941.
EDITORS NOTE : With a view to rationalize the reference No of this
publication in the future, it has been decided to indicate serially the number
of the issue on the front cover.
It is indeed remarkable that I encountered in person, a future saint, Msgr
Raymond F C Mascarenhas, now the first Mangalorean to be elevated to the first
steps towards sainthood. The impact is deeply etched somewhere in my mind.
Hindsight enables me to see that it may have had an undetermined degree of
influence through my cherished life.
My parents Raymond and Elize belong to the well known Albuquerque family
of Bolar and I was born in 1922, spent my childhood in Bolar and for the last few
years have returned here to reflect on my sunset years. I married Laurel Tauro
(who passed way here in 2004). She was a grand-niece of Msgr Raymond, grand
daughter of his brother Dr Simon Mascarenhas of Fr Mullers fame. Shortly after
our wedding in 1953, we paid a memorable visit to uncle Raymond at his retirement
cottage near Bethany. My wife was very solemn at the prospect of the visit. Only
after meeting this towering personally I did feel the aura and holy disposition.
Now seeing his pictures he becomes more real to me.
Msgr Raymond, frail but confident, received us in the cottage affectionately
and any awkwardness for us as a young couple disappeared. His deep mellow
My Close Encounter with Servant of God
Msgr Raymond F C Mascarenhas -1953
Joseph Albuquerque
This brief experience animates and brings out in
a subtle manner a confirmation of what is often heard
from those who knew Msgr Raymond, the human
concern of our Servant of God. Mr Joseph Albuquerque
married Laurel Tauro, the granddaughter of Dr Simon
Mascarenhas, the younger brother of Msgr Raymond.
Laurels family had ample reason to enjoy the doting
affection of Msgr Raymond.
Mr Albuquerque born into the Tile King family of Bolar in 1922 almost
90 years now, has a lucid memory, particularly of his visit with his bride
Laurel to grand uncle Raymond at his cottage at Bendur. After a lifetime in
Mumbai and the writers wife Laurel having passed away, he now spends his
days reminiscing the great times of his childhood in Bolar and of serving
Mass of several great priests including Msgr Raymond at Rosario Cathedral,
voice greeted us, then enquired after the near and dear ones. Without waste of
time he gave us his blessings and his words of reflection always moved us and
have left an invisible trail through life. He said in Konkani something to the effect
Pole Putha, Chatrai Kar, ani sadanche therse matr chukai nakat. Soma randun
ye brutak sarke kaunk/jeunk di. Dev Boren Korun (Dear child, remember, never
miss reciting daily rosary, cook well and feed the brute well. God bless you). His
light hearted remark brought out his practical thinking for prayer and human well
being and treasured in our hearts always. Prayer and well-being followed us
throughout our lives and still keeps me on the journey. We shared the light and
peace he brought us with many others too. May Msgr Mascarenhas be raised to
the altar of saints and inspire us all.
His unforgettable expressive face hidden behind the flowing beard also brings
older memories of the times in the 1930s he used to be seen at Rosario Cathedral
with the Bishop, for he was then the Vicar General. I recall serving Mass as a
young lad at Rosario Cathedral. These memories have probably paved the way
for both of us to glorify the Lord!
I know I am a poor economic risk, so I dont
ask you take my word. But trust in the Lord
who has worked miracles for people less generous
than you are. On my part, I will tell our
Blessed Mother that you have no wine and I
know she will do something to get her Son to come
to your aid.
-Msgr R F C Mascarenhas
Very Rev and dear Mother,
I thank you most sincerely for the message sent me concerning Rt. Rev.
Monsignors demise. The circumstance however, of the day being fixed for
confession of children and youngsters prevented me from attending the funeral.
Nevertheless, I published in the church about the passing away of the great
man and all of us are praying for the repose of his soul.
In this connection I may mention that I had great admiration for the
superb qualities of his head and heart. He was veritably an intellectual giant.
Like another King Saul, he was by head and shoulders higher and taller than
any of the people in our midst. Just last Tuesday when some priests met together
at Karkal Town Church in connection with the First Mass of a newly ordained
Priest, a priest advanced in years and merits and work for church regretted
very much that mother India has not produced many persons with such
outstanding abilities and achievements. He was conversant with every subject
under the sun and could discuss, speak and write on any theme in a facile way.
I had the privilege of being his parishioner and penitent too. As such I owe him
much. Perhaps, I would not have been a priest to-day had it not been for him.
I shall still remember him and pray for him.
Your loss, however, is greater still, he being the Founder of the Institution
of which you are a member. The seed that he sowed and reared against all
odds, nurtured and nourished and fostered by him, has blossomed and grown
into an immense tree, spreading its branches all over and emitting a sweet
odour that captivates and entices many a passerby under its shade. All that
credit goes to the beloved person that has irretrievably left us. While I offer you
and your sisters in Religion very heartfelt condolences, let us pray that God
may rest his soul and grant us the happiness of seeing him in the Resurrection
of the dead.
Yours in the Infant Jesus
Sd/ - G L D Souza
St. Dominics, Miyar P.O.,
Via Karkal, S. Kanara
December 1960
The letter is written from Miyar by Rev Fr Gratian L D Souza, a week
after the death of Msgr Raymond, to Mother General of the Bethany Sisters,
Mother Macrina. It serves the purpose of bringing to the fore some special
aspects of a beloved person as the writer puts it and compares Msgr
Raymond to another King Saul. The writer was a priest of the Diocese of
Mangalore who was ordained in 1931 just as Msgr Mascarenhas was assuming
the role of Vicar General; therefore there would have been a close rapport.
Fr Gratian was born in 1903 and joined the Seminary in 1922. As a priest he
served at Bantwal, Cathedral, Kasaragod, Siddakatte, Ferar, Miyar, Gurpur
and so on. He passed away on December 3, 1994. He expressly attributes
his vocation to the Servant of God, and adds that he was his parishioner
and penitent.
50 Years Ago...
January 1961
Dear Rev Mother,
I learnt with deep regret the sad news of our dear Venerable Monsignor,
the Doyen among the clergy of Mangalore Diocese, an Octogenarian and an
outstanding Spiritual Figure.
Your air-letter of 28
December 1960, gave me further news of our dear
Fathers demise, for which I thank you sincerely.
The news was conveyed to me first by my spouse who is in Mangalore and
who attended the funeral and wrote me stating that our dear Venerable Father
appeared like a Saint in the coffin and that she did not feel like praying for him
but praying to him. It is a matter of satisfaction to note that he has been buried
in the church of St. Sebastians amidst his ex-parishioners.
By the death of our Venerable Father, an epoch-making event in the history
of our Parish has come to a close. The Light has flickered away.
By his death, Mangalore lost a great Soul, a devout Priest, an untiring
Pastor, an undaunted Leader and Founder, an opulent Personality, a brilliant
Orator, an Admirer of orderliness and beauty in ceremonies, and above all, a
man of God.
May good and merciful Lord give him eternal rest and happiness by granting
him remission of his sins and may he be counted among His Holy ones in
Our dear Father went to his heavenly home, where our Lady, whose devotee
he had been, will be waiting for him together with his dear ex-parishioners,
young and old, who left this world earlier, to welcome him and there will be
rejoicing and gaiety over his joining them. May God grant us the joy of the
resurrection of our body and the happiness of meeting our Pastor in the life to
come. Amen.
Wishing you and your Community a very happy and a bright New Year,
I remain,
Yours in Christ,
Sd/- R D Souza
Water & Gas Div.,
Electricity Dept.,
Post Box Nos. 12 & 54,
This gentleman had been a member of St Sebastians Parish, Bendur,
Mangalore when Msgr Raymond was the Vicar there. He had a great love
for the Servant of God and was a regular correspondent. The letter is
addressed to Mother General, Mother Macrina, BS, and is sent from Kuwait
on 8th January 1961. The warm concern of the laity for Msgr Mascarenhas
and his institutions is made visible.
Favours Received from 2002 to 2007 through the
Intercession of the Servant of God Raymond
F C Mascarenhas and Published in Raknno,
the Konkani Weekly of Mangalore Diocese
2002/1 Thanks to Msgr R F C Mascarenhas for the favours received.
- Veera Monteiro
2002/2 Thanks to Rev Fr R F C Mascarenhas, the founder of Bethany for
the favours received.
- Juliana Fernandes, Sagar
2002/3 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr RFC Mascarenhas.
My sincere thanks to him.
- Kiran Oliver
2002/4 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr R F C
Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him.
- Superior, Ave Maria Convent, Sirsi
2002/5 Thanks to Msgr R F C Mascarenhas for the favours received.
- Sr Surekha, BS, Bethany Convent, Bendore
2002/6 Thanks to Msgr R F C Mascarenhas for the favours received.
- Sr Christella, BS, Bajpe
2002/7 Thanks to Msgr R F C Mascarenhas for the favours received.
- Sr Maxim and Sisters, Bethany Convent, Kable
2002/8 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr R F C
Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him.
- Sr Severine, BS, Puttur
2002/9 Thanks to Msgr R F C Mascarenhas for the favours received.
- Sr Gerosa, BS
Jyothi Nilaya, Bangalore
2002/10 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr R F C
Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him.
- Sr Sharon, BS
2002/11 Thanks to Msgr R F C Mascarenhas for the favours received.
- Sr Gliseria, BS, Mudigere
2003/1 Thanks for the intercession of Msgr R F C Mascarenhas for obtaining
a job for my nephew.
- Sr Lillis, BS
2003/2 We offer our most sincere thanks to God for the favour received
through the intercession of Msgr R F C Mascarenhas.
- The Sisters, Sacred heart Convent, Ludhiana, Punjab
2003/3 Thanks to Msgr R F C Mascarenhas for the favours received.
- C R F Puttur
2003/4 Through the intercession of Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas my son
recovered from his ulcer. May he be completely healed. My grateful
- Frederick Menezes, Lower Bendore
2003/5 Through the intercession of Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas a cancer
patient was healed. My grateful thanks to him.
- Mrs Monica Pinto, Mulky
2004/1 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr R F C
Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him.
- Sr Michelle, BS, Vamanjoor
2004/2 Thanks to Msgr R F C Mascarenhas for the favours received.
- Alice DSouza
2004/3 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr R F C
Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him.
- Sr Veronica Menezes, Mother of Mercy Convent, Gadenahally
2004/4 Thanks to Msgr R F C Mascarenhas for the favours received.
- Bethany Community, St Raymonds, Vamanjoor
2004/5 Thanks to Msgr R F C Mascarenhas for the favours received.
- Sr Theresild, BS, Kalpetta, Kerala
2005/1 Favours received from Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas for a peaceful
settlement of a problem.
- Bethany Sisters, Eudes Convent, West Hill, Calicut
2005/2 Thanks to Msgr R F C Mascarenhas for the favours received.
- Sr Grace Ida
2005/3 Thanks to Msgr R F C Mascarenhas for the favours received.
- Sr Tina, Gadag
2005/4 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr R F C
Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him.
- Frederick Menezes, Bendore
2005/5 Thanks to Msgr R F C Mascarenhas for the favours received.
- Sr Benedict, Eudes Convent, West Hill, Calicut 673 005
2005/6 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr R F C
Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him.
- Sr Joyce, BS, Madanbhavi
2005/7 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr R F C
Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him.
- Sr Mabel Clara, BS, Bethany Convent, Bendore
2005/8 Thanks to Msgr Raymond F C Mascarenhas for granting a child to
Mr & Mrs Salvito and Hazmit Concessao.
- Walter Concessao, Andheri (W)
2005/9 Thanks to Msgr R F C Mascarenhas for the favours received.
- Sr Beningus & Community, Nouadhibou, Mauritania, West Africa
2005/10 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr R F C
Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him.
- Zeeta Rebello, Arasikere
2005/11 Thanks to Msgr R F C Mascarenhas for the favours received.
- Sr Blandine, BS
2006/1 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr R F C
Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him.
- Felicia Sequeira
2006/2 My grateful thanks for the favours received through the intercession
of Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas.
- Sr M Victoria, Ankola
2006/3 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr R F C
Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him.
- Apoline Rodrigues
2006/4 Through the intercession of Msgr R F C Mascarenhas, I regained
my health. My sincere thanks to him.
- Sr Helima, BS, Naini, Allahabad
Published twice a year in July and December. No subscription. Donations
will be gratefully accepted to meet the expenses of printing, mailing and
the process of Canonization. Donations and offerings may be sent to the
address given below. Cheques/drafts may be made in favour of: Cause of
Msgr Raymond FC Mascarenhas. We invite you to share your
experiences for possible inclusion in this bulletin.
The Vice-Postulator
Cause of the Servant of God Raymond Mascarenhas
Bethany Convent, Kankanady Post
Mangalore - 575 002
Karnataka, India
Managing Editor
2006/5 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr R F C
Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him.
- A devotee, Moodigere
2007/1 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr R F C
Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him. I regret for the delay in
-A devotee
2007/2 Thanks to Msgr R F C Mascarenhas for the favours received.
-Santan Gudinho
2007/3 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr R F C
Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him.
-Lilly, Elize, Karkal
2007/4 Thanks to Msgr R F C Mascarenhas for the favours received.
-Sr Elsie, BS, Pithoragarh
2007/5 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr R F C
Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him.
-P S D Vas, Kinnigoly
2007/6 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr R F C
Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him.
-Headmistress, Sacred Heart English Medium School, Kulshekar
Gift of a Child
We, Anil and Janet belong to Kanajar Parish. We were married for 10
years but did not have a child. We were desperate and desirous of having a
child. On one occasion, we had been to Moodubelle Church and accidentally
happened to meet Sr Elnora from Loretto Convent, Moodubelle. We shared our
sorrow with her. She listened to our agony and assured her prayers. She also
explained to us about the Servant of God Msgr R F C Mascarenhas, the Founder
of Bethany and his powerful intercession. She also gave us the prayer leaflet
and asked us to pray for the gift of child to God through his intercession. We
left for Dubai with much hope and joy in our hearts.
Within a year we were blessed with a beautiful baby boy through the
intercession of Msgr R F C Mascarenhas. Our heartfelt gratitude to Sr Elnora
and my sister Babita for their prayers.
Anil and Janet, Kanajar
Dispute Settled
Having bought a plot and built a house, we, Boniface Peter and Philomena
Serrao have been living here with our children for 21 years as good neighbours.
Suddenly something happened to upset our peaceful life.
We had requested our neighbours to let us build a compound wall around
our plot, but he refused citing the boundaries as disputed. We tried to get our
plot measured, boundaries drawn up through the court. In the meantime, he
filed a criminal case against us, charging us with the theft of some timber, 75
coconuts and threats to his life. An arrest warrant was issued against us and
having come to know of this we left the house and lay low for 19 days. During
this period we prayed asking Msgr Mascarenhas to intercede for us. We had full
hope in our prayers and believed that we would get justice in spite of all our
trials, problems and difficulties, and we continued to pray. We were happy that
the court favoured us. The neighbour had the plot measured and the compound
wall built. Thus peace was restored. We thank God for the favour received and
thank the sisters of Mary Queen Convent and others for their prayerful support.
Boniface Peter Serrao
Near Mary Queen Convent, Karkal
Job Secured
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Servant of God, Raymond
F C Mascarenhas for interceding for me and getting me a very good job for
which I had been trying for sometime.
Anand Mascarenhas, Mumbai
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Homily Preached at Milagres Church
Mangalore on 8th December 2010
by Rev Fr J B Saldanha
Fr. John Baptist Saldanha hails from Bantwal and
was ordained a priest of the Diocese on 10 May 1990.
For the first five years he was the Secretary to the
Bishop of Mangalore and editor of the diocesan Marian
monthly Amchi Mai.
Among the many degrees he obtained are: MA
in Sociology Osmania University (1993), M.A. in Religious Studies, University
of Louvain (1997), Licentiate in Theology (1998), MA in Applied Ethics
(1999) and Ph.D. in Theology (2001). Since 2001 Fr J B Saldanha has
been a Professor at St Josephs Seminary, Jeppu, Mangalore, simultaneously
playing many roles. He is an associate editor of Joskiran: A Journal of
Religion and Thought. He is the author of several books, delving into religion
and Indian culture in modern contexts.
In his homily delivered in Konkani at the Mass celebrating the 50th
Death Anniversary of Msgr. R F C Mascarenhas at Milagres, Mangalore on 8
December 2010, Fr J B Saldanha brings out the essence of the Pastoral
roles played by the Servant of God in his long ministry in the Church from
1900 to 1960 in varying hues. Milagres was the cradle that Msgr Raymond
grew up from and the parish, where the family and well wishers rejoiced
on his First Holy Mass, and encouraged the commitment he launched out
into the deep to minister to people.
- :c .c. c:c : :.=c ct t::. .c .:cc.. ::
. c: .: : - ct. . ; cc. . :: t .:c. t .. . c : .:=.
.:::ct .:c.
:: :.. .cc..: :::. /.=c c.:c :c tc:c.
l+ :c: .c.c ::ctc :: .c... IX :. :... c...
(Ineffabilis deus) .-: :::c: .cc..: -ct /.=c c.:c
:c: -:t: c.. .: .c: ::c:.: -:c :t:.cc ::
:c..: t.:c: /.= c.c: c..: .c.. ;: .cc..t :. .t
.: c.. .c.. t:., ct: ..:t c:/c: :::: ::: ;:
.t: :c. :::. . /.= c...
c : .tc c, . .::.t:. .: :-. /:c:c...
c..:- tc -:c :tc..: .cc.. : :.. .c :..c ::c..: ::
c:^c: .:c :c:. :c.. :: .: .c: t:c.: c.c
::. :: ::. :.:=c :: :c: c::c:: t.=c: .
:c.. ::.. . ::. :c.. ::c :c: .t:, .: :c..:
/.:=;:c :.:. :::: ::c:c c:t:. ..
.cc..t -::t :.. :::. . .c: tc:c; . ;cc..
-::t :: t .:c; - .c c:c : .: ..c: . :ct c :. . t:c:: t
.c::c: (negatively) :::. .-:c ::t .::. :c t:c::t
.c:: c: (positively speaking) . c := - : ; cc. . :: : . c :=
c.. - : .:.c .c..::. - : ::t :c/::: :.:c:. .c,
c:= c.. - :c :c:. c:. t.., :..c:^c . :.
t.. . ;cc.. ::t .:c, t.. . -ct ::::.
:.c .c..:. :c.. ::c:c ::c.. :c: .: .t: .
:.:c : c..::.: . :c tcc, c t:c :; :c :ct:c
.: :c:t :: :. :: c.:...:: -;= .t: :c/:.:, .
.:..:. :c:. /= : c:c . :. :: :c.:. c::
::. ..:t.-:. :: ::c tc.ct :t :: ::c:.
/:c:c... :.: ::: ..c c..:- tc: :c, .
.:: .-c ::::. ..:c ::t tc: :::=.c :: .
:- tc:. .t t.=: c.c .:c :.. c/:c. We move to his limitless
domain. We become blessed prisoners of Gods fidelity.
:: ..c:c .:c..t ..=c: : . .c:c:c: ::
t :.:c :c .. . .c. .::: :.:=: c:c:
.: t:, :.:c c:.c: t.=.:.c :.:c ..:. ..c..:c.
: c.=c .cc... .t :.: .c: :: t: c.::t. .-: .:c
:.. c..:- tc: .cc . :c .c::. : ::. ::: .c..c::
;:: c^ :.. ..t:c c:c
l. .; c..c.: .-:: :c, :: t :.:c
c.c .c. :t: :..c..:c:: .t: =: c..:.t:. A Few
Minutes with Mary on Saturdays .-: .:t :c:. :: ::c ..:= tc
-c:. :: c..:-:t : ::c :c: . ::t: .:/c. .c:c:
t:c::c: .=.:.ct c..:- tc.ct ::c :: :c:. ::~c ::
.:/: t : c : . .: .: :.t:. . : : c t : c. : c ::c
:t.c tc..:=c^; .:.: t:~. t.:c ::.c.:c:. .:t .:
.::.t:. .: .c::t c:: :: .:t ...t: tc:. . .-t
:c :.:. :.. ::. .cc... .t ::c:.c ::. .c. .:::
c: ::c:.c ::. . .-t :c /:c tc.ct .; .:.ct :c
.c: :::c.
!. .cc... ::t: -. .t :. .- c/: :::.::ct t-: :
.:c. .cc. ..c :c : c / :-:c. .. : c .ct =~ .:c c : .:t
:: t:/: .c:.cc. .c :c -:c :::
a) Our Lady of Good Counsel (.. c !:) .c: c:. .:::
b) Our Lady Hope of Christians (. !+) .c - ::c: ::c
c) Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces (.. l) t.=. .:
d) Our Lady of Perpetual Help (.:. !) :::c .:cc..
e) Queen of the Apostles, on Saturday within the Octave of Ascension-
(::c:c. c:~)
.; .-:c: .cc... .t /:c tc.ct . :c :c t:=t
.c.:c:. . :c :.:c .c. .::t ^=c ::= c::
. l! :c: .. c ::ctc :c c: .; .-::
.c..:ct :: -:c .cc..: My dear children, I wish you a most happy
feast. May it be full of graces from our Blessed Mother. May she realize in each
and everyone of you the full meaning of ECCE ANCILLA DOMINI (-. :..c. .:.
:t c).
+. ll :c: .:= ! ::ctc, .cc..t :. :c: :
.c..:c :: -:c .cc..: May Our Ladys festal day a day so dear to
Bethany bring to you her choicest favours of body and soul; may she show
each and everyone of you to Jesus and say, Behold the handmaid of the Lord.
. .= ::.~c (c.c !+) ::c: .: c:, c.c
!, ll c Sr Annuntiatat :: -:c .cc..: And then, have you not your
tender Mother Mary Refuge of Sinners and Mother of Mercy. Trust in her my
child, and weak as you are she will still make you saint. .cc..: ::c:.
:c.:: t.c: ::.ct : :: .-c :: ::: :c:.
:. .cc..: :::.--ct /.=c c.:: ..c:: ::c
:::.:: c..:- tc:
i) :::. / . =c c. c: .cc. . : c: . .. :: c t :ct c:
.::c:c tc:. ::c:c :t .:/c -:c :: .:/c., ::
.::c: : .t: .:. t c: . t: ct : t ..: c :.: . .- :ct
:.. .=c :: tc.
ii) -ct .cc..t .:. tc.ct .c:.cc :t ^.: -:c ::
:.c : :: .::. :::c, .c..:=. ..ct t:c,
.:c :. -:::c, :.c t.c. .c. .:c
iii) .cc. .: :::. / . = c. : : c.c:c :: c .c :.c c
:..t ^.: -:c :: .=c: .: c:. : .t:: :..
:.c/ .:/:. : :.:c .-, . ^=c. :: ..-.
. .:= ::.~t .:. tc.ct ::c .c:.cc ^.: -:c ::
c: :c ..t :ct:
:- :. .tc c:
. c::t .. c::
.. :- ::. c:.
.c.c:c:: .; t:c::c: :: t . :. .c.
.::. .:cc: .:= .:c..: /: .: ::. ::. ::c:
; :: : c::c t c: ..c:c: (Last Will), :: / : . :: ..-:c: .:c ..
:c: :c:c: :: t .:.c. .t c:c. .c. . . :: ::: .:c. .
::: :.:= c.=c :: ..c .-:.::c: .=c ::. :::
.- :::. ::. ..:: t: .c.c :/:=c: .: ::. .:c
.:/c ::c . ::. ::: .- tc.c.
.cc. . : . t , : : t . : . :c c .c : t:...
.: .cc.. .:c..: :cc..:c;-: :t .: c :: :
:. :.: c.. :c ^c ::t: :c:c: .:. :: ::c. :..

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