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Rogue Galaxy: FAQ/Walkthrough by Kouli Version 1.

1, Last Updated 2007-01-21 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Rogue Galaxy (PS2) FAQs & Guides Liked this FAQ? Click here to recommend this item to other users. -------------------------------- Rogue Galaxy ------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ/Walkthrough (JP) ------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.1 ------------------------------------------------------- By Ken Zhao ([email protected]) ---------------------------------------------------- Aka Kouli/Ice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents -----------------------------~ <Copyright Notice> ~ <Hosting> ~ <Illegal Selling> ~ <About The FAQ> ~ <Update Logs> ~ <Full Walkthrough> ~ <Chapter 1> ~ <Chapter 2> ~ <Chapter 3> ~ <Chapter 4> ~ <Chapter 5> ~ <Chapter 6> ~ <Chapter 7> ~ <Chapter 8> ~ <Chapter 9> ~ <Chapter 10> ~ <Chapter 11> ~ <Chapter 12> ~ <Chapter 13> ~ <Ex Game> ~ <Jestar's First Weapons> ~ <Credits> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Copyright Notice> Copyright (C) 2007 by Ken Zhao/Kouli. All Rights Reserved. This document is for private & personal use only. It can not be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted in parts or in its entirety in any form, shape, means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without my permission. This document is intended to be free TO VIEW ONLY. You can not sell it nor you can give it away as a prize, a bonus, or a promotional item. It can never be used for profitable, commercial, or promotional purposes unless you have my permission. Further, this FAQ can not be altered, referenced, or distributed by any individual, web site, organization, group, company, magazine, strategy guide author without my permission as well.

The above is protected by International Copyright Law. Break or violate any of these rules may resulted in severe civil and criminal penalties. Lastly, all trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Hosting> For most of the time, this document should only be on GameFAQs/GameSpot, IGN, 1UP, GameHelp, Honest Gamers and Super Cheats. However, I almost always give permission to fan sites of the particular game/series. If you are one of them, please E-Mail and ask. As for other general sites, as long as you aren't one of the thieves(namely Cheat CC), it's likely for me to give you permission if you E-Mail and ask. As for which site is good and bad, check out Michael Sarich's FAQ Theft Guide: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Illegal Selling> Yes, there are lowlifes that are worse than thieves like Cheat CC. Just to make few dollars, there are users on EBay STOLE & SOLD FAQs that can be found on GameFAQs. Unfortunately, such ridiculous and outrageous action is still active in EBay. However, that doesn't mean we can't do anything. As CJayC suggests, the right way to stop these people is to hit them in the pocketbook(boot them off of EBay, ruin their auctions...etc). To start things off, send something called the Notice of Claimed Infringement to EBay: (You need Adobe Acrobat Reader) Sign and send it back to EBay by Fax at (408)516-8811. As for those that try to get away with 'Fair Use', that's just laughable. That is only applicable when it's not being fairly used for profit. Please don't go throwing around legal rhetoric when you don't even know what it means. Further, do not think that you can get away by just deleting these warnings. Due to your obvious Copy&Paste, getting proof of Copyright Infringement will be beyond easy. Besides, I already embedded messages within this document which will definitely be apparent if someone does decide to steal the majority of the document. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<About The FAQ>

This FAQ/Walkthrough is solely based on the Japanese version of 'Rogue Galaxy', an RPG made/published by Level 5/Sony. Since this is based on the Japanese version only and I don't buy or play any English version of any game, please use this FAQ/Walkthrough at your own discretion. If you are playing the Japanese version, then I will assume you know kana and at lEast the basic of Japanese. I'll ignore all questions due to the fact that you can't read any Japanese. Also, I don't put any Japanese in any of my FAQ so it will never be in Shift-JIS or EUC format. Lastly, I no longer do any story based FAQ/Walkthrough, so refrain from asking that. However, I don't mind any specific story question if you are really stuck, likewise with any gameplay related question, as long as you know kana and the basic. This just can't be said enough: Please learn some kana and the basic. For studies of Japanese, try these links: Even though I try to avoid putting spoilers in this document, but just to be safe from the complains, this document could contain spoilers. Please read at your own risk. To navigate this document or find what you want, please check the Table of Contents. Better yet, use Ctrl + F to search for the particular thing you are looking for. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Update Logs> \December 8th, 2005/ - Version 0.1, beginning to write the walkthrough \December 9th~10th, 2005/ - Version 0.2, walkthrough covers up till early Chapter 6 \December 11th, 2005/ - Version 0.3, walkthrough covers up till early Chapter 8 \December 12th~13th, 2005/ - Version 0.4, walkthrough covers up till second part of Chapter 8 and added in lots of optional \December 13th~14th, 2005/ - Version 0.5, walkthrough covers up till early Chapter 11 \December 14th~15th, 2005/ - Version 0.6, walkthrough for the main game is done and briefly talked about the 2 optional dungeons \January 9th, 2007/ - Version 0.7, begins the revision

\January 11th~13th, 2007/ - Version 0.8, revised up to Vedan \January 14th~16th, 2007/ - Version 0.9, revised up to the end of Chapter 7 and added a new section \January 17th~19th, 2007/ - Version 1.0, revised up to the beginning of Chapter 9 \January 20th~21st, 2007/ - Version 1.1, done the entire revision ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Full Walkthrough> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Chapter 1> ~Planet Rosa # of Star Key Boxes: 1 # of Earth Key Boxes: 2 # of Sun Key Boxes: 1 Jestar and the Hooded Man will be fighting monsters. This is basically for you to get used to the controls. After, check the side of the Church and the inside for two item boxes. Go on for the first Transporter. Save your game and at the intersection, take the upper path to two item boxes. However, one of them can't be opened unless you have the Star Key. Move on and another item box by a house. You can enter the near house but the item box within can't be opened unless you have the Earth Key. If you climb the ladder, it leads to another item box. Continue on and you will be at the broken bridge. For that, just jump across. Next, check the two item boxes and save your game. Go on and you will get the Seven Star Sword Desert Seeker and Battle Recorder. You will get into a battle against two Giants. Symon and Steve will join the party afterward. Nearby is another house and another item box that can't be opened unless you have the Sun Key. There is also another item box at the top, above the ladder. Continue on to another Transporter. The near house is a Shop and there is also another item box within. Moving on and another item box near. At the end, it seems like a dead end but you can actually jump on to the metal boxes then jump again to hang onto the pipe. Go along the pipe then get down to the other side. There is an item box nearby. Go on for another item box. Eventually, one more Transporter. Save your game then toward the gate for the boss fight. ----------------------Boss: Salamander Type 8 First up, take out the collars of all 4 of its legs. That will reveal its weak spot and you will get the Monography Shot.

Now, jump on toward the weak spot and keep slashing it till the blue panels go away. Have Jestar to equip the Monography Shot. Fire again toward it and repeat the above. After, have Jestar to attack the head. Beware of the fire breath. Use the Fire Extinguishing Powder if Jestar is on fire. If it swings its head, just Guard. If you have Flash Sword, use it. ----------------------Afterward, go to the Church to speak with Raul. Next, time to explore the town more. Check the side of the Church, you can find two more item boxes. Near the first Transporter, there's also another item box. If you haven't done so yet, do Point Exchange at a Transporter since you just beat a Wanted Monster. Within the Residential Area, check around for three item boxes. If you head in houses, you can get to two Shops. If you check the South part, there's another item box. However, don't speak with Katahari by the near gate and select yes. You can still explore the Northern part. Within the Universal Harbor, there are five item boxes and one of them requires the Earth Key. Once you are ready, go back to the Residential Area and speak with Katahari at South. Pick the first choice to advance the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Chapter 2> ~Dorgen Ark You can save your game since there is a Transporter. Go toward Steve then use the elevator to move up. Go North to exit out to the deck. You will get in a quick battle against Debiras. Kill few of them to end the battle. ~Planet Juraika # of Star Key Boxes: 1 # of Earth Key Boxes: 2 Kisara and Zegram will join the party. If you head back to the Dorgen Ark and speak with Symon, more information will be filled into the Info Edge. Anyway, use the platform on the deck to get down. Go on for an item box and a Shop. Continue on for two item boxes on the way. Down by the river, there's another Transporter. You can go East or West of the river, as well as going up the near ramp. The East leads to an item box and two Mimics; The West leads to two item boxes, a Transporter and there's another item within the house. You need the Star Key though; The North leads to an item box that requires the Earth Key. After checking out the North, you will need to go check out the Western house. You will get the Power Glove from Firio. After, back to that previous gate at North. Head into the so called 'Thinking Circle' and use the Power Glove to advance. Go on and two more item boxes on the way. Continue on to another river and yet another Transporter. There are also an item box and Shop nearby. Take the path

by the Transporter first. It leads to another Thinking Circle. Back track and head to the West of the river. First item box on the way is a Mimic. Continue on to the West and another item box. Next, another Transporter. After, go down the ramp to get the Bomb from Dario. Nearby, there is another item box. Of course, back to that Thinking Circle and use the Bomb. Next, continue on and you will find another item box on the way. You will end up at a cross road. Go East of the Map, it leads to a Transporter and 2 item boxes. There is actually a third item box around, but you need the Earth Key to open that; If you go West, there should be three item boxes in total. However, one of them is another Mimic; To advance, go North from the cross road. Continue on and there should be another item box. It's another Mimic. Continue on for another item box. Go on to meet Fable to get the Collecting Cage 1, the Nurturing Cage 1 and the Sanchez Fruit. They are for catching and raising Insector which you can use to fight in Insectron Tournament in Zerard. Continue on and you will get to the village. You can't enter, so back to the cross road. Head to the East of the Map. Make sure you save your game at the end. Head down to the swarm for the boss. --------------Boss: Mad Wuper Kisara won't be available in this battle but Ruruka will join in here. Start by shooting it from a distant. If you are close, its lightning attack will be able to hit you. If it decides to jump toward you, get Jestar to use Flash Sword and start attacking it. However, be sure to move away shortly. Repeat and keep up the healing. --------------Afterward, move a bit to find Mazel, the Synthesis Frog. It will show you how Synthesis works and you will get the Ridge Crusher in the end. Anyway, head back toward the village. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Chapter 3> ~Planet Juraika # of Earth Key Boxes: 2 Earth Key: Chieftain's House, Bulkaka Village Within the Bulkaka Village, use the Transporter to save your game. Anyway, near house has 2 item boxes. If you climb up the lookouts, you can find two more item boxes. More, there's one item box near a house and two more within that house. However, one of them can't be opened unless you have the Earth Key. Now, take the stairs up to the high level of the village. One of the houses is the Shop and the bigger house with 2 guards outside is the Chieftain's House. Near the Chieftain's House, there's another item box.

At night, head down to the lower level and to the lower right house on the Map. Next day, go after Ruruka and Millie to the lower left path. On the way, there is another item box. You'll come to an intersection. Go North of the Map first. You will come to some sunken ship to obtain the Broken Freeze Shot. Save your game at the near Transporter. Explore around for four item boxes plus a fifth one that requires the Earth Key. Afterward, back track and go South. You will come to another intersection. Continue along the riverside road for another item box which is really a Mimic. Beyond that, you will get to another Transporter. Continue on and Sherio will fix the Broken Freeze Shot. There are 3 item boxes here, 2 outside and 1 inside the house. Now, time to back track to the previous intersection. This time, go West of the Map. You will get to another Transporter and a Shop. Further away from the Shop, there is another item box. Next, jump into the water and swim to the Thinking Circle. Use the Freeze Shot then check the Thinking Circle again to use the Monography Shot. of course, you can jump up now. There is an item box on the way, so be sure to get it. Swim to one side of the river for an item box. Continue on and Zegram will leave the party. Go on to another Transporter. Save your game then move on for the boss. --------------Boss: Individer Use Freeze Shot to freeze it temporary. Use Flash Sword then start slashing it. Once if starts moving again, move away then Freeze Shot again. Once you've depleted enough of its HPs, Ruruka will join in. Repeat the above till it dies. --------------After, Ruruka will join the party & you will also get the Overdue Galaxy Pass. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Chapter 4> ~Planet Zerard # of Star Key Boxes: 3 # of Earth Key Boxes: 4 # of Sun Key Boxes: 1 Ruruka and Symon will be in the party. At the area where the Dorgen Ark is, there are 5 item boxes. Be sure to get them. Within the Universal Harbor room, there are 2 more item boxes. However, one of them requires the Star Key. Back on the central street, continue on and there should be a Shop on the way. Don't go North/up of the Map yet, go West of the Map for another item box then move on to the North of the Map. Again, go check out the West of the Map. Continue on the path. There are three item boxes, a Transporter and two Shops. Back track and this time, go East of the Map. There are three item boxes, one Transporter & two Shops. Within one of

the Shops, climb up for an item box that requires the Earth Key. If you move on to the North of the Map, you will get to the Insectron Hall. You can meet up with that Fable from before. Back to the central street, go North of the Map. There is another Shop near the Transporter. Continue up then goo East of the Map for two more item boxes. Once you are ready, go into the Galaxy Corporation at North. Another Transporter within, so save your game. Check around for six item boxes, but one of them requires the Star Key. Once you are ready, head toward Mio. You will be taken to the Rozen Custer Prison. Speak with the Prisoner then go toward the gate. Head to the East of the Map for the Transporter. Head down and take the elevator. You will be at the Level 3 Prison. Drop down to one level lower for an item. Look around and you should see the red door. Don't go there yet, go all the way down to get two item boxes. One of them requires the Earth Key. Second area, there should be another item box nearby. Anyway, if you go all the way down, there is another item but it requires the Sun Key. Thus, ignore that and make your way up. By the door, there should be a Shop and a Transporter. Save your game then move on. After the quick fight, make your way down. Check the mid levels for an item and the Prison Barrier Key. If you go down all the way, there's another item. After, head toward the red door. Check the Thinking Circle and use the Prison Barrier Key. Go through the doors to another section. At this section, 3 items: one at the higher level, one at the middle & one at the lower part. One of the items is the Prison Barrier Key. After, through the red door by using the Prison Barrier Key at the Thinking Circle. Continue on to yet another section. Go down all the way and there are two item boxes. After, go up all the way to the upper left door of the Map. There is also another item box near. Go through the doors and take the elevator. Next, up to Level 2 Prison. There is a Shop nearby. There are two doors to take. The South door of the Map leads to 4 item boxes in total. If After, take the North door of the Map. There are three items and two of them require the Earth Key. There's another door at SE of the mid level. It leads to two more item boxes. Anyway, at the short passage with three more item boxes. The right one is the Prison EV StartUp Chip. The other two are Mimic. Use the Prison EV StartUp Chip at the near Thinking Circle then you can use the elevator. Now we are at Level 1 Prison. Save your game at the Transporter. Go through the door for another Shop. There is an item box at the lower part but it requires the Star Key. Anyway, make your way to the top and take the door at the end. Go through various doors to another section. There are two item boxes at the lower part then head up to the top level. There is another item box then take the door to move on. Next, head to the lower part for yet another item box then head to the top. On the way, another item box. At the top, another item box which is the Prison Barrier Key. Near the door is

another Thinking Circle. Use the Prison Barrier Key. Go through and there is another Transporter. Save your game before you move on. Next, yet another section. Lower part got two item boxes and the door to take is around the middle level. At the passage, take the right to an item box. Next area, lower part got another item box. Make your way up. At mid level, another item box. At the upper level, two more item boxes. One of them is the Prison EV StartUp Chip. Take the door at the top then use the Prison EV StartUp Chip at the Thinking Circle. Take the elevator to advance. Interior Route A3, go along the path and be sure to save your game at the Transporter. Move on and there is an item box near. However, it's hard to see it. It's at the right of the Beast's head. Continue along the path for three item boxes on the way. One of them is the Prison EV StartUp Chip. At the end, use the Prison EV StartUp Chip at the Thinking Circle. Save your game at the Transporter then take the elevator. Interior Route A2, near item box is a Mimic. Continue on the path to another Transporter. Enter the room at the end for the boss fight. -----------------Boss: Rozen Custer Try not to get too close. It's better you stay away and use your Second Weapon. If you've been working out your Second Weapon with the Synthesis Frog, then you should be fine. Make sure you watch out for his missile and when he rushes toward you. Move away and heal frequently. Once he's low on HPs, get near and finish him off with Flash Sword. -----------------Afterward, before you head back to the central street, turn around and go back to the Rozen Custer Prison. There are a Transporter and two item boxes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Chapter 5> ~Planet Zerard # of Star Key Boxes: 1 # of Earth Key Boxes: 1 Toward the fountain to meet with Chie & Miyoko. Symon will leave the party but Steve will join in. Go to the Galaxy Corporation and toward that Mio. After, go back out to the central street. Head to the East of the Map. By the Star Ship Factory, there are two item boxes around and one of them requires the Star Key. If you wish, you can head back to the Rozen Custer Prison through the entrance. It leads to an item box and a Transporter. Once you're ready, enter the Star Ship Factory. Go down for a quick fight. Go inside afterward. Relatively large area and there are only 2 paths. Plus, the two paths connect to another area. If you go upper right of the Map(Production Line 1), there is

a Transporter. Anyway, within Production Line 1, get the near item box then go South. Ride it to the end and get into that elevator. There is an item box near that contains the Factory Key. Jump onto the moving platform and head to the SE side where the Thinking Circle is. Before you do anything, go up to NE for two item boxes. After, use the Factory Key at the Thinking Circle. Pass the door and another big area. There are two paths only as well, at the lower right and upper right. Head toward the lower right door first. After, head into the room and save your game. There is an item box near. Jump down to the lower level. There's an elevator at the lower right. It leads to an item box that requires the Earth Key. Go back down to the lower level. Go check the upper right for two item boxes. After, take the door at upper right to advance. You will be in another big section. There is just one path this time, all the way to the East of the Map. Save your game at the Transporter then move on. A quick fight afterward. After, you will be in Pokaccho's Room. There is an item box. Exit out and save your game at the Transporter. At this big area, the West of the Map leads to a Shop and three item boxes. One of them is a Mimic. To move on, go to the East of the Map. Save your game at the Transporter. A quick fight upon entering Production Line 3B. After, get the item box that's near. There is another item box around the center of this Map, a bit toward South. It contains the Factory Key. After, take the elevator up. Use the moving platform to get to SW for two item boxes. However, the left one is a Mimic. Get back on the platform and jump on to the middle ship. Jump to the second moving platform. There is another item box at the NE of the Map. To move on, get to the SE of the Map. Use that Factory Key at the Thinking Circle. Pass the door and another big area. There is only one path you can take, that's at the East of the Map. Save your game at the Transporter then enter for the boss fight. --------------Boss: Johnny DX First, don't bother with it much and try to avoid more often. Pokaccho will give you the Barrier Break Shot. Equip it and fire it at Johnny. You may attack now. Flash Sword works rather well here. Once you've depleted enough of its HPs, it will go into the Gorgeous Mode, Johnny DX. Now, get close and use Flash Sword. If Jestar has a strong First Weapon, then this won't be too hard. But, you still need to spend few items to heal. --------------Afterward, you can now use the Factory. Within Pokaccho's Room, there is also a Shop now.

Time to go back to the Galaxy Corporation. Head toward Mio and You will get the Galaxy Pass, as well as the Mio Membership Card. Transfer back to the Control Room of the Dorgen Ark. Walk up to the center then Jupis will join the party afterward. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Chapter 6> ~Dorgen Ark Go up to the deck and speak around. Walk around then Symon and Steve will show up. Go back to the Control Room to meet Dorgengoa. Check a Transporter for a scene with Mark and Pokaccho. Anyway, if you check the Wheel in the Control Room of the Dorgen Ark, you can now move between planets. Let's check back on the planets so far: ~Planet Zerard Within the Star Ship Factory, go to the Production Line 1. Head up to the higher level and you can go through the NE door now. Clear three groups of Assault Walkers to get three item boxes at the most East section. Within the Galaxy Corporation, you can now get Hunter License. Speak with Mio and you will need Hunter Coins. You need 20 Hunter Coins for the Silver License, 40 Hunter Coins for the Gold License and 60 for the Platinum License. If you need Hunter Coins, you will need to win Challenge Battles. The usage of a License is that some items can't be bought from Shops unless you've got the right License. Plus, you also get discounts. While you are in the Galaxy Corporation, check with the North shop and buy info on Wanted Monsters. Since you can use the Factory, let's get some Plans. Speak with Captor, Osmond, Sand, Mushin and Cobit at the Eastern section of Zerard. Speak with Madax and Elbim at the Western section of Zerard. Within the Star Ship Factory, speak with Eimen at the entrance area and Kopo within Production Line 1. ~Planet Rosa Check out the two item boxes that require the Earth Key. ~Planet Juraika Check where you fought the Chapter 3 Boss for two item boxes. Also, the Dorgen Ark lands at a different spot now. Get to the deck of the Dorgen Ark and go down with the platform. There's a Transporter and an item box. ~Planet Vedan # of Star Key Boxes: 4 # of Earth Key Boxes: 1 # of Sun Key Boxes: 2 Star Key: Bar Angela - Requires Earth Key

- Come back in Chapter 8 if you missed it Anyway, Kisara will be in the party. Take the platform down then take another platform to go down further. Nearby, there are a Shop, three item boxes and a Transporter. After, take the near door. Continue on, another item box by the corner. Go down and another item by one of the corners. Now just take the train to the Miner Station. Continue down and another item at the corner but you need the Star Key. Go on and another item on the way. You will enter a battle against some Mafia. After, go back up for the Transporter. Explore around for three item boxes and one of them is a Mimic. From where you are, you may go East or South. Anyway, go South first. There are two item boxes on the way. You will meet up with Miyoko and Chie from before. From this area, check around for four item boxes. One of them is a Mimic and one requires the Star Key. There's a Transporter and that bar is Bar Angela. Deego will join the party. Exit out Bar Angela and go West for two item boxes, a Transporter, as well as a Shop. Anyway, you can go NE or SE, both paths are connected to other areas. For me, I will take the path that's East of Bar Angela. There are four items on the way. One of them is on top of the train stop and one is high up on a fence. You will need to jump on the train then jump to that box. Without going to North, go on to the East. You will find a Mimic. If you take the stairs up, it leads to a Transporter. Now, I would use that to get back to the most North. After, I would go East from there for further exploration. You can go East or South. Go East for two item boxes. One of them is high up on a fence. You will need to jump from a train again. Go on to East for a Shop. There are two items and speak with Trinple for a Plan. Exit out and go on to East for another intersection. Go South a bit and look up. You will see an item box high up on a fence. You will need the train to get it. Anyway, back track and go on to E/NE for an item box. Go down stairs and yet another intersection. Go North for two items and a Transporter. NE of this Transporter, there should be a Thinking Circle if you bought the Wanted Monster info from the Galaxy Corporation in Zerard. Use Mirror Unit to fight Flabby Gazer. Anyway, go back and to the South. There are three item boxes on the way. Speak with Shukowa that's under the bridge for a Plan. Go on to a Transporter and the Item Shop you need to go to. Don't go in yet. You can go West for three item boxes and one of them requires the Sun Key. You can also find Drap who can offer you a Plan as well. Within the Item Shop, there are two item boxes and speak with Mince for a Plan. Buy the Mine ID Card then exit out for a quick fight with more Mafia. Afterward, back to Bar Angela. If you haven't got the Star Key, you will need to come back in later chapter. Next, head to the lower right of the town. You can go through the door and head to another station. There is one more item box on the way and you need the Star Key. Take the train to the Mine. Move up for three item boxes then go through the door to the Mine. Within the Rock Belta Mine, save your game at the near Transporter. Go up for an item box then move on.

Go on to explore around for four item boxes and one of them is a Mimic. At the NE, there's a Transporter and the elevator. Check the Transporter for more scene with Mark and Pokaccho. After, take the elevator down. Second Layer, relatively a small area. Explore around for three item boxes and a Shop. At SE, there is yet another Transporter. Save your game then take the elevator down. Finally, at the Great Mining Site. One item box nearby then move on for a quick fight against Old Type Mining Machine. After that, the boss fight. ---------Boss: Gale It's one on one, Deego VS Gale. Beware of Deego's HP and guard often. Take your time and wait after Gale's shooting then start slashing. You can try to get close and guard then attack. Hopefully do a Chain Attack after. If your Deego has a strong First Weapon, you can finish him off with one or two Perfect Chain Attack. ---------Afterward, you will get the Longadia Officer's Silver Coin. There are five item boxes here. One of them requires the Sun Key & one requires the Star Key. Go on for a Transporter and you can actually find three item boxes at the last area. If you did buy the Wanted Monster info from the Galaxy Corporation, then there should be a Thinking Circle here. Use Stella Crystal Ore(Shop In Zerard's East Side) to fight Billy The Picaresque. Use the Transporter to go back to Bar Angela then head to the North Miner Station at the North. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Chapter 7> ~Dorgen Ark You will get Dorgengoa's Coin. After, check the Transporter for more scene with Mark and Pokaccho. Before you advance, let's check out various planets for few things: ~Planet Zerard Go to the Galaxy Corporation and buy more info on Wanted Monster. At the East Side, speak with Oakton then speak with Ruike by the Star Ship Factory. Head into Pokaccho's Room in the Star Ship Factory. Check a box for the Rare Item, Laughing Mag Doll. Near Pokaccho's Room, speak with Icarott for a Perfect Elixir. After, speak with Ruin who's a bit further from the entrance area of the Star Ship Factory. You will get a Plan to make the Rare Item, Maid Robo Yoshiko. You need Nano Memory, CPU O3, Bio Feedback Circuit and Radio. You probably don't have any Bio Feedback Circuit yet. Anyway, while you are still in Zerard, get the four item boxes that require the Star Key.

If you did buy the info for more Wanted Monster from the Galaxy Corporation, then go to the Star Ship Factory. Transfer to the Transport before Pokaccho's Room. Go West and you will be at the upper level of Production Line 3A. Jump to the middle which is the top of a ship. Use Cyclone Type Pump at the Thinking Circle to fight Strike Ogre. However, you probably don't have the Cyclone Type Pump yet. ~Rose Galaxy Head up to the deck of the Dorgen Ark. There should be a Thinking Circle if you did buy the info on more Wanted Monster from the Galaxy Corporation. Use Primeval Beef(Shop In Zerard's East Side) to fight Hammer Head. ~Planet Juraika Get that one item box that requires the Star Key. ~Planet Vedan Speak with Tiko by the Item Shop. You can buy the Rare Item, Lord Hades' Chronology if you have the Platinum License. Within, be sure to speak with Rodurie. That's it for now. ~Planet Rosa # of Star Key Boxes: 3 Transfer to the Salgin Residential Area. Get near the gate and that leads to the Silva Zard Desert. Before that, let's do few more things: At the area before the Universal Harbor, speak with Agashimo then go to the Church to speak with Misanna. You will get the Plan to make the Seven Star Sword Ixion. You will need Rebulba Alloy, Izerium, Seventh Moon Ore and Edensia Ore. Lastly, don't forget to get that one item box that requires the Star Key. At the Silver Zard Desert, there are four item boxes and a Transporter. Once you are ready, enter the Rosa Ancient Ruins. There are a Shop and an item box nearby. Go on and two item boxes around. One of them requires the Star Key. There should be a Thinking Circle here if you did buy more Wanter Monster info from the Galaxy Corporation. Use a Crystal Staff to fight Dark Messiah. However, you probably don't have any Crystal Staff yet. Moving on, you will get to another Transporter and 3 more item boxes. However, the right box is a Mimic. Go on South a bit and you can jump to another rock for an item box. Anyway, go on for three item boxes. One of them requires the Star Key. Go on and drop down to a lower area underneath. There are eight item boxes. One of them is a Mimic and one requires the Star Key. Go on for three more item boxes and a Transporter. Save your game then move on for the boss fight. ---------Boss: Seed

It's best to run around and avoid him. You can try to inflict damage on him if you wish. Anyway, be sure to step on that Transporter. ---------After, you will be back on the Dorgen Ark. Check the Transporter for more scene with Mark and Pokaccho. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Chapter 8> ~Dorgen Ark Now, you have 3 destinations: Cancer(Vedan), Leo(Juraika) and Libra(Zerard). Before you start, let's check out various planets for few things: ~Planet Zerard At the Universal Harbor, speak with Luck and Chad for more Plans. Go to the Galaxy Corporation and buy more Wanted Monster info. At the East Side, speak with Surman and Masculin for more Plans. At West Side, speak with Duela and Lucan for more Plans. Within Production Line 1 of the Star Ship Factory, talk to Luma for more Plan. Transfer to the Transporter by Pokaccho's Room. Go West and you will be at the upper level of Production Line 3A. The Shop here now has the Cyclone Type Pump. You need that for the Wanted Monster, Strike Ogre. Strike Ogre is also at the upper level of Production Line 3A, just above a ship. You should see the Thinking Circle if you did buy the Wanted Monster info from the Galaxy Corporation. ~Planet Rosa If you've been following this walkthrough, then you should have bought the Lord Hades' Chronology from the Item Shop in Vedan, as well as speaking to Rodurie in the same shop. Go to the Great Slate of the Ancient Ruins. Speak with the Mysterious Oldman there. Pick the 2nd choice/No to get the Seven Star Sword Great Caesar. In the Item Shop, speak with Topanes for a Plan. You can also buy the Pirate's Clothes for Jestar. You need the Platinum License for that as well. In the Residential Area, speak with Alban, Yorkman and Mukajiri for more Plans. At the Universal Harbor, speak with Pedoc for a Plan. ~Planet Juraika Near Firio's Home, speak with Anideba for a Plan. Just at the South of the Bulkaka Village, speak with Sui and go to the Spring where you fought with the Boss Mad Wuper. Speak with Balmon and that's it for now. ~Planet Vedan In the Item Shop, you can buy the Traditional Working Clothes for Symon. You need the Platinum License. West of Bar Angela, speak with Surunba for a Plan; In the SE Station, speak with Suraia for a Plan; In the Northern Shop, speak with Lugei for a Plan; Next, go SW from the Universal Harbor to speak with

Gaiza with ALL EIGHT CHARACTERS. After that, speak with him again to get the Rare Item, Mirror That Tells The Truth. If you can't trigger this, come back another time. ~Planet Juraika # of Earth Key Boxes: 1 # of Star Key Boxes: 2 # of Sun Key Boxes: 1 Head to the Bulkaka Village. Exit out at the East of the Map. You will be at the Path To The Lion King's Ruins. Continue on and you will get to a Transporter. Moving on, an item box that requires the Earth Key. One more item box on the way. Go straight and one more item box. Continue on to another Transporter. Move on for a Shop and another item box. By the broken bridge, don't jump to the other side and move on yet. Instead, go down and explore the two sides for eight item boxes. One of them is a Mimic. As you can see, the west also got a path. You could take it and turn back when you find another item box which is really a Mimic. Back track and cross to the other side of the broken bridge. Continue along the path to an area with four item boxes and make sure you speak with Mesod. Go on for another item box and go on. Three more item boxes and one requires the Sun Key. Eventually, you will come to a Transporter. There are two item boxes around. Moving on, 2 more item boxes after the next bridge. Continue on a bit more, a sign and you are close to the Lion King Castle. There is a flame floating around, as well as another item box. It contains the Jungle Coat for Jestar. Continue on toward the castle. Yet another Transporter, save your game and enter. You will fight some Dark Gigant. After, continue on. First area, there are four item boxes and one requires the Star Key. After the scene with the Witch and Seed, continue on for another item box and another Transporter. Second area, there are six item boxes in total and one of them is a Mimic. Go on to another area for two more item boxes. You'll get to another Transporter. There are a Shop and three item boxes. One of them requires the Star Key. Go on and explore around for four item boxes. There is another Transporter and a Mimic nearby. Go on to meet Miyoko and Chie. Move on for one more item box and eventually, the FINAL Transporter of this planet. Save your game then move on for the boss fight. ------------------Boss: Furious Witch She can teleport around, so chase after her and attack. Make sure you have enough items to cure and heal. If you can, equip Elec or Plasma Shields on your characters. If you can get close, Flash Sword 3 and attack. Otherwise, try your Second Weapon.

------------------Afterward, you will obtain the Lion King's Piece. Before you go back to the Control Room of the Dorgen Ark, check out the Shop in Bulkaka Village. You can buy the Wild Separates for Kisara. You need the Platinum License. Get Jestar to equip the Jungle Coat, Kisara to equip the Wild Separates and Ruruka to equip the Young Soldier's Costume. If you've spoken with Sui and Balmon, then speak with Sui and Balmon again. You will get the Rare Item, Abin's Holy Grail. ~Planet Zerard Go to the Galaxy Corporation. You can now go to the North of the Map, to the Gradius Tower Route. There are Two Towers, start going with the left one, so go West of the Map. Before the barrier, get near the barrier then you will obtain the Burst Mode Switch. Back to the barrier before the Left Tower. Use the Burst Mode Switch at the Thinking Circle. Go up and enter the tower then you will obtain Horned King's Sword. Check the near Transporter for more scene with Mark and Pokaccho. Anyway, before anything, there are few more things: Head to the Galaxy Corporation and you can buy more Wanted Monster info. Check out Shop in West Side and East Side. You can buy the Ride Style and Scientist's White Robe for Jupis. You need Platinum License for both. If the Scientist's White Robe isn't available yet, come back later. ~Planet Juraika Transfer to the Streamlet Along of Path To Bulkaka. Go to the SE of the Map. Use Branch of the Ten Thousand Leaves Tree(Shop in Zerard's Star Ship Factory) to fight the Wanted Monster Tengulsam. Transfer to the Final Part of Path To The Lion King Ruins. Use the Cursed Mask (From Dance Doll) to fight the Wanted Monster Vist Leone. ~Planet Zerard # of Star Key Boxes: 4 # of Sun Key Boxes: 1 Within the Gradius Tower: Floor 2(Tower 1): Tower Elevator Key at the West of the upper central ring Thinking Circle at the lower North Transporter at the lower north Item boxes - at the upper NE - at the lower North - at the lower West - at the lower SW Tower Elevator Key at the upper NE Thinking Circle at the lower West Transporter at the lower West Item boxes - at the upper SW - at the West of the upper ring - at the lower NW

Floor 3(Tower 1): -

Floor 4(Tower 1): - Tower Connecting Bridge Key at the lower SE - Thinking Circle at the lower East At Floor 4(Tower 1), going through the Connecting Bridge will lead to a Shop and Floor 4 of the second/right tower. Floor 4(Tower 2): Floor 5(Tower 2): Tower Elevator Key at the lower SE Thinking Circle at the lower South Transporter at the lower South Item boxes - at the lower SW Tower Elevator Key at the lower NE Thinking Circle at the lower North Transporter at the lower North Item boxes - at the lower South - at the lower SE - at the upper SW - at the lower North - at the lower East Tower Elevator Key at the upper NE Thinking Circle at the lower East Transporter at the lower East Item boxes - at the lower North - at the lower SE - at the upper SW (Mimic) - at the lower SW Tower Connecting Bridge Key at the lower South Thinking Circle at the lower West Item boxes - at the lower East (Mimic) - at the lower NE

Floor 6(Tower 2): -

Floor 7(Tower 2): -

At Floor 7(Tower 2), going through the Connecting Bridge will lead back to Floor 7 of the first/left tower. Floor 7(Tower 1): Tower Elevator Key at the upper SW Thinking Circle at the lower South Transporter at the lower south Item boxes - at the lower East - at the lower SE (Star Key) - at the lower South Tower Elevator Key at the lower North Thinking Circle at the lower North Transporter at the lower North Item boxes - at the lower South - at the upper SE Tower Connecting Bridge Key at the SE of the upper central ring Thinking Circle at the upper East

Floor 8(Tower 1): -

Floor 9(Tower 1): -

At Floor 9(Tower 1), going through the Connecting Bridge will lead back to Floor 9 of the second/right tower. Before that, there is a Thinking Circle if

you did buy Wanted Monster info from the Galaxy Corporation. Use a Perfect Elixir(Item Box In Gradius Tower) to fight Leponyon Mammoth. Floor 9(Tower 2): - Tower Elevator Key at the lower NE - Thinking Circle at the lower East - Transporter at the lower East At the top, it's boss time. -------------------------Boss: Phantom Lord Gazelle Attack with Flash Sword and chase after him from time to time. Guard or jump when you need to. -------------------------After, back track to a Transporter and use it to get out of the first tower. Now, time to head to the right of the Gradius Tower Route for the second tower. Save your game at the Transporter then take the elevator to advance. Floor 2(Tower 2): Tower Elevator Key at the lower East Thinking Circle at the lower North Transporter at the lower North Item boxes - at the lower SE - at the upper NE - at the lower North Tower Elevator Key at the North of the upper central ring Thinking Circle at the lower East Transporter at the lower East Item boxes - at the lower North - at the lower North (Star Key) Tower Connecting Bridge Key at the upper NW Thinking Circle at the upper West Item boxes - at the lower East - at the upper SE (Sun Key) - at the lower NW

Floor 3(Tower 2): -

Floor 4(Tower 2): -

At Floor 4(Tower 2), going through the Connecting Bridge will lead to the first/left tower. Floor 4(Tower 1): Tower Elevator Key at the lower NE Thinking Circle at the lower North Transporter at the lower North Item boxes - at the upper East (Star Key) - at the lower NE (Mimic) - at the lower North Silma (For Seven Star Sword Cosmo Roar) - at the lower North Tower Elevator Key at the lower West Thinking Circle at the lower South Transporter at the lower South Item boxes

Floor 5(Tower 1): -

Floor 6(Tower 1): -

Floor 7(Tower 1): -

- at the SE of the upper central ring - at the upper SE (Star Key) - at the lower SE - at the lower SE Tower Elevator Key at the lower NE Thinking Circle at the lower North Transporter at the lower North Item boxes - at the upper SE - at the lower East Tower Connecting Bridge Key at the lower NE Thinking Circle at the lower East

At Floor 7(Tower 1), going through the Connecting Bridge Key will lead back to the second/right tower. However, a fight awaits you at the bridge. ---------Boss: Seed Like before, it's best to run around and avoid him. You can't beat him. ---------Floor 7(Tower 2): Floor 8(Tower 2): Tower Elevator Key at the lower NW Thinking Circle at the lower North Transporter at the lower North Tower Elevator Key at lower SE Thinking Circle at the lower South Transporter at the lower South Item boxes - at the upper North - at the NE of the upper central ring Floor 9(Tower 2): - Tower Connecting Bridge Key at the SW of the central ring - Thinking Circle at the West - Item boxes - at the lower West - at the lower West - at the lower West At Floor 9(Tower 2), going through the Connecting Bridge will lead back to the first/left tower. Before that, there is a Thinking Circle if you did buy Wanted Monster info from the Galaxy Corporation. Use a Perfect Reviver(Shop In Rosa's Salgin Residential Area & Factory Required) to fight King Raiden. BTW, your Hunter Ranking MUST be within 20 in order to fight King Raiden. Floor 9(Tower 1): Tower Elevator Key at the upper SW Thinking Circle at the lower West Transporter at the lower West Item boxes - at the lower West - at the lower West - at the upper SW - at the lower SE

That Transporter at Floor 9 is the FINAL one of this planet. At the top, more boss fight.

-----------------------Boss: Phantom Lord Logan Like wise, attack with Flash Sword and guard when he rushes. You can also stay away and use your Second Weapon. -----------------------Afterward, you will obtain the Horned King's Piece. Head to a Transporter for more scene with Mark and Pokaccho. Anyway, few more things to do: Buy more info on Wanted Monster from the Galaxy Corporation. At the East Side, you can buy the Scientist's White Robe for Jupis. You need the Platinum License for that. If you did beat the Wanted Monster Leponyon Mammoth, then head back to the upper Connecting Bridge on Floor 9 of the Gradius Tower. There, you can speak with Wattokros then go back to the Gradius Tower Route. Speak with Linda then head to the Rozen Custer Prison. Check the corpse at the Garbage Disposal. You will get the Rare Item, Leponyon Mammoth's Bone. ~Planet Vedan # of Earth Key Boxes: 1 # of Star Key Boxes: 1 # of Sun Key Boxes: 1 Transfer to the SE Transporter. Go west and you should see a Thinking Circle if you did buy more Wanted Monster info. Make sure you have Kisara and Ruruka then use a Magic Rouge(From Babilo) to fight Gjalski. You can get the Phantom Robe for Kisara. Transfer to the Item Shop. On the Map, you should see the Star at the West of where you are. Head there for a quick fight. After, you will get the Harry's Bell from Harry. There are two item boxes, a Shop and a Transporter. Go down a bit for another item at the corner. Now get a move on through this sewer like area. At NW, there is an item box and a Mimic. If you take that ladder, it leads back up to two item boxes. You can also speak with Yobmon for a Plan. Further, be sure to speak with Minty here. Anyway, go back down and explore around for five more item boxes. One of them requires the Earth Key. At NE, speak with Niko there. At the most South, take a ladder down. Get two items then save your game at the Transporter. Since you are at a Transporter, let's use it to do few more things: If you've spoken with Silma, Mesod and Niko, then get back to the Control Room of the Dorgen Ark. Speak with Kyarako and see the two short passages that lead to Dorgengoa's Room? Take the short passage that's near the Transporter. In there, the slate is at the opposite side of the sofa. Check for the Seven Star Sword Cosmo Roar. Anyway, back to the sewer. Use the Harry's Bell at the Thinking Circle. Cross for two more three more item boxes. After, jump down another ladder. Explore around for seven item boxes and a Mimic. Go in the western sewer and there's a Thinking Circle in there if you did buy more Wanted Monster info. Use a Rainbow Newt's Smoked Meat(Shop In Zerard's East Side) to fight Megalo Mantis. At SE, save your game at the Transporter then jump down for the boss fight.

---------Boss: Seed Same as before, run around and avoid him. You can't beat him. ---------Afterward, jump down another ladder to move on. Final area and it's quite big. Nearby is a Shop. Explore around and there are three Transporters in total. They are the FINAL ones of this planet. There are two Mimic and ten item boxes in total. One item boxes requires the Star Key and one requires the Sun Key. Go down at South for the boss fight. -------------------Boss: Assault Walker There are 3 of them, focus on one after another. Equip the Barrier Break Shot with Jestar, shoot then slash. Be sure to use Flash Sword. -------------------Afterward, you'll get Scissor King's Piece. Nearby the Item Shop, check an eastern garbage can if you've spoken with Minty. You can get the Rare Item, Devil Rasetsu's Heart. Anyway, check a Transporter for more scene with Mark and Pokaccho. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Chapter 9> ~Dorgen Ark Head to the Control Room then you will end up in a quick fight. -----------Boss: Zegram Deplete his HP if you wish. The battle will end soon after. You can't beat Zegram. -----------~Planet Rosa Another quick fight. ---------Boss: Seed It's Zegram against Seed only. Guard Seed's attacks from different directions. After that, attack few times quickly. You can't beat him and the battle will end soon after. However, Zegram needs to stay alive so watch out for his HP. ---------Afterward, yet another fight. ----------

Boss: Seed This time, it's Jestar, Zegram and Kisara against Seed. Use Flash Sword and get close. Keep attacking and guard when you need to. If you can do a Chain Attack, try for a Perfect. Soon, more scene then the battle resumes. Check the other two altars for the next phase. ------------------------Boss: Beast Seed Equip Elec or Plasma Shields on the characters. Use Elec-Less to cure and heal with Tri Heal when you need to. Beware of his attacks and guard when you need to. Once you've depleted enough of his HPs, Jestar goes berserk then just keep attacking him till he dies. ---------------Afterward, before you go down, more things to do: ~Planet Zerard Go to the Galaxy Corporation to buy more Wanted Monster info. ~Planet Vedan Within the Item Shop, speak with Rikyurie for a Plan. If you haven't done so yet, then go SW from the Universal Harbor to speak with Gaiza with ALL EIGHT CHARACTERS. After that, speak with him again to get the Rare Item, Mirror That Tells The Truth. ~Planet Juraika Transfer to the Sunken Ship. There should be a Thinking Circle around if you did buy more Wanted Monster info. Use a Fire Extinguishing Powder(Shop In Zerard's East Side) to fight Burning Tortoise. Transfer to the entrance area of Lion King's Castle. Use Zipang's Axe(Deego's First Weapon through Synthesis, Knight's Silver + Soldier Axe) to fight Kemkul Mook. ~Planet Rosa # of Star Key Boxes: 2 # of Earth Key Boxes: 2 Within the Labyrinth, save your game at the Transporter. There are 2 item boxes around. Continue on to the Labyrinth of Temptation. There are seven item boxes. One of them is a Mimic and one requires the Star Key. Eventually, you will get to the next Transporter. Save your game and move on for the boss fight. ----------Boss: Ragna Use Flash Sword and this should be a quick battle. Heal when you need to. -----------

Afterward, continue on down to the Labyrinth of Confusion. Explore around for ten item boxes. One item box requires the Star Key and one requires the Earth Key. At the South, there's also a Shop around. Save your game at the next Transporter after more scene with Mark and Pokaccho. Next, move on and you will be in the Labyrinth of Selection. There are about four item boxes and one of them is a Mimic. Eventually, you will come to another Transporter. Save your game, go down and continue on through more area. There are seven item boxes and one requires the Earth Key. You will get to one more Transporter. Save your game then take the door nearby for the Boss. ----------------Boss: Sand Kraken Prepare to use some Antidote for its poison attacks. Attack the legs first then when it gets into another mode, you can use the Monography Shot to get near the head. Attack the head after using Flash Sword. ----------------Afterward, you will get the Ancient Circuit. Now go back to that Robot/Ragna and use the Ancient Circuit at the Thinking Circle. After, you will get the Key Plate of Eternity. Next, you will get the Star Pendant. Afterward, head toward the Church. At the nearby, you can take that gate now. At the Kuje Desert, check the Transporter for more scene with Mark and Pokaccho. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Chapter 10> ~Planet Rosa At the Kuje Desert, check the nearby for two item boxes. Before you move on, let's do few more things: ~Planet Zerard Go to the Galaxy Corporation to buy more Wanted Monster info. ~Planet Rosa # of Star Key Boxes: 2 Sun Key: Village Chief's House, Johanna Village - requires the Star Key Head to the Labyrinth and transfer to the Labyrinth of Confusion. Check around and there should be a Thinking Circle. Use a Nebuladon Egg(From Hagewashi) to fight the Wanted Monster Pandora. Moving on, at the Kuje Desert, continue on for four item boxes. Eventually, you will meet up with Miyoko and Chie again. There are a Shop and a Transporter around. As for the oldman, pick Yes. Now, explore around for four more Transporters. There's also a Thinking Circle

at the middle. Use a nine item boxes. One of the item boxes is Rare Item, Maid Robo

Lamp of Charm(From Mogucchi) to fight Ronfao. There are of them is a Mimic and two require the Star Key. BTW, one the Bio Feedback Circuit which is required to make the Yoshiko.

Anyway, at lower left, answer Yes to the little girl; At upper right, pick Yes with the man on the ground to get the Gold Coin Bag. After, go South and pick Yes, No then Yes for that female's choices. Continue on down to the South. Within Johanna, check There are also a Shop Circle. Control Jupis King Castle) to fight around for ten item boxes. One of them is a Mimic, BTW. and a Transporter. At the square, there is a Thinking and use Phoenix Bird's Feather(Shop In Juraika's Lion Brutish Hawk.

Afterward, go on to the South part of the Map. There are three item boxes and the FINAL Transporter of this planet. Enter the house for the boss fight. ------------Boss: Johanna Don't get near her since she's just mad with spells. Shoot with Second Weapon in a distant and run around in circle. When she duplicates herself, just avoid her. Repeat and Jestar will eventually go into berserk. Get close and attack her after using Flash Sword. ------------After, go back into the southern house in Johanna to get two more item boxes. Check the northern part of Johanna and speak with Raidel. You need to KEEP talking to him till you get more info added to the Info Edge. Go back to the southern part of Johanna. Check the flower bin that's behind a house. You can get the Rare Item, Siska's Necklace. Go back to Salgin. Head toward the Church and just outside the Church, you can speak with Ulbo at the right. Go in the Church and there will be a new item box at the corner that requires the Star Key. It is Seven Star Sword Pride of King. Moving on, head to Before The Great Slate which is just before the Labyrinth. Head to the center and use the Key Plate of Eternity. ~Dorgen Ark Back to the Control Room. Check the wheel and select Yes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Chapter 11> ~Marry Glenn # of Sun Key Boxes: 2 One item box around and a Transporter. Save your game then go down to the 1st floor for four more item boxes. One of them requires the Sun Key. Before you go take the elevator at the center, go north. At north, there are a Shop and a Transporter, as well as ten item boxes. One

of them requires the Sun Key. Be sure to check the Shop since you can buy the Queen's Clothes for Kisara. After, back track and take the elevator. There are 4 item boxes around and a Shop. Continue on through the door for one more item box. Go along the long path then save your game at the Transporter. Before you move on, more things with other planets: ~Planet Zerard Go to the Galaxy Corporation for more Wanted Monster info. While you are on this planet, go get the two item boxes that require the Sun Key. ~Planet Rosa Transfer to the Transfer at the end of the Rosa Ancient Ruins. Go to the SW of the Map from there. Speak with Maskull then head to the last area of the Labyrinth. Check that thing to get the Rare Item, Luvanda Blade. Next, while you are on this planet, get that one item box that requires the Sun Key. Head to the entrance area of the Labyrinth. Speak with Kilalulu twice and to find Blaster J, try to search the entire Labyrinth. The Official Complete Guide said he only randomly show up at one of the three fixed spots. However, that ISN'T true. Anyway, speak with Blaster J to get the Seven Star Sword Lord of Pegasus. ~Planet Juraika Get that one item box that requires the Sun Key. ~Planet Vedan Go to the Rock Belta Mine. From the first Transporter, go North and at around the corner, speak with Nomud for a Plan. While you are on this planet, get the three item boxes that require the Sun Key. ~Marry Glenn Within the Tiaza Forest, explore around for eight item boxes. One of them is a Mimic. On the way, be sure to speak with Parao. Next, there is a Transporter. Save your game then move on. There are an item box and a Shop. Near the Shop, there's a Thinking Circle. Use Alec Thunder(Shop In Zerard's East Side) to fight Vingarda The 7th. BTW, your Hunter Ranking MUST be within 10 in order to fight Vingarda The 7th. Go on for three more item boxes and one of them is a Mimic. Save your game at the Transporter. Go on for three more item boxes and one more Transporter. Advance for the boss fight. -----------Boss: Albios He uses wind and ice attacks, be sure to equip something against them. If not, cure those status with items. Get near the face, use Flash Sword and keep on attacking. ------------

Afterward, you'll get the Gentle Drigelam. Next, go on to South of the Map. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Chapter 12> Within the Gurza Sanctuary, go on for seven item boxes. One of the item boxes is Crystal Staff which is required to fight the Wanted Monster Dark Messiah. Eventually, you will make it to a Transporter. Save your game and before you move on, let's wrap up other planets: ~Planet Zerard Buy the last few Wanted Monster info from the Galaxy Corporation. ~Planet Rosa Go to the Rosa Ancient Ruins. From the entrance area, go SW from the Shop. Use Crystal Staff at the Thinking Circle to fight Dark Messiah. Go to the area before the Universal Harbor. There should be a Thinking Circle at the western side. Use a Lucky Clover(From Tsuchikure) to fight Hyokkories. ~Marry Glenn # of Sun Key Boxes: 2 # of Star Key Boxes: 2 Back to the Transporter within Gurza Sanctuary. Continue on the long path for seven more item boxes and a Shop. One of the item boxes is a Mimic and one requires the Sun Key. Eventually, you you did buy the a Sun Rune(Shop Ranking MUST be will get to a Transporter. There's a Thinking Circle nearby if remaining Wanted Monster info from the Galaxy Corporation. Use In Rosa's Residential Area) to fight Ikazuchi. BTW, your Hunter within 5 in order to fight Ikazuchi.

There are eight paths you can take, three at North and four at South, as well as the 8th/East one which is for advancing the game. Basically, the seven paths lead seven Drigelam: Friendship Drigelam, Dream Drigelam, Love Drigelam, Desire Drigelam, Pride Drigelam, Courage Drigelam and Sympathy Drigelam. For Deego, the Longadia Officer's Silver Coin will change into the Friend's Silver Coin. It is required for Deego's Flash Flow. Anyway, take your time with each path and you can get 16 item boxes in total. One of them is a Mimic, one requires the Sun Key and two require the Star Key. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Chapter 13> # of Sun Key Boxes: 1 Once you got all the Drigelam, take the near East path from the Transporter. There are six item boxes and one of them is a Mimic. Save at the Transporter at the end.

Within Mother's Cave, speak with Yuban and select Yes to obtain the Holy Sword Zeo Cyclos. This is required to finish off Mother, so be sure upgrade it to Zeo Cyclos X. Go on for two item boxes. At the intersection, go North for three item boxes. After, go South to move on. There are four item boxes on the way and one of them is a Mimic. You will get to a Transporter. Go on and explore around for seven item boxes. One of them requires the Sun Key. You will get to another Transporter. At this intersection, go East of The Map for two item boxes. After, go West from the Transporter to move on. Go on for four item boxes then head up to the North. Eventually, a Transporter. There are also an item and a Shop nearby. Go on for two more item boxes and one more Transporter. There's also an item box nearby. Go on and there's one item box on the way. At the intersection, the South leads to a Mimic then go West of the Map. There's one more item box on the way. Eventually, the FINAL Transporter. Well, this is it. The final chance you have before you end the game. Make sure all characters at around Level 50. Next, try to have each character to learn as many skills from the Flash Flow system as possible. Lastly, try to have all characters' both weapons around Level 40. BTW, all your characters WILL fight in the final showdown. Once you are ready, go on for the final showdown. -----------Boss: Mother Lots of HPs and high defense as well, this will take a while. You need to use the Monography Shot then jump on to the panels to get near. You NEED to use the Holy Sword Zeo Cyclos to damage her. Once her head is down, use Flash Sword then attack like crazy. Use items like Strong Star, Brave Builder and Seal Guard if you wish. ----------------------Boss: Mother Jestar will go berserk in this battle. Her laser move is rather easy to avoid as long as you move in time. Run around and keep shooting her. However, keep your HPs high and use support items like Brave Builder and Seal Guard. She can do lots of damage with the energy balls. -----------Afterward, battles for all eight characters: ----------------Boss: Walkog Hand The character you are using is Deego. You gotta wait for your chance to hit the eye. To have the hand expose the eye more, hit the ring. Take your time and be

more careful with your HPs. --------------------------------Boss: Bomb Walker The character you are using is Symon. Nothing difficult, just circle around it and attack. --------------------------------Boss: Bomb Walker The character you are using is Steve. Same as Symon above. -------------------------Boss: Core The character you are using is Ruruka. Ignore the Bomb Walker and go after the Core. It's kinda difficult to avoid the missiles from the Bomb Walker, so just move around more often. -------------------------Boss: Walkog Hand The character you are using is Jupis. Same as Deego above. -------------------------Boss: Izel The character you are using is Zegram. Lots of attacks throwing at you, be sure to avoid them and heal. Use your Second Weapon and attack his right hand. That will stun him. Climb up his left hand and go crazy with your sword. -------------------Boss: Norma The character you are using is Kisara. Just jump up and slash her face. Her one attack is thunder waves out on the floor which you can easily avoid by jumping. -----------------------------------Boss: The Fiend Battleship The character you are using is Jestar. This is it, the will be using Marry Glenn's Sword. Jump and slash once prepare to avoid his attacks. When he blocks his face, to avoid the claws from under the ground. You can also You can also slash his hands when he blocks his face. -------------------------final battle. Jestar or twice. After that, just move back and try use this time to heal.

You've beaten the game, so sit back and enjoy the ending.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Ex Game> Afterward, the game will prompt you to make a save. Do so and you can save override any of your existing saved files since this Clear Data is playable. It just puts a Star on the saved file. When you have a saved file with a Star, if you start New Game while holding down R1, then you will start the game from the beginning. Everything will reset except you get to keep the outfits. Now, if you load that Clear Data, head back to the Control Room of the Dorgen Ark. Check the wheel for the Galaxy Map. You can now go to the Ghost Ship. Within the Ghost Ship, you will be fighting Mud Wuper, Individer, Mysterious Man, Phantom Lord Logan, Phantom Lord Gazelle, Vist Leone and Arabis. Clear this Ghost Ship and you will get the Captain's Clothes and Dorgen Edge. After that, go back to the entrance of the Ghost Ship. Speak with Minock for the Seventh Mystery which is just a bunch of random questions. Answer them right and you will get Key of the Underworld. Use it at the Thinking Circle and you can get to the Ghost Ship Extreme. It's a 100-Floor random Dungeon. In there, you can fight Brasso De Pierroz, Necro Mantis, Gantetsu, Para Griffon, Pandora, Gokira, Guillotine Edie, Vist Leota, Jabo and DoppelGanger. Clear all this will get you Kisara's Swimsuit, Beach Sandal & the Fruit of the King. Clear it a second time will get you Shou's Clothes and the Fruit of the King. For the third clear and on, you will only get the Fruit of the King. The Fruit of the King is the bait for capturing the Insector, Black Emperor. You need to set the cage with the Fruit of the King at the central square of the Gurza Sanctuary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Jestar's First Weapons> ~ Junk Edge, LV 1, ATK 20 - Shop(Salgin Residential Area in Rosa) - Shop(Risers Swamp in Juraika) ~ Grand Edge, LV 4, ATK 39 - Junk Edge + Hyper Crystal ~ Wild Edge, LV 10, ATK 88 - Rock Crusher + Shining Horn ~ Star Edge, LV 15, ATK 133 - Wild Edge + Hyper Crystal ~ Star Edge(Plus/S/X/Z/Sigma/Omega), LV 15, ATK 159 - Star Edge + Hyper Crystal ~ Rock Crusher, LV 5, ATK 54 - Shop(Salgin Residential Area in Rosa, Chapter 6 And On)

~ Ridge Crusher, LV 9, ATK 79 - Junk Edge + Rock Crusher ~ ~ Volcano Crusher, LV 11, ATK 98 Ridge Crusher + Hyper Crystal Wild Edge + Omega Star Grand Edge + Exerion Shard Gaia Crusher, LV 21, ATK 177 Volcano Crusher + Hyper Crystal Star Edge + Omega Star Wild Edge + Exerion Shard

~ Gaia Crusher(Plus/S/X/Z/Sigma/Omega), LV 21, ATK 212 - Gaia Crusher + Hyper Crystal ~ Shining Horn, LV 7, ATK 64 - Shop(Bulkaka Village in Juraika) ~ ~ Shining Spine, LV 8, ATK 74 Shining Horn + Hyper Crystal Ridge Crusher + Omega Star Rock Crusher + Exerion Shard Shining Blazon, Shining Spine + Volcano Crusher Ridge Crusher + LV 13, ATK 118 Hyper Crystal + Omega Star Exerion Shard

~ Shining Bravo, LV 26, ATK 216 - Wild Edge + Volcano Crusher ~ Shining Bravo(Plus/S/X/Z/Sigma/Omega), LV 26, ATK 259 - Shining Bravo + Hyper Crystal ~ ~ ~ Rising Sun, LV 10, ATK 88 Shop(West Side in Zerard) Shop(Rozen Custer Prison Level 2 in Zerard) Junk Edge + Shining Horn Rising Soul, LV 12, ATK 108 Rising Sun + Hyper Crystal Shining Spine + Omega Star Shining Horn + Exerion Shard Crimson Fiber, LV 16, ATK 137 Rising Soul + Hyper Crystal Shining Blazon + Omega Star Shining Spine + Exerion Shard

~ Sun Sword, LV 24, ATK 206 - Volcano Crusher + Alec Impulse ~ Sun Sword(Plus/S/X/Z/Sigma/Omega), LV 24, ATK 247 - Sun Sword + Hyper Crystal

~ Metal Breaker, LV 13, ATK 113 - Shop(East Side in Zerard, Chapter 5 And On) ~ ~ Core Breaker, LV 15, ATK 128 Metal Breaker + Hyper Crystal Rising Soul + Omega Star Rising Sun + Exerion Shard Full Breaker, LV 18, ATK 157 Core Breaker + Hyper Crystal Crimson Fiber + Omega Star Rising Soul + Exerion Shard

~ Sparrow Breaker, LV 22, ATK 186 - Ridge Crusher + Saga Luga ~ Sparrow Breaker(Plus/S/X/Z/Sigma/Omega), LV 22, ATK 223 - Sparrow Breaker + Hyper Crystal ~ Murakumo Type Zero, LV 15, ATK 133 - Shop(Miner's Town in Vedan) ~ Murakumo Modified, LV 23, ATK 191 - Rising Sun + Blizzard Edge ~ Murakumo Illusion, LV 26, ATK 221 - Grand Edge + Phantom Slayer ~ Ame No Murakumo, LV 31, ATK 255 - Shining Blazon + Alec Decider ~ Ame No Murakumo(Plus/S/X/Z/Sigma/Omega), LV 31, ATK 306 - Ame No Murakumo + Hyper Crystal ~ Alec Thunder, LV 17, ATK 147 - Shop(East Side in Zerard, Mid Chapter 5 And On, Requires Factory Production First) ~ ~ ~ Alec Impulse, LV 20, ATK 167 Alec Thunder + Hyper Crystal Murakumo Modified + Omega Star Murakumo Type Zero + Exerion Shard Alec Decider, LV 24, ATK 206 Alec Impulse + Hyper Crystal Murakumo Illusion + Omega Star Murakumo Modified + Exerion Shard Orion Pierce, LV 31, ATK 312 Alec Decider + Hyper Crystal Ame No Murakumo + Omega Star Murakumo Illusion + Exerion Shard

~ Orion Pierce(Plus/S/X/Z/Sigma/Omega), LV 31, ATK 312 - Orion Pierce + Hyper Crystal

~ Blizzard Edge, LV 19, ATK 162 - Shop(Town of Salgin in Rosa, Chapter 7 And On) ~ Glacier Edge, LV 24, ATK 201 Blizzard Edge + Hyper Crystal Alec Impulse + Omega Star Alec Thunder + Exerion Shard

~ Icicle Gene, LV 27, ATK 231 - Full Breaker + Gust Bringer ~ Diamond Freezer, LV 32, ATK 260 Icicle Gene + Hyper Crystal Orion Pierce + Omega Star Alec Decider + Exerion Shard

~ Diamond Freezer(Plus/S/X/Z/Sigma/Omega), LV 32, ATK 312 - Diamond Freezer + Hyper Crystal ~ Saba Luga, LV 21, ATK 177 - Shop(Lion King's Castle in Juraika) ~ Saba Ga Luda, LV 22, ATK 186 Saba Luga + Hyper Crystal Glacier Edge + Omega Star Blizzard Edge + Exerion Shard

~ Dom Zolga, LV 30, ATK 216 - Core Breaker + Volcano Crusher - Murakumo Modified + Arc Caliber ~ Zerega Zenega, LV 34, ATK 255 - Full Breaker + Alec Thunder ~ Zerega Zenega(Plus/S/X/Z/Sigma/Omega), LV 34, ATK 306 - Zerega Zenega + Hyper Crystal ~ Phantom Slayer, LV 23, ATK 191 - Shop(Bulkaka Village in Juraika, Chapter 8 And On) - Crimson Fiber + Murakumo Type Zero ~ Spirit Caliber, LV 24, ATK 206 Phantom Slayer + Hyper Crystal Saba Ga Luda + Omega Star Saba Luga + Exerion Shard

~ Arc Caliber, LV 33, ATK 235 - Rising Soul + Glacier Edge ~ Grand Caliber, LV 35, ATK 265 - Shining Blazon + Saba Ga Luda ~ Grand Caliber(Plus/S/X/Z/Sigma/Omega), LV 35, 318 - Grand Caliber + Hyper Crystal

~ Gust Bringer, LV 24, ATK 206 - Shop(Salgin Residential Area in Rosa, Chapter 6 And On, Requires Factory Production First) ~ ~ ~ Gust Falliser, Gust Bringer + Spirit Caliber Phantom Slayer LV 27, ATK 226 Hyper Crystal + Omega Star + Exerion Shard

Gardy Blazer, LV 32, ATK 255 Gust Falliser + Hyper Crystal Arc Caliber + Omega Star Spirit Caliber + Exerion Shard Gandarion, LV 35, ATK 275 Gardy Blazer + Hyper Crystal Grand Caliber + Omega Star Arc Caliber + Exerion Shard

~ Gandarion(Plus/S/X/Z/Sigma/Omega), LV 35, ATK 330 - Gandarion + Hyper Crystal ~ Demon Rouser, LV 28, ATK 235 - Shop(Queen's Palace in Marry Glenn) - Murakumo Type Zero + Gust Bringer ~ Demon Media, LV 29, ATK 245 Demon Rouser + Hyper Crystal Gust Falliser + Omega Star Gust Bringer + Exerion Shard

~ Adamon Riser, LV 31, ATK 260 - Saba Ga Luda + Gust Falliser ~ Lucifer's Adamon, LV 36, ATK 279 Adamon Riser + Hyper Crystal Gandarion + Omega Star Gardy Blazer + Exerion Shard

~ Lucifer's Adamon(Plus/S/X/Z/Sigma/Omega), LV 36, ATK 334 - Lucifer's Adamon + Hyper Crystal ~ Judgement Halo, LV 29, ATK 245 - Shop(Queen's Palace in Marry Glenn, Requires Platinum License) - Demon Rouser + Saba Luga ~ Dazzling Halo, LV 32, ATK 255 - Spirit Caliber + Demon Media ~ Majestic Law, LV 35, ATK 265 - Alec Decider + Gardy Blazer ~ Law's Baptist, LV 39, ATK 279 Majestic Law + Hyper Crystal Lucifer's Adamon + Omega Star Adamon Riser + Exerion Shard

~ Law's Baptist(Plus/S/X/Z/Sigma/Omega), LV 39, ATK 334 - Law's Baptist + Hyper Crystal ~ Horned King's Sword, LV 23, ATK 216 - Automatic(Gradius Tower in Zerard) ~ Horned King's Pride, LV 26, ATK 235 - Horned King's Sword + Spirit Caliber ~ Horned King's Fury, LV 32, ATK 324 - Horned King's Pride + Murakumo Illusion ~ Tyrant's Horn, LV 32, ATK 324 - Horned King's Fury + Dom Zolga ~ Seven Star Sword Desert Seeker, LV 3, ATK 35 - Automatic(Salgin in Rosa) ~ Desert Seeker II, LV 9, ATK 84 - Seven Star Sword Desert Seeker + Ridge Crusher ~ Desert Seeker III, LV 18, ATK 177 - Desert Seeker II + Saba Ga Luda ~ Earth Shaker, LV 34, ATK 373 - Desert Seeker III + Gardy Blazer ~ Seven Star Sword Pride of King, LV 10, ATK 93 - Sub Event, Ctrl + F it in the walkthrough ~ Pride of King II, LV 19, ATK 162 - Seven Star Sword Pride of King + Shining Blazon ~ Pride of King III, LV 26, ATK 221 - Pride of King II + Spirit Caliber ~ Master Kingdom, LV 34, ATK 353 - Pride of King III + Dom Zolga ~ Seven Star Sword Duke Nightmare, LV 12, ATK 103 - Adamon Riser + Majestic Law ~ Duke Nightmare II, LV 20, ATK 172 - Seven Star Sword Duke Nightmare + Full Breaker ~ Duke Nightmare III, LV 27, ATK 231 - Duke Nightmare II + Murakumo Illusion ~ Dark Cloud, LV 35, ATK 358 - Duke Nightmare III + Adamon Riser ~ Seven Star Sword Great Caesar, LV 13, ATK 113 - Sub Event, Ctrl + F it in the walkthrough ~ Great Caesar II, LV 21, ATK 182

- Seven Star Sword Great Caesar + Crimson Fiber ~ Great Caesar III, LV 29, ATK 240 - Great Caesar II + Dom Zolga ~ Resurrect Babylon, LV 35, ATK 363 - Great Caesar III + Arc Caliber ~ Seven Star Sword Cosmo Roar, LV 14, ATK 123 - Sub Event, Ctrl + F it in the walkthrough ~ Cosmo Roar II, LV 23, ATK 191 - Seven Star Sword Cosmo Roar + Alec Impulse ~ Cosmo Roar III, LV 30, ATK 250 - Cosmo Roar II + Alec Decider ~ The Ragnarok, LV 36, ATK 368 - Cosmo Roar III + Dazzling Halo ~ Seven Star Sword Ixion, LV 15, ATK 133 - Sub Event, Ctrl + F it in the walkthrough ~ Ixion II, LV 24, ATK 201 - Seven Star Sword Ixion + Murakumo Modified ~ Ixion III, LV 31, ATK 260 - Ixion II + Judgement Halo ~ Gard Axis, LV 37, ATK 373 - Ixion III + Icicle Gene ~ Seven Star Sword Lord of Pegasus, LV 16, ATK 142 - Sub Event, Ctrl + F it in the walkthrough ~ Lord of Pegasus II, LV 25, ATK 211 - Seven Star Sword Lord of Pegasus + Gust Bringer ~ Lord of Pegasus III, LV 32, ATK 270 - Lord of Pegasus II + Icicle Gene ~ Lord of Griffon, LV 37, ATK 377 - Lord of Pegasus III + Majestic Law ~ Holy Sword Zeo Cyclos, LV 27, ATK 231 - Automatic(Gurza Sanctuary in Marry Glenn) ~ Zeo Cyclos II, LV 31, ATK 255 - Holy Sword Zeo Cyclos + Judgement Halo ~ Zeo Cyclos III, LV 34, ATK 279 - Zeo Cyclos II + Icicle Gene ~ Zeo Cyclos X, LV 38, ATK 382 - Zeo Cyclos III + Majestic Law

~ Sealed Sword, LV 32, ATK 265 - Item Box(Hall 2 in Ghost Ship) ~ Demon Sword Asura, LV 34, ATK 284 - Sealed Sword + Demon Media ~ Demon Sword Ashana, LV 37, ATK 304 - Demon Sword Asura + Dazzling Halo ~ Diabolos, LV 38, ATK 394 - Demon Sword Ashana + Adamon Riser ~ Dorgen Edge, LV 33, ATK 275 - Automatic(Ghost Ship) ~ Dorgen Saber, LV 35, ATK 289 - Dorgen Edge + Crimson Fiber ~ Dorgen Breaker, LV 37, ATK 309 - Dorgen Saber + Gardy Blazer ~ Dorgen Caliber, LV 40, ATK 402 - Dorgen Breaker + Arc Caliber ~ Marry Glenn's Sword, LV 27, ATK 500 - FINAL BATTLE ONLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Credits> Me Level 5 Sony Rogue Galaxy Official Complete Guide (493 Pages, ISBN 4757727011)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The End ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rogue Galaxy: FAQ/Walkthrough by Kouli Version 1.1, Last Updated 2007-01-21 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Rogue Galaxy (PS2) FAQs & Guides

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