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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Wheel Rear Derailleur Chain Crank Set Pedal Seat Post Saddle Bolts for Bottle Cage Frame Head Set Handlepost Handlebars Brake Lever Fork Brakes

NOTE: This manual is not intended as a comprehensive use, service, repair or maintenance manual. Please see your dealer for all service, repairs or maintenance.

First ................................................................................... 4
Bike Fit ......................................................................................4 Safety First ................................................................................4 This Manual ...............................................................................4 How an Internal Gear Hub Drive Train Works ......................... 11 Shifting Internal Hub Gears ................................................. 11 What Gear Should I Be In? ................................................. 11 Chains .....................................................................................12 Pedals .....................................................................................12 Transporting Your Bike ............................................................13

Safety ................................................................................ 5
The Basics .................................................................................5 Riding Safety .............................................................................5 Wet Weather Riding ..................................................................5 Night Riding ...............................................................................6 Saddle Position .........................................................................7 Handlebar Height and Angle .....................................................7 Wheels ......................................................................................8 Installing A Quick Release Front Wheel ................................8 Installing A Quick Release Rear Wheel .................................8 Brakes: Rim Brakes & Disc Brakes ...........................................9 Brake Controls and Features ................................................9 How Brakes Work ..................................................................9 Shifting Gears ..........................................................................10 How a Derailleur Drive Train Works ....................................10 Shifting Gears......................................................................10 Shifting the Rear Derailleur .................................................10 Shifting the Front Derailleur.................................................10 What Gear Should I Be In? ................................................. 11

Service ............................................................................ 14
Service Intervals ......................................................................14 Break-in Period....................................................................14 After Every Long Hard Ride ................................................14 After Every Long Hard Ride or After 10 to 20 Hours of Riding .14

Fit ...................................................................................... 7

Warranty ......................................................................... 16 Torque Values ................................................................ 17

Tech .................................................................................. 8

All folding bicycles and P.A.Q. mini-bikes are intended for use on paved roads only. P.A.Q. mountain bikes are intended for use on hardpacked trails only, and are not intended for jumps, stunts or other extreme sports. Make sure your bicycle is used for its intended purpose as the misuse may lead to the failure of some component or part.

you may be able to adjust their angle and reach. Do you fully understand how to operate your new bicycle? If not, before your first ride, have your dealer explain any functions or features that you do not understand.

Safety First
Always wear an approved helmet when riding your bike, and follow the helmet manufacturers instructions for fit, use and care. Do you have all the other required and recommended safety equipment? Its your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the laws of the area where you ride, and to comply with all applicable laws. Riders weight and luggage should not exceed 105kg (230lbs). Do you know how to correctly operate your wheel quick releases? Check Section 4.A.1 and 4.A.2 to make sure. Riding with an improperly adjusted wheel quick release can cause the wheel to wobble or disengage from the bicycle, and cause serious injury or death. Are your wheel rims clean and undamaged? Make sure the rims are clean and undamaged along the braking surface, and check for excess rim wear. Periodically inspect your rims for excessive wear and if you have any question on whether or not your rims are safe, have them inspected by a bicycle dealer.

Bike Fit
Is your bike the right size? If your bicycle is too large or too small for you, you may lose control and fall. If your new bike is not the right size, ask your dealer to exchange it before you ride it. Is the saddle at the right height? To check, see Section 3.A. If you adjust your saddle height, follow the Minimum Insertion instructions in Section 3.A. Are the saddle and seat post securely clamped? A correctly tightened saddle will allow no saddle movement in any direction. See Section 3.A. Are the stem and handlebars at the right height for you? If not, see Section 3.B. Can you comfortably operate the brakes? If not,

Handlebar and Saddle Alignment: Make sure the saddle and handlebar stem are parallel to the bikes centerline and clamped tight enough so that you cant twist them out of alignment. Handlebar Ends: Make sure the handlebar grips are secure and in good condition. If not, have your dealer replace them. Make sure the handlebar ends and extensions are plugged. If not, have your dealer plug them before you ride. If the handlebars have bar-end extensions, make sure they are clamped tight enough so you cant twist them. Please note that with the installation of some TT bars, criterium, aero bars, bar ends or a triathlon style clip-on, your response time for braking and steering may have been adversely affected.

This Manual
This manual is not intended as a comprehensive guide to bicycling and maintenance. It cannot teach you all the mechanical skills you need to repair a bicycle nor can it teach you all the skills you will need to ride a bicycle. This manual has a great number of tips and advice for the specific bikes it comes with. If you are ever unsure of how to maintain your bike, visit a dealer and ask for advice.

The Basics
WARNING: It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the laws where you ride and to comply with all applicable laws, including properly equipping yourself and your bike as the law requires. Observe all local bicycle laws and regulations. Observe regulations about bicycle lighting, licensing of bicycles, riding on sidewalks, laws regulating bike path and trail use, helmet laws, child carrier laws, and special bicycle traffic laws. Its your responsibility to know and obey your countrys laws. Always do check the safety of your bike before you ride it. Be thoroughly familiar with the controls of your bicycle: brakes (Section 4.B); pedals (Section G); shifting (Section 4.C). Be careful to keep body parts and other objects away from the sharp teeth of chain rings, the moving chain, the turning pedals and cranks, and the spinning wheels of your bicycle.

Riding Safety
You are sharing the road or the path with others motorists, pedestrians and other cyclists. Respect their rights. Ride defensively. Always assume that others do not see you. Look ahead, and be ready to avoid: Vehicles slowing or turning, entering the road or your lane ahead of you, or coming up behind you. Parked car doors opening. Pedestrians stepping out. Children or pets playing near the road. Potholes, sewer grating, railroad tracks, expansion joints, road or sidewalk construction, debris and other. The many other hazards and distractions which can occur on a bicycle ride. Ride in designated bike lanes, on designated bike paths or as close to the edge of the road as possible, in the direction of the traffic flow or as directed by local governing laws. Stop at stop signs and traffic lights; slow down and look both ways at street intersections. Remember that a bicycle always loses in a collision with a motor vehicle. Use approved hand signals for turning and stopping. Never ride with headphones. Never carry a passenger.

Never hitch a ride by holding on to another vehicle. Dont weave through traffic or make unexpected moves. Observe and yield the right of way. Never ride your bicycle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If possible, avoid riding in bad weather, when visibility is obscured, at dawn, dusk or in the dark, or when extremely tired. Each of these conditions increases the risk of accident.

Wet Weather Riding

WARNING: Wet weather impairs traction, braking and visibility, both for the bicyclist and for other vehicles sharing the road. The risk of an accident is dramatically increased in wet conditions. Under wet conditions, the stopping power of your brakes (as well as the brakes of other vehicles sharing the road) is dramatically reduced and your tires dont grip nearly as well. This makes it harder to control speed and easier to lose control. To make sure that you can slow down and stop safely in wet conditions, ride more slowly and apply your brakes earlier and more gradually than you would under normal, dry conditions. See also Section 4.B.

Night Riding
Riding a bicycle at night is many times more dangerous than riding during the day. A bicyclist is very difficult for motorists and pedestrians to see. Therefore, children should never ride at dawn, at dusk or at night. Adults who choose to accept the greatly increased risk of riding at dawn, at dusk or at night need to take extra care both riding and choosing specialized equipment that helps reduce that risk. Consult your dealer about night riding safety equipment. WARNING: Reflectors are not a substitute for required lights. Riding at dawn, at dusk, at night or at other times of poor visibility without an adequate bicycle lighting system and without reflectors is dangerous and may result in serious injury or death. Bicycle reflectors are designed to pick up and reflect car lights and streetlights in a way that may help you to be seen and recognized as a moving bicyclist. CAUTION: Check reflectors and their mounting brackets regularly to make sure that they are clean, straight, unbroken and securely mounted. Have your dealer replace damaged reflectors and straighten or tighten any that are bent or loose. If you choose to ride under conditions of poor visibility, check and be sure you comply with all local laws about night riding, and take the

following strongly recommended additional precautions: Purchase and install a generator or battery powered head and taillight that meet all local regulatory requirements and provide adequate visibility. Wear light-colored, reflective clothing and accessories, such as a reflective vest, reflective arm and leg bands, reflective stripes on your helmet, flashing lights attached to your body and/or your bicycle. Make sure your clothing or anything you may be carrying on the bicycle does not obstruct a reflector or light and securely mounted reflectors. Make sure that your bicycle is equipped correctly with reflectors. While riding at dawn, at dusk or at night: Ride slowly. Avoid dark areas and areas of heavy or fastmoving traffic. Avoid road hazards. If riding in traffic: Be predictable. Ride so that drivers can see you and predict your movements. Be alert. Ride defensively and expect the unexpected. Ask your dealer about traffic safety classes or a good book on bicycle traffic safety.

Saddle Position
Correct saddle adjustment is an important factor in getting the most performance and comfort from your bicycle. If the saddle position is not comfortable for you, see your dealer. The saddle can be adjusted in three directions: Up and down adjustment. To check for correct saddle height: Sit on the saddle. Place one heel on a pedal. Rotate the crank until the pedal with your heel on it is in the down position and the crank arm is parallel to the seat tube. If your leg is not completely straight, your saddle height needs to be adjusted. If your hips must rock for the heel to reach the pedal, the saddle is too high. If your leg is bent at the knee with your heel on the pedal, the saddle is too low. Once the saddle is at the correct height, make sure that the seat post does not project from the frame beyond its Minimum Insertion or Maximum Extension mark.

WARNING: If your seat post projects from the frame beyond the Minimum Insertion or Maximum Extension mark, the seat post may break, which could cause you to lose control and fall. Front and back adjustment. The saddle can be adjusted forward or backward to help you get the optimal position on the bike. Ask your dealer to set the saddle for your optimal riding. Saddle angle adjustment. Most people prefer a horizontal saddle; but some riders like the saddle nose angled up or down just a little. Your dealer can adjust the saddle angle. NOTE: If your bicycle has a suspension seat post, periodically ask your dealer to check it. Small changes in saddle position can have a substantial effect on performance and comfort. To find your best saddle position, make only one adjustment at a time. WARNING: After any saddle adjustment, be sure that the saddle adjusting mechanism is properly tightened before riding. A loose saddle clamp or seat post binder can cause damage to the seat post, or can cause you to lose control and fall. A correctly tightened saddle adjusting mechanism will allow no saddle movement in any direction. Periodically check to make sure that the saddle adjusting mechanism is properly tightened.

Handlebar Height and Angle

WARNING: The stems Minimum Insertion Mark must not be visible above the top of the headset. If the stem is extended beyond the Minimum Insertion Mark, the stem may break or damage the forks steerer tube, which could cause you to lose control and fall. Your dealer can also change the angle of the handlebar or bar-end extensions. WARNING: An insufficiently tightened stem binder bolt, handlebar binder bolt or bar-end extension clamping bolt may compromise steering action, which could cause you to lose control and fall. Place the front wheel of the bicycle between your legs and attempt to twist the handlebar/stem assembly. If you can twist the stem in relation to the front wheel, turn the handlebars in relation to the stem, or turn the bar-end extensions in relation to the handlebar, the bolts are insufficiently tightened.

Installing a Quick Release Front Wheel
CAUTION: If your bike is equipped with disk brakes, be careful not to damage the disk, caliper or brake pads when re-inserting the disk into the caliper. Never activate a disk brakes control lever unless the disk is correctly inserted in the caliper. See also Section 4.B. Move the quick-release lever so that it curves away from the wheel. This is the OPEN position. With the steering fork facing forward, insert the wheel between the fork blades so that the axle seats firmly at the top of the slots that are at the tips of the fork blades the fork dropouts. The quick-release lever should be on the left side of the bicycle. Holding the quick-release lever in the OPEN position with your right hand, tighten the tension-adjusting nut with your left hand until it is tight against the fork dropout. While pushing the wheel firmly to the top of the slots in the fork dropouts, and at the same time centering the wheel rim in the fork, move the quick-release lever upwards and swing it into the CLOSED position.

The lever should now be parallel to the fork blade and curved toward the wheel. With the right amount of force, the lever should make a clear embossed mark on the surface of the fork. WARNING: Securely clamping the front and rear wheels takes considerable force. If you can fully close the quick release without wrapping your fingers around the fork blade for leverage, and the lever does not leave a clear embossed mark in the surface of your fork, the tension is insufficient. Open the lever; turn the tension-adjusting nut clockwise a quarter turn; then try again. If the lever cannot be pushed all the way to a position parallel to the fork blade, return the lever to the OPEN position. Then turn the tension-adjusting nut counterclockwise one-quarter turn and try tightening the lever again. Re-engage the brake quick-release mechanism to restore correct brake pad-to-rim clearance; spin the wheel to make sure that it is centered in the frame and clears the brake pads; then squeeze the brake levers and make sure that they work.

Installing a Quick Release Rear Wheel

Make sure that the rear derailleur is still in its outermost, high-gear position. Pull the derailleur body back with your right hand. Move the quick-release lever to the OPEN position. The lever should be on the side of the wheel opposite the derailleur and freewheel sprockets. Put the chain on top of the smallest freewheel sprocket. Then, insert the wheel up and back into the frame dropouts and pull it all the way in to the dropouts. Tighten the quick-release adjusting nut until it is finger tight against the frame dropout; then swing the lever toward the front of the bike until it is parallel to the frames chain stay or seat stay and is curved toward the wheel. To apply enough clamping force, you should have to wrap your fingers around a frame tube for leverage, and the lever should leave a clear embossed mark in the surface of your frame.

Brakes Rim Brakes & Disc Brakes

Riding with improperly adjusted brakes or worn brake pads is dangerous and can result in serious injury or death. Applying brakes too hard or too suddenly can lock up a wheel, which could cause you to lose control and fall. Sudden or excessive application of the front brake may pitch the rider over the handlebars, which may result in injury or death. Some bicycle brakes, such as disc brakes and linear-pull brakes, are extremely powerful. Exercise particular care when using them. Disc brakes can get extremely hot with extended use. Be careful not to touch a disc brake until it has had plenty of time to cool. See the manufacturers instructions for operation and care of your brakes. If you do not have manufacturer instructions, call your dealer or the brake manufacturer.

sure your hands can reach and squeeze the brake levers. NOTE: In the UK and Japan, the right lever controls the front brake while the left lever controls the rear brake. All brakes should be adjusted according to local regulations.

NOTE: Make sure that no oil or lubrication touches your brake pads or the bicycles rims braking surfaces. Please replace worn brake shoes only with factory authorized brake replacements.

How Brakes Work

The action of a rim-actuated brake on a bicycle is a function of the friction between the brake surfaces usually the brake pads and the wheel rim. To make sure that you have maximum friction available, keep your wheel rims and brake pads clean and free of dirt, lubricants, waxes or polishes. Another important bicycle brake is a disc brake. To install disc brakes, special disc brake mounts on the frame and fork and special hubs are necessary. These brakes are small and rely on brake pads that squeeze both sides of a small disc rotor that is mounted on each wheel. Disc brakes are quite resistant to weather and provide very strong stopping power on steep hills or on wet terrain and are well suited for heavy riders. Brakes are designed to control your speed, not just to stop the bike. Maximum braking force for each wheel occurs at the point just before the wheel locks up (stops rotating) and starts to skid. Once the tire skids, you actually lose most of your stopping force and completely lose directional control.

Brake Controls and Features

Its very important to learn and remember which brake lever controls what brake. Your bike will come already set and adjusted so that the right brake lever controls the rear brake. The left lever controls the front brake. Make

Shifting Gears
Your multi-speed bicycle will have a derailleur drive train, an internal gear hub drive train or, in some special cases, a combination of the two.

How a Derailleur Drive Train Works

If your bicycle has a derailleur drive train, the gear-changing mechanism will have: A rear cassette or freewheel sprocket cluster. A rear derailleur. Usually a front derailleur. One or two shifters. One, two or three front sprockets called chain rings. A drive chain.

easier on a hill, make a downshift in one of two ways: shift the chain down (the gear steps to a smaller gear at the front) or shift the chain up (the gear steps to a larger gear at the rear.) So, at the rear gear cluster, what is called a downshift actually moves the chain up to a larger gear. The way to keep things straight is to remember that shifting the chain in towards the centerline of the bike is for accelerating and climbing and is called a downshift. Moving the chain out or away from the centerline of the bike is for speed and is called an upshift. Whether upshifting or downshifting, the bicycle derailleur system design requires that the drive chain be moving forward and be under at least some tension. A derailleur will shift only if you are pedaling forward.

travel of the rear derailleur. Tightening the rear derailleur high gear adjustment screw keeps the chain from shifting off the small (high) gear that is on the rear axle. Tightening the rear derailleur low gear adjustment screw keeps the chain from shifting off the large (low) gear into the rear wheel. Moving the chain from a smaller sprocket of the gear cluster to a larger sprocket results in a downshift. Moving the chain from the smaller sprocket on the chain rings to a larger sprocket results in what is called an upshift. In order for the derailleur to move the chain from one sprocket to another, the rider must be pedaling forward.

Shifting the Front Derailleur

The front derailleur, which is controlled by the left shifter, shifts the chain between the larger and smaller chain rings. Shifting the chain onto a smaller chain ring makes pedaling easier (a downshift). Shifting to a larger chain ring makes pedaling harder (an upshift). There are 2 (two) adjustment screws on the front derailleur: one is to limit the travel of the front derailleur so that the chain can be shifted upwards towards the larger, higher or harder to pedal gears but will not allow the chain to overshift. The other screw limits the travel of the front derailleur towards the smaller or easier-to-pedal chainwheel. By limiting travel, it prevents the chain from undershifting and keeps the chain from falling off the chainwheel onto the frame.

Shifting the Rear Derailleur

The right shifter controls the rear derailleur.

Shifting Gears
There are several different types and styles of shifting controls: levers, twist grips, triggers, combination shift/brake controls and push buttons. Ask your dealer to explain the type of shifting controls that are on your bike, and to show you how they work. A downshift is a shift to a lower or slower gear, one that is easier to pedal. An upshift is a shift to a higher or faster, harder to pedal gear. To select a gear that will make pedaling

The function of the rear derailleur is to move the drive chain from one gear sprocket to another. The smaller sprockets on the rear wheel gear cluster produce higher gear ratios. Pedaling in the higher gears requires greater pedaling effort, but takes you a greater distance with each revolution of the pedal cranks. The larger sprockets produce lower gear ratios. Using them requires less pedaling effort, but takes you a shorter distance with each pedal crank revolution. There are two set screws or limit screws on the rear derailleur body that limit the


WARNING: Never shift a derailleur onto the largest or the smallest sprocket if the derailleur is not shifting smoothly. The derailleur may be out of adjustment and the chain could jam, causing you to lose control and fall.

How an Internal Gear Hub Drive Train Works

If your bicycle has an internal gear hub drive train, the gear changing mechanism will consist of: A 3, 5, 7, 8 or possibly 12-speed internal gear hub. One, or sometimes two shifters. One or two control cables. One front sprocket called a chain ring. A drive chain.

Which Gear Should I Be In?

The combination of largest rear and smallest front gears is for the steepest hills. The smallest rear and largest front combination is for the greatest speed. It is not necessary to shift gears in sequence. Instead, find the starting gear which is right for your level of ability a gear which is hard enough for quick acceleration but easy enough to let you start from a stop without wobbling and experiment with upshifting and downshifting to get a feel for the different gear combinations. At first, practice shifting where there are no obstacles, hazards or other traffic, until youve built up your confidence. Learn to anticipate the need to shift, and shift to a lower gear before the hill gets too steep. If you have difficulties with shifting, the problem could be mechanical adjustment. See your dealer for help.

Shifting Internal Gear Hub Gears

Shifting with an internal gear hub drive train is simply a matter of moving the shifter to the indicated position for the desired gear. After you have moved the shifter to the gear position of your choice, ease the pressure on the pedals for an instant to allow the hub to complete the shift.

Which Gear Should I Be In?

The numerically lowest gear (1) is for the steepest hills. The numerically largest gear (3, 5, 7 or 12, depending on the number of speeds of your hub) is for the greatest speed.


Single-speed and three-speed bicycles as well as many IGH (Internal Geared Hubs) equipped bicycles use a 1/2 x 1/8 chain that has a master link. To reinstall the 1/2 x 1/8 chain, turn the bicycle upside down, and after reinstalling the chain, pull the rear wheel axle in a rearward direction. With rotation of the chain, any tight spot and a loose spot are due to inconsistent chain wheel roundness. Adjust the chain so there is no looseness when the chain is in one of its tight spots. Derailleur equipped bicycles use a narrower 1/2 x 3/32 chain that has no master link. With a 1/2 x 3/32 chain, it is necessary most of the time to use a special tool to push a link pin out of a chain to separate and remove it. There are many methods of measuring the chain to determine if it is too worn. There are some excellent chain wear indicators for sale at bike shops. Since the chain rotates a lot more on the rear wheel than the front, please note that replacing any already badly worn chain may mean that you might also need to replace the rear wheel cassette or freewheel as well.

Toe clips and straps are a means to keep your feet correctly positioned and engaged with the pedals. The toe clip positions the ball of the foot over the pedal spindle, which gives maximum pedaling power. The toe strap, when tightened, keeps the foot engaged throughout the rotation cycle of the pedal. Toe clips and straps work most effectively with cycling shoes designed for use with toe clips. Care should be taken to become accustomed to the use of toe clips before riding in traffic. Clipless pedals (sometimes called step-in pedals) are another means to keep feet securely in the correct position for maximum pedaling efficiency. They have a plate, called a cleat, on the sole of the shoe, which clicks into a mating spring-loaded fixture on the pedal. They only engage or disengage with a very specific motion that must be practiced until it becomes instinctive.


Transporting Your Bike

All 16- and 20-inch wheeled folding bicycles can be transported by the methods described in sections a, b, c, and d below. Bikes with 24- and 26-inch wheels, as well as road bikes with 700c wheels, have limited carrying ability and will not fit in public conveyance overhead compartments. Of course, using the methods described in sections c and d below are no problem. Our suggestion for commuting and medium distance travel is that it is best to use a nylon bag carry bag. For long distance travel, the 24- and 26-inch wheeled bikes, and 700c road bicycles, should be packed in a sturdy travel case. Carrying Carrying a 16- to 20-inch wheeled folded bicycle is quite easy for extra short to medium distances. For Jetstream full suspension bicycles, make sure you have the black nylon strap that came with your bike to bind the wheels together. Simply grab the bicycle and carry by the saddles edge. When crossing a threshold, boarding a bus, train or airplane or stowing the bike in an overhead compartment, you will need to pick your bicycle up. When the occasion arises that you need to travel or commute and want your bicycle with you, feel confident knowing your bike is ready when you are.

Rolling A much easier and more efficient method to transport your 16 to 20-inch wheeled bicycles is to roll them on their wheels. Remember that the Jetstream fork and frame must be bound together so the wheels will roll. Raise the folded bikes seatpost and saddle approximately 305 mm (12 inches) and tilt or angle the folded bike towards you. Then simply push the bicycle forward. This conveyance method is perfect for travel from parking lots to a bus, train or airplane terminal and transition from rough tarmac or driveways to smooth granite or tile floors.

Travel Case A semi-hard travel case is a perfect long distance transportation solution for many folding bicycles. They work well on any public transportation system. Many travel cases are safe enough to withstand the most difficult luggage safety challenge, which is checking luggage in at the airport. You can find travel cases large enough for most 16-, 20-, and 24-inch wheeled bicycles. However, when carrying bikes with 26-inch wheels, the wheels must be removed.

Bag This is a clean and efficient method of packing and carrying any of the many Dahon bicycles. Simply place the folded, collapsed or packed-away bicycle on the opened bag that is lying on the floor. There are spacious internal pockets for any parts that must be removed such as pedals and any tools that you might need later. A nice neat package is visible when the sides of the bag are pulled up tight and the handle/shoulder strap is fastened. The entire operation takes only a few seconds. It is perfect to carry your bike on any sort of public conveyance or to carry in a car. However, the bag is not approved for airline check in.


WARNING: Technological advances have made bicycles and bicycle components more complex, and the pace of innovation is increasing. It is impossible for this manual to provide all the information required to properly repair and/or maintain your bicycle. In order to help minimize the chances of an accident and possible injury, it is critical that you have any repair or maintenance that is not specifically described in this manual performed by your dealer. Equally important is that your individual maintenance requirements will be determined by everything from your riding style to geographic location. Consult your dealer for help in determining your maintenance requirements. WARNING: Many bicycle service and repair tasks require special knowledge and tools. Do not begin any adjustments or service on your bicycle until you have learned from your dealer how to properly complete them. Improper adjustment or service may result in damage to the bicycle or in an accident that can cause serious injury or death.

Service Intervals
Some service and maintenance can and should be performed by the owner, and requires no special tools or knowledge beyond what is presented in this manual. The following are examples of the type of service you should perform yourself. All other service, maintenance and repair should be performed in a properly equipped facility by a qualified bicycle mechanic, using the correct tools and procedures specified by the manufacturer.

After Every Long or Hard Ride

If the bike has been exposed to water or grit, or at least every 100 miles, clean it by wiping it clean and lightly oil the chain with a dry Teflon lubrication or a synthetic based chain lube. Then, very importantly, wipe off excess oil. Long lasting lubrication is a function of climate. (Hot or cold, wet or dry.) For general cycle lubrication, Dahon suggests using lightweight mineral based oil that is commonly available in most bike shops or hardware stores. If you have any questions, please talk to your dealer as an incorrect lubricant can damage the painted surfaces.

Break-in Period
Your bike will last longer and work better if you break it in before riding it hard. Control cables and wheel spokes may stretch or seat when a new bike is first used and may require readjustment by your dealer. Your Mechanical Safety Check will help you identify some things that need readjustment. But even if everything seems fine to you, it is best to take your bike back to the dealer for a checkup. Dealers typically suggest you bring the bike in for a 30-day checkup. Another way to judge when it is time for the first checkup is to bring the bike in after three to five hours of hard off-road use, or about 10 to 15 hours of on-road or more casual off-road use. But if you think something is wrong with the bike, take it to your dealer before riding it again.

After Every Long or Hard Ride or After Every 10 to 20 Hours of Riding

Squeeze the front brake and rock the bike forward and back. If you feel a clunk with each forward or backward movement of the bike, you probably have a loose headset. Have your dealer check it. Lift the front wheel off the ground and swing it from side to side. If you feel any binding or roughness in the steering, you may have a tight headset. Have your dealer check it. Grab one pedal and rock it toward and away from the centerline of the bike; then do the same with the other pedal. Anything feel loose? If so, have your dealer check it.


Take a look at the brake pads. Starting to look worn or not hitting the wheel rim squarely? Time to have the dealer adjust or replace them. Carefully check the control cables and cable housings. Any rust? Kinks? Fraying? If so, have your dealer replace them. Squeeze each adjoining pair of spokes on either side of each wheel between your thumb and index finger. Do they all feel about the same? If any feel loose, have your dealer check the wheel. Check to make sure that all parts and accessories are still secure, and tighten any that are not. When replacement parts are necessary, be sure to use factory authorized replacement parts from your local authorized Dahon dealer. Check the frame, particularly in the area around all tube joints; the handlebars; the stem; and the seatpost for any deep scratches, cracks or discoloration. These are signs of stress-caused fatigue and indicate that a part is at the end of its useful life and needs to be replaced. WARNING: Like any mechanical device, a bicycle and its components are subject to wear and stress. Different materials and mechanisms wear or fatigue from stress at different rates and have different life cycles. If a components life cycle is exceeded, the component can suddenly and catastrophically fail, causing serious injury or death to the rider. Scratch-

es, cracks, fraying and discoloration are signs of stress-caused fatigue and indicate that a part is at the end of its useful life and needs to be replaced. While the materials and workmanship of your bicycle or of individual components may be covered by a warranty for a specified period of time by the manufacturer, this is no guarantee that the product will last the term of the warranty. Product life is often related to the kind of riding you do and to the treatment to which you submit the bicycle. The bicycles warranty is not meant to suggest that the bicycle cannot be broken or will last forever. It only means that the bicycle is covered subject to the terms of the warranty.


Dahon Five-Year Limited Warranty
Dahon warrants its bicycle frames, handleposts, and rigid forks to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of five years. In addition, Dahon warrants all original parts on the bicycle, excluding suspension forks and rear shocks, for a period of one year from the date of purchase. Suspension forks and rear shocks shall be covered by the warranty of their original manufacturers. This warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of a defective frame, fork, or defective part and is the sole remedy of the warranty. This warranty applies only to the original owner and is not transferable. This warranty only covers bicycles and components purchased through an authorized Dahon dealer and are only valid within the country in which the bicycle was purchased. The warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, improper assembly or follow-up maintenance, installation of parts or accessories not originally intended or compatible with the bicycle as sold, damage or failure due to accident, misuse or neglect, or modification of the frame, fork or components.

Lifetime Warranty Upgrade

The warranty on the frame, handlepost and rigid fork may be upgraded to a lifetime warranty if the original owner fills out the online registration card. The warranty is activated when the bicycle is tuned and adjusted by a professional mechanic before the owners first ride. To activate your Dahon warranty and Lifetime Frame Warranty, please visit our On-line Warranty Registration page. Go to www.dahon. com/registration.htm. Registering your Dahon serves as proof of original ownership for future warranty issues. *Exclusions from the Dahon Five-Year Limited Warranty also apply to the lifetime frame warranty.

Making a Warranty Claim

You must at your own expense, deliver, mail or ship the damaged part, a photo of the defective part, and a description of the defect, together with both the original bill of sale and this limited warranty statement as proof of warranty coverage, to your place of purchase. A warranty registration card must be completed and received by Dahon before a warranty claim can be processed. The retailer from whom you bought your bicycle will contact Dahon to determine if the necessary repairs are covered by the warranty. NOTE: This warranty does not affect the statutory rights of the consumer. Where applicable, local laws will take precedent over this contract.

For all city, road or trekking bikes, damage resulting from commercial use, accident, misuse, abuse, neglect or from anything other than normal and ordinary use of the product. For all mountain bikes, damage resulting from uses beyond cross-country and marathon riding or from anything other than normal and ordinary use of the product.


Torque Values

Handlebar, Headset, Saddle, and Seat Post

Component Dahon large hex key headset screw (10mm) Dahon handlepost clamp screw (6mm) Stem steer tube binder bolts; threadless headset Dahon threadless infinite adjustable stem h/bar clamp Dahon threadless infinite adjustable stem rear stem clamp Stem handlebar clamp 1 or 2 binder bolts Stem handlebar clamp 4 binder bolts MTB bar ends, alloy MTB bar ends, magnesium Seat rail binder Kore I-beam rail clamp inlbs 52~87 87 115~145 44~53 62~71 175~260 120~145 144 70 35~60 85 Newton Meters (Nm) 6.8~11.3 11.3 13~16.4 5~6 7~8 19.8~29.4 13.6~16.4 16.3 7.9 4~6.8 9.6 kgfcm 60~100 100 132~167 51~61 71~82 201~299 138~167 164 81 40~69 98


Brake-Rim and Disc and Brake Lever

Component Brake lever - MTB type Brake lever - drop bar type (including STI & ERO types) Disc rotor to hub (M5 bolts) Disc rotor to hub (M965 rotor lockring) Disc rotor to hub (Avid) Caliper mount inlbs 53~60 55~80 18~35 350 55 55~70 Newton Meters (Nm) 6~6.8 6.2~9 2~4 39.5 6.2 6.2~7.9 kgfcm 61~69 63~92 21~40 402.5~ 63 63~81

Crankset, Bottom Bracket and Pedal Area

Component Pedal into crank Crank bolt - including spline and square type spindles Crank bolt - one key release Crank bolt - one key release (Truvativ) Bottom bracket adjustable type Bottom bracket cartridge type inlbs 307 300~395 44~60 107~125 610~700 435~610 Newton Meters (Nm) 34.7 33.9~44.6 5~6.8 12.1~14.1 68.9~79.1 49.1~68.9 kgfcm 353 345~454 51~69 123~144 702~805 500~702


Front and Rear Hubs; QR and Nutted Axles

Component Freehub body Cassette sprocket lockring; disc brake lockring Front axle nuts Rear axle nuts to frame (non-quick release type wheels) inlbs 305~434 260~434 180 260~390 Newton Meters (Nm) 34.5~49 29.4~49 20.3 29.4~44.1 kgfcm 35~499 299~499 207 299~449

Frame and Fork

Component BAB lower frame coupling BAB upper seat binder bolt BB mid seat mast binder bolt Kickstand mounting bolt H2O cage mounting screw Frame front or rear rack braze-on bolt torque Fender to frame mounting bolt torque Formulas for converting to other torque designations: inlb = ftlb x 12 inlb = Nm x 8.851 inlb = kgfcm / 1.15 inlbs 35 35~55 35~55 60 25~35 25~35 50~60 Newton Meters (Nm) 4 4~6.2 4~6.2 6.8 2.8~4 2.8~4 5.6~6.8 kgfcm 40 40~63 40~63 69 29~40 29~40 58~69


Dahon California INC. 833 Meridian Street Duarte CA 91010 1-800-442-3511

Dahon TW 8F-8, #6, Lane 609, Chung Hsin RD., Sec 5 San Chung, Taipei Hsien ROC 241, Taiwan +886-2-2999-5623

2009 DAHON, BPSA 2009.09.EN

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