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FRACTAL ANTENNAS Mircea V. Rusu, Physics Faculty, Bucharest University Roman Baican, Adam Opel AG.

Russelsheim, Germany, Ioana Ene, University "Politehnica" Bucharest, Romania

Since their first description in the 1970's fractals have been used to describe and explain a multitude of natural phenomena. But also fractal geometry inspired some practical applications in technology and industry, which are increasing, using now the results from this domain. Fractal antennas are a particular design of small antennas that approaches the limits for small antennas when the number of iterations is increased. The selfsimilarity properties of fractals make them especially suitable to design multiband antennas. Some fractals have complex; highly convoluted shapes that can enhance radiation when used as antennas. Fractals can improve the performance of antenna or antenna arrays. Fractals have short-range disorder and long-range order. In antennas design, the use of fractal shapes makes the operational frequency of an antennawhich depends on the ratio of the electromagnetic signal's wavelength to the physical size of the antenna independent of its scale. This means that a fractal antenna can be constructed in small sizes, yet possessing a broad frequency range.

Fractal antennae consist of an array of "small" line elements having a fractal distribution in space. The fractal antennae have interesting properties: (a) They are broad band antennae. They radiate and detect, very efficiently in a wide range of frequencies. The frequency range is specified by the smallest and largest size present in the antenna. The radiation, and hence the detection efficiency depends slowly on the domain of frequency between these two limits; (b) They can display considerable gain over normal dipole type of antennae and this gain depends slowly on frequency over a large frequency range. This antenna gain can be related to the spatio-temporal structure of the radiation pattern; (c) They can display spatial structure. The spatial structure is also related to the antenna gain, as the antenna concentrates radiated power in certain positions. This spatial structure can be very useful when directionality is required [1], [2], [3]. The structural parameter describing the fractal is the fractal dimension defined by partitioning the volume where the fractal lies into boxes of side . Over a few decades in , the number of boxes that contain at least one of the antenna elements will scale as N () d. For a real fractal there is only a finite range over which the above scaling law will apply. If is too small, then the elements of the antenna will look like one-dimensional line elements. Similarly, if is too large, then the antenna will appear as a single point. The fractal dimension is an important parameterization for the fractal antennas which has significantly impact on the intensity and spatial structure of the radiated pattern. A fractal antenna has a non uniform distribution of radiating elements. Each of the elements contributes to the total radiated power density at a given point with a vectorial amplitude and phase. By spatially superposing these line radiators we can obtain the properties of simple fractal antennae.

The energy radiated in the far field: R( x, y, z, ) E 2 dt .

Figure 1

The array factor can be normalized by maximum in the array factor corresponding to the single dipole, i.e.: 2 I 02 A 3 4 2 f [, ] where A = R0 1 4(1 a ) 2 h 2 2( 4 + 5 2 + 4 ) , r L and f [, ] = , = v / c, v

where h is the height of the detector, r is the difference in distance between the beginning and the end points of the dipole to the detector position, v is the speed of the current throughout the wire [2]. For an oscillating current that propagates with speed v/c along the antenna, the contribution from each line element to the total radiation field can be computed. Radiation occurs when there is a change in the direction of the propagating current. In general, the radiation pattern of an antenna can be effectively excited, only by certain frequencies corresponding to the characteristic length scales of the antenna. Therefore, if there is no characteristic size, as in the case of a power law structure, then the antenna will generate an effective radiation pattern for a whole range of frequencies controlled by the smaller and largest spatial scale. Such antenna is called a broad band antenna. A simple model is displayed in figure 1 as a tortuous variation of a line radiator. The antenna will radiate in every point where is a change in direction. Therefore, the tortuosity naturally increases the radiation field intensity, at least in some direction, as compared with the single dipole element. The most important contribution for a fractal antenna comes from the fact that it autosimilarly scales which corresponds to the increase in the path length of the antenna due to the tortuosity. The increase in the high frequency components of the radiated field power spectrum, as compared with the dipole antenna, will be responsible for the spatially structured radiation pattern. The far field array factor and the peak power density depend on the path length, or equivalently on the number N of divisions of the fractal. There is a clear increase in the array factor from the tortuous fractal as compared with the single dipole. Therefore, the effect of tortuosity can increase the radiated power density at certain locations as compared to a single dipole antenna. Another characteristic of a fractal antenna is the spatial structure of the radiation field. Therefore, a tortuous fractal displays a spatial structure in the radiation pattern. An interesting spatial structure is the branching process that will enhance the tortuosity. In a simple branching element the current is divided between the two branching elements. We can compute the radiation field for a propagating current. Natural fractals that are obtained from electric discharges, for example, could be therefore very interesting from this point of view. The branching process can give rise to an increase in the radiated power density at a certain position. Of course, this increase is due to an increase in the path length. This effect will saturate. The interplay between the spatial structure and the increase in the peak radiated power are the essential ingredients of fractal antennae and that is why they are so important An example is the Koch monopole [1] and the characteristics of the antenna are shown in the figures 2 and 3. We studied the same kind of antennae but also new types, random or natural types (figure 4a and 4b) or simple self-similar development of dipole antennas (figure 5).

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4a and 4b

Figure 5

In the framework of this research, different fractal configurations have been designed, produced, measured and simulated using a general antenna code, AWAS and also SuperNEC. Measurements where made in the special laboratory for antennas and propagation from Technical University from Darmstad, Germany. All practical antenna systems were made on Duroid and measured in different ranges of frequency [4]. We concluded that: 1. The fractal antennas are small but have high gain compared to their overall geometrical dimension; 2. It is possible to obtain an indefinite spectrum of frequency dependence of the characteristic parameters of antennas depending on geometry, overall dimension, topological structure, fractal dimension, shape and number of iterated stages (degree of tortuosity); 3. There were created specific codes to design different shaped fractal trees and other configurations using codes derived from the classical "turtle" algorithm;

4. It was created a conversion code to "translate" the geometrical pattern of the fractal into a series of nodes and segments necessary for computing the radiation behavior of the fractal shaped antenna; 5. It was verified, by comparison with the known configurations, that, with a reasonable accuracy, the computed data are reproducible; 6. It is verified that as the tortuosity increases, the band pass of the antenna becomes much broader than any other structure; 7. For a particular case of tree we obtained a splitting of the resonance frequency, as the angle between branches increases. In the following table the data are collected. For a more detailed dependence we must increase the number of simulated trees spectra with different angles; 8. It was shown that increasing the tortuosity, the picks in characteristics become more broader, and sometimes there is an increase of their number; 9. In particular, an equivalent antenna designed using a natural lightening image is relevant. Increasing the branching the number of picks increases. Surely it is necessary to make a more extensive search between natural, random and mathematical fractals, to find the best fitted one for a desired task. [4], and [5]. The idea is: if we control the currents through the wire and branches we can control the antenna radiation characteristics and the radiation pattern at will. But because of the coherent feed of the antenna segments, and because of the continuity of the circuit, the structure acts as a whole antenna leaving no parameters to be adjusted independently [4]. It is an obvious observation, but it could be the way of controlling the antennae characteristics. A fractal antenna, having so many different branches, segments, relations between the length of segments, not being sometimes in a rational ratio, could destroy this coherence and could give some radiation pattern that is free of resonance pattern, sometimes for a large domain of frequencies, as we have seen in different simulations. But we may take into account the wave propagation in different structures and try to take advantage of some characteristic aspects [6], [7]. Random or pseudo-random structure could give opportunities to "tailor" the antennae characteristics, but produces difficulties in predicting their characteristics. So it must carry out a huge number of simulations in order to spot the best structure, and after it, to adjust it in a desired manner. The most promising structures we found are the combined fractal structures that are for the first time reported and studied. The full details of the results will be published elsewhere. Also we studied natural fractal structures, like sparks structures, that contain branchings and also tortuous structures (dragon-like, or helix-like structures) that are promising structures for broad band radiation. (example is the Dragon-Koch structure, figure 6). Another strange aspect we have discovered is the presence (sometimes), in the values of S11, of values greater than 0 (positive values) that we could not yet interpret on a physical ground. It could be a sort of artifact induced by the computer simulations. But, in either case the phenomena must be clarified because: a) if it has a physical meaning it is worth to be understood, and b) if it is some artifact from computing (simulations), we must be aware of the limitation of the simulation codes for fractal structures or highly intricate structures. In both cases some understanding must be reached.

Figure 6 If there are some physical reasons for the presence of positive values for S11 we must find them [4]. We tried to make some hints in order to find their origin and we found some promising results that will be reported later.

Some images that show the problem are presented in the figure7 and figure 8. It is sure that the physical phenomena and interpretation of the fractal antennae characteristics are far to be known completely.

Figure 7 (btree_ex1.jpg)

Figure 8 (btree_ex2.jpg)
In short, the general conclusions that give the main interests in fractal antennas are the followings: - As the number of iterations increase, the resonance frequency decrease; - The increase of the number of iterations, increases the ohmic losses of the antenna; - The decrease of Q is not due only to the ohmic losses increase but is also a results of the fractal geometry of the monopole; - As the number of iterations increases, the antenna is approaching to the fundamental limit. The interests in such kind of antennas for practical applications are relevant also by invention patents that were already applied for numerous possible applications: for communications [8] and for automotive industry [9]. References [1] D.L.Jaggard, "Fractal Electrodynamics: Wave Interactions with Discretely Self-Similar Structures," chapter 5 in Electromagnetic Symmetry, C.Baum and H.Kritikos, eds., Taylor and Francis Publishers, 1995. [2] Puente C., Romeu, J., Pous, R., "Small but long Koch fractal monopole", Electronics Letters, vol.34, no. 1, January 1998, pp. 9-10. [3] N.Cohen, "Fractal and Shaped Dipoles", Communications Quarterly, pp. 25-36, Spring 1996. [4] M.Rusu, "Fractal antennas", Report no.4, Research Contract with Adam Opel AG, Bucharest-Offenbach, 2000

[5] Baican R., "Circuite Integrate de Microunde", Ed. Promedia Plus, Cluj-Napoca, 1996 [6] Ene Ioana, Ene R., Rusu M., "Modeling Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) Measurements", The 2nd International Colloquium "Mathematics in Engineering and Numerical Physics" April 22 - 27, 2002, Bucharest Romania [7] Ene Ioana, R. Ene, M. Rusu, "Non-TEM modes and wave guide model for microstrip line", The 2nd International Colloquium "Mathematics in Engineering and Numerical Physics"April 22 - 27, 2002, Bucharest Romania [8] C.Puente, R.Pous, J.Romeu, X.Garca, "Antennas Fractales o Multifractales", Invention Patent, n: P9501019. Presented at the Oficina Espaola de Patentes y Marcas. Owner: Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya, May 1995. [9] M.Rusu, R.Baican, "Random antennas for automotive applications", Invention patent nr. 01P09679/18 Oct. 2001 presented at Adam Opel AG Germany,

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