Electrochemical Reduction of (U, Pu) O in Molten Licl and Cacl Electrolytes

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Journal of NUCLEAR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 44, No. 5, p.

801813 (2007)


Electrochemical Reduction of (U,Pu)O2 in Molten LiCl and CaCl2 Electrolytes

Masatoshi IIZUKA1; , Tadashi INOUE1 , Michel OUGIER2 and Jean-Paul GLATZ2

Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 2-11-1 Iwato-kita, Komae, Tokyo 201-8511, Japan 2 Institute for Transuranium Elements, Postfach 2340, D76125 Karlsruhe, Germany (Received August 15, 2006 and accepted in revised form February 2, 2007)

The electrochemical reduction of UO2 -PuO2 mixed oxides (MOX) was performed in molten LiCl at 923 K and CaCl2 at 1,123 K to evaluate the behavior of the plutonium quantitatively and to dene the optimum conditions for the electrochemical reduction of those materials. In LiCl, excess deposition of lithium metal can be avoided and the MOX was smoothly reduced at 0:65 V vs. Bi-35 mol% Li reference electrode. The reduction ratio calculated from the mass change of the samples taken during the electrochemical reduction and the ratio evaluated by gas-burette method were in good agreement. The cathodic current eciency remained 3050% mainly due to the deoxidation of tantalum cathode basket. Although dissolution of plutonium and americium into the electrolyte was found by the chemical analysis, the dissolved amount was negligible and had no immediate inuence on the feasibility of the electrochemical reduction process. In CaCl2 , reduction of the MOX occurred in whole range of the tested cathode potential (0:15 V to 0:40 V vs. Ca-Pb reference electrode). The cathodic current eciency was around 30%. Although the MOX was completely reduced at 0:25 V, the reduction was interrupted by formation of the surface barrier made of the reduced material and the vacancy between the reduced and the non-reduced areas at 0:30 V. Plutonium and americium dissolved also into the CaCl2 electrolyte to slightly higher concentrations than those observed in LiCl electrolyte. The analyses for the reduction products showed that the amount of those actinides lost from the cathode was much larger than that found in the electrolyte, probably due to the formation of mixed oxide precipitate. KEYWORDS: molten salt, lithium chloride, calcium chloride, pyrometallurgical reprocessing, reduction, electrochemistry, MOX, current eciency

I. Introduction
Development of innovative nuclear fuel cycle technology is strongly required to serve for both the environmental sustainability and the increasing energy demand. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) proposes the metallic fuel cycle as one of the most promising options in the nuclear fuel cycle technologies for the next generation. The metallic fuel cycle, a combination of the metal fuel fast reactor and the pyrometallurgical reprocessing, has excellent advantages in economic, safety and proliferation resistance aspects.1) In order to supply the metallic fuel for start-up of the fast reactors, the oxide materials, either the LWR spent fuels or the UO2 -PuO2 mixed oxide (MOX) products from the light water reactor (LWR) fuel reprocessing, must be reduced to metals. The lithium reduction process using lithium metal reduc

tant in molten LiCl bath has been developed for that purpose. Reduction of UO2 2) and simulated spent LWR fuel3) was demonstrated. The thermodynamic conditions for reduction of transuranium elements (TRUs)4) were also studied. The lithium reductant was successfully recovered by electrochemical decomposition of the co-produced Li2 O in the bath.5) Although the lithium reduction process is thus already an experimentally proven technique, there are still some technical problems to be solved such as the handling of highly reactive and sticky lithium metal and the diculties in the design of the lithium recovery equipment. Recently, the electrochemical reduction method has been studied for reduction of oxide nuclear fuels. Figure 1 shows the principle of the electrochemical reduction of spent oxide fuels. The cathode and anode reactions are as follows: Cathode: Anode: MO2 4e ! M 2O2 2O2 ! O2 4e ; where M denotes actinide metals 1 2

Corresponding author, E-mail: [email protected]

When a carbon anode is used, CO or CO2 is evolved in place of O2 : 801

Atomic Energy Society of Japan


M. IIZUKA et al.

Cathode :
Actinide oxide is reduced to metal. Spent oxide fuel

Anode :
Oxygen or carbon oxide gas is evolved.

Motor /Lifter

A : Pt coil anode B : Bi-Li reference electrode C : Ta basket + MOX cathode D : Thermocouple


Ar glove box

O2N2 glove box Heaters

CO2 /CO/O2 FPs (Cs,Sr,etc.) Molten salt

Thermocouples for Temperature control

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the electrochemical reduction process

Cooling water

Thermal insulation

Fig. 2 Schematic view of the experimental apparatus


2O2 C ! CO2 4e O2 C ! CO 2e :

3 4

The electrochemical reduction process eliminates the troublesome handling of lithium metal required in the lithium reduction process. Another advantage of the electrochemical reduction is that the oxide ions produced at the cathode are simultaneously consumed at the anode. It means that the concentration of oxide ions in the electrolyte can be maintained at a desired low level, while it gradually accumulates in the lithium reduction process. This nature of the process is very favorable because low oxide ion concentration thermodynamically pushes the reaction towards complete reduction of the actinide elements. Since concentration of oxide ion in the electrolyte does not increase, the amount of the electrolyte and the volume of the equipment, in consequence, can be reduced. The fundamental behavior of UO2 in the electrochemical reduction process has been investigated in both molten LiCl and CaCl2 electrolytes.6) In CaCl2 bath at 1,123 K, a thin but dense layer has formed in the surface region of the oxide material at the cathode due to cohesion among the reduced uranium metal particles. Since this layer hampered the outward diusion of oxide ions evolved by the reaction (1), the subsequent reduction was disturbed and the central region of the cathode material remained original oxide. In LiCl bath at 923 K, on the other hand, the reduction product did not cohere so much to form a dense layer, probably because of the lower temperature. Electrochemical reduction of MOX in molten LiCl was also studied.7) Complete reduction of a small MOX piece of around two hundred milligrams in weight was conrmed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation. The reduction started at the grain boundaries of the oxide material. In the course of the reduction

into the grain bulk, the reduction products formed the coral-like structure. The feasibility of the electrochemical reduction of UO2 and MOX has been experimentally well explained. However, some points still need to be claried, such as the electrochemically optimum conditions for the reduction and the cause for decrease of plutonium concentration in the reduction product.7) In the next step, more detailed information on the behavior of plutonium in the electrochemical reduction process should be studied in order to evaluate the material balance and establish the process ow sheet. In the present study, the electrochemical reduction of MOX was performed in molten LiCl at 923 K and CaCl2 at 1,123 K to evaluate the behavior of plutonium quantitatively and to dene the desirable conditions for the electrochemical reduction of those materials.

II. Experiments
1. Apparatus All the electrochemical reduction experiments were carried out in an argon atmosphere glove box, because both LiCl and CaCl2 are highly hygroscopic and the reduction products might be easily re-oxidized even by low concentration of oxygen. The concentration of water and oxygen in the argon atmosphere was kept lower than 1.0 ppm during the tests by the argon purication system. Figure 2 shows a schematic view of the experimental apparatus. A MgO crucible (40 mm in inner diameter, 75 mm in depth and 5 mm in thickness) containing LiCl or CaCl2 was placed in the stainless steel vessel and heated to 923 K or 1,123 K, respectively. The temperature was kept 2 K by a PID controller and occasionally checked with a typeK thermocouple covered with a MgO tube.

Electrochemical Reduction of (U,Pu)O2 in Molten LiCl and CaCl2 Electrolytes


For the basic electrochemical measurement, a tantalum wire working electrode (1 mm in diameter and about 20 mm in immersed depth) was used. In the electrochemical reduction experiments, baskets of approximately 10 mm diameter made from tantalum mesh and tantalum wire were used to hold the small MOX pieces. In some cyclic voltammetry measurements, alumina cathode containers of the same dimension were used to minimize the change of the cathode surface area by the tantalum parts. A platinum wire electrode was used as a counter electrode for the electrochemical measurement or as an anode for the electrochemical reduction experiments. The platinum wire of 1 mm diameter was formed into a coil of 4 mm in diameter and 20 mm in length. The upper end of the wire was connected to a tantalum wire to make the electrical connection. The eective length and the surface area of the platinum wire were about 200 mm and 6.3 cm2 , respectively. This platinum anode was then covered with a MgO shroud (6/ 10 mm in inner/outer diameters) to avoid the decrease of the current eciency by minimizing the migration of evolving oxygen gas to the cathode. In LiCl electrolyte, Bi-Li alloy was used as a reference electrode. About 0.5 g of Bi-35 mol% Li alloy was introduced in a MgO tube (4/6 mm in inner/outer diameters) with one end closed. According to the Bi-Li binary phase diagram, this alloy exists as a homogeneous liquid at a temperature higher than 673 K. A tantalum wire of 1 mm in diameter was inserted in the tube for the electrical connection. A small hole (0.7 mm in diameter) was made in the wall of the tube at the interface between the molten LiCl and Bi-Li alloy. This hole acts as a channel between inside and outside of the MgO tube so that this electrode shows the potential of Li /Li redox equilibrium. Theoretically this potential is aected by the change of Li activity in the alloy due to the dissolution into LiCl, migration of Li metal produced at the cathode, and so on. Practically, however, this electrode showed stable potential during the experimental period because the migration of lithium through the hole was limited to very small amount. In CaCl2 electrolyte, Ca-Pb alloy (37 mol% Ca) reference electrode was used. The Ca-Pb binary phase diagram shows that this alloy exists as a homogeneous liquid at a temperature of higher than 903 K. The structure of Ca-Pb reference electrode was identical to that of the Bi-Li electrode. A potentio/galvanostat Model 263A from EG&G Princeton Applied Research and the software version 4.0 were used for both basic electrochemical measurements such as cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical reduction experiments at a constant cathode potential. In all the results in this report, cathodic current was expressed in minus direction. 2. Chemicals LiCl and CaCl2 of 99.9% purity were purchased from Applied Physical Laboratory, U.S. It was used without any additional treatment before use since the amount of O2 and H2 O impurities in them were extremely low. The concentration of O2 in the molten salt electrolyte was adjusted by adding Li2 O of 99.9% purity purchased from Johnson Matthey Co, or CaO of more than 99% purity purchased from
VOL. 44, NO. 5, MAY 2007

50 m

Fig. 3 Ceramograph of MOX-a pellet (Pu/(U+Pu) = 9.45 wt%) before electrochemical reduction

Rare Metallic Co., Japan. MgO of 99.9% purity was used as the crucible and the electrode material. The purity of all the metals used as the electrode materials was higher than 99.9%. The MOX pellets of two dierent Pu/(U+Pu) ratios were used in this study. One had a diameter of 6 mm and Pu/ (U+Pu) ratio of 9.45 wt% (MOX-a). The content of americium yielded by decay from Pu241 in this material was 0.756 wt% of total amount of plutonium. Another MOX pellet (MOX-b) was a little larger (8 mm in diameter) and of lower plutonium content (Pu/(U+Pu) = 5.02 wt%). When these pellets were used in the electrochemical reduction tests, they were cut into slices of around 2 mm in thickness and loaded in the tantalum basket. The ceramograph of MOX-a pellet before use in the electrochemical reduction tests (Fig. 3) shows that the average grain size in this material was 510 mm. 3. Analytical Methods The molten LiCl and CaCl2 samples were taken by dipping an alumina tube at room temperature quickly into the crucible and by quenching a small amount of the salt on the surface of the tube. The salt samples were analyzed by ICP-MS for their composition. The reduction product samples were washed with methanol to remove the adhering chlorides and analyzed by SEM and energy dispersive Xray analysis (EDX) for the microstructure and distribution of plutonium. When additional amount of sample was available, it was submitted to ICP-MS and gas-burette analysis for determination of its chemical composition and reduction ratio, respectively.

III. Results and Discussions

1. Determination of the Desirable Cathode Potential Range for Electrochemical Reduction of MOX by Cyclic Voltammetry Figure 4 shows the cyclic voltammograms measured in the LiCl electrolyte without and with a MOX-a sample in the alumina cathode container. The dierence between the cathodic current in these voltammograms, which is also

10 5 0 current (mA) -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -1.00 difference without MOX in Ta basket with MOX in Ta basket in LiCl - 0.105 wt % Li2O T = 923 K Ta wire working electrode Scan rate : 20 mV/s 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00

M. IIZUKA et al.
400 200 current (mA) 0 -200 -400 -600 -800 -1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 potential (V vs. Ca-Pb) in CaCl2 T = 1123 K Ta wire working electrode Scan rate : 50 mV/s

without MOX in Ta basket with MOX in Ta basket





potential (V vs. Bi-Li)

Fig. 4 Cyclic voltammograms measured in LiCl electrolyte with/ without MOX in cathode

Fig. 6 Cyclic voltammograms measured in CaCl2 electrolyte with/without MOX in cathode

100 0 -100 current (mA) -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 -1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 potential (V vs Ca-Pb) in CaCl2 T = 1123 K Ta wire working electrode Scan rate : 100 mV/s

a clear dierence in the cathodic scan of these two voltammograms at lower than 0:10 V, indicating the large current used in the reduction of the MOX. It is, however, dicult to specify the optimal cathode potential for MOX reduction, since the dierence between two voltammograms makes just a straight line to the potential and does not give any particular information on desirable conditions for the reduction. Considering the inuence of the reduced calcium metal, the cathode potential was chosen in the range between 0:10 V and 0:40 V in the following electrochemical reduction tests. 2. Change of Cathodic Current during Electrochemical Reduction Twelve electrochemical reduction tests in total, six in LiCl and six in CaCl2 , were carried out at various cathode potentials and oxide concentrations in the electrolyte. Major conditions and results of these tests are shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. The concentrations of oxides (Li2 O in LiCl, CaO in CaCl2 ) shown in this table are not chemically analyzed but calculated from the amount of the oxides added to the electrolytes. The expected reduced ratio in Table 2 can be more than 100%, because it is calculated as the percentage of the electric charge passed during the electrochemical reduction test to the charge theoretically equivalent to the weight of the used MOX sample. Figure 7 shows a typical change of the cathodic current during the electrochemical reduction tests in LiCl. The black line corresponds to Li-3 test, where 0:50 V vs. Bi-Li was applied to the MOX-a cathode. Though the reduction current increased slightly during the test, the overall trend was smooth. In Li-2 test where MOX-a was reduced at 0:65 V, on the other hand, the cathodic current showed more unstable behavior. Such variation of the cathodic current may come from interactive eects of the following three factors arising during the progress in the reduction of the MOX samples. The rst is the improvement of the electric contact between the tantalum basket and the gradually reduced MOX surface. The second is disturbance in the diusion of oxygen ions out from the cathode by the growth of the reduction product layer at the surface of the MOX. The last is exhaustion of MOX to be reduced in the cathode.

Fig. 5 Cyclic voltammograms measured in CaCl2 electrolyte with tantalum wire electrode

shown in Fig. 4, corresponds to the current used in the reduction of the MOX. Although a small current for MOX reduction can be seen from about 0:45 V, the current mainly ows at lower than 0:60 V. It is well known that the reduction of lithium (Li e Li) begins at lower than 0:70 V. Excess amount of lithium metal deposit covering the MOX surface may hamper the diusion of oxygen ion from the cathode and disturb the progress of the reduction. In the following electrochemical reduction tests, therefore, the cathode potential was chosen in the range between 0:45 V and 0:70 V. In the cyclic voltammograms measured in the CaCl2 electrolyte with a tantalum wire working electrode (Fig. 5), it is observed that the cathodic current due to the reduction of calcium rises at much higher potential compared with the case in lithium chloride. This dierence is caused by the existence of the reduced calcium of lower activity due to its rapid dissolution and its large solubility in the electrolyte. The dissolved calcium nally migrates to the anode and severely decreases the current eciency in the electrochemical reduction process. Figure 6 shows the cyclic voltammograms measured in the calcium chloride without and with a MOX-a sample in the tantalum cathode basket. There is

Electrochemical Reduction of (U,Pu)O2 in Molten LiCl and CaCl2 Electrolytes Table 1 Major conditions of the electrochemical reduction tests Oxide concentrationa) (wt%) 0.103 0.103 0.213 0.213 0.272 0.517 0.196 0.196 0.196 0.501 0.501 1.013 Amount of MOX (g) 0.286 0.262 0.343 0.564 0.301 0.279 0.293 0.296 0.298 0.351 0.252 0.231 Cathode potentialb) 0:5 V 0:65 V 0:5 V 0:5 V 0:65 V 0:65 V 0:15 V 0:25 V 0:4 V 0:25 V 0:3 V 0:3 V vs Bi-Li vs Bi-Li vs Bi-Li vs Bi-Li vs Bi-Li vs Bi-Li vs Ca-Pb vs Ca-Pb vs Ca-Pb vs Ca-Pb vs Ca-Pb vs Ca-Pb Applied electric charge (C) 82 431 303 343 463 335 638 846 523 1480 1551 483


Run no. Li-1 Li-2 Li-3 Li-4 Li-5 Li-6 Ca-1 Ca-2 Ca-3 Ca-4 Ca-5 Ca-6
a) b)

Electrolyte LiCl LiCl LiCl LiCl LiCl LiCl CaCl2 CaCl2 CaCl2 CaCl2 CaCl2 CaCl2

Used MOX MOX-a MOX-a MOX-a MOX-b MOX-a MOX-a MOX-a MOX-a MOX-a MOX-a MOX-a MOX-b

Duration (h) 7.34 5.01 6.77 6.33 9.60 7.32 6.06 2.91 1.21 8.27 6.49 2.16

calculated from the amount of oxides (Li2 O in LiCl, CaO in CaCl2 ) added to the electrolyte. Bi-35 mol% Li and Pb-37 mol% Ca reference electrodes were used in LiCl and CaCl2 , respectively.

Table 2 Major results of the electrochemical reduction tests Amount of MOX (g) 0.286 0.262 0.343 0.564 0.301 0.279 0.293 0.296 0.298 0.351 0.252 0.231 Applied electric charge (C) 82 431 303 343 463 335 638 846 523 1480 1551 483 Weight of washed product (g) 0.277 0.249 0.338 0.555 0.282 0.267 0.274 0.224 0.234 0.285 0.153 0.216 Reduced ratio evaluated from mass change (%) 26.8 43.1 11.3 12.6 53.3 36.6 55.5 207 181 158 332 55.2 Reduced ratio evaluated by gas-burette (%) 46.2 49.5 Expected reduced ratio (%) 20.1 115 61.8 42.6 108 84.1 152 200 123 295 431 146 Cathodic current eciency (%) 134 37 18.3 29.6 49 43.5 36 104 148 54 77 38

Run no.

Cathode potentiala) 0:5 V 0.65 V 0:5 V 0:5 V 0.65 V 0.65 V 0.15 V 0.25 V 0.4 V 0.25 V 0.3 V 0.3 V vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs Bi-Li Bi-Li Bi-Li Bi-Li Bi-Li Bi-Li Ca-Pb Ca-Pb Ca-Pb Ca-Pb Ca-Pb Ca-Pb

Li-1 Li-2 Li-3 Li-4 Li-5 Li-6 Ca-1 Ca-2 Ca-3 Ca-4 Ca-5 Ca-6

Bi-35 mol% Li and Pb-37 mol% Ca reference electrodes were used in LiCl and CaCl2 , respectively.

0 -10 -20 Current (mA) -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 0 2 4 6 Time (h) 8 10 12 Li-3, at -0.50 V vs Bi-Li Li-2, at -0.65 V vs Bi-Li

Fig. 7 Change of the cathodic current during the electrochemical reduction tests in LiCl

According to the result shown in Fig. 7, the variation of the cathode potential does not give much dierence in the cathodic current during the electrochemical reduction test. It is probably due to the fact that a large part of the cathodic current is consumed by the deoxidation of tantalum used for the cathode container and the electrical connection.6) The change of the cathodic current during the electrochemical reduction tests in CaCl2 is shown in Fig. 8. The cathodic current was larger at the cathode potential ranging from 0:25 V to 0:30 V than at 0:15 V. Because there is little dierence in the cathodic current between 0:25 V and 0:30 V, the reduction current for the MOX is considered saturated within this potential range. The average cathodic current at 0:40 V of the cathode potential became much larger, certainly due to the increase of the reduction current of calcium. The frequent bursts of the cathodic current are

VOL. 44, NO. 5, MAY 2007

0 -50 Current (mA) -100 -150 -200 -250 -300 0 2 4 6 Time (h) 8 10 12
Ca-1, -0.15 V vs. Ca-Pb Ca-4, -0.25 V vs. Ca-Pb Ca-5, -0.30 V vs. Ca-Pb Ca-3, -0.40 V vs. Ca-Pb

M. IIZUKA et al.

CaO in CaCl2 : 0.196 - 0.501 wt % T = 1123 K

Fig. 8 Change of the cathodic current during the electrochemical reduction tests in CaCl2

considered to be caused by excess amount of oxygen gas generated at the surface of the platinum anode, which decreased the eective anode surface area. Because of the high solubility of calcium metal in CaCl2 at 1,123 K, reduced calcium would disperse throughout in the electrolyte, severely decrease the current eciency, and react with the insulating material in the apparatus. The cathode potential should, therefore, be kept higher than at least 0:40 V. 3. Evaluation of Reduced Ratio (1) Evaluation by Mass Change of Samples The cathode products were washed with 20$30 ml of methanol, because they contained the solidied electrolytes and stuck in the tantalum baskets. Both LiCl and CaCl2 were quickly dissolved in methanol and completely removed from the surface of the reduction products and the tantalum basket. Except for a few samples after the tests in LiCl, the surface of most cathode products was black probably due to oxidation by methanol. While all the cathode products from tests in LiCl electrolyte were easily removed, the products from CaCl2 electrolyte were stuck strongly to the tantalum basket even after washing. The cathode products from Ca1 and Ca-6 tests were successfully taken out from the basket, but the others were brittle and broken when removed leaving small portions of them in the baskets. The weight of each reduction product after the washing and separation from the tantalum basket is shown in Table 2. By comparison between the weight of the reduction product and the theoretical value assuming 100% reduction (i.e., the subtraction of the weight of oxygen from MOX sample weight), the reduction ratio of each sample can be evaluated. The reduction ratio in the cathode products from the tests in LiCl ranged from 11.3% to 53.3%. For the tests carried out in LiCl, with the exception of Li-1 test, the evaluated cathodic current eciency was around 10% at a cathode potential of 0:50 V, and within a range of 3550% at 0:65 V, respectively. These low values are reasonable considering that a large portion of the cathodic current is consumed in the deoxidation of tantalum especially at higher cathode potential as shown in the cyclic voltammetry results (Fig. 4). It is uncertain why the cathodic current eciency in Li-1 is estimated at over 100%. The most probable reason is

underestimation the product weight due to a loss of small portions in the sample handling. In the electrochemical reduction tests carried out in CaCl2 , except for Ca-1 and Ca-6 tests, the reduction ratio evaluated from the mass change was evaluated more than 100%. That is obviously due to the fact that those products were broken and small portions of them could not be recovered when they were removed from the tantalum basket, as described above. In Ca-1 and Ca-6 tests, where unbroken cathode products were recovered, the evaluated cathodic current eciency was about 40% regardless of the cathode potential. This value is slightly lower than that in LiCl electrolyte, certainly due to the current losses through the reduction of calcium. (2) Evaluation by Gas-burette Method For two cathode products from the electrochemical reduction tests in LiCl, the reduction ratio was also estimated by gas-burette method.3) A small piece of the cathode product was reacted with hydrochloric acid in a closed system, where hydrogen gas is generated by the following reactions: U 4HCl ! UCl4 2H2 Pu 3HCl ! PuCl3 3/2H2 : 5 6

By measuring the volume of the evolved hydrogen gas, the amount of actinide elements in the metallic state contained in the cathode product can be determined. In this study, the reduction ratios of uranium and plutonium are assumed to be equal. Finally, comparison between this value and the amount of the MOX loaded into the cathode gives the reduction ratio. The estimated reduction ratios by this method for the products of Li-2 and Li-7 tests are 46.2% and 49.5%, respectively (Table 2). These values are in good agreement with those evaluated from the mass change of the cathode, indicating that these two methods are both appropriate for reduction ratio estimation. 4. Behavior of Actinide Elements in Electrochemical ReductionChange of Molten Salt Electrolyte Composition The change of the actinide concentration in the LiCl and CaCl2 electrolytes during a series of electrochemical reduction tests was investigated by ICP-MS analysis. The results are plotted in Fig. 9. In all the tests shown in this gure, MOX-a samples are used, except for the last test in CaCl2 where MOX-b sample was used. The cumulative weight of the MOX immersed in the electrolyte was taken as the abscissa for the plot. The higher actinide concentration in the rst sample taken from LiCl electrolyte is supposed to be due to contamination of the sample. It can be seen that the concentration of plutonium and americium signicantly increases compared with that of uranium according with the progress of the tests. The amounts of plutonium and americium found in the LiCl electrolyte at the end of all the tests were evaluated to be 0.14% and 2.6%, respectively, in terms of the proportion to the total amount of each element in the MOX samples immersed in the electrolyte. It is also noted that their concentrations largely increased when Li2 O was added to the LiCl electrolyte. Since the MOX was not suspended in the electrolyte when Li2 O was added, the following behavior of pluJOURNAL OF NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY

Electrochemical Reduction of (U,Pu)O2 in Molten LiCl and CaCl2 Electrolytes

6.0 4.0 2.0


Li2O addition

0.0 0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2



Cumulative amount of processed MOX (g)

6.0 4.0

Concentration in CaCl2-CaO (ppm)

2.0 0.0 0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

(2) In the bulk LiCl electrolyte, where the Li2 O concentration is lower than that around the cathode, the mixed oxide dissociates to form an MO2 precipitate. (3) When Li2 O is added to adjust its concentration in the LiCl electrolyte, a part of the precipitate forms the mixed oxide and dissolves into the electrolyte again. The concentration of the actinides gradually increased also in the CaCl2 electrolyte. The large value in the uranium concentration and the high background in the plutonium concentration must be due to contamination of the samples. The proportion of the amount of plutonium or americium found in the CaCl2 electrolyte to the total amounts in the MOX samples is much larger than that of uranium. Because all the samples from the CaCl2 electrolyte were taken when each electrochemical reduction test was nished, the burst of the actinide concentration was not found as it was with the LiCl electrolyte. After compensation for the background for the plutonium concentration, the ratios between the amount of actinide found in the CaCl2 electrolyte at the end of all the tests and that in the MOX samples before use were 0.37% for plutonium and 5.2% for americium, respectively, which are a little higher than those evaluated with the LiCl electrolyte. 5. Behavior of Actinide Elements in Electrochemical ReductionChemical Composition of Reduction Products The compositions of some electrochemical reduction products analyzed by ICP-MS are shown in Table 3. While the Pu/(U+Pu) ratios in the products of Li-1 and Li-6 did not essentially decrease during the tests, these ratios in the products of Ca-2, Ca-3, and Ca-5 decreased by approximately 19% in average. More noticeable dierence in the electrochemical reduction behaviors between those with the LiCl and CaCl2 electrolytes is the variation of the Am/Pu ratios. Although the Am/Pu ratios in the products from the LiCl electrolyte are not so much dierent from those in the MOX-a samples, those ratios in the products from the CaCl2 electrolyte drastically decreased by about 81% in average. The amounts of the plutonium and americium decreased from the cathodes immersed in CaCl2 are evaluated to be approximately 1:96 102 g and 1:08 103 g, respectively. They are much larger than those found in the CaCl2 electrolyte which can be calculated to be about 5:58 104 g and 5:73 105 g, respectively, from the change of the concen-

Concentration in LiCl-Li2O (ppm)


Cumulative amount of processed MOX (g)

Fig. 9 Change of actinide concentration in LiCl and CaCl2 electrolytes during electrochemical reduction tests

tonium and americium in the MOX under the electrochemical reduction is presumed. (1) Since the Li2 O concentration in the vicinity of the cathode is increased during the electrochemical reduction, soluble mixed oxide Li2 MO3 (M: plutonium or americium) is formed and dissolves into the electrolyte.

Table 3 Composition of electrochemical reduction products analyzed by ICP-MS Run no. Concentration (mg/g-sample) U Pu Am Ratio (wt%) Pu/(U+Pu) in reduction product Pu/(U+Pu) in initial MOX Am/Pu in reduction product Am/Pu in initial MOX Li-1 8:42 105 1:03 105 8:33 102 10.9 0.811 Li-6 8:99 105 9:25 104 6:77 102 9.32 0.732 Ca-2 1:04 106 8:37 104 1:40 102 7.48 9.45 0.167 0.756 Ca-3 9:29 105 7:58 104 3:03 102 7.54 0.400 Ca-5 6:62 105 5:69 104 8:00 101 7.91 0.140

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808 trations shown in Fig. 9. Such large dierences show that most part of the plutonium and americium lost from the cathode were not accounted for. In the lithium reduction of the MOX pellets in LiCl, it is reported that plutonium and americium eluded the pellets and precipitated at the bottom of the crucible and that the proportion of the americium lost from the pellets to the initial loading was much higher compared with the plutonium.8) In the present study, it is likely that the plutonium and americium once dissolved into the CaCl2 electrolyte and precipitated again during the electrochemical reduction in the same manner as observed in the lithium reduction. Since many parameters such as the total duration of the MOX immersion and the oxide concentration in the electrolytes were changed together with the electrochemical conditions during the present reduction studies, the inuence of each parameter on the dissolution behavior of the actinide elements can not be evaluated separately. Although the dissolution of the plutonium and americium from the cathode is not signicant in the LiCl electrolyte, a considerable proportion of those elements eluded the reduction products in the CaCl2 electrolyte. Fundamental studies focused on the clarication on the mechanism of the actinide dissolution especially into the CaCl2 electrolyte are needed to understand the quantitative inuence of the dissolution on the process performance and to adopt a proper measure for a high actinide recovery rate. 6. SEM/EDX Analysis of Reduction Products Small samples taken from some of the reduction products were polished and submitted to the observation by the optical microscope, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and the Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. (1) Products of Electrochemical Reduction in LiCl Figures 10(a) and 10(b) show respectively the metallographs for the total section view and the SEM image of the surface region of the reduction product of the Li-5 test at a cathode potential of 0:50 V. From these observations, it is clear that the sample is not reduced at all. This result is well related to the consideration that most part of the cathodic current is used for the deoxidization of tantalum at this cathode potential. Figure 11 is the total section view of the reduction product from the Li-2 test at a cathode potential of 0:65 V. It is seen that the reduction proceeds from the surface of the MOX and that the thickness of the reduced area reaches 2530% of the whole sample. The SEM images of the border part between the reduced and non-reduced areas in the sample are shown in Fig. 12(a). They indicate that the reduction starts from the grain boundary of the MOX and that the reduced area forms coral-like structure exactly in the same manner as described in the previous report.7) However, the complete network of the reduced grain boundary may not be necessary for a further progress of the reduction, since there are isolated reduced areas even at the center of the MOX as shown in Fig. 12(b). When the reduced areas along the surface and the internal reduced areas are added together, the above visual observation is quite consistent with the total reduction ratio of 4346%, which was evaluated by the mass

M. IIZUKA et al.

1 mm

(a) Metallograph for the total section view

(b) SEM image of the surface region

Fig. 10 Section view of the reduction product from Li-5

1 mm
Fig. 11 Total section view of the reduction product from Li-2

change of the samples and by the gas-burette method. Figure 13 shows SEM and back scattering electron (BSE) images of the central region of the same sample, where the reduced and non-reduced areas coexist and the coral-like structure just began to be formed. The Pu/(U+Pu) ratio was compared between the reduced areas (point-A in the SEM image, brighter part in the BSE image) and the non-reduced areas (point-B in the SEM image, darker part in the BSE image) by the EDX point analysis. The result is shown in Table 4. There is no dierence between the plutonium content in the reduced and non-reduced areas. In the previous report, it has been mentioned that some part of the plutonium in the reduction product obtained in the LiCl electrolyte is excluded from the coral-like structure and makes Purich spots outside this structure.7) In the present study, however, neither a decrease nor an inhomogeneity of the plutonium content in the reduction product was observed. The difference between the content of the plutonium in the reducJOURNAL OF NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY

Electrochemical Reduction of (U,Pu)O2 in Molten LiCl and CaCl2 Electrolytes


100 m


20 m
(a) The border part between reduced and not reduced areas (a) SEM image

100 m


20 m
(b) Isolated reduced site at the center
Fig. 12 SEM images of the reduction product from Li-2

(b) BSE image

Fig. 13 SEM and BSE images of the central region of the reduction product from Li-2

tion product and in the initial MOX may be due to the insufcient accuracy in the quantitative data by EDX, but it is not essential to the reduction behavior. (2) Products of Electrochemical Reduction in CaCl2 Figure 14(a) shows the metallograph for the total section view of the reduction product from the Ca-1 test where the MOX-a sample was reduced at 0:15 V. It indicates that the reduction began from the surface and reached up to 1520% of the thickness. The metallograph for the closeup near the surface of the sample is shown in Fig. 14(b). In the completely reduced area (upper part in Fig. 14(b)), the connection among the metal grains progressed and formed the structure of larger dimensions than that in the inner area. It should be noted that the reduced and non-reduced areas are in close contact with each other and that no dissociation is found between these areas. This result indicates that the electrochemical reduction would be completed without any disturbance if the operation was continued. The EDX point analysis was made at the two points shown in the SEM image (Fig. 15) to determine the Pu/(U+Pu) ratio in the reduction product. The result is shown in Table 5. In the completely reduced area near the surface of the product (point-A in Fig. 15), the Pu/(U+Pu) ratio was a little lower than that in the inner region (point-B in Fig. 15), where this ratio is almost same as that in the initial MOX. Although this dierence could be attributed to the error in the EDX analyVOL. 44, NO. 5, MAY 2007

Table 4 Pu/(U+Pu) ratio in Li-2 reduction product determined by EDX point analysis Point-A reduced part U content Pu content Pu/(U+Pu) (wt%) (wt%) (%) 86.55 11.85 12.0 Point-B not reduced part 88.04 11.3 11.4 Initial MOX 9.45

sis, it is also likely that the dissolution of the transuranium elements into the CaCl2 -CaO electrolyte, as described above, aects the composition of the surface region of the reduction product. Figure 16 represents the metallograph for the central region of the same sample. A considerable proportion of the MOX has been reduced from the grain-boundary. Although this behavior looks to be similar to that previously reported for the electrochemical reduction in LiCl,7) the progress of the reduction in the central region starts much earlier in this case even without an enough connection among the reduced areas. At present, it is dicult to distinguish whether the reduction in the central region was caused by the electrochemical reduction or by the chemical reaction with calcium metal generated by the reduction of the electrolyte.


M. IIZUKA et al.

1 mm
(a) Total section view

100 m
Fig. 16 Metallograph of the central region of the reduction product from Ca-1

200 m
(b) Close-up view near the surface
Fig. 14 Metallographs for the section view of the reduction product from Ca-1



100 m
Fig. 15 SEM image of the reduction product from Ca-1 Fig. 17 Total section view of the reduction product from Ca-4 with optical microscope

Table 5 Pu/(U+Pu) ratio in Ca-1 reduction product determined by EDX point analysis Point-A reduced part U content Pu content Pu/(U+Pu) (wt%) (wt%) (%) 90.24 8.08 8.2 Point-B not reduced part 89.84 9.27 9.4 Initial MOX 9.45

1 mm
Fig. 18 Metallograph of the total section view of the reduction product from Ca-1 and Ca-4

The total section views of the reduction product from the Ca-4 (a cathode potential of 0:25 V) and Ca-1 tests observed by the optical microscope are shown in Fig. 17. The metallic shine of the Ca-4 product obviously tells that whole product was completely reduced. Metallograph for the total section view is shown in Fig. 18. Since the reduced material cohered to the surface of the product, its density at

the surface region has become quite high, while the considerable portion of the hollow space was made inside. The bent shape of the product was certainly formed by its shrinkage due to the cohesion of the reduced material. Fragility of the reduction products recovered from the CaCl2 electrolyte, observed after the separation from the tantalum baskets,

Electrochemical Reduction of (U,Pu)O2 in Molten LiCl and CaCl2 Electrolytes


(a) Total section view with optical microscope (a) Total section view

1 mm

500 m

(b) Metallograph of the close-up view near the surface

Fig. 19 Section view of the reduction product from Ca-6

100 m

100 m
(b) Closer view of the near surface region
Fig. 21 SEM images of the reduction product from Ca-6

Fig. 20 Metallograph of the central region of the reduction product from Ca-6

might be due to the large vacant space inside them as shown in Fig. 18. Figure 19(a) shows the total section view of the reduction product from the Ca-6 test, at a cathode potential of 0:35 V, observed by the optical microscope. Figure 19(b) shows the metallograph of the close-up view near the surface of the same product. It is distinctive that the surface region is selectively reduced and that the boundary between the reduced/non-reduced areas is more discontinuous than those in the other products. In the metallograph of the central region (Fig. 20), reduction of the MOX has begun but the reduction ratio appears much lower than that in the Ca-1 product (Fig. 16). This is considered to be caused by formation of
VOL. 44, NO. 5, MAY 2007

a surface barrier of the coherently reduced material that impedes the further progress of the reduction into an inner region of the MOX. The total section view by SEM (Fig. 21(a)) shows that the density of the reduction product is higher at the surface and central regions than that at the intermediate region. A closer view of the near surface region (Fig. 21(b)) shows that the reduced material in the intermediated part has become detached as parallel lamellar structures. A decrease in the electrical conductivity due to the void in the lamellar structures, as well as the formation of the surface barrier would explain the interruption of the reduction. The cause for such a variation in the morphology of the reduction product should not be the dierence in the cathode potential itself but the excessive deposition of the calcium metal on the cathode which brings very high reduction rate and consequently leads to the fast and localized outward shrinkage of the reduced material in the surface region of the product. Table 6 shows the results of the EDX point analysis of the reduction product from Ca-6. The analysis of the reduced part was made in the dense surface region. It is found that the averaged Pu/(U+Pu) ratio in the reduced part is about 14% lower than that in the not-reduced area. This behavior

Table 6 Pu/(U+Pu) ratio in Ca-6 reduction product determined by EDX point analysis Reduced areas 1 U content Pu content Pu/(U+Pu) (wt%) (wt%) (%) 94.1 4.96 5.01 2 92.1 5.29 5.43 3 95.0 4.19 4.22 4 93.3 5.36 5.43 5 90.5 6.65 6.85 Average 5.39 1 92.3 6.51 6.59

M. IIZUKA et al.

Non-reduced areas 2 93.0 5.70 5.78 3 92.7 6.34 6.40 Average 6.26

shows a clear contrast with that observed in LiCl, where no change in the plutonium content in the cathode was found during the electrochemical reduction (Table 4). On the other hand, this EDX result is in accordance with the above-mentioned decrease in plutonium in the reduction products and the increase in plutonium concentration in the CaCl2 electrolyte during the electrochemical reduction tests investigated by ICP-MS. 7. Favorable Conditions for Electrochemical Reduction of MOX Based on the above experimental results, the advantage of selection between LiCl and CaCl2 as the electrolyte for the electrochemical reduction of the MOX is discussed in this section. (1) Reduction Potential, Reduction Rate and Cathodic Current Eciency From the results obtained by the CV measurement and the electrochemical reduction tests at a constant cathode potential followed by the SEM/EDX analysis, it was found that the MOX was reduced at 0:65 V vs. Bi-35 mol% Li reference electrode in LiCl. Under this condition, the reduced ratio evaluated both from the mass change between the reduction and by the gas-burette method was around 50%. The cathodic current eciency calculated from the reduced ratio was around 40%. In CaCl2 , on the other hand, the MOX was reduced in the whole range of the tested cathode potential (0:15 V to 0:40 V), although the reduction was interrupted by formation of the surface barrier made of the reduced material at the lower cathode potential (0:30 V). At 0:25 V, the MOX was completely reduced although the product was brittle probably due to the internal porosity formed by the shrinkage of the reduced material. In the tests where the unbroken cathode products were recovered, the cathodic current eciency was evaluated 4050%. From the viewpoint of the cathode potential range for the electrochemical reduction, the preferable condition is limited similarly either in LiCl or CaCl2 . Although the reduction rate seems a little higher in CaCl2 according to the change of the reduction current during the electrochemical reduction tests, the advantage is not yet quantitatively clear. There is no obvious dierence in the cathodic current eciency between the both electrolytes. (2) Dissolution of Actinide Elements into Electrolyte Dissolution of the plutonium and americium into the electrolyte was found both in the LiCl and CaCl2 electrolytes. The concentrations of these actinides at the end of the tests were higher in the CaCl2 electrolyte than those found in the LiCl electrolyte. The ICP-MS and EDX analyses for the re-

duction products also showed that the amounts of these elements lost from the cathodes were much more than those increased in CaCl2 , indicating the formation of the precipitates containing these actinides during the tests. From the viewpoint of process design for a high recovery ratio, LiCl is obviously a more favorable electrolyte. (3) Operating Temperature Due to the high melting point of CaCl2 (1,045 K), the electrochemical reduction in the CaCl2 electrolyte should be operated at around 1,123 K, which is much higher than 923 K required for LiCl. This is a disadvantageous point in terms of the material selection and the cost to design, fabricate and maintain the process equipment. Another problem arising from the high operation temperatures is the formation of the surface barrier formed on the reduction product due to the progress of the connection among the reduced metal grains. (4) Compatibility with the Pyrometallurgical Processes Since the alkali and alkaline earth ssion products are expected to dissolve into the electrolyte during the electrochemical reduction, the electrolyte should be consolidated as a high level waste form. Development of the waste form for water-soluble chlorides is the serious problem for the pyrometallurgical processes. Although the operation temperatures of the electrochemical reduction in the LiCl electrolyte are higher than those in the pyrometallurgical process for the metallic fuel (773 K), the similar waste treatment process with zeolite would be applicable. However, a completely different waste treatment method should be developed for the CaCl2 electrolyte because of the much higher operating temperatures. Taking the above discussions from the four viewpoints into consideration, LiCl is concluded to be advantageous as the electrolyte used in the electrochemical reduction of the MOX at present.

IV. Conclusions
The electrochemical reduction of the UO2 -PuO2 mixed oxides (MOX) was investigated in molten LiCl at 923 K and CaCl2 at 1,123 K to evaluate the behavior of the plutonium quantitatively and to dene the favorable conditions for the electrochemical reduction of those materials. In LiCl, it was found that the MOX was reduced at 0:65 V vs. Bi-35 mol% Li reference electrode by the CV measurement and the electrochemical reduction tests at a constant cathode potential followed by the SEM/EDX analysis. Under this condition, the reduced ratio evaluated both from the mass change between the reduction and by the gas-burette method was around 50%. The cathodic current

Electrochemical Reduction of (U,Pu)O2 in Molten LiCl and CaCl2 Electrolytes


eciency calculated from the reduced ratio was around 40%. In CaCl2 , on the other hand, the MOX was reduced in the whole range of the tested cathode potential (0:15 V to 0:40 V), although the reduction was interrupted by formation of the surface barrier made of the reduced material at the lower cathode potential (0:30 V). At 0:25 V, the MOX was completely reduced although the product was brittle probably due to the internal porosity formed by the shrinkage of the reduced material. In the tests where the unbroken cathode products were recovered, the cathodic current eciency was evaluated as 4050%. Dissolution of the plutonium and americium into the electrolyte was found both in the LiCl and in CaCl2 electrolytes. The concentrations of these actinides at the end of the tests were higher in the CaCl2 electrolyte than those found in the LiCl electrolyte. Taking the above experimental results and the compatibility with the pyrometallugical processes into consideration, LiCl is concluded to be more advantageous as the electrolyte used in the electrochemical reduction of the MOX at present.

A. Rodorigues of ITU for his kind experimental support. Thanks are also due to Messrs. Y. Sakamura and K. Uozumi of CRIEPI for their helpful suggestions and comments. References
1) T. Inoue, T. Yokoo, T. Nishimura, Assessment of advanced technologies for the future nuclear fuel cycle, Proc. Int. Conf. on Future Nuclear Systems (Global99), Jackson Hole, WY, Aug. 29Spt. 3, 1999 (1999). 2) T. Usami, M. Kurata, T. Inoue et al., Pyrochemical reduction of uranium dioxide and plutonium dioxide by lithium metal, J. Nucl. Mater., 300, 15 (2002). 3) T. Kato, T. Usami, M. Kurata et al., Development of Reduction Technology for Oxide FuelsLithium Reduction of a Simulated Spent Oxide Fuel, CRIEPI Report T01003 (2001) [in Japanese]. 4) T. Usami, T. Kato, M. Kurata et al., Lithium reduction of americium dioxide to generate americium metal, J. Nucl. Mater., 304, 50 (2002). 5) A. Kawabe, T. Kato, M. Kurata, Development of Reduction Technology for Oxide FuelsElectrolysis of Li2 O in Molten LiCl, CRIEPI Report T02041 (2003) [in Japanese]. 6) Y. Sakamura, M. Kurata, T. Inoue, Electrochemical reduction of UO2 in molten CaCl2 or LiCl, J. Electrochem. Soc., 153, D31 (2006). 7) M. Kurata, T. Inoue, J. Serp et al., Electro-chemical reduction of MOX in LiCl, J. Nucl. Mater., 328, 97 (2004). 8) T. Usami, T. Kato, M. Kurata et al., Lithium reduction of a MOX pellet, J. Nucl. Sci. Tech., Supple. 3, 858 (2002).

The authors gratefully appreciate Dr. J. Somers of Institute of Transuranium elements (ITU) for his preparation of the MOX materials, Drs. T. Wiss, D. Cromboom, and M. Murray-Farthing of ITU for their analytical works, and Mr.

VOL. 44, NO. 5, MAY 2007

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