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Merrifield View Homeowners Association

Managed by POA Management Associates LLC P. O. Box 54, Merrifield, Virginia 22116 Phone (703)938-8761 Fax (703)272-7730 Email [email protected] Web

July 2011 Issue

Volunteers Beautify Merrifield View!

by Valerie Smith, Merrifield View Treasurer

Cheri Leberknight, chair of Merrifield Views Landscaping Committee, organized a group of volunteers in October and November to complete several projects to beautify our community. Together over a couple of weekends the group took out several dead and crowded trees on Evelyn Court, cleaned up several areas on Balliett, Evelyn, Hilltop, and Lafora Courts, and put in new plantings, including the wildlife garden, pictured below, in the common area behind Evelyn. The group had a great time, met some neighbors, and learned something about the plants that grow in our area. The volunteer labor saved several thousand dollars in labor costs to complete projects that would not be within the budget otherwise. Volunteers who helped Cheri included: Ward of 2812 Balliett Ct, Jeff of 2808 Lafora Ct, Rich and Susan of 2803 Lafora Ct., Tenzin of 2810 Lafora Ct., John and Charlie of 2811 Evelyn Ct., Valerie of 2858 Lafora Ct. Now that summer is here, Cheri is planning new projects to continue the beautification efforts. Please consider contacting Cheri to help. Together, we can significantly improve the look of our homes!

Dead trees removed from parking area on Evelyn Ct. Board Meeting Schedule The tentative board meeting schedule for the remainder of 2011 is: July (no meeting); August 25 September 15 and October 20 (annual meeting). Location and time posted on the website at:
Inside this issue: Page 1 - Volunteers Beautify Merrifield View! Board meeting schedule. Page 2 Homeowner Recipe for Almond Pound Cake. Page 3 - Mosquito Bytes. Page 4 - Annual Spring Maintenance Walk-Through. Page 5 - Policy Resolution regarding Trash.

Cheri Leberknight with the Wildlife Garden

Recipe for Almond Pound Cake

By Connie J. Hudson

INGREDIENTS: 3 cups sugar 2 sticks butter cup Crisco shortening 5 large eggs teaspoon salt 3 cups flour 1 cup evaporated milk 1 teaspoon pure almond extract Confectioners sugar DIRECTIONS: 1. Cream sugar, butter and shortening together 2. Add eggs, salt and flour and cream well 3. Add evaporated milk and almond extract 4. Pour into a greased tube pan 5. Put into a COLD OVEN 6. Turn oven to 320 degrees and bake 1 hour and 20 mins (may take 1 hours 30 mins depending upon how hot your oven cooks but start checking at 1.20) 7. Cool 15 mins and remove from pan 8. Take about to 1 cup confectioners' sugar and put in a bowl 9. Add some of the remaining evaporated milk to it and mix with a fork 10. Add a little dash of almond extract 11. Pour over cake while its warm

Submitted by Gary Cecchine, Ph.D., Merrifield View HOA Vice-President

Mosquito Bytes

Ouch! That little bugger with the striped legs that you just swatted on your arm is a female of the species Aedes albopictus, also known as the Asian tiger mosquito. She bit you because she needs your blood in order to lay her eggs, which shell probably do in the flowerpot on your porch or in your rain gutter. Some of us beyond a certain age can remember summers without these pests. These very adaptable mosquitoes came to the U.S. from Southeast Asia in the 1970s, and they probably got here by hitching a ride in tires containing rainwater. You see, in nature, this mosquito breeds in small amounts of water that collects in holes in trees and other natural containers. Most other mosquitoes require larger bodies of water, but not these ladies. They can lay thousands and thousands of eggs in just a little bit of water, such as what might collect in flowerpots, rain gutters, and - their favorite in our neighborhood - garbage cans. Garbage cans can hold many millions of eggs. If we allow water to collect in these places, we can expect a lot more mosquitoes about two days after rain. Because these mosquitoes can fly up to 500 meters (about a third of a mile), it will require all of us to keep their numbers low this summer. And thats important not just because they bug us (get it?), but because they can also transmit diseases, such as West Nile Virus. While the Asian tiger mosquito is most prevalent in our neighborhood, and its bites hurt the most, two other mosquito species (known as Culex) are primarily responsible for transmitting WNV. Luckily, we can control all of these mosquitoes in the same way. So, this summer, please: Have your rain gutters cleaned out Keep a lid on your garbage cans Dont allow rain to collect in containers such as flower pots Add a little bleach to your birdfeeders or wading pools

Well never get rid of all the mosquitoes, but simply dumping out containers of water can make a big difference. You can also protect yourself by wearing insect repellent containing DEET. Most studies show that a repellent with 10% DEET is just about as effective as ones with 30%, which is usually the maximum dont use a higher concentration, and dont use DEET on babies under 2 months. And, no, skin care products and other gimmicks arent an alternative: All studies show that skin cream without DEET, along with dryer sheets, vanilla, Vicks Vaporub, ultrasonic repellents (and more!) dont work - despite what you might read on the internet. Got a question? Ask the neighborhood biologist! Editors Note: For additional information visit: Gary Cecchine, Ph.D. 2832 Lafora Court [email protected]

Annual Spring Maintenance Walk-Through

The annual spring walk-through was completed during the month of April. Owners with maintenance issues on the exteriors of their homes have been mailed notification following the inspection that they have an issue or issues that need to be corrected. The time frame for correction is usually 60-days unless it is a yard maintenance issue in which case the time frame will be shorter depending on the findings. The purpose of these inspections is to encourage owners to keep the exterior looking clean and maintained. Our experience has been that maintenance items are easier and cheaper if attended to right away. Here is the list of items we look at each year: House front (and house side for end units): Woodwork trims (including door trim, window trim, rake boards, roofline trim, gutter boards and soffits) in need of repair, paint or replacement. Wrought iron railings in need of sanding, painting, reattachment or replacement (if removed). Interior front door in need of repair or painting. Storm door in need of repair or painting. Shutters in need of repair, painting or replacement Roof Shingles need repair or replacement. Gutters need to be cleaned out, washing/repainting, reattachment or replacement. House back Woodwork trims (including closets, door trim, window trim, rake boards, roofline trim, gutter boards and soffits) in need of repair, paint or replacement. Siding in need of repair, paint or power washing. Shed Shed needs cleaning, repair, repainting, or removal. Fence Overall fence needs replacement, extensive repair or realignment. Fence slats need to be re-nailed or replaced. Fence posts need to be reset or straightened or replaced. Cross-supports need to be replaced or re-nailed to posts/slats. Gate needs to be realigned, repaired or replaced. Landscaping Trees, shrubs or bushes need pruning, shaping, trimming or removal. Dangerous and/or non-approved outdoor articles need to be removed. Trash, trash containers & miscellaneous items Trash, trash cans, recycling containers, tools, brush, leaves, unused construction materials, appliances, toys or bicycles need to be removed from front, side or outside rear fence. Architectural Changes or Violations Any exterior changes made without prior AAC approval or disapproved items will be noted.

Merrifield View Homeowners Association Policy Resolution 2009-1 as adopted March 25, 2009 at the Board of Directors Meeting Purpose: To establish certain rules regarding trash. WHEREAS, the purposes of the Merrifield View Homeowners Association, are to promote the mutual interests of the residents of Merrifield View, to encourage active participation in the civic life of this community, and through unified efforts of its members to enhance their common welfare; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Association will have all powers needed to carry out the purposes of the Association which are enabled by law or the governing documents of the Association, and which are not specifically reserved to the members; and WHEREAS, by law, the Board of Directors of the Association will have the power to establish, adopt and enforce rules and regulations with respect to use of the Common Area and with respect to such other areas of responsibility assigned to the Association by the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that in accordance with applicable provisions of law and the Association's governing documents the following Rules and Regulations are hereby adopted: 1) All trash will be stored in an appropriate trash container. 2) An appropriate trash container is defined as a sealed, rodent-proof container with a tight fitting, attached lid. 3) All trash cans, lids and recycling bins must be prominently marked with the house number. 4) Trash secured in appropriate containers or properly secured (as in bulky items) may be placed out for pick up after 6:00 p.m. the evening before a scheduled pick up day. All trash bags must be securely tied, no exceptions. 5) Each home may permanently place one trash container, as described below, outside of the rear fence of the home. a) one brown, rectangular metal trash container in the style originally supplied with the home; as long as it is maintained and is in working order (e.g., lid is firmly affixed and door will remain closed); or b) one alternative trash container of a similar capacity. Any alternative container must fit outside the fence so that it does not overhang the sidewalk or impede pedestrian traffic in any way. If an alternative trash can is used, both the can and the lid must be prominently marked with the house number as do recycling bins. 6) If there is more trash than will fit into the approved container outside the fence, then this trash must be stored either inside of the house or inside the fence until a trash pickup day. Trash stored outside must be kept in sealed, rodent-proof containers with a tight fitting, attached lid. These extra containers may be put outside the fence for trash pickup but must be returned inside the fence by the end of the pickup day. 7) Bulky items that are not normally placed in a trash container should be adequately secured or bundled and placed out at the designated common area pick up points street-side.

8) When recycling and using the trash company provided recycling bin or an alternative bin, all items must still be properly secured as appropriate so items do not blow out of the bin. All bins must be prominently marked with the house number. 9) All trash containers and recycling bins put out at the designated common area street-side pickup points must be returned to storage, either indoors or in the rear of the residence by the end of the pickup day. 10) The permanent container located outside the fence in the rear, must have lids replaced and doors closed by the end of the pickup day. Extra containers must be returned to storage inside the fence by the end of the pickup day. 11) Violations of this rule will include, but are not limited to: a) Trash placed out for pick up before 6:00 p.m. the day before a scheduled trash pick up day. b) Trash placed out for pick up after the trash company has made its pick up that day. c) Missed pickups not reported to the property manager. d) Unmarked trash cans, lids and bins (no prominent street address number); e) More than one container regularly stored outside the fence on a non-trash pickup days; f) Recycling bins stored outside the fence; g) Trash containers stored outside the fence without lids securely in place on top of the container and in the case of the metal trash container, doors securely closed; h) Unsecured trash and/or recycling which blows around the neighborhood or is torn into by rodents, birds or other animals; i) Staging of trash on front porches, front yards or side yards on a non-trash pickup days; j) Discarding yard waste, brush or any other trash or yard debris on any portion of the common property; k) Placing bulky items out for pick up without contacting the trash removal service provider in advance for a special pick up if needed; l) Littering. 12) Residents placing trash out for pick up after the trash company has already picked up trash that day may be charged with violating the rules for placing trash out on a non-pick up day. 13) Residents' timely placing trash out, which does not get picked up due to the trash company's oversight must promptly (same day or next day, early morning) report these oversights to the property manager. Missed pickups not reported to the property manager will be considered as a violation. 14) Additionally, trash cans, lids and bins not prominently marked with the street address number left out on the common area pick up points street-side or left outside the rear fence will be considered abandoned property and are subject to removal and disposal. The HOA will not held responsible for replacement costs. 15) Violations of any of the above rules are subject to an assessment of $50 per occurrence or the maximum amount allowed under the Virginia Property Owners= Association Act as it may be amended from time to time. Assessments will be levied against the property, are payable within 30 days and are subject to the same conditions as a regular HOA assessment. Violators will also be responsible for any costs associated with cleaning up any mess resulting from unsecured trash.
This Policy Resolution supersedes and replaces the previously published Policy Resolution 1997-1.

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