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PT Learning Resources Jl. Wijaya I No. 71 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12170 Phone : (021) 723 2388 Fax: (021) 723 2389

Our Mission
To help clients build sustainable working culture through innovative and practical trainings. Our Global Partner and Principals from United Kingdom (UK), United States of America (USA), Australia and Singapore are:

Our principals have developed programs through dedicated research of the latest in learning and development techniques for more than 15 years, building a strong foundation which cover a wide range of soft skills competencies and behaviors: Selling Skills, Leadership, Motivation, Team Building, Customer Service, Innovation, and other skills where all competencies are fully equipped with videos, business simulations, activity board, and other innovative training approaches. The programs have also been positively acknowledged by Training Media Review (USA). Over the past 6 years, Learning Resources has regional existence in several countries: Indonesia, Singapore, China, Malaysia and high respected provider of independent assessment of training products and services.

Learning Resources 2012. All Right Reserved

PT Learning Resources Jl. Wijaya I No. 71 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12170 Phone : (021) 723 2388 Fax: (021) 723 2389

Our Competencies

Change Management

Customer Service

Communication Skills

Employee Motivation

HR & Diversity Issues


Management Skills

Personal Development

Sales & Marketing


Learning Resources 2012. All Right Reserved

PT Learning Resources Jl. Wijaya I No. 71 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12170 Phone : (021) 723 2388 Fax: (021) 723 2389

Why Learning Resources?

We build and sustain Clients powerful working culture, not only conducting training, since training alone has been proven that it will not be able to sustain the behaviors applied. Learning Resources commits to be a partner of culture implementation. We have experienced consultants and practitionaires with proven track records in their previous leading organizations. Learning Resources Reinforcement Tools will help your employee sustaining the skills implementation in their own fields. We bring only the best global strategic partners to give the best value to you. Our partners have been established for more than 20 years in their respective countries. Safe and secure in legal issues. No illegal programs being conducted in your organization.

Learning Resources 2012. All Right Reserved

PT Learning Resources Jl. Wijaya I No. 71 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12170 Phone : (021) 723 2388 Fax: (021) 723 2389

Our Selected Clients

Banking & Finance


Learning Resources 2012. All Right Reserved

PT Learning Resources Jl. Wijaya I No. 71 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12170 Phone : (021) 723 2388 Fax: (021) 723 2389

Our Training Implementation Stages and Process

Psychometric assessment Skill assessment Pre & post test


Kirkpatricks 4 levels Training ROI Post Assessment



Classroom training Web-based training


Toolkit and Script Trainers Forum (On Line) Video-Based Training Module

ASSESS Learning Resources helps clients to understand current skills level, both skills and knowledge in the organization and identify skills gap and or service improvement to be achieved.

TRAIN Learning Resources provides both on-line and on-site training methodology, which is combined in the most effective practice.

REINFORCE Learning Resources provides tools and monitoring system to enable all leaders to reinforce, sustain and evaluate employees skills implementation.

MEASURE Learning Resources helps management to measure the business results up to the return on investment (ROI) of the initiatives.

Learning Resources 2012. All Right Reserved

PT Learning Resources Jl. Wijaya I No. 71 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12170 Phone : (021) 723 2388 Fax: (021) 723 2389

Our Training Materials

Learning Resources 2012. All Right Reserved

PT Learning Resources Jl. Wijaya I No. 71 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12170 Phone : (021) 723 2388 Fax: (021) 723 2389

Training Methodology

Adult Learning Methods: Visual / Audio Modeling / Role play Kinesthetic / Activity Group Discussions Exercises 2 (two)-way interactive training

Powerful Learning Interactions which combine: Content Delivery Skill Practice Opportunity Constructive Feedback Individual Reflection

Matching Learning Methods with Desired Outcomes

For Further Information, please call: Osie Ayu R. (Corporate Account Manager) [email protected] (021) 7232388 ext 230 / 08121 8620 841

Learning Resources 2012. All Right Reserved

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