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B T A Y T EH N I EH N,H A D WOR OF K T ES R A TOFG H EV N OD MS RR Y G A MON MA C R N A D SA E H S C OMP E E 9 Y A S LT S 0 E R 1 T J L 1 2 -0 1 6 H U Y 9 12 1

G d orl i Ft r w t n yu frcos g yu srat o u o n a e e h k o o hoi or e n vg h, a n v R y odo e orahupi tn t F udr fh C nr ao o am n tb yu f t lr sadh oneo t oge t n f if e e e gi t Ss r o t LteFo e o B t n. Hs ret eo o t t h ie fh il l r f e ay i a n dvt n o h e ts e t w h d i e E ca s l efrh Mo e C uc, elo t pol ao o t uhrt o o t i, v e t r hr za frh rc m t n fh h h e a i e G se adh cm as nt l eepc l fr h po hv bre opl n i o ps oa o seil o t or ae on s i e v ay e audn f i Lk h m yw t i ui wt Ma , u Mo e bnatr t i i a e o n n n i u. e m o o h r or t r y h, bcm ba ro t G o N w . eo e er s fh od e s e e We u b i p r yu a e t gat sh sei r ust og hm l m l e o Ft ro r u t s pc le eth uh y o h n i a q r t i e es n f or e vd e at am n. m n o yu r us h n r s o o yu bl e sr nR y od. et n ore et e tc i o v . ( i q ) D i OL r, gator e vd e at e ooro t aafr e n odt r yu bl e sr nt hnus fh lro g o n o v h et yu get g r adh sr d g fh G se A e. or r e l y n t pe i o t opl m n ar o e an e . Goy e. l b. r . I pi au m r tr m Mot e APD S ua sR v o z
Bso o Ma g lr i p f na e h o

Magl e na r o 1. . 0 6 6 08 02


JULY 2011

Editorial Board
Managing Editor
Sr M Wilberta, BS
1. 2.

Editorial Presidential Address of Most Rev Dr A P D Souza Bishop of Mangalore 3. Pastoral Dimension of the Servant of God RFC Mascarenhas 8 5 3

Chief Editor
Sr M Lillis, BS

- Rt Rev Msgr Denis M Prabhu, Vicar General

4. Felicitation with a Prophetic Touch 19


- The Late Fr Gratian

My Enticing Memory of Msgr RFC Mascarenhas

Rev Fr Joseph Martis Mr Ivan Saldanha Sr Miriam, BS Sr M Theresine, BS Sr M Rose Margaret, BS Sr M Jessy Rita, BS Sr M Virginia, BS
9. 7. 6.

- Gration Arouza Pai

The Mystery of the Eucharist


- The Foundation of Msgr Raymonds Life

- Br John Malvino Alfonso, OCD


21 29

- The Late Rev Fr RFC Mascarenhas

8. A Serene River of Holiness 33

- Rev Fr Ignatius Kumar, CSsR

A Compassionate Pastor to Motherless Children 37

- Sister Medela, BS
10. Favours Received 39


In doing good never seek applause from the world or approbation from superiors and companions, but do it solely and exclusively for God. *** When we receive Holy Communion, let us think of the greatness of the favour bestowed upon us. Our Lord gives Himself to each one of us as if there were no one else in the world outside of Him and us. *** During the day we should make frequent acts of spiritual communion so as to keep our Lord constantly within us. *** When you look at the showers of rain falling down on the ground and making it fertile, think of the showers of graces God sends on you and thank Him for them. *** When you have your text book in one hand, dont forget to have the Imitation of Christ in the other.

As Post Centenary Silver Curtain Rises in Mangalore Diocese, the announcement of the Post Centenary Silver Jubilee of the Diocese of Mangalore enthused me to read through the pages of the history of the Catholic Community of South Kanara by A L P D Souza that highlights the pangs of birth of the diocese in 1886 and the struggles of its growth. I deem it fitting to the occasion to recount the vital contribution of the Servant of God Raymond Mascarenhas, a devoted priest of the Diocese of Mangalore, in the development of the diocese along with many other luminaries. Speaking about Fr Raymond Mascarenhas, the late M S Shresta, ex-M L C said, There are some who are not satisfied with merely doing the common task and the daily round, but see visions and plan schemes. They are the salt of the earth. Father Mascarenhas belongs to this class. Indeed Fr Raymond Mascarenhas was the salt of the earth. After his Ordination in 1900, at an early age of 25, the Servant of God Raymond Mascarenhas dynamically involved in the growth of the young diocese. Following the example of St Therese of Lisieux, his contemporary and powerful supporter, he loved the Church and poured out himself profusely for the building up of the local Church. The same was his vision for the new Congregation- Bethany that he started in the year 1921. He desired it to be a powerful apostolic arm of the Mother Church. The missionary endeavours of Fr Raymond Mascarenhas were not confined to the parish alone. In the growing diocese he had to play very many roles which he carried out in obedience, using all his God given capacities of heart and mind. His appointments as the president of the commission to compile suitable Catechism, member of the Commission for Examination in Moral Theology of the Secular Clergy of Mangalore Diocese, an additional member of the commission to draft rules for the keeping of Church Accounts, member of the Diocesan Council, a member for the administration of Temporalities for the Diocesan Seminary, President of the Mangalore Roman Catholic Provident Fund, member of the deputations to the Deputy Director of Public Instruction and to the Minister for Education. His contribution in presenting a Memorandum to represent the educational disabilities of the Catholics of South Kanara District and other appointments such as, the Diocesan Supervisor of Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools of the 3

Diocese, the Vicar General of the Diocese, Vice President of the Catholic Board of Education, Mangalore, President of the Mangalore Roman Catholic Provident Fund, Translation of the New Testament in Konkani for the first time in the history of the Diocese, his role in the revival of Konkani language are just a few of the multifarious services of the Servant of God in the Diocese of Mangalore. His zeal in shepherding the poor flock entrusted to his care is evident from his saying, To say a word about the work I have done - my work has been almost entirely among the poor masses of the Diocese. And I have done the same with what cooperation and help I could get from these. I had always to work under great material difficulties and with severe financial strain. On the day the first stone of the Udyawar Church was blessed and laid, I had not a rupee to begin with. Such was his trust in the Divine Providence. Attributing the success of his work to the poor masses he says, We do not perhaps sufficiently realize how much perhaps of the success of our works is due to the goodness and generosity of the masses of our people whose help and loving esteem is our privilege to enjoy and whose mites put into our hands attract the notice of our Father in Heaven. The article of Msgr Denis M Prabhu in this issue recounts the pastoral zeal of the Servant of God. Br John Malvino Alfonso expounds Eucharist as the foundation of the life of the Servant God, a true shepherd to his people. Rev Ignatius Kumar has captured in his article a special characteristic of the Servant of God- doing little things for God. Fr Raymond believed in the power of small things and ordinary things. He founded Bethany with four ordinary lady teachers of VIII Std trained, all hailing from Bendur parish. It was a divine grace that brought opportunity for numerous poor and middle class girls to live religious life in this Diocese itself who otherwise would have left the Diocese to fulfill their religious aspiration. That would impoverish the Diocese. We praise God that the Congregation founded by the Servant of God Raymond Mascarenhas in the Diocese of Mangalore on July 16, 1921 turns 90 years and is stepping into the Centenary Decade of its foundation. It has spread in three continents, having a membership of 1310 sisters serving in 56 Dioceses. I wish and pray that when Bethany celebrates the centenary of its foundation after ten years the Universal Church will have beatified its Founder the Servant of God Raymond Mascarenhas, the beloved son of the Diocese of Mangalore. Sr M Lillis BS Editor 4

Presidential Address of Most Rev Aloysius Paul D Souza the Bishop of Mangalore at the concluding function of the 50th Death Anniversary of the Servant of God Raymond FC Mascarenhas on December 16, 2010 at St Sebastians Platinum Jubilee Hall, Bendur, Mangalore
Dear Brothers and Sisters, I speak in Konkani as it is our language and cannot be ignored. We have assembled here today to celebrate the great occasion of the fiftieth death anniversary of the Servant of God, Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas. This is a day of special joy, especially to us Mangaloreans; a day of rejoicing, celebration and thanksgiving to the Mangalorean clergy, and especially, to the Sisters of Bethany Congregation. Why is the day of death, a day of joy and thanksgiving to God, we may ask. We, the Christians believe that death is not the end of our earthly life, but the crossing over to a new life because of the Resurrection of Jesus. It has given us the hope for a new life and opened the portals of eternal life. The early Christians used to celebrate the death anniversary by coming together, rejoicing, offering the Sacrifice of Mass, thanking God and remembering the dead, cherishing the ecstasy of their being born in the Kingdom of God. We have done exactly the same today; the Bethany Sisters are then celebrating the occasion. Today, this day is the day of joy and rejoicing. On the occasion of the fiftieth death anniversary of Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas, we have met together to offer the Sacrifice of Mass and have proclaimed our conviction that he is in the Kingdom of heaven. Msgr Mascarenhas was a priest of our diocese, and I say that he is Gods benefaction to us because God had made him a priest of our diocese. He had served our diocese, spreading the Good News. After discharging his duties as the assistant parish priest at Milagres-Mangalore, Milagres-Kallianpur and Mt Rosary parishes, he served as the vicar of Udyavar, Agrar and finally, Bendur. He was also the Vicar General of the Diocese. He founded the Bethany Congregation which is Gods gift to the Diocese and to the entire Church which has received immense blessings through the Bethany Congregation. The Psalmist says with a grateful heart, We have rejoiced because God has worked wonders for us. It is right and just that we thank 5

God for Msgr Mascarenhas. We can say a lot of things about him but I shall touch upon only two things: his love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and his distinctive devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. To Christians, especially the clergy, love for Jesus is the foundation of our entity. Msgr Mascarenhas was a priest filled with the all permeating love for Jesus; he loved Jesus, expressed the love in his prayers, proclaimed it in his Retreats and devotions, and instilled it into others. He was so consumed with the blaze of Gods love that he ignited the hearts of the people under him with the Divine love; he wrote hymns, translated them and wrote the Four Gospels in Konkani. Thus he imparted to many, the depth, width and breath of Gods love. He had learnt from the Jesuits devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus when he was in the Seminary and made it known through Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. He used to spend a lot of time before the Blessed Sacrament and used to draw strength and fortitude for his pastoral labour and taught others to do the same. He instructed the members of the religious Congregation he had founded to adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and he became their role-model. Pope John Paul II said, The time we spend before the Blessed Sacrament is beneficial and not formless. To the Msgr, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament was a priceless treasure. In his declining years, when he was unable to do any work, he would ask to be taken to pray before the Blessed Sacrament and spend sometime there. St Alphonsus Ligoury said, Adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is greater than any other devotion, as it strengthens our spiritual life. Msgr Mascarenhas had made these words come true and it had revitalized his spiritual life, receiving strength from his devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. In the past, the priests used to tell the people to make visits to the Blessed Sacrament every now and then and I do hope that they do so, even now. Many Adoration convents have been opened in our Diocese. Pope Paul VI had said, People must not forget to visit the Blessed Sacrament and spend time there; these visits affirm our good will and love towards God. Msgr Mascarenhas had made these words come true in his life. We must learn the love for the Blessed Sacrament from him and instill it into others, becoming in this world, as Mother Teresa said, the Tabernacles of the presence of Jesus. I call upon the Bethany Sisters especially to keep this in mind and practise the devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament with great depth and become the Congregations source of strength. Secondly, Marian devotion which we love, for, after Jesus, Mary is immensely loved by us. Vatican II says that there exists an unbreakable bond between Jesus and Mary. Marian devotion leads us to Jesus and helps us to love Him. The Msgr had practised great devotion to Mary; he loved 6

reciting the Rosary. Those who had seen him say that apart from his daily recitation of the Rosary, he would have the Rosary in his hands and pray while strolling or while travelling. He had tried to spread this devotion by setting the mysteries of the Rosary to music in Konkani. At that time there was also the devotion to Our Lady of Dolours in Mangalore and he loved the seven day devotion, dwelling on the seven agonies of Mary. He had also installed the seven stations of Our Lady of Sorrows at the Bethany Motherhouse, Bendur, and I hope they are still there. He had also loved the devotions to Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of Fatima. Placing his full trust in Mary, he had founded the Bethany Congregation on the feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel. He loved the words of Mary: Ecce Ancilla Domini, Behold the handmaid of the Lord. In order that they learn the attitude of service and humility from Mary, he asked them to say these words every now then, and we can still hear these words from the sisters. Pope John XXIII said, Of Gods creation there is no other living being who has so closely known Christ as Mary. There is no other individual who can give us a deep understanding of Jesus and the Msgr knew these words. He had endeavoured to learn and teach others the love for Jesus through devotion to Mary. Mary has given us Jesus, the Redeemer of the world and Jesus on the cross gave Mary as our Mother. Let us accept her as our Mother and go to Jesus through her. We are in the season of Advent and Mary assists and encourages us to prepare ourselves to the coming of Jesus. During the Season of Advent, she shines like the Morning Star and she is the star of justice, giving us the hope of the birth of Jesus, and Jesus our Hope and Redeemer, has shone through her. Let the life of the Msgr inspire us to move in that direction. I wish you all a happy Advent and a blessed Christmas and I congratulate the Bethany Sisters in a special way. The founder, Msgr RFC Mascarenhas be raised to the honours of the altar, is their prayer and may God hear their prayers. Let us also join them with our prayers. Let us, the Mangaloreans and the clergy of Mangalore, whose elder brother he is, unite our prayers with those of the sisters so that he would soon have the honours of the altar, and through this the spread of Gods kingdom. I wish the Bethany Sisters who have undertaken the projects today, walk in the footsteps of Jesus, spreading the kingdom of Jesus through their projects in the various dioceses throughout India. May God bless you.
English Translation by Gilbert Miranda, Bajpe

Reproduced is the key address of the Memorial Symposium of Servant of God Msgr RFC Mascarenhas at St Josephs Seminary, Mangalore on October 21, 2010 - marking the run up to Msgr Raymonds 50th death anniversary. The key speaker is the revered Rt Rev Msgr Denis M Prabhu, Vicar General. A great admirer of Msgr Raymond and a close follower of his life. The Rt Rev Msgr Denis Prabhu speakers mentor - Msgr Marian FC Castelino - was a close associate and friend of Msgr RFC Mascarenhas. Msgr Castelino, often exchanged his inner feelings and observations of his saintliness with the speaker Msgr Denis Prabhu. Therefore, it is virtually the account of a reliable eye witness. The learned speaker puts forth the details with a deep enthusiasm born out of conviction and true admiration. Msgr Denis Prabhu was born on 8th May 1940 in St Josephs Parish, Bajpe. After preparing for the priesthood in St Josephs Seminary, Jeppu, he was ordained on December 5, 1967. The key positions he has held in the last 44 years of service to the church of Mangalore are far too many to list here. He was Secretary to the Catholic Board of Education, Mangalore for 11 years. Chairman of Vocations, Region of Karnataka, Director of Vocations, Mangalore Diocese, Chief Co-ordinator of the Diocesan Pastoral Commissions, Consultor of the Diocese of Mangalore for 3 terms, The Director of St Anthonys Charity Institutes, Director St Anthony Shrine, Milagres, Mangalore are a few the more recent positions he has served in. We have known the family history of the Servant of God through various sources and books available. He also had prepared a genealogy of his family and he locates himself in the family of Lazarus and Joanna Mascarenhas who had 13 children and he was the seventh. He was born on 23rd January 1875 on the feast of St Raymond Penyafort and on a Saturday. The fact that he was born on a day consecrated to Mary influenced his devotion to the Mother of God throughout his life. It is praiseworthy to make a mention of his devotion to Mother Mary; he used to have his rosary as his unfailing companion throughout his life. So much so some elderly sisters had told me that the beads of his rosary were worn out because of the fact that it had been used for prayer in season and out of season, in his joys and sorrows, in his sufferings and anxieties. And at the hour of his death my most beloved 8

director Msgr MFC Castelino laid the rosary in his hands and he died with his rosary, which had comforted him in the moments of loneliness, and it was a reward to him by Mother Mary to die as he prayed all through his life now and at the hour of our death. Msgr Raymond was born of devout parents. I could compare his family to the family of Nazareth where the parents of Jesus were giving prime importance, not only to the upbringing of Baby Jesus but also to the religious formation of their children. The morning started with a morning offering with all the members of the family sitting on their beds along with the parents who recited the prayers and as the children grew they taught them to recite them. Children were encouraged to go for daily Mass early in the morning and thus they grew in the atmosphere of Church and religion and they developed a special love for the Church and the activities of the Church. In a nutshell I would say that Lazarus and his wife Joanna were known in the entire Christian community of Shimoga Parish for their piety and their service. The Mangalorean Catholic families living there were very closely knit and generally they were employed in Government services. They helped one another in times of trouble and distress and shared their joys and sorrows and thus the bond that held them together became firmer by the day. The children of Lazarus and Joanna grew up in such atmosphere and there was no need of further spiritual or religious education to them because all the Christian values were instilled by the good parents in the children from a very tender age with a deep love for God and the Church and a filial devotion to our Blessed Mother. Referring to the family of Lazarus and Joanna they had no illusions about their hard struggles before them. To bring up 13 children in the faith, to provide adequately for their education and support is a difficult task at any time and at any place. But their determination they evinced is not uncommon in families, such as theirs. They displayed a great trust in God, a deep religious sense, and a open handed generosity, which became characteristic of their children in the later days. The Servant of God was known for his concern, care and love for the poor and the marginalized and he always kept his pockets empty because he shared whatever he had with the less fortunate ones. In the history of Lazarus and Joannas family we see a second phase. When the parents of Raymond found that the educational facilities in Shimoga were inadequate, Mr I Lazarus returned to his native place in Mangalore. Raymond received his early education at Milagres School and later he was admitted to St Aloysius College High School. In both the places he received excellent training and in his records in these schools, annotation runs after his name as very good or excellent. The teachers and classmates held 9

him in high esteem for his lofty ideas, his unfailing joviality, his sincerity, and his openness. Their prediction was that he would turn out to be a most extraordinary man. Future events proved just how right they were. The third phase of life of Raymond was the call of God to be a priest. Since he had a great devotion to St Francis Xavier, he added middlex name to his baptismal name as Francis. Hence he was later on known as Raymond Francis Camillus or familiarly RFC. Raymond heeded to the voice of God to be a priest. He joined the St Josephs Seminary, Mangalore, on 23rd February 1891 at the age of 16. Here also he stood first in all things. In the words of the late Fr John G Pinto, The studies in the seminary were mastered by him as few had done. He was quite popular among his classmates and always surrounded by a band of eager friends. Even in his class his friends vide with each other to sit next to him so as to enjoy his sharp and intelligent questions, witty answers and stories. His prodigious memory and his keen intellect enabled him to master successfully the course of studies in Philosophy and in Sacred Theology. I for one, reading his sermons, books and his letters at various occasions to people, sisters, priests, superiors, higher ups in hierarchy, marvel at his intelligence, versatile memory and the ability to use apt quotes from Canon Law, Scripture - both from the Old Testament and New Testament and from the Letters of the Apostles. He would also quote right and left from the Fathers of the Church, encyclicals, and from the conclusions of the plenary councils. This was not only in his younger days but also in his advancing age. As my mentor, Msgr MFC Castelino used to say that he had not seen another person of his calibre in his life and from what he narrated about the man for nearly four years, I too fail to locate a person of his caliber till today. I wish and pray that religious personalities are born with such profound intelligence and spiritual stamina to lead the Church and society towards its goal. The important phase of Raymond was his Ordination at the age of 25 on 4 March 1900 by the then Bishop of Mangalore, Bishop Cavadini, SJ. At the time of Ordination his father was absent because he had already gone to his eternal reward. He was ordained at the Rosario Cathedral of Mangalore and he was always remembering the day of his Ordination with these words: It was the most wonderful day of my life. I recommended to God all my professors, my spiritual and temporal benefactors and especially my beloved father who always had a tremendous influence on me. A week later on 11th March 1900 Fr Raymond celebrated his First Solemn High Mass at Milagres Church, Mangalore. His mother, brothers and sisters were present and proudly rejoiced. He surrendered himself, as he would say later on, for the care of the souls. He was completely unaware, however, of the lofty plans of God for him. In his providence, just as a few years before, he had no idea that the St Josephs Seminary was to lead him to many ministries. 10

He was a strongly built person. He would walk erect without any bend. While on the bicycle his beard parted in two directions. He always wore the black cassock. His whole demeanor demanded awe and fear. He was endowed with strong masculine voice and his diction in all languages was so clear that even without a microphone he was quite audible. He had a calm manner of speech, and tender delivery of it rendered him exceedingly friendly. He looked sturdy, exhibiting his physical qualities of latent strengths and endurance which were backed with determination and the ability to turn his hand to anything. Together with extraordinary agility of mind, his traits stamped him as one, well equipped for the years to come, perhaps as a assistant parish priest, in some hilly villages caring for the flock, far beyond the strict limits of duty, sacrificing his strength and wearing himself out in the interest of his parishioners. With his mighty strength he could venture at various projects, wherever he was, according to his needs and exigencies, all for the benefit of the people, and in times of terrible trials and adversities, he could swim against the currents. His physical design was the design of God to take care of the people and the mission entrusted to his care. Pastoral Ministry The word pastor comes from the profession of people who tend the sheep and the pastor has to move along with the herd for pastures wherever available. The people living in Middle East and Palestine and regions around it had the main occupation of shepherding the flock. This was the only source of their living and this was their wealth. The shepherd takes care of his sheep in such a way that he has to walk together taking the sheep from place to place for pasture and water. When the young ones are not able to walk, the shepherd has to keep them on his shoulders or carry them as a child is carried by the parents. In the Old Testament many references are made to shepherd and sheep. The role of a shepherd is best explained in Psalm 23 on Divine shepherd: The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want (Ps 23:1). This and there are many references in the Old Testament wherein the role of a shepherd and that of a sheep is well described. Finally, Jesus Himself in John Chapter 10 extensively explains that God sent him as a Good Shepherd to his people. In this background the pastors of the Church have to work for the all-round welfare of the people entrusted to their care. Fr Raymond was appointed as an assistant parish priest in his own home parish Milagres, Mangalore. Milagres Parish, then and even now standing as a premier parish, - it was a right choice of the appointment of Fr Raymond as assistant pastor. He continued in this capacity until his appointment to Mt Rosary Church, Kallianpur in July 1900. A year later, he was appointed as assistant pastor at Milagres Church, Kallianpur. His parish priest was Rev Fr 11

Aloysius Fernandes. He was known for his goodness and holiness about which Fr Raymond often mentioned, and he owed his indebtedness to him. He was very keen in getting the children closer to the Church. Therefore, he started sodalities for boys and Fr Raymond with St Sebastians girls respectively. These were Parish Choir, Bendur personally taken care of by him. During the meetings he inspired the children to do their studies very well and also gave the missionary dimension to them. He made them to pray for missionaries and missions and his sodalities became the nursery for many vocations to priestly and religious life. As an energetic and active young priest he spent every moment of his life for the pastoral activity of his people. Since he knew the families of both the parishes, Mt Rosary and Milagres, which were very extensive, he visited them regularly. He knew the people personally. His sermons were so vibrant that people did not mind spending more time in the churches. In his time the new parishes, such as, Giri, Perampally, Kemmannu, Thottam and also some parts of Malpe were established. There was a programme of visiting the families in his schedule and thus by his contacts he won the hearts of young and old of Kallianpur parishes. During this time he was requested to act as pastor of the parish of Kirem in the absence of the Pastor who was on a holiday in Goa. In 1903 he was appointed parish priest of Udyavar Church. At the turn of the century, Udyavar parish was a very poor parish. Very few people were literate and a vast majority were either fisher folk or agriculturists. Even after the primary studies children had nowhere to go than to go home and do the household work. There was no inspiration at all to the children to pursue their studies because whether they were educated or not they had to go back to their home to work in the fields and to graze the cattle or to water the coconut trees. In the book Unless the Seed Die the writer quotes an observation made by a parishioner of Udyavar. Young and energetic Fr RFC Mascarenhas devoted himself to the service of the poor and ignorant people of Udyavar. At that time the church building at Udyavar was only a small chapel on the site where the present higher primary school stands. It was not at all sufficient for the people for Sunday Mass and other worship. The people were not financially stable to think of a church. The priests residence too was a small house where people of below poverty line group 12

were living. Since Fr Raymond was accustomed to mix freely with the people who were living in humble conditions he took it as a sport and adjusted and acclimatized himself to the conditions of life. He lived just like any poor man in Udyavar village. Therefore people of Udyavar were able to accept him and love him as their pastor and father. Since he was visiting the families in his jurisdiction he familiarized with them and began to love them in their difficulties and hardships. As I mentioned earlier, his pockets were empty because he could not resist but give to satisfy the hunger and thirst of people. He was in the family where there was a sick person; he was in the family when there was a death to console, and when people had no money to spend on the burial, he took care of everything. In these hard situations he realized that unless poor boys and girls are educated there could not be any progress of the people. Therefore he brought all children to the school which meant that he had to take care of their clothes, books, fees and other needs. Here this zealous pastor planned to construct a sufficiently big church to accommodate the people not only of Udyavar but also the people of Udupi who had no church of their own at that time. When the Bishop of Mangalore came to the church to lay the foundation stone, it is said that he had no money in his account and he said to the Bishop that he is banking on the account of the providence of God. Today for a century, the Udyavar Church dedicated to St Francis Xavier stands as an imposing edifice and an attractive structure. From where he managed to get money to build such a church in such difficult times was a miracle. Fr Raymond worked in Udyavar until 1910. The parishioners recall about him. young and enthusiastic Fr Raymond devoted himself to the service of the poor and ignorant people of Udyavar. He visited the sick and the sorrowing in their homes in good and bad weather, in rain and in sunshine. He was especially concerned about the poor farmers living along the river side whose houses got washed away during the monsoons. In his compassion he tried to help them in every way. He appealed for help on their behalf to his friends outside India. Epidemics of small pox and cholera were common occurrences at Udyavar and many fell victims to these terrible diseases. Fr Raymond was a father and a doctor to them. Many a time even in the middle of the night there would be a knock on his door and the response would always be and unhesitatingly, Yes, I will be there or I shall come immediately, son. He would rush to the church for the holy viaticum and hurry to the bedside of the dying man and his sorrowing family. He spent much of his time, energy and resources in relieving the misery of these suffering people. Several parish priests have succeeded him but the name 13

of Fr Raymond continues to be in the memory of the people of Udyavar. Even to this day the grand children and the great grand children of the parishioners remember him. He was a renowned preacher. In his unflagging zeal he preached retreats, furnished the people with abundant opportunities of receiving the Sacraments of Penance and Eucharist, arranged for classes in religious instructions and provided facilities for the education of the students. He was really a good shepherd, a priest who by his word and example taught them to pray and led them to God and his Blessed Mother. I read in the Souvenir of his Golden Jubilee of priesthood an observation of one Mr Alex Pais, advocate of the High Court of Bombay, who saw Fr Raymond for the first time at Udyavar in 1949. While visiting Udyavar one Sunday morning I went for Mass there. Fr Raymond, the celebrant at the altar, was offering his Mass with such unction, such deliberateness and such absorption that the picture is still before me. No other priest at any altar service had produced such an impression on me. People there spoke highly of their parish priest and yet he was only a young man. He had no money, his people were poor. No one knew how he would secure required funds for all his works. It was said that he was seen every evening at the side of the new church kneeling and at prayer with his hands raised. His income was small. Msgr Raymond distributing Holy Communion He could not count on donations from the diocesan funds. Yet he would not go from house to house begging as his people were poor. He knew that it was Gods work and he trusted God to provide the means for it. He invested all his money into the building of the church and the presbytery and left no claims for honours like legacy Masses or candles or burial. When he bade good bye to that parish he had no bank balance to his credit. He paid the debts of the church while working at Agrar. Mr Pais repeats the words of Fr Raymond who told him the following: On the day the corner stone of the Udyavar Church was laid and blessed, I had not even a rupee to begin with. I can not forget what the venerable Bishop Cavadini, SJ of happy memory spoke to me on that occasion. He told me that I was not to expect to succeed in building the church by waiting for large donations to come but it was small sums of even less than 5 rupees which I would receive, that would enable 14

me to obtain my end. The good Bishops words have been to me a prophecy, a blessing and encouragement in difficulties. The works that I began at Udyavar and continued elsewhere have been a verification of the words of the great Bishop. In the farewell address presented to Fr Raymond on the occasion of his departure from Udyavar the people described him as a good shepherd who had sacrificed his life for his flock. Pastor at Agrar The Agrar Parish was such an extensive parish, from which today the following parishes are carved out: Nirkan, some parts of Loreto and Bambil, Farla, and Siddakatte. He imagined that eventually Agrar would be subdivided into several parishes. Accordingly he acquired 12 and a half acres of land for the future parish of Siddakatte, 5 acres for Nirkan and 6 acres for Allipade. To walk to Agrar parish church was nothing but climbing Calvary. He worked in this parish till 1914. During his tenure he had an assistant in the person of Rev Fr V R Fernandes, later Bishop of Mangalore. Here too, he had to build a presbytery which is renovated during the centenary celebrations. The main structure became the same. His only intention was to build new churches and make the church accessible to the people who otherwise would miss Sunday Mass and other spiritual exercises that take place in the church. There were no roads, no convenient paths to reach the Agrar Church to the distant people. They had to travel for more than 2 hours on foot and do this exercise immediately after 5.00 a.m. This pastor was moved to compassion and he would plan to put up churches for the convenience of the people. Whereas God had different plans for him. The city of Mangalore was growing, and it was necessary to bifurcate the Milagres and Rosario parishes. It was thought of to create a new parish of Bendur and the people of Bendur requested the Bishop to appoint Fr Raymond as parish priest and entrust the parish to him. Pastor of Bendur Church He spent 17 years in making the Bendur Parish what it is now. He started with a prophetic preaching from Ezekiel 37:7 whether the dry bones would get life once again. The prophecy was fulfilled. Fr Raymond did not spare a single day without working for the people of Bendur. Apart from the pastoral work, God inspired him to found a indigenous Congregation of nuns. He could be likened to Moses of the Old Testament. God gave a special call to him to liberate his people from hardships and difficulties. He obeyed the Lord and because of his obedience God worked wonders. What was impossible to Moses and all the people of Israel was made a reality by God by taking the people through the Red Sea, through the desert and through barren lands. He reached them to the Promised Land. 15

Fr Raymond was deeply pained to see the distress of many young women who had genuine vocation to religious life but could not get entry into the then existing Congregations because of the requirement of higher education and dowry. He was ready to spend his life to the poor and neglected so dear to the heart of Our Lord. He found the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, an indigenous Congregation for women on 16th July 1921 on the feast of Mt Carmel. It was a leap in the dark. He was encouraged by the then Bishop though with a caution. He was told he would have to pay a high price for the venture he would take. It happened so in the life of Msgr Raymond. He had to leave Bendur to take up services as Vicar General of the Diocese of Mangalore exactly 10 years after the foundation of Bethany. His own former assistant was the Bishop then. As a Vicar General he was a wonderful administrator exercising various functions in many capacities. He ministered from 1931 to 1941. Later he came and resided at Bethany to guide the destiny of the Congregation as its Founder. A Compassionate Pastor Msgr Raymond was a man of prayer and deep faith in the providence of God. Wherever he worked as a parish priest or Vicar General he saw the finger of God in all the works entrusted to his care. Whatever he touched he ornated (quid tetigit, ornavit), as I mentioned earlier, any spiritual activity, be it Mass, holy hour, sermons, instructions, he did it to perfection. It was a sight to see him celebrate Holy Eucharist. As the celebrant he was immersed in religious sentiments and so also the people. He taught the spiritual life to the people and also to the sisters. He built the Congregation on the solid foundation of faith and prayer. In other words the prayer was at the heart of Msgr Raymond. His pastoral zeal was so strong that he wanted to translate it into reality. He had great love for the poor. Though he exalted poverty as seen in the scriptures, he wanted to eradicate poverty from the people. He himself was very detached from material possessions. He shared whatever he had, or was given to him with those who needed it inside or outside the convent. As a parish priest he found time to visit the poor in their homes, and he comforted and consoled the people in distress. He started St Vincent de Paul Society in the Starting of St Vincent de Paul Society (1926) Bendur 16

parishes to help the poor. People found in him a generous soul and his generosity could be summed up in the words of the psalmist, lavishly he gives to the poor (Ps 111.9). His heart went out to anyone in distress; he was restless until he could find a way in helping the person in utmost secrecy. This kind of humble act leaves the recipient with a sense of dignity and selfworth. Like St Francis Xavier he had great zeal for souls and for the extension of the Kingdom of God. When somebody asked him why he wanted to become a priest he promptly answered, to teach others to love God and to be good. He imitated Jesus, Mother Mary, St John Bosco, Little Flower of Jesus and St Francis Xavier. Though he was a founder of Bethany, he acted as a father to every sister. He had to pass through difficult times of economic depression and he had to find ways and means to feed many mouths. Due to want of sufficient food, several sisters became a prey to tuberculosis and at this juncture he had to bear with the terrible criticism from Bethany as well as from outsiders. He tried to be honest in all his dealings. At times he might have been a difficult person when he would not yield to any pressure or in favour or favours. He had the courage to tell the truth as it appeared to be. In 1918 on the 1st of March he sent a Memorial to the Holy See through the Bishop of Mangalore placing before them how the diocese should progress and what steps should be taken in this regard. The Memorial is a masterpiece as regards the English language and the contents were enveloped in such a delicate manner as not to violate the charity and respect to the superiors and people concerned. If one goes through the Memorial consisting of 29 pages in foolscap paper one would imagine the depth of thought and foresight of Msgr Raymond. Among many things that he had mentioned almost all were the acts of the Vatican II for the Church in modern times. Whether the Bishops of the Diocese of Mangalore during the Vatican II had gone through the Memorial or not they faithfully implemented the teachings of the Vatican II which include all the suggestions prematurely placed before the Holy See by Msgr Raymond. It speaks about the plight of the diocesan clergy, the administration of temporal goods, the medical and retirement facilities to the secular clergy which were very much discussed in the Memorial. They all find a fulfillment after Vatican II. What seemed impossible some decades before became a reality in its own time. The Vatican was made aware that the secular clergy was capable of taking over the administration of the Diocese of Mangalore and in 1923, the first Indian Mangalorean Bishop was given to this Diocese in the person of Fr J L Pais, the then parish priest of Kinnigoly. This humble priest declined to accept this office. Had he accepted, he would have been the first Mangalorean to become a Bishop in this large country of India. The Diocese of Mangalore 17

was divided and Bishop Perini was transferred to Calicut. His sometime assistant Fr Valerian J D Souza was made the Bishop in the year 1928. Msgr Raymond raised the toast on the occasion of his consecration in English language which was considered to be a masterpiece. When Bishop Perini expired he gave a funeral oration on June 28, 1932 in the Cathedral of Calicut which remains a memorable oration in the history of Calicut. He was so well known in Mangalore and in the country that he would be called at any moment to represent the Bishop, the Msgr Mascarenhas with his diocese or the Catholic community of Mangalore. loyal friend Fr Joseph L Pais He would handle any situation however tough it was. He guided the destiny of the Catholic Association of South Kanara for ten years. In all his works or services he was a good pastor and an edifying priest. Many of the findings of the life and ministry of Msgr Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas have the source in my beloved director of St Antonys Charity Institutes, Jeppu, Mangalore, Very Rev Msgr Marian Francis Clement Castelino, another saint. He was in the final year of his high school studies when Msgr Raymond came as a parish priest of Bendur. He sent him to the seminary, and his Ordination took place in his time, and it is due to this beloved disciple of Msgr the first three convents were started in Puttur, Balkunje and Kinnigoli. He accompanied him all through his life and he was with him when he breathed his last. He used to tell me among many things, that Msgr was a saint not so much for his achievements but for the sufferings that he endured, the humility he was subjected to, and the bad name he suffered, all on account of his dear Congregation which is not only the work of the founder of Bethany but it was the action of God and the dedication of the sisters who built Bethany with their hard work, sacrifices and commitment. The very same Msgr MFC Castelino and I were present for his 100th birthday celebration and on the concluding ceremony, Msgr gave a speech which was an epitome of the life of Msgr RFC. He had the privilege of having three of his assistants to become the Bishops of Mangalore one after another. In other words he guided the young priests in their ministry so well that later on they took up the ministry even to lead the Diocese of Mangalore. Now that he is raised to the ranks of the Servant of God, let us pray earnestly that he may be counted among the blessed and saints. 18


Fr Gratian Catholic Mission ORAI, Jalaun, U.P. 25 -2- 1950 Dear Reverend Mother General, I thank you for your kind thought of sending me an invitation of the GOLDEN JUBILEE of Our Dearest Father R. C. Mascarenhas. Please convey my heartiest felicitations to my Ghostly Father and beg of him on my behalf to send me his Pax of Prudence, wisdom and Childlike Confidence in God, when he will administer the same to the priests just before Holy Com. on the day of his Golden Jubilee. I will be standing in spirit beside Rev. Fr. Charles Mascarenhas, his nephew and my classmate at the feet of the Jubilarian and accept Pax Tecum with deepest reverence of Et cum Spiritu tuo. Our saintly Fr. Raymond is not only the founder of the Bethany Sisters but also the founder of the First Indian Secular Diocese of Mangalore which was followed by many Dioceses to take up the reigns in their own hands. It was our Solomon of Mangalore, Fr. Raymond spoke and spoke the Truth of the capability of the secular Clergy to look after their own affairs and won a unique victory You and your whole Congregation owe God special thanks to have spared your Holy Founder specially at this time of your bitter trials to console, comfort and defend you. All are aware, dear Rev. Mother, that your whole Congregation in almost every branch is tried & purified like gold in the crucibles. But the prayers of tears of Our Saintly Father will bring you out of this fire glorious. While you are busy preparing to celebrate the golden Jubilee of a Double Founder, Fr. Raymond, Rome in these days solemnly raises to the honour of the Altar, a series of Founders of various Congregations, do the future events cast their shadows, Dear Mother? Let us hope and pray. I will be offering my Mass on 4th March at 6.30 a. m. for the Jubilarian. Please remember to send me Fathers photo print and his Saintly Blessings. Very Sincerely Yours, Sd/- Fr. Gratian. 19


I, Gration Arouza Pai, aged 74 yrs,. residing at Castle Eden, Airport Road, Bajpe, would like to recollect the pleasant and enriching experience with Msgr RFC Mascarenhas. The journey of knowing this great personality, takes me back to the memory lane -70 yrs ago. My relationship with him started when he decided to start a convent for his Congregation at Bajpe and for this venture my father, the Late Mr Cyprian Arouza Pai, was selected as the chosen one to serve the Lord. 3 acres of land was given for Rs 150/- on Moolgeni on a yearly rental basis by my father. My father also donated 2 acres of land of his free will for the future development of the convent. With regard to the construction work, Msgr RFC Mascarenhas visited Bajpe, and our house frequently, and my meetings with him became regular. As a boy of 4 yrs, his personality and dignity fascinated me greatly and I awaited eagerly these visits and the sweets he brought for me. He travelled in a Morris Minor green colour car, which was a thing of magic to me. I had a permanent place on his lap at every visit. He always told me to be a Priest, which at that time I agreed willingly. His blessings were poured on me abundantly. As my father was looking after the construction work, regarding payments and wages, he was with us every fortnight. Many a times, I had the opportunity of visiting his residential house at Bendur, along with my father. His selfless zeal for service, humility and holiness influenced me all my life and has been a source of support in times of trial. I, along with my wife and daughter-in-law intend to serve the society in his light through Bethany Lay Association of which we are members. I, along with my family, pray to the Almighty God, that the well deserved sainthood be bestowed upon our beloved Msgr RFC Mascarenhas at the earliest.
Gration Arouza Pai

June 19, 2011 Bajpe 20

M rigteC mme c me t f h L s D c d akn h o n e n o te at e a e b fr te B ta yF u d t n C ne ay eoe h eh n o n ai o e tn r: C mpeino Nn t Y as o lt o f iey e r

"a mo dFa cs a l s ac rn a, R y n rn iC miu M sae h s l O J l s te , iee nh n rda dt e t o e n uy i e n nn te u de n w ny n , x Wi c i l etutnG da dM te M r, t hl i rs i o n oh r ay h dk S w djs o elt se , M n aoe o e ut n i l e d O a g lr, te I teb sm o B n u, n h oo f e d r Wi js fu ld ta h r t b gnw t. t u t o r a y e c es o e i i . h h. T u B ta ysw tel h o d y h s eh n a h i t f a, g O tefat f u L d o M u t ame - S tra " n h e s o O r a y f o n C r l a aud y - r etaB S B rh S O J l 1 ,2 1 -B ta y c mme c si ac n it te f a n uy 6 0 1 eh n o n e t se t no h i l s n d c d a po c igteF u d t nC nuyi 2 2 . h C n rg t n e a e p ra hn h o n ai e tr n 0 1 T e o ge ai o o i st g w i p rut o vs n, nihsa dpoe t t e tn a t s e a l n usi f io s is t n rjcs o xe d ci o s i g v tdlea ddrcint is sing ie b teS ra t f o M g ae i n i t f e o o t mi o ud d y h ev n o G d sr ' s R CM sae h se e mo ig pr . teB T A YC n rg t ngv F ac rn a' v r vn sitWe h E H N o ge ai ie i o g r t O r odJ S S n M te o M u t ame fr ltega e rl y o u L r E U a d oh r f o n C r lo alh rc s e o c ie i tels nn t y as(9 12 1 ) n pa fr h C ne ay ev d n h at iey e r 1 2 -0 1 a d ry o te e tn r f i o H ae . r t f evn us


S r a t f o R y n FCMa c r n a e v n o G d a mo d s ae h s

Cn ui oia n t t n o

P r hPis D n l e oR stwt teB ta y i es n tep r ho es ai r t o Af d oai i h eh n S tr a d h ai in r s e r h s s a S NcooC uc , c u v a I l o te5 t D ah n i r r t t i l h rh A q ai ,t y n h 0h e t A nv s y c v a ea C lbaino teSra t f o R y n M sae h s nD c 9 2 1 ee rt o f h evn o G d amo d acrn a o e 1 , 0 0

M s R v r BSq er, pE r u, h C if ee rn, i R v r I ais ot e D J e u i B mei s te he C lba t wt e Fsg t a t h n u K ma C s a dVsw sm a teE c ai i C lbaino F b6 2 1 u r SR n i aa t h u h r t ee rt h sc o n e , 01

M s R v r BSq er, pE r u, ee s gtep r at f DR C ot e D J e u i B mei s rlai h ot io S F a t n r M sae h s nF b6 2 1 i tepee c o S L la tePoic l acrn a o e , 0 1 n h rsn e f r ii , h rv i lt na Sp r r f a glr Poic u ei o B n aoe rv e o n


S r a t f o R y n FCMa c r n a e v n o G d a mo d s ae h s

Cn ui oia n t t n o

E c ai i C lbaina Sce H at h rh M d n h v o 1 t M rh2 1 u h r t ee rt sc o t ard e r C uc , a a b ai n 2h ac 0 1 C if ee rn M s R v ee M c a o Bso o B l u wt C n ee rns he C lba t ot e P tr ah d , i p f eg m, i o c lba t h a h

A Sce H at h rh M d n h v B l u o 1 t M rh2 1 t ard e r C uc , a a b ai eg m n 2h ac 0 1 , a

M s R v ee M c a o teBso o B l u wt V R R v sr u i ot e P tr ah d , h i p f eg m, i G t e M g L c h a h o M sae h s n S R s A n tePoic l u eir f senPoic ,i t g acrn a a d r oe n , h rv i Sp r o Wetr rv e l hi na o n g n teDy o 1 t M rh2 1 a M d n h v B l u h i n 2h ac 0 1 t a a b ai eg m a , a

C n ee o eds nc n t s

M g R y n E jy gaF mi M a sr amo d no i n a l el y

Wi hs ls fmi M mb r o te t iCoe a l e es n h h y V sio D y f iNe e S G r ie A et in a o hs ic , r eman , C t

M g R y n wt F SCV s n sr amo d i r J a a d h boh r r ss nteo cs no hs wnJble rte pi t o h cai f iT i u i e o e


Br John Malvino Alfonso, OCD presently is a IV Year Theology student at St Josephs Seminary, Jeppu, Mangalore; he resides at St Josephs Monastery, Bikkarnakatte, Mangalore. Hailing from Loliem, Goa, a member of the Order of Discalced Carmelites of Karnataka-Goa Province, he is a freelance journalist. He has authored two books in Konkani Sukhi Jinn and Jinnechi Vatt and has several articles to his credit.
- Br J Malvino Alfonso, OCD

Jinnechi Vatt has received awards from different Konkani institutions in

Goa. Br Malvino in this weighty write-up brings to the fore the sacredness and majesty of the Eucharist, citing many relevant documents of the Vatican and Church. The co-relation to the sentiments and practices of Servant of God, Msgr Raymond F C Mascarenhas and the deep attachment and devotion he displayed for the Eucharist as well as preached tremendously, surfaces for the attentive reader. The same devotion and greatness is consistently enshrined by the founder and his followers over the years in the Bethany Congregation of Mangalore. Introduction The Holy Eucharist is totally dependent on priesthood - no priesthood, no Real Presence and no Eucharistic Sacrifice. The priest is quite aware that he cannot depend on himself to achieve the purposes of his ministry. He needs to be an instrument of the victorious action of Christ, whose sacrifice made present on the altar, obtains for humanity an abundance of divine gifts. He must be profoundly united to Christ in order to utter the words of Consecration in the name of Christ This is My Body... this is the cup of My Blood... and reproduce Christs countenance in himself. The more he is rooted in Christ, the more faithfully he can celebrate the Eucharist.


The same sentiments were expressed by the Second Vatican Council: Priests act especially in the person of Christ as ministers of holy things, especially in the sacrifice of the Mass,1 and that without a priest there cannot be a Eucharistic sacrifice. It also emphasized that those who celebrate this sacrifice must be in intimate spiritual union with Christ. They are asked to imitate that with which they deal and in as much as they celebrate the mystery of the Lords death they should keep their bodies free of vices and concupiscences.2 The Council also requested priests to celebrate Mass daily. Blessed Pope John Paul II in the letter Dominicae Cenae addressed to the bishops and priests explains how the Eucharist can become the school to learn to love the neighbour. The Mystery of the Eucharist The word Eucharist signifies thanksgiving. The Greek verb eucharistein means to give thanks. The term Eucharist is derived from the Greek noun

eucharistia meaning thanksgiving. The Eucharist is defined as a celebration

and sharing of a sacramental meal by a worshipping community, in the context of remembrance, praise and thanksgiving. In this event, we remember, celebrate and proclaim the exemplary life, sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, Do this in memory of Me (Lk. 22:19). This expression makes alive the salvation history in our midst. The Passover celebrations were a memorial, a reminder to people (Ex 13:7-9). During the Passover ceremony God Himself was reminded of His past merciful deeds and promises (Ex 32:13). When we celebrate the sacrificial Passion and Death of Jesus in the Eucharist, His saving acts become effective today. The Eucharist as a sacrificial memorial enables us to unite actively with His sacrifice and obtain its benefits. The Eucharist is a reminder of the Love of Christ for us. In the Eucharistic prayers we express our gratitude towards Him and recall His Death and Resurrection. The Eucharist helps us to see Jesus present Himself, renewing His covenant with us and entrusting the work of sharing His love with others.

Austin Flannery, , Prebyterorum Ordinis, in Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents (Mumbai:St. Pauls 2004) no.13,pg.780 Austin Flannery, , Prebyterorum Ordinis, in Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents (Mumbai:St. Pauls 2004) no.13,pg.780 22

The above thoughts are personalized by many of our priests today. The priests who have gone before us to the heavenly abode, specially the saints and the founders of the religious Congregations, made the Eucharist as the centre of their lives. They lived much before the Second Vatican Council. They were great devotees of the Eucharist. Among these saints and founders, we have our very own, a son of the soil, the Servant of God Monsignor Raymond Mascarenhas, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany. Monsignor Raymond: His Love for the Eucharist Msgr Raymond was a great devotee of the Eucharist. His heart was burning with deep love for our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Even as a young priest he used to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with rapt attention and devotion. He considered the Sacrifice of the Mass sublime and excellent. He has reasons to say this. It is because the priest does not celebrate Mass but He is the representative of Christ. The Eucharist is celebrated by the God Man-Christ Jesus. The victim that is offered is Christ Himself. Holy Eucharist is identical with the Sacrifice of Calvary. The only difference is in the manner of offering. On the cross Christ offered Himself in His natural form-as man, and that through physical pain and actual shedding of His blood unto death. But on the altar Christ offers Himself through the priest.3 He built the sanctuaries of the Lord. He used to instruct sisters to beautify the altar, so that it becomes a pleasure to spend time before the Lord. His love for the Eucharistic Lord was seen in the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for public veneration. The book of Constitutions written by him also has a place for the love and worship of the Lord in the Eucharist. Constitution nos 117 and 130 prove his fervour and zeal for the Eucharistic Lord. His participation in the procession of the Blessed Sacrament was highly appreciated. Sr M Theresine B S, gives witness to his love for the Eucharist; Everyday after Mass, I have seen him spending quite a long time in thanksgiving before the Blessed Sacrament. Even in his eighties I have seen him seated in an armchair at the rear end of the chapel in rapt contemplation, spending an hour before the Eucharistic Lord every evening.4 He used to

Bertha,B.S.,From the Lips of the Founder, (Mangalore: Bethany Generalate,1996), pgs.52-53 M.Theresine B.S. Memorable Msgr. Mascarenhas, Reminiscences, (Mangalore: Bethany Publications,2009),pg.18 23

repeat his most favourite ejaculatory prayer, O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine. His desire even at his deathbed was that Bethany should resume the perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. He gave priority to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The faithful would be moved to devotion when attending his Mass. He was never in a hurry at Mass.5 The faithful were taken up by the way he celebrated the Mass. One day he was suffering from high fever, and he came to the chapel to celebrate Mass. At the end,... he vomited and was made to sit down.6 Such was his zeal for the Eucharist. When he recited the thanksgiving prayers aloud after communion, the faithful were really touched by his deep love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. In his sermon on the closing day of the first Diocesan Eucharistic Congress at Mangalore, on the 29 th of December 1938, he highlighted the importance of this great Sacrament. As a compassionate preacher, he poured out his heart towards Jesus in the Eucharist.7 His love and zeal for the Eucharist was testified by many. These are the words of Mr Alex Pais, the advocate of the High Court of Mumbai: Years ago I happened to be at Udyavar for a few days. I had not met Fr Mascarenhas before that. ... He was young then... I went up to Sunday Mass. The celebrant at the altar was saying his Mass with such unction, such deliberation, and such absorption that the picture is still before me. No other priest at the altar since has produced on me an impression akin to it. People there spoke highly of their parish priest.8 Fr John Cornelio, the then assistant parish priest of Derebail Church has noted in his book: His deep devotion to the Blessed Sacrament manifested itself especially at Mass; never in a hurry, feeling what he says and giving expression to almost every word, both to the prayers at Mass and to the reading of the Epistles and Gospels. He was at his best, when there arose an opportunity of giving public honour to our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.9

M.Theresine B.S. Memorable Msgr. Mascarenhas, Reminiscences, (Mangalore: Bethany Publications,2009), pg.25 M.Theresine B.S. Memorable Msgr. Mascarenhas, Reminiscences, (Mangalore: Bethany Publications,2009), pg.25 Raymond Mascarenhas, A Great Sacrament of Love-A Sermon delivered by Msgr. Raymond , (Mangalore:Bethany Generalate,2007) Alex A. Pais, Rev. RFC Mascarenhas, An Appreciation of Msgr.RFC Mascarenhas, (Mangalore:Bethany Generalate Archives, 22 Dec.1949) 24

The Eucharist- the Foundation of Monsignors Life The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life.10 Other sacraments are oriented and bound up with the Eucharist. Pope Benedict XVI, in his Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, basing on St Thomas Aquinas, calls the Eucharist, a Sacrament of Charity. It is his wish that the faithful live the mystery in their day-to-day life. He also speaks of a spirituality of the Eucharist and Eucharistic culture leading to moral transformation and evangelization, witnessing to such a culture as social implications in the area of peace, justice and protection of creation. Perceptive of the significance of the Eucharist leads us to appreciate the supreme importance of the gift of the Eucharist.11 The sacrificial offering of Christ, realized in the consecration through the ministry of the priest, provides a particular fruit, gained through the simple implementation of the sacramental act. This is the fruit that theologians call ex-opere operato. The sacrifice of the cross is emphasized in the Eucharistic celebration; the Eucharistic Sacrifice only renders present the one redemptive sacrifice, the source of all graces. The fruit of the Eucharistic sacrifice is always produced independently of the personal dispositions of the priest. The priest commits himself with his whole soul in the offering of the sacrifice and conforms his own attitude to that of the Saviour. Monsignor Mascarenhas experienced the power of the Eucharist. He not only loved the Eucharist as a devotion but made the Eucharist as the foundation of his life. His life flowed from the Eucharist. He lived the teachings of the Second Vatican Council in his days. The following will make it clearer. (i) A Man of God Jesus said: Those who eat My flesh and drink My blood abide in Me, and I in them (Jn 6 : 56). So, the main aim of the Eucharistic Meal is not to have a temporary union with Christ but a long-lasting one. Jesus enters as food into the person of the faithful; thus establishing the deepest bonds with them and renews their whole lives. Monsignor lived in an intimate relationship with Christ. The main concern in his personal life was fidelity to Fr. John Cornelio, An Article on Msgr. Mascarenhas, (Mangalore:Bethany Generalate Archives, 18 Nov.1949) 10 Austin Flannery, , Lumen Gentium, in Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents (Mumbai:St. Pauls 2004) no.11,pg.330 11 Benedict XVI, Sacramentum Caritatis, Sacramentum Caritatis,Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation (Trivandrum: Carmel International Publishing House,2007), nos.70-80


his spiritual duties. He accepted everything as coming from the paternal hand of God. He surrendered everything to God. He was faithful to the will of God and faced courageously all the difficulties that he had to suffer in the form of trials, temptations and obstacles. (ii) A Man for the poor Our participation in the Eucharistic celebration forces us to see the Body of Christ in the poor. Blessed John Paul II spoke of the Eucharist as a way of solidarity with the humanity.12 We must learn from the Eucharist the art of seeing the presence of Christ in the poor, the sick and the neglected. Blessed John Paul II expressed this thought succinctly in the words, in the service of the least.13 Monsignor Raymond identified himself with the poor, the lonely, the oppressed and the broken-hearted. He shared their joys and sorrows, hopes and agonies. He hailed from a prosperous family, but led a simple and austere life. He used to visit the poor in their huts, listen to their grief and help them in their needs. His concern about the education of poor children made him enter into the education apostolate. He not only helped the poor seek jobs but made them stand on their own feet. (iii) Self-Offerer The Eucharist is central in the lives of Christians who want to offer themselves to God. The Mass is Christs offering of Himself to His Father. Monsignor, rooted in Christ, offered his plans and hopes to God. When he understood that there were misunderstandings regarding the founder and the Congregation, and the Church authorities and the public were making a hue and cry over it, he had a strong urge to explain his stand. In a booklet My Apology his stand was made clear. Within a short time a counter booklet appeared entitled The Revenge of Mgr Mascarenhas, through which his character and image was tarnished.14 He was hurt very deeply. Again he responded to the counter booklet by another booklet Apologia Pro Vita Sua. The Church authorities demanded a public retraction under a threat of suspension. He humbly submitted to the order of the authorities. He was rejected by all including his own spiritual daughters. But he used to remember the words of Jesus on the way to Emmaus: Was it not necessary that the Messiah would suffer these things, and then enter into His glory? (Lk 24:26). John Paul II, Mane Nobiscum Domine,Apostolic Letter ( Trivandrum: Carmel International Publishing House,2005) no. 27-28,pgs.30-31 13 John Paul II, Mane Nobiscum Domine,Apostolic Letter ( Trivandrum: Carmel International Publishing House,2005) no.28,pgs.30-31 14 Fr. Geo P-Sr. Mary Benedict B.S., Fullness of Life, (Mangalore:Bethany Publications,2003),pg.123


(iv) A Good Shepherd The Holy Mass invites us to live and share what we have received and what we have heard, meditated, sung and prayed. In other words, the Holy Eucharist sends us on a mission. Blessed Pope John Paul II in his encyclical

Ecclesia de Eucharistia says: Every activity aimed at carrying out the Churchs
mission, every work of pastoral planning must draw the strength it needs from Eucharistic mystery and in turn be directed to that mystery as its culmination.15 Monsignor Mascarenhas drew strength from the Eucharistic Lord, imitated Him as the Good Shepherd in shepherding his flock. As a pastor and a shepherd, during his priestly ministry as an assistant priest, parish priest, a Vicar General and the founder of Bethany, he worked for the uplift of his flock. He was a model for imitation and a guiding star to everyone, irrespective of caste, creed and religion. His service was very much appreciated by the parishioners (of Agrar, Udyavar, Milagres, Kallianpur, Bendur and Udupi,) and also by the public at large. He founded the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany to continue the mission of Christ. His contribution to vocation promotion is commendable. Conclusion The Eucharistic Sacrifice makes us ready for the service of the other. One needs to die in order to bear much fruit. Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain, but if it dies, it bears much fruit (Jn 12:24). Msgr Raymond lived an exemplary Christian life. His life of prayer was seen in his day-to-day dealings with others. His love for the Eucharistic Lord helped him go beyond human imagination and understanding of life. He lived in the world but not as a slave of the world. His Eucharistic-centered life is offering the challenge to all of us. I would say a greater challenge for his own spiritual daughters, who are following in his footsteps. His love and zeal to strengthen his relationship with Jesus is inspiring. His whole life flowed from his intimate relationship with Christ. Do we have time to sit alone with the Alone? When we are rooted in Christ, even our apostolate will give effective results, our interpersonal relationship with our own will be strengthened. Our outlook on life will be changed. Rooted in Jesus we will live a life worthy of our calling. May the Servant of God, Msgr Raymond inspire us.


John Paul II, Ecclesia de Eucharistia ,Encyclical Letter, ( Mumbai: Pauline Publications, 2003) no. 27

Barr, Robert R., The Eucharist: Gift of Divine Life, Mumbai: Pauline Publications, 1999 Benedict XVI, Sacramentum Caritatis,Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, Trivandrum: Carmel International Publishing House, 2007 Bertha M BS (ed), From the Lips of the Founder, Mangalore: Bethany Generalate, 1996 Bertha M BS Mgr Raymond A Mystic and a Prophet, Mangalore: Bethany Publications, 2007 Dabre Thomas, Eucharist Gods gift for the Life of the World, Delhi: NCC Publications, 2008 DSouza Almir, Mis-Bhavarthacho Somarombh Ani Jivitacho Maz, Panaji: Diocesan Centre for Lay Apostolate, 2008 Drago C, The Eucharist Gods Greatest Gift for Abundant Life, Mumbai: Pauline Publications, 1999 Esperie M BS, Bethany My Joy and My Crown , Mangalore: Bethany Publications, 2003 Flannery,Austin,ed. Vatican Council II-Conciliar and Post Conciliar

Documents,Mumbai: St.Pauls, 2004

John Paul II, Ecclesia De Eucharistia, Encyclical Letter, Mumbai: Pauline Publications 2003 John Paul II, Mane Nobiscum Domine, Apostolic Letter, Trivandrum: Carmel International Publishing House, 2004 Payyapilly Geo Benedict Mary BS, Fullness of Life, Mangalore: Bethany Publications, 2003 Serrao, Ronald, The Eucharist-Source and Summit of Christian Life (Class

notes), Mangalore: St. Josephs Inter-diocesan Seminary, 2010.

Theresine M BS, Esuria M BS, Reminiscences , Mangalore: Bethany Publications, 2009


By Rev. Fr. R.F.C. Mascarenhas It is indeed fortunate that in this issue we are able to reproduce an article from the pen of Servant of God Msgr RFC Mascarenhas, which appeared in Unitas, 1954 pp 70-72, the Annual of St Josephs Seminary, Jeppu, Mangalore, on the occasion of the completion of its 75 years jubilee. The writer attributes the vibrant living of his entire sacerdotal life to the formation he received at St Josephs Seminary, Mangalore. We record our sincere thanks for the permission granted by the Rector of the Seminary for this. In his unique inimitable style Msgr Raymond gives rare insights into the personalities of the key people of the Seminary at the time he was a scholar there (1891-1900). It indeed makes for pleasurable plus memorable reading. St. Josephs Seminary, Mangalore, my Ecclesiastical Alma Mater, is commemorating this year its 75 years under the care of the Jesuit Fathers. The occasion brings to mind and heart the words of Ecclesiasticus: Laudemus

viros gloriosos et parentes nostros in generatione sua (Let us praise the glorious
man and our parents in their generation). It was my privilege to have my entire ecclesiastical training in St. Josephs Seminary, Mangalore, in which I passed nine happy years from 1891 to 1900. The memory of these years is with me in benediction. The spiritual and intellectual formation which I received in this home of sanctity and learning, has inspired and directed and strengthened my entire sacerdotal life of well nigh 55 years. I need say little about the spiritual formation given in the Seminary. Suffice it to say it was the Jesuit training with its high ideals of generosity in the service of Our Lord, backed by the high example of persons who very much impressed us as men of God, with a supernatural outlook. Now as regards our intellectual formation in the Seminary. It was my good fortune to join the Seminary when, so to say, its transition period had passed and the full course of Ecclesiastical studies was systematically


established. To speak about my professors and the different subjects they taught me. Fr. A. Lucchini was my professor of Dogma. He was grave and dignified and measured his words. He looked a deep thinker and was a clear speaker and lecturer. It was charming to hear him quote Franzelin and Billot and Mazzella, above all St. Thomas of whom he spoke with bated breath. It was about then that the great Lumen in coelo Pope Leo XIII had issued his famous Encyclical Aeterni Patris restoring the Philosophy of St. Thomas in Catholic schools. Fr. Lucchini used to say very solemnly-Mallem errare cum S. Thoma

quam sequi opiniones caeterorum ( I prefer to err with St Thomas than follow
the opinions of others). Fr. Joseph Gioanini was my Professor of Philosophy. He was facile princeps. Besides other philosophic subjects he taught me Theologia Naturalis. He so taught it that we learnt during it all the intricate points of Theology de

Sanctissima Trinitate, de Incarnatione etc. (about the Most Holy Trinity, about
the Incarnation etc.,).He was very clear and lucid in his exposition. He spoke in simple flowing Latin; so that his lectures were an exercise to us in the speech of Latin. Fr. Gioanini was an adorer of St. Thomas. He seemed to melt with affection when he spoke of St. Thomas. I remember how once he expatiated on noster when in the textbook the author quoted a passage from St. Thomas adding to it Dicit Aquinas noster (says our Aquinas). Fr. Joseph Gioanini was somewhat of an encyclopedia. He had ready information to give on any subject that was asked of him. But in the matter of singing he was nil. The gift of music was entirely absent in him. He could not modulate on a single note. Yet when asked a question about music he would explain in detail the science and art of music, the difference between scales etc. with perfect ease. This aside I well remember his explaining to me the mathematical calculations in the firing of the canons from men-of-war. When I was priest I had occasion to consult him on some matters of architecture and he gave his advice most intelligently and happily. Fr. A. Grossi was my professor of Moral Theology. He was a man full of humour; and he could not speak, or teach either without raising bubbles of laughter. His class of Moral Theology was an interesting and amusing conversation, sandwiched between the serious reading of the text, without, however, going out of its matter. His teaching was clear and forcible. There 30

was not rigorism in it. It leaned towards the benign side, but there was no laxity about it. Fr. S.F. Zanetti was my professor of Holy Scripture. In character he was the very opposite of Fr. Grossi, serious, strict, ascetic. He was Rector and at one time also Master of Novices. But as professor he was lucid, clear and concise. The Encyclical Aeterni Patris of Pope Leo XIII which was issued about that time was the forte of his teaching. Fr. A.J. Diamanti was my professor of Liturgy, and Gregorian Chant. He was the Prefect of the church. He was a kind of ad omnia (for all) in the Seminary and specially with us Seminarists. He was the designer and architect of the Seminary church. He also has designed many other churches in the Diocese. None was planned without consulting him. He died suddenly of heart failure when actually he was working with a plan relating to the Milagres church, Mangalore, of which he had given the main original plan. We could well apply to him the words of the Psalmist: Domine dilexi decorem domus

tuae et locum habitationis tuae (Lord, I loved the beauty of your house and
the place of your habitation). Fr. Diamanti was an ardent lover of Liturgy and Gregorian Chant and whatever else belonged to the performance of religious services. Come from Rome he was an ardent Roman and by word and example he instilled into us a great love for the Roman Church and her singing and ceremonial. His method of teaching was peculiarly his: it was half work and half play. He taught us to do the right thing by showing before all the wrong and awkward ways of doing it, for instance in the performance of ceremonies, in singing, preaching etc. We enjoyed the method and learnt under it. And we were glad also for his method which relieved us of a great deal of tedium, the more so as his classes were on Sundays and Thursdays which normally should have been days of rest for us. About Professors of Classics I shall only say what we heard from Bishop Cavadini that in his interview with the great Latinist Pope Leo XIII the Holy Father was happily surprised to hear that in the Mangalore Seminary everything was taught in Latin and that the Seminarists talked Latin not only in the classes but in general conversation. He was surprised and tried to assure himself about the fact by a variety of questions with regard to the fact. 31

Let me conclude: Laudemus viros gloriosos et parentes nostros in

generatione sua: homines magni virtute et prudentia sua praediti. nuntiantes in prophetis dignitatem prophetarum et virtute prudentiae populis sanctissima verba: in peritia sua requirentes modos musicos et narrantes carmina scripturarum ( Let us praise glorious men and our parents in their generation:
men endowed with great virtue and their prudence, announcing in prophets the dignity of prophets and by virtue of hottest of words of peoples prudence: in their skill requiring the modes of music and narrating songs of scripture Cf. Sirach 44: 1-5). My humble salutation to the grand Institution which has given me so many good things:

Alma Mater Mea si obliviscar tui oblivioni detur dextera mea. (Glorious
Mother mine if I forget you, let my right hand wither). 19-X-1954 Courtesy : Unitas, 1954 pp 70-72 St Josephs Seminary, Jeppu, Mangalore

The Renowned St Josephs Seminary, Jeppu, Mangalore, the Ecclesiastical Alma Mater of the Servant of God Raymond Mascarenhas


- Rev Fr Ignatius Kumar CSsR This is a warmly delivered homily of Rev Ignatius Kumar CSsR, at the Bethany Provincial House, Bangalore at the Eucharistic Celebration presided over by Most Rev Dr J B Sequeira, Bishop Emeritus, on February 6, 2011 to mark the closing of the 50th Death anniversary of the Servant of God Msgr RFC Mascarenhas. It very cordially reveals how even one who is not so familiar with the life of the Founder, can immediately discern his aspirations and holiness just by reading his life; such is the inspiration value of the great man of God. The Heart of the Founder is not to be found in what he wrote or published but in the little things that he did in founding the Congregation. The humble beginnings of the Congregation and the little things done by him speak volumes of the character of this Servant of God. The touching words and narration conveys the special value of the great personality that is Msgr Raymond of Bendur, Mangalore. Fr Ignatius Kumar CSsR is a member of the Redemptorists Province of Bangalore. Teaching in several Religious Colleges of Bangalore, he has M A degrees in Philosophy and Literature and a Licentiate from the Gregorian University Rome. He is the Editor of Breaking the Word- a quarterly bulletin of Sunday Homilies published by the Redemptorists. He has been giving Retreats and Recollections to the religious. He resides at Mount St Alphonsus, Bangalore. My Lord Bishop Most Rev John Baptist Sequeira, Rev Fathers, Rev Sisters and my dear brothers and sisters, The Map of God Talking of Mother Elizabeth, the founder of the order of St Brigitte, her biographer Msgr Mario Russotto said, I have seen in the life of Mother Elizabeth the map of God, a trace of God that is strong, deep and visible. He had not met her personally and all that he had was fragmented accounts from her contemporaries and other sources of information. Similarly, when I was asked to give a homily all 33

that I had on Msgr Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas was a booklet given by the Sisters. After reading that brief biography of the Servant of God I felt the same. I did see the map of God, the trace of God that is strong, deep and visible. His life is yet another example as to how God works with the grace within individuals for the welfare of His people. A Serene River of Holiness All of us have read the lives of saints from our childhood. Every life of a saint has an aura of a faraway vision because most of our saints are from faraway lands. An Italian and a saint sounds as perfect as music to our ears. A saint with an Albanian/Macedonian background is not a block for us to call her simply as Mother. But as a concept an Indian and a saint or to be precise a Saint from Mangalore may not evoke the same automatic awe and admiration, for, a feeling of familiarity could become the mental block. But in the case of Msgr Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas it was as awe-inspiring as any saint or martyr of the Church. His life flowed like a serene river of holiness. A Holy Man with a Mission Msgr Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas has pleasant saintly features, a sort of patriarchal look with flowing white beard and kindly eyes. His crinkling eyes peering at us with half-closed eyelids make us feel being in the presence of a holy man. Msgr Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas was a man of his times but with a strong sense of Mission a mission born of the community memory of a bygone persecution and exile. This resulted in a genuine concern for the oppressed in the rural areas especially women and girl children. Msgr Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas work of a life time is reflected in the founding of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany on July 16th 1921 with just four sisters whose numbers have grown to 1300 today. The Spirituality of the Servant of God The spirituality of the Founder is actually found in the lives of the members of the Congregation, past and present. The members translate the heart and the spirituality of the founder by their lives. The motto of the Congregation, Behold the handmaid of the Lord and be it done to me according to your word, and the Charism, To have the Gospel preached to 34

the poor especially the rural poor women and girl children, speak of the deep spiritual concerns of the Founder. That is the heart that needs to be translated and lived by the Congregation as a whole. The Heart of the Servant of God The heart of the Founder is not to be found in what he wrote or published but in the little things that he did in founding the Congregation. The humble beginnings of the Congregation and the little things done by him speak volumes of the character of this Servant of God, his childlike hope and his disarming simplicity. When his bishop Most Rev Paul Perini SJ told him while giving permission for the foundation of the Congregation, Act if you have an inspiration to do so, these things are not tailor made. Begin small and let it develop gradually. So he begins small with just four young women. It is better to name them as Marceline Menezes, Flora Mathias, Alice Mathias and Regina Gertrude, for they were not yet Sisters but later on took the name Mary Martha, Mary Clare, Mary Lourdes and Mary Gertrude. They were just trained teachers and ordinary women working with Msgr Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas living in a small house close to the Church and it was not yet an established convent. He adds Mary to their names because of his devotion to Mother Mary. He calls the house they lived Bethany because Martha and Mary of Bethany were close to Jesus. He adds a fourth woman, the Little Flower, in the name of the Congregation because he adored the simplicity of her spirituality. The Sufferings of the Servant of God Msgr Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas became the Servant of God not just because of the simplicity of his spirituality, his holiness and his mission for the poor, rather he became the Servant of God because of a heartrending pain and humiliation that he endured towards the end of his life. Just like Saint Jeanne Jugan, the Foundress of the Little Sisters of the Poor, he felt his lifes work was being taken away from him. He had no say in the affairs of the Congregation. St Jeanne Jugan used to cry before the Blessed Sacrament, Lord they have taken away my work, my charity; Lord, you know what is going on. Servant of God Msgr Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas carried his cross silently and at the same time simply felt also the need to explain himself. So he wrote a book titled Apologia Pro Vita 35

Sua which was ordered to be revoked. He obeyed. An Endearing Image of the Servant of God An 85 year old frail man going around from house to house with the little bag on his shoulders taking back the books that had been circulated in obedience remains one of the lasting images of this Servant of God and speaks of his simple obedience, simplicity and holiness. Time to Get Back to our Story We have heard the life story of the Servant God whom we love. This should lead us to the question of our own stories. His story should begin to narrate our own little stories deep down in our hearts. Well, in spite of all our dreams and aspirations, our work, and achievements, a time would come for all of us wherein we would be lonely, chastised, left alone to fend for ourselves and still obey. When it comes we would be going around collecting the books as it were with no further desire to explain ourselves to anyone but God alone. When we reach that stage we would be Servants of God too in our own right. That is my prayer for all of you and for me. Amen


Published twice a year in July and December. No subscription. Donations will be gratefully accepted to meet the expenses of printing, mailing and the process of Canonization. Donations and offerings may be sent to the address given below. Cheques/drafts may be made in favour of:

Cause of Msgr Raymond FC Mascarenhas. We invite you to share

your experiences for possible inclusion in this bulletin. The Vice-Postulator Cause of the Servant of God Raymond Mascarenhas Bethany Convent, Kankanady Post Mangalore - 575 002 Karnataka, India Managing Editor 36


Sr Medela, BS, hails from Borimar. She is a committed religious for the past 61 years. She has been the local superior of St Josephs Convent, Sagar, Rosa Mystica Convent, Gurpur and Bethany Motherhouse. She was the Assistant Procurator General from 1986 to 1992 and Procurator General of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany from 1992 to 2005. She is presently at Bethany Motherhouse spending her time in prayer and various activities. She is an epitome of compassionate love, godliness, serviceability and a lover and protector of nature. This article from her pen serves to bring out several facets of the Founder in a convincing close-up manner. Sr Medela, BS

I was born in 1930 when Bethany was just 9 years. Since my mother died when I was 3 years of age, on the advice of our Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Leo Carvalho, my father offered me along with my older sister to Bethany. I was only six years when Father Founder, Mother Martha and Sister Magdalene received me as their own, loved, cared and looked after my needs. Both of us were admitted to the Little Flower Girls School at Kinnigoly and to the newly started Maryvale Hostel. As I ponder over the past, sweet memories come to my mind. Father Founder along with sisters visited the Hostel bringing sweets and snacks. He loved us, the children, who longed to see him. Being a motherless child I was loved much. He was truly loving, full of compassion. I feel proud to say that Maryvale Hostel became the cradle of vocations to our Bethany Congregation from its infancy. I saw children who lived with us joined Bethany one after the other.


My sister, Sr Assisi was received as an aspirant at Bethany soon after her VIII Std. That being the Second World War period 1939-45, Bethany was experiencing hard time; hunger and diseases caused death of many of the Sisters. My sister too died during 1947 soon after her First Profession. I passed SSLC the same year and awaited to be taken as an aspirant to become a Sister. But the Sisters hesitated as they thought that I too would die like my sister. My desire to become a Sister was so great that I approached Fr Founder without much delay. Fr Founder saw that I was brought to Bethany, and he received me into the Convent. His touch and blessings have helped me to live up to the age of 81. I cannot forget his loving gaze whenever I met him; I was privileged to visit him as a child, a novice and Sister. 10 days before his death I saw him. His last blessing to me I believe has helped me to this day. I cannot but remember him sitting in front of his cottage under the shade of a tree with his gaze at the Blessed Sacrament in our Chapel; walking with his upward look unmindful of a slippery ground. I had the privilege of listening to his talks, sermons and participating at his Mass (Latin) daily in our chapel. He officiated at our vestition and profession ceremonies. His Twin Jubilee celebration during 1950 is an event that revealed to us his greatness as a man of God who toiled for Gods kingdom throughout his life time and as a holy Priest and Founder of Bethany. I thank the Good God for the privilege of living at the time when our Father Founder lived and the opportunity of seeing him declared by the Church a Servant of God. I earnestly pray that the good Lord raise him to the honours of the Altar soon.


Favours Received in 2007 through the Intercession of the Servant of God Raymond FC Mascarenhas and Published in Raknno, the Konkani Weekly of Mangalore Diocese
2007/7 Heartfelt thanks to Msgr RFC Mascarenhas for the favours received. - Gration Arouza Pai, Bajpe 2007/8 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr RFC Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him. - Prakash, Muscat 2007/9 Heartfelt thanks to Msgr RFC Mascarenhas for the favours received. - Roshan Agnel D Souza, Bahrain 2007/10 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr RFC Mascarenhas. Praise and thanks be to God. - Sr Mabel D Mello, Bethany Convent, Bendore 2007/11 Heartfelt thanks to Msgr RFC Mascarenhas for the favours received. - Sr Benedicta, Rosa Mystica, Gurpur 2007/12 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr RFC Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him. -Monica Pinto, Mulky 2007/13 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr RFC Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him. -Sr Victoria, BS, Ankola 2007/14 2007/15 Sincere thanks to Msgr RFC Mascarenhas for the favours received. - Sr Julie Heartfelt thanks to Msgr RFC Mascarenhas for the favours received. - Sr Victoria, Ankola 2007/16 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr RFC Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him. - J N Pinto 39

Favours Received
Reunited in Lovev
I am a Bethany Lay Assosiate member and a parishioner of St Peters Church, Doddaballapur. I am convinced that I have received two favours through the intercession of the Servant of God Raymond Mascarenhas. One and a half year ago, my brothers wife had gone to her parental house and was reluctant to return to her husbands house. I was praying for her return and reunion. Sisters gave the prayer for the Beatification of the Servant of God on 20th of Feb 2011. I started to recite the prayer with faith; to my surprise with in a week Sunitha my sisterin-law arrived with her son. It was a great joy for the family to see the reunion of the couple. I firmly say it is only through the intercession of Bethany Founder, Msgr Raymond, now the Servant of God who miraculously brought my brothers wife Sunitha back to us.

Blessing to the family

The second favour I received: My cow littered twin calves. But before the delivery the cow struggled a lot and all of us got very scared as we saw the danger for the life of the cow. So I prayed through the intercession of the Servant of God with a lighted candle and within a few minutes time cow littered two calves. I was very happy and I believe it is through the intercession of the servant of God. Mrs Sundari, Bangalore

Physically Healed
I am a parishioner of St Peters Church Doddaballapur, thanking God Almighty for the favours received through the intercession of the Servant of God Raymond Mascarenhas. I had pain in my left hand and could not lift it up even to comb my hair. I prayed to Msgr Raymond and now it is healed. Secondly, I had no control of urine and had itching on the head and several discomforts. All these infirmities are also healed through the intercession of the saintly Founder of Bethany. So, I praise God for the gift of the Servant of God Raymond Mascarenhas of Bethany in all our needs. Mrs Philomen DSouza, Bangalore

Praise the Lord!

I am a recipient of many favours and blessings from God through the intercession of Msgr Raymond FC Mascarenhas, the servant of God. I am healed of the swelling on my right hand fingers, ringing sound in my left ear and a lump in my body. As I am grateful to God for the favours received I pray that our Fr Founder may be raised to the honours of the Altar. Sr Neritta BS, Viswema, Nagaland

Miraculous Return
My grand-nephew, 32 years old, was found missing for the past one year and four months. My family and I kept on praying to God through the intercession of Msgr Raymond FC Mascarenhas as we were going through this great loss and sorrow. He returned home two months back safe and sound. We thank God for this great favour received through our Fr Founder. Sr Marie Paul, Chittapur, Gulburga



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